The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 15, 1886, Image 3

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    The Columbian.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1880."
mnuiCT Hiunoio tisk,
north. nfTn
8: Up. m. 6.13 p.m.
ia?m 1110 U "V' loaTO B'oomsbnrg
NOhTit. non-Tit
MM n. 1,1. H.2fV'-m
q-im n. tn.
4:i3 p. rru
oiau p. in
6:17 p. m.
03Pm sukdxt. 4:15 l,-m-
10:11am 6:41 pin
I'uiUDxtrniA, October 11, 1S80.
Once in a while we oueht to
state the general fact that we
have, ten times over, the lartrcst
and best collection of rich and
novel dress-stuffs in town.
Once in a while we ought to
state the other general fact that
we sell such stuffs at fair prices
at first, and put them down as
the season wanes or they prove
unsuccessful. They are not
economical stuffs. They take no
account of money. But we do
not make them needlessly ex
It is proper to say these things
to you right here at home and
to you within traveling distance
f ..- r.. i
oi us. i ou nave eyes to see
with. This isn't the only store
you siiop at. What we say has
tiouuie torce n you nnd ltimpar
tial, and double force the other
way if you find it empty brag
l en times me largest variety
oi ncn new ciress-stutis; not
needlessly extravagant.
Southwest and southeast ot tho center.
Think of that counter of rem
nants and odd-lot dress-stuffs
All the remnants made
morrow go to the remnant coun
ter. The quickest stuffs to go
are tne nrst to make remnants.
All the last-year's stuffs wheth
er remnants or not are there.
All the stuffs coining in for what
ever reason that hinder trade at
the dress-stuff counters go to
the odd-lot counter.
It's a store by itself; and it
makes the rest ot the store
better store by drawing the line
between old and new, between
fashionable and going out, be
tween what you would like if
money were plenty and what
you were glad to get for half or
liy tho Ctty-hall-square door.
Blanket-time; that is, time to
remind you of blanket-wisdom
It isn't easy so close on the
heels of sultry unbearable wea
ther to be blanket-wise in r
minute. Begin a little earlv.
This is blanket-wisdom: No
matter how coarse, no matter
how fine, no matter how thin,
no matter how thick, no matter
whether cotton or wool but let
the blanket be big.
Depends on the size of your
bedstead of course. One spends
a third ol his time in bed un
guarded. Let the blanket be
big enough to lap over sides,
tuck in, and be your nightly
guard. There is but one virtue
in blankets. That virtue is big
ness. We have blankets lor wise
and unwise people; more for
the unwise because mere are
more of them. There are two
sorts of blankets: big and stingy.
Keep those two words in mind
There's a little hint besides
about money. Buy by thepound
The wisest people are apt to
come first. They shall buy at
present for 75 and 80c a pound
and fare extremely well. The
blankets we are thinking of vary
in size and thickness and fine
ness, $3.75 to $10 a pair.
Shortly we shall have to tel
of coarser and finer. We have
both; $2 to $35.
oppoalto tho Waiting Room off the West Transept.
A needed word about Brus
sels and Tapestry carpets.
Brussels is Brussels and Tap
estry Tapestry. We never say
body Brussels for Brussels, nor
lapestry Jirusscls lor lapestry.
That is New York.
Brussels you know all about.
1 apestry you know almost notn
ingabout, except that Roxbury
Tapestry always comes first By
the way we are selling Roxbury
Tapestry carpets for 75 cents a
yard with plenty of latest pat
terns with borders to choose
from the usual price is $1
gets down sometimes to 95 or
90 cents did you ever hear of
75 before?
Let us say an old thread-bare
thing or two for the sake of say
ing better a new one that ougnt
to be known.
Tapestry carpetis an imitation
of Brussels. You may or may
not beable to distinguish between
them when they are on the lloor
You can if you happen to know
the one point in which they dif
fer, viz., sharpness, exactness,
angularity ot pattern, nut ev
erybody knows that the woolanc:
colors of Brussels show through
on the back; and that is the way
in which you probably judge be
tween them. You think Brus
sels shows its colors on the back
and Tapestry doesn't. You are a
year or two ueninu, 1 11c inar.e,-i a
are color-printing the back of
lapestry, so that the old way of
distinguishing Brussels from
lapestry is trood-for-nnfliincr
You have got to know more of
both than formerly to nun Un.
tween them. We are mllin.r tW,a
for warning. "Of course you
are thinking, "no decent mer
chant will tell me Tapestry is
Brussels." We w'n't discuss the
question who is decent and who
is not; but the usual practice is
to speak of Tapestry as Brussels.
In New York the merchants all
say "Brussels": so do their snips.
men of course; and, if asked the
question squarely whether the
carpet is Brussels or Tapestry,
they tret out of the hnU-rnlrl 1i.
by saying "Tapestry Brussels"
mcy get onto! it because they
don t dare to stick to it. W,.
maintain that the lying is don
when the lie is betrun.
Brussels is Brussels and Tap
estry lapestry.
John Wanamakkk.
Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market streets,
...... v.ij-ii.tii aiguille HAI.ICH.
William Uimon administrator of William
Sltler deceased, will sell real estnto 011 the
premises In ltoirlngcrcek township on
Saturday, November 13th 1880, at 10
o'clock a. m.
Oacar J. Hess, trustee, will sell real es.
tate ot the late llcubcn Hess, on the prem.
Ises In Fislilngcrcclt township, on Saturday
November Cth at 0110 o'clock in tho alter
noon. A valuable farm ot 143 acres, part
limber land.
N. U. Funk, administrator of Lydla
Sponcnbcrc will sell valuable real estate on
Saturday November 13th at 0110 o'clock
p. m. A valunlilu farm in lirlarcrcck
township, on road leading from lllooms
burg to lierwick. See advertisement.
OoTOimit 23. Wm. It. nnl Cjrus I)e
Mott, executors of Jacob DcMott, dee'd,
will DfTer nt public sale valuable real cbtute
on the premises in Madison township, on
Saturday, October 23, at 1 o'clock p. m.
