The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 20, 1886, Image 1

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    he Columbia.
AT$t.50 poryear. Tosmiscrlborsout ofthnnn
tytno torm aro strictly In advanco "ttecoun4
lar-flo paper Ulaooutlnued uoovt at th nminn
pt the publlshera, until all arrea?aos Tare naif bit
lowr contlnuod orodiui win nnt i,n 5i..irePaw,'
All papora sent out ot the state or to distant cost
o dices must bo paid torlnadTance.uBomK!K
jlblo poraoaln Columbia county assume? to oar"
tho subscription duo on demand. p r
The Job Printing Department ottho Colbhsiiu
li very complete. It contains the latMt now tVn?
anl nucbincry and Is tho only omce that mnsob
presses by power, glvliur us tho best facmtlcsT &.
tlmatcs furnished on largo Jobs. ""-"""-a.
- 'L hi
omeo over 1st. National Panic, """""'""nf Ta
mco In ICut's Building.
Uloohsbcro, 1'a.
11LO0M8B0KU, l'l.
o.llca over Moyor llros. Drug Store.
0 nice In Urovror's bulldtng.sccond Mo. 1
liloonisburg, i'a.
Bloorasburg, I'a.
Office corner ot Centre and Main Streets. Clara t
Can bo consulted In German.
Bloomsiiuko, I'a.
OHIco on First lloor. front room of Col
BMIiiam Uuildluu, Main street, below Ex
change Hotel.
ortlco In Columbian Hoilmno, Itoom No. 9, second
A ttorney s-at-Law.
onico lu 1st National llank buUdlng, second floor,
nrst door to the left. Corner ot Main and Market
atreota Uloomsburg. Pa.
t-Pennon t and Doun'.itt Collected,
omce In Malio'B bulldlxr. over Ulilraeyer'B grocery.
63"0(Uco over Dcntler's shoo store,
Uloomsburg, Pa. rttpr-30.80.
(Offlce front suit ot rooms on second lloor of
NkwsItku building.)
Members ot Sharp and AUeraan'a Lawyers and
Banker? Directory and the American Mercantile
dColleSlonAs&iatlon .,1"'Jly.P!n0BnJP1l?2?
careful attention to collection of clalmB 111 any
Bart ol tie United states or Canada, as well aalo
all other professional busluesa entrusted to them
Jackson Building, Rooms 4 and 8.
y. .11. RHAWN.
Catawlasa, Pa.
omeo, corner ot Third and MalnBtroeta.
Office In Browcrs' Building, 2nd lloor.
may 1-tf
jyj-lCUAEL F. KYEltliY,
Conveyancer, Collector of Claims.
.... 1... 11,11,11 Willi P. 1 11111
mcyer, attorney-al-law, front icomB, . and lloor
BioomsDurg, ra. i"
jy. E. BM1T11,
Berwick, Pa.
r t ir.irurirv r Tl flnrcr.nn and PhT
I .Btclan.northflldo Maln atreet.below Market
L. FKITZ, Attorney-at.Law. Office
a front room over ruai um.
B. J. 0. RUTTEB,
Offlce, North Market street,
llloomsluri, Pa
fvll. WM. M. KEBEH, Burgeon and
WPhyslclan. offlce corner ot ltock and Market
JK. EVANS, M. D., Burgeon and
.Physician, omeo and Kesldence on Third
HOME, OF N. T. .
TheBO old cobi'oratiokb aro well seasoned by
ageandyiKKTisTiiuand have nover yet had a
loss settled by any court of law. Their assets are
all invested In solid BBcoamiiS are uabletothe
hazard of riK only. ,....
Losses raoiiiTLv and honbbti.t adjusted and
paid aa soon as determined by Cukibtiam r.
The people of Columbia county should patron
lie the agency where losses If any are Bettled and
pall by one of thcr own citizens. ,,,
North American of Philadelphia.
Ptanklln, " "
fennaylvanla, " "
York, ot IMnnsylvanta.
Hanover, ot N. Y.
Oueens, of London,
North British, of London,
omce on MArket Street, No, 8, BloomBburg.
oot. a, i- ,
Ti.n tn.nltrVlU 1KTU ill A Mill.'
nwwnv. Miivpr'u new buildlntr. Main Btreet,
oomaburg, Pa.
-tna Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn
Itoyal of Liverpool,
lire Association. Philadelphia ,
1'hainU, ot Loudon i
London Lancashire, ot England..
Hartford of Hartford
Knrinvfl.MVIraiml Mnrinfl
f ,lDO,l IV
8,8! 8,060
As flie agencies aro direct, policies are written
i or mo inaurea wuuuuv unm ,u'"y",i.
Ulooinburg. Oct, SS, SI-
fVll llAllV'S FIHBT YEAR, by Mar.
J Ion llarlond, tlsocontalnlcgmucli yaluaWe
lnTortnatlon. is-rogo took, l-ent on receipt of
cent btomnby llcid I'arulcki iercanllle ix.
change lihfg.N.V. aug4td,
0.S.B1WELL, .
"TAINWRlailT & CO.,
N, K. Corner Second and Arch sts.
f-onicra tcc pronipt attention.
2,riR1,ns ve?pii. send lu ccnta post-
n " .AS . i. 1 ul sooui mat win
moni.ft ?f.Ti.'.n Ahe WftJr of making mora
SS ever thought possl.
can tn .t -nP' noi required. You
En t ill H?ll0mV,ftn.1.w.0."c ln I'are. Orno only, or
ilim-tin". . . """"." run particulars,
lv M.rn??r ,n',Snt f.rco; '""nebM pay absolute!
Y.t ?ure 'Sr M wll 8tl't at once. Don't delay.
Address SrmaoM 4: Co., Portland, Maine, tdccil:
Umomsiiukh, Columbia County, Pn
All stylosof work doneln a I
"isiiicutia iuijiuhudluU. 1 BETH ItXTHACT-
xd without Pain by tho use of (las, and
tree of charge when artinclaltcoth
arc Inserted.
Olllcc In llnrton's bullilliic, Mnln atrcet,
liclow Market, live door s hcl ow m's
urng store, llrst lloor.
1o be open at all hourt during the Hat -
Manufacturers ot
Plrst-class work always on hand,
Prices reduced to tuit the times.
The undernlcncd hnv?ntr cut hla Planlnir Ml
on Hallroad Street, In nrst-ciass condition, la pre
yuruu iu uu uu Kinas oi worK in nis line.
tnrnisncd at reasonable prices. All lumberusea
Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen
aro employed.
urnlshed on application. Plana and specifics
onaprep-irea oy an oxperienceaarauguisman
Bloomxburfr, Pa
John II. IIamup, Pii. I). Piiincipal.
AUGUST 24, 1886.
Property cost jw,ooo. campus, so acres.
Library, over 8,000 olumes.
ilorothan 1,0U) in apparatus.
Superior facilities for students ln Ph) slology.
Location healthful, Instruction thorough, dls-
clpllno strict, expenses moderate, experienced
teachers, small classes, personal attention.
Prepares for business, for eollego Jand for teach
ing, students prepared In Kcystono havo entered
Yalo and Harvard unconditioned.
Separate building ot brick, heated by steam, for
the use ot ladles.
Students travel on the D. L. i: W. and branches
and on the Lehigh Valley at half rates.
For catalogue or Information address tho princi
pal at Factory vllle, Pa. (m. stWrns,
Donts Furnishing Goods, Hats & Gaps
Suits mndo to order at short notice
and a fit al wn h guaranteed or no sale.
Call and examine tho largest and best
selected stock ot goods ever shown in
Columbia county.
Store next door to First National Bank,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Suitable for
Cemetery Lots
Public Grounds
ThO following SHOWS luo I uumiu iuv u
the several beuul Itul styles ot reuco manufactured
by the unacrsiguea.
ror iicauiy ana uuruumii
ed. Set up by experienced hands and warraSted
W give Buiiaiuiwuu.
Prices and specimens of other de-
signs sent to any auuruss.
. . . , i
May 4-tf ,
Tills hotel Is one of the most complete In Its ap
polnlmentu and lurnlturo ot AN V UOUSL lu hew
Vn,L- ,'l,v ntul U cnndllt'ted on tho I
Itoomsonly Ono Collar per day. Halt minute's
wane irum iiiwmju uttuKo
All lines ot cara ium mo iwi. iwoj- . ,iin
it": ,;, , .:,. .,. .n,l I nn, rnnntrr lt'UletB with
au tuoiuiuwaui,uiuu;mmi...vvo. g Jujy. J J yr I
In nrcaenta given away, .tend u
ccnta pobtage, aud by ma tl you wie
v".." i,"".r,"r,;,"vTm
2nS thing OTTmerfca? Aliabou't itffmu
In presents with each box. Agents wanted ey.
eryivnere, oi euuri v. , "bj ?,,-
land, Maine, luecispo.
The Genuine has Trade Mark and crossed Red
Lines on wrapper.
the twpatar f aTorito for drewlnff
tho Iitur, Rcwtorlns color hon
pray, and jirrTentTng IiantlrulT.
It cloannoi tho pcaJp, stow tho
hair falUnc, anft lit nura to pleaso.
ouc ma ilw at uniggigta.
Tho best Couch Curo yon cun nso.
And tho best prerentlTO known for Consumption. It
curt bodily pain, and all disorders of the Stomach,
Bowels, Lungs, Liter, Kidneys, Urinary Organs anil
all FcnuUe Complaints. Tho fccblo and sick, et nig
gling agalnBt dlsoase, and slowly drifting towards
tno grave, will In most castes recover their health hy
the timely uoo of 1'iUKEjt's Tonic, but delay la dan
gerous. Take It In time. Bold by all Druggist In
largo bottles at 81.00.
Bunions, Warts, Moles, Callouses, Ac. Hinders their fur
thergrowth. Etopsallpaln. Qivesnotroubla Makestbo
feet comfortable. Ilindercorns cures when ever) thlna
eLw falls. Bold by Druggists at 15c IIiscoxiCo.,N. V.
fluff, 14-ly
Prejudice; is hard to combat. It cannot be
overcome in a day. More than likely it wasn't
formed hastily. Indeed it may have been
Gradually strengthening its hold for years.
For Instance, some folks believe Rheumatism
cannot be cured. Their fathers believed so
before them. So did their Grandfathers:
CURED, notwithstanding this prejudice,
but the trouble is to make people think so.'
The only way we know to meet popular un-
Delict is to state the f LAIN FACTS, ana
then present the POSITIVE PROOFS
that they arc facts. It is a fact that the
not only relieves but banishes.Rheumatic
Tain. There is positive proof of it too. It
comes from those who have suffered untold
agony with Rheumatism and have been com
pletely cured by tins remedy. All who have
tried it have had this experience. Some of
them permit us to print their testimony. It
makes quite a little book, which wc send free
to any who arc interested enough to ask for it.
A complete Russian Rheumatism Cure,
costs S2.50. If mailed, loc. additional. If
registered, loc.more. You'll never need but
one. so the price isn't high. Who wouldn't
give 82.50 to get rid of Rheumatism ?
As yet It cannot be lound at tne stores, dui can oa
had only by enclosing the amount as above, and
addressing the American Proprietors,
8ig & 821 Market St., Philadelphia.
march 9-ly.n
from a common Itlnlrli, or Eruption,
to tho wurtt Set-urn la. Sal l-r Is en in,
"Fcver-ori'," Sraly or Hough Milll,
In short, nil iIIsmim'S muscil liy bail blood are
ccmiueitil by this poweiful, purifying, and
InvliroratliiK medicine. Jrciit i:aliuir Ul
cers rupiuiy Ileal linucr us iiuiukii lunueiicu.
EsDcciallv lias It niiuillreti'il ten potency In
curlntr Toller, Hone Itall, Ilolln, Cnr-
DUIlCICh, IMiru J.J ntnntiiwiii. .-. 11.
anil Mvt'lliiiu, llfp-.loluc IH.oaie,
Will 10 MVdUliiirn, (ollre, or Thick
Neck, anil UnlurKCil islands, fcend ten
cents fn stamps for u Lirec treatise, with col
ored plates, on M(lu Diseases, or tlio sam
amount tor a treatise on Scrofulous Affections.
"Till. ISI.UlfD ia im. i.irm-."
Thoroughly clouiiso it liy usiiiK llr, Plerec'si
llolilen iUedlcnl Ileo opy, and itiinil
fllueatlon, u fair skill, liuojiiiit ilr
Iik, vital atrciiKlli, and hiiiiiMlnenK of
coiisttlutloii, will bo ustnblisiiul.
on RICH 5ftir&T
which Is Scrofulous IJlM'nse of the
Lungs, it promptly mid tilluiiily inicsted
and cmed by this (lou-friwn icinwly, if taken
before tho lost stages of tin- disease are reached.
irom 1.3 wonueriui power uvt-r mis lerriuir
fatal dl ,enso, when lli-t otfvrlmr this now cel
ebrated remedy to (ho nubile, Dr. I'ieiicb
thought seriously of tnlling It his "c:on.
sum pi I. hi cm re," but abandoned thiitnuino
as ton limited for u medicine which, iium Its
wonderiuiconibiniuioii in imiic.oriui'iijfiiieii
Ing, alterative, or bloinl-cli'iuisiiiir, null-bilious,
tiuctoiiil, ami uuttltivo pi-opLitln.Uuiiequ.ilfd,
not only at a icnicdy li.r consumption uf tho
juries, but lor nil
or Tim
Liver, Blood, and Lungs.
I If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have
sallow color of skin, or yellowish-brown spots
on luce or bouy, uentiem nciuiticua or dizzi
ness, bad tasto In mouth. Internal heat or chilli,
alternntlnir with hot tlnshcs, low spirits and
gloomy borebodhiBS, lrreaumr appetite, ana
coated tomrue. you nro suttuilnpc from Iudl
Kcntloii. 11 apepul'i, nnd Torpid Liver,
or "llllloukiicaii." lu many casts only
part or these symptoms nio cvperlenced. Al
a remedy for ull such ensee, llr. IMorco'i
Golden Itledlcul Discover)- hat no
e'lViil. .. . . ,
ror w ciik iiiiiiui, piiiiiiji oi iiiuuui
Sliortnom of llrentli, lsroiicliltii.
severe 'oiik1i, Couniinplloii, and
klndied affections. It Is a sovereign remedy.
Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. I'Kroal
book on Consumption. Sold by Druggists.
PRICE $1.00,
on e ijottles
FOR $0.00.
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
Proprietors, 643 Main St., DcrrALO, N. T.
Sold by DriiKKUti. 3 cents a vial.
U offered bjr the proprietor!
nf tir. snu-o'ti Catarrh Itemedr
foracasoof eatarrh which ther
eannot cure.
1 1 you ha n a discharge from
tho nose, ntfemlvo or other
wise, partial loss otainell, taste,
nr lipurtnir. weak eves, dull Pain
or prewure In head, you liavo Catarrh. Thou
sands of cases terminate In consumption.
Dr.Soiro's Catahiiii Hb.meijv cures the worst
cases of Cntarrli, "Cold III llio Head,"
and C!utnrrlinl iulaclie. 60 cents.
CURE FOR Terrli Liver.
Eiticus Headache,
Tarrant's Effervescent
HelUer Apc-rU-nl.
It la certain lu Us eirects.
It la gentle ln Its anion. It
is tulutableto the taste.
It can bo relied upon to
cure, aud It cuics by biaU-
luie. Do not take violent
purcatltcs yourfcelvea, or
7.i,...ipl mi nlilMrn Inlntn
Vinl.HoaiiarnO mem, aiwnya urn-mm
UlUn -liuuuuwnus gi
i imiit. nhnrinaceuttcal tiren-
araviuu, wuituiiwuiw
tnnm than forty veara a
nVCDCDCII public tin onto, bold by
lUlOrklOlKill druggists everywhere, r
I1Y UTT1I5 itoouua.
"Tho now tciiarttH havo sent their
first load," Bald Minerva Leinoine,
glancing casually through a curtalnless
window ot tho dismantled drawing
room, from which a brawny truckman
was just convoying tho last nrliclo of
tnrmturo. "And our things havo all
gone wo aro leaving nothing behind
us except my thimble.
Miss Lemoino was not liko tho Min
erva of tho legend and tho marble
pho had 110 place of majesty,no panoply
of power, no resplendent buckaler, no
marvelous gifts from tho gods I Sho
was only a slim girl with a fair, pale
faco and innocent, sad brows j bIio was
only a sort of factotum to a somewhat
pretentious young kinswoman, and
her most prized possession was a simple
thlmblo a dainty bijou of gold, edged
with a fanciful rim of sapphires as
bltio as her own swtct eyes.
Thero was a littlo romance associated
with tho pretty thimblo it was the
gift of one who had onco been her
dour lnver, of ono who was still her
faithfully hi loved, although ho had
pa?e.l out of her lifo and gono his un
known wav 111 nivstiTV and silence i of
ono 111 whoso truth shu still believed,
despite all the tinio and change bttween
them. This littlo ttifl was tho ever
vivid reminder of tho happy days cone
uy ; 11 wua uiu llliigiu UiruiCb WIHCIl
brouulit Lack the bright visions and
blissful dreaiiH, tender promises and
loud assurances ot their shadowed love;
it was tho talisman which repelled all
fears and doubts and kept faith quick
cniiiir where oven bono had perished.
'Ouis is tholovo of a perfect trust,''
Cyril Giosvenor had said to her at
parting. "Though tho whole earth
might lav between vou and mo, still I
know you would bo true, my darling,
aim remain mine only. And thouuli
T 1 . 1 . "
x never .agc iook upon your
luce, my nearest, sun siioum i neiong
always to you and never to any other "
uiu iter treasured littlo souvenir was
no longer in her possession.
In tho turmoil and disoidcr of (lack
ing and moving it had boon mislaid or
lost, and so suddenly aud unaccount
ably iiad it disappeared, that oven tho
wise Minerva of old, with all her
acumen and her marvelous methods of
research, might havo despaired finding
"You can buy another, I suppose,
was tho indifferent remark of her
young kinswoman a hauihty, showy
young lady, who tood taking a final
and rather lugubrious survey of tho
empty drawing room. "I declare,
Min, you nro moro disturbed about that
worthless thimblo than you aro about
leaving the handsomo old house. You
haven't a bit of sentiment, Min, nor a
bit of sympathy for anybody cither,
I myself 'jositiely feel hysterical now
I begin to realize the lionpc is actually
sold and is to uo occupied by Strang
"They havo brought 6omo elegant
new furniture rose plush and ebouy
and some'exquisito statuttcs in ala
baster," Min said without tho slightest
concern for tho imminent hysterics.
"Don't tell mo what they aro bring
ing," was tho pettish response. "They
aro ncu or course, or they could never
havo bought such a house as this. If
thero hadn't been a dreadful mortgage,
or somothing, papa wouldn't havo Bold
tho place. But his difficulties havo
just begun, 1 suppose s we shall bo
octtiiiK poorer and poorer I am euro
of that 1 This year wo can afford to
rent somothing tolerably stylish and
to keep our carnago ; next year wo
Mian como tiown io apanmenis anu ti(o sorrowlul mystery whicn had sun
hired cabs, and tho next will bo an Jered her from her dear lover and
attic and destitution, I dou t doubt,'
sho added, moro in wrath of present
evil man wun .real apprencnsion ior
tho future, perhaps.
"I shouldn't borrow trouble. Julie, if
I wero vou." Min returned centlv. as
sho followed tho other down tho brown-
stono steps of tho abdicated mansion.
"There aro losses moro sorrowful than
those o? riches, vou know."
Tho loss of a memento thimble, or
of an inconstant admirer, you mean, I
suiinoae." Julia sniil. with a tiermlinr
itnd not altogether agreeablo smilo
llickering around her thin lips.
Min was silent. She could not di
cuss tho ono memory which she had
kept sweet and sacred in tho bleak and
toilesome desert of her life.
"O, I know all about the affair,
Julia continued, with her haughty
eyes turned for a second furtively upon
the fair palo face, which had flushed
almost painfully. "Cyril Grosvenor
inademo his confidant, of course! And
I think ho really admires you, Min
but 1 wasn t a bit jealous, 1 assure
"Mo, Mm murmured, halt nncon
Bciously, as tiio flush suddenly changed
to a startled pallor.
"Indeed, no I Why should I havo
boon 1" Julia said with n littlo laugh
which sounded cruelly jarring. "Tho
fanoy may slray though the heart is
iixed, you Know ; and no was always
frank enough with mo about his Binall
follies. Ho was charmingly candid
nuout tno interesting events ot mo
summer spoilt m your delightful vil
film walked on, slim and erect, her
oyes strangely brilliant, a crimson
tlamo wavering in each soft cheek,
although sho seemed almost ns undis
turbed as tlio sereuo juny skies aoovo
Hut she was not as composed as sho
seemed. Though sho might livo a
hundred lives, sho would nover livo to
forget tho sickening, suffocating pang
of that ono brief moment. Sho saw
neither sky nor earth : neither tho
walls ot brick and mortar around tier, but not wicked I lie could not no
nor tho pavements beneath hor feet i Cyril ; his could not be tho arm pillow
sho did not hear tho noises of the busy ing her bewildered head, his could not
day, nor oven of tho heavy vans rattling
past her down tho stony streets.
blie saw instead tho villago homo
which bad been her's until bereave-
ment and intsiortuno nail torccd ner
into a toilsomo dependency upon her
haughty relative. Sho saw again tho
shady paths and tho rippling Inke,
whore, in moonlight and sunlight, two
hnnnv lovers had walked and talked or
drifted with tho breeze ami tldo: sho
felt again tho clasp of clinging
bands and tlio touch ot clinging lips
slio heard again tho whispered promts
os, gladdening tho sorrow of a parting
which sho had deemed would be brief,
but which had been so mysteriously
"Ours is tho lovo of a perfect trust.
Though I might novcr again look upon
your face, my dearest, ellll should I
belong nlways to you and novcr to any
other, ho had said.
And sho had believed him i sho had
faith in his truth t and bo sho would
havo nlways to tho end. That perfect
trust had soothed tho pang, and calm
ed tho trembling heart, nnd in a brief
moment Min was herself again.
"1 never doubled that you and Mr.
Grosvenor wore tho best of friends,
Julio," bIio said at length, with a man
ner gently noncommittal.
"Wo wero a great doal to each
other," Julia declared, with an express
ion intended to imply much more than
tho declaration itself. "I think of him
constantly, though I havo never liked
to speak ot him to you 1 thought yarn
miuht ho sensitivo about that foolish
summer flirtation, you know 1 I Blip-
poso you will scarcely caro to pco him.
now ho has returned from buropo i
tWain Min started : tho crimson
tlamo again kindled in her checks, nnd
her lips (puvered with tho eager ques
tion sho was too proud to utter.
"He is likely to call in a few days,
her tormentor pursued with another
furtively searching glanco at her proud,
inscruitablo face, "although of course
you aro not obliged to seo bun unless
you wish. 15ut I daro say ho will
scarcely renumber you Cyril has
such a happy knack of forgetting the
partners ot his tlirlatious lollies I llo a generous nature, though, in spite
of his littlo faults ; if ho had only come
back sooner wo might not havo been
compelled to sell our hondsomo house ;
as it is I suppoio when wo aro once
married he will help settle all poor
papas huanciai (iiuicuitias, biio cjii
cludod as if sho had finally communi
cated everything necessary to a pleas
ant understanding ot the situation and
would prefer to dismiss tho subject.
And at tho moment they arrived at
tho door of tho now residence a house
scarcely less cleoant than tho hand-
resi(lell,r0 in .,. moro fo.h.
,., nvnlln fnw ,,,-,.. aw
"Thero is something left behind af
ter all. Min 1 was thero over any
thing so careless V Julia exclaimed
as sho abruptly stopped at tho top of
tho steps. "I left my bunch of keys
the keys of mv writing desk and bu
reaus on tho mantel in my old room !
You must go back instantly I am
quito too much fatigued myself 1 lint
then you wont mind, JUin you will
have another chanco to look for your
invaluable thimble, you know.
Minerva turned back without demur;
to bo commanded and to obey had
been her lot for all tho woary yearB
which sho had spent beneath tho shel
tering roof of her none too beneficicnt
relatives 1
"And I may find my keepsake thim
ble after all,"she thought as sho walked
back through the soft, clear suiiBhine,
and again ascended tho steps of tho
old familiar house and so at length
entered tho chamber designated. "I
was using it last in this very room,
aud it may have dropped in some crnv-
ico or other.
Sho had secured tho bunch of keys
from tho mantel, and just then she es
pied a glitter of something amid a pile
of fragmentary papers which had,beeti
deposited in the grate.
Tho clitter was that ot tho missed
somcnir indeed, and, as sho delighted
ly seized it, sho glanced to draw torth
something else a sealed euvelopo in
scribed with her own namo 1
Tho penmanship was that of Cyril
Grosvenor, and a letter was within tho
envelope, which was quito intact.
Tho girl trembled trom head to tcct,
and her face becamo wlnto as death.
Instantly sho divined what had been
shadowed their perfect love.
"Julia hints you aro but trilling with
me, sho read as she unfolded tho lei-
tor, which shook and rustled in her
startled grasp "that there is a prior
attachment which precludes the possi
bilitv of your caring eai nestly for me,
I am incredulous ; I caunot believe my
lovo was only a summer pastimo for
vou ! And yet, my darling, I should
like you to send mo sorao sweet assur
anco to dispel tho doubts which at
times beset me. "Tho Prince awaits
his lady's call," but ho cannot como
again, unbidden, to be the target of
your merry scorn I i await one sweet
assuring word beforo I leavo forever
the "
Sho could read no turlher : every
thing was a blur boforo her sight : al-
most unconsciously she thrust tho letter
within her bosom and turned away,
She felt chilled and blinded as sho
faintly descended tho stairs and again
into tho street.
A hugo furniture van at tho instant
had clashed against tho curb ; somo
black, projecting object loomed per
ilously closo to her diooping head ; but
sho saw nothing ; neither did sho hear
a sharp warning, shouted too late
For lust then tho black object top
pled from tho can and crushed down
against her ; sho felt a thrust and a
shock, aud then all was blank obliv-
When sho regained her senses she
was lving upon nu improvised couch of
rersian rugs in tno dismantled draw
ing room, and a solitary watcher was
kneeling by her side, ono arm tenderly
iillowing her neati, ono anxious iiaud
lioldiug some roviving draught to her
Her oyes unclosed wondcnngly, and
closed again dreamily as sho beheld
tno taco so near ner own.
surely slto must Uo dreaming I ono
of the distorted, chaotia dreams which
always haunted her Bluiubers now 1
Thero had been no intercepted lotter
discovered amoug tho litter of tho
grato 1 Julia was harsh nnd haughty,
bo tho faco so warm and tender eloso
to her own.
"And ho was truo Uuo as my own
heart. Ours was tho lovo of a perfect
trust," alio murmured.
Aud with tho murmur she again un
closed her oyes, now in completo nnd
comprehensive consciousness. Then
sho uttered a faint littlo cry of wondc
ing burprise, of unbelieving ioy.
j lo wns indeed her own Cyril, and
his wero tho arms which itnnetuously
j drew her oloser and more closely to
- uim.
"And I should havo remained truo
always, my darling ; that perfect trust
long ago conquered tho doubts which
20, 1886.
distracted mo for a time," ho whisper
ed as ho kissed tho fair face upturned
to his own.
"Hut it was tho fateful thimblo
which brought mo hero to you," Min
smiled through her happy tears, when
their explanations had presently been
"It was certainly tho magio thimblo
which unearthed tho letter," ho said
with a responsive Bmlle.
At tho moment a littlo gasping
sound diverted their attention, and
both turned to perccivo Julia standing
by tho open door, her nttitttdo aud ex
pression suggestive of chagrin and dis
comfiture, uo less than of amazement.
"I desired lo know what had hap
pened to Min," she began, in a tono of
curiously commingled confusion and
"Several things havo happened to
her, I believe,'' 3Ir. Gosvcnor said witli
a mischievous littlo laugh and a fond
glance nt Mill's blushing face. "Sho
has been nearly annihilated beneath an
avalanche of carpeting ; sho has found
a somewhat edifying letter which you
neglected to mail for inc moro than n
year ago, and tho list of accidents and
discoveries is to bo completed by a
wedding. Miss Minerva is to bo in
stalled as mistress of your old home,
which was purchased for mo by my
agent, as I suppose you aro alrfady
Julia, however, had not been aware
of the fact ; and tho information did
not lessen iiur embarrassment aud
"Everything always docs go wronp
on a moving day,'' sho soliloquized
peevishly, as sho wended her disconso
late way back to her new hired resi
dence. "And only for tho losing and
linding of that wi etched littlo thimble,
things might havo ended very differ
ently.'' President Cleveland's View of American
Exi-.cutivi: Mansion. "I
Washington, Deo. 12, 1885. j
To Joseph Kejtter, ivV?., .Veto 1'orJv City.
My Dr.Ait Sue : I have just received
your letter with tho newspaper clipping
which caused you so much annoyance.
I don't think thero ever was a lime
when newspaper lying was so general
and so mean as at present, and there
never was a country under tho sun
where it flourished as it does in this.
Tho falsehoods daily spread before tho
peoplo in our newspapers, whilo they
aro proofs of tho mental ingenuity of
those encaged in newspaper work, are
insults to tho American lovo for de
cency and fair play of which wo boast.
I hasten to reply to your letter that
the allegation contained in tho .blip
you send me, to tho effect that you
ever asked a personal favor of me, is
entirely and utterly false. You have
never in the slightest manner indicated
a wish, claim of preference touching
any appointment to office, or any offic
ial act ot and the only occasion
I remember when I ever had any con
versation with you, was during a short
and very friendly call you made upon
mo in Albany, during my term as lov-
eruor. If I over received a letter or
message from you on any subject
have forgotten it a thing I should
not bo apt to do.
Whilo I am sorrv that any friendli
ness you may have felt or exhibited for
mo has been tho cause of embarrass
ment to you, I cannot refrain from say
ing that if you ever becomo a subject
of nowspaper lying, and attempt to
run down and expose all such lies, you
will be a busy man, if you nitomp
nothing else.
Hoping mai mo ueniai wiucu i
send is sufficiently explicit, I am yours
very sincerely.
Exkcutivi: Mansion, 1
Washington, 1). C, July 25 188G j
C, 11. Jones, J.-., Jacksonville, Fta.
iJEAit but : 1 coniess to sorao sur-
priso at tho tenor of your last letter to
me and a later ono to Col. Lamont.
Thero aro sereral millions of peoplo
in tho United States who havo much
more tinio to write letters to tho Presi
dent than ho can possibly find to reply.
I nave not written, as vou requested
an explanation of tho maimer in which
something claimed to bo a Ictttcr from
ou to me, but winch you declared was
not a truo copy, found its way into
print, because I know I could not ac
count for its appearance, aud for tho
further reason that 1 did not exaolly
bco why J should becomo in any way
involved in a nowspaper war over tlio
publication of a letter which you said
was not a copy ot ono in my possession.
x our letter containing as it did an
allusion to tho Post Ollice at Jackson
ville, was sent to tho Post OHieo De
partment to bo put with other papers
touching that subject, so that when it
was under consideration tho suggest
ions mado would not bo overlooked.
Thero it remained until ono day tho
Po3tmaster-General came to mo with
it nnd said that ho had been applied to
for permission to take a copy, but in
stead of complying Im had brought it
to mo. 1 ol course, at onco determin
ed that no copy should be taken of it
and then and thoro resumol it into my
custody, ana put it away. I havo not
seen it sinco until to-day, when, after
a hunt of moro than an hour, 1 havo
found it. 1 herewith enclose it to you
with tho assurance that no ono but my-
solt has seen it sinco It camo to my
1 am surprised that nowspaper talk
should bo so annoying to you, who
ought so well to iiudcrderstnnd tho
utter and complete recklessness and
falsification in which thoy so generally
When after ono of your interviews
with me, kind ft lends put under my
eye what purported to ho an account
of somo dreadfully foolish things
whioh you had said, I did not allow
them to disturb mo at all, fooling per
fectly comment that tho alleged inter
view was Jalso. ours very tuny.
Gitovmt Ci.kvki.anu.
A Historlo Book.
Tho ono which all tho kings of Eng
land, from Henry 1 to Kdward V
took the coronation oath, is in a private
library in I'-nglaud,
It is a manuscript of tlio four evan
gclists, written on vellum.
Tho origiual binding, in a perfect
stato of preservation, consists of two
oaken boards, an inch thick, fastened
.together with a thong of leather.
The Poverty of Ireland,
why tub litisn HMiiiitATK HUNTS ANH I
WAtins a MAitmrr scene in
A correspondent to tho Now York
Sun thus writes of the condition of
The present population of Ireland is
almost exactly what it was nt the bo-
ginning of tho century. It was then
about live millions, and rapidly in-
creased until 1811, when it numbered
8,190,000. Then itbegan to'diniinish,
and in 1881 numbered only 5,17-1,000
a loss of a million every decade,
This baro fact is strong presumptive
evidence that tho economic conditions
of tho country nro bad, and at least
largely responsible for tho present con
ilion of things. An J'-nulish guide
book innocently says: "In 181.') the
failure of the potato and consequent
fnmino caused it rapidly to decline
through increased emigration! and
with tho absence of manufactures,
and by changes in tho muthods of ng-
riculturc, the decrease has continual
up to tho present time. It is, after
all, a sort ot conlesion that tho sys
tem is nt lcat partly to blame.
I ho Irish do not moro readily leave
their country than do tho peoplo of
other countries. They ato icadily
much attached to Ireland, nnd thero is
no better proof of this than tho fact
that they alwayB consider it a duty to
contribute to tho fund for tho libera
tion of the country from Hritish rule.
When they obtain homo rule there is landlord only argued from this that ho
no doubt thousands of them will Hock was able to stand moro rent, and in
back to Ireland, because of th"ir at- creased tho rent accordingly. What
tachtnent lo iheir old home. was still woise, if tho tenant reclaimed
Nothing is more astonishing than to tjila of waste land, kept fences in good
lind a country with such resources iR repair, and entiched tho lsud by haul
Irclaud, and so few of thorn even so ing manure upon it, these very un
fairly developed. There is a lair sup- provoments were rpgularly made tho
ply of good coal, but it is entirely tin- ground of increasing tho rent, so that
flnv-filitiotl nnd ilmt m nunrl la lintmrtit : nntl. n n..a li Innnm': inlnr.
almost wholly from England. There
aro immense deposits of iron ore red
hcmililc and bog iron, both in abnnd
ance, tho former in connection with
the coal deposits. In happier days
thero wero at one time very many
small furnaces and iron works here
and there over Ireland, but they are
all gone now. Tho iron wealth of
tho country, too, like tho coal, lies
all undeveloped and unused. The En-
glisli wisely account for this by saying
that thoro is no capital in Ireland with
which to develop its resources. It is
very truo that thero is not much capi-
tal :n the country, but it is also truo
that tho English have always carefully
strangled such Irish industries as
showed tho least signs of vitality, un
less they wero in lines which could
offer no competition with "British in
tciests." Unfortunptcly for Ireland,
these British interests allow the exist
ence of no rival interests, if it is their
power to kill lliein.
In passing through the various towns
of Ireland, except Belfast and a few
other towns in tho north, ono notices
an almost entire absence of manufac
turing industry of any kind. Tho
people say: "Wo formerly had a wool
len mill, or cotton mill, but it is not
running now." It is a story of de
parted glory or prosperity almost ev
erywhere. Tho lack of prosperity is
well shown by tho stationary and of-
ten diminishing population of tho
towns. Cork had 80,000 people in
1801, and did not increase a hundred
in tho lollowtng twenty years, and tho
samo is true of scores of other towns.
Many aro going into actual decay.
alway is an example, it has a lino
harbor, and ought lo bo tho great lor
minus of tlio Nortli Atlantic steamship
routes, but its shipping is roally very
unimpoitant. It is a town slowly go
ing into decay and ruin. In somo
streets there aro whole lines of ware
houses, three and four stories high.
Inch havo been wholly unused for
years, and aro going into decay.
Rents of houses 'n tho towns aro
not high as compared with rents in our
Atlantic towns, but they aro very high
hen ie consider tho low wages re
ceived, and the depressed stato of
nearly an industries. i novel, in oniy
for pigs, can bo rented in the suburbs
f Ualway and other liko towns lor
0 cents a week, but then tho laborer's
ages aro only a week at most,
and bread and meat aro relatively high,
American fresh beef is about 15 cents
pound in Galway, and broad is as
dear as in New York. The Irish poor
make shift to livo on potatoes nlono
when they canuot get bread and beof.
Tho prices of butter, eggs and milk
need not bo mentioned, for tho Irish
poer seldom indulgo in such luxuries,
In Ulster farm laborers get somowlint
higher pay than in tho west and south
t Ireland; but oven here a week is
very fair wages, and this without food
of any kind, as a rulo In tho west
nnd south about s.u a week is com-
mon wages. In many parts of tho
country I asked carefully about wages,
i 11 1 f .. ,n
ana couia near oi uoimiig uoove ou
cents a day for unskilled labor, except
in a few favored towns liko Belfast,
and in theso ono occasionally hears of
75 cents a day. I talked with a young
man who was going to i-.imiskilleii a
town of nearly (1,000 people, in Ulster,
to work as a coach painter. Uo was
to work for 28 shillings a week say
just about 57. llo said that tho same
work was pain auout ou cents a week
. t if, a :.. f .i
moro in Belfast. A printer in Galway
told mo that his wages wero nominally
a pound a weok, but that ho worked
enough overtimo to get 2-t shillings
(i?0) as an average. Ills living cost
him about $51.
But tho lot of farm laborers and
Binall renters is hardest of all. Tho
homes of theso aro usually most miser
able excuses for human habitations.
They aro seldom surrounded by shrub
bery of any kind, and tuiycr by any
fruit trees. Tho only orchards in tlio
country aro small enclosures of hint
trees owned uy tno nouiiuy or wcaitny
farmers. Thoy aro very lew, however.
I seldom caught sight of an applo or
pear treo, and yet theso fruits both
grow well in Ireland. Tenants on
loascs sometimes havo fairly comfort
ablo aud attraclivo homes, but tha
yearly tenants nro much moro numer
ous, and theso havo only ono prominent
work to get money enough to pay
tho rent. Very largo numbers of
them nro in arrears for boiiio years'
rent. Their houses aro all stono huts
of only ono room nnd ono story as a
rule, nnd tho pig and chickens, when
thoy aro fortunato enough to have any,
usually Bharo tho hut with tho family.
Thoy nro not delicato about theso mat
ten, and not too proud to nssociato
1 W W I M
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B0 10 00 IS 00
8 00 19 00 19 00
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14 00 1700 SO 00 40 OO
column 8 00 19 00 IB 00 SB 00 80 00 40 00 we
Yearly Advertisements payable quarterly. Tran
sient advcrtlscmcnta must bo paid for before 1
aertid except where panics havo accounts.
Legal advertisements two dollars per Inch for
three Insertions, and at that ralo for additional
Insertions without reference to length.
Executor's, Administrator's, and Auditor's m
tlccs three dollars.
Transient or Local notices, ten cents a line, reg
ular advertisements half rates.
Cards In tho "Business Directory" column, on
dollar a year for each line.
even terms with tho jdg. Many of
them cannot oven afford to keep a pig,
I . - - iT
and tho keeping of a cpw is a coihii-
tion of nfllnonce which foffoflhcm
Not ono child in ten among these
yeailv tenants and farm laborers evei
goes to school a day. Thero nro no
schools for them, in tho llrst place, and
if tlm schools wero nvailablo few of
them would bo nblo to bear tho neces-
Hary expense of attending. In tho
towns thero nro usually sumo schools
nvailablo for tho poor, but tho opportu-
nitles nro not good, and very few ohil-
dren of tho very poor even in tho towns
get any schooling at nil. It is often
said that the peoplo of Ireland are to
blamo for their own condition; but if
this ho admitted also that very liltle
Can reasonably bo expected from peo-
nl0 whoso education is absolutely noth
Kurdish and Scotch landlords usually
leave on their estates at least a part of
tho year; tho land is generally Jet in
laruo tracts on long leases, and tlm
people who cultivate tho soil aro usual-
ly letained for long terms of service.
Tho Irish landlord havo moro com
monly looked upon their tenants ns
necessary evils, and havo not identified
themselves with their people. They
havo looked upon tenants as rent-pay-ing.iuachines.
For years past it has
until very recently been the rule t.o
raise the rent ns often as the tenant's
improved condition secerned to warrant
If the tenant sacd something and
inaunL'cd to tret a nig or a cow, tho
c(a to improve thincs at all. If the
Irish tenant is unthrifty, tho landlord
may bo straightly charged with giving
hiin exactly that kind of an education.
Whilo in Galway I saw the Saturday
maikets. which are attended by tho
country folk for ten or twelve miles
around. Tho markets aro held in the
p0n ajr) Jn squares and open spaces
; tho streets. In ono place, cattle,
horses, sheep and hay wero on sale; in
a SCCond market all kinds of vegetables
wero ot) 8aiP. fiU,l a third market is for
butter, cgs and fowls. Only a few
women attend tho first of theso raar-
kets as sellers: in the second men and
women aro nearly equally divided; and
the women have a monopoly of tho
third. Not less than two hundred
women had articles for sale in the last
named market. In somo cases they
brought their produce by the help of
somo one who camo to one of tho oth
er markets in a cart drawn by a don
key, but in large majority of cases
they trudged to the market on foot,
with their loads on their backs, and
about two-thirds of them camo bare
foot and bonnetless, and in the rain.
Many of them camo ten or twelve
miles to this market every Saturday.
Ono old woman of about GO years told
me that bIio had walked in that morn
ing six miles, nnd that Bho did so every
Saturday morning in tbo year. They
carry their marketing on their backs in
Saturday morning in tbo year,
their marketino on their
a basket held oy a strap over mo
chest. If thoy havo butter and eggs,
their marketing may como lo two or
three dollars; but most of them do not
realizo more than one dollar, and many
of them do not get more than
fifty cents for their day's work and
Ono ot theso market women camo
into a shop to sell her littlo storo of
marketing, which consisted ot four
spring chickens, and nothing moro.
Sho wanted two shillings and sixpence
for tlio four, and the man offnred only
two shillings. As bIio stood tluro try
ing to get her price the water dripped
trom her soaked garments hi iimo
pools on tho lloor. She finally took
two shillings. Sho had trudged theso
many miles that morning in the rain
and got only fifty cents for her chick
ens and her work. Tlm bitter, biting
poverty of tho tillers of tho soil in tho
west ot Ireland was well exniuiiettm
that Galway market. Such annndilion
would be excusable in J'-gypi, i urkey,
or Poland, it may be, but Ireland is n
part of tho United Kingdom, ami is
presumed to bo a part of tho civilized
world. It is inoxoueablo there. This
part of tho country is tho worst part
of tho island.
Near such towns as Belfnst, Cork
and Limerick, tenants pay felO to 20
an aero for good land, and three or
four miles away they pay about halt
as much. Seven or eight miles away
from railways bi anil is more corn-
mon, nnd muoh land is let for even 2
and $3 an acre. There nro immense
tracts ot waste land in ireianu. mostly
peat bogs, and such land as this is
worth very little. About Galway tho
, i. , J.t.- !1 t.t
lanu is rocky anu tno sou very nun,
hut tho land is very high for tho quaj-
ity. Indeed, what are called "fsir
rents" always struck ine as beiug enor-
mous. Tlio landlord has dealt, and is
still dealing, hardly by Ireland, tiiougu
tho rents aro not now bo high as they
wero a fow years ago. I should say
that they aro 'even now twice as high
as thoy ought to bo.
A Valuable 'Wood.
In acquiring Burmah, England has
got poBseseion of vast forests of teak,
which, never plentiful in India, was
becoming commercially very rare. Of
all tho woods grown in tho East this
is tho most valuable.
It is neither too heavy nor (oo hard;
it docs not warp or split tiuder ex
posure to heat nnd dampness ; it con
tains au essential oil which prevent
its rotting under wet conditions, and
at tho samo tune acts as a preservation
to iron and repels tho destructive whito
ants j it is, wi'hal, a handsomo wood
of several varieties of color and grain,
and takes a good polish.
It is to bo hoped that tho Trustees of
the Tilden library when it W establish
ed, will make some provision by which
U. B. Hayes will bo excluded from tho
privileges of tho munificent establish
ment. Hayes would bo likely to steal
tho books, which Jiie Into President
Tilden provided (who benefit of tho
A New London oyster dealer hais
invented a dredgo with which starfish,
tho greatest enemies of tho oyster, can
bo taken from a bed without uistuibiiit'
on I tho oysters.