THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. UQHT AND AIRY. Llktly. (Jnitktnan (looking at flftt) I nm nfrnlilmy wlfa won'l want to coinottp its IiIrIi lUfthk It's tbo truth utory, Isn't lt Landlord Yoij tonth torjr, InehiilliiK the luucmrnt. I think your wlfo will llko It up liore, lr. Tlia family who occupim! It Inst dimmer told mo tknt tlioy preferred It to tlio Wlilto mountain!. Harper's tlsmr. Illll Nye U n kind, obliging man. Home body wrote to Mm for his autograph, and re ceived In reply tlio following noto from tlio hnmorhtt "l)cnr nlr, In tho rdweiuD of my nmamiemla, will you kindly cjccuho 1110 if I write my autograph mysvlfl Yours, 11111 Nye," Iowa man Talking nbout dry weather, hy It's nil actual fact that In lown the watermelons haven't a drop lu 'em have to lw soaked li'foro we can market 'em. Nebraska man Shouldn't bo surprised. Wish you coulil have been with mo on a rldo I took during tho heated term. "Hot, ehf "Well, I didn't foel It so much, but It was a pretty sight to sco tho corn popping In the llelds." (Jinaha World. The reawui that the tramps are so poverty stricken and wretched Is because they don't advertise, Puck. Kentucky colonel Walter, something to drink 1 Walter Yes, sah; watah, sahf Kantueky colonol Young man, I said something to drink; I don't want to take a lwth. l'ittsburg Dispatch. Tlio situation at Kl I'oso and Ytvn del Norto Is unchanged. We havo tho licttcr of the argument, and tho Mexicans have Cut ting. Philadelphia llceord. Tho illustrious traveler looked contemptu ously nt tho mountains. "Nothing very steep nbout here," ho tuld, scornfully. "Mako out his bill," said tho noblo landlord, turning to the gallant clerk. (1'ronounctil dark.) And n great hush of measureless nwo came Into the nlileo nnd sat down on n trunk listening to the remorseless scratch of tho busy pen that was laying n grade of about four feet to tlie yard. Burdctto, You aro right, my son, too niuchsluep is In jurious. Bowirro of too much sleep. Hut, then too much wakefulness is not good likewise. Kighteon hour's sleep will hurt you less that six hour's wlno supper. Somo of tho wnkest times you haw, my boy, are liable to bring on serious injuries by causing you to indulgi in too much sleep. Burdetbe. A deacon of a Greenville, I'a., chunch has a string of buttons halt a yard long, taken out of the contribution box within a few years. What business has tho dnncon with too buttons! Tiny were contributed for tin heathen, and sovoral scores of hcatliens hav lieou obliged to hitch their suspender with a shingle nail becauso of this ombeizllng dea con. Now tho deacon is confessing, let him toll what ho did with tho money, if there wai any. Wliat good aro those, deacons, OHy way, if a button must bo stopped short of its mis sion? Holyoko Transcript. "Pshawl why didn't tho fool hold that balll It was ml easy one.' That is what a spectator on tho grand stand said when tho catcher mlssod u "high foul" coming right Into bis bands. In a few mlnutos mora an easy one catno into tho stand in tho vicinity of tho samo sjtectator, and he jumpod over throe men and lost his hat trying to got out of Its wny. That's tho w ay with somo folks. They got wTathy whon other folks fall to do what thoy themselves couldn't do in flf toon years' practice. Hartford Tost. "Would yei giv' ino the price of a meall" askod a tramp of a venerable and kindly dis posed looking man. "Can't you find any workf queried the venorable party, as he took off his glasses and wiped them prr jura tory to replacing them so as to look at the mendicant. "Lookey here, mister," contin ued tho tramp, "I want a fair answer to me question. I'm asking yez for money an' not work. Will yes answer mo question wid a yes or wid a nop St. l'aul Globe. INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS. Banium has offered $20,000 for the akin of a sea serpent. The director of the Boulaq museum, of Cairo, Egypt, has just discovered u mummy of extraordinary value. It Is that of Barneses IIL Although foity centuries havo posted over tills dead body, tho fura is in on excellent statoof preservation. Tho mouth is very largo, and tlio tooth aro all in good order. Klght members of congress have died dur ing tho present administration. A 5-year-old daughter of W. N. Wilson, of Attica, N. Y., was nearly poisoned to death ono day recently by eating asmallpleco of wall paper which contained arsenic An eccentric character in Susquehanna county, I'a., has an immense cage, in which are confined 200 rattloMiakes. lie captured them early in tlio spring, when they wsre coming from their winter homos. The highest birth rate in.the United Status is In tho south. In 'LouUIana there are 143 children born each year to overy 1,000 wo men of child bouring ago, 150 in Georgia and 187 in Texas. In New England the rate is 83. lu the west about 133. A polito burglar visited the house of Mr. J. II. Suyder, of Council Bluffs, la., nnd ap propriated about $100 worth of jowelry. Upon leaving he very graciously offered to start tho burglar akirm and apologized for disturbing tho fumlly, saying, "it's a matter of necessity or I should not havo done it." A now sowing machine, said to do excellent work, has been brought out In England, and is meeting with an enormous sale. It sells for $2.(K. As it cau. be liackcd in a small box it cau bo t arried in the pocket. A war with Mexico would cost tho nation from ?500,000,000 to f 1,000,000,000, and make about 100,000 widows nnd orphans. Clove land Leader. It is said that the plies of tho London Bridge, put down in the year 800, are still sound, tt blue mud of the Thames having preserved them. Cotton was cultivated hi India 450 years before Christ, and was gathered from the field by hand, exactly as it is being done to day. At TeorU, Ills , Harry Wright put up a sixty-pound dumb bell with one tyuid live times in five seconds, and a 100-pound boll with two hands three times in four seconds. Tho lifting was done by standing with both feet clow together and a steady shove. Over 3,000,000 have been stolen by Phila delphia cashiers, clerks and others during tho past live years. The llrst African city lighted by electricity was not Algiers or Cairo, but Kiinlierley, with forty-two Brush lights of i;,OU0 candlo jwwer, Tho current is also, utilized there for the killing of dogs, a stop suggesting tho execution of death boutences by the samo moans, as proposed in tho Unltud States, and in' Franco by M. Cbarson, a member of the senate. Two tramps a man and his wife have ref cently been making a good living hi Scotland by means of their baby. "We jast gits'iro christoned," says the father, "at all the towns wo passes, and then, ye see, parson he makes us all comfortable wl' summat to cat and money for bods. On days orf ul bad we 'as to do Hin twice." DIG STORIES. Mark Gilbert, living near Santa Hosa, Cat, was bltton on the ilngur by a rattlesnake. Ho tied a small cord tightly around his ringer liclow tlio wound uud drunk a pint of whUky, Tlw finger soon a.umod Hie variegated colors of the siuko, anil tho end of It took on tho thapoof tlio si wnt's head. The linger was finally uinputed. Cincinnati Commercial Gazette, Some days ago tlw wife of Ell Taylor, col orod, was riding through the woods near East liver, near Appalachicola, Fla., when she kiw n young liear. Him procured n long iole, nnd getting near his boarsblp, ln-lalioivil him o soundly that ho was soon ill.