The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 06, 1886, Image 4

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1 '
A Millionaire's l'ccullnritios.
w: ouows n.tni:nvon 1119 own cohik'
ANDTIIC8K 01" 1113 'RH:NDS.
Mr. Joseph Hfclinnboii, of Uritlgo
port ia probably tlio wcnHliii'&t innti in
Connecticut. Mr. KIclmrdson bcciiis
to lmyo possessed tho hnppy faculty of
turning overtblng bo touched into
money, and what In tho way of trans
portation failed him he lias mado good
by accumulation through patient wait,
ing. Ilia rcsldcneo in North Ihldgo
port is at tho corner of n largo farm
which for fertility has no equal in tho
country. Forty years ago ho sent to
Knglniid for nn elm sapling. It reach
ed him in March, and in tho following
month lie planted it with caro near his
dwelling. It grew and dorclopcd to a
mighty tree. During tho thlrty thrco
years it was crowing Mr. Ilicbardsoti
often called tho attention of his friends
to tho fact that in his nativo land,
among tho educated classes, it was tho
custom for men, by way of showing
special regard for their personal Iricnd,
to present them with elm timber for
their coffins, and that this tree had
boon planted and fostered with that
end in view in his case. Ho often
talked about tho tree, nud would nover
allow tho pruning axo to be applied.
Mr. Richardson s great wealth has
brought him into association with tho
best peoplo in tho country, and only
nmong thoso who failed to bo honored
with his intimato acquaintance a ho
looked upon and pronounced penurious.
Somo six or seven years ago "Mr.
Kichardson took a final viow of his olm
mid resolved to put in form tho resolu
tion ho had adopted respecting the treo
inoro man a generation preceding.
1 ho treo was felled, tho beat part of
tho trunk taken to a mill and sawed
into planks. From theso sufficient
matenal was selected for three coffins.
To make his own coffin ho engaged
tho services of a Air. Judd, of Bridge
port, wno was instructed to practice
economy. This artisan dovetailed tho
ends of tho planks, theroby rendering
mo employment ot iron screws tin
necessary. When tho coffin was dc.
livored Mr. Richardson pronounced it
pcrtect in overy part and had it Hacked
away in his garret to await tho owner's
nnai can lor its use. In reply to
friend s question ho said : "No, there
will be no engraved pjato. It costs
too much, and is not essential. I havo
had my old brand iron and will use
But the peculiar f caturo of this tim
ber matter follows. Long ago Mr.
Kichardson mado tho acquaintance of
llov. Dix, D. D., rector of Trinity
Church, New Yoik, and thero grew
up Dciween tnem a warm friendship.
Mr. Richardson addressed to his friend
tho followine nolo :
Dear. Brother : I send you material
enough to make a coffin. Pleaso ac
Yours, J. Richardson,
Dr. Dix acknowledged tho receipt of
tho gift and expressed thanks. lie at
once proceeded to have a coffin made,
uui, instead ot IoIIowwe Mr. Richard
son's BPRKestion of suDnlvintr dovetails
for economy 'o sake, he had it made up
in raoaern style, brass fastened at the
corners, adorned and Btrcncthened.
When tho giver was apprised of Dr.
Dix'a expensive ideas ho protested, and
felt suro the pomps and vanities of this
world were destined to tako precedence
over the plain and substantial matter
ot tact, itemaining planks from th
treo wero presented by Mr. Richard
son to his only brother in New York,
who likewise was thankful, but could
not bring himself to appreciate tho
economy measures in coffin construct
ion followed by the giver.
Tobacco and Liquor Money.
ATION. Internal Revenue Commissioner Mill
er a preliminary report of tho work of
his bureau during tho year ended Juno
JO, shows that tbo total collections for
the year wero S11G,902,845, an increaso
of 1,481,724 as compared with tho
previous year. The increaso made up
u iuiiowh: cu,obi,uou on spirits, 51,
uuv,i-t ou looacco, $i,'1-1o,imu on
luriuuuieti liquors, nio amount, was
reduced by a decreaso of S2S.000 on
banks and bankers, and a decrease of
520,ij51 in miscellaneous reooiptB,
J here was an increaso of 252,212,112
in tho number of cirgarcttes manufact
ured, an increaso of 151,925,855 in tho
number ot cigars, an increaso of 11,
010,574 in tho number of nounds of to
bacco, an increase of 1,C08,108 in tho
number of gallons of spirits distilled
from grain and other materials, and an
increaso of 1,524,080 in tho number of
barrels of fermented liquors, as com
imreu wun mo previous nacal vear.
Tho only decreaso was otio of 195,747
in uiu numuer ot pounds ot smut.
iuq states in which tho greatest
collections wero made aro respectively
Illinois, $23,852,258 ; Kentucky, $15,.
740,940; New York, S14,305,209 j
unto, 512,921,849 j I'ennsvlvania, S7,
817,231, and Missouii, '$7,000,019
ine smallest collections wero mado
Vermont, S32.503 and in Mississippi
$ 17.053. In tho collections by districts
the Fifth Illinois stands first, tho First
uuio second, tho First Illinois third
tho I ifth Kentucky fourth and tho
1' irst Missouri fifth.
Iho cost of tho collection for tho
year, was about $4,300,000, being 3.G7
per cent, of tho aniouut collected and
$155,000 less than tho cost for tho year
unucu juno at, itiaa.
In concluding his report Commission
er Miller says : "It is yet too early to
ntuixu uujr uuuuliUU I'BUIIIitlU Ol 1110 IOWI
collection for tho current fiscal year.
ICenorts from the various collection
Uistucts, howover, and information
from the larger manufacturing centres
together with the largo inorcaso in tho
receipts tor tno present month as com
pared with tho samo month of last
year, indicate that tho receipts for the
...!lt I, .. ! , , , . , .
iu uo uuueiiicrauiy increased
Tho receipts from Pennsylvania d
tncta nr as follows
First, $2,937,332 i Ninth, $1,448,030
Twelfth, $100,190 : Nineteenth. SI44..
o.-o j i wonty-second, Sl,e98,175 .
Twenty-third, $958,077 i total, $7,815,-
J. II. Mercer would especially r ceo in
mend to tho ladies Acker's Dyspepsia
rp., A l .!.. .1 i.
a oumto. jib u iuiuuvu mey nave no
equal, They aro guaranteed to euro
Chronio Constipation, Dyspepsia, and
an diseases arising irora a deranged
. siomacn. with a iree uao ot tho Tab
lets, Sick Headache is impossible.
T T T If
j. Ji. fiercer wisiies to maxo an
assertion, which no can uacK with ft
positivo gunranteo. It is all about
Acker's Blood KUxir. "Ho claims for
it superior merits over all other remed
ies of its kind, and guarantees for it a
positive and suro euro for Rheumatism,
Byphillls, and all blood disorders, it
flues tho skin from spots and disease,
nud leaves tho comploxion clear
Ask him about it.
Tho recent death of Paul Hamilton
II ay no, tho noblest poet that tho boiiUi
has produced, lends peculiar interest to
his lofty strain of final triumph which
appeared in tho May number ot Jiar
per Mngazwc, Mr. iiayno early
dovoled himself to literature, and his
uamo is associated with nearly nil tho
best magazines, especially the Southern
oucb, several of which, though short
lived, roso to eminence) under his edi
torship. When tho war deprived him
of his fortuno he still continued Into to
his standard. His picturoFqtiu little
homo near Augusta, furnished with
what ancestral coods ho managed to
savo in tho destruction of Charleston,
has been tho scene of his labors tor 20
years. Having experienced nil tho
phases of prosperity and adversity, his
lingering decline "with consumption
mado him a calm and fearless student
ol tho coming change. Tho result is
beautifully shown in this ponm, which,
though written two years ago, by a
strango coincidence was published just
beforo tho writer was permitted to ver
ify its truth. Wo repeat it for thoso
who may not havo seen it in Jfarjcr's
Sad mortal 1 couldst thou hut know
What truly It means to die,
Tho wings of thy soul would glow,
Ami tin hopes ot thy heart bent IiIrIis
Thou wouhlst turn from tho l'yrrlionlst
And laugh their Jaigon to scorn,
As the babble of midnight fools
Ere tho morning of Truth be horn:
Hut 1, earth's maimcss above,
In a klugdom of storuilcss breath
I gazo on tho glory of love
In the unveiled faco of Death.
I tell thee his faco 19 fair
As tho moon-bow's amber rings,
And tho gleam in his unbound hair
Like Ike flush of n thousand Springs;
His smile is tho fathomless beam
Of tho star-shine's sacred light,
When the Summers of Southland dream
In the lap of tho holy Night:
For 1, earth's blindness above,
In a kingdom of halcyon breath
I gazo on the marvel of love
In the unveiled faco ot Death.
In his eves a heaven thero dwells
Hut they hold few mysteries now
And his pity for earth's farewells
Half furrows that shining brow,
Souls taken from Timo's cold tide
Ho folds to his festering breast,
And tho tears of their grief are dried
Ero they enter tho courts of rest:
And still, earth's madness above,
In a kingdom of stormless breath,
A gaze on a light that is lovo
In tho unveiled faco of Death.
Though the splendor of stars impearled
In the glow of their far-off grace,
He is soaring world by world,
With tho souls in his strong embrace;
Lone ethers, unstirred by a wind,
At the passago of Death grow sweet,
With the fragranco that floats behind
The Hash of his winged retreat;
And I, earth's madness above,
'Slid a kingdom of tranquil breath,
Have gazed on the lustre of lovo
In the unveiled faco of Death.
But beyond the stars and tho sun
I can follow him still on his way,
Till the pearl-white gates are won
In the calm of tho central day.
Far voices of fond acclaim
Thrill down from tho place of souls,
Jin ucaui, wun a loucn iiko name,
Uncloses the gol ol goals:
And from heaven of heaveus abovo
God spcakless with batclcss breath
My angel of perfect loo
Is the angel men call Death 1
A bright littlo piece, revealing tho
sunny spirit of the invalid singer, sug
gested by tho advice given him by a
inenu to "cultivate cheerfulness, ap
peared in tbo Juno Jlarjier's, as fol
BY 1-Atjr. n. HAYNK.
Is happiness a plant of mortal birth,
Which, shrewdly cultured, grows In gra-
clous earth ?
Itathcr a heavenly glory, or bright dew,
Slipped from tho bosom of the cloudless
On somo fair morning, to tho soul's sur
prise, Fresh witli tho fragrance born in Paradise.
The Doctor's Talo.
1IANDI-UI. 01' 1'll.I.S.
"I was living in a littlo Missouri
town," said tho man of medicine,
"struggling along ns best I could
against adverse fato and tho disgusting
healthiness of tho community. Ilorse
thioving was a very common thing iu
that part of tho country, and somo of
the residents of tho" county in which I
lived had formed an anti-horsa-thiof
association. When a horse was stolon
it becamo tho duty of overy member
ot tho association to thorougly arm
himself, mount his steed, and start in
pursuit of tho thief. Ono day ono of
the members of tho association lost a
string of three valuable horses.
"Within" less than half an hour after
tho loss had been discovered a band of
thirty members of the association wero
in hot pursuit of tho thiof. At 7.30
o'clock in tho evening we ran across
him in a thick clump of bushes, tho
horses staked about him. Wo closed
iu, and iu less timo than it takes to
tell it, tho horeo thiof was under arrest.
A "court" was orgauized without a
moment's delay, and a tiial lasting uot
longer than ten minutes followed. Tho
fellow was found guilty and sentenced
to die. I felt eorry for tho scamp
tried to iutercodo in his bohalf : ho
was a young fellw with whom I had
been acquainted for some time, nud
...1 T
wnom i Know to comii trcm respected
... !.. Til! T. r
Juicing iii Illinois, ii. was or no use.
flie captors insisted that ho must din.
aim oniy laugneu i.t my entreaiies.
i . . . . '
fo add to my disgust, I was select
ed iii tho ono to shoot him.
