The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 08, 1886, Image 3

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( ratUBxtrnti, ocfoteM, 1888.
Here s a surprise in every line:
All the remnants and .odd
lots of dress-stuffs are gathered
from all the counters every
morning and put together. Scat
tered they get overlooked and
neglected ; together they make
a little storefiu.
The surprise is in how they
look. You shall see how they
look. We ought not to tell of a
remnant. While we are telling,
off it goes.
These are odd lots below.
What are odd lots ? Last year's
perhaps ; picked up in the
whole-sale market for next to
nothing perhaps; no matter
what perhaps. This is how they
look singularly like new stuffs
not one of 'em new !
Enough for several dresses
of all of these :
Heavy open canvas with Per
sian figures , 2.50 last year ;
now $1.50.
Camel's-hair honeycomb over
an iridescent undercloth, $2 last
year ; now 1.
Silk-plush stripes on black
ennvas net-work ovc red undcr-
neath,$2.5o last year; now $1.25.
Mohair plush ombre on heavy
serge, $2.50 last year ; now
Plain serge with bright silk
tassel-fringes hanging out of it
uot-iiKe,j;2 last year; now $1.25.
Soft serge with side-band of
mohair cord and boucle, $2 last
year ; now si. 2 5.
Serge and cord-and-boucle
stripe, $1.25 last year; now 75c
Flower of silk waste in leaf
of mohair damask on armure
ground, $2 lastyear; now 1.2
Cheviot with color-stripes of
tiny curls, fri.25 last year; now
nam soit ciotn witn woven
color-figures, $1.25 last year:
now 75c.
Camel's-hair serge with scat
tered diamonds with points of
color and light, 1.75 last year;
now 11.25.
Serge with fine plaid check
and mohair boucle, Si. 2K last
year; now 75c.
Roueh color-fiirures on plain
diagonal, Si. 75 last year; now
Squares of uncut mohair
loops on serge, Si. 75 last year;
now !ji.
Massive triple color-stripes of
long moss-like loops of wool on
broad diagonal, 2.50 last year
now 1.25.
Fine stripes of coarse mohair
wiching on canvas, the canvas
nearly covered, 2 last year:
now $1.
Serge with stripes of silk dam
ask, Si. 50 last year; now 1.00.
Bright-color stripes of bob
bins of silk on rich camel's-hair
serge, 2.00 last year; now 1.25
Cashmere plaids. 1.2; last
year; now 75c.
Plaid serges, 1.25 last year;
now 7 sc.
Homespun - looking cheviot
check or mixture, doubtful which
we ought to call it, with stripes
ot slifrhtly dmerent colors, 1.00
last year; now 75c.
Knickerbockers, soft - woo
sacking-cloths bouretted with
flakes and blotches of color, 1.00
last year; now 75c.
Dress -patterns in worn-out
boxes they look as if tney had
been looked at a thousand times
This list of odd lots is incom
plete. To-morrow others. Next
day others. Can't see how the
supply is coming or where it is
conlitiL' from, unless we take
over some of our neighbors
stuffs. It is onlv a question of
money. We'll sell their stuffs
for 'em only let the prices be
low enough.
A word on remnants. What
ever we have in the store is
hkelv to come to the remnant
counter. There's nothing too
fine and nothing.too insignificant
It's a store bv itself this rem
nant and odd-lot counter.
lly tlio Clty-nall bquaro door.
Two or three years ago
Scotchman scolded us over the
cable because we sold his brag
tab'e-linen for 2.00 a yard. He
thought we ought to help our
neighbors get 2.25 and 2.50 for
it "Never would sell us anotner
yard," etc., etc. He's wiser now.
We have his table-linens and
cloths and napkins. Best maker
in Scotland.
Now, lest you think we speak
too kindly of him, a word on fine
Irish and Saxony double-dam
risks. First Scotch, then Irish
thon Dresden. The Irish begin
where the Scotch leave off. The
finest Irish and Dresden linens
are equally fine; but the Irish
are heavy, the Dresden light;
and the Dresden style surpass
the Irish. More of them later,
We have them; but time and
space are wanting to-day.
These Scotch: by the yard
1.2 s to 2.00 two yards wide; table
cloths 2 yards square to 2x4
yards 3.25 to 10.00 inciuumguuu
pn matching napkins with each,
Siifih snow-white linens and
hfvnitifnl lustrous damasks I We
rejoiced in this Scotchman's lin
pns even w lien we luiu w
rlino his conditions. We lik
the "nimble six-pence."
west ot the Arcade steps.
John Wakamakek,
CheBtnut, Thirteenth and Market streets,
fknd City.hall square.
The Columbian.
toiuucT niiLitoin tin tmi.
Trains On thfl Phltnnlftliln htt it 1 .. .
&S follows I .v. ivuyo iiupvn,
8:3S a. m.
3:M p. m.
11:49 a. m.
fl:ia n. m.
TralMOntlintv t. 4. w 11 i ...
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!S:1S a. m. ..B.2PTn'
150 am.
a.oa d. m.
0:39 n. m.
4:19 p. m.
8:47 p. m.
TrnlnnnttA w . s,, -, ....
I'crrFas follows t ' """"TP88 "
10:M a. m. 15. n m
V- :is p. m.
10:11am 0:41pm
Our collcctor'wlll visit Kspyon Tucsdav.
October 12, and Ccntrnlla on llondnv anil
Tuesday, tlio 18th and lOlli.
OoToimu 23. Wm. It. and Cvrua Do.
Mott, executors of Jacob DcMott, deo'd,
will oiler nt public snlo valuable real cstalo
on tlio premises In Madison township, on
Saturday, October 23, nt 1 o'clock p. m.
Oct. 9. The administrator, &c, of John
Springer deceased, will sell real estate In
Hemlock township at 1 o'clock n. m. See
wanted. Lggs for machlno hatchlnc
for which the highest cash prices will bo
paid at Dr. Shnttuck's opposite the Grange
store. Must not bu over one week old.
Kggs from lnrgo stock preferred.
Wanted. Two girls to learn tho tailor
ing trade. Apply at D. Lowenbcrg's.
ion Sale A good farm near Light
Btrcet containing over 97 acres, well fenced
iii.ii in n goon state ot cultivation. Also a
timber tract of 75 acres in Jackson town-
ship. Apply to O. W. IUitrcii,
Woomsburg, Pa.
Foit Sale. The undersigned will sell 40
or CO acres, more or less, to suit purchas
ers, from tho south side of his farm In
Hemlock township. Thrco good springs
oi water, good building site, public road
through tlio land, about 5 acres of timber,
small stream of water through land. Price
$15 per acre In payments. For particulars
nqulre of Reuben Bornboy, BucKhorn, or
Geo. E. Klwell, Bloomsburg. J4,0 mos.
Fall overcoats, ready made, equal to
merchant tailor's in fit, stylo and qual
ity, for half the price. Call and sec
for yourself at David Lowenbcrg's
Popular Clothing Store.
Col. Freeze returned from Qanoga Lake
Friday of last week.
W. H. Helnbold of Locust was In town
several days this week.
Herman Fahringer of Numldla was nt
court this week in a case against the M. E.
Churcli of Locust township.
Patrick Hrennan, James McBrearty,
Michael Brcnuan and other citizens, of
Centralia, were in court this week.
O. M. Bittcnbcnderand wife leftLincoln,
Nebraska, Wednesday of last week, and
arrived in Pennsylvania on Saturdnj even
Arthur A ClarK and It. C. Drinker re
turned to their Florida plantations last Frl
day. William II. Clark accompanied them
and will spend some time south in hopo of
being physically benefitted.
Finest scenery going West by Pennn. K.
It. Tickets at Moyer Bros.
Itcv. Dr. Tustin will preach in the Epis
copal church on Sunday next.
A large stock of Fall Hats jnst received
at David Lowenbcrg's,
The Itupcrt M. E. Churcli congregation
will conduct the dining hall at the Fair
grounds next week.
Hog cholera has made Its appearance In
the eastern part of Berks county, and is
proving unusually fatal.
Passengers and baggage delivered freo
to persons buying western llckols ofMoycr
Bro's. Agls. Penua. It. 11.
II. H. Rutter, editor of JIughtmlle Mail,
will please accept thanks for complimentary
ticket to Muncy Valley Fulr.
A small child of county treasurer, P. A,
Evans, died of cholera infantum last week
and was burled on Saturday.
Dr. I. L llabb tlio dentist will bo at his
olllce at all hours during tho fair, olllco
over Schuylci's hardware store.
A nlco line of furnishing goods newest
in design in shirts, collars and neck lies
just received at D. Lowenbcrg's.
Elegant illuminated cards, just tlio thing
for signs at the Fair, for salo at this ollicej
and printed to order, boo them.
Tho wonderful 45.ccnt White Shirt i
arge stock just received at
David Lowenbcrg's.
Tho Steam Ileutlne Company have
put in two moro largo boilers the capac
itv for making steam is now doublo what
was last Winter. Stenn was turned on the
main Saturday last.
'Wo havo got 'em on the list."
All the nrettv new styles, all the new
shape. Come, look, and you will bo sur.
prised at the Full and Winter stock of
Our curb-stone market was changed Oc
tobcr 1 from the southern to northern side
of Main street. Tho cold weather has con
siderably affected tho attendance, only
few wagons made their appearance the last
Tho Vestrv of St. Paul's P. E. Church
have extended a call to Itev. W. 0. Lever,
ett of Carlisle, who is at present attending
tlm flcnernl Convention nt Chicago. M
Levcrett will not glvo his tlnul uuswer un
til his return from tlio west.
Under the new management tlio first cars
of coal wire shipped from tho mines at Olcn
Ultv Thursday of last week. That place
has suffered greatly on nccount of tho
closing of tho mines, but uow that they are
started anew bright smiles are on Iho faces
of every one.
Cullie. n daughter of Frank Mclirld
WAS biirlid Saturday last, after n linger.
in illness She was a young lady of
about eighteen years, and had a wldo clr.
in nf friends Tho loss is a severe on e to
Mr. and Mrs. Mcllrldo who havo tho sym-
pnthy of their numerous friends.
O'Connor, in Hlchellcu, at tho Opera
House last week, Thursday night, was one
nf tho best nieces so lar as lie was con
cerned, that has been put ou tho bonds
hero for somo time. Tho audienco was
small becauso tho notico of his coming was
short, only two days. His support might
have been belter.
kio,i i,i- ihnso who stand bv you.
We havo now received a large assortment
in Mcus' Youths' and Boys Clothing. Call
and cxainipe beforo you go elsowhero and
you will bo satlsfled that tho right place to
buv your uioiuing u uniu
t'opuiar wiuimujj uiviv.
do hoar Cyrus Hamlin t). D. Lli. D.,
a tlio Opera House this (Friday) evening.
A beautiful stock of Hoys' and Children's
suits Just received at tho Popular Clothing
Storo of David Lowcnbcrg.
J. Howard Kllno has opened a stone
quarry on his land In Ohio, and has taken
out enough etono to build n house Ho ex
pects to icturn to Ohio about Dec. 1.
Members of Co. A., Iron Guards, nro re
quested to meet at O. A. It. Hall, Blooms.
burg, on Friday Oct. 15 nt 11 a. m, Busi
ness of Importance requires a full attend,
O. W. Ncal has contracted with Chns.
Krug for tlio erection ot a handsome real-
ence on tho corner of Main street oppo
site East. Work will begin nt once, nud It
Is to bo completed by Jan. 187. J. H.
Hruglcr Is the architect.
Tho caso of Helfrich vs. Freck which
as carried to the Supremo court from
this county, and argued last March, was
decided by that body last Monday at Pitts
burg, affirming the court below, the decis
ion being In favor of tho defendant,
If you want a fall suit mndu up in city
tyle by experienced workmen, first class
tylo nud tit guaranteed call and see the
elegant lino of Imported and domestic
goods now on hand at tlio popular mcr
chant tailor of Bloomsburg, David Lowcn
berg. Mr. Halfpenny, one of the members of
tho firm of the Bloomsburg Woolen Mills,
met with n serious nccldent Tuesday nfter
noon. He was nt work with one of tho
machines known ns tho "Picker" when
his foot was caught and thrco of his toes
torn off.
Dr. Peebles, who has been lcctmlng tho
present week In Evans' Hall upon Physio
logy, Hygieno and Medicine to crowded
houses, may be consulted free of chargo at
the Exchange hotel until Sunday morning.
He treats all chronic complaints. Consul
tation and ndvlco free.
Cyrus Hamlin D.I)., LL. D., will do
liver Ids interesting and Instructive lecture
the "Eastern QuoPtlon," In tho Opera
House this (Friday) evening. All who can
should avail themselves of the opportunity
to hear this most Interesting subject, given
by such an able person.
S. D. Neyhard can be seen exhibiting tlio
Wheeler & Wilson New No. 8 Sowing Mn
chine at tho Benton Fair this week. He
will also display tho capabilities of tho ma
chine In embroidering, tinsel work and
general family sewing. Next week he will
be at the Bloomsburg Fair.
If you want n Fall Suit, made up In City
style, by experienced workmen, first-class
style and fit guaranteed, call and seo tho
elegant lino of Imported and Domestic
Goods now on hand at the Popular Mer
chant Tailor of Bloomsburg,
A report has been put In circulation' in
Berwick and vicinity to the elTect that
there arc twelve cases of small.pox In
Bloomsburg, tho object of which report
undoubtedly is to scaro people nway from
our fnlr next week. The report is utterly
untrue. There is not a single case of
small-pox in tills town or near it, and has
not been n genuine case here for several
The Secretary of tho Columbia County
Agricultural Society received application
for space for sixty head of thorough bred
stock, but lie lias refused to grant the space
in order to have ample accommodation for
nil the exhibitors in tlio county. The nim
of the association Is to accommodate the
county patrons first, and if space yet re
mains, then give it to breeders of thor
ough bred stock who are not residents of
tlio county.
List of letters remaining In the Po3t Of
fice at Bloomsburg for week ending Oct.
5, 1880:
Miss Clara Eycr, Miss Ida Goiger, J. It.
Maize, Slaggio J. Martin, Miss Ada Parker.
Miss M. A. Barton, James J. Campbell,
Mr. Elmer Clans, Mr. Mathias Glrton.
Persons calling for these letters will
please say "advertised." A. Claiik, P. M.
Prof. Allen has resigned as organist of
St. Paul's church, to take effect when
Rev. L. Zahner leaves. Prof. Allen will
go to Omaha and take tho position of or
ganist ir. All Saints' church, Mr. Zahner's
new parish. He lias a largo class in music
here, and as he is an excellent teacher his
departuro will bo greatly regretted. Tho
Vestry will make arrangements for a com.
petent person to take his place, and those
who began to tako music lessons with Prof,
Allen will be enabled to continue under an
ctllcleut teacher.
Dr. G irdner met with in accident one
evening last week which might have prov
ed very serious. Ho was driving up Iron
street at a rapid gait, and when in front of
P. S. Harmau's houso he ran in an open
trench, made by tlio steam heating com-
pany. Help was obtained, and the horse
and wagon removed. Tlio Dr. was con
siderably shaken up, and tlio horso very
much bruised. There was a lantern nt f'O
excavation, but tho light wns dim nnd
on nccount ot the shadow of the trecr, ho
did not seo It.
Rev. L. Zahner expects to start for tho
West next week. Ho will stop nt Newark
and Brooklyn and spend Suuday In Chicago
at tho General Convention. Ills now
church in Omaha will be opened on Mon
day, November 1, All Saints' Duy. Tho
Church Guardian, published In Omaha, thus
speaks of the parlstu
"All Saints," on tho comer of '25th and
Howard streets, is already roofed In, and
is being rapidly completed. It is expected
to be ready for uso on the first Sunday In
November. Tho now Rector, tho Rev.
Louis Zahner, lato of Bloon'sburg, Central
Pennsylvania, is expected to bo hero about
the 15th of October. "All Saints" is going
to be the model church ot tho Diocese,
with Its $3,000 organ, surpllced choir, and
princely appointments, Tho Infant parish
starts on its beneficent career with every
advantago to secure Its success, nn expo
rienced Rector, a beautiful cdiflco complete-
in churchly appointments, and a vestry
who havo not only tho wdl to work, but
means and tho liberality to uso it in her
service. "All Saints" has n grave respon
sibility resting upon her. Wo look to her
to send six representatives to tho Annual
Council in 1889.
In Catherine wild ilowers.nutumn leaves,
or picnicking In tho woods, wo are moro
or less exposed to dar.gcr from poisoning
by Ivy or other wild vines nnd shrubs. The
poisoning is under certain circumstances
readily absorbed by tho btood, and painful
swellings or eruptions are caused. Such
affections Hood's Sarsuparilla readily cures,
as It expels all impurities from the blood,
Even in cases of poisoning by Paris crccn,
Hood's Sarsanarilla has been remarkably
successful. It should be kept constantly
In the houso for all blood disorders. Hood's
Sarsanarilla Is prepared by 0. I. Hood &
Co. Lowell, Mass., and U sold by all
druggists. 100 doses $1.
Tho prices tell, tho quality fells.
Aro you irolug to havo somo of tlio bar.
gains In Fall and Winter Clothing just re
ceived at David Lowenbcrg's.
Jacoby will bo found at his place of bus
iness on Main street selling fish and oysters
during tho fair,
Tho thlrty-flrst exhibition ot tho Colum
bia County Agricultural Society, to bo held
at Bloomsburg next week, promises to ex
ceed all others In tho history ot this suc
cessful association. The largo nnd hand-
somo exhibition building, p".t up this
Summer, will accommodate a great many
more exhibitors than In years past. The
poor buildings, have, In tho past, been one
causo of a great many withholding their
exhibits. Now that ntnplo provision Is
made for.all, together witli tho liberal pre
miums ollcrcd, ono may expect this year
tho greatest attendanco yet known. The
premiums for trials of speed havo been in
creased for all horses owned in tho county.
At the present writing wo nro Informed
that qulto a number havo already made ap
plication for space for exhibits.
A new 6tock of gold
and silver watches
nt L. Bcrnharil's.
W. F. Bodlno lost two valuablo dogs
Sunday afternoon. Ho was out walking
with them, nnd when near tho houso of
Wm. Sterner on Slx.h street, the ono was
taken with a lit and ran biting Itself, and
evinced great agony. It finally ran In nu
outbuilding u ml was captured. Mr.
Bodlnc started for his homo with the other
dog, and after Informing Mr. Thofl. Van-
natta of tho condition of tho one dog, ho
(Vanuattn) proposed that they go back and
get the other dog and take the ono along
again as the other would follow better.
When they reached tho stable of Judge
Elwill, the other dog was taken with n tit
and It was with dllllcnlty that they kept
from being bitten. The dog ran In the
stable, and after much elTort to quiet him
they concluded it Wns n fit of hydrophobia
and so killed him. Tlicy then went to
whole the other dog was confined, and
finding him still with all Iho nppenrnnco of
hydiophobl.i, killed him nlso. Tho dogs
weie voung ones, and hud lieeu kept In n
pen most ol theli life and well cared for,
It la a mjstery how they should ho both
similarly nlficted tho same day.
A nlco line of Furnishing Goods new
est lu design in Shirts, Collars and Neck-
lea just received at I). I.uwenberg's.
Oculist ami Aurist.
Dr. J. II. Mooio of Pittston, lnteof Phila
delphia, will vitt the Exchange Hotil in
Bloomsburg every two weeks on Saturday
from !) a. m. to 2 p. m. or later, beginning
Saturday Aug. 23th for the purpose of
treating nil diseases of the Eye, Ear and
Throat, lilting glasses etc. Dr. Moore 13 a
graduate of Jefferson .Medical College of
several years standing, nnd has had
thorough training in his specialties in the
hospitals, of l'liiladelplila. I lie Dr. on
furnish references from some of thelcading
physicians and specialists of Philadelphia
and from physicians In Pittston, Tunic
hannock, and other towns of that vicinity,
Communion services In tho German
Lutheran chinch on Sunday.
Sam. Holler went to Philadelphia on
The West Mifllin boys enjoyed themselves
at a game of base ball on Saturday.
Mlrlin Heller lost nearly thirty ho,
with cholera.
Samuel S.vder took a business trip to
Schuylkill last week.
Lottie Kikendall and Sallie Schweppcn
heiscr returned from Wntsontown onTues
Most of til"! county tax of this township
was paid w ithin the first sixty days.
Mr. Jere Hotiok of Malnvlllc and Mls3
Amanda Longaberrv of this town were
married on the 28th ot Sept. at Berwick
They have already commenced houso keep
John Williams nf Louisiana visited some
old acquaintances in this nnd I.uzeino
counties recently. Mr. Williams lived
this township till lie became of age when
he began railroad life. Ho now has a lino
situation iu Louisiana as conductor, lie
is on ids return from n two month visit to
England, Scotland, France and Italy.
Ilrlar creek Valley Notes,
The congregation at Hidlay's church had
the pleasure on Sunday afternoon of we
coming their former pastor, Rev. E. A,
Shnrretts, back again to his old charge,
Ho will move into our valley next Spring
Wo are suro that wo only expresj tho fi
lugs of the community at large when we
say that we are well pleased at tho pros
pect of having hini in our midst again as
pastor aud resident'
Arthur Creasy has just become tho proud
and happy father of a second sou.
George Conner Is improving tho houso
occupied by his son Charles, with the ad
ditlon of a new roof nnd veranda.
Our people aro all looking forward, with
great Interest, to tho approaching Fair at
Bloomsburg. Long lists of entiles nre be
ing prepared and sent in, and from present
Indications, all previous efforts In this di
rectlon will bo exceeded. Our valley has
long been noted for the very liberal contrl
buttons it makes, botli in attendance and
'jxhlhlls towards the success of thu Fair
A fine selection of linger rings, and
kinds of joweliy. All goods engraved
free of chargo at L. Bombard's.
ncutll of MiiUKle CliiKlier.
Wo nro sorry lo announco tho death of
Muggio Gmgher, daughter of 7 summers,
of .Mr. nnd Mrs. James Olngher of No. 408
South Malu St. Berwick Pa. with that
children's scourgo diphtheria. She was
tho favorite of the family and a most in
teresting child, bright and intelligent far
beyond her years, another illustration that
death loves a shining mark, Sho was
burled Sunday 21th of September. Tho
neighbors' children loved her dearly nnd
she was universally beloved. Her funetal
was largely attended by weeping friends
but she has genu from our twilight wo ld
and entered Into realms where stars never
set nnd rain bows never fade, to thu palms
of victory along tho hanks of tho river of
life. Earth's loss Is Heaven's gain, it is
not strango that tho brightest Mowers of
our humanity aro plucked llrst for tho
realms of immortality. Maggio though Is
far better off witli her God and to bask for
ever iu the sunshine ot his prescuco. X.
Tlie Olil Way ami Hie New,
Tint Old Wat Rock tlio baby in n sap
trough, carry it to town in n potato basket,
glvu it salts and senna for a physic, wash it
witli soft soap and water; when sick doso
it to death with harsh medicines, and then
says "Tlio Lord claimed it." Tins New
Way Use Dr. Hand'd Remedies for Chil
dren, which tiavo been tested iu his practice
for 15 years. Thoy aro pure, safe, and a
God-send to parents and children, Dr.
Hand's remedies arc; Teething Lotion, a
wonderfully soothing and harmless lotion
to bathn tlio gums of teething babes.
Colin Cure, promptly relieves colic and
soothes cross babes without stupefying
them. Pleasant Physic, for children and
adults, cures constipation. Worm Elixir,
which Is combined with n purge. Cough
and Croup Midicine, has no superior in its
lino. Diarrhoea Mixture, cures when ev
erything clsu falls. General Tonic, gives
tone aud appctlto to weakly children.
Chafing Powder, heals soro and chafed ba
bies in a day, Prlco ot each, only 25 cts.
- For Balo by 0. A. Klclni, druggist,
Court Proceeding).
Account of Win. Ij. Frens, committee of
Ezcbel Louisa Ilottcnstcln, confirmed nisi.
Report of R. U. Ncnl, ndmr. d. I), n. c. t.
of Wm. G. Hurley, dee'd, confirmed
Estate ot Benjamin C. Hess, lunatic.
Committee allowed to npproprlato so much
ot tho assets ot tho lunatic In his hands nt
may be necessary to pay debts of lunntlo
and support Ids children nnd family.
Commonwealth vs. Brlnn Kane, No. C
.May session, 1880, larceny. Caso called
ana jury sworn.
John Barrett naturalized.
Anthony lCnno naturalized.
Commonwealth vs. Thomas Knnls, No.
14, Sept. session, 1830, selling liquor with,
out license. Truo bill.
Estate of Henry Gable, dre'd. Bid of
Frederick Gable for real estate (lied. Court
allot said real estato to Frederick Gable.
Estato of J. Longcnbcrgcr, dee'd. Bid
f J. Jncob Longenbcrgcr for trncts of real
estato Nos. 1, !) and 4 filed, Court allot
said real estate to John Jacob Longenbor-
Charter granted to tho Odd Fellows Tern-
plo nnd Hall Association, of tho borough of
Ceutrnlla, Col. Co., Pa.
Estato of John Yolic, dee'd. Auditor's
report confirmed nisi.
Commonwealth vs. Samuel Foy, hawk
ing and peddling. Nolle prosequi.
Commonwealth ys. Brian Ivnnc. Verdict,
not guilty.
Commonwealth vs. David Brumbach,
desertion, Tlio court direct tlio defendant
to pay Iho sum of $2 per month toward
tho support of Ins children.
Approval of Inquest on the body of
.mill A. Re nn refused by the court.
Inquest on the body ot nn unknown
man found In tho river in Ilrlarcrcck twp.
referred back for Justice to show that ho
ad jurlsclctlon to act for tho coroner.
Commonwealth vs. Elmlra nnd Wm,
Holder, assault nnd battery. Nolle pro
Commonwealth vs. Wm. Dcpuy assault
and battery. Nolle prosequi allowed on
payment of costs.
Commonwealth vs. Calvin Herring, as
sault nnd battciy. Nollo prosequi allowed
on payment of coots.
Commonwealth vs. CaUln Herring ills.
turbing meeting. Nolle prosequi allowed
on payment of costs.
Commonwealth vs, Samuel P. Hess,
fornication nnd bastardy. Nolle prosequi
Commonwealth vs. Oscar E. Sutton, for.
nlcntlon and bastardy. Nollo prosequi.
Commonwealth vs. Samuel Fodder, for.
mention and bastardy. Continued to Dec,
sess. 1880.
Commonwealth vs. Ezckicl Cole, nssault
snd Lattery. Nollo prosequi allowed on
payment of costs.
Commonwealth vs. Daniel V. Scybcrt,
burglary. Recognizance forfeited to bo
respited upon appearance of defendant nt
Dec. session.
Argument court fixed for the 8th day of
Petition for incorporation of the borough
of Espy presented to tho court by Robert
Howell, Esq.
Commonwealth vs- Geo. W. Fisher, sell
ing without license nnd ou Sunday. Truo
Commonwealth vs. James Kelly, fomi
cation and bastardy, Truu hill.
All jurors except those empanelled in
case of commonwealth vs. Ellsworth
Mensch discharged from further attendance
nt this Court.
Ou petition of Mary II. Rellmeyer nnd
Lillian M. Reitmeyer Peter Baldy appoint
ed guardian.
Estato of beth Hartman dec. Thomas
Mensch, Jonathan Loliriuau and Jere
Kostenbauder appointed appraisers to ap
praise real estate.
Rule to show causo granted on pctilldn
to strike off confirmation of road in Frank
lin twp., near Andrew Lohrmnn's.
Commonwealth vs. Ellsworth Mensch.
Verdict guilty of first count and recom
mended to the mercy of tho court.
Treasurer's deeds acknowledged lu open
The following persons wero sworn in as
citizens ot tho United States, John Hewlett,
Levi Harris, John Prosscr, Daniel Thomas
William Vernon.
Report ot viewers in fayor of n bridge in
1 rankliu twp. approved by tho grand jury
Petition for borough of Espy approved
by the grand jury.
Sept. 30, 9 a. in. thero being no business
beforo tho court except to tako tho report
of grand jury, and It not being ready to
report, nothing was done until 2 p. m.
when the grand jury reported as follows :
The grand inquest of tho Commonwealth
ot I'ennsyivania, inquiring in anil Tor tlio
body of said county, respicttully report:
That we have, pursuant to our required
duties, investigated all bills of indictment
presented for our condderntlon, and have
passed upon them nccoiding 10 their re
specllvo merils. We have also examined
the public buildings and find them in good
conuiiion. no wouiu recommend u rugs
nud 4 snlttoo is for tlio lull.
Whereas, tho Nortli and West Branch
iiauroau company 13 aooui to construct a
bildeu across the river at Uloomsbiirg, wo
also recommend to the Commissioners of
tho county, that thoy proceed at an early
day to take such steps as shall secure to
the people of the county the advantages to
which tney are council under Mm fourth
section ol an Act or Assembly, ap
proved tlio 13th day of May, A. D. 1871,
euiiueii, au -vci 10 iucorpor.uo uio isortti
and west unincn iiauroau uompany as
follows, to-wit: Said railroad company
shall bu empowered to construct a safe and
commodious wagon way, In connection
with Its bildgo over the North Branch, and
in the event oi tne commissioners ot Co
lumbia county paying, at iny time, a sum
equal to nne-Iifth ot the costs of said
bridge, tho said wagon nay shall thence-
ioi in uo maintained uy said company as a
free bridge for public use. Provided, how
ever, and it Is our opinion, that tho sum
expended py tne Uounly Commissioners
snail not exceed fifteen thousand dollars
All of which is respectfully submitted.
John W. Hoffman, Foreman,
Com t adjourned until Monday.
Oct. 4. Auditor's report estato of R. II
Little confirmed nisi
M. G. Hughes vs, John Lloyd, on motion
of defendant's counsel iccord amended
Chas. Fruit appointed constable of Mad
Salo ordered In tlio estate of l.ydla Spoil
cnberg foi payment of debts.
Bond of .Mrs. .Alary I-;. Hldlay, W. J
Illdlay and baniuel Illdly In tho estato of
Elias Kruin, acknowledged for tho faithful
allotment ot said estate,
Jano Moycr vs. James Lewars, ndmr.
caso tried, verdict for defendant by direct
ion of the court.
mi. u, ungues and ii. l-nlirlnger vs. case called. Plalutlir
takes n non suit.
J, F, Smith to uso of Catawlssa Deposit
lianK vs. a. C. Creasy, caso nn tr'a).
Auditor's report In tho estate of John F.
Hutchison confirmed nisi.
Salo ordered in tlio estate nf Ell Pealer
bond filed in tho sum ot $0200.
On petition P. W. Sones appointed poor
overseer of Pino township.
I. 11. Ikcler vs. II. 0. Creyeling, judg
mcnt for plaintiff.
W. 0. Wertzvs. N. Chromis, judgment
for plaintiff.
Commonwealth vs. Jerry Gross, deser
tion, sentenced to pay $1,00 per mouth
for tho support of each child to bo paid
monthly to his wlfo, bail to bo givcu iu
$100, and pay costs ot prosecution.
Balo ordered In cstnto of Andrew Hupp.
Bond approved.
0, Ij. Reagan appointed guardian of
Graco M. and Lizzie E. Krumm.
Commonwealth vs. Thomas Ennls, sell
ing liquor without license. Defendant
pleads guilty Sentenced to pay a lino of
$&0 nnd costs, and stand committed until
sentence Is compiled with.
J. R. Blbby, David Oelgcr, and Stephen
Ithawn appointed viewers of a rond In
Locust, near John Johnson's.
Samutl Snyder, J. II. Bhuman ind Dan-
lei Ilcss uppolnted viewers of n rond lu
Main near Daniel Fisher's.
Miner IIllc, Daniel Zarr nnd W. Horner
appointed viewers of a rond In Locust, near
Jeremiah Snyder's.
Benjamin Wagner, William Ycager nnd
Samuel llnuch appointed vlowcrs of n road
n Franklin near Pcnsyl's mill.
CoiiHiniiplloii Can lie Cured.
Not by any secret remedy, but by prop
er, healthful exnrciso and tho Judicious
uso of Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil
nnd Hypophosphltes, containing the healing
nnd strength-giving virtues of tlicso two
valuable specmes in their iiuiest iorm.
Prescribed universally by physicians. Take
no other.
E. Parsonage In Bloomsburg by Rov. F. H.
Rlddlo on Sept. 18lh 1880. Mr. Abram C.
Thomas ot Berwick to Miss Annie B. Road-
nrmcl of Bloomsburg.
REA EDGAR. At tho homo of James
Edgar, Stillwater Pa. by Rov. D. M. Klutcr
on Sept. 23th 1880. Mr. Daniel Ilea aud
Miss Eva G. Edgar, both of bullivan Co.
GE1SINGER. In Fishlngcrcek Twp.,
September 28, 1880, Joseph F. Gclslnger,
aged ytars, u niontus nnu xu days.
UTT. Near Rohrsbtirg, of consumption,
July 18, 1880, Sarah A., wlfo of Geo. W.
Utt, In the 40th year ot her age.
Ciirrn llrtahts' Tlbcaso. CatarrliB
or ma iiiauurr, Torpui i.ivcr. jif,
uissoivcs uau-Bionusanu u ruvui.
ofUrlnn for which this Kerned)
nIi on lil bo take n
Fcnldtnff Etoppnpo Tllwxl-tlnpctl
Dlibrtlo jMlHtmi'n ltrlck-du&t
Propblcftl Dribbling Mll!t-pinfc
HcuiLicho rrcqucnt Convenes
llnnonrhn Nnrvniifl TtfHlI&h-(kirl
I THp.nrI.1 Bot 1 1 Intrq Cntnrrlinc he
Iinrk'u-bn Nrrvpnehn I'hwnlintef P
mu-tnsto I'Oiu-urciun unii-coion
Jlrerj dot got to the potm
iSnllcvpMnnrt Cures infernal RHmo-fevcrf
3Qmkor,DyppeisIa, Anirmiii, Mnlarin, Vcvcts
mil AirucfteuriUKia,iiriciiraaiisin, l.lnK
Smcntof tho Prostata (Hand, Sexual Weak-
F!nna4. Rnnrmnf orrhnrTi nnd tloiif1.
nrysineUs, tin 1 t-K lieu m, KypbiUs, Pimples,
iil(it!ip. iVvor-sororf. nnd Cancer-taints. !
hi i'. miiinif" iimhmi iiuiHintifK. rcrcjiuiu.i
at Ik u ;not AVoiiflcrnil Alictl7ur.
HultfUuptjulrktynKiin-dGun Constitution.
3Fmcn 25c, $1.000 bottles 5.00.
t7 'XL1 ii voiiriicicuuorMuiniLMjuL iu
3 tiProparcd at Dr. Kiimcra jJiancmary,
H llingluunton, N. V., U. 8. A.
