The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER fi, 1880. runnier Biiinoin imis tim.v. J"ll3w'lth0l,,ll,ld'pblft11 "oawnupcrt NORTH. gntmr SSfrff U:4Tm. 9M2 P.m. 6:1s tMUTH. UM ft. m. 6,23 p. m. NORTH. 10:1 tarn BOCTII. 13:09 p. m. 4:15 p. in, SOUTH, 6:11pm i'uiii.ic h,vi,i:h. Novhmbbh 10 Jacob Gcsslngcr admlnls trntor of Ell l'cnlcr, will sell several tracts of valuable land In Flehlngcreck townsblp, at 10 a. m. Novbmiikk 23 A. P. Young ndmtntstra. tor ot Wilson A. Thomas, deceased, will sell valuablo personal property on tbo premises, near Millvlllo, on Tuesday, Nov ember, 23, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m.. borscs, cows, calves, bogs, ifcc. William iittinon administrator of William Sltlcr deceased, will sell real estate on the premises In Itonrliigcrcek townsblp on Saturday, November 13tb 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m. Oscar J. Hess, trustee, will sell real cs tato of tbo late Kcubcn Hess, on tbo prem ises In Flshlngcrcck townsblp, on Saturday November 0th at ono o'clock la ,tbo after noon. A valuablo farm of 143. acres, part timber land. N. U. Funk, administrator of L-yilia Sponenbcrg will sell valuable real estate on Saturday November 13th at one o'clock p. m. A valuablo farm In Brlarcreek townsblp, on road leading from Ulooms burg to Berwick. See advertisement. For Sale. Tbo undersigned will sell 40 or 00 acres, more or less, to suit purchas ers, from tbo south side of bis farm In Hemlock townsblp. Threo good springs ol water, good building site, public road through tbu land, about S acres of timber, small stream of water through land. Price SIC per acre in payments. For particulars twuilro of lleubcn liomboy, HucKhorn, or Geo. 15. Elwcll, Uloomsburg. J4,0 mos. Spectacles and Eye glasses at George A. Clark's Book Store. I'crHonnl. Col. and Jlrs. Frcezo went to Philadel phia Tuesday morning. It. If. Rlngler has accepted a position with W. J. Corcll & Co. Senator W. W. Hart, of Willlamsport, was In town Saturday last. Mr. David kowenberg has b:cn confined to his room by Illness the past two weeks. Ho Is Improving. Hcv. W. C. Lcvcrett stopped here on Friday on his way home from tbo General Convention of the Episcopal church at Chicago, and remained until Monday morning. Ho conducted services on Sun day and made a very favorable impression, Tho indications are that he will accept the call to St. Paul's church. Argument Court on Monday the 8th. N. U. Funk is having bis barns painted. An infant of Isaiah Barton's was buried on Tuesday. Paul E. Wirt is having the wood work of his block painted. Go and seo "Chris and Lena" at the Op era House next Monday night. According to tho published statement tho debt of Lycoming county is 189,725. Sheriff Smith is tbo happy father of a girl baby. This makes an eyen dozen for him. Wo have delayed a half day in our Hsuo this week in order to pet in the full election returns. A nlco line of goods arc kept at tho New PDcal store, some of which can't bo found elsewhere. J. B. Kobison, Esq., has laid a brick pavement In trout of his resldcnco on Third street. There is a fair prospect that the services of a competent organist will be becured by the Episcopalians. Passengers and baggage delivered frco to persons buying western ticko s of Moycr Bro's. ivgta. l'eiina. It. It. Election day was lovely ovcihead, and vory quiet on the street. There was an un usual absence of enthusiasm on all sides. Dr. J. II. Moore, the specialist from Pittston, will be at tho Exchange Hotel on Saturday, Noy. 0, from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. W. W. Barrett Is agent for the Niagara Grape. It is u whllo grape, large, sweet and delicious, and well adapted to our climUc. On November 1 the number of Jobs of printing dono In this office since Jan. 1, exceeded bV ono tho total number done during the wholo year 1885, Chas. Krug has lately given employment at his planlug mill to a number of new workmen, in order to fill bis orders for planing mill supplies promptly. Ho re ports trade very good. Tho rain of last week raised tho river Bufllclent to make It more convenient for operating tho ferries. Jas. Commons, at tbo Bloom Ferry, is now prepared for tbo conveyance of passengers. Ho Is n good ferryman. Wo have received from Mr. II. J. Foulk, of Sallda, Colorado, a neat llttlo pamplet setting forth tho wonderful, natural aud material advautaijes which that place oilers m a placo of residence. Mr. Foulk went West from this county. Thejudgoof election In the west dls trlct gained many friends by his honorablo decisions In contested cases on Tuesday. Tho judgo gave his decisions on the merits of tho case, and paid llltlo attention to tho remarks of inspectors who forgot that they were not the Judges. Mr. Fritz will bo In Benton about four weeks yet. Thoso wanting pictures will please give him a call. Ho will bo In tho gallory every day from 8 o'clock a. in. until 4 o'clock p. in. Tintypes and phtographs of all kinds and sizes takeu very cheap. Also copying and enlarging done. During tho campaign that has justclosed Chalrmin Llttlo made an active and able officer. Ho did his wholo duty In trying to et out tho full vote for the wholo ticket, and In this he received, valuable assistance from tho speakers who held meetings through tho county and from his secretaries , Finest scenery going Wist by Pcnna. It. It. Tickets ut Moyer Bros. Families supplied with tho best quality Of oysters at Phillips' domestlo btkory. Albert Frack, son-in-law of our towns man Samuel Shaffer, was burled at Frack. vlllo on Tuesday. Ills death was unci. peeled, and his loss Is a severe ono to his young wlfo. Harrlgnn's Hibernian Company of Irish nnd American tourists will appear at tho Opera House, Wednesday evening of next week. This troupe Is attracting largo Houses wherever they exhibit. Tickets now on sale at Dcntltr's shoo store. Tho report of the treasurer of tho Moun tain Grove camp meeting association shows wSJj. r?,pt.of ?,1109,70, cvMl" .S..UJ3.J2, leaving a balance In the hands of io treasurer of 18t.38. Tho officers of tho association are: Z. T. Fowler, prcsl. df nl W. M. Gearlmrt, vice president! Cy. rua Straw, secretary O. C. Sharpies?, treasurer. I-lst of letters remaining In the postofllco at Benton, Pa., for tho month of October. 1830: ' Miss Delia Hess, S. Hess, O. W. Harper, 1. I-lnko. Package: Eno Hnrltnan. Persons cdlltig for theso letters pleaso say "advertised." Ella E. Aitlkman, P. M. November 1, 18S0. News has been received hero that tho ob stacles, In tho shape ot right of way disa greemcnts, along tho Uloomsburg nnd Sul livan ltallroad at Benton, are so numerous and troublesome, the company has decided to lest the lino up Haven's Creek, and has Issued Instructions to tho engineers to run a lino up the valley of that creek, and It tho ground proves feasible will most likely divert the route nt Stillwater. B. F. Baker was welcomed at tbo Acad emy of Music last evening by a full house. Ho appeared in his well-known comedy of "Chris nnd Lena," In which ho has made a complete tour of tho world. In many re spects this character comedian has Im proved In his style, and In tho specialty at tractions of which "Chris and Lena" can be made so prolific. . . . Tho Chrit of Mr. Baker was exceedingly happy and effect ive, showing the entire fitness of this co median for tho placo ho has of late years taken on tho legitimate boards. Evening AVu's, Jluffalo. Opera House, Bloomsburc, Pa., Nov. 8. Tho outrage and murder of women In country places who venture abroad unat tended after dark Is becoming an alarming ly frequent occurrence In this country. The murder of Mrs. Catbarlno Taswell, near Iiryn Mawr, when on her way hon'e from church Sunday evening, brings this crime pretty close to Philadelphia. The dangerous tramps who Infest and terrorize the suburbs have made country roads extra hazardous for women who venturo on them without male escort after the day has begun to fade. As long as such ruffians are at large anil the necessity of policing country roads is not recognized, tho only safe course for women In suburban dls. ttlots Is not to venture abroad after night fall unprotected. 1'hila. Pres.?. I't renewing her subscription for another year Mrs. Mp.ry A. Helchard of Lelgliton, Iowa, writes us a pleasant letter In which she says : Seventeen years ago the tenth ot last May, wo came to Iowa from Uuckhoin, Columbia Co. "In nil thoso years your paper has been a weekly visitor to our home. We would bo lonely without it, for wo still nr bound to old Columbia Co. by friendship and kindred tics aud their wel fare we love to read of. This year has been the great drouth. Corn and potatoes arc only half a crop. This is do ing well when wu remember that not a half Inch of rain fall from the 9th. day of May until the first day of Sept. In this county and several others in Iowa wheat and oats were a splendid crop nnd hay crop was never belter. Politics runs high now and have some fine speaking dono here. The Republicans are badly scared but we believe in being true to the old Democratic party and all will bo well. I iinve no vote, but am satisfied to send that husband of mine to the polls." List of letters remaining In tho Post Of flee at Bloomsburg for week ending Nov. 2. 1880: Mrs. Susan J. Brown, Mrs. Willie DM1 man, N. B. Hauna, Mr. Ardell Long, Mrs. Itachel Powell, Mr. John Powers, James E. Helchard Mrs. A. W, Hlchcy, Mr. CharlcH Seybert. gauds. G. W. Houscl Esq. Lee Wak. llU.S'OAWAN AMI ITALIAN. llujcca Adnmo, Madalono Agosllmi, Mnddaleua Agostln i (Ship), Pictro do An tonla, Poveco Adnmo. UAliDS. Darrein Vitantonio. Persons calling for theso letters will nleasc say "advertised." GeoituuA. Clauk, P. M. 'l'lie TimrlHlH I. ant Nllflit, Harrlgan's Irish nnd Ameilcan Tourists held forth at tho opera house last night and made fun for eighteen hundred people. Without exaggerating in the least wo can say that the show gave universal satisfact ion. The scenery of famous nnd Interest ing places in Ireland was in itself n good card and many went to see that. The two Barneys made much fuc, and they with tho "nagur" and Dutchman Kept tho peo ple In a roar all tho time. Tho bagpipers were something new nnd appreciated. Tho dancing was of the best and there never was better or more of it in ltenovn. Harrl gan's Tourists can get n lull house here any time. lienora J-'miina Xeui. This troupo will appear- at iho Opera House In Bloomsburg on Wednesday even ing of next week, November 10th. I'.loeiitloiinry lCiilerluliiineiil. Miss Enolu B. Gule, teacher of elocution In Stato Normal School, graduate of Prof. S. S. Hamill's school of elocution, Chic ago, 111., ana pupil of Mrs. M. E. Logan, teacher of Delano system of oratory, and Miss Norma Crawford, elocutionist, gradu ate of National School ot Elocution and Oratory, Philadelphia, Pa., will glvo an entertainment In the Baptist church nt White Hall, for the benefit ol tlm White Hall Select School, on the evening of Sat. urday, November 0, 1880. Tho programme will embrace patheilc, dramatic and trag leal selectlonsj nlso, personations and voico Imitations. Entertainment begins nt 8 o'clock. Admission, adults, 20 cents. Chil dren, 10 cents. A New l:uivrprlHC, T A ITnrlmnn. who for SJIUO tllllO past has been engaged in the manufacture of general planlug milt worn, lias nssociaicu with him Mr. S. It. Kamp, of Milton. They i, m,.i. ,1 II. n name of iheir establish- i in tlm Ifuvatono Planlncund Cabinet Compauy. They will continue tho business of manuficturlng doorauu winuow iraiues, doors, saih, blinds, mouldings, brackets .....I -mninik WfirU. llllt 111 fuMUIOIl Will dVO attention to making stair rails, balusters, .t. u-i.ll. nlao. cberrv. walnut, ash and oak extension tables. New machinery has been added, and all necessary preparations made to do all kinds of work In flrst-class stvlo and a5 very modeiato prices, For fancy printing of any kind go to the Columuian ofllce. THE COLUMBIAN AND Voio or niooiiifliitirK. Tho followlog Is tho voto cast at tho General election, held Tuesday, November 2, 1880: Oormiw. Clianncey F. Mack, n. lames A. lleaver. it, Charles a Wolf.J1. notion j. Houston, a, Ltertt. Uovernor, 11. Hnicc Hlckclta, J). Wm. T. navies, it. AbramA. Ilarker,', John l'aikcr, (. .Auditor tlrneraU William J. lirennan, D. A. Wilson Norrls, it. Chan. I. Ilawicy, p. Daniel S. Early, !;. . Sec. Int. A fairs. J. Simpson Atrlcn, D. Thomai.t. Stewart, (. .lohn N Kmery, T. St, V, Thompson, tf. Auoetate Judge. C. O. Jliirphy.K. .lames Lake, t. Samuel Uamp, It. Alem Ilrlttaln, ;. (leo. Manliart ' 1 N. Campbell, James low, Congrettman nt Iirge. .Maxwell Stevenson, v. Edwin s. Osborno it. John JI. Palmer, 1: t'has. I). Thompson, O. J. II, Hoblson, U. Vongrenn. C. It. liiickalew, X. J. W. ljittlj?. J. lloyil Hoblson, btnte Senator. cru9 II. Mrtrger. It. Daniel v. Lewis, 71. J. (I. Freeze, Jacob nerarit, a. ItfpvftmtaUnt. A, U Frit?, It. .lames T. Fox, V. W. li Mi.lth, n. V. H. uule. it. llcnj. 1 (loodwin, I'. James U John, p. Alex. Mcllenry, (1. . A. Frederick, O. Ji. K TotnC m no 4u 14 iw sit 11 14 33 1 4 S ti m m 1M lt 30H n lr 8 1 4 o eta m 410 161 1C1 323 It 10 Z7 I 4 I S41 U9 418 Id 831 it is s: 1 4 S !J 130 33J 217 lf,l 404 119 161 813 10 Id ttl SO 18 1M I 4 S 4 4 2 10 ICS 400 1ST 1M 810 II 11 S3 1 4 S 9 t 231 191 442 0 -7 IS W 7 19 ISO K.l S94 158 139 317 4 1 6 1 4 6 914 1M 410 911 K,2 403 131 133 S07 154 15? 304 11 IS 89 II IT 93 14 3 1 4 5 A IIiitiilHoiue Hollclny ITCRCiit. As tho holidays are now approaching wo know of no artlclo that will prove n'moro useful and acceptable present, thnn tho "Wonderful Luburg Chnlr." Having over fifty changes, It cnu bo adjusted to suit any position of tho body, and being one of those wonderful contrivances It seems to p'enso everybody. It Is designed for tho parlor, library, or as part furnishing of any room, as a re clining, smoking or for Invalids' use, lounge, bed or couch. Their prices nie wonderfully low, about one-naif what other makers ask. Wilte for descriptive cataloguo to the Luburg Manufacturing Co., 145 North Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa. A Strange glory. A THAIS DlSI'ATCIIEIl's ACCOUNT OF A 11AIL UOAD OltDKl! AND ITS HISTORY. From the Detroit Freo Press. Several years ago I was employed as train dispatcher on n Southwestern Ameil can railroad. As usual, there were three of us In the olllce. I had what is called the "second trick," my hours of duty be ing from i p. in. to 12 p. m. Tho third man, Charlie Burns, who came on nt mid night and worked until 8 a. m , was a par tlcular friend of mine. Ho was a young man of high character, a lino dispatcher and very popular; and when, during tho burning days of July, It became known among tho men that he was confined to bis room by a severe attack of malignant fever, many weie the expressions of regrtt and of hope for his speedy recovery. During the trying days of Charlie's ill ness I spent all tlmo I could sparo by his side, but on account of his absence from the olllce it was necessary for tbo remain ing two of us to "double up" that is. work twelve hours each, my watch being from 8 p. m. to 8 a. ra. I came on duty one evening feeling very ill. Tho weather was so warm I could not sleep well In tho dayt'mo j besides, I had spent a consider able part of the day with Charlie, whose illness had now reached n critical stage, and seemed to show little prospect of 1m- provenient. Hence, as you may imagine, I was not at all pleased to find that I was likely to have a busy night of It. A wreck on tho road during the day had thrown all the regular trains off time, and besides the usual num ber of special freights there was n special passenger train to leave Llnwood, the Eastern terminus of our division, at 11 p. m. with a large party of excursionists. For several hours I had my hands full. There was a special train of live stock bound East. As usually happens in such cases the excursion did not get ready to leave on time, nnd it was 11.40 p. m. when they reported for orders at Llnwood. I fixed up their orders, got tho report of their departure from Llnwood'at 11.45 and entered it on tho train sheet. Then I roso from tho table nod went over and seated myself by tbo window, where It was cooler than under the heated gas-jets. I was alone in tho olllce nnd as I sat there enjoy ing the cool breeze which camo in through the open window a neighboring church clock rang out tho hour of 12. From force of habit I glanced at the door, almost ex pecting to hear Charlie's light footstep on the stair and st3 the door open to admit him as of old. "Poir fellow," I thought, "It will bo a long tlmo before ho enters that door again, if ho ev-r does." Just at the last stroke of twelve, and while my eyes were still fixed on the door, it opened and Charlie Burns entered- My first thought was that In tho lellrlum of fover ho had escaped from his nurses and made bis way to iho olllce, but when I left him a few hours beforo I could not have believed that he lud strength to get out of bed, I sat and watched him In speechless surprise, which vas increased by his strange manner. Instead of his usual hearty greeting bo took no notlco of mo at all. but walked di rectly to the tablo and sat down. Placing his hand upon tho key he began calling "(," which was tho signal for Elm Grove, tho tlrst station, six miles west of Llnwood. "1, I, 11," came tho response, "Put out signal for special passenger west and copy." "Ito," "Ito," "Ds," rang out the sounder with Charlie's nimble fingers upon the key. "Ito" was tho call for Itosedalc, tho second station from Llnwood, eight miles west of Elm Grove. "1, I, Ho," camo back the answer Then, as I sat by tbo widow as ono para lyzed, tho awful truth Hashed across my ml ml. I had overlooked tho stock train, thundering entwnrd twenty miles an hour, and mado no provision for its meeting tiio excursion train. My blood seemed turned to leo as I heard tho reply: They arc at tho switch. Ito " Aiiother minute and it would have been too lute. Still apparently oblivious of my presence, Charlie reached for tho older book wllh his left hand, whllo his right combined to manipulate tho key, and heird the sounder click out tho order that held the train. Quick as a flash came back tho response from each station and in less tlmo than It takes mo to wrlto It the order had been repeated and signed by tbo con ductor and engineer of each train, while Charllo copied It Into tho order book and returned his "O. Iv." Then, ns I realized that 1 was saved aud a great disaster avert rd, the revulsion of feeling was too much lor my over-strained nerves and l lost con sclousuess. An hour after I was awakened bv a fiv miliar voice, nnd looked up to find Frank Dwyer, one of our conductors who had volunteered to watcii that nieiil witn unar. lie, standiug over me, "Wako up," old mau," said ho, "1 havo bad news for you Charlie died just as tho clock was striking VJ." i roused myse t and went to mo la ble. There on the order-book was tho or dcr just as I had heard It clicked out by the sounder, and "ito" was calllug mo to rt'iiorl me two trains saieiy uv. Had been dreaming and sent tho order In my sleep, or hud mv Irlcud redeemed his nrom I Iso 'I Tho writing In the order-book was in I ins nand and lUavo never uccn nolo to ac- count lor u, DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Wllkcnllnrrc Jfc WcHtcrti n. It. 'A rccont Issue of tho Milton Argu says ft trip alone tho route of tho Wllkes-liarro & Western Railway evinces tho fact lht.1 tho construction of this Important lino or railroad Is progressing In n very commend ablo and satisfactory manner. Tho grad ing of tbo first twenty-ono miles ot tbo road, between Wntsoutown and Millvlllo, Is near ly completed. Tho heavy cut ot Jersey, town, which is a half mlla long nnd fifty feet deep, through Bolld rock, and ono hun dred and fifty feet ot which Is being tunnel ed, will bo finished In about ten days. Tho road wlfl be opened for business between Watsontown and Millvlllo In December noxt, nnd the local traffic will on this por tion of the lino alono pay handsome returns upon tho cojt nt construction. Consider. Ing tho fact that tho company Is building flrst-class road, using only tho best materials, putting down heavy sixty-three pound steel rails, with stono ballast, tho rapid progress mado by tho originators and promoters of tho cnlerprlso Is not only commendable, but very creditable Indeed. Knowing them all personally for many years wo felt assured from the Inception ot tho cntcrprtso that It could not havo fallen Into belter hands, as all nra men ot uu- dau ntcd energy nnd practical ability." IlucUliorii. Corn husking is about half done. A number nro threshing this week. Steam ers nro all tho go. If you don't put up your hair In a French twist, get out of this hero town. Frank Emmltt and his mother aro visit. Ing frLnds In Michigan. The majority of our voters are Black men. Wm. Mcrrlcle had a runaway Inst Satur day afternoon, caused byonohorso kicking over tho tongue. Happened between tho Dall road and Iluckhorn. Three persons thrown out, no one hurt, however. The wagon was somewhat bruicd. Hemlock Grange will bo fairly represent- ed at Bloom Grango dedication on this Friday. Miss Vine Moore has just received a new lot of millinery goods. Some very nice wedding bonnets. Drew Shnrretts was In town on Monday. Hallow E'en received a fair share of at tention this yen!. Some pretty wild tricks wcro played. Theo. Dent purchased a fine looking horse last week. Hemlock Is minus n school teacher. The Valley school was In session a week, when for some reason not known, tho teacher re signed, thus leaving them In want of a teacher. This Saturday evening n meeting of tho officers and teachers of tho Hemlock Sun day schools will meet In tho Lutheran church to arrange for a district Sunday school convention. It Is hoped that nil will be present. ruiLADKLruu, Novembers, I860. Almost All Aiiout Blankets. Will you read about blankets if we eive the utmost informa tion we can in the lewest possi ble words ? All sorts of blank ets no, not all sorts there are tons on tons of blankets that never enter our doors because they never ought to enter yours. Blankets tor use and blankets for beauty and blankets for both. Begin with the prettiest. California takes the palm for uxurious blankets ; and Mission Mills come first. The finest we have from Mission Mills are 35 pair. Such wool ! Imagine Swan's-down not spun and woven but somehow done into blankets ! Invisible texture ! Whiteness and softness incon ceivable ! Don't buy them un- ess for pure extravagance. Think of the care they require ! But Mission Mills make useful blankets also, from very fine in deed at to we don't know where to draw the line. Of these we have said already the coarsest are finer than any Eastern blankets, but not so economical. Golden Gate is another Cali fornia blanket mill. It lacks the singular fame of the other. Its blankets are only less extrava gant. It s the California wool ! work too. Such wool demands such work. It seems a pity to put them into blankets. And yet there are people who are willing to pay for them. $10 to $30. Now for beautiful excellent practical blankets not too fine to enjoy. ihe linest such are made in this city the Falls of Schuylkill mill. Begin to think by the pound ; about si. 25 a pound for the finest all-wool ; not mute so line si. luill-size blankets $6 to $12.50 a pair, according to fineness and weight ; and smaller for less in proportion. Another, made in New ling- land, all-wool, not quite so fine, a winning blanket the border is uncommonly pretty I: about $1,125 a pound; $7.50, $8.soj and $9.50 a pair, according to weight, lor lull size blankets. And here gomes in an acci dent : uist one blanket, 79x90 inches, 7 lbs, $6.50 about 93c a pound, all-wool and as good as the si. 1 2 14. We have only a hundred and fifty pairs. When gone no more. 1 Ins isn t an accident Cheaper yet. The blanket for nine out of ten. Cotton warp, wool filling, 75c a pound as near as we can stato it, All sizes ana weights within reason : $3.75 a 5-lb pair to 59-75 a I3-llJ Pair And nobody ought to shiver while these are here for so little. Decidedly below the lowest market; below by 15c a pound at least. No more to be got of course, And here we ought to just mention a dozen different sorts of blankets called "cheap" because tl(Q priqes qrq little, We don't use tho word that "SKanamnhcr's. way. A dozen sorts of white blankets $1 to $3.50 a pair. We have to keep them. We sell theTn mostly for " Institutions." Of course we make them as cheap as we can. White blankets for crib and cradle. The meanest we have are really best. Two all-wool and solt-wool cradle blankets, 30x40 inches, $1.20 and $1.25. Same as the last but larger, with Grecian border, 40x60 inches, $3. Somewhat finer, all-wool, with cltister border of stripes and pin stripes : 32x42 inches 3 ! 36x50 inches $3.75 42x60 inches $5. A prettier blanket with damask border, cotton warp : 32x42 inches3.5o; 36x50 inches $4,50; 42x60 inches $5 50. Austrian blankets are pretty by color. Blanket-rugs. They are used in sleeping-cars, steamers, traveling, for making wrappers, etc. Figured all over more or less with elaborate damask two-co lor figures. Cotton warp. Prices for single blankets, not pairs. Six styles for the cradle $2.25 ; six for the cr'u $3-5 I seven for single bed $5.50; five for three-quarter bed $6.50 ; eight 70x90 inches $8 ; five 80x90 inches $10. Dot blankets, inch-and-a-half dots all over, plain ends, all wool, 72x84 inches, $7 and $7.50 apiece : the higher price for cost lier colors. 'I he colors are the feature. For wrappers. Daisies instead of dots, $8.50 apiece ; navy-blue, and red ; black and gold. For wrappers. Plain gray blanket, border of 2-inch stripes of yellow, pink and light-blue, all-wool, same size, $6.50 apiece. Two-inch stripes of gray with two-inch stripes of various mix tures of color : blue-and-gold, gray-and-black, blue-a n d-red, gray-and-pink ; $4.50 a pair; same size ; cotton warp. Same blanket, plain gray with cluster border of blue stripes, $3-75i Pr. Plain gray, blue cluster bord er, all-wool, same size, $6 a pair. Army blanket, gray with three inch blue border, 6SXS4 inches, $4 each. Red blanket with black dam ask border, made of California wool, though not a California blanket: 6-lb. 60x80 inches: $9.50 ; S-lb, 64x84 inches, $12; 10-lb, 70x84 inches, $15 a pair. Keel blanket with black cluster border, all-wool, 4lb, 62x76, $3.75 a pair. Red blanket with S-inch border of solid black : 6-lb, GGx 7S inches,$G ; 7-lb, 69x79 inches, $7; 8-lb, 70x80 inches, $8 a pair. Keti blanket with s-inch bor der of solid black, cotton warp, to g-iij, 00x74. to Soxoo inches, $4.50 to $8.50 a pair. Keel blanket with black cluster border, cotton warp and coarse wool, 4-lb, G2.X7G, $3 a pair. A great many sorts of horse- blankets need we fro into par ticulars here? $1.2 ? up. We have tried to put in the first three words of each para graph what will help you skip it, 11 you want to. You will proba bly find in one of them all you need to know about blankets just now. ihe one important point is, the size. We are thinking of bed blankets. Let your blanket be big enough to tuck in at the sides and leave you not only uncon strained but room to turn in your sleep, liconomize somewhere else ; not on the blanket that keeps you warm and safe asleep John Wanamakeu. Chestnut, Thirteenth ana Market streets. uuu wiy.imu square. OPERA HOUSE ! BLOOMSUURG, HARRIGAN'S 1KIS1I AND AMEHICAN TOUHISnU GREAT COMEDIANS. S Supported by a strong Comedy Company In tho THE TWO BARNEYS OH, MULLIGAN'S DOUBLE. A tiiltr thrfiiieh Irplntiil llnmn urnl fallowing you nearly all ol the principal cities and lUUUIILUV 1U1U3. Watch for the Grand Parado Of Harrlgan's Iltl.SH UUIOADG HAND, w, C (Iro ven, leader, escorted by Major Kibble, .Military i m!"-!. t Itanium, .nuaivci .juggler uany, ai noon, Freo to all 1 l isten to tho muslo I seotht drtlllngl K'O and heir, on the htreets. tho L-rmit, est Team ot llairnlpers. ever heard, from Ohi in-. land, riding on a Halo ould Jaunting Car, draw n by the Ulster Ponies, "Dublin Jackeen" and Mul- uugur," i u can t auoru to miss U. bo fall not to WHESEUVED SEATS on sale at P. I)( Dcntlcr's boot nud shoo store. i;iit llentoii. D. Post, of Cambra, had his hand badly mangled whllo greasing tho machinery of a steam thresher. It Is said that tho H. & S. ltallroad about taking n new turn at Stillwater and strike up Havcncreek as tho most favorable route to tho mountain. It would come nearer to us, but wo would like to see It go by Ucntoii A surveying corps will ha on tho route this week. Is tho report. Tho sacrament of tbo Lord's supper was adrolulstcrcd at Hamlin last Sunday Keys, bavago and lioono wcro both prcs ent. llov. Savage preached tho commuu ion sermon, Thoso to whom the nights aro not Ion enough to get sufficient sleep should go Deeds, mortgages, bonds, leases, and nil Kinui ni icgai uianKs lor sale at tho toiuy juan omco, tf. Executors' and administrators' books at tho Columuun olllce. receipt Double I'lHlilnuercck rrlctlilH' Monthly McvtlilK Hcliool Mlllvllle, IM. A graded day rcbool for poth sexes hav ing a well organized preparatory depart, incnt. Tho course of study adopted, offers superior advantages for a thorough, guard, cd education nt very modcrato terms. Hoarding obtained at reasonable rates. For full particulars address, Asnib O. Dohland, Principal, oclB-3m Mlllvllle, la Vor itlclcctn, MnriiHttitiH, nntl nil WnxtliiK IMNorclcrn of Cliltilren. Scott't JdnuUton of l'ure Cod Liter Oil, Kith Hypophophitie, Is uneqaalcd, Tho rapidity with which children gain flesh nnd strength upon It Is wonderful. "I havo used Bcotl'g Emulsion In enses of Illckets and Maros. mus of long standing. In every caso tho Improvement was marked." J. M. Main, M. D., New. York. 311(11111. There was a good turn out nt tho clcc- tlon. Milt. Hess, Chas. Miller and Sam. Hct- tcr wcro homo to vote. Tho schools of this township opened on Monday. School No. 1 was taught two years ngo by Thomas Jefferson, last year by William T. Sherman, and this year by Geo. AVnsblngton. Geo. Iluffnaglo met with nn accident while hauling props. Ho had a rib broken. Tho new rond, near Michael HcllcrV. is being worked. This road, when complet ed, will bo n great improvement aud will be a credit to the pctltloncis. Mr. II. W. Hess nnd Miss Cirrio Keller wcro married on Momjay evening. May they live long nnd bo happy. A number of young pcoplo from Cata wlssn visited town on Sunday. Isaac Durling delivers tho coal to tho schools for CO cents per ton. Michael Heller Is furnishing telegraph poles for tho new railroad. LIVER COMPLAINT Jiad breath; a bitter or bad taste in the mouth: pain in the back, sides or joints, often mistaken for rheumatism; sour stom ach loss of appetite; bowels alter nately costive and lax; headache; luos of memory, with a painful sensation of havimj failed to do something wnci ought to have been done; debil ity; low spirits; a thick, yellow ap pearance of the skin and eves; a dry cough, often mistaken for consump tion. How Cured. "I havo been afflicted many years with dyspepsia, sick headache and aSectlon or the Kidneys caused by torpid liver. I have tried a great many remedies and physicians prescriptions without success, health tail in? all tho time. During lost Fall and Win ter I was obliged to suspend tho mo3t ot my labor In my Held ot Homo Missionary work on account ot my heulth. Early this Spring 1 was Induced to try Simmons Liver ltegulutor, and have had more, real good health blnco then than lor years before. I use tho medicine to rellvo mo when, by ex posure or over-exertion, I discover tho symptoms ot my disease returning. Tho Hegulator relieves me at once, and is moro satisfactory In Its effects than anything ot the kind I over tried. I have also used It with good success In my family to ward on bilious attacks." Jos. E. VnEi.KK cum. berland l'res. Minister, Lebanon, Mo. COURT PROCLAMATION- WHEREAS, tho Hon. William Elweix 1'resldent Judge of the Court ot Oyer and Terminer and (leneraljall Delivery .'.Court ot Quar ter Sessions of tho Peace, and the Court otCoinmon Pleas and orphans' Court In the 26th Judicial Dis trict, composed of tho counties of Columbia and Montour, and tho lions. James Lake and F. L Shuman, Associate Judges ot Columbia county havo Issued their prccept,bearlng date the 4th day of Oct. In tho year ot our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and elgbty-slx, and to me directed for holding a Courtof Oyer and Terminer and General Quarter Sessions ot tho Peace, Court or common Pleas and Orphans' Court, In Bloomsburg, In the county of Columbia, on tho first Monday, being tho eth day of Dec next to continue for two weeks. Notice is hereby given to the coroner,to the Jus tlces of tbo Peace, and the Constables ot the sail County of i'olumbta,that they bo then and ther'j In their proper person at 10 o'clock In the forenoon ot said Cth day of Dec with their records Inqui sitions and other remembrances, to do those things which to their onices appertain to bo done. And thoso that aro bound by recognizance to prosecute against tho prisoners thataro or ma bo In the Jail of tbo said county ot Columbia, to be then and there to prosecute them as shall be )ujt. Jurors are re quested to bo punctual In their attendance, agi eeably to their notices. Dated at Bloomsburg .I tho 4th day of Nov. In the year of our L. B. Lord one thousand eight hundred and . I elirhtr-blx. and in tho one hundred and eleventh year of tho Independence ot tho United States of America. SherlU's onice, bamuel sjutii,. Sheriff We are offering great Machines. toewniK 0 mi ' 2.T fee ft V"t ft INDUCEMENTS Among tho Pianos wo handle aro tho IVERS & POND, C. C. BRIGGS. BAUS & CO., SCHOMACKER Gold String and Opera Pianos, These Pianos aro all first-class and fully warranted for fivo years. Our leading Organs STATES and other makes. Our leading Sewing Machines aro tho celehrated WHITE, NEW DAVIS, NEW DOMESTIC, NEW HOME, HOUSEHOLD, ROYAL ST. JOHN and STANDARD ROTARY Sewing Ma liine, tho finest and best Rotary Sewing Machine in tho world. Uoforo purchasing writo for Catalogues to J . SALTZEU'S PALACE OF MUSIC AND GREAT SEWING MACHINE DEPOT, Main St., Bloomsburg, Pa. OINOHAMTOM, N.V. M THE INVALIDS BENEFACTOR. B Plwfi'SAffDriAt OINOHAMTOM. N.V. THE INVALIDS BENEFACTOR lllscovcrrr ol Tlr. Kilmer's Complete Female Remedy Special nnd Pncfino treatment ror nil Complaint anil Dlponws iiccullar to linuirlitcra. Wives nntl Mother. Knrli pitfknso rniitnlim u linlll. tSTm liu'li kind Is nlo fold wimrnlelyi Vrlllnlr ItPinril)'. (Plood mi S-BUmj$ , A 11 1 11 ill II l.rn f lix I .,nfl TrriUmt )& 1 . V it it ,Mlilllllilollt)l'JtlcniiU ' ,fiO E37Or tho three In ono l'uckngo$2.lJ. llpeovcrs tho "run-ilowni" tied-rlddcn" or "nlinwlonod." It Eliminates Humors nnd Illotxt Impurities that caiiM Pcrofula, Cancer, Tumor, pimples nnd Matches. The furii for I'otwarlcB nnd Exposure- In part. Woiniui ii Health and inefulnen ("sain rtrtoml. Dr. Kllnirr IrraU tnfrnwil Tumor, Omcer. 1 Lctt DiKIIro M "illtv 1 .so; i on can i airom ui nrtricrt tnrif nn Lfttera of Inquiry promptly It,Kllmw'n IYmal niniienaanr, r'!n.rn jttiYilfih' fJwfAi fa llrntlh" I Si l na oinii rnni in nnruvt ntr f mnMom piiy iinnwcrcn. II X .Hill llltOliUIMS ISSB-ZMaE loctly. LOCAL NOTICES. Having Just received n cylinder for fin ishing silks und cloths, I nm prepared to clcau nnd dyo gents' clothing, ladles' cloaks, sacijues, silks, dresses, shawls, &c. Feathers dyed and curled, l'acknges for warded by express will receive prompt nt tcntlon, according to directions. Cull or address, J. O. Caswell, dyer, Uloomsburg Woolen Mills. Wo have n full lino of Striped and Plain Velvets, lilnck Henriettas, Casbmcre nnd other Fine Wool Dress Goods. II. W. SLOAN. McKlllip, C"uyon Bloomsburg. tYrtlst nod I'hotogiapher. Instantaneous process. Fine Cabinet Photos, only ijU a uoz. (If Do not forget Unit wo havo one of tbo largest lines of Dlack Silks in town and will give you n written guarantee, 1.00, 1.25, 1.40, 1.C0, 1.00. These goods nro well worth a cartful examination be fotc purchasing. II. W. SLOAN. Coal! Cunllt Coal 1! I Now is the time to purchase your Fall and Winter coal, as we propose lurnishlng stove coal, In car lots, say live or six ton:,, tho same as furnished on the D. L. & W. II. It , 2210 lbs. to the ton, each ton to bo weighed bv Fairbanks' scales. All coal from the Lee Mines White Ash. O. A. Jaooiiv. Poit Noble, August 13, 1880. If. No one In this town has a better line Gents' nnd Children's Under we have, both White ami lied. II. W. SLOAN. of Ladles' wear than BUSINESS iNOTICES. Skin diseases cannot bo successfully treated by external applications. The proper way to cure such complaints is to ptiilfy Iho blood with Aytr's Sarsaparilla. Under I lie vitalizing lnuuenccs ol tills tnctli- cine all tho functions of the body nro brought Into healthy action. Tho world moves. Our itrandmothcrs used brown sugnr, wouse while; they used common blown srap, wo us-! white soup. The best white soap is Dreydopel's liorax boap, which can uo usetl lor all purposes to wiilcu soap is applicable. oct .'a 4t If you have tumor, (or tumor syptnms) cnucer (or cancer symptoms), fciofula, erysipelas, salt-rheum, chronic weakness, nervousness or other complaints Dr. ICU mcr's Feraule lleincdy corrects nnd cures. See hal the Secretary of the Interstate Poultry and Pet Stock Association, i.f Cobden, Illinois, says August 3, i836. S.-S MVEKS. Ohak Sir: I have used some of yolirChlck-ch!ck-er--e.kes (Poultry Food), tamsatlsfied that it increases the egg production of iny fowls. A, A. COWDERV. Fon Animals. Mnnno, distemper, dlar rhrra and worms in dogs quickly cured. Scratches, sores, galls, bruises, cuts or wounds of nuy kind quickly nnd perman ently healed by washing with the Fluid. Dr. J. Hough, the distinguished veterinary surgeon, says : "I find Darbys Prophylac tic Fluid all that it is represented. As n local application I believe it to bo without an equal." For colic and scours It nets like magic. QUEEN VIOTOIUA'S CltOWK. Tho clown of Queen Victoria consists of diamonds, pearls, rubies, sapphires nnd emeralds, set in silver nnd gold. Its gross weight is 39 oz. 5 dwt. troy. Tho number of diamonds nro 3,352; pearls, 273; rubies, 9; sapphires, 17; emeralds, 11. It Is an oltl saying Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. It Is uelter to wear tho crown of perfect health aud peace of mind through tho curative elleets of Per rine's Pure linrley MUt Whiskey. For sale by druggists and all dealers. 1 H a- :r, is -A- t inducements to persons desiring are tho celehrated ESTEY, MILLER, UNITED ANotrd MAK. Among tbo men who havo made their names household words, within tbo Inst half century, stands Mr. Spccr of Pacsalc, N, J. He Is Ihe pioneer crnpo grower of this country, and ho has demonstrated beyond n doubt that tlicr for clgn grapes can bo raised hero nnd Hint os fine n vlno enn bo produced In this country ns In Europe, nnd for mcdlcnl uses Mr. Bprcr'a wino surpasses that of tbo old country. Ladles In delicate health, nnd nged people find It to bo tbo best winy they can procure. Ifintfn! Argut. l or sale by druggists. The Old Way nntl Hie Ni w. Tiik Ova Wat Hock tho baby in n sap trough, carry-It to town lu n polnto basket, glvo It salts und senna for a physic, wash it with solt soap nnd water; when sick doso It to death with harsh medicines, nnd then sayt "Tho Lord claimed It." Tim New Wat Use Dr. Hand's Remedies for Chil dren, which have been tested In his pracllco for lfi yrnrs. They nro pure, safe, and a God-send to parents nnd children. Dr. Hand's remedies nrei Tcclhlng Lotion, a ' wonderfully soothing and harmless lotion to Imtlin tho gums of teething babes. Collo Cure, promptly relieves colic and soothes cross babes without stupefying them. Pleasant Physic, for. children nnd nduU, cures constipation. Worm Kllxlr, which is combined with n purge. Cough nnd Croup Mi dlctnc, has no superior in Its line. Dlarrha-a Mixture, cure when ev erything else falls. General Tonic, gives tone nnd nppetlte to weakly children. Chafing Powder, heals sore and chafed ba bies in a day. Prlco of each, only 25 cts. For sale by O. A. Kldltn, druggist. rpilIAL LIST FOR DECEMIlElt TEUM, JL I1. John Water et ux vs M C Woodward. Fred Hosslcr's uso vs I) II & W It 11 Co. Contngham Palno vs James McAlarncy et ux llllain 11 Yorgey vs Locust Jit Water Co. Theo Y cralg vs Mabala cralg et al. I' U Pennock & Co vs Charles Hlchnrt. I'harlcs W McKclvyct al vsc II llrockway. Iienjamln Pcttcrman vs J II Hoblson. Jouai Doty et nl vs John salt, II 11 Uordner vs William (Ungies. Patrick litunsvs L a Iiiley Co. O II Seybert vs 8 M Hess Anron llooue S lCspy Llrno ft Cement Co. II 1' Kverett vs 11 1' otitlttr et nL o U Millard vs John Snyder. George o Wolllver vs o !' Kerrls et aL O II llrockway vs Columbia county. A K cmtth vs Samuel mugler. J II Palton vs A P Heller, f urtls Mfg Co vs Clark 1 Thomas. David Jouei vs John Whltenlght, V in Krlckbaum vs John H Caey. Oierseers Locust twp vs Herman Yost, L 11 Fowler vs O 1) Fowler. Andrew Fowler vsO I) Fowler. O F Harder vs F L r-human. .1 II lloyt s lloro ot llerwlck. Franklin Yocum, guardian vs William Zahncr et aL Manilas Kindt vs Charles Sands et al. Thomas and c c Trench vs J s Woodi et ux. Jonas Uant7. a Isabella Hantz. William Krlckbaum vs Columbia County. John i Yocum vs susan llrumbach. Albert Klluctob vs Hiram Eckroth. 8 11 Whitney vs d II 11 jwman. S II Whitney vsS II Uowmau. Theodore Hulls vs fellas sauaian. PATENTS 1TENEY WISE WASHINGTON, D. 0. Refers in 3d National Ilanlr, Washington, D. C -MTSEND TOR INVENTOR'S OUIDE.-a oct I5 4t,r J . R. SMITH & CO. LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., Dealeus in PIANOS Iiythe following well known makery Chickering, Ivnabc, "Weber, Hallet & Davis. Can also furnish any of the cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. JDo not buy a piano he fore getting our prices. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. Sept3-80tf. E. B. 3R0WER OAS FITTING & STEAM IIEATINll DKALEH IN STOVES &TINWARE. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Hoof ing and Spouting promptly nttcntlcd to. WSulct attention given to heating by steam. Corner of Main & East Sts., Bloomsburg, pa. Tl Tl to purchase Pianos, Organs am. Si is) pa g IBM o ft ft S3 ft