THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCBAT. BLOOMSBUIIG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. iAlV' PERSONAL. Cyi tu W, VkU l on his way to AUuka. Alexninler it. I.-mton la now mentioned for the lliissinti mission. Mr, QlniMoneitovii not Intend to return to parliament thli khIoii, lord HnlMmry 1, iwM to bo tlio worst drwsod limn In London. Kmperor William ' 00th birthday annlrcr tary tntU on March &1 of next year. -'rofessor Wlniiccko, of Btraslmrg, tho dis coverer of nine lumcU, has gono mad. Henry Wanl llceehcr, says The. London Olobc, lion turned out to be n Welilinmn. Mr. WliUtler, tho Iondon artist, has com' plcted n llfo tiro Krtrnlt of Adonis Dlxey. Senator Udmunds makes It n ndo never to toko u drink In the imnonco of young men. Dr. Ilohnes hoiwl to jiass his 77th birthday anniversary at his home, but ho missed It by eno day. The czar has iroscntod the sultan of Turkey with a set of blue fox furs. They aro valued et t&'i.Ooa Edward KI113, writing from l'arls, declares that "Oen. lloulnngcr Is, up to date, dis tinctly ahead of his enemies.'' John Ilussell Young's Illness Is said to bo Increasing. James IV. Young, his brother, Is on his way to Paris vo join him. When tho lYiuca of Wales attended tho theatre at llomburg, during Ids recent visit, tho price, of seats near his was doubled. On his return to this country Henry VlUard will, it is said, represent a syndicate of Oer mnn capitalist in their American Invest ments. An Irishman at Bhclllcld has placed above Lord Frederick Cavendish's grove a silver tablet inscribed, "Born to Albion, sacrificed to Erin." Justice Field, of tho United States supremo court, has gone to TenerlfTo and proposes to make tho ascent of tho famous peak from Oratora. Tho greatest achievement of tho llov, Sam Jones has been tho reclamation of n man who traveled with a show torsi- years and played a calliope. Chief Justice Walt, who recently iald n visit to tho Chlneso quarters In San Fran cisco, says the restriction act was not passed any too'sooa The Hon of Parisian society at present U Princo Karomoko, third son of King Samory, of Senegal. Ha is 17 years old, and Is the third of sixty-thrco sons. M. Orevy "makes himself out much younger than he really Is," jsays Figaro. "He was born April 13, 1807, and not Aug. 15, 1813. Ho is, therefore, 70 years of age," Justice Stanley Matthews has decided to hasten his return to this country, owing to tho Injury recently received by his daughter whilo driving with Senator Evarts. Dr. Holub and all his followers, although prostrated by fever, ore still persorvcrlng In their attempt to travel from end te end and through tho heart of tho African continent. When Friiice Bismarck recently saw a new repeating riflo put to use ho smiled and saidi " is getting worse for tho cavalry every year. Still," ho added, "It takes a. good deal of lead to kill a man." Governor Wetmoro, of llhode Island, has one room In his beautiful house In Provi dence, furnished and ornamental In the old colonial style. It is not for comfort, but just to look at and regretfully sigh over. Tho popo Is said to bo an abstemious liver. Generally for dinner ho eats light soup, port of a fowl, sometimes roast meat, n fish and a II ttlo boiled vegetable. A oouj lo of glasses of Peruglau wlno are added. Krench Ilopubllcon newspapers are sneer ing at the Comto do Paris becaiiso since he wasdrlvon Into exilo ho has canceled his promise of a contribution of $1,000 toward . repairing the church ot Eu. VARIOUS PARAGRAPHS. Paris Is about to havo another baby show. It is said that 3,000 to 4,000 horses are killed in Spain yearly in bull fighting. Castle Garden oillcers say that the Mormon immigration has fallen off to 1,200 or 1,500 a year. The St. Petersburg public library offers its visitors a unique privilege in the form of a room set apart for smokers. A Kentucky court has rendered the im portant decision that a man's sweetheart must return his prewnts It she doesn't marry him. Farmer Taft, of Uxbridge, Mass., has a pair of steers which ho drives to harness, and which have trotted, with four in the carriage, four miles in half an hour. It Is estimated that tho aggregate weight ot tho diamonds taken from the South African fields up to tho present time is six and one half tons, of tho total value of $300,000,000. Lovers of Imported fancy cheeses will find food for thought in the statement that nearly ono-half of tho oleomargarine exported from this country returns again as foreign cheese. Tho number of telegrams sent annually over tho English telegraph lines has increased from 0,000,000 in 1870 to 34,000,000 in 1S85 r pretty good showing for government con trol. All tho pooplo now living in the world, say 1,400,000,000, could find standing room within tho limits of a Held ten miles squaro. In a field twenty miles square they could all tw comfortably seated. In England tho population doubles In 50 years; in tho United States, Canada and Aus tralia in 25 years; In Germany in 105 years, in France and In countries using tho French language, 140 years. In Switzerland there are 307,373 colonies of bees kept Thew figures wore obtained by tin census which was taken April 21, 18SU, Tut number varies In different cantons from 500 to 40,000 colonic. Six thousand and thirty-six of Dublin's In habitants aro in tho workhouoe, 4,281 receive outdoor relief, VtfiS3 are without visible means ot support. Th-t is, there are about 0,000 paupers in a city 01 9.50,000 souls. ABOUT EARTHQUAr.F.3, Earthquakes increase In number Vnvard tho middle and end of a century. Since tho creation of the world 14,000,000 people havo been killed by earthquakes. One reason why Charleston suffered so severely from tho earthquake Is bccaiiMi it ii on a low sandy solL There Is an earthquake every day In the year somewhere, although it may bo so slight as to be hardly noticeable. Ono hundred earthquakes were recorded last year, and during somo recent years (XXI were recorded. In IssO, 1,200 shocks occurred hi Jupan. Seismic troubles aro often correctly pre dicted days uhead by that delicate instrument, tho seismometer. The trouble is to tell just where tho shocks will take place. It was only tho low-lying portion of Lis bon which was destroyed in 1755. In