The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 27, 1886, Image 1

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    Vhe dolumfeih,Ti.
it f 1.50 por yoar. To subscribers out m it.'.. .
ty tho tormaro strlotlyin "dranoo. ' cot--
Afl papers sent out of the Ntata or to distant nn.t
ha subscription duSZdem.nS. aMumos t0 P
Tho Job Printing Department otthe Counmaw
ti fery complete. It contains tho latest Sow t .
ani mK-iilnerj ana is the only oaico that "riSKES
l'fw" P.""'!, giving us tlfo list facUltloS. feH
lmutos fiirntoheit on large Jobs. ""-"""-a. ts-
omco over 1st. National Dank. -'
jr U. FUNIC,
nice la Cut's Uulldlng.
o Jic over Moyer Dros. Drug store.
oflico la Urowor's bulldlng,socond No.l
Uloomsburg, l'a.
Y fkTnk Z-vKR,
Bloomsbtirg, l'a.
onice corucr of Centre and Main streets. Clark a
Can be consulted In German.
Bi.ooMsiiuita, Fa.
Offlco on First floor, front room of Col
duhiau liutldlnj:, Mala street, below Ex
change Hotel.
OOlco In Columbian lloiLDiNU, itoom No. 9, second
A ttornoy s-at-Law.
onieo In 1st National Bank building, second floor,
nrst door to tho left. Uornor of Main and Market
streets Bloomsburg, Pa.
tarPcnnont and Bounties Collected.
omoe In Malzo's bulldlig. over Blllmeyer'n grocery.
CiTOnlco over Hentler's shoo store,
moomsburg, Pa.
(Offlco front suit of rooms on second floor of
Nkhs Item building.)
Members of Sharp and Allcman's lawyers and
Banker's Directory and tho American Mercantile
and collection Association. Will eUe prompt and
Kritul attention tS collection ot claWi n any
part of the United states or Canada, as well as to
all other professional buslncbs entrusted to them
Jackson Building, Booms 4 and 6.
y. 11. 1UIAWN.
Catawlssa, Fa.
omce.cornerot Third and Malnstreeta.
Office In Browcrs' Building, 2nd floor,
may 1-tf
Convoyaneer, Collector of Claims.
ry-Offlco In Dentlcr's building with F. 1. 1("J;
mcyer, attorney-at-law, front looms, 2nd floor
Bloomsburg, Pa. lapr--ia.
y. E. SMITH,
Berwick, Pa.
- tj xr.ifpr.w r n Hnrueon and Phv
. slclan, north sldo Main street.below Market
L. FRITZ, Attorney-at-Lan. Oflico
, Front room over Post Ofllce,
,B. J. 0. BUTTEB,
Office, North Market street,
Bloomsburi, Fa
U. WM. M. HEBEH, Surgeon and
Physician, omca cornor of Kock and Market
J. K. EVANS, M. D.. Surgeon and
.Physician, omco and llesldenco on Third
These old coktokations aro well Beasoned by
ave and fikd tistbu and have never yet had a
loss settled by any court of law. Their assets are
all Invested In solid bicukitiis aro liable to the
hazard of nu only. . . .
Losses raouPTLY and donsstlt adjusted and
paid as soon aa determined by Cdkistun r.
KMApr, srxcuL aoiini and adjuster Uloohsbubii,
The people of Columbia county Bhould patron
Ue the agency where losses If any are settled and
pallbyoneoftherownclllions. ..,
North American ot Philadelphia.
Franklin, " "
I'ennsylvanla, " "
York, ot Pennsylvania,
Hanover, or N. Y.
Sueena, ot London.
orthlSrUUli, ot London.
Office on Mirket street, No, i, Uloomsburg,
oot. 14, l-
AUENOY. Meyer's new building, Main street,
Arttnalm n. la
...uu.i.Muu.Q, . Assets
Btna insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn T,ow.2.!p
ltoyal ot Liverpool JfrSMK
Lancashire..... 10,000,00!
Flro Association. Philadelphia HSMIK
I'hcanlx, of London MSS"? .
Iandon 4; Lancashire, of England J'Jri'Es
Hartford ot Hartford JSMSS
fiprlngtleld Fire and Marine .W!0
As the agencies aro direct, policies are written
joriuu lusurou wnuuui. uci i, ibi
-v Tin tiitivk LMlltlT VPAU v Star,
ion Harland, alsocontalnlogmuch valuable
cent btampby need Carhlck, wercaLuie
0, UiBLWEIiIi, ,.
I'lllUtlRMMIIA, I'A.
11I0K, SI'IORS, lllOAlUI 80I1A, ETC., KIO.
N. K. Corner second and Arch sts.
nr Orders will recelvo prompt attention. WWc .stnd lu cents post.
& 'ow"da,,than eve'rt'iiSu $SS.
enn Ht T ibi!?lncsa-. ""P'tH not required. You
an thA?i?i'0IS?.ln.d.W0.r,t 111 6P Hmeonly.or
to iSnooi??,-,i 01 "i01" soxcs' ' nU "Res, grind.
evenS 8t hlf'iif,'810 . en'"1-' earned every
hn-SiSSl ?" Jl1!0 want worlc may test tho
S .ew.e""f ,n" unparalleled oltcr: To all
KH,',,?11 satlsflcd wo will send it to pay
mIX ifniISli!0 ' writing us. Full particulars,
v 2,?Jictft' sf nt tKe- Immenso pay nbsolutol
ft 52, '2' 1,11 wh0 8talt M once, lion't delay.
Address Stinsoh Co., Portland, Maine, decls!
Bi.ooMsuuito, Columbia County, Pn
All styles of work done In a superior manner, work
warranted as represented. Txrrn Kxtkiot
id wnnouT Pain by tho use ot Uas, and
troeof charge when artificial teeth
aro Inserted.
Offlco In Barton's bulldlne. Main fctreet,
below Market, llvo iloor s bcl ow ni's
drug store, llrst iloor.
1o be open at all hourt during the dai
Manufacturers of
First-class work always on hand.
Prices reduced to suit the times.
Tho undersigned having put his Planing Ml
on llallroad Street, In flrst-ciass condition, is pre
ptii cu iu uu 1111 Kiuus vi worn iu line.
furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber used
is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen
aro employed.
urnlshed on application. Plans and speclflca
ousprcpiroa nyan oxporionceaaraugmsman
Bloomsburp, Pa
John II. IIaiiimb, I'm. D. Piukcipal.
AUGUST 24, 1886.
Property cost Campus, SO acres.
Library, over s.oco volumes.
More than 11,000 m apparatus.
buperlor facllllles for students In Physiology.
Location healthful, Instruction thorough, dis
cipline strict, expenses moderate, experienced
teachers, small classes, personal attention.
Prepares for business, for collego ;and for teach'
Inf. students prepared In Keystone ha e entered
Vale and Harvard unconditioned.
separate building ot brick, heated by steam, for
tho use of ladles.
Students travel on theD. L.V. and branches
and on the Lehigh Valley at half rates.
For catalogue or Information address the princi
pal at Factoryvllle, Pa. m. 98-3ms,
Cents Furnishing Goods, Hats & Gaps
Suits nwle to ortlcr at short notico
and a titalwa8 guaranteed or no sale.
Call and cxamiuo tlio largest and best
selected stock ot goods ever shown in
Coliunbin county.
Store next iloor to First Nntionnl Bank,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Suitable for
Cemetery Lots
Public Grounds
i Ht) 1UUUVWUK Buun a mu I ivk. i.ukiiiv. vuv ut
the several beautiful slylesot Fence manufactured
by tue uuaersittut-u.
ed. Bet up by experienced hands and warraited
un.ii.irvnni titirAtillllv ihpv Arc unsurtias
to give saiisiaciiuu.
Prices anil specimens of other He-
signs sent to any ailuress.
May 4-tf
niinnhitu fltv Hall and the i'Ohl (mice.
This hotel Is one of tho must complete In Us ap
pointments and furnlluro of ANY IliiUSL In New
York Lily and Is conducted on tho
ltootns only one Collar per doy, Half minute'
wnlL-frnm llrnnklvn ItlliL'e and Elevated 1L
. II tlr.ou nt rnra nnwu fliA itndr. MOhL COnVCntd!
f.nlnl In Vnw VnrL' 1tf IPnll!HltH tO btOI) at. Dill'
lng llooms. Cafes and lunch counter icpleto with
nlf Ihn IttviMlnu nr Tiirulornlo nrhOK.
itim presents given away. .. t-end us
V cents postage, and by mall you wi
Ml ll.l III! frpii n nnelfava of trootla of larir
J value, that will start you In work
ti.t win nt. nnr. iirtntr vnu In money faster than
anything else In America. Allabout thetJ!i,ooo
lupreseutB with each box. Agents wanted ev.
erywhere, of cither sex, of all agea, for all tho
time, or spare time only, to work torus at their
ownhorae Fortunes for all workers absolutely
assured. Don't delay. II. IUllstt Co., Port
land, Maine. declB as.
Unlckly nd eorapltLy l'nrri ltynprnnln fa all
ft forma, Hfnriburn, Itf Iclilnff. Tnillns Ilio
J nod etc. It BmiobfW and purifies Ida blood.silma
ilih Bpueiiia, na aias ids aMimuaxion ol lond.
Jt 1. itopaiTiB, tbo honored rator of th
Flrat Iteforrsoil Church. Daltitnor. Md.. ura:
" llaTmjE owd Brown's Iron Uittra for bfipcpala
and Iaaisertfon I take ere&t plMiaara In recom
taenaioji It hlKhJr, Alao cuneidcr It a apleudid tooio
and InTltoratvr, and tt etrenBthenint;."
Hon. Jobxpb O. Hoit. Judge of Uircait Court,
Clinton Oo., lnd , lant 'I bear moit cheerful teatl.
njonr to tho efflcwr ot Brown's Iron Bitters lot
Djipfpeta, and aa a tonlo."
Oenuine has sbore Trade Bit rk and frotid rM lines
IT IS A JVlCr-Tha'nnin'ttfrhowMvere
i . . your lUicumatlfim or how
lotiir jou l)Aa Riuleml, you can tr t rrllpf, amlwli&t'fl
teS(yiiUtlt'!rmn "' 1'e'"a8 lK,''
IT IS A FA CrThl'thouMndg he h.l
. , . thin glad exivrlcura, and
now rriolcu In iiprfnt health. Vio can show you
the testimonials of many Fuch.
does thft bnsinfait and has dnuo it B1.ccespfu.ll7 every
tlmo It has been tried according to directions.
I T TS A VA ff5P-That thl rnnpdr. tliougU
1 comparativtly new lu our
couiitrj, has becu uwtlvery many jeani In souio
parts of uroie, and with wonUtrful success.
IT IS A FACTTteA tho Russian IUictt
JO matlsm Cure has the en.
(lonvment of emlncut Kuroixyiii tihysiciaris and
Government sanitary onmmissions, without which it
could not bo publicly sold In some of tlio countries.
TT TS A FA rrT-ThatllENnTM. Frank of
J Mn J Jl yX Frank Bros & Oo. 61 X. Sd
ht.,l'hilailelihta, nutferfd for years with llheuraattam
In the anus and shoutdors. lie ssys 1 I tried eery.
thiotr, but nothiiitr bcliel until I ixinpht tho It. It
t'urt. "It curod do completely and ery quickly.'
Descriptive pamplilct rlth testimonials, free,
n (fin rtn I If mailM. 10c. addltionat
PriCOoZ.DO.l if rtKistcred.lyc.more.
As ret it is not to bo found at tho stores, but can
only be had by enclosing tho amount as above, and
addresBing tho American proprietors.
810-831 Market Street. Philadelphia,
march u.iy.a
Invalids' Hotel ahd Sursicm. Ihstitute
G03 Main Street, Buffalo, N.-Y.
Staff of 10 Physicians and Surgeons.
Experienced SpcclalUtH 1'orovory
cluhw fit DKcuhCK treated t iiIko,
trained, experienced and obliging
Nn rieH.
Light, mcII ventilated, olrcanlly
fiirnlhhed prliato rooms fur pa
tient. llou.o fiiriilHhcfl with Elevator-)
Steam-lira!, Mpenlilnopipoi, i;iec
tric ItelN, and all modem lin
provcnionlN. Tnblo well Mippllud
Willi the Iicitt ol food.
Ib not a Iloillal, hut a ploatant
It i iiu'tllal Home. Open day and
whether roqnirlnir for their euro
medical or tuirgical aid, Nklllfull)
with TurkUh IlnlliH, American
Iflovenient Trcntinunt, or Hlcchan
leal .1lHKnnc .Tlaehlnery, Vllnli
zation and Vaeiiiim Treatment
Apparatus, the iiiiisl approved
i:leitrleal Itlnehlncs and llatter
trs, Inhalation Apparatus, and all
the mokt valuable remeillal nppll
nneeH liiiown to incdleal scleneo.
Call, or neinl 111 eenm In slaiup"
for our IiivalldH' fliiidc-IIooh (108
IiagcH), which kIvch all pailltu
arN. AddresH na aliovo.
World's DLspcnvarr JlcJlcal Aworlatlon, Prop's.
Ton thousand babies arc given
yearly to tne grave oy not Having
Dr. Hand's Teething Lotion on
their gums while teething.
To bathe the baby's gums while
teething, relieving all inllanima
tion, swelling and pain.
A good many night's rest by
nothavingDr. Hand Ts Colic Cure,
for it gives baby comfort and
sleep without stupefying or in
juring u. ino opiates. io con
bold at Klenus drug store,
general agent for Dr. Hand's
remedies for children. Labora
tory nt Scranton, Pa. tdecieow.
For Slek Stemaeh,
Torpid Liver,
Ellteus Headache,
Tarrant's Effervescent
Welt.ur AIicrliMit.
It Is certain lu lis eilccts.
It is gentle In Us action. It
is palatabloto tho taste.
It can bo relied upon to
cure, and It cures bv asslst
Idl'. not br cuiratrlnL'. na
ture. Do not take violent
purgatives yourselves, or
uuow your euuuren iu iuko
them, always use this cle.
L'nut nharmaceutlcal Dren-
arallon, which has been tor
inoio than lorty years a
publlo favorite, sold by
all diusglsts everywhere, r
from n common Illotch, or Kruplloiii
to the worst Scrofula. 1 lie lictt lllood
IMirlllcrcvcr dUcovcrcd. lly Druggists,
PRICE $1.00, KRiVaraftS
the iwpular favorite for drewlntf
iho luUr, lUt 'tiutf colur Len
fny, au4 ireuiiUiitf Imndruit.
b cloAiiMi tho calp, ktuH tli
talr (iilUuff, an J U em a to I'Ktuo.
&V3. aiil tl U) at DrutrifUU
The lafeitt, lure bt aud bvt cure for Corn J, Hunloii. Ao.
Btoi-i all l-ulu. Kuaurva comfort to Ihe fit t. Nei or fulU
to vuie, 11 H'tiK ut PruarvUM, UM'OX & Co., N, Y,
OUg ll
la dAmrprrmi at well ta diatreaalu complaint. If
DlctMt It tend, br Impftfriof nutrttkm, and do
pvonlnij (ijton tf h tjBtem, to prepax tb waj
1. ' (JT...-cmW.s$'"w
f ho Bits by his side with an anxious look
Marring her white, patrician faco ;
Abtaio with Jewels which here and there
Clloain out from tho folds ot her sheeny lace.
Her tout ensemble Is perfect quite,
Krom her bonnet down to her dainty shoe,
Hut why Is my lady distraught to-night
While the lite Is pla) ed and tho drums tattoo ?
Her smile la only a borrowed mask,
To hide her woo from the Baring crowd,
And tho white of her face will never bo
Whiter when sholsln her shroud.
And why U this, when this kingly man
At her sldo Is hers by legal right ?
As tho world can sje, who more than she
Should wear tho smilo ot content to-night ?
Oh, the lies that avo lived as tho world goes on 1
Oh, tho vows that aro broken c cry day I
And oh, for tho hopes which tho years now gono
Have hidden out ot our sight away 1
But tho saddest thing tor a wifo to hear,
When only her heart In tho darkness stirs,
Is tht sound of a namo from iho Hps loved best
Tho sound of a name and tho namo not hers.
Sho hears It now through tho music's whirl ;
It will haunt her down to her dying day :
Tho namo ot the gracious, sweet-faced girl
Sho met as sho walked on the street to-day,
Ah, It needed not tho whispered naTio
In his happy dreams, with his mind at rest ;
My lady knows to her grief and shame
'mat the old love yet Is the one lotcd best.
IMen A. Manvtlle.
Soiiiu tivu 'inil tliitty yuarH ago, when
I wrw a young man, my father's btiai
iiu8 t xm liciiucd a biitltlfin and sovcro
cliti'L. Wu wvru iiritiy in family and
it w.n neeu.-Biry lo rctroiicli. W e had
to Kcei liorho-i to take myself and my
fulfill to and fruin l!ie city. Wo ro
soKed lo m ive wi' easy roabh of
our place of Inisinesa. My brother
and m self pas-led irom Iioiiho agent
to lionso agent j we insorted advenise
menU j wo answertd advertisements.
15ut to no purpose. Wo had given
notico to quit our own house and
matters worn getting pressing. Hut
lato one Saturday afternoon wu were
investigating n quarter to winch wo
had not hitherto penetrated and wo
came on tho ory thing. Tho houso
stood at the corner of a quiet, sober
looking, very old fashioned square.
A bill announced that tho house was
to let : "Apply next door." Wo ap
plied. Tho door was opened by a
tidy, gray-haired, elderly woman.
"Can we look over tho houso next
door !" I said. A rather queer look
crossed llio woman's face for a moment,
but sho answered civilly :
"Certainly, sir. But it is rather
dark now."
"So it is," slid I. "Wo may come
in daylight if the placo is likely to
suit u. Can v ou tell us tho particu
lars V Tho woman enumerated tho
rooms and llio various features ot- tho
mansion. All were most suitable.
"And tho lent V I inquired, nerv
ing myself for a disappointment. She
named so low a figure that I uttered
an involuntary exclamation.
"You seo we've had it on our hands
for some time,'' eho explained, "and
wo would offer easy terms to a good
And when can wo look over it ? Is
it your own property V
"No, sir. JJut wo have llio letting
of it. My husband would show you
over to-morrow, sir, if you didn't mind.
He is always away all d.ty, and until
very lato at night. IIo's employed be
hind tho scenes at ono of tho theatres.
He is a master carpenter." Wo thank
ed her, made an appointment for Sun
day morning, ami wont home delight
ed. As wo turned out of tho squaro
I said :
"Did you notico how odd that wom
an looked when 1 spoka to her? What
did that look mean 1"
"Surprise," Baid my brother, who
was an observant fellow.
Next morning wo wero received by
tho landlord himself. Ho was a staid,
responsible-looking man, of somo GO
years, and wo wero favorably impress
ed with him. lie took us over tho
house, and answered our inquiries free
ly and fully. Everything was satis
factory. I was delighted. Hut ray
brother, who was of a cautious tem
perament, kept on asking questions
until I got fairly angry. At last ho
said :
'You don't nsk a very high rent.
How's that T
"Why," said the landlord diliberato.
ly. "you see this neighborhood is out
of fashion now. It isn't what it onco
was. Wo'yo had this- houso vacant
for somo time, and wo'ro anxious to
let it. You can boo there's nothing
wrong about tho place. If it wero in
the West End you'd pay six or seven
times tho rent." Ilia explanation
seemed perfectly straightforward, and
certainly tho houso boro tho closest
ecrutiuy. Pvontuaiiy wo closed tne
Iho next day I was lunching at my
usual chop-house along with two or
tlirco acquaintances.
"SHU houBO-liunling, Uenton I" said
ono of these
"No, thank heaven," I said.
"Wo'vo got a houso at last. In
" square, echoed no tiiougiit
fully, Which number havo you got t"
"Wtimuer -la, 1 saul, llo throw his
head back and burst into a fit of laugh
tor. Tho other men laughed, too.
looked from ono to tho other for ex
planation. "Wlion you vo done, said i witu
"Why, don t you know. Bald my
ineml, lecovering ins gravity, "iiutn
her -15 square, is haunted 1"
saw tho other men looking at me, so I
put on a bold lront.
"As if ovory one didn't know that,"
said I composedly. Ho was somowhat
taken aback, but returned to tho charge
"Well, you ll havo plenty ol com
pany there," ho said. "Wo shall hayo
you appearing in tho city with a lino
head of snow white hair, acquired in a
sinclo umht. I'oor old boy 1"
"Don't bo afraid," 1 retorted
"Tlicro aro onougli of us to trightcn
any ehost. We shall crowd linn out.
"I bot you a now hat you don't stop
tlicro a weeK, said lie.
"Dono with von," said I promptly,
"As often as you like. Any ono elso
want to bet V
No ono volunteered, and tho subject
droppod. lint 1 was oxtreinely uiiooin
fortable. In tho courso of tho after
noon I took my brother asido and told
"l'hew 1" saul he. "That oxplains
tlio low rent. But it's rather serious.
Tho Governor can't stand anything of
tho sort. You know how nervous ho
"Yes, I know," I said. "And it
strikes mo that tlio best tiling wo can
do is to movo into tho houso ourselves,
so that vvo can tell him tho story is a
myth, if any ono lets it out to him.
.lust yon and I."
"Right," said ho. "Wo havo taken
llio houso nnd wo can't affprd to loso
tho money. Besides, it's such a capital
Tho whole family wero about to
movo in about threo weeks' lime. Wo
had no dilliculty in finding a pretext
for preceding them, and it was arrang
ed that some of tho bedroom furniture
should bo sont in to our new domicile.
So ono evening wo took possession. A
bright fire, lit by our landlady, was
blazing in tlio kitchen. Wo made our
selves comfortable with our slippers
and lounging coats, and prepared for
a night of it.
"Uncommonly comfortable." said
my brother approvingly. "Gad, tho
old lady knows how to make a fire 1"
"And what a grate I And a chim
ney as big as a blast furnace. There
is nothing like ono of theso old-fashioned
kitchens for comfort." linsconccd
in our chimney corners wo passed
tlio timo luxuriously enough. Wo
had mado up our minds to sit up all
night and show the ghost what man
ner of men ho had to deal with.
Finally tho fumes of tho whiskey wo
drank and tlio heat of their firo had
thoir incvitablo effect and we began to
I do not know how long I had been
asleep, but I suddenly awoko witli a
violent start. A cold shudder ran
through me from head to foot. 1 roso
and stretched myself and tried to fool
at my ease. But I could not. I touch
ed my brother and ho awoke.
"Hallo 1" he said. "What's tho
matter 1 Why, I'vo been asleep 1
What's tho timo t
"Two o'clock," said I.
"Just tho timo for a chost." said he
with unseemly levity. "Do you know,
will, I don t think ho 11 corao here.
Ghosts aro uncomfortable things and
don't liko uood fires. Get loo much
f tliein whore thoy are, I suppose.
Let's go and look for him."
"Anything for a cliautie, said I,
although tho thought of perambulat
ing that great lonely mansion in tlio
dead of night was anything but agree
able. "I am wide awake."
"So am I," said ho : and taking up
tho brass candlestick ho wont toward
tho door. I followed him close. Wo
passed along the passage, our stealthy
footfalls making a faint sound on tho
ncarpeteil iloor. Wo oxamined tho
ooms on tho ground floor. Wo heard
and saw nothing. We ascended tho
stairs. Every individual stair creaked
horribly, but that was all. No ghost.
Jlv brother suddenly opened tho
door of a bedroom on tho first floor.
Instantly a gust of air blow tho candle
out. And as wo stood there in tho icy
cold wo distinctly heard a groan. It
was no fancy. It was a long-drawn,
wailing moan ot inexpressible horror
and pathos. It died away in a de
spairing cadence. It seemed liko tho
sorrowful lament of a soul in torment.
As wo stood thero graspinc each
tlier's hands, with our hearts throb
bing in great pulsations, it came again.
Oli. tho horror of it ! It seemed to bo
iu tho room and closo to us. Tho oold
was deathly, tho silence biokcn only
by that weird and awfnl moan. Onco
more it roso and fell and somehow
or other tho next moment wo found
ourselves in tho kitchen, with shaking
limbs and aslieu faces, relighting our
extinguished candle. Then wo looked
at each other.
"That was no fancy, Will," said my
"Fancy no," I replied, my teetli
chattering in my head. "What aro
you going to do t"
1'or my brother had relit llio candle
and was moving away.
"1 m going to havo another look," ho
"But, perhap"," I suggested, "tho
tho ghost extinguishes tho light."
"1 II givo him another chance, said
my brother coolly. "Como alone, you
chattering idiot." I was too shatter-
ed to resent this unflattering desenp
tion.and with a quaking heart I follow
ed his looihardy lootsteps.
llo examined the room carefully, but
thero was nothing to be seen, neither
was thero anything to be heard. So
wo gavo up tho thing for that night
aim went to bed.
At noon that day I had to run tlio
gauntlet of my friends. And, I am
jound to say I lied liko Ananias. As
tho day drew on I grew mora and more
uncomfortable, and I fairly dreaded
tho ordeal of tho ensuing night. It
was a lino night, and wo took a walk
around tho squaro beforo turning in.
Tlio houses all looked cheerful with
their bright lights, uurs alono was
bleak and gloomy. Wo agreed that
at 2 o'clock prccisoly wo would again
visit tho haunted room.
At tlio first stroko my brother, roso
and took up the candle. I had pro
vided myself witli a second candlo on
my own account, wo ascended tho
stairs and paused outsido tho haunted
chamber. My brother turned tho
handle, and tho weird sound oamo
attain. It roso and swelled and died
sorrowfully away. It was singularly
human. 1 ot it was beyond all de
scription unearthly. It was awful to
stand thero, waiting for tlio sound to
como again. My matter-of-fact brother
"IIo's in good voico to-night,' said
ho approvingly. "A bit hoarse, but I
don't womlor at that. Still, I wish
hod try another key. lies been at
this long enough. And ho might get
himself tuned hush 1" 1 quito expect
ed somo supernatural visitation to ro-
buko this ill-timed levity. Nona oamo,
My brother, having politely waited un
til tho ghost. had linlshed, began again
"All theso groans aro exactly aliko.
ho said, considering. "That's odd, isn'
itt Will, I'll tell you what. Tho
ghost's up tho chimney.'' Onco moro
tlio sound camo as though to coniitm
his words. And it certainly did ap
pear to proceed from tho region of tho
"Still," resumed my brother, thought
fully, "a ghost in a chimney is an un
comfoitablo sort of tiling. Will, wo'll
havo that chimney swept. Fanoy
ghost coming down with tho soot,
Wo 11 soo about it tho first thing to
This awful throat appeared too much
27, 1886.
for our unearthly visitor, for ho gavo
tonguo no moro that night. Wo went
lo bod, and I dreamed that tho spirit
of a chimney-sweep appeared lo mo
and confessed to the murder of ono of
tho llttlo boys, who wero still employ,
ed in those days in his profession.
We left tho oflico early in the after
noon. Wo secured- tho services of an
intelligent Bwecp and a sharp little
bright eyed boy. Up ho went. Wo
waited in suspense.
When he caino down ho reported
that ho had found nothing. Wo
questioned htm eagerly, but ho had
seen no ghost or anything belonging
to ono. Wo sent him up again. This
timo ho found out somo'.hing. This
chimney communicated with tho ono
next door.
"That will bo tho kitchen chimnoy
next door," said my brother. "Wo
must exploro that." Our landlady was
considerably amazed when wo present
ed ourselves and asked to bo allowed
to explore. After a little demur, how
ever, she consented. Thero was but a
small firo in tho grate, and this was
takeu out.
"I don't tnako it up until 11 o'clock
at night," she explained. "Not until
my master comes home tired after his
day's work. Then wo have our bit of
supper and drink our grog, and wo liko
to seo a cheerful blaze. But in tho
day I don't trouble about it." Tho
boy went up smartly and shortly re
appeared. "Why, yon'yo got a smoke-jack up
there missis," said he.
"What's a smoke-jack V said my
brother hastily. Tlio sweep explained.
"It's a h-apparatus for roasting
meat, fixed in tho chimbloy. It has
littlo sails, just liko a windmill, only
thoy aro laid fiat instead of being up
right. Tho hot air comes up from the
fire and blows theso sails round. Then
there's a cog-wheel and that commu
nicates tho motion to a fly-wheol. A
chain passes round the fly-wheel, com
ing down to the grate, and turns the
"But whero aro tho chains t"
"Oh tliey'vo been taken off, I suppose.
It isn't used now."
"I didn't know it was there," Baid
our landlady.
"Doesn't it mako a noise T" asked my
brother, with a quick look at me.
"Wo don't hear it replied the land
lady indifferently.
"Will," said my brother, "just run
back to tho bedroom and listen. I be
lievo we've got it. 1 am going to send
iho boy up to turn tho thing." I did
as ho requested. When I got into the
room tho ghost was groaning in splen
did form. Ho was going lar faster
than I had ever heard him before.
Tho mystery was solved.
During tlio day tho curreHt of
hot a'r was not strong enough to
act on the blades and set tlio revolving
portion of tho machine in motion.
But when tho great firo was mado up
at night tlio forco was ample. Tho re
volving portion of a jack is raised to a
small extent from tho frame and bear
ing of tho pivot ou which it revolves.
Ileduco the force of tho current by
Jetting the firo go out, and tho blades
of tho jack descend. Tho revolutions
become, gradually slower and slower.
Tho pivot bearing had no lubrication,
and consequently made tho groaning
We kept our secret. Wo wero tlio
admiration of every ono who know tho
story of tho house. And for a very
substantial reduction in tho rent ot a
very oomfortablo houso wo had to
thank tho Groaning Ghost.
Every one who has visited that liis-
torio town of Salem, Massachusetts,
remembers tho queer museum iu the
Essex Institute, in which aro preserved
au extraordinary variety of curiosities
from the ends ot tho earth, tho relics
of tho early seamen of two generations
ago, whose adventures and heroisms
gavo a glory to American shipping in
Kast Indian trado and in tho war ot
1812 that has sadly faded since. These
'Old Salem Sea-captains aro tho sub
ject of an excellent arlielo in the Sept
ruber Jtarper a by 1 nomas went
worth lliggiuson, whoso narrative is
nono tho lets entertainiug becauso of
tho part takeu by his ancestors in thoso
tirnng events, "theso men weio tho
humbler Drakes, tho Cavendishes of
their day j thoy carried tho American
fiat; when it was au unknown ensign
they yoyaged from distant island on to
island without chart or Ught-houso
they made and lost great tortunes
made them commonly for others, lost
them for themselves. .. .During tho
Revolution Salem alono sent out 158
armed vessel;1, carrying in all moro than
2000 guns. They took 115 prizes, 51
out of their own fleet being lost. Tho
loss of their vessols was to bo expect
ed, but tho loss from history of all de
tailed memorial of theso daring mon
is moro serious." Their fearless com
mercial entnipriso is traced from beforo
the Revolution, through tlio scenes of
antipodal trallic, among the unrivalled
deeds of prowess iu the two war witli
lyigland, ami into tho early federal
Tho heads of tho bank notes of dif
ferent denominations aro not generally
known, and very few persons can till
what portraits aro on tho ditlerent
notes. They aro as follows: On Unit
ed States Si, Washington ; S2, Jeffer
son ; 85, Jackson ; 810, Webster ; 820,
Hamilton ; &50, Iraukliu : 100, Lin
coin i S500, General Mansfield s 81000,
Do Witt Clinton ; 5000, Madison
810,000, Jackson. On silver certificat
es, 810, Robert Morris ; 820, Com.
Decatur i 850, Ed-vard Everett i 8100,
James Monroo ; 8500, Charles Sumner,
and 81000, W. L. Maroy. On cold
notes, 820, Garfield ; 850, Silas Wright;
Siuu, Thomas u. uenton t S5uo, A,
Lincoln i 81000, Alexander Hamilton ;
85000 James Madison, and 810,000,
lYinlrew Jackson.
Unfitted for the Business.
"That boy of yours is not adapted
for tho undertaking business," explain.
ed an undertaker to tho boy's father,
who inquired why ho had been dis-
"What's tho trouble wilh him!"
"Ho hasn't a roalising sonso of what
is duo iho allhoted. Uay botoro yester
day Mrs. B. buriod her fourth husband
I sent the boy up to loarn at what hour
she wished tho ce.'cmouy to take place,
and ho asked hor what her regular
time ot day was tor burying husbands,
l expect to loao nor trado entirely."
A sound conclusion, A dying echo,
The Cuulidates.
iii.auk roit
Hon. Chauncoy Forward lllaok, the
Democratic candidate for Governor, is leading business enterprises there. In
a son of tho lato Judgo Jeremiah S. May, 18". ho was appointed by Gen.
Black, and was born at Somerset, iu McCandlcss Deputy Secretary of Inter
tills State, in Novetpber, in 1839. Ho nl Affa'us, and upon him felt tho
was eduuatod at iho Monongahela al,or of organizing tho new Depart
academy, in West Virginia, and after- n,tiit of Imerual Affairs created by tho
wards attended .itlierson collegf, iu
Washington county. Ho wai under
instruction at Hiram college nt thu
time the lato President Garfield was a
student there. A friendship was es
tablished between tlio men, nnd their
relations were ino.-t cordial up to the
timo of tho death of tho lato Prcai
dnnt. Young Chauncey studied law
with his father, and iu 1801 was ad
mitted to the Bar of Somerset ciuiity.
llo practiced but little, the profession
of tho law not suiting his tastes. Lit
erary work was moro suitable to his
taste?, nnd Mr. Black began as a cor
respondent for several of tho daily
newspapers. I-or six or seven years
ho was a regular contributor lo the
columns of tho New York iS', and
his letters showing the inside movo
mcnts of Pennsylvania politics always
attracted considerable attention. Al
though ho has not published any books
written by himself, thero aie numer
ous publications from his prolific pen
iu existence unuer mo names ot nmer
persons. Althouirh ho has a manifest
liking for tho whiil and excitement of
pontics, no um not iiccoinc mucn oi an
aotivo politician until ho was brought
forward Jour years aao as a candidate
for Lieutenant Governor. Hu was.
indeed an aspirant for the nomination
as Congressman in the York and Cum
berland district in 1S7-1, but was de
feated by lion. Levi Maish, tho gen-tl-'man
who placed him in nomination
for Lieutenant Governor in tho State
Convention of 1882. By that body ho
was placed second ou llio'tison
ticket on tlio first ballot by a vote of
17.U to 731 for Gooruo II. Irwin, of
Dauphin. In 1880 ho was a member
of tho Cincinnati Convention, and
voted for Judtro Field at first, but
changed his vote to Geneial Hancock.
llo went through in 1882 with the
rest of tho Democratic ticket. Mr.
Black is credited with beini; tho author
of a revival of the so-called Jefferson-
lan system of politics, which consists
in ihu establishment of societies
throughout the country for the study
and practice of the JelTeisonian princi
ples. Ho is tho President of the or-
ganizition of that namo in York Co.,
at the capital of which ho resides.
For many years beforo he was made
Lieutenant Governor nearly all tho
platforms adopted by Democratic State
Conventions wero his haudi-work, and
he always attended tho Conventions
well provided with planks of all sorts.
His counsel was sought by tho leading
men of tho party, and his acquaintance
lias been extensive with the promi
nent mon of tlio country of all shades
ot political opinion. Mr. Black mar
ried the daughter of Hon. John L.
Dawson, who represented tho Fayette
district in uougrcss and was a promt
nont politician in his time. In per-
sonal appearance ho is tall, of cood
physique, and bears a strong resem
blance, to his distinguished father.
Colonel R. Bruce llicketts, who re
ceived tho nomination for Lieutenant
Governor, comes of Scotch-Irish pa
rentage, and was born at Oiangeville,
Columbia county, Pa., on April 29,
1839. Ho was educated at tho Wy
oming Seminary, near Wilkcs-Barre,
and was reading law when tho Rebell
ion broke out. Ho promptly entered
the Union service, and having assisted
in recruiting a battery of artillery, was
mustered in as a member of Battery
F, l'irst Pennsylvania Artillery (I or-
ty-tliird Regiment), on July 8, 1801,
and nromotod to bo First Lieutenant.
August 5, 1801; to Captain. May 8,
1803; to Maior, December 1, 1801, ami
to Colonel, March 15, 18G5. Battery
I1 was furnished durinc tho month of
August, 1801, witli horses ami equip -
ments and four smootli-boro pieces.
As early as September 12 following it
was ordered to join t-icn. Isauks com -
mand at Damestown, Md., and from
that dato on was iu active service con
stantly until tho closo of tho war. For
a timo llio battery was divided into
two sections, ono under Lieutenant
Ricketts and tho other under Lieuten
ant liiookway. the former had its
nrst engagement uceotnber 2U with a
body of tho enemy's artillery and cav
alry, which was attempting the de
struction ot uam wo. .) on tho Upper
Potomac. For moro than threo full
yoars from that date, Ricketts was al
ways in tho front, and Ins battory bo
camo ono of tho most famous in tho
Union army. In almost every ono of
tho great engagements of 'C2, '03, and
M in Maryland ami Vimiiiia, and in
scores of minor conflicts, it was prom
inently engaged and at Gettysburg es
pecially it did brilliant service in as
sisting to repel tho fierce terrillo on
slaught of tho Confederates upon the
right ot tho Union lines. In this bat
tle Colonel Ricketts lost forty horses
and twenty-seven men, and tho ground
on which nis guns wero planted is
among tho historic- spots of that great
contest, llo was under tiro ono hun
dred times, and engaged in fifty-seven
battles. At tlio loso of tho war Colonel
Ricketts returned to Wilkesbarre, and
lias since been engaged in managing
ins largo inmuer estato at what is
known as North Mountain iu Sullivan
county. IIo lias been an active and
consistent Democrat ovor sinco hu
readied manhood, but has never been
an ofhco-holdcr.
J. Simpson Africa, who was selected
as tlio candidate for tho oflico of Seo
rotary of Internal affairs, was born in
tlio town of Huntingdon, which is still
his home, on boptembor 15, 1832. IIo
is descended from Revolutionary stock
through tlio Simpsons, of Bucks, and
iuurrays, ot Lancaster. Ho was
educated at tho Huntingdon Academy,
and after completing his studies thero
ho adopted tho profession of surveyor
uuu uvtl euyiuuui, iiiiu una SlllCO lUCll
devoted his ontiro timo (oxcopt when
engoged in publio duties) to his pro-
fession, nnd was first employed as a
civil oiigineer in thp location of the
Broad Top Railroad. In 1853 ho was
elocted County Surveyor of limiting.
don oounty on tho Democratic ticket
over tho uomineo of tho Whig patty,
and Borvcd until 1857. Ho served as
ono of tho Clerks of tho Senato during
Tes op oVEi-tjisiNq.
! 9 1 m 3m Ik sm It
1 Inch tl 1 19 I M 9M 8 00 4 60 7 00
3 " 1 Ml 9 00 3 25 4 00 4 f 7 M 13 00
3 SOU S !5 a 60 6 00 0 50 10 00 It 04
4 " II 60 3 60 4 60 TOO BOO 18 Wl 19 00
VlOl 3 2J 460 56O 8 00 0 60 14 502300
Scot 6 60 7 00 8 (10 14 00 iron 20 00 40 CO
"column 8 oo la oo 15 oo 25 00 so 00 40 00 no 01
Yearly ndTcrtlsements payable quarterly. Tran
sient nilmllMmcntii must bo paid for beforo '-
sorted except where pan les liato accounts.
Ix-galndverllscmentH two dollars per Inch iuc
three Insertions, nnd at that ralo for additional
lnseitlons without rulcrenco to length.
Kxccutort, Administrators, and Auditor's no
ttccs three dollars.
Transient or t-ocnl not Ices, ten cents a line, rrg
ular advertisements half rates.
Cards In the "Duslness Directory" column, on
dollar a year for each line.
tho sessions of 18."8 nnd 18.19. In
October, 1859, ho was elected to tho
House of Representatives over tho Ho-
publican nominee. IIo was soveral
fiitiua ulf.f.fml Htirfrnna nf hlR nfttlta
boroiuh. and is identified with the
Constitution of 1873, llo gavo tlio
duties of the ollico his undivided at
tention. In May, 1878, ho was nom
inated as Gen, McCaudless' successor
bv tho Democratic Convention, re
ceiving ICO votes to G7 for tho two
other caudiuatis. His Republican
opponent, who was elected to tho olhce
in WovembT ot that year, was uoioncl
Aaron K. Dunkel of Philadelphia, but
Mr. Africa led his ticket by from -1,000
to 1-1,000 votes. In February, 1880.
Mr. II a cs appointed him Supervisor
of the Census for thu Sevenlli district
of Pennsylvania!! ollico for tho duties
of which he was peculiarly qualified.
In June, 188.'i, ho was again placed on
Iho Democratic ticket for the office of
Secretary of Internal Affairs by accla
mation, and this lime ho was elected
through the Republican dissensions
which carried Patiison and tho whole
Democratic ticket through. Mr.
Africa's discharge of his official duties
havo been painstaking and conscien
tious from first to last, nnd he
thoroughly understands the duties of
an oflico ot which ho was practically
tho creator.
William ti. lircunen, the nominee
for Auditor-General, was born in the
Souih Side, Pittsburg about 33 years
ago. His parents, Irish working peoplo
were among tho early settlers there.
IIo received a common school educa
tion, and was apprenticed and learned
the trade of a machinist. lie follow
ed that trado until 27 years of age, and
saved money to fit himself for the legal
profession. Ho read law with Colonel
j. K. 1. Duff, his present partner. IIo
was a delegato for Tilden at tho St.
Louis Convention of '70, when but
little more thau 21 years of age. IIo
has been a delegato to several Demo
cratic Stato Conventions, and is a mem
ber of tho State Committee now, and is
serving his second term as Chairman
of tho Allegheny County Committee.
Ho was counsel without compensation
for tho coal mineis charged with con
spiracy over in Washington cunly ;
is a cousin of Gilbert Rafferty the
coku operator, is unmarried and a total
abstainer from intoxicating drinks.
Maxwell Stevenson, who was nomi
nated for Congressman-at-Large, was
born on February I, 1847, near Lon
donderry, Ireland, of that Scotch-Irish
slock noted for its pluck, energy and
ability. Ho was brought to Philadel
phia in December, 1851, when uot quito
fivo years old, and has been a resident
thero ever since. His early struggles
for advancement wero untiring and
severe, but no moro sinking than thou
sands of others. IIo left school be
tween tho ages of 12 and 13, after
reaching tho class in Jaskson Grammar
School preparatory to tho High School.
During tho years of 1859 and 18G0 ho
was cnuaged in hard unremitting work
on tlio truck farms of tho "Neck." In
1801 ho obtained work as an errand
boy iu a shoe store. A year later lie
bought tho outfit of a news stand. In
connection witli this business he got
the right to canvas for subscribers to
tho J'Joening Teleyrajh ami so satis
factorily was his work that Mr. Charles
E. Watbuilon, the proprietor, without
regard to tho boy's youth, unhesitating
ly and generously assigned to him an
important newspaper territory. Snon
after this ho bought a "scholarship" in
I a bi'-iness collego and devoted himself
to securii-j a thoruogh business train
ling. Hu rapidly improved his mind
I and from then until 1873 was emnlov
led as bookkeeper, by several firms. In
I all ot these years btcveuaons ambition
was to becomo a lawyer, and to tlipt
cud ho had already, in 1870. registered
1 as a student witli E. Coppeo Mitchell,
1 after wauls transferring it to l ho lato
Judgo I. T. Pratt, and on October 31,
1 1874, after a highly creditable exami
nation, was u limited lo tho bar, being
at that time somowhat over 27 jears of
age. Since his admission lo tho bar
his lite has been well known to tho
ublio. His first public interest iu tlio
labor movement was as its unanimous
ly chosen candidato for Congiess in
thu 1 tut Dinlnct. ll was hoped that
tho Demncials would also iiomiuuto
him, but the nomination in the con
vention was lost to him by a majority
of only ten votes. In this canvas.
without an inido ollicer, with both
organizations bitterly opposed to him
ho mado a plucky liKht, uettinc a count
of nearlv 4,300 votes, llo lias ever
been an aelivo Democrat from convict
ion, but deeply in sympathy with every
movement for tho advancement of labor
everywhere. And that uo man should
cliargo that his interest in tho great
strugglo of labor for recognition
was prompted bv mercenary or eclfish
motives, ho has absolutely refused com
pensation for any services rendered to
anv properly iiidentihed member ot
orgauized labor.
A green grocer Ouo who buvs kis
dried apples already soaked.
A clock owned by Mm. Dearden, of
Norwich, Conn., is 150 years old.
In theso days of modern adaptations
it's a wiso Baw that knows its own
A train was recently run from Svra-
cuso to liullalo, M, v., a Uistauco of
149 miles, in 138 minute?.
Crocodile skin is now comitic into
favor for hook bindings. It is said to
rival in appeal anco tho host morocco.
In tlio bill of a largo crane shot ro-
co-tly iu Monroo county, W. Va., was
funl a wrp that weighed two pounds.
"What does a man mako by getting
drunk V asked a tempersnco man, IIo
makes a fool of himself and makes
his head ache tho next morning.
Over one million boxes of Acker's
Dyspepsia Tablets sold in tho past
twolvo mouths, purely upon their
meiits. Why sulTer with Chronio Con.
stipalion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomaoh,
Sick Headache, Heartburn, and Female
troubles, when J. II. Mercer oflleru
you relief and positive cure in tho
Dyspepsia Tablets. IIo sells them on