The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 22, 1886, Image 2

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The Columbian.
Q. E, Elwell, 1 riu...
J. K. BlttontWor.J E11""'
Mako your arrangements to spend
the tiny on Nov. 2, nt tho polls. Evory
mnn can nflord to givo ouo day in tho
year to his country. Soo that your
nclghborn do tho pnmc. Democratlo
success depends upon tho work dono
in tho rural districts.
Tho Democratlo Senatorial Confer
onco mot at Dnnvillo on Monday oven
ing, but mado no nomination, and ad
journed until 9 o'clock Thursday morn
ing. If no result is reached at this
session wo would suggest that tho con
ference adjourn sine die and let each
county voto for its own candidate.
Election day is on November 2, a
week from next Tuesday. If every
Democrat does his duty victory will
once incro peroh upon our banner.
Go to tho polls early, and stay lalo.
Son that every Democrat in tho dis
trict is out, so that not a Binglo voto
will bo l09t.
O. G. Murphy, ono of tho nominees
for Associate. Judge, is a man of edu
cation and intelligence Ho has risen
in lifo by his own efforts, nnd has al
ways been an active and consistent
Domocrat. Ho was nominatod in tho
convention by n largo majority, and
thero was no causo for dissatisfaction.
Why, then, tho talk in somo townships
on tho other side- of tho river about not
voting for him ! His defeat is an ut
ter impossibility, and tho only excuse
that any Democrat can givo for voting
against him would bo somo personal
grudge. Such motives are undemo
cratic and unworthy tho Democracy of
this county. Wo havo no doubt but
that it will be Judge Murphy, by tho
usual majority.
A Discharged Post Office Olerk Complains
and is Answered.
Thomas T'arkor, an cmployo of tho
Brooklyn Post Oflice, was discharged
by Postmaster Hendrix on September
1. Tho postmaster had removed him
to appoint a man who had passed tho
civil scrvico examination, and who
was selected as a special delivery racs
hcuger by tho former postmaster. Par
ker presented his caso to Qeorgo Wil
liam Curtis, and among other things in
his reply Mr. Curtis said :
"The removal is an act of discretion
on tho part of tho Postmaster, and un
less thcio is ovidenco that there is a
gross and flagrant wrong, and that a
perfectly satisfactory clerk has been
removed for improper reasons, neither
the President nor Postmaster General
could bo expected to reverse the deci
sion. If tho Postmaster should say
that in his opinion you were negligent
or inefficient or anything else, and that
interest of tho Bcrvico seemed to him
to require a chance, you can sen that
tho Presidont could uot require spccifio
ovidenco to determine whether tho dis
cretion of tho Postmaster was exerois
ed wisely."
Mr. Curtis further said that it would
not bo possiblo for tho President to
consider every individual ca9e. "If,
however, you aro conscious that your
removal is wholly causeless, and an
abtno of tho Postmaster's authority, 1
advise you to file your protest, with ev
idence, at the department."
Parker thereupon concluded to at
tract tho President'!) attention in tho
matter by enclosing Mr. Curtis' letter
with a letter of his own, saying : "Af
ter twenty-two years of honest and
faithful service in tho Brooklyn Po9t
Oflico and ten years as a soldier, with
an honorablo discharge, I havo been
lcmoved without a moment's notice
from the Brooklyn Post Oflice. The
excuse given is incompetency. I am
an American, and the man who has
taken my place is an Irishman and a
Catholic and cannot speak tho lan
guago of our country, This is indeed
civil service witli a vengeance. If
Americans must take a biok seat, let
tho ones in front bo nnything else but
Tho President replied as follows :
"My Dear Sir : I find your letter
ot too lotli instant awaitinc my return
to tho Executive Mansion. Your ex
ceedingly ill-natured referenco to tho
'Irishman' and the 'Catholic,' nnd who
you say has succeeded to your position
detracts very largely, I think, from tho
claims you baso upon 'twenty-two
years of honest and faithful services
in tho Brooklyn Post Office and ten
voars as a soldier, with an honorable
discharge,' and demonstrates that you
have but little idea of tho impartial
treatment duo to an American citizon-
Hhip. You send mo a nowspaper clip
ping containing a published letter writ
ten' to you by George William Curtis,
which contains bo much cood sound
t-ense upon Iho guneral subject of the
removal ot subordinate by their un
mediate superiors, that I commend it
to your caret in repciusal.'
A Decision as to Trade-Names.
An interesting point in tho law of
trade marks and trade-names has been
decided in tho Court of Common Pleas.
Two brothers named Warner, each of
whom was formerly a physician, havo
for mauy years conducted a corset
business tu Jiroadway and havo sold
thoir goods under tho trado-mark
"Dr. Warner s Corahne Corset." Tho
defendants, Ileilnor & Strauss, also a
Broadway hrm, used on their corsets
tho unino "Cordalino'1 and tho plaintiffs
1 1. . !. ..! .1. . I r ?
urougiii it Mint in restrain mu ininngc.
incut of their trado-mark. It was do
elded by Judge Allen that "Cordaline
was an unjustifiable imitation of tho
trade-mark "Coraline," tho latter be
ing a fancy name and not descriptive
ot tho corset, l no uotondants stopped
nsina "Cordalino" but beuan tho uso
of "Dr. Warren's Corset," claiming
mat it was tho custom in tho corset
trado to uso fictitious names of Doctors
and that there was a doctor of that
name in California who had stated that
his namo could bo used by tho defend
nuts. In a second action brought to
restrain tho iibo of "Dr. Warren,"
Judge Larremore holds that tho plain
tiffs aro entitled to tho protection of
their family namo as a trade name but
not as a tradc-maik, nnd as thero is no
ono connected with tho defendants
business by tho namo of "Dr. Warren"
t l.o use ol tho latter namo by tho do
fumlnuts is too cloeo an imitation of
the plaintiffs' namo and is not consist
ent with ood faith on tho part of tho
defendant?, and ho restrains its uso.
William J I, Sage, attornoy for plain
(iff a.
Livingstone Gifford and Charles F.
MiieLenn attornoy s for defendants.
An important election is approach
ing. An opportunity is again offered
tho JJemonrallo parly to elect tne state
ticket. All that is needed is concerted
notion and a full voto. In this county
it ought not to bo necessary to get out
tho brass bands, nnd arouse enthusiasm
through tho medium of stump speeches
in order to indnco voters to do their
duty. Nowaday, when everybody
reads tho payors, tho issues of tho cam
paign aro well known. Tho leading
question is whether tho stato constitu
tion, tho fundamental law, shall bo en
forced or whether it shall continuo to
bo a dead letter, as it has been for
years under Republican rulo i whother
tho great corporations shall continuo
to dictato tho legislation of tho stato
in their own interests, or whether tho
peoplo shall govern themselves. A
voto for Black is in favor of tho peoplo
a voto for Boavcr is in tavor of tho
corporations. Chooso between them.
tFrom our Regular Correspondent.)
Wasiiikoton. D. 0., Oct. 10, 1880.
Tho events of tho wcok in Washing
ton havo not boon of a momentous or
sensational character, but to thoso
who follow the daily dotails of national
history thoy aro significant and not un
important. Tho work of purification,
of redistribution, of change, of Improve
ment, daily goes on in tho Departments
under the new Administration. Tho
history of a single day would fill a vol
ume, and would furnish interesting
reading to political philosophers anil
economists. But to epitomize tho his
tory of a week in a simplo letter would
bo a remarkable feat of selection and
Tho membeis of tho Cabinet nrc it
work on their yearly reports. These
when completed, will bo thu simplest
as well as tho ablest argument for tho
continuation of a Democratic Adminis
tration over issued. They will show
that a great step has been taken in tho
direction of oleanlinoss and houestyof
government. It may strike somo with
surpriso that tho Government Printing
Office, after having discharged fivo
hundred employes and reducing ex
penses about 850,000 per month, is
now doing moro and better woik than
before. But this is a stato of things
that causo no surpriso in Washington,
whero it is known that the Republican
party has, for years, crowded tho Gov
ernment offices liko omnibuses with
folitical friends, favorites, and relatives.
I cannot bo claimed, of course, that at
the end of twenty months of Demo
cratic rulo everything is just as it
should be. It will require twenty years
to cotnpleto tho work of purification
and reform so well begun ; and then it
is moro than probable that tho march
of progress will bo characterized by
slips of retrogression. Democrats aro
not all wise and all powerful. Human
weakness, selfishness, and cupidity will
assert themselves. Nepotism and cor
ruption will show occasional outcrop
ping. But it is tho belief of patriots,
and, I may say, of politicians that we
havo entered upon a higher and moro
healthful piano of political life and
Tho estimates of tho Department of
Justice aro already on tho President's
table, sud tho estimates of other De
partments aro pietty well advanced.
Tho roports circulated by Republicans
that tho clerks in tho various Depart
ments havo been actively engaged in
preparing campaign documents for the
Demccratio party, aro said authorita
tively to bo not entirely inaccurate.
The annual reports of tho various Do
partments, and tho estimates for tho
coming vear taken together, it is be
lieved, will constitute a series of mag
nificent campaign documents for tho
Democratic party. Tho present status
and tho proper fato of Goronimo have
thus far been only casually spoken of
at Cabinet meetings. Tho subject is
in tho hands of tho President and the
Secretaries of War and of tho Interior.
Their conclusion, when they reach one,
will bo considered in Cabinet council.
Tho annual report of First Assistant
PostmaBtcr-General Stevenson for the
fiscal year ending Juno 30 shows a net
increa90 of post-offices of 2,8G2 j num
ber filled by Presidential appointment,
11 ; filled by Postmaster-General, 2,330
total number of appointments during
tho year, 22,7-17, of which 9,500 wore
on removals nnd suspensions, an in
crease in total appointments is 13,200.
Thero aro 53,014 post-offices, of which
75 are first class.
Secretary Manning's health is so
nearly restored that ho has returned to
his official duties. Soon after Mr.
Manning was appointed Secretary of
tho Treasury, tho lato Vice-President
Hendricks observed that Mr. Manning
was a most remarkablo man, and ap
peared to him to bo us firm and solid
as a gato post. This tribute to tho
physical and mental strength of tho
now Cabinet officer was but tho reflect
ion of public opinion, with a constitu
tion, will-power, and industry seldom
united, with a great organizing mind,
Mr. Manning, not nllowing himself
reasonable tirao for rest and diversion,
attempted to master tho details and
machinery of the great department of
which he was tho head, No man know
better than ho tho impoitance to tho
country and to his party that tho re
forms or changes expected must bo
made, after an intelligent and careful
examination nnd deliberate consider
ation of their practical effect. In dis
charging tlieso arduous duties, exposod
as he was to tho poisonous influences
of sower gas, his health beeamo im
paired. A fow months of reit, com
bined witli tho best medical treatment,
havo done much to restore it.
It is after tho fair now nnd we aro
all satisfied.
Last Thursday Hiram Stctlcr cap
tured a livo hawk which measured 4 ft.
4 inches from tip to lip. A battle was
fought between It and tho largest dog
in town nud it was hard to tell which
was victorious.
Last Sunday afternoon Ulysses Ob
loiscr mot witli what might havo been
a serious accidont. Whilo diiving to
ward homo his horse frightened at a
heap of cordwood in tho narrows be
low tho Red mill and ran dowu tho
batik overturning tho buggy, throwing
tho occupants out. Tho buggy was
damaged considerable and tho horse
somewhat hurt but fortunately no ono
was hurt. Responsible parties should
seo that that heap of wood is removed
as it is not the first scaro that has oc
curred there, nor likely to bo the last.
J. I, Shoemaker has removed from
tho Scott house to tho Millor houso,
Weldy Dent has moved in tho Ivoy
house, Buckhorn.
Abljah Swlshor is papa for tho first
time iu his life.
Mn. E- J. Old is lying very low
with consumption.
Tho oonforrccs and candidates mot
at tho City Hotel, Willlamsport, last
wcok, Wednesday ovonlng, pursuant
to adjournment. Twenty ballots wero
lakon, tho result being two for i nch
candidato every time. An adjourn
ment was mado "until Thursday morn
Ing and when tho whole number of
ballots had reached ICO with tho enmo
result, tho conferenco adjourned to
meet at Danville on Wednesday even
ing of this week. Thero is as yrt no
indication of what may happen.
Mr. Davcnpoit has opened a nov
elty store in tho Reagan building. Ho
displays quito a fnucy stock.
W. J. Mansfield has placed a stock
of giocerics, tho old McMurtriu ntand.
Tho old fenco in front of the Wil
son property, on Second street, has
been lo-placcd by a new ouo, which
adds very much to tho appearance of
tho place.
Thero is great need of street lamps
on tho main streets of tho town. Many
towns of n less number, of inhabitants
than Berwick havo their towns nicely
Quito a number of dwolling houses
aro being built in town this tftuKamoiig
which is tho homo of Joe Lillcy on
Second street. This is to bo a beauti
ful two and one-half story houso. It
will be ready for occupancy in tho
Spring. Tho houso of Dr. Hill, nUo,
on Second street, is nearly reached
completion and will bo veady to occu
py in a few months. When tin bo are
completed they will add greatly to the
appearance of tho street.
Mr. Isa Sherman, tho cabinet maker,
is erecting a neat littles cottage on
Grant street, ft has already assumed
quito a pleasing appearance.
Masons arc at work plastering on
the interior of the new school house.
It is hoped that it may bo opened for
tho Winter school.
Tho Town Water Co. aro at ranging
to place a line of fourteen-incli pipe to
supply tho town with water in placo of
the six-inch pipo now in use. This
will'be laid as soon as tho w ater is out
of tho canal, and in tho Spring largo
pumps will bo placed and so connected
as to supply water directly to tho hy
drants. In caso of fire, tho project, on
tho part ot tho Company, should be
appreciated by all the citizens in town.
The way in which business is conduct
ed by tho Company is'good evidence
of tho ability of the Superintendent,
Mr. Depow.
Nearly twenty peoplo have joined
the Chautauqua circle for this jear. A
meeting was held at the parlors of tho
Y. M. C. A.'on Tncsday evening.
Tho Tennis Club, of town, aro ar
ranging to entertain (ho clubs of Ha
zleton and Danville in'tlio near future,
at a tournament, on the Tf. M. 0. A.
The Lit erary' Society ot the Y. M.
C. A. will meet on tho evening of Sat
urday, tho 20th, at 7:30 o'clock, in the
Y. M. C. A. lecture room, for the put
pose of organizing for tho coming
Winter. This "'society offers advan
tages for literary development that will
bo oaeerly sought by all who attended
last "Winter.
IOO Doses
One Dollar. Hood's SarsapariUa Is tho only
mcdlclno ot which this can bo truly said;
and It Is au unanswerable argument as to
tho strength and rosltlvo economy of this
great medicine. Hood's SarsapariUa Is mado
ot roots, herbs, barks, etc., long and favorably
known for their power In purifying the blood ;
and In combination, proportion, and process,
Hood's SarsapariUa Is peculiar to Use!.
"Tor economy and comfort wo uso Hood's
SarsapariUa." Mns. 0. ItttEWSTEn, Buffalo.
"Hood's SarsapariUa takes las time and
quantity to show Its effect than any other
preparation I over heard of. I would not bo
without It In tho houso." " Mrs. C. A. M.
UOTBJUtD, North Chill, N. Y. 100 Doses
One Dollar
Hood's SarsapariUa cures scrofula, salt
rheum, all humors, bolls, pimples, general de
bility, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick headacho,
catarrh, rheumatism, kidney and liver com
plaints, and all affections caused by lmpuro
blood or low condition of tho system. Try It.
"I was severely afflicted with scrofula, and
for over a year had two running sores on my
neck. I took Ave bottles of Hood's Sarsapa
riUa, and consider myself entirely cured."
C. E. Lovejot, Lowell, Mass.
"Hood's SarsapariUa did mo an lmmonso
amount ot good. My whole system has been
built up and strengthened, my digestion Im
proved, and my head relieved ot tho bad feel
ing. I consider It the best medicine I havo
ever used, and should cot know how to do
without It." Mauy L. Teble, Salem, Mass.
Hood's SarsapariUa
Bold by all druggists, ft; six for $5. Mada
only by C. L HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass
IOO Doses Ono5 Dollar.
A Corrector, Rosralator, Hem-Best.
"Tilt llrnrtiSlhr. Rrnf nt life"
O no of every fivo wo meet has Bomo form I
ui jiiun AJRifcu, nnuis in cnnsuuit uou
gcr of Apoplexy or Budden Dewthl
For which this Kcrnedy Hoiildlio taken I
iicarc-pnins i-iupitauoa iieart-umpsy
Bkip-Uvata 'Jnrobblnir Spasms (Fits)
numunm inrpic-ups i-oor-uioou
Shakv.Nervcii Svncono
i'nlnt-s pells
Hot-uiishcs Paralysis ITcart-syiniuUhctla I
RmhnfJJVtniUithe Head, FctlU-ctrcHla-tton,Laborl-breaUitng,Jlcarcnltiroemtnt,
bcrvmu-vrottraOnn, Jlcarl-rhwmatUim,
tcuralyaand Valvular Dtcae.
One Hwllcln wUl not Cure aULiudj of PIshuk.
h 1'rct ent 1'ftiijr, Bboek, buadeu uculk.
Every Ingredient is from vegetablo pro.
ducts which rtow In Bight of over tin for-
tunatopurferur. It contains no Morphine,
Opium nr Injurious drugs.
ViT JVol a Vitlart or impvrt Blood
eon tieupe lit l'urirylnr lHtluintt.
Price $1.000 bottles $5,00.
t3T rrcparcd nt Dr. Kilmer's Dispensary,
, llliiKhamton, N. V., U. 8. A.
(.S'fllt 11V AM.
Warranto! tliemo8tporrcctI''orcn-Ftd
Fortllli'i- Drill Im oiUtrnre, He ml for
circle. B pARQUHAR, York, Pa.
OCW 60 49t.ald.
City Briisf Factory
No. S North Canal St., Near I- V,
It. II. Depot.
John H. Derby,
GTWUl call on dealers onco In slit
weeks, Buvo your orders. octl. ly
QYlpTAP, Jiad breath,' a bitter or
U 1 ill 1 I U ill Ui bad taste in the mouth;
pain in the back, sides or joints, often
mistaken for rheumatism; sour stom
ach; loss of appetite; bowels alter
nalcly costive and lax; headache; loss
of memori, with a paitful sensation
of having failed to do something
which ought to have oecn uone: aeon
it;; low spirits; a thick, yellow ap
pearance of the shin and eves; a dry
cough, often mistaken for consumjy-
How Gurcdi
"I havo been nnilctcd many years with
.lyspcpsln, sick headache and alTectlon ot
thoVldneys caused by torpid liver. I liavo
I tied a great many l emedles nnd physicians
prescriptions without success, health fall.
Ing nlltho time. During last Fall nnd Win
ter I wns obliged to suspend tho mo3t of
my labor in my Held of Homo JMllonary
work on account of my hcultli. Early this
fprlng I was Induced to try Simmons Liver
Regulator, and have had moro real good
health slnco then than for years before. I
uso tho medicine to rellvo mo when, by ox
posuro or ovcr-excrtlon, I discover tho
symptoms of my disease returning. Tho
liegnlator relieves mo at once, nnd Is mora
iltsMctnry In Us effects than nnything of
tho kind I ever tried. 1 hnvo also used It
with good success in my family to ward off
bilious attacks." Jos. U. cum.
berland Ties. .Minister, Lebanon, llo.
I ilo not believe that
Ayer's SarsapariUa
1ms nn equal as a cure
for Scrofulous Hu
mors. It la pleasant
to tako, gives strength
tn tho body, nnd pro
duces n moro perma
nent result than any
inciliclno I over used.
E. Haines, North
Llmlale, Ohio.
I havo used Ayer's
SarsapariUa, In my
family, for Sciofula,
unil know, if It Is
tlinroilflilv frniltpAtA
this tcriiblo dlseas.
Grccnvlllo, Tenn.
lor forty vcars I
havo suffered with
Erysipelas. I hare
tried various remedies
for my complaint, but
(omul no relief until
I commonced using.
Canker, and
rVvor'a Sarsanarllla.
Ahcr taking ten bot
tles of this medicine I
am completely curod.
M. 0. Amcsbury,
Huckpoit, Me
I havo suffered, for
yoan, from Catarrh,
wiitcli was so sovero
that It destroyed mv
appetite and weak
ened iny system.
Attor trying other
remedies, without re
llof. I began to tako
Can be
cured by
the blood
Ayer's Sarsnparllla,
and, In n fow months,
was cured. Misan li.
Cook, 10'J Albany St.,
lloston, Mass.
Avcr's Sarsanarllla
is superior to any
oioou puriner mat I
over tried, I havo
taken it fur Scrofula,
uanlcor, and Salt
Hheum. and received
much benefit from it.
It is Rood, also, for
a weak stomach.
Mllllu Jano I'eirco, 8.
Bradford, Mass.
Ayer's SarsapariUa,
I'rcpared by Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Uui.
Price 81 1 six bottles, Si
For GovKitNort.
of York.
of Luzerne.
For Auditor Ge-skiiai,
of Allegheny.
For Congress-at-Larok,
of Philrdeljihia.
For Secretary of Internal Affairs,
of Huntingdon.
For Congress,
For State Senator,
bubject to tho decision ot tho Conferees of the
81th DUtrlct.
For Kei'Ri'.sentatives,
Of Iilooranburg.
Of Ue.iver Township.
For Associate Judges,
Of Scott Townsliip.
Of Centralia.
JLV First National llank of Uloomsburg, at
lUoumsb.irg, Male of Pcnusj Ivanla, at the close of
business, October 7, 1S0.
Loans and discounts. f 210.438.0.
ouudratts .
U. s. llonds to sccuro circulation DU.Uio.oo
other stocks, loncis and mortgages .... 68.97o.Oo
Duo from:approved reserve agents..... 43.23V.M
Due from othi-r National baiiKs, 6.2J5.U
Due from stato banks aud bankers. .... S.502.U3
Cunent expenses and taxes nald l.ttc.uf
Checks and other cash 11 ems. MU.M
Hills of other bunks 4C0.W
fractional natter currency, nickels and
pennies 18.00
speclo. 4.305.10
Legal tender notes O.6M.00
iiedemptlon fund with U 8 Treasurer (5
per cent, ot circulation,) snm.oo
Total. t imtfJ5 60
Capital stock paid In.
Nuiplus fund
Undivided proilts.
National bank notes outstanding
Individual deposit subject 4o check..
Cashier's checks outstanding, ,,,,,,,
Duo to other National banks
Duo to slate banks and bankers
, t &O.00O.PO
20.370. SO
43 10.00
Total , M'.W.IW.W
State op I'emisvlvinu, Columbia covntv, es:
1, J. V. Tustln, cashier of tho above-named bank,
dobolemuly anlrm, that thu above statement Is
true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
J. P. 'lUSTlN. Cashier.
Kubscrlbed ar.d affirmed to before mo this mil
day ot octob t, llbt). l'AUL E. WIRT,
Notary Public.
Cohkect, Attk.t:
I. YV. JlcKELVV, 1
15. W. ji. Low, tDlrcctora.
Hslate o James Ilarrv, lale of Qermatnown, Co
lumbia muntv, 7M.,d.''d.
Notice Is heieby given that letters testamentary
on tho estato of James Harry, dec.d, late of Her
man town, Columbia county, l'a , havo been grant
ed to the undersigned. All parties Indebmd to
said eslale ore requested tn make Immediate pay.
men!, and thoso having claims to Immediately pro
tent them to jtiAKY JANE HARRY
oct'if. Executrix, ucnuantown, Pa.
S STATIC OK LEVI yiLI.KR, PKO'D. Auditor appointed bytha
Orphans' court ot Columbia county, to distribute
balance lu iho hands f Mepheu I'ohf, sdm'r ot
Levi Miller, dee'd. will alteul to the duties of hu
appointment kt his oflice In Wooiatburg, on Hat.
uiday, Novei. .her , IsfrC, at looclocka. in., when
and where all parties Interested arereulred to
make nud prove their claims or ba forever do.
uai n-u ii vw cuuiing iu upon suia runa. i
Oct!. UUYJACOUY, Auditor, 1
titan 0 H'ftoon A. Thoinat, late of artenwod
nntnuhli), (lnwited.
Letters of administration on tho ett of Wil
son A. Thomas, Uto of Greenwood Twp deo'd.
having been granted to tho undersigned admr..
all persons Indebted to said estate aro hereby no
tified to pay tho same, and thoso havini claims
against said estate present tho same to
A. P. YOVNO, Mltivlll, Pa.,
bo P24 Ot Administrator,
Q UnderstffllfHL An Auriltnr nnnnlntA hv thn
Orphans' Court ot Columbia county, to distribute
the fund In tho hands of Aaron Nuss, administra
tor of tho estate of Louisa Nuss, deo'd: also, tho
balanco In tho hands of Aaron Nuss, trustee of
Daniel Nuss, dee'd, as appears on his flna 1 no
counts In said estates, to ana among tho parties
entitled thereto, will attend to tho duties of his
appointment at his office, In Mover's building, in
the town of Uloomsburg, on Monday, Novornborls,
1880. nt 10 o'clock a. m., when and where all part
ies Interested aro reruesl,d to present their claims
or bo forever debarred from coming in on said
fund. octaai WM. CIIHIMTM AN, Auditor.
Tho undersigned, an Auditor appointed by tho
Orphans' court of Columbia county, to distribute
tho balanco in tho hands of tho administrator, to
and nraong tho parlies entitled thereto, will at
tend to the duties of his appointment at thoofflco
of Slchsrs. IkclorSllcmng,attorncjB-aUaw,ln tho
townot llloomsbuig, on Saturday, November 13,
lsso, ntioa. in. when and where all parties In
crested are requested to present their claims before
tho undersigned, or ba forever debarred from com
ing In upon said fund. GRANT HKilltlNG,
octa;, Auditor.
Tho undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Or
leans' court or Columbia county, to make distri
bution ot tho balanco In tho hand3 ot John m.
Kllno, administrator, as appears by his final ac
count, will sit at his oflico In Uloomsburg, on
Wednesday, November 17, isso, atio o'clock a. m.,
to perform tho duties of his nppolntmcnt, when
and where all parties having d ims against said
estato must appear and prove tho s imo or bo for
ever debarred from coming In on said fund.
octK. JOHN Ji. CLARK, Auditor.
ertatr nr jnrtM J. RTirea. nn'n
Tho undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Or.
phans' Court of Columbia county, to mafco dlstrl
butlonof tho balance In the hands ot Lewis A.
stiles, administrator do bonis non of said estate,
tound among the parties entitled, wild meet all
parties Interested, for tho purposo of his appoint
ment, at his onice, In tho boruugh of ncnvlck, on
Saturday, November 20. lss, nt 10 o'clock a. in.,
when nnd whtronll parties Interested are required
to inako and provo t heir claims or bo debarred from
coming in upon said fund. C, II. JACKSON,
octs3 Auditor.
Whereas, at an Orphans' Court held at niooms
burg, In nnd for tho county ot Columbia, tho
twenty-seventh day of September, A, 1). 1580, bo
fore the Honorable William MwelL Presldentand
his associates. Justices ot tho said court, the peti
tion ot Nathan .Miller, a child and heir of George
.Miller, lute of tho township ot Nescopeo, In tho
county of Luzerne, deceased was presented, sett.
Ing forth that tho said (.eorgo Jllller died Intes
tate leaving to survlvo him nlno children all of
whom aro of full age, and that their names and
residences aro at. follows: Adam Miller Mifflin.
Twp. co urabla County, Pa., William Miller Wcth
erly, Carbon County, l'a., John Miller Nescopeo.
Luzerne county, l'a. Nathan Miller Nescopeck,
Luzerno County, l'a., Caroline Intermarried with
Jacob baWson. Wctherly. Carbon county. Pa., Pol
ly Klshbach Intermarried with John Klshbach.
Mt. Pleasant Twp , Columbia County, Pa., SalUe A
Whatnecht Nescopeck, Luzerne county, l'a.. and
Maria Intermarried with Levi Klshbach Nescopeck
Luzerne county, Pa., and that said decedent idled
seized of the fol owln.- land In Columbia county.
Pa., bounded and described as follows to wit: sit
uate In Heaver Twp. Beginning at a stone corner
in line ot land of lfennlnger, thence by land of V.
Crouso H. 7H deg. W. til throe-tenths P. to small
Ash tree, thenco by land of f chwcppcnhelser N. 13
deg. v. 70 P. to stono corner, thence N. ; deg. K.
05 two-tenths p. to stono corner, thenco by Jacob
llartzel and Uennlngcr 8. a deg. K. 70 P, to placo
ofbeiilnulng containing twenty seven acres and
ono hundred and ten perches, about six; acres
cleared, balanco In timber, on which 13 erected a
frame stablo And that no partition of said land
has been made.
We therefore command you that, taking with
you six good nnd lawful men of your bailiwick,
you go to and upon the premises aforesaid, and
there In tho presence of the parties aforesaid, by
you to bo warned If being warned they will bo
present, and having respect to the true valuation
thereof, and upon the oaths and anirmatlona of
the said six good and lawful men, you make par
tition to and among the heirs and legal rcpresen
tatlvesot the said Intoitate. In such manner, and
In such proportions, s by the laws of this Com
mpnwealth Is directed, If tho same can bo done
without prejudice to or spoiling the whole.
But If the said Inquest, by you to bo summoned
as aforesaid to make the said partition or valua
tion, shall bo of opinion that the premises atorc
sal?.S'! lhe appurtenances, cannot be parted
and divided among all I he persons entitled thereto
as required by law. without prejudice to or Bpoll
Ing tho whole, or that It cannot bo divided Into
shares of equal value, then you causo tho Inquest
to value and appraise the wholo ot tho said real
estato, or the several shares or purparts Into which
they may divide tho Eald real estate, having re
spect to the true valuation thereof agreeably to
law. And that tho partition or valuation so made
you distinctly and openly have before our said
Justices at Uloomsburg, at, an Orphans' Court,
thero to bo held on the First Monday, ot December
next, after such an Inquest shall bo mado under
your hand nnd seal, and under the hands and
seals ot thoso by whose oaths or affirmations you
bhall make such partition or valuation. And havo
you then nnd there this writ. Witness the Hon
orablo tlllam Elwell President Judgo of our bald
court, tho Eleventh day of October A. D. I8s6.
WM. II. SNYDER. Clerk of o. c.
In accordanco with the foregoing writ, notice is
hereby given that an Inquest wllllio held on tho
said premises on Saturday, November cth lssc, be
tween tho hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 p. m,
, I, SAMUEL SilTH, High Sheriff ot Co
lumbia county, commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
do hereby mako known and proclaim to tho quali
fied electors ot Columbia county that a general
election will bo held on
Tuesday November 2. 1886,
being tho Tuesday next follow Ing tho first Mon
day ot said month) for tho purposo of electing the
Ono person for Governor of Pennsylvonla.
One person for Lieutenant Governor.
Ono perbon for Audltor-GencraL
ono person for secretary of Internal Affairs.
Ono person for Congressman-nL-Larire.
Ono person lor Member of congress for tho Eley
luiu vuuiussiuuui uisincL
ono person for stato senator, from tho Situ Dlst.
Two persons for Jteprescntatlves;
Two nersons for Associate .Iini(rp
I also hereby m ike known and glvo notice that
ma lunui-a ui uuiuiug me aioresam election in Iho
several wards, boroughs, districts and townships
within IhH mtinf.v nr (inltimhln ara aa rminiua
Beaver township, at the public houso of I'bttor
Benton township, at tho public nouso of Illram
iji-ss, iu iuu iuwu ui iicnion.
iiast Bloom, at tho court House, In Bloomsburg,
Last Berwick, at the llttlo office of Jackson 4
oodln In the boroinrh of litrwicir.
West Berwick, nt the onico of W. J. Knorr, in
Borough of centralia, 'at tho publlo house of Wil
liam Pelfer.
Urlarci cck township, at tho publlo school houso
mar l.vuusviMC.
c.uawlssa township, at tho public houso ot W
A. Yettcr.
Centre township, attheBchool houso near Lafay.
tte creasys.
North Conyngham District, at tho school houso
uuur iuu i;uutery ui uuuu Anaerson & CO.
South Conyngham District, at the houso of Jfrs.
Thomas Monroe.
Flshlngcreck township, at tho school houso near
C. U Wldto's.
Franklin township, at tho Lawrence school
Greenwood township, at tho houso of I, D
HemlocK township, at tho publlo houso of Chas,
11. iiieiwricu, iu me town 01 buck llorn.
Jackson two., at tho senrml hniisn at ivniir-r
Locust township, at tlio public houso ot Daniel
MlUltn township, at the publlo houso of Aaron
Hoss. In tho town of Miminvliin.
.Madison township, at tho publlo school houso
Jtt. Pleasant township, at tho MUlertown school
Montour township, at tho public house of
Main township, at tho publlo houso of Jeremiah
K. Longenbergor.
Poarfngcreek township, at tho houso of Samuel
Orango township, at G. Heckman'a hotel In Or
angeMlle. Pine townshln. at the Centra Nhnni itaiic
Sugarloaf township, at the houso ot Norman
Wt st Scott nt tho publlo houso ot A. J. Thrash
In Llghlstreet.
Last scott township, at tho publlo houso ot
John Jlourey In Kspy.
At all elections hereafter held under tho laws of
ima kuuiuiuuncuiiu, me ciccuon pons shall bo
opened at seen o'clock In tho forenoon, and
shall continue open without Interruption or ad
Jourmneut until seven o'clock In tho evening when
,UW Ull. 11,11 MU blUWU.
That every person excepting Justices of tho
Peace and Aldermen, Noumon Publlo and Per
sons In tho mllltla service of tho state, who
shall hold or shall within two mouths have held
uuy onico or appointment of profit or trust undr
thoUnted States, or of this State, and city or
cornorated district, whether a KimmiMimi
officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent
who Is or shall bo employed under tho Legisla
ture, Executlio or Judiciary Department of this
', nr in uuy cuy or 01 any incorporated dts.
nu-t, imu uiw, mui, uvery wrinucr oi congress
and of tho Stato Legislature, anil nr thn
or common couucll of any city, or commissioners
of any Incorporated district, are by law incapable
of holding or exercising at tho same tlino tho
onico or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk
of unyulictlon of this Commonwealth, and that
uuntsiivtiui, uuuyu uruiuer uiucer oi sucn elec
tion shall bo elltHble to be then vni'd mr.
jmu uisHvumiq uuu.juuu ui uiu elections snail
meet nt LllO rna,tulftllA nlnz-jw nnrvilnt,.,, ,n.
holding thu election lu tho district to which they
respectively belong, before seven o'clock lu the
morning, and each of said Inspectors shall ap
point one clerk, who shall bo a qualified voter of
duiu uiauiti.
Tho qualified voters of the several districts la
this county at all general, township borough and
special elections, are Uereby hereafter uuthor.
lzedand reaulred to votebv tmL.-r-tunHni,.,, re
written, or lartly printed and partly written,
severally olasaUied as follows i One ticket shall
embrace tho names ot all Judges of Courts voted
lui, uuu luuviiuu, uuisiue, "juaiciary one
ticket shall embrace tho names of all Uio stato
officers voted for and to bo labelled "State:" one
ticket shall embrace thu names of all mmn
officers oted fur, Including tho office of Senator,
and Members of Assembly, It voted for, and
members ot Cuugress, It voted for, and be label
led "County i" ouo ticket shall embrace the names
or all township officers voted for, and be labelled
"Township i" ono ticket bhall einDruce the names
of all borough officers voted for, and bo labelled
AUdeacli class shall bo deposited In separate
ballot boxes. BAJIUUL SJI1T1I,
bhertn, ,
Administrator's Salo
Real Instate !
In pursuanco of an order of tho Orphans' Court
of Columbia county, tho undersigned, administra
tor of William Sitter, lato of Brlarcreck township,
county aforesaid, deceased, will offer at publlo
sale, on
Saturday, flovenk 13, 11,
at to o'clock a. m., on tho premises, tho following
tract of land, sltuato In llrlarcrock township,
bounded and described as.follows: On tho north
by land of William Schuyler, on tho cast by land
ot C. A. Lamon, on tho south by land of Gcorgo
M. Bower, and on tho west by land of II. J. Ed
wards and William lllppensteel, containing
more or less, about 20 acres of which is cleared
and under cultivation.
TERMS OF SALE. Ten percent, of ono-fourth
of tho purchaso money to bo paid at tho striking
down of tho property; tho one-fonrth loss tho ten
per cent, at tho connrmatlon of salo and tho re
maining thrcc-fou-ths In ono year thoreaftcr.wlth
interest from connrmatlon nisi.
Orphans' Court Salo
Estate !
rursuant to an order of tho Orphans' Court of
i-oiumuia county, incro will uo sold at public sale,
on tho premises, In Flshlngcreck township, In said
cuumy, on
Saturday, Nov. 6, 1886,
at ono o'clock p. m., tho following described real
estate, lato of Reuben Hess, deceoted, to-wlt: A
valuable farm, bounded by lands of John ilhlnard,
rcler Crcvcllng, John Crcvellng, Frederick Hart-
man, Benjamin C. Hess nnd others, and containing
143 ACRES,
more or Iprs.
About thirty acres of this Is WOOD LAND,
well timbered, tho balanco Is under a good stato
01 cultivation, wnereon are erected a largo frarao
a largo bank barn, with straw shed attached,
wagon shed and other outbuildings. A good
and other fruit trees on tho premises, a well of
never railing water. Tho location Is healthy and
within two miles of tho proposed Bloomsburg and
Sullivan railroad.
TEltMSOFSALK. Tho widow's dower of one
third to remain a Hen on the land and the interest
to be paid annually to tho said widow. Ten per
com, 01 ono-rourtn of tbo balanco of tho purchaso
money to bo paid at the striking down of tho prop,
crty, tho one-fourth less tho ten per cent, at tho
connrmatlon of the sale; and tho remaining thrce-
lounns 01 tno two-thirds In ono year thereafter,
with Interest from connrmatlon nisi. Attho death
ot tho widow the remaining one-third to bo paid
to tho legal representatives of said deceased.
Purchaser to pay for drawing deed and to give ap
proved security for compliance with terms of salc
octl 5. OSCAlt J. II ESS, Trustee.
Orphans' Court Salo
Real Estate !
Pursuant to an order of tho Orphans' Court ot
Columbia county, thero will bo exnoM-d tn nuhim
sale, on the premises, In Brlarcreck township, In
said county, on
Saturday, November 13, 188G,
at One O'clock D. m.. tho following rtpscnhoil roil
estate, lato ot Lydla Sponenberg, dee'd, to-wlt: A
Valuable Farm,
situate In Brlarcreck township, on tho public road
leading from Bloomsburg to Berwick, about three
miles from Berwick, adjoining lands ot Kmnor
Dleterlck, Hannah Sponenberg, Pennsylvania Ca
nal Co., Daniel Purscl and the heirs of Leonard
Sponenberg, deo'd, and others, containing about
and 20 perches of land, more or less, all In a good
state of cultivation, on which aro erected
a largo new bank barn, stablo and outbuildings.
TUILMS OV RAI K Ton nr oonf nr ...!.
Of the nurchaso mnnev siinii tv nnM nt t,,Q0,Piinr.
down of tho property, tho one-fourth less tho ten
per ceui. at connrmatlon absolute, nnd tho re
maining IhrOfl-fmiMlio tn nnornn.lhMnnriB.u.nh
interest from connrmatlon nlsL Purchaser to pay
lor arawing deed and to glvo approved security
iur uumpuaucu wiiu terms or sale.
015. N. U. FUNK, Adm'r.
By vlrtuo of a writ Fl. Fa. Issued out ot tho
Court of Common Pleas and to mo directed will bo
cipuseu ai i-uduc sale at tho court House. In
SATURDAY, October 23, 1880,
at 8 o'clock p. m, all that pleco or parcel of land
sltuato In Hoaringcreck township, Columbia coun-
tV. Pa., bnunderl na fnllnwa. rr, thn . 1 .
- 1111, uui m ujr ia.HH
ot Wm. Drelsbach, on tho east by lands of Jllchael
Fetterolf and Lcander Fctterman, on the south by
lands of Catharine Lelby and Franklin Yocum, and
uu iuu won, uy ianas 01 samuel Houck and Isaiah
IlOUCk. containing about, thlrtv.fnnr nrisa mnra
or less, whereon are erected a ono and half Btory
iws uuusc, unua. oaru ana outbuildings.
Beizea, tasen into execution and to bo sold as
me property of Martin Breech.
Oct. 1. Sheriff.
By virtue of sundry writs Issued out ot
the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county,
and to me directed, will be exposed to publlo salo
at tne court nouso in Uloomsburg, on
SATURDAY, November 13, 188G,
at 8 o'clock p. m., all that certain messuago aud
101 or ground, situate la the town ot Bloomsburg,
In the county of Columbia, and state ot Penusyl.
vanla, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt:
On tho north by a lot of Jacob Schuyler, on tho
cast by an alley, on tho south by lot of Alfred
women ana on the west by Catharlno street,
nucrwu are creciea a dwelling houso and out
buildings. Belied, taken Into execution, nnd to be sold as
tho property of Dvld Beers, with notice to terro
Kxobb 4 WiXTHBSTHiN, Atty's. Lev. Fa,
AU that certain mc&suago, or tenemont and tract
of ground, situate in tho town of Bloomsburg, In
the county of Columbia, and state ot Pennsylva.
rda, aforesaid, bounded and descrlbod as follows,
to-wlt: Beginning at a co rner ot an alley, on south
aide of Fifth street, thenco along said Fifth streot
north slxty.four and one-eighth degrees, oast Htty-
uve ana ono-uau leet; menoe by land of Isaao S,
Kunn Bouth. twenty-nlno and a quarter degrees,
cast ono hundred and dfty.nve feet to Poarl street
thence along the same south sixty-one degrees
west I nity-slx and one-half feet to tho alley
aforesaid, and thence along said alley north nlno
degrees west one hundred and nfty-clght feet to
tno place ot beginning, whereon aro erected a
dwelling house and out buildings.
Seized, taken In axecutlon, and to be sold as tho
property of Charles Ahloman, with notice to
Charles Krug, terre tenant.
Knobk Wintxbstiuw, Attys. Lev, Fa.
Clemantlne IJlley, by her next friend, c, vs.
James Lilley. Bur libel In divorce.
To James Lilley, respondent above named i
Whereas upon tho libel ot tho Bald Clemantlne
Lilley a sunoena was Issued out of the nald I'nnrr
commanding you to tie and appeer at tho next
regular term ot said Court to show causo why tho
said libelant should not bo divorced from tho
bonds of matrlmonv. cnntrAPtmi witii vnn , nn.i
whereas upon return of said supocna due proof
was made that you could not bo found In the
ballwlck of tho Shertir of said county, whereupon
an nl(i subpoena was awarded by said Court
commanding j ou to appear at tho then next term
of said court to answer us aforesaid 10 which tim
same return was made by the hherlif. You nru '
therefore required to bo and appear on the iirst
un ui lugHMmrmoi &U1U uourt io uo ueia at
Uloomsburg for bald county on the flrst Jlonday ot
December next, A. D. Ismi. to answer said com,,
Plaint, SAMUEL SJI1TII, Sheriff.
Oct. 10, 4
Complete lino of Ladies, DRESS CLOTHS i all the lead
ing shades in plain and striped. BEST WOOL TRE
GOTG"i at 80 cents yard, worth 90. A 0-1 CAMEL'S
HAIR SERGE at G5 cents yard, would be cheap $1.00 yard.
iW STRIPED SERGES "s 75 cents, worth 90 cents
Tho most complete lino of
Coats, Wraps, .Bsafees, Mew
markets, Kaglsaiis and
JPIiisIa aciucs
in all the leading styles of Cloths, Astrachans, Eouclc, French
Cnrls, etc., at the lowest prices which defy competition for style,
fit, quality and finish.
Tho best values in RED FLANNELS now ollcred ; good
RED TWILLED at 25 cents yard, a largo lino of WH 1TE
FLANNELS from 10 cents yard and up; a largo lino of COT
TON FLANNELS from 5 cents yard and up. A full line of
Muslins, Tickings &c. A special good Muslin at 7 cts. by the piece.
UNDERWEAR. Rest values ofl'ercd. Seo our ladies 50 cts.
37 i $1.00 Vests. Gents' at '10 cents, would bo cheap at 50 cts.
Childrens' all prices.
VELVETS, SILKS & PLUSHES, In these goods wo oirer
extra good values. Wo havo a full lino of Black and Colored
Dress Silk which we warrant to wear. We oiler a Silk Plush at
$1.00 yard, worth $1.50 in leading colors only.
The best values in Black Cashmeres and other Black Dress
Goods all at the old prices which is from 25 to 33 per cent lower
than they could be bought to day.
SHAWLS, SHAWLS, largest line. A good Double all-wool
Shawl at $2.87, and all the leading makes. Shoulder Shawls,
Puislcy. etc
Bloomsburg, Pa.
1 ' Iffis
" " . . 1 . ;n if
11 . - H 1 . rt ,j
- 1 N , M U
" r f , 'A
I " - . - mail
I " e n n 4 41 .
" V s s f 4
I 13 X S B 6 C 4
J 15 R C D e TO - 49
j I' D M V 9 If -- AO
A 15 . c n a 2 ti s
12 H K 51 3 s is
1 11 - -- T P r 4 f 28 1
I U - BR 5 ' 5 . -' 24 1
0 UN S'6 C? 20
G. A. CLARK, Agent,
JB9oouasliiis. IPa.
loctis tf.
When you want a new suit of clothes what do you do ?
Why. ;o where you can be well fitted, get good cloth, and have
the full wortli of your money when you get your suit. Do you
know of such a place in Bloomsburg ? If not, let us tell you of
one. It is at the corner of Main and Iron streets. The services
Mr. C. Rhodes, have been secured, and we will guarantee- satis
faction as to fit and price. Should you want a
We can show you a large stock to select from. If you want
Here is the place to get them, also
GfeitV iWAiilg &kt& Cfh
It is about time to get measured for ,1 new Fall Suit. Call
and see our goods and examine our work.
Cor. of Main and Iron Sts.,
Aug, 37, 3ms.
P. F. ADAMS t CO.,
solo agents of the fol
lowing brands ot
Alexander Bros. fe Co,
Bloomsburg, Fa.
All kinJs of work in Sheet Iron, Roof
l....-n.,.l G. .1
..I, .im, illuming jiiumjiuy
attended to.
'"iittlct attention given to beating by steam.
Corner of Main & East Sts.,
Rloomsbm'g, Pa.
. ... u.i,,, oumj, UUU IUU1H113.
MOI1 In l-nmnplnnr inniiniru. m. ii.i..
DIM) IfIVTII . CA,A... - r,
city or btutu agency. A snlcnma
yu,uL.iuaiiuu. UUr AL lUJIAllt UAH flOVEIIN.
'; percent, in gas bins. Our Nlver Oils
L UUa ran bo attached fo any iixtuie, Instantly
changing tho dull, ucuy, yellow name of any gia
to a toil, mellow, luminous w lilte, increasing bril.
llancy to iler cent. (UerB.uoutabervico. Afldmij
SI East HlU BU, Kew Yeik. ItepiOSia'
will bo
Wliolfsnlc. llctnl,
Wlieat iter bushel 78 80
Hyo " CO
Corn " " .... CO C0
Outs " 113 45
Flour " bbl 4 to C 80'
Uuttcr 20 . S3
Krus 18 20
Potatoes CO CO'
Hums U 1(1'
Dried Apples 08 05.
Bide and shoulder 10 Vi:
Chickens b 10)
Lord per lb 08 10
Vinegar per gal 0 UO
Onions per bushel CO 05
Veal skins 07
Wool per lb 85
Hides fl to 7
Coal on Wiiahf.
No 0 2.00i Nos a a, & Lump 3.25
No. 6 fcU.OO Hltumlnu $3.25
ri'OAIiVl'.Inn.liK.-lowut Hales lcr odtnlla
1 Ing In uco coed mwtpapere lent Iho. Au
dlttn OtO. 1', JiOWiLL & to., Ill fcpiute bl., N, V.