San Francisco tho buildings on the "mado'lauds" noar the bay suiter more from earthquakes thanthoso on tho hill jiortlon of tho city, A most astouUhing phenomenon ot the Javaneso earthquake was tho splitting of the Papaudayang mountain. In a flash of time it was split into seven mrU. Where tho lone mountain hall stood loomed up suven jieak-, cuch bomo 7,0l) feet high. Earthquakes do not result from volcanoes. Frequently voleunoes ore formed by earth quakes. Tho greatest number of volcaniu eruptions uro In the suuuuer, while the great est number of earthquakes occur In tho In ter, Tho tvt o aro simply the different effects of a common causa. Greece, Italy, Egypt, Asia Minor and North Africa lielong tooneof tho three great earth quake ureas, ot tho globa. The other two aro (1) tho Andes, western coast of North America, Kumschatku, Japan ami New Zea land ; (2) Arabia and India, from the equator to twenty degrees north latitude, Tho Pacific tlopo has long cnjoyul an un detlrable prc-omlneuco 11s tho distinctively earthquake region of the United States, yet, according to the records kept at Washington, there were 1 17 eurthquukes on tho Atlantic coast from 1872 to 188.1 and only 151 during tlio Mime tlmo 011 tho l'ocitlo coast. Sir John F. W, Hcrscbel, in a lecture on earthquakes published about ten years ago, falls attention to tho enormous quantities of matter that aro carried to the ocean by liven, or ars washed from the coast, and says that In order to counteract this earth quakes are constantly occurring iu soma lo cality, Tho key to tho whole affair li to be found In tho central heat of the earth. Tho Into Commander Mori Isou, royal navy, in 1831, published tho following observations on caithquakes; "Earthquakes generally fol low clue on tho heels of eclipses. At the period of tho caithquako many otjiccU will bo found between tho planets In tho heavens.'' In tho present Iiutame an nclipsa of tho sun occurred on Aug. 20. Jupiter and Uruiim were in conjunct! n vtith the moon on Aug. 31. On the tame day there were Important uiccU between tho tuu uid Jupiter and l fwiv,i iUiu and Uranuv Boston Advertiser, ABOUT WOMEN. Mrs. France Hodgson Burnett has Almost fully regained her honlth. Ida Lowli, tho fninotti American Grace Darling, is now past middlo age, but ever in teresting. Miss Clara Itarton, head of tho Order of tho Ked Cross, is broken down In health by overwork. Miss Mary A. Hoc, slitcr of Mr. E. P. Hoe, will shortly publish her third novel, "Left In tho Wilderness." Bo ninny of the servant girls and laun dresses near diamonds now at Saratoga that these Jewels ore at a discount Mme. Pattl will conio to America in No y cmlier, and will go as far south as Moxlco, and perhaps to South America. Ono of Mrs. A, T, Btowart's unique onia monts at Saratoga is n card com with a small watch in the center of the outside. Mmo. Pattl has received a warm letter c congratulation upon her marrlago from Queen Mario Christina, of Spain. Miss Farrar, a London spinster, recently left $100,000 to lw applied In grouting lien stons to nged widows and spinsters. Of tho 100 jiemons who visit tho condemned Anarchists In their cells nt Chicago every day over ono-half aro said to bo ladlex. Miss Mary N, Murf rco Is now busily en gaged In reading tho proofs ot her novel, which will bo published in a few mouths. Lady IlrasBoy, who is almost as well known through her litorary productions as her hus band, Is coming to mako a visit in this country. American ladles are now so popular In London that any party without its American lady Is pronounced humdrum nnd stupid In tho extreme, Littlo Mildred Howells, the 11-ycar-old ihiughter of tho novelist, Is an artist. All tho illustrations In "A Little Girl Among the Old Masters" aro hers. A rosy-cheeked 'maiden of 15, Miss Minnie Wilson by name, runs a stage route between Hamilton and Milnor In Dakota, which Is said to be oxtremcly popular, A y6ung woman noar Ashton, D. T., works her fnnu herself and has seventy-five acres of wheat nnd fifteen acres of oats. Sho owns three horses and never hires help. Misses Wanl and Hoyden, two American girls, are trying to keep cool by n llvo weeks' tour In Labrador. They aro tho first Amer ican ladies who have ever visited that region. "Tho women appear to do all tho work," writes Col Watterson of tho Swiss. "It is not uncommon to wo a girl and a dog hitched to a cart and trotting along together like a alr of ponies." Princess Louise, one of tho daughters of tho quten, says that she is "always out of money." She is paid $30,000 a year out of tho pocket3 of tho British people; but there are many ways in which a princess can get rid of gold. It is reported that Mrs. Thompson, tho widow who runs tho Loulsrillo postofilee, Is going to or lias wltten a novel treating of official life, and that she Is going to glvo up her Federal position and establish herself in Chicago. The Polish women aro noted for their strength of mind and intellect. There is a Russian legend which says that God once sent n bee laden with brains for tho Polish males, but tho Polish ladles captured the treasure and left nothing for the men. Tho Catsklll chambermaids charm the eyes of all liclioldors. A lady noticed at tho Grand hotel that the maid who came to take the dally towels wore a plalded silk with satin and gimp of white, and at the Kaaterskill the girl who came to make the bed was arrayed In a ruffled skirt, velveteen waist and a Rhine stone crescent THE STAGE. Nym Crinkle says "there is a need of now ncss in dramatic themes." Miss Paulino Markham will present a ver sion of "Ij Martyro" this season. Miss Margaret Mather's engagement in San Frunclhco has been extended two weeks. Mr. Dlxey and "Adonis" will bo seen again at tho Fifth Avenue theatre, Now York, on Sept 211. , Col. McCaull says that ho intends to have a theatre of Ills own in New York inside of two years. Mr. M. B. Curtis, will open his season in Now York 011 tho 27th inst, In his new play, "Caught In a Corner." Knto Forsyth, fresh from Europe and with a galaxy of Worth's most artistic creations, opens in !U Louis as "Marcello" on Oct 11. Tho first failure of th beason has already to lw iworded. It ij Surah McVIcker's "l'l.isar" company, which stranded at Utica. Elien l'lympton Is going to bring over his latest London success, "Jack," and Dorothy Dene, still another Loudon stage beauty, will lw hU Jill. ThoMadUoii Square Theatre company has just clows! a successful engagement hi San Francisco. It w ill play on Its return trip in Salt Lake and Denver, and open at its house iu New York on Oct 11. Minnie Maddera has engaged William Mor ris on account of his strong resemblance to Robert Muntell. She intends that her com iany shall only be composed ot handsome men and women. Miss Mary Hilforde, a young Detroit lady, has been engaged as leading lady for the "White Slave" company. Miss Hilforde has been but a fow years in the profession, and has made very rapid strides to tho front Mr. Branson Howard's new comedy, writ ten for Miss Helen Dauvray, is not yet named. Tho sceno Is laid chiefly in the Adi roudacks, and the incidents of the first act tako plai v on the piazza of a summer hotel. A graceful compliment was paid to Mar garet Mather in Ban Francisco by tho public presentation of a volume ot poems, com piled of versos dedicated to her by the au thors, all ot whom were united in the delicate tribute of esteem. A now "fnko" iu advertising Is tho scheme of Harold Fudierg, who starts on tho road soon with "Roliert Macalre." Tho star and his manager, W. A. Teegarden, will be each followed about by a valet wearing a livery of tho period of the play. The poor volets will havo a lively time, Emily Soldeue, says The New York Sun, is tho mother of seven or eight children. Sho !l""ulutes. When the pilot boardod the In conili.t Celtic a week ago Miss Soldene hur rledly 'H-Ved him for 11 newspaper. She turned to i, market ivjxirts and saw the pike of wheai, uGoo,, lc.vensj. luo cx. claimed, "wheat hw KOI1B ., 0 tuo mli). chief and I am short Mt, It cannot bo denied thnt i,e jm6 Illuseum managers, are enterprising. vy g0i,,Io up everything that is curious, anil i,v ,,et them in haste. It is seriously told that u r-i.fcafro Mexican Envoy Goodrich, immediately U)- reaiimz 01 tnat gentleman's exiierienco wit the Mexicans, an offer to travel as an exhibit at a good round figure. They were hi earnest In their proposition, too, and felt slighted to receive no reply. New York Sun. STRANGE HAPPENINGS. A Bodega, Cab, cow performed n great feat lit her fright Sho run iu the front door ot a house, ujistalrs, through u hallway Into a bed room, thencu out 011 the back roof, where she stumbled off and broke her neck. An Ingenious citizen of Wuro, Mm , having rtqiulrul it small alarm clock for u friend, de cided to dellvc. it 011 Sunday when ho went to church; but ho did not seo his friend lieforo tho services, and during tho sermon tho alarm vtcutolf and v hlrred away for more than a minute despite tho frantic efforts of the clock tinker to stop it Tom Scott, of Waco, Tex., recently went to see his mother, vtho is IX) years old and resided inn nelghUiriiig ton 11. On arriving at her homo ho found that tho old lady hail iIojkx! with a man half her nge. When Mr. Scott returned to his own home he was jiaralyzed by tho information that his wife had gone with a handsomer num. Then there was music iu tho air, During a railroad excursion from Lafay ette, Iiid., to Dayton, O., tho other day, the train was stop;! at the state Hue, and David Clark, alighting, stood in Indiana, and Mrs. Mary Hawkins stood In Ohio. A minister w ho was present straddled tho Hue and mur rled them. Then the SOO oxcurslonlsU formed a circle around tlio iuir and gave theiu three iheers ulillu the band played. CURIOUS FACTS. Chan Sing, Oneida's Chinese laundrymon, keeps his small cliaugu In his ear. He can carry $1 Iu dimes hi Ids auricular organ, Harrison H. Oliver, ot Bolton, Bell county, Tex., has received 110 less than 101 wounds, and sixty of tho bullets, ranging In sico from a buckshot to ait ounce bull, still lemaiii in his liody. All ingenious boy ot Maplewood, Mass., sent up some lanterns on tho tall ot his kite recently, and many of tho Inhabitants turned out to view n hat they supposed was u due luttoorli display, FACTS WORTH KNOWING. Red anta will never bo found in closets or drawers If a small bag ot sulphur Is kept In these placM. In northern California there Is In 110 tho "frost bell," which consist of a wire running from different part of tho vineyard to tho houso. When tho licll is let off tho occ pants of tho houso know that their vines are In danger and immediately repair to tho vine yard and light fires In different quarters, and thus prevent, through the agency ot this in genious electrical device, tho loss of tons of tho most luscious fruit grown 011 tho l'ncifla slope. A French physician advocate sleeping with tho head loner than tho feet Ho slept that way for four years, and finds that his neck Is nearly two Indies larger, oh Inn to tho swell ing of tho thyroid gland. Ho says in this way tho brain receives a more plentiful blood supply, nnd Is consequently better nourished, vi hllo there Is no danger of so much blood passing lo tho cerebral structure as to cause congestion. . When soft eggs are laid by fowls they Intl niato usually that the egg organs aro In flamed. This state Is occasioned by the fowls being overfed or too fat. Spare diet and plenty of given f ood esjieclally lettuce In tlio summer nnd cnbbogo In whiter Is the best treatment for fowls In this condition. M, Manasscln, an eminent physician of St Petersburg, avers that cocalno Is an une qualled preventive for seasickness, and claims to havo proved It most successfully in n num ber of cases. Ha also finds it very effectlvo In tho h-eatment of cholera morbus, and thinks it vt ill prove a great remedy for Asiatic cholera. An exierienced traveler says that inn sleep ing car tho upjsT berth is cooler in summer, because there Is more air stirring in tho top ot tho car, and warmer in winter than tho lower berth, liecnuso tho warm air rises, and there nro not so many drafts. Valerian nnd tincture of opium nro used in the manufacture of fioputar brands of cigar ettes. "Havana flavoring," so-culled, Is made from tho tonka bean, which contains a deadly iolsoii called lulllolotts, seven grnlusof which uro sufficient to kill a dog. Letters or envelopes which It Is desired to protect against unauthorized opening (by moistening tho pasted portion), may bo se curely scaled by using a solution of oxldoot copjier ill ammonia us pofite. Tills liquid has tho fuculty of dissolving cellulose. When ap plied to the paper it dissolves the cellulose 011 the surface, nnd on drying the two partially dissolved surfaces adhere ImUssolutelv to getner. CHURCH NOTES. A number of Christian Chlneso at Foochow havo volunteered to go as missionaries to Coreo. Cardinal Iivlgerie, of Algiers, Is arranging nith tho pope and tho congregation of tho Propaganda Fldo the dotaiUof his plan for tho organization ot Catholic missions iu Africa on n very comprehensive scale. The Chrlstlau Advocate says that to close a Methodist church during a minister's vaca tion is a contradiction to tho whole hitory of Methodism. Only two til New York o. Brooklyn, so far as wo havo heard, nro closed, Just two too many, A homo for disabled Baptist ministers from Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan nnd Minno Dotu has been established at Fulton, MHi., where a fiO,000 seminary building was given for tho purpose. Tho Baptists of Now York, New Jersey and Connecticut havo a similar homo in New York city. The southern Presbyterian church has 13 synods, (X) presbyteries, 1,08.1 ministers, again of 13; 2,1'JS churches, a gain of 30; and 143, 743 communicants, a gain of 8,542. The number added on examination was 5,570. The contributions wore $1,324,374, a consider able decreaso from tlio two previous years. The following Presbyterian chuivhes re ported additions last year of moro than 100 each: Third, Chicago, 102; Flint, Chicago, 157; Comiersville, Ind., Ill; Liberty, link, 124; Memorial Tabernacle, St. Louis, 113; Lam bertville, N. J., 101; Tabernacle, Brooklvu, 153; East Buffalo, 100; Brick, Rochester, 100. According to a table published in London, tho numerical strength of the leading re ligious bodies among all English sieakiiig people throughout the world Is as follows: Congregatiouallsts, 5,750,000; Baptists of all descriptions, 8,105,000; Presbyterians of all descriptions, 10,050,000; Methodists of all do scriptlons, 10,000,000; Episcopalians, 21, " MEN OF LETTERS. President Eliot, ot Harvard, will remain At Mount Desert bland for several weeks yet. Julian Hawthorno's latest story, "John Farmelec's Curse," Is a talo of opium eating and its consequences. Governor Ireland, ot Texas, is said to lie a frequent contributor to tho editorial columns of The San Antonio Times. Justin McCarthy will sail for this country on Sept I). Ho hopes to complete u novel on which ho Is engaged lieforo that timo. Mr. Thomas Hardy, says Tho New York .World, Is engaged ujion a new story of a trag ical order, based upon an old legend in his family. William Black has determined to write a book upon the journey he is now making in a houseboat among tho canals of Great Britain. Professor Eliers, tho Egyptologist and novelist, has so greatly Improved iu health that ho will resume work at Leipsia in October. James Russell Lowell has purchased n large tract of land at Ashfleld, Mass., ami will make that city hU summer homo, along with George William Curtis. It Is reported that Gen. Low Wallaco has exercised his artistic jiowers In making illus trations for "Glnovra," a forthcoming story written by Mrs. Wallace. Edward Fuller, of Tho Boston Post, has finished his third novel, entitled "Theodore Trent," which will bo published simultaneous ly In England nnd America. Moukhtar Padia, at Cairo, is composing an elaborate work on mathematics, which will, it Is said, surpass anything that has yet ap peared in tho Turkish language. John Rusklu is so much better that his friends are beginning to hopothat he will still bo able to finish his autobiography, Iu which many chapters are wanting. Chancellor Vincent, of Chautauqua univer sity, tho Sunday school archbishop, will spend several mouth ill Europe looking up educa tional matters anil inspecting old world syshin-s. Eugene Field recently started the story that Joel Chandler Harris' was worth $2,000,000. For tho last four days, says Tho Atlanta Constitution, Undo Remus has averaged thirty liegglng letters a day. Thomas W. Knox, tho prolific writer ot travels for juveniles, is 51 years of age, of commanding presence, nnd has been twice round tho worliL His seventh volumo of 'Boy Traveler's Scries" Is In nress. 0WS V rVililn II, n. 1, ,,.ol.l 1. ;!m'r,t "Nnday school. Ho told tho class that he hotfsyj children, und that half of them were 8lSTUcn, when tho best boy In the class JwllWjJvioa l,m a takifler, he said the other half "Bi-i,., iJ' 'S.rU,'!,0?W, th,n,'sr"ias Nelson Page, the Richmond lawyerhu Mrter ias a novel iu prejiarutloii alsoNiL ,0,4, under tho suggestivo titles wsnioiiv " 'Stractcd," and "A Story of Emp!rvi' l'ago anil Ills young bride are now Iu Euro ABOUT COLORED PEOPLE. A threatening storm cloud alarmed the worshippers: at a colored camp meeting at Green Camp, 0., and in their hurry to get awuy thirty-two buggies were totally wrecked. There is a negro boy near Hogansvillo, Ga., whoso head has attained an enormous growth, measuring thirty-threo Inches around nbovo the ears and thirty-live Inches uround tho chin and top of the head. He Is 10 years old and iu good health, and his body U about tho size of a 0-year-old chllih Henry McCary and May Bell Lloys, a col oral couple, were married at tlio court houso in Frankfort the other day. When tho Judge asked McCary for his fee he howled htm n quarter and said if ho hail a nickel ho would "gin" him that, because, judge, you said "gin" you what I'm a mind to." The judge grace fully ucceptcd. Lexington (Ky.) Gazette. , A young negro entertained as aiullenco of about thirty gentlemen In Buffalo lately with novel xylophone music. The man's skull was the Instrument, and with a ponderous beer mallet the negro struck bis cranium, produo Ing, in fairly clear style, "Yankee Doodle." Tho mouth was open ull tho time, and when ho struck a high note It seemed as though his jaws would fly apart. Simon Jefferson, a colorod barber ot Tama qua, who died recently at the ago of 02, claimed to havo heard Wilkes Booth threaten to kill President Lincoln. Booth btopped at Tamaqua, ho said, while 011 tho way from Canada to Washington, and got shaved Iu Jefferson's shop, Tho conversation turned 011 jiolitlcs, and in tho course of It, according to the bailor the threat was mode. LIGHT AND AIRY. 1 ' . .'Post Kabila Jublla. ' tlf BOs his cup with Joy iwsala, The bsM man feels la clover, , . 1 Gone sre his eary hours of pain, f The dy of the fly Is owr. , lloston Courier. Tie T.ncked .'alienee. tn n liath houso. Customer (frantically; Hero! I say I Thero aro no tow els here. Proprietor In ono moment, sir. Tho gen tleman In No. 7 is nearly through with It Tho Rambler. She Never Will be Missed. 1; When a clrl Is duly married And by the tirMcRfooin llsseil, Bhe's numtiereil 'moiigst tlio many Who never will be missed. Merchant Traveler, It Slight tin Done, ncad of tho houso Jane, a man camo hi to-day and luado mo buy a Ikix of "Rough on Rats." Wife Mercy, John, wo haven't got n rat In tho house. Head ot tho houso Well, can't wo got some' life, A Thespian Ditty. Ilo uent out to star On a gay lullman car. But w ben ho came back ' , lie walked ou the track. lloston Courier. Commercial MtAtlstlrs Moso Schatiiubcrg was 111 a bad humor yes terday, When ho camo down to his placo of business his head clerk, Iko Sllverstone, sail: "Havo you heard already dot Parker & Flizlo Iu San Antonio has fnllodl" "Ish dot sol Veil, veil, dey owes me six hundred tollars for goots vot I sold 'cm. How much 011 a tollar does dey Imy V "Tcrvcnty cents." "Terventy cents I I vas glad to hear dot Veil I sold '0111 doso goots I figured on a fif teen cent on a tollar failure, Vcn doy buy terventy cents den I makes n profit of fifty lr cent. 011 dot bill of goots." Texas Sitt ings. "Kngllth as Sho Is Spoke." Thero was a young man with a cheque, He made it by scooping tho deque. When asked if ho cared How ioor Ireland fared, He promptly replied, "Not a spoque," Judge. There was once a queen named Ouelph Who was deeply In love with hersclph, She raised her voice high Anil said frequently, "Igh " Refuse to bo laid on the shelpli." Columbus Dispatch. Accepted nt Last. Managing Editor Havo we any paiicrs on Liszt? Assistant Yes, a very admirable one. "As tho great composer is dend, it would bo well to uso that In our forthcoming num ber." "Yes, so I thought, nnd I wrote to tho nu thor telling him that it was accepted and we should like to havo tho article brought down to tho present time." "Quito right What was tho reply!" "His grandson answered that tho man died twenty years ago." Nature Versus Art. Tho small boy takes his homely line, A piece of common linen twine. Then bends a plu And drops It iu Tho cool and gently babbling brook, - uatcmug as largo a string or nsa w As almost any one could v Isli ; Whilo there close by, W ith fancy fly, Tho city angler ne'er a one con hook. New Haven News. Happier Than Ever. Are lovely maidens all forlorn. Grief stricken, broken hearted, Because the August days are gone And Ico cream hints departed! Oh I no, they're happier, gladder far At home, tn school, or ciolster, Because next month will have an It, " And bring the toothsome oyster. Boston Courier. A Tale with u Moral. Most of tho plo factories aro situated in Now England, as aro also tho pill factories. There is a moral in this. Now Haven News. No 1'roof. That Adam dwelt beneath a roof Noone wille'erbeliere; " But still this doesn't furnish proof Ho never had aa Eve. . Texas Sittings. F ' Ho Was Very Tired. MaJ. Gassaway, a prominent San Antonio lawyer, was engagod by a man accused of horse stealing. "Aro you really gulltyr asked the lawyer. "Why, major, If I was Innocent, what earthly use would I havo for a lawyer I I'm so guilty that I reckon you had better get an other lawyer to help you." Texas Sittings. Simplicity. Her pretty hands were slim and brown, And tenderly she fingered Tho frills upon the glngbam gown Ou which my glances lingered. ' A simple f rockl" sho cried, with mirth mat rasmon grauts her bcuolars " You stupid Jack, 'twas made by Worth, And cost me ninety dollars." -life. ' lloston Culture. Boston matron I hope, my dear, you will tako this copy of Homer back to tho circulat ing library. Boston husband Why, what's tho matter! "The cook got so interested in it that sho burned tho roast to a crkp, and thero isn't a bit of meat for dinner." Omaha World. The l'rcaclier's Dilemma. A preacher, w hilo offering a prayer Ho hod not hod time to prepare, Got stuck la the middlo And gave up the'rkldlo ' j, And sat himself down in the chair, j i But the worshipers, save eight or ten, ' Still bowed; so he Jumped up again ' And with selMndlgnatlou And much agitation, , " Excuse me," lw added, "Amen!" Columbus Dispatch. Ills Object. Doctor Ah I looking badly yet, I see. You have evidently not been following my instruc tions about taking exercise. Patrick Yis; I. walked half a mile yester day. "Good. You remember I told you that you must always have somo object in view when you walk so as to get your iniiU off your troubles. I hope you mailo yesterday's out ing a matter of business of bomo kind." "Yis; I went nnd bought a cHiuctery lot!' Omaha AVorld. September Comes. , And now tho hunter takes his gun I !' The fields to ramble over, I From morning dau a to set of sua, I .4 lu search ot snipe and plover. j ' A gloomy, disappointed w Igut, t 1 A bandaged bund caressing, 1 ' t Returns ho homeward In tho night, ( , With beeral fingers missing. I ' , t ilostoa Courier. Rlcliard Mansfield has bought tho rights ot "Fitznoodle," u new comedy by Valentino and Wilson. Marcus R. Mayer Is going abroad to join bis principal, Henry U Abbey, w ho is now .in Paris. Mr. Mayer reiorts that Sarah Bornhardt's receipts iu South Amcrca uro of phenomenal magnitude. They havo aver aged about f35,000 n week. Mme. Junauschek, tho great tragedienne, w 111 make her farewell tour of this country beason. ,1 if, Pastor is tinging with great success LongThnlV'01"10 "nS Haven't for a first sung ht'ta,,wV:'''i? ,'-,1ft?r equal thS JiopuUmV v bU,S 1 tho Ball this Evenhigr AroYou alnS to Mario Jansen arrived fr, i.r week, and after a short visit ife join tho vocal forces of tho Now VfttJJ1 Puttl wilHlng In Philadelphia Nov. J Dec. 3; Now York, Nov. 17, und a matinee Nov, 20; Boston, Nov, 2t und 21 j Chicago, Doc 7 and 10. Tho progranmio Mil, Include un act from cnth of tho operas of "Seinlr amlde," "Martha" and "Faust," und Sculehl will npiieor with Pattl In each opcio. Tho enterpiisu is under tho muiiageiueiit of Mur cus Meyer, Tho magnificent costumes to be worn by Miss Lilian Lewis this season are said to bo insunsl for Jli.ooO and will require eight largo Buratogn trunks for transportation. Mmo. MI1111I0 Hauk arrived in Now York Aug. 21. Sho will go to Sun Francisco und Portland, visiting Yellowstone park 011 tho wuy, "Muggto tho Midt" will bo tho principal feature of Maggio Mitchell's repertoire next fcea-oii. This pic-si boored nu cmphatio buccess last beason, Tho manager for Mr. and Mrs. Florence announces that ho has determined to with tho customary display of colored pic tures, und will placo Jits reliance this boo-on entirely upon ordinary typo .iosten and tho publicity to bo gained by nowsnajx- advertisement-, 4 k' t ' SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PORE COD LIVER OIL Almost as Palatnblo ns Milk. Tho only preparation of nit) MVKR OHi thai ran bo taken readily and tolerated for a long If mo Lrdcllralo stoinarliv. AM) A3 A liuirnr in". fo;rMPTio, MIIIIHI.UIS .UHaTTlSs. a , 11 'IU, m,. null onuiis Aii iiiuiTt'T u u.n in's. mi ii uiimi iiisui:iu us in' 1 1 1 1 .1 nt I : 'n Is ranrrfHrins tn If result-. Prescribed and cndorsisl by tiia best Pliyfilclins In tho countries of tlio world. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. oct-53-ly. CiiiGk-cliicter-re-iceB ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. Prevents Roup, Prevents Gapes, Pre vents Cholera, Prevents Ego-Eating, Prevents Laying Soft Eggs, Makes Hens Lay. IIBMPOTO, 1? IS MEDICINE. It Sells for Tivo Cents Per Pound, in Doxesi Chlck-chlck-er-rc-kee (poultry food andpre- ventlve of disease for pirti trv). the nrcat czc food, produces tCK-i prrntlfiloufly and is Rood for the health of the fulinu. It Is the fmt article of its kind ever Tatented In U.o united States, Canada and UnUt-d. Try It. It costs only five ccntt per pound. H is no powder. Chick ens will eat it, Ihat ought to eon.tnce yon that it Is pood If your Grocer, Druggist, Hard ware or Country Storekeeper w 11 not get it for you, lend me one dcllar, and 1 will ship you a twenty-pound box by freight, or one hundred pounds for five dollars. A Urge box will cost you no more freight than a small box. Attend to your poultry, if ou want to make a profit out of them, just the same asou attend to your land. Unless you manure your land It will not pay you, Just 10 with poultry; you mut give them something besides feed. 'I hey must have material to answer for grinders, nnd material for the egg. If you feed Chlck-chick-er-re-Vee (egg food) every day you will never have any sick chick ens, ana our liens will liy eggs when otherwise they would not. You will never do without it After a (air trial. Do not pay twenty-five or fifty cents a pound for medicine to feed your poultry when you am get n better article from your btorekeeper at five cents a pound. Don't raclam; try It. Manufactured In the United States only by S. S. MYERS, Patcntco, ir N. Front St., PIIILAD'A, PA. scp-a-'Mi-cms. 15 N FOR STEEP OR FLAT ROOFS CAN UK PUT ON 11Y ANY PEHSO-V. THOUSANDS OF BOLLS HOLD ANNUALLY -'OR BU1I.D1NOS OF LVEHY DLhCHIPTION. bEND TOM Ni:W CIItCULAIt. CONTA1NINO rillOE LIST AND HEFKnUNCES. AOENTS WANTED. M. EHRET, JR. & CO. SOLE MANUl'ACrUltEltS, 423 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. E. B. BROWER GPLUMSING,) OAS FITTING & STKAM UKATJNtt D11ALEU IN STOVES &TIN WARE. All kinds of -work in Sheet Iron, Uoof ing and Spouting promptly attended to. ""Strict attention given to heatlni; by steam. Corner of Main & East Sts., Bloonisbtirgf, Ia. TO FARMERS ! Any one In want of tho BUCKEYE hVKiNeiiYi Glass Feed Fcrlilizer, Grain Drill, Cider IIill or any thing Manufactured by the Company, cau et thorn of AARON SMITH, 15UCKIIOUN, PA. apr. 16-lims. S WITHIN V. SlIOltTLIIKlE'S ACA11F.MY, Kill! VOUSd MKN" AND HOYS, MEDIA, 1'A 13 mllps from Philadelphia. Fixed price covers ev cry expense, even books, c. Noextra charges. Ho Incidental expenses. No examination for nd-tnlsi-loti. Twelve experienced teachers, all men, and all graduates, bpeclal opportunities fornpi bludenls to advanco nipldly. r-poclal drill tor dull nnrl l)nrl;vnril lmvu Put rnna ni' ilur!intu Itlnv Ul. lect any ttudles or chooso tho lcirular Kngllii. Scl enttne. llnsliicKH. Classical or (Tvll Knirincerlng couie. students lltted at Jleilla SVeaifriny are now in Harvard, Vale, Princeton and ten other Colleges and Polytechnic schools. 10 undents sent to collcgo In 18-3, 15 In 16S1, 10 In Ibs, 10 In IM, A graduating chits every jenrln tho com mercial department. A l'liytlcal and Chemical Laboratory, flymnaMuin und Hall (Irocnd. U00 vo s. ailded to library In 181. Physical apparatus doubled In ltNi. Media has seven churches und a lomncraneo chatter which nrolilbltsihe s.ilo of all Intoxicating drinks. For new Illustrated clicular auarrssiuo rnncipai unuriopiictor, swn iii.n (.'. SIIOKI'LIUUF, A. .M., (Harvaid (irnduate,) -Media, I'cnn'a. Augr.H,trHiy lor worKing people, hrnuiu eeuts post turn nnd v, will tnnl vnn ri.u. n fm-nl valuable samnte box of troniW rlinr. will pay Juu in the way of making more money iu a lew daysman uu evertiioiigui possl bio at any business, t'anital not mi 11 1 ml. You can live at home and vvoik Intpaio tlmo only, or 1111 111c uuio aiiui uuiu wxus, 01 uii uges, grauu. ly successful. 50 cents to 15 easily earned every ovcnlng, T'liut all who want work may test the business, wo mako this unparalleled offer: T o all who aro not well sattalledwo will send (I to pay for tho troublo ot writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc., sent free. Immense pay absolute ly sum lur uit wnu buui. ui. uuce. uum ueiay. Aaaress htinson & wi., roriianu, Airinc, uecis PAILS Mttuti Id one piece from pure tttillll ltllp not ptlpiT iihuut irtin, no luHJii, no urnr, nu cuidi, i.i:.. i.k.iit, yritoMi III It.UII-i:, Invaluable for Jvllrhvn iiinl llulry uso, .Mamifacturoil by Osveso iBduratecIFiureCo OstYlUid, N, V, Afli yuur tracer for theiu PERFECT. nugSO IVCH'S S25 PHOSPHATE AUGH & SONS. t.n..f.... '''""KLI'IIIA, l'A. OranB.;0"' nisi. AX Us. BUST IK TIIU V0HL11 -,,Sl-fa..H,l- t Oct tlio UuiulU", SiWl.v.rywt' i, Septl0 4t.r. A" jTvilllTlsilltS by adilresfclug (IKO. I- UOWELI, K CO., 10 hprucu M Now York, run learn tho exuci, i-usi ui uuy piupuaui iinoui Ainr-lllininii In Alueitcau Kcwfcpapf rs. -,loo-pugo pampnlel 1ULIB. bi-p.Ull, suIisomuE FOR TIIK COLUMBIAN, i 9TOU- FRAZER RAILROAD WIIVIJ. TABL3. 4RLS9l' rKLAVAHi:, LACKAWANNA AND WESTKHN ItAll.llOAl). lU.OOiMSUUKG DIVISION. MOUTH. STATIONS. (Ot'TH. a.m. n.m. p.m. o 10 II in 2 03 n 19 l) 2U s 10 (I Ull 'J 20 2 15 II 2 V U 31 2 11 0 .11 U 41 2 in il 10 0 47 2 "H II 43 62 2 41 p.m. p.m. - w ID 30 fl M IS 25 8 41 VI t 2 8 40 12 in B II 12 (18 8 ST 12 m 8 22 II .Mi 8 II II M 8 12 11 60 8 0i 11 47 8 (18 It U 8 01 11 42 7 ti'J 11 BS 7 M II 31 7 60 11 to I 4.1 11 2.1 7 80 II 12 7 18 11 CO 7 11 10 M 7 03 10 4T C M 10 41 0 M 10 38 6 Ml 10 31 6 42 10 27 6 "'' 10 21 6 30 10 10 6 23 10 11 6 OS B Mi 6 00 11 4!l S 53 n 43 3 40 !l 32 p.m. ftlli. n. in S 80, 8 50 8 22 8 1(1 8 10 ..amnion..,. .HcllPvtie. .. .Tll.VlOlVlllO. 1 ijii'kiiMiuinn... ...l'lttxtnn. ... 8 Ol ..U'fil Huston. I ! 88, ....Wyomliii'.. . 7 Ml. ..Multliy 7 no licnni tu, .. 7 4: ....HlngMon .... 7 47 ....Klnictton .... O WII 5l 2 41 0 M 10 012 47 r. ns io 03 2 no 0 ti8 10 (13 2 50 7 (12 10 102 63 42 riinoiitn .in no 1 38 1 mouth..,,! 7 07 10 153 01 1 31 ....Aondnlc 12 io :v :i m 7 30 NnlltlCOKO...! 7 13 10 233 10 7 23 lllllllock's Crrck 7 2.) 1082 8 27 7 121. Milckstiltiny.,1 7 87 1(1 413 mi 7 oo . Illck's l'crry..l 7 no 11 113 62 (1 61 ..llenclilltiven.., 7 67 11 003 68 6 17 Iirrnlck,...' 8 01 11 134 03 0 41 .lirlnrt'iock.. 8 10 11 20 4 12 II 118 ..Vlllow (IIOVC.' 8 II 11 23 4 10 0 31 ...t.lniPltlJgO. ..I 8 18 It 20 4 2J (1 27, Kfpy 8 2.3 11 30 4 27 II 21 ...tllooniburB... 8 30 11 414 ,11 r, 10 . . import 8 38 ll 60 4 40 n 11 Catnnl'u lirldgo 8 41 11 53 4 48 nsili. ..DailVillC..., 8 53 12 136 01 5 41 ....Chulnsky.... 9 05 12 205 12 5 13'.... Clltncion.... 0 IW 12 236 17 6 3JiKortliumbcrmn(l 23 12 40 5 33 n.m. I 1a.m. n.m. p.m W. V. HALSTEAD, Sunt. Superintendent's onicc. Scrnntcn, Feb.1ft.l8? Pennsylvania Railroad Philadelphia & trio n. M, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. , , f , TIME TABLE. , In ertcct .Immatii, issj. Trains loavo sun bury. KASTWAHD, 0.41 a. m., Sea Shore Express (dally except Sunday), for llarrlsburg andtntcrmcdlatestatloiis, arriving at Philadelphia 3.15 p. in.; KcwYoik, B.'-'Op. in. ; lialtlmore, 4.40 p.m.! Wiushloglon, s.50p. in., conn'ectlng at l'hlladclplita for all Sea Mioro . points. TUrough passenger coach to Philadelphia, p. m. Day express dally except (-uudayl.forHarrlsburg and lnterme dlato stations, arriving nt Philadelphia 6.60 p. in. t cw York, 9,3s p. m, ; lialtlmorc 0.41 p. m. ; Washington, 8.00 p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia nnd passenger coaches Ihroiii-li to Philadelphia and Baltimore. 7,41 p. m. Itenovo Accommodation (daily tor llarrlsburg and all Intermediate stations, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4 45 a. m. : New York 7.30 a. m. liultlmore, 6.33 a. 111. : Washington a. m. i Sleeping car accommodations can bo iccured at llarrlsburg for ITilladelphlaand New York, on Sun days a through sleeping car will be run; on this train from Wllllamsp'ttolTilladelphla-I'lilliidelphla passengers can remain In sleeper undisturbed untl 7 a. m. 7.f.o a. m. Erlo Mall (dally except Monday, for llarilsburg and Intermediate stations arriving at Philadelphia ass a. m. New York, 11.30 a. m. ; ltaltlmoio 8.15 a. m. ; Washington, 0.25 a. 111. Through liillnian sleeping cars aro run on this train to 1'hlladclpMn, llalilmore and Washing ton, and ihiough passcngor coaches to Philadel phia and Ualtlmoie. WKSTWAHD. 6.10a. m.r.rlo Jtall (dally except Sunday), fo. Erlo and all Intermediate stations and Oanandal, gua and Intermediate stations, lioehestcr, liurra loand Niagara Falls, with tliiough Pullman l'al ace cars and passenger coaches to Erie and lloch ester. Si.rl News Express (dally except Sunday) for Lock Haven and Intermediate stations. 1. 00 p. m. Niagara Express (dally except Sun day) for Kano andlntcrincdlatostatlous and Can nndalgua and principal Intermediate stations, Hochester, lluftalo nnd Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches lo Kano and Hochester and Parlor car to Watklns. 5.30 P. in. Fast Lino (dctly excent Sundavlfor Ite. novo and Intermediate stations, and Elmlr.i, Wut- L-lna nn.l liili-nirwlln In Ll,lta k-iii, litv,..1. n.. sengcr coaches to Itenovo and" Watklns. 9.a) a. m. Sunday mall for itenovo and Interme diate station- THltOUGU T'ltAINS FOlt SUNlltlltY FKOM THE JSAbT AND SOUTH. Sunday mall leaves rhlladelnhla a. m llarrlsburg 7.40 arriving at sunbury 9.S0 a. m. with through sleeping car fiom Philadelphia to WIU llainspoit. Nous Express leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a.m. HarrUburg, s.10 a. m. dally except Sunday arrlv Ing at Sunbury V.M. a. in. Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7. 10 a. m. ; Baltlmoio 7.30 a. tn. (datly except sundaj arriving at sunbury, 1.00 p. 111., wiui iiiroiign i-arior car iroin I'liuaiicipiiia and through passenger coaches from Philadel phia and lialtlmorc. rusi l.iuv leases abiv ioikh.uu a. m. ; 1 unauei Dhla.11.50 a. m. : Washington. o.50a. m. : linltl. more, 10.45 n. m., (dally pt Sunday) arriving at sunbury, 5.30 p.m., with through passeiigcj coaches from lTillai'.elphla and llalilmore. urio.-viaii leaves e.w 1 on: s.uu p. 111. ; I'litiauei phla, 11..O p. in. j Washington, iu.uo p. in. ; Haiti more, p. in., (dally except satunlaj) arriving ui Duuuurf o.iu u. 111., wiiu iniougu I'uiunaa Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington nnd llalilmore and tbiough passenger coaches from Philadelphia. SUNIllIItV, IIA.I,I:T0.N M'lI.KIlSIIAItlti: ItAII.ItO.MI AMI NOIITI1 AMI TT' III' VM'II Ittll.U'.W. (Dally except suuuay.) Wllkesbanu .Mall leaves sunbury 10.00 a. m. arriving at UloomFciry 10.52 a.ra., Wllkcs-barre 13.18 p.m. Express East leaves Sunbury 5.35 p. in., nrrlvlng nt lllnnm VPrrr It 'li ll ,v IVIll-nn liirrnT n tn sunbury -Mall leaves wi'lkcsbarrolo.40a.'in. arriv ing nt moom terry 13.05 p. 111., sunbury 13.55 p. m Express West leaves Wllkes barro 3.45 p. m., ar. riving at Jiloom Ferry 4.15 p. m.,sunbury5.l(p.m SUNDAY ONLY. Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 9.25 a. m., arriving at a. 111.. VVIllces-H.lrrn11si0n.ln. Suuday accommodation leaves llkes-Uario 5:10 p. in., arriving ai moom l erry, c.4 1 p. ra., sunbury, ::40 p. m UHA, E. l'Udll. J. I!, WOOD, n. Passenger Agent Oen. Manager, SwAJVr-rVlQE CoLLEQE. RWAltTH.MOlll.', l'A. Opens 9th month, nth. Thirty minutes from Hroadst. Station, Philadelphia. I'nder thocaro ot FrleniK but nllotheiH admitted. Full college courso for both sexes; Classical, sclentinc nnd ut eraiy. Also a .Manu.U T raining and a picparatory school. Healtluul location, largo grounds now and extensive buildings and apparatus. For eat. nloguo and full particulars, addiess EHW AIM) II. MAOILL, A, -l,, Pres't, Jil-tit. 4)I I ATtr-! pays for lill'E -CHO-jAnBlIIl' la E-lX1VIcjv ItUSINKSSCOliLEGE 1709 Chtttiil ft., I'liMtiphii. ypsitions for Oraduatos. Timo required a to 4 mos. Tho Host Kqulppeil. Dost Courso of fcttudy. Host 13v erythlns. Wrlto f.r t'lrtuu. J 9 Cms. p c. "end six cents for post I 1 1 1 1 1 1 n age, nnd lecelvo free.a co.,t 1 I ) I I ' II ly box ot g. cids which wll Ll I 1 I .II '""'I1 ou to .moio money 11 I I LlJn, Usht away than anythlnt, L ivilJUt rise in this viorld. All. of either sex, succeed from first hour. Tho broad road to fortune opens be fo 0 tho workers, absolutely sure. At onco ad dress, Tui'ic t;o Ait gusta, .Maine. . Mbb5 AGENTS WftNTED ! To solicit orders for our selected fruit nnd orna mental fclock. I I'.ltM.VNl.NT H.MIT.tlYJIENT, SALAUY AND EXPENSES, OH COM.MISS.O.N. II- l'HKFEHHEH, only honest, encigctlc, temperate men need apply, (lood icferenco required. No pievlous oxpeileneo iiecessaiy, Tho butlness eas ily learned. Full instiuctlons glun, Stato ago. riime 1111s paper, uuicts TfjE CfSE 4lJtSEflES R. G. Chase & Co. 'i5i!i,XT (nug37 It ais.) Tlio Jobbing Dopai'tmeiit of life feijfciiiii) OFPICE- is Avoll stocked with material foi doing all kinds of printing. it in groat varioty. All kinds of BLANK kept in stock. Spc on largo orders.. door below -Main StrcctJi Ullg ClF'llUllll-n it 1 'lllnir book cut. i-r-MT Hojk f'Hl10Br4l idccists. ..1 n.lli- Vn f 11 4IA.- Its Nature, t nnn rievcn ICuie. llyJohn 11. McAlnn. lmul rh, Ihi..-...... 1 drew, i cn.i7 iird ihI aL if!rv..Tpr 1 iu'u trTj 1 msa.. -P 1 PERRINE'S S HisTH.t.nn from nelretfc! lliitlcr Malt nnd Rtmrnnl eed to bo flitrolcnlit w nml Ireo iron lojiitloiii Wis nnd irldi often contained n nlcohollc lin or W especially nilniited to persons reqiilrlnir d tlmIntlriff tonic, Consump lus tJfJ! Krently benefitted by Its use. Kocommcndcd by leadliiir physicians as n Hiim I? NetMne, Tot.lo ami Alterative. For Consumptives It ft Invaluable. lVm ,"V,1I( 1'IUIK llAlll.llV .MA1.T WIIISKKY Insures a return of I cor to tlio stomnfi, i SiJ appetite, a rich nnd abundant blond and Increased llcsli and Inuscular tlVut? hi inilinill. Hlllll llllll -lUlU III rill,.,, .-jr,,..., , ,iU llll wnMliiff A,a eases car bo entirely (onqtiercd by tlio titp rr l errlnc's l'tiroliarley Malt uiM? tun tonlo and diuretic, and a povrrtul stirnjrtliencr to tlio entire i sytt m '" A' liiuv'u in im liAHIKVMAl.l' WIIISKin Iiiih uroird a inedirinni 'nit, . ... "I- ft id I Mi tliosnwlio ptirsuo exreptiminl i.imi liiNK'MiVHK lutit.KY out It h exeew no bmlllv or mental effort and nets as a sateguard against e jriM n n nnd rigorous wentlicr. ltwlll drlvo all malnili us diseases fiom the "fS Hard Mtikers of every vocntlon and ret wn 'n n wleninrv llin lender. J"','.?- liispepi:i llll'l 111 . 1 1", " ' "mu y Mali Whiskey a pnwirful liivlifiiraiit and hclptr to ill.oMlon. 1'KII 111 N F.H 1'lltK IIAIIMIY MAI.T W1IISKKV without unduly st lntiUtltiK the Md. nys Inercaws their ll.wliur nctlUly, counteractslho i-rtccts of fatigue, has. tensconvalencnco and Is a vtholcsomo and prompt dim etlc Watch tho label I None itenulno unless bearing tho tlgnn-turo For sale by all druggists andgrocers throiigliout tho Timed Mates and t'anadas. !J7 NOKTII mom' ST. 38 NORTH WATER ST., V1ULA Foil sam: nv imt'cioisTs and am. dkalkus. cmi l'ENNV OOODS A SPECIALTY. SOI.K AO-NTS ion V. Y. ADAMS CO., PIMB CUT Alexander Bros. & Co., WHOLESALE DEAI.E11S IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, FRUITS AND HUTS. TOBACCO Solo agents of I ho fnl. lolling urnnus 01 CTgtrs. 11ENHY CLAY, I.ONDHES, NOlt.MAI, INDIAN PHINCESS, SAMSON, SILYEH ASH. SOLE AOENTS FOlt IIEfiKY MA1LLARDS m CM DIES. FliESH EVEltY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Fa. ECOMOH THUG IKATICAL aCJK8TIOj OF THE IIOUIS. J5VERY THING THAT IS NEW AND STYLISH CAN BE (CHIAFIE THAI WML A Large and Varied Stock of CL0THIHG, JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LAUGH AND SELECT LINE OF Call and be Convinced that you -have the m&m PTiTunmrniT nn nnnnn hum OF THE LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY, AND AT The Lowest Possible Prices AT B 1 00 iiisl)iiig9 Pa, CMAIN DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Wholesnlu and I WAGON MAKERS' j AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES. Hcnilriunrtera for MERCHANT IRON & STEEL- Store nml W.iri'lir.ust c, Nou. 120 tfc 128 KrnnVlin Avenue, No. 2 Lack'u Aviimo & 210, 212 it 211 Cen bCRANTON, PA, fp MALT WHISKEY. their avocations Inthonpennlr and whoso daily workriii?iI! rowers of endurance, am juur urnim uruegisi or ifinirr rn. ..' .MAl.TWiiiKKhv revives the eiierc e inii;: 1 ho analysis ns It nnpenrs by the I n liel on eieiy liottlei I fiaiueattfullr 5 iiihrcd tho 1'i KK linn rv un, it." ,v madiily .m.&j.k l'crrlne nna ntiii lit Cntlt-rOv fton fi-n,,, i. ... 1? iml metals and acids and Is nboluieiV pure."-inwt, omifi Arthur iiiJL VriitUmle nrihe UnlnnMti urMuhhi. (leurm twd H e Otnirtcn ''Mh, ANY Ollllllli FOlt FESTIVALS will bo supi'i.ikd v 1 rn TIIU LOWEST AS lOI.I.OWS! OltANOKS, LEMONS, DANANAS, I'EAKUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS, CHEAM NUTS, ALMONUS, l'OP COIJN BALLS. FOR THE SEAON, EOUGHT THE For tlio Celelirntcil Clilclteriug, I vers & I'odiI, nnil Voso & Hon i'innos. 'Worhlre. nownctl Kstcy Orp;nn9, Violins, Acttinlions anj Bliott Jliisic. Celelirntcil "Wliite, Kew High Arm Ur.vis, New Home, lioyul HI. John, and Lilit ltunning Dotntetlc bcwlnj; Machines. Needles, oil nnil iittnt limtnts for nil miikes of Sewing Machines. STREET,) lUlnll.tUnlcis In -aa-nwaa OF ter btrcit, T .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers