THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. f Lift) is Loudon. WOMI'J 10LI.OWISII VOCATIONS FIT ONLY von riir. s-rittttoHvr Mr.N. Whether It ho the exilw nco of enor mous Rlnmlltig ntin!et, thu havoo of centuries of wnr, thu nbsenco of prac tical ctliio.itloiml facilities, or tho low licss of laborers' wnges, that compels bo mnny women on tho continent of Europe to seek to gnln a living in oc cupations which wo doom fit ohIv for tho strongest nml rudest of men!' cer tain it is llmt one of tho commonest mid, to Amotion!! oyes, tho strongest sights there is tho number of women engaged in agricultural and other so voro manual labor. In Franco women nro Btlll occupied in tho mines, drag King or pushing tho heavy trucks of coals through the narrow tunnels that ruu from tho scams to tho shaft. Of course, in such work tlioy adopt tho ordinary costume ol working minors, and at tho first glanco aro not to bo distinguished from tho men, by whoso sale tlioy aro working. Somo of tho onirics In tho French census as to tho laboring population aro strango enough. In Parts thcro aro 0 fomalo boatbuilders and 215 "wheelwrights, farriers and Baddlors," a sawyers, -to carpenters and joiners, a masons and 1 plumber. It is, however, in Austria that wo find tho greatest proportion of women encaged m heavy physical labor, not merely in ag riculture or tho mines, but in paving or cleaning tho streets, or in carrying lingo trays of mortar or hods of bricks up to tho workmen on tho Bcailolding oi uutidings in tho courso ot erection. IIicbo women do not seem to complain of their lot; thoy havo been bred up to hard work from their infancy, and aro used to nothing better! their lan guago and manners aro as coarso as those of tho malo laborers, whom in figuro they resemble high chested, broad shouldered, no traco of a waist. and possessed of great strength. To such stout "daughters of tho plow" it is an easy task to wheel a street sprink ler or pull about a hand cart laden with milk, as may bo seen &ny day at Ant werp, whero tho milk woman, with her noat white cap and kerchief and her assistant dog is i striking picture. IVORKKUS IN THE MINES. In Prussia about 0,000 women are workers in mines, quarries and foun dries, and about 2,000 arc classified as "drivers, postilions, and railway labor era,'' and about 1,000 as "ship's crews, sailors, boatmen and ferrymen;'1 in the last category will como women cm- ployed in towing canal boats. It has been asked, why do not women adopt callings more adapted to ieminino hands t Tho reason seems to bo tho industrial condition of a great part of tho European continent, which affords to them no better means of earning a living, and tho fact that theso occupa tions, which aro so utterlv unfeminine, aro just thoso in which unskilled labor can bo employed. A change, however, is slowly coming about by tho growth of important industries in every conn try. Tho factory system has been found in Germany to havo a strong tendency to improve tho condition, not only of tho women immediately em ployed in them, but of those working in tho country around. A largo employer at Freiburg, after thirty years' experience. Bald: "The condition of the agricultural laborers is not a satisfactory one. There is much misery among them, especially moral misery. When mothers apply to us for work for strong, healthy girls, wo tell them such girls aro more lit lor labor in tho bclds, but too Ire quently reccivo an account of 'ho hard and immoral life associated with such service. Tho sceno changes when a well managed factory comes into tho village. Tho poor girls must then either reccivo better treatment and better wages or they go into the fac tory. The moral benefit of a well or dered factory is still greater; it affects tho whole village. JIarpet s Jsazar. A Successful Oalf-Haisei's Method. My cows are in a healthy condition says a correspondent of tho Farm and Home, well kept but not overfed with heavy meal, and aro turned loose in a warm pen befoM dropping the calf. They are kept ns clean as possible,with a little straw for litter. I let the calf suck till tho milk is good, miming with the cow two or throo days, and then tako it away and pnt in a pen looso and tio tho cow back with tho others. My way is to have tho pen for calves where the cows can seo mo feed them, and then they aro contented in a short timo. At tho ago of two or three days I teach them to drink on new milk from the mother and continuo to give it now for one week or more. I then mix a part skim milk with now milk for a week or more, but tho skim milk should set only from morning till night or from night till morning. Then I tako all skim-milk 12 houiB old for a week or more, and follow it with a part 12 hours set mixed together for tho calf. Thus I work by degrees from new milk to old, always keeping the calves well bedded to knop them dry. 1 givo thorn early out hay as soon as they will oat it, and after I get them fairly on to skim-milk I mix fine feed with milk, a small handful at first. Steady, even feed with just llttlo increase as they grow older is necessary. It the chaogo from ,new to old sour milk is too soon it will spoil their stomachs and disar range tho digestive organs, and they never do so well ns they should do. I keep them in tho barn till after haying and then turn them in to good Fall feed and wean thorn, salting often, but not giving too much at a time. 1 havo raised 50 or more within a few years with scarcely any trpublc, and they always feel contented and quiet and ready for their meals. Tho great socret of success is to keep their diges tive organs all right and keep their feet dry, giving regular feed and enough of it. J. II. Mercer wishes to make an assertion, which ho cm back with a positive guaranteo. It is all about Ackcr'rf Blood Elixir. IIo claims for it superior merits over all other remed ies of Us kind, and guarantees for it a positive and sure euro forlthcumatism, Kyphillis, and all blood disorders, it frees tho skin from spots and disease, and leaves tho complexion clear Ask him nbout it. J, II. Mercer would especially recom wond to tho ladies AckerV Dyspepsia Tablets. As a laxative thoy havo no equal. They aro guaranteed to euro Cbronio Constipation, Dyspepsia, and all diseases arising from a deranged stomach. With a free use of the Tab. t-ts, Sick Headache is impossible. There aro scores of persons who aro suffering from somo form of blood dis order or skin disease, such as Scrofula, Boils, eta, etc After a practical test, J. If. Mercer asserts that Acker's Blood Elixir will certainly euro all such dis i nscs, including Syphillis and Bhcum ctltn. Ilia net a patent nostrum, but a iclculifio preparation, ho guarantees It. Qaalltlos of tho Flesh of Poultry. Gallinaceous Fowls, or Chickens. In tho opinion of physicians, both ancient and modem, tho llcoli of thu chicken at throo months old is tho moat delicate and easy to digest of all tho animal foods ; thenco best adapted to tho stomachs of invalids, or tho constl. tulionally weak, being tho lcat alkal escent of nllnnimal food, free from Irri tation, nnd nfforillng a mllJ and innox ious cli j H Ago makss a striking (in ference in tho flesh of fowl?, since, after tho ago of ono year, it becomes tougher and moto insoluble. Tho cock, Indued, at that ago is only used lor making soup, wlillo tho pullet is still excellent, although a moro substantial viand than tho chicken. While young tho cock and hen aro equally delicate. Tho flesh of birds differs in quality according to tho food on which they live. Such ns feed on grain and berries afford, in general, good nourishment. A young hen or chicken is tender and delicato food, and extremely well adapt ed whero the dlgcstivo powers aro weak. But of all tamo fo Ms tho cap on is tho most nutritions. Tho -Capon, or castrated fowl, has ever been osteemed ono of tho greatest delicacies, preserving tho flavor and tenderness of tho chicken with tho juioy maturity of ago ; tho flesh yielding a rich and good chyle, and without any tendanoy to inllam mation. Capons, however, aro usually crammed nnd made excessively fat, perhaps to tho verge of disease, in which slate their flesh is neither so delicately flavored nor probably so wholcsomo as when moro naturally fed. Indeed, tho flesh of tho barn-door fowl, or that fed in a state of nature and at liberty to tako exercise, is universally acknowledged to excel in genuine rich ness of flavor. Tho Turkey. Tho flesh of tho turk ey is somowbat moro denso of fibre and moro alkalescent and substantial than that of tio chicken, but it is reckoned nourishing and restorative. Ago pro duces a similar effect as in tho chicken whence the turkey, after a certain period, is good for little, except stew ed. Guinea-fowls aro not so whito of flesh as the common, but more inclined to tho pheasant color ; in quality short and savory, liko tho flesh of tho pheas ant, and easy of digestion. In fact, the guinea fowl is reckoned by many ft good substitute for tho pheasant. Thoy are very prolific, and their eggs nourishing and good. The Diick. Tho flesh of tho duck, of a savory and somewhat Btimulant nature, is said to afford a prefoiablo nourishment to that of tho goose, being not so gross and moro easily digested ; and that of tho wild duck is reckoned still moro easy of digestion than tho tame, although more savory. The Goose. Tho whole anscrino or goose tribe, of which there is a great variety, aro held to afford a food highly stimulant of a strong flavor and viscous quality, and of a putrescent tendency. The llcsh of tho tamo goose is moro tender than that of tho wild, but generally it is a diet best adapted to. good stomachs and powerful digest ion, and should bo sparingly used by tho sedentary and weak, or by persons subject to cutaneous diseases. Mow bra; on I'oidtry. The drops. Tho following is a summary of tho Rural New-Yorker's annual crop re port: From over 4000 crop luports from all parts of tho country, tho Rur al Ncw- orker concludes that tho win ter wheat crop is on tho wholo good ; thoprobablo yield being 295,000,000 biiBhels against 212,000,000 in 18S5, with a slight increaso in acreage. Spring wheat has been considerably injured by drought and blight; tho yield will probably be 140,000,000 bushels against 145,000,000 last year. Tho total wheat crop will probably bo 435,000,000 biiBhels against 337,000, 000 last year. In oats thoro ln.s been a slight increaso in acrcago ; tho crop has been considerably injured by drought and insect pests, and will prob ably yield GOO.000,000 bushels, against 020,000,000 bushels in tho year 1885. Of ryo and barley thero will bo ex cellent crops on a slightly increased area. There is a yood stand of corn, and tho outlook is excellent for a fine crop. Of early potatoes, tho crop will be heavy, and late potatoes ara promis ing, especially in tho West. Prices will probably bo low. Thcro has been a largo increaso in tho area of cultivat ed grasses in tho West and South, and u considerable increaso in clover. Thero will be a heavy crop of hay, though it has been injured somewhat by drought and insects iu places. Pas tures are generally good. Thero is a tliglit increase in tho area of tobacco, and the prospects are fair. There is a decrease, in acreage under hops ; until recently the prospects every whero wro excellent, but destruction is now threat ened to tho New York crop by hco and honeydew. Prices for old hops havo moro than doubled within ten days. A slight decrease in tho area under cotton in the older t-tates is more than counterbalanced in tho new, especially Texas. Iho condition, however, h lower than m 1885. Outside of Now England apples aro likely to bo only a fair crop, as the young fruit is dropping excessively everywhere. Thoro will boa poor crop in the South. Much injury has been done to orchards by tho winter cold and spring lrosts in tho Ohio valley and tho Northwest. Tho pear crop will be poor and tho peach crop below tho average. Straw berries have been too plentiful for profit nnd of small fruits tho crops are good. On tho wholo thcro is an excellent har vest outlook. Ooal Ashes, Coal ashes are a bad foundation for a yard. Eowls will eat alargoamouut of coal found m coal ashes, if tho pile bo handy for them, or charcoal if placed in a box that thoy may u'O to at will, Charred corn may bo fed daily to tho boreiit of health ; but the habit of covering thn hen yard over with coal and wood ashes for them to bo confined upon, is a fruitful causo of dry, pale, rough legs, which aro un sightly and unhealthy. Dust boxes of thrco-fourths eati'ly loam, one-fourth ashes (wood), and a pound of sulphur mixed, nre nil rigm, nut uio yard oi small ones should bo dug up frequently and all surface filth turned under. Sow tho around thick with oats and rye, then fork it up if too small to tiso a iiorso noo, aim mo Bprouuiig grain will induce tha hens to constant exer cise. 15y feeding tho fowls what thoy will oat tin clean in tho morning, then leaving them to dig in tho earth for tho sprouting gruin till livo o'clock, then feeding corn, oats and wheat to retire on, a constant egg production will bo sccurod. Hut, friendc, do not forget to constantly cullivato and seed down tho yards. Any elmngo in con- dition destroys any rule. 'JYSbune ami Warmer. elvs Catarrh Cream Balm tent iwomiiifndi'il fc me br HAY FEVER- 7 have forma it o tiwetfle for that ffrmit-l fit ttlteate. ten I yean I hare tieen n great tutnrer. Cirnm llntiii tt the imlv jmv-I JOnmt. P. It. Atnt- tvwii-fl imiv ever leonn. or v--. 11. Aint-i llflliiiJwHi., ml. HAT-EEyER A pattlclo Is Applied Into ouch nostril nnd lu tyfiwnblo. Trlco w cents nt druggists; by mall, registered, no cents. Circulars tree. HI.V IlKos. Druggists, uwego, N. Y. Jy-S3-lt-d. SCOTT'S" EMULSION OF PURE GOD LIVER OIL Almost asPalatableas Milk. Tlio only rrerrallon of COI I.NER Oil, that CAn bo tAken rciullly and tolcratod for & long time by delicato stointrhs. Axn i a imnwr rnn rovxMrnoy, SllillHI.OIS aXAKMIA, IK,. Ill A I. IIHIII.m. WHIMS AM) THI1IIAT kV HCtlONS, n.l all U AM I. Ml IUMmHHHS ttj (IIU.IIUKN II I, mam-limn In IU rc-plH. l-rcscnlied and endorsed by tlio teal l'liyslclans In tho countries of tho world. For sale by all druggists. oit-3 3-1 y. WANTED SOLICITORS te.'vWi? Till! LAKE Nlllllti: MASONIC RELIEF ASSOCIATION of Krlo, In. For pHrtleutnra write with references or call on VM. Ill M KOI), (Icncral Agent, Krlo, 1'u. UfcTjy301m. RAUCH'S $25 PHOSPHATE mm IIQ1( Contains the life and Esnenoe ol mni" Animal Bonos. CIIISAI', UI51.IAIIL.K, LASTING 'BAUGH&SONS, PHILADELPHIA, 1A. For Snlo by C. W. LOW, miinisMcn lws. OrnnBBvllle, Pa. 1 M I j I A. 11M pays LIFE BUUOL Altalll for IP in BUSINESS COLLEGE 170) Chtitnit 81, rkihdtlplii. Positions for Graduates. Time roqulred 3 to 4 mos. The Boat Equipped. Best Course of Btudy. Best Ev erything. Wrlto for Circulars. J 9 cms. p o. PAILS, IMflt.c in ono niece from Dure i wouil iiu 1 1 not paipcr- without Benin, no tnnm;, no tate, mi kuu'II, 1'I.l.ANt I.KJIIT, ST It O.N (J, milCWlU:. Invaluable for Kilt hen nml Dairy imc M aim fact urutl bv .... osvego laduratelFiDreCo rrnrri.T owi:iio,.n.v. I SmIII LUI i Ak your grocer for thein, nug20 4Ld. Ncnd six cents for post I) Tin nep. and receive freo,n cost If II1 v linv nf ennd which wil 1 help sou to inoro money J right nwny than anj thing- 1 nlcn in tills Mnrlrt. All. of either hex, succeed from first hour. Tho broad road tofortuno opens be fo'tf tho workers, absolutely sure. At onco ad dress, Tuck Co., Augusta, Malno. --lbss Jim, Bei'My PROPRIETOR OF Mange Mr Shop Bath Room At tlio old stand, under the Exchange Hotel, BLOOMSBURG PA TO FARMERS ! Any one In want ot tho BUCjCEYE cHifiEfiY, Glass Feed Fertilizer, Grain Drill, Cider Mill or any thing Manufactured by tho Company, can get them of AARON SMITH. BUOKIIORN, PA. apr. 10-Cms. D. LANCELL'S ASTHMA AND CATARRH REMEDY. SOLD UY ALL DRUGGISTS. llavlni? strue-plpd iM years between llfo and death with ASTHMA or PHTHISIC, treated by eminent physicians, and receiving no benent, I was compenca uurintr me iuai n yours oi my ill ness to sit on my chair day and night gasping for breath. Jly Bufferings wera beyond description. In despair I expeilincntcd on myself by com. pounding roots and herbs nnd Inhaling tho medi cine thus obtained. I fortunately discovered this vtoNnuiiKUi. uunn l-'oit asthma and ca TAllltll. warranted to tcllevo tho most Btubborn ensoot ASTHMA IN riVK MINUTUS, so thattho Patient can lie down to rest and sleep comfortably, li-aso read the follow lng condensed extracts from unsolicited testimonials, all of recent date: 011cr V. It. Holmes, San Jose, caL, writes: "I And tho remedy all and even more than repre sented. 1 rccetvo Instantaneous relief." . M. Carson. A. M.. warren, Kansas, writes: "Wns treated by eminent physicians of this country and Germany: tried the climate of different states nothing afforded relict llko your preparation." T. li. (laws, County Treasurer, l'hlladelnhla. Sllis., writes: "llavo used the llemedy. would not livo without It. tvery ono that uses It re. commends It." I. U. l'hclps. I M Griggs, Ohio, writes: "Suf fered with asthma 40 years. Your medicine In 3 minutes does more for mo than the most eminent physician did lor mo in inroo years." II. o. l'iumptou, Jollct, ill., writes: "Send Ca tarrh ltemcdy at once. Cannot get along without 1L 1 llnd It to bo iho most valuable inedlcino I havo over tried." " (leo. YV. lirady, Nelson Co., Ky writes: "I am using the remedy. Gained S pounds Ins weeks, would not lw without it." Mariin fox, utile rails, n. v., writes: "rina ltemedy excellent. Could not live without it." We have many other heart v testimonials of euro or relief, nnd In order that nil sufferers from Asth ma, cat arm, nay Fever, ana Kinurea diseases may havo an opportunity of testing tho value of tho Kemedy wo will send to any address TIIIALl'ACK- AUK riU.K UP' l-HAKUl,. AUUrt'BS, J, .im.mkkman uu l'ropneiors, Wholcsalo Druggists, Woostcr, Wayne Co., o. 1'uU bko box by mall 11. mayT-ly. rVHPl5lHIA.-Its Nature. Causes, l'rovcn U tion ana cure, iiyjonn it. jucAiwn, j-uwei Mass., 14 years tax collector. Sent free to any ad dress. nug.vo 4w d moro money than at anything elsobytaka lng an agency for tho best selling book out lii-gluncrs succeed grandly. None fall Terms free. IUllitt lloox (.'o..l'oTLiN Malno. dccista. The Jobbing Department of 1 '.1 Bat UsVS4tli.1l ItSilA OFFICE RS well stocked with material for doing all kinds of printing. I Carls. in great variety. All kinds of B1LAIK kept in stock. Special prices on largo orders. Ollico 2nd door below Exchange Hotel, Main Street, UI.OOMSaURG, PA. MCRFau MAW . r mm 10 EXHAUSIEDVITALITY. ILLUSTRATIVE Sample FREE. KNOW THYSELF., A Great Medical Work on Manhood, Nervous and riiystcnl Debility, Premature Decline In Man, KiluuKtcd Vitality, Ac, Ac, and tlio untold mis eries resulting from Indiscretion or cxcctscs 800 pasce, suliitantlally bound In gilt, runslln. Con tains moro tlion 1S3 Invalnablo prescriptions, cm bracing cvrry vegetaUo remedy In tho pharma copcrla for all acuto and chronic diseases. It Is rmphaUcolly a book for every man. Trlco only II by mall, post paid, concealed In plain wrapper. i m.vht it ati vn hampi.i: i'iti:i: to ai.i. Young and mlddlc-ased men for tho ncit ninety days. Bend now, or cut this out, as you may noi er sec It azaln. Address Dr. W. 11. rAUKKtt, 4 But finch street, lloton, Slasa. fcb.5-d. ly, Till n ! it - -w llim. b ill' lJ mi il firt narrnrn din seal"'! ! r. Held I 111 " HM uiM-liA U.V ft t ria-il tf.p .1-"ItuM 111 th Atllll.tall Itllllhlt A liilul M.Hi'lt (ill, .Mi't ttr lrtl'. nun iay It i U M aud tti'y kunw, durum lk l'l . rrn tin, I'll " Krplrltur tn y.iiiriuil'llri ill tr.'fl to lMmrliV ;t, w I'llilill' 1 mvtned' tt use i al):uilvi oi I tut hot Iiate. M itli lmt o mil suit lartunr mutts 1 Imr alahi-anl It iili-n nf. by parties will hive tried It tlicrntwli1) , mi' r ti-' u .ntii mark!. lemdleaa of j n, snln.j'ill Hoinnier.Jah taru.e'.to ii"e It I din. ( it iii-A".- mil er ir in Acidulated Hock, sill nut only rfiu. -tuick umrLS but JlAMJlOoVlli BAUGHSS25 PHQSPHATt AC'TIXT, I'UHStANKNT, CIIKAI' ANIMAL myiANUFig. SSiSf? BAUSrl & SONS RAW COMF Mannfsclarcrr, swEB'Hr'irwr. ::;.l:.eelphia, n. (Feb 56) i T CENTS llKAUIirill. HOOK. ItKlvi-ntlieltttCUtCC nml Sealiment el Cvirf riowir aid Shrub. IIUUII dlltirentklniti. AKiinll tlie Known RulsSDl flirts, tlon wttii Clovt, Partial, HlndkircMlllparin. It lattiemeit coaiplltswork of Hie kind evi-r pub llalied.CtAeiid I'lfleen C'cntnn atanins for a Raninle copy, afao our price to agent. Agents uflittpd tvirtwhcra. Ad. MCRICtrl PUD. CD..IT North Testh Streil.Pkllad'a. Pa. SINGER ZiJ 1 P A Fnll Set of JU Atlncluupiita. -Sro.rsa. Send for Circular. C. J. IIOU'E A CO., 'S3 ti. OHl St., I'lilla., I'sk Apr. S 4"w. f IRST PREMIOU. W PHItADAISla. Grand Prlae Jlwlnl, Pai ls, IS7H, wxmmm AskyourOrocerforlt. lVm. Ilrpyiloppel.BIfr ?JS North Front Street, PHILADELPHIA, l'A. June 4 80 ly. Adams' Patent HstdiL PICKET FENCS. toe 51.75 por rod nnd upwards. SPECIAL QUOTATIONS, All kinds of Iron Fence, Gales, Fire Esc r-s I RlRTINC wmrmr FENCE TRC CUARQ lion Work in all styles. CoalTcraens a specialty. Iron ladders, Vhcob & Cresting. Blackimlthlng In all branches, Estimates furnished. EAGLE IRON WORKS, Cor. Union Sc Canal Sts, WILKES-BAIlllE, PA march 12-80-ly. IRON HOOFING 00. Manufacturers of COHitt-aArEP, CmsiiKn Kdok, Ckowl's I'atest, l'LAIN AND CALAUINEn Iron & Steel Roofing & Siding. Theso roofings wo lay on bolld slteathlng, on pur tins, on iron work-, or over old shingles or tlats. natoinuur einiuuy kuuu uiiu kx peneiiceu roofers whom wo will send out as instructors to thoso who mav wish to lay their own roonnc. nur. chasers paying men's railroad faro and time. We mako theso roofings to any desired thickness and weigut, l-sum ues given anu contracts raken tor rooilngs and sidings, laid and completed. Satis faction guaranteed on all work done by us., fala mlncd Iron and steel roofings inado to order at short notice. I ITTnTUN IKON HOOWNH CO., 1'ITTSTON, l'O. tronico and factory near Lchlgli Valley depot, Dock hi. Telephone, connection. qugo 8m' ADVERTISING AGENTS BffiG PHILADELPHIA Chr. Cli.liml nml JIftUth Mi'. Kecclto AiUtTlUctncMli Sot ihit Tui-rf, COllMAICOnt Uowaat Cash nntesfntC Bntl 10c In ro'r'AYER & SDK'S MANUAL iiiimpt I field! tr ickret, bat tbota who wrlU to HUtuon k 00.,1'ortlsutd, Malnt.will reeelva free, full iDformfttiOQ sbout work which tbey cado,n4 IIt, home,lhH wlllffty ihurn frnm a tn lv TMir dk. Soma haf a caraedorerLVtlaadir. Eithar m.yOQng of old. Capital cut lequif ed. Voa ra itirled frea. Tbona wbo itart at once it ftUulutdj luia bt tnug UUlo fortauta. All U uf, Nov. eowiy. PATENTS l btalned and all patent business attended to for moderate fees. Our omce is opposite tho U. 8. 1'atent onico, ana wo can obtain Patents In loss time than thoso ru tnote from Washington. bend model or drawing. Wo advlso as to pat entability free of charge, and we make no charge unless patent Is secured. We refer here, to the Postmaster, tho Supt.of Honey order I'lv., and to officials of the U. n. references to'actual clients In ) our own btato or i;uuniy, wrtio iu C. A. SNOW & CO., Oppo<o 1'atcut Ofllce, W8UlnBton, l) O EXCHANGE HOTEL, W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR EL00MSBUHO, FA, 01TOS1TB COUltT IIOUBE. Larg esand convenient samnlo rooms, l'.ath rooms hot and cold water and all modern conveniences H,KB Oil IlKStOHIIlToH)H.-l I.C!Kir8 Ilssuie, Itching, flslula, tc, cured wllhout pain by tlio iiitiNaKituori'Tiik'ATUifi.T. Illustrated paiiers vapiuiuiug lunsybiem uuu euuiaiiuugrei ereuces scut free. Address J. W. GOOLIDQJ'J, M, J) 208 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, J'u. March Items. VhAtia UAllR THU OKHAT an Aitsoi.iiTi: t'umi roit CATARRH. 11111! mt ituhhnrn rftct IcM rcmllly to tt nn.l Imiitut f.illctlto C.irnn rlnlo enfo wlirrodlri-ctlons nro 'jlloweil. lt9ucoo?8 IhiaIiccii rcmarkiblonnd its cures Tvotuler fill. It Is tho motfl -ooiriil jircparatloti In tlio timrkctfor CATAltltll nml Iho only one Hint promlfcs nn Abiolntn rtnltlvci (Jurr, It fs truly a tilcMlna to m.inklnd, A Trltil la nil tlinl In imUimI fur It Otico liaoil, It lfl nlwnya reodtnnicrulcJ. KouJ fur testimonials or actual cute J, IT HAS NO r-IJt'AT, poR MALARIA. A POSITIVE CURE IS ASSURED. Ono bottle Is ircucrnlly sumclcnt for a euro. Slop tailing Uulnliio. A trlnl only Is asked for Kel. tKll's t'ATAtlllll ltKMBIlV. It IS ft Nl'llOlFIO Tor nil dlsoaesnrl;lng from nn Impuro blood nnd drUec nil eruptions from tho skin. For Syphi litic complaints It Is superior to nny preparation In tho market, lino buttlo wilt euro most of tho following coiuplntnts and n continued uso wtlj 1-osiTIVKi.Y euro, Savo doctor bills nnd try It. KIIKMIATISM. SCHOFLTIiA. SKIN EltlTlTHKUS. VKAIGKI-jAIj diseases. DYSl'Ul'SIA. LOSS OP AIIETITE. I-'EEI.I.VO OF l,AN(JOUH. niMousxEss. LIVER TKOUIiI.ES. NERVOUS WEAKNESS. I'E M A LE WEAKNESS. Km.i.En'8 ATAiiuit llKMBtiv Is no patent tiii-diclnc, but a siilu nnd pleasant preparation to take and surclvllia irrctit4t mcdicnl dlscov. cry oftlio nice, t)no bottle rejuvenates thocntlro sslcni nnd poscsies moro vlrttio ttinn n half n nnu po5csies moro viriuo innn n nun hollies of onllnary pntcnt preparations. 41U7II11 iiuiucs 01 oiiiinnry pnicm prcparniiui Write for tost linontnls and other Information. vd-l or sale bv druirirlts ircnerally. I'UK'll Hl.lltl A IKITTI.i:. HIX 1IOT TI.UM l'O It it.".. (Hi. On receipt of W.-.00 by tlio lniitmractiirers, Hamukl I', KuLLKn It Co.. llnrrbburg, l'a., six bottles nlll bo sent express piiui. 1 or " woiUHitit," "rim-ilown," ilibllltutiil pcliool teaeliet, mlllinere, fteninsti-esst-fi, liouso-lreen-r$, nnd over-worked ivoiuen gencrnlli, lie. l'lei-cii's l'morHi! rnisrilplion Is tho W-st ot nil ii".toi".itlvotonlcA It H not it"Ciuo-nII," hut mhniralily fnllllU n ntnirleucss of lmriKwc, la'lnij u iiiiint iuiit Hk'cIIIo lor till thoso Cliroiilo Wi'iilmcssi's nml Dliraw a liecnllni- to women. It Is a iKiiveiful, iri-ncnil ns well ns uterine, tonlo nnd lien Ino, nnd lnii:ii-ts vigor umlstri-iigth totliowliolosvstein. It prompt I y eures weakness of stoiiuicli, iiiili-reRtlon, blont lug, wealc buck, nervous prostration, debility nnd sleoplecsiu-fls, In either ncv, rnvorlto riu pcrlptfon Is sold by druggl-ds under our imiiI ttre wuii'ttntre. fck-o wr.ipM'r nroiiinl Itotth1. l'rlco $1.01), in- hIv Iiotlli'v (or $5.00. A lariro tteiiUfm on Diseases of AVotnen, pro fusely llliislmtiil with i-oloi-cil jilntes nml tiii lnerous wooil-ciits, si'iit for 10 cents in shiinps. Addiess, Wonr.irs Disi'KNAAiir Mkdicai, Association, twi Jtitln StriH-t, lltiirnlo, N. Y. SICK IIRAIlAClIi:, unions Headache, nnd Constipation, promptly cured by i)r. rJcice's lVlk-ts. iie. u vial, by druggists. RAILROAD TIXVIZI TABXiB. JELAWAKE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTEItN ItAlLltOAD. BLOOMSBUHG DIVISION. NOHTII, STATIONS. p.m. p.m. a.m SOUTH. ou Vi 3U S 64 13 28 8 49 12 S3 5 40 12 13 8 33 IS 08 8 27 18 Oi 8 22 11 68 8 17 11 61 8 12 11 50 8 08 11 47 8 08 11 47 8 0.1 11 42 7 69 11 38 7 SI 11 31 7 60 11 30 7 43 11 2.1 7 80 11 12 7 18 11 (10 7 11 10 61 7 05 10 47 6 68 10 41 A 51 10 38 6 60 10 31 0 42 10 27 6 30 10 21 6 30 10 16 6 25 10 11 30 8 26 hcranton,,,, ..llcllevuo,.., .Tnvlnrvllli. a.m. a.m. p.m. iu y 15 2 05 0 15 20 8 10 6 20 9 86 2 15 0 27 II 34 8 82 0 31 41 2 30 6 40 !) 47 J 36 0 45 U 53 8 41 6 49 9 56 3 41 C 53 10 00 2 47 6 58 10 05 2 60 6 58 10 05 2 60 7 (12 10 102 55 7 07 10 15 3 00 7 12 10 80 3 05 7 15 10 253 10 7 23 10 32 3 87 7 37 10 11 3 39 7 50 11 11 3 58 7 57 11 06 3 58 8 01 11 134 05 8 10 11 80 4 12 8 14 11 25 4 16 8 18 11 29 4 20 8 85 11 36 4 27 8 30 11 44 4 34 8 36 11 50 4 40 M Ai 1, A Alt 8 82 8 16 8 10 8 03 ; 7 58 .. Lackawanna.. riuston...,, ..West l'lttston. ....Wyoming..,. , . ..Mallby Bennett., ,, i, .. Kingston .... KlnL'stnn 7 5 7 60 7 47 7 47 7 42 Plymouth June, 7 38 7 .11 7 311 1 7 23' 7 13 7 00 ...riymoum.,.. ...Avondalo, . . . .Knnllr-nl. lllunlock's Creek ..MUCKshinny.. ,, lllck's Ferry.. ..Uenchllnven.. llc-rwick .... .Briar Creek.,. ..Willow Orovc. ...LImoltldgo,,, 6 51 0 47 0 41 6 38 0 34 0 27, 0 21 ...iiloomsuurgr. llllnort .-Ksnv. 0 16 OS U DO ! Jit Icatawl'a Iirldgei fi 00 5 65 5 40 p.m. 9 49 9 45 9 33 am. u uu 5 4'J 5 45 5 32! a.m.i llnnvllln I u ku , .1 t m tile ....unuiabKy,.,, 05 12 2(15 13 I..., Cameron.... 9 08 12 256 17 Northumberland 9 85 12 40 5 35 I la. m, a.m. p. in W. F. ITALSTEAD. Sunt. Superintendent's onico. Scranton, l'cb.lst,l62 Pennsylvania Railroad. M Philadelphia & Erio R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. Ix In effect JunoTJtisI) Plains leave Sun bury. KASTWAKD, 9.40 a. m., sea Shore Express (dally except Sunday), for Harrisburg andlntcrmedlatestattons, arriving at 1'hlladelphla 3.15 p. m. : NewYoik, 6.20 p. io. j Haltlmore, 4.40 p. m. ; Washington, 6.50 p. in., connecting at Philadelphia for all Sea Shore points. Through passenger coach to Philadelphia. l.fOp. in. Day express dally except Sundayl.forllanlsburg and Interme diate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 6.50 p, m. ; New York, 9.35 p. m. : Baltimore 6.45 p. m. ; Washington, 8.00 p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches through to Philadelphia and Haltlmore. 7,15 n. in. lteuovo Accommodation (dally for Harrisburg and all Intermediate stations, arrlv Ingat Philadelphia 4 45 a. m. ; New York 7.30a. in. Baltimore. 5.85 1, in. : Washlnirton a. m. Sleeping car accommodations can bo secured at Harrisburg for Philadelphia and New York. OnBun-daj-B a through sleeping car will bo run; on this tralnlrom WllIlauisp'ttoPlilladelphla.l'hlladelphla passengers can remalninsleeper undisturbed untl 7 a. m. 7.50 a. m. Erie Mall (dallv excent Mondav. for Harrisburg and Intermediate btations, arriving at Philadelphia 8.35 a. m. Now York, 11.30 a. in. j Baltimore 8.15 a. m. j Washington, 9.25 a.m. Through Pullman sleeping cars aro run on this train to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing, ton, and through passenger coaches to Philadel phia and Baltimore. noaiiiAuii, 5.10 a. m. Erio Mall fdnllv exeent HnnrtnvV rn Erlo and all Intermediate stations and canandul. f:ua and Intermediate stations, ltochestcr, Buna, o and Niagara Falls, with through Pullman Pal ace car3 and passenger coaches to Krlo and ltoch estcr. 9.53 News Exnress rrtntlv nxcenr. Knmlnvl rnr Lock Haven and intermediate stations. 1.00 p.m. Niagara Express (dally oxcept Sun. day) (urKano and Intermediate stations and Can. andalgua and principal Intermediate stations, ltocheter, Buffalo and Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches to Kane and If ochestor and Parlor car to Watklus. 6.30 p. m. l ast Lino (dally excent sundaviror nn. novo and Intermediate stations, and Elmlra, Wat kins and Intermediate stations, with through pas. senger coaches to Kcnovo and Watklns. 9.80 a. in Sunday mall forltcnovo and luterme. dlate statlon- TMlOUfJlI TKAINS FUlt SUNIlUltY FltOMTHK Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m Harrisburg 7,40 arriving at Sunbury 9.20 a, m, with through sleeping car from Philadelphia to WU llamsport. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a.m. Harrisburg, 8.10 a. m. dally except Sunday arriving at Sunbury 9.63. a. m. Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. j Baltimore 7.30 a. in. (dally except Sunday arriving at Sunbury. 1.00 p. m., with through Parlor car Iroin Philadelphia and through passenger coaches iroin Philadel phia and Baltimore. Fast Lino loaves Now York 9.00 a. m. ; Phlladel phli,u.50a. in. : Washington, u. 50 a. in. ; Balti more, 10.45 a. in., (dally Ixcepl Sunday) arriving at Sunbury, 6.30 p.m., wltu thiough passengct coaches from Philadelphia and Baltimore. Erlo .Mall leaves Now York 8.00 p, in. ; phlladel. phla, 11.80 p. m. i Washington, 10.00 p. m. ; Baltl. more, 11.80 p. in., (dally oxcept.Saturday) arriving at Sunbury 6.10 a. in., with through Pullman Sleeping cars trom Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore aud through passenger coaches (rou Philadelphia. HlINIIIIItY, IIAl.ltTIIN & WIl.KHHH.Vltlti: KAll.ltOAl) AMI MlltTll AND W1MT ill' AM1II It 1 1, WAV. (Dally except bunuay.) Wllxesbarre Mall leaves bunhury 10.00 a. m. arriving at Bloom Ferry 10.63 a. m., Wllkcs-barre 18.18 p.m. ' Express East leaves Sunbury 5.35 p. in., arriving at Bloom Ferry ti.8S p. m., llkes-barre 7.65 p. in Sunbury JlnU leaves WllkCbbarre 10.4U a. m. nrrlv. lng at Bloom Ferry 18.15 p. in.,Hunbuiy 12.65 p. m Express West leaves llkes-barre 2.45 p. in., ar, rlvlug at Bloom Ferry 4,15 p. m.,suubury ciep.m SUNDAY ONLY. Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 9.35 a. rn., arriving nt Bloom Ferry 10.11 n. in., W llkcfl-Barro lino a.m. Sunday accommodation leaves Wllkes-llarre 6:10 y.w., arriving at Bloom rerry, 6.41 p, in., Sunbury, 'ciTaIk. I'UQU, J, K.WOOD, ' ucn.Mamigcr. uen. faUesger Agent i CHURCH NOTE3. Henry Wnnl lleoclier Is to Ihj tlio liero o( n iiovel which a inemlier of Ms congregation Is writing. Tour now churches nro building nt Ht, I'nul, Minn., nt tho cxjienso of 3.)0,000. In AtiRiistn, On., tho churches havo rutw which forblil Kontleracn from silting on Iho right sMo of the house, ns Hint mrtlsoecu pieil by ladles. A haiulsomo brass tnblet Is to 1 eroctt In tho Kplscopnl ehniicl of St. Jnntes, nt Kllieron. In tho memory of President Grant. It will Im similar In ileslgn to tho one placed In the isaiiie edifice In memory of President Oarllcld. An oxcliango nsserts that tho Zlon Hehrow congregation of Bt, l'nul has ndoided n herolo method f r testing tlio sermonizing qualities of n-cnndldato for Its pulpit. Ho is notper mlttwl to tiro his very best sermon nt I ho con gregation, but a committee moots him on tho wny to church, gives him a text, nnd ho Is oxiectcd to preach from It without further notice. Probably tho youngest preacher in tho world Is J. K. Bill, llaptlst, only 12 years of nge, who prenchod n sermon on tho 27th tilt, nt Bt Martin's, N. It., to a largo congrega tion. Ho was born to tho profession, his father lielng a clergymati. Tho Beocher family Is n thrifty one. Mr. Beocher Is under salary to his congregation. Mcnnwhllo ho Is lecturing abroad, under tho Pond management. Meanwhile, nLso, ho is prenchlng on Sunday, and his sermons nro lielng published In The Brooklyn Magazine, nnd ho receives n royalty for the publication. Meanwhile, still further, Mrs. Beocher Is writing letters nbout tho trip for tho snmo magazine and sho comes in for her share of pin money. "What do you do with nil tho money you mnkol" Mr. Boucher was onco nskod. "Bloss mo I" ho replied, "that's just what I havo liecn osUng myself nil my life." Washington Hatchet, Bishop Hlley jmll ?3j,000 for tho Protestant Eplscoml church property In tho City of Mexico, nml now tho snmo property has n voluoof Jt,O0O,n0O, so great litis lieen tho in erense. Bishop Hlley is visiting in Now York, w here lie chnts with friends in Spanish, Italian nnd Kngllsli, neeordlng to tho linguis tic string Mint happens to lie pulled. A letter written by Ur. Talmago to ono of his congregation last week Informed tho re cipient of the missive thattho doctor hod preached nt Ashovllle, N. C, tho now sum mer resort in tho heart of tlio Carolina moun tains, to tho largest audience over brought together in that settlement, and probably the largest nudlenco over assembled by religious services In tho stato. Tho doctor Is now making tho round of sundry camp meetings, whereat ho has ongnged to speak, nnd tho ful fillment of thoso engagements will occupy him until tho Tabernacle, freshened and bcautillcd, is opened in nbout the mlddlo of September. Ho will speak In New Jersey, Ohio, Michigan, Canada and Now York. Brooklyn Eagle, A church nt Cornwall, Ills., says Tho Chi cago Nows, has long been inhnbltod by swnrms of bees. Thoy finally bocamoso plen tiful that they drove tho pastor and congre gation out of church. Last week a party of men rlpjiod oiien tho side of tho church and found that tho bees had piled up honey in tho wall to the height of sixteen feet. Tho largo sum of $2,075 was paid the other day in England for a copy of the sermon preachod by John Knox S'Jl years ngo this month, "For tho whicho ho was inhibits preaching for a season," Mr. Iluskln, as wns recently related In tho papers, took occasion to advise churches not to run into debt. "Starve and go to heaven," ho said, "but don't borrow. Try first lag ging." Forthwith a Mrthodist church in a neighboring village took him at his word and logged of him, and iu reply ho sent them a guinea nnd a gracious letter, A copy of the first edition of the Bible in tho English languago, translated by Miles Coverdalo, nnd issued iu 1535, wns, says an exchange, sold in London tho other day. It is so excessively rare that no perfect copy Is known to exist, and the ono under noticu had the titlo and first few leaves supplied In fac simile, as also was tho map. With all tlieso disadvantages, to which was added the ono of being a "grubby" copy, it fetched JUliiO. Christian Union, In Ireland tho Eiitscopallans number 600, 000; Presbyterians, 485,000; Methodists nnd Unitarians, 110,000; and Congregutlonulfcts, Bnptists and other minor denominations, about 00,000. t In Denver, Colo., out of a Chinese popula tion of 500, 175 aro in schools and 100 of them under decided religious influence. In San Francisco thero are !il8 members connected with tho Chlneso and Japanese churches, 58 having been added during the past year. There aro 0.VJ pupils hi their schools. There are also four Chinese Sunday schools iu Chicago. BIGGEST OF THEIR KIND. A forty-llvo-inoli sunllower is lielng ex hibited nt Travers, Cal. M, Estrodo, a French engineer, is building a forty-ton locomotivo, which is expected to attain n speed of soventy-cight miles an hour. The driving vt heels aro to be eight feet In diameter, Tho largest balloon in tho country, accord ing to The San Francisco Chronicle, has re cently been built in that city by Mr. A. P. Van Tassel. It has a capacity of 150,000 cubic feet of gas, and has been constructed for tho special purpose of enabling tho well known aeronaut to undertake a journey across tho continent from ocean to ocean. A magnificent diamond, weighing 160 carats, oi tuo miest water anil free from all flaws and imperfections, has lust been cut in England. It is owned by n syndicate, and is saiu k surpass in weight and quality all tho historical diamonds on record. Some Idea of its valuo may bo gotten from tha fact that a llttlo piece sliced off the end to Improve its shapo produced a brilliant of nineteen karats and was sold for $20,000 to a diamond mer chant, Tho one placo In tho country whero tho most ranroau trams pass is said to bo tho Union depot, Elizabeth, N. J. A man was nut on for tho purposo last week and counted up 3,255 as the total, and in ono day of twenty four hours COO. It is a crossing at tho street level, too. It is said of John L. Sullivan, Jr., who Is now 27 mouths old, that when but 0 months oia ue would seize Hold ofa kitchen chair with ono hand and hold it out at arm's lemrth. One day, when ho was about 0 months old, ho was put upon his feet near a coal hod two thirds full, when ho seized and lifted it from tho floor. Now, when playing iu tho open air, he handles heavy stones that it would troublo lads of 10 or 12 years to manago. II. O. Hotchklss. of Lyons. N. Y.. known ns tho Peppermint King, says that seven eighths of tho peppermint of tho world Is raisod iu Wayne county. The average crop Li about 100,000 pounds. The avorago price paid for crudo oil is from 13.75 to a pound. To givo un idea of the money that Is In poiv permlnt Mr. Hotchklss said that a farmer last year brought to tho refinery an ordinary sleigh load, which, when measured, proved to uowonn j,uuu. ur course this was In tht crude oil, which the farmers distil themselves. FACTS WurVTi; KNOWING, Tho extinction of "starlight" In tho day light is not due to tho vapors of tho atmos phere, but to tho "stronger" vibrations of sunlight, which prevent our eyes perceiving tho weaker vibrations of starlight, I"ubltt Opinion. A piece of sole leuther tacked on the butt of a fcqunrod-oir chisel handle will prevent Its splitting under the blows of tho mallet. Letters mailed In hotel enveloies are sent to tho dead letter olllce, notwithstanding tho ten days! return notlcoon tho corner, w hen thoy full to reuch tho iierson addressed. Cellars are usually damp because tha walls aro cooler than the nlr, which causes condensa tion of moisture. To prevent tho condeusa tlon of moisture It Is recommended that tho windows aud doors of tho cellars be closed during tho day ami opened at night. M. Losseno, nt a meeting of tho Society Mediculo d'Aniiens, Indicated u certain sign of death, sltnplo nnd trustworthy. After pricking the skin with a noodle tho puncture remains open, Justus when it ploco of leather U pricked. On tho living body, oven if the blood does not come to tho surface, as would happen If tho lei-son were hysterical, the pin prick closes nt onco and does not leave tho lightest truce. Adanmscoblto, says The Industrial World. Is a newly discovered mineral found ouly hi Missouri, which cuts steel with great rapidity auil yet retains a very fine, keen tdge. Sir Henry ThomiKon holds that artificial teeth nro un evil In thoso of advanced years, because thoyenablo such jiersons to masti cate flesh. When the teeth fall naturally It Is nature's design that tho Individual should sulislst on vegetable diet, Ono of tho tint plants to chango from grcon to scarlet is the poison ivy. Bowaro of it. Hemember tho ioiou vino has thrco loaves Iu it cluster j tho loaves of the harm, loss woodblno are in clusters of five. Another naily-huod plant of the early autumn Is tha nobon tumno or poison oak. for Infants and Children. "CutorUlssowcllAdaptcdtochlldrenUiat I CastorU cures Colle, Constipation, IrocommcndllMsupcrlortoonyprcscriptloo I Xr Stomach, Dlarrhcoa, KrucUUon. known to me." IL A. Aacnis, It. I Kmeo,n,"', ti"P' Vnm" " Ul Bo. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N, V. Without lxijuriouj medication. Tux Gcmnn Comtikt, 183 Fulton Street, K. T. PEFIRINE'S rintE UAKLEY HisTii.i.Kn from selected llnrley Malt nnd guaranteed to bo chemically pure nnd Irco from Injurious oils and icldsollcn contain! d In nlcohollo liquors. Ills especially adopted to perrons requlilrga stimulating tonic, Comumrthcs belnir greatly benefitted by lis wo. llecoinmenrted by lending physicians as a Diuretic Nervine, Tonic, and Itrintne. For ConsumplUes It is Invaluable. riKMNK's I'UItH 1IAHI.KY 51 ALT WHISKEY Insures a return of vigor to tho stomach, u (rood appetite, a rich nnd abundant blood nnd Incrcnted flesh and muscular tissue. A stimulant mild nnd gentlo In flTrct. Dyspepsia, Indigestion nnd nil wasting dls eases can bo CDtlrcly conquered by the use or l'errlnc's l'uro Ilarley Malt W hlskey. It is a tonic nnd diuretic nnd a powerful slrengthener to the entire system. l'KIt. DINK'S l'UIlK I1A1ILEVJIAI.T WIlISKKi lins proed a medicinal protection to thoso who pursuo their avocations in tho open nlr nnd whoso dally work calls lor exceptional powers ot endurance. Ask jour nearest druggist or grocer for It. rKllliINH'HlTItEllAllI.KY MAI.T WHISKhY revives tho energies of thohoworn out w 1th excessive bodllv or mental effort and acts as a safeguard against exposure In wet and rigorous weather, ltwllldrlvo all malarious diseases flora tho system. lKsncnita llnd in I'crrlne's l'ute 1 1 ii in mirKci s ui ui i uciuiun Malt Whiskey a powetful SI nnu iieint-r io iiiKi-siiuii. . i r.iiiii.ii-. cui-i un uit-ij iiuiiir; i iiuvui-iut-iiiiiyan- 1TKK HAIII.KY ma LTV 'UKKliY Baly7Cd tho ivn iiaiu.kv Malt Wins-! without unduly stimulating Iho kid. Bury mndobyM. AJ. s. 1'errlnonndnnd neys Increases their Uagglng ncttilty, Bit entirely Irco from fusel oil, f urfurol, eounternctslhe rlTccts or fatigue, has-Imctals and nclds and Is ntaolutcl) lensconvnlesccnco and Is a wholesome ipure." AVfwir, cmnitla Arthur Mater,'. mill pi umpi Ulill Clli;. ti III 111 Nonogenulno unless bearing lure For sale by all druggists andgiocers throughout tho Tinted States and Canada. 37 NOHTII FRONT ST. 38 rou yALU iiy c. ii, lioiiniNs, liLoo.Msuuito, pa. (j 9 ems. ECONOMY THJG JPISACTICAI, QU.lE8TIOr OF THE IIOUK. EVERY THING THAT IS Nil INI) STILISH Ft THE SEAON, CAN 13E BOUGHT CmiAFlEE 'THAI 1VEM. A Large and JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LARGE AND SELECT LINE CIV ma9 HSmmlmmm Call and be Convinced that you have the UEM SELECTION OF GOODS OF THE LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY, AND AT -e v f The Lowest Possible Prices AT Fop mlmw &mMmm mm BlooiiisbniMr9 pa ff-S-t" )W HfZk Jl WSwAsi'' V A-AmMlyf,V ? yUJ ' ' j J GMAIN DEALER IN Foreign and. Jionwtio WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. ' BLOOMSBURG, PA. . . . . WAGON MAKE 158' AND BLACKSMITHS' Headquarters for MERCHANT IRON & STEEL. Storo nml Wnrclimiecu, Nos. 120 & 128 Kinnklin Avenue, No. 2 Lack'a Avenuo & 210, 212 it 211 Con tur Street, SCRANTON, PA. iLT WHISKEY. unti n-i wninniunn n pniniiiiij n u- ri-niii-r prone to Invlsrornnt B Tho analysis as It appears by the La- llnrlcr l nu inu-i I pi" iiunmr ur inr imtv, antra iy iuttmtyi the slgna- ftueue ra and Welttnitlen NORTH WATER ST., PILA Varied Stock of 9 D THE wmi For tho Celebrated Chickcring, Ivcrs & l'ond, and Voso & Bon Pianos. Worldrc- liniVni)1 V.alnV nrnnt) Vlllna AA,n.lnnnn "'.".I "h''.'o. ,.li, ..n..llli, ana bucct Jlusio. fjclchratcil While, New "'8" Arm UMB Kow Home, Uoyal Ht. Machines. iTcedles, olf nnd attachments ,or nU lnakes of Sewing Machines. STREET,) itatata & Co., 'Wholcsalo and Itelall dialers In SUPPLIES.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers