TBS Of DVrXI3INq. lw iw u 9m 3m k it I Inch I !5 U! 1 W 1 10 3 00 4 60 7 0 ' 1 M 2 (10 3 25 4 00 4V 7 M II 00 a" soo in iu tvoo fli 1000 iset 4" 9503Cp04M T 00 8 M 12(10 IK 00 Vlfll 3 SJ 4 M 60 8 00 0 60 14 M El 0 MC01 6 60 7 00 8 00 14 00 1700 SO CO 40 00 column 8 oo Is oo 19 oo s oo ao 00 40 00 eo 10 Yearly advertisement payable quarterly. Trai bit continued orodim will notK'on 0 pa'4' bul i7.r Die person in Columbia county no subscription duo on demand, on quo on (Jomnnrt. - " . JOB PRINTING The Job Printing Department! nfii, r. t, very complete. It contain? tho lMFSiB''.,u,, knl nuetilnery and Is the oniSfflm tf Sresspi by power, glln? uS the b?f.mH lns ob Jin.tes furulshul on largo Jobs ,acllltl. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L AT E. WALLEIt, PTOUNKV-AT-LAW. omco oyer lat. National Hank. Woo,08bunf. 'a JkJ U. FUNK, ATTOItNKY-AT-LAW. fflu In Jit's llulldlng. Ui-oohsburu, Pa, J OIIN M. OLAHIC, ATTOISNEV-AT-LAW. AND JUSriOK OP THE l'EAOE. Hloohsburu, I'i. one over Moyer Bros. Drug store. Q W.MILLER, ATTO H S B V-AT-1, AW omco In Browor's bulldlng.accond floor.room Mo. 1 Illoomaburg. Pa. B. FRANK ?ARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Bloomsburg, Pa. omco corner ot Contro and Main Streeta. Clark a Dulldlng. Can be consulted In Gorman, Q.EO. E. ELWELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, llLoousnuito, Pa. OlUco on First floor, front room of Col umbian Uuildlnu, Mitln street, below Ex change Hotel. pAUL E. WIRT, Attomey-at-Law. Offlco In Columbian Boii-dino, Itoom No. s, second aoor. BLOOMSBUHQ, PA. , moan. u a. wihtimtiih. KNORR & WINTERSTEEN, Attornoys-at-Law. omco 1u 1st National Bank building, second floor, first door to tho left. Cornor ot Main and Market streeta liloomsburg, Pa. tSfPennoiu ami Soutt'.Ut Collected. J II, MAIZE, ATTORNEY AT-LAW Office In Maize's bulldlig. over MUmeycr'8 grocery. J71 P. BILLMEYER, (DIHTJIIOT ATTORNEY.) ATTORMEY-AT-LAW. WOfllco over Dcutler's slioo store, BloomsburR, Pu. rOpr-30.80. JOHN C. YOCUM. C. K. UKY3K. YOOUM & GEYER, Attorney s-at-Lawi CATAWISSA, PA. (omce front suit of rooms on second floor of MWBlTix building.) tVCAN HE CONSULTED IN GEllMAN.H Members of Sharp and Alleman's Lawyers and Iltnkers Directory and the American Mercantile and collection ABMCiatlon. Will give prompt and careful attention to collection of claims m any cart of the United States or Canada, as well as to all other professional business entrusted to them K. OSWALD, ATTOIINKY-AT-LAW. Jackson Building, Rooms i and B. BERWICK, PA vir. u. itnAWN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Catawlssa, Fa. omca.cornorot Third and MalnBtroota. V. WHITE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Offlco in Browers' Building, 2nd floor, may 1-tf jyJ-ICHAEL F. EYERLY, Conveyancer, Collector of Claims. AND LEGAL ADVICE IN THE SETTLEMENT 01' ESTATES, C. nr-Ofllco in Denver's building with P. '. Bill meyer, attorney-al-law, flout looms, 2nd ncor Bloomsburg, Pa. apr-a-su y. E. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND ' NOTARY PUBLIC, , Berwiok, Fa. MISCELLANEOUS ' B. McKELVY, M. D.,8urgeon and Phy . alclan, north side Main Blreot.fcelow Market i L. FRITZ, Attomey-at-Law. Olllce Front room over Post omco, D R. J. 0. BUTTER, PHYSICIAN CBUKQK0N, Office, North Market street, lUoomsburii pa rR. WM. M. REBER, Surgeon and lyPhyslclan. offlco corner ot Rock and Market Creet. tT.pi R. EVANS. M. D.. Surgeon and hyslclan, omco and Keafdencu on Third piRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN V. KNAPP, BLOOMSUURQ, PA, HOME, OF N. T. , MERCHANTS', OP NEWARK, N. J. ' ('LINTON, N. V. PEOPLES' N. Y. itEADINU, PA. These ou cokpobaiions are well seasoned by age and mi tibtud and have never yet had a loss settled by any court of law. Their assets are all Invested In souD sbcdkitibs are liable to the haiardof miaonly. , . . Losbes raoniTLr and uonkstiy adjusted ana Bald as soon aa determined by cubistun r. NArr, sracuL aosnt and aujbsieb uloomssubo, Pa. Tho people of Columbia county should patron Ize the agenoy where losses It any are settled and pall by one of ther own citizens. PROMPTNESS. EQUITY, FAIR DBA LINO. T) F. HARTMAH iraasiNTi mi roLiowiMQ AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIEB North American of Philadelphia. Franklin, 11 " Pennsylvania, " " York, ot innnsylvanla. Hanover, ot N. Y. oueeiui, ot London. North British, of Pondon. omce ou Mirket Street, No, , liloomsburg. oct.m, i- EXCHANGE HOTEL, W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BL00M3BUBO, FA. OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. Larg esand convenient sample rooms. Bath rooms Hot and cold water, and all modern conveniences P" ILES OR HEM0RlU10IDS.-yLC'EU8 Assure. Itching, fistula, to.. cured without pain by the Jibinkkrhofk Tkeatmknt. illustrated papers explaining the system and containing ret erences sent free. Address J. W. OOOLWOJS, M. J) 208 Wyoming Ave., Seranton, J'u. March 18. cms. O.E.ELWSLL, i, J. K BITTEMBEMDEB, r"f r,,t0"' BEST'MfMjE CLOTHINGJ PHIL'A."' A. C YATES & CO. Sixth and Chestnut Sts. AINWHIQUT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Philadelphia, Pa. TEAS, SYRUPS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, KICK, 8PI0E3, IUUAI1II SODA, Km, KTO. N. E. Corner Second and Arch sts. Mrorders will receive prompt attention. II. HOUSE, DENTIST, I$L00MSUURfI,C0LUMIlIA COUNTY, P.t All styles ot work done In a superior mannor,work warranted as represented. Tisth Extract id without Pain by the use ot lias, and free of cbargowhenartinclalteeth are Inserted. Olllco In Barton's building, Main rcet, lielow Market, live doors lielow tin's drug store, nrsl lloor. 1o be open at all hourt during the day NOV J3 -IX M. C. SIM & BRO., BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers Of CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETONS SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS AC. First-lass work always on hand. REPA1R1NQ NEA TL Y DONh. Prices reduced to tuit the times. BLOOMSBDRli PLANING MILL :o. The undersigned having put his Planing Ml on Railroad Street, In nrst-ciass condition, Is pre pared to do an Kinds ot worn in nis line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber used Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen are employed . ESTIMAT.ES FOE BUILDINGS urnlsbed on application. Piano and BpeclOca onspreprea uyaa experieuueuurituicuiBuinu CHARLES HRIIG, lllooniNbiirR, Via CLOTHING! CLOTHING 6. W. BERTSCH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. Cents Furnishing Goods, Eats & Caps OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits mndu to order at short notice and a lit alwas tniarantced or no pale. Call mid examine the largest and best selected stock of gooila over shown in Columbia county. Store next door to First National Hank, MAIN STREET, Uloomsburg, Pa. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES OF CAST CH WllOUQIIT IKON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots nml Public Grounds :o: The following shows tho Picket Gothic, one o the several beautiful styles o( IVnco manufactured by the unaoiwgncu. vn, itonurv nnd lim-fttiiiitv they are unsunliss ed. tet up bycKiwrleiictd hands and warranted to give sausiucuuu. Prices and tipcoimens of other dC' signa ent to any address. Address 8. W HKSS, BLOOMSBDRG PA- May 4-tf FRENCH'S HOTEL. C1T1 II A I.I. KtjUAIIH, JJKW VOIIK, Oppohlle t'lty Halt ond tho Post Oltlce. i Ills UUltl la UIIO Ui lite uiuab m.ii.i.w.m.- -r- pointinents and furnlturo of ANY IIUUSK In New EUROPEAN PLAN. ltooms only one Collar per doy. Halt minute's All lines of cars paw the door. Most convenleu wi n.V;. Vnk- rnr Meri-lianta to ston at. 1)111 ing llooms, cafes and I uncli counir replete wllh nir ti.. tiiTiii-inu nt. tnnil?rnte nrlcea. SJulysijr ,n npnannlri LtVATI RWflV. Send U ceuts postage, a ad by mall you w I vninn Unit, win hlnit von 111 work hat will at once bring you lnmoney luster than anything else In Ainerfea. AH about thelJOo.iW In presents wllh each 001. Agents wauieu r.Ji.Min tt ,.itii,r Kny. nf all fltrttt. for all the time, or bpare tlineonly. to work for us at their ownliomea. Wrtunea for all workers absolutely assured. Don't delay, II. lumnr i-o..i-orv.i land, Maluo, lueclb u, A . I FOE MI 1 CHILDREN. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER EXHAUSTED VITALITY. ILLUSTRATIVE Sample FREE. KNOW THYSELF. A Orcst Medical Work on Manhood. Nrvou and Phyilcal Debility, Prcmaturo Dccllno In Man, KihaiWcd Vitality, &c, ic, and tho nntold mis eries resulting from Indiscretion or excesses 1 SOO pages, substantially bound In gilt, mnslln. Con tains more than 125 Invaluablo prescriptions, em bracing every vogctablo remedy In tho pUarma cojKela for nil acute and chronic diseases. It Is emphatically a book for every man. Price only $1 by mail, post paid, concealed In plain wrapper. iM.tisTitATivK H.isipr.i: Fit hi: to am. Young and middle-aged men for the next ninety days. Send now, or cut this out, as you may never see It again. Address Dr. W. II. PAllKKlt, 4 Bul finch street, lloston, Mass. fcu.B-d. ly, OUR MOTTO: WELEAD Vfa tme our own IatoriiUtT nt the DcUwaro Itlvf r Chemical Works, and two Chemist coimtantly era playod there working out icientiHo theories, and our Iirscttcal knowll?e gainod by tout Mi 5 vnrm ou rm and orer iM yearn u manufacturers of fer tllirere. Tlie Urire and oitendMnw accorded 1IAIT(11S II AW HONi: M IN1IUKH for mora than thirty yHrn-CTpectally durlnK l&-6 and tho nnifnrmly fttcollnot npiults which inrtiiers report havlnR derlvrd frorathein, ro very (rratifjlnc, and encouraeo us to continan thoiinxluction of articles which II) m sure to clrathtt needed rt'nultf nt tho louctit rott to tlict ronxiiiner. Wo aim to have our It W ItONK MAMTUKS i near perfection as It ia in the iuuer of our cht-in ltitoruake them. There are no im protein en tl or economy of manufac turo s'lBdunted by science trr accomplished throUKh a Ijiht eiiwiriflnco, that we have not practiced in tho production of cheap and reliable fertilizers. Asuurtutnufacturo and importation of chemical manurasupplios take a wide range, we are tn a posi tion to nuiiply yoa with just what you want ia the way of fertilizers, at the very lowest price. Send for Itnuah'fl 1'linniiltntr (illltfe Also prices and samples of liauatlrs Haw IJono Manures. Orllsal mfftitffp tf RAW R01K SUPER-PHOSPHATE Oomhinml eaniu'ttv BAUCH&SONS Manufacturers and Importers. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Feb SO nf our Works, 75,(M vmn per year, ana still iacreaaing. GENTS Vb COPY cl this linuiri'i. hook. Ui;tvHtlieLANGU&CC mid Sentlm nl ot Cvrrt Flower Md Shmb, U(HH rtlllerrnt Kind, i-uiili the P 11 own Rolcicl Fllrta. tlen with Clove, Parasol. HiRdkercMclamirtn. it lit 1 lie mo it tomplettwnrk of the kind vwr ub IMied.CSuid liflicn fVntnn Ktniiiix lor I a Miiiipterniiy.iiNotnir price iitnenios Agfiu wnutnl avinrwson. Ad. :ERICAM PUB, C0..I7 Mortfc Ttatk llrnl.PhllK'a. P. SINGER Ci7 TlIISNTYI.i: kJJl T r a run Net of lw Atlnrlinioiits. 5WAKItAXTi:l Toars. Send Tor Clrciiliir. I' C. HOU R A CO.. 'iSS N. 0 lb S t., I'hllo.. l'a. Apr. S f IBST PREMIUM. PHILA0.U8;6. Ormiil Priie Melnl, I'Rrls, W. ggaatte 1 11 1 UMag i i Ask yourfirocerforlt. IVni. Krryiltipiiel.Mfr, IJilhorlU I ront btrcet, PUlLAUULi'iiiA, r.. June 4 88 ly. Adams' Patent picket rz.i J - at fV'LJ. ''-, !22 SI.7S per- roc! and upv n'. SPCCUL ?L'0TAT1C0. All kinds ol Iron Fencer, Gatrs. Hie Fr rciicE p7iiPSy III hi 1 1 1, 1 FfffEHIL If 57 '. ' ri. jv-1 B9 1 1 THCC CUARO Iron Work in all styles. Coal Scrt6ni a specialty. Iron Ladders, Wheels & Cresting. Blicktmlthlng In sll bnnckel. Eilinatei lurniihej. EAGLE IRON WORKS, Oor. Uniou Sc. Cnuul St v. VILKE3-DAnRV- v. mnrch 12-80-ly. pmmmw IRON ROOFING GO, Manufacturers of COKIiraiTEP, CHlUl'SIl KOOB, CUOINL'U l'ATKNT, l'HIN ANPCMliUlNKU Iron & Steel Roofing & Siding. Thosn ronnnra wo lay on solid sheat lilntr. on pur lins, on ironwork, or oeroM hlilnulea or slats. Wo bate In our employ Rood ana experienced roofers wlioinwe will tend out aa Instructora to thOBO who may nisli to lay tuelr own rooilnt', pur- nt.aLnm nnvlnis inpn'u rnllioad fflrO Ulid tllHO. He mnko theM) nwrlnira louny desiiod tlilcknesa and welk'IiU lMlmiteaBlven and contracts takon for roonngs auu huiuks, iaiu uuu iuiu.ih. rnnttm. rrnni-iintPP,! nil nil WOrk d0D6 OV 113.. Gala mined Iron and btcel roollnt's inado to order at tx notice. H Ii0N noomo CQ i PlTTBTON. l'a. Biromcennil factory near LcUlffh Valley tlenot. tvm-l- Kr. Trlpnhone connection. tuUKti 3lir N.W.AYER & SON ADVERTISING AGENTS siKffla PHILADELPHIA !ar, Clil'alllllt lllul I'llllltU Mo. llcceltu .tiltrrllx'iiienli for this riii. tollMAItOat Lowest Ciiah Rates lllCC '.SiWAYER S SON'S MANUAL (Mil IB eld i an icare, tut tboia who writ to tilinsoa 4 Co-.Tortiautl, Malna.will recelre free, full luformatlon about work which ihar eiLa Aa. and tirtat Lotoa.tbalwill rar I Ihim frnnl A 1.1 Ifi tlif d. botllS bTI) rarDJofH$.'U)laaday. Kllhii.youngoroI4. t-aplul not rsuulrtil. You ara HarM free. Thow who jtart at guc an ativluUJ inn r $avg llttls furtunc. All U new. Nov. 0 M ly. PATENTS I btalned and all patent business attended to for moderate fees. our omce 13 opposite tlie U. S. l'atent omco, and wo can obtain Talents In less time than taoso re mote from wauiinijion. Kpnd model or drawlnir. We advl&Q aatonat entablllty free of charge, andwomako no cbarge unless patent Is secured. We refer heie, to tlie l'ostmaster, the Hupt, of Money order I)lv., and to omcliils of tho U. 8. l'atent Ofllce. for circular, advice, terms and references to actual clients In your own Mate or I'ouniy, nmeiu C. A. SNOW & CO., Oppoaltn I'ftto ni oniee, WsslUnvtoo, J) 0 UI tell 3k TIRED OUT! Al thla Maaon nearly crery emu needs to nu anrne ivrrt of tonio, JltON enton Into almost very phy loUa'a presoriptioa for thota who need baudlntf op. THE3 TONIC For WenknenK, jnpltndr.I1nck of Kmtmvt rtr.i It If AM NO KQlTAI,, and it the only Iron roedtoino that It tint Inliirlousi It i;nrichc4 tho lllooil. Invlffciriiipn tlm HyatPin, Jtrptnrrs Appetltri AlunlMffrntloii It docs Dot blacken or injure t ha tetli, eauae head aebeorprodaceoonstlpatlon -other Iron mnitfinti do Ift. O. II, BlSKT-lT, a leadiriit physician of Bpring- Hold, Ohio, saysj M lirown'a Iron Bitten a thoronphly irood medl tine. I use tt In ray practice, and find its action ex crn all othnr forms of iron. In w"nknw, or a low con ditton of the system. Brown's Iron Bitters U OBually a posltlre iincestty. It fi all that Is claimed for it." llR. W. N. "Waters, 1319 Tlitrty-scond Btreet, fleoreetown, I). O., says; "Brown's Iron Hitters is tho Tonio of the age. Nothing better. It creates appetite, Rites (strength and UnproTes dlgentlon." Genuine has abore Trade Mark and crossed red lines on wrapper, Tnko no other. Made only ty UUOWK CHEMICAL CO., HALTIMOIt. Ml. POSITIVE PBOGrS. In otliur ndvcrtlsemctiti v, o linvo snM Hint tho Hnntiun IttirumnHnm t'tirrwm u iioclllcfor HliuuinttlUin, mid nil Us nttumlnut iu-Iich nml tmitia. Tlicctirufliaply lMnln Kacta. We now present so nit! loltlvr I'roofm fouhl ouuuak tinjllinitfinoru tntlic point thnn IliU iVdui Mb. It. I.masukl, o i ruini tn'iit tner t'Uautof Hiooktiohl, Mo., who write JU.'bG: t "Whenlii Uim)i.to jt-ais au-o, I tried hnnt to tn y tin r.vt jt or thla vtry reined v. I nUu told Tul Hit .ilmht to wet it forme at h linnet any iriit! t lut luithur ot us auopoj'iltnl. I, nijfeir, Hitlltml with llhAnniiHUim for jcua and api'iit linudivdinf dt. l.iw. hut never cot any i-ernifinetit nllef until I trim tin. Ki!it- tli.'ii,(oertwn jears uo ) 1 lme not huh -red the let. I know it U n tenoti tliliitr. It ui 1 t.il(i! like wtlitUro. jTow I want tho agency 1 r ne .stutuj-," llcic isftiioiher from nearer home... Mn. .T. I). Win tk Ita luiulinif huviiit'wimniioi liloomsburg l'a. Ilh piiiiidlatlicr. over ) years nhl.liiis been .threat iiillcicr Hum HheuuialUm. Nov. 24, 1683. Mit. Wiiitk writes us. M Haw rend your eimilar, Thecomitry Is eofuU of iutentliunibuKcltlsharil toiiinkeiH.'oilebi:lloe any ruiuuly hit ntrrit until It In tried Sly wrand- for tifit itat rritf, ten tiuiiH your tiico fora cure. Ho will try It anyway, beentifu he don't think your himw would keep auythintr without merit." l)y c, 2t . he rays : " My grandfather prononncea the JtuflKfmiUheiiiimtlNinCm'eatiift-rlttHH htit'Ct'tK 11a In not rehou'd ouo day only, but altogether." Ifyotnlouht either of theo statements, write tho parties: they'll uladly nuswer any inquiry. our space docs not permit further testimony. Wo hat o plenty of It, however. It makes quito a little book. We send it free to all who ask. As yet It Is not to Iw found at the storeH. but ran only be had by enclonintc tho price, aud addressing the American proprietor. PFAELZER BROS. & CO. I BIO-S'-'l Stnrliet Street, I'lillmlelpliln. P!r. CCO Kri I ItlniillfillHc.Utlilitloual. rllo 3)A.OU.t if reirintered loa mora. ONU HO.Y DOl4 Villi UVHIXEUS. march o-ly.a CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common lllotcli. or Irruption, to tho wort Scrorula. Salt-r lioum. "Fever-wore," Scaly or Hough Skin, In shott, nil discuses ciinsed by bad blood ara oonquered by this powerful, purifylnpr, and invlKoratlnir medicine, (ireat ICnttiiK IN oerH lapldfy hen! under Us benign influence. Especially has It manifested its potency in curing Totter. Hone Itnli, llolls, Cnr buiicleN, sore i:M, Scrofuloiia Nores Mini swuIllnaH, Ilip-Joint iJUenie, WJiKo SuolEliiKM, fioltre, or TliiclC Necli and InlarKed UluiidK. Send ten cents in stamps for a largo treatise, with col ored plates, on Skin Discuses, or tho sara amount for a treat !so on Scrofulous Affections. "Till 111, (( IS 'J Hi: MFK.M Thoroughlv cleanse it by using Jlr. lierce Golden Icclicnl Dlncovcr)', nnd good digest I on, a fair akin, bno) nut plr lls, vital ntrengtlif nnd Honndnebt of coiiatltutloii, will bo established. which Is Scrnfiiliiun Ilthcaixo of the liiiiiK., Is l'romptlj- nnd wrlulnly nrrcsted and cured by this Ootl-plven lenierly, if taken beforo tho last fitapes of th disease- nro reached. From Its wonderful power over this terribly fatal disease, when llrst offering- this now cel. ebrotcd reiiK'dy to tho public. Dr. Piebcb thought seriously of calling It his "Coll minion Cure," but abnudoned that name OS too limited for n meillclno which, from Iti wonderful combination of tonic, orstrengthen Ing, alterative, or blood-cleansing, antt-bllious, pectoral, and nutritive properties, is unequaled, not only as a reinody for consumption of tho lungs, but lor all CHRONIC DISEASES OF THE Liver, Blood, ant! Lungs. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, hav. sallow color of skin, or yellowlsh-brown spot, ou laco or body, frequent headache or dizil noss, bad Usto iu mouth, internal heat or chilli, alternating with hot Hashes, low spirit, and gloomy borebodings. Irregular appetite, and coated tonirue. you oro suffering from India KCiliii, l) Hiiciln,nnd Torpid Liver, or "IIII1oiiiiiio, in many cases only rart of theso symptoms aro oiperlt-nccd. At n ifniedy for all such cases, Dr, Pierce'.) Golden IUedlcul Dl.covery has no equal. ForWonlc I.miff., SplllliiB ol Blood, Kliortiio.ii of llroalh, Iiroiichltl.. Scvero (,'oukIii, Coiisuniptlon, and kindred affections, it is a sovereign remedy. Bend ten ocnts In stamps for Dr. Pleroe. book on Consumption. Sold by Druggist.. PRICE $1.00, ?onVa!oo. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, 683 Main St., Uurriio, N.T. aVCO9 LITTLE V q n a axvx ttttx'tj i flliljH, ANTI-IIIMOIIS and CATHARTIC. Sold by Drugglm.. 25 cent, a viol. ,$500 REWARD KPJpw Is offered by the proprietor, bwf nf Dr. Sagn'g Catarrh Remedy SB7I for a case of catarrh which they S cauuot cure, j 9 If you have a discharge from Lf tho nose, offensive or other wise, partial loss of smell, taste, or hearing, weale eyes, dull pain or pressure in head, you linvo Catarrh. Ihou lands ot case, terminate in consumption, Dr. Sage's Cataiihii ltr.MF.nv cuies the worst cases of G'atnrrh. "Cold In Ilie Head," and Cnturrlinl I'rudnclio, HI cents. NATURE'S CURE FOR CONSTIPATION, A RELIABLE ItEHEDY For Sick Stomach, Torpid Liver, Silicas Hsttdaths, Oostlventss, Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient. It is certain In Its effects. It Isgeutlo in It.s action, it is p.ilatabloto tho taste. It can bo relied upon to cure, anil It cm eg by assist ing, uot by outiaglnu', na ture. Do not take violent purgatlcs yourbelvcs, or allow your children 1 0 take thein, always use tun ele gant pharmaceutical prep aration, which has been for Sick-Headache, AND DYSPEPSIA. 11101 0 than lorty eais a publio favorite, bold by all druggists c crywhere. r PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM the jkijiuUp fat orite fur ilrt-iuliiff tho lialr, JUatoiitiiE tulor lun f ray. iuiJ iiroienthiff liamlrutf. t tloanst'i tho tu-'alp. fcUi.Mt tho ImJr fall! up, nuil U nuro to pltuio, IWu. unil f 1 ou at 1i UtTiilat. HINDERCORNS. The lafe.t. suri'.t Anil Uwtcuro for Torn., Dunlons. Ao, HtfiMall l-ulil. Knitoros vomfoit to ill. f-it. NcVBrf.ll., to t ui 0. 11 cnti t I'i uunl.K. llmux Co., V, Y, UUg ll tor working people, henuio cents post age, and we will mall you Iron, a lojal. valuable sample box o( L'oodx that will pay J oil 111 the way of making tnoie money 111 it lew u-iystuan yuu ever thought possi ble at an buslhcrs. tunlt.il nut leuulred. Vou cau live at home 1 nd wink liikpaiu lime only, or alllhotlme Allot both kex.s, o( all ages, grand ly hiicci'v.iul, w cenisto is easily earned every evening, 1 li tit all who want work may test the business. MOinuke this unparalleled offer: To all who aro not well tullsitcd we will bend tl to pay lui mu liuuuiu 111 wiHiiiu ua. i-uii pui iiciliurtl, directions, tic., bent tree. Immense pay absolute ly euro for all who titatt at once. 11011't delay. .uunaapiiNguN uo., ruriiauu, Maine, luecis. fgaH iHB H BHt1 Wm w " BE5T. "'mi .utjrrW, r SELECT POETRY. HARVEST HYMN. BY JOnit SUTTON. tor Tni Cot-ustntAH. Ood of all (avor, now to then, our hearts In grateful praise arise, Thy troodnesacvory whero wo eco. Thy hand our every want supplies. Tho seasons In their annual round, A. oich tho other doth succeed, Aro with peculiar blessing crowned, Each blessing suited to our need. Wo cast tho seed Into tho ground, And louve It there at thy command, We In thy promiso surely tnut, Ilellevlng that thy word shall stand. Though 'ncath tho winter's Bnowand frost 'Tls hid away from human sight, We know our labor Is not lost, Thou doest all things, well and right. Tho days of spring como hastening on, 1 uuu Kivesi, 1 uu nuusiuue ana mo rain, The snows of winter soon aro gone, And wo behold tho living grain. The heads nnd hlosanm anon nnnenr. Willi lengthnlng stocks andsprcadlng leaves u m-,-u uiti piucK uiu niieuea ear, And gather In tho golden sheaves. Thy goodness, Lord, again wo tell, As pouring trom thy gracious hand, A bounteous crop our garners nil. And plenty crowns our favored land. Our hearts to thee onco more wo lift, To thee ilone our thanks belong, For every good and needful gift. Accept tho tribute of our song. Stillwater, Aug. 23, lssfl. SELECT STORY. THE TDEKET DOOR. It wns a beautiful and still overling toward tho cud of summer, when in tho course of my wanderings about tho ancient city I entered tho quiet and solitary close of tho gray cathe dral. Tho rooks wero gathering in the old elms which stood around. A ruddy light wrapped tho great gray towers which roso far up into thecveu- ing air. Tho sounds of tho city from without came faintly and at intervals to tlio car as I walked slowly across tho close toward tho low wido steps which ascended and wero lost In the shadow of tho noble porch. On reaching tho great door of tho cathedral I found it closed. But iu tho center of this there was anothor smaller door which still stood open aud hero a party of visitors, to whom I was n stranger, wero cudeayoriug to persuado tho ancient verger that tho hour was not yet too' late to permit mum i.u ijisjuui, inu interior. 11 so happened that just as I caiuo up they nuiLttuuu 111 uvurcouiuig ms licsiln tion, and ho turned to lead tho way in to tho buildincr. Tho party followed him, and I among ilium. The party of visitors to which I had joined myself had completed, under tbo guidanoo of the verger, the custo mary (tour of inspection round tho ancient fabiic, aud were now preparing to leavo tho building. I had fallen for a moment behind the rest, in order to examine a fino and deeply interesting ct,nr,l,t,nt, r.f n. ,,!... ....... .! uj.i.wiuh.1, wi aiiiiijuu Vllivillg WHICH covered tho whole of tho wall near which I stood. The great door of tho caineurai, wnero tho rest of tho party were now stauding, was not visible from this spot ; but Icould hear their voices plainly, round the anglo of tho wan. Aware mat l hail not much timo to linger unless 1 wished to be locked up all night, I cast a glanco at tho rich tapestry of tho woodwork and prepared reluctantly to turn away. Suddenly my eye was caught by a portion of tho carving which seemed to stand out sliL'htly Irora tho rest. I put my hand upon tho carved head of tho Apostlo Peter aud pulled it out ward. To my amazement a door open ed in tho carving, showing beyond it a uarK passage 1 stooped Jorward and looked ib. As I did so tho door, which was thick and massive, and which was hung slantingly upon its hinges iu such a manner as to close its own weight, swung heavily back from tho position into which I had push- ed it and coming unexpectedly upon mu as 1 sioopeu lorward, projected me i.n ..I.... i.. i- j mm nu ui;i!iij uuu 01114b Ut'lllUU IBC, Tho suddenness of the incident and tho total darkness 111 which I found myseli entombed startled and confused me. Hut at first I felt no positive alarm. I attempted at onco to push open the door, but to my surpriso it uui not yieiii. 1 pushed harder harder yet I exerted all my streiiD-ih. but the door remained immovable- At last, finding all my efforts uso less, I endeavored to attract tho atten tion of those outside, I raised mv voice and called loudly for assistance at tho same time beating a vigorous tattoo wiin ray buck against the door I then paused and listentd, in tho ex pectation of beillL' snoedilv rnlenand JJiit to my surprise and alarm the min- utos passed and there was no response. With a vacuo terror at heart I ro- nowed my endeavors- I raised a clamor that awoko tho echoes of tho buildino. Hut still no voioo roplied from outside my prison, no baud released tho fasten int! of tho door. Gradually tho con viction forced itself upon mv mind that 1 had delayed too long. While I had been tryiiiK to force open tho door by my own ifTorts, tho party of visi- win nml luit mu Uiltueuial, CllUCr Wllll- out obsorving my absence, or perhaps supposing that 1 had loft boforo them. The verger had locked up tho building and departed. Thcro was no ono within imaruig to assist me. My consternation at tips discovery may bo conceived, 'i'no idea tint I was fated to pasB tho night in this dark ami narrow prison was ono which I rc fused to entertain. Again, again, and yet I hurled mysolf against thb wooden barrier, with ntge, with furv, with do- spair. hot until I had exhausted ov try offoit iu mv power, not until ev cry gleam of hopo had vanished from my mind, did I givo up tho attempt to force tho door aa hopeless, and turned away irom it to examine more narrow ly tho pl.ICO of mv iiiinrisnnmnnt. Mothiug now seemed left to mo but to ascertain how I might pass the hours wiiu least umtiomiQn, iiiiiu migut, ox pect assistance from without. In my aisaults upon tho door I lisd already discovered that tho plaoo in whioh I was inclosed was of small di mensions, It was, in fact, littlo more than a reoess or deep niche in tlio ina sonry, not oxoeodiiifi threo foet sriuaro- it would neither onablo me to lio at full length per obtain any other relief for my tired limbs than by tho chango of ono cramped and uneasy posture for another Tho door was of solid pavement. Tho roof, as I stood orect just touched my head, Tho walls, like tho lloor, wero of solid stone, Stand ing elosu to one of these, and casting my uyes upwaru, 1 mauo a discovery wincu uueu ino at iirst with surprise, and afterward with extrcmo porploxity 3, 1886. Between tho roof and tho wall thcro was a spaco of at least four inches. Through this space I became awaro of a faint gleam ol light very far above y head. With tho object of ascor laming tho length of this aperture I moved along tho wall, keeping my eye upon the crevice. Tho light did not vanish. I turned tho anglo of tho wall and still thu light remained visible. I traversed in succession tho fourlwalls of the cell, no obstacle obscured tho tccblo dream. I he roof did not touch tho wall al a single point of tho circuit. J'rcscntly a loud and stnrtlinir sound. seeming to issue from tho roof abovo my head, burst suddenly upon tho si lence. It was the great clock of tho cathedral striking tho hour. Tlio notes full slowly from a deep, solemn and sonorous bell. But instead of reaching my prison, as might have been expected, in dull, far-off and muf fled tones, thoy fell upon my cars with thrilling clearness aud distinctness, as if they were close at hand. It was evident, iu fact, that my cell must bo situated directly undor tho clock tower. This conclasiou, however, led me no fuither nt tho moment. I sat for a lone time in reflection upon tho number of hours which must elapso beforo I could expect to bo set lree. Hie bell bad struck tho hour ol six. Tho cathedral would probably not bo open in the morning boforo 9 or 10. I had, therefore, somo fifteen hours at least beforo me to get through aa beat I might. How slowly tho timo waned 1 At seemingly long intorvals tho bells struck the quarters! one, two, three, four; and then in deeper tones tho hour itself 7. And now, when the ringing sound of tho last note had died away, tho bells of tho carillon began to chime. Tho notes fell on my ears with the same singular and unaccount able distinctness which I had observed in the strikinc of tho hour. They chimed tho evening hymn. Very suddenly a strange thoucut struck me, causing mo to raise my eyes toward tho ceiling of my cell. In my present position I could just perceive the taint gleam ot light discernible lar up through tho interspace botween the roof aud tho wall; but tho roof itsolf was buried in darkness. aroso slowly to my feet, and tho scarcely formed coujecturo of my mind was instantly confirmed. As I had expected, I could no longer stand erect; my head now struck the roof. Tlio wholo truth flashed at once across my mind. I saw why tho ronf did not touch tho walls of tho inolosure, why it was lormed ot massive iron, it was de scending. l es descending I Uunct: the hour I had remained seated, tho roof had sunk tbrougb a space of fully four inches. But this discovery, when now 1 made it, so tar lrom causing me per plexity, at onco revealed to me tho wholo mystery of my prison. lho directness ol sound with winch the chiming of tho bells reached my ears had already told mo that tho bel fry must bo situated directly above my head. I now perceived that what I had taken for a solid heavy roof was in fact tho massivo and enormous weight of tho groat clock. I was im prisoned in tho bottom of tho shaft into which tho weight descended. The ponderous block of solid metal was falling at tho rate of about four inches an hour, or rattier moro. Iu less timo than it takes to trace theso words, the conBerjuence ol this flashed through my mind. In fifteen hours tho weight would descend through a spaco of five feet. Long beforo I could expect re lease, tho enormous mass would bo upon me, and would crush mo helpless ly against the pavement of my prison. JNly sensation upon making this dis covery I will not attempt to describe Often very often in tbo course of my life, have I had occasion to remark tho truth of tho saying: "Tho avenues that lead to death aro numerous and strange. Littlo did I think how near ly I was myself to afford an oxamplo of its truth. Yet Burely no mortal was over betoro tho victim ot au accident bo wildly singular and so tull of hor ror 1 Thero tho great weight was abovo me. Slowly, surely, it was creeping downward in tlio darkness and silence of tho night. And far up in the soft air of sunset tho bells wero still ringing lho evening hymn. l'or nnny minutes after making this discovery I remained motionless. striving vainly to realize tho moBt singular yet deadly peril which threat ened mo. I do not know how long it was before I so far recovered my faculties as to become capable of thought. At length, rousing myself by an effort to examine whether any way to escape lay open to me. I turn ed my attention to tho interspaco bo- tweon the weight and tho wall ; but it was tar too narrow to admit the pass ago of my bodv. Then to such ex- tremeties may desperation dnvo its victims I thought of attempting to arrest tho groat weight by supporting it with my suck aa it decended. t might as well have attempted to sup port a falling avalanche. Then ah idea occured to my mind whioh brought with it a aloatn of hope, J thought it possible that by applying my strength to the weight it self, I might bo ablo to impart to it uy siow uegrees a swinging motion, HKe mat ot a pendulum : and this be nig continued, might at length bring tho ponderous mass in contact with lho door, and so burst it open. Raising uiyncii irom tno noor oi mo coil, upon which I had again Bank down, I ap plied mv strength to tho wclcht and by exerting all my energy in a success, ion of rythmical impulses I gradually succeeded iu imparting to it an almost impreccptiblo movement. Gradually tis net-eased ; and bul for in unfor- seen circuinstauco tho scheme might havu bceu auucussful. But I presently found that tho weight di1 not hang exactly in tlio centre of the shaft, Tho consoqiunco of this was that it struck tlio wall opposite tho door beforo it reached tho door Itself. Tho extent of its swing being thus checked, my ut most efforts failed to bring it into con tact with tho door, Tho attomnt had therofo.ro to bo nbondonod, ana hope ! .11.. .1 ...!...! llguill U1UII Wlllllll llll), Hopu died within me. And now my sensation, wore those of oxtromo horror and dismay. I for tho first timo felt tlio certainty ot my fate. A dead ly sickness seized me. In a paroxysm of despair I flung myself agaiu upon tho lloor of my prison, and lay thcro witiioui motion. THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XX.NO n.1 UULUMUIA IIKMUU11AT, VOL. U NO St I will not dwell upon the long hours that followed those hours nf inoro than mortal agony of mind. Tho sensations of those who have stood faco to face with death for hours, watching with starting eyes his slow approach, aro to mo no mystery. But tho mind of n man has mercifully been bo ordered that agony prolonged be yond a cei tain point ends in benumb ing the power of feeling. Thus it is that criminals condemned to execution often sleep soundly and cat with appe tito ; a fact which seems amazing to thoso who consider how comparatively slight a degree of mental distress has power to rob tlio night of rest and to turn the daintiest food to poison. They do not rt fleet that menl-il agony iu its extremity ceases to bo felt. But thus it is, and thus it was with inc. I believe also that the air of tho Bhafl must havu acted upon mo with somo stupefying or bewildered in fluence, like that of tho vapor which often gathers at lho bottom of old wells, lho agitation of my mind gradually gave placo to Birango feeling of indifference. Tho peril under which I lay ceased to troublo me, and at last no longer occup'cd my thoughts. 1 began instead to be curiouslv dis turbed by another circuinstancr, very trivial in itsolf; by asouud, which reach ed my senses from f-omcwhero in the stillness ; a Round low, muflled, throb bing and mysterious, like tho beating of my own blood. Had my mind been clear I could not havu failed to recog nize it lor what it was. Tho sound seemed in my cars ; but this was mere ly owing to my position m tho shaft. In reality, it was tlio ticking of tlio gieat clock, far abovo my head. l'or hours 1 sat thcro, listening mo- chanically, half unconsciously, to this monotonous sound, broken at intervals by the notes of tho deep-toned bell. At length, probably owing iu great meas ure to the heavy effect of the air upon me, I must havu passed into a sort of stupor, which lasted very long. When 1 came to myself 1 was con scious of a very singular sensation. Tho pilohy darkness was about me and ot courso 1 could seo nothing. isut, in somo unaccountable manner, of which I fear it is impossible for mo to convey a notion, I was aware that during my tratico tho weight had do Hounded a great way, and was now close aboyo my body. I could feel, though nothing touched me, tho hugo and threatening mass brooding over mo in the darkness. Willi a mighty effort for like a person iu a nightmare I seemed to have lost tho power of motion I raised my hand. My ex pectation was a correct ouo. My hand struck against the under surface of the weight, at an elevation of less than threo inches from my faco 1 At last after an eternity of unutterablo sus pense at last it touched me. It touched me. At first lightly : then with a perceptible pressure ; then with a pressure which grow distressing. In vain I sought relit f; iu vain I strove to writhe my body into narrower compass. &lowly, steadily, tho mass de scended, crushing mo against tho lloor. lho last minute ot my lite seemed to come. I breathed a prayer to heaven and resigned myself to die. Still a space the weight descended ; my brain sa'm ; my breathing became difficult ; 1 believe that for somo brief seconds I boro upon my fainting form tho whole burden ot thu ponderous masi. Tlio blood rushed in toi rents to my head, I .l.. 1 f . . iuii, i ii hi, in v senses (vuru leaving me. Very suddenly tho pressure ceased. I was conscious of a welcomo relief. I drew in a deep breath, freely. I moved my iiuius, uuu luumi tueir uueriy no i: i. i r i im ... tircam. rno weight was gone f I raised ray hand and it encouutured space. I gasping, staggered, to my feet. Tho weight was already abovo my head, and rising rapidly upward in to tho darkness of tho shaft. A sound of moving mechanism reached mo lrom above. 1 thought 1 heard tho murmur ot voices ; men wero moying in me lower abovo me. I he purpose which had brought them there was evident j thoy wero winding up lho clock. 1 remember little more, and that confusedly. I have some dim memory of an interval of silence, broken by voices ouisiiio my prison ; ot lho sudden opening of tho door, of a blinding light ot a group ot several forms without. 1 seem to remember a'so that thcro wtro cries of wonder as I staggered from my narrow lodging aud fell faiuling into tho arms of my deliverers. But theso things aro to mo as the bI.uiIjwh of a dream, lho rushing darkness return ed upon me, and for many hours I Knew no moro. Such Ib tho story of my Birango ad venture. I greatly doubt whether in all tho chapter of accidents in history a stranger can bo tound. 1 liavo al ready stated that its truth is known to several persons, and that tho strict accuracy of my account can bo verified oy simple inquiry. Argosy. Bismarck's Publio Career. Ho began his publio career in 1H17 as a member of tho united diets, at tho aye of 33 years, in troublous and critical times, as well for the Prussian crown as for all Germany and western Europe. Everywhere) lho people- wero lennenting with tno doctnues ot liber alism und popular rights. Iu Prussia tho monarchy was absolute The bureaucratic rule was offonsivo and Qppressivp. Tho king's father had allowed a diet to each of tho eight provinces of Prussia. Frederick Will iam III. had just yielded again so far as to grant a brief constitution for Prussia, if tho royal decrees of Feb ruary, 1817, deservo bo diguilicd a name, uy tneso ordinances ho assem bled at Berlin a union of theso pro ..r ii i.-.i! i .. viiieun uui i ics uuuor tno naino ot lho united diets.and promised that no new loan in inno ot peace shouiit bo con tracted without their consent, nor now imposts introduced, nor existing taxes iiicrcaseii without tueir concurrence. Ever since tho national uprising of ioiii tuo uesiro oi mo peopio lor con stitutional guarantees and for partici pation iu the government had beep in creasing. At this timo ovory period leal jprcss m Prussia was liberal. Tho partisans of tho royal prerogative had not a siuglo organ in lho kingdom. All tho popular orators wero liberal. Upon tho first assemblage of the united diets not only was tho conservative party unorganized, mum uieir ranks appear ed not ouo orator with ability to cap ture or oontrol an audience. Bismaik himself was oulv a hesitating sneaker. The fluent liberal orators called forth MentndvcitlscincntsmUBlljcpald for before rv sertcd except wnero panics nave accounts, Legal advertisements two dollars per Inch lujr three Insertions, and at Uiat rate for additional Insertions without reference to length. Iterator's, Administrator's, and Auditor's n tlces throe dollars. Transient or Ixwal notices, ten cents a lino, rcg ular advertisements halt rates. Cards In tho "Duslness Directory" column, od dollar a year for each line. storms of applause, whilo Bismarck's rm opposing but modest speeches lor thu rights of the crown were met with murmurs and hisscB. On tho first occasion of a speech from him his con servative declaration, of no great signi ficance in itself, was met Willi such up roar of disorder that ho could not pro ceed. Ho cooly pulled from his pocket a newspaper and reed it till tho presi dent restored order, when he laid it asido ami proceeded with his speech. At that lime he, liko a majority of his countrymen, was partly under the in fluence of tho liberal spirit of tho times. But in this assembly hu heard only tho rounded periods of scholastic and theoretic cloqiicnoe. There was littlo evidenco of practical statesmanship. Tliciu was hot eagerness leaping tow ard change, but no patience for experi mental developments, no pcrcoivuu that tho late roal decrcss was not ac cepted as a finality. They weio to bo regarded only as tlio first Instalment of a more comphto and constitutional liberalism. His opponents wero al ready impatient for much longer strides forward. TJiu king's speech, which reads liko a chapter from the ricoids of the ancient Assyrian kings, had de nounced all such expectations. The Hilarity Tamily. , VACATION AT A HUMMKK nKSOKT. THE KSTIMATKP AND ACTUAL COST OF AN UNSATISl-'ACTOKV TItll". Mr. E. F. Hilarity; a prominent citi zen who increased nis casu account considerably during tho past year, con cluded to lake his family to a Summer esort lor a unci recreation. Mrs. Hilaiity has a fondness for "sossiety," and her two daughtcis, Arclhusa and Melinda, have reached the ago when an advantageous match not to bo frowned at. The tonu mamma has been considerably worried by 'Argio's predilection for a baker ou Court Btreet, and to remove the sweet girl from such dangerous influences was a powerful argument in the ears of tho paternal Hilarity. The pater laminas thought lie a do a little liguting on the probable cost of . i i . . . .. . . : a tw o wees, s trip iu a iiutuu wriuriug place. He got out his pencil, and, with his wilo aud two daughters at his elbow, made up an estimate of ex penditures which lie thought would irove approximately correct. Here it s: ltallro.id taro going and returning, for four, tls each t It Hotel bills, rise per day, two weeks ISO Do.it riding and other incidentals 23 Total 1317 Tho old man felt well satisfied with himself, and told the eager women that they could go, and he would spare a lew days lrom his tactory to accom pany them. There was bustlo and activity in ino Hilarity household for a week. Mo- linda went the rounds ot all her friends and informed them of her prospective trip, besidts sending a society note to that effect to tho Sunday papers. Then thu outfit roust bo bought, and, strangely enough, the doting papa had forgotten tho new dresses in his esti mate, supposing, the guileless man that ho was, that there were clothes enough in tho family without any ex tra supply for a two weeks' journey. Airs. 11. and her two charming hope fuls visited all the dry goods stores and ordered everything which they thought necessary to enable them to cut a big swath at the resort. The old man know nothing about these elaborato preparations, as his thought- tut spouse advised tho Btoro keepers and dress makers not to trouble Mr. Hilarity with their bills until tbo first of tho month. Half a dozen big trunks were hauled to tho family residence. Theso wero almost inadequate to contain tho im mense quantity of new dresses, bon nets and other paraphernalia of a society woman's attire. The eventful day came. 1 ho express-wagcui came for tho trunks. When Mr. Hilarity saw tho pile of trunks ho threw up both hands. 'Great Scott, my dear, where did all thoso trunks cuno from! What aro you going to do with them t Ono Saratoga ought to be enough for a trip liko this." With her blandest smilo the better half spoke : ".Now, dearest, Arethusa and .Menu- da must be brought out right. Would you want tlio poor dears to go away without any clothes 7" I or lack ol any lurther material tor criticism, and still ignorant of thu big bills awaiting his return, llilaniy held his peace. It cost S10 to carry the baggage to thu train aud another $10 tor excess of baggage was collected by the railroad compauy. "Mow my dear, remarked the some what irate husband, not entirely sub dued, "I'm really ashamed of yon. Peopio will think we aro moving or that you aro a lot of merchant travel ers. Besides theso things cost money.'' Hilarity was still in a bad humor when tho resort was reached. It added to his bitterness of spirit when $20 was demanded for carrying five trunks to thu hotel. Tho poor man was im posed upon every way. Mis beloved family did not enjoy themselves, for tho good catches for tho girls didn't pan out. The only men at tho hotel, asido from somo old fellows liko Hil arity, were dudo dry goods clerks working for $ 10 a month. Arethusa and Molinda had a wretched timo bo oauso mamma wouldn't allow thorn to associato with poor young men with out any money or future. During thu two weeks they only opened ono trunk, and didn't get to wear their good clothes bul once that was when Mrs. Bellamy Madison Spin atol gave a privato hop. Wliilo all this was in progress Hil arity was uot in the least hilarious, Ho had to piy out money at every turn, and was compelled to draw on his banker for S?500 extra. To add to his troubles Airs. II. caught a violent oold while out on tho lake, and was cross and disagrecablo generally. In ten days from tho timo of their arrival at tho lakes Hilarity said to his Hock : "You women folks can do as- you please, but I'm goiug homo to morrow. If you want to stay here, bankrupt your poor father or uy dissipation fall into untimely graves, do so. I figured on $300 as the cost of tho trip, but bo far I linvo parted with seven hundred good dollars, and everything isn't set tled up yet. Mako up your minds." They did, and decided to accompany the old gentleman homo. , llViiliiiufd uii fuurth