Geo, Ilucklo administrator 0 Kmanuel
Krumm, deceased will Bell valuable per
sonal piopeity on tho late premises, on
Monday October 25th at 10 o'clock a. in.
Horses,cows nnd general farm implements.
Wanted. Two girls to learn the tail or
inj trade. Apply at D. Lowenbcrg's.
Fon Sale. The undersigned will sell 40
or 50 acres, more or less, to suit purchas
ers, from the south side of his farm in
Hemlock township. Three good springs
ol walcr, iond 'mildiup; site, public road
through the laud, about 5 acres of limber,
small stream of water through land. Price
815 per ncie In payments. For particulars
.nqulrc of Itcuben liomboy, liuculiorn, or
Geo. K. Elwcll, liloomsburg. J4,0 uiof.
Wanted Immediately. A good reliable
local man to work Columbia county for
the sale of New York State Nursery Stock.
Wc will make special inducement to the
right party. Address,
O. V. Gnr.r.N-& Co.,
Scrantou, i'a., or Geneva, N, Y.
Sept. 10, Cw
Miss Sadc Derrickson is the guest of
.Mrs. W. Nenl.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. II. Linglo of Kellcfonto
are visiting relatives here.
Mrs. Dr. liiddlo of Ashland is visiting
her mother Mrs. Iluckingham.
Hev. L. Z-ihner nnd family will start for
Omaha on Wednesday next.
.Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. ltuptrt of Big lluplds,
Mich., nre visiting friends In town.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. liakcr of Kast Orange,
N. J. aro the guests of J. L. Mojer.
Cuns. 11. Geigc-r of Frackvillo is spend
ing Hie wee!; in town visiting friends and
attending the fair.
C. II. Iluck.ile-.v and Samuel Neyhard
went to the North Mountain on .Monday,
where they will spend a week or more in
making surveys.
West, via Pittsburg or Erie tickets sold
by Moyer Eros.
Kyc piaffes and fcpcclnclcs varying in
prices from 23 cts upwards at Clark's Hook
Wu are unable to get tho council pro.
ccediugs this week, owing to tho abseuce
of tho secretary.
You will miss a treat If you fall to heir
the "Tourists'' In tho Opera House Thurs.
day nnd FiiJay evening.
Invitations nre out for tho wedding of
Isabella Milues and Clinton C. Snyder,
Wednciday evening October 20.
The Kast street crossing of the D. L. &
W. H. it has been repaiied. The rails are
plunked from 0110 sidewalk to the other.
Tho accident to Dr. Gardner which wo
reported last week has proven to bo moro
serious than was supposed. The one side
of his body is paralyzed.
Shadrach L. Hess has opened a boot and
shoe shop in Denton, where bo will bo
pleased to meet his many friends, nnd
mako or repair boots nnd shoes.
Tito town has been full of show people
and fakirs all the wick, wailing for tho
openiugof tho fair. Many of tho latter
went awaj disappointed because they were
not allowed on the grounds.
There will bo a meeting of tho C. E. S. C.
at the residence of L. H. Unpen on the
comer of Centre and Third streets, Mon.
day evening Ocf 18. All members of the
circle aro rcnucstcd to bo In attendance,
William Dennis has lecently decorated
tho walls of his barber shop with several
now picture s, nicely f rimed. Ho h w also
nut down a now c-irpist aud expects to re.
miner the walls. This will mako him n
very neat room.
Tho second halt yearly convention of
Sunday wliools of Eloonisbiirg will be held
In tho Preibylciian church on Tuesday
October 10th, aflcruoon and evening. A
full and Interesting programme ha3 been
prepared aud a full attendance is desired.
Wedmsduy morning about eight o'clock,
a daughter of O, II, Campbell, noticed some
strange person throw a package over tne
fence, dropping It in an obscure corner.
The packuge wus not discovered by any
ono until thu daughter returned from
school In the evening. It was then found
to bo a line iilckle-plated traveling bag
wllli 11 largo opening cut lu it, as tho bug
was scciuely locked. On examination it
wns found to still contain Iho following
articles 1 A land warrant for some Florida
land from E. C. Johnson to J. F, Lyons 1 a
line compass 1 aguldobooki some towing
muchlno fixtures ; two lllcf, a bottlo of ink
and pen. If the owner wishes tho travel.
Ing bag ho will pleaso address O. H, Camp,
bell, liloomsburg, I'a.
Spectacles nnd 13yo glasses at Ocorco A.
Clark's Hook Store.
Dr. J. II. Moore, tho specialist from
I'illston, wilt be nt tho Exchange Hotel on
Saturday Oct. 23rd, from 0 n. m. to 2 p. m.
Joseph Hess, of Centre township, died
nt his homo Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock
after un Illness of only about a week.
Kidney affection was tho Immcdiato causo
of death. Ho was a man highly respected
by all who Knew him, and Ids loss will bo
felt by the community In which he lived.
llo wns about 45 yenrs of age.
A beautiful stock of Hoys' aud Children's
suits just received at tho Popular Clothing
Store of David Lowcnbcrg.
Tho remains ot Mrs. Gcorgo Thomas
wcro brought homo from Nnntlcoke on
Monday, and Interred In Hose moot on
Tuesday. SI10 was lormerly Miss Maggie
Coffman, daughter of tho late Moses Coff
man and sister of William Coffman, I). H.
Coltman nnd Mrs. I), Winner, of this town.
Her bnbo only a week old died shortly after
Its mother, nnd both were burled In onu
collln. no leaves a liustmuel aim onu
A nice line of Furnishing Goods new
est la design In Shirts, Collars nnd Neck
les just rtcclved at I). Lowenbetg's.
Tho lecture of Dr. Hamlin on Friday
evening was a most interesting nnd In.
structlve one. Tho nudiencc though uot
large was an intelligent one. Tho Eastern
Question, the lecturer said, Is, "Why docs
not llussla occupy Constantinople?" and
tin 11 by the usu of maps, and by clear nnd
lucid explanations, ho made tho situation
plain to ad his hearers. In closing lie said
ho had only begun the subject, and had
only endeavored to put tho question before
ins amuence so mat uy reading the papers
they may bolter understand tho "Eastern
Question" hereafter.
A new stock of gold nnd silver watches
at E. Ecruhard's.
Ilcv. Dr. Tustin preached at St. Paul's
P. E Church on Sunday morning and
evening. His sermons were very interest.
Ing, and evinced high scholarly attainments
011 tho part of thu speaker. Ho Is a man
of extensive travel, having been in Europe
iSjpi, I'alctliuc ana lutlla. Some years
of his life were spent lu Germany, aud
portion ot this time ho was rector of
cluucli at Dresden. Ho lias recently re
turned from n trip to Alaska. The Doctor's
last palish In this country was at Grand
Itnplds, Michigan. During tho winter he
will locate in Philadelphia. Ho wus here
on a visit to his brother, Hev. J. P. Tustin
and weut from here to Eewisburg on Mod
A line selection of linger rings, and all
kind? of jewelry. All Roods engraved
free of charge at E Hernhard's.
Tho presentation of tho "Toutists in a P
1". U." given nt tho Windsor Theatre last
night caused considerable amusement to
very largo audience. The company is a
very strong one, nnd kept the audience in a
good humor thioughont the entire evening.
.Mr. Chas. Klrke ns Hookey John mado an
ideal Chinaman, and with his specialty and
performance Louis, tho Frenchman, which
was a marked pb-ea of character noting,
proved himself ai arilst oi considerable
merit. Thos. Lord made an amusing por
ter. Tho quartet singing and specialties,
and tho P. P. Car scene by day nnd nigh
were splendid features, and added realism
to the performance- V should advise all
who wish to have a hearty laugh uoseo the
"Tourist" this week. A'. I". Herald June
M, 1880.
A large stock of Fall Hats just received
at David Lowenbcrg's.
Luther IC. Williams died nt tho house of
Mr. l'eter Illllme'yer in this place on Satur
day morning October i)th aged 30 years 0
months and 29 days. Ho was the only
brother of A. J. of Mr.
Hillmeyer. A few years ago Mr. Williams
wns a merchant in Philadelphia, but he re
ceived two attacks of apoplexy which ren
dered him unfit for business. For tho past
few yeais he has lived mostly with his
brother, and doing what little work was
possible for him to do, Tho funerul ser
vices were conducted Tuesday morning by
Hev. Manhiit, alter which tho body was
taken to Mtclinnlcsburg nnd laid to rest
alongside of his father and mother. Hy
his kind auil genial disposition Luther
made many friends In Ibis place who will
long remember him.
A nice line of furnishing goods newest
in design in shirts, collars and neck ties
just received nt D. Lowenbcrg's.
List of letters remaining In tho Post Of
flee at liloomsburg for week ending Oct.
12, 18S0:
Miss Dcwitt, Miss Lizzie Dlsher, Mr. G.
E. Gates, J. M. Gllmore, Wm. A- Hartman
Mr. Simon Kluney, Mrs. Sarah Mace, Miss
Sallic fassainnn, Mrs. A. A. Stils. Mr, S.
W. Tetiey, Miss Ella Woller, L. E. Yost,
Miss May Yoxheimer, Jacob Zimmerman.
A. M. Ingham M. P., James Johnson,
Mr. Fred Schwartz.
Monljedn Lulgi, Mijk Kocls, James
Kosjtrubidy (Ship), llcncdctte Homano,
Sig Santonc Salyatore (Ship), .Mr. Alonzo
ClottI, Mr. Ell Muecl, Gerimono Mucci,
Veto Zupo.
Persons calling for these letters will
please say "advertised."
GeonasA. Clahk, P. M.
Simon Shivo oilers nt private salo his
stock of farm implements, consisting ot
mowers, reapers, binders, drills, harrows,
farm wagons &c. Also several full blooded
Jersey cows.
Tho case of A. E. Cudow vs. tho D. L.
& W. H. It. Co. was tried in court last
week Thursday and Friday. It was a suit
brought to recover damages for an accident
at tho East street crossing in liloomsburg.
On the morning of January 28th 1R84 Ca.
dow Blurted from his home on Seventh
street to go to Lockard's suops whero ho
wus employed as !lrcman,and where ho had
worked for several years. When ho got
within a few feet of the track ho left tho
sidewalk to go diagonally across the street
to thu shops, and as It vwas dark, and ho
was In n hurry, ond was crippled la his
right leg ho mWsed tho planking lu tho
middle ot the street, nnd stubbing his too
on one of tho rails ho fell and broke tho
crippled leg near where It had been broken
before. He then sued tho company for
$5,000 damages for negligence In not plank,
lug between the rails clear across the street
When tho plaintiff's evldcnco closed, de
ft 11 dual's counsel moved for n compulsory
nonsuit on tho ground that tho plaintiff's
case disclosed contributory negligence on
Ids part. A half day was occupied lu tho
argument, Geo, E. Elwell and Col. Freeze
being for tho tlcfcmlunt,and William Chris,
man and Heeler &, Herring for tho plaintiff.
The court directed n nonsuit to bo entered,
nnij a rulo was taken by tno plaintiff to
show cause why tho uonsuit should not bo
tnkeu oir, It will lie argued next month.
Ho I for thu West! Moyer Hros. tell
tickets via. 1'eiina II. It.
The prices tell, tho quality sells.
Aro you rolug to have soma of tho bar
gains lu Fall and Winter Clothing just re.
eclved at David Lowenbcrg's.
Tho Orangcvlllo Presbyterian church wns
dedicated Saturday last October 0th. Af.
tcr the usual Inliniluctory services tho Key.
Dr. Webster of Wllllnmsport made a btlcf
address, congratulating the people on liav.
ing completed one ot tho finest and most
commodious church buildings In this sec
tion. Ilo recounted tho usual hindrances
In tho building of churches and urged tho
pcoplo to liberality, asking for subscrlp.
lions. Although tho atlcndanco was not
largo they soon pledged $1,000 sufficient to
dedicate tho houso free of debt. Tho
cluucli cost complete, Including furnlturo
nnd carpet, $5,000. Tho windows aro ot
stained glass, and all memorial. Two
very pretty windows In the gable end havo
been placed In honor of tho first nnd last
pastors Hev. D. J. Waller, Sr. nnd Hev,
O. K, Cnnfleld. The seating Is neat and
comfortnblo. Tho auditorium Is seated
with 225 assembly chairs, with folding scat.
Tho Sunday School room Is Immedi
ately In front of tho pulpit and separated
from auditorium by pivoted windows
which makes a flno addition to tho largo
loom when needed. Tho dedication scr.
mon was preached In the nfternoon by tho
Hey. I). J. Waller, Sr., who nearly 50 years
ago began missionary operations In this re
gion. Hev. Dr. Mitchell preached lu tho
evening, nho Hev. Prof. Wallcl,who was 11
pastor of the congregation for two years.
Tho communion was c-leLraled by a largo
aud IntercslMig audience. Tho people nro
to bo congratulated on receiving so good n
house of worship. A largo Sunday School
was organized with good prospects of do
Ing inu:h good.
If you want n Fall Suit, made up in City
style, by experienced workmen, first-class
style nnd lit guaranteed, call and sco tho
elegant lino of Imported and Domestic
Goods now on hand at the Popular Mer
chant Tailor of Hloomsbnrg,
I.lHt of HfttrlcH.
The fedlowlni entries have been mndo
for the three days races at tho Columbia
County Fair, commencing Thursday Oct,
Kirmm' Clam Phillip Creasy enters
m Daisys C. L. Sands, b m Hesslo Sands
Ira Hoyd. r it G, W. C. : Clint Lewis, g in
2:40 Com.-O. W. Potter, blk m Huby
Star ; Hrond Hros., d g Hanana Hoy ; A. S,
Shollcr, s m Hesslo Lee : James Cook, b m
Volley j John limine, b g Dan L. : 8. J,
Fnux, b g Charley F.
IT1IDAY, OCT. 15th.
Cotl Clans. Hush Creasy, b m Little
Mary ; W. J. Eldlay, b m Maude j Ira
Hoyd b g Dick ; W. P. Hobbins, b g
Harney : E. L. Adams, br g Prince : 0. A,
Hcnric, b m Daisy.
2:30 Class. Jacob Hadcr, b g Jesso
George Cook, b g Molt Medium and b m
Pet Hand j J. F. Shurtz, b m Jessie Gould
W. M. Hughes, blk g Tommy M and b
Kobcrt C. j J. M. Frcck, b 111 Jennie Grace,
2:50 Class. Gconic W. Potter, bile m
Huby Star ; Hroad Bros., d g Banana Boy;
John Jamison, c g Fillmore j J. Welden
saul, b g J. W. : Frauk Foresman, b a Wm,
C. j J. M. Sherwood, r m Lena Belle.
Free Fur All. Jacob Hadcr, l g Jesse
Georgo Cook, b g Jlott .Medium ; Thos,
McGuinhnn, b g Stephen G. ; J. F. Shurtz
g c; Pilot Hoy ; W. M. Hughes, blk
Tommy M. and b g HobertC.
Hnccs called at 1 o'clock p. m. each day,
It you want a fall suit made up in city
stylo by experienced workmen, first class
stylo and fit guaiantced call and sco the
elegant lino of imported nnd domestic
goods now on hand at tho popular mcr.
chant ta'lor of Blooinsburg, David Lowcn
Hcnatnrlnl Conference.
Tho Democratic conference of tho trcnty
fourth Senatorial district convened at the
Exchange Hotel on Thursday evening, the
7th Inst, nt 7.30 o'clock. An organization
was effected by the election of C. B. Jack.
son Esq. ns chairman, M. J. Phillips sec
retary and H. If. Heeder nssistaut. The
conferrecs were C. B. Jackson and C. G,
Barkley of Columbia, Setli Foresman nnd
H. IC. Heeder of Lycoming, M. J. Phillips
and Patrick Connor of Sullivan, J. W,
Sheriff and J. S. Mcllrido of Montour. Tho
candidates wero Col. J- G. Freezo of
Columbia, V. E. Molzgar of Lycoming.
Jnmes McCormick of Montour and U,
Collins of Sullivan. Messrs. McCormick
and Collins have both represented their
counties in the lower branch of tho Legls
laturc. Mr. Metzear is tho youngest of
tho candidates, being only 27.
M the first session 10 ballots were taken
each delegate voting constantly for Its own
candidate. After a recess of n halt hour
another session was held and 17 moro bil
lots taken with the same result. Tho con
ferenco then adjourned until 7 o'clock
Friday evening, and after 47 more ballot
making the total number 80, an adjourn
mcnt was mado to Wednesday evening, tho
13lh, at Willlamsport. Each delegation
seems bent upon thu selection of its cnndl
date, and it Is Impossible to predict who
may be selected.
Tho wonderful 45-ccut White Shirt 1
argo stock just received at
David Lowenbcrg's.
Tlic l'n I r.
Wednesday, tho opentug day ot tha fair
showed that this year will bo a greater sue
cess than any previous ones. Last year
thero were 4,000 entries but this will ex.
ceen it by a vast number. The mammoth
exhibition building will be filled wilh choice
articles of exhibit, which can bo tastefully
arranged. All thu old sheds havo been
torn away to give spaco for this ono build
ing which Is so largo that all tho old sheds
could be put lasido of it and yet leavo much
spco for exhibits. If wo aro favored with
flno weather tho attendance will bo un.
usually large, judging from the great num.
her of entries.
Thero are 40 horses entered for tho races
somo of which havo a record of 2:10,
'Wo havo got 'em on tho list."
All tho pretty uew styles, all the new
shape. Come, look, and you will bo sur
prised at the Fall and Winter stock of
0:i Liver Oil, With H;psphospMtes.
tjr Lung Trouble) and Waiting Diseases.
Dr. J. Slmouaud, New Orleans La. saysi
"Scott's Emulsion Is tho finest preparation
of the kind ever brought to my notlco. In
ulTcctions ot tho luugs and other wasting
diseases, we may consider It our most re
liable agent. In a perfectly elegant nnd
ngrceablo form."
Stand by tboso who staud by you.
Wo havo now received a large assortment
In Mens' Youths' and Hoys Clothing. Call
nnd examine before you go elsewhere aud
you will be satisfied that thu right place to
buy your Clothing Is at David Lowenbcrg's
Popular Clothing Store.
Thu Tourists, by special arrangement
with Messrs. Peacock uud Dentlcr will bo
presented lu the Ope.-a House Thursday
und Friday evenings, Oct. 14 and 15. The
play allords two uud one-half hours of
laughter. The Company carry all their
special scenery,
nitlSTOM I'AIIl.
Tho third meeting of the Ucuton Agri
cultural Society, from tho Otli to tho Otli
Instant, wns n grand financial success. It
will not only pay nil Us premiums nnd ex
penses In full, but will bo enabled to pay
Its stockholders a dividend. They should
feet proud of this. For tho first time In its
history It was favored with desirable
weather during tho cntlro time of meet
ing. Wo saw decided Improvements In tho
Fair of this year over previous years nnd
with 0 railroad to Benton, their future
meetings will comparo favorably with oth
er Fairs I11 tho Slate. Tho exhibits wcro
larger and some ot them better than for
merly. Tho display ot agricultural pro
ducts depends upon tho condition ot the
crops. This was a very unfavorable year
for somo of tho crops In tho northern part
of the county. Tho npple crop, which sel
dom falls there, is nn inferior crop this
year and tho display ot apples at the Fair
showed it, Tho display of potatoes wns
very small and bo was tiio crop. Squashes,
beets, rutabagas, carrots, onions, tomatoes,
were as largo and lino ns nt any Fair. Tho
cars of corn, tho specimens of wheat, ryr,
oats, buckwheat, barley, could not bo ex
celled. A full lino of mill products wns
exhibited by O. W. Cole, of Hhorsburg.
Tho honey crop was never larger than this
year nnd such largo displays wcro never
beforo seen nt a Fair in tho county. T
largest exhibitors were Daniel Fritz and
Joslah Coleman. Tho praises of tho wo
men In the northern part of tho county
have been so often sounded that It is only
necessary to say that their display did
them credit. Tho bread and cakes and
pics cannot be excelled. Tho pics alono
occupied as much spaco as all other baked
goods Thero was scores of them. The
wines, piescrvcs, jellies, spiced, pickled
and canned fruits wcro almost too tempt
ing to resist. Hero where you never hear
the expression, "good butter," for nil but
ter Is good, the most beautiful rolls were
The funcy work compared very favor,
able with that seen nt larger Fairs. In
quilts nnd cushions the crazy patch pre
vailed. Specimens of embroidery and
handsome lace wcro numerous. Fine
work on ladles undergarments showed how
skillful tho ladles In that part of the
comity are with tho needle. The work in
wool, hair and nrtiflclnl Mowers were very
fine. Tho display of millinery goods, lints
nnd bonnets trimmed in ribbons nnd fenth
ers and birds, was very creditable.
Tho exhibition of live stock was an im
provemont over last year. The Holslcln
bull of John J. Earns attracted n good bit
ot attention 011 account ot his immense
size, llo weighs 2040 pounds. Then
were a number of Aldcruey and Shorthorn
cattle; besides Devons, Guernseys and na
tive stock. Tho horse show wa3 very fine,
The handsomest horses, marcs, colts and
driving horses were to be found among the
exhibit. The farmers aro selecting
the males with greater caro and
tho colts show olf better. Sheep
nnd swine wero not very numerous
and they did not show much caro in
breeding. The poultry display was tho
smallest of all. All tiie faucy breeds
weie, however, represented.
Benton is too far from Hie railroad to
have a largo display of agricultural imple
ments. Thero was only one mowing ma
chine', tho Champion, one broancust seeder,
ono feed cutter, splitter and crusher.
There was a goodly number ot wagons
exhibited. Tho Appleman Bros., of Hen
ton, had several of their celebrated farm
wagons, a platform spring wagon, with a
greatly improved platform, nnd several
skeleton wagons. John Eves had two ot
his well known Millvillo farm wagons. J.
It. Hico had n fino skeleton wagon nnd A.
A. Hopp uud W. U. Snodgrnss, both of
Miflliuburg, had each several very hand
some buggies.
Keller Bros, had a full lino of Danville
stoves, a great variety of tinware, a num
ber of very pretty library lamps and the
Western Washer.
II llulrae represented Iho Vermont
Farm Machine Co., witli churns, butter
workers, and butter printers.
Jerry Snltzer had n number of very fino
Miller organs, two celebrated Estey organs,
White, Domestic, Davis Vertical Fic-1 and
Hoynl St John Holary Sewing Machines,
The last unincd Is pronounced tho best re
tary machine in the world. Jerry's stall
was crowded all Iho time, listening to the
excellent masic.rendcred by Hichnrd Meth.
erell nnd H. F. Spotts nsslstcd by Charles
S. D. Ncyhnrd exhibited the New Wheel,
cr No. 8 and a great vntlety of tinsel work
writing anel embroidering done on this ma
chine. This stall was surrounded by
crowds watching this machino turn out
There were moru shows nnd fakirs nt
this than at any previous meeting of the
Benton association. Thero were four
tents. In the one was exhibited tho tall
Congo Indian, a pair of pythons, a Punch
& Judy show and a man swallowing an 18-
Inch sword. Another has tho largest hog
on earth; another tho 5 legged calf anil
tho fourth Is a variety show consisting of
songs, dances, farces, &c.
Tho races wero unusually interesting,
Tho horses wcro moro evenly matched and
tho races better contested than at any pre
vious fair.
Tho races were unusually Interesting.
Tho horses wero mire evenly matched and
tho races better contested than ut any
previous fair. We givo them us follows :
O. H. Hcnric, Orangeville, "Daisy" 1st.
H. T. Smith, Benton, "Flora" 2d.
F. S. Smith, Benton, "Chas. S" 3d.
Time, 3:20.
rAllMEll'B TliOT.
William W. Black "lloy Prince" 1st.
F- S. Smith, "Chas 8."
Mai tin Coleman, "Chas C" 2il.
O. II. Hcnric, "Flora" 3rd.
Time, 2:40, 2:51 J, 2:59J.
DISTlllOT -risor.
Alfred Hess, "Brown Dan" 1st.
William W. Black "Boy Prince" 2d.
Clint Lewis "Pet L"3id,
1'ln.n n.jti 0..1Q1 n. 101
"Pet L" mado best lime ou first heat 2:44.
2:Ja TitoT.
W. II. Hughes "Hobert C" 1st.
J. H. Hralno "Dan L"3nd.
Saml. Prentiss, "Annie Gingles" 3rd.
Best time 2:30.
open to all."
r. it. Jackson, Berwick, "Joo Emmctt" 1st.
uoi. ucjicoit.i'rovldeuce, "Aunlu Colgan'
W. H. Hughes "Hobert C" 3rd.
Best tlmo 2:34.
A runlng raco concluded tho races. J. H.
Knouse, Peter Knouso, nnd Saml, Knouse,
stancei ami cumo in in tho order named
flHliliiccrcck lrrtendH' Monthly
.iieclinu hl-iiooI MtllvlIIc, IM.
A graded day school for both sexes hav.
Ing a well orgaulzed preparatory depart,
raent. Tho course of study adopted, oilers
superior advantages for a thorough, guard-
cd education at very moderatu terms,
Hoarding obtained at reasonable rales. For
full particulars nddress,
Annie O. Doiiland. Priuclnal.
MUlville, I'a,
i' an overcoats, ready made, equal to
merchant tailor's lu 111, style and nual
Ity, for half the price. Call and seo
for yourself at David Lowenbcrg's
Popular Clothing Sloro.
Cam Cmiffti, CoM, Itoat-wnp, CrontV Athm,
BroncLithj, Whooi Inff Couph, Incipient Conmrnp-
h a din on AA. lllfnKSrLL fVm.
Hon, Ttio Genuine Vr PulVt
Vonrth fffwp It oti only In
tchilt trriiptyer, and btn onr
rrri'tfrprt Trnrtd-Uorkt la vlt 1
A Jtnlt'B tlend In a Cf rvlt, a lft
htrip Catttton-tjitrU nd tti
fno-tmt)olifmturtiiof John r,
fiiU A. V. Altver t fU, Solel
1 Top's, li&Ulmore. ltd., V. B. A.
".The Qrtateat Cure on Earth for Pain,"
Will relieve more quickly than any
other known remedy. Rheumatism,
Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Durns,
Scalds, Cuts, Lumbago, Sores, Frost
bites, Backache, Wounds, Headache,
Toothache, Sprains, &c. Sold by nil
Druggists, Price SO Cents a Bottle.
Krerr tnri-cdlent I from Vcg-ttable I
product that crow In Ma-lit or eTery auirercr.
IT hM no Morphine. Opium or injurousDniefl.
, Event Close
va noes rloht to
V. Ihetixil.
V Minimcr, 1
tho Mucous
Now, Throat, Bronchnl Tubes, Air-cells
and Lunir Tissues, cauelng enough.
What Dlacnncn Invmlo the LuilirJ
Scrofula, Qitnrrh-iiolsnns, Micro-organ.
Isms, Humors, and Mood Impurities.
tVIint nro tho Primary Caimes ?
Colds, Chronlo Cough, llroncultla. Conges
tion, Inllammatlon, Catarrh or Ilav-Fever,
Asthmn. Vnenmnnln. Malaria. Measles.
Whooping Cough and Croup. .
Bit -will stop that Coughing, Tlckllnit In
Throat, Dry-hacking nnd Catarrh-dropping.
your i-iinocioraiiou or apuiai
Frothu . lilooil-stafneel Catarrhal
Pus iMauen l euoxclsh canKer-Wte
Phleam Tuherhtilar Miuo-purulent 1
It prevents Decline, Night-Sweats, Hectic-Fever,
and Death from Consumption.
25c, 50o, 81.000 bottles $5.00.
Pivprtrc! nt Vr, Kilmer's IHftppnuarr, Blnghunton,
W.Y.,4,InTalidf'OuldtoHi'alth, (ft-tit Free).
Day and Night
During nn acuto attack of Bronchitis, a
ceaseless tickling in tho throat, and nn
exhausting, hacking cough, afillct tho
sufferer. Sleep hi banished, and great
prostration follows. This disease Is also
attended with Hoarseness, and some
times Loss ot Voice. It Is llablo to be
como chronic, Involve tho lungs, and
tcrmlnato fatally. Ayer's Cherry Pecto
ral affords speody rollof and euro In cases
of Bronchitis. It controls tho disposition
to cough, and Induces refreshing sleep.
I havo been a practising physician for
twenty-four years, nnd, for the past
twelvo, havo suffered from annual at
tacks of Bronchitis. After exhausting
all tho usual remedies
Without Relief,
I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It
effected a speedy cure. G. Stoveall,
M. 1)., Carrollton, Miss.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Is decidedly tho
best remedy, within my knowledge, for
chronic Bronchitis, anil all lung diseases.
M. A, Kust, M. D South Paris, Me.
I was attacked, last winter, with n
sevoro Cold, which grow worso and
settled on my Lungs. By night sweats
I was reduced almost to nskeleton. My
Cough was incessant, and I frequently
spit blood. My physician told me to
givo up business, or I would not llvo a
month. After taking various remedios
without relief, I was finally
Cured By Using
two bottles ot Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
I am now In perfect health, and able to
resumo business, after having been prc
nouncod Incurable with Consumption.
S. P. Henderson, Saulsburgh, Penn.
For years I was In n doclino. I had
weak lungs, and suffcroil from Bron
chitis and Catarrh. Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral restored me to health, and I havo
been for n, long tlmo comparatively vig
orous. In caso ot a sudden cold I always
resort to tho Tectoral, and find speedy
relief. Edward E. Curtis, Rutland, Vt.
Two years ago I suffered from a severe
Bronchitis. The physician attending
mo became fearful that tho disease would
tcrmlnato in Pneumoala. After trying
various medicines, without boneflt, ho
prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
which relieved ino at onco. I continued
to tako this medicine and was cured.
Ernest Cotton, Logausport, Iud.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Prepared by Dr. J, C. Ayer k Co., Lowell, Mam.
Sold by all Druggla'.a. l'rica $1 ; all bottlci, f 5.
Orders for engraved plates for calling
cards may be left at the Colombian
Wc are offering great
Sewing Machines.
9 9
3$ "4"4
Among tho Pianos wo handle aro tho I V RS & POND, C. C. BRIGGS.
& CO., SCIIOMACKER Gold String and Opera Pianos. These
o all lirst-elass and fully warrautcd for live years.
Pianos nr
Our leading Organs
STATES and other makes.
Our leading Sowing Machinesare tho celebrated WHITE, NEW BAVIS, NEW
STANDARI ROTARY Sewing Machine, tho finest and best Rotary SowiiiK
Machino in tho world.
, , Hoforo purchasing write for Catalogues to J. SALTZER'S PALACE OF MUSIC AND
Caldwell' will bo found tlds week nt tho
end of the Exhibition building on tho fair
grounds selling the purest ot candles.
- . . ..
Having just received n cylinder for fin
ishing silks nnd cloths, I am prepared to
clean and dye gents' clothing, Indies'
cloaks, sncqucs, silks, dresses, shawls, Ac.
Feathers dyed and curled. Packages for
warded hy express will rccclvo prompt at
tention, according to directions. Call or
address, J. O. Caswell, elver, IJloomsImri;
Woolen Mills. sep244f.
Go to Caldwell's stand ou tho Fair
grounds for pure candles.
Frldaynnd Saturday will bo good days
for you to sco 1, W. Hartman it tton's large
line of Coals, Shawls, Dress Goods, Flan
nels &c,
Oystors, Ico Cream and all kinds ot re
frcshuicnts will be found at Caldwell's
stand on the Fair grouutR
McKllllp, ' liloomsburg.
Crayon Artist nnd Photographer.
Instantaneous process.
J'lno Cabinet Photos, only $3 a tloz. (tf
I. W. Hprtman & Son's exhibit at the
Fair is only a tnlntture of tho exhibition at
their stores, call and sec.
Coul t l'oui 1 1 com 1 1 1
Now is tho tlmo to purchase your Fall
and Winter coal, as wo propose luroishlng
stovo conl, In car lots, say five or six torn:,
the same as furnished on the D. L. & W.
li. It ,22-10 lb', to tho ton, each ton to be
weighed by Fairbanks' scales, All coal
from the Leo Mines While Ash.
O. A. Jaooiiv.
Poit Noble, August 13, 1880. tf.
Tho New Dishes in tho grocery depart
ment of 1. W. Hartman & i-on aro worlh
a look before you go homc
40 liushcls of Peanuts, lots of Taffy, lino
Candles, mid all kinds of refreshments at
Caldwell's stand on Fair grounds.
Now open at Miss K. llarkley's .Main St.
below Mtukct a full assortment of hats and
bonnets Irlmmcd nnd unlrimmcd in the
latest styles and at the lowest prices
children's plush and velvet caps on hand
aud made to order. Stamping nnd pinking
douc to order ou short notice. Crape work
a specially.
"Hello 1 Hello 1"''" Well, what Is it V
"What did you usu on your oats this
spilugf" Moro Phillips' solublo boue."
win you use tlio some on your potatoes ?"
"No. What did you use ?" "Sharplcss &
Carpenter's No. 1 bone, it makes them get,
don't it?" "Yce, sir." "Hello! there is
some one ringing In on us, what do you
want ?' N 111 it suit you to bring mc a load
of fertilizer up to-morrow?" "Where do
you want me to get it ?' Down at tho
Farmers' Produce Exchange. "They don't I
keep it do they f" "O, yes they do, why
you can get anything you want there.-." "Is
that so f" "Yes. sir, you can get Lister i
Hros' aminonlatcd bone, Lister liros.' U. S. I
E. bone. K. Frank Coe's Knickerbocker
soluble Pacific guano, Allentown comploto
bouu phosphate. Moro Phillips' super phos
phatc of lime, Diamond bone, Moro Phil
lips' soluble bono Oermun potash, John F.
Orth'a Heading bone, Sharpless & Carpen
ter's No. 1 bone, Sharpless & Carpenter's
acid phosphate, M- L. Shoemaker fc Co.
swift sure. All tho above goods are sold
at from 20 to 30 per cent less than any
other fertilizer sold, and nil kinds of grain
taken In exchango for tlie-m. Uefore pur
chasing your fertilizers call and give them
n trial and save time, money aud trouble.
June 25 4 m.
The secret of successful advertising Is lo
tell tho truth. When wo say tint Drey
doppel's Iiornx Soap is the best and cheap
est soap you can use for all purposes, it is
a plain stntement of fact, nnd the best
way for you to satisfy yourself is to try a
pound. sept.24-4t.
"For economy and comfort, wo uso
Hood's Sarsnparlllti," writes au intelligent
Bullelo, N. Y., lady. 100 doses ono dollar.
To PiiEscnvK Natuuai. Flowkih. Dip
the llowers in melted parnfilnc, withdraw,
ing them iiuickly. The licpiid should be
only just hot enough to maintain its Uaid
lly and the llowers should bo dipped ono
nt a time, held by tho stocks nnd moved
about for an Instant to get rid or air bub
bles. Fresh cut flowers, fioe from moist
ure, make excellent specimens In this way.
If you would picserve your health and in
vigoiato your entire system use Pcrrinc's
Puro liarlev Malt Whiskey. For salo by
druggists and nil dealers. cow.
f-'i-EEi'LEESNKSs Narcotics and sedatives
murder sleep ; the unnatural stupor is soon
followed by ill ellccts. Simmons Liver
Regulator removes the cause of restlessness
and sleeplessness by regulatiug tho bowels,
by establishing good digestion and by
quleling the nerves.
"I iiavo leen a great sulterer from tVs
pepsia and loss of sleep- As soon as I feel
the least nervous I take a dose of Simmons
Liver Itegulktor, and sleep nil night."
Ml:s. It. IIuvant, t liswoldsville, Ga.
Every wife and mother in tho country
shou'd know tne grent vnlue of Ayer's Bar
saparllla, ns a blood purifier. It gives tone,
health und strength, to tho vital organs,
corrects all irregularities, and expels im
purities from tho system. Young and old
use It. Price 1.
C3- IR, IE -A. T
inducements to persons desiring
are tho celebrated ESTEY. MIIXER, UNITED
" '
Tlic olrt Way nutt Hie New.
TnB Olii Way Hock tho baby in n sap
trough, enrry It to town In n potato basket,
give it salts nnd senna for a physic, wash it
with Bolt soap and water) when sick dose
it to death with harsh medicines, und then
sayi "The liord claimed It." Tub Nrw
Way UsoDr. Hand's llcmcdlcs for Chil
dren, which have been tested In his practice
for 15 years. They aro pure, safe, and a
Clod-scud to parents and children. Dr.
Hand's remedies arei Teething Lotion, u
wonderfully soothing and harmless lotion
to batlin tho gums of teething babes.
Collo Cure, promptly relieves colic nnd
soothes cross babes without stupefying
them. Pleasant Physic, for children and
adults, cures constipation. Worm Elixir,
which Is combined with a purge. Cough
and Croup Mi dlclne, has no superior In Its
line. Dlarrhtca Mixture, cures when ev
erything clso falls. General Tonic, gives
tone and nppetlto to weakly children.
Uhaflng Powder, heals soro and chafed ba
bies in a day. Price of each, only 25 cts.
For sale by O. A. Klclm, druggist,
Stop that cough that tickling In Iho throat 1
Mop that consumptive condition I
You can bo cured f You can't nrrord to wait I
Dr. Kilmer's cough Cure tcoosuinptlon oil) will
do It quickly an-1 perinaLenll)'. socts.
See -a hat the .ci.rt.-iry of the bitentate Poultry
and t'et block Astocution. of Coliden,
Illinois, aa
August 3, 1SS6.
I18AK Sir : 1 have used aomeof your Chicle,'e.kee (Poultry Food). lamaatUfied
that it Increaies the egg production of my fowl, .
The pain nnd misery Buffered by thoso
who nro nllllcted with dyspepsia are inde
scribable. Tho distress of tho boely Is
equalled or surpassed by tho confusion
and tortures of the mind, thus making Its
victims suUei' doublo nlllictlon. Tho re
lief which Is given by Hood's Snrsnparllla
has canted thousands' to b- thankful for
this great medicine, It dispels tlic causes
of dyspepsia, and tones up tho tllgcstlvo
organs. Try Hood's Sarsapntilla.
TVhen Tltby wm tick, we gave her CMtorta,
When the was a Chad, ahe cried for Caatorla,
When ahe became Was, ahe close; to Caatorla,
When ahe had Children, ahe gave them Ca'torU,
Shipping tags, wilh or without strings,
at the Coi.umhian olllcc. If.
HENRY WISE GA.BNETT, Attorney-at-Law,
Refers to Sd National Ilink, Washington, D. C.
'Clover aud Timothy Seed,'
Toledo tirades Unrivalled. For samples, quota
tions and Information, address
015-lir S. W. KLOWKll & CO., Toledo, Ohio.
DY8II?ISIA.-Its Nature. Causes, I'reven
tlon and Cure. By John II. McAlvlu, Lowell
Mass., u years tax collector, .sent tree to any ad
dress, ocis in tx
on James Itlvcr, Vo., In Claremon
colony, illustrated circular nee. j,
P. MANC1U, Clarcmout, Virginia.
OCU5U d.
DT7 & T?TvTT7CG lls causes and a new and
IN JiOQ successful VVltF. at jour
own home, by ono who was dea r twenty
eight years. Treated by most or tho noted
specialists without bencnt. Cured Miiiss' In s
months, andslnco then hundreds or others. Full
particulars sent on application. T. S. TAHF, No.
41 West 3lst bU, New York city. ocisdlt.
to sell for tho HOOKEKNTHSSltlES. fctabllshed
15. Hood pay all the year around on salary or
commission, ncnd tor terms.
II. li 1100KEU CO., Rochester, N. Y.
JvJillSlO WHIllllUlbe Urccct, olden
8 HHfjil.Ti.-hMl. tMt.knmn .'v iir..!-!.,- l.i thUp..n.l
ultimo lot ct.e
Btr7. i!ot 1-beral terrri. Unequilod farilitlaS
Crncealow. elrnnt a r.uraprj . l.i.tnlillliecll
" " if ' m irJViSJi l-tt'JJ ;.iv."-,-Ej ;XA
MatiO In or.cplcte from par?
wood tMili. not japtr-t
Uisic, no finell, J,i:a
MM 111', sYUONCi,
Dl'lt.UIJ.t:. Invaiuablo
for Iliii'lit-n nuil Dairy
use. MauufGctujvil hy
Oswego Indnrated FifireCo
At' your grocer for Ihein.
from 3 young plants wero raised this summer.
Il.aj each. 14.00 per dozen plants, pl'l PC Pl'll
a Winter npple.very, ot nno 1 1 hf.o hhl)
appearance, good keeper and bearer! C0cts.eacli,
13.00 per doien trees. A largo otoortment ot nur
Bery htock always on hand, Orders tor all shin
ments booked now. Address
4'Qisd UEOUC1E ACHELli, West Chester, I'a.
the popuUr farorittj for drcasint?
the lialr, Hetturin color Mipu
pur, and preentinR Dandruir.
It cleanses the scalp, sto, the
hair falUiiff, and 1 sure to nlf-iuc.
fioc. and SI. 00 ot Iruinrbts.
TTinanfoaf. nirMt ttnA Vuwt mini t-. rvm tin.iAns v...
BtopaUialn. Ensures comfort to ttioftct. Jevorfalls
oct is 4t a.
to purchase Pianos,