The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 27, 1886, Image 2

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The Columbian.
0. E. Elwoll, 1 rait.
J. S. Blttntandr.,f Eil""'
FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1880.
Monroo county dcniocrftts will hold
lliolr primary election on tho 28lli.
Col. It. Bruco liloketls will got a
big voto In this, his natlvo county.
Prof. 0. 15. Stowo. tho husband of
Harriot llccohcr Stowo of Hartford,
died on tho 22(1.
Tho Prohibition SUito Convention
was hold in Harrisburir on Wednesday.
Tho nttondaiico was very larce. Tho
proceedings ccmo too lato for this issuo.
Chairman W. U. Hcnsol has sold
Jila internal. In f.Jin T.nnnnstpr Tnttllinen-
cer. It is rumored that ho will accept
a position with tho I'hilaUolpbia l tinea
when tho campaign closes.
Tho fnllnwlmt liolcnt was nominated
by tiio Montour county democrats last
Atnn.lfiv! f?(innross. Charles It. Bucka-
lnur i Nnnator. James MeuormiCK : Jico-
resentalive, Dr. .1. V. Holla ; Uounty
Tmnuiirir. finnrrrnW. I'mrnr! Kecrislcr
and llccorder, William C. Johnston :
Associato Judge, John Hcnfiold.
Montour for Buckalow.
Dr. Noubakcr of Montour county, tho
onnonotit of Jesso Amerman for Con-
cress, last week withdrow from tho
contest and the fight was mado direct St3t0 iogtitutions, exposed and correct
tnr Mr. ItiiRbnlnw. Tim urimarv olec- - i -i s -..!, o'
tion on Saturday resulted m a great
victory for tho latter gontleman, ho
securing 24 out of 28 delegates. The
county convention on Monday nomi
nated Mr. Buckalow by acclamation,
nud appointed tho conferrees named
i i " . . . t o nri-!.l .1 I
oy mm, viz: j. o. uiummu ui
township, Robert Curry of Valloy, and
W. C. Johnston of Danville Should
his Luzcrno conferrees, and tho Beam
ish oonferrcea of Lackawanna be ad
mitted to tho conference. Mr. Buck
alow will have four out of seven coun
ties, and will bo nominated on first
ballot. If thero is anything like fair
play this will bo tho result.
Now Elect Hun.
Vmm Ihn Npw York Run.
No better Democrat than tho lato
Jeremiah S. Black, uo truer patriot, no
citizen more thoroughly imbued with I
tho American principles whioh tho ment of laws by whioh labor organt
Dcmocratio party has brought down zation may be incorporated and arbi
froni tho days of tho fathers, over tration extended and enforced and a
lived in Pennsylvania or in any other suitable) apprenticeship act for tho pur
State of this Union. I poso of creatine a better class of arti-
Ohauncey Forward Black is tho I
worthy son of an honored sire, but ho I
does not owe his nomination ioe Gov-1
ernor of Pennsylvania lo the fact that
ho is any man's son. Ho is one of the
comincr statesmen of this generation,
Of Independent mind, possessed of
crcat administrative ability, forceful,
Si -., -it :
eloquent, amiable, of incorruptiblo in
tegrity, wholly in sympathy w'th tho
ideas that dignify and elevate tho labor
of tho many, as distinguished from the
policy that enriches and irtrenches the
low, no is tho sort of a leader to lead
the Democrats of Pennsylvania to vio
tory in this one hundred and eleventh
year ot American independence.
IIo can bo eleoted.
Editorial Opinion.
Philadelphia 2'ress: Mr Black
is a most estimable and irreproachable
Gentleman, lie had tilled the pertuno
tory oflico of Lieutenant Governor with
grace and diguity, and lias shown the
higher talents of the political thinker
aud orator. He is worthy of tho lion
ore which iiavo been conferred upon
him, and if ho could lead a united party
upon live issues he would mako a
strong canvass and prove a vigorous
Ilarrisburg Patriot: Tho Dcmocrat
io State Convention performed a per
fect work in the nomination of tho
ticket which will bo found at tho mast
head of tho J'atriot this morning,
Some of tho candidates were chosen
after active contests and by close mar
trins, but all won tho honors conferred
on them by fair measures and are en
titled to, as tiiey will receive, tho earn
est and cordial support of tho party.
Now York Herald: Tho Democrats
of Ohio and Pennsylvania aro not
ashamed of their convictions. What
ever may bo said of the wisdom of
thoso convictions, they aro boldly ex
pressed. Tho platforms adopted yes
tcrdav in convention at Toledo and
Ilarrisburg are, moreover, explicit as
well as courageous. And iu this tho
Democrats of the Keystone and Buck
eyo States show lo advantaco when
compared, not only with the New York
Republicans, as represented by their
State Uomimltec, but, so lar, with jnow
York Democrats also.
Ilarrisburg correspondent N. Y,
Sun: Tho nomination ot mr. JSlack is
received among tho Democrats in this
city witli great enthusiasm and satis
faction. It was mado unanimous after
tho ballot, on motion of R. Milton
Speor, secondf d by Col Thompson, of
Erie, anil Walter Barrett, ono of the
delegates from Clearfield, tho county
in which Air, Wallace lives, who piedg
ed tho Convention that tho Democrats
of that county would ao into tho can
vass with groat earnestness and vigor
in order to help tho ticket to success.
Tho ticket is strong, represents tho
vouna Democraoy.
Philadelphia Leihjer: That being
(tho rcnomination of tho present Uov
ernor) out of tho question, tho conven
tion has dono tho noxt best thing by
naming for tho succession Lieutenant
Governor Black, an unquestionably
able, fit and experienced man. But
fow men havo been so thoroughly
trained in politics of tho broad-gauge
pattern as Cbauncoy F. Black. IhcO'
rellcallv and by close observation he
has beeu in the atmosphere of public
, inituvjr, imv.u ho
preceptor in that branch of human
knowledgo his vory learned and distin
guished lather. iater on ho has nau
direct and closo contact with tho pub
lio affairs of his own state, and is far
belter qualified and equipped in those
respecti than most nominees for tho
Gubernatorial chair. Intellectually ho
has bright gifts, which havo been Mil-
. . , ,b., ' i :..
sH;iB?iuir withoul know,nfi
Do Not Loso Your Vote.
An incorrect impression nrovails that
Sept. 3d is tho day upon which tho
nw-litrv nln,P Thin is an error. Ski--
tk-iihh li, U ilm lastdav ou which vou
can bo registered to insiwe you a voto
at tho uext election, oee mav ev.i
dkmoouat in your district is registered
before that time.
Tho Dcmooralio riatform.
I.Tho Democracy In Pennsylvania
In convention assembled do dcolaro
llint wn renllirni tho Clilcnco tdatform
of 1884, approved by tho pcoplo in tho
election ol Cleveland and Hendricks.