"Say your prayers, bov." said ono of
tho men to the young fellow, who had
been tied to a treo.
"Tho poor cuss didn't know how to
pray and asked mo to he In him. 1
didn t know anything but the Lord's
jjiuyur win ineu mat. it went so
well, and seemed to relievo tho noor
i-ll . . w
enow bo union, mat i repeated it
several tunes.
"Just as I roso from mv knees tho
details of a plan whereby I might save
wio man s mo ua3hed into my mind. I
whispered them into his car. mid his
grateful look, as hopo was rovived in
his heart, I shall never forget. It was
growing dark and tho men wero bo
coming Impatient, so that 1 detoi mined
to hurry matters to a crisis. I had n
double-barreled muzzlo loading shot
gun, mid under protenso that tho loads
wero not fresh I lired them oft". I re
loaded them, not with shot, but with
somo very small pills which I happen
ed to havo with me. I was moitv
well watolied and trembled inwardlv
lest I might bo detected. Hut I wasn't.
I measured off a coodlv dlstnnco on
tho ground and lired.taking a low aim.
Tho horso thief fell over apparently
dead. The vigilantes mounted their
horses nud drove nwav. leaving mo to
bury tlio victim. In less than 10
minutes tho corpso was freo and muk
inif n bco-lino for Kansas. Tbo dose
of pills had not injured lum in tho
least. "Omaha Ike.
Russian Weddings.
Tho Russian poasant enters tho
bonds of matrimony for no other reason
on earth but that of securing a hard
working slave. Hut a few wiso say
ings of his own will lllustrnto his views
of married llfo moro forcibly than any
mero description : "A liard-workinir
wife is liko n cood mllkintr cow i ono
supplies with milk, tho other with
linen. "A disobedient wifo is like a
wild horso i tho moro lashes sho nets
tho lamer sho becomes." "To lovo n
wifo is to strike her upon overy sultablo
occasion.'' And to strike n wifo upon
every sultablo occasion, almost on 'ho
day after marrying hor, Is indeed no
noyeity nmong poasnnlry. 1 reincm
bnr a case whero a peasant nearly
choked his wifo to death iu his despo-
rnto anger bccaiiBO sho allowed herself,
after a year's hard saving, to buy some
calico for a Sunday dress. I know nn
old couple, parents of n number of
grown-up children, who at certain sea
sons iu tho year, ns regularly as clock
work, aro intoxicated. iSverythint:
that is found in tho houso is taken to
tho tavern and exchanged for vodka,
mid thus by tho timo tliey begin to re
alise their horrid position a good por
tion of linen, grain, flower nud eggs is
gone. Tho husband's anger then
knows no limits, and tho poor fceblo
wife, probably tho ieast to blame, suffers
from her lord all insults imaginable I
know a quiet and peaceful young pons
ant, who, after being sonstantly ridi
culed by his comrades for being too
lenient with his wife, for allowing her
to hnvo too much to say, slapped her
face upon ono solemn occasion in tho
presence of his friends merely for tbo
s.iko of denying this degrading accusa
tion and establishing his reputation ns
her master. Such is tho lot of a peas
ant woman. Sho is perfectly awaro of
tho ill-treatment awaiting her iu her
futuro home, yet sho is satisfied and re
signed to her fate.
Oftentimes, howover, it happens
that a peasant marrios not ouly with
out having tho faintest idea of tho
girl's character, but almost without
having had achanco to exchango a few
words with her. This is generally
douo at the timo when, for somo reason
or other, there is no possibility of
marrying any of tlio girls of his own
village, and when marry ho must. On
a fiuo morning tho bridegroom, dress
ed up in bis wooden cvita, with tho
brightest red colored belt, high sheep
skin hat and nowest of boots, may bo
seen starting out in company with a
fow elderly and experienced peasants
engaged for this purposo by tho bride
groom's parents, in search of a good
girl. No houso containing a girl is
passed by.
Upon entering tho house tho wifo
huuting party say a fow words of cus
tomary salutation such as "health bo to
you, good people,'' and immediately,
without beating around tho bush, ap
proach tho subject. This buuness-liko
transaction, it is worth wbito mention
ing, is often carried on in the absence
of the girl directly concerned in tho
matter. Tho bridegroom upon such
occasions is supposed to havo hut littio
or nothing to Bay. Tho conversation
is canicd on between tho parents of
tho girl and thoso entrusted with this
important mission. If tho girl's par
ents, for some reason or other, do not
intend to let their child bo married at
present, tho guests are politely told so.
ami alter inquiring it there aro any
suitaoio gins it tnat unmediato ncigti
bortiood they leavo tho house. As
general thing, however, tho party ox
periences no difficulty in attaining tho
uujeci iiesireu. .ttiier tno parents nave
decided tlio girl is summoned at once,
ana uero irequwiiiy ensues a scene
worthy of an artist's brush. Sho takes
her placo by thostovoand without lift
ing tier eyes, biting her nails aud-nssum
ing tho most innocent face, frequently
keeps tho party waiting ror a long
wniio ueloro '.ho laconic "yes ' (da) is
extorted from her. Thero is hardly
need of adding that when onco tho
parents' decision is mado no prayers or
tears on tno gut's part can alter it. A
ropo and strap bring tho most btubborn
tciiado to terms.
Board Oovers on Hay Stacks.
Under tho censure and criticism o
another farmer, writes Mr. J. N. Mun
coy in Farmer's Jievleio, who claimed
ho had tested boards for keeping hay
dry and found them to bo an absolute
failure, I concluded to give Sir Hoard
n trial, Accordingly m 1885 I pur
chased $30 worth of lumber, which
proved to bo just about enough for
three stacks containing approximately
15 tons each. This hay had been
stacked by ono man and pitched on tho
stack with a horso fork. At tho timo
of stacking, two teams nnd threo wag
ons wero ousy, ami tno stacker could
only keep tho stack square under tho
hay derrick, not having lime to build
for beauty. Each stack was built
about 22 feet high. Tho wido boards
wero put on, ouo at a time, and com
mon, smooth, fence wire made to hold
them together by putting staples abovo
and below tho lapd. If tlio boards aro
12 feet long, a fenco wiro should bo
used at the ends and in tho'middle.
1 supposed at tho timo that thev fitted
tho stack so closely that thero would be
no uso of hanging weights to the lower
uoarus to prevent the wind from blow.
ing them off, but in this I was disap
pointed. Tho wind blew off two see
tionR of boards. When ready to uso
tno nay, wo tako tho boards apart from
ono section, cutting tho stacks whero
the two sections joined. Tho luinbe
cost SIC per thousand, and I will von-
turo tho assertion that it paid 30 per
cum. on mo investment. 1 know it
saved moro than a ton of hay in oach
stack, and that is $1 anyway.
January 3, 1879, for tho purposo of
determining tno accuracy ot tho rulo
iur measuring nay to una Its weight, 1
weighed a Black having 14,500 pounds
of hay. On tho very top thero was
1,470 pounds damaged hay. Two
thirdi of this was verv noor. Ono.holf
of this damaged hay" was eaten when
fed. Tho next load" from tho top hay
had 1,200 pounds, which I called fair,
being slightly damanred. Tl 10 remain.
dcr was good to tho bottom,070 pounds.
These figures will givo bohio notion of
tho amount that might bo damaged on
larger stacks. A poorer quality of
lumber than that I used will answer
unlois you contomplato using tho saino
ior n uaru at somu future time. 15o
suro to hang weiirhts on Iho lower
boards Oct a man that can build a
squaro stack and do not put a very
high top on. Mako tho top blunt,
rounding and slightly llaU Lap tho
boards an inch nnd ueo long staples in
fastening tlio wiio to tlio boards.
fry tbo hoards n 1880 and bco if
thoy will not savo hard-earned money.
Of couue, if you aro near some slough
whero you nan easily obtain long grass
for topping a timothy hay Btaok.boarda
arn umiccoasary, but wo aro uot all Bit-
uaiou aiiko in tins respeot.
What this District Fays in Revenue.
Columbin county being In tho 12th
District, wo publish tbo following from
an artlclo iu tho Wilkcsbarro Zcadcr:
"Intornal Revenue Collector 0. 11.
Staples, of the 12th District, has com
pleted his work for tlio fiscal year end
ing Juno 30lh, 1S8C, and tho result as
shown by tho books will bo of interest
to nil. Tho 1 2th District embraces
twenty counlles of Northern and North
owtoru Pennsylvania and nearly ono
third of tho territory of tho State. Tlio
counties of Luzerne. Licknwnnna and
Carbon nro the most Important of tho
lot, tho internal revonuo receipts from
these threo counties amounting to
moro than half of all Chose collected
from tho entire twenty of the district.
Tho following nro tlio results of tbo
various sources during tho year :
Lists S 3,854 no
liccr 178,708 !14
Spirits 24,080 20
Clears 1)0,709 G4
Tobacco 30.481 87
Special taxes or licenses 125,709 43
Total for tho year....
Total for year 84.85.,
iJ-400,180 1)7
.... 438.870 00
Increase during past year $21,319 01
Tlio increaso in collections, as shown
by tho abovo figures, has been princpal
ly from tho tax on beer, whioh has
outstripped its last Biimmary by $1-1,-500.
f hero also been an increaso
iu tho collection for cigars of Home
$1,300; on tobacco, $2,800, nnd in
special taxes $3,500.
An interesting decrease is also ap
parent. This is the tax on distilled
spirits, which lias dropped $2,500 bo
low its record of the year previous,
thus showing that tho general tendency
of' the manufacture and consumption
of tho district is toward an increaso in
beer and n corresponding decreaso in
distilled spirits.
hay fever Catarrh
is at(e)i(U'd bt an
Jtamtt I condition oftJa
Untuy membrane nttie
nostrils, (eurdttets and
throat. An tuTid muc
ous ts seci'eted, accom-
pantett rtth a bunrtny,
sensation, severe
spasms of sneezing,
freijueut attacks of
headache, icatery and
inflamed eyes. Cream
Ilaim can be depended,
w;o)i to give rX-Uef at
once and aires.
A particle is applied into each nostril anil la
iiKTceaoio. iticc ou cenis at urugiis; "i mail,
n-Kisierra, hi corns, t'lrcuiare xrec. &u imus.
Druggists, Owcgo, N. Y. Jy-23-4t-l.
Almost as Palatable as Milk.
Tlio only preparation of CO! I.IVKIt Oil.
can bo taken readily and tolerated for a long tlfuo
uj ueuraiu Moinacus.
S UOH 1,01 . .UH.HIIIs. A.NAKMH. (1K-
H!tl, IIKl-.ll.lll. (lit lilts AMI HillOlT At'
III I.IIIU.N It Is mmrlloni In its rcsnlls.
rresenbed aadndorscd by tbo best I'HysicIaus
in lug cuumnua ot luo woriu.
o ct-53-ly.
WANTFn Sill iniTflBQ In over. County In
' wwM.wi.wtiw rci! ney i
the r.AKr
of Krle, Pn. For narttculurs write with references
or can on wu. liiMiiuii.uencrai Ajient, urie, lu
tV Oct tlio Ucnuiue,
Isold Kveryvi here.
ntr LURK Oonulna tha Ufe and Easanco o
THAU" Animal llonoa. CUKA1,
l'U jsrf.IlElilAHI.E, I.ASTINO
For Salo hy C. AV. LOW,
Orangevilloi Pn
DOIjTjAIIH pays for
W) llMlait ft, 1'biUJtlpbii.
PoBlttons for Graduates
Time roquired 3 to 4 moa
The Best Equipped. Ueat
Courso of Study. Best Ev.
eryimne. vtrllo Iur urcuUra.
V Cms. p .t c.
Cyclopedia of Universal History
3S.438 Tuirco, Dmiblo-Coltium 'nc;cs.
1.U10 lteimtifill Wood ii Mr-cl Kuj;riivlli;9.
33 Colored lll.tollcul Mhih.
O Colored CliroiuiliiBlcnl Charts.
31 (teucnloglcal lllllRrallls.
A Coiilou Hint Kli'Buiitly Preimrod Index.
Jt ts KleKitntly Printed nnd lfound.Hnd Iii
The llest llliutruted Hook on tho market.
1213 l'iibort btroet, rhlliulolnlilit, l'enna.
DYHIMC18IA. Its Nature, causes, I'revon
tiOnandCUlo. ilvJnhn II. MnAlvln. InvpX
Jlans., It years tax collector, sent tree to any ad"
uicwj. miy w a
Mmplcbt, roost durable, economical nn J icrlect In
Haw mills, grain drills nnd tdandard Implements
bviiviuuj, oruu iur uiu&iruicu tuiaioifuu.
A. Is. Fiirquliar,
I'cnusylvanta Agricultural Works, York, l'a.
W-nmv rpn N- A- jhiujii, i:imiro, n.
JtvllHi XU v., riehldenloftlioElnilra
fSSSSWi'flSBiisinBSS Cnllpcrfi
for a cataloiruo of the leading buslnc irnltiTiit-
Institution or America. Hold prUe, iso. imitu.
moro money than at nnything elsouytaka
Ing an agency for tlio best telling book out
lieglniiers succeed grandly. None rait
Maine. declBM.
iLTins iree. illkit nnr n . -ciktm v
Tho Jobbing Department of
mm iPJ
is well stouked with lnaterial for
doing nil kinds of printing.
in great variety. All kinds of
opt- in stock. Special prices
on lartio orders. Ullico 2nd
loor below Exchango ITotol.
Main Street,
w y &m
iSTlUUSlltll 1S3S.
tl fn
tsAtl MARK
an AitHoi.iiTi: ciMir, nut
fTUI! mot ilnbbnrn cnic ilctd rcnilllj- toll
I unit linn not failed to Vnvn n MiikIo cflco
JL wlicm directions nro followed. ItspucceM
linn Iipcii reinntknlilonnd IHeures wonder,
fill, ill! tlio imi"tiicroMftil iireimrnllon In tlio
market for OAT. Utltll nnd tho only ono Hint
pronii'eit nn Ab.olntr, roltlvo Cure It li
truly n McMlni; to innnklmt, A Trlnl I. nil
Unit Ik nlpil fur II. (lnoo need, It Is nlwtiji
recommended. Sond for testimonials of nctual
IT HAS ko Kqt'AI. ron.
a rosmvii curb is assured.
Ono bottlo Is Kcncriilly nilllclcnt for acuro. Stop
tu'.lnu (lulnhio. A trlnl only Is naked for Kkl'a CaTAKiui Kkmkkv. ll Is a SI'I'.CII IO
for nil diencsurlMnt( fiom an Impure Mood nnd
drive ntl eruptions from tlio skin. 1'or Byplil.
lltleeomplnlntsltls superior to nny preparation
Iu tho tuarkot. Ono bottlo will euro most of tlio
following coitiplnlnts nud a ecuttnucd uso will
1'osmvu.Y cuie. Hnvo doctor bills and try It.
Kklleu'r I'atahku ItKMKtir Is no patent
medicine, hut a tafu und pleasant preparation
lotnkonnd surely tbo iricatcst medical dlcor
cry of iho aire. Ono botllo rejuvenates tbeentlro
pwtcm und possesses inoro virtuo than a linlf
,hi7oii bottle" of ordinary patent preparations.
Write for testimonials anil other Information.
-l'orsnle by druirulet (renernlly.
l'tiici: a noxTi.i:. six hot
TICH I'Oll On receipt of wn.oo by
tbo manuraclurers, Hamcxl I'. Kkllkr St Oo.,
HarrNmrfT, l'a., six bottles wilt bo gent express
lor "wonwMit," rim(lown,' tlctillltutul
rcliool tcarlicw, inillhif vst scftiiKti'cfisca. hoii3C
kiftti-iv, nml nvtT-workitl vmiicu tfi'iiOrally,
Ur. I'icrcu'a IMvorlUi Pn -script ion la tho lHst
ol nil ri-KtomthodmUs. H in not a "Cure-all,"
lint adminihlv fulllll a Rinj;IrnoOT of purpoeo,
Iviii'' a most iM)tunt Stiirlllo lor all thoso
Clumilo Winkucwsotf nml Dterrtsc iKcullar to
womiii. It U a powctrul, (,'oneral as well a3
utotlno, tonlo ami nervine, end Imparts vigor
amlstmnrtli to thowlioljsvFfem. Hprontiitly
citrus weakness of etomacli, iniliycstion, tiloat
Jnjr, weal; hack, m-noiis puwtnitlon, debility
and MivplesfiieM, In cither wx. Kavorlto I're
scrJptioa 1j sold by drujrtristrt under our jxw
tiec uuarautre. Roe wrapper aiound ttottle.
5'rlre $1.00, or six botlleN tor $.7.00.
A luoro tieatisoon Dise.wsof Women, pn
fusely lIlustniMl with eolorcil plates und nti
inerotis - ood'CUU, iseut tor 10 centa in stamps.
Address, Voitu'a I)ispensuv Mfdicai
Association, wsi Main Street, Itun'alo, N. V.
SICK HEADACHE, lhlUuis Headache,
and Constlputton, promptly cured by
Dr. rtoree'a Pellet. e.a luJ,
by Urutfifisla.
p.m. p.m. lum
u UO ia 80 S 30
S El l-J !(! H IU
a.m. rum. p.m
B 43 IS SJ 8 !K
U 40 13 IS 8 IIS
8 &') U US 8 10
8 S7 IS 0.1 8 0.1,
8 23 11 58 7 OS.
8 17 11 51 7 5)
8 13 11 50 7 50
.. Lackawanna..
..West ntlston.
. . ..Maltby
lienneu.. ..
....Kingston ....
....Kingston ....
0 15 9 20 2
(I 20 9 20 2
0 27 SI 2
0 31 9 41 2
0 40 9 47 2
0 45 9 52 2
0 49 9 50 2
0 5.1 10 0'J 2
53 10 05 2
0 58 10 05 2
7 02 10 102
7 07 10 15.1
7 12 10 20 3
7 15 10 25 3
7 2J 10 32 3
7 37 10 41 3
7 50 11 11,1
7 57 11 00 3
8 04 11 134
8 10 11 20 4
ail 11 25 4
8 18 11 29 4
S 08 11 47 7 47
8 08 11 47 7 47,
8 01 11 U 7 43
7 50 11 38 7 38
7 511131 1.11
7 50 11 30 7 30
7 43 11 2.1 7 23
I'lymoutU Juno
.... Arondale.
llunloek's Crock;
7 30 11 13 7 1
7 18 11 00 7 00
..lllck's Kerry..
..Beach Haven..
.llrtar Creek...
..Willow (Jrove..
. Vnv
7 11 10 51 0 51
7 03 10 47 6 4t
6 58 10 41 0 41
0 51 10 33 6 33
6 50 10 34 0 34
6 42 10 27 0 87
6 30 10 21 0 21
0 30 10 10 0 10
0 25 10 11 0 11
6 03 J 50 .5 50
6 00 4'J 6 40
... ltupcrt
Cntnwl'ft HrlHi.o'
8 25 11 30 4 2:
8 30 11 44 4
8 30 11 50 4 40
. ..Danville... j 8 58 12 135 Ol
8 41 11 55 4
5 55 0 45 6 45l
....i.iJuiusK-..,.! a 05 12 2-18
....Cameron u on em
5 40 9 32 5 33
Northumberland, 9 35 12 40 5 35
p.m. am. a.m.
1 a.m. a.m. p.
ofiice. scranton, Feb.lst.itc?
Pennsylvania Railroad.
rniiaae'pnia a. trie n. , uivis
ion, and Northern Contral
1X1 effect .Ilinn l.-it h 'I'r.ilna Innvn Rim.
9.40a.m.. Sfn SlinrO Pinroca flltltr orwmt
uuuuuj, tut iiuuiauuis uiiuiuicrmumuLuaiaiious,
6.20 p.m.; Baltimore, 4.40 p. m. : Waaulncton,
urriviiii; l l'liiiaaeinniii h.ib n. m. 'nw Ynri
p.60 p. m., connecting at PUnadelphia lor au faca
ouurw pginis. Turougu passenirer coacli
dally except Sunday),forltarrisburg and Interme
diate stations, arriving at V li 1 1 a d c 1 p h 1 a
0.50 p. in. j New York, 9.35 p. m. : lialttmore
J.45 p. in. : Washington, e.00 p. m. l'arlor car
through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches
luiuusu Luj uuuueiiiuiaana uuuimore.
7,45 p. m. Kenovo Accommodation (dally
.u ..uniauuiK uiiu un luiermciiiaiu manons, arriv
ing at 1'hlladelphla 4 45 a. in. : New York 7.30 a. in.
UlUtlmnre. K.M. m Wnctittirrtnn r. wa n .n .
steeping car accommodations can bo secured at
Harrlaburg for 1'hlladelphla and New York. On Sun
days a through sleeping car will be run; on this
train troin Vllllarnsp'uol'htladelphla.l'hlladelphla
7 a.m.
7.50 a. m. Krle Mall (dally except Monday,
arriving at I'hll.uleluhla 8.25 a. m. New York
11.30 a. m. i llalttraoio 8.15 a. m. ; Washington, 9.25
77.. . uumuu Diucuiug carauru run on
ima trum iu i-uuuueipuia, uauimoro and wahint
ton, and through passenger coaches to l'hllade:
yum uuu uaiLuuure.
Erloandalltntermedlato stations and canai'dat.
5.10a. m. Erie Mali rljillv i.nnni.t rn
oand Niagara Falls, with through lmilman l-al-ace
cam and nassemrcr eoaehen Fn im nnri itnnh.
9.5:-News Express (dally except Sunday) toi
Lock Haven and Intermediate stations.
l.oo p. in. Niagara Express (dally except Sun
day) tor Kano and Intenuedlato stations and Can
anaaigua and principal Intermediate stations.
Kochesler. Uufralo and Nintrnm
through passenger coaches to Kane and ltochester
and Parlor car to Watklns.
rails with
5.30 p. m. l-'ast Une (dally except Sunday)for lie.
uu,u uuu iiucrmruiuLe biauons. ana iimira, Wat
kins and Intermediate stations, wun n.t
scnger coaches to Ueuo o and Watklns.
9.20 a. m.-sunday mall tor ltenovo and Intermo.
UAOi ACiU ovum.
Sunday mall leaves PlitimipinM'i j-ui , ,n
Harrlsburg 7.40 arriving at sunbury 9.20 a. in. with
.utuufiu nicviJiiiti uur num iuuaueipuia to Wll-
Nows Express leaves Phlladelnhla a. m.
Harrlsburg. 3.10 a. m. dailv ,vopnr Mtmia
arriving at Sunbury 9.53. a. in.
.,... . , Niagara Exprcss'leavea
except bunday arriving at Sunbury, l.oo p. m..
with through Parlor car trom Philadelphia!
u ,u.v.ubu ii.u0cr ;uuv;ut-B irum rnuaaei
phla and llaltlmoro.
Kaat Lino leaves New York 9.00 a. m. : Phlladel. a. m.: Washington, u.50 a. m -inin.
more. 10.45 a. m.. tdallvexcent. Knnrinvi nrrivin., n.
coaches from Philadelphia and lUltFinoro.
nuojuuiiitiuiBanuw i urs d.uu p. m. : Phliadol
pnla. 11.20 p. m. : Washington. ldoon. in. iiuin.
more, ll.teu p. in., (dally except.saturday) arriving
at, Sunbury Mi) a. m., with through 1-ullmau
oiwiiiiiK v-uis iiuiu i uuuutiiima, tasniugiou and
Ualtlinore and through passenger coaches iron,
tAii.iitf.iii .inn ruiirni inu wkmt
111' Mtl l(ll. H AY.
IDallv MMnt Kiiniiiiv
Wllkesbarro Mull
arilylng at Uloom Furry IftM a. m., Wllkos-barr'e
ExnrCSS East leavea Knnlmrv K M n in nrri.lnn
at Uloom 1- erry d.2 p. in., Wllkes-barro T.U p. la
sunbury Mall lea es Wilkcsbarro 10.40 a. in. arrlv.
Ingat lilooin Ferry 12.05 n. m.,hunbury 13.55 p. ra
Lxpiesa est leaves llkea barro 2.45 ji. m., ar.
riving at Uloom Ferry 4.15 p. in.,bunlury S.Kp.m
Sunday mall leaves sunimrv a m nr.ii
at Uloom Ferry 10;14 a. in.. Wllies-Uarre lino a.m.
ounuay accouiuiodaiion leavea Wllkes-liarro 5:10
40P in v "wmcrry, i.n p.m., suntiury,
ciIa. k. i-uau, J. u. WOOD,
uvu.muui,iT. uen. pasjenger Agent.
An cnrly caller Tho nlnrra clock.
Hoyotid tlio pale A tlriiiiltnrd's noso.
King of Grease A 700 pound pork-
The height of fashion A tlmlo's
Through by
daylight Tlio night
Talk is cheap unless yoti employ a
Ddiitlat-mado li'oth go will with a
false HCt-oh voice.
People who livo in glass houses
should have ciirlnitit).
Tho London Divorco Court should
he furnished with blinds.
When it is timo o go at butter-making
tho dairyman moves to a-ohnru.
A Lcesbtirg, (Via.) gun, loaded for
btiiglnif", was stolon by them lately.
Tho New York Uoard of Health is
to decide how many cats miko a nuis
ance. A rural correspondent writes ns Hint
"olymnrgiiio is olTal." Well, sometimes
it ii.
Nover call a luin a liar, but observe
that he seems to bo contemplating n
political career.
Tho number of idiots in tlio United
States increased fiom 31,127 in 1870
to 70,8M in 1880.
Washington society ladies havo all
taken to keeping diaries, and moro
novels may bo looked for.
Tho deepest shades of red will bo
fashionable this summer. Claret will
thereforo bo very popular.
When a saloon keeper becomes rich
enough to biro two bartenders ho im
mediately calls his placo a cafe.
An Australian actor named Henry
E. Walton is going ts mako a starring
tour of this country next season.
Tlio Courts of three States, New
York, Conneticiit and Wisconsin, havo
declared boycotting to bo a crime.
Sunday is tho most fii-shlonablo
promenade day, becauso on that day
dudes cannot !o arrested for debt.
Sicns of humor Thoso in front of
tho District Telegraph otliccd repre
senting mo messenger uoys on a run,
Idiosyncrasy of the English languago
Why is it that a man is said to leavo
tho earth just tho moment ho enters it.
Paris consumes forty nine tons of
snails daily. An American messenger
boy would sluud a poor show in Paris,
With all his experience, his business
antl iu conversation tho barber is not
always acquainted with tho parts of
Kov. Arthur Watte, tho notorious
temperance agitator and converted
clown, is said to be a fakir on tho streets
of Cincinnati
Christine Nilsson will honeymoon at
Madrid, and amuse hciself bv itaner-
ing her rooms with play bills and news
paper notices.
Tho streams aro cettintt bo low that
spocklcd trout of thu future will have
10 nave legs, and burrow m the ground
liko a woodchuck.
Tho Gen. I. E. Lo monument is to
be becun in Richmond on October L'3d
and the day will bo celebrated with
wue boutlie' ii Iionorn.
A miser who died of starvation in
Can oil county, Georgia, ono day last
week, had 18,000 secreted in tho
cracks of his log cabin.
Weeping Widow And such a good
man, sir. Uttsy Undertaker No doubt
no doubt, but. a littlo wide a little
wido for iho average man.
Water melancholia is a slow death
and a somewhat painful one, but, all
things considered, it is less objection
able than green appleplcxy.
'Why don't our young men enmo to
tho front?'' asks an exchange Wo ex
pect it is becauso tho front rows aro al
ways Gllcd with bald headed men.
John A. Logan, Jr., has gone into
tho loan and real estato business in
Washington. Ho is not an orator liko
his papa, but ho will make dollars.
It is about timo for somebody among
tho back seals to riso up and remark
that tho mosquito bar, liko the cam
paign lie, is mado out of hole cloth.
S. A. Ahull, the proprietor of tho
Baltimore 6'un, is next to Hobert Gar
rett, tho richest man in that city. Ho
works hard, and makes his boys do tho
That curious aggregation known as
New York "society" considers it good
form to scok diplomatically for invila
tidtis to visit fiicnds who havo a
country house.
Goldwin Smith expresses tho omninn
that since tho timo of Demosthenes
thero have not been a dozen orators in
tho woild who could equal John Ilrinht
in eloquence.
Over one million boxi-s of AckerV
Dyspepsia Tablets sold in tho past
twelvo months, purely upon their
met its. Why stiller with Chrouio Con.
stipation, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach,
dick Headache, Heartburn, and Female
troubles, when J. II. Mercer olliers
on relief and positivo cure in tho
yspepsia Tablets. Uo sells them on
Thero aro HnoroM .if imronn ...l. nHn
----- - 't..u..a IT I . V alU
suueiiiig irom some jorni ot blood dis
order or skin disnnsn. mih no Mnnf..i'
Hoils, cto., etc. After a practical test,
u. ii. mercer asserts mat Ak-irVi i nn.
Elixir will cortainlv nnvn nil mmli Aa
enSt'D. inclllllillfr Rviiliillia niwl 1M
uusiii. ins tici a patent nostrum, but a
Buu'iiuim iiieparation, o guarantees it.
After a lliorom
moBt posilively neserts that Acker's
Knrtllflll ltnmn.ltt !. I
""O - JO iuu uutfc IIII'UICIIIO
101' asthma, crntm. nnnrrlm n-lwm.,i.,r.
cough aud all lung troubles that can bo
uuuii, ivoK mm auout it, lor ho fully
A Great Medical U'nrlr (in HfnrinA v.nii.
riljllcal Debllltr. rmmtlnrn Timlin. In r.n
Exhausted VltaUty, ic., Ac., and the untold mis!
tin-, ii-suiung irom inaiscretion or excesses; too
pages, substantially bound In gilt, muslin. Con
tains moro than 123 InvsJiubla tri-rniinn.
bracing every vesctablo remedy In the pha'rma-
viju-tu iur an acqiq ana cnronic cuse&ses. It Is
cmphaUcally a book for every man. Trice only II
by mall, post paid, concealed In plain wrapper,
- - " - n.ttt
loang and middle-aged men tox the noit ninety
days. Send now. er cut ihl nnt. .....-
ice It again. Address Dr, W, JX. PAllKuu, 4 jjul-
tor Infants
"CMtorU la bo well adapted to children that
I reoomxnend It M superior to any prcecripUon
known to mo." IL A. Aacnii, H. D.,
IU 60. Oxford Bi, Brooklyn, N. T.
Distillii) from sclcctfil Unrlcy Mnltnml Kuarnhtccd to bo chemically nuro
nnd treo from Injurious oils nnd ic Us on en contained In alcoholic liquors, it la
especially adapted topertoni reriulilnga stlmulntlni? tonlo, Consumptlvea beinir
greatly benefitted by Its lire, llei-ommended by leading physicians na a Iiluretle
Nervlno, Tonic and Alterative. 1'or consumptives It. In Invaluable. I'mitlNK's
rum: iIaih.KV MALT WHISKEY Insures a return ot vigor to tlio stomach, u tood
appetite n rich ami abundant blood and Increased llcth and mutcular llssue. A
stimulant mild and gentlo In effect. Dyspepsia, Indigestion nnd nil vvnsilng dis
eases can bo entirely conquered by tho use nr I'crrlno'a l'uro Uarley Stall Whiskey
It Is a tonic nnd dmrctin and a powerful strengthener to tho entire system. l'EIt.
UINK'S 1'UIID BAULKY JIALT WlllSKKi has proved a medicinal protection te
thoso who pursuo their nocat Ions lnthoopennlr nnd whoso dally workcalls lor
exceptional powers of endurance. Ask jour nearest druggist or grocer for it
l'KItlllNESlH'ItKllAIiLEY JIAl.TWllISKKYrcvlvea thoencrgles of those orn
out with excesslvo bodily or mental effort and acts na a safeguard against exposure
In wet and rigorous weather. It will drive all malarious diseases from tlio sistem.
Hard workers of overy vocation and persons whom a sedentary llfn renders prone to
ii j 0111 1 -.m 11 1111 111 J tiling 1
Unit whiskey a powerful
11 u 111-1 11-r 10 uiL'i-siion. j-
without unduly stimulatm?
neys Increases their flagging activity,
counteracts tho effects of fatigue, has
tens convalescenco and Is a vholcnme
and prompt diuretic. Hatch tho label I
None genuine unless bearing the slgna-tuio
For sale by ail druggists
the ttnttcd btates and
FOIt SALE 11V C. 11. HOtllilNS, W.OO.MM1UUO, PA. J 9 cms.
A Large and
motto, teffllatsg.
Call and be Convinced that you have the
The Lowest Possible Prices
II fk 1 IT IIliVD
mmm mm
HlooiiibuiMr9 pa
Foreign ana; MomesMo
Mitatata? Co.
Wholesale, and Hclall deulcrs In
Headquarters for
Storo ami WnreliniKtii, Noa.
Avenue, No. 2 Lack'n Avcnno
let- otrect,
and Children.
Cutorta enros Colic, Constipation,
Bour Rtomach, blarrhaja, EructaUon,
Killfl Worms, gives elwp, and promote U
lout injorloui modlcaUoo.
Cornea Conrinr, 18) Fulton Street, N. Y.
Hiu 1.11 1 11 jf rMVMaaWMVBMHHW
Invlgornnti Tho analysis ns It appears by tho La
tK-t on everv Itottle: I have rnrrrnllv nn.
. ( ( nnnni
tho kid.
llJfU lllUtLKlE JIAKI.F.Y ill ALT l HIS-1
kf.v maue cy .vi. & j. i-erri no aim linn-
a eoiirciy ireo rrnm rusci oil, luriurol,
metals and nclds and Is nlnolutcl
I'iui.- aimiru. lYiiHnm arim - .iipr.
(irmluale unite Uiitrerstltes nfll unfcA,
ur7inn tinu M rivutttiril
Varied Stock of
For tlio Celebrated ClilclaritiK, Ivors A
roml, nml Voso& Bou Pianos. Worlilie
nowned Kstey Orfinns, Violins, Acconlcons
anil Sheet Music. Celebiateil White, New
High Arm Davis, New Home, lloynl St.
John, anil Light Ituuuing Domestic Sewing
Machines. Needles, oil and attachments
for all makes of Sewing Machines.
120 & 128 Franklin
ifc 210, 212 ifc 211 Ce
(eb.s-d. ly,