The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 10, 1886, Image 1
Vlie CJoltunb&m. mint Wi-rktr, OTfry I'rhlny Mrnln. nt atii.du l.urjuiir. lOBUU'Kr DOfaout Of thniviitn tytiintcrmi aro strictly In aivanco. Bocoun IfNo paper discontinued oxcopt at thaaminn othopufjllsliors.uritlUll arrcararoa larooaliF but ng continued credits wilt not im Ji vVi 0 Pami1ll All papers sent out of tho Htato or to dlatant post n cos must bo paid forlnadrnnce.unlcsaarMnon. bloporson In Columbia county asiumea to pav ho subscription duo on demand. es 10 psy JOB PRINTING. ThoJobrrlntlu? Department ottho Comjmbiav U very complete It contains the lateat now tyno ani m uiilnery and Is tho only oraco that rims job presses by power, Klvlnf? tis tho bust facilities; ft. mates furnished on largo Jobs. "ura. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. r K. WAIiLE!!, J ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, mnnve-i.t.N..inn,it..nk Moorasuurir, fo vr u.fu ATT U. FUNIC, 'OHNIiV-AT-LAW. m j nli3 In Sit'B Uulldlng, DtOOVSBDRO, l'A, I OIIN M. CLARK, ATTO RN E Y-AT-li A W. AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. 11LO0M8BCK0, FA, o Jlco over Moycr Bros. Drug store p W. MILLER, " ATTOIINKY.AT-LAW omco In lirowor's bulldlng.second No.l Illoomsburg, l'a. O FRANK HvHK, ATTO RN liV-AT-LAW. Uloomsburg, l'a. omco corner of Ccntro and Main Streets. Clark Building. Can bo consulted In German. Q.EO. E. KLWELL ATTORNEY-AT-LA W, l!.OOM3HtIl'.(l, l'A. ODlco on First floor, front room of Uol bmiiian Untitling, Main street, below Ex ctmtige Hotel. pAUL E. WIRT, Attorney-at-Law. OlUeo In Columbian Dcilpinu, Uoom No. J, Bccond lloor. BLOOMSUURG, PA. ". INOKK. L. 8 W1NTER8TKIS. KNORR & WINTEIiSTEEN, A ttornoy s-at-Law. onico la 1st National Bank building, second floor, first door to tho left. Comer of .Main and .Market streets Uloomsburg, l'a. t&"Pennont and Bouh'mi Collected, J II. MAIZE, ATTORNEY AT-LAW omco In Maine's bulldljg. over Blllmoycr'a grocery. "P P. HIIiLMEYER, DISTRICT A TTOENIJY.) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, C-tTOnico over Dcntler's shoo store, illoomsburR, l'a. rupr-30,8C. JOHN C. YOCUM. C. E. OEYEll. YOOUM & GEYEH, Attorney s-at-Lawi CATAWISSA, l'A. (Ofllco front suit of rooms on bccond lloor of Jibwb Item bulldlne.) ITCAN BE CONbULTED IN OE1IMAN. jU Sleinhers ot Sharp and Alleman's Lawyers and llankcrsPlrectoiy incl tho American Mercantile and collection Association. Will Bhe prompt aud careful attention to collection of claims In any part oi til united Mates or Canada, as well as i to all other proteshlonal buslntts intrusted to them K.OSWALD, ATTOIINEY-AT-LAW. Jackson Building, Itooms 4 and 6. BERWICK, PA II. H II AWN. ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. Catawlssa, Fa. omco, corner of Third and Main streets. JJ V. WHITE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Olllco in llrowers' Building, 2nd lloor. may 1-tf M IOUAEL F. EYERLY, Conveyancer, Collector of Claims. LEO A I, ADVICE IN THE SETTLEMENT OF ESTATES, tC ttromco in Dentter's building with F. '. lull neycr,, fiont looms, snd How .Illoomsburg, l'a. tapr-o-frh. y. E. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC, , Berwick, Pa. MISCELLANEOUS B. McKELVY, M. D.,8urBeon ami I'hy , slclan.north Bide Main Btreot.below Market AL. FRITZ, Attorney-nt-Law, Ollice , Front room over l'ost Ollice, jlt. J. 0. BUTTER, PHYSICIAN i: SUIiOBON, Offlco, North Market street, Uloomsburg, Pa rH. WM. M. REBER, Surgeon and If Physician, ofllco corner of Hock and Market troet. R. EVANS, M. D.. Surgeon and .rhyslclan, omco and ltesldencu on Third street. JpiRE INSURANCE. OnitlSTIAN F. KNAPF, BLOOMSUnitO.FA. HOME, OF N. Y. MERCHANTS', OF NEWAHK, N. J. CLINTON, N. V. PEOPLES' N. V. KEAU1NU, PA. Theso old coki'Okations aro well seasoned by ftiie and hke tkstbii and havo never set had a loss settled by any court of law. Their assets are all Invested In soup bbcuhitibs aro llablotothe UaiardotKiiiKonly. ,,.,. Losses i-kohitlv and noNKSTLV adjusted and paid as soon as determined by Cumstian r. KNArr. BPSC1AL AOKNT AND ADJCSTBK ULOOMSUCKU, Pa. Thopeoploot Columbia county should patron ize the agency where losses It any are settled and pali by ono of thcr own citizens. ,,,., PltOMPTNESS. EQUITY. FAIK DEAL1NU. T F. IIARTMAN lairSKSINTB THK F0LLOW1KO AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES North American of Philadelphia. Franklin, " " Pennsylvania, " " York, of Punnsylvanla. Hanover, of N. Y. Queens, of Ixmdon. North British, of London. omco on Mirkot Street, No, S, Uloomsburg. OOt. 94, 1" EXCHANGE HOTEL, W. It. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BLOOMSBUUQ, FA. OPPOSITE COOItT HOUSE. Lara caand convenient Bample rooms. Bath rooms hot and cold water and all modem comenleucca T r.Tr miinririr -iiimii'Mi"'"' iw I niLES OR IIK,MORimom3.