THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. A New Vlow cf Oomnmptlon. AND OSU AVItlCtl AI's'P.AM TO COMMON , SKKSK. MANY OUIlAIU.i: CASES, Etllus 'Many tioraona tlio of Consumption who ooiilcl oisllv bo oureii." sayB Dr. S. 0. Clnrk, of Wfttertown, N. V., "if they would go nl it right. I have a new viow of tho disentu. Consump tion U not alwnvB or lung origin. "How sot What is it then " "Many cases of ootiRtinitilion nro pi-cotidary. Tlio riiseaso itself prevails everywhere, but tho best practitioners rofuso to nttributo it entirely to in heritance or tho weather. If a person lives in tho most favorable olimato in tho world and has any tendency to lung weakness, if certain oonditions ex ist in tho system, that climate, howovcr favorable, will not prevent develop ment of tho disease. Tho disorder in such cates is only n sccoudary symp tom in tho lungs of somo other ailment and can never bo Tjurcd until approach ed through its source." "Yes, doctor i but what is tho meth od of approach 1" 'If yon dip your finger in acid you burn it t do vou not t" "Yes." "If you wash this burnt finger every second with tho ncid, what is tho ro suit r "Why, constant inflammation, fest ering and eventual destruction of tho linger." "Precisely I Now then for my meth od, which commends itself to tho rea Fon and judumenl of every skillful nractitioner. You know certain acids nro dovolopod in tho body. Well, if tho system is nil ncht theso acids are neutralized or utilized and carried out If the system is rundown by excesses, nuxietv. continual exuosure, or over work, tluse acids accumulate in the blood. If there is any natural weak ness in tho lune. this ncid attacks it, having ti natural affinity for it, and if tho ncid is not neutralized or passed out of tho system, it burns ulcerates and finally destroys tho lung. Is this clear!" "Perfectly I But how do you pre vent tho accumulation of theso acids in tho Rvstcm V "Irregularities of tho liver and kid neys create this oxecas of acid and tho supply can lie cut oil only by correct' ma the wrong action of these organs Tho kidneys alono should carry out in quantity, in solution, enough of this acid daily, which, if left in tho blood, would kill four men. When tlio stom aoh, tho liver and tho kidneys are- all conspiring to increase tho acid, tho wonder is that weak lungs resist death as loni; as they do I "But you have not told us how you would treat such cases. "No, but I will. Tho lungs are only diseased as an effect of this acid or kid noy poison in tho blood. After having exhausted all authorized remedies to correct this acid condition. I was com polled in justice to my patients, to use Warner's safe euro : though a proprie tary remedy, it is now recognized, ! see. bv leadincr nhvsicians, by Presi dents of Stale Boards of Health and by insurance physicians, as a scientific nud the only specifio for those great organs in which over ninety per cent, of diseases oricinato or aro sustained." "Is this form of treatment successful! "It is wonderfully so, and for that reason I am only too willing that you should announce it to tho world of consumptives.'' Note bit the Tublishers : Wo hsvo received th above interview from H. II. Warner & Co.. Roohestcr, N. Y., with tho request that we publish it for the aooil of sunerina people, in a foot iioto to their letter they say : "Tho experienco of Dr. Clark is not Blrango to us. In our correspondence wo have found that many thounndsor people aro suffering from what they think is Consumption, whereas the real diraculty is with tlio liver and- Kidneys proven by tho tact tSat when tneso or gans ara restored to health by the use of Warner's safe cure, tho consump tion disappear, and so does urcmio or kidney poisoning, which causes bo many symptoms ofdisoases that tho human system is subject to.. The same may bo said of lheumatism, caused by an acid condition of tho system. We insist upon what wo always have claim- ed, if you remove tho cause, tho system will soon perfect the tcoric aireaay oe nun. Mrs. Uevv Dr. Theodoro Wolf, of Gcttyfbursr, Pa., wife of tho editor of tlio Lutheran Quarterly, said her fi lends thouulit her'laroono wttu con sumption,' but after a thorough treat ment with Warner s safe cure, sue says 4I am perfectly well.' Wo can- cite thousands of such cases, but one is enough. If you publish the above nrti cle. hindhi send us i nlarked com.n Wo gladly give place to tho article, lor it we can in any way nay tno rav ages of CoiiBuniDtion. which carries away eo many millions j early, it is our Louuden duty bo to do. Ivu. Life in a Oircus Tent. AXI SHOW AKE ON' Till: OUT- SINK. AM. HANDS WORK HAltl). Thcro is an individuality possessed by the circos man, especially in the case of tho old time showman who has journo)ed on wagons and hoiseback through the cross-roads and green lanes of tho remote rural districts. Ho comes in contact with many sorts of iironle. in overv condition of life, nnd his know edi!0 of tho characteristics of tho inhabitants of tho different parts of tho country is exUnstve. A reportti recently called upon a showman at his residence in Brooklyn and gained much information about tho ups nud downs of cirens tent life. "I havo been out every season for twenty two years," said he, "and I bo- liovo I am.ablo to gtvo as many points about tho business as any man you win find in Brooklwi. A circus man wh follows tho calling for any length of tiuio lias abundant opportunities fur Knowing thu country as .well as tho habits and customs of tho people he finds in it. Of course there aro lots of ueonlo besides tliowrncn who travel constantly, but the majority of these inertly go from ono largo city to an Oilier, auu wteir iuku ui uw raniiii, mo Hiich as can be obtained by lookin out of oar windows. There is littlo differetico in tho routine work of show nowadays, except of course, ll maimer of uniiFixirtution from one town to another. Tho first duty afte unloading the cats in tho morning is to pet up tho horeo and dieting icuis, Tins !s done bv tho drivers and groom?, While this work is going on the cooks ami helpers nro employed in putting up llio inebs tents anu preparing iu menu fast. The next act in to get ready for tho -'mt parade. All havo to tuko patt xept tho canvas nnd properly men, who get up tho big tentc Tho street iinrndo lasts Ices than an hour. Ono oljtct of it ii to diaw tho ciowd away frein tho grounds eo tho men can havo ii better chance to work. Tho duties of workmen whu ttnvcl with tho rail- road shows aro less arduous than in I former ycats. They sleep on tho oars nnd generally get 'n early enough for brcaktast, but their nycs aro in mucn creator danger than they formerly were. Last sehson six clrcin men wcro killed in Mlchlanu, whero two sections of n trnin collided. Another accident, in Iowa, caused tho death of ono man nnd wounded many more, nnd every one knows tho lato ol poor dumuo, in Canada. Scarcely a season passes with out a fatal accident happening to circus nins in dtlturetit parts ol the country. "llio bos hostler has nboultho most responsible position in tho working force of a show. Ho has ehargo of all 10 hoisos and wagons, as well ns tho mi; horses nnd non es. together wit n their trappings, llo is held account able when tho show gets on tho lots nto or misses a tram through delay in Kutlinir away. Tho press aocnt is al ways tlio life of a circus, large or small. n a big eliow there aro always ono or two cars set npart for tho uso of tho press agent nnd his assistants, llioy aro usually shrewd, wideawako news paper men who know how to hustle. . can't sav who is tno best. Aeto York Hail and Jhprcss, FROM ALL SOURCES. Vlonna. with Its 750,000 eoitU, liosn't a dnglo free public library. In St. LouU 7,000 pounds of copiwr hare been uxl In making Just ono steam kcttlo (or a brewery. Theroaro 7,000 hawkers of newspapers lit London big men, littlo boys, old women and young girls. No arrest has been made In Jtntamorn. Ills., In two years, so tho pollco forco has been ills jienscd with. Tho streets and squares of Berlin contain upward of -15,000 trees, and tlio number Is constantly Increasing. Of 27,000 Jews who Immigrated to this country last years only twenty-seven were dependents and had to bo sent back. On a "prairie schooner" that lately passed through Ogallala, Neb., was this inscription: "I camo from Neman county, Kan., and don't know where I am going." A plasterer In Dickinson county. Ia., who recently lost his wife, remarked tearfully to a friend: "Fy golly, that vos a bat loss. I roder plaster dwo houses for nothings dan loso ulm." Tho children of Madagascar have no songs. An American who translated "Old Mother Hubbard" for them was threatened with Im prisonment, on the grounds that no such per son ever existed. The White Island volcano, In the Bay of Plenty, off tho North Island coast. Now Zea land, Is In active eruption, and sending forth a vast column of llamo and smoke, rising to an immense height. The Fresh Fond crematory, near New York, Is no longer a novelty. Bince the first body was burned last December sixty-eight incinerations have taken place. "Business" Is constantly looking up. Franco and Great Britain havo one physi cian to every 1,400 Inhabitants; Switzerland, one to 1,500; Austria, Germany and Norway, one to SOO. Tho United States require a doctor for every COO people, Tho strength of hand and wrist developed by the professional prestidigitator was Illus trated by Hermann the other day. He took a new pack of ordinary linen back cords and broke It In two, then broke one of the halves into quarters. Railroad trains running through woods ore more or less delayed at this season of the year by leaves that are drawn to the track by tbe suction of the trains. They are ground under the wheels, and tho moisture thus pressed out makes tho rails slippery. A St. Louis bunk cashier who went on his vacation was followed for two weeks by a de tective, and when he Anally caught on he re turned homo and tried to lick the president They found the books all right, and mollified him with a diamond pin. As returned by tho census of 1680, our population in that year was 60,155,783. Ac cording to the official estimate now published tho population on the SOth of last Juno was 53,420,000, an Increase in six years of over 8,250,000, or about 17 per cent. Sumac gathering is becoming a recognized industry in portions of Virginia. This year tho quantity gathered Is unusually largo, some gatherers having made $500 each by collecting the leaves and branches ot the shrub, which they call " shoomako." Scarcely a colored man can be found in Washington who is not a member of a burial society, organizations for tho exclusive purpose of making a display nt funerals. All funerals aro held on Sunday, and a brass band Is the Invariable accompaniment. Amsterdam has a great palace which tho king occupies only six days in tho year. It is built upon piles, and has cost, all told, (5,000, 000. This palace the king shows to vbltors for n consideration. Pay two cents and you are taken througlfby a guide in livery. Mr. W. P. Miner, of Butte, M T went away from homo and arranged a heavy charge of dynamite so that anybody entering would sot it off. AVhen he returned ho found his cabin blown to atoms, and a few remnants of the rash burglar who interfered with his device. An electric whipping apparatus has been proposed by an Ingenious Swiss, w ho claims for bis invention that it will inflict the neces sary pain without leaviug those unpleasant marks which ore wont to prove such lasting ana unpleasant souvenirs to the castigated school boys. On the four sides of a liandsomo tombstone. erected by a man in Niles, Mich., over the grave of hU wife, aro theso Inscriptions: The moro Saints tho more Hypocrites," "Tho moro I'eaeo the mote Plenty," "Tho moro Priests tho more Poverty," "Tho moro Heligion tho moro Lying." Wiuia Fraukland, a 3-year-old Geor gian, playing in n pile ot cotton, scoeped out n hole nud entitled into it. After a time soma ono f.iiv Ids feet sticking from the bole and pulled tho little fellow out. Ho was dead. Hi t ItatuU were by his side, and the hole was mi nail that ho had been unablo to put them tltvii uul push himself out. Whin Oeoi-go H. Potts of Philadelphia was hi California somo years ugo a friend oifercd LIiu f5,"00 worth of btock In an Alaska gold iniite. Potts refused to buy, because he knew nothing about the mine, ulthough tho friend uilil it was a good thing. A few days ago tho f i lend wrote that the $3,000 investment was paying $5,000 cash each month. During a recent storm an empty freight car was blown by the wind Wlong it side track ut tho rate of 15 miles nn our, . It rut) out of tho twitch and started for Aux Bablo like an express train. At the latter town an engine started in pursuit of the runaway car. After a tliarp chase a brakeman succeeded in jump ing fiom tho cngino to tho car. He then checked Its tpced by means of a ropo, and finally stopped it. ART AND ARTISTS. Rosa Bonlteur la engaged In painting a por trait of the mustnng w lilch was recently sent to Iter uy an American admirer. JJr, Stanford White, who lias designed a cover fpr tho new Bcrl biter's MaRuzlne, la a son of tlio luto (ttciiaril it ram wmto. Secretary Lamar's daughter Is an nrtst of considerable merit. A landscapo thowlng tbo wcivtury's house in Mississippi Is one of her latest ttorks. Albert Dlerstadt, the landscapo artist, re turned to Now York tho other day front a klielclilng tour nlong Lake Superior, and found aw alt Jug hl'l! anew decoration from tho biiltun of Turkey, Moro than M artists havo prpmlso) to contrlbuto pictures to a sale In f bllaucipula, tho proceed of which will be npplied to tovcr tlio loss of tho l'entnylvania academy and certain urtUts during tlio tiro last tprlng. Bcllocour. the l'renclt historical mlnter, has just completed his gieat picturo repre senting Napoleon I signing his abdication at Fontainbleuu. it (sine nrsi umo tins inci dent has been depicted by an artist pf om- Inettc. Mr. Lobouchcro wys, In Truth, that "thcro is no epocfal merit" n the peon's sketches, and Princess Beatrice "Is about up !o the standard of tho average amateur, which means that nobody would cam to look twjco at hsr work." &he Stnua t Milks llupny, Mrs. Ycrger was dressed to go to tlo ha) I, Sho had on her new dross. "You look stunning In that now dress, hut, great Gator! what a lot of money It costs lltoso Hard timet," remarked fol, Yerger. fcItr', Charles, what do I caro for money when It comos to making you happy," replied Mrs. Yerger with a healnl-icr unite r -Texas s. PLAYERS AND PLAYHOUSES. Margaret Mather Is going to revive- "Peg Wellington.'' Henry IS. Abbey has offered Barry Sullivan n thirty weeks' ongagoment In America. The fortnight Lawrence Barrett wag in Chicago ho is said to havo drawn 11,700. Mrs. Kendal, England's leading actress. l homely, but moro than this, she actually prides horeclt on it , Franklin H. Sargent, tho teacher of acting, has Just returned to Now York from a pro fessional visit to Chicago. "Odd. to Bay tho Least ot It." a comedy by Edwnnl Hoss, will liavo Its first American production In Philadelphia on Nov. 8. Dion Douclcnult, with Morcu Mayer's ns- slstence, Is busy gathctlng together n com pany to supirt him on his projected torn. Saturday nlitht William Gillette's play of "Held by the lhiemy" said farewell to Now York for n season. It has been very success ful there. Mrs. Lamrtrv behoves that charity lieglns ot homo. She supports two little nieces, lnys her brother s debts and gives mucu to tho I est of her family. "Al." Havniou. tho Ban Franclico manager, Is colnz to nass tho winter In Now York. Ho has loft two theatres, the Baldwin nnd tho California, In tho hands of his local mali ngers. Wilson Barrett's "Claudlan" is held by somo to bo ono of tho strongest dramas that has appeared in yeurs. It contains much of the elements of tho occult and tho weird, which Is tho popular crazo at present. Miss Fortescuo. the English actress, who sued Lord Garmoylo, familiarly known ns "Gumboil," for breach of promise, thinks sho has been kindly nnd considerately treated by her Now York critics. Sho is physloally slight, but capable of a great deal of work. Shakestiearo has taken jtossesslon of tho Madison Square theatre, Now ork. Miss Davenport fills tho sbjgo with him at night nnd Madame Modjeska occupies it with re hearsals ot "As You Llko It" by day. Miss Davenport thinks she ii going to havo a lueuy season Iwcnuso the Is devoting its earlier weeks to Shakespeare. LABOR NOTES. Tim VnlMit nf rlior In Louisiana have so far developed no political strength. Tho organized labor vote of Virginia is about 00,000, out of n total vote of 225,000. The various labor organizations of Mary land propose to take an actlvo part in politics this fall. The other day Kugcno Trinally, of Jamaica, L. 1., who was lined $20 for assaulting John n.,..n t.nt.t 4tm ilnn In nniswllt. IllpOOS. TllO coin had to bo taken nwny in n wheelbnrrow. Twenty-nlno discharged employes of tho 1Innt..,nm nml fttil.1 1t,llt-nnil PnltllUlllV ll.lVO brought suit at Columbus, O., to recover money paid by instauments into tno mnu oi tho Baltimore nnd Ohio Employes' Belief as sociation. rW, nrrn tliorrt worn but four IvlllnhtS of Labor assemblies in Georgia, with less than 1,000 memuers. now me ineiuuersuip Id ixinmi Tim mistnlipi-slifn L claimed to be far short of their nctual voting strength. They noici ino uaiancoox jiower in iue wuit-ia of population. itrvtilnr-L-a (n Kpw TTfiven. Conn., have eono on strike. Thoy want teu cents n shine. Professor Joseph lirown, Hie i nto uooiuiacK, thinks this is too much, and sends tho follow- l,r. nitnst. tn tllB mnVOP! "I. PfOfCSSOr Joseph Brown, protest against tho union, and claim tnat more money is maue on m e-raiv shines than on ten-centers." TUa r-rtnl rn.liir-t. I l,v fnr tho most im portant of all tho mining industries. The valuo of coal mined In iksj, uoiu ntuuracuo and bituminous, was f 150,000,:KH). Pig iron n..i u-rf nt ftfll 1 T.t ftOO. fctlvpr followlm- ttt $51,000,000; gold, $31,801,000; lime, $20,000,- ouo; petroleum, iu,iui,ui; outturns siuuu, $19,000,008; copper, $18,202,000, nnd lead, $10,400,431. CURIOUS THINGS IN LIFE. A child with six well developed toes on each foot, and six fingers on the right hand, was recently born In Albion, Ind. There Is an artesian well 1,000 feet deep in Aberdeen, Neb., tltat throws out numbers of. fish resembling the ordinary brook minnow. Ono of tho pcculanties of a 2.t0-poimd pumpkin grown at Now burg is that it was fed on milk. A root was sent out from tho vino to a basin of milk, nnd It consumed a pint of tho fluid each day. Henry Dumblo, of Kingston, Can., Is 08 eight years old, and for years has been per fectly bald; but last spring hair begun to grow on his bend, and now h6 has a fine, luxu riant crop of black hair, anil ms wmsKers, which have been gray for twenty years, are turning black too. It is not unusual to And eggs In fowls killed for tho Utblo; but It Ls unusual to find chickens. This Is said, on good authority, to have hap pened In Emmineuco, Mo., when a fully de veloped chick, inclosed In a sort of pouch, was found inside a hen that was being pre pared for the pot. A young man of Griffin, Go., nnxious to make a good impression on a young woman, a visitor, whom he was taking to church, dis played a $5 gold piece, intimating that It was for tho contribution Itox. When sho expressed surprise nt the amount, ho also Intimated that it was his customary contribution. But ho forgot that tho custom then w as to announce thn amount of the collection, and was shocked to hear it clven out as $3.75. He had sub stituted a copper coin for tho gold one. WHAT THE CHILDREN SAY. Edith. 3 vears old, is sitting in tho comer leaning her head on her hands and looking very miserable Her mother inquires: "Aren't you well, Edith?" "Not very well, I dess." "What ls tho matter)" "I dot n tollo In my bead, mamma," outh s Companion. Littlo Johnny had lust been called upon to sit dow n upon the school ma'am's walnut ruler for bonto misdemeanor, anu wucii soon niter he read that the skin of a rhinoceros is three Inches thick, ho ejaculated: "By hokeyl I wisht I had a pair of pants made of It. Wouldn't I cut up then?" Dansvillo Breczo. Said a littlo schoolgirl to her teacher: "Mamma gives mo two cents overy day for taking a dose of thorough wort tea without making any fuss about it." "Indeed 1 And w hat do you do w 1th so much money I" "Oh, mamma takes care of it for me, and uses it to buy moro thoroughwort tea." t rout the Youth's Companion. The Historian heard the other day a story of a small boy belonging to a newspaper man w ho lives at the Hoittli lintl. 1 ho boy doubt less inherits his father's talents, for ho jsglyoii to telling stories of his own deeds, w bleb aro as larco In conception ns they aro clrcumstan- ttal in their detail, i lie outer uay uo torn a nartlcularly incredible whopper, and his father took him in hand. "Seo hero, young man." said he. "that never happened to you and you know It If it had I should havo known nil about it nt the time." "Well, I guess you were so that you couldn't know about it, papa." "Why, how was thati" "It happened to mo such a while ago that you weren t even born.' uosioa iiecoru. AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER.! To All Wanting Employment. j We wml Live, Energetic anil Capable A Kcnti j in every county in the United buteiainl dn.i. da, to tell a patent article of great merit, ok its MttRITS. An article having a large sale, nay. mi over too ler cent profit, having ni compe tition, and on which the agent 1 protccn-,1 In the exclusive sale by aUectT given tor each ttnd every county he may secure from ui. Wi.h t.11 these advantages to our agents and the faLi that it is an article that can he sold to every houe ni.r. i, ml.-ht not he necessary to male an "hJfTHit(tHINAKlf Urr 0 scums fcWMlimn atoiue, but luye concluded to make it to. show, not only our conuuence m sue iticni our invention, hut in its salablllty by nnyajtnt j that will handle ic with energy. Our agents 1 now at work are malting irom 1150 to y-cn a month clear and this fact makes It safe for tis 11 make our offer to all who are out of emploj. mem. Any agent that wilt give our busint-s thirtv (lavs' trial and fail to clear at least Jicr in this time, above all exfinses. can return all goods unsold to us and we aill refund UK money t.aid for then), Any agent or gnut.11 acnt who would like ten cr more cottnuci n work tnein tnrougn suo-agema mr muti, w anj fail to clear at least $750 Aiota all t rzssf.. cart return all unsold and get their money back. No other employer of agenlicvcr M.t. unrh ntr.r. tlnr Wliuld Uf li W ' lurotxnow tna; we nave agents nowm-iw n ,'re man uouuie ,ti .wuum jp nd but two salts n flay would give a proiit 01 ver$is( u month, and that "u of our ntf-nls ..nt infit..n nr!ri in one dav. Our 11 .e ue. -.iriptive circulars explain our ofTer lully, and these we fish to send to everyone out of em ployment who will send ut three one cent stamps for postage. Send at once and se-"rn the agency In time for the boom, and go to work 'Hluierajnamed lit ourentraordtnary on.. We would lit lu'Mvt tits address of all le aj-nts, sewing machine solicitors and caritn-ter- m the country, and ask any reader of the paptr who reads this offer, to tend us at iw the name and oddress of all such they know Audrcssat once, or you will lose the best chance eer ottered tothoie out of eaiployment to liu ininey. Ksnksr MAHUt'AtruKlso Co , lit Sattthfiell bt , ritisburj, f SUI5SCH1HK FOIt TJIE COLUMBIAN, A NEW LEASE OF LIFE. Wltcn ono lirH been sufl'erlng the ngonlcfl of a severe attack of rheumatism, neural- f, jla ornciatic.i, nnd relief comes, it scents as f n new lease of life had been Emitted. Such li.ivo liccn tho feelings of thousand who, after trying physicians nnd number less remedies, havo used Alhlophoroi ami found to their joy that this medicine really did cure theso diseases. 307 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. After sulTcrlng for nearly two years with a continuous attack of rheumatism! after trying almost every specific, domestic and foreign, which tho credulity of a wise, or a tool, might lead ono to trust In, It was a dotihlo itloasuro to mo to find a remedy which, originating In tho famous "City of Elms" tho homo of my ancestors nnd Its first founders has proved so invaliia hi o n blessing. It Is nearly six months since I was led to trace out tho significance of that word Athlopltoros. It has proved to mc, In n good degree, a rencwer of my former vigor and strength, so that 1 have been enabled to movo about with nlniost youthful activity, and to feel, whllo ap proaching my"threo score years and ten," that I havo a new hold on life. I bcllevo your phllowphy of the disease to bo correct that It has Its origin In tho blood, nnd that your remedy touches those joints nud mus cles, loosening tho nodes, which havo been brought into subjection to this dreadful disease, nnd sets them frco as uo other remedy that I havo tried. I havo been cautious for so long n lime In recommend ing It to others till I had tried its efficacy in my own casoj nnd I nm now frco to stato tho estimate I put upon It, as tho safest nnd most efficient cure I have any knotvlcdgo of. A. 1J. Davenport. Every dritggistshotild keep Athlopltoros and Athloplioros I'll In, but where they can not bo bounht of tho druggist the Athlo pltoros Co.; 112 "Wall St.. New York, will send cither (carriage paid) on receipt of regular price, which is $1.00 per fiottlo for Athlnplioros and COc. for Pills. For liver mtil klilnov rllFPaprR. dvsTtproda. In- digestion, weakness, nervous debility, diseases of women, cnmtlpntlnn, headache, Impure t.'.Ml, ic, Atulophoros 1111s arc unequalcd, CMck-ciiiGtsr-reieo ASK YOUR GROCER FOR 17. A3K YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. Prevents Roup, Prevents Gapes, Pre vents Cholera, Prevents Egg-Eating, Prevents Laying Soft Eggs, Makes Hens Lay. ITISSO POWDER. XT IS 1T0 UEDIC1HE. It Sells for livo Cents Per Pound, in Bore 3, Chlck-chlck-er-re-kee poultry food and pro ventUe of disease for poultry), the great egg food , produce e(r;s prodigiously and U good lor the health of the It W the first articl of Its kind ever Patented In the Unitid States, Canada and England. Try It. It costs only five centa rer pound. It Is no powder. Chick enYwill eat it. That ought toromlnce you that it I good If your Grocer, Druggist, Hard ware or Country Storekeeper w 11 not get It for you, lend mc one dollar, nnd 1 will ihrp you a twenty-pound hox by freight, or one hundred pounds for five dollars. A large box will cost you no more freight than a small box. Attend to your poultry, If you want to make a profit out of them, just the same as jou attend to your land. Unless you manure our land it wilt not pay ycu, lust so w ith poultry ; ) ou trust give them something besides feed. They must have material to answer for grinders, and material for the egc If you feecT Chlck-chlck-cr-re-kee (egg fuod) everyday you will never hate any sick chick ens, and your hens will lay eggs when otherwise they would not. Vou wilt never do without It after a fair trial. Do net pay twenty-five cr fifty cents a pound for medicine to feed iour poultry when you can get a better article fro:a your storekeeper at five cents a pound. Don't .a a clam; try it Manufactured In the United States only by S. S. MYERS, Patentee, 19 N. Front St., PHILAD'A, PA. For wtlo Itv Farmers' l'rodiico Excitant Bloomsuurtr, l'a. DCll.l-l-tUlS. I'm. 'n.-ivtf ' 'i-nnlmvii.M debilitated sclicx.l teachers, milliners, Bcainstressea, hoiioe- IteciKTS, and over-worsen women i?i iii.iuiij, Dr.Tleroo's rnvoilto Prescription Is tlio liost of alltttlomtlvotoMlcs. Ittsnota"Jure-all, lint ailinlraijiy lunula it sinKienesj ui iitiiw.-, iK-imr n intt potent Siwelflo for all fhoso Clironlo Weaknesses nnd Dlsouses peculiar to women. It Is n powerful, uenernl ns well ns uterine, tonlo tintl limine, nnd Imparts vlpror rutil strength to tlio whole system. It promptly cures weakness of ftomucli, Inilitrcstlon, ulnnt Inir, weak buck, ncrums prostration, tk unity itnil slueploasni ss. in either sox. ruvorito rti' scriptlon la sold tiy drtitrRlsts under our jkm- tltr tmrnwie. rvu ;nuivi ......... I'rlco 61.00, or six liottlcH for $5.0(1. A lartro treutlsn on Discuses of Women, pro fusely llluttrnti-d with colored plates and nu inet utis wood-cuts, sent tor 10 cents in clamps. Address, wonr.ii s inserts tin juuos Association', ikb Main S-treet, HuUalo, rs. i . SICK HalAnACIti:, llllious Headache, ami Lutii-riimiiiin, iirinui"i. i-unn uj Dr. l'lertn's l'i IM. llio, u vlul, by drugifUts. $35 I'EIi MONTI!. Salary and t'ommls slonto competent manager fortius cltv or State asency. A fcnlendia cTniuiDulloii. Our AUTOMATIC OAS OOVBHN- ttus save ou per et'ut. m ko uin. nnti unu LtgltlSeail ID tlltuciieu tu linjr UAiuii, iiaiuvjr chancine the dull, tickly, yellow name of any Rits to atVolt, mellow,lumlnouswhlte,incteaslncbrll- llUUU, iw I'll 1.111 uhi .... 1 1ll; lMfl IA IttliM. HAO Pit ll I."., Si KaBt lltlt St., Kew York. (bcplo-Sin'. 'Clover and Timothy Seed, Toledo Armlet Unrivalled. Vor samples, nuota- tlonsand information, aildres 015 i rl S. W. 1'I.OWKU fz CP., Toledo, Ohio. DVHli;iHlA.-Its Nature, causes, neven. Hon and cure. IlyJolin II. MoAIMn, Lowell Mass., 14 years lax colleclor. sent free to any ad- aress. umo ir -a on James Iilver, Va., In claremon colony. Illustrated cltcular lice. J. r. .MASCI1., clarcmoul, Virginia, oct!5 It d. T Ti A TVVTTCCC Its causes and a new and I iJlfiii JtoiS successiul CUKE at your) I own home, by ono who was deaf twenty. specialists wltltout beneflt. Ciirfd Mmse'f In 3 . tlnA l,i.Hri,la nf nt hers. Villi partlcutnrssont on application. T. S. I AOE, No. MEN WAOTEO I In Kelt fnr thn XI'llSKIHES. Established 1S3 tloodpay all the year around on balaryor CUUlllllSillUll. CM'lHl IU1 11 IIIB. II. li llooliiaiLU., Itocueaier, i. i octlS It.d. ' ' ? J ! CU ll-o lars-t ultlMt-r u. . - .J -i-kBiin ..titrte Mthociiun-J :i r 1 liir-r v t. rn-Q-a-'i'i-, i-i ii'ii". i- Tj. 1 tnbliilM'tl PAILS iDdestrncialjle,: PERFECT. MttUo In one ptere from ptir-j vtitnl (Milp not rtnT- v, Ithout uuuu, no hjui4, no tii!e, no nine! I, ClJiANi l,HJM') TttON(i. Dt'ltAIUj:. Invaltmblu for lilnhfii uutl Dairy 1 1 a. MmiuritclHiretl hy Oswego inilTiralcdFitrECo OSWI.Iitl, .N. Y. Ak yuur ruccr for thcin, 0Ctl5dlt. NEW FRUITS. Ti:iU511'll GOOSKIiEHUV TlV" front a oung plants were raised this Muthmer. l.3i each. JU.OO perdoen planla. pi'l VS !F II a Winter opnle,verylarge,teil, of line Ji""u arpearance, good keeper utid bearer! toots, each, ta.tfMit-riiuzt'ii tit-es. a tuiu ywiuiiiui-ui. ... .'"I sery block always on hand, Orders lor ull ship tneuts booked now. Adiirebs 4toi5UJ UKOltuE ACHELIS, Webt Chester, Va. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM the iopular t ftvorlto for ditntr tho hair, lUwtorlntf color ht il riay, tui4 i)ieeutiD2 iiuudruil. t clvanw tho icalp, etoim the Lair f altlnir, anJ 1j wre to pluo, 6oc. ami 11.00 atl'rugglt. HiNDERCORNS. ThiftrVt.imrrrt anJ rtctiroforCprM,punlfin,. Ptoi-ftll jtu. KnHUrt-i comfort to the Int. -verrni to euro, 1) tent dt I'ruwleL UNRIVALED ORGANS rn (IiaPiwv niVMirWH iIiim. from H3t5 jwr month uii. lW)stylee,fidJtot900. Bend lot Cat UPRIGHT PIANOS. Constructed on the new method of itllcijtaffi on ilaUlar terms, Bena lot ucscnptiie wiiuobiw. MASON U HAMLIN 0RQAN AND PIANO CO-i Boston. Now York, Chicago. oct.W 4t di Catarrh i.ty rri's. WFEVERl K! if. -1 0 s S.A. HAY-FEVER ELrs OltEAM HALM J not a liquid, tnuff or pouder. Applied into nostrils is quickly absorbed. It cleanses tWiead. Allays injlammation. Heals the tores. Jltstores thttenses of taste and smell. 60 cents at Vntfflttts; hy wnff, registered, CO cents. ELY BROTHERS, Diugglsts.Owcgo.NV. octlS it d. xvn.xr.2t.oAD sjmh wablxi. EliAWAKE, IjAOKAWANNA. AND WKSTEHN HA1LKOAU. liLOOMSr.UJJG DIVISION. NOltTIl. I STATIONS. I SOUTH, a.m. a.m. p m. p.m. p.m. v tx) is 3 H &4 13 311 8 4S 111 til! 8 40 13 15 8 S3 12 OS 8 37 12 01 8 32 11 58 8 II II St 8 12 11 CO B OS 11 47 8 08 11 47 8 01 11 42 7 59 11 38 7 51 11 31 7 50 11 30 7 43 11 33 7 80 tl 12 7 18 11 DO 7 11 10 61 7 05 10 47 6 68 10 41 n 61 10 38 6 60 10 31 6 42 10 37 6 3H 10 31 6 30 10 IB 8 25 10 11 0 OS 8 60 tt 00 9 49 5 55 0 45 5 40 9 32 p.m. am. a.m 3 30 8 311 8 22 8 16 8 10 8 01 7 68 7 51 7 50 7 4T 7 471 7 42 7 38 1 3t 7 31 7 23 ....--crnnton..,. Ilcllcvue.... ...Taylorvlllo... ., Lackawanna.. I'lttston..... ..Wet,t I'lttston. ,u if 11 VO C 15 9 20 2 10 0 20 U 35 2 16 0 27 V 31 3 3i 0 31 9 41 S 30 0 40 9 4t 3 36 0 45 0 53 3 41 0 49 9 50 3 41 0 53 10 00 2 47 fl 68 10 05 2 60 8 58 10 05 8 60 7 02 10 102 65 7 07 10 15 3 00 7 12 10 20 3 05 7 15 10 25 3 10 7 23 1032 8 27 7 37 10 413 89 7 60 11 II 3 52 7 57 11 00 3 58 8 01 11 134 05 8 10 11 30 4 13 8 14 11 25 4 16 8 18 11 294 20 8 35 11 30 4 27 M 30 11 44 4 34 8 30 11 50 4 40 8 41 11 65 4 48 8 58 12 13 5 Ot U 05 12 3115 12 9 08 12 336 17 a 11 inn n ....Wyoming.. . . ..llaltby llcnnctl.. ,, ....Kingston .... ....Kingston .... Plymouth June ....Plymouth.... .... Avondalo. . ....Nantlcoke... Ilunlock's Creek 7 131 7 00' C 51 0 47 0 41 ..MiicKsiiinny.. . Hick's Ferry.. ..Ueacltllaven.. licrwlck .... .liriar Creek., ..Willow Orove.. ...Llmoltldge... ...illoomsurg 1.'. .... Ilunert II 37 C 31 16 II 11 Catawl'a Ilrldge 5 61 5 49 5 43 6 32. a.m. I . .. I'liuviiie... ...Xhulasky..., .... Cameron.... Northumberland, I a.m. a.m. p.m W. K. IIALSTEAD, Rupt. omce. sctanton, Feb.lst,18? superintendent's Pennsylvania Railroad. WT Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. W! , TIME TABLE., , In effect June iatn, 1630. '1 rains leave Sue bury. KASTWAHD, 9.40 a. m., Sea Shoro Express (dally except Sunday), for Ilarrlsburc and lntermedlatestatlons, arriving at Philadelphia 3.15 p. m. ; New York, 6.20 n. m. t Baltimore. 4.40 n. in. ! Woshlncton. 5.60 p. ra., connecting at Philadelphia for all sea HQoro points. Tnrougn passenger coacu to Philadelphia. 1.(0 d. m. Dav cxnrcss dally except 8unday),for Uarrisburg and Interme diate stations, arrlvlDg at Philadelphia 6.50 p. m. ; New York, 9.35 p. m. ; Ualtlmore 6.45 p. m. ; Washtofrton, 8.00 p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches mrougii to ruiiaueijJiiiu uuu uuiuiiiuru. 7,45 p. m. Itenovo Accommodation (dally for Unrrlsbure and all Intermediate stations, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4 45 a. m. ; New York 7.S0 a. m. Ualtlmore. 5.35 a.m.: Washington 0.30 a. m. : Sleeping car accommodations can bo secured at Uarrisburg for PhlladelphlaandNew York. onSun days a through sleeping car will bo run; on this train from WIUlarosp-ttol'ltlladelphla.Phlladelphla pashengcts can remain in steeper uuuisiurucu uuii 7 a. m. 7.60 a. m. Erie Mall (dally except Monday, for Uarrisburg and intermediate stations, arrlvlntr at PhlladelDbla 8.35 a. m. New York. 11.30 a. m. i Ualtlmore 8.15 a. m. ; Washington, 9.35 a. m. Through l"ullraau sleeping cars are run on tms tram to rnuaucipma, uaitunore ana asmng. ton, and through passenger coaches to .Phlladel phla and Ualtlmore. WESTWAltD. 6.10 a. m. Erie Mall (dally except Sunday), to. Erie and all Intermediate stations and canandal, f:tta and Intermediate stations, Rochester, Burti o and Niagara Falls, with ihiough l"ullman Pal ace cars aud passenger coaches to Erie and Roch ester. 9.53 News Express (dally except Sunday) for Lock Haven and Intermeiiute stations, l.oo p. m. NUgnra Bviiress (dally except Sun- uay) tor nam uuu luit'iiii'iiiuiumiiuuus uuu uiu nnil.i1?tia intermediate btatlons. nnchester. lluffalu find Niagara Falls with through passenger coaelies to Kano and liochebter and Parlor car to Walking 5.30 p. m. Fast Lino (drily except sunday)for Ite novo and intermedldte btatlons, and Elmlra, Wat- kins anj intermeiiiatostiiiions, wun tnrougu pas senger coachc 8 to Itenovo and Watklns. 9.30 a. m. Sunday mall for Itenovo and lnterme- aiaie biaiionn TUltOUQU TltAINB FOKSUNPUHY FIIOMTHE EAST ANU SOUTH. Hnnrlnv mntl lrnvrn Phllarlelnhla 4.30 a. m tliirrUtinr.- T.411 nrrlvtntr nt. Sunburv 9.20 a. m. with luruugu tueeiuucur nuiu i uiiaui;i,uia iu , Uamspott. isuws LiXtiress teittea i niiaut-ittiun -..ou a. m. Uarrisburg. s.10 a. m. dally except Sunday nrrlTtnirnT. Sunburv 9.5:L a. in. Niagara Express leaves rmiaacipma, .40 a. m. ; uaiutnurc t.zv u. in. t,uau i pvnnnt. nrrlvlni? at Sunburv. 1.00 D. in.. with through Parlor car from Philadelphia and through passenger coacues from rnuaact. puia anu iiauitnoie. Fast Line leaves New York 9.00 a. ra. : Phlladel' ntiiit. 11.50a. in.: Washington. 9.60 a. m. : Haiti- more, 10.45 a. tn., (dally except Sunday) arriving at BUUUUry, p. 111., Wliu lliivuuu ,asauugi;i coaches irom rnuaaeipma ana tmitimore. i:rie .Mail leaves rew iorKH.ujp. m. ; i-uimuui-nhia. lt.MD. m. : Washington. laoo n. m. : Ualtl more, ll.uo p, in., (dally oxcept.Saturda ) artlvlng ut sunbury 5.10 a. in., with through Pullman Sleeping cats from Philadelphia, Washington and itaiumuru mm turuuuu iiuaavubvi t-wutuco imw rniiauctpniu. HUNIHIKY, IIAZI.ETtl.N U Il.KUMHAltltU ItAII.ItllAII A-HII nilUTll A.tll StJiDI HU INCH !I 1 1. WAY. (Dally except suuuay.) Wllkestiarrn Mali leaves sunbury 10.00 a. m, artlvlng at Uloom Ferry 10.52 a.m., Wllkes-barre 13.18 p.m. Express East leaves Sunbury 6.35 p. m., arriving at Illoom, Wtlkes-harre 7.65 p. m sunbury Jlatl leaves Wllkesbarro 10.40 a. in. urtlv Ing at Dloom Ferry 12.05 p. in., ssunbury 12.55 p. m express w est. teave3 w tntes-uurru s.ia y. ux., m. riving at Uloom Ferry 4.15 p. m.,sunbury Mlp.m SUNDAY ONLY. Snnrlflv mnllleaves Sunburv 9:25 a. in., arriving at Uloom Ferry 10.14 a. m.. llkes-Harro 11:iO a.m. Kiinflnv ftpenmtnodatlon leaves Wllkes-Uarre 5:10 P. in., arriving at, uioom r erry, o.i t p. in., oiuiuury, i:4u p. m. t:i A. K. ' . it. YUUU. Oen.Managcr. n. Passenger Agent P. LANCELL'S ASTHMA AND CATARRH REMEDY. SOLD UY ALL DHUGGISTS. Having struggled 20 years twtween llfo and .tooth utth AK'i'itMA or phthisic, treated hy eminent physicians, and receiving no hencnt, I was compelled during tho last 5 jears of my IU ness to tit on my chair day and night gasplnc; tor breath My BuflerltiKS were beyond description. in uespair i expeiiiueniua un iur,t:ii lj i-uui-nnimftini. rftnts ami herbs and lnlialintr tho medi cine thus obtained. I fortunately discovered this WONlllihl-'UL CUIUS roil ASTHMA ANH CA- TAllllll, warranted to relievo the most stuDborn case of ASTHMA IN FIVE JIINUTKS, so that the Paiteni oan iiouuwnmiestuuubierjuuiuiuiiuuiy, lease read tho following condensed extracts from UDsnllclieit testimonials, sum ii-ceuv uuic: niiwr v. il Holmes. San Jose. Cal.. writes: nnd the remedy all and even more than repro- bentea. i receive instaniaueuus ivnei.-- IS. M. Carson, A. ii., Warren, Kansas, writes: "Was treated by eminent physicians of tind rnutitrv anil tlermanr: tried tho climate of dlllerent states-nothing adorded rellei like your preparation.' T. is. iiatM, County Treasurer, Phlladcinhla. Jllss.. willta: "Have used the Itemedy. Would not lite without it. Every one that uses It re comment! u." t it. l'heliis. P. M.. Or hrirs. Onlo. writes: "Suf. fered with itstliina 40 years. Vour mcdelne In a minutes does more (or me than the most eminent physician did for me In threo years." 11. l). I'lumpton, Jollot, ill., writes: "Send Ca tarrh Itemed' at once. Cannot get along without iu 1 And It to be the most valuable medicine I have ever tried." (leo. W. Urdy, Kelson Co., Ky., writes: "I om using tho remedy, tiamcas ponuus lit 3 weeks, u-niiVil nnt tin u It limit IL" Martin Fax, Little rails, N. V. wiltee "Jlad Ilemedy excellent. Could not live without It." We have many other hearty testimonials of cure or relief, and In order that all sufferers from Abth rni.irrli. Hav Fcter. and kindred diseases may hare an opportunity ol testing tho valued the jtCIUCUy ' " IU hCUII IU till UUUIVS9 IJIIAUlAVlt AUK HfclS or l ll Aliur:. Auuietm, J, ZIMMKUMAN 4 CO., l'miirletorj, Wholesale Druggists, Wco(pr, V aus Ca, O Full tue box by mall ft, (iaavT-1) . LAD"Y T Agents actually clear $10 dutiv with mr wonderiul new patent lubber under trarment for females, ono lady sold 50 flrkt two hours. Jills. K. O. LITTLE, U0X tl), LIUCUU, til. UVU'JV, LIGHT AND AIRY. Itow to Nrgotlnto n Loan, "Br tlio way," exclaimed Hmlthers, "have you two lives for n lenp "I have," responded Johnson. "Then lend tim ono of them." Pittsburg Dispatch. ' Too llndl An autograph letter of Oeorgo Washington brought f 17 nt asalo In Washington tho other day. It would hnvo paid Washington descendants, If thoy had known anything, to havo employed a man during the general s llfo to wrlto autographs of tho l'ttther of his Country, Thoy never thought of that. Norrlstown Herald. A Pnrtlnrr Sotifr. Ah, Angellne, Your smile sercno Is dearer far thitti llfo to me, But unto you I bid adieu. Your dad wears number tens, you seo. Merchant Traveler. A Sure Cure. " How can I get rid of fleas on my cat f ' asks n subscriber. Easy enough. Konk tho rat In four feet of water until tho fleas ilse to tho surface. Then bury tho cat. llurllngton Frco Press. llo tVns Squelched. "Oh, Awthuhl Hcah's ono. 1'vo Just thought It out, you know." "All hy yourself, dealt boy f ' " Yn-ns, weally," " Well, I guess I don't want to heah It." "Oh, It's tenl easy. Why Is a wotten walltvoait tin llko n man with a guilty con science T' " I glvo it tip." " Why, becauso It Isn't a Bound sleeper, don't ye know. Isn't that n good ono I'' " No, Clawrencc, I cawn't say It's nt all good. It's vowy bad." "W?iy, I was complimented on it weal earnestly, Why don't you llko It f ' "Uecauso I don't think 'wotten' is a nico wohd to uso beforo mo, and I hopo you will bo moro careful In the f uturo. That's jrhy." Merchant Traveler. Tho Vnlno of Money. Citizen I didn't think, Undo llastus, that you would sell your vote for a small amount of money. Undo Hastus (Indignantly) I didn't sell my voto fo' or small 'mount monoy, sail. I got cr dollah fo' hit. Ileus on on Earth. Not all vain Is the present life, For somo by experience know That ho ttho tteds au ntniable nlfo Begins his heaven below. Boston Courier. Saving Time. Customer (enrly In tho morning) Gimme a whisky cocktniL Bartender Yes, sir. Can you wait a minute, sir! Customer Why Bartender Becauso this is our co-ktail time o' day, and if you wnnt to wait n minute or so somebody else will lie in, nnd I can mako two of 'em together. Saves time, you know. Feeling a little ratty thij morning, sir. Now York Bun. After ts AVholo Year's ltest. Soon tho ttcary church fair stew Will bo comuifr Into view, And to flud the.lonely blvalre will be fun, fun, fun; lie who r-ets it in his plate Will bo singled out by fato, 'For tho merry oyster season has betrun. inin, sun. -Tid Bits. The Ancient Joko Again. A young fellow went searching In quest Of the source of a newspaiier Juest; no found out the remark Was made fa the ark By a man in a cutaway truest. Life. "Shake, Partner I" Drug Clerk (to customer) Twenty grains quinine! Yes, sir. Shall I glvo you some thing to take away the taste of It) Customer (eyes bulging with astonishment) Take away whatl Drug Clerk Tho tosto of tho quinine, sir. Customer (solemnly) Young man, quinine ls bread, butter an' pie to me. It's parients, relatives, fren's; it's my washiu', Ironln', clothln', and a placo to sleep lit. Take away the taste of It I I'm a Wabash valley man, and I'm a good.mlnd ter comb ye down. New York Sun. A flighty Truth. 4Thero's no disgrace in being poor," Bo says tho provet b lenient; But there is one thing very sure, It's mighty Inconvenient. -Tid Bits. Tito Wicked Flea. It Is a curious fact that fleas are hatched from eggs. Curious, becauso ono would hardly think that a flea could sit still long enough to lay an egg. Burlington Freo Press. IIopo On, Hope ISver. 'TIs IIopo that lights the way through trouble's night, 'Tis IIopo that's cheered tho world 6ince time began, 'Tis soap that makes our clothes clean and w htte, 'Tfs soap that civilizes savage man. Boston Courier. Itlado of ltubber Hoots Boarding Houso Cook Now, having had your breakfast, I think you ndght do a littlo work for mo. Tramp I'd liko ter obleego ye, mum, but I'm just fagged out. "Nonsenso; what could havo made you tired!'1 "A chewln' at that there steak ye give me( ntum." Omaha World, Not lteferrlng to Saddle Itocks. That the oyster ls nutritious, Quito exquisitely delicious, Is a statement that can never bo denied. But he suddenly grows vicious. Toward your stomach quite malicious, When he's fried. Merchant Traveler. A "Pointer" for l-'nt Men's Wives. Bllkins Oh, them's no doubt about it. Tho faith euro will do anything. Mlfklns Have you tried it! "I should say I had. Three months ago I was taking anti-fat, and it did me ua good whatever. Then I tried tho faith euro, and my weight has gone down front 375 to 300," "Well, that Is remarkable." "Yes, Indeed. I just stuck right to it, al though It was a great strain for a fat man." "Why, in what manner I" "Well, you seo, I had to attend bervlco threo times a day, and tho church was two miles away," Omaha World. A rulr Division. "Joo, we'll havo to give up our bachelor quarters." "All right, Jack." "Yon bought the stove, didn't you, Joo!" "Yos, Jack." "I paid for having the hole cut In the chimney!" "You did, my boy," "Well, there's nothing llko a fair division, I'll take the stove and you can havo the hole." Harper's Bazar. A aunt's abnormally elaU When his constituents await And ask If ha t pli-Hsed to bo ''Unanimously" candidate. But when It conies election day You hear hiin tune that doleful lay! "I never loved A bee or llower But what 'twos first to fade away." . Texas Sifting Main Strength Ileqislreil, Mrs. Hendricks, the landlady (at Sunday rtinntr) I am not feeling nt all weU to-day, mid I am becoming conscious of the fact that I am not as strong as I used to bo. Dumley (sympathetlcally)-Otio never np. predates health until ono. hns lost It. If you are not feeling strong, Mrs. Hendricks, perhaps I had better carvo the turkey, Now York Bun, Viil is Oiiino of Chuuce. Uotel Proprietor Wo don't allow any games of chance hero. Oamhler This Isn't a game of chnnco. My friend here has uo chance, Chicago lUni. bier. The rays of old Sol lately down on us darted, Hut his reign for a season Is o'er; The tiles and muiqultos at last have departed And life ls worth lit Ing onco more. Boston Courier, lSstatltll,iig a Precedent. A woman out in Kansas heard that her neighbor had tald that sho was weak In will and exorcled no discipline over her chlldreu. She Immediately called In her boy from the, back yard and wallojied him so that his yells could be heard haU finille, 'jhen ihofelt satisfied, (ho pelghbvrs would pronounce ths allier u liar, Shoo and Leather Ueportcr, A Future Possibility, Bceno Broadway street-car, Time Ouo hundivd years hence. Oeutleman (rising and touching hU hat) Will you take this teut, madam Madam Thank you, tir, Life. l'ENNY GOODS A SPECIALTY. AttiNTS ron Alexander J3ros. (6 Co., W IIOl.KSALK DKALtHB IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, C1RID1ES, FRUITS AND NUTS. SOLE AOLNTS 1011 HENRY MAILIiAHDS M0 INDIES. FllESII KVSItY V KMC. Bioomsilmrg, Pa. F. F. ADAMS CO., FINE CUT CHEWING SolongonUof tho fol lowing brands oi clgjrs. IIKNUY CLAY, LONDIIUS, ' NOItMAI, INDIAN I'MINCESS, SAMSON, ' SII.VLH ASH. E'S PUKE 1JA1JLEV liisTittinfrcm selected Barley altnnd guaranteed to bo chemically puro nnd.frco from Injurious oils and "iclils otlen contained In (ilcohollo llnuors. it Is annctlte. a rich nnd nbundnnt hlood nnd Increntrd lletlt and muscular tissue. A ril ntilnntmllilnnilgemicln effect. Dyspepsia, Indigestion nnd all wasting dls. CRMs car bceMlrrlyronqiirrrdbythousepr l'errlnc s Puro Barley nit Wliislev. It ts n tonic nnd tlmrettf nnd n powerful strengthener to tho entire system. Full. IIINirsruRK BAULKY All WHISKEi has proved a medicinal protection te thoso wlio pursue their nvrcntlons in thoopen nlr nnd whoso dally workcalls It exceptional power of endurance. Ask Jour nearest druggist or gtoecr forfor PKllllINK'S 1'Ulli: BAULKY ALT WIlISKhY rovlves tho energies of thosouorn out with cxccsslvo bodily or mental effort and nets as a safeguatd niralnst exposuro Id wet and rigorous weather. IU 111 drive all malarious diseases from tho system. Ilnrtl workers oi every vociituui mm ih-ipuui ..m-m Hwnnumj inurnment prone to IijspenMa Ilnd In Pcrrlno's Puro Bnrlcy fT""' 1 ism"misi1i i nsm. IijspepMa Una in pcrrmos itiro nnricy sp" .... . Walt lihOtey a powerful InvlgornntH Iho nnalyslsns It appears by tho La and helper to digestion. PKIlltlNirs Ibel on every bottle: 1 have carefully an in iif tint ait UHSKLY HJbvcd the Puim Baulky Walt Witts- without unduly ttimuhttlng neys inerenses ineir iiukkhik stiiwigimuuiu " " i;i uu, mnuroi, rmintemrimiio erreots ot fnliirue. has-Hrnetals and acids nnd Is nbsoluteli tens convalescence and Is a wholesome iptire." Sjrried, Camilla Artltur Maler,' nnd prompt diuretic. Watch tho label I mtlraauate urtlie irnlm-stltes nfilunlcK t . -1 I. lm r-liirl- llotlDi;! rl.,1 tat, flit nn For sale Dy all druggists and grocers throughout tho t'nltcd States and Catiatlas. 37 NOKTII PBONT ST. 38 NORTH WATER ST., PH1LA FOlt SALK BY DllUOaiSTS AND ALL DEALKU3. J 0 ly. iT A HAFJOSOME WEDDINQ, BIRTHDAY OR HOLIDAY PRESENT. 8Q ItSHS THE WONDERFUL H HBh (JomblniDg a Parlor, Mt i THE LUBURC MANF'C CO., lJ n '"nriilTTl 2 hi 1SX 'MJ. X-ii CCOIfO9I THJil FKACTIAL QUESTION OF THE IIOUK. EVERY THING YLISH FOR CAN BE BOUGHT CHEAPEN THAI EYML A Large and IclothimgJI JUST RECEIVE D. ALSO A LAUGH AND SELECT LINE OI-' nCTjuiMj,.iijlii,.... 1 1 in 1 1 TinrriwiinTiWM!o Call and be Convinced that you have the LiilET SELECTION OF GOODS OF THE LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY, AND AT The Lowest Possible Prices AT THE Bloonisbiii'g:, Pa, "gggwrtagaaaag1 1 1 t,mmt BP ,,MIMI C. JB. JBOBMIS, DEALER IN FQireigM audi M&mmiiG WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BL00MSBURG, PA. Wliolesnlo antl WAGON MAKERS' AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES. lleattijuartrrs for MERCHANT IRON & STEEL- Sloro nml "WnrcliouscH, Nos. 120 & 128 Franklin Avenue, No. 2 Lnok'a Avtnuo ifc 210, 212 & 214 Cen ter Street, SCR ANTON, PA. WlLI.IAMSPOltT, VA. J 'I i Itrucst. bokt rtiulrrtd ami iatt IUoioukU iDktltutlou ln'll.ofttilo. liurtltttlsof Kiaanato occupjii-s gooUbltuatlcitii. A iniEMIUeiit Lulldlugotltscwit 'Hiuibinodeiate. AtldirbB for tci uiu. Itxti am ANVonnnii KO FESTIVALS will to SUl'l'LIK!) WITH Till! LOWEST I J AS FOLLOWS! OJMNGKS, LEMONS, BANANAS, THAN UTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS, CHEAM NUTS, ALMONDS, l'OP COHN HALLS. MALT WHISKEY. '.tho kld-lKttvmotlobyJl.AJ. s. Wrrlne nnd nnd LUBURG Unfflln JArnry, Smoking, nrcllnlnp or Invalid .11 f0r catalogue. parts of the iviulil. $ UOiiLDRE'S CARRIAGES All furnished with tho Automatic Concli Ilrake, and Ilrtatleit MYImlisnlc Prices. Send stamp for Catalonia and mnntlnn 145 N. 8th St., Phllada.. Pa. October SS 80 3yrs. THAT IS NEW AND Til Mi. Varied Stock of tso OF IJetall.aenlera In . F, M. ALLEN, Vwxsw ISle llllil