-pakhwl. He weighetl about eighty pounds. Ono of Mr. Legrow's sheep herders on Bla lock mountain killed within the last two weeks two cougars, threo lynxes, one coyote, and found three rattlesnakes lu his lied. Walla Walla (W. T.) Statesman. A Georgia rattlesnake got Into a pantry the ther night, found somo eggs and swallonul them, crawled juirtly through tho handle of a Jug, found more eggs and swallowed them, uud was thus made a prisoner, the eggs on uch siils of the jug handle lieiug too largo to iiass through. In his efforts to escapo he :nockod tho crockery right and left, awoke tho liunates of the house, and met a deserved death. New York Bun. A span of small broucho mares that was brought from Montana to Dead wood, Dakota, eight years ago, was recently lost by their owner, who, after considerable Inquiry, gave up tho marus for Iot. A fow days ago ho re ceived u letter from a friend In Montana say. ing tho bronchos were buck to their old feed ing grounds. Chicago Journal. Sip rrick Font, of Auierieus, On,, has u alr of whlto ruts that ho curries In his jiockcts or lets run around his store at will. The other day one of them attacked a big old black rat uud killed it in a short u lille. They hunt up their colored brethren and attack' them when over they are found, and generally kill them Uforo giving up tho light. Kansas City " " ' PERSONAL. The Iwdy of W. II, Vandorbllt, In the New Dorp vauH, h guarded by l'inWton men day and night. H. SI, Alden has lieen with tho Harpers for twenty years, sixteen of them ns udltor of Harper's Magltlnc. Tlw follun Ing story of Mr, and Sirs. Agnsslt Is Indorsed ns truthful liy good authority! Mrs. Agnssix found ono morning In ono of her slippers n cold, little, slimy snake, one of six sent tho day before to her sclentitlusouse, and caivfully set nsldo by him for safety under "tho 1ml. Shu screamed, "There Is a snako in my sll!pcrl" Tho savant leaped froin his couch, crying, "A snakel Good heavcml WU-ro mv tho other llvef Now York World. "Any father nt tho table," mild Sain Jones, out west, "who will pnlm off the neck or tho kick of nch'lckcu ujion his children Is not a Christian. Lieut. Schwutkn, ill command of The Times' exploring expedition lu Alaska, is ovor six fet high and weighs !!t.1 j pounds. Senator Blair denies that he u-cs tobacco in any form, and says that the story of his weakness for twyuty-llio cent clgurs is a canard of tho enemy. Sir, Jay Gould was met at Mount Desert the other day by an old farmer, who ex claimed, "Why, you don't look ns though you were worth 1,0001' It Is reported that l'oo Leo has purchased tho Migiinnelll luilocu In ltumo for tho sum of im,iKn'iul Is fitting it up us a printing and pnblMdng milto for religious works. M. J, Simmons, of Snu Francisco, claims the distinction of lielng tho youngest soldier who wore tho blue during tho great rebellion. Ho was Isii'ii Aug, 1U, 16,10, and cull-tod in New York Doc. ,'11, 1NVI. Thus ho carried a musket when but little over 13 years old There Is again "n movement on foot" to re movolhu iviHulnsof President William Henry Harilsou liiuu their neglected sepulchre at North llend, O., to Spring Grovo cemetery, near Cincinnati, where it is proposed to erect a proper monument. Kdw in Booth will travel tlih season In a sjicchil pirlnco car called tho David Garrick. CotHit YhnjjJ, son of tho premier of Japan, is at Chicago to arrnngo with publishers for school text tssiks in tlw English language for use In the Japaueso schools, tho mtkailo hav ing ordered that the English language bo taught in tho public schools. Cardinal GIIiImiiis, of Baltimore, now occu pies tho Der I'nrk cottage lu which the pres ident's honeymoon was sjicnt Sir. Pendleton, United States minister to Berlin, I, going on a furlough to Switzerland. His daughter, who has recovered from the shoek on learning of her mother's tragic death in Central imrk, will accomimuy him. It Is not expected that Mr. Beccherwill occupy tho pulpit of riymouth church, Brooklyn, again before the last Sunday in Octolier. A Mr, Howland, of Chicago, imparts a pleasing variety to Saratoga llfo this season by driving n four-lndiand team of mulos. So far none of tho guosts assembled there have mada a personal matter of tho display, Now York World. Henry Irving has just been refused an honorary degroo by the Oxford university because ho is an actor, Julian Hawthorne lias Ihx-oiho a contributor to Tho New York World, finding it better to have a moderato but steady salary than to take the risk on occasional bowk ventures. Constantino, Duke of Sparta, the king of Greece's eldest son, has just attaituxl his con stltutlenal majority, having been born on the 3d of August, 1808. The event was celebrated with national rejoicings all over Giwce. Since the death of King Ludwlg, of Bavaria, the insane King Otto has been under the de lusion that ho is a bird. Ho lias called him self tho great "Gorman double eagle," and ho has even budt a nest of straw and dry leaves in his apartnmt. The eltijcns of Hungary will erect a monu ment to the memory of Abbe Liszt at Bald ing, his birthplace. President Elliot, of Harvard collego, re marks: "I recognlzo'but one mental acquisi tion as an essential port of tho education of a huly or gentleman namely, an accurate and refined use of tho mother tongue." Gen. Logan is having a pretty fair time in Sau Francisco. During one of tho Grand Army bessions tlio audience recognized him as ho entered tho hall, and a deafening cheer greeted him as he took his seat. Tho cheering continued to such a length that finally he was forced to mount the stage, where the ladies of the chorus tore of their corsage bouquets and showered him with flowers. Loud calls were made for a speech, but the general merely bowed his acknowledgments and resumed his seat. Philadelphia Times. Senator Blackburn is said to wear more jewelry than any other member of congress. Bret if arte is engaged on a new Christmas story, to bo entitled "The Queen of the Pirate Isle." Sir Arthur Sullivan has retired to the coun try to work at tho last net of the unnamed opera that is to lie launched late in tho autumn at tho Savoy theatre. Of tho 1,520 jierbons treated by M. Pasteur for fang wounds but four have died. Henry M. Stanley is to lecture fifty times in America during the season close at hand. Jouquiu Miller has assumed tho editorship of tho San Francisco Golden Era, tho same magazino-upon which Bret Harte made liis debut. Slartiu Irons, who was so prominent as a loader of tho Knights of Labor during tho strike on tho Gould system of railroads last summer, is now keeping a boarding house in Kansas City. Tho Ilev. Mason W. Prosly, a United Pres. bytorian clergyman of Philadelphia, in a re cent sormon, said very truly that "the press is the herald f the gospel and tho greatest preaching that tho Church has ever hail" Henry Ward Beecher will deliver a series of lectures on Ireland next winter. Horace Greeley's monument in Greenwood cemetery, Brooklyn, is a bronze bust resting on a marble base. James Kussell Lowell Is eiieetel to return to this country tho latter part of September. Tho present Chinese minister nt Washing ton Is said to lw ono of tiio wealthiest men in the flowery kingdom. Gen. Sherman has sell lev 1 from Sun Fran cisco for Oregun, from whence he will return by the Northern Pacific railroad. Sir. W. K. Vniiderbilt's steam yacht Alva is upprouehlir; completion nt the yard of tho nurlnii it HolllngsWHi th company, in Wil mington. Her oust w 111 bu (SIX ,(XR Admiral Porter is lu Wasliiugtou hard at work fKi hli books. Hull very brusque oud' ls not la tho habit of soolng every one who calls, but ho has mio standing order that any sailor who uvcr served In Uiu navy has a right to cuiiu i i;ht into his loom without sending lu a card or knocking at the door. Eilitor Pulltx-r, It is said, has purchased an elegant stj.uu yacht fr his privato use, from which the international yacht races will be reporti-d for Tho World this summer. lliibimtel.i, the pianist, contemplate a tour in Am- rl a next year. It is said that ho has nolo -tod u. thi subject of his now opera the Ufu of (Christ, Ul which he proposes a spec tacular repn-Kuutatlou of the crucifixion. Scm.tor Gorman says thut some time ago on old lady jicrsuaded him, as a sure cure for neuralgia, to wsiu around his neck a nutmeg. A few hours utter ho applied tho remedy be felt greatly relieved, and has worn tho nut meg ever miicc Ho Is very seldom troubled with the ii"iiralgla now, Ex-Prubident Arthur Is convalescing rapidly at his summer residence lu New London, Conn., where ho recently entertained HVnry Irving. James CI. Bkilno will make n dozen or more speeches for tlio ltepuUlcan party In Maine this fall. C, A. Dana, editor of Tlio New York Sun, hus gono to Eurojio for six weeks. Blaine, Edmund and Colliding were all bom lu the samo year. They are now M years old. Several years ago Prince Bismarck is re iortcd to lutve sulci to an American statesman: "England is counted out of European politics w hilt) Ireland remains as an enemy at her gaU." Col. Gilder has started for the North Pole, Ho goes by way of Lake Winnipeg and Nelson river. President Grevy, it is rumored, will soon retire from French ikiIHIcs, on account of fall ing health. Ho has entered his Both year, Eniieror William's last illness was caused by profuse Indulgence in rich crayfish soup. Gladstone's election excuscs footed up f'J.VS.77. A llfo-blzo i-alntlng of John Bright, pur chased by u guluea-llmlt suWrlptlon, will Ito placed by the bide of ltlcburd Cubden's IJr ti nit in the central hall of the Cobden club's building, Ioudoil. Speaker Carlisle Is SI years old. Sam ltaudol! is not worth over 15,000. Tho Now York Times notes as a jioculiarlty of Mr. TliJen's political career that it (lid uo( lln"UUhwjWjrrteld. . ABOUT WOMEN. Mary Anderson is visiting Lord Lytton at his country seat near London. It Is reported that the Is growing quite stout. Miss Mary Cecil Hay, the novelist, who died a fow weeks ago, left In manuscript a novel, "A Wicked Girl," and it la to bo pub lished soon. Christina Nllsson wrltcat "Sly marriage will probably take place in September, I nm only waiting for a dispensation from Home." ' Mrs. Cleveland's portraits aro Boiling nt tho rate of fiOO a day. Lady Arehlbald Campbell, nee Miss Blood, In addition to King a handsomo young woman ond a clover writer, Is also n skilful composer, She has recently set to muslo the little song, "Italnbow, Stay," in Tennyson's "Fair Rosa mond." Stlss Harriet P. Dame, who was celebrated as a nurse among tho troops from Now Hamp shire In tho civil war, has given $1,000 to pay tho expenso of tho now Second (N, It.) regi ment headquarters at tho Weirs. Mr. Mackny is known to many who re gularly accept tier hospltallty.nbroad only J Mine. Bonanza, It is an o)cu secret that the queen dlapproves quito strongly of the Prlnca of Wales' attendance nt tho house of tho rich American. Queen Vlolorla is said to emphatically as sort the divine right of kings when sho walks. Her nose then goes up, her chin, of course. Inclining at the samo angle, and her general manner lwlng that of a woman who hasn't a peer In the world. Miss Emma Thursby Is at 'Ems, drinking tho waters for her health. Little Sioux, la., boasts of a baseball team conqiosed of nlno young woman, ranging in ago from 10 to S3. They claim tho cham pionship of Iowa. Slmo. Bernhardt will reach us hero in the states next March. Slmo. PattI has given $7,000 totlwSwansea hospital. Sho mado the money at two con certs. XI Is Ella Ilussell, of Ohio, has sung to vast audiences In every capital in Europe, and is the favorite singer of tho Princo of Wales. SIlss Braddon, the novelist, Is very method ical in her habits. Sho works only throe days a week, but on thoso days sho puts in full tlmo, working from 10 a, m. to 7 p. m. without any Intermission whatever, Ludovic Halevy, the French playwright, paid a graceful compliment to womankind when he made the following reply to a novlco who applied to him: "Madomolselle, in France wo lack on tho stage clever men never clover women." It is liclleved In London that Mrs. Frank Leslie, and De Louvillo will soon bo married, after all the denials. Lady Dilke, whoso mind is now said to bo affected by her husband's downfall, was the wifo of tho lata Slark Pattlson, a well-known English scholar and man of letters. Lawrence Barrett's daughter is in school in Utica, N. Y, Her schoolmates say that, in obedience to her father's wish, sho hoi never seen a play or an opera. Besides editing Tho Hawley (D. T.) Star, Miss B. S. Mills has planted five acres of trees on a tree claim, built a saw mill, and when she has proved up her homestead will have iSO acres in her own name Omaha Bee. The "Llfo of her Slajestythe Queen," by G. Harnett Smith, nn Englishman, will ap pear shortly. The Marchioness of, Londonderry, lady lieutenant of Ireland, is said to be one of the most boautif ul women in England, Sliss Cleveland has written a'lotter,on tem perance is which she says: "It rarely occurs that a woman needs for, herself the restrain ing influences of a temperance pledge, but if by placing ourselves under such an organiza tion wo can better help our fathers, brothers, lovers and friends, I think there should bo no hesitation In' the matter." Tlio fund for Mrs. Hancock has reached tio.aoo.M. Queen Victoria's dislike for Gladstone dates back to 1808, . Upon expressing her aversion to tho essential feature of tho disestablish n.,tit bill, Gladstone said to her that the bill must l signed. "Sir, do you know who I mill" rejoined tho queen, indignantly. "Yes, madam, tho queen of England. But docs j our majesty know who I ami I am tho ieople of England." A n IlllnpLs womn'n Jles her children to trees with long ropes, and then loaves them to pfay iiIkiu tlio lawn, without being afraid that thoy will run "away. A w'liversity f or women', founded by private capital. U (o bo established at Moscow. It will havotheso faculties: Mathematical, physical and philological. There is some fear that the government of Russia may interfere'with'the scheme, Eugenie ex-empress, has been staying in tho lovely.Isle of Wight; and has found thore mi inuth' health that she won't make her usual v islt to the Continent, Sho Is going to the north to lie near Queen Victoria tho two widows aln ays meeting during some part of each lime. Pattl knows forty-seven operas by heart, sho says, and is still studying. Miss Dolores Lleonhart y Cassunovas has just received tho degreo of M. D. Barcelona. "She began," says Tho Pall Mall Gazette, "her university studies at tho ago of 8; when 1.1 sho became a B. A., and now, ut tho ripe age of 19, after coming out first in all her ex aminations and after taking numerous prizes, sho is a fully qualified physician and surgeon. Fancy a femalo B. A. of 13 discoursing ou hideous diseases with six-syllabled names, and correctly diagnosing and prescribing for licr brothers and sisters) But it is what we havo got to expect, and the fair, gpaiiiard'js tobocongratulato(ou'belngthofln.t of her sex to show what can be done in the way of rapid advancement." Tho Stars and Stripcsare always kept float ing over Minnie Hauk's castle hi Switzer land. Mrs. Cleveland is said to write on, an aver age about twenty letters a day, most of them in reply to communications from entire strangers. Ida Lewis, famous for her efforts in rescu ing tho drowning at Newport, is" the only wo man in the world who holds the position of government lighthouso keeper. She is' now past middle ago. Santa Cruz, Cal., is rather proud of Sltss Alice Boston, who swam to a revenue cutter a mile from shore, swam around it while a molo companion did somo high diving from various parts of tho cutter, and then 6wain hack to shore without resting. Miss, Cleveland's novel furnishes this ad mirable addition to the ii'umlicr" of nixed metaphors:. "He felt the magnetism of his conjectural passion fit his. side, and many w avelets of emotion played upon him us thoy wulkod." Mrs. Langtry's novel is expected to be the book of the season. It contains portraits of living celebrities. Sirs, Langtry supplies the characters and incidents, and is assisted in the construction of the plot and in the dia logue by a literary frlsiuh Tho Misses Shannon, of West Newton, Mass., who have a handsome residence at Bar Harbor, have roofed In a spring on their grounds from which a boy serves glasses of the pure and delightful water to every one that passes. It is said that Mrs. Victoria Morosini Schilllng Is getting very tired of singing and supporting her coachman husband, and that she is contemplating appealing to her father for forglvuuuess. A gotsip says that he has offered to take her abroad if she will give up her spouse. Miss Celeste Btuuffer, who is a beneficiary to the extent of $100,000 by the will of our lato uncrowned president, Samuel J. Tilden, is a native of New Orleans and a descendant of ono of tho oldest ami finest families of that aristocratic and exclusive old city. Sho Is a connection of Mrs. James Brown Potter, nnd is now abroad with her mother. She was one of tho bridesmaids at the licautlful.sUll-talked-about wedding of Sliss Matthews and Mr. Pierre Barlow last May in Paris, and she will this winter bo the guest of Mrs. Barlow In Now York. New York Graphic Whllo at work in tho hay field at his farm in Fredonla, Mich., Mr. Charles Harrington seated himself under a trco to rest. His son, standing near, heard a slight sound, as of a massauga or cotton-mouth snako, and called Mr, Harrington's attention to it, who, oris ing, found that he had been bitting on the colled reptile, Thu snake's Load, fortunately, was lu such a position It could not bite. It it as readily despatched, An Indiana newspaper Is responsible for Misstatement that soma wood choppers In Kock Crock township, cutting down a big w hltu oak, found the tree hollow, When the ax entered tho cavity the air rushed out with u w hlstlo, follow oil by a flow of coal oIL Two barrels were filled and tho hole was plugged up for further use, Ono of ths strangest fights that overtook place lu New Eugluiid waters was that which occurred in Ipiwich buy tho other day be tween Cant. Langford ami a iwordtlsb. First tho captain harpuonod the fish, and then tho Dsb liarpooncd tho man through tlio bottom of tbo Loat, nearly killing Uiu, , , BASEBALL GOSSIP. But two men Anson ami Broulheni have led the League baUmen for more than on season, and the former in 1879 mado an aver- ago which has never been equalled, vis, 407. Ross Barnes, however, had previously made Brown, of tho Pittsburg, did a thine rare lr seen In basoball the other day. Ho was caught napping at third by Catcher Peoples, of the Brooklyn, but tho umpire, Kelly, failed to boo mo play, iirown said that he was fairly caugnt, ana waueu in. If Washington inakos a deal for tho Lucas franchise, it will keep Shaw, Madlgan, nocrc, iiaitcr, uuugan, ltoucK, Jinowles, Carroll nnd II lues of its nrcxent team and Denny, Glasscock, McKinnoii, Boyle, Slyers aim neaiy, or tno nt. imuu club. Long John RoHly, of the CInclnnntIs, Rays mai -it civil service nuinorities want to find out whether a man has tho heart discaso or not just havo him appointed a base ball man ngcr, and if ho doesn't drop dead inside of a wock no is a sound man." There is considerable talk of tho reinstate ment of Umpire Connolly, who was recently removed by President Young. Connelly w as considered by many peoplo in this city, Chi cago, Boston and Washington to bo one of tho best umpires In the couutry, St, Louis uioim democrat. Tho now grounds of the Philadelphia club will lw the finest in the country. Tho man agement has just entered into a contract for tho erection of a grand stand, having w alls of solid brick on stono foundations, with Iron columns and an Iron truss roof surmounted by privato boxes and gothlo turrets. Tho contemplated cost of all Improvements will aggregate about $35,000. The management nas leosixi tlio grounds for ten years, with the prlvilego of purchasing tho samo at a cost of $100,000 at tho expiration of that tlmo, the grounu rent ooing 3,ooo a year. A Pittsburg man who has been timing tho pitchers says that Terry is the swiftest in tho association. Ho held tho watch on Galvln and llecker nnd found tho ball traveled from pitcher to catcher iu seven-eighths of a second. The Phillies have not yet been beaten threo consecutive games by any club. Sporting iiiie. An, lnucou. well, uo you know there is an impression in this district that ou May 18, at Recreation park, the Detroit! beat the Phillies 1 to 0, on May 19 they drubbed them again 7 to 2 and added Insult to injury on May 20 by downing them 2 to 0. Detroit Free Press, Jim White was asked while In Boston about his salary in Detroit, and he replied thnt ho would bo ashamed to state how much he got. Tlio amount is believed to bo not far from $.1,500. Ilaiusoy has twice this season struck out soventeen men once recently in a twelve Inning gume with the Baltimore, and again on Monday last with tho Slots. Ramsey and Heckor aro tied for tho strlko-out record of tho association. In 19S4 Hecker struck out soventeen of the Pittsburg players, and then lost the game. In the Nutlonal league Sweeney nnd Shaw havo each struck out nineteen mon in a nlno-inning contest. Sweeney also struck out twenty-ono mm once in an extra-inning contest. Philadel phia Times. Dan Leary, the well known ball player, said two years ago that the day would come when L'0,000 spectators would see n game at one tlmo, Dan thinks that baseball is still in Its infancy, and that if it grows in the next ten years as it has in tho past ten, nothing will bo thought of a crowd of 00,000 specta tors watching a game. SPORTIN3 AND ATHLETIC. Wheelmen from all over tho countrysara Invited to a bicycle tournament at Junction Ulty, Kan., on Sept. 'ti and 3. The largest stake ovor offered to two-year-olds Is the, 5,000 .to bo added tho Whitsuntide plate at Manchester, Kngland, next spring. Sanders Sellers, of Preston, Eng., tho well mown licyclo amateur, who was the tirst In the world to mako the mile inside of two minutes forty seconds, will particiiate hi tho American tournaments. The trotter Judgo Davis, by Joe Brown dam by MiUman's Bellfounder, has been sold to Charles Nolan, of Philadelphia, for $8,000. A member of the Viennese Bicycle club, Herr Fortner, has just accomplished a journey from Vienna to Paris on a blcyclo in eleven days and two hours. This beats Lieut. Zubowitz' famous record of fourteen days from Vienna to Paris on horseback. It is charged that Ross is trying to take Gaudaur's place as America's representative in the raco with Beach for tho world's champ ship; but Mr. St. John says ho will not suc ceed. Hanlan succeeded in beating all previous records on Lake Quinsigamoud, Worcester, when ho rowed three miles, with a turn hi nineteen minutes and twenty-three seconds. Joseph Murrow challenges Dennis Butler (now champion of the world) or W. B. John son, champion of England, to swim him twenty-live or fifty miles in tho Dolaware for $500. Butler will probably accept John S. Campbell, the Momenco (111.) turf man, has purchased of James Gray & Co., In Chicago, the 3-year-old bay colt Jim Gray. The price was $0,000. Brown Hal, by Dalton, is ono of tho cosiest going pacers on tho turf. John Bostwick, tho humorous Teunesscau, holds tho ribbons behind him in a careless way, and seems just as unconcerned when going a 2:18 clip as when jogging along. Exchange. Henry A. Atchcson, of Boston, tho cham pion deaf mute runner of tho world, now holds tho best record of 100, 150, 2-JO and 300 yards. He recently defeated somo celebrated runners in this couutry. His record at 100 yards is nlno and threo-quarter seconds. He will attempt to lower tho records this fall. Tho Boston Bicycle club's annual 100-mile bicycle road race will be run Sept. 27, at 11 a, m., over a course of fifty miles. There will be two classes, amateurs and promateurs, and the raco will be run undor tho A. C. U. rules. First and second prize will be given. Entries should bo sent, with $1, to It. J. Tombs, captain, SO St. James avenue, on or before Sept, 25, at noon, H. M. Johnson, judging by his performances this season, is evidently the fastest man in America at 100 yards. One thing is certain, Johnson is ready to run any man in the world 50, 75 or 100 yards for $1,000 to $5,000 a side, and few, it any, of tho flyers appear ready to sign a contract. Tho following is the now definition recently adopted by the Amateur Athletic association: "An amateur is any person who has never engages! in nor assisted in nor taught any recognized athletic exercise for money, or who has never, cither in public or in private, raced or exhibited his skill for a public or a private stake, or other remuneration, or for a purso or for gate money, and never backed or allowed himself to bo booked either in a pub lio or private race." Philadelphia Press. George Smith, of Pittsburg, broke the pro fessional 150 yards running record of fifteen seconds at Youngstown, O., Aug. 7, in a raco with Fred Yokes, whom he beat by two yards. Time 11 25 seconds. Tho match was for $200 a side. The fifteen seconds record was made byC. Westhall, at Manchester, England, In 1851. Philadelphia Times. V rMnoo of -Waffes farJtneK to go out to ttu Adelaide jubflou exposition next year on the ground that it would not bo proper to ab Bcnthimself from England during tho jubilee year of the queon's reign. E. Spencer lYatt, who gets the Persian mis sion. Is the sou of a popular southern banker in New Orleans. Ho was educated in Franco, and is considered smart In every wny. Although Melssonler, the French artist, is now over 70 yeors old, his work shows no signs of ilocndence. His latest pointing, "The Voyogeur," is said to 1m fully up to uny of his previous masterpieces lu techniquo and finish. A Munich art dealer has paid $12,500 for tho exclusive right of making and selling photographs of tho castles of tlio lato King Ludwlg. CURIOUS FACTS. A Prince Edward, Canada, horse lost an eyo ono day last week, and now it is related that ho breathes through the place occupied by the missing optic, Thomas Golden, a flagman In Galena, I1U, has a tame robin that he has taught to walk out of tho flag houso and wave a tiny flag whenever a train comes. When an Elkliart, I ml., farmer was un loading a load of hay w hlch ho hod driven to market and sold, ho found a very lively rattlesnake in tho bay, and In the serpent he found two meadow moles still allio and kicking. A ypmig woman of PptMawn, thy other day, found (I cent of tho data pf 1881 in tho yolk of n hen's egg that sho hail broken for cooking purjioses. T ho date of tho egg was pot given, A lioino owned In Springfield, Ills., choked while eating corn. Its owner thrust a whip tool; down tho homo's throat to remove tho oUtluctlon, uud tho horso bit thu stuck in two, leaving u foot or more of It in his throat, A hursu doctor came, and cleared out the much obstructed channel. A Canadian claims to have found a piece of barbed wire in a hen's egg recently. Tainincc Birds, A young lady, nn Invnllil, rcHltllng nt San ltafol, ono of tho honlth resorts of California, illustrated St. Jnmcs' assertion that every kind of bird 1ms been tatnt-d by taming two free, wild humming birds, llcr doclnrs oidcrt'd her to ri'olino dally during tlio Biuii'iicr on rues spread on ,tho garden lawn. While taking this agreeable picscriptlon ono day she noticed that two humming birds were inspecting her from a safe distance. Their uisii litiln Im-uli, inn,1 ono tide, showed their curiosity, and Bhc, taking pdvantago of it, planned for a moro inllinato acquaintance. Slio pluoked n fuchsia, attached it to a nver hnr lmml m,,l l!ll,l i, sweetened waler. In a fow minutes mo two little birds thrum their slender bills down into tho llower and took long draughts. Thu next line ulm tilb.,1 n t,..A fuchsia with honey. Tho-actions of tno oirils allowed that thoy preferred it to sweetened wator. In a lew da) a tho birds becamo so tamu and impat ient that they scarcely waited for her to lcavo the flowers 'before thrusting their bills into the honey. One dnv wliiln kIui lmbl il, il.,,- sho was tilling with iliops from a i-puun, uiu iiirus caugnt uio ilrnps as t lev fell, nnd I lion In datted tliur thread-like lougues into the contents of tlio fpnon. Tho two birds weiu both mtlis, and, therofme, fought for po-si H.iiwii of tlio lioney-liilid llower. Hut thoy ituiltd to keep tho other humming birds awny and m hen a wasp or a bco emtio iioir it was cliaii d awav. When tho beginning of tho rainy season orovo thri young invalid into uiu iiuiisf, ano tried to coax them to tho parlor window. At Hist they acted as il thev thoiiolit tlinm take. They would hum about the window where sho stood with the flower and tho spoonful of honey, or watch her from a nrighbojing branch, but not a sin would they take. Hut at last ono bird responding lo her call, hovered about her hand, and tool; from h repcatcuiy drops ol honey. Wages ia 1800i In JtoMaster's history we aro told what woikmcn wore paid at the bonin oing of the cuitury. On the Pennsyl vania canals tho diggers ato the coat' stst diet, were housed iu thu rudest sbeds.and uaidSfl .inionib fmm 7ilnv i November, and $5 a month from Nov ember lo May. Hud cairiers and mortar mixcis. diio nil! .Hill plimil-nra wnu iruiu nu,i io ttiuu, labored on the public Uui.dings and cut tho streets and aVeilUtS Of Washinrtoil eit.v. rm-niund 70 a year, or, if they wished, SG0 for .wi uiu wur uiey couiu perioral ltotu March 1 to Decembpr yfL Till lirmra of work were invariably from sunrise . . T . .-i. . iu Billion, iv ages at Albany and .Now Yoik weie threo shillings, or as money wont, -10 cents per dav j at Lancaster 88 to 810 a month ; plsnwhnrn iti Pennsylvania workmen were content ...11. On ! . w nu c in summer and 55 in winter. At Haltimoro men were glad to be hired at 18 pence a day, Nono by tho month niikul mmntlm,, -if: a, t.v.i , " --- .v ....... Vu. .I'lUU- Micksburg tho price of labor was auouioo io . in Virginia, white men employed bv th 0 VOnr. Worn trlvnn SlG currency ; slaves, when hired, wuic uioiiieo, anil tiieir masters paid Si a month. A npiinil nf V; money was, in fediral money, S3 33. iiiu uvuiuyo rato oi wages the land over was. therefore. Sr:s -i vonv wit li food and perhaps lodging. Out of una Binaii sum tue workman must, with his wife's help, ni.iint.iin bio rnmii.. But then tho cost of living was vastly cor, uuu uiu nanus or people generally infinitely cheanir. Th or bric-a-brac crazes. thacs UARd UB1 CATARRH WW, THIS liKCAT ir ol AN AllsOI.UTi: t'ltltn I'Olt CATARRH. THE met stubborn ca'cs ylcW readily to It ami liu nut f.illctl Ic Caro a slnlo caso whero direction)! uro jDllowvd. ltseucoc 1ms been rt'iuurkibloiiiid Its cures wonder ful. It Is tlio moit s'ljoosnfiil preparation in tho Market for OATAItllH ami tbo only ono tlmt ruly a blessing to mankind. A Trial In all tlmt U uukiMl for it. Oneo usod, it Is always recommended. He ml for testimonials of actual cures. IT HAS ?IO UgUAL FOR MALARIA. A POSITIVE CUKE IS ASSURED. Ono botllo U Keucrully fuffirlent for a euro. Stop tiiUliiK Quinine. A trial only Is asked for Kul LEIl'a (tATAUItlt KembiiV, It i a Hl'KCIFIO lur mi uiacuM'snnMiitf irom un iintiuru mood nnd drlvcc ill! eruptions iroiu tho skin. For Syphi litic complaint it l mpcrlor to any preparation la tlio inurkct. Ono bottle will euro uioet oftlio following complaint! and a continued ubo will rosmvixy euro. Save doctor bills and try It. HIIKU.MATISM. SCROFULA. SKIX KKU1TIOKS. VE.VEItEAI. DISEASES. DYSPEPSIA. LOSS OF APPETITE. FEELIXd OF LANGOUK. HILIOUSXESS. l.IVKIf THOUHLES. NERVOUS WEAKNESS. FEMALE WEAKNESS. Kklleu's (VrAiiuii Kkmkdy li no patent medicine, but a safe and pletuant preparation to take nnd surelvtho irrcatest medical dlgcov. cry or tlio uiro. One bottle rejuvenates the entire yytein and )K.eCR moro virtue than a half -hikoh uoiiiea oi oriunury pmeni iireparaiio Write for tcitlruoiiluli and other Information. 4jFflr riilo bv drttirirlftti irencrnllv. 1'ltIL'i: Hl.tHl A llOTTI.i:. SIX HOT. TI,i:S Will W.1,00, On receipt or W5.00 by the manufacturer!, Saui-cl I-', Kellkk fc Uo., llarrl,tnirir, I'a., fli boltlei will bo sent express paiu For Mwnmnnl" p,t,vt1,..t,ui school teuelit-'re, milliners, mumst'rtiaes, Iioun v.11'..,"'- -' i r-work(Hi women ni'iicrauy, Dr. IMOrilUa PllVOritn l'rrw-i-lnllnn la tlm lu-.f or nil rti-tuiiit I vu tonka, llu not u " Curo-nll," but admirably f ulillla u uliiitlcin-aj of puriKw, t-lnif n most H)tcnt HiH-clllo for ull tlioso Chronic W'iukru-asra ami DU-nscs pcmlhir to M-oineii, It Is it powerful, trenmil us well m lltt-rilll'. toillo und llt-rvlllu. and liinmrta vk-ni unilstrciiKtli to tho wholo system. 1 1 promptly cures wniknp&i of stomucli.liidljfostloii.lilnat. Iiiir, weuk buck, nervous piottnitlon, debility and ali-ciih-Bsnr-ss. in cither at-x. ruvnrini Pi.. scription Is wild by druraUta under our iii liir twirrr, wru'K-r unnimi Home. lrlco 1.00, or nix lintllc for $5.00. A mrifu llvulltHi nn Dlsenaea of Women, pro fusely illllatrutcd with colon. 1 nhifiw ntul tin. merous wood-cuts, sent for 10 cents In stumps. Address, Wumi.h'h Disi-exhaiiv Mkiiicai, Association, (Wl Main Street, lluffulo, N, V. SICK llliAIIAUIIi:, Billons ireudnclw, Dr. l'leren's relicts. Kic. u lal, by drutrirkits. RAUCM'S S25 PHOSPHATE rC LURK OonUtns tha Hit tad EwwDce tf l'V HKMAULK, J.AS11NO BAUGH & SONS. Minuticlunira. ' rillLAUKLl'UIA. l'A. lfur Hl bv C. W. wiuu.iitu mi. Ornngtylll, Pa. TRIM UARK. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL Almost as PalatabloasMllk. Tlia only prrparitlon of roll MIDIt Oil, thnt cm tin taken readily and tolerated for A long tlmo Ly dcliratc'Mnuiatlx. ami A1 A 111,'iii'tiv rnrt rrtNsnn'Ttov f-i 11111 1 1,01 ha iinimw. mi:mii, (UA; mil. liniTr.nv. roTiTiis am iuiiihTai. 1 1,1 iioxs 1111,1 nil iush.mi I'usoiiiii.usTrf t iiibiiiiTTTTbi imitM'iiwiVIi ln riTuTn. ""1'reEcrlln d and cn-Torscd 1y tii'o Iicst I hyslclalil 111 tho countries of t he n orld, FOH SALE DV ALL DnilGGIUTS. oot -S3 ly. RAILROAD TIIVIH CxVULE. D ELAWAHK, IjAOKAWAHNA AND WESTJ3HN ItAll.ltO.M). 1JLOOMSJ5UJ5G DIVISION. NOltTII STATIOMM. SOUTH. a.m. n.m. p.m. 0 10 u 15 2 05 0 13 20 2 10 0 20 V 2d 2 16 0 27 31 2 2J 6 31 l 41 2 30 0 40 B 47 2 3d "1 4', 0 52 2 41 p.m. p.m. n. in u no V4 .1.1 8 CI ID 16 8 48 13 Si 8 40 12 r 8 31 13 (18 8 27 13 03 8 23 11 68 8 IT 11 M 8 12 11 Ml 8 OH 11 47 8 08 11 47 8 01 11 13 7 IS'J 11 :IS 7 01 II 31 7 50 11 30 7 43 11 3.1 7 80 11 12 7 18 11 (0 7 11 10 r.i 7 03 10 47 0 58 10 II 6 51 10 38 6 no 10 31 6 43 10 27 0 3D 10 21 C 30 10 1(1 8 2.'i 10 11 6 08 1) 5(1 il 311 , ..-icrnnton..., ...Ilelloviic.,., .Taylorvlllc. Ijickawnnna., 8 211 , 8 , 8 111 , 8 10 , rittbton. 8 Ol ..Wert l'ltttton. Wvomlnir. 51 . ..Mnllby., Hrimctt.. ....Kingston ....Klmrston . II 4'l 6(1 7 SO 7 li 7 47 7 42 7 38 0 53 10 0i) 2 4' r. 68 10 P5 2 60 0 68 10 05 2 50 l'Dmuuili .nine 7 ('2 1(1 10 2 51 ....riymoutn.. ....Alondnlo. .1 7 07 10 13 3 00 1 31 7 3') 7 23 7 12 1 12 10 20 3 03 ....Nnntlcoke... liunlock's creek ..Milckslilnny.. ..lllck'8 rcrry.. ..Koaclillnicn.. Iierulck .... .Hilar Creek.. ..Willow drove. ...Llmoltldgo... Kspy . ..lllnnmahnrr. 17 15 10 25 3 10 7 SI 103." 3 27 7 37 10 413 39 7 50 11 113 62 I 7 67 11 0(13 58 8 01 11 134 05 1 8 10 11 20 4 13 8 14 11 234 10 7 00 0 51 li 47 0 11 I! 88 (I 31 6 27 ft 21 0 1(1 8 18 11 2114 2. 8 25 11 3.14 2: ... ItUPCrt....'.'! 8 30 11 50 4 40 8 30 11 44 4 31 0 11 CatawPn Ilrldiro 8 41 11 63 4 4 6 Mi. ...Danville.... 8 63 13 13SOI r 4'J ....-'liul,ifky.... 0 ra 12 2115 12 5 4.', "... . Cameron. ...I u 08 12 256 17 6 33Nortliumberlnnd 9 25 12 40 5 35 0 00 5 55 5 40 U 4'.l I 45 9 32 am. p.m a.m. 1, a.m. p.m W. P. HALSTEAI), Supt. Superintendent's omco. Kcranton, ycb.lst,18? Pennsylvania Railroad. iwi Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. Ilxll TIME TABLE. in eirect Juno l.'itn, issc. 'iraln3 leavo Sun- oury. ISASTWAUD, 9.40 a. m., Sea Shore Kxpresa (dally except Sunday), for Harrtsbursr and lntcrmedlatcstntions, i-iiitiui; uu 1 ijiiuucipuui o.ia p. in. ; r-owlorK, 6.20 p.m.: llaltlmoiv. 4.40 d. m. : Washington. 6.50 p. m., conncctlns at Philadelphia for all sea Shore points. Through passenger coach to Philadelphia. 111. Day express uuny uAiupi ouuuaj j.iui iiuiiihuurtr auu luiermc dlato stations, arriving at l'lillnilelnlilo 6.50 p. ra. j New York, 11.35 p. m. j Baltimore 0.45 p. m. ! Washington, s.00 p. m. Parlor car through to 1'lilladelnliU and passenger coaches through to Philadelphia anil Uaitlinoru. 7,15 11. m. ltenovo Accommodation (dally ior uiuTisouiK uiiu an iiiLeruieuiaio siaiions, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4 45 a. m. : New York 7.30 a. m, llaltln-nrp. R .HI i. m. , WfiRlilncrlnn c. wn n m . Sleeping car accommodations can bo (-ecured at llarrlsburcrfor Phlladclnhla nnd New York, (in sun. days a through sleeping car will be run; on this train rrom Wllilamsp't tol'hlladelplila.l'lilladclphla piuncuguDuiu n-uium luoivt jier uuuisiurucu unil 7 a. m. 7.tO a. m. Krlo Mall (dally except Slondny, ror llarrlsburg and Intcrniedlato stations, arriving at Philadelphia 8.55 a. m. New York. 11.30 a. m. ; IJaUlmoio 8.15 a. in. ; Washington, 9.25 u. iu. iiiruugn i-uumnu sieepingcarsuie rtinon this train to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing ton, and through passenger coaches to -l'hlladel- puia auu xiaiiiinoie. WESTWAltn. ,5.10a. in. Erie Mall (dally except Sunday), to, Krlo and ull intcrniedlato stations and Uan.111d.1l. Kun anu imcrmeuiaie sinuous, jiocncster, Hum lo and Niagara l'alls, with tlnough Pullman Pal aco cars and passenger coaches lo Krlo and ltocli ester. u.M-News Express (dally except Sunday) foi T.niL- ItilvOii anil lnlnrmnHlnln Cntlnna ' l.oo p.m Niagara Express (dally except Sun any) for Kano nndliitenuedlatostatlons and cm- nnn.ilp-ll!, nnd l-rlnr-lnnl Intnrtnnrlln.n cnttnn Itocliester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls with tlilYillfrh n ic.nnmi- n-i nlina n l'. ,n ....n.n.. uuu ranur car iu uiKins. 5.30 p. m. Lino (deny except Sundayjfor lie- kins nnd Intermediate stations, with through pas senger coaches to ltenovo and Watlilns. 9.20 a. m.-sunday mall for ltenovo and lntcrmo- UIUIO blUUOU" TUltOUQU THAINS FOlt SUNI1UHY FllOMTHE UATAf(lJUU'Ill, Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m iiiuu-tuuiK t.iu niiiviui; ui. run oury y.'M n. in. wuu luruugu sit-eping car nom ruiiaaeipnia to Wll- iiuiuaiui 1. Ncwh Kxnress leaves Phllndolnhia n. m. IIairl-burg, 8.10 a. m. dally except Sunday arrlvlnirat Sunbury 9.53. a. 111. Niagara Express leaves 1 uiiaueiun a. i.iui , 111. : iiaiiunoie n. 111. id.i r except sunda) nrrlilng at sunbury, 1.00 p. in., i-uii iniuuyn tuiiui ear iiuui I'llliaueipuia uuu iuiuuii jjas.-ieiiiiei cuaoue- iruui inuaaei phlaand Baltlmoie. Fast Lino leaves New York 9.00 n. m. ; l'hlladel Phla.ll.50n. m. : Washington, a. 60 0. m.: Haiti. more. 10.45 a. m.. (dally excent Sundavl nrrlvinrr nt buuhury, 6.30 p. ni ltli through passenger i,uav,iiiaiiuiu 1 iiiiut.i-ipmu unit JaillU10ie. Erie .Mall leaics New York 8.00 p. m. ; l'hlladel Phla. 11.20 11. 111. : Washington. 10.(10 11. in. 11.1111. more, 11.211 p. 111.. (dally except Saturday) arriving at Sunbury 5.1(1 u. 111., with through Pullman Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore and through passenger coaches froto i-uiiuuuipiiia. MUNlHIItY, IIAZI.15TII.N ,V M ll.lCI'-llAltlt U.UI.KIIAII AMI .MIltTIl AMI HT8T lllf M!II UIIAVAY. (Uallv excent hum, ar. Wllkesbarro Jtall leaves sunimrv innnn m anlvlng at Uloom Ferry 10.52 a. in., Wllkcs-bnrro 13.18 p. in. Express East leaves Sunbury 5.33 p. m., arrlUng at Uloom Ferry 6.2 p. m., Wllkes-buiro 7.65 p. m SUnbUrVlailleavenU',in m TrrU. iuk at iiiooni rerry 13.15 p. in., Sunbury 12.55 p. m txpress West leaes llkes-barro 2.45 p. m., ar. ii4K uv uiuuuixciT p. ui.,6unuury o.iip.m SUNDAY ONLY, Sunday mall loaves Sunbury 9.25 a. m arriving nt Bloom Ferry 10.14 a. in.. Wllkes-Bnrro lino a.m. Sunday nccommodat Ion leatea win. eu.iti rn -m 7;I0P. m. e. in., uiriviugui. uiuuiu i' erry, u.11 p.m., buiibury C1IA. E. PUdll, lieu. Manager, J. It. WOOD. Oen. Passenger Ageot lOIJ,X,A.IXS pays for liIl'K BOUOLAIlBllIl' ill FALaVTS IJUSINIiSS COLLEGE 17119 rititnil El, I'kibirlfhij. Positions for Graduates. Time required a to 4 mos. Tho Best Equipped. Host Coursoof Htudy. Host Ilv erything. Writu for Circulars. ) 9 Cms. p Ji c. send six cents for post )I)I7I? I ly box of goods which wll use, uuu iceeiiu iree,u cost A I l I ill, ''f'P ou lo moro money I, XI X lUIJIJl "Sui linay man uujiuinfc l.tlo l.ullll, 1,1, UI either SOX. Klirceed from Hrsthnur. The broad load lo fortune opens be- fO O the workcra. nltKOllllelv hlli-n. At. nnr-n oil dress, tuck 4 Co., Augusta, Maiuo, c --1885 Tlio Jobbing .Department of ctsm. Pi ..1? r.n ti , 11 u 11T! .1 11? OFFICE- IS well stocked with material for iloiii all kinds of printing. Calling l, and Invitations great variety. All kinds of 1BLA1TO, kept in stock. Special prices ou JarL'o orders. Ollico 2nd door below Exchnngo Hotel, Main Street, JtLOOMSHUHG, PA. 1111 inoro money 1 hail nt unjthlnir else bytaka fj l" nil ngeucy tor 1 In- best selling bonk out 111 A,11' ntr bueeeed gruudly. None fall TerniH trr-o. IIii.i v-t linn, iv,u.i , Malno. (decisis. Y vhi15ihia.-118 Nature, t'aubos, l'revo.i Mas3., J4 )tanj tax collector, bent lice to any ad mm mmi to PERRINE'S l'UKH DAULUY 1 from self ctnl Hurley Melt nnd guaratitcnl to bo ehtmlcnlly pnro nnd rreo from lAiurloud oils and i-clils often contained in alcoholic llnuors. nit especially adapted to persons requiting a stimulating tonic, Consumptives beinr) greatly bencnited by Its use. llecommcnded by lending pliyslelnns as n Dliirot e Nervlno, Tenia nnd llerntivo. For Consumptives It Is Invnlunble. PJ-iiiune'A 1'1'IIK lUltl.KY .MALT WIIISKKV Insures a l-cturn of vigor to tlio stomach, u good appetite, n rich nnd nbundnnt blood nnd tnerensed tlcsli and mUFculnrtlfsue. a slliniilnnt mild nnd gentle In ( ITrct, l))f pepsin, Indigestion nnd all wnstlng dN-eni-ea enn bo entirely conquered by tlio use or I'enlnu's l'uro Barley Malt WhTskev It 11 n tonlo and diuretic nnd a poweilul Miengtlicner to tho entire systtin. pitfil 1IINUS PtllU BAULKY MALT WlllSKLl lins rroed a medicinal proicctlon to thosowho pursue their niocntlons In tho open nir and whoso dnlly workcnIN lor exreptlnnnl powers of endurnnee. Ask lour nenteit druggist or irrwrr for .,' PliltltlNKSPl'ltl-lllAIII.IiY .MALT W1IISKHY revives thocnergles of thosnnorn nut wllh cxcesslvo bodily or mentnlrftort nnd nets as n snrcBtinid ngnlnst exposinr. In pt nml rlo-nrmn wenther. It will tlrlvo nil malarious diseases rioin tlini., 5VitJsi-. Hard Hoikcisof oury location nndpeisonsiviiem n i'EStL,K Hspepla nnd in Pcrrine's l ino Bailey sbmob &V JRP.'AiiW. nml UhUk-ev n rmipirul tnt irnrnntH Thennn .. . .1 .. ...... n..,lnl. 1 1 ii it, iiuihunuiviu, - uviiuuii nn.. i- nm 1-1 i, nini-If, lispepla nnd In pcrrine's l ino Bailey pa""a""""ir. -XVjfii3l mil linln.i. I lUf'i.cllnn. Is WliWrWdl I'llir iiAlill.v xi a IT. u llAnriraiiAPJV'jj wllhout unduly tMniilatlng -ULLi'0A!i0.. nr, ihrrpiiw-ti Ihrlr lldiro-llitf l! jw 3-1 lu-tmlnraf-tBtlin pflpta til fnllciU,. llfl-l. ImprnlH fimt APllla nrill la nlttnlitl.l.'l All tenseonvnlevence nnd Isn wholesome Inurr." Slgtml, Camilla Arthur .Vnier , .Il...nil. I('.,.l. IknI.I-nl I lrl.,rfl..,ll,. t .: null iiiiiiin iniiieiio. nuieii nm inwi i None genuine unless bearing tho slgna-tuie For snlo by nil druggists andgiocers throughout tho rnltcd states nnd Camillas. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38 NORTH WATER ST., PIIILA FOlt HALE BY DltL'OdlSTS AND ALL DKALKltS, j 9 cms. l'KNNY GOODS A Sl'KCIALTV. S0IE AUSNTS ton F. F. A11AMS A CO., FINE CUT Alexander Bros. & .Go., WIIOIJ3ALK DL'ALFIIS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRC1TS AND 'NUTS. i-Ol.K AllKNTS FOlt HENRY MAILLARDS HI CM DIES. FItESll F.VEIIY WKKK. Bloomsburg Pa. CHEWING '! TOBACCO Solo ngenls of tho rol Ion lug brands of Cigars. 1IKNIIY CLAY, I.ONDHKK, NOltMAI, INDIAN PIIINCESS, HAM SON, KILYLll ASH. ECONOMY TH.K JPKACT1CAI. QUESTION OF THE IIOUK. EVERY THING THAT IS NEW AND STILISH CAN BE BOUGHT CM1AFE1 T MAI EVER A Large and L0THIHGj JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A La'hgE A"ND"sElEOT LINE OF Call and be Convinced that you have the LARGEST SELECTION OF GOODS OF THE LATEST STYL BEST QUALITY, The Lowest Possible Prices AT THE OF mmm mwmmmmm Blooinibiii9 Pa, GrMAIN STREET,) C B. JBOBBWS, DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. AVholesale nnd WACJOi MAKERS' AND BLACKSMITHS' Ilcud'iuartrra for MERCHANT mON & STEEL. Sloro nml Wnri'ltr.usvi", Nos. 120 ifc 128 Eriiiiklin AvciiUf, No. 2 Laek'ii Avciiuo & 210, 212 it 2M Ccn tor Strcut, bCRANTON, PA. iALT WHISKEY. n., , .. Dili, IV ll All, (I I.PI IfUll I, ,1' 1 1 1 r. nn,l. .. ? V1' analysis as It nnpenis by tho Ln J l-l-'llll I N l"M Hhol nn PI ITV Iml tip- 1 bn V en I eflill v . llisKI.Y (lull 7iil tho Ptnm IUui.kv Wait iC-m. 9 Ihc Ktil- Bkhv mnilo ly M. &.r. M'errinonnd iliuti net Ivlt V. tit entllOlV fieo rrnm fusel nil. fiirfii,.. IrmrtHNfr rrih UnUvrettlet qr Munich ANY OKDEIt FOH FKbTIVALH nlllbo sui'i'MKi) wjru Tin: LOWEST 1 as follows: OHANGES, LEMONS, 15ANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS, C15EAM NUTS, ALMONDS, l'OP COHN HALLS. FOR Till Varied Stock of For tbo Cclobralcil Cliickering, Ivcrs & lontl, uml V080& Son 1'iauoa. AVorldre nownt'il Ksicy Orfcans, Violins, AcciuiU-oiib and Sheet Jlnsic. Celebrated Wlillp, New High Arm Dr.vls, New Home, Hoyal St. John, nml Light Hunning Domestic BcwIiir M11e.l1 nes. Needles, oil nnd lUtnehmunU for nil makes of Sewing Muclilnes. llttull dcaleis In SUPPLIES. 5 SEAON,