-yiXERS nssure, Itching. Ibiula, ic cured without 1 In by Ihe iiKiNkKiuiorr 1 11 ustrateil paperaoAplalulng thosyktem and contalulngref ttencea bent five. Addiesa J. W. GOOIilDGIJ, M. I 208 Wyoming Ave., ikranton, l'a. March Ittais. K WiTENBENDEB, Pwri. CLOTHINGJ PHIL'A, A. 0. YATES & CO. Sixth and Chestnut Sts, "YAINWRIOUT &CO WHOLESALE GROCERS, I'llII.ADUI.I'HIA, l'A. TEAS, SYHUPH, COFFEE, SUC1A1I, MOWSfiE., KICK, SI'lOKS, IIIOAHH SOI1A, KTO., KTC. N. E. Corner Second and Arch sts. m-Orders will reccUo prompt attention. II. HOUSE, DENTIST, Bt.ooMsnuuo, Columbia County, P.t All styles or work done In n superior manner, work warranted as represented. Tkktu ExinicT bd without 1'ain by tho uso of Qas, and free of charge when artificial teeth are Inserted. Olllco In llnrton's bulldhiR, Main Sreet, below Market, live doors litlow "m's drug store, tlrst lloor. Jo be open at all houn during the dai NOV93-lr H. C. SLOAH & BRO., ULOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETONS SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS &C. First-class work always on hand. RErA 1RINQ NEA Th Y D ONE . Prices reduced to luit the timet. BLOOffiSBUfiGJLAMG MILL Tho undersigned having put his Planing Ml on Hallroad street, In drBt-ciass condition, Is pre pared to ao an Kinds Of worK in nis line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber used Is well seasoned and nono but skilled workmen aro employed, ESTIMATES FOE BUILDINGS urnlshed on application. Plans and specltlca ons prepareu Dy an exporienceu uruuKuiuuiau GIIARIiGS HRITG, niooiuHburtr, Pa CLOTHING 1 CLMHIMG W. BERTSCH, TIIK MKKUHANT TAILOR. Gents Furnishing Goods, Hais & Caps OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits mado to order at short notice and a titalwa)s guaranteed or no sale. Call and examine tlio largest and best selected stock of goods ever shown m Columbia county. Store next door to First National Hank, MAIN STREET, Bloomsburgf, Pa. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES OF CAST Clt WltOUGHT IKON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds The following shows tho Picket (lothlc, one of tho several beautiful styles of Fence manufactured by tho undersigned. For Hcaut tift. 1111 -autynnd Durability they aro unsuriliss up by experienced hands and warranted satisfaction. to give satisfaction Prices and specimens of othor de signs sent to any address. Address BLOOMSBURG PA. May 4-tf FRENCH'S HOTEL. Cm HAM. WjUAItK, NKW YORK, Opposite City Hall and tho Post Ollice. This hotel Is ono of tho matt comiile o In Its n. nolntinonts and furniture of AN V HOUSE In tew York vwy and Is couduaed on tho EUROPEAN PLAN. Kootna only one Dollar iter da r. Halt mlnuto'tt All 111 es of cars pass the door. -Most convcnlen hotel In New Yoi k for .Merchants to stop at. Din. ng i ooms, cafes and 1 uueh counter replete with ' SJulyaiyr In presents guen away. Send u cents postage, and by mall you w f V UlUt limt -' Vi unitlilnirt'lbo in Aini'rU'U, AUubout UiotMW r"f'""r. ...Itl. lv- 4ir-lltu Wlin It'll ftV. n illerc of either sex, of all ages, for all tljo time. or spaic tlmo only. to work torus at their own tones. Fortunes for all workers absolutely iisured. Don't delay. II. iuu.rr f ca, I'ort land,Nalne, decl8b5. m a cam. lie BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER EXHAUSTEDVITALITY. ILLUSTRATIVE Snmplo FREE. KNOW THYSELF, A Orcnt JlciliCfll Work on Manhood, Xotrom und Physical Pebllity, rrcmnturo Docllno In irnn, Ihluuvtcd Vitality, Ac, Ac, and tho untold mis eries resulting from lntllscrctton or excesses; 300 pAe, rubetantUll bound tn gilt, muslin. Corn tains more tlian 123 Invalaabto prescriptions, cm bracing crery cgetablo remedy In tho pharma coprela fnr all acute and chronic diseases. It Is emphatically a book for every mm, I'rlcoonlyft by ma'il, pout patJ, concealed In plain w rapper. iMA sTitATivi: sa.iipm: fkki: to alt Yonng ftiul middle-aged men for tho next ninety days. Fend now, orcnt this nut a you nny nevr r eectt vala. Addre-iDr. VA It. I'AUKt:i(,4 lul finchetrott, Bo ton, ltaua. feb.5-d. 13', RAWBONElMAfiWRE' joftwwet peculf.irft rtilltlnif rroin-r. tie and fulflUs a very iini-ortaiit t-art In a mtuurn. wUiro, without It, would lack ttist ilcnunt inott lit-tvlM tn miMatn llant life I'llOSI'll OltlC ACllHi anlnrbPi ei)rbto rcn stltuent of all uoihl lands, i he . il turnii'li: wltli 1'UoDpliurlc Arid and tlicyln turn it la It to a ii Una K tn Iwufted In formation i f their Iniiits. Nu fertilizer In inoro valuable In It ofii'it than ofiewhlch contains Ammonia and Nioi'horic Actd dcrhed from Animal Uono llaso. 1 ho bate of BAUGH'S $25 Phosphate I nlmal Bono!, ind It li ft real AmmontfttM lion Ktur I'hinrhate, which we liroilnco by means of PlfCiM ftdvaulwra In mftnufurtiirlDK. Sriid for Uniifrii'H rhoNphnle C.ulde nn4 rurthcr Inruriniillom THE ORICIN AL Manufacturers of RAW-BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE BAUGH & SONS Slanafactoreri A Importers. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Ussthe Original Baugh's $25 Phosphate. Feb 56 U mnsAJirit b "-iatl'CJYtliKH li. -.t i it'l l, uo.m. itf!. thi'ttrtsuACc ntiil ScnlitHint cl rvsrt riowtr ivt Stirub, 'IllOO fttlli-, flit MluK Al'ii nil tin- Known RlIcioI f llfla. lien ulili Clove. Pirsiot, HlnilkcrcMilainrnn. II Isilu-moil ccinptctl .ioik or tin' klntl ,'it liiit IMinl.C'r"'liil riflrril t'cnl'. In nunnti lor a HumpU' copy, nl .ofinr lirlii' In nurnl. AKPlill vionli il evertwhere. Ait Tenth itrttt.Ullld'l.Pl. AS3D AKCnlUH f'J3.CO..I7 tlorlli a I p P- Tt M Mf OUR fejjSSS T11IH STYI.I2 k3l .DAIS' 1K1AL. A 'all Set of f . ttnl.n.tfil 4. u VAltRlN Tt'.I Yona'B. ecuii ror Ci rciilur. Ki,-..- '102 H. nu St., 1'iiim.. 1'a. Apr. 2 47w. F1RSV PREMIUM. rfEN PHILAD.4IS76. rnml I'rlip JJi ilnl. I'arlt, 1HTS, As'ityniirdrorprforlt. IVm. Ir.'.-.liip.'l.'llr JJS.Volth rrout6trt. l'lIILAlltLl'lIIA, l'A. Juno 4 80 ly. Adams' Patent V..,. . PICKET t'L'.u . ' It-' 31.75 por foe! and fi' ' SPECIAL j;tat All U.ldl cl Irjn Feicol, Cli.'j. IVr r : il l r"tl' '. Iran Work in all styles. Coal Screens a specialty. Iron Ladders, Wheels & Crckt: .j. Blackimlthlng In ell branchei. Eimate) f -rri.hsj. EAGLE IRON WORK" Cor. Uuiou u: Cih1 '.ii WILKR'i-ri ' ' mnreli 12-80-ly. CURQ mm H00FIN0 GO. Manufacturers of COKiiniArEn. cbimpkii Kdoe, C'kowl's Taient, 1'I.AIKANDt'AI.AllINSII Iron 8i Steel Roofing & Siding. Theo rooilnirs wo lay on tolld sneathlng, on pur llnV. on Iron wort, or over OKI blilnirles or Blals. Wo liaolnour employ good ana experienced roofers whom wo will wnclout as Uibtructors to tSoio who may iv lull to lay their own rootlnff, pur. c hasere paylcir men s railroad fare and t me. We make tlieso roollnifs to any ileblied ilcknesi and wcl-'lit fotlm in t'lven and conlraciataken for rooilngs and (.Mint's laid and eoinplelcd. halU faction guaranteed on all work don; by us.. C'ala-in'm-d frun and bteel roollnifs inado to order at thort notice. )N Ji()N 00FIS0 c0 1'ITTSTON, l'a. fMnrv niiflr Tflll(rll VnlleV dPOOt. Dock bt. Telephone connection. augil 3nv H.W.AYER6S0N ADVERTISING AGENTS Bx?ilffia PHILADELPHIA Cur. t'li"'ln-t mill l ljihlli M . lleeclie ,ili'itlcineiil4 fo' tin Piper. CO 1 IMA I LO nt Lowest Cos. Rates rflCC W-Wr'AYERS SON'S MAKUAL GOLD! Ifieldi ir ictrfe, but tboi irbn wrU td 8Uuoq A L'a, Portland, Mlne, will recei? free, full InforroHion Uiul work wblcb the cn ftnJ Itrett h(Mut.tht will rf I rmm tn Mar dn. hum hlT rDd ot ir 1 In dy. KUbr hi. young ci old. CpIUt pt4roqulrd. Vou araiurtfrt Ut: TboMho jUrt tt ouct ui kUoluldj lull taug UUlo fortune-. All la Ui. Nov, ao&My. PATENTS. ( btalned ami all paU'ut buUnobs attended to for moderate fees, our ollice Is opposite tho U. a Patent Orllce, and wo can obtain Patents In less time than ihoso ro rnote front Washington. henHiKlel or drawing. Wo advlso aitopat entaWlltyfr'eofi'hargi'.undwomako no chargo unless patent Isnei'iirvU. We rof'T hi ie, lo the Postmaster, tlm Mipt. of .Money n.di r I'iv., and to oll'.i lals of tho V. W. l'aleijt ulilie. Vur circular, adlce, terms and releix uces lo actual clients In your owa btatoor County, wilto to C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent OOloo, Washington U 0 anutt TlKf m. lilt i rcrcc r.'cL'?'.' - nriJiiiiii.ini ! Mtiki piiiuiiau.ixiji v "v,1;" lllfflf I OH! MY BACK Knr; ilrsln or fold ltrV I lint nrsk hsrk onu nciriy proiirairs on. THE EST TONIC Mreuatlit'iis tho AIiinrloM. HUnitlpfl tlic Nerves T!nrlrltCH tttr Illottil, (ilvc Nciv ltfr. 1B J U Mte. FnirfloM, Tw, msi " llrown'i Iron Tiittf-rB in the tiput Inn medlrln I bate Known in toy Wj earn jiractit-n, I hfivn found it ("wcirtlly tmncticial nt iiprvoutt ur pliypifttl eihuust Ion, aud in all ilebJJitMhia nUmouls that tonr no lirnvily on tlie nytfr-ra. Uo it frely in my uwn family," Mr, W f Hrown,M7 Mttn Ht UovlinUm. Ky. pi . "I wnn coiut'Iult ly brolceu Uown in ln-iltli timl tr lUUed M pnlnj in my back, llrovu.'a Iron llilU-in cDtuvIy rcdtonul mn tfi lioalUi." Ornutno fcn nbof nTrftdo ifstk undcrnfisiHl rod line on m rapper 1'itUi Itci olhrr Mndo only by 11UUW illilltAL CO., llALTniOUUMll. CURES ALL HUMORS, from n common iiintrii. or i:riiptlon to tho woi-st hcrnl'iila. Tin; liest lllooil I'll rl tier ovorllcovcrt'I. IlyDrugirlsts. PRICE $1.00, SffnVffiSS A Pladelpliia Lawyer rro'iilncntln hU iirofeialon, tAys: "Don't put my in print but rcrer any ono 3 ou wish to nu'. and 1 will gladly tell want tho Jlusttlan Jthrmntitlitn tUtrr has done for me." ThH gcntlcinan wnasolamo nno would havo thought hlrn n cripple, and yet Three Daj-i' use or our remedy atralgUtenetl him out all rlnut. Mn. O. W, Bakfr, a lfladine manufartorrr ot Wit minctnn, Del., wn Do. litli 'ho: "I'mtu tho tlrfit rtay I bt-Ron to tho KnsKlnn Jiheumati'mi l!ttm, re lief followed and my com fur t daily increaaxd. Tho m ft my limbi lacuna moro and ninre natural until I felt no discomfort oithur walking or wnrkinff. I Vnownf nothing which hin quick and wondroua an eiltH-t.' One of PhilatlolphiVri oldct merrhnntll, Mn. 0. 6. Dncicics, residing i.tti Maiu Mrwt.UormnnU-wn, sayi: " The llusBian Kliouim tiara Juro haa all the pain out of my daughter' arm and nock, hho had sutlcrod Greatly with it for month. We havo testimony of this port sufficient lo satisfy tho most skeptical. But It you have tho Rheumatism you want relict rather than testl mony. YoucanRetltr-quleK, &ure, permanent, by ending for tho RUSSIAN RHEUMATISM CURE Prserlptlro pninplilrt. with twdlmonlftR free. Dvlna C&O en ( If malU'Ll. lOo. HdUitional. rfluO 3Ca9Wat If rcKitfred, loc. moro. PRUSSIAN One Itox dfiM the biulnons. N'onotlouuino Mlthout tbi-t Tiude-lark. RHEUMATISM CURE. A ypt It in not tn Ui foinul at tho ntorDf. but rati oulv lw h id by piidoHiiiu' tho amuuut as abovo, ami addrcBHlmr tho Aiui-ncau rroprictora, PI-AELZER BROS. & CO. MlK-S'Jl .UurUi't Slrrrt, I'hII'tilcllililit. march Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute 603 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Staff of 18 Physicians and Surgeons. Rxporlonrcil Sium IiiIImIm forcvpry clii of IilhcnNi'k trcatfiil alxo, ruined) experienced and uIiIIIiik NiirxeN. I, It'lit, well ventllnlril, clenallll y fnrnlNlied prt'it(o rouini, l'ur pa tlentH, ISonxe f iirnlHliod with Klc'ator. Sli ain-lii'iil, .Sii'alilii(,--iilin', i:le trie Hill-, and all liimlirii Im. proveniuniH. 'i'ablo well Mitiplled Willi Ilia hi'-t o( fond. I not a llopiial, lint a plcaxant IKemeillal Hume. lpeii dat and nlBlit. ALL CHRONIC DISEASES, wlietlier requiring for tlielr euro medical or surgical alii, nkllltull) treated. THIS INSTITUTION Im hiipplleil with TiirklHh HatliKi American niovonteiit 'rrvatmeiil, or mechan ical ItliiKHaKU :Hiu lilni i ) , Vital! nation and Vactinni Treatiiuint Apparatus, the most npprm ed llectrleal ITlachltieH anil llattei li , Inhnlatlon Appnratnx, ami all the moat valuable reined lal appll. allien known to medical heieueo. t'all, or send lo cciiih Hi stampx (or our Invalldh' (iulde-llnok (IKS IiaKeii), which cIvch all partltu arN. AddrcHN a above. WorM'K DUpcn&ary Jloilleal AmiocIaIIou, I'roii'n. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM the popular farorlte for ilieiwlnff iiiu luxlr, lichtoiintf color htn ffioy, aud prewutliiff Iindiuir, It tlenniiea tho mulp, Btui tho liulr fullinff, and Id nuru to iIiikw, U aud $1.W at lnii?i?liti. HIIMDERCORNS. Thonnfef t. sureHt and I iff t cuw fir riin, Ilunloni, An, BtuiiHatl tuiin. comfoit to tlio fit't, NenjrralN totuit1, li tcnUat L'lUKiri.ta. Ilmv & Co., N, Yt nug.d BIVIJWAY ! Ten thousand babies nro given yearly to tlio grave by not having I)r. Hand's Teeth ing Lotion on tlioir gums wliilo teething. SOMETHING NEW ! SOMETHING WONDERFUL SOMETHING MAGICAL ! To bathe tlio haby's gums while toothing, relieving all inflamma tion, swelling and pain. LOST I A good many night's rest by nothavingDr. l' hind's Colic? Cure, for il gives baby comfort unci fsjeep without stupefying or in juring it. No opiates. No con stipation, Sold at Kleim's drug ftoro, general agent for .Dr. Hand's remedies for children. Labora tory at Seranton, l'a. (decieow. Jim, Beillju lMtOl'lUKTOK OK 0 At the old stand, under tho Exchange Hotel, BLOOMSBURG PA ilfffill ir!J;i 11 11 11 i IF" 1 1 1 I -1 a bW Urm ly SELECT STORY. UNDER TIIE LILACS. clinrmiiiL' old-fnsliioncd tiarilcn, in which Haunting hollyhocks nnd popple?, gay lulipa nml stately tlahllns, modest atly-slippurp, four-o clocks anil racccil- roblim grow sido by sido it) picturesque dlnordor j whero sweet migonotto and brilliant porttilacca cover tho ground with a lrairaut carpet fit richness col- orniKi wn.'ro lilao bushes, with their nodding plumes of whito and purplo meet ono at every turn, and whero morning-glories, honeysuckles and climbing roses run riot over every wall and lattico and bough that can yield a support for their wilderness of blossom ing vines. Aud into this delicious, restful bit oi lidou comes Flora Coleman, as she comes every day and seals herself under ono of the great lilao bmhe. with some dainty art work in her whito bauds aud tho nodding, snowy tassels of the lilao above her daik head making a pietuio of her that is exquisite to see. Here, too, comes Lloyd Chester, the landlady's handsome son and a "gentle man farmer," dolling his yellow straw hat and bringing the mcri'y tuno ho is whistling to a sudden termination as a bend in the path brings him face to face with tlio beautiful city boarder. 'Ah, Captain Vernon I" exclaims a pretty girl who is idly lounging at the parlor window, "just como and take a glanco nt tho interesting scene down there at tho bottom of tho garden l Really, my dear Bir, you will havo to lecture that lovely fianceo of yours, unless you want her to break that poor young fellow's heart or your own," she adds, mischievously, with a coquet tish glance from under her long laidies ''bee I it looks liko a real lovers tryst out there under the lilacs, for I'm suru they have a talk there every day. lie is so handsome, too, and look," Capt ain ! ho has taken tho seat besido her, and she is smiling up into his face in her most bewitching way.'1 "Ah, yes,'1 assents Captain Vernon, with an indillerent smile, as ho saunt ois languidly up to tho window and glances in tho direction indicated, "thoy do seem to havo found some in teresting topic with which to while away tho dull hours it would bp a pity to spoil it with the 'lecture' you propose, Miss Reynolds. Do let Flora amuso herself, if sho can. Hub a confoundedly handsome young fellow, as you say, and not behind the rest of us in accomplishments, etc. college education, I understand. Quite natur al the women should think him well worth tho trouble of Lady Claro Vero do Vcre's performance eh?" And ho turns from tho windo ; to pick up her novel, whish had fallen to tho lloor, with a look so unconcerned and nonchalant on his dusky, hand- somo face, that Miss Jtcynolds stares at him in open-eyed amazemt nt. "Rut suppose it isn't a 'Clara Vero do Vero' affair?" bIic persists, determin ed to arouso Ins fears, "suppose it Is 'Romeo and Juliet' instead 1 Then what, Captain Vernon ?" "Misa Coleman isn't likely to choose a farmer for her Romeo,'1 ho returns, still with that cool, easy unconcern. "Rut if she should ah, well 1 I believe in destiny, Miss Reynolds. You would n't havo me rant and tear my carofully brushed raven eurls liko a stago lover at tho mero idea of being supplanted by a rival, would you ! Fact is, I couldn't think of doing it, even to obligo jou, Miss Rfynolds couldn't 'pon my honor!" "Captaian Vernon, thero isn't ono spaik of jealousy in your composition,'' explodes the young lady, half in dis gust, half in secret exultation, for, to tell the truth, thero is not a woman in tho house who would not gladly win tlio handsomo Captain if sho could. "And tho poet or somebody declares that where thero is no jealousy thero can be no love. Now thero is your betrothed biido ilirting desperately with one of tho handsomest men iinagiuc ablo if ho is only a farmer aud you don't seem to caro a straw. I really wonder if thero is anything that could awaken jealousy in your breast V He gives an amuod little laugh as sho litters tho spicy retort tho low, languid, indifferent laugh habitual with nun nut a iook conies or a moment into his beautiful vnlvetv dark eyes that Miss Roynolds does not see a look ot rcpresied pain and passion ami bitter hopelessness that has no kinshii) whatever with that languidly careless laugh. Ho makes no replv in words, and after a little pause the young lady pass cs to another topic. "Speaking of 'Romeo and Juliet,' 8ho says, in a tono ot considerable in terest, "reminds mo of tho tableaux wo aro to navo to-tugnt. l ou Know wn aro tioing to havo a tableaux, Captain and I proposed that you and Flora should appoar in that particular one, but our hostess lias sot her heart upon having her handsome son (sho is un mensely proud of him you know) enact tho rolo ot 'ifomeo, wliilo his Mullet is to ho a young lady whom wo havo not yet seen a country girl, I think, who has just returned from school Not pretty, Mrs, Chester says, but hichlv lifted. Sho thinks bIio will niako a perfect 'Juliet,' and I am quite curious to seo her. Arcn t you, C.i tain V "I havo tho most burning oiirioslty, I assuro you tho most intonso dosiro in fact, 1 m just dying "There !'' exclaimed theprelty blonde starting up impatiently. "Unn t say another word, uaptain, Vou to just making fun of me. You don't caro a bit moro for that than you do for for woll, for Flora Coleman's llirtation with Lloyd Chester, And now 1 m going straight down in to tho garden to break up that interest ing fYtVs a tetaU you won't,1' And tho pretty iiitin witoii is as good as her word i coming suddonly upon tho two talking there under the lilacs, and surprising n blush on Flora's faco and a straugoly earnest, intense licht tho licht of love, so Miss Rov nolds instantly decides in tho young man a tine blue eyes. Rut evening oomcs at last and with it tho girl whom Miss Roynolds lias been so curious to see. Not pretty t Well, Miss Reynolds, who is quito critical in such matters and is really a good judge of beauty, quickly decides that Mrs. Chester is mistaken. A slender figure, elijjhtiy undor medium height, with tho lithe, swaying grace of tho willow j a face, too pale, perhaps, but mobilo and ox 10, 1886. prossivc, with lustrous gray eyes that seemed to float in liquid licht t lone; shadowy lashes, straight, dark delicate brows and tflcaming chestnut hair. And sho had small, cxmusitelv pretty hands nnd feet, too," concluded our fair critic approvingly. "No, I ion t Know where mm. Chester b eves could havo been, for Miss Jeanne I'um broko is pretty decidedly so though ot course, not a beauty like Flora Cole man." Captain Louis Vernon has lonir di 'di ed his handsome features lo mask tho emotions of his heart, but, as tho slight willowy form and lustrous grav eyes suddenly appear before him, his dark faco blanches in spite ot him, and his dusky eyes fill with a look of unutter able pain and passion. "V ou r lie murmurs huskily, as ho bends for a second over tho littlo while land sho extends, then casts it from him, almost rudely, as though ho fears its slight touch. Jjato in tlio evening shn plays her mi t in tho tableaux vivants which ).ivc proved so entertaining. Tho staijo is set lor tho balcony sccno In "Romeo and Juliet." Relow, looking the very beau ideal of manly graeo and beauty in his picturesouo dress, stands Lloyd Chester, wliilo smiling down upon him from her bal cony, a world ot tendcrest passion in her deep cray eyes in every lino and curve of her oxpressive, mobilo face, of her willowy, bending, lissom figure stands the beautiful, impassioned Juliet Jeanne Pembroke. Djad silence roiirns. Thouch not a word is spoken, bIio thrills every heart with the wondrous, intense power of her acting. Is it acting or is that passion with which her wholo bcinc sccnis instinct, a real passion T Many ask themselves that question as they watch the scene in a silence that is almost painfully intense. v lora cjoieinan, as her eves chance to fall upon her allianced lover where ho stands partially hidden in tho shad ow of a curtained arch, gives a sudden violent siari. Ho is loaninir forward, apparently forgetful of everything but thu stage picture before him ; his teeth aru tight ly set, his dark eyes seem to burn with a gloomy fire, and if ever jealous pain arm passion wt-ro wruien on - faco it is stamped o ..-unie countenance of " ms Vernon nt this motnet "What isan it mean t" sho thinks. whilo a wonderintr, half liuht breaks over her beautiful dusky face. "Can it bo that ho ha" fallen in love with her this wondrous Juliet at tho first meeting t" V hen tho tableaux aro all over the guests disperse to partike of ices or to wander about at their own sweet will. Down under tho whito lilac bushes a couplo aro speaking in low, half-broken murmurs a dusky-haired, beautiful woman and a blue-eyed. handsome man. I could stay hero forever, alio is saying in a voica that is perfect music in ub buu, unconscious icnoerness. "With Captain Vernon," adds tho man, an underthrill ot bitterness in his jealous tones. Or without him," said Flora. scarcely abovo her breath. "You wear his ring you aro soon to bo his wife you must caro for him. Ah, heaven 1" with a choking sigh, "1 never envied any man until ' "Liston, Jiloyil Mr. Chester," she breaks in swiftly, and her very voice seems to havo a blush m it. "I am bound to Captain Vernon, and if I find that ho does, indeed, lovo mo, I shall not break my pledge. Wo met in society, and I felt a great triumph in winning mm, no was .so universally sought, and so cool and indifferent to all women, ilo was never an ardent lover, and I believo now that ho cares for some ono else," her voice almost falling in her confusion. "And if Rut hero liloyd Chester stopped and caught her two little joweled hands in his, in a crushing grasp. "JMorar no utters huskily, "don t mock mo! For God's sake don't trifle with mo now ! Rettcr go and Ieavo mo to my fato without a word. I am but a plain farmer, and yet I havo dared " "Rut, a 'plain farmer !" she echoes. with a sweet, low laugh. "Lloyd Chester, you are a king among men to me. I will say this, though wo should never meet liko this again !" "i lora I ' "Yes, Lloyd, I mean it. Rut hush 1 whero aro thoso voices T Somo ono has perhaps, been lsstening," and she drove mm back a step as two voices camo very closo indeed. "I cannot endure it, Jeanne I will not 1 says ono of them, in low, most passionate accents, and Flora gives a great start, for it is Captain Vernon who speaks. "My Clod 1 I thought I should go mad with jealousy to-night wncn l saw you looking at another with such passion in your eyes. Ah 1 if it had been real" and ho caught Ins breath with a stilled gasp "I think that I should havo killed him.' "Hush, hush, Louis!" says a girl's voice, soft and pleading. "I will not let you talk so. I would havo listened two years ago, had I not been bound by that school-girl betrothal. Rut now " "Now that you aro freo you find mo nounii uy a bethrothai, ho breaks in, with a kind of savago despair. "Rut I will not give you up this time, ray leanno 1 cannot. You may romiud mo of my honor, but all thu nledrros in tho universe should not stand between two hearts that lovo I" "You nro right, Louis," cries Flora, in sweet happy tones, as sho steps out into tho path 'beforo them. "Aud I thank God that no heart will sutler through our broken vows. Hero," lav ing her whito hand on Lloyd Chester's arm, "hero is tho king of my heart , It passed into his keeping weeks ngo. And lieio, turning to .lonuno with t lovely smile, "is tho iiueen of yours What a happy destiny tha- brought us all heio together under tho lilacs, and saved us from a terrible, life long mistake !" "1 alwnys believed in destiny," says Louis, lifting Flora's dainty hand with grntetui tenderness to his smiling lips. "Henceforth, and forever, it Bhall bo my creed. Clyde laymoiul. J. II. Mercer would especially reconi mend to the ladies Aoker's Dyspepsia Tablets. As n laxntivo they havo no equal. They aro guaranteed to euro Chionio Constipation, Dyspepsia, and nil diseases arising from a deranged lots, Sick Iloadaohe is impossible. Hlnmnnh Willi n Irnn nan rtt Tnl, THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XX.NO 30 C0LUMI1IA OKMOOlfAl, VOL, I, NO 26 Great EirthquaUes, DKSTKlTCTIVi: CONVULSIONS UIX'OUIIKI) IIY IltSTOItV 1'ItOM TIIK KlllllTII UKNTL'IIY. The following succinct record of tho most destructive earthquakes which havo been recorded from tho eighth century down to tho present time has been prepared by tho Rallimoro Sni. 712 Awful oirthquakc in Syria, Palestine aud Asia : moro than 500 towns were destroyed, and tho loss of life surpassed all calculation. 11U7 Cntnnia, in Sioily, overturned and lfi.OOO persons buried in tho ruins. llfiS In Syria, tu.; 20,000 perished. 12G8 In Cicilia i ,)0,000 perished. UM, Deo. fi At Naples ; -10,000 perished. 1 f0!), Sept. M Constantinople ; thousands perished. 1531, Feb. 20 At Lisbon j ,',00 houses and ,'10,000 persons buried in tho ruins j several neighboring towns engulfed. lf9G, July 2 In Japan j several cities made turns and thousands per ished. 102G, July 30 In Naples ; 30 towns or villages ruined ; 70,000 lives lost. 1007. April 0 Ragusa ruined i 000 perished. 10ti7 At Schamaki, lasted three months ; 80,000 perished. 1072, April 14 At Rimini j abovo l,50() perished. 1092, Juno 7 On tho Island of Jamaica, which totally destroyed Port Royal, whoso houses were cngulphod 40 fathoms deep, and 3,000 perished. 1093, September Ono in tho Island of Sicily, which overturned ,"51 cities and towns and 300 villages; of Catania and its 18,000 inhabitants not a trace remained j more than 100,000 lives were lost. 1703, Feb. 2 Aquila, in Italy, min ed ; .'i,000 perished. 1703 Jeddo, Japan, ruined ; 200,. 000 perished. 1700 November 8 In the Abruzri; 1.1,000 perished. 1710 May and Juno At Algiers ; 20,000 perished. 1729 September 1 Palmero nearly dertroved ; nearly 0,000 lives lost. ., Nov. 30 Again in China, and .jMJ00 persons swallowed up in Pekin. 1732, Nov. 20 In Naples, etc. i 1.- 910 perished. 1710, Oct, 28 Lima and Oalno de molished ; 18,000 persons buried in the ruins. 17.14, Sept. At Grand Cairo: half tho houses and 400,000 persons swal lowed up. 17.1.1, Juno 7 ICaschan, N. Persio, destroyed j 40,000 perishod. 17.15, Nov. 1 Tho great earthquake at Lisbon. In about eight minutes most ol tho houses and upwards of .10, 000 inhabitants wore swallowed up, and wholo streets buried. The cities of Colmbra, Oporto and Braga suffer ed dreadfully, and St. Ubes was wholly overturned. In Spain, a largo portion of Malaga becamo ruins. Ono half of hex, in Morocco, was destroyed, and moro than 12,000 Arabs perished there. About half tho island of Maderia be came waste, and 2,000 houses on tho island of Mitylene, in tho Archipelago, wcro overthrown. This awful earth quake extended il.OOO miles oven to Scotland. 17.19, Oct. 30 In Syria, extended over 10,000 squaro miles ; Baalbeo de stroyed ; 20,000 perished. I7SU At Tauris ; lo.OOO houses thrown down and multitudes buried. 1783, Fob. 5 Messina and other towns in Italy and Sicily overthrown ; thousands perished. 1781, July 23 Ezinghian. near lirzeroum, destroyed, and .1,000 per sons buried in its ruins. 1797, Feb. 4 Tho wholo country between Santa Fo .and Panama de stroyed, including Ouzco and Quito ; 40,000 peoplo buried in onoTceond. 180.), .Inly 20 At FrosoIons.Naplcsj o,uuu lives lost. 1812, Afnrch 10 At Caracas j 12, 000 perished. 1819, June 10 Several throughout India district of Kutch Bunk ; 2,000 persons perished. 1822 Aleppo destroyed ; above 20, 000 perished ; shocks on 10th and 13th of August and .1th. of September. 1829, March 10 In Spain ; Murcia and numerous villages devastated ; (, 000 persons perished. 1830, May 20 and 27 Canton and neighborhood ; about G.000 perished. 18-H), ieb. 11 At Ternato ; the island make a waste, and thousands of lives lost. 1812, May 7 At Capo ILiyticn, St, Domingo, which destroyed nearly two- thirds of tho town ; between 4,000 and .1,000 lives wero lost. 18.11, Aug. 14 In South Italy, Mclfi almost laid in ruins ; 14,000 lives lost. 18.10, March 2 At tho Island of Great Sanger, ono of the Moluccas volcanic eruption and earthquake nearly 3,000 lives lost. 18.17, Sept. 1C In Calabria. Monte murro, another town destroyed, and about lu.uuu lives lost. 18.19, March 22 At Quito, about 000 peisous killed and an immenso amount of property destroyed. 1801, March 20 At Moodozr, South America, about two-thirds of tho city ami v.uuu lives lost. 18G2. Jul v 2 and 3 Manilla nn Philippine. Isles ; immenso destruction ot property ; about 10,000 persons per ished. 1808, Aug. 13 and 1.1 The cities of Areqmpa, Iqutquc, Taonannd Chencha and many small towns in Peru and Ecuador destroyed ; about 2.1,000 lives lost and 30,000 rendered homeless; loss of property estimated at JDGO.OOO.OOO 187.1, May M-18 San Joso do Uucutaauil other towns near Sautau dor, on tho boundary of Colombia tie. stroyed ; about 14,000 lives said to bo lost. 1878, April 14 Cua, Venezuela nearly destroyed ; about 300 kiHed loss about 311,000. 1881, March, 10 Severe shocks in South Italy, much destruction and loss ot life at Cassamicoiola, a Uwu in tho tslo ot lschia ; 289 houses destroyed 114 lives lost, about 38.000 loss March 4, moro destruction by another SHOCK, 1881, April 8 Scio tho town and several villages destroyod i about 4,000 perished i much destitution ensued suocessivo shocks, beginning 1.30 p. m 1883, July 23 Tho towns of Cassa mlcciola, Korio and Lacco Ameua, on tho island of lschia, in tho bay o Naples, almost entirely destroyed i 1, 1Tes op iDViTisiHq. l w aw "T a m it 1 tndi t ?5 t ss 1 no ito do M t oo 3 " 8 00 JT6 SW) MIO IM 10 00 1'0 4 " 110 Id IM T 00 800 MOO 1 M VIOl its 4W IM 8 00 RM 14 W M CO W VOO 8 00 14 00 1T00 SO 00 40 R fcoiumn 8 oo la oo moo ss oo so oo 4000 so no Yenrlv advertisement pnyablo quarterly. "It- stent ndverllsementqmuid, bo paid for )oro 1. serted cxcepi wnereipauies nvu wnn Igal advert twmenl 8 two dollars per Inrli lor thte? Insertions, and at that ral for additional Insertions without rcttrrnce to length, r.xecutor's. AdmlnlsttMor's, and Auditor's tlccsthreo dollars. Transient or Icalmotlcos. ten cents alln, roe ulaijadvcrtlscmcntuhalt rates. cards In tho "lluslneM Directory" column, on dollara year for'cach line. 090 lives lost, and 374 persons injured. 1883, August, 2G The Krakatoa caticlysm in Java, in August, which was tho most stupendous on . record. An island was scattered and sunk, and 10 olheis raised their heads abovo tho surrounding waters. Nearly 100,000 peoplo weru buried beneath voleanio ilnliria nr su'nnt off the J.ll'.O of tho land by tho volcanic wave. Tho floor of tho ocean over a wide area to tho southeast of Sumatra was raised into a iilnin nlinvn tlin waters, nnd tl)C effects ot the general upheaval wcro felt ai far as tho American coast oi mo Pacific. 1H81H. A Inmr-cnntinucd scries of shocks in (ho Spanish peninsula, which began on JJccemucr so, mo-i, nun uun timii.i1 umiIi irrnvular Interruptions until tho middle of April, 188.1. The greatest destruction ot litonnii property was in Andalusia. Altogether 745 noi-aniii worn Vlllpd ntlll 1.48.1 ihiuH'd, and 17,000 buildings weru moioor less damaged, 4,UUU ot lliu nunioer ih-hir completely wrecked. Wide-spread des- titnlirm nnil sllfTWin!' leSllltod from this visitation. Towards tho clos-i of November there was .1 renewal ol tho disturbances, which extended also lo the adjacent African coast. rh.1. A eoriPH of shocks began in tho Vnlo of Cashmere, on May 13, and continued at irregular intervals until the middle of August. The city of Sorinagur and numerous villages were almost completely destroyed, tlinnamrta nf Vivna U'prn lest, and ffrcat destitution resulted from thoikilliug of cattlo and destruction ot crops. 1880, Aug. 28 In the Morca and thn iipiMilinrini Inlnnil nf Znnll'. SOV- oral villages being completely deMroy- ed and sun lives lost. Tildea's Romance, Karatoza Letter to loulsvlllo courier-Journal. Raving met Miss Celestu Stnuffer three successive summers at Richfield, and hearing each year that Mr. Til den ad named her in his will, 1 wns not urprited when I lend that ho had settled lfpon her 81 00,000. Miss Slander crossed tho ocean on tho yatno steamer with Mr. Tildon tho last time le visited Europe. It was on tho re turn trip that tho handsome girl be witched him. Ho prtscnted to her a diamond bracelet said to have cost 8G.000. While Miss Stauffer was staying at Cranston's Mr. Tilden sent us yacht up that she might usu it lor pleasure. Sho kept up a correspond ence with Mr. Tilden, but I nover heard it intimated that he had asked her tqnarry him. it always seemed more as if Ito had adopted her as his daughter and enjoy ed making her hajpy by gilts and favors. Miss Stnulfer possesses all thu requisites foi a belle. Without being particularly beautiful, sho is showy and stnkitig-lookinj. oho has many admirers. Sho wears her lovely and costly toiilets as though they wcro a part of herself. Shu is finely formed and danicfs gracefully. Sho is a crack tennis-player and it is said that sho composed as well as delivered, tho reply sho made to Kcx. when ho choso her for Queen during tho Mardi Gras -festi vities in JNew Orleans two years ago. It requires somo nervo and all tho sus taining qualities of vanity for a young woman in privato life to assume tho mimio robes of royalty and ride through tho public streets of large city, to bo blared at by tho' vulgar crowd who, 011 such occasions, flock to Now Orleans. She spoko last summer of not feeling a bit nervous wheiHinak- ing her address. -Miss Stauffer has been in the habit of dividing her summers between Richfield, Rar Harbor and Cranttoni. Her parents and brother form her party. Her parents aro very plain, uninterest ing looking people. Her father is a prosperous hardware merchant in Now Orleans, though nut native of that city. Sho is passing this summir in Europe. While Mr. Tilden was not,a marrying wian, yet he appeared to havo been very susceptible to female intlueiicrs. ills neighbors say that ever since Miss Anna Gould, to whom ho also leaves 8100,000, mado herself so absolutely mistress 01 uieysione Mis. relton.Mr. Tilden's only sister, who had alwavs kept house for bor brothtr.had to lenvo and go to New i ork to live, as Miss Gould assumed all tho rights of lady of tho housu and ignored Mrs. Pulton entirely. Ry flattering thu vanity of a rich old man two young women leeeivo the samo legacies which ho leaves to his owirtkiii. Constipation in Mini. In tho London Lined Dr. M. O. Haltoii recommends tho following treatment : Tako ono ouart of bran meal, tio it up in a pudding bag wo tight na to get a firm, solid mass, put it into a pot of water early in the morning, and let it boil till budtimo ; then tako it out, and let U dry. In tho morning peel oil' from the sin faco and throw awav tho thin rind of dough, and with a'liulme grater grnto down tho dry, hard mass ni ,1 r mm u jiuminr, ui mis, i-roin ono to threo teaspoon fills may bo uoed by first rujuuing it into a jiasto with a liltlo milk, then addint! it to about a nint of milk, and finally biingiug tho w.holo i.tif. ..-t:.. t. ....... 1 ... " "uiiinj; puini, ii mutfi, io given through a nursing bottle. J. II. Mercer wishes to make an assertion, which ho can back with a positivo guarantee. It is all about Acker's Rlood Elixir. Ho claims for it superior merits over all other remed ies ot Us kind, and guarantees for it a positivo and suro euro for Rheumatism, Syphillis, aud all blood disorders, it irees 1110 rkih noin spots and dwoase, and leaves tho complexion clear Ask him about it. Over one million iinv.u nf A,.t n'j Dvsnensia Tablets snl.l in tl 10 unur twelve months, purely upon their merits. Why suiTer w.ith Chronio Con Btipation, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Heartburn, anil Female irouuies, wnen j. 11. Mercor others vou relief and nositivn rmrn in tl, rv Dyspepsia Tablets. Ho sells them on a guarantee. Thero nro scores of porsons who are suffering from somo form of blood dis order or skin disease, such as Scrofula, Roils, eto., etc. After a practical test, J. H. Mercor asserts that Acker's Rlootl Elixir will certainly euro all such dis eases, including Syphillis and Rheum atism. Itis net a patent nostrum, but n scientific) preparation, ho guaiaUees it. r