The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 17, 1886, Image 3

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CUM CousV, Cold, nonmnnw, Crouji. Arthmiw
Uiuncliltls Whooplnu Conor,, lnclrli6onninK
Ilia dlmao, h Ico 3 rt .am.
von, llio Gem Inn Jr. llull't
vmm simp la aol.i onir ii
mile irwran, and hears our
.V. .1 irnno-flinrm to IV ti
uZi'V;"a Itnte.aHriU
I nut InH.T nli .;. ii.-
SfjMlmlloalCTiitareaot Joan r,
"The Greatest Cure on Earth for Pain,"
Will relievo more quickly than nny
other known remedy. Rheumatism.
Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Burns
Scalds, Cuts, Lumbago.Sores, Frost
bites, Backache, Wound3, Headache,
Toothache, Sprains, &c. Sold by all
Druggists. Price 25 Cents a Bottle.
The Columbian.
KKIDAY, SKPTKMiiEIl 17, 1880.
romiiCT uui.koui Tim: Tim.K,
Trains on tho Philadelphia I! it. leavo llupcrt
ua lui""' o .
rlonTU. SOUTH.
0:311 a. m. 11:4'J a. ra.
3:ia p. m.
Tralnson tho 1). L. 4: V. It. It. leavo Eloonisburz
il:15 a. m. 8:31) a. m.
10.1M a. m. ll:4la. m.
S;iw p. m. 4:13 p. m.
C:30 p. m. 8:17 ,,. m.
Tratnsnntho N. V. II. ltallwaypass Bloom
i tiij ui lunuua
W3 a. m. 13:05 p, m.
B.S3 p. m. 4:15 p. m.
mouth, sooth.
10:1 1 am 0:11 um
To Cc-titritllu Hulscrllern.
A reprcsentativo of this ofllcc will visit
Ccnlrnlla and Ashland on Monday nnd
Tucsilny following October pay-day, on a
collecting tour. Our patrons tiro requested
to bo ready to settle their accounts at that
Our collector will call on llerwick sub-
senbers, who aro in nrreais, on Tuesday,
ccpicmucr o.
I'um.ic sai.i-s,
Oct. 0. Tho administrator, &c, of John
Springer deceased, will sell real estate in
Hemlock township at 1 o'clock p. m. Sec
Goon Doavd. Jurors, witnesses and
others attending court can secure board at
reasonable terms at .Mrs. Jacoby's comer of
Main anil Market streets, near the Court
House. Sept 17, 2 w
Wanted. Five wagons to peddle wntcr
melons for !) weeks at Espy Island. Spec,
I ill prices to dealers. Don't delay. Must
be sold this mouth regardless of prices.
David Geisinuru.
Wanted, Two girls to learn tho tailor.
ing trade. Apply at D. Lowenbcrg's.
Wamed Immediately. A gocd reliable
local man to work Columbia county for
the sale of New York State Nursery Stock,
Wo will make special Inducement to the
right pin ly. Address,
O. V. Giiken it Co.,
Scrunton, I'll., or Geneva, N. Y.
Sept, 10, Ow
Lost, A leather covered memorandum
1, lok with the owner's naincin lt,somowhcrr
ii Illoomsburg. Tho owner will be suitably
r.. warded by reluming It to Eli Mendenhall
t.l the Commistioners'ofllce.
Fon Salk. A good klcbcn range and n
largo hot air furnace. Tho lattei was
taken out to put in steam heat. Very
chcan. Inmiirc of Geo. E. Klwell, lilooms
burg. Pa.
Fon Sale A good farm near Light
Street containing oer 97 acres, well fenced
and in a cood statu of cultivation. Also a
timber tract of 75 acres in Jackson town
ship. Apply to G. W. llAiircu,
tt Illoomsburg, Pa,
Fou Sale. One now Sloan side bar
buggy. One Sloan jump-scut cairiage In
good condition with shufts.polo and brake,
One old buircy. Ono double heater. In
ipilro of L. E. Waller. j"'y'J
For. Sale. Tho undersigned will sell 40
or CO acrer, more or less, to suit purchus
crs, Inmi the south side of his farm l
Hemlock township. Three good springs
o. tvntcr. ciir.rt 'iiilldimr site, public road
throucii thu land, nbout 5 acres of timber.
small slriMim of water through laud. Price
$15 per acre In payments. For particular
inquire of Hcubeu Ilomboy, HucKhnrn, or
Geo. E. Elwell, Illoomsburg. J4,u u
Foi: Sale. A very desirable property
on Market street In tho town ot Hlj.'tr.s
burc. Pa. nearly opposlto Hcv. D.
WnlliT. T,nt (11 feet In width and 198 feet
In dentil. An alley on thu north and east
lot nf I). J. Waller on tho south. Market
street on the west. The dwelling house
n largo two story brick with Mansard roof
water, gas and" sewer drainage, a good
argo stable, good fruit, and good well ol
Also a bouse and lot in Catawtssa front
ing on !)rd street, auovo Pino street, a good
two story frame dwelling house Willi iw
story kitchen attached.
Michael F Evenly
April 7. '80. tf. Illoomsburg, Pa,
A nlco lino of Furnishing- Goods-new.
est in design in Shirts, Collars and Neck'
t ies just received at D. Lowenuerg s.
William Parks of Sugarloaf was In tow
on Mondav.
Mr. and Mrs. Blmpklns aro visiting at
Dr. Schuyler's.
W. H. Jacoby is working in a newspaper
olllco at Nantlcoke.
Miss Hughes, of Scranton, Is tho guest
of Mrs. F. P. HlUmcycr.
Daniel W. ltobblns of Jackson
nmnni? our callers this week.
Louis ISakcr of Cutnwlssa was ti welcome
uiaiinr in nur sanctum recently.
Dr. W. H. Houso has recovered from bis
Illness, and is able to attend to ms larg
ilnnlnl nrnellco Utzaln.
RiAwnrd Hucklo of Wflsliingtonvllle
. i7,.,Wai1iv nvenlllC to SCO Ills
tUIIIU UII.I 1 1 ,-v... j
n,w linrkln who Is lvinir ill Willi
I1UW1U 1 Uj IUI ..v.- ----
Iwnlinlil fnvpr.
n,vl,i T.nwenberir. C. U. McIIcnry ami
.T. n. Yoeum. Esn.. went to Wllkes.Uarre
on Thursday rooming to attend tho Con.
gresslonal Conference
A fresh, clean lot of box papers-just
opened at Clark's book storo.
H. (1. Esbleman & Co. have a largo lino
of stoves and ranges for tho a1 1 iuo,
74 different kinds of tablets by actual
count nt Mercer's. Please call ami sec.
Enos Jacoby had another uttuck of parol
vsis Wednesday night wlillo nt homo In
Tim nrlces tell, tho quality fells.
Aro you colng to have sotno of tho bar.
ilns In Fall and Winter Clothing Just re-
celvcil at David Lowcubcrg's
n., school books, school
Jjooks, of cacli and every kind at Mercer i
Hook bags, book strons. scratch honks.
tiling pails, tablets, etc. nt Clark's book
1''. 1. lllllmcycr. Esu.. nml 0. M. Onlek
captured 48 grey squirrels while out bunt
ing last week.
A nlco lino of furnlshim? pooiIs
n design in shirts, collars ami neck lies
Just received at 1). Lowenbcrg's.
Jollll H. l'arkcr. of Grccnwooil tnwnaliln.
has a pumpkin left over from 1nt vrnr ilmt
81111 "i perfect comlillon, nnd weighs 31
Of the funds raised at thu Normal sr.hnnl
for Charleston, 17.70 was contributed by
'no mines and lyO.lfi by lliu gcnllcincu
Tho lady students outnumber the males.
ino Sunday School Convent on of
'Ishlngcrcck township will bo held In tho
n. Ji. Church, Stillwater, nn Baturday,
September 2j, nt 10 a. m. All aro Invited.
James Heacock, of Mlllvllle. broui-ht tn
our ofllco Thursday of last week n turnip
vmii. ineiisurcii iwenty-slx inches around
mm weighed five pounds. Who can beat
Dr. J. II. Moore, of Pittston. tlm nrm.
list was at thu Exclmneo Hotel Hnturilnv
nisi, no will be hero aealn Salunlnv
September 25th, between the hours of 9 a
m. and 3 p. m.
if you nre going to school vou should
examine our stock of blank books, scratch
books, etc. Evamino everything you need.
You will find tho prices nil light at George
a. Clark's book store. yi
At n meeting of the Vestry of St. Paul's
cnurcli, held at the Hcctor'study on Sepl
ii, loi. j. u, ircer.e was unanimously
elected a Vestryman to (111 the vacancy
causcil uy the death of Ell llarton.
If you want a fall stilt made up in city
style by experienced workmen, first class
siyic and nt guaranteed call and see tho
elegant lino of imported and domestic
goods now on hand at the popular mcr.
chant tailor of Blooinsburg, David Lowcii-
Tho Itcscuo Hose & Ladder Co. will bold
a picnic at Oak Grove on Saturday, Septem
ber 25, afternoon and evening. Methei ell's
orchestra will furnish music for dancing,
.No intoxicating drinks will be sold on tho
grounds. The public Is Invited. Admls
sion, 5 cents.
Miss Bessie Monroe, of Hupcrt, cave a
very pleasant party to her friends last Ftl
day night. Tho handsome grounds and
large porches were illuminated with Chi
ncso lanterns, and the effect was beautiful
Dancing was Indulged in, and all present
enjoyed themselves tlioiougbly.
A report became prevalent on tho street
last Friday that a telegram luul gone over
tho wires announcing that the Ulamt of
Cuba bad entirely disappeared in the
ocean, nnd that a million lives had been
lost. Fortunately for these million of peo
pie there was no foundation for the report
We received some cards this week from
L. M. Kelchncr, of Lightstrcet, which
were lino specimens of penmanship. Mr.
Ivelcbncr Is a lirst-class penman andshoultt
bo at the head of a writing school. Any
pai lies wishing their names written for
calling cards should write to him at Light-
The first annual Tournament and Itnce
meet of the Wltkcs-Uario Ramblers Bicycle
Club will be held at Athletic Park, Wilkes-
Barrc, on Wednesday, Sept. 22. A four
lap clay track has been constructed that
;annot bo surpassed in the State. There
will be a parade of wheelmen at 10:30 a.m.
liaccs in the Park at 2 p. m.
J. It. Schuyler & Co. have made numer
ous improvements at their store. A new
awning has been erected in front, and a
number of new show cases have been set
up, containing a lino line of plated silver
ware, cultery, itc. Schuyler's hardware
stoic is one of the lurgcst In this part of
the state, and it enjoys a large wholesale
trade all tluough central Pennsylvania.
The job books of this ofllco show that
during the year 1880 up to this tlmo very
neatly as many jobs have been done, ns in
the Hiolo year of 1885. With neatly three
months nnd a half left yet, our jobbing de
partment will turn out fully one third more
than last year, when tho number of jobs
done was greater than ever befon . ,od
work, tho best facilities, mil lew , rices
account for H.
A supper will be held i tho residence of
F. P. Frymiro on Friday evening coin
mcnclng ut 5 o'clock The supper will be
ijIvcp. in the InUicst cf tho Women's Mis
sionary hnii'ly of the Lutheran Church
an 1 Ih I' r tuo purpose of raising money to
secure one-half.bhare, In the name of thu
Joc.ety, in tho Lutheran hospital to be
built In India. Tho price of tho supper Is
fixed at 10 cents.
List of Jcticr3 remaining iu the Po3t Of
fice nt Illoomsburg for week ending Sept.
14, 1880:
Samuil Casebcer, Fred It. Moody, Mr,
N. H. Myers, George Ilenlugton, Mr.
Lewis B. Paul.
Persons calllug for these letters will
please say "advertised."
GeoitdKA. Clauk, P. M.
A man named John Conkey was commit
ted to jail ou -Monday by Esq. Crcvellng.of
Espy, on n chargo of assault and battery
on tho person of tho prisoner's wife. Tho
assault was committed on Sunday, by beat
ing her witli a stick of wood, aud sho has
lain in a precarious condition every since.
Should sho die tuo prisouir will havo to
answer tho charge of murder. Tills Is tho
first casu of wife beating that has come
Into court in this county for a loug time.
The Prohibition Committee, of Columbia
county met iu the hall over the Grange
storo on Saturday hist. The meeting was
opened with prayer by Thomas Seaborn,
S. N. Walker was appointed Chairman of
tho meeting. Thu following officers were
elected for tho ensuing year, with power
to appoint special committees and select
such assistants as they think proper. -M. 1'.
Lutz, Bloomsbuig, Chalriuaui J. h. John,
nf Mlllvllle. Secretary: Aaron Kcster, of
Millvilli', Treasurer.
Frank A. ltobblns' clrcuE, which exhib'
ltcd hero on tho 9th Inst.. Is one of tho
I,! nn tho road. It Is rated as the third
best m tho country, Barnum's anil Fore
nauclt's belnc first nnd tecond respectively,
Performances go on constantly in two
rhurs and a platform, and nil that Is done Is
well done. The herd of performing do
phants aro remarkable examples of tho sai
gaclty of those Hugo ueasts, guiug uiruu
military drill witu prtcismu, uuu tmj
upon musical Instruments, ll not inci
mnnv. at least with a good deal of M
Tho sheet pageant was long and a vry
good display, many renmruing upon .
cxccllcjnt condition In which tho horses
aro kept. Tho menagcrlo embraces n largo
collection of animals, and tho sldo show
contains some remarkable curlosWrt,
among them belug Bainum's origins! What
Is It ? Tho press will Una in Jr. "eu.
Cole, tho manner, a very accommodating
gentleman, who will do everything In his
power to oblige them.
As Is common wllh every circus, tho ono
last week was nccumpauled by a number
of sharpers with their llltlu games to get
money from tho unsophisticated. They
nrc presumably not connected with tho cir
cus, but travel along with it, and thus
catch tho crowd, nnd at tho tamo tlmo
spend but ono day In a placo, as their
games will not permit them to tarry long
In ono locnllty. Tho ball nnd cup game
was successfully played near tho circus
grounds, and many a fool and his money
were soon parted, at the rate of llvo dollars
n bet. Tho cups aro mr.ved about rapidly,
changing tho ball from one to the other.
and tonic ono In the crowd is asked to bet
live dollars tie can lift the cup with the
ball under It. It Is not always the green
horn who loses Ids money. Thoro are
many who consider themselves smart
enough to tiko caro of themselves, who
feel suro thoy know where tho ball Is, nnd
enter tho game with tho expectation of
chciitlng n gambler at his own game. They
generally gut left, and when they do, they
are entitled to no sympathy, ns they would
willingly tako the gambler's money If they
could. Tho most disgraceful part of this
business was that several young men of
this town acted as "cappers" for the sharp
ers, by assisting them In Inducing others
to become their victims.
Sland by those who stand by you.
We have now lecclved n large assortment
In Mens' Youths' and Hoys Clothing. Call
and examine before you go elsewhere and
you will be satisfied that tho light placo to
buy your Clothing Is at David Lon enbcrg's
Popular Clothing Store.
Hill City. 09th Ward.
Septemberl'I, 1880. f
Eds. Columiiian: Iu last week's Senllnel
"Tax Payer," of Glen City, Importunes ov
cry tax payer to read the Stntincl, "as It Is
the tax payers' guard." Well, 1 have read
It weekly, for fifteen years, and have prob
ably less conlldenco in it than ''the Glen
City Tax Payer," as the "taxpayers' guard.'
It does assumo the guardianship of the tax
payers. But Hid tax payers are not yet In
a position to need a guardian or dictator,
which our "Glen City" tnx payer thinks so
essential for the safety of the tax payers.
For, Mild he, , "I say, read tho Sentinel and
vole for some honest man that the Smlintl
(dietaloi) recommends," A sliong hint
that our "Glen Cily'' tax payer desires to
bo rtcommended by thu Sentinel (dictator)
to the "Public Tit," ostensibly to lower the
taxes nt the "poor taxpayers' " expense,
notice that the Sentiml bad been on a still
hunt for over a year, but has only wasted
Its ammunition on "dead ducks," which
seem to be seen rely lodged In tho "old jail,"
and fattening (though dead,) atthe "public
crib," just where "Tax Paytr" and the
Sentinel proprietor are so anxious about and
dcslru to get. Every. week several "bombs'
at e sent to dlslodgu them, but nil or no
avail. The Sentinel says "there they are all
the limy," but can't get them away, and
the people seem to bo very little concerned
about it. Perhaps the people desire the
Board of Commissioners to be changed In
part, or m whole, but will they have any
guarantee that the taxes w ill in any way be
materially lowered and much less money
The "watchman lit the county'seat" has
thus fur accomplish! 1 nothing but to call
out a couple of nllidavils thatjiave'neilhe
been galnsaycd nor refilled. The whole
thing reminds one of Hans' Moke when
strolling through a certain city cryiu
"lire !" "fire ! !" wheu tlio startled multl
tude came running at the false alarm, cry.
Ing "where!" where!!" "Ach," said
Haup, "in my slimokc pipe."
Tax Payei: No
'Wo have got 'cm on the list."
All the prelly new styles, all the uew
shape. Come, look, and you will be sur-
prised at the Fall and Winter stock of
Spectacles, King's patent combination
frames. We can sell you spectacles or
eye glasses from twenty-five cents up.
wards at Clark's book store.
What 19 the next worst thing to an earth
quake ' We know. A Kansas pony. If
you don't believe it just try one of them.
Our people speak well of Frank Hob-
bins' show, but they don't understand why
there was so much variation in the admis.
sion fee. Some of them were taken In a
The most happy, most pleased, nnd most
tickled man wo know of h Wchly Dent.
He is tho father of a bouncing little boy
baby. A pebble of joy ripples a big round
smile all over his face.
Pay your taxes this week if you'wlsh to
have the benefit of the llvo per cent, reduc
Austin Ohl, who has been residing with
an uncle In Michigan for a year nnd a half,
Is now home on a visit.
The new school house near tho.Forks Is
nearing completion. If the Interior pre
sents ns neat and attractive appearance n3
the exteilor, no fault can be found with the
Cider making is one of our chief Indus,
tries just now.
Pursel brothers seeded down some ryo
last week.
H. D. Mclirldo is on tho sick list.
Tho William Webber lot has been pur
chased by Isaac Mordan, of Mt ;i'leasaut,
for 5000.
Pens, pencils, slates, rules and erasers at
Chuk's book store.
Fall ovctcoats, ready made, equal to
merchant tailor's in fit, stylo nnd qual
ity, for half the price. Call and sec
for yourself at David Lowcuberg'a
Popular Clothing Store.
Messrs, Matthow Quick and Frank HlU
mcycr, wlillo rambling over our prairies,
bagged seventeen big squirrels nnd about
thirty rcddlu3. Tho boys were suro shots.
Tho lightning process man has proven an
adept In photography. Ho was formerly a
resident of Jackson. Ho next moves to
Orangevlllo and thoso who want fine cnbl
net photos, tintypes and gems, should not
forget him.
Alex. Knouso has a line lot of peaches
and somo of tho best. Alex, believes In
raising first-class material and drives a
daisy colt.
We believe that Keller Bros., of Benton,
put on a tin roof for F. M. Parker. They
put on nothing but the best material and
aro enterprising fellows.
T. W. Smith has nenily completed his
building. Tom believes In having every
thing handy nud nlco.
CoiiHiiuiptloii Can (e Ctircil
y secret remedy, but by pro
e,xerclso and tho Jujliig
sion ol coiiae, two
ntalnbtcst f0rm.
Aflto'slclans. Tako
no other.
Is U
Our lino of school1
lurirer tbau ever bcforoJj
Plcaso call and see for
drug and book store.
1 .7
'iijv ir al n
Clinrli'Hton itcllcf Ifiiiiil.
On Baturday ot last week, Mr. Gcorgo H.
ltobblns started out with a subscription
book to raise a fund to send to Charleston
for tho relief of those who suffered from
the recent earthquake that destroyed three
fourths of tho buildings In that city. Up
to Wednesday noon of this week ho col.
leclcil $100.85. Tho fund will bo forwarded
ou Saturday to Mayor Courtney, Chairman
of tho llellef Committco, and bo acknowl
edged In tho Charleston papers. Any ono
wishing to cnntrlhuto should leave tho
money wllh Mr. ltobblns by that time.
Tills Is a laudable move, and though tho
amount Is comparatively small, It Is larger
than was expected, and Is amply sufllclcnt
In show our sympathy with the Charleston
sullcrcrs. Illoomsburg Is never behind In
such matters, this being the third tlmo
within a fi-w years that a fund has been
ralsod for similar objects, Milton and Ply.
mouth being the previous recipients.
The following arc tho contributors to tho
Charleston fundi
Paul E. Wirt. J. P. Tustln. Movor Bros..
W. Elwell) Dr. L. A. Bhattuck, each i5.
t;. r. Ivnapp. Stf.OO: J. Keller, y.BU.
D. .1. Waller. Jr.. O. A. Clark. O.S Itob.
bins, I. W. Harlman, 1). Lowcnberg, E. It.
lkeler, Elwell & lllllcnbendcr, G. M. A J.
iv. LiOCKartl. A. Bchoch. lltickalew uros.
eneb 1J2.00.
Hcv. F. B. Hlddlc. L. E. Wliaiv. O. W.
Suplec, J. Saltzcr, L. Lowcubcrg. 0. C.
Wirt, Samuel Knorr. O. C. Peacock. U. 11.
ltobblns. H. A. McKlllln. L. Bombard.
Caleb Barton, 1). A. Hockley, J. K. Eyer,
u. u. Jiarkley. U. W. Funslou, J. 11. -Mcr.
ccr, each .il.uu.
Cash from sundry persons, 13.50.
Normal school, $23.85.
Total, $ 100.85.
Pens, pencils, penholders, Inks, erasers.
tablets, &c, at Clark's book store.
largo stock of Fall Hats just received
at David Loweiibcrc's.
Suiiiuel lloKcrl'M Ituiily.
Itoiiitsnuiio, Sept. 14, 18SG.
Mkssiis. Ediiohs: n article iu last
week's llepithlican makes an uncalled for,
ami In most respects untruthful attack
upon me, and 1 feel it my duty to say a
word In my own behalf. As to my being
of "notorious fame," it Is true that I was
unfiirtutiato enough to be punished for uu
net done In self-delense, but for which
was p irdoned as soon as my case could be
brought tefoie the Board of Pardons. It
is not true that Constable Woodward re
fused to act in the matter. He did all that
was niked of liini, and tho last thing ho
said to me was tint I should call on Mm
when I wanted his services. It is not true
that my daughter Is employed as servant
by Mrs. Jacob Melllck, as O. B. Mellick
told mo that he employed her and paid her,
and I believe It Is through hlsinlluencu sho
is kept there, and I desire to remove her
from such Inllucnce. It is not true that tho
girl was abused at homo and compelled to
leave. 1 tried my best to keep her at home
and out of bad company, but she was in
fluenced by O. B. Mellick and a pal of his,
to leave homo without my knowledge or
consent. As to my being an Inhuman
father I am willing to submit that question
to my friends and neighbors of good char
acter, who have had belter opportunities of
judging than the editor of the Republican
who lias simply printed what some inter.
ested person has requested him to print,
for reasons best known to himself. Tho
charge that I thrust a pistol at the head of
my daughter ic an unqualified lie.
Samuel Bought.
A beautiful stock of Boys' and Children's
suits just received nt the Popular Clothing
Store of David Lowenberg.
School books, school bags,tnblcts, paper.
rulers, pens, slates and pencils of many
kinds at Mercer's drug and book store.
The Forks Sunday school will hold a fes
tlval on the 25th.
About twenty of our citizens were at
Bloom ou Saturday attending different
Mrs. John Wnnlch and sister, Mrs. C.
Hldlay, of Llghtstreet, visited old friends
In this vicinity on Saturday and Sunday.
Tho Lutheran Sunday school held a pic
nic In Frymcycr's groyo on Saturday. Mr.
Frymcyer happened to be visiting his
farmer nnd was present to help uuload the
The scbool directors will meet next Sat
urday to decide upon tho tlmo thu schools
shall open and n number of other questions.
Mr. and Mrs. Ginther and daughter nud
Mr. Thos. Stnudt, cf Heading, nrc yislting
their brother, Emanuel Stuuilt.
Old hunters report grey squirrels tcurce
this year.
Josegli Ucarhart has moved from bis
tarm to live with his son, Mr. Clms. Gear
hart. A birthday surprise party was given
Michael Heller on Wednesday eve, Sept. 8.
Mr. Heller was completely shaken up by
some of the guests. Everybody enjoyed
themselves, as they alwnys do when they
call on ".Mike."
If you want a Fall Stilt , mado up In City
style, by experienced workmen, first-class
style and fit guaranteed, call nnd see the
elegant Hnu of Imported nnd Domestic
Goods now on hand at the Popular Mer
chant Tailor of Blooinsburg,
Ail ICartluiuanu lCxpcrlciice.
A gentleman, relating his experience
with nn earthquake, said yesterday i I
was iu San Francisco In tho early part of
October, 1808. I nwoko from a sound
sleep In my room In the hotel about five
minutes after eight iu the morning. Iu nn
Instant I was taken with a spell resembling
scn-sickuess. Tho plaster on the walls in
the room began to crack and fall j meiii
women and children wcro screaming In
the halls i "Get up; this is an earthquake!"
Well, 11 did not need n sccoud invitation
tho plaster from the walls accompanied me
at a rapid pace. I reached, the street In
time to seo a panic-stricken populaco
hurrylni! to n place of shelter, I was badly
shaken up more than when I had tho
chills nnd fever and malaria. Speaking of
the chills and fever, if you havo them, just
take a small wine glass full ot Pcrrlno's
Pure Barley Malt threo times a day. It
will rebuild a shaken constitution. Ask
your nearest druggist for It.
Tho wonderful 45-ccnt White
largo stock just received ut
David Ljui,
uciiliwt imiton, latoof Phlla
Exchange Hotel in
ill ,,, 5'two wek" on Buturduy
1 ! J" V- m. or later, beginning
,lloomsAug. 28th for tho purposo of
,r0-' nil diseases of tho Eye, Ear nnd
ftat, fitting glasses etc. Dr, Mooro is a
"graduato of Jefferson Medical College of
soveral years standing, and has had
thorough training lu his specialties iu tho
hospitals of Philadelphia, Tho Dr. can
furnish references from some of tho leading
physicians aud specialists of Philadelphia
and from physicians lu Pittston, Tuck
bannock, and other towns of that vicinity.
School supplies of nil kinds at Mercer's
drug and book store,
lixiMitlnntloit for the Mentor CIiinh.
According to iho new arrangement of i
I at 111 a 11 I I
i.e eA,,i.naou.ur ..u.,8iot. ,o cen.ur
v ,..u iiimii """"i '"
person or persons not In attendance dur.
Ing tho Spring session, If recommended by
tho Faculty of any ono of the schools, may
bo examined In tho Junior studies, nt tho
opening of tho fall term, by tho Principal
of tho school.nnd the two Superintendents
who mo members of the State Board, and
tho examination papers, It approved by
theso three examiners, shall bo submitted
to tho Superintendent ot Public Instruction,
and If ho approves them, the person or per
sons who prepared them shall bo admitted
into tho Senior class."
Tho fall examination at tho Illoomsburg
Stato Normal School, was held on Tuesday
and Wednesday of last wrck. Below will
bo found tho questions submitted to tho
applicants. A supplementary oral exam
ination was given In tho Constitution ot
the U. S. and In reading. The examination
questions In Algebra aro omitted, as wo
havo not tho charactirs to express them.
H. M. McNcal.
1 What will be the cott of raising the
surface of half nn aero ot ground nt tho
rato of 75c. a cubic yard ?
If a man cau dig 15 bushels of pota
toes In a itny, and can pick 10 bushels In a
day, bow many bushels can ho dig and
pick In a day ?
3 Find the G. C. 1). of 125 and 715 by
successive divisions and explain the prin
ciple on which tho method Is based.
4 A bought from n lumber dealer 303 ft.
of plank nt 52.60 a hundred, 31C0 pickets
at $14 a thousand nnd 350 ft- of boards at
$20 n thousand. What was bis bill 1
5 What are the different cases for per-
ccntago ? Glvo the rule for each case.
0 A man Invested $.0005 In bauk stock
at 110 ! at tho end of tho year the bank de
clared an 8 per cent, dividend i what per
cent, did ho realize ou his money ?
A man borrowed $7000 at 9 percent j
when ho paid the note, it required $9212 to
secure It. How long was the nolo on in.
8 Capital stock 5700,000, dividend 550,.
000. A, who has 0 shares, realized 10 per
cent, on his investment. At what discount
did ho purchase his stock ?
9 An agent receives 530,050 with which
to purchase good, after deducting ids
commission of 4 per cent. How much
docs he invest In goods 1
10 A mau bought 21 pairs of shoes on
coudltlon that ho shall pay 515 for the first
pair, 54.75 for the second, 54.00 for the
thlid. What did they all cost him.
11 Why do you point oil as many deel
mm places in tuo product n3 there arc
decimal places In the multiplier and mul
tiplicand ?
K. M. McNeil.
1 Name tho departments of our govern
mcnt, and define each.
2 Glvo constitutional qualifications,
term of ofllco and salary of President, U
S. Senator and Itcprescntative.
3 What provision has our government
made for the protection of authors ami in
ventors ?
4 What is impeachment ? Give the man
ner of impeaching a public officer.
5 What is a bill ? Where do bills origin
nte ? Give the manner of passing a bill.
Dr. D. .). Waller.
1 When, where and by whom was Latin
spoken ?
2 Decline hie, is. Compare nltus.bonus.
3 Lablcnus Umlus ad mortem missus
Caesar urbc capta disccsslt.
5 Consilium seribendae tp'utolae.
0 Scimus Urram mojoram. Parse words
in Italic.
W. L. Owens.
1 What is a musical nolo ? Name the
diltercnt kinds of notes.
2 V hat Is the stall In music ? Locate
the letters on tho stall.
3 Define rhythm, pitch, anil dynamics.
4 Name tho varitic's of time, and de
scribe the movement In each variety.
W. L. Owens.
1 Dcsciibo Pennsylvania ; glvo its
boundaries, population and area ; locate
its mineral and vegetable productions.
2 Give tho political divisions of South
America, with capitals and governments,
.1 Give the most direct route by water
from N. Y. to Melbourne.
4 Define latitude and' longitude. How
many degrees of each may be reckoned ?
5 Name the principal states iu which
rice, cotton, sugar and tobacco are grown.
(I Tell what you know nbout the ship
railway across the Isthmus of Tehauncpec;
who is building It, and what Its effect up-
on commerce ?
7 What U 6tuudard time 1 Ulvc the
divisions in tho U. S.
8 Describe the climate of Mexico. Give
Its causes.
9 Name the ocean currents, givo the
dliectioii in which they How, and their
ellect upon climate.
10 What are glaciers, and how aro they
foimed ?
It. M. -McNeal.
Nutritious, beauteous, eligible, terrace,
hazardous, solstitial, difference,,
Inseparable, inferrible, Inferable, forty,
deficit, pernicious, conscientious, scinlll-
late, slegc.scizc, primer, colonial, witticism,
curriculum, secrecy, prophesy, secession,
coercion, avaricious, maxim, accessible.
noticeable, Illy, gipsy, parallel, satellite,
corollary, oppoittiiiity, ninetieth, curocly
don, exquisite, traceable, cartilage.
Acclimate, nlbumcu, microscopy, lllus
trate, allopathy.
ti. s. HISlOltT.
W. L. Owens.
1 What portions of tho United States
wero claimed by tho English, French hi
Spaniards respectively ? -.ifhi
2 Upon what did Franco base-K
in A,, ln.rllr.i-.. Al't." llV
3 Dellno tho "Nullfli"sm,lll3lr'lll"
what stale and under
was it passed V .'Ssourl Compromise."
4 Dellno i'ilulstrntlon was it rc
Under wb
pealei'-1 C1''seil tho Puritans to eiuigrato
nnerica i un what vessel iliil they
imo t wncrc mil mey Jauil ?
0 Glvo an account of Arnold's treachery
ami tuo into of Major Andre.
7 Discuss the difficulties between Pre,
sldent Johnson and Cougresa at thu close
ot the civil war.
8 When, where nnd to whom did Gen,
j-ico surrender tho army of Northern Vlr.
0 What was tho crowning act of Lin.
colu's administration 1 When aud by whom
was he assassinated,
10 What aro tho principal political
issues ,at present before the people of tho
U. B. ?
Dr. I). J. Waller.
1 Dcscribo tho structure of tho skull aud
of tho spine.
2 Descrlbo tho skin, its layers and
use. In what docs Its olllco resemblo that
of tho lungs 1 What adaptation has It to
tho process of breathing 1 Glvo hygienic
reasons for frequent bathlnu.
!1 tlnairlli flm tulmln liriif.ia tt .ttrvnal.
,, ,,, .. . ,.
,v,l IHIIIIU llUI VII lioto V a. ( J OJ It in ltt
4 Describe tie liraln. What Is tho sym.
llni ml In vtnm nf nnrvM. Wliivl a rrllnr
ncllon ?
ff Show the physiological consequences I
of n neglect of cxerclso.
It. M. McNcnl.
1 Define book-keeping name tho I
books used in single tntry, and stato the I
use ol each,
illustrate n uay-look pngc nml n
ledger page.
3 V rite a receipt on account a receipt
on llnal scttlemont of nccount.
4 Wrlto n bank check anil place on It
two special endorsements and two endorse
ments tn blank.
C Write the following notes i Non.
negotiable. Negotiable with endorsement.
Negotiable without endorsement. A 90
day nolo for 51000, dated to-day, payablo
to tho Fiist National Bank of Illoomsburg,
nnd stato when It Is nominally and when
legally due.
Tho following persons passed the exam
inations nnd were admitted to tho Senior I
class ;
Sue A. Fowler, prepared at Hazclton
High School, Lizzie J. Jones, prepared at
Wyoming Seminary, Annlo Kocrbcr, pre
pared at Hazelton High School, Mary II.
Lynch, prepared at Wllkes.Uarre High
School,Liicy L. Major prepared at Illooms
burg Normal School, Mary Mnthlas, pre
pared at Mabanoy City High School, Susie
McDonald, prepared at West Pittston High
School, Maudo K. Smith, prepared at
Mabanoy City High School, Helen M.
Spcrrlng, rrcrnrcd at Wllkcs-Barro High
School, Ida it. Wcntz, prcpnred nt Port 1
Carbon High School, Laura M. White pre
pared at Wllkcs-Barro High School, Mich.
ael F. Conry, prepared at Shenandoah
High School, Dennis J. Crcary, prepared
at Shcnandoih High School.
Twcnty-flve per ccli. of those who np-
piled, nt both the Spring nnd Fall examin
ations, failed to pass. The class now num
bers fifty-one.
After you havo tried all over town for a
good writing tablet nnd been discouraged,
come to George A. Clark's book store.
Our sample books contain evervthlnc In
the printing line, nnd goods not kept In
stock can be obtained at short notice at tho
Columiiian oillce. tf.
Tlie Knees.
Quito a crowd gathered at the Fair
Grounds last Saturday afternoon to witness
thu races announced to take place at that
lime. Tho lending race was between
'i nmmlo M, driven by W. Hughes j Capt.
Hull by B. Wort of Mt. Carmel, and Fll
more driven by W. Hartzel. The stakes
were 5100, divided as follows : 550 to the
1st, 530 to the 2nd, and 520 to the 3rd. best
three in five. Tommlc M. took the first
three heats, but was closely crowded by
Capt. Hull. Filmorc Is a young horse and
his driver could not keep blm on his feet,
and every time he broke he lost ground.
On tho third heat he worked better, nnd
out for his breaking on the homo stretch
ho would have come in second. With
proper training ho will bo heard from in
future. The best time was 2:40.
The most exciting race of tho day was
the Gentlemen's wagon race. Senator
Brldgens cntcicd chestnut gelding Mad
Anthony, nnd Col. W. It. Tubbs entered
Honest Johnny. This was a npirited con
test, tho wager being a basket of wine.
Thu Seuator is a new arrival in our town,
belug a contractor on the Bloomsburg &,
Sullivan It. It. Ho has always borne a
spotless reputation in business and is
known as n prominent democrat, and
necessarily an honest politician, all over
the state, nnd therefore It was not specially
mentioned that the race Bhould be accord
ing to rules. As ho mounted his wagon
aud seized tho reins he wore a smile that
betokened his confidence in tho' superior
qualities of his steed- Some complained
of, and somo admired bis driving. He
sits obliquely on the scat with Ids near
cjo on the horse, and his oil cyo on his
opponent, with his whip at an nnglu of 45
degrees over his shoulder. This may or
may not have been to his advantage. The
judges were somewhat slow In deciding
the heats, no doubt waiting for the sup
posed winner to.offer them an opportunity
to go into the merits of the case (of wine.)
Col, Tubbs is so well and favorably
know us a roadster that it is useless to
comment ou his driving. It was observed
that he did not wear tho same confident
smile that the Senator did, but ho woro a
pair of yellow kid gloves that In part made
np ror the absence of the smile, lie car
rlcd an umbrella under his arm as ho ap
peared on the track, and it was generally
supposed he would use it to urge ills horse
along, but if this was his original intention
be abandoned both the intention and the
umbrella before mounting his wagon.
iV little scoring was done, and clouds of
dust raised In starting the first heat, but
tho word "go" was finally given, aud tho
horses sailed around the track at a lively
gait, tho Senator taking the pott as had been
previously decided in a gnme of old sledge.
On tho first quarter Tubbs was obliged to
take the dust, but as soon as he got be
hind the buildings, out of sight of the
judges, his horse struck n gait that very
s,rong.y ree,..i .e..r ..i, c,
appealed In sight again the dlstanco be-
II, n, I, n.l ll,. .Il.t!a1.,l Tl.r.
, i.,, i ...i .i
Home sireicu was miiua uy uoiu norses
nearly neck nud nick, and both on nf.i
ruu, so that tho judges doclded Itft t10
neat, tuo senator onereu to--wacons
heat without gelling out o 10 wanted
but Tubbs objected ber-iis mouth anil
tlmo to get tlie dust tat hod been trotted
eyes. After nnpt; a second beat was
by tho othcrh's moro closely contested,
liiadu. Ji wearing a look of firm deter.
both, jIi upon their dusty countenances,
ru'cacu thoroughly convinced of tho lu-
ntion of tho other to beat at nil hazards.
ino senator did somo crooked driving,
cuiiing iuuuoi. oil whenever ho attempted
to run past him, and tho heat was ended
In favor of tho former with tho latter just
ucuinu mm. u he tlmo was something less
than four minutes,
A number of ladles occupied the grand
stand, ami the Senator seemed to bo tho
favorite with them, and ho was greatly eu.
couroged by the waving of their hiiniliter.
chiefs, fans nnd parasols, ami tho shouts
of tho boys as he drove past In tho lead.
This ought not to be considered a reflection
on Col. Tubbs and his beautiful e'rlvlng,
anil bo should be consoled with tho thought
that the best horso always has tho svm.
pathy of Iho crowd.
Tho track was in bad condition owinir
to the dust which raised In clouds at every
step, yet all who witnessed tho races went
away well pleased with the sport, notwlth.
standing tho dusting thoy got.
School books I school books I Everv.
thing uecded lu schools at Clark's book
OHL. In lleiitou, September 8. 1880.
Mrs. Evo Ohl, aeed 71 years. 11 months
and 27 days.
To All Wanting; Employmont.
W win! t.Iva. r.nere-Mie anil CanaMe Acents
linevtrr emmty 1 the Unlteil Slalei ami Cjna-
tui, Id eu a naiem aiiicio 01 K'"1 mrui, nr.
i ra Maalr. An article havinea larire sate, inv-
ll 12 ovrr loilwr cent profit, having no cmniie-
lliun, anil oil wlilcli the aaent U protected in
lie exclusive aaie uy n ueeu civen ir curn nnn
very county he ia-iy accure from lis. With atl
i theve advantage toour agent! anil the Lid that
III ii an artlclo that can Ijo aoM to every liJuae.
I owner. It might not bo necetiarv to injKC an
("Kt rAoDiAY orr" ti aeenre kow! atentt
. . !... I..u. Pnnr,.,1-,l In inVr. If fr'
(show, not only our confidence In the inirita nl
nur invention, but in ill (Liability by any .iiicm
that will handle l! witn enemy, uur ngeiti'
now at work are making from Sno to a
month clear nndtMt fact make! It aafe torn t'
make our otter to alt who are out of employ,
ntent. Any agent that will give our busiiiett
thirty it-iya trial and fail to clear at leaf-t $m
In Ihll time, Afiovs ALL txBHSE, can mum
all Koodl unsold lo ut and we will refund the
money paid for them. Any aent or general
agent who would like ten or more conntiei and
work them through luh-ngents for ninety daya
and fail to clear at leait $;5o Aliov AH. rk-l-sSR!,
can return all umold and get their
injneyback. No other employer of agent evir
dared to make tuch ouers, nor would we if we
lid not know ma, we nave agcnn now iniiKinif
lore than double the amount we guaranteed:
nd but two aalei a dty would give a proht of
vcr $iai a month, and that one of our ngenlt
,inlr f-l-rhtenn nrdert In one day. Our lame de-
icriptive circulari explain our offer rutty, and
the.e we with to tend to everyone out of em whn win ,fn I ll a Hires one icii
.tampi for pottage. Send at once and secure
the agency in time for the boom, and goto vi or k
on the term! named tn our extraordinary offer.
We v.oul.1 like to nave trie aaarcss 01 an inn
litems, sewing machine solicitors ana carpen
ten in the country, and ask any reader of this
piper who reads this offer, lo tend us at once
ihc name and address of all such they know.
Address at once, or you will lose the best chance
ever offered to those out of employment to make
money. Kunnih Mahufactuiio Co ,
1 IU niUIVilllCIU d,., . Ill.JUl a,
For Toilet Use.
Aycr's Hair Vigor keeps tho hair soft
and pliant, Imparts to It tho liMtro and
freshness of youth, causes it to grow
luxuriantly, eradicates Dandruff, cures
all ncalp diseases, and Is tho most clean
ly of all hair preparations.
II VFR'Q "n'r Vnnr l"1 glvn mo
Ml un O perfect sathfactinn, I was
nearly bald for six years, during which
tlmo I used many hair preparation'!, but
without success. Inured, what llttlo
hair I had was growing thinner, until
I tried Ajcr'.i Hair Visor. I used two
bottles of tlm Vicnr, nml my head is now
well covered with a new growth of hair.
Juilsou 11. Chapel, 1'cabody, Mass.
UAIR "l,'lt I'3" hecomo weak, pray,
tlnin nnd failed, may hnvu new llfo
nnd color roHtureil In It by tho nso of
Aycr's Ifnlr Vigor. Mvhalrwasthin,
failed, ami dry, iiml fell out lu IniKO
qtianti I i.-i. Ajcr'x Hair Vigor stopped
tuo fulling, and restored tny hair to Its
original lolur. As n dressing for thu
lmir, this preparation 1ms no equal.
Mary N. Ilauummil, Stillwater, Minn.
VIRflR jouth, nud beauty, in tho
VlUUrij uppraiam-u of tin: hair, may
bo preserved fur an Indoiinllo perloil by
tho nso of Aycr's Ifuir Vigor. A dis
ease of tho scalp caused my hair to be
come harsh and dry, nnd lo (all out
trcsly. Nothing I tried seemed to do
me any pood unlit I inmineiii cil using
Aycr's Jlair Vigor. Threo buttles 'uf
this preparation restored my hair to a
hcilthv eundlilon, and it is now fcoft
and pliant. My srulp is cured, and It
Is also freo hum ilandruCf. Mrs. K. K.
Foss, Milwaukee, Wis.
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
Rotd by llruggtsta and 1'crlumors.
Pkufkct Savkty, prompt action, and
wonderful enrativo properties, easily
placo Ayer's Pills at the head of tho list
ot popular remedies for Sick and Nerv
ous Headaches, Constipation, and all ali
ments originating In a disordered Liver.
I havo been a great sufferer from
Ifeuilacbe, and Ayer's C.ithartlo l'llls
are tho only tnedii'inn that has ever
givcu me relief. Ono dose of theso 1'llU
will quickly movu toy bowels, nud free
my head from pain. William I.. I'.igo,
ltfehmuud, Vo.
Ayer's Pills,
Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer JtCo., Lowell, Maaa
Hold by all Dealers iu Medicine.
If you want coats, wraps or jackets go
to Ulark & son.
Hank notes anil receipts put up in pails
convenient for use, can bo obtained at the
Uolu MniAN oillce. ti.
Lamest lino of buttons and dress trim-
mines in tho county at Clark vfc Son's.
Lowest prices.
'Hello 1 Hello 1" "Well, what Is It ?'
"What did vou uso on your oats this
snrinc ?" Moro Phillips' solublo bone.'
Did vou use the same on your potatoes f"
ino. What inn you uso t" onarniess cc
Carpenter's Ho. 1 hone, it makes them get,
tlon'tit i" "ics, sir." "Hello I tncieis
somo one ringing In on us, what do you
want ? ' will it8iiit vou to urine mo a loan
of fertilizer up to-morrow ?" "Where do
you want mo to cet It Down at the
rarmcrs' Produce hxchunge. "Ihey uon t
keep It do they ?" "O, yes they do, why
vou can cet anvthlnir vou want there." "is
that so ?" "Yes. sir, vou can get Lister
Bros' nmmouiatcd bone. Lister Uros.' U. b.
E. bone. E. Frank Coe's Knickerbocker
soluble Pacific guano, Allentown complete
bono phosphate, atom runups' super pnes.
Dhuto of lime. Diamond bone. Moro Phil
lips' soluble bono German potash, John F.
urth's Heading Done, ouarpiess a uarpen.
tcr's No. 1 bone, Sliarplcss & Carpenter's
acid phosphate, Si it. biiocmaiicr ca uo.
swift sure. All tho above goods aro so d
at from .'0 to 30 ner cent less than any
other fertilizer sold, and all kinds of grain
taken in exchange for them. Before pur
chasing your fertilizers call aud glvo them
a and sovc time, money uuil trouble.
June 2.1 4 m.
Heady pay is the motto of I. W. Hart-
man cc bon.
r..1a r..t3Z7 l.n,lB lnnr.r.r. nn,lyi
4't:iMa, iiiui ipiia, unuu,, jvusio, uiiv-
klndi of legal blanks for sale at tho CT,
...... ni..
dies, you will tinil n fultfJ'
- r. A. -i
nrinures, aud other dri"'
m . . "V- administrators'
Executors'.,,., ia oillce.
books nt Mi"
,gcst and most complete lino
Thunnd plushes ut Clark & Son's
I VellWl'St lirin.O '
Hand bills, posters nnd nlrrmlnra ilnnr. o
ouun uuiico ami at low prices at tho Co-
i.iiiiiA uuice. tf
games' nnu children's coats, wraps and
jackets, largest assortment, lowest prices
at Clark is Son's. You should seo their
wo nave nut a few copies of Frcczc's
siiomrjr ui uoiumuia County. Price re
duced from ij3.fi0 to l,00. Thoso who
have been waiting, thinking they could
get them any time, had belter secure a
copy at ouro or they will bo too late. Se it
by ma I for 11.22 by Elwell & Ulttenbcn-
uer, iJioomsuurg, I'n. t(.
For cotton and wool flannels go to Claru
w. ouu. insu musiin aim uomcstlo goods.
foal I Coul 1 1 coal 1 1 1
Jjow is tho tlmo to purclmso your Fall
nnd Winter coal, as wo propose furulshlni!
wi iu t,oi iuia, ouy uvu or SIX low.,
tlm flflliin no fnrtstelin.l nn it... T f t u
It. H., 33-10 lbs. to tho ton, each ton to bo
weighed by Fairbanks' scales. All coal
uuui uiu jaw Junes w into Ash.
n . , , , O. A. JAI'OIIV.
Port Noble, August 13, 1880. If.
For fancy nrinllnr. nf nnvTln.1 i ,i.
Columiiian oillce. '
Complctn lines of lnilli-a' nml .i.ti.i . .
underwear, hosiery nml i.l
Shuwls In great variety ut I. W.
man & Son's.
lilacll nud Colored ' ('.iolminrr,a nn.i ..n
tho new makes of Dress Goods lu now ut
I. W. Harlman & Son's.
receipt books at tho Colum-
iiun oL'cc.
Long coats. Short Coats. Mantles nli
mans, &c, just opened at I. W. Hartman
& boil's.
Wcddlni? nnd iwiVTv InvitoHs.. .i-
" r 7 ihm..iiuh, unlit;
programmes and visiting cards, chcar -at
till, t Vl, lllllllltr nlllnn ' I . .
Eil. Hartmau, of tho Him 0r t. ii,....
man & Son, has just returned from Knvu
i ork with a full lino of Fall Ooods.
Envelopes, letter hernia nni n lioarla Kill
heads, statements, business cards, and all
kinds of commercial printing ut the Cohj
uiAn uiiice. tf
100 Hosks Onr DoixahIs Inseparably con
nected with Hood's Snrsnparllla, nod It Is
true of no other medicine, ll Is an tinan
nwcrnblo argument ns to strength and
economy, wlillo thousands testify to Its su
perior blood-purifying and strengthening
qualities. A bottlo of Hood's f-nrsnpnrllla
conlnlns 100 doses nnd will Inst n month,
while others will nvcrngo to last not over a
week. Hence, for economy, buy only
Hood's SarsaparlUa.
See what the Secretary of the Interstate Poultry
anu ret atoca Association, oi iooncn,
Illinois, says:
Aueust 1. 1886.
Dear 5m. I have used some of your Chick,
chick. (Poultry Food), i am satisfied
that it Increases the egg production of my fowls.
MmtnitANTS. ItKAn Tins. To those sub-
Jcct to tho vexations of business llfo, dys.
pepsin nnd a feeling of debility, Irritability
and despondency, wo sav, take Simmons
Jjlvcr iteguttttor. ino lieguiaior is ireo
from nnv inltirlous mineral substance: not
disanrccablei can bo taken nt any time
without Interfering Willi business or pleas
ure. It Is gentle, safe, nnd a good dl
gestor. It is unequalled In tho euro of
piles, constipation, bad breath, slckhead
ache nnd bilious complaints.
Canker humors of every description.
whether In tho mouth, throat, or stomach,
are expelled from tho system by the nso of
Aycr's Snrsanarllla. No other remedy can
compare with this, ns ncuro for nil diseases
originating In Impure or Impoverished
With votir next order lo your croccr.
send for a sample po'ind of Dreydoppel's
liorax ri'.iap. ion win mm u tone tnu
best and cheapest soap you ever used. It
is used by tho best ramilles in iiosion.jMew
York, l'lilladilnhh, llaltluiorc nnd Wnsh-
Ingtou. raug27.4t.
To l'lmsmtvK NATUiur. Floweus. Dip
the ilowers in melted paratlluc, withdraw
ing them quickly. Tho liquid should bo
only just hot enough to maintain Its fluid
ity and the ilowers should bo dipped one
nt a time, held by tho stocks and moved
about for nn instant to get rid of air bub
bles. Fresh cut Ilowers, fro j from moist
ure, make excellent specimens in this way.
If you would preserve your ucaiiu anu in
vigorate your entile system uso I'crrinc's
Pure liarlcy Malt. Whiskey. For sale by
druggists and nil dealers. cow.
'I have no appetite," complain many
suffercis. Hood's Sarsaparilla gives an ap
petite anil enables the stomach to perform
us duty.
men Wanted i
to sell for tho IIOOKKlt NUItSKlllKH. llstahllshed
ls.13. ciocHlpay au u1(. year around on salary or
commission, .send for trnns.
ii. E. nooKCii co., Rochester, n. Y.
Aro nniiMiunTiirr
you vUEicUltir I If C.
HaTOToti rough. PmnftJtlc, AntHmn- Indifrcstle
PARKER'S TONIC without delnrnt Un
tiiiiiiy ut tlie woit nixn ami In the trot ifmed
it Ion I Dm
i luifl rami
niiiv nf tlie wont cisx-M ml In tha trot rtMnoflT for all
from lmt.uro blood and niiiouxtlon. The feeble and ilckr.
nfrwtliinaof the throat atui Inn its. and dlnviutu arlnlnir
rtrufrsllntr ojralnut dlsetuw, and ekmly drifting to tho
tmif will In moteajtsrirprtht?lrhoalthh'lhettmilv'
uiioof PAitKEa'sToMC, hut delay I Uanprfjrou. Tui IB
In tlmn. (?nro tvtiim all ftnn fa.Ha. Ilvira nnw tlf ajiil
triimtli to the Agud amllallrm, Slat PrutKlutd.
hep.U.U a.
rroin 3 young plants wero raised this summer.
(I.S5 each. Jli.oo perdozen plants, pl'll's! ITU
a Winter npple.very, ot nno ' 1 1"
appearance, good keeper and hcarerl Hicta. each,
5.uo per dozen trees. A large ossortment or nui
bery stock always on hand. Orders for all ship
ments uooKea now. Aaaress
ttsiidi OEOiiuE AuiiELis, west L'liester, ra.
elys catarrh
Cream Balml
Gives Unite at twin
and Cures
Cold in Head
Xut a Liquid, UnHlTor
t'oicder, JYee from,
Injurious Dmgs aud
Offensive tutors,
particle Is applied Into each nostril and 13
agreeable. Frico 60 cents at drugglits: b- mail.
resist trfu, wct'ius, ijiruuiura nw. iiuus.
Druggists, Owego, N. Y.
But bmall percentage of fees In ad
vance balance whfn patent la ob
ta'nei . send for circular giving rull
Information, and contaUiln list of
SI. J. CI VUETT, Washington, 1). C.
racmo Buiwng.
The followlntr widow's annratsements wilt ba
presented to the Orphans' Court or Columbia Co.,
on uiu luunu munuay ui rMriiit'inuvr, j. u. itM,
and contlrmed nisi, nnd unless exceptions a'O tllea
within four days thereafter will bo contlrmed ab
solute: Tracy Michael lit, dee'd, Illoomsburg, personalty,
mtllg Chan. Eit.,dee d, Locust, personalty, CMn.oo.
KOt.ienui'UUt, lieu, uaw nee u, iUiuivissu, iter-
Jllller John iCst., dee'd, Hemlock; personalty,
(100 00.
l'caler 1:11 LsU, dee'd, Vlshlngcrcck; personalty,
JK'.ui; realty, ta!8.l.
Mtler Win. Kst., dee'd, llrlarcreek; personalty,
tl9.iiT; realty, t'-'iO.T3.
Mellon ry Mlas Est., dec d, Flshlngcrcek; personal-
ty, jiii.uu.
Eves T. Klwood, Est., dee'd, Greenwood; realty,
Worman Mamuel A . lit,, dee'd, Scott; personalty,
Loreman, Samuel Est., dee'd, Franklin; personalty
Hupp Andrew, Est. dee'd, Locust; personalty, (10.
w. reuuy, i-ui-ui.
W.M. H. SNYDElt, Cferk Of O. C.
llloomsbu'g, sept. 3, ISj.
r ii
llloomWm. Knorr, J. r, Caldwell, John W.
rrj. rrank jo .
11 riarc rw- "eunen Miier.
c.yiftr. Join alter.
Calvin Clark, Win. Horner, (Jcorgo
youyngimm James Levans.
'risuiu'TcrceK u. w. Yost.
If,l1.s't,(Jc?.r''.0 Veage', John Oliver, c. Mnall.
Mimin-1). II. lletlcr, C. W. llesa.
J!?' tour-Ellas digger, Aitlmr Jloberts.
.Mt. l'leasant-c. L. hards.
oi-ango-Johu w. Homnan.
Hne-eieorgo .Moer.
ltoarlngcreek Wm. Zaner.
Sugarloaf-J. W. l'erry.
1'lllXT WBRIf.
?"v?.r,t"i. f: Kvans, X. U. rowler, Win. Karsh.
ner, Hlcrrrd liarratr, K. 0. Ent.
llenton-11. W. Iless.
ilerwlck-llugh Unden, lllram Whltmlrc.
llrlarcreek .1. ll. Marti,
Catawlasa jose,)'i Fry, lleo. (lulnn.
conter Wm. JlcAl'lstrr, lliomas llrobst.
Ccotralta -Jcmes D Hey.
Conyngharr John Monoghan, John l'addou.
Flihlngereek T. 11. llcule.
Franklin Samuel Itoardarinel.
t-reenwood Henry Klsner, John C. Lemon.
J( locust -htmon Carl, (labile) Wharvy, Daniel
" Jtadlson-a. II. Hendershott, John SUullz.
Mala (lea, W. Klshcr.
Minilu Lewis Creasy, Levi Masteller, J. 8. Vohe.
Montour-Danlel Karshne-, v. o. llounes.
-Mt 1'le.isant Win. Johnson, ltobcrt llonelL
o-ango ll. J. Conner,
beott Charles Pohe, J. I. Crawford.
Illoom-John (J. llarkley. Silas Masteller, Wm,
ost, ii. w. coreli, J. U. Wilson. '
Helton-Charles Dreseer.
Jleiwlck A. I). Shuliz, a C. McIIcnry.
llrlarcreek-Davia Ilarman.
Catawlssa-l'eter llaldy.
center J. s. Mann
Centralla-o. II. Millard.
cpiiyngham-.MIchael luker, llobert Canlleld.
llahtnifCrek Will. Krmni.r ltr..i I.'..-.. M
iTuiiKiin null
n Mnnliart. J. T
E. White, A. J.
Hemlock f'lPlil ShnmiL'ir .T
.i v m i, iiuu , usun j nunius.
jaeKsoii jonn iianti.
locust Jacob larng.
-Main J, j, (leariiart.
Draoee J. M. slpimr.
Wel'iiverWC!l!J h0Ill':,' "0f,cl11' Sweeney, Valentino
iioanngcreex Wrn. Veager.
.tvuiv u. ii, iveuii, i,eo, iiess.
L Sujiarioat-Sllas llenjamla, 1'reU Laubacli.Davld
Wheat per bushel
78 80
Corn 1
to G80
Oats '
Flour '
1 bbl.,
Kfiits ,
Dried Annie
Sldo ami h
Lard per lb
.... 6 to 7
vinegar po ga .,
Onions per bushel
Veal skins ,
Wool per lb
o.v WitAitr.
Ko 0 3.C0; Nos 2. 3, 4 & Lump :