The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 17, 1886, Image 2
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. J. S. BHUatondp.,f EiI""- BLOOMSBURG, PA. FlllDAY, SM'TUMBIilt 17, 1880. H " " ' Tho Philadelphia olty council has reported in favor of impeachment of .Mayor bmith. Maino gavo a republican majority on Monday of 10,000. Two years ago imiiutiii iiiujuiiM via tho republican majority rlly Was 1U,UUU. I Carbon county held its (lemocrauo convention on Monday. Klotz and Cassidy wero tho congressional oaudi dates, and Klotz capita cd tho confer roes by a vote of 31 to 28. Tho Headquarters of tho Democrat ic State Committeo havo been opened at rooms Nos. 7 and 9, Qirard House, Philadelphia, and campaign work bos actively begun. llazleton democrats seem to bo bound tokiokthis year, Philip V. Weaver was fairly nominated for tho legislature and his opponent bolted tho convention wiin iiiB ueieaies anu uoio anoiner convention. Weaver will pull through. . ... ' . i .. Tho Sullivan county democratio con- vontion will bo held uext luesday. xuio io mu in. wuiiv, ... u.u Duimiuim. district to hold its convention, and it is probablo now that an early day will fin (I ml 4sa tlin mnniiniv rtf ihn onnnfAr. I uo u .v. . v..v.- lal COnlerenCC. I THE OONOEESSIONAIj 0UNTEEEN0E. In tho Comjmman of September 3rd wo republished tbo following Resolu tion of tho Congressional Oonfercnco of September 1880, which mado pro- vision for a district Committee and constitutes tho rule for Committee action. "Jlesolved, That a Congressional Committee bo appointed to consist of ouo Committeeman from each county or part of a county, who shall havo power to name tho timo and placo of holding the Congressional Conference for this district, and tho timo aud placo shall bo announced boforo Sen tember 1st of each year; and further that the lime named bhall not bo later than September 10th: and provided further that at least ten days notice be given before the meeting of tho (Jon fercne " This Resolution was adopted when Mr. Klotz was nominated for reelection to Congress, and wheu dissatisfaction was felt at tho lateness of tho Confer ence towards the end of Sentember. It was intended to securo earlier meet ings of Conferences in future ; hence (ha -irvttt tn nail n Cnnfnmnnn ia onunlpfl mill. thn nrnoiamn (not thn nail mnt. LUnvik i.f nf KnnfnmW. Tho present year no call was made i, tho tinmmittPA mi.w tho Tiil in consequence of this fact, and in order that the object of tho rule, above men tioned, should bo secured, tho follow- ing invitation and request was prcpar- ed and sent out to the other counties of tho district, on 4th September : "The Democratio Confeirees for the several divisions of the 11th Congress- ional District of Pa. are invited and re- quested to meet in Conference at the Wyoming Valley House, Wilkesbarre, ou Thursday, September lGth at 12 o'clock, dood". Tho lateness'of theCa.- bon County Democratio Convention renders speedy action necessary, aud tho dispersed locations of members of tho Distiict Committee renders prompt consultation and action by them incon- venient. On behalf of the Columbia County Couferrers. Bloomsburg, Saturday Sept. 4th, 188(1. David Lowenuebg." ' This invitation was necessary, time- 1 nnfl in.1ipiniiawnH aivnn fnnr nlnva nftnr tho limn W n.nmmiitpn nntinn had passed by, and allowed moro than thn inn A nniino nf mpntino- ed by tho rule. It was also reasonable no tn timo nn1 nln . fnr it. fiyP,l adm th lava later than tho Pr.rh.nn nmmt rvmvontinn Mm lnat. nnnntv f!rmvn. tion in the district-), and named n nlann whprn nun nr mnrn fnrmpr f!nn ferences had been held, and ono as v.r oil thn conferrees as any one that could be selected. Tbo Lowenberg notice was sent to gentlemen mentioned for nomi nation in the eastern counties, and to others, and has been published in Dem ocratic uewspapers at llazleton, JUaucb Chunk, btroudsburg etc. On tho 8th, September, the Monroo cnuntv member of the d strict Comm t- teo sent written uotiocs to his col- IpnmiPR in tho snvoral p.onntifis. of a Committeo meeting to bo held at the Wyoming House, in tho city of Scran Vyoming House, in tho city of Scran on, on Tuesday, September 14th at f P. M. to fix a timo and placo for tho Conference. If at that meeting the ton 2 fnnfnnitinn If fit fhot mOfltllin early and reasonable timo fixed by tho Lownnhnrn- invitation shall bo an- nrnved or Gndorsed. tho snirit of the ru!oofl880 will bo conformed to by the Committee as nearly as is now possible. It r jpcars that the Resolution of 1880 has not in some quartors been well understood, and because the mem bers of the district Uommillee were widely scattered, action by them was delayed. Of courso the lateness of the Carbon Convention could not prevent it would bo L, foi that timo was ii ii I wpII krnnwri. .. 2X9 M1U UCUVtill CIClUl'li UiVDLllt vonr fnlU in.nn thn 2d dav of Nnvcm. r .. 'in ..... p. i, i. !. ' . n.i. "t t..f a XrnZXt .Z Vi ? aundC in a district of virtually seven counties. Sinco writing tho above, on Monday Inal. w lmw rw.clvdd Iho nroceedinrrs - V o Oi II1U VyUIll UH91U1JU1 IIIDIIIUI. .JIUIllll.tU nt their met ting at Scranton on Tues. day, tho 14th instant. Tho following report is mainly taken from tho derail ton Times. The members of tho Democratio Committeo for the 11th Congressional ia.rlnf n,pr. nt. th Wvomino House. Scranton, Tuesday, Sept. 14th at 2 l in. tho following being present: 5' ;...; 'P..0,u Rpnt uti, t.f?,. Montour, Peter McCann, Columbia, 1$. Frank Fruit, Luzerne, Charles Schutter. Lackawanna, Frank A. Beam ish, Carbon, John Quinn, Monroe, Isaao S. Case. Pike, A. K Lewis, Peter McCann was choeen Chairraau of tho Committee, and prcsidtd. Tho obiect of the mectiug having been Btatod. Hx-Mayor Beamish, after reading tho lesolution of 1880 which created tho district Commit ee, said: "This rf solution was tho first author- itativo action and tho only nuthorityfor tlie txistenco of this committee. The latt oonfercnco which met in this city and nominated Mr. Storm, adopted tho iollowing resolution : Jiesolveti, That tno nominee oi iiusjuuium iuv uuw. Conference! lio niul ia hereby nutliorlzcil to appoint a OoiiKrussioiifii ConiinitU'o in accordance, with existing nutliorily. Now, gentlemen, what wast no exist ing authority t Nothing oho but tho original resolution of tho conferonco of tho ynar 1880, which first created n Congressional Committee. This is tho only authority I can find and I bcliovo tho only authority auyuociy eiso can find for tho oxlstcnco of n Con greHsional Committee. 1 behove, gen tlemen, you will nrco with ino that tho statements I havo mado are correct. I havo tho filos of the Democratic press of tho district to oorroboralo what I havo asserted. Now, thci, if you con cede that resolution to bn tho sourco of yur oxjstcuco you aro certainly boitmi i a 4 u uu.iuh.duu m uiu uuiu.iw.vjiio utiii vu.- callous li liiipusun. mu uiusu conuiiions ami ouugauous i uuu ui tho conditions aro that you announco tliu tlmo and placo of holding tho Con gressional Conference before Sept. 1st and further that tho timo named shall not bo later than Sent. 10th and pro vided further that ten days notieo bo given botoro tho meeting ot the con ference. Did this committee comply with thoso conditions T Tho conditions under which they wero created t No, gentlemen, wo failed to peiform our duty, and having failed to net within the timo specified wo havo no right or authority at this lato day to interfere, New, then, I hold that having failed t0 0DpV tno authority by which wo ex i8t it was very prober, and. in fact. necessary fcr tho contcrrees themselves ,0 moVGJami Mr. Lowenberc. therefore ... i.t,nif f ,imnif nn,! nni nm, f... Co umb cotlntv invitoi and reuuest e(1 tho BOVOrpi c-onforrct,8 0 tl10 district , ., . :, i .i, . . . . . 10Ul tlirco days auor Ul0 tjar,on conn v pnnvnnt.nn nnH wlinn nvnrv r.nnntv -J , ....... ....v.. . . J ; -J could bo represented. What necessity then, for tho proposed change 7 W hat utility in n controversy about timo or placo now T At tho very best tho time will bo late, ana wo havo passed by tho dato when we had authority to act. Wo have none now and tho best and proper thine for us to do is to quietly acquicsco in what has been dono and pass a resolution approving tuo invitation of Mr. Lowcnberg, and ro quest tho conferrces to meet in accord anco therewith.'' After some discussion and several motions made, the members from Car boo, Monroo and Pike, supported by Mr. Fruit of Columbia, wero in favor of postponing tho Conference to tho 21st instant, and fixing it at tho bor ough of Hazleton. Further controver sy arose, and fiually a ltesolution was adopted agreeing to tho day and placo already named in tho l.owenbcrg notice namoly, Thursday tho ICth inst. at tho Wyoming Valley House, WUkesbarro. J. he hour, howover, was used at o'clock p. m. instead of noon. It understood that .the members from Montour, Luzerne, Lackawanna and Monroe voted for this resolution, and thoso from Carbon and Pike, and Fruit Of Columbia, agft'lHSt it. There can, therefore, be no further question as to the day or placo for the meeting of the Conferrees. Black Will Be Elected. From the Httsbure rost. Tho York I'ress enunciates tho lol lowing proposition, tho correctness of which it argues logically ajd exactly, as will be demonstrated : "Tho election of Chauncoy F. Black is not only possible, probablo and like- ly to bo made on a scratch, but it is the opinion of men far-seeing in politics as an insured fact." In tbo light of Blaine's 80,000 ma- jority and Quay's 43,500 plurality, the proposition would appear upon its face to be an absurdity : but considering tho political situation in tho State as it is to day, and tho powerful now element that has been produced in state politics by the l'rohibitionists to striko for vio tory as well as principle, it may well bo regarded as a gratifying probability. But it is interesting to note how our or.k contemporary arrives at its con elusion, Its premises being the VOtO for Treasurer of State at the election last ST when Quay's total vole was 324 "94 j Day s 281,178, and Spaiigler's 15, "17-, s voto was ca4,t " an ot year "r the Democracy. Iho party was discouraged by the overwhelming ma jority Blaine received, and. had not re cfived, and had not recovered from tho shock. Quay's nomination and tho unanimity with which it was made, for bade any expectations of tho Indenen dents'bolting tho tioket nominated, and l? Democracy, feeling assured of his election, did not enter the fight with any spirit or vim. They polled 111, 007 votes less for Day than they did lor Cleveland, which shows tho lack of interest manifested in tho campaign, JQako the vote Cleveland received, 392, ' ou' . a"u P'BU " """me "ancocK i wh,0D was 407,428, which was 14,843 greater than Cleveland s aud tbero ?Ycry re?80.n t0 believe that Black with popularity will poll nearly, if not ls. popularity, will poll nearly, it not (lu',0 "ancocks vote, giving due credit l, tuo Rth the Prohibitionists will d f .f ko Blaine's voto of 'l73u ?n'1 ai?ff unt it 75,000 votes, wnicu voll wl .8"-ely take from it, aud 25,000 which wein Democratio votC8,. al10" Jj0m Uov'land, and wo havo 100,000 votes to taki fr0ra the total Blaino yotc, leaving iMvor d73,804 against tho Hancock voto of 407,428 and wo havo a majority for lilpck over Beaver of 23,C24. The Eeijuirements of the Laws. Naturalization mi. j t ii ! 2' applicant for admission to citizenship must havo ro- .... . ,..... I lil.lAll til Ihn I I nil r..( n InAxt lii.n I -t t T 1 uarB' "uu w" ol?.lu ol cm syivnum ono year preceding bis application Tho residenco of ono year in the Stale will ? tbo five years' residence ' 'J - claro his intentions. Two years after lu u .iitcuuous no may tin natura i.nd Where tho applicant resided in tho country at least three years next pre ceding his arrival at tho ago of twenty one years ho is entitled to naturalization without a previous declaration of in tention. Provided, ho has resided in .!. "IT. .:.. (...... i 1 ,u "mleu " " "uu 111 P tate ot ronnsylvania ono year immediately preceding his application. un applying for tlnal papers (natur alization) ouo voucher, who must bo a citizen of tho United States, is required Mono is required on a declaration of intention. A military discharge from tho United States sorvioo is equivalent to "first papers," or declaration of In tention. Pay Your Tax. An incorrect impression prevails that luonuay, wciouer -i, is ino lasi day upon which to pay state or county tax in order to voto at tho fall election. This is an error. Saturday, October 2, J is the last day, Seo that ovcry Demo, orat lu your district has his tax receipt The Labor Interests and Democracy. Signs multiply that tho labor inter ests of tho Stato this year sympathize with tho causa of tho Democracy tn Pennsylvania. For oxamplo Thomas Armstrongs JXauonal JMbor Trio una of Pittsburg, says : "Wo would respectfully but urgent ly suggest to the Republicans in thosu States in which tho fall conventions havo not been held that they brush up their Intellects, if they havo any, ami put their best foot forward, if both bo not too far gono in lameness, and take tho brilliant hint tho Democrats of Pennsylvania havo recently given. For it is patent from tho results of tho Hanisburg convention of August 18lh that political management has taken upon itself a tetidonoy toward progress ion, which to ignore will leave tho arty thus negligent. n painful distauco ii tho lurch. Wo havo no hesitation in asserting that that convention is ns far in advance of contemporary con ventions, in tho selection of men and tho formulating of measures, as wero tho Republican conventions of twenty- tivo years ago ahead in wisdom and honesty of the average Republican con vention of to day. "Cut out tho very proper compli mentary mention of the distinguished members of tho party recently deceased and tho unusual commendatory refer ences to tho national and Stato admin istrations, and the platform is brief and energetic. Tho dead wood of tho con ventional platform, which has so long been a sickening evidence of tho nwii eerily of such instruments, is notable for its absence. On tho other hand, the convention puts tho party in trim for combat on tho railroad discrimina tion issues, tho same which "he, Ro publican convention declined to touch As tcisely as though old Judge 'Jero' Rlack himself had turned out of heaven this third anniversary of his death to dictato it, this resolution says m plainest terms that the fight is for tho uniorcemcni oi mo constitution runn ing to railroads and other corporations, "In tho selection of tho ticket the convention undoubtedly did wisely. Mr. Black is tho son of Judge Jcre. Black, and a man of fino abilities and unquestionable honesty. Tho oiler of tho Auditor Generalship to Mr. Weihe, president of the A. A. of I. and S. W., was in the hue ot brilliant manage ment characteristio of tho occasion, and no less so was tho nomination of W. J Brennen upon Mr. Weiho's declination inasmuch as that gentlemen has deserv edly many friends, moro especially amoilg tho miners, numbers of whom ho has defended without ehargo dur ing tho last three years in various con spiracy prosecutions, ino nomuiuiiuii of Maxwell Stevenson may also bo re garded as a happy hit. lake it all in all, tho 'Dems' havo swung around laborwards to an extent heretoloro un known to tho old parties. Justice im pels us to say that they havo succeeded surprisingly on this round, and we can . - .. ...... ianoy only ono oilier party inai win oxcel it in platform and ticket ; mean ing, of course, the Greenback-Labor party." The Fall Business. It begins to look as if the Democrat io State Convention was entirely right in the declaration of its platform that "tho .Democratic reform administration of President Cleveland has given ooiv fidence to the busiuess interests of tho country," and "made the people of tho United States feel an assured confi dence in tho perpetuity and safety of tho nation.' In a speech at Erio tho other day, Galusha A. Grow said : "Tho Demo cratio party in power is a standing menace to tho business of the country. And yet whilo ho was speaking there was in progress all over the country such a restoration of business and of commercial confidenco such as the country has not seen for a decade. Tho best answer to Mr. Urow and an sucn falsifiers and croakers is to bo found in such reprints as these : Tho Now York Times, Rep. Sept., G says : "The reports regarding tho trado of tho city whion wo publish tins morn ing, are on tho whole very encouraging. JN early all branches ot business are do ing better than last year, and some of them better than m five years. Tho iron aud steel business is moro pros perous than any other at present, par ticularly in rails and railway jupplies In manufactured iron there is less pro gress, but a very satisfactory activity, Dry goods jobbers aro very busy and look for a etablo improvement. There is marked activity in tho wholesalo clothing trade. In both these latter, as well as in boots and shoes, fancy leather goods and furniture, there is a demand for tho finer grades of goods which shows confidence among tho retailers and distributers. Tho increase in tho purchasing from all directions in tho south and southwest is gen erally remarked, as well as a decided improvement in collections. These aro roported good throughout all sections ot tuo country. Tho Pennsylvania railroad company is unable to carry all tbo freight ot tered, and a prominent othcial says "Wo havo ordered and now havo in courso ot construction G,0U0 new freight cars. The capacity of our shops in Allegheny, Ft. Wayno and icago, is utterly inadequate, to sup ply demand in time, Mid thon wo havo phvu.i1 orders in overv car catab lishmont iniiH nnnntrv that, ivna not .1 1.. . . . . uiruuuy uvc.-u.vydeti wltn orders. It is not alono tho 1 ou.,vi vni .. lines that aro short oi n,ars Noarly every road in tho country ca(j8 ftaelf in tho same position." Theso or.,i,eor. ing indications of tho coming busiui, rovival. " The First Duty. Pivmcnt of taxes and tho naturali zation of foreign born citizens aro in dividual political duties and tasks for tho organization that cannot bo post poned. After October 2 thoy cannot bo attended to. Take timo by tho forelock. Something might occur to provent or obstruct if delayed. Tho last thirty days will bo tlmo enough for tho demonstrative work of the cam paign. Quiet, thorough, ellectivo dis trict organization is tho duty of tho hour. Tho registry is made. Now let every votor pay his tax, and eacli com mittccniau see that it is dono through out his district. This is organization. Democratio Campaign literature. Tho Democratio Stato Committeo Box BilO Philadelphia, has in prepar ation and will fill orders by mail or ox press for noil books, copies of tho Pennsylvania election la r, illustrated biogiapliical sketches of each and all of t'lu State candidates, tho platform, an account of Black's reception by his neighbors and his speech to them, pamphlets on Beaver's storo ordorf, anti-discrimination, the labor question, and other issues of tbo campaign publications will quickly follow. WASHINGTON LETTER (From our licgular t'orri'spoudoiit. Washington. U. C, Hcpt. 14, 1830. When tlicro is no Congress, no Ad- ministration, no society, in short no body in Washington, it may not bo .Departments with their teeming cleri cal life, tho great offices in which tho accounts ol Undo Sam aro kept, and whore tho business of tho wealth iest and most progressive pcoplo on tho globo is managed. Tho business of tho adminit.tloii has grown with tho growth and prosperity of tho r.ailon and requires constant (xpansion and adjustment as tho nation growB in thews and bulk. It cannot bo other wise than that there must bo somn waste in our National housekeeping. Economy is not an Amciican virtue. Tho lavi'shni-ss of ilaturo beg;ts prodi- ality in the individual aud in tho ionic, uur government is very like tho units which compose it. I nin afraid wo will havo to bo much ol Jor aud sadder pcoplu boforo we, individu ally or nationally, prictloo tho "waste not, want not' frugality and economy of Germany aud Franco. Our country is young and wastes its substance in riotous living otten mistaking the prodigality ofour natural resources for thrift and prosperity. Ono need not incur the reproaoli of pessimism in predicting that wo may have to eat iiutks and humblu ourselves in sack cloth and ashes before wo aro able to solvo some of the great politico-tcon-mio questions which now confront us. Uur civil service list is tho largest and most expensive in tho world. It cannot now contain less than 12fl,000 persons, and it is continually growing. The employes ol our Government are paid much more than tho employes of any other uovcrnincnt. 1 do not Iicbi tato to say that as a rule thoy are paid more than their services aro woith. Added to this is the fact that in spito ot their premium wages it has nover yet becu found possiblo to mako them work. Nearly all tho (iovcrnment offices are behind with their work, and tills is especially so with the U. S. Patent Ollico, tho best paid of them all, and tho ono which not only does not cosi, tho tax payer a cent, but which actually pays a largo yearly surplus in to tho National Treasury. The present Administration has mado a determined effort to reform the idle ness; tho absenteeism, and tho general good for-nolliingness of tho civil ser vice, but it has a Herculean task be fore it, and it must bo admitted that it had no other equipment m tho cam. paign of reform than good intentions. iur. uiovcianu and ins uabinct wore totally unacquainted with tho Depart mcnts, bureaus, and divisions ot al most Gordiau complexity over which they were called to preside. Their Democratic chiefs of Divisions nnd liureaus were necessarily as ignorant as themselves. Thoy found tho qflices hlled with men aud women placed there by political infliienco as a roward tor thu political work thev had dono or wero expected to do. in theso offices idleness, gossip, absenteeism, had long been tho rule. Tho clerks wore amenable only to tho influential politicians who appointed them, and it was common with them to defy their official chiefs who lived m fear ot pretty female clerks in their divisions who were backed by influential senators Theso clerks, 'conscious of their strength, did as they pleased, to the humiliation of the obsequious chiefs, and tho demoralization of tho entire service. All this, I have said has been greatly changed, lhoolorksnow ar rive at tho departments at 9 o'clock instead of half past nine or ten. They remain at their desks until tho regular timo lor departure, formerly it had been tho habit of inanv to shitk work for tho slightest illness, or to affect ill ness aud play truant. Now every duy's illness is charged up and subtracted from tho thirty days vacation which is the an nual alio wanco with pay of Government employes. Thesu and other reforms havo mado a noticoablo improvement on both tho quantity nnd quality of tho work performed, but much remains to be dono botoro tho work m tho uov- ernment offices can bo carried on with tho economy and dispatch of well con ducted business establishments. Mauy ot tho ducts ot bureau and division appointed by tho present administra tion aro capable, energetic, and thor oughly determined to reform tho deep rooted abuses that appear everywhere in tho immense civil establishment of tho United States. Theso abuses not bo swept away by a magician s wand. ihey must bo removed by patient devoted work. Three Peculiarities Hood's Sarsaparllla, tho great blood purifier and regulating medicine, Is charactcritod by three peculiarities, namely i 1st: 2d: 3d: Tho combination of tho various remedial agents used. Tho proportion In which tho roots, licibs, barks, etc., aro mixed. Tho process by which tho r.ctlvo medicinal propcitles aro secured. Tho icsult Is.iir.cdldno of unusual strength and curatlvo power, which effects cures here tofore unequalled. Theso peculiarities belong exclusively to Hood's Barsaparllla, and aro Unknown to Others Hood's Sarsaparllla Is prepared with tl.o greatest Bklll and care, by pharmacists ot education and long experience, llenco It Is a modlclno worthy ot entire confidence. If you suffer from scrofula, salt rheum, or any dis ease of Iho blood, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick lnadache, or kidney r.nd liver complaints, cat-Trh or rheumatism, do not fall to try Hood's SarsapariSIa "I recommend Ilood's Sarsaparllla to all my friends ns tho best bleed c.i earth." Wm. Gaff, drugrlst, narr.lltcn, O. "Hood's Sarsaparllla hascmcd mo cl icrcf 'pu.' humor, end dono mo worlds cf good .wise." C. A. Akkold, Arnold, J!c. A bo. containing many r.ddlllonal state- ments ' WIU bo cent to all v. ho desire. Hood's rsapai'Ma Bold by all uruifgUt, i- -orV. M only by C. I. HOOD & CO., IMlj jIasJj IOO Dosos Ono Do.q lilLEOTlON NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting or inu sioc-Kiiomers oi ino iiijoiuauurK Water company will be held n Bloomsburg ou ay, uciouer u, ai inu omcu vi r , i . uiu. meyer, between lue noura or ii ana i o ciock in ino nttprnnnn. for the DurDOso of electing a Board of Directors lo servo for the ensuing year, and for tho transaction of any other business ot tho Com pany. F1WNK P. BILI MEYER, septl7-lt. K-cretai. VTOTICK! Notice Is hereby given that tho fallowing no. count has been riled In the Court ot Common Ploas of Columbia county, and will bo presented to Iho bald Court on tho fourth .Monday ot Sep tember, A, D. lsse, and confirmed nisi, and unless exceptions are tiled within four da) s thereafter will bo conttrmcd absolute; 1. Th-i account ot William I. Freas, committeo of tbo person and estate ot Ezabcl Louisa liuttcn stein, u lunatic, WM. H. SNYDER, Proth'y. llloomtburg, Sept. 8, lbsil. TOriOBI utleo 1 hereby gl ven that tho following ac- count has been lllcil lu the orphans' court of Co lumbia county, uud h 111 Ixi presented to the said court on tho fourth Monday of September, A. 1)., lbss, nnd continued nlfcl, and unless exceptions aio tiled within tour days tbeicallcr, will bu con firmed absolute: I. llioilrst account ot It. C. Neal, administra tor d. U u. c t. a., ot Wm. (1. Hurley deceasca, late of Bloomsburg, and by vlttue thereof trustee of tho residue &o., of the estate. HNYHElt, Clerk of O. C. Bloomsburg, feopt, 3, 18)0. W3' AllE INDEUTKD To'TIIK bOUTH rou SIMMONS tlVKIt I1KOUI.ATOI1. No mnllclno Is so universally used In Iho ttoiilli- crn States as SIMMONS MVElt niXlUUTOH. It won Its way Into every southern liomo by pure, slcrllns merit. It thcio taken Iho placo ot ailoclor ami cost ly prescriptions. It Is a FAMILY ,Mi:illClNK, inirely vegetable; gentlo In Its action; can bo snto ly given to any person, ro matter what ago. H promotes Digestion, dissipates ijosty tck Headache, and gives a strong, tull tono to tho Sys tem. Hliaanocnuatas n Preparatory Medicine, and can bo safely used when a doctor cannot bo called In. " Endorsed by persons ot tho highest character nnd cmlncnco as tho llKST rAMItY MEDIC1NK. It tho child has tho colic, It li a suro and f.Ko remedy. It will restore strength to tho ovcroik- ed father, nnd relieve tho wlfo from low Fnlrlts, iicuuuuui.-, uynnrnsm, cnnsiipaiion anil uku ui-i. "..II ONLY FAMILY ..lKIIUINr 'I ho.o been a user of Simmons I.lver lleirul.itor for mnny years, bavlnc mado It my only 1'nmlly Medicine, It is n pure, good reliable medicine. My mother before me was very partial to It. "I linn thn ltef?iilntnrrprv Riifrv hnrmtosa nml rcllablo as n family medicine, and liavo used It rnr any disorder or the. system and found It to act llko n cliarm. I bellcvo If It was used In tlmo It would prove a great prcventlvo ot sickness. 1 havo oflen recommended It to my friends, nnd Bhall contlnuo to do so. 'lUiV. ,IAK. ,M. KUl.LINS, IMstor M. K. Church south, I-'atrdeld, Viu" DEMOCRATIC TIOKET. fjTA'l K. Foil GoVllllNOII. CIIAUNCHY V, BLACK, of York. Foil LllXTKNANT floVEItNOIt, K. UltUCH IUCKETTS. of Luzerne. Foil AlllHTOlt Genkiial, WILLIAM J. BHENNAN. of Allegheny. For Conoukss-at-Lakoi:, MAXWELL STEPHENSON, of Philadelphia. Fdt SECItllTAUY- Of iNTEIlKAt. Al-TAlItS, J. SIMPSON AFRICA, of Huntingdon. Fon CoNdnicss, CHARLES K. BUCK ALE W. Subject to tho decision ot tbo Conferees ot tho Ilth DlhtUct. Fon State'Senatok, JOHN G. FREEZE. Subject to the decision of tho Conferees of the 21th District. For Refbesentatives, A. L. FRITZ, Of Bloomsburg. JAMES T. FOX, Of Reaver Township. Foit Associate .Tuikies, JAMES LAKE, Of Scott Township. C. G. MURPHY, Of Centralia. VIGILANCE COMMITTEE. BEAVElt Levi MlchaeL Gcorco Brclsbach. Isaac KUngcrman, Moses rfcbllcrcr, J. I'. Fry, Jesso jmiunro iso. ivck. E A. I), seelr. W. Caninbell. Illram v. liowe.i- BERWICK, W-john Frantz, Gcorgo A. Carey, win i. tsnyaer. BENTON Kir.-nuel Laubach. Benton: Frank T. Sh.'Uz, ltavo i Creek; (leorgo Gibbons, cambraj Reuben Slgfrled, Benton. BLOOM, E-.lohn II. Casey C. B. Bobbins, C. II. CamDbcll. chas. R. Ilousel. BLOOM, W Guy Jacoby, David Glrton, John Wei ver. Jab. M'Ur do. BRIAItcitEEK-Gldeon Michael, Geo. W. Miller, William Lamon, Cyrus Smith. CATAWISSA Wm. T. Creasy, Wm. Berkhelmer, fcuuuK, Alien uarueiu CENTKALIA Michael W. Brennan, David Walsh, John Ilenneesy. CENTRE i, V. Hint, John Wanlch, Sanderson iingenmicn, Arthur creasy, A. J. Kocher, Al bert Kelchoer. I.eU Ilemlev. CONYNGHAM, N-liob't cantleld, Fatrlck J. Cain, .. iiuuiii i-uuagy. CONYNGHAM, S-John P. Hnnnon, Fatrlck Healy, FlSHINGCltEEK Amos Ilaitman, ,1. Jl. Ammer- man. Nonnan Jl'llenrv. Samuel Coleman. FHANK..IN R. s. Jlcllenry, Jonathan Loreman, .uiuuu Ariiey. GREENWOOD A. J. Derr, Dorr's F. 0.; John Leg pott, Iola: Jacob Welltver, Eyer's Grove; Wm, Black, Itohrsburg; Phil. Young, Mlllvllie. HEMLOCK JIa.bias Glrton, sTinnn Relchard, Lawienco L. llartman. Jacob Jlartz. JACKSON Frank Trlvelpleco, J. W. Kitchen, Frank Fritz. LOCUST A. Jl. Johnson. Christian Small, Charles Beater, Adam Dlmimck. AIADISON-Charlcs U. Fruit, Baltls Sterling, John SI. Smith. JIA1N- Hubert Shuman, Ficas Bowman, George llrclsh. JUFFI IN Isaac Andreas, C. W. Hess, E. scuwep. Denhelser. MO NTOUH James Quick, Rupert: Henry Lazarus, Orovanla: I. W. Baylor. Catawlssa. MT. PLEASANT sam'l llartzel, Llghtstrect,Mack muter. AiuiuausYiue; isaac Appieman, weui versvllie. ORANGE L. Jl. Sleppy, Theodora Bush, Miles ueLong. ROAlllNGCHEEK-James Knlttle, Wm. B.Houek I -ander Fettennan. PINFD. H. Gordner, lino Summit, J. It. Fowler, .--lunuiiimii; nanici itoouws, iierr-s. SCOTT. WL. Jl. Kelchner. A. c. Illdlav. SCOTT, E B. F. Relghard, Ell Schueldman, Wm Savage. SUGARIXJAF Alfred Cole, Daniel Steadman, Aaron i ruz, is. r. Lauuacn. Administrator's Salo OF VALUABLE Real Instate I Tho undersigned, administrator, with tho will amexed, of theestato of John Springer, lato of tho township of Hemlock, In tho county ot Coluai bla and stato of Pennsylvania, deceased, will ex poso to publlo sale, by virtue ot power In tho will of tho said deceased, ou Saturday Oct. 9, 1886, at 1 o'clock It tho afternoon, upon tho premises. the following described tract of land of the estate ot the said decedent tcstat or, namely: Thrt cer. tain tract of land, situate In the aforesaid Itown. ship of Hemlock, bounded by lands of Kllsha Brugler, Frederick Jllller, Egbert Thomson, estate of Levi Wright, deceased, and Thomas and Albeit Ha. .man, containing 107 ACRES AND FORTY-SIX PERCHES of land, strict meas ure, bo tho same moro or less, Neaily nil of the said land is cleared-a small porllon being WOOD JLAN1, Jranvblch erected a ono and one-halt story DWEuING'HOUSE a frame bank barn . wagon shed and other outbttraw 6UCU ""ached, supplied wltb water by good sp?fi T"0 Placo 13 on the premises and other fruit trees. This prop erty Is situated about six miles from Bloomsburg and about seven miles from Danville, and thi-s Is convenient to market. Terms of Sale , chabomoneylo bo paid at the striking down ot tt.o property, and tho remaining three-fourths ono year thereafter, with Interest from tho day ot sale. Possessions-Ill bo given on the tlrst day of April, 1W, upon the unpaid purehaso money being sat isfactorily secured, tbo making of tltle,papersaud bccuilty to be at the expense ot the purchaser, PETEItS. BHUGLISIl, BeptIT Admr,, c. t. a, l, U.Jvbl. -m la lUtjii.uu. liUl tvrnii. UUU41U .ltd UvthtLi ,i-la.v. l-t-iH-vu ;.iinpry. 1 kliilil!-.lH-d IIKIH. .. . V .1 ii lleiin.ii, N.Y MlOtfllO VJHIIIEUCL. ).,. lwUUI lllHi li.t-kuu.11 SHERIFF'S SALES. Py v Irtuo of n writ of Al. Vend. Kx.,lsstied out of the Court ot Common l'leasot Columbia Co., I'., and to me directed, will bo exposed to publlo snlo nt tho Cross Keys Hotel In Berwick on Saturday, September 18, '86, nt 10 o'cl'-ck n, m., All thoso two certrln lots, sit uate tn llerwlck, Columbia county l'a., bounded nnd described as follows, to-wlti Beginning nt tho corner Front nnd lino streets In said town of Berwick, thenco along Front street nlncty-nlno feet to lot No, sixteen, thenco by tho somo two hundred feel, moro or less, loCnnnl blreet, thenco by Canal street nlr.ety.nlno feet to lino Bireet, nnd thenco along lino street two hundred feet, moio or less, to Front street, tho phicoof begin ning. Thosnmo being lots No. 19 and SO In plan of llerwlck, l'n., on which nro erected a two-story brick dwelling, with basement, n largo framo sta ble, conrliousc, pig pen am! outbuildings. Fruit trees on tho premises. A L S O, All that certain pleco of laml In Brlarcrcek Twp., Columbia county, I'a. Beginning nt tho public road leading from Bloomsburg to Berwick, Fa., at corner ot Unslcy land, t enco by tho saino thirty two nnd six-tenths perches to n corner, thenco north scvenly.foui degrees cnstscvenlocn perches, thenco seienteen nnd one-fourth degrees- west twenty-keven and seven-tenths perches, moro or less, to public road, thenco south clghtyscvcn degrees west thirteen nrd six-lentlis to placo of beginning, containing thrco acres, moro or less. r-ebed, taken In execution, nt the suit of Chester Copo vs. S. 11. Bowman nnd A. F. Creasy nnd to bo sold ns Iho property of S. 11. Bowman. JicxsoN, Atty. SAMUEL SMITH, SheriH. SHERIFFS "SALES. By virtue of sundiy writs Issued out of thoCoJrtot common Fleas of Columbia county, nnd lo tno directed, will bo exposed to publlo salo nt tno Court Houso In Bloomsburg, on SATURDAY, October 2, 1880, o'clock p. m.,all that certain lot ofground.sltunto In tho tow n of Catawlssa, Columbia county, Fa., bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: On tho north by land of M. O. Hughes on the east by an alley nnd right of way of tho Catawlssa Ballroad Co., on. tho south by land of (Icorgo Strieker, ond on the west by Front street, in said town, whei eon aro erected a two-story frame dwelling houso with n two-story frame kitchen annexed and other out buildings. ALSO, All that other certain lot of ground bituato in ltoberts' addition to tho town of Catawlssa afore said, bounded on tho north by property of Wm. JtcNenl, on tho oast by an alley, on the south by Walnut street, ou tho west by Third btiect. whereon Is erected two two-story frame dwelling houses nnd outbuildings. Seized, taken In execution, and to bo bold ns the property ot Jl. V. B. Kline. Hhawn, Ally. Vend. Ev. A L S O, All that certain messuage, pleco of land, sltuato in the township of Jit. Pleasant, !i the county of Columbia and Stnlo of Pennsylvania. Bounded on tho north by land of Godfrey Jlellck, on tho westuy land of Peter Jncoby. on tho south bv lanu or mrnra Thomas and on tho east by land ot Joseph Crawford, containing seventy-six acres of lanu, moro or less, on which aro erected a framo dwelling house, u barn nnd outbuildings. bcizod, taken In execution, nt tho suit of William Masters and to bo sold as tho propertyof C. C. 1'ea. cock, admr. or John Beagle, dee'd and Mary Bea gle, wlfo of said John Beagle, dee'd, for tho debt ot no wire.; & Hekiiino, Attys. Lev. Fa. SAMUF.L SMITH, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALES. By vl. uo of sundry writs, Issued out of tho cou. , of common Picas ot Columbia count-, Pa. and to mo directed, will bo exposed to publlo sale, at the Court Houso lu Bloomsburg, on MONDAY, SEPTEM15E11 27, 183G, at S o'clock p. m nil that certain tract of land, sltuato In Hemlock township, Columbia county, l-a., uounacu and described ns follows, lo-wtt: Bo- glimlng at a hickory, thence by lands of Win. J. llartman and tho heirs of Jacob Harlinan dee'd South thrco and ono-fourth det -ecs west eighty perches and one-half to a stone, thenco by the lands of tho heirs of John Bailor south eighty- seven and one-fourth degrees cast thirty-eight pcicbes to a stone. Thenco by land of John Rnusch nnd Peter Hc-Inbach bouth three degrees west twenty-six and eight-tenths perches to a whlto oak In lino of land of Henry Gclger, thence by land of Henry Gelger north eighty-two degrees east bixty-ono and Hire tenth perches to a stake. Thenco by land ot John nnd Sylvester Purcell north two nnd oae-half degrees east nlnety-slx nnd tour-tenths perches to a whlto oak. Thence by land of John and Wm, Bcauch, lands of Win. Key, lands of John Gallagher, north eighty-eight and o o-hair degrees west ono hundred nnd nlncty nlno and two-tenths perches to a hickory, the placo of beginning, containing ono hundiol nnd seen acres and ninety-eight perches, strict measure, whereon are erected a dwelling house, oarn and out buildings. Seized, taken In execution, nt tho suit of Eliza. beth Cueber, wlfo of Thomas Cueber, vs. Emma L. Wands and John A. Wands, her husband, and to no sold n3 tho pioperly of Emma I. Wands nnd John A. Wands, her husband. Scab let Anoi.e, Attys. Lev. Fa, A L S O, All that certain pleco or parcel of land, sltuato In f-cott township, Columbia county, stato of Pennsylvania, bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by other paitof this piece owned byjlc Coimlck & Anglo, on tho east by A. Snyder, on tho south by lands ot Lackawanna Bloomsburs Railroad Co , on tho west by lands of A. Snjder and containing In width along tho property of the Lackawanna Blooms burg Railroad Co., three hundred and eighty feet, moro or less, and In depth ono hundred nnd ten feet, moro or less, on which Is erected a two-story iramo uuuamg, rormerly used ns a rlnnlng mill, and other outbuildings. Seized, taken In execution, nt tho suit of W. J. Jlccormlck and F. c Anglo vs. J. Jl. stookey and Espy Jlfg. Co. terro tenants and to bo sold as tho property ot J. ji. stookey & Espy Jlfg. co. terre tenants, scakletJ: Anoi.e, Attys. Lev. Fa. A L S O, All thatlcertaln mossuago and lot of ground sit uated in tho Town of Bloomsbuig bounded and uescnoed ns follows to-wlt ; Beginning nt a corner ot Third ntreet and Scotts alley, thenco North, wnrdly along Scott's alley two hundred and six feet to Pino alley, thenco westwnrdly forty-nine icei six incnesto lino of lot ot Newton Boone, thenco southwardly alongllneof lot of said New. ion uoono two uunarcii and six feet to Third street, thence onstwardlyalongThird street, forty, nine feet 6lx Inches to corner of Third street and Scott's alley tho placo uf beginning, on which aro erected a largo two story framo houso, framo barn uuu uui-uunaings. Seized and taken Into execution nt tho suit Luanra . jimcr now to tho uso of Catawls.i De posit Bank and Nathan B. Creasy vs. Samuel Neyhard and to bo sold as tho property of Samuel num. If. W. Mil. vi. At..- .... .. . ............. .... . , IJ'V. I. I. SAMUEL SJIITH, Mu-rllt. I'lUTOH'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF WSI. J. IKELEII, BEC'n. Ilia iindcrsfgded, nn Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Coui t ot Columbia county, to distribute thefumlsln tho hands of Erl Ikeler admlnt-l.ator imiawiHw i ui, o, iM-uTiuTeabraasappep ?,lJ,1)l,a.'.''C0H"t' to and among the partlesen lit ed thereto, i :i attmni tn iIi,im.'i i,i pplntmenl ut tho ollico ot Jlessrs. IkelerJC Ilerrln'', T.v u'"w-w'i i mo lownoi iiiooinsbuu, o W ednesday September 1.11b at two o'clock in Hi afternoon, when nnd where all nnrtiou,. aro requested to present their claims beloutbo n, 'fMnri " -r "cuarrcQ iron coming .,, ' CHARLES C. LVANS, August 18, Auditor, T ETTINQ. T)io Commlssloneu will rccolo proposals on Jlonday, thoaith day of bepttinlicr, A. 1). ibso, at e o clock p. m., to build two new crtbblngs nt brldgo oboo Reuben Wilson's, si) rcet long each, i cet ijlgli above low water mark at upper end of MiwMij ,iH.i ui uiuu ua w.c.. uai'K ui oiiuge. Also one cribbing at bildge r ;ar Bands' factory, 40 icet long, 1 feet high, above lowwater mark at upper end of cribbing and as hlitli as skevvbaek at brldgo. The Coinmlsblonetii 1-,-wi-rvi. tin. tn miw.t rflrnlltilil4 J ' Mii;riii:M i-oiik, 1 WAhllllNGTON PARK, 1-C0. Com'lU COmm'SSlu ELI JIE.NDENIIALL. ' f A'i . EST;- Jf Ofllce. BJooiiisburg, IV., Hep. 10, sC. - , . -i.vooi,i, Ill-It.. lMlOI'HIISTOll OF Bschango Barber t: ft Satii Room At the. old stand, under tho Exchange Hotel, BLOOMSBURG PA 4 milNlSTHA'IOIt'B NOTIOJJ. . ... .. ...... .'..I, Tin. Ecltcrsoinrtmlnlitintlotilli wild enlalo having been granted lo tho undersigned administrator, nil peipons inni-uu-u iu wuu rnuuu iu nm.-j -tilled lopav llio same, nnd those having claims ngnlnst sold ibtnto present tho Mine lo , (IEU. 1UICKI-H Adm'r., nugso. iirangcviiie, in. jOIIOUOIl NOTllJK. VnH-n latinroliv trtopn that tllOCttlCns Of Espy. mintv or Columbia nnd stato of Fa., will present . ... . . .. .. in..;t.nH .hi fuurt D. lssn, tovtho ineoiiioratlnnot Iho said Milage of i-.nvininn iinrniKTh under nnd In lnirsuanee of tiio several nets ot (icnerul Assembly ot tho com lnlihwonlih ot PCDnsjlvanlv In such eas n mijdo and rroMded. IKELKK lir.UIIINH, AUg.1.7 Alljs, lor cui.uiis 1 1 in turn i s .TOTICK OF SCIHB KACIA3 V No r Deccmlier Term, 185. 'lllard II. Dally, ndm'r of Eleanor Locknrd, deo'd, lo tho uso ot tno heirs ot Eleanor Iflcknrd, deo'd. vs . . Maria .1, Ilendlev, surv'vlng exrx. nf Samuel r. licnaicj, uec n, who .vhm l-a i ui i.i.-i.uui ..t,. nrdnnd tho hdra ot said Samuel F. Headier, deceased. .. , , To Jloiia ,1. Headier, Exrx., Helen Thomas Ileadlcy, widow, and Win. TPomns lleadier nnu Helen Thomas 1 endley, children of I. Boyd Head ley, deceased, Elizabeth Lently, widow, nnd Chns. B-ntly, Bcsslo Beiitly and .losefa Ilenlly, children of James F. Bently, deceased, nnd Uoso llendley, widow, nnd Frank Jl. C Ileadlcy. Lizzie llendley, JUrla J. Ilcai ley and John II. Ileadlcy, children of Frank llendley, deceased. Whereas, nn Allan Mr l'mla has Issued out ni tin, i?nnrt. nf I'nmmnn l'leasof Columbia Co.. ns of thn ajovo stated No. anl Term lo revive and continue Ucn of judgment No. SssJIny Trim, lstu, and wlierens it is oraereu uy ino loun inai inu writ shall bo served us to those residing out of tho county, by publishing tho substnnco thereof In ono newspaper In tho county for thrco successive weeks In nccoidanco with Iho 3d Section of Rule XX of Rules of couri, io-wh: f'nt mm, , fVit-vi-V. I! Tlie uommonweaun oi i i-nnsyivniua, i ino Sheriff of said county greeting: Whereas Millard i. iiatiy. aamr. ot jiiennor ixx-Karu, ueoeust-u, iu ho use of iho heirs or Eier ior iflennru, oeeeacu, ninintirra lntpiv In ntir f,V'1 of common Fleas. ior mo county nion-sniu, uiuuru inu .iuiii-a ui inu said court at llloomsburg, to-wlt: In tho term of Mnr.Nn. ass in tho vci "of our Lord ouo thousand r-iirht. hnndrml and sol ntv-nlno. by tho ludemcnt ot tho said Comt, dlu iccover against Jlarla .1. Iieauiey. surviving exrx. oi c:uin t-i r. m-imii-i, dee'd, who wnscrt ot Eleanor Loekard, nnd the heirs of tho said Samuel F. Ileadlcy, den'., de fendants, ns well a certain acDt or lour i jnarea and thirty-seven dollars nnd seventeen cents, ns nlen fnnr ilnllnra nml fortv-flvo cents for their costs and charges, which tnoy sustained byocca- sion or ino ocieniion oi iimi iieui, ..ntirui inu said defendants arc convicted, c, as appears of lecord, Ac., commanoingtiiosaiaueienaanisiiia, ncy no anu appear ueiore our juuki-s uuhjui-.. burg, al our court of common Pleas, thero to bo held on tho fourth Jlonday ot September next, to Bhnw rfiiise. if nnv thev have, why tho said plain tiffs ought not to have execution against them ard aiso snow causo w uy uiu eaiu juusiii.ii oukul uul to bo icvlud nnd contlnuo a Hen on their ie.l es tate duilng another period cf live years, accord ing to tho Act ot General Assembly Insuchcaso made nnd provided, II to them It shall seem expe rt lent. witness tno i on. wuuani i;iwcn,i-s( .,ni mooms. burg, tho fifteenth day ot Jlay, In the jenr of our . Lorn ono thousand eight hundred nnu ciemy-stx. ' wm. II. mmijkk, i-roinonoinry. SAJIUEL smith, sncrirr. iuug COURT rROOLAMATlON. "nrilEUEAS.tliellon. William Elwell YV President Judge of tho court ot Oyer aud ,T nuuu.. uiM.uu.u.,w TermInerandGcneralJallDellvery,Courtof(luar tcr Sessions ot tho Fcaco and the Court of Common Pleas and orphans' Court In tho scth Judicial Dis trict, composed of tho counties of Columbia and Jlontour. and tho Hons. Jameo Lake nnd F. L Shuman, Associate Judges of Columbia county havojssucdthelr,-preccpt,bearlngdato tho 13th day of Jlay In tho year ofour Lord ono thousaud eight hundred and cIguty-Blx, and to mo directed for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer nnd General Quarter Sessions of tho rcace, Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, In Bloomsburg, in tho county of Columbia, on thofouith Slonday.belng the srth day of Sept, next to contlnuo for two weeks. Notice is hereby given to tne tuo j us tlces of tho Peace, and tho Constables of tho said County of Columbia, that they bo then and there In their proper person at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon ot said rlth day of Sept. with their records Inqui sitions and other remembrances,to do thoso things which to their ofllces appertain to be done. And those that are bound by recognizance to proscouto against tho prisoners thntaro or may bo In Ihojall ot tho said county of Columbia, to bo then and thero torroscculcthcmasshallbo lust. Jurors nro re quested to bo punctual In their attendance, rceably to their notices. Dated at Bloomsburg a-1 the 23th day of Aug, In tho year ot our L. S. Lord ono thousand eight hundred and , 1 elehtv-blx. and In the ono hundred and tenth ear of tho Independence of tho United States of America. Sherlfl's Ofiice, SA Jl UEL sm itii,. Sheriff ULE ON HEIHS. ESTATE OP IIUMI'HKEY U. 1'AREEll, DEC'D. COI.UMMA COCNTY, S3! To Rachel J. l'urker, Wm. U. Parker, Ruth A. Parker, Ruclna, lnlcrmanlcd with Jonathan R. Conner, Sumuel E. Parker, Jlary A., lntermanled with Daniel Ashelman, nnd three grand children, Rachel Ilovt. sarah I lo c and John llovt. children of Rebecca Iloyt, dee'd, and Phebo Jlannlng, Luclna Jlmnlngond Gertrude Jiannlng, inu granciiuuren oeing cnuuren oi nannan .1. Jlannlng, dee'd, lineal descendant! of Humphrey Jl. Parker, deccasd, and to all other persons Interested, Greeting; You nnd each ot jou nro hereby cited to bo and appear before tho Judges ot our oiphans' court at an orphans' Court to bo held rt Bloomsburg on tho fourth Jlonday of September next, then and thero to ac cept or ictuso to tako tho real estate of said Humphrey Jl Parker, deceased, at Iho appraised valuutlon put upon It by the Inquest duly nward:d by tho said Court, nnd returned by tho Sheriff, or shovvcajso why It bhall not be sold. And hereof fall not. Witness tho Ilonorablo W llllam Elwell.Prcsldent of our said coui t, at Bloomsburg, thobeventecnth day of June, A. D. lsso. W.M. 11. SNYDER, Clerk cf O. C auji'i hamucl Smith, Sheriff. FALL A10UEIT ! :o: When you want a new suit of clothes what do you do ? Why. go where you can be well fitted, get good cloth, and have the full worth of your money when you get your suit. Do you know of such a plnce in Bloomsburg? If not, let us tell you of one. It is at the corner of Main and Iron streets. The services of a Mr. C. Rhodes, have been secured, and we will guarantee satis faction as to fit and price. Should you want a REA0Y-MAOE SUIT, We can show you a large stock to select from. If you v. ant SUITS FOR YOUR BOYS, Here is the place to get them, also v nine cis, hats, m, t It is aboi't time to get measured for a new Fall Suit. Call and see our goods and examine our work. EVANS a EYER, Cor. of Main and Iron Sts., IM OOIISIU PA. Aug. 37, 3ms. THE HAMBURG Ji.VIID. Bmsburg, Pa. rpHIAL LIST l'OU HJJl'TKMHEU X TERM, 18-0. Jlrn. I. II. FretiericK vs wiworu iijons. Harnli (1. Hosier vs. Isra"! Bitlentiender. Utephen Blllenliender vs. Hamucl Bowers, with notice to odd Fellows HallAss'n ot Orange. Mile, terro tenants Charles Jl. Conynghnm nnd I. C. Paine, doing business as Couynglmtn A Pnlho, vs James JIc- Alnrnoy nnd Mnry JloAIarnoy, his wife, Jacob Haines vs. N. W. B. Uy. Co. A, B. Krlckbaum'susovsW. II. Krlckbaum. lames Jloyer vs. lames H. Lownrs, Admr, of Jo. seph cleweP, deo'd. JI.U. Hughes nnd llermon Fahrlnger vs John LwJ liess, (). II. Hess and I.J, Thomas, part ners, doing buslncasln the firm name of llcss SThonias vs Illram F. Everett. Wm. H. Yorgey vs lx-ust. Mountain Water Co. H H. llenco;k vs. Wm. Jlasleller. ,1, F. smllli, now to uso of catawlssa Depo It Bank vs. M. c. frosty. Clark cullender, ox'r of Joseph llcss, dee'd vs Francis 1 llcss. Albert E. endow vs D. ! & W. It. II. CO. Theodo-o F. Craig vs. Jlahala Craig and Dan. lei F. Seybert. Charles W, Van Essen vs Thomas Webb and tlio Columbia couniy Agricultural rwicieiy, ,1. ll. Kline, nuuvr ot Illram R. KUno vs Ellen l; ii m- C. K. Pennock, J. rennock and John S. Pen. nncK. trndinir as tho tlrmot C. E. Pennock jt Co. vs. Charles llelcharl. John Drum and Eletrnnda Drum, his wile, In right of the wlfo vs Ellas Slmiuan and Cath. nflr-0 Shumnn, tor wonls spoden by tho said Catherine . . Charles W, JlcKclvy nnd Deborah .r. JtcKclvy, Ids wife, to Uo ifoof tbo said Deborah, (1. N. u 111113 and Josephine Wllllts, his wire, lo the usoot the t aid Josephine, Jamos II. Ramsay, Charles C. Ilagcnbach nnd Anna II. llakc.i. buch his wife, to tho uso ot tbo said Anna, Charles Rainsay, William P. Ramsay ond Rob ert N. Ramsay vs, Charles B. Urockway. Benjamin Fettennan vs J. Boyd Roblson. Charles Kelchart vs. Kmanuer Mauser. 11. w. Bower vs Jlartha v. Ferris, wlfo of o. H. Ferris, owner, and George O. wclllvcr, con tractor. John I Brumbaucli vs tho I) I. W H H Co. Patrick Burns, by his mother nnd next friend, Jlargarcl Burns, vs I. A Rllc.v, Lnyfnycllo F Inu and William Iilloy, trading as Louis A Riley Co. Aaron lloono vs Espj- Llmo nnd Cement Co. 11 F Everett vsllrucoFHutllff and Philip 1, lless lato doing buMr ess under tho namo of I! Fmiu lift nnd F L Hess. I) 11 Jlillard vs John Snyder. George o Welltver vs OF Ferris anil Martha I, Ferris his wife, owner, nr reputed owner. II. W. Hess, O. B. Hessnud IriThotnns, partners, doing business ns Bess c 'lhoiias vs. Illram F, Ilvcrctt 0 11 Proc'iway vs Columbia county wllh service oil Stephen Folio, Washington Fan and Ell Jlcndenhall. A K smith vs Samuel Brugler. J I) Fatton vs A P Heller. 1 ho Curtis Jlanufnctuilng Co vs Clsrk I Thomas. I II Wagner, 1) W Jlurfley and 1) F Wagner, trading under tho arm nrmoot sv'alsonlown Planing Jllll Co. vo C F Harder. William Krlckbaum vs John B Casey. Augustus Blbby nnd Julia, his wlfo, In right ot said wiro vs George llnitman, Jlcry llartman nnd Clinton Kills, adm'r ot tho estnto ot Halllo E Reluncjcr deceased. James Yostvs Wilson Agcr nnd Kllsha Ager. Albert Klinctob vs illram Eckroat. S II Wliltncy vs S II Bowman. S 11 Whitney vs 8 11 Bowma.i. c tllAHTElt HOT1CE. Not'co Is hereby given that nn application will bo mado to tho Court of Common Pleas of Colum bia county on Jlonday Iho :;thdny of September A. D. lss-0 ntthrco o'clock In the nllcrnoon, under the corporation net of ls"t and tho supplements thereto, by lilward WIl lams, B. F. Dyke, John Lamnct, John Lewis nnd John E. Davis for the charter of an Intended corporation to bo called "Tho Odd Fellows Temnlo and Hall Association ot tho Borough of CentraUaX'oluinbla Co., Pn " the character and object of which Is for tlu purposo ' 0f erecting nnd maintaining n public hall In said Borough of centralla.nnd for this purposo to ha e, possess nbd enjoy all tho rights, benefits and privileges conferred by tho said net and its supple, mcnts. WIL'.IAJt RRYFON, tc. solicitor. LANCESLL'S ASTHMA AND CATARRH REMEDY. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Having struggled so years between llfo and death with ASTHMA or PHTHISIC, treated by eminent physicians, and receiving no benefit, I was compelled during tho last A years of my 111. ness to sit on my chair day and night gasping for breath. Jly sufferings were beyond description. In despair I experimented on myself by com pounding roots nnd herbs and Inhaling the mcdl clno thus obtained. I fortunately discovered this WONDERFUL CURE FOR AST11JIA AND CA TARRH, warranted to relievo the met stubborn casoof ASTHMA IN FIVE MINUTES, so that tho patient can 11a down to rcit nnd sleep comfortably. Please read the following condensed extracts rrom unsolicited testimonials, all of iccont date: oilier V. R. Holmes, San Jobo, Cal., writes: "I find tho remedy all and oven more than repre sented. I recclvo Instantaneous relief." E. JI. Carson, A. JL, Warren, Kansas, writes: "Was treated by eminent physicians of thl3 country and Germany; tried tho cllmnto of different states nothing afforded relief like your preparation.'- T. E. Gates, County Treasurer, Philadelphia, Jllss., writes: "Havo used the ltemedy. would not Uvo without It. Every ono that uses ltrc. commends It." I. B. ('helps, P. JL, Griggs, Onlo, writes: "Suf. fered with asthma 40 yea s. Your medicine lu 3 minutes does moro for mo than I he most eminent physician did for mo in thrco yea; a." II. c. Plumpton, Jollet, 111., wiltcs: "send Ca tarrh Remedy at once, cannot get along without It, I find It tn be tho most valuable inedlcmn 1 baiocvcrtrlnd." Geo. W. Brady, Nelson Co., Ky., writes: "I am using the remedy. Gained 8 pounds In 3 weeks, would not bo without It." Jlarlln Fox, Little Falls, N. writes: "Find Remedy excellent. Could not llvo w Ithout It." We bin o many other hearty testimonials of euro or relief, nnd in order that nil sufferers from Abth inn. Catarrh, Bay Fover, and kindred dlsenses may have nn opportunity ot testing tho value of thu Remedy we will send to nny add rt ss TR 1 A L PAC K AGE FREE OF CHARGE. Address, J. ZIMMERMAN & CO.. l'rnnrletors. Wholesalo Druggists, Woostcr, Wayne Co., O. Full sln linv lir mnll 1. lmay"-ly. Newspaper Advertising Bureau.lo Spruco HtN. Y. CHAMPION PLOW P. Is pronounced by leading farmers superior to any plow In the market for lightness ot draught and durability. Itswork Is unexcelled. AWi REVERSIBLE PLOW SHARE. Farmers will nnd this Invention a tav Ing to themot nl leatt two-thirds the cxpenso for plow shales, 'lhtso shaii-s aio lilted to all leading chilled FOR SALE RY