Vhe doWfoti. turned Weekly, every priay Mnrnln., nt MtOOMSIlUltO, COUIMUIA CO., Pa. atii.du per year. . I o mioscrlbors Ollt Otthncnnn. ty tun terms are i strlctlyln Rdrnnco. OIlU0C0"n' frNo paper discontinued except at thoontinn totho puulisiieM.untll nil ftrroaraiosifropairbut long continued credits will not be SirVn p U out All papors sont out ot tho Htato or to dUtant noat o l eomust Ira paid forlnadran nolo person In Columbia county assumes to imr Ho subscription duo on demand. p ' , .TO B PRINTING. Tho.tob Printing Department of tho Commrmn Isvcrycoiniilcto. It contains tho latest new typo anl muhthcry ana Istho only omco that runsjob presses by power, giving us the best facilities. tlmatos furnished on laigo jobs. 'PROFESSIONAL CARDS. V B. WALLKti" . " ' ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW, omco over 1st. National Uank. 1"00m3bur- jvr u. funic, ATTO I tNE V-AT-L AW. llLOOMSBDRd, I'A. Ill lain Sit 'a Building. J OIIN M. OLAHK, AT TO UN E Y-AT-L A W. AMD JUdrtOK OF THE PEACE. ULooHiiBtma, Pa, O Una over Moycr Pros. Drug Store. p W.MILLEK, ATTO UN KV-AT-L A W omco In Urotver's bulldlng.second lloor.room No.l lllooinsburg, I'a, B. PRANK Z-VKB, AT L'OIINE Y-AT-L AW. Uloomsburg, Pa. onioT corner ot Contro and Main Streets. Clark j UUllUlUg Can bo consulted In German, G 1 EO, K. ELWELL ATT-ORNEY-AT-LAW. llLOOMSllUHO, I'A. OlHco on First lloor. front room of Cot, DMiitAS Hutlillmi, Main street, below Ex. change Hotel. pAUL E. W1HT, Attorney-at-Law. omco In Colombian llnanmo, Koom No. n, second lloor. BLOOMSBURG, I'A. ". XNOKIt. I. S. WINTBRBTBKN. KNOIUl & WINTEB8TEEN, Attornoys-at-Law. onico In 1st National Hank building, second floor, llrhtdoortolholeft. Corner ot Main and Market stroots Ulooinsburg, Pa, ItayPenstouj ami Bounties Collected. J H. MAIZE, ATTORNEY AT-LAW Jfllco In Slalo'sbulldlry. over Ulllmeyer'a grocery. I. HlLLMEYElt, (DISTMCT A TTOllXJCY.) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, CiTOIllca over Dcntlcr'g shoo store, nioomslmrt;, l'a. rjipr-30.80. JOHN C. YOCUM. C E- 0BY2U. YOCUM & GEYEH, Attornoys-at-Law. CATAWISSA, PA. (omco front suit of roora3 on second floor ot NkwsIteh building.) ISfCAN UK CONSULTED IN (1K11MAN. jll Members ot bharp and AUeman's Lawyersand llankcr'a Dliectoryand tho American Mercantile, and collec Hon Association. 111 give prompt and ?etiil ntteiTlon to collectlou of claims in any part o t Uio United Mates or Canada, as well as to Sll other pi ofctelonal business entiubtcd to them K.OSWALD, ATTOllNEY-AT-IiAW. Jackson Building, Rooms 4 nnd 5. DBKWICK.PA yy. II. HHAWN. ATTOIINEY-AT-LAW. catawlssa, Pa. omco,cornor of Third and Main streota. JJ V. WHITE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURQ.PA. OOlco in Brewers' Building, 2nd .lloor. may 1-tf jyIOHAEL P. EYEHLY, Conveyancer, Collector of Claims. AND USUAL ADVICK IN TUB SETTLEMENT OP ESTATEH, AC. ,,t, v i ttitr Br' onico in iienrcrs uuutuus " meyer, attomey-ul-law, front iooins, snd floor JHUUIllSUUlfc, 1 O. " - T. IS. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC, , Berwick, Pa. MISCELLANEOUS Ii. McKELVY, M. D.,Suri;eon and Phy .slilan, north side Main street.below Market A L. FKITZ, Attorney-at-Law. Ollice , Front room over Poat Ollice, D K. J. 0. BUTTER, PHYSICIAN &8UHGKON, Offlco, North Market street, IJloomsburKi ra DR. WM. M. REBER, Surgeon nnd Physician. Ofllco corner ot Itock and Market licet. JK. EVANS, M. D.. Burgeon and .Physician, onico and IK slienco on Third mreot. piRE INSURANCE. I'UHISTIAN Y, KNAPP, ULOOMSUU O.PA, iaJVNBWAltK,N.J. CLINTON. N.V. PEOPLES' N. Y. ItKADINU, PA. Theso old coiti'OKATious aro well seasoned by a 'o and kiiik tkstkd and havo never jet had a loswttled byanycourtof law. Their assets aro an Divested in solid sKcomiua aro liable to tho bSjs'S!ffilnd iionbsvlv adjusted and ,K ds delermlned by cubistian r. NArr?mlAL AOKnTaND ADJCK.l ULOOUSBUHO, ThoneoDloof Columbia countyshould patron Ue tWfncy where losses It any are Bottled and pallbyonftherowncm oka LINO PHOMITNESS. EQUITY, PAllt DEALINU. BP. HARTMAN BIPBKSBNTS thi following AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES North American of Philadelphia. Franklin, , Pennsylvania, " York, ot punusylvanla, Hanover, of N. Y. ouuens, of Loudon, KotefkSl ffiSSfoo. Uloomsburg. OCt.84. i" , EXCHANGE HOTEL, W. R. TDBBS, PROPRIETOR BL00USBUB9, PA. opposiTJt coout nonsK, r ra Mnnri rnnvenlcnt sample rooms. UatU rooms SoRSSwia water and alf modern conveniences PILES OR HEMOniUlOID8.-ULCEHS tlssure, Itching, tlfiula. io., cured wiwput puin lJtrii'iNiiiri',Ti'T"; I us rated papera explaining theByttem and coutaiulngrtt crences sent titu Address j. W. OOOJJJ)GJi,M. B 203 Wyoming Avo, Scranton, J'a. Marcli PACuia. , ii. ii.ilfcWEIiIi, 1 - BEST-IWM1E NOTHING PH I L.A. A. C YATES & CO. Siath and Chestnut Sts. yAINWRIOHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Philadelphia, Pa. TEAS, SYIiUPS, COFPEE, Sl'dAlt, MOLASSES, IMCK, Sl'IOKS, III0AHII SODA, ETC., ETC. N. E. Corner second and Arch Sts. Wordora will receive prompt attention. HOUSE, DENTIST, Uf.OOMSHUItfl,Uoi.UMI!IA COUNTY, P.1 All stylesot work done In a superior manner, work nuuumeaas rupresenieu, tekth isxtract sd wirnotiT Pain by tho uso of Oas, and frcoof chargewhenartldclalteoth are Inserted, Ofllco In Barton's bulldlne, Mnln ett, below Market, live doors lielow m's drug store, llrst lloor. 7o be open at all hourt during the day H. C. SLOAN & BRO., I5LOOJISBURG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETONS SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS &C. First-class work always on hand. REPAIRING NEA TL Y DONE. Pricet reduced to tuit the times. BLOOMSBURG PLAUING MILL :o, Tho underslcrncd huvinir nut ills l'lanlnr M on Hallroad street, In llrst-ciasa condition, Is pre pareu 10 ao an Kinas 01 worn in ms uno, FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. turnisncd at reasonable prices. All lumber used Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen are employed. ESTIMATES FOK BUILDINGS urnlshod on application. Plans nnd Bpcclflca oas prepared oy an exporiouceu urauKuisiuuu CHARLES KKUfi, nioaiiisburpr, Pa CLOTHING ! CIOTHIl'G a. W. BERTS CH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. Cents Furnishing Goods, Hats & Caps OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits made to older at short notice nnil n fit. aliens iriininntood or no ealo. Call and examine tho largest and best selected stoci oi goods ever biiown u Columbia county. Store next door lo First National Bank, MAIN STREET, ISlocmisburgf, Pa. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES OP CAST OR WROUGHT IRON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds :o: The following shows the llcket (lothle, ono of tho several beautiful btyles of Fence manufactured by tho undersigned. For Iieauty and Durability they aro unsuriiiss 1. set un by experienced hands and warranted ed. set un to gUo sat litacllou, Prices and specimens of other dc- algna sent to any address. Address a. m. mmm, BLOOMSBURG PA. May 4-tf KENCH'S HOTEL. CITl MALI, Hjl'.M'E, SKW OHK, opposite city nan ami uio n"jm This hotel is ono vi iuu dtua ..i,.,.. .v ... pointuicntianaiurnlturootANYlloL'bB In New York firy and Is conducted on tho EUROPEAN PLAN. noteiin ri i ,',. counter rent al? the iuiurles at moderate prlu-s. v July 8 W -away, send u flflrt cenu poitaysage of goU of large 6U .UUU get tret a will start jou In woik UlVWV valut.Jbt! ou In money luster than hat will at SKK 'Ad about Itotfpu DU)tldngelbe euth hox. Aga da wai.u cv. fJ)i'M:to',SfcrSr uaiun i I f 1 Lilll 1 CBi. BLOOMSBTTRG, PA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER EXHAUSTED VITALITY. ILLUSTRATIVE Sample FREE. KNOW THYSELF. A Great Medical Work on Manhood, Ntnous and rhy.lcal IicbtMty, Prcmaturo Dccllno In Man, l:xhantcd Vitality, Ac., ic, and tho untold mis eric. TcsuHIng from Indiscretion ot cxccesi J00 ln3c, tubetantlally bound In gilt, mosl'n. Con tain, moro than HI Invaluablo prcacriptlonj, em bracing every vegrtable remedy in tho pharma copeia for all scute and chronic illscuci. It I. cnijilnitlcally a book for every nun. Prlcoonlyll hy mil, pot pild, concealed In plain wrapper, n.MirvriiATivi: sA.iiPi.r. ruin: to ai.t. Young and mlildle-flged ncn for tho next ninety (hys. Send now, or cut thi out, as you may never (rcltasntn. Ad.ircM Dr. W. 11. PAUKKit,-! llul flncll street, Haton, Mas.. fcb.3-d. ly, Mirapiismif 13 a Complete ANIMAL BONE MANURE mm tlm f'liVtf Hrror-L Went Chotter, I'a , ut Nix TPIH'XT Kth. 11. ' O. V. I)jniiii.nn.Honrjbr(xk,briii(S n (minever lil.'e lniltliiui(i lie htiil aacr'H hi c rn tlii)inr, which ho innnurncl with Ituiiuli ,V nn.' Ci'li1 lirnlcil riii.iliulr. 1 lis crop H a bficono I In hit no ptrl frulnr name for hi corn oicrpt pntxt c rn " n corn th'it lio has crown for ten jhm papt, col', tina tho r?M I mt uri lrm hvlth1 different vtn 't le nr c irn nnd eicli jt'tr hp W tery pnrttoiiUr t s.'lwt the Irf'ht eon fur prod. He h.i rnixed na !iiu It tin m hushciN nt ittii'llcil corn to the acre. His cro.T this )onr h larger t'lan that of lat eir. t'oTf pvillk. Pa.. ,1 nno ft h, M'A .t 1) l'ntKisR: "Ihnt.niwJ HAftm'PNi.'i Pnos I'll lt xi'vortl jmim tmttntrit thmmiulilrln thr Hnm iluM nl .tiRl.1o rif (ithur inakpi cfitttinp: $.) to if i5 per t m nnd tinl tint I c?t erpjnlly kmm. ami Utter re p lit ' f Rim IlTich'f en corn, wheat atnl Krnft, 1 con nf Ifr It ftK Kft atnl -m'ih i rftdtttf as 1 Iimo fouml I I tho luirkft, nnd certainly tho rliotipen.1 Hirn'D W. ScitnACK. Kao OL.vtn. I'a. Alarth ssth, Imma lUrnu i Sovs: "I hutiiclu tnniKlnof Itiiiiuli Li i I'll npti ill frctn tt U Anderson, jr iur nfnnt. In PH.l ordput lOOlhf tutho n re, an.l I cot lt It i-hi Noflmckwheit from Stf arret. ltouF.KT hlMs. (irlitlnnl Jlnr-r urrr or uvw itt)M. SUPER-PHOSPHATE BAUQH&SQHS Mnufacturcrs and Importers, PHI'.ADELPHIA. PA. Cumbln'l oapncitv rt our W ,rltt, 7." ii ton per yiur, nnd 1 1 ill uii re-ihit't;. Feb 26 -flfS CENTS H copy tints m: vi1 1 in i. imnu. It tlHi"th('LA'tGUASC tiiul Sentiment tl tvery rioer fti thrub, ::i)Oli lUIU-iiiii kluiN. Al'.iitll the irnowa Flutes ot flirta Ufa with CIdvb, Pafjidl. hindkerchlet and Tin. It (mhi-moit eetrnlctiwnrk AND' or the ktml ftr pub- lViitn Mtinun lor a. n.iiiinlo rnnv til-oour price tn hcciiI" Aciit k EftlCAri PUB. CD.. 17 Horth wniiU'ti evcrvwiiere. -m. Tenth Street. Phllad'a, Pa. DAYS' TltlAL. A l'ull Net or Atlncluneiils. 'Ai:itASTi:i "SToarrts. He ml for rcuiiir. C. IIOWK A VO GlUUt.,l'niln.,I'a. Apr. 3 47W. f IRST PREMIUM. PHIU01I8TS. CJrnml l'rlro 3Ir.laI, Pari.. IS. A.Vyourfirororforlt. Win. Ilre.nlopi,cI,Mfr, M North l'ron! Street, PlllLAUULI'lIlA, PA. Juue 4 8(5 ly. Adams' Patent Tl. pscickt L?r. :-- retjee :.lH"i''r! i .i j Ii ljr' ... ... . SI. 75 per rod r.f.'J ur-.v. SPSJIAL QUOTATION:. All Wmli cf lr:n F.icss, Ustrr. t'ne Tr rEHC , , . . scf:rft rrrrr MJillil1 I iman'ri ... Iron Work in all Btylee. Coal Screens a cpeck'.ty. Iron Ladders, WheoU i. Cusiin;; Blacksmlthlrg In all branches. Cttimitcs h,rnhled. nti gt mnm or r? Cor. XJalou & C.i!r.l Gio, WILKES-HA PA mnich 13 SC ly. IRON BOOFINC GO, Mnnufact iircra of Conitnumi, ckisii'KH Kroic, ('howl's Patent, Plain ahv Calauim:i Iron& Steel Roofing & Siding. These roottnsrs wo lay on wild fchcathlng, on pur lins, on Iron work, or over old bhlnirles or Rials. Wo havo In our employ Kood and experienced roofers whom wo will bend out na instructors to thoso w ho may v lsh to lay their ow n rooilnir, pur chasers paylnif men's inlltoad faro and time. We mako theso roollnj;s to any desired thickness and weight, minnlesglvcn nnd contracts taken for iooiIdks and bldlnirs, laid nnd completed, halls faction guaranteed on all woik dono liy ua.. Cala. ln'niii Iron and steel rooiliun inado to order at short notice. I'lilMUS lliun jiuiiri.-u io., Pittston. l'a. SfOfllee and factory near hellish Vulleydeuot, Dock bt. Telephone connect Ion. (augii 3m ADVERTISING AQENTS bOTi&o PIHLADELrKiA Cor. C'U. un .1 iird i:ihU M . Iteeeive AdveilUriui iiU lo" 'U.J 1 r. ESTIMATES rr.EE Ifl.tdl tr. tctret, tot thoi. bo wriav. Sllnim 4 lV,l'urllr.O. M.la.,Ul bleb rr full Infutm.Uan .bout Ml .ill r.r Itbey c.u do, nd lift .1 boy. Kom. b.T. it.. .rAln tola Jtuutiimurold. C.piul not minimi. Vou U..I.H.J ImU"" AUUMW. w, .Uvluuly .ui. vf .at" OV, 20s51y, PATENTS, l btalned and all patent huslnena attended to for moderate fees. Our otllce is opposite tho U. 8. Patent onice, and we can obtain Patents In less tlmo than thoso re mote from Washington. Bend model or drawing, Wo advlso as lo pat entability free of charge, and wo inaku no charge unless patent Is secured. We refer hero, to the Postma?ter, thn mipt. of Money order Dlv., and to ofltrtals ottholl, u. Patent onire. Por circular, advice, terms and references to actual clients la ) our own Mate or county, write to C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposltn Patent onico, Washington, ij 0 an H-lt ri?iH SiWGER Ud l fit iiiifi si kik u? & rl i. ( if I If lit lift it It 4m BITTERS Comhlnlnir IKON tilth Witt: TKflETAlUiK TONKS, nuUUj and romidetrly CLKANsKS and KMUCI1KS THIS ULOOD. Qaltkem the action of tho I.hor and KUnrjfi. Cloars tho romplexioa.niaKOfl tho skin smooth It doci not Injure the teeth, caahada(ho, or produce con. ttlpatlon-ALL OTIICU 1HO.N MKMCINKS 1)0. rhyelcianj and Druggists erorywhere recommend It, Dn. N. fl. Tlcootr,, rf Miilon, JIsm., ptm "X recuinmend ltrown's Iron Biltera aa a tain able tonlo for enriching tho Ltood.atid rrmoTing all djtpeptio eymptoms. It does not hurt tho teeth.' Pn. R M. PrtrFU Keynold. Ind., pajfti "1 hare prescribed Hrmtn a Iron Bitten In caws of anieruia and blood diaeaaes, nhen a tenia was ncedi-d, and It h&S proved thoroughly aatlnfactory," Mil. Wm. llTnsa, 2tl St. Mary Ht., Kew Orleans, I a , ifi)si "Uronn'a Iron ltittera rolievod me in a caeo of Mood TKilioninrf, and I heartily coiumeud It ta thoe tiedin(r a blmxi tmrtflrr, Mn, Vf. Vf. MosaiiaN, Tunrnmnift. AH . fj-B " I rave been troubled from childhood .ith Inipnro IIUmhI and eruption tm my face two Ixitllo of llrown's Iron lhttrs etTecled a pvrfMCt turn, I cannot Fpeak too highly of thlsvaluablDmodicinoV (lenulne hat above Trado Mark and rropsed red Unci on wrapper. TnLf no other Made only by iiuuwjn iiii:3iicAi. to., iiAL'inioitt;, sim $2.50 Did It. Tim pernna namctl ltow hat pent thnttandi of dollars In tho aKretrate to tret relief from Hhen mntpmi.tmt nil t nn rurpow, until theyttiwt thn IIIJtA.N Klli:ir.MATlN3I Unti:. whleli rots two dollars and fltty cents. Thrj nay It quick, lrand complttrlr cured then), and tlmt they hao hmuo liad no return of ltheu malic troubla Wo pulillli n lltllftPRinpUlettfiont frco to any ad ilreti ifUtiiir ttii-lr tcollmony Jtiht as they irae tt to u": lut If von hao nny doubts about tho matter, n rite any of tiww KeUcTcdltheuuiatlct), and yet aa (xireeMiuii from thtmt J, I). WniTr, HloomslmrB". ra. Ham t'l-i. ItuitNo.of UatiBman ft Burns, Xianca6tcr.ro, .Tons MclArnm.iN. iJincaRtcr. l'a. wir.LUM Semple, Alletrhany, ra. V. U. MtnitLKinv, lhMtfont, l'a. Jt. 1. llmrFtt, Cherry Hill. Md. It. M. K i st low, Newton Iinmilton. Pa. Oou V. imoiuii), Youiitftown, Ohio. Tin Uu!iUi IthrnmntUri) C'nrp had mvM CM.ryIthcmuaticautU'rrrwhohas(ricnUafaIr trial, om: nox oi;s thi: biisinins. t Dvlin ffin en ) If niailedltV. additional, HrlCO Xi,OKJ u rt'trintereti 10o. moro, lie euro this special trado-marlc la on every box. rglitrsl Aa ret It la not to lv found at tha Ptorcs, but fn only bo had by enclosing tho amount an aboie, and, addreBBinrf tbo American proprietors, PFAELZER BROS. & CO. 181U-S JI Market Street, Philadelphia. -march D.iy.a CURES ALL HUMORS, from n cominnn Illntcli nr Kriiptfon, to tho worst Scrniiilii. Siilt-rlieinti, "Fcver-oreh,'Ni'nl ,r ICougli hklu, in short, nil disi'tises cuiiM'tl ty bad blood aro conquered by this powciiul, purifying, nnd invigorating medicine, (.rent lUitlnir Ul corti rapidly heul under its tHmign intluenee. Especially lms it lnanilttted Its potency In curing Teller, ICoho HiinIi. Iluilt,, Cur biiiiclcii, Soro I!yo, Serohiluni. .Sores and Suelllnav, IIIp. Joint ltlnn.e, Millie Swi.llliiKs, (inltrr, or 'Illicit Nock, and JnlnrKed (Jliuiris. Send ten cents in stamps lor a lingo treatise, with ool orod plates, on Skin Diseases, or thu sams amount forntrentl, on Scrofulnui Affections. "xiu; iii.oon i tiii: Thoroughly clonnso It by using lr. I'lerco'i Ooldeit .rlodlcul llln in cry, nnd good digestion, ii fnlr skin, liiiojiiiil plr Its, vital Htrontrlli, an.l hoiuiiIiicss of constitution, will be established. CONSUMFTHON, which la Scrofulous itUeiico of the Lungs, is promptly anil etrtuiiily niTested nnd cured by this Mod-given lemedy, if taken boforo tho laststajrosof t he diseaso aro reached. Prom Its wonderlul power over this terribly fatal digcaso, when first olfeting this now cel. ebrated remedy to tho public. Dr. PiEnci thought seriously of calling it his "Con. sumption Cure," but abandoned that name as too limited lor n medlclno which, from its wonderful combinnt Ion of tonle, or st renRl hen lng, alterative, or blood-cleanslne. nntl-blllous, pectoinl, and nutrltlvo properties, Is unequaled, not only ns a remedy for consumption of tho lungs, but for nil CHRONIC DISEASES or Tnn Liver, Blood, ant Lungs. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, havo fallow color of skin, or yellowish-brown spot, on faeo or body, 1 reorient hendacho or dlnl. nees, bad tnsto in mout Ii, Internal bent or chills, alternating with hot Hashes, low spirits and gloomy borebodlngs, liiegular nrpetlte, and coated .tongue, you nro ruircrlng from Hull. Best I on, Iljapcpslii, nnd Torpid Liver, or "llllloii.neiu." in many cases only pnrt of theso eymptoms uro experienced. As n remedy for nil such enses, Ilr. l'lorce'a Golden I'ledlcnl Discover)' has no equal. VorlVeiitc Liiiica, Rplttlng of niood, KliortiiosK or Ilrenlli, nroncliltls, hororo CoiiKhs, Coiiaiiiuplloil, and kindred alfectlons, it is a sovereign remedy. Send ten cents In stamps for Dr. Pierce, book ou Consumption. Sold by Druggists. PRICE $l.00.?ffVSTS". World's Dispensary Medical Association, Propiletors,0i)3 Main St., BurrALO. N. Y. VCiVCOS LITTLE OnR HTt T TTTT1T Q V3 S FILLS. ANTI-IIILIOIIS mill CATIIA11TIO. Sold by DrugKi.li., a cents a vial. !i$500 REWARD Is offered by tho proprietors of Dr. dago's Catarrh Itemedy for a ease of catarrh which they ciimiot cure. If you havo a discharge from tho nose, offensive or other wise, partial loss of smell, taste, or bearinir. weak evea. dull naln or pressure In head, you havo Catarrh. Thou sands of cases termlnnto in consumption. Dr. Sage's Catahiui Kemkdv cures the worst rases ot Cnlnrrli, "Cold In tho llond," and Catarrhal l'ndacho. 60 cents. ,! II SMITH Rll II III MHII I II N UVl) UlllllHWUj miLTON, Pa., DKAI.KII9 IN Pi AiS S llytho following v Weber, . L' lift W II mnt-n.M: . Hallet & Son's. Also citlici clicnjtc r iiinkcH. Catalogue and Frice Lists On aiiiiliuation, SepM-hotf. 350 PKIt MUXTII.-Salary nnd Coinmls. slonto eompctent manager fortius clly or Mate agency, A Btilendld coiubiuulloii. Our A I "I'OMATIC (IAS (lOVWIN. 0ltss.i3:ipcrreut In gas bills, our Mler dan I.tghtsrau to attached to any fixture, Instantly changing tho dull, sickly, yellow name uf any gat to a soft, mellow, luminous white, lucieislng bill, llaucy 6ft per cent, over H.UJO In service. Address Till! UNION NATIONAL OAS 8AV1.NO CO., 81 tast 1 llh Ft , New York, (beplOSra'. SELECT STORY. MYSTERIES OF YUT HALL, Till! 8TKANOK r.XPKIIIKNCns CP IIKKUKUT WISIIDU. On a crnio; overlooking Uio ocean north of FlMiiboroujrli Head, England, aro tho nuns ot lut Jlall, lormerly ilie family residence, of tho Wishers (or Ushers), of Filey. In 17o9 Iler liort Wisher fell heir to tlio estate. Ho was tho youngest cf livo sons, was a studious man of about -10, and, on coming into tho property, went to ro Bido nt tho Hall. Tho brother whom ho succeeded hail been in tho navy, and was a rollicking, thriftless fellow. When ho died it took all tho ready cash ho had to bury him, nnd tho de nuded landscapu showed how well bo had culled from tho park tho best wood it contained, selling it to loplcn ish h'n exchequer. In bis timo seldom a week passed without a visit from friends of a like kidney, and money bad to bo procured by somo means to meet tho exuoiises inclined in their reckless enterlainmonl. Herbert Wisher's lirsl duty was to renovate part of the old dwelling and tin i. iiiiuyn iiiiu us gouu trim ai possi lie. lie discharged nil tho servants except three who bad been long in tho family, and ho notilied bis tenants that they must bo punctual with tho rent, as lio needed money. Tho rtst of tbo narrative will bo given in his own words, as published in his ''Ac count of tho Strange domes at Yut Hall." "Punctually at Christmas-tide the rents were paid, savo in threo or four cases, tho which I inquired into and forgavo the debtor. For, indeed, in soma cases tbo man had been sick and died, or evil distempers had atllicted tho family. 'P10 thing that most amazed mo was tho poor way in which the farms wcro cultivat ed and tho fondness of my tenants for tho sea, many of them owning boats well fitted out and goodly to look at withal. 'Tho sea' Raid they 'yields as we'd as tho land,' and they often brought me fish and cockles, which wcro well flavored and to bo desired. "I had been used to sit up lato with my books, but becoming a country man, I thought it behooved mo lo go to my bed early and riso betimes in tho morning. Uy and by, however, I went back to my former habit and sat in tho library, which was in the right wing nearest tho ocean, sometimes un til far in tho morning. Joseph, the old gardener, warned mo of robbing myself of rest, and at last entreated mo to retiro to bed boforo midnight. 'For,' ho said, 'to tell tbo truth, master, this old place is haunted, and those that stay up lato may see sights and hear sounds that will freeze a man's blood.' "I smiled at his fears, but, as it turn ed out, without judgment. This was on January 1st, 17G0, and instead of taking Joseph's counsel and retiring early, I sat up lato with my books. I judge it must have been on tho stroko of 12 when I heard beneath mo a strango and ominous rumbling, follow ing whioh thero came a quivering of the lloor, then, instanter, a prolonged groan, as though it were behind my chair I am no cow ard, and yet my tlesh did creep and my muscles did seem to shiver. Then I heard no moic, but tho next night thero was the samo noiso and shaking, followed by many groans, and then a dreadful shriek in tho air closo to thn window, Tho shriek as uttered once and again, and I went to tho window, opened the shutters, and looked out. Tho moon was bright and tho frosty air clear. That I saw before something elso at tracted my attention, namelv, a fiuuro clad in white, three yards from tho window, with gory streaks across tbo chist and down tho left side. As I gaztd, rooted to tbo spot, an awful outcry, as of ajrony, eamo from tbo spectre. Then a flash of light, and tho figure was gone. I closed tbo shutters and n tired to my bedroom, whero I mused for sonio timo on tho spectacle 1 had beheld. I was much in doubt as to ghostly appearances, nevertheless, I bethought mo of a discourse written by one Wen ley, a clergyman of our church, in which ho boldly expressed his belief in the coming ol spirits trout the oilier world. And so, musing, I enmo to tho conclusion ibat Mich things might be, and I hat bomo just end ('.hough un known to mi') might bo intended by tho vision 1 bad seen. For some nights I retired to my room early. I5ut on tho night of January L'Otb I sat up reauing a troatiso on tho early church, when midnight overtook me." I rose, and had reached tho door,whcn 1 hoard a groan. Turning suddenly, I saw a figure clad in tho garments worn by a Uaptaiu in His iMajcsty s navy, stand ing beyond tho tablo I had just quitted. After an instant I know it must bo my brother, to whom I had succeeded in tho estate. IIo was changed from what I remoinbored somowhat, but then six or seven years bad passed sinco 1. beheld him alive. The lis"" raised its loft hand and pointed wnrd tho door. Fully resolved i"c t0 'et fear overconio me, I sab' "Urother George ? lho1,1 a,t '"I- KIly what it is troub'-,3'11'60 t,iat 80 1 !' seo it righ' ' a'"' lllou mayt,,4t ''est i '"wlfdeep groan was tho only answer, and tho linger, rising and falliim twice or thrice, became steady and pointod to tho door. '"For the sako of my peaco of mind, brother George, as well as for thy own quietude,speak,and let mo know how 1 can aid thee.' "Another groan followed, and tho finger was thrust forward, as with ini. patience.still directed toward tho door. 1 advanced a step, when tho left hand eamo down with much violence on the table, and thero was a flash of firo with vapor. I kept my courage, though tho candlestick well nigh leaped from my hand at tho blow upon tho table. When lho yapor had cleared away the liguro was not to bo seen. Tho smell as of sulphur filled tho room, so I de parted to bvd. "A day or two after Joseph said s 'You have nover visited tho winter rooms in tho left wing. If it pleaso you, 1 will show them to you,' "I gave assent uud followed him. I was muoh bui prised, ami greatly pleas cd when I beheld theso warm and well-appointed rooms. Thero was a largo parlor, with thick carpets and 17, 1886. Turkoy nigs and two couches, with easy chairs. On tho hearth, too, a hugo log wne blazing, mid tho hang ings on lho windows wore of crimson, nnd added to tho warmth. On tho wall wcro jiicturcs, and a vast screen, painted with many foreign davice?, stood near tho fireplace. Then Joseph led mo to a room ad joining with padded furniture and a bed heavily draped. '"How is it that I havo nover seen theso rooms before V "Tho truth is,' Joseph said, 'they weie not in fit condition until I and my wifo set about cleansing them and picpariiii; them as you see.' " 'And what is your design V " '.Master Herbert, here you can bo in great comfort, now that tho weather is cold and stormy, and tho bitter wind and lho roaring of tho sea will not reacli you,' " 'Good fellow,' said I, 'you aro very kind. I will lake possession of them at once.' "After this I sat up often late, but no more noises or spectres alarmed me, and so the chango pleased mo vastly. What books I needed I got from the library by day, and to say sooth, I was not tony to bo tut ol that place lor a lime. "About lho end of Match I had come, in my reading, across a quota tion from Thomas a'lvcmpis, which it seemed to mc, was a falso one, and 1 was restless to verify or correct it. The book was in tho library, and it was on tho stroko of 1 1 ; nevertheless, I resolved to take my light and go for the volume. "I had crossed the hall and was turning into tho corridor which led to tho library when a light Hashed at tho door of that mysterious room. I step ped back and withdrew under thestair way. Presently I heard a footstep and saw a light danciug and flickering on its way from tho library. Then there eamo from the corridor (and evi dently from tho library) clad in the garb of a Captain in IIin Majesty's navy and bearing a lamp, the spectre of my dead brother George. "I was spellbound. Tho spectre passed toward tho kitchen and vanish ed. While wondering and trying to recover my prcsenco of mind, a light flickered in tho rear, and soon tho spectre of my dead brother reappeared, bearing tho light in ono hand and in tho other an enormous beef pio 1 The spectro went down and disappeared in my library. "This thing as I said boforo, set mo a thinking. Did ghosts suffer hunger? Did spectres eat beef pio t Did dis embodied spirits need candles to sec by? "The next morning I sent Joseph on an erranJ. When he ivas gone I went to his pantry and searched it well. Hidden away in aii old trunk I found a bunch of largo keys. I went round carefully by the front of tho house and tried theso keys on tho door of tho cellar. I found a key that fitted the lock. Down ten steps and another door, which none of tho keys would fit. I felt over it and found that thero was a grating a foot and a half square in tho upper patt. At midnight I went onco moro to the cellar door and opened it. As I did so I saw a light shining through tho bars already described and I heard voices, many and loud. I had no fears, for I know they wero voioes of this world, and moreover I plainly smellcd tho wordly odors of gin and tobacco." "I peered in at the grating. Thirty roughly clad men sat at a hugo table, on which stood black flasks aud glasses and candles burning dimly in the nozzles of empty bottles. The mou weio smoking, drinking and talking loudly, and at tho head of the table, dressed in tho garb ot a Captain in His Majesty's navy, sat my dead broth er, George. "I was staggered and a cold shudder past over rae. .Inst then my dead brother Georgo thumped tho table with his left hand, as ho had thumped tho tablo in my library. "Silence 1' bo cried in a gruff tone. 'I'm going to sing "Mollio Jones." "I lost my presenco of mind, and sorely distressed to seo such reckless levity in a ghost (for tho old super stition had onco more seized me), I put my face closo to tho grating and cried: " 'O, George, Georgo I how can you bo so wicked ?" "In an instant tho lights vanished and thero was absolutely silence. I hastily crept up tho steps, closed lho door and locked it, and made all speed to my apartments. "As I lay in bed I had stiange thoughts, nut ucloro 1 loll asleep 1 had made up my mind what to do. After breakfast next morning, I said to Joseph : "I'm going to visit tho cellar Jt '1' hall, and I wisli you to company mo.' "IIo appeared thi'Jcrstruck. At length ho iccoveri' his self-possession and said : "Master Herbert, you aro not strong, and U "ollars havo not been oiiened f,.--years. They aro not clean, and tho odors may overpower you." "If they aro not clean," I replied, "let us know it as soon as possible and have them purified." "15ut I dont know whero tbo keys are," said Joseph. "Wo will hunt them up." "I went into my bedroom and pro duced the keys of tbo cellars. Josiph's eyes utmost started from their sockets. "Come," said I, "let us seo what wo can do." "Joseph offered no further objection and followed mo in silence. Taking a lamp I went fii st to tho cellar under the right wing, for thero my interest chiefly rested. Joseph was evidently astonished at tho easo with which tho door opened. On entering, thero stood lho rough tablo .is I had Been it through the grating. On it wero black flasks and pipes and glares. Along tho sides of tho cellars wero arranged scores of small kegs, ovidently full, packages of different merchandizo and small bales of tobacco. "What does all this moan t" I asked. "It lookB as thouuh Cantain Geon?o had used litis as a Htoro room," ho said. "Did liocarouso hero with i s friends inquired I. "Hut I think I uudcrstatid it all now, Joseph," I added. "This is tho secret lurking placo and storehouse of a band of smugglers, and we must oapturo them I havo no doubt you know all about it, Joseph, and deservo to bo punished nlong with them i but if you will tell the truth and aid In the THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XX.NO 1)7 UOLUM11IA UHMOUKAT, VOL. I, NO 37 capture, I will uso my best to get you scot free." "And so this is how it came about that tho worst baud of smugglers that ever infested tho Yorkshire coast wero doteclcd, nnd that samo night, when tlicy met iu tho cellar for carousal, cap tured. "Tho mm who wore my dead broth ers uniform was the head of tho band aud Joseph's brother-in-law. From tho stables was an underground way to tho cctlar. and from tho cellar a secret stair to tho library above. Fear that my presenco lato at night might lead to detection, induced tho smug glers to play at gnosis. Tho groans, closo behind me as I sat iu my chair, eamo from behind tho wainscot. Tho rumbling beneath was mado by rolling tho kegs and barrels along the table. Tho blazo of light in which ttio spectres vanished was mado by snap ping a pistol, tho pan of which was filled with gunpowder and sulphur mix ed. Tho smoko it made aided the ghosts in vanishing. My persistency in using the library despite the unearth ly noises and appearances induced Jos eph to devise for use a new set of apartments. IJut I heartily forgavo him, inasmuch as (when ho was dis covered) ho gave me good aid in bring ing the law-breakers to justice." A Great Bear Hunt. n.VOITINIl P.XPKK1KNCK IK TUP. AltOrlO ItF.fllONS. Sergeant Francis Long of Uiooklvn, a survivor of tho Grccly Arctic expe dition, tells '.no following bear story, which has hitherto been scaiccly men tioned in lho accounts of Starvation Camp. IIo says : Bacon, shrimps and sealskin stew, all in small quantities, had been our faro for over two weeks, and thero was not a full round of rations left. More than half of tho men in camp wero in capable of work, but that was littlo matter, for thcio was no more to do than three could handle. The steady Cold mado us alt drowsy, and there was tho worst danger in slcp. If a man was allowed to have his sleep out ho would cortaiuty never wake, so we had to mako a rule that no ono should sleep moro thau two hours at a time. It began to look, with only ono day be tween us and starvation, as if it might bo better for us all to go to sloop to gether and dio unconscious of tho terri ble cold and pangs f hunger. We had plenty of hunting, fishing and cooking utensils, ammunition and all that, but what good wero they ? There was no name, no hsh. Dunn" all our camp we caiiubt only two fish. I was tho hunter of the party, and had tramp ed tho region over and over, and rare ly had tho luck to get a shot at any thing. Tho day boforo we came to our last round of rations I had discovered the tracks of a bear. I had followed them about until I was exhausted trying to meet the beast, but Iliad utterly tailed. On this day a light snow fell in the morning, just enough to obscuro the trail, but still I bunted. I cave it up lato in tho afternoon and returned to tho camp. IJrainerd had gono to tho shrimping ground, and was absent when I laid by my gun, buddenly bo appeared runuing down Cemetery liidgo as fast as his poor, weak legs would bring him. Wo all started up and waited his coming iu thu most painful excitement. When ho reach ed tho camp ho fell to the ground, all out of breath. Tho men crawled to his assistance and two of them raised his head in their arms. IIo gasped and looked at us wildly. "Urainerd 1" exclaimed the Lieuten ant, "what is it ?" 'Bear, bear 1" was all ho could ans wer in a chokinc; whisper. "Where, man, wherc?"I cried, reach ing lor my gun, all trembling and quivering with hope and fear. "Thero ho said faintly, pointinc to ward tho ridge ; " ho followed after me lies coining." How can I tell tho teriiblo excite ment ttiat prevailed t Tho men were in a perlect Irenzy. Cruel sultering had made them worso than unreason able. Some of them could think of nothing but cursing poor Brainerd for not killing tho bear, and wcro with diluculty restrained from falling upon him to wreak vengencc. Ho had not taken his gun with him nobody ever did who went shrimping and tlicy cursed and raved at that, and burt in to tears at tho los of their last chance for life. The- Lieutenant used his authority and I my influence to quiet tho inqp, and at last lho plan of the hunt tvas arranged. Jan. tho Esuui. iimU, and I started up the ridge to meet the bear if ho should continue toward us. Hardly had wo got a rod from tho camp when a long white noso appeared over an ice-covered rock at the top of tho hill. Tho men set un a shout nnd I think it unnerved me. I raised my gun and fired. Tho ball missed, but it did not go wido of its mark Tho bear was Btartlcd. Ho paused just too snori a uiiio to give me lisquimau a chance at him. and turned tail and ran. J heard tho howls and groans of dis appointment and rago behind rae. I beliovo that somo of thoso poor. half. starved, half-frozen men would tiavo shot nt mo in their anger if they had had their guns at baud. "Jan," I said hastily, "tako tho courso to the loft aud go round tho ridgo and keep well to the west, bo as to get bctweon tho bear and tho water. 1 will go in tho samo way on tho east. mo laitiuul P-squtraau understood tho plan at onco and set out without a word. I crawled to tho top of tho ridgo as fast as I could and saw tho boar a long way out of range still on tho run. Ho turned round for a second and looked back, nnd thon, as if satis fied that ho was pursued, continued his flight. I didn't go straight after him, but, keeping out of his Bight as much as possible, crawled and rau and slid up and down lho icy slopo, making all tho time for tho water. I was fever ish with fear. It seemed as if every possible obstruction got iu my way, and many a timo I fell to the ground. It was a terrible chase. May I nover havo another liko it 1 It seems incredible now, but I act ually ent ton miles out of my way to get in front of that bear. 1 'know tie would stop runuing when he got over tils scare and saw nobody in pursuit, ami 1 had to tako this round-about course lo keep out of sight. Mighty littlo of that distance was passed on a 1 w 8w Tii x tx ly It 1 1nch t 75 I SS 1 60 Ut 8 00 4 M 7 00 S ' M Sill IIS 4 00 4 79 7 Ml IS 00 3 ' 8 m I TA 8 W G w BW llfWJ 1DW " S tO S ISO 4 60 TOO 8 00 U 00 H 00 V tol 3 4 60 6 60 8 00 60 14 M El W KCOl 6 60 7 ( 8 00 14 00 1700 0 flO 40 00 Cku.r. Z Si io nn In nn SO 00 40 00 HO Ot Yearly sdverttsemcnta payable rmartcrlr.Trsn. stent adVcrtlscments must bn paid for before fv ..i..Mn..ilnih.tn nwnltntn. Beriltl VAfcopv nntiu ,'uiuvn . i . ii t ,r At nm nnp Inch tl t tlireo Insertions, nnd nt that rato for additional insertions wituoui. reiurvutw iw .vns.,,. Kxecutor's, Administrator's, and Auditor's no ticca tbrec dollars. Transient or I.ocal notices, ten cents a line, ttt nlar advertisements half rates. cards In tho "HURlnesa Directory" column, o dollar a year for each line. run. Most of it was crawled. But I had no thonifht of ulvlnu up. I plug ged on, and at last, two hours and a nan alter leaving enmp, i g.iinuu iuu position I wanted. I climed a low hilt and thero was Bruin, 1000 jards away, Bitting down niter his hard run within thirty yards ol open water, l nan noi succeeded fully in my plan. He could still escape, but his back was toward rno ntul 1 did not despair. Almost at ttio samo moment that I saw ttio bear I dfscovired Jan, tho Esquimau, at some distance, and wo both made for tho beast, with the utmost caro not to alarm him, we crawled over tho ground, approaching nearer and near er to our prey. Wo had cot perhaps half tho distance when Jan raised his gun and find. I think it was bad judg ment, for wu might havo got much closer. But thero was no timo for re gret. Excitement gave mo moro strength, and I ran with nil my might straight toward the bear. Ho got up and looked at mo and seemed not to know whether to run again or stand nnd mako a fight of it. I resisted tho temptation to lire at him until I was within loO yarJs. Ihen I stopped running, thiew my cap down, pulled off my mittens and nctid as deliberate ly as if I wero out practicing at a tar- got. My excitement seemed to lcavo me, or rather to make mu steady. 1 took a loin?, careful aim and tired. Tho boar tinned slightly but it was evi dent I had missed. 1 fired again quickly. Another miss I Mv heart sunk low. Jan had not been able to to get another shot, and was not now where he could firo witli any hope of hitting. Tho bear began to mako for the water. Beady to dio with despair u I should Inn again, I took another long aim. The ball struck tho bear in tho head and he tumbled over instantly, stone dtad, Ii was 8:30 o'clock, and tho placo where Bruin fell was three milts in a straight line from camp. We left tho 400 pounds of food lying on lho ice and returned to tho anxious party to get help in bringing tho carcass home. Wo did not sleep that night until the dead boar was brought into camp. The Lieutenant gave out extra rations to the mon who assisted in lho work. and mado up a stew of all tho scraps that wero lelt of tho regular rations. It wasn't much, but it secmid quite a least to us. lho bear saved us, lo just before it in its turn gave out, th rescuing expedition lound us. ITEMS. Clou. J. H. Veils, ot Grocn rounty, I'a., i tho veteran lawyer of tho 'eim.-ylvnnin bar. Ho Is 8J years old, nnd w-ns u ileleRiito to tho Whig convention which nominated "Tippe canoo nnd Tyler, too," In 1840. Mgr. Cnpol, who is living near 8nn Frun ckco, recently received nows of tho death of hts venerulilo mother. Of her ten children but tlireo survive, ono n nun, another tho priest nnd tho third n merchant. Tho only ono of tho Unltol Ktatas marshals now living who held olllco previous to lho w ar IsCupt. Illlliaril. He ia ii clerk In tho employ of tho Ijpiitablo Iusurnnco company, Now York, and is npproachtHg his both year. l'erhnis tho shortest sentrnco over uttered by Seiintor nvnrts was recently, when tho surgeon was sewing up a wound ou his bead, after tho memorable accident. Ho said: "Either your noodlo is dull, or my scnlp is sore." It has ljoeu askoi by what right Qon. Boulanger could stop tho suit) of his recently published biography. Tho explanation is that tho liook contained his portrait. In Francs a man's iortrult cuuuot 1m3 sold without bis permit-Ion. Tho empress regent of China has decreed that tbo young emcror, having learned to read an.l understand history mul ofllcial documents, uud to judgo lietwuen right nnd wrong, shall assume tbo reins of government next year. Tho KnglWi Churchman lectures tbo l'rineo of Wnles sharply liecauso bo recently gnvo it dinner to forty guests on Sunday. Tho din ner wax followed by n variety show, in which Jnianeso jugglers exhibited their skill anil a string band played. Last year the richest American merchant, H. 11. L'lnlliu; tho richest American railroad man, V. H. Vnndcrbilt, nnd tbo richest American planter, Kdinoiid Richardson, died. Not ono of tho threo died III his lied. Ono dropped dead nt his desk, another in his bull, and tho other in tho street. Policeman Hcnnoy, of Nuntleoke, Pa., was recently urrested on u charge of ussnult and battery prcfcrri-d by II. llerskovie, a tanker of thnt plum Ho was held in $.'100 ball, which he found It hard to get, and was aliout to tw locked up, when tho plaintilf himself eamo to his rosette aud liecatno his surety. Judgo lilandfonl, of tbo Georgia supremo court, is the only muimod ConfedernU) in tho stato w ho declines to draw tho luiisiou al lowed by tho authorities. His nrm is off above tlw elbow, nnd ho is entitled to $M every thiw years. Ho drew tbo llrst allow ance, but has never drawn nnv sinco. Senutor Jlahone, playing billiards tho other evening lieforo n numlicr of his admir ers, tried n dilllcult shot, and just missed mak ing It. Ho looked disgusted. "Thai was magnificent even If it didn't count, general," said a friend. "No, sir," said tho littlo man, sagely, "nothing U nmgnillcmit that misses." J. II. Mercer wishes to mako an assertion, which tie can back with a positive Guarantee. It is all about Acker's Blood Elixir. He claims for it superior meiits over all other remed ies of its kind, and guarantees for it a positive and sure euro for lihemnatiani, Syphillis, and all blood disorders, it frees tho skin from speits and diseaso, and leaves tho comploxion clear Ask him about it. Over one million boxes of Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets sold in tho past twelve months, purely upon their meiits. Why stiller with Chronic Con. stipation, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Heartburn, and Femalo troubles, when J. II. Mercer ofliers von relief and positivo cure in tho Dyspepsia Tablets. He sells them on a guarantee. There aro scores of persons who aro suffering from somo form of blood dis order or skin disease, suoh as Scrofula, Boils, cto., etc After a practical test, J. II. Mercor assorts that Acker's Blood Elixir will certainly euro all such dis eases, including Syphillis and Hheum. atisim Itis net a patent nostrum, but a scientific! preparation, ho guarantees it. J.H. Mercer would especially recom mend to tho ladies Aoker's Dyspepsia Tablets. As a laxative they have no cfiual. They aro guaranteed to euro Chronio Constipation, Dyspepsia, anil all diseases awsing from a deranged stomach. With a free uso of tho Tab. ots, Sick Headaohu is impossible After a thorough test J. II, Mercer most positively asserts that Acker's English Hemedy is tho best mediciuo for asthma, croup, coughs, whooping cough and all lung troubles that can bo iouud. Ask him about it, for lie fully guarantees it.