A InvalUlirnuUiG tn Health (Sent Free.)
4 AnU'twraorinnuirriiromprjy answcmi.
J. A. Hess in Evans' block has a full lino
of ladles' nnd gent's shoes, nt low prices.
Wo place on salo to-day a full lino of
black dress silks, evcrv vard fullv warrant
ed to wear. Also a lino of black and color-
cd Rhndames also warranted. We claim
these to ho tho best values cverolfered,
Clark fi Son.
Call and sec the lino line of shoes at J. A
Ilcss', and rare bargains.
Seo the crowd at I. v. Hartman is Son's
next week looking for coats, shawls, dress
goods &c. &o.
Sirs. C. E. Rahb has a fine lino of VM
and Winter Hats and liounots at prices to
suit all. Country produce taken in ex
cliango lor goous.
You will find a full lino of Canton Han
nels in bleached and unbleached from 5c.
yd. up, also thu best red and white llanncls
from 35c. yd. up nnd all domestic goods at
tlio lowest prices at wiari; a &on.
The candy sold on the Fair grounds next
week bv J. r. ualilwell will tie pure coons
I'luro or business at uio cnu oi mo main
exhibition building.
Now striped silk plush and velvet, also
plain velvet iu all colors at II, W. Sloan's.
"Vc aro offering great
So wins' Machines.
TrTO-TTrTrirvtTTK Mir
ercs ii i i i t j, it LiiV'i m.. iw
Among the Pianos wo lutndlo nro tho 5VERS & POND, C. C. BRIGGS
BAUS & CO., SCHOM ACKER Gold Stri,,ff anrt OpiraPiimo"
Piano3iiro all iirst-class and fully warranted for five years.
criM O'S leiuH"s 0rPns nro 1,10 rtlnited ESTEY. MIIXER, UISITED
S I ATES and other makes. ' 7
Our leading Sowing Mncli
JsIANDARD ROTARY Hewint.' ritfn.J..
Mnnhinn in tlm wm-1,1
(jUEAL SEWING MACHINE DEPOT,. Main St., liloomshurg, Pa.
"Tli Orciteit Core on Earth for rJn., WIllK
rji! )J lu n
fM!mlli flrnnturo. A. O. l-,cr & Co., HoIoFJ
Forthe cure of Coughs, Colds, IIoar3
ness, Croup, Asthma, Uronchitb,
Whooninc Coupli, Incipient Con
sumption, nnd f;r tho relief of con
sumptive persons in advanced ctacs
cf the Disease. For EalobycHJ prujj.
gists. Price, 2."? cents.
Wo Invltu nil visitors to tho town (Hi r hie
fair to call aud see our stock of dry Koods.
silks, velvets, notions, hoslciy, coats.wrap,
jackets &c.,even If you do not want to buy.
Clark ib Son.
1'hllllps' bakery will havo n stand in the
Fulr grounds next week, where oysters,
ico cream, ronfictloncrv,cakes, sandwiches
eolfeu and nil kinds of refreshments will
be served. Go thelo for a good meal.
We have lust received n larco lot of blr.clc
silk that wo will give a guarnnteo with
each dress. Tho prices arc $1,00, 1.23.
1.40, 1.00. II. W. Sloan.
We now offer the best values In dress
goods to bo found, somo special bargains
in hlf.nk di ess goods. Iidles, jou should
seo those now velvets nt Clark ifc Son's.
Also the bargain cloths 10 per- cent below
Deeds, mortcanes. bonds, leases, and nil
klmU r legal blanks for sale at the Coliim.
wan oilier. tf.
Go Wednesday, no Thmsday, go Friday,
go Saturday of next week to 1. W. Ilatt
mnn & Son's for coats, shawls, &c, &c, &c
Coal I Coal!! Coal II!
Now Is tho time lo nurchasc vour Fall
and Winter coal, as wo p.opose lurnishlng
store coal, In car lots, say live or six ton:.,
the same as furnished ou the D. L. & W.
R. R.,2240 lbs. to the ton, each ton to be
weighed by Fairbanks' scales, All coal
irom tne Lite Junes Wliuc asu.
O. A. Jaooiiv.
Port Noble, August 13, 1880. If.
Fiuo black cashmere cloves at 23c. II.
W. Sloan.
Hand bills, posters and circulars done on
short notlou nnd nt low prices at tho Co
lumbian olllce. it.
Another line of line i-ickets, wraps and
plush coats just In at Clark & Son. Call
and "c-o thcin.
Children's plush caps mado to order. All
kinds of furs cleaned und lined and mado
iqual to new. All kinds crape goods a
specialty, nnu nt bottom prices ai airs. u.
li Rahh's, opposite Coroll's furniture store.
Complete now lines of tho famous 00c.
and !1. CO kid gloves In thu new colors at
Clark cc Son's.
J. A. Hess will not be undersold by any
one in the county. Call und seo his lli.u
stock of Hoots and Shoes und remnikiibly
low prices. '
Do not fail to tee us on blankets both
white and colored; wo can do you good.
(Jlaik & Son.
Teeth extracted without pain by tho use
of gas, ether and canri oil, by Dr. I. L.
Rnul, the dentist, who will bo at his olllce
at nil hours during the fair, olllce over
Schuyler's hardware store.
The largest and best lino of slnglo and
double black shawls. Also of
wool aud beaver. At Ihc lowest prices tit
Clark it Son's. Some decided bargains. Do
not lull to call nnd sec them.
Having just received a cylinder for fin
ishing silks and cloths. I nm prepared to
clean nnd dye gents' clothing, ladies'
cloaks, saccules, silks, dresses, shawls, &c.
Feathers dyed and curled. Packages lor
warded by express will receive piompt at
tention, according to directions. Call or
address, J. O. Caswell, dyer, Hloomshiirg
Woolen Mills. sep2Mf.
Now white and colored llanncls. II. W.
The most completu line of dress goods,
all kinds with full lino ot trimmings of all
kinds nt Clai k & Son's.
McKilllp, " HlooiiHwrg.
Crayon .rlist nnd Phologiapher.
Instantaneous process.
Fine Cabinet Photos, only .-jil a doz. (tf
See tho new dishes, new glassware and
all Unit I. W. Hartman & Son's grocery
contains. Great changes havo been mado in
tho last week In that department.
Q- R, H! .A.
inducements to pert-ons desiring
inesnro ilin pnlnln-oln,! "Vi7VRA'rr. TaVV tftt A t'G5 TWrw-X-mr
v "LOW
Ladles', gent' nnd children' ebpes nt J.
A. Jless' In Evnns' block, corner Main ana
Iron streets.
You will regret It, If you pass I. Wi
Hartman & Bon's stoics next week without
iv look nt their big lino of goods.
"Hello I HeUoT"''Wcll, what Is It ?'
"What did you uso on your oats this
spring t" Aloro Phillips' soluble bone."
Mil you use tho snmo on your potatoes 1"
"No. What did you uso t" "bharplesa &
Carpenter's No. 1 bone, it makes them get,
don't it!" "Yes, sir." "Hello I there is
some ono ringing in on us, what do you
want V N 111 it suit you to bring mo iv load
of fertilizer up to-UMrrow V "Where do
you want mo to get it ?' Down at tlio
Farmers' Produce Exchange. "They don't
keep It do they f" "O, yes they do, why
you can get nnythlng you want there." "Is
that so V "Yes sir, you can get Lister
Bros' nminonluled bone, Lister llros. U. S.
E. bone, E. Frunk Coo's Knickerbocker
soluble Fncitlo guano, Allentown complete
bono phosphate. .Moro Phillips' super phos
phato of lime, Diamond, hone, -Moro Phil
lips' Bolubie bone German potash, John F.
Orlh's Heading bonv, Shnrplcss As Carpen
ter's No. 1 bone, Sharplcs & Carpenter's
acid phosphate, M h. Shoemaker S Co.
swift sure. All the above goods nro sold
at from 80 to !10 per cent less than any
other fertilizer sold, and all kinds ot grnln
taken In exchnngo for them, llcforo pur
chasing your fertilizers call and give tnem
a trial and s&vo time, money autt trouble.
Juno 25 4 in.
The new buildings tit tho Fair would
reach from I W. llartmau & Son's Bloro
to tlio Court House. Seo nil you can und
be suro lo see I. W. Hurtmnn As Son's big
stock of coats, shawls, dress goods, llau
nels Ac.
Low prices nnd good goods nt Ihc Root
and Shoo btoro of J. A. Hess, Evans'
building, corner Alain and Iron sticcts,
Tlio best nnd llnest lino of coats, wrnp9
und jackets In thu cuiiuiy at thu lowest
prices at Clark & Sou's
"For years I havo sullered from loss of
nppetlto and Indigestion, but failed to find
relief until I began taking Ayei's Sarsa
parllla. This medicine entirely cured me.
My appetite and digestion nro now perfect."
Fred G. Hower, 400 Seventh St., Hoston,
Tho farmers, In their swamps, wo're sure.
Could nnd tho roots and plants that cure;
It by their knowledgothey only knew
For Just tuo U'sease ea.n ono Brew.
Toko courago now and 'Swatnp-lioot" try
(tor k'dney, liver and bladder complaluts(,
As on una rt'Oimij yuu am rui.
Ladles in a delicate condition line1 thit
they derive great benefit from Spoor's port
wine- It has become tho most popular
wine made for tho uso of aged and debill
tuied persons. It is also used us n com
munion wluc. For salo by druggists.
Daiiiivs Piioi'iiYLAo'iio Fluid. Whcrev.'r a
preventing, healing, cleansing deodorizing
injection or wash is iiquired uso D.irhys
Prophylactic Fluid. Any Inllnncd surface,
external or internal, treated with the Fluid
will ho quickly lelleved. It has efTectcd
cures that had resisted thu best medical
Tho secret of successful advertising is to
tell tlio truth. When we say that Drcy
doppel's Horax Soup is iho best and cheap,
est soap you cau use for all purposes, it is
a plain statement of fact, and the best
way for you to satisfy yourself is to try a
pound. sept.24-lt.
"That tired feeling" Irom which you
sillier so much, particularly in thu morn
ing, is entirely thrown oil by Hood's Sar
The ciown of Quecu Vicloiia consists of
dian onds, pearls, rubies, sapphires und
cmeialds, set iu silver und gold, Its gros3
weight Is B0 oz. 5 dwt. .my. The number
of diamonds nro 3,352; pearls, 273;
rubies, 9; sapphires, 17; emeralds, 11. It
is nn old saying Uneasy lies the head that
wears a crown. It is better to wear tho
ciovn of perfect health and peace of
mind thiough tho curullve eltects of Per
Hue's Pure Hailey Whiskey. For
sle by druggists and all dealers.
See what the SecrMary cf l)ie Interstate Poultry
and l'et Slock Association, of CobJen,
Illinois, s..ys .
August 3, 1836.
Dear Sir: I have used some of your
(Poultry Hood), .amsatisfied
that it increases the egg production of my fowls.
The Teiumiilk Duais which scrofula has
upon tho system must be arrested, nnd tho
blood must bo purified, or serious conse
querccs will ensue. For purifying and
vitalizing clfects, Hood's Snrsaparllla has
been found superior lo any o.lier prepara
tion. It expels every trace of Impurity
from the blood, and bestows new lite and
vigor upon every function of the body, en
abling It to entirely overcome disease.
Whm fliby wm Blck, wo gtn her Castorta,
WlicR eho wm a Chad, sue cried for Cajtoria,
When the became Miss, she clang to Castorta,
When she had Children, she gate them Castoria,
to purchase Pianos, Organs and
n,.,f ..,,,1 u.i..t
a w
H s sp
faV tsSri
gj s-
' ft