That wo favor a just niiil fair re
vision of tho rovenuo laws in accord-
anco with tho letter and spirit of that
declaration of Dcmocratio principles,
and in such revision caro should bo
tnkoii that such changes shall bo mado
In n sriirit of fairness to all interests
and without depriving American labor
of tho ability to succcsstuny conipcio
with foroign labor and without impos
ing lower rates of dtitv than will bo
nmnlo to cover auv increased cost of
tiroduction w no i mav oxisl ui conso-
qttenco of thu higher rate of wages
lirav.iilinir in this community.
2. That wo endorso tho Democratic
reform administration of President
Clovoland. It has given confidence to
tho business interests of tho county,
purged tho departments of corruption,
checked extravacance. discoiiraoed
class legislation and monopolies, elevat
ed tho civil scrvico Irom tiio partisan
debasement to which it had been ro-
duccJ bv nrcvious administrations, and
has ma"do tho pcoplo of tho United
States feel assured confidenco in tho
tier neuiiiv anu saiuiy ui iuu ii.iuuu.
a. mat wo cniiorso mo ucinocrauu
rnlorm administration ot uovenor
Pattison. It has rescued the om.non
wealth irom flagrant corruption, vigt-
lanuy guaruca mo puunu iruusm-jr,
scrupulously protected . tho rights of
Ihn tuinnlrv rnnnnminnll V fltl ministered
fnrPn nvnri? nrnuislnn of tho Con-
atttntinn vnfnrmpl Ihn tnnnflrrninp.nt nf
ed abuso in the soldiers' orphans'
schools, redeemed tho Pardon Board
from scandals, and oxcoutcd all promis
es made by tho candidates and party
in 1882.
.1 Thnt. wo nvmnntliipn with lfibnr in
:ts efforts to mako industrial and mor-
. . . . -. .
ai worth, not monoy, tho true standard
o individual and national greatness
and to secure to tho workers tho full
enjoyment of tho wealth they create
and sufficient lcisuro in which to de
velop their intellectual and social facul
ties, and to this end wo desire tho en
largement of tho Buroau Statistics, tho
abrogation by all laws mat uo not
bear equally upon capital and labor,
and tho prevention of tho hiring out of
convict labor, the adoption ot measures
providing for tho health and safety
i - i in .'- -r : .. ! . ,rt
iinu liiueiiiiiiiiuuuuu ui iiijuiiua w
thoso employed in mining, manufactnr-
incr and building industries, tho enact
Bans and mechanics, the prohibition of
tho omploymont of children under 14
years of age in workshops, mines and
factories, tho strict and exact enforce'
ment of tho laws relating to pluck-me
stores and storo orders and thoso re
lating to tho accounting of industrial
I works, tho appointment of inspectors
l. -..r .t .1
to carry out these provisions and
rigid enforcement of existing emigra
tion laws, to exclude pauper, contract
and assisted emigration.
That wo pledge ourselves to mo
enforcement of articles 10 and 17 of
the Stato Constitution l elativo to pri
vato corporations, railroads and canals
by appropriate legislation.
u. That tho atato and local tax laws
should be so altered and amended as
to relieve farms and real estato from
its present unfair and large proportion
of taxation and equalize tho samo so
that personal estate would bo mado to
pay its just part.
Mesoloeil, That wo lament tho death
of the Democratic leaders who upheld
their political, principles through years
of distrust, injustice and wrong.
Death does not dissolve the tio with
which thoir virtues bound us. Our
party's inspirations and hope come
lrora tho memory of lives and labors
given to tho service of our country,
We lament the death of him whooo lifo
was happily prolonged until tho wrong
dono in 1870 was mado right tho vice-
president, Thomas A. Hendricks ; from
Democratic councils has been taken tho
presence, but not the influence- of tho
purity of character, tho lofty patriot
ism of the beloved soldier and citizen,
Georgo B. McClellan. We mourn tho
loss of tho venerable statesman who
elevated his party with tho wisdom
and integrity of Horatio Soymour.
Wo know how Pennsylvania grieved
for Winfield Scott Hancock Wo
cherish the memory of him in tho
shadow of whoso death wo meet, and
tho sentiment which was adopted by a
national convention of our party gives
him tho best homago of frco men tho
pledge of our dovotion to tho principles
and cause now inseparable in tiio his
tory of tho Kcpublio irom the labor and
namo ot bamuci J. 'i Helen
Soldiers' Orphan Schools.
General Louib Wagner, inspector of
the soldierb orphan schools, has com
plet'd his examination of thoso inslitii'
lions and tiled his rcpoit ilus pu'jlio
document is not very voluminous, but
it reveals thorough work on tho port of
the inspector. Every soldiers' orphan
school has been visited, every feature
of their internal economy scrutinized
and tho general management and meth
ods of business pursued investigated
with manliest impartiality and caro.
The result of tho examination snow
that tho Chester Springs School is in a
very unsatisfactory condition in all its
departments. Tho Dayton School has
bad water supplied ami tho sanitary
arrangements are bad and tho girls
dormitories crowded. Harford bchool
reported as destitute of bath-tubs
combs, brushes, towels, and tho cloth
,ing of tho ohildren is very bad. Tho
Sohool tho Merccr Schooi the Moullt
5Ci100i Uniontown School, th
Whitehall School, tho Butler School
and tho Loysvillo School.
Under tho statute tho usual branches
of a common school education aro
quired, but an oxuniination by General
Vaguer revealed the fact that certain
ot ho branches of study called for are
?""etJ: 1 ho Mercer, MoAll.sterville,
Mountdov and Chester Snnnira Schools
dn, as iu a home, thus securing for
tho latter ample and proper food, is
not true, aud that the officers nnd
toaohers aro providod with dishes
nicd tho children.
General Wngnei'i report includes
considerable mass of facts and figures,
i imwihb .vauiuy navviuvm
ho has many oommondatory things
I " uuv
Niagara Cranks.
Cranks possessed with a mania for
going through the Whirlpool rapids at
Niagara aro turning up uvcry day.
Cant. Webb was tho first to attempt it
ami ho lost his lifo iu 18H3, nnd James
Scott followed him last week. Sovcral
men have recently gono through in
barrels and como out with n fow brills-
but tiio most daring attempt was
mado on Sunday nftorhoon by a Boston
policeman named William Kendall,
hoso only protector was a common
lifo preserver. Tfio following account
is given oi ins ie.'u
Pollco oflicors from tho bridge start
ed nftcr tho adventurer, but they only
got part down tho bank beforo they
saw him enter tho river. While ho
iloatod toward tho rapids several him-
lred pcoplo gathered on tho suspen
sion Bridgo and saw the attempt to
cratilato Captain Webb. At tho land-
ng Kendall had quickly stripped him
self nnd put on a lifo preserver similar
to tho ones found in ocean steamships.
It was no protection against tho ranids
but to prevont him from boing sucked
down by tho undertow. Sattlts and
Wnlker buckled on tho life preserver,
and after tho policeman had taken a
big horn of whisky from a flask ho had
brought for tho purpose, ho jumppd
into tho water, swam a fow strokes and
then floated on his back. Tho current
was in and Kendall was carried towards
tho cataract fully three hundred feet
Turning over on his breast ho Bwam
for the Canada side nnd was soon iu
tho swift current which directly feeds
tho rapids. It was just 2 o'clock when
Kendall started, and five minutes later
ho struck tho first breaker, swimming
Then began a contest tor lifo with
tho tumultuous waves, which lasted
about three minutes, for tho three
quarters of a mile. Tho swimmer was
tossed up and dovn in tho rapids
and thrown from ono wavo to another
until peoplo on the bank wero certain
that ho had been killed either by hid-
ilen rocks or smothered by ""tho great
volumo of water which makes tho big
aves of tho rapids. Several times
the policeman was wholly submerged
mid peoplo on tho bank thought ho
was df ad. When tho breakers of tho
surf tossed Kendall into the whirlpool
ho disappeared from view and was not
Been for nearly two minutes, when he
camo to tho surface IIo made a fow
strokes at first, as ho tried to get out
of tho outer swirl, and then swam di
rectly towards the shore.
Tho light tor UIo was closo enough
to mako tho fow spectators at Mr.
Brundago's park shudder when they
occasionally saw tho form of tho man
tossed upon tho raging tlood.
Slowly but surely the struggler got
towards tho shore and finally landed
on tho Canadian side. Ho was scon
on a rock, and thero ho lay, pretty
early dead, until Tom Rilov, a hack-
driver, and Georgo Toby, a-Now York
comrade, pulled him out of tho river.
Kendall was wholly unable to walk anu
was carried up tho stairway to Dawson
Place, whero ho was fed on brandy.
Quite a crowd oongregated and shook
hands with him. .Later ho was taken
to the Wavorly Hotel, at Suspension
Bridge, and put to bed. Dr. Hunter
made a critical examination of Kend
all and found no injuries of enough
importance to need his services.
An Aggressive Oampaign.
Tho Democratic Stato Committee
pcud headquarters at tho Girard
House, Philadelphia, this week, in the
same rooms in which tho victorious
Pattison campaigu was organized. An
immediate conference of tho chairman
ith tho candidates is to bo held to
outline tho plan of the campaign. It
is not expected thoro will be much of
canvass on tho stump for a tow weeks
to como ; but tho work of thorough
and completo organization will be bo-
gun at once, and as soon as tho letters
ot acceptauco aro published tho issue
t campaign documents will bo begun.
For tho present the most important
work to bo dono is tho completo reg'u-
tration of voters. After September 2d
this cannot bo attended to if neglected
now. Every Democrat should register
and overy committeeman should see
that overy voter is enrolled on tho asses
sor's books.
The Anarohists Oouvioted.
Tho jury which for sovoral weeks
as boeu trying tho Anarchists in
Chicago rendered a verdict last Friday,
They find August Spies, Michael
Schwab, Samuel Fielden, A. R. Parsons
Adolph Fisher, George Englo and
Louis Lingg guilty of murder and fix
death as tho penalty. Uscar v. JNeeDe
was gived 15 voars imprisonment, luis
lesson should teach men who seek to
break down organized society that thoy
aro not above tho law,and that America
is no placo for tho oxerciso ot their
criminal praotices. Tho throwing of
bomb shells into a crowd ot policemen
was the direct crime ol which thoy
were convicted.
Mayor Smith of Philadelphia o'ecu.
pies n very uueuviablo position. Tho
Times charges mm with embezzle.
ment of tho city funds, and urges him
to prosecute the editor and publisher
of that paper for criminal libel if tho
charge is untruo. To this tho "dandy
mayors only reply is that the chargo
ot the . tinea is unworthy ot answer,
Tho law makes it tho duty ot city
councils to impeach pnblio officers for
... l : . . - .
ruiumiiig piuiiiu luuuuys, umi ivisjiiuu
ablu tint Mayor Smith will be tried
by them. If tho allegations mado by
tho Times aro true, his irapeaolnnont
and removal from office, aro inevitable,
nnd his conviction nnd imprisonment
Black nt Home-
On Monday evening tho Jefferson
.Democratic Association ot lork cavo
a reception to Chaunccy F. Black nt
his home. JHr, liiack was congratu
lated on his nomination. Tboliieuton
ant Governor in his roply said :
It is hardly noceHsary lor me to say
that nothing in tho events, nnd noth
ing in all tho proceedings leading tip
to tho event upon which you congratu
late mo, has given mo suoh deep seated
and abiding pleasure as tho steady gen
erous nnd unselfish support of my
friends at home. I can nover repay it.
I know no fitting terms m which to
noknowledgo it, but you will not regret
it, I am sure. If when called to tho
great oflico ol Governor, as I have
evory reason to bcllovo I will bo, I
shall administer that high trust with
personal honor nnd official integrity.
That I promlso you I will do. Sinco
January, 1883, tho executivo adminis
tration has been abovo reproach. No
chargo of official corruption, no sugges
tion of dereliction of moral or legal
duty, no scandal liko those whioh hung
in clouds over tho capital for many
years before, hns boon knowu. Tho
peoplo secured what wo promised them
nud what .thousands of good Republi
cans determined by their independent
action thoy would have a puro admin
istration in tho Intercuts of tho pcoplo
a marked contrast with tho evil rulo
of tho monopolies nnd rings. Should
I bo elected I think I cngngo no tnoro
than I can perform when I say, as I do
horo nnd now, that the present stato
of affairs shall conllnuo nt Ilarrisburg.
This, my fellow-citizens, is to bo an
aggressive campaign if I havo the
power to mako It so. And by this
term I mean thnt wo hopo to raiso tho
pcoplo of all conditions nnd in nil em
ployments to nil assertion of tho rights
of tho many to tho full enjoyment of
their natural and lawful privileges
under tho Constitution of this Common
wealth. Following Mr. Black congratulatory
addresses were made by A. B. Farqti
hnr. York's largest manufacturer, nnd
a prominent Republican, who publicly
proflcrcd his earnest Biipport i Kx-uon-grcssnian
Jas. II. Hopkins, Dr. John
Weist, Ex-Congressnian Levi Maish,
E. D. Zeigler, Deputy Master Gcarard
Brown, of tho State Grange, nnd
others. The demonstration was ono of
tho largest ever witnessed in York.
IOO Doses
One Dollar. Hood's Bftrsaparllla Is tho only
mcitlclno ot wlilch this can lio truly said ;
and It Is an tinnnswcrablo argument na to
tho strength nnd posltlvo eeonomv of tlila
great medicine Hood's Sarsaparllla Is tnado
ot roots, herbs, barks, etc., long and favorably
known for their jiowcr In purlf ylnr; tho blood ;
and In combination, proportion, and process,
Hood's Barsaparllla Is jicciillnr to itself.
"For economy and comfort we use Hood's
Barsaparllla." Mas. C. Diif.wsteii, Ilultalo.
"Hood's Barsaparllla takes lcs time ami
quantity to show Its cHect than any other
preparation t ever heard of. I would not bo
without It In tho house." Mns. C. A. M.
UVBBAltD, North Chill, N. Y. 100 Doses
One Dollar
Hood's Barsaparllla cures scrotula, salt
rheum, all humors, bolls, pimples, general de
bility, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick headache,
catarrh, rheumatism, kidney and liver com
plaints, and all affections caused by lmpuro
blood or low condition ot tho system. Try It.
" I was severely afflicted with scrotula, and
for over a year had two running sores on my
neck. I took flvo bottles ot Hood's Sarsapa
rllla' and consider myself entirely cured."
O. E. I,ovEJOV, Lowell, Mass.
"Hood's Barsaparllla did mo an lmmcnso
amount of good. My wholo system has been
built up and strengthened, my digestion Im
proved, and my head relieved of tho bad feel
ing. I consider It the best medicine I havo
ever used, and should not know how to do
without It." MAnv L. 1'zniE, Salem, Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
Sold by all druggists. $1; six torts. Mado
only by C. L HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass
'JOO Dosos Onot Dollar.
Foit Govkiikou,
of York.
of Luzerne.
Fon Auditoii Genkuai,
of Allegheny.
of Philadelphia.
Fon Secketaiiv of Internal Affairs,
of Huntingdon.
Foit Conhiiess,
subject to tho decision of tho Conferee s ot tho
Uth District.
Fon State Senator,
Subject to thedecl-'on of tho Conferees of the
2lth District.
For Representatives,
Of Bloomsburg.
Of Beaver Township.
For Associate Judoks,
Of Scott Township.
Of Centralia.
BKWElt Levi Michael, oeorgo Prelsboch, Isaao
KUngcrman, Jloses SchUcher, J. 1'. Fry, Jesse,
IiElt'YiCK, K A. n. scely, Fr:oinan Sltlor, Jacob
W. Campbell, lllram W. Bower
BIinwit'K, W John Front, C;orgo A. Carey,
in i, -luyuer.
BENTON Emanuel Lnubach, Benton; Frank T.
hhultz. Raven creek; Georgo oibuons, Cainbra;
ittunen Mgtnoii, uenion.
BtOOSI, E- John B. Casey, C. B. Robblns, C. 11
Cninnbell. i.-hos. 1L HouseL
BLOOM, W Ouy Jacoby, David Olrton, John
Welllver, Jas. M'Brlde.
BHUllullEEK-Oldeon Michael, Geo. W. Miller,
William Lamon, Cyrus Smith.
CATAWIssa wm. t. creasy, Wm. Berkhelmcr,
vtrn. hcnucK, Alien uarnciu
CKNTHALLV Michael W. Urennan, David Walsh,
John llennessv.
CENTRE J. F, Rink, John Wanlch. Sanderson
nagenDucii, Ariuur ureosy, a. o. jvocuer, Al
bert. Keleliner. lvl Remlev.
conyngu am, N uovt canheld, ratrlck J. Cain,
William callagy.
coNYNiniAM, s-John I". llannon, Patrick Healy,
FISllINGUREEK Amos llartman, J. M. Aramcr-
man. Norman M'Henrv. hamuel Coleman.
FRANKLIN 11. s. McIIeury, Jonathan Loreman,
duuuu Arutir.
gott, Iola; Jacob Weilher, Eyert Grove; Win,
liiacK, itonrsuurg; 1'iiiu luung, juiuviiiu.
HEMLOCK Manilas uirton, Simon lick-hard,
Lawrence L. llartman, Jacob Mart 7,
JACKSON Frank Trlvelplece, J. W. Kitchen,
Frank Fritz.
LOCUST-A. M. Johnson. Christian small, Charles
tieuver, Auam jJimimcK.
MADISON-Charleall. Fruit, JJaltls Sterling, John
M. Smith.
MAIN-Gllbert Shumnn, Freas Bowman, Georgo
M1FFI IN-lsaao Andreas. 0. W. Hess, E. bchwep
penhelscr. MON'l'ouii James Quick, Rupert; Henry Lazarus.
uruvuuiu; i. w. iiayiur, i-auiwissu.
MT. PLEASANT sara'l HarUel, Ughtstreet,Mack
muier. iiiuiuuusviiie; jsauu Appivuiuu, iui
versvllle. ORANGE L. Jt. Sleppy, Theodore Hush, Miles
ROAR1NGCREEK James Knlttle, Win. B.Houck,
Leander Feltarman.
r.NF-D, it, Gordner, lino Summit. J. R. Fowler,
lino tiummii; jianiei itouoins, nerrs.
SCOTT. W-L. M. Kelchner. A. c. lltdlay.
SCOTT, E B. F. ltelghard, Ell Schneldman, Wm,
SUGARlxjAF Alfred cole, Daniel steadman,
Aaron rnu, E. jr. uuuacii.
Nouco u lierebr iven that, tno nnnc nai ana in
terest ou bonds Nos. ja and so and tho Interest on
another of said Bonds outstanding up to sept, 1,
lw. will bo paid on presentation of the Baiue to
the Treasurer, al his omcu in bloomsburg, at any
uino vtuuia nueen iiays rroin Beiitemuer 1, is'o.
If bonds aro not presented by October 1, IsM,
iuu luiereui win do tieiauuea anu appnea on pay,
inpnt nf nrliminal ilt-hr. II. .1. r'l.Altl.
augo k Treasurer.
Not co Is hereby given that an application will
be made to the court ot common Pleas ot Colum
bia county ou Monday tho nth day of September
11 IkUtdllirMtnvlnlr Inllta nFtrt.nnAn .,,...
the corporation act ot is'4 and tho supplements
thereto, by toward Williams, 11. F. Dj ke, John
Lamnei, John Lewis and Jonn K. Davis tor the
charier ot an lntendod corporation to bo called
'Tho Odd Fellows Temple aud Hall Ausoclatlon
ot tho Borough of Centralla.Columbla Co., Pa." tho
character and object ot which b for tin purpose
of creeling and maintaining a public hall tn said
Borough of Centralla.and lor this purpose tohau',
nossiss und enlov all the rlirhls. bem-nts ami
privileges conferred by the said act and Its supple-
tc solicitor,
fM PTflMi lia(l breath a bitter or
.1111 lUlllui bad taste in the mouth;
pain in the back, sides or joints, oXen
mistaken for rheumatism, sour stom
ach,' his of appetite; hoicels alter
iiatehj costive and lax; headache; loss
of memory, with a pailful sensation
of having failed to do something
which ought to have been dono; debit-
uy; tow spirits; a (inch; yellow ap
pearance of the skin and eves: a dm
cougn, ojten mistaken tor consuinp-
How Cured.
"1 havo been nnitctcd many years with
dyspepsia, sick heailaclio nnd nrrcctlon ot
the. kidneys caused by torpid lt cr. 1 havo
tried a Krent many remedies nnd physicians
prescriptions without nucccst, health tail
ing nil tho tlma Purlng last Kail and Win
ter 1 was obliged to suspend tiio most ot
my labor In my Held ot Homo Missionary
work on account ot my liculth. Knrly this
Spring 1 was Induced to try Simmons I.Uer
llegululor, nnd hnvo had moro leal good
health since then than for years before. I
use the medlcluo to reltve mo when, by ex
posure or oer-excrtlon, 1 dlscoer tho
Hymptoms of my disease returning. The
ltegulator relieves mo nt once, nnd Is moro
Mtlsmctory in Itserfecls than anything of
llioklndl cer tried. Iluuo also used It
with good success in my family to ward ort
bilious nttneks." Jos. i:. Wiikki.kk, Cum
berland l'res. .Minister, Ibanou, Mo.
f HT TK lF 11 III A F10N Bh DKRCI, MO D.
lAtlersof ndmlnlstrntlon on llieestnleor ldla
Snonrnbortr. I.ilo of Itrlairict'k Tun. Cohiiiitila
county, I'n., deceased, hnvo been grunted lo N. U.
uiik, ii-Muuig in m-oii iwp., ham county, 10
horn nil nersons Indebted to said estate niere-
nucsted tomnKonnvment. nnd 1 huso hnvlntr claims
or demands, will mako known the samo without
augo la. Aumimsinuor.
' Xttat of Kmanurl Krum, tale of Scott Tiep,
Lettersof administration In said rstato haMntr
been granted to tho undersigned administrator,
all persons Indebted to said estato nro hereby no
tllled to pay tho same, and thoso having claims
uguuisL sum vsuuu pil'seni iuu siimr lo
iu.u. uiiuivL,!-;, Aum r.,
nugJO. Orangovllle, l'a.
Tho undcrelcned. an Auditor nnnolnted brthc
Orphans' Court, or Columbia county, unon motion
ot J. II. Maize, Esq , and by agreement of counsel,
luprcseniing puiues in uueresL, iu uisiuuuiu mo croup, iidmlnlstralor ot
tho estnto ot Mll'on Mnslrllcr, decensi'd, as np-
Jiears on his nnal account, to and among tho part
es entitled thereto, will attend lo tho duties of his
appointment nt tho oflico ot Charles B Jackson, Esq
Iu I ho borough ot Berwick, on Friday, September
8, ls, nt nine o'clock in tho forenoon, when nnd
where nil panics Interested are tequested to pro
sent their claims beforo the undersigned, or bo
forcicr alter debarred from comlngln on said fund.
nugo It.
N. v. FUNK, AUUltor.
Tho linilerKtiriieil Anrtttor. onnolnted br tlfe
Court, to dlstrlbuto balance In tho hands of tho
accountant to and among the parties entitled
thereto, will sit nt his onice in Bloomsburg on Fri
day, August -.'7, at 10 o'clock a. m, when and w hero
uu persons Having claims ugiuust, sum csiuiu uiubt,
appear nnd provo tho same or bo forever debarred
from coming In on said fund.
uugu f , r. mi.iui. l iii, Auuiiur.
Tho undersliraed Auditor nimolntcd by tho or
phan's Court ot Columbia county to mako dlstrl-
Duuonoftue balance in tho hsnas ot mo narnm
lstrator of said decedent, as shown by his first and
final nccount, will sit nchtsofllceln Bloomsburg
on Saturday, September 4th lsse at 10 o'clock a. m.
to perform tho duties of his appointment, when
and where all persons having claims against said
estato must appear and proo the same, or bo de
barred from nuy share ot said fund.
U.U. JV. L.L f.I.1.
ta. Auditor.
Tho undersltrnert auditor, annolnted bv tho Or
phans Conn of Columbia county to dlstrlbuto tho
funds In the hands ot tho administrator to and
among parties entitled tnereto.wlll sit at hlsomco
in uiuuuisuurg on eniuruay cepieinuer u, isno uv
10 o'clock a. m. when and where all nartles havln?
claims against said estato must appear and prove
tho same or bo forever debarred from coming in
on said fund.
Tho undorsfeded. an Auditor annolnted by tho
Oruhnns' Courtof Columbia county, to distribute
tho funds In tho hands of Erllkeler, admlnl-lrator
of the estato of wm. J, Heeler deceased as appeals
on his final account, to and among the parties en
titled thereto, will attend to tho duties ot his ap
pointment at thooftlco of Messrs. Ikeler Herring,
attornevs-at-law. in tho town ot Bloomsburg. on
weonesaay scpiemuer iuu at two o ciock in me
uiiernuou, wnen unu wneru uu puriies tuieiv&it-u
are renuested to nresent their claims beforo tho
undersliraed. or be forever debarred from coming
in upun suiu iuuu.
i.ilAlli.13 w. r.. Ar.o,
August 13. Auditor.
The underslencd. annolnted Auditor, to dlstrlb
uto funds in tho hands of btephen l'ohc and l'hlllp
I. Miller, trustees of said decedent, arlslntr from
tho salo of real estate of aid deceased, according
to account filed "i said estate, will sit at his oflico
In Bloomsburg on Tuesday, September 14, at 10
n, m. 10 peiiorm ine duties oi ms appointment,
at watch time and placo all persons ha Mug claims
against said tund will appear and present the
same or they will bo debarred f roin coming In uon
said xuud. icuur. uuuitirtuiiAM,
augis Auditor.
Chester Copo 1 Court of Common picas ot
VS. LOl, 10., V CDl', iX, 20. 11
n. v. uuwinuu ct ui. ) juuy i., isou.
1UUIUSI 11UI.I1H III ra,lrt ., rmm ,.,.. ,
ItPrlvlL' I" I WV.VM. wv.. ........ .
t COL CO.. Fl. Fa.. NO. S
a B. Bowman, et al. I s,n' Tl
iuu uiiuersiuucii Auuiiur. uiinuiuit'd uv iuu
Court to make dlstiibutlon ot tho tund arising
from .ho Sheriff's salo of ihe property of tho de
fendants In the abovo executions, will sit at his
ortlcoln Bloomsburg, on Saturday, SeptcmVr 11,
issfl, at 10 o'clock a.m., to perform tho duties ot
bis appointment, u hen and whero a'l persons hav
ing claims against said fund must appear ai d
proi o tho samo, or bo debarred from any share
iiicri-iu. w. n. jui.i.r.11.
augau-it. Auaitor.
TEK.M, 1S-U.
Mrs. D. 11. Frederick vs 1-Mward Lyons.
Sarah (1. Hosier vs. Israel lllttenbender.
btephen lllttenbender vs. Samuel Bowers, with
uuiiou iu uiu reuuws nail ass u ui uruugu
vine, tcrro tenants.
Charles M. Conyngham and L. C. l'atne, doing
business as Couyughatn & l'alhe, s James Mc-
Aiarncy and .Mary .MCAiarney, uis wne.
Jacob Haines vs. N. & W. B. Uy. Co.
A. 11. Krlckbaum's use vs V. II. Krlckbaum.
James Moyervs James S. Lowars, Admr. of Jo.
scpu ciowfii, uec u,
M. (1. Hughes and llermon Fahrbiger vs John
II. W. Hess, 0. 11. Hess nnd I. J. Thomas, part
ners, doing business In tho Arm name of Hess
Cinomas vsiuram r. Kveretu
Wm. II. Yorgey vs lAWUst Mountain Water Co.
II. K. Heaco2k vs. Wm. Masleller.
J. F. smith, now to use ot Catawlsaa Depo.-lt
Bank vs. s. c. Creasy.
Clark Cullender, ex'r of Joseph Hess, doo'dvs
r ruucis nebs.
Albert li Cadow vs. D. L. W. II It. Co.
Theodore F. Craig vs. Mahala Cr&lg and Dan.
lei F. Sevberu
Charles W. Van Essen vs Thomas Webb and tho
Columbia County Agricultural society.
J. II. Kline, odm'r of lllram R. Kline vs Ellen
C. E. lfnnock. J. L. Pcnnock and John S. Pen,
riock, trading as tho firm ot c. Ii Pennock
Co. vs. Charfes lleleharl.
John Drum and Elemanda Drum, his wife, In
right of the wife vs Ellas Shuman and Cath
arine Shuman, for words spoden by the said
Charles W. McKelvy and Deborah j. McKelvy,
his wife, to tho use of tho said Deborah, G.N.
WUUts and Josephine V, Hilts, hb wife, to tho
usooi ino raid josepuine, james u. juiinsay,
Charles C. Hacenbuch and Anna II. Ilniren.
buch hb w ire, to the uso ot tho said Anna,
luurira jiuiiisuy, i. unaiu i . jiuuisay mm huu-
urt n. itamsay vs, uuaries ii. jirocKway,
Benjamin Fetterman vs. J. Boyd Roblson,
Charles Relchart vs. Emanuel Mauser.
II. W. Bower vs Martha B. Ferris, wife of O. S.
rerns, owner, ana ueorge o, v, eiuver, con
tractor, i
John L. llrumbauch vs the I) L V R It Co.
Patrick Burns, by his mother und next friend
Maivarrt Burns, vs L A Riley. Lavfavetto F
U-nu and William alley, trading as Loub A
lilicy & K.U,
Aaron Boons vs Esnv Uine and Cement Co.
II FEvcreltvsllrucoFbutllffnndl'hlllpL Hess
iuiu uuiiig uui-iueid uuuer mo name ui i r dui-
uu una 1' L uesa.
o 11 Millard vs John Snyder.
George o Wolllvervs OF Ferris and Martha L
r erns nu wue, owner, or reputed owner.
II. W. lless, u. B. Hess and IraThumas, partners,
doing uusmess as iicss & Thomas vs. mram r,
C 11 Urockway vs Columbia countr with service
on Stephen I'ohe, Washington l'urr nnd Elt
A K smith vs Samuel ll.ugler.
J II l'atton vs A 1' Heller.
Tho Cunb Manufacturing Co vs Clark l Thomas.
1 11 Wagner, D W .Murfley and li F Wagner,
trading under the firm name of Watsontowu
1'ianiug Mitt co. vs C F Harder.
William Krlckbaum vs John n Caser.
Auirus.USlllbbv ami Julia. liUwifiv In rl 'lit nf
bula l(o vg Georgo llartman, Mary llartman
and Clinton lllls, adm'r of tue estato ot balllo
E Reitmeyer dweased.
James Yost vs w ibon Ager nnd Elbha Ager,
Albert Kimctob vs lllram Eekroat,
hu Whitney vshb Bowman. '
. H U WUltuey vs B 11 Bowman.
Tlnateofmiltam Killer, latfaf Ertarcnek tomu
hl) rterriwed.
Ix-ltersotndmlnlstrntlohln said estato having
been granteil lo tho undersigned administrator,
all persons indebted to said oslato nro hercDy no
tlllcdtopoy tho same, nnd thoso having claims
against said estato present tho samo to
18 miles from 1'hlladelphlii. Fired pilee eoera
every esiiense, even books, Ac. Nocxfra chaiges.
No ineldenlnl expenses. No examination for ad
mission. Twelvo experienced teachers, all men,
nnd all graduates, special opportunities fornpt
students to advarco rapidly. Spoclnl drill for dull
nnd backward bos. Patrons or students may (o
lect any studies or chocw tho regular English, Sci
entific, Business, Classical or civil Engineering
course, students lilted nt Media Academy are
now in Harvard, Yale, Princeton nnd ten other
Colleges nnd I'olytcchnlo schools. 10 students
sent to college Iu im, IS In 1881, 10 In 18ss, 10 In
lBso. A graduating class every year In tho com
mercial department. A Physical and V cmlcal
laboratory, Gymnasium and Hall Ground. 1600
vols, ndded to library In 18S.I. Physical npparutu I
doubled in WVL Media Iwis seven churches and n
icraperanco charter which prohibits tho salo of nil
Intoxicating drinks. For new Illustrated circular
address tho Principal und Proprietor, 8WITII1N C.
SIIORTLIOGE, A M., (Ilarvaul Graduate,) Media,
. i Aug.u,st, iy-.
Notlco Is herebr trlvcn that the citizen of Esnr.
County of Columbia and smto of Pa., will present
their iietltlon on Wednesilay, September s, 188,1,
nt 10 o'clock n. in, to tho court of yunitcf ses
sions of tho I'eaco to bo held at llloouisburg, said
county, beginning tho 87th dayot September, A.
ii. iu, ior mo incorpornuon ot tno said vuiago ot
v-pr iiiui n uoruugn, unaer ami in pursuance oi
ho soveral nets of General Assemblv ot tho Com.
mhnnealth ot Pennsylvania In such cases mado
and provided. IKEI.Mt & HERRING,
Aug.s, Aiiys. tor citizens raitioncrs.
JUi No. Ii December Tcnn, tsss.
Millard II. Dally, ndm'rof Eleanor loekard. deoM.
tothousoof tho heirs of Eleanor Lockard, dee'd.
Maria J, Headley, sunlvlng exrx. of Samuel F.
iii-iiuit-j, ucuii, who was cxt oi i'.ieanor lock
nrdand tho heirs of said Samuel F. Headley,
To .Maria .1. lleodler. l!xrr.. tlpten Tlinnma
,iriiii, j, ,,iuu. (IIKI ,,111. iiiuuiui u"iuiiey UIHl
Helen Thomas Ileadley, children of I. l'oyd Head-
ic-j, urccasou, ii.ii7nueiii neniiy, wiuow. anu cnas.
llently, Bessie Bently nnd Josetn Benlly, children
of James 1'. ltcntly, deeeosed, nnd Roso lle-dlcy,
widow, nnd Frank M. a Headley, Llzzlo Headley,
Murla J. Heai ley and John B. Headley, children
ot Frank Headley, deceased.
Whereas, an Attn scire Facias has lisuedout
ot the Court of common I'lensof Columbia Co., ns
ui ino uuuu stnu'uu. una Term to revive noa
conllnuo lien of ludirment, No. 8tMnvTerm. 1ST9.
and whereas It Is ordered by tho Court that tho
writ shall bo serveil us to tjoso residing out of tho
c 'unty, by publishing tho substanco thereof in
ono newspaper In tho county for threo successive
weeks In nccordanco with tho 3d Section ot Rulo
ax of nuies ot court, to-wlt:
Tlie commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to tho
Sheriff of said county greeting: Whereas, Millard
II. Dally, ndmr. ot Eleanor Lockurd, deceased, to
ino use ui iiiencirsui meaner i.ochariit ueceascu,
plalntirfs lately In our court of Common l'leas,
for tho county aforesaid, beforo tho Jutlcrea or tho
said court at Bloomsburg, to-wlt: In the term of
May, No. ass In tho j ear of our Lord ono thousand
eight hundred and seventy-ninc, by the Judgment
ui uiw sum v.ouil, uiu iccuvcr uguiuii, Alalia .1.
Headley. survUIng cxrx. ot Samuel F. Headley.
dee'd. who wasex'i' ot Eleanor Lockard. nnd tho
heirs of tho said Samuel F. Headley, deed., de
fendants, ns well a certain debt of four hundred
nnu iiuriy-feven uouarsana seventeen cents, as
also four dollars nnd fortv-flvo centH for their
cosis anu ennrges, wnicntuey sustained uyocca-
sion or mo neieniion oi nai ocdl. wnereoi mo
salil defendants nro convicted, Ac, as appears of
record, atc, commanuing mo said oeienoams mat
they be and appear before our Judges nt Blooms,
burc. at our court of Common Pleas, there to bo
held on tho fourth .Monday ct September next, to
si o y cause, ir suv iner nave, wur iuu sa l niaiu
tiffs outrlit not to have execution atralnstthem and
also show cause why tho said Judgment ought not
iu uo revived and continue a uen on incir leui u
tate uurlnir another nerlod of live venrs. accont
Ing to the Act of General Assembly In such case
madonna nrouded. ir rotnemit snau seem cxne.
w ltness the Hon. will am 11 ooms.
burg, tho nneenth day of May, In tho jenr of our
Luru one inousand cignt nunurcd and cieuiy-s'..
w,w, ii., I'roiuonoiary.
SAMUEL SMITH, Sheriff. augJ7.
WHEREAS, the Hon. William Elwell
President Judgo of the Court of Oyer and
Terminer and General Jail Delivery .'.Court of Quar
ter Sessions of tho Peaco and tho Court of Common
rieas and orphans' Court tn tho Mth Judicial Dis
trict, composed ot the counties of Columbia and
Montour, and tho Hons. James Lake and r. L
Shuman, Associate Judges of Columbia county
have issued thelr'.prcccpt.bcarlng dale tho 13th day
olMay 't the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and eighty-six, and to mo directed for
holdlngA Courtof Oyer and Terminer and General
Quarter Sessions ot tho reace, Court of Common
rieas and Orphans' Court, In Bloomsburg, In the
county ot Columbia, on tho fourth Monday.belng
tho STtli day of Sept, ncit to continue for two
Notice is hereby given to the mo jus
tlces ot tho Peace, and tho Constables of tho said
County of ColumbIa,that they be then and thero In
their proper person at 10 o'clock In the forenoon ot
said 3rd day of May with their records Inqui
sitions and other remembrances, to do thoso things
which to their offices appertain to bo done. And
thoso that aro bound byrecognlzanco to proseauto
against tho prisoners that aro or maybe In thejall
of the sold county ot Columbla,tobe then and there
to prosecute them as shall be )uat. Jurors aro re
quested to bo punctual in their attendance,
agreeably to their notices. Dated at Bloomsburg
-ji,) the 55th day of Art. In tho year ot our
L. S. Lord one thousand eight hundred and
r I eUrbty-slx. and In the ono hundred nnd
tenth year of the Independence ot the United
oiuu.'a ui America.
fiicriti'H onice, hajiUEL smith,.
Shei in
Columbia cocntv. ss:
to itacuei J. Parker, wm. u. rarkcr, lluth A.
Parker, Ruclna, Intermarried with Jorathan R.
Conner. Samuel E. Parker. Marv A., lr.ermonleil
with Daniel Ashelman, and three grand children,
Rachel lloyt, tiarah lloyt and John Hoyt,
children ot Rebecca lloyt, dee'd, and rhebo
Manning, Luclna Manning and Gertrude .Mnnnlng,
me irruueuiiuren ueiuir c niareu oi iiannnn
J. Manning dee'd, lineal descendant! ot
Humphrey ju Parker, deceased, nnd to another
persons Interested, Greeting: You and each ot you
are hereby cited to bo and annear before the
Judges of our Orphan&'-court at an Orphans'
i ourt iu uu neiu ai, iiioomsuurg on ino rourxn
Monday of September next, then and thero to ac
cept or refuse to take Uo real estato ot said
valuation put upon It by the "louest duly awarded
by tho said court, and returned by the sheriff, or
wiow causu wuy n buau noi ue sola. Ana uereor
fall not.
Witness tho Honorable William Elwell.PresIdent
oi our sam coun, nt inoomsourg, me bcvenieeniu
UUj Ul OIIUl', . J'. 13GO,
WM. II. SMY DER, Clerk ot O. C.
augia Samuel smith, Sheriff.
By v lrtuo ot a writ of Al. Vend. Ex.,lssued out ot
the Court of Common rieas ot Columbia Co., Pa.,
and to me directed, will lio exposed to public sate
at tho cross Keys Hotel In Berwick on
Saturday, September 18, '86,
at 10 o'clock n. m., All thoso two certain lots, sit
uate In Berwick, Columbia county, l'a., bounded
and descilbed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at
tho corner Front and Pino streets In said town of
Berwick, thence along Front street nlncty-nlno
feet lo lot No, sixteen, thenco by tho samo two
hundred lect, moro or less, to Canal fetrcet, thenco
by Canal street blucty-nlno feet to I'lne street.
nnd thenco along lino stieet two hundred feet,
more or less, toFiont street, tho place of begin-
n'ig. The samo being lots No, 10 and so In ,dan
ot Berwick, l'a., on which are erected a two-story
biick dwelling, w Ith basement, a large frame sta
ble, coal house, pig pen and outbuildings. Fruit
trees on the premises.
A L S 0.
All that certain pleco of land In Brlarcifck Tup.,
Columbia county, l'a. Beginning at tho public
road leading from Bloomsburg to Berwick, Pa., nt
corner of Rasley land, thenco by tho samo thirty-
two nnd six-tenths perches to a corner, thenco
north seenty.four degrees east seventeen perches,
thenco seventeen and one-fourth degrees west
twcnty.soven nnd bcvcn-tenth9 perches, moro or
less, to public; load, thenco south eighty-seven
degrees west thli teen and six-tenths to placo ot
beginning, contaln'ig threo acre-, moro or less,
seized, taken In cxecul.on, at tho suit of Chester
Cope vs. 8. B, Bowman and A, F. Creasy and to bo
bold as tho property ot 8. B. Bowman.
Jackson, Atly. SAMUEL SMITH, Sheriff.
YVIicat per buslitl
Hyo " "
Corn " " ....
Outs " "
Flour " bbl
Drlcil Apples ,
BUlo nuil thoulilcr
Chickens ,
Lard per Hi
Vinegar per gul
Oulons per bushel,
Veal skills
Wool per lb...
4 to 5
8 to 7
Coal ok Wiuitf.
Ko 0 $2.00: Nos 2. 8, 4 & Lump $3.3f5
XT,, K Q fu III,. .- ,i ,i v 1
u tu,w lilfclllllluUB, fO.ii
:o: -
MM.,,.. imiit n nnw cnir
VV llU Wli lUUIL . ..x-,. ...... J " "
Why. ro where you can be well fitted, get good cloth, ami have
the lull worth ol your money wiien yon jcL-yuiu sun. uo you
Hlnntiishlirn-? If llOt. let US tell vnn nf
r. 1 1 u v vi i,u-ii tfc .,,ww ...
one. It is at the corner of Main
ol a
Mr. r Ulmrlpu linvf lint-n secured, and we will truarantee safiu.
faction as to fit and price. Should you want a
We can show you a large stock to select from. If you want
Mere is the place to get them, also
' 1191 GOODS, BATS, M, k
It is about time to tret measured for a new Fall Suit. Call
and see our goods and examine
Cor. of Main and Iron Sts.,
Aug. S7, 3ms.
elf iiidef, Skrrvetef ct Jvlowef.
Wo havo the only full steel frame binder In mnrket,
aiiu wuj .uji icoi uuu iooy jnuiuiuip ui
Junior Right-Hand t Binder.
thoonly onelnthecountry forsnle.nnd50u wlllboconvlncer,. A full line of Osborno repairs nlway
SS,1d;,,MnSan,?.?rrurll sl'.lep,ra,f0rn,1,l0t,!10 0111 ,n"kB 01 OfcDorno machines. Constantly on
Alexander Bros, (f Co.,
Bloomsburg, Fa.
sole Aoisia ron
F. F. ADAMS & Ca,
Sole agents of tho fol
lowing uranus 01
Bloomsburg, Pa.
VT-A-H-XjIKT Magailno
Meaner niiukM. .nd th. onl. .WluL.1 ul. ,L. ah
IIAIil.Allll UALLERT, KI-ORTIVO ANT, TlRRn niVl lr I. I ...
I1UUM1 CtUligu
ii.AAh,in i-iui,
DKAlilt IN
All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof
: i o . ..
ui5 iuiu oiiuutiiig promptly
attended to.
restrict attention given to heating by steam.
Cornor of Main & East Sts.,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
SwxHtOflE CoLLEqE.
u llAIUlin, I A,
Opens sth. month, nth. Thirty minutes
iiroadhi. btation. I'hlladelnhla. Uminr tim
of Filertds, but all others admitted. Full college
vuuinv ui uwniDUii-e; 1.1UKS1CU1, BCieUUIlO and L1U
1 ,S,J ' . r. , . r . ' ' ."'"ins nun a preparatory
Behool. Healthful location, largo grounds, new
and extensive buildings and apparatus. For cat.
???!! ?ntl "J!1 Pf "'eulars, address EDWARD II.
HAIIILL, A.M., Frcs't. (JSKl-8t.
,Mi'!i'c?,!af'frft)r ea tl,at lue MHMrt meeting
of ino stockholders ot said company forthecleo.
tion of u Hoard ot Dlrectora and Tieasurer to
SS'i0r ,.'ie ei'sulng ) ear and for the transaction
?t,b.uc!,.,otucC.bUiJneha''a way lio proper,
J'PWM the onieeot th Secretary.'lu'thotowuof
liloomsburg, on Tuesday, beptember it, urn, at
"Li.'jii, johnm-clahk;
augw. uecretary,
nf rlnthus wll.1t do vntt An
. . y " - " '
and Iron streets. The services
our work.
and aro sellinfr It at tfairpricfs. Uont bo talkcJ
iuu pucu wu uru bviiint iBoomacnines,
will bo
Market Prices
as follows:
!if)ir,?Si1nt','!,?y le,ndlnf latmers superior tounyplow In themniket for
lightness ot draught nnri ,i,imt,iinv' ,',w...ii...i
Fanners will find this Invention n tnUng to them of at least two-thirds
plows. 1 "k1"1, 1 UCb0 1'18"" nro Utted to all lending chilled
aii.uo lu xvvr iiaron, Coui.
august6 4t D.
"Will bo let, near the residence of rcter FUher,
tn Beaer townslilp. on Saturday, August SB, A. I)
mi), at ono o'clock p. in., a new Bridgo to bo
erected over Catnwlssa creek, near reler Fisher's
lu Heaver townslilp. To be a wooden brace cov
ered bridge, 120 feet long between abutments, 16
feet w ldo from out to out. Abutments to bo built
by contractor sous to admit of skew back threo
feet from top ot wall plato and a feet high above
low water mark to top of wall plate. Wing walli
to bo 8 feet Ung on south side and 10 feet long ou
north sldoot bridgo and to bo three feet above
grado of road, l'ler In centre, m feet at tho bot
tom, 18 feet at tho top and 0 feet thick. All filling
to be done by tho contractor. Tho commissioners
reserve tho right to reject any or all bids, l'lans
andspoclHcntlonscanbe seen at the omco of tho
County coinmlssionern, llloouisburg, l'o,
HTEI'llEN 1-OHK, )
Washington FAltll, -Co. Com'rs.
Commtsssloners'onico, liloomsburg.I'a., Aug. 15,'S.
Attesu-john 1). Casoy, Clerk.
Will be let at the Cnmmlsslnnpra nftlenonFrl.
day, August 87, A. I), luso, nt is o'clock p. m. A
new bridge to be erected over Hrlar creek, near
iuu rmueuco 01 wm. woott, in centre vownsuip.
To bo a wooden brace covered bridgo 30 lect long
between abutments, l feet wide from out to out.
Abutments to bo built by contractor ho as to admit
ot skewback three feet Irom lop of wall plate and
7 feet high abovo lower water mark to top ot wall
plate, wing walls to be feet long on either sldo
and to bo threo feet above grade of road. All rill
ing to bo done by contractor. The coinmlssloucra
reserve the right to reject any or all bids, l'lans
and specifications can 00 seen at tho onice of tho
County Commissioners, llloouisburg, l'a.
Sl'El'llU.N l'OHF, 1
WAbiiiNOTON fa ll it, J-co. Com'rs.
Commlsloners onice. llloouisburg, l'a., Aug. ., ).
Attest Jobii 11. Casey, Clerk.
"7ANTED.-1 want you to do parlor wort to
1 1 mo it your own home; plenty work: good
pay; tl per niece; all material tree. A. LOKi
Cleveland, o, augurtt,
Nowspapcr Advertising Ilurcau, 10 Spruce St, N.V,