The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 05, 1886, Image 2

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The Columbian,
J. K.Slttsntondor.J1141""'
Mr. Morrison of Illinois anil Frank
Hunl of Ohio, frco trndo democrats,
were dnfontud in llio Into oleotiori and
tho ollioinl iioiint, will bo necessary to
deciiiu tho result in SpcaW Oarlislo'e
district. As those wero nil lenders in
frco trail?, with districts largely demo
cratic it docs not look as if tho demo
orallo party wanted free trade.
0. G. Murphy's vote is somewhat
below tho party majority. Ono reason
assigned for , not voting for him was
that "tho Irish all voted for BJaino in
1884, and they ought to bo taught a
lesson." It seems to us a suicidal pol
icy to drive tho Irish voto to Blalno in
1888 just for tho satisfaction of "teach
ing them a lesson," for what they did
in 1884. Conciliation is what is need
ed, not revenge. Besides this, Mr.
Murphy was not responsible for tho
voto of Centralia in 1884.
Pennsylvania elected tho Republican
stato ticket by n majority of nearly
John Lynch, Dem., has probably de
feated Joseph A. Scranton, Rep., for
Congress, in tho 12th district.
Judco Gordon, Dom., is elected in
Philadelphia bv 10,000, over Amos
Briggs. Rep.
Inavers plurality over Jilaok in
Philadelphia is about 23.000.
Charles S. Wolfe is defeated for tho
Legislature in Union Co.
Abram S. Hewitt, Dem., is elected
Mayor of Now York. Thero was n
warm contest waged between him and
Henry Georne, labor candidate, aud
Theodore Roosevelt, Rep. Tho latter
received tho smallest voto of the three.
Tho NationalHIouse of Rcpresenta
tives remains under tho control of the
Democrats, with 25 majority.
Bob Taylor, Dem., was elected Gov
ernor of Tenne&seo bv 20,000.
If overy district in tho county had
doco as well for tho Stato ticket as did
Centralia, tho Democratio majority in
this couotv would havo been 3,000.
They gave Black 254 majority. In
1882 Pattison had 51 majority, and in
1884 Blaino had 20 majority.
Ei3. Columbian : Whatever the re
suit of the election (this) 'iuesday, one
thine was verv prominently forced to
the front throunh the intensity of tho
fisrht during the entire campaign, viz
that corruption in nil its forms is profi
table to tho favored few, and spares
neither means nor principle to accom
plish its obiect. and usually all its or
ganized forces are concentrated into
machine operations, diiected and work
ed by tho most uncrupulous and un
principled of men. As citizens, so far
as relates to their general character,
personal integrity and dignity, and
'.heir social, mttsllectual and christian
ilalioim. all threo gubernatorial aspl
ants aro men among our foremost,
honorod and respected by all. But as
thev. each and severally represent dif
ferent principles that mu3t apply to
tho general government of our state
affairs and individual interest, it is of
vital importance to overy citizen of the
community at large as to which of the
three shall bo entrusted with the "ship
of state." The question is not merely
which party shall rule or, who shall be
governor. But thero are serious and
profound issues confronting the peo
ple which sooner or later must meet
with peaceful and satisfactory solution
among wiso and able statesmao, or
they will thrust the people into confu
nion, riot and bloodshed through tho
blundering zeal for party spoils. Our
liberties, our institutions and our pros
perity aro more or less affected, or en
dangered by the triumph of tho one, or
or the other. Uorrupuoo is tne enomy
of tho people, tlio drono of any govern
ment, stato or national, and represents
all that is dishonest and unjust. The
laboring aud producing classes realize
this most emphatically. Farmers and
mechanics feel tho pressuro of tho op
pressor s powpr, and that power is oor
ruption embodied in privato corpora
tions and monopolized discriminations
and their chief exponent during tho
campaign was James A. Beaver, and
their principal herald James G. Blaino
aud main organ tho Philadelphia J'reas
with a host of lesser satellites. As the
people havo now chosen, bo they must
abide the consequences and reap tho
j nil is oi ineir suwuiii. 'u ""
tho whirlwind; if to the honest- gov.
eminent prosperity, peaeo and plenty,
Thanksgiving Proclamation.
AVakiiikoton. October 31. Tho
following is President Cleveland's
proclamation designating Thursday,
November H5, as a aay oi lnaiiKegiv
!m mid nrnvpr:
It has long been a custom of tho
people of tho United States, on a day
in each year especially set apart for
that purpose by their chief executive,
to acknowledge tho goodness and
mercy of Go'l, and to invoko His con
tinued caro aud protection. In obscrv-
nneo nf annli rMiatnm. 1. Grovpr Clevo
land, president of tho United States,
do hereby designate and set apart
Tlmrmlav. tho 25th dav of Movember.
iiiBtant, to bo observed and kept as a
i f . i t I 1
aay oi innuKsgmpg auu imtyur, wu
ot iir lot nil nnr nnnnta tnrntro thfir
nccustomed omployinents and assemble
.t...!. nt .JnA.. ...n.aliln ntvn
ill II1U14 usual iiau(.o ut nuiauif w
thaiik to the Hitler of the univeieo for
nnr nnntinuerl cniovmcnt of the
blessings of a fieo (government, for a
renewal ot Dimness prosperity tnrougn
nnt mil lnn.l tnr tu return whinh lias
rewarded tho labor of thoso who till
Jim noil, and for our progress as a
ooplo in all that makes a nation great
Anil while via contemiilatu tbo inii
nito power of God in earthquake, flood
and storm, let tho grateful hoarU of
those who havo been shielded from
lmrm tlirniirrh Hi merov bo turned in
sympathy and kindness towards thoso
who have suffered through his visita
tions. Let ua also iu tho'midst of our
thanksgiving remember tho poor and
needy with cheerful gifts and alms, bo
that our service may, by deeds of char
ity, be mado acceptablu in the sight of
tbo Lord. Iu witnoss whereof I havo
hereunto set my hand and caused the
seal of tho United States to bo aflixed,
Jlono at tho City of Washington this
liist day of November, in tha year of
our Lord ono thousand eight hundred
and eighty-six, and of tbo Independ
encu of tho United States of America
the ono huudred and eleventh,
ei!Ai,J UiiovcK Cluvf-lakp.
Jiy thu President! T. V linyard, Seo
fetary of Slate.
Undor tho Fallen Walls.
Chicago. November 1 A cotillnrrra.
tion causing tho loss of nearly $250,
000 nnd probably novcrnl lives occur
cd In tho Knight & Leonard six-story
building, 109 and 111 East Madison
street, between 4 and 5 o'clook tills
morning. Tho inmates of tho dozens
of gambling houses in tho vicit.ity
woro unaware of tho flro at tho outlet
and it mado such rapid headway
that nonu had stirred from the
tables until tho lives of most of
them wero imperiled. Then a wild
stnmpodo ensued. Tho proprictois
hurried their gold nnd greenbacks in
to sitoholj, others Bhoveled ivory chips
into bags, a few rushed down stairs
loaded with rottlctto wheels, faro tables
and gambling paraphernalia of all de
scriptions. But these wero tho except
ions. Tho majority dealers, lookouts
nnd players roso together and camo
tearing out of tho building, many hat-
losa and uoatlcss and all frightened.
Aftor an hourV work by tho firomeu
tho flames werd under oomparallvo con
trol. At this tlrao six men of tho Insur
ance Patrol wero in tho building, sling-
nig tarpaulins over tho stock ot tho
Goodyear Rubbor Company. Suddenly
thero was a tcrriblo crash, tollowcd by
a denso wavo of smoko and sparks,
whioh puffod out into tho street. The
roof and top tloor had fallen through
to tho basement, burying the men of
tho Insuranco Patrol In tho ruins. A
moment after tho crash a detachment
of firemen and insuranco patrolmen,
led by Chief Swcenie, rushed to tho
rescue. Tho irit-s of tho imprisoned
men could bo heard abovu all tho din.
Hardly wero tho rescuers at work,
chopping and tearing away tho fallen
beams and splintered flooring, when
thero was another crash and a heavy
pieco of machinery fell from tho third
floor. It was so far baok In tho build
ing that no ono was hurt and tho
rescuers continued manfully without a
stop. Georgo Furnold was the first
man out. Ho camo up through a holo
whioh had been mado in tho sidewalk
lights over tho basement. Ho was
only slightly injured. William Darby
also managed to crawl out of tho ruins
with only Blight injuries. The rescu
ing party found Captain Humo pinned
down under a fallen boam and wedged
in between two boxes of goods. Ho
was carried out both h gs crushed and
the left foot turned completely around.
P. Mullins was dragged from under
tho heavy beams. Ho was cut about
the head and his body fearfully bruis
ed. A NAIinOW ESCAl'E.
Gus Bourgemenko was being hold
do in by a heavy pieco of printing
machinery, so that all efforts to release
him seemed useless. He clutched con
vulsively at tho iron bars and wheols,
begging his comrades to kill him, as
they could not get him out. Tho
sewer of the basement had becomo
choked up, and tho immenso amount
of water thrown into the building was
rapidly rising under Bourgemenke's
body, while tho flames wero gradually
eating their way toward him. Chief
Sweenio ordered an engine dotached
from a fireplug and set to work pump
ing tho basement of tho floods from
tho other engines, whose efforts wero
redoubled against tho fire, Tho water
had just reaohed Bourgomenke's chin,
when they bpgan to go down and the
flames commenced to recede. With
tho aid of jackscrews the machinery
was at last raised, aud liourgeraenke,
who for nearly three-quarters of an
hour had given himself up for lost,
was carried to tho hospital. Ono of
his legs is broken and an arm is shatter
ed, but it is thought ho will live.
Tbo body of C, Papineau was found
in tho ruins lato this evening, and in
getting it out another fireman was
atally injured and two seriously
wounded. The flro and tho fall of tba
roof had damagod many tolophone and
telegraph wires Gmgs of linemen
were sent to tbo roofs adjoining to
straighten tho tangled mass. They
were requested to wait until tho Bre
men lonnd I'aplneau's body, but did
not comply. While, pulling a heavy
cable over a wall a pieco of jagged
iron cornico was dislodged. It fell to
the basement and struck Fireman
Michael McGovern in the small of tho
back, and whilo his companions phk
cd him up policemen hurried to tho
roof and Intercepted tho linemen, While
helping to carry out tho woundod man
William Cornell, of tho Insuranco Pa
trol, fell through a nolo in the broken
sidewalk an J was so seriously injured
that ho had to bo taken to tho hospital.
McGovern was horribly raanglod by
the cornico and is dying. Eighteen of
tho linemen wero put under arrest, but
afterward released, telegraph ofticials
becoming their surety,
A U. S, Officer Shot
New Yoiik, Nov. 1. Haus S. Beat-
tie, tho Surveyor of tho Port, was shot
in bis ollioo at tho Custom House coon
after noon to-day by Louis Bieral, an
lix-lnspector. Tlireo shots wero tired
Tho excitement caused at the Custom
Houso by tho attempted assassination
was intense. Bieral was discharged by
w ... . .1 l-T
nir. ueauio two or inrco wccks ago,
and tho shooting was clone, doubtless,
for revenge. It is said Bieral has been
actlnK very stranco of late, and ono ot
his friends said to-day that ho ought
nDt to havo baen permitted to bo at
laree. When tho shots were tired
number of persons in tho other oflices
rushed to Sir. Beattie's aid. Ho was
found lying upon tho ijoor, whilo his
assailant stood close by, tho smoking
pistol in his hand. It is reported that
Mr. Beattio was heard to appeal for
mercy, crying "For God's sako do not
shoot 1' The discharges of the pistol
followed rapidly ono utter tho other,
An ambulanco was summoned, and tho
surgeon in examining tho aurveyur do
oided that lie was not serioagly wound
ed. Tho wounds were iu tho groin aud
left hand.
Louis Bieral, who is a Frenchman by
birth, had been in the Unstoms seivico
as inspector, storekiopcr and night
watchmati for several years. Ho wa
last an inspector nt Casllo Garden and
was dismissed about two piontl.s ago
Tno shooting was undoubtedly pom
milted out of rovenge for literal's dis
mitsal. When arrested, as ho was im
mediately after the shooting, Bieral de.
ciareu tuai jeaiuu ni(i ruiiieu lunt
business, iho weapon used was n
laruo old-fashioned live-barrel revolver
It apparently carried n ba'l of -J2-cal
ibre. Bieral is over CO years of age,
serve 1 in tho Union army in an Ohio
. !. !- -.11 1 I r -
regimuni, n is sain, aim uuuu lur a
numbor ot years in tho custoiin ser
vice. It was s.Vh1 that on tho trial i.f
Kdward Stokes for tho murdor of
Jamts Kisk, Jr., Bieral was accused by
Stokes ol being a "heeler," who was
hiied to dog him by Plsk. Tho chargo
Table of Votes
Governor. Lt. Governor.
If t ii is 1 t 1 f g 1 1 i i I
J. I I llll glj All Li J jLalla 3
i le? 3 lr!f.... If sTT.,.' Itfi 51 .... i 1ST S4 .... TWTT..I
!l 41 13 S19 40 13 817 41 11 SlT 41 13 1 115 31 15 S17 1
I 41 115 10 43 lit. 10 43 115 10 43 115 1(1, 43 IIS 5 49 74
W 103' 19 W 103 10, W 10O 10 103 101 llll 0-i 103 18 118 17.
SI! 104 11 SYJ 151 11 SU 1(41 III 311 ICS 11 21) 147 11 331 13
1T0 l'O 14 17(1 151 I?! IBS IM in IliU Id I IB i ICR IN) 11 191 7.;
1311 63 3 130 53 3 13 53 3 13-1 61 8 13 15' 4 1311 15,
373 353 10 !7' 853 10 371 S53 10, 31)0 2.V) SO, 209 210 14' 2H0 1
307 0.1 0 OS 07 S !5 SS H S7 375 291 CO 0 01....'
11C. C3 5 144 63 6 143 62 5 1)3 It 5 113 63 4 141 3,
110 83 6 17 83 5 141 31 i 18 101 9 II" 30 fV 19
OA 82,.,. 00 82....' m 83 ....I CO SI .... 0(1 27....' IM ....
S57 00..., 247 SI .... I 257 01 ..., 337 01 .... , 234 CO.... 278 ...J
07 41 .... M 41 ...I CO 4 ..... I f.7 41 .... i Of. 41.... Ml I
ISO 10J 41 177 111 41 176 111 41 170 110 43 170 10s 31 173 31
117 40 4 117 46 4 117 40 4 I 177 40 4! HI 43 4 131....
123 14 .... 123 14 .... I 133 II 113 H I 123 11 ....I 122....
233 100 3 322 HO 4 231 M) 4 j V22 Ml 4 221 01 4 234 ..,.
141 0 10 113 29 10.141 30 10 111 30 10, 113 2S 1 1 118 ,,,
110 10 3 110 10 2,119 10 2 119 10 2 12) 7 113.,,.
197 4 9 1 19 7 49 1 197 4 9 1l 197 4S 1. 19-1 40 ,,,.1 193..,.
72 41 1 73 41 3 71 41 3 1 7 . 41 3 70 43 8 73 4
Kl 80 8 SO 80 8 H) 8(1 7 1 80 SO 7 82 3d 7 M....
113 58 20 121 61 20 113 64 W 111 TV 21' 111 67 20 119 12
73 2 S 73 24 2 73 28 2 i 73 18 2 7.1 24 2 73 1
I 111 81 ! IS II 2 03 84 2' 94 81 8 03 31 1 03',,,.
71 44 4 71 41 I IS IS 5. 09 43 4 70 43 3 72 ....
94 73 11 94 71 10 94 71 16 94 71 16 115 70 14 113 .... I
100 13 .... 105 13 ... 166 13... ICC 1.... 03 13,,,.' lOOl,...
14181 1879 "ilstSSll) 1S59 "So 4133 I8M S30,i'-10 8212 !2S II4319IS 20 8"ll !4o!
lie liver
Hcrslck E...i
HcrwIeK W...
Illoom K
llloom W
Ill-lure reck.,..
conrngham N
i-onyngunm a
Hemlock ,,,
Jackson ....
Montour .,,
Mt l'lcnsant...
Hcott W
scott r.
In Centralis Barker tho LaborCandldato lor Lt.
on which Uieral was dismissed from!
his inspectorship wok that ho h.ul swin
dled a poor emigrant woman at Castle
Garden. As charged ho attempted to
collect from her 1 as tho alleged duty
on a sewing machine sho had, which
was of American manufacture and
thcreforo duty free. Ho finally re
duced his claim to S'-'. Tho facts
being roported to hi superior olliceis
ho wai dismissed. When Uieral wa
taken for Idcntiticatiou to tho room
whero Mr. Beattiu lay on tho sofa, ho
said, "Yes, I did it," with an air of ex
ultation. After remaining in the room
for soiiio timo ho was brought out aud
taken to tho tomb. As ho camo out
of the room ho was laughing, and ho
walked off with an air of bravado.
Eartbquako on Hinafou Island.
San Fkancisco, Nov. 1, A letter
published in this evening's Jlullctin,
under date of Apia, Oct. 15, says that
authentic nows has rcauhed Samoa to
tho effect that on the morning of Sept.
10 over 100 heavy shocks of earthquake
occurred ou the Islat.d of Ninafou, one
of tho Tonga group, and that from the
bottom of the lake, which 18 2,000 feet
deep, a mountain has arisen to the
height ot 300 feet above its bui face ;
also that this ir.ouutain has burst out
in (lames and tin own out hot stout s
and sand in such quantities as to de
etioy two-thirds ot tho cccoanut trce3
on tho island. In Samoa ligllt shocks
of earthquake occur so ficqiieutly now
that they no longer cause any alarm.
Absolutely Pure.
strenjjtli and whotesomencss. More economical
than ordinary kinds, ana cannot bo sola In compe
tition 1th tno multitude ot low test,s.hort 4vclgut,
alum or phospuato powders, sold only In cans.
JlOTAl. 1IAKIKU i'UWDKKl ll,. Ull&t.. 1 4
Sore Eyes
T!io oj cs are ahvaj-n In syuipatliy with
tho limly, ami afToril an excellent iiulex
of lt L-ouilltioii. "When tlio eyes becomti
weu't, ami tlmlhli jiil'.aineil nnd fcoie, it
is an c I'icli' O t hut thu system lias
ljc.'tiir.n (Msorjored by Scrofula, for
wli'.i-li Ayer's Barsnparilla is tlio best reincily.
r.noful.i, v.hlili proiluceit a painful In
I!:'.. .:iu:it!ou in my cies, causeil 1110 lnueli
Kii:''i'ilii for a iiiunU-r of years, lly tlio
a(hii inifaplijsii liiii I t'oiimicnceil tukini;
Ayi-r's S.UMip.irllla. After usin tills
medicine a shuit time 1 eoniplctely
My r-yei aro now In a splendid condi
tion, aiul 1 aiu as well and strong as over.
.Mis. William llage, Concord, N. II.
Tor u number nt years I was troubled
with a humor In my eyes, ami was uuablo
to i.tjiai :i any lellef until I loimuonceil
tulnjr Ayei's .Saisaparllla. This inedl-i-iiif
lias olU-ctod a coinplcto euro, and J
behevo It I" bu tlio best of blood purl?
liers. C. K. Upton, Kasluia, N. II,
rrnni i-liildliuoil, and until witli a few
in. mt in. I bnw! been mllleled with AVealc
and Sme I havo used for tlieso
ei.iiipl.unis, miiIi beneficial results,
Ajl's Sa'aparilla, nnd consider it a
(.' b'.oci l punlier. .Mrs. U, rUillips,
Ulover, Vt.
I .suffered for n year wilb Inflamma
tion iu my loft rye. Tlireo ulcers formed
on tlio ball, depm inu of hIkM, and
1-aiiMU ui'eut iMiii. Af'U' trylni; many
Hilar leim dun., lo no purpose, I was tlusu
ly hiduccd to usu Ayer'a Saisa parill
By Taking
three bottles ol this medlclno I bavo been
entirely cured. Sly sight 1ms been ro
stoicd, and I hero is no sigliof Inllainma
tion, sore, or ulier ill lny oye, Kendal
T, llowen, Sugar Tics Uidgo, Ohio.
f.fy daiisbter, ten years old, was aftllct
rd with ticrolulutw Hoif Cyes. Durlnp'
tliu last two years sho nuv or taw llrjlit of
any Mud. I'liyblelans of tlio bigliest
sta'iidiu:; exerted ihelr kklll, but with no
pi'vmunent snreess, On tlio l-ecominen-ilainiuof
rv friend t purchased abottloof
Ayei's Sarapaiilla, wlileli iny dauijlitor
eonnnenei'd takliur. Ileforo fcbo liad used
tlio third bottlo her sight was restored.
Hit euro Is complete. W, K. Slither
laud, Kvangultst, Shelby City, Ivy. j
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
1'rcp.ittil ty lr.J,C.)'erfT Co.. Lowell, Mat.
Bold ly all VtunU, l'Hceflj hi Wult'i. jf
Clemantlno IJlley, by her next friend, c, vs.
James Lllley, bur libel In divorce,
To Jamed IJlley, respondent above named!
Whereas upon the libel of the said L'lemantlne
Lllley a bupoena was Issued out of tho said court
oommand'ngyou to lio and aiipeer at tho next
regular term of tald Court to show cause why tho
said libelant kliould not bo divorced from the
bonds ot matrimony, contracted with you; and
whereas upon return of said bupoena due proof
was made that you could not bo found In the
ballHlck of tlio Sheriff ot said county, whereupon
aa aliut subpoena was awarded by bald Court
commanding ou to appear at tho then next term
Dt said couit to answer asatoieuatd lo which thu
aioo ft.1 jru iyau made by iho Shcrl'f, You am
therefore reqUlrcdtQ l an) appear on the first
day of the next term ot said Court ID )e held at
liloomsburg for wild county on the first Monday o
December next, A. 1. lA 'o onser Mid com
plaint. BAMCKL SMITH, bherlff.
for vurxing pfjjpie. bendiu cents post
age.and we ulll'tiiall jou free, a royal,
valuable sample box of roods that will
par iou in the way of maklnir mo'rO
muuer in u ion uays luau ) uu ever ihuukuv
ble at anv canital not reoulred. You
pan live at homo and work Intpnio lime only, or
till fLe Uir.e AH of both bexex, of all uges, grand.
iy suucebsiui, V" Cbntaiu o oasiir vuiulsi utt-ry
evening, That all who wain work na ut the
, bulueg, we make tills unparalleled biferi To ml
I who are not well satUlledwe lll send II lo'pay
for (ho trouble of wrltlaj us. Full pirlleulars,
I directions, 4 la, bent free, Immenso pay absolute.
. ly sura lor all who Uuit pt pneo. Don't delay
; auuives piimsom & iu, i viiiauu, mriiiv, tuw-t
Cast on Tuesday, November at, 1886.
Clen. Ceo. In. An", con. at Largo cong. Senates
Governor received 310 votes. Tho Greenback labor
llhcumatlfm. Kt tirnil- I
l5urn, HonldA Cut Lum!-)
llnrlr.irlirj. OulnnT.KnrnThrft.
helot lea, Wounrl llcadicho,
r.vt."tilno Ealivrion ti Hears our
-oc rfclitertil Tradliarl., rjid ourpl
lTOpnUltiiUHlllUIT, 4UU.,
For the cure of Couphs, Colds, Hoarse-
i.UhlniUil ...... .v. v..w . . u .a
currptiva pereona Ja aivsnced c.aj;c3
cf tho Disease. For Elo Vj c'.i Druj;-.
gists. Price, 2.S ccnt3.
The undersluncd Auditor, appointed br llin or-
Chans' court ot Columbia cotiniy, to make dlstrl
utlon of tho balance lo the hands ot Lewis A.
Miles, nilii.lnlstr.itor do bonis non of snld estate,
to and nmoiift tho panics entitled, Willi meet all
parties Interested, for the purpose of his appoint
ment, at Ills onice. In the boroUKh of rcrwlck, on
Saturday. Novcmbe SO,, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
when aud where all parties Interested. aro required
to make and nroe their claims or be debarred from
o nine in upon 8ld lund. c, 11. JACKSON,
...i Auuiior.
Tho underslfrncd, an Auditor appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Columbia county, to distribute
balance In tho hands of Stephen l'ohe, ndm'r of
Levi Miller, deo'd. will attend to tho duties of his
appointment at his ornco In llloomsburg, on Sat
urday, November c, 1S6, at lo o'clock a. m.. when
and where all parties Interested are required to
mako and prove their claims or bo forever do
barred from coming in upon said fund.
ocum. GUY jacoiiy, Auditor.
Tho undersigned, on Auditor appointed by the
Orphans' court ot Columbia county, to distribute
the fund In the hands ot Aaron fuss, administra
tor ot the estate ot Louisa Muss, deo'd: a'so, tho
balance In tho hnnds of Aaron Nuss, trustee of
Daniel Nuss, dee'd, as appears on his anal ac
counts In said estates, to and among the parlies
entitled thereto, win attend to the duties o' his
appointment at his onice, In Moycr's building, In
the town ot liloomsburg, on Jlonday, November la,
lssc. at 10 o'clock a. m., when and whero all part
ies lnl crested are requested to present their claims
or be forever debarred fro-n coming In on said
fund. ocUSi WM. CHHIUTMAN, Auditor.
Tho undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the
Orphans' court ot Columbia county, to distribute
the balance in tho hands of the administrator, to
and among the parties entitled thereto, rtll at
tend to the duties of his appointment at tho ornco
of Messrs. lkeler & Hcrrlng,attorneys-nt-law,tn tho
town of Bloo.ns.burg, on Saturday, November 18,
1S80, at 10 a. m . when and whero all parties In
cres'ed aro requested to present thelrclalms before
tho undersigned, or be forever debarred from com
ing In upon said fund. OUANT llEltltINO,
octiM.. Auditor.
ESTATE ftp A. 1 II i Via Rvvi-nu twp
Tho undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Or
peans' Court or Columbia county, to mako distil
button ot tho balance In tho hands of John s.
Mine, administrator, as appears by his final ac
count, win sit at his omco in liloomsburg, on
Wednesday, November 17. ifo, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
to perform Iho duties of his appointment, when
and where all parties haMngcli 1ms against said
estate must appear and pro o the same or bo for.
uiir ueuarreu irom coming in on said tuna.
OCtlS!. JOHN Jl, CLAHK, Auditor,
Kstlltit Qf&unnfl Ash. lnlp nf.Vmtt Ttnn.. tlfiM.
Letters testamentary In said estate having
UI-T.-U viuun-u iu inu nnuersigneu executor,
all persons Indebted to bald estate uro hereby no
tltled to pay the same, and thoso having claims
against said estate present tho same to
novs Llghtstrect, I'a,
Lizzie Arner. by her next friend, c, vs, Milton T,
.rner. aur uoeun unorco.
To Milton T. Arner. resnondent above named
Whereas unon the libel of the said Llzzlo Arner a
subrcena -a as Issued out of tho said court coin.
manaing you to no and appear at mo next regular
it-rm ui suiu uourt to snow cause wuy tuo saiu
libelant should not be divorced from the bonds ot
matrimony, contracted with you; and whereas
upon return of said subpoena due proof was madH
that you could not bo found In tho bailiwick ot tho
Sheriff of 8 Id county, whereupon an alius sub
poenal as awaided by said Court commanding
you to appear at the then nest term ot Bald
Court to answer as aforesaid to which tho same
return was mado by tho Shertrf. You are there
fore required to bo and appear on tne llrst day of
the noxl term of said Court to bo held at lilooms
burg for bald county on the tirst Monday of Do-
u?iuuer next, a. ij, isw, to answer Baia complaint.
UCI. ,-IIV,, DA.MUl'.UB.UIlJ.l, DllCriU.
by virtue of sundry writs Issuod out of
tha Court of Common 1'leaB of Columbia county,
and to me directed, will bo exposed to public sale
at tho Court House, in liloomsburg, on
SATUltDAY, November 13, 188G,
at 3 o'clock p. in., all that certain mcssuago and
lot of ground, situate In tho town of liloomsburg,
in tne county of Columbia, and state of lvnnsyl-
yanla, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt:
On tho north by a lot ot Jacob Schuyler, on tho
east by an alley, on the south by lot ot Alfred
wanlcli and on tho west by Catharine street,
wheroon aro eroctod a dwelling house and out
buildings. selod, taken Into execution, and to be noil as
the property of Divld Beers, with notice to terro
Knorii & Wintekstken, Atty's. Lov, I'a.
A. L S O ,
All that certain messuage, or tenement and tract,
of ground, sltuato In tho town ot liloomsburg, In
tne county of Columbia, and state of i-ennsyiva.
nla, aforesaid, bounded and described as follows,
to-wlt: Beginning at a corner ot an alley, on south
si lo ot Fifth street, thence along said Fifth street
north tlxty.four aud one-eighth degrees, east lltty.
five and one-halt feet; thence by land ot Isaacs,
Kulm south twcnty.nlne and a quarter degress,
east, ono nundrol and ntty-nvo feet lo Poarl street j
Hicnco a(ong the same squtl) slxty-qno degrpes
i est flfty.six and one-halt feet to the alley
ft foresail, and thence along saU alley north ntno
degi eei west one hundred and tltty-elght feet to
tha plaoo of beginning, wheroou are eroded ft
dwelling houso aud out buildings.
Selicd, taken In execution, and to bo sold as tho
property of Charles Ahloman, with notice to
Charles Kiug, terro tenant.
Knohii Wintebstctn, Attys. Lev Ya.
SAMUEL KM1TII, Slierlft.
Jag Beiny,j
EnchangQ lark & Saih Room
At tlio old Bland, under tho
Exchange Jlotol,
"Tho Greatett Cure on lrth forrnJn." lVlllKl
rU0T moro (jalcklr than nny other kitmm rrm-L'j
HI,-, bold hy sIlH
l-autlon Th ffn US
Asso. Judge.
41I6SI70;2210! 413'
voto ot tho county was 102.
By vlrtuo ot a 4vr.t ot Vend. Kx Issued out of
mo court of common Fleas ot Columbia Co., I'a.,
and to mo directed, will bo exposed to public sale,
at tho Cross Keys Hotel, In Berwick, Tn., on
SATURDAY, Kovember-27, 18R0,
atuo'clock a. m., all that certln pieco ot land,
situate In the Borough ot Berwick, Columbia Co.,
ra., belog lots Nos. 8f anl ss, lu tho plan ot
ucrwlck, situate on corner of Front and Chestnut
streets, bounded on the north by Second street, on
tho cast by lot ot Mrs. Elizabeth Chamberlain's
heirs: on tho south by Front st'eet and on tho
west by Chestnut street, said piece ot ground bo
Ing two contiguous lots, ono hundred and eighty-
ono and ono-half feet on Chestnut street, nnd to
gether ninety nlno feet on Front street, on which
aro erected a largo two-story Mansard roof frame
dwelling house, large framostablo and outbuild
Lot No. 19, lnBerwIck,.sttuateou corncrof vino
and Third streets. Beginning at said corner,
thenco by Vino street forty-nine and one-half feet
to lot No. liO, thenco by lot No. SO, ono hundred
and forty feet to Grout street, thenco by Grant
street forty- nlno nnd one-half feet to Third street,
thenco by Third street ono hundred and forty feet
to corner, the place ot beginning,
Lot No. as, situate In Berwick, between Chestnut
and Walnut streets. Beginning at corner of lot
No. 99, on Second street, thenco by said lot ono
hundred and elghty-ouo and one-half feet to Third
street; thenco by Third street forty-nine and one
half feet to lot No. 105; thenco by said lot ono
nunored and eighty -one and one-halt feet to sec
ond street; thence by Second street forty-nlno and
one-halt feet to place ot beginning, being a vacant
Ono other pieco of ground, being lot No. 103,
and one hhli of lot No. 100, sltuato In Berwick, on
second street, between Chestnut and Walnut Sts.
Beginning at corner of lot No. 9s, on Second street;
thenco by Bald lot one hundred and elghty-ono
and one-hal f feet to Third street; thence by Third
street seventy.four and ono-fourth feet, moro or
less; thenco on a line parallel with lot No. 93, ono
hundrod and elghty-ono and ono-half feet to Sec
ond street; thence by Second street seventy.four
and one fourth feet, moro or lesi to the place ot
beginning, the same being vacant ground.
Lot No. 20, sltuato in Berwick, on vino street.
Beginning at corner of lot No. 19, thenco along
Vine street forty-nlne and one-half feet to lot No.
ai; thenco by lot No. 21, one hundred and forty
reet to Grant street, thence by Grant street forty.
nine and ono-half feet to lot No. 19; thenco by lot
No. l(, ono hundred and forty feet to corner, tho
place ot beginning.
All that certain plecaof land, sltuato In Briar-
creek township.sald cnunty.bounded and described
s follows: On tho north by land of Joseph Thomp
son, on the east by Luzerne and Columbia county
lino, on the south by A. Lockard and Garri
son, and west by tho eastern boundary lino of
borough of Berwlck.contalnlng four acres of land,
moro or less.
All that piece of land, sltuato In said Borouchot
Berwick, bounded on the north by land ot Joseph
Thompson, on tho east by Borough line, on tho
south by an alley, formerly Hudson Owen, and on
tho west by Walnut street, containing five acres,
moro or lesi.
Seized taken In exec- Hon and to be sold as tho
property of A. s. ThlMlps.
Also the following lescrlbed real estate of Daniel
lieedy to-ult: All Ihoao three lots of ground
sltuato In tho Borou h ot Berwick, Columbia
County, I'ennsylvar la. Being lots No's. l.H, 124
and 123, 6ltuato on Front street between oak
street and western borough lino, beginning nt tbo
corner of Oak and Front streets thence one hun-
drcd and eighty ono nnd ono half feet to Second
street, thenco by Second sjreet one hundred forty
eight and ono half feet to lot No. 132, thenco by
Bald lot No. 133 one hundred eighty one und one
half feet to Front istreet, thence by Front street
one hundred forty eight and ono halt feet to cor
ner the place of beginning, on which are erected a
largo two story frame dwelling houso facing Front
street, also a large tw o story frame building used
as a tenement house, built for the use ot three
separato, also a largo frame stable,wlth
shed attached, coal houso and other outbuildings.
one other lot ot ground Jsltuate In Berwick on
Front street between Oak street and 4vestern bor
ough lice, beginning at corner of lot No. 147 on
Front htreet, thence by Bald lot ono f hundred
eighty ono and one half feet to Second street,
thenco by second street forty nine nnd one half
feet to lot No. 18'J thenco by Bald lot No. 139, one
hundred eighty one and; one halt feet to Front
street thenco by Front street forty nine and one
halt feet to corner tho place of beginning, being
Ot No. one hundred and forty (140) tn tho plan ot
Berwick on whlJh aro ereoted a two story frame
dwelling home with kitchen attached facing on
Front street, also a two story frame dwelling
house faclDg second street, and outbuildings.
All that certain lot ot ground tltuato lu tho
borough ot Berwick, on Front street between
Market and Mulberry streets, beginning on Front
street at corner of H. Bcrger, thence by same to
an alley booth of Front street, eighty feet moro
or less, thence by said alloy toward Mulberry
street twenty live feet to Jano Frantz landthenco
by same eighty feet, more or less, to Front street,
tueneo by Front street twenty five feet to tho
place of beginning, on which are erected a two
story brick building used tor store and lodge room,
with outbuildings.
Lot of ground situate In said borough of Ber
wick on Front jstrcet below Oak street, beginning
on Front btrcet at corner of lot No. (57) fifty seven,
thence hy Front; street torty Ave and eight
twelfths feet to borough line, thence by same two
hunJied sixty nre feet to an alley, thenco by said
auey forty nve and eight twelfths feet to line ot
lot No. 67, thence by same two hundred sixty six
and ten twelfths feet to Front street the place of
beginning, being lot No. (58) titty eight, or much
as described.
All that piece of land situate In Brlarcreek
township Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bound
ed, and described as follows i Beglnnng at a Btonp
n public read leading from Berwick to Blooms,
burg thence north eighty tour and three fourth
degrees, east Uveuty and threo tenths porches to
btono In road, thence south twenty six and one
eighth degrees, east sixty three and eight tenths
perches to stone In line of D, L. & W. It. It. thence
by same touth fifty ntno and one halt degrees,
! we st eighteen and seven tenths perches tpj stone,
iiiencp norm twenty six ana pnp cigntn degrees,
fy est seventy two, and Ave tenths perches to the
place (beginning containing elght.aires more or
All that pteco of land situate In said township
ot Brlarcreek, beglnlng at a publlo road leading
from I'erw lck to Blooinsburg at corner oi Agri
cultural Grounds, thence by sarno south sixteen
and ono fourth degrees, cast.twenty seven and
soen tenths perches to a corner, thence north
74 degrees,east 10 perches to corner, thence north
twenty tour and ono fourth degrees, west twenty
) and, beyen tenths perclipj to Cprner, thcncji
squthlelghty seyeu degress, wes'f eleven, ana;' tour
tenuis percues to tuu place ot Deginning, contain
ing two acres and fifty two perches, moro or less.
Seized taken In execution and to be sold as the
property ot Daniel needy,
BAM VEL SMITH, Slierltr,
Hend six cents tor post
aire, and receive free.aenht.
J ly box ot goods which wll
help you to more money
' else In this world. All, of
cituer bex, succvuu from
nrbthour, The broad road toiortuno opens bo
lo 0 tbo 'wqrkerd, absolutely sure, At oboe ad
dress, Tuui A CO., Augusta, Maine. r"i.ibt5.
Administrator's Salo
Real Instate !
In pureuanco of an order ot tho Orphans' Court
ot Columbia county, tho undersigned, admlnlstra
tor of William Sltler, lato ot Brlarcreek township,
county aforesaid, deceased, will oiler at publlo
sale, on
Saturday, November 13, 11,
at to o'clock a. m., on tho premises, th9 following
tract of land, situate lu Brlarcreek township,
bounded and described as follows: On tho north
by land of William Schuyler, on tho oast by land
ot C. A. Lnmon, on tho south by land ot Georgo
M, Bower, and on the west by land ot II. J. Ed
wards and William Hlppenstcel, containing
more or less, about 20 acres of 4vhlch Is cleared
and under cultivation.
TKHMSOF SALn, Ten percent, of ono-fourth
o! tho purchaso money to bo paid at tho striking
downot tho property; tho ono-fonrth less tho ten
per cent, at tho connrmatlon ot salo nnd tho ro.
malnlng three fou-ths In ono year thereafter, 4vlth
interest from connrmatlon nisi.
Orphans' Court Salo
Real Est! si to !
Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court of
Columbia county, there will bo sold nt public sale,
on tho premises, In Flsulngcreck township, In said
county, on
Saturday, Nov. 6, 1886,
atone o'clock p. m., tho folloivlng described real
estate, lato of Ilouben Hess, deceased, to-wlt: A
valuable farm, bounded by lands of John Ithlnard,
Tcter Crevcllng, John Crovellng, Frederick Hurt.
man, Benjamin C. Ilcss and others, and containing
143 ACRES,
mora or less.
About thirty acres of this Is WOOD LAND,
well timbered, tho balanco Is under n good stato
ot cultivation, 4vhereon urj erected a largo frarao
a large bank barn, with Btraw shed attached,
wggiiu suea nnu otner outbuildings. A good
and other fruit trees on tho premises, a well of
never railing water. Tho location Is healthy and
within two miles of tho proposed liloomsburg and
suiiivan railroad.
TEHMS OF SALE. The widow's dower ot one-
third to remain a lien on tho land and tho Interest
to be paid annually to tho said widow. Ten per
cent; of one-fouith of tho balance of tho purchase
money to bo paid at tho striking down of tho prop
erty, mo one-rourtu less tho ten per cent, at tho
connrmatlon of tho sale; and tho rcmalnlnir three-
fourths of tho two-thirds In one year thereafter,
with Interest from connrmatlon nisi. At tho death
ot tho widow tho remaining one-third to be paid
iu mo icgai representatives of said deceased,
r urchaser to pay for drawing deed and to glvo ap
proved security for a mpllanco with terms of Bale
ctl5. OSCAK J. HESS, Trustee.
Orphans' Court Sale
Real Estate !
Pursuant to an order of tho Orphans' Court of
Columbia county, there will bo exposed to publlo
sale, on tho premises. In Brlarcreek township, In
said county, on
Saturday, November 13, 188G,
atone o'clock p. m., tho following described real
estate, late ot Lydla Sponenberg, deo'd, to-wlt: A
Valuable Farm,
sltuato In Brlarcreek township, on the publlo road
leading from Blooinsburg to Bcrw lck, about three
miles fmm llPrwIpl- nrilnlnlnt Innri. n r-mnn.
Dleterlck, Hannah Sponenberg, Pennsylvania Ca-
uiu im., iianiei rursei and tuo heirs- of Leonard
ppunenoerg, uec-u, and others, containing about
and 20 perches of land, more or less, all In a good
Bimu ui uuuivmioD, on wnicn aro erected
a lartro new bank barn, stable nmi rtmhnu.iinre
TERMS OF SAt.1-1 Ten tier nnf. nf nn,vfn,,ni.
of the nurchasomonovKh.'illtn nnui nt i imctHi-fnn.
down of tho property, the one-fourth less the ten
per cent, at connrmatlon absolute, and tho re
maining three-fourths In nno enr iberpn nnr with
Interest from connrmatlon nlsL Purchaser to pay
lor nrawing deed and to glvo approved security
for compliance with terras of sale.
OC'5- N. U. FUNK, Adm'r.
Real Estate!
By vlrtuo of an order ot tho Orphans' Court of
Columbia county, the underaigned, administrator
of the cstato of Ell Pealer, deceased, will expose
to publlo sale, at the homestead, lato of the said
deceased, In Flshlngcreek township, ou
FRIDAY, November 19, 188G,
at 10 o'clock a. m., the following described real
estate, to-wlt: A certain messuage and tract ot
land, Bltuate In Flshlngcreek township, Begin
nlng at a corner, rear tho aouth Bldo ot Flshlng
creek, thence north thlrty-nlno degrees, forty-sev.
en minutes west, two hundred and two lwrches to
a stone; thenco by lands ot W. W. Miller (lato E.
Unangst) iJohn Pealer, north eighty-eight de
grees, eighteen minutes, west fourteen perches to
a stone; thence by land ot Hlrain Pealer Est,,
Bouth four degrees thirty minutes, west Mty-elght
perches to a stone; thenco by the Baine south thlr-
ty.nlno degrees forty-seven minutes east ono
hundred and fifty-nine aud slx-tcnth pcrchej to a
stako, thence by land of tho heirs of Daniel Stuck
cr, north Blxty.ono degrees and thirty-three mln
utes cast nfty-two perches to the place of begin
nlng, containing
moro or less, on which are erected a good
18M3 ft., and a wing 10x18 ft., a frame barn, buggy
shed and olheroutbulldlnga. A well of water at
the houso and one at tlio barn. Also, a lot ot
good fruit treis on tha place.
A certain tract ot land, situate In said township,
bounded on the north by a publlo road, leading
from FMilngcreck to Hohrsburg, on the cast by
land of John Pealer, on tho south by land ot E. if.
Laubach and A. W, Patterson, and on the west by
land of Hiram Pealer estate, and containing
iioro or lew, about ono-UaK oi kx la cleared
uuiuucr, wvou lanu.
An undivided halt Interest In a certain lot of
ground, situate In tho townsr.lp aforesaid known
as tho "Old Hotel Property," bounded on tho east
by land of Ell Pealer Est, und west by land ot
lllrim Pealer Est. and north by publlo road lead
ing from Orangevlllo to Stillwater, containing
1-4 of an ACRE,
on which is a good shed and wells of water.
TEHMS OF SALE i Ten per cent, of ono-fourth
ot the purchase money to bo paid at tho striking
down ot the property, tho ono-fourth less tho ten
per cent, at the connrmatlon of tho sale ; and tho
remaining three-fourths lu ono year thereafter,
with Interest from connrmatlon nlsL
Oct-i JACOB flKlSINQffll, Adnyr.
To Mahals 11. Hess who ot Benjamin O. Hess, Jere
miah a Hesa, John F, Hess, Sarah E. Belsli
Hue, Wary Lemon wife or E. L. Lemon, and
Harry I Hess children, an4 Francis W. Woav"
erand Harvey If. Weiner grand children of
sWd lienlamfn a Hess. 'i '
Notice is hereby given, that as committee ot the
said Benjamin C. Iit, I intend to apply n the
Court of Common pleas of Columbia Couuty, Pa.
on the sixth day of December next, for an order
authorizing a Bale or bueii part of tlio real pitatu
ot said Ucnlarula, 0. Ilet& as laid Court shall
ueein expedient, Wr tho piyment of the debts und
tor the support and maintenance of said Benjamin
U. Hess aild his family.
Oil. 81), JSSO, 4W. DAVID YOST, Com.
Owing to
change in our
decided to give our patrons ail op
portunity to buy COATS, WRAPS,
they are in season, at Greatly Re
duced Prices.
reduction. No
ment. Call and
ibl j claek & nm,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
When you want a new
Why. go where you can be well
the lull worth ot your money when you get your suit. Do you
know of such a place in Bloomsburg? If not, let. us tell you of
one. It is at the corner of Main and Iron streets. The services
of a
Mr. C. Rhodes, have been secured, and we will guarantee satis
faction as to fit and price. Should you want a
We can show you a large stock to select from. If you want
Here is tlie place to get them, also
Gfei' SSiJiiq GocxM, fi,
It is about time to fet measured fnr n now T?nll CmV
and see our goods and examine
Cor. of Main and Iron Sts.,
Aug. ST, 5ms.
Columbia Cocntv, ss:
Whereas, nt nn Orphans' Court held at lilooms
burg, In nnd tor the county of Columbia, tho
twcnty-fcventh day of September, A, li, imh), be
fore the Honorable William jilnell. President, nnd
hli associates, Justices ol the said court, I he peti
tion ot Nathan .Miller, a child and heir of (leorgo
Miller, l4teot the township ot Ncscopec, in tho
county of Luzerne, deceased was presented, sett
ing forth (hat tho Bald (ieorgo Miller died Intes
tate leaving to survive him nlno children all of
whom aro of full age, and that their names and
residences nre an follows: Adam Miller .Mlfllln,
Twp. Co umhla County, I'a., William Miller Wcth
erly, Carbon county, I'a., John Jiilller Nescoiiec,
Luzerno County, in. Nathan Miller Nescopeck,
l.uzerne County, I'a , Caroline Intermarried with
Jacob Savlson, Wctherly, Carbon County, I'a., l'ol
lv Klshbach Intermarried with John Klshhach.
Mt. rieasant Twp , Columbia county, l'n,, Salllo A
Whatnecht Nescopeck, Luzerne count-, i'a.. and
Maria Intcrma-rlcd with Levi Klshbach Nescopeck
Luzerne County, I'a., and that said decedent died
seized ot tho roliowlnT land In Columbia county,
I'a., bounded and described as follows to wit: slt
uato In Heaver Twp. lieglnnlng at n stono corner
In lino ot land of Iicnnlnger, thenco by land ot 1-'.
Crouso s. n deg. W. 61 three-tenths 1'. to small
Ash tree, theneo by land of schweppenhelscr N. 13
deg. w. it) I', to stone corner, thenco N. tu deg. K.
cs two-tenths 1'. to stono corner, thenco by Jacob
Hartzel and Ilennlnger H. hj deg. li 70 1", to placo
of beulnntng containing twenty seven acres and
ono hundred and ten perches, about six acres
cleared, balance In timber, on which Is erected ii
framo sttblo. And that no partition ot said land
has been made.
We tnercforo.rommnnd you that, taking with
you six good and lawful men ot your bailiwick,
you go to and upon tho premises uto-esald, and
thero In tho presence ot tho parties aforesaid, by
you to be warned If being warned they will bo
present, and having respect to t.o true valuation
thereof, and upon the oaths and aninnaiions of
tho said six good and lawful men, you mako par
tition to nnd among tho heirs and legal represcn.
tatlvcsof tlio said into., tate, In such manner, and
In such proportions, s by the laws ot this Com
monwealth Is direi ted, lt the same can bo dono
without prejudice lo or spoiling tho whole,
llutlt the said Inquest, by you to bo summoned
as aforesaid to muko the said parlltlon or valua
tion, shall no of opinion that tho premises atoro.
said with tho appurtenances, cannot bo paled
and divided among allibe persons entitled thereto
as required by law, without Drejudlce to or spoil
Ing the whole, or that It cannot bo dUlded Into
shares ot equnr value, then you causo the Inquest
to value ami appraise the whole ot iho said real
estate, or the several shares or purparts Into which
they may divide the said real estate, having re
spect to the truo valuation thereof agreeably to
law. And that the partition or valuation so made
you distinctly and openly havo before our said
Justices at liloomsburg, at an Orphins' Court,
there to bo held on tho First Monday, of December
next, afier such an Inquest shall bo mado under
jour hand aud seal, and under the hands and
seals of thoso by whoso oaths or anirmatlons you
shall make such partition or valuation. And have
you then and thero this writ. Witness tbo lion
orablo William Elwell t'resldent Judgoot our said
court, the Eleventh day of October A. I). ISA
WM. II. BNYDEK. Clerk of o. c.
In accordance with the f jregolng writ, notice la
hereby given that an Inquest wlllTje held on the
said premises on Saturday, November 6th ltoo, be
tween the hours ot 10 o'clock a, m. nnd 4 p. ra,
SAMUEL SMITH, (sheriff.
la miles from Philadelphia. Fixed price covers
every expense, even books, c. Noe.xira charges.
No Incidental expenses. No examination for ad
mission. Twelvo experienced teachers, all men,
nnd all graduates. Special opportunities for apt
students to advanco rapidly. Special drill for dull
and backward hoys, l'atrons or students may bo
lect any studies pr chooso the regular English, Scl
entitle, Business, Classical or civil Engineering
course, students fitted at Media Academy aro
now lu Harvard, Yale, l'rlnceton and ten other
Colleges and 1'olytcchnlo schools. 10 students
sent to college In 1IK1, 13 In mil, 10 Iq llis, 10 in
18i6. A graduating class every year In the com
mercial department. A l'hysloal and Chemical
Laboratory, (lyinnaslum and Hall (iround. ISO)
v o.b. addefl to library In 18ta I'll) slcal apparatus
doubled In 16.-& Media has seven churches and n
temperance charter which prohibits tho sale ot all
Intoxicating drinks. Kornew Illustrated circular
address the l'rlnclpal and 1'roprletor, SWITHIN c.
Klioitl'LlDUE, A. Jl., (Harvard praduato,) Media
l'enn'a. (Aug.,fc.n,lj-.
WholcBalc. Ilctal
78 80
Wlicit per buslul,,
Hyu .
Corn ' " .... 80
O.its '( ...... !13
to 0 60
" 24
Hour 'i bbl 4
Under 23
Kugs S3
Potatoes CO
llama U
l)i led Apples 03
Kldu ami shoulder (
ChlcUcus,,, ,,,,,, y
Lard per lb.,,., - OS
Vlnepar per gal SO
Onions per bushel,,,,,, 00
Veal K(u.. 07
Wiml per lb U5
HlUis.. 5 to 7
Coal on Wiuitir.'
No 1 iS.OO; Nos 3. 8, & Lump 8.!
Nu. 03,00 Ultumlnuj $3.25 1
a contemplated
business, we have
This is a genuine
more advertise
see for yourself.
suit of clothes what do vou do ?
fitted, get good cloth, and have
" " - " - ... UUU, VCili
our work.
Estate o James Harry, late of Imnautoion, Co
lumbia county, ra., aee'd.
Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary
on tho ettum nt James Harry, dec.d, lato ot Uer
mantown, Columbia county, I'a , havo been grant
ed to the undersigned. All parlies Indebted to
saldestato are requested tn make lramedlato pay
ment, and those having claims to Immediately pro
sent them to JMAHV jank HAltlty.
oct22. Executrix, Oermantown, I'a.
Warranted thomost porroct Forco-Food
rortlllior Drill In existence. Send for
circular. A. B. FARQUHAB, York, Pa.
oc so 4Btald.
IrVtlOH mc
O. A. CliiBkc
Oct istf .esw.j
A MMON I A pouaeuiei iwculinr fri-UUdutr (j-oiHir.
Ulh aud fulflUi very lmiorUut part hit ui&nure.
uliU-u. without lt. woull lack tluit ik-iLriit mout
uetm to mmtaln Plant life
rilOSPHUUIO Al'llMianlilfiiPnt.i con.
(titueiit of all Kuud Und, Tlie boII furuWl.rii 1 iuuta
with Mioni'hurlo Acid and tlieyin turn jlili lt to
sntunU, to bu lined lu. formation f their Ituntn.
N't fttrtiller U moro vMuablo In Itu etTtits tlian
r e tthlrli contains Ammonia aud Dum) huno At 14.
derive J fruw Auliual ilouo Huso, 'l bo tutu of
$25 Phosphate
li Animal JlnnM. M tt It a real Aramoriiited Hon
Miitr Pli'Mpliatot wuich ue uroduco by uicau of
Hx'Ul udyituuttes tn nianufactuticir.
N(Hil fur nniiuli'a l'boapliate Guide und
further luluriiiutloii.
Manufacturers of
Manufkcttireri X Iroporlf rt.
Use the Original Baugh's $25 Phosphate.
Cijy Bdsrl Factory
No. 3 North Canal St., Near L.V,
K. It. Depot.
John H. Derby,
ItTWlH call on dealers once In six
weeks. 8 avc your cicU'is.
" AClENOY. Moj-er'a now building, Main street,
oomsburg, I'a.
iHtna Insuranco Co., of Hartford, Conn 7,ica,i.i
lloyal of Liverpool. is,sui,oim
Lancashire...,. I0,uu,ooo
Klro Association, l'hlladelphla 4,lM,Tio
1'hODUlx, ot London M'ASTO
Loudon & Lvncashlre, ot England i.iuu.vTiJ
Hartford ot Hartford! 8,73,uW
tiprlngncldinieand Marine s.wtt.m
An the agencies are direct, policies are written
or the Insured without dels In the onice at
Uloouuibi'rg. Oct. 28,