THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.' The Columbian. --.,.. . ' 1 nix -r ;.r J. K. Bltlwbmderf E41tor- BLOOMSBUKG, PA. FRIDAY, SEl'TKMHKK 3, 1880. Thomas 10. ltoncdict of Middlctown N. Y. has been appointed Public Print er nt Washington. Gilbert II. Heno diet editor of tho Ellenvillo l'ress N. Y. will act as chief clerk. President, Cleveland and party loft Monday morning for tho upper lako region, whoro they will spend a low days in fishing and hunting. Thoy will return the Tatter part of tho week. Lightning struck into the powder rrmcazitio of Latlln it Hand nt Chicago on Sunday ovening, causing a terrific explosion which was felt for miles around. About iuu,uuu pounds oi liowder exploded. Other powder mag azincs were in tho samo vicinity ; but nono of tlio powder exploded tho buildings however, wcro torn down by tlio explosion ol tlio oilier magazine People in churches near by were panic Htriokcn, not knowing the causo of tho great Bliock. Only threo lives wcro lost, and a number seriously injured. fiUOEALEW AND CONGRESS. Not that ho needs any recommenda tion or commendation from any one for all know him. But when so dia tincuUhcd a citizen is chosen to repre sent the 11th Congressional district in Uongress as Unarlcs it. isucKaiow. there is a stride in tho path of reform ation almost unparalleled in tho annals of inodorn politics, especially in dis tricts of such overwhelming minorities. Tho people havo been, timo and again, systematically cheated out of their choice by scheming, unscrupu lous and petty politicians, in tho inter ests of self aggrandizement rather 'than for tho public weal. Not that thoy havo sot been creditably represent ed, but that they havo been defrauded out of their best and purest representa tive mon. Buckalow is indentified, .moro or less, with every publio interest local and general in behalf of tho poo- hIji'ji if ll.!a nnmmnntiinnllli in JJ 1U a JJWU Ul I.U1Q uuiuujuununiku, i tho framing of the State Constitution. Ho will bo a power, if chosen, that will not only bo felt in tbo 11th con gressional district but throughout the wholo nation. IPo will not only vote on questions and bills, but will lead and push to tho tront issues mat win put to tho background lobbies and corruption, and will uso every effort to institute reforms in hitherto abuses of publio trust. Next to tho President, ho will wield an influence second to none in tho nation, in tho interest of good govern ment. Ripoin oxperienco and ability a statesman of the first order, and a sooial and political star of tho first magnitudo ; how can it fail that suo ccss should not attend his overy effort ! J. THE CONGRESSIONAL 00NTEREN0E. From tho proceedings of bho Con gressional Conference in 1880 for this district as published in the Columbian of October 1st ot that year, wo co tbo following Resolution adopted the Conferenco: "Jiesolved, That a congressional committee bo appointed to consist of ono cominittco man from each county or part of a county, who shall have power to camo tho timo and placo of holding tho congressional conference for this district, and tbo timo and place shall bo announced before September 1st of each year ; and further that tho timo namod shall not bo later than Sep tember. 10th : and provided further nt least tcu (lavs notico bo civet) before tho meeting "of the conference.'' The above resolution, which origi- natcd tbo district Committee, tho authority of that Coramitteo to be limited to tho fixing pf the timo and placo for holding tho Conferenco meet' ing, and of course giving notico of the same, ino oranuuee nave iiuuiiu( to do with tho Conference when lick But tho main object of this resolution is defeated lor tho present year by uo lav in holding Conventions in tbo eastern counties of the district, Tho Convention for Carbon county is called for 11th September a date later than tho timo fixed for a Conferenco by tho resolution rule. Columbia, Luzerne, Lackawanna, and Montour, havo taken timely action by holding their Conventions nt early dates : Monroo and Pike havo hold theirs within tho past week, but Car bon is decidedly behind time. Prohibition Convention at Harrisburg. For the Columbian. Tho Prohibition Convention was opened on Wednesday morning Aug. 25th in the Opera IIouso with religious exercises. Tlio prinoipal business of tho morning session was tho adoption of rules. Tho Columbia county uele gation took their seats in tho afternoon Tho nrcludo to the nftewfoon session was singing by a choir of tittle- girls, and tho opening proper was by the Convention singing "rrohibition Ad vancing" to tho tuno of "Hold tho Fort' and prayer by a clergyman from fVest uiorclaud. Tho Opera Houfo was filled. Tho Convention was salted with n sprink ling of ladies, and Blightly peppered vtith colored delegates. While wnitiug for tho committees speeches were made. Ono by Mr. Mills was briof and very uploy. Another by Win. Daniels of Maryland (not elected Vico President in 1881) was longer ana very cniorinm inrf. Tho bouso was in a good hum or. nnd his allusion to tho accession of a "Republican Wolfo in prohibition ..Ia!.!...11 ill.ittn.1 wrmilnrfnl nntllliai. asm. Tho Gommitlec on permanent organ i.ation nominated as Chairman, A. A Stevens of Blair county ; Secretary C, J. Reddick of Cumberland county ; two assistant Secretaries ono of them a colored man ; nnd several Vico Chair- mnn Tho Chairman an admirable pro- J! -ill n..i:.,nl n lntf.ti-m Killing uiuccr, uumucu Wiii.ii lm rn.fprred to tho protection Of tho Sabbath thero was a strong demon stration of applause. A proposition to limit tho number of delegates in future Conventions to COO to ask to get tho '.nt n mill," t If left on tllO P. R. R. failed. It was argued that it must not Lo said of tho now party, as of tho old one?, mat it was -run vy mu . l? if ' 'Pim imnilirrnf delegates at tending was Oil. On a call for old Boldiers, 118 stood up to bo counted, and thero was a graud hurrah. Then rnvmmi o-prn counted. 138 in tho Convention aud 30 hi thu gallery. Tho . . ... i . ..i. dolegatos occasionally rcierwu iu c-imii other mder tho title of "Brother" as if iu a Sunday Sohool Convoutloii. U'iiere were 55 lawyers, 37 tchcte, 10 ilivalcians. One undertaker then called lor tlio count of undcrlnkorn, but a iliysieinu objected that (no undertakers tronerly followed not tlio iiliysiclnns Hit tlin unloons. 371 classed them HclvcB as meclianlcs, laborers and farm- crs. Tho ovening was occupied by n couplo of addresses and somo financial work. On Thursday morning Mr. Garrett of Philadelphia reported tho formation of a Prohibition lcngno of tlio Soldiers and Sailors of tho lato wnr who wtro present at tho Convention, and invited all others lo join, including tlioso of both sides In that wnr. A letter from Canton, Ohio, to Hon. Chas. Wolfe, was read, reporting tho formation of a similar league, or "Legion," In Ohio. A resolution of tho Old Soldiers, con cerning tho setting up of n saloon in tho Soldiers' Homo at Dayton, Ohio, was read. A colored man reported that thero was a saloon iu tho Soldiers' Home at Haniiton Va. nnd another in that at Washinnton D. C putting tho Bhacklcs on tho mon who had aided in breaking tho shackles from his race. Tho resolution was amended to Include all theso cases and adoptid by tho convention. Tho committeo on l inanco reported that $10,000 should bo raised to bo ox- limited in nrrraniziiitr the state, open ing Ilcad Quarters iu Philadelphia, and circulating Prohibition literature. An nttcmnt was tnndo to raiso $0,000 of it in tho convention, resulted in pledces of cash amounting to bo,319, - ... . - wnuo wniiiua ior inu uuiuiimiuu uu Resolutions to bring in tho Platform, a couplo of colored mon wcro called out, ana mauo somo goou mm mai, wuro enthusiastically received. Ex-Senator Landon, who voted lor uiaino a years ago, mado a speech, good but over long. In tho afternoon, after tho usual singing and prayer, and collection of S20U lor tho wtaow ot jvov. jur. una dock murdered lately in Iowa, Judgo Black reported tbo Platform, it de clares first for Stato and National pro hibition ot tno Liiquor tramc as a crime; arraiens tho Democratic and Republi can parties for unfaithfulness to tho interests ot tno itomo ana me otaie ; declares that moral efforts must not bo relaxed, and commends tho work of tho Women's Christian Temperanco Union says that the Prohibition party is tho only ono that givcB tho voter a chanco to voto for Prohibition, and is willing to bo defeated for it ; deplores the nosition of tho National Government and demands that it shall not hinder prohibition in "prohibition states ;' calls for checks upon corporation and .monopolies, specially tho whisky mon opoly j blames tno oiu paints iui nui enforcing tho principles of "anti-discrimination" upon tho Railroads : holds that imported contract labor should bo lorbidden, that American lanor suoiuu havo first consideration and protection against tho competition of foreign labor, and that tho drink tiaflio is tho rapacious foq of tho prosperity of labor ana oi me security oi uumuui , iuvuib arbitration between employers and em ployed i demands enforcement of the laws that protect tho Christian Sabbath which it regards as a safeguard of our freo institutions ; denounces tho "sub mission clauso" of tho Republican Platform as deceptive! declaies that sectional feeling between North and South should be obliterated and com mends tho effort to combinu North and South in a National Prohibition party : calls for a national law of marriage aud divorce to do away with tho present heterogeneous system, and tor tlio en forcement of laws protecting social purity ; denounces the corruption of tho ballot box as deserving disfran chisement j and giving thanks to God for tho past, proposes to go forward. Tho Convention then proceeded to nomination. All the candidates were nominated by acclamation and unani mously. They aro Hon. Chas. S. Wolfo of Lowisburg for Governor, Hon. A. A. Barker of Allegheny Co. for Lieutenant Governor, Charles S. Hawley of Lackawanna for Auditor General John N. Emory of Lawrence county for Secretary of Internal Affairs, Rev. John M. Palmer of Allegheuy for Congressman-at-large. The latter is a minister of the African M. E. Church, and I believe a Presiding Elder. After speeches by tho nominees and somo votes of thanks oto , tho Conven tion adjourned with tho doxology, "I'raiso od trom whom an DiessingB flow." OllSEKVEIt. Prohibition Platform- Tho prohibition Conventional Harris burg last week adopted tho following platform : Tho Prohibition party of Pennsyl vania, by its delegates in convention assembled, declares s 1. That tho wholo drink system of importation, manufacture, salo and supply of intoxicating liquors is a Stato and National institution aud as a fun damental object of our party organi zation wo demand Stato and National prohibition of tho same. 2. That the administration of Gov ernment nnd tho execution of the laws is through officers chosen by party, and party must bo held Ksponsiblo for unfaithfulness in tlio discharge of its duties i thereforo wo arraign tho Republican and Democratic parties as having been untrue to tho pooplo on thu liquor question, falso to proclaimed principles of "equal justioo to hll and special favors to none," and of protec tion to tho weak nnd dependent ; cal lous to tho wrongs which tlio liquor trado inflicts upon wives and children npon industry, trade and domestio happiness, thrift and prosperity j and conspirators against the peoplo by tho repeal of tho local option acts, against their will and protest, and by three suc cessive Ltgisluturcs elected by them rejecting tho petitions of thousands of tho best citizens of tin Commonwealth abking for tho BubmiBsion to popular voto of an amendment to tho Constitu tion forbidding tho drink trade theso repeated acts of theso parties iu tho past is a sign board for tho future, and justify nBking tho voters of tho Stato to abandon theso parties, and unito with tho Prohibition party in support of measures for tlio pretention of "homo and nativo laud." 3. That moral efforts to reclaim tho drinker, and to educate in tbo ualuro and effects of intoxicants must not bo relaxed i nnd we approve of all organi zations having theso objects specially in view : notably tho Womon's Christ ian Temperanco Unions by their de voted, practical and perserviug labors commands our admiration, emulation and appreciative recognition. Tho Prohibition party pledges its co-operation and iullucnco iu tho prosecution of whatever measures and to whatever decree, our mothers, wives and sisters miy deem needful for protection of homo from tho drink curse, including civil equality under tho law, and their cousul mid labor in our party work of "down with tho saloon and up with tno homo" is cordially itivilo-i and welcom ed. i. Tho Prohibition party is tho only pnrly, which gives tho citizens tho op portunity of voting for miblio officers not in complicity with tlio liquor busi ness, nnd removed from tho voter all moral responsibility for tho evils which tho liquor system inflicts, nnd Is tho only party willing to bo defeated in do fonso of Prohibition or to triumph with its triumph, o. That we deploro tho fnct that our Government rcmnlns tlio partner in this, traffic by issueing permits to sell iu tlio Territories, District of Columbia tho cnpltol buildings, in States whtro .i . i in., i i . i!ii li me unmo is pruinuiieu, uim tu nn ua treasury with tho $80,000,000 rovcntio from this polluted sourco and wo do mand that Congress shall, by law, for bid tho Isstio of such tax rtcclots or permits in Stntcs, districts of counties where the liquor traflio is prohibked by law. 0. That corporatlous nro created to subscrvo tho public welfare, and should bo held to a strict compliance with tho objectB of their creation and its sub jection to tho law. That corporitlon monopolists, oflico seeking nnd oflico- I.-H-' !!.. ...J.I. !!..... UOllUUg IIIUIIUJIUIINIP, Willi tnu 1IIJIIU1 trading monopolists, now form a triple all ian co in tho Republican nnd Demo cratic parties for lullucnciiig tho exec utive, legislative and judicial branches of the Government, dangerous to pub lic liberty nnd hostile to the interests of tho people, which calls for coutngo ous and energetic measures for their subiection. 7. That wo favor tho enforcement by laws of section 7 of articlo 17 of our Stato Constitution which provides against "discrimination in charges of facilities for transportation by nbato ment, drawback or otherwise," and against "any preference in furnishing oars of motivo power" by transporta tion companies of the Stato, and wo chargo tho Republican and Democratic parties as being falgo to tho peoplo and favoring corporations by not re moving by cfllcient legislation during tho past twclvo years tho wrongs and abuses which this articlo of tho consti tution was intended to correct. 8. That imported contract and pau per labor Blmuld bo forbidden, and our immigration laws so changed that whilo excluding no nationality, the pence aud security to life aud property and tho interests of American industry should bo protected against the intro duction of tho criminal, idlers and vag rant class of all nations. 9. American labor, skill and capital employed in agriculture, miuing, manu factures, commerco and tho mechanical arts should havo first consideration nnd nrnleetinn atrainst tbo competition of foreign labor and and capital in our tanit nnd other laws. wo regard capital, rightfully employed, as tho friend and helper and not thy enemy of labor, and any oppression or infidel ity of either must net to the injury of both. Tho drniK taioon, wnicu ab sorbs so much of tho wages of li.bor, and incites to discontent, tumult, boy- cottism. anarchism and riot, is tho ra pacious foo of labor and capital. Tho suppression of the saloon would do moro for the prosperity of labor and tho security of capital than any other remeuy iu uiu puwur ui legionuiun We invito tho co-opcratioti of employ ers and employed to secure the de struction ot this toe to both. Arbitra tion for tho just arrangement of dif ferences arising between employers of labor and their employes is a manly, Christian method equally applicable to individuals, corporations, States and Nations, and should bo provided for by Slate, National and international law. 10. That wo believe in tho Christ ian Sabbath as an indispensable safe guard of our cherished institutions, justified as well by nature and reason as by religious precept, wo ocmana the strict enforcement of all laws against its violation and hold in ab horence is inimical to tho best interests of tho peoplo tho so-called "Continent al Sunday." That all corporations, publio and private enterprises, and chief among them the drink traffic, on- gaged in secularizing tho day, aro vio lators of wholesorao laws aud robbers of both health and rest from their de pendent employes. 11. We denounco and repudiate tho so-called submission resolution of tho late Republican Stato Convention as deceptive, and a snaro to catch votes. It proclaims an opinion of judgment that tho Legislature should nuopt measures ior suumissiou ot an amendment, but makes no pledge of tho party cither favoring prohibition or to sustain such submission, and it was so declared in tbo convention and sinco by tho Republican press. The position of tho National Republican platform, with tho silence and acquies enco of tho liquor business in Pennsyl vania. 12. That tho sectional feelings bo tween North and South should bo ob literated, but we despair so long as the Democratic aud Republican parties survive to rekindle old jealousies aud rovivo old memories. We, therefore, commend tho effort to combine North and South in a National Prohibition party on tho ono great common causo of freeing tho wholo land from tho drink curse. 13. That our present heterogenous laws regulating marriage and divoico in tho social stato, aro a shame to our civilization, and wo demand a National law conformable lo tho divino law and uniform for all tho States, and that all laws promotivo of social purity shall bo strictly enforced, 14. That disfranchisement as pun ishment for acts of corruption of tho voter, of falso counts and false returns of votes cast nt our elections, should bo enaoted, Wo denounco tho practico of party managers, of paying the taxes of voters in order to secure their votes. We denounco tho plna that to the victors in elections belong the spoils of appointment to publio office, as unpatriotic, immoral and dangerous, nnd wo denounce ring or boss rule which administers publio affairs on tho spoils systom for tho omolujneut of olllce-holders or for party reputation. With gratitude to Almighty God for his tavors in the1 past, ana in humbio dependeuco upon His divino help in the future, wo niovo forward iu tlio firm confidence that in duo timo ho will prown our endeavors with completo success. O WITHIN C. SHOUTLIPOE'S ACADEMY, j FOll YOUNO MKH AND HOVd, MEDIA, 1'A, 1-J miles rrom I'blladelplila. Fixed price covers every expense, oven books, ua. No extra chanrca. No Incidental expenses. No examination Ior ad mission. Twelve experienced teachers, all men, ami all graduates, special opportunities for apt students tq advance rapidly. hpccal drill for dull una backward boys, l'alroiia or students mar se lect any studies or chootw tlio regular English, Scl entitle, Business, Classical or civil KUL-lncerlotf course, students tltted at media Academy aro now In Harvard, Vale, 1'rlncetou and ten ottier Colleges nnd polytechnic schools. 10 students sept lo college In ittvi, 15 In iti, 10 In ISA 10 in 15. A urariuatlnu class every year In tlio com mercial iH-iiarimuup. a Physical and Chemical laboratory, (lymnasluin nnd Hall flrpuntt. ISou o.s. added to Iorary In itua Physical apparapj doubled In 1S-& Media has seven churches una a temperanco charter which prohibits tho salo p! all Intoxicating drinks. For new Illustrated circular address iho Principal aud Proprietor. HWITHIN C. BIIOIITLIOUK, A. M., (liarvaid Graduate,) Media, (Mun'a. lAus.01iil,iy. WANTKD.-l want you Ui do paror work to me at your own homo; plenty work: good pay; It per ploce; all materials froo. A. LOVE, Cleveland, O, augism. A CreatVictory A Torrlblo Cnso of Scrofula Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla " In tlio winter of 1879 1 was attacked wltli Scrofula In ono ot tho most aggravating forms. At ono ttmo I lind no less than thirteen largo Abscesses over ami around my necknnd, continually exuding an offensive mass of bloody matter disgusting to behold, and almost Intolerable to rmluro. It Is Imposslblo to fully descrlbo my sufferings, as tbo caso was complicated with Chronic Catarrh. After three years of misery, having been treated by threo physicians, t was worse than ever. Finally, on tho recommendation of W. 3, Huntley, druggist, ot Lockiwt, I was Induced to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. And now, alter having taken twclvo bottles, within tho last twelve months, tho scrofulous eruptions havo entirely ceased, nnd tho abscesses have all disappeared, except tho unsightly scars.whlch nro dally becoming. 'smaller by degrees, and beautifully less.' I do not know what It may havo done for others, but I do know that In my case, Hood's Sarsaparilla has proved nn eltcctlvo speclflo Indeed. As nn evldeneo of my gratltudo I send tlieso facts unsolicited, audi am ready lo verify tho authenticity of this cure, by personal correspondence with any ono wlm doubts It." ClIAltLES A. ltou KttTS, Hast Wilson, N. Y. This statement Is confirmed by V, J. Hunt ley, druggist, of Lockport, N. Y w ho calls tho euro a trial victory tor Hood's Sarsaparilla. Bendforbookglvlngstatemcntsofmanycurcs. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists, tl six for S5. Mado only by O. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mast, , lOO'Dosos Ono k Dollar. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. STATU. Foil GoVKIlNOIl, CIIAUNCEY 1 HLACK. of York. Foil LlHUTENANT 3oVEllN01l, 1. 15KUCH HIOKETTS. of Luzerne. Fon AuniTon Gknuuai, WILLIAM J. MU2NNAN. of Allegheny. Foit CoN(, MAXWKLL STEPHENSON, of Philadelphia. Fon SucitKTAitv of Internal Apfaiiis, J. SIMPSON AFRICA, of Huntingdon. countv. Fon CONdllKSS, CHARLES R. UUCKALEW. subject to tho decision ot tho Conferees of tho 11th District. Fon State Senator, JOHN G. FREEZE. subject to the decision ot tho Conferees of the s-ith District. Fon Repiiksentatives, A. L. FRITZ, Of Uloorasburg. JAMES T. FOX, Of Beaver Township. Fon Associate Judoes, JAMES LAKE, Of Scott Township. C. G. MURPHY, Of Centralia. VIGILANCE COMMITTEE. BEAVKIt Levi Michael, George Drelsbach, Isaac Kllngerman, Moses dchllcher, J. P. Fry, Jesso Rlttenhouse. DEit'VICK, E A. D. seely, Freeman Sitter, Jacob W. Campbell, lllrom V. llowcr BBllWICK, W-Johu Krantz, Georgo A. Carey, Will T. Snyder. BENTON Emanuel Laubach, Benton; Frank T. ShulM, Haven creek-; Georgo Gibbons, Cambra; Heuben Hlgfrled, Iienton. BLOOM, K John B. Casey, C. B. Bobbins, C. II. Campbell, chas. It. IlouseL BLOOM, W Guy Jacob-, David Olrton, John Welllver, Jas. M'llrldo. BltunuilEEK-Gldeon Michael, Geo. W. Miller, William Lamon, Cyrus smith. CATAW1SSA Wm. T. Creasy, W'm. Berkheimcr, Wm. tehuck, Allen Barnett. CENTllALIA Michael W. Brcnnan, David Walsh, John llennessy. CENTHE J. V. Hink, John Wanlcli, Sanderson llagenbuch, Arthur Creasy, A. J. Kocher, Al bert KelcUner, Levi llemley. CONVNGIIAM, N-ltob't Canneld, Patrick J. Cain, William callagy. CONYXGHAM, sJohn P. Hannon, Patrick Uealy. FrsilINQCllEEK Amos Ilaitinan, J. M. Ammcr- mant Noman M'llenry, .Samuel Coleman. FKANKLIN It. M. Mclleiiry, Jonathan Lorcman, Jacob Artley. GHEENWOol) A. J. Derr. Dorr's P. o.-, John Leg- gott, Iola; Jacob Welllver, Eyer's Grove; Win. Black, llohrsburg; Phil. Young, Mlllvlllo. nEMLOCK Matulas Glrton, iTinn Kelt-hard, Lawrence L. Ilartman, Jacob Martz. JACKSON Frank Trlvelplece, J. W. Kitchen, Frank Fritz. LOCUST A. M. Johnson, Christian Small, Charles Beaver, Adam Dlmmlck. AIADISON-Cliarles 11. Fruit, Baltls Sterling, John M. smith. MAIN Gilbert Shuman, Freas Bowman, George llrelsh. MlFFl.IN-Isaao Andreas, c. W, Hess, E. (cliwen penhelser. MONTOUK James Quick, ltupert; Henry Lazarus, Grovanla; I. W. Baylor, Catawlssa. MT. PLEASANT-Sanvi llartzcl, Llghtstrect,Mack Ikoler, Moidacsville; Isaac Appleman, Weill versvllle. OIIANQE-L. M. sleppy, Theodoro Rush, Miles belong. HOAUINGCIIEEK-James Knlttle, Wm. B. Houck, Leander Fetterman. PINE D. It. Gordner, lino Summit, J. II. Fowler, Pine summlti Daniel Bobbins, lierr's. SCOTT, W-L. M. Kelcuncr, A. O. Illdlay. SCOTT, E-B. F. Itelghard, Ell belineldman, Wm. Savage, SUGAHLOAF Alfred Colo, Daniel steadman, Aaron Fritz, E. F. Laubach. TKIAL LIST FOU SEI'TESIIIEU TERM, K-,6. Mrs. V. B. Frederick vs Edward Lyons. Sarah O. Hosier vs. Israel luttenbender. Stephen lilttenbender vs. Samuel Bowers, with notico lo Odd Fellows Hall Ass'u of Orange vine, terro tenants. Charles M. Conyngham and L. C. Paine, doing business as Conyngham a Palbe, vs James -Mc-Alarney and Mary McAlarney, his wlfo. Jacob Haines vs. N, & W. II. Ity. Co. A. II. Krlckbaum'suso vsV. II. Krlckbaum. James Moyer vs James S. Lcwarti, Admr. of Jo- M. o. Hughes 'and liermon Fahrlngcr vs John Lloyd. H. W. Hess, O. D. Hess and I. J. Thomas, part ners, do)ng business In tho nrm name of Hess SThomas vs lllrain F. Everett. Wm. II. Yorgey vs Iocust Mountain Water Co. II. E. lleaco;U vs. Wm. Mastcller. J, F. Smith, now to uso ot Catawlssa Deposit Bank va 8. c. Creasy. Clark Callender, ex'r ot Joseph Hess, dcc'dvB Francis L. Hess. Albert 15. Codow vs. D. L. W. It. R. CO. Theodore F. Craig vs. Maliala Craig aud Dan iel V, Seybert. Cuaries v. Van Essen vs Thomas Webb and the Columbia County Agricultural Society. J. II. Kline, adm'r ol lltram K. Ktlno vs Ellen Kllno. O. E. lvnnock, J. I. rennock and John S. Pen. nock, trading as tho nrm of c. E. Pennocka: Co. vs. Charles Reichart. John Drum and Elctnanda Drum, his wife, In right ot tho wife vs Ellas hhumanand Cath arine Shuman, tor words fcpoden by the said Catharine. Charles W. McKelvy and Deborah j. McKclvy, nli wife, to thu use of tho said Deborah, (1. N. Wilms and Josephine U Hills, his wfe, lo the use of the laid Josephine, James 11. Ramsay, Charles C. llagepbucb and Anna B. Hagen. bucli his wife, to tbo use of tho said Anna, Charles Ramsay, William P. Ramsay and Rob ert N. Ramsay vs. Charles 11. Ilrockway. Benjamin Pettcrmau vs J. Hoyd Roblson. Charles Reichart vs. Emanuel Mauser. H. W. Bower vs .Martha 8. Ferris, wlfo of O. a Fprrla, qwner, anil George o. Welllver, con (raptor, John L Drumbauch vs tho D L tc W R II Co. Patrick Bums, by ul-t mother aud next friend, Margaret Burns, vs L A Riley, Layfayette F Lenu and William Lllley, trading as Louis A Riley Co, Aaron Boono vs Espy Lime and Cement Co, 11 F Everett vs llruce F Kullllt and Philip I. Hess lato doing business under tho name of II F sut- UtX and P L Hess. O II MllUrd vs John Snyder. tlrJon;eo Welllver vs Pf Forrls and Martha L 1-errls, his wte, owner, qr reputed owner. II. W. Hess, o. 11. Hess and IraThomas, partners, doing business as llees & '1 lioinas vs. II Irani F. Everett. 0 11 nroekway vs Columbia county with servlco on Stephen Polio, Washington Parr and Ell MendeuualL A K Smith vs Samuel Ilrugler. J II Patton vs A P Heller. Tho curts Manufacturing Cq vs Clark I Tliomas, I 11 Wagner, I) y JlultTey and II l Wuguer, tradlug under Hie nrm name ot Watsou(oyii Planing Mill Cq. vs V F Harder. William Krlckbaum vs John 1) Casey. Augustus lllbby and Julia, his wife, In right of tuikl wire vs Georco Uurlnian. Mary Ilartman and Clinton Kills, adm'r of the estate ot Salllo iteiuneyer deceased. James Yost vs Wilson Ager and Kilsha Ager, Albert Kllnctob ys lllram Eokroat, H II Whitney vs S U llowmaji. U Whitney vs H U Uowidaii. yu auk indeiitkd lu l J l li, cuuill rim SIMMONS LlVElt IlEOUIATOll. No medicine Is so universally used In the South- crn States as SIMMONS L1VEU UKUULATOIl. It won Its way Into every Southern home by pure, sterling merit. It there takes tho place ot adoctor nnd cosily preoptions. It Is a FAMILY MKI1IC1NU, Purely vegctnble; gcntlo In Its action; can bo safe ly given to nny person, no matter what age. It promotes Digestion, dissipates nasty Sick Headache, and gives a strong, full tono to tho Sys tem. It has no equal as a Preparatory Medicine, and can bo safely used when a doctor cannot bo called In. Endorsed by persons of tho highest character nudcnilncncooNtho BEST FAMILY" MEDICINE. It tho child has tho colic, It Is a suro ami t.iro remedy. It will restore strength to tho overn oi k. ed father, nd relievo the wlfo from low mints, hendacho, dyspepsia, constipation and like Mi. "MY ONLY FAMILY MEDICINE." "I havo been a user of Simmons Liver Itegulnlor for many years, having mado It my only l-'iimlly Medicine, It Is a pure, good rc'lnblo medlclue. My mother before mo was very partial to It, "I Unci tho Regulator very safe, harmless and rellnblo as n family medicine, nnd have used it for any disorder or the system nnd found It to act Uko a charm. I bellevo If II, was used In timo It would prove n great prevenllvu of s'ekness. I havo often recommended It lo my friends, nnd shall continue to do so. 'I1HV. JAS. M, ROLLINS, "Pastor M. 11 Church Bouth, Falruild, Vo." DMINISTItATOH'S NOTICE. tST TK OK IYMA PI'ONSNMiKH, IIKO'D. Letters of administration on thoestntoof Lydla Sponenberg, late of lirlarcrcek Twp, Columbia luiim,, j tii-ii-iisi-M, iii.tu ucii Kiuuitu m. ... Funk, residing In Hoott Twp., wild county, to whom nil persons indebted to said estate nro re quested to make payment, and those hav lng claims or demands, will make known tho samo w Ithout ueiny. im, u., augo r,t. Administrator. DMINISTHATOU'S NOTICE. LVMifl ff Kmauuel Knimt tate of Scott Tirji. Letters of administration In said estate havlne been granted to tho undersigned administrator, all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby no tltled to pay tho same, nnd those having claims nguinsi. sniu esiiuu present inu snmr to GEO. RUCKLE, Adm'r., nuga).' Orangovllle, Pa. UDITOIl'S NOTICE. 1STATK OF THOMAS MCHENRY, DECEASED. The undersigned Auditor appointed by tho Or- Elian's Court ot Columbia county lo mako dlstrl utlotiortho balance In the hands of the admin istrator or said decedent, ns shown ny ins nrsi anu final account, will Bit nthtsomcc In Bloomsburg on Saturday, sent ember -llh lssout 10 o'clock a. m, to perform tho duties ot his nnnolntmcnt, when and where nil persons having claims against said estate must nppcnr and proo tho same, or bo do- uarreu rrcui nny snare oi saiu mnu. GEO. E. ELWEI.L tn. Auditor, jUUlTOH! S NOTICE. K3TATE OF JOHN VOIIE DECEASED. Tlio undersltrned auditor, nnnolnted bv tho Or. phnns court of Columbia county to distribute the funds In tho hands of the administrator to nnd among parties entitled tnereto.wlll sit at hlsomce In Bloomsburg on bnturday September 11, lsRi, at 10 o'clock a. m. when nnd where all parties having cinuns against, snia esiaio muse appear anu prove the same or be forev cr debarred from coming in on sniu iuna. A. L. FRITZ. Auditor. UDlTOlt'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF WU. J. 1KELEK, DEC'O. Tho undcrsfgded, an Auditor appointed by the Ornlians' court ot Columbia county, to distribute the tundsln tho hands ot Krl Ikeler, admtnl-lrator or tno estate or wm. J, ikcier deceased as appears on uis nnai accouni-, to ana among mo panics en titled thereto, will attend to tho duties ot his ap pointment at thoofllceof Messrs. Ikeler Ilerrtnir, attorneys-at-law, tn the town of Bloomsburg, on Wednesday September 15th at two o'clock In tho afternoon, when and where all parties Interested arn requested to present their claims befure the undersigned, or bo forever debarred from coming in upon soia iuna. CHARLES C. IVANS, August 13. Auditor. UDITOH'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF 1TIOEBK A. MILLER, DECEASED Tho undersigned, appointed Auditor, to distrib ute funds In the hands of btephen Pohe and Philip I. Miller, trustees of said decedent, arising from tho sale ot real estate ot 'old deceased, according to account nied In said estate, will sit at his onico In Bloomsburg on Tuesday, September 11, at lo a. m., to perform tho duties of ills appointment, at which timo nnd placo all persons hav tug claims against said fund will appear and present tho same or they will bo debarred from comlngln upon sum iuna, ituiir. uuuniriuiiAm, nugi3 Auditor, A UDlTOlt'S NOTICE. Chester copo 1 Court of common Pleas of vs. Col. Co., vend, lix, No. n S. B. Bowman et al. ) M ay T 1880. AND TUOiSJlti-ali'.5'korlt-'ourt of Common Pleas of Berwick, l a,, I coL co Kli Fa- Ka S7 s. li. Bowman, ct ni.j - - Tim iindeifili-ned Auditor, nnnolnted by tho Court, to make distribution ot tue fund arlflng from the SherllT's salo of Iho property of tho de fendants In the abovo executions, will sit at his onico In Bloomsburg, on Saturday, September 11, lsso, at 11) o'clock a. m., to perform tho duties ot his appointment, when nnd where all persons hav ing claims against said fund must appear and prove ino same, or uo acoarrca irom any snare therein. C. W. MILLER, augso-lt. Auditor. pitAND JUUOHS. SEPTEMBER TERM. IlloomWm. Knorr, J. F. Caldwell, John W. Fry, Frank Jones. Berwick James Jacoby, lirlarcrcek Reuben Mllcr. catawlssa Calvin Clark. Wm. Horner, George Strieker, John Walter. conyngham James ivans. Flshlngcreek c. W. Yost, Locust George Veager, John Oliver, C. Small, Mimin-D. II. Hetler, C. W. Hess. Montour-EllasGlgger, Arthur Roberts. Mt. Plcasant-c. L. Sands. Orange-John W. Hoffman. lino Georgo Moser. Roarlngcreek Wm. Zaner. sugarloaf J. W. Ferry. T RA.VEKSE junons. FIRST WEEK. Bloom A J. Evans, N. B. Fowler, Wm. KarsU ner, Richard Barratr, K. C. Ent. Benton .1. W. Hess. Berwick Hugh Linden, lllram Whltmlro. Brtarcroek J. n. Martz, Catawlssa Joseph Fry, Geo. Oulnn. center Wm. McAllister, '1 nomas llrobst. centralia James Daley. Conyngham John Monoghan, John Padden. Ftshlngcreek T. II. lienrlo. Franklin Samuel Itoardarmel. ' Greenwood Henry Klsner, John c. Lemon. Locust-hlmon Carl, Gabriel Wharey, Daniel Morris. . .... Madlson-G. n. licndersuott, Joun suuuz. .Main Geo. W. Fisher. Miniln Lewis Creasy, Levi Masleller. J. S. Yohe. Montour Daniel Karshner, W. o. Holmes. Mt 1'leasant Wm. Johnson, Robert HowelL orange II. J. Conner. Scott Charles Polio, J. L. Crawford. HECONI) WEEK. Bloom John a Barkley. bilas Mastcller, Wm. Yost. O. W. Corell, J. 1). Wilson. Benton-Charles Dresher. Berwick A. 1). bhultz, D. c. McIIenry. lirlarcrcek David Harman. Catawlssa Peter Baldy. center J. S. Mann. Ccntralla-0. 11. MIllariL ('nnvncliiim Michael ll.iker. Robert Cantleld. Flslingcreek Wm. Kramer, lllram Karnes, Auijau U3WLS. Franklin Philip Manhart, J. F. Recder. Greenwood Wilson Thomas. Hemlock Clem Shoemaker, J. E. WUlto, A. J, Beagle. Jackson John Rant. locust Jacob Long. Main J. J. Gcarhart. DnintrA J. M. Nlennv. Pine Wesley bones, Joseph Sweeney, Valentino vveiiivcr. Roarlngcreek Win. Yeager. Keott J. II. Kelin. Geo. lless. bugarloaf Silas Benjamin, Fred Laubach.DavId Lewis. w IDOW'S Al'PltAIBEilENTO. Tho following widow's appraisements will be presented to tlio Orphans.' Court of Columbia Co., uu me luuriu Aiuuuuy oi bepieiuuer, a. if. iss and conilrmed nisi, and unless exceptions are tiled within four days thereafter will bo confirmed ab- suiuiu: Tracy Michael list, dee'd, Bloomsburg, personalty, l-'iuaoo. Blllig Chas. Est.,dee'd, locust, personalty, f30o,oo. Kostenbauder, Geo. L. Est. detfd, Catawlssa; per sonalty.130ii.Uu. " Miller John Est., deo'd, Hemlock; personalty, 1300.00. Pealer Ell Est., deo'd, Flahlngcrcek; personalty, llJ.tiil; realty, f 230.31. Hitler Wm. Est., dee'd, Brlarcreek; personally, t i.i ; i van? , t-ou. , a. Mclleury Silas Est., doe'd, Flahlngcrcek; personal ty. 1100.011. Kvos T. Elwood, Hat., dee'd. Greenwood; realty, Worman Samuel A, Est,, dee'd, Scott; personalty, Lorpman, Samuc) Ks.t,, deo'd, Franklin; personalty Rupp Andrew, Est. dee'd, Locust; personalty, f 10,. to, realty, f2t.oo. W.M. H. SNVDKR, Clerk ot O. C, Bloomsburg, Sept. 3, IsbO. "O A TT CJ Mado In ono piece froippur 1 J jn vmiI iul-iiot paper-, - willtout ein, no hnons. no tuslo, uu iiuell, CI,I:a', I.K1IIT, sritll.MI HDWAlll.i:. Invaluable for lilii-lieti mid llulry uw Manufactured by Osweeo ioduratedFibreCo , iVi:tin,N. v. A,k your groctr for thero, augSO 4t.O. PERFECT, rpOTHK HOLDERS OK THE HONDS I OK TI1K HIlOMSnUKII STATU NOUMAt, SCHOOL, SKCl'nKP HT FIKST MORTOKIK, 1IATKD SKITIMBICK 1, Notico Is hereby given that tho principal and In terest on bonds Noh. 49 and 60 and tlio (nteresl on nil other of said Bonds outstanding up to Sept, 1, ls.M5.wlll bo pold on presentation of llio Baraoto I ho Treasurer, at his onico In lUoomsburg, nt nny ttmo wllhln fifteen days from September 1, ISsu. If bonds nro not presented by October 1, issn, tho Interest will bo defaulted nnd applied on pay ment of principal debt. II. J. CLARK, nugo 6t Treasurer. Q IIAUTEU NOTICE. ot'co Is hereby given that an nppllcat Ion will lio mado lo tho court of Common Pleas of colum. bin county on Monday thosJlliday or September l I'. 1SSI1 Ub 1 11IXU U ClOCK III llltl llliei IIUU1I. IIIIUI. I tho corporation net ot Isri nnd tho mpplements thereto, by Edward Wll lams F. Dyke, John Ijimncl, John Lewis nnd John H. Davis for tho charter of nn Intended corporation lo bo called "Tho odd Fellows Tcmplo nnd llnll Association of tho Borough of Ccntralla,Columbl.i Co., Pa "tho clinrncter nnd object of which Is for th3 purposo or creeling nna mninuiining n puoucuaiiiu stuu Borough of Centralia and for I Ids purposo to have, possess find enjoy all tho rights, benefits nnd privileges conferred by tlio said act nnd its supple ments. WII.I.IAM BHYMl.N, to. solicitor. -pOKOUail NOTICE. iOlieu is llt-reuv L-!,eu iiiul inu uiiirus ui jv-jij , County of Columbia nnd stato of Pa., will present their netltlon on Wednesday. September ai, isso. nt 10 o'clock a. ra , to tho Court of (juarter Kcs. slons of tho Peaco io bo held nt lUoomsburg, said rouniy, beginning inevau uayoi bepieiuoer, a. D. lsso, for tho Incorporation of tho said villago of Ksiv Into n borough, under nnd In pursuance ot the several acts of General Assembly ot tho Com mlmucalth of Peonsylvanli.ln suclicass mndo nnu rrovuicu. iivii.i,ii;u ub.iuti.M, Attys. for citizens Petitioners. VJOT1CE OV SCIUE FACIAS. 1 No Tf, IHwinber Term. lsA. Millard II, Dally, ndm'rof Eleanor Lnckard, deo'd, to the uso of iho heirs ot Eleanor Lockard, doe'd. vs Maria J. Headlov. survlvlnir cxrx. of Samuel F. llendley, deo'd, who was ex'r of KlenunrLook aril nnd tho heirs of said Samuel F, Hcadlcy, deceased. To Maria J. Headier. Exrx.. Helen Thomas Headier, widow, and Wm. Thomas llendley and ncicn -i nomas iicnuiey, cuimrcn or i. uoyii iieau- iiV, , iccviisen, jMiuueui itriiiij, niuun , unu i ii.ia. llently, Besslo Bently nnd Josefa lleiilly, children of James P. llently, deceased, and Rose llendley, widow, nnd Frank JI. C. llendley, LI77.I0 llendley, Marin J. Ileai ley nnd John B. Headier, children n, 1-h.I. tlnn.llh. .(nnnn.r... Whereas, an .lfn9AWn Kictan has Issued out ot tho Court of Common Pleas of Columbia Co., ns ot the above slated No. anl Term to-revlve and contlnuo lien of Judgment. No. 3ss May Term, 1ST9, and whereas It Is ordered by tho Court that the writ shall be served us to t hose residing out of tho county, bv nubllshlntr tbo substancu thereof in ono newspaper In tho county for threo succcssl.e weeks In accordance wlthtuo 3d Section of Rule x of Rules of court, to-wlt: COI.UMIIIA COUNTY. 83! Tho commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to Iho Sheriff of said county greeting: Whereas, Millard II. Dally, admr. ot Eleanor Lockard, deceased, 10 ineusuoi inoneirsoi i-.ieanor ixicKaru, aeceaseu, plaintiffs lately In our Court of common Pleas, for tho county aforesaid, before the Judzes of tho said court at Bloomsburg, to-wlt: Inthetermof -May, No. 3hs in tho year ot our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, by tho Judgment 01 ino said uoun, uia recover ngaiusi juari.i d. Headier. surUUntr exrx. of Samuel F. Headier, dee'd, who was ex'r of Eleanor lockard, nnd the heirs of tho said Samuel F. Hcadlcy, deed., de fendants, ns well n certain debt of four hundred and thirty-seven dollars and soventcen cents, ns also four dollars nnd foity-llvo cents for their costs nna enarges, wnicu iney susiaincu oy occa sion or tho detention of that debt, whereof the said defendants nro convicted, &c, as appears of record, ,tc, commanding tbo said defendants that they bo and appear before our Judges at Ulooms bunr. nt our court of Common Fleas, there lo be held on tho fourth Monday of September next, to suuw cause, 11 buy uicj iiui e, uy mu sum plain tiffs ouL'ht not to have execution against them nnd nlso show causo w hy tho said Judgment ought not iu ue rcvivcu anu continue a lien on tiieir retu es tate durlmr another nerlod of Ave icars. accord ing to the Act ot General Assembly In such case mado nnd provided, If to them It shall scemexpe- uu-ut. Witness the Hon. William Blooms burg, the llfteenth day of May, In tho year of our Luru unu tuousanu cignt uunureo anu cuimy-six, ivm. 11. isiiii(, iTOtnonoiary. SAMUEL SM 1TH, bherlff. augST., COURT PROCLAMATION- WHEItEAS.tliellon. William Elwell President Judgo of tho Court ot Oyer and Terminer and General Jail DeliveryCourt ot Quar ter Sessions ot tho Peaco and tho Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court in tho SCth Judicial Dis trict, composed of tlio counties ot Columbia nnd Montour, and the Hons. James Lako and F. L Shuman, Associate Judges of Columbia county have Issued thelrjpreccpt, bearing date tho 13tli day of May In tho year ot our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and elghty-slx, and to po directed for uoiaing a uouri 01 oyer nna Terminer ana General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Court ot Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, in Bloomsburg, in the county of Columbia, on the fourth Monday.belng tho arth day of sept, next to continue for two weeks. Notico Is hereby given to the tho J us tlces of tho Peace, and tho Constables of tho sal j County of Columbla,that they be then and therein their proper person at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of said 3rd day of May with their records Inqui sitions and other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to bo done. And thoso that aro bound byrecognlzanco to proseoute against tho prisoners that are or may bo In the Jail of the said county of Columbia, to be then and there to prosecuto them as shall bo lust. Jurors are re quested to be punctual In their attendance, agreeably to their notices. Dated at Bloomsburg f, 0 tbo 25th day of Aug. In tho year of our - L.S. J- lord ono thousand eight hundred nnd ( sr ) elghty-slx, nnd In tho ono hundred and tenth year of the Independence of tho United States ot America. bheria's Office, SAMUEL SMITH,. Sheriff ULjE ON HEIHS. ESTATE OF HUMPHREY M. FARKER, DEO'D. COLUMBIA COUNTY, SS: To Rachel J. Parker, Wm. U. Parker, Ruth A. Parker, Ruclna, Intermarried with Jonathan H. Conner, Samuel E. Parker, Mary A., Intermarried with IHnlel Ashclman, nnd three grand children, Rachel Hoyt, Sarah Hoyt and John llojt, children of Rebecca llojt, dee'd, and Phebo Manning, I.uclna Manning and Gertrude Manning, tho granchlldren being children of Hannah J. Manning, dee'd, lineal descendants ot Humphrey M. torker, deceasod, and to another persons Interested, Greeting: You and each of you aro hereby cited to bo and appear before tho Judges of our Orphans' court ut an Orphans' Oouit to be held al Bloomsburg on tho lourth Monday of September next, then and thereto ac cept or reruso to tako the real estate of sold Humphrey M. Parker, deceased, at tho appraised valuation put upon It by the Inquest duly awarded by tho said court, and returned by tho Sheriff, or show causo why It shall not bo sold. And hereof tall not. Witness tho Honorablo William KlwelLProsldent of our said Court, at lUoomsburg, the seventeenth day of June, A. D. lsso, wm. 11. SNYDER, Clerk of o. C.v. augis Samuel Smith, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALES. liy vlrtuo of a writ of Al. Vend. Ex.,lssued out ot the Court of Common Pleas ot Columbia Co., Pa., and to mo dliected, will be exposed to public sulo at the Cross Kej s Hotel In Berwick on Saturday, September 18, '86, nt 10 o'clock a. m., All thoso two certain lots, sit uate in Berwick, Columbia county, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at the corner Front and Pino streets in said town ot Berwick, thence along Front street nlnety-nlno feet lo lot No, sixteen, t hence by tho same two hundred feet, more or less, to Canal street, thenco by Canal street nlnely-nlne feet to Pino Btreet, nnd Ihenco along Pino street two hundred feet, moro or less, to Front street, the placo ot begin ning. Tho samo being lots No. lgandno In Wan of Berwick, Pa., on which aro erected a two-story brick dwelling, with basement, a largo frame sta ble, coal house, pig pen and outbuilding. Fruit trees on the premises. A L S O, All that certain piece of land In Brlarcreek Twp., Columbia county, Pa. Beginning at tho public road leading from Bloomsburg to Berwick, Pa., at corner of Rasley land, thence by tho samo thirty, two and slx-teuths perches to a corner, thenco north soventy-four degrees east seventeen perches, thenco seventeen and one-fourth degrees west twenty.sovcn and seven-tenths perches, more or less, to public road, thenco south clghty-sovep degrees west thirteen nnd six-tenths to place of beginning, containing threo acres, moro or less, Seized, taken la execution, at the suit of Chester Copo vs. S. U. Bowman and A, F. Creasy and to bo sold as the property ot s. 11. Bom man. Jackson, Atty, SAMUEL SMITH, Sheriff. Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 spruce bt, N.Y. k n a . E vtj .lfSbS3;a iitn'5 U 5 .fe'irSia pass's n 3 s. U a P 3 ..flfiSbo 1 w nil n 3 M3 (3$ r"l 5 I I I (as a H F. I 'R fell I els "J? If IS COMING ! MATCH IT WHO CAN" !TS PARALLEL CANNOT BE PRUUui.uu i FRAN Ml Museum, Two-Ring Circus, WILL EXHIBIT AT lUUUIU, TUBS WONDERS OF "W03STIDBR,S ! A NEW SENSATION, whlcU A Feature never boforn Kxlilblted, and which ot Mr. Ilobblns 125,000. They play on nil kinds of Musical Instrument? Cornet, Trombone, Horn, Cymbals, Drum, kc producing a perfect Hurricane of Harmony and a Cyolona of Delight 150 CELEBRATED ARTISTS I Will appear in tho Two Kings nnd on the Elovated Stage, Including the most Artlstlo WORLD - IlBKrOWlWJBlJ Equestrians Gymnasts and Acrobats, THE SENSATIONAL ESCALON VdLANTE ! A CORPS OF FUNNY CLOWNS ! THE 3vIOXX,E-sr CHEW OF MOMTJS 1 IttOI&STER Repleto with raro Representatives of tlio Animal Kingdom. Taught lo pcrfo'm tho most intricato and difficult of Military Evolutions. .A. COLONY OF MONKEYS ! ' Tilt: KAltlCST Of AM, COMIC VI, ACTOI1S, Till! LUDIGROITS GLOWI ELEPHANT Tho on y ICIephnutiuo Comedian In iho World that dorn llio Motley. TVC FULL 3-A.lvTID.e OF MUSIC Inoludinr; O. P PERSY'3 ENQLISH DAND, from tho Horso Guardi. ISsSA Crrand Free Street Parade lSflf Of Goiiicou Manitflceuco will bo given at 10 A.M. Dally, Starting from tho I'lareof Kiliiblllon ml nro ceiHtlni; tbioujU tlu tirinclpul Atretta, In this Hjilomlitf PfrnvMriioTial DiKptay will lm sppii aluoif Una of OlMed Cbailots.uiilfitio Vebiclcii,of nnil ilfMi?n. (hmi Czi-a of Wild lloasti, u In nl of la KUphanti Cmel8, Tunleo, Jubi'eo Bingcitt aud Imu BantU t,f lluaic Duu't Fall tofito It, u U tostayou uotbing. ' TWO PERF0KMANCE3 DAILY. Doora Opea at 1 And 0 o'clock, P. K. Wblch allowu you one hour to buh tblut it'iti'i wcikUm Iu tbo AIuuum and l!onerle before tbo CirrtH ruifDrniaaceH be;u. EXCURSIONS ON ALL RAILROADS at REDUCED RATES. I'UI.I. l'.:iTICIU.AKS CAN 111! II All Of YOUIt lUILlai.V!) AI1KNT. fldmission to All. 50 Conts. CJ.iildren, under O years. 25 Cents. I'ENNy GOODS A SPECIALTY. SOLE AO 4 NTS I'OK toiler Bros. & Co., WHOLESALE DEALE119 IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, FRtlTS AND 'NUTS. fcOLE AGENTS l'Olt I1ESRY MAILLARDS BE C INDIES. FltCSII EVLHY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Fa. r. v, AiiAJia &. co., I PINE CUT CHEWING ! TOBACCO1 Solo agents of tliofol. lowing liranas of cigars. IIEN11Y CLAV, LOND11ES. 1! NOlt.MAI, INDIAN ritlKCKSS, SAMSON, H1LVEU ASH. WE AIIE irORTAITxfl FARMERS 1 - 0SB0K,IsrE 0elf iiide SkiVetei & VEowei WO liavotlie only lull Blcel framo blnoer In market, and aro belling It at fair Prices, llontbotnlked into buylntMBSl una ibbs inaelilnes at 'tho price wo are belllntf lioinnclUnei. OOME A35D EXAMINE OUR 2 NEW MOWERS. KEAIt AND FIIONT CUT. ALSO OUH Junior Right-Hand Binder. linnaiwull lino ol knives, rl els, uo., tor all inake.t ol reapers ana inoweral '0UCUII'c'i -outslaiitiy on HARMAN & H ASSERT; f $Mmm wit i ! 1 1 i I., SEPT. 9. Hint bo Soon to bo believed. ANT MUSICIANS! MENAGERIE ANY 01II1KU FOH FESTIVALS I11 bo SUl'l'UEI) WITH THE LOWEST Markel Prices, as i oi.i.ows: ORANGKS, LEMONS, 15ANANAS, l'EANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS CliEAM NUTS' ALMONDS, l'Ol COHN BALLS. SELLINU THE ir. $1f els Ml IS P. l HEW SMS Rill II si j i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers