THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. J. g. Blttontenler,,) EiU"'' BLOOMSBUUQ, PA. FRIDAY, AUGUST 0,;i 880. Democratic; Stato Convention. Tho Dcmocratlo Stato Convention of Pennsylvania will assemble) nt tho Opera House, In tlip City of Harris burg, nt 10 a. in., on Wednesday, August 18, to nominate candidates for Governor, Ltciitenant-Govornor, Audi tor General, Sco'y of Internal Affaire, Congressman- Large. Tho Convention will consist of 359 Representative Delegates, selected under tho mica of tho party from tho respective Assembly Districts of tho State, ono for each 1,000 Democratio votes cast for Governor at tho last pro ceding gubernatorial election, or for a fraction of 1,000 such votes, amount' ing to COO or more, in tho rcspectivo representative districts, provided that each representative district shall have nt least ono delegate W. U. IIENSETj. Chairman Don. State Committee. J. B. Lichtv, Sco'y. SAMUEL jTtEdEN DEAD. Ex- governor Samuel J. Tildcn died on Wednesday morning at Greystone, hU residenco on tho Hudson. Ho had Laen infocblo health for somo time, and his death was duo to failure of the heart. Mr. Tilden was ono of tho foremost statesmen oi tho land. As governor of Now York ho broko up tho Tweed ring and tbo Uanal ring, and ho was elected President of tho United States in 187C, but was defrauded out of it. In 1880 ho declined to allow tho uso of Ins name again. Ills ago was 72 years. Tho Armstrong county Democrats havo instructed their delegates to tho stato convention to support Wallace for goyernor. Cumberland county has instructed iti delegates to the Democratio stato convention to voto for lilack for gov ernor. While Col Notris lives this nation need havo no fears of being imposed upon by Mexico. Norris could whip tno greasers in two minutes with Ins jaw. Tho secretary of tho Luzerno county Democratio committeo believes "it is now generally conceded that Charjes It. iiuckalow won tbo tight, liucka low was tho favorite oven with tho bolters. After tho rump convention organized and went through tho act of nominating (Jassidy a resolution was introduced making Buckalow tho second choice, in case Cassidy could not make tbo nomination. It is a significant fact that the J'lain Speaker, a Democratio paper of Ilazle ton supports Mr- Buckalow, while tho Republican organ, the Sentinel, op poses him, and encourages tho action of the bolting faction. Tho boltors will bo properly dealt with at the con grcssional conference. Tho Gorman trick was not successful before, and will fail now. Gongrees and tfeiico. THE l'RKSIDENT 8 ACTION IN THE CUTTING CASE ENDORSED. Washington, Aug. 3 The Cutting case bus to-day for tho first timo assur ed a war liko pliaso at the capital Yesterday (secretary Bayard sent to Congress the correspondence between the Mexican authorities and tho United States, in which tho former maintained tho doctrine that an American citizen may bo prosecuted in a foreign country iur auto uuuu in uuueu oiutea territory. This correspondence bo clearly show ed the iudefensiblo attitudo of Mexico that a meeting of the IIouso Committeo on r oreign Affairs was called this morning, at which the wholo subject was discussed. Tho result was the unanimous adoption of tho following resolutions, which tho IIouso will bo asked to consider before adjournment THE COMMITTEE RESOLUTIONS. Whereas, A. K. Cutting, an Ameri can cititizerr, is wrongfully deprived of bis liberty by Mexican officials at Paso del Norte, iu tho Republic of Mexico, and Whereas, Tho Mexican Government refuses to releaso said Cutting upon tho demand of the President of tho United States ; and Whereas, Tho Government of Mex ico alleges as a reason for its refusal to comply with sucli demand that said Cutting is guilty of violating a Mexi can law upon American soil ; and Whereas, Tho IIouso of Represen tativos, while appreciating tho disposi tion shown by tho Government of Moxico to carry out international obli gations, can never assent to tho doo trino that citizens of tho United States may bo prosecuted in a foreign coun try for acts dono wholly upon Araerf can soil ; therefore, bo it Jlesolved, 1. That the IIouso of Ren resentatives approves of tho action of tbo i'resident ot tbo United states in demanding tho release of said A. K Cutting. Jlesolved, 2. That tho President of tho United States be and is hereby re quested to ronow tho demand for the icleaso of said A. It. Cutting. It is quito generally understood that theso resolutions woro drawn last night py oecreiary uayaru antr uiiairman Jicimoni conjointly. They represent mo senso oi mo Administration and fjivo niiy future oxeculivo aots in tho lino of aggression against Mexico the Banctum of Congress. There was a long meeting of tho Cabinet to-day and tho Cutting caso absorbed tho greater part of tbo timo of tho session. Mexico's dilemma. Tho greatest difficulty of tho matter lien in tho woakness of tho Mexican Government. Tho authorities aro willing to surrender Cutting but they are afraid of tho consequences that might follow such releaso iu tho North ern provinces, whoro thero is a feeling of intenBo hostility against tho United States. By complying with tho de mands of this government a rebellion against tho authority of Mexico might bo precipitated and by refusing to com ply with tho demands a war with tho United States is tho inevitable result. President Diaz and Minister Romero aro both striving to roach a settlement of the disnuto which will satisfy tho United States without creating a revo lution In Moxico. It is understood to night that at tho Cabinet meeting to day it was agreed to continuo diplomat ic negotiations on tho subject lor a short lime, and if Mexico does not speedily release Cutting forcible meas ures will bo taken to compel his surrender. Black on Tho Stato Oimpalen. TIlll LIEUTENANT OOVKHNOll SUM! THAT TUB DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES WII.I. WIN. llarrliburv IHtpatch to the Timet. "You will find the Democratio party," sald Lieutenant Governor Jllaek to an Interviewer, "united on all stato issues, and I beg you to obsorvo that it is a Btato canvaBS upon which wo aro enter ing. Tho convention will Lo harmou- ons, because there will uo no Oillorrii- ces of opinion upon principles nhoul which to divide. There will bo tho usual open contest for nomination, be cause, nnliko tho Republicans, with us tho people mako tiicir own nominations. Perfect agreement boforchand ta hard- If, possible, but when thoy aro mado 10 nominations will represent tho pro- vailing sentiment of tho party, duly ascertained, and thoy will bo sustained by every Democrat in tho stale." ljo you inniK uicro is a witio spread icllcf in tho party that it will bo victor ious V "Yes, thero is a very strong belief abroad in tho Democratio ranks that wo can carry tho stato this year. You will find this pervading modcrato Re publicans, only less extensively than it docs tho Democraoy." "What will bo the issuo upon which tho party will conduct its campaign 1" "Ask that question ot any ucinocrai and ho will givo you tho samo nnswer that any and every other Democrat gives Democratic doctrines do not chango with tho chango of tho wind. Tho conversation will no doubt declare, with no lack of seasonable emphasis, m favor of stato regulation of carrying companies, in favor of redressing tho many mat Grievances ot tno manual in dustries and iu unequivocal condemn ation of sumptuary laws. 1 prcsumo it will take theso positions because they aro Democratio and tho party nover took any other ground, or supported men who did." "What about tho nominees t" "Tho nominees t Why thoy must necessarily bo men who represent thoso principles, otherwiso they would not command tho Democratio vote." "You beliovo that the party will bo successful this fall, do you not!'1 "Yes, 1 do venly believe not only m tho possibility, but tho very great prob ability of bucccss in November. Such success would not bo merely pattisan victory. It would imply only tho de termination of tho independent voters to secure tho release of labor and busi ness from corporate and ring monopoly to compel both legislation and adminis tration in the interests of tho produc ing classes and to continuo tho bless ings of honest state government which they havo enjoyed sinco tho victory of 1882." Lieutenant Governor Black declined to discuss his prospects for the Demo cratio nomination for governor. Near the End. Washington, Aug. 2. "This will undoubtedly be tho last week of Con gress," said Mr. Allison, Chairman of the Scnato Committeo on appropria tions, in forecasting tho work to be dono at this session. "We can ad' lourn on Tuesday if wo aro only to complete the appropriation bill," he continued, "and by Wednesday, in nny event. It docs not occur to tno that anything further than tho appropr'uv tions will bo done.'' Speaker Carlisle and Chairman Ran dall, of tho house committee on ap propriations, aro both of tbo opinion that tbo session will not exceed beyond Thursday, at tbo farthest, and may end on luosday or Wednesday. Work in both houses will bo con' fined to conference repcrts on tho sun dry civil, the deficiency, tho fortificatiou and tho river and harbor bills, when they aro ready. Only the first named bill is necessary beforo congress ad journs. Tho other bills can go over to the next session, but tho impression prevails that thoy will all bo disposed ot in somo way. Tho conference committeo on tho sundry civil bill was in session nearly all day Saturday, and wlulo tlicro arc quito a number of disagreeing clauses, and other conferences may be appoint' ed, there aro no very serious disagree ments. Tho mter-stato commcrco and tho Northern Pacilio forfeiture bills will attract some attention iu both branches of congress, but as there is such a wide rango in tho views of the two houses on these subiccts thev aro not regard ed seriously, and will not be allowed to consume timo so as to interfere with tho day of adjournment. They will como up at time?, if at all, when tho measures which must bo passed aro not ready lor consideration. In tho bouso of representatives this moruing will bo heard tho conferenco reports on tho river and harbor, the do fieieucy and tho Bundry civil bills Thero will bo no order in tho consider ation of any sot of measures henco forth. 1 ho committeo first reporting will bo first served. Special orders and tho hours and days heretofore fixed for work upon certain subjects will be dis regarded. Everything is to bo relegated to tbo end that tno tour or tivo bills de termined upon for completion may be completed. During tho morning hour in tho sen ato Mr. Evarts debated his resolution contemplating a convention of tho gov ernments of tho world for tho purpose of securing a uniform currency stand ard, ami directing that correspondence bo opened by this government to that end. Tlicro will bo frequent dispositions of conferenco reports ou bills, as in tho house, and considerablo tunc will bo givon to secret sessions lor consider ation of nominations. Tho Allen Landlord Dill- It is feared that tho Payson Alien Landlord bill, which passed tho Uouso by an almost unanimous voto on Sat urday, will not bo acted upon by tho Senalo this session, and perhaps not at all, as it is vory easy for tho enemies of any bill to stavo off action upon it during tho short session of Congress. But tho moral eilcct of tho House's vote cannot but bo salutary and it is thought that on account of it thero will ho littlo likelihood of tho formation of any now United States Land or Cattlo Companies in Great Britain. Governor West, ot Utah, says that the European Mormon immigration to this country from and Including tho year 1881 to date aggregate 11020 per sons, distributed through tho different years as follows: 1BH1, TJM; 1H82, 2093; 1883, 2102 1881, 1799j 1885, l5!9j six months and over in 1880, 88 (, Other companies of Mormons aro to arrivo on tho 21st of August and lGth of October next. Hon. Goo. A. Jonks of this stato has boon appointed Solicitor General by thu President and confirmed bv the Senate. The Roman Calholio church has formally condemned tho custom of incineration, Official Report oi' fltis eleventh congressional con vention HELD IN UAZI.ET0N, JULY 27th. Tho Dcmoorntio Convention of Lu zerne part of tho 11th Congressional District, In pursttanco of tho call of tho Chairman and Socrctary met at Liberty Hall, in the Borough of Hazleton, Lu zerno county, nt 10 o'clook, a. m. Tues day, the 27th day of .Inly 1880. Tho Chairman, Charles Schuttcr, Esq., called tho convention to order and directed Edward Turnbach, Secretary, to call tho districts mid receive cred entials. On the call of districts it appeared that tho following members wcro elected : Bear Creek Albert Sruitco BLACK OllKKK. 1st District 2d " J. Dlntilncy lliick Abraham Holies liutler N. 8. Drum OONYNG1IAM. North District Anthony Good South " F. 1. Frcnso FA1KMOUNT. Rast District D. C. Koons West " Frederick Hacker 11AZI.KT0N HOIiOCOU. East Ward 1st District Chin. Schuttcr ' " 2d " Fred Jlcltr ' " 3d " Henry llnlin ' " 4th " Ucorcu lvochlcr West Ward 1st District Jacob Flthtcr ' " 2d " 1'. I.liulcmim ' " lid " Ed. Turnbach ' " 4tli " Ed. Kernan North Ward Matthew I.onR HollcnUck V. H. KlrkenUiill IIUNTlNOrON. South District Cluw. J. Good Middle " A. 1J. llogcrt West " Alfred Jlclienry Hnrvcvvlllo Kliono Ircscott Jcddo liarncy Slinrpc NESCOl'KOK. East District 0. M.Smith AVcst " Hiram Uolcler New Columbus D. L. Clinpln Siifiarfoaf 0. W. Drumheller North District Chester Cope South District Thomas JIcGraw North East District C. U. Smctliers Upper Lehigh II. 11. Price VVIUTK 11AVEK. North District John Kcarns South District l'hilip Siemplo 'llAZLK TOWNSHIP. 1st District D. Kerrigan 2d " Phil. J. McIIugh 3d " John Fallon 4th " liawrencoFailey Gtli " Hugh McKcnna Oth " F. N. Day tli " Wm. II. Caflrey 8th " Patrick Donohoc Dili " Frank Gallagher 10th " John Wiegaud 11th " Patrick J. I.ennon 12th " Michael Conlln 13th " Daniel O'Donnell 14th " Michael Quinnln Frccland James Collins FOSTBlt TOWNSHIP. North West District C. F. McIIuah North " W. F. Iloyle South ,r Daniel Craig i.ast " Uor U Donncll Sandy Hun " John Gallagher Urlfton " Uonily O'lJonncll Upon calling over tho roll of mem bers it appeared all wero present ex cept tho delegate from tho first district of Black Creek township. Tho Chair announced that tho next business in order was the appointment of committees on credentials and Organization, stating that their appoint ment under rule and usage was the duty of the chair. Mr. Matthew Long moved that a committee consisting of Messrs. Wm. P. Boyle, N. S. Drum, F. N. Day and George Koehler bo appointed on cred entials. Tho chair ruled that tho ap pointments of a committee was with tho chair. After debate for tho sake of harmony, ho submitted tho question to tho convention : shall the appoint ment of tho committeo be made by the chair or not f Upon this question tho roll was call ed, resulting in an nffirmativo vote of 27 to 25. Tho chair thereupon announced tho committeo on credentials to bo Edward Turnbaeh, C. E. McIIugh and Edward Kernan. Tho committeo on organiza tion, II. B. Price, D. L. Chapin and Alfred McIIenry. Ho also announced tho committee ou resolutions to consist of Matthew Long, Albert Santeo and Phillip Stemple. The convention then adjourned until ono o'clock p. m. Upon re-asssrabling, after calling tho roll, D. L. Chapin, from tho committeo on organization, reported the following permanent officers ; Charles Schuttcr, Chairman, and Edward Turnbach, Secretary. Tho committeo on creden tials reported in tho contested election between John Rciumillcr and Philip Liudcman, of tho second district of the West Ward of Hazleton, that Phillip Lindeman was duly elected and en titled to tho seal, and iu tho contested election caso between Henry Halm and George Grebe, from tho third district of tho East Ward of Hazleton, that Henry Hahn was duly elected nnd en titled to tho seat. Matlhow Long moved that tho re port of tho committeo bo rejected. Ilis motion, upon being submitted to the convention, was lost upon a call of the roll, by a vote of 20 to 20. After somo debato the samo question was again submitted and was again reject ed by a liko voto of 2G to 2G. Tno chair then ruled that tho report of tho committeo was accepted. Whoreupon beforo further proceed ings a part of tho members of tho con vention seceded and left tho Conven tion. Tho report of the committee on permanent organization was then formally agreed lo. Mr. Edward Turnbach moved tho following resolu tion : Jlesolved, That lion. Charles R. Buckalow is tho choico of the conven tion for Congress and wo do horoby empower him to appoint his own con forces for this portion of tho Congress ional distriot. Tho Chairman submitted tho reso lution to a voto of tho convention nnd it was unanimously adopted. Tho following standing committee for tho cnbuing two years was agrocd to: Charles Schuttcr, Chairman, 0. V. Mullugh, Secretary, Edward Kernan, Edward Turnbach, D, L. Chapin, H. B. Price, John Melly. Tho convention then on motion ad journed. Charles Sciiutter, Chairman of Convention. Edward Turniiach, Secretary, Abbo Eranz Liszt, ono of the great est pianists and composers tho world has ever Been, died at Bayrcuth last Saturday. He was tho author ol thtrty-ono com positions for the orchestra, Dovcn for thu pianoforte nnd oichestra, two for piano and violin, nine for tho organ, Ihiitecu masses, psalms nnd other sacred musio ( two oratorios, fifteen can tatas and chorals, Hixty-threo songs and 170 works for tho pianoforto proper, Tho Hazlotyn Convention. Wo print olsowhero tho official re port of tho proceedings of tho congres sional convention iu the Luzoruo por tion of tho clovcnlh congressional dis trict. As announced last week, nftcr Mr. Buckalow had fairly the Convent ion, the friends of Michncl Cassidy bolted and held another meeting nt which they nominated (Jassidy. Speak ing of tho two men tho J'lain Speaker says ! Tho ono has been a Scnntor of tho United Stated for six years from tho Stato of Pennsylvania n Senator at Ilarrisburg for threo full terms nnd half of n fourth term Minister of tho United States to tho Republic of Equador by appointment of President lJuohanan ; member, nnd the leading member, of tho Constitutional Conven tion ; tho foremost statesman, by com mon consent, in nil tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The other man is tho clerk of the County Commissioners of Carbon county i neither more nor less. That a clear mnjority of the del egates voted for Senator Buckalow was to bo expected. Hut it is a matter of profound interest nnd importance that twenty-five men could bo induced to voto iur a man absolutely unfitted for tho high ofiico of member of Congress. Of course tho purpose lo bolt and break up tho convention was early formed. Tho men from Mauch Cnunk who brought tho boodle, oamu hero for no other purpose. If Iho majority iu favor of Mr. Buckalow had been ten instead of three, tho bolt would havo taken place all tho same. Two years ago Mr. Price had thirty-one voles and Horman had ten votes, but none tho less a bolt took placo. Bnt what word of excuso can ho urged in behalf of men who for corrupt purposes como in to and seek to break up tho conven tion they uro powerless to control. Wo speak to men who wo know will understand us when wo say that all this business will have nn important and perhaps a decisive influence on tho Legislative and County nominations. It is idlo to attempt to disguise tho indignation of a great majority of tho Democratio voters over tho result of yesterday's businr bs. Thero may not bo a great deal said, but nt thu polls tho voters aro certain to repay witli interest the malignant and senseless courso of tho minority, nnd particular ly, if their unwise course is persisted in." Becord of the Session. As tho present stssion of Congress draws to a close n review of tho work performed by it may be allowed. The session has been a long one and at in tervals somewhat exciting, but it has not been a profligate one. The bills that attracted most universal attention failed in several instnuoes, but the credit of tho session was fairly maintained in tho fact that few bad bills wcro passed and a very consider able number of good ones woro success fully pressed through tho House. In a brief speech on Monday evening Mr. Randall summarized tho work of tho session in admirablo form. "We havo returned to the public domain millions of acres of the public lands taken by insatiate corporations,'' snid tho ox-speaker. "We havo entered upon tho building of a new navy," he added, and finally capped tho climax of achievement by the statement that "we havo passed every bill that we havo been asked to pass having for its purpose tho bettering of tho condition of tho laboring people. Wo havo not in a single instance passed any bill in favor of monopolies." A session with such a record cannot rellcct discredit on tho majority that guided it. It is a record that no mem ber of tho Democratio party need bo ashamed of. Of courso the failure to reduce the tax burdens of tho people is to bo regretted, but that is a Bin of omission and less rcprcbcnsiblo than ouo of commission. Taking tho record of tho session just closing and giving it carelul and intelligent scrutiny there is nothing that will bring shame to tho laco ot thoso concerned in it. Jix. It Will Hot Work, Is Mr. Chairman Thomas V. Cooper, ot tho Kepiiblican stato committee, en tirely a fool or does ho only consider the lion masters and other manufactur ers of this stato to bo such IIo is sending out to them, almost regardless ot party, a circular begging lor money to elect Beaver governor, and himself or Quay to tho United Slates Senate, ou tho plea that "protection" is to bo tho leading issuo ot tho Btato campaign in Pennsylvania this fall ; and that "if the leading industries of tho stato aid us in all practical ways during this campaign, the protective issue will bo sately solved and good results will be secured." Mr. Cooper seems to belong to that peculiar class of doublc-dvcd and copper-bottomed Bourbons who forget alt that is not convenient to remember nnd learn nothing. He started his calamity campaign for Beaver aud Davis iu 188 & with two issues "protection'' and "Penn- sylvaniaforPennsvlvanians." IIo clain- oicd frantically forsevcial weeks that, as iur. l'attison had been born in Maryland, it would bo a terriblo blow to tho prido of tho commouwealih if its people should choose him for gov ernorj and as Mr. Randall was running tor Uongress m l'hiladolphia, and ex United States Senator Wallace for stato senator iu Cleaifiold, thu indus tries of Pennsylvania would bo pros- . ...1 I.. . J. 1 iraiuu iu iiiu uveni oi j-reiuocruiio sue cess. Presently it was discovered that Cooper himself was born iu Ohio, and goi i iiiu uiu biuiu oy way oi jeiuwaic. Then the fountains ot liis eloquent dec lamation against tho pcoplo who hnd lived in tho stato only tivo-eixlhs of their lite, and had no control over tho place of thoir birth, wcro sealed. But ho hung on hopefully to thu protection issuo until tho last return was in, mid ho and his ill-fated ticket wero boat en by -10,000 plurality. As four years of Democratio stato administration, distinguished by en- lorccinciit ol the law, regard lor tho constitution, regulation of tlm corpo rate interests, redemption of the pardon board from sin and shame and other excellent features, havo not seriously ...!!'. .1 1 . . niiiiiaieu iigainsi any nonisi una ao sorvlug interest in I'euiisylvnnia, ouo might reasonably suppose that Cooper had at least learned somo new trick.- Hulk is "Monsieur Tonson como again." The irroprcsslblo John W. Frazier, a cronk of the woret sort, is entrusted witli tho tariff end of thu campaign. Tho J'resa having disclosed tho fact that tho postmasters upon whopi toll was formerly levied, and who wero cotifcripted into campaign work wero mostly turned out, Erazier is set ou thu "business men to bully tlicm into con tributious. It is burned powder. It will nut even Hath ugain. Tho maim, factum s of Pennsylvania aro not m a rule idiots, Thoy know perfectly woll tliat Beavor's defeat will not hurt them nor their business. Thoy will lit him to his f ato. Lancaster Jntellijencer, Tlmrman on Oloveland, Till! OHIO STATESMAN THINKS THE l-RKS- 1DKNT MAY SUCCHKD lllMSI'.t.V. Mr. Allan G, Thurman. of Ohio, sat in tho cosy drawing room of his daugh ter's handsome residence nt Richmond Hill Friday ovcnlncwhcio ho is spend ing n fow days with his son-in-law, Lieutenant-commander Cowlcs, United States Navy, nnd dialled about Iho po litical situation. "Do you think Mr. Cleveland will bo-n candidate for ro election V ho uns nuked. "It is too early to say much about that. As I have said, lie appears lo bo gaining in popularity, and if ho con tinues to do so I caipiol sen nnylhiug to prevent his re-nomination and re election. I know of no ono who is tiaining against him." "iiavo you heard mtnnrcomnierit on tho Pan Electric investigation in Ohio 1" "Not much sinco tho report of the committeo was made. I knew Garland when wo wero in thu Semite togilhcr, and formed n very high opinion of his chnraoter and integrity. I do not think uariaiui could knowingly bo guilty ot uch a corrupt act, nnd I dun t believe that tho President would keep him in his position a moment if ho thought ho was dishonest. I ho feennle made a mistake, I think, iu lejecling tho nom ination of John Goode to bo Solicitor General." Tho reports of starvation iu Labra dor aro ofliuinllv denied. The Gover nor of Newfoundland pays they nro uttcily unfounded. This is good news, but what motive had any one to do so much lyingl Wo hope that it miy not proyo that tho Governor of New foundland is mistaken. A Great Victory A Torriblo Caso of Scrofula Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla " In tho winter of 1870 I was attacked Itli Scrofula In ono of Hie most aggravating forms. At ono timo I had liolosiMWn thirteen largo abscesses over nmlarmimlmyneckaiHltliront, continually exuding an offensive mass of bloody matter disgusting to behold, anil almost Intolerable to endure. It Is Impossible, to fully (lcscrlbo my sutferlngi, as tho caso was complicated with Chronic Catarrh. After three years of misery, having been treated by threo physicians, I was worse than ever. Finally, on tho recommendation of W. J. Huntley, druggist, of Lockport, I was Induced to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. And now, after having taken twclvo bottles, within tho last twelvo months, tho scrofulous eruptions havo entirely ceased, nnd tho abscesses havo all disappeared, except tho unsightly scars, which aro dally beeomluc 'smaller by degrees, and beautifully less.' I do not know what It may havo dono for others, but I do know that In my case, Hood's Sarsaparilla has proved an clfcctlvo specific Indeed. As nn cvldeneo of my gratltudo I send theso facts unsolicited, and I am ready to verify tho authenticity of this cure, by personal correspondence with any ono who doubts It." Chaiiles A. llou EitTS, East Wilson, N. Y. This statement Is confirmed by W. J. Hunt ley, druggist, of Lockport, N. Y., w ho calls tho euro a great victory for Hood's Sarsaparilla. Send for book giving statements of many cures. Hood's' Sarsaparilla) Sold by all druggists. $1 ; six for ?5. Mado only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. IOODoses10nO( Dollar. JJEMOORATJO TICKET. Eon CoNdiiKss, CHARLES R. HUCICALEW. Subject to tho decision of tho Conferees of the 11th District. Foil Statk Sunatok, JOHN G. FREEZE. Subject to tho decision of tho Conferees ot tho Mth District. Foit Rki'i:i-.suntativi:s, A. L. FRITZ, Of Rloomsburg. JAMES T. FOX, Of Heaver Township. Foil ASSOCIATK JUDflKS, JAMES LAKE, Of Scott Township. O. G. MURPHY, Of Centralia. PRorltf RINOHAMTON. N.V. THE INVALIDS BENEFACTOR. Discoverer of Dr. Kilmer's Complete Female Remedy Special and Sneclflo treatment for nil Complaints and Diseases peculiar to DiuiKhters, Wlvos nnd Mothers. IJaeliiiuc kniro contain 3 liolllcs. CSliich kind Is nisi sold separately: I'enialn Itemed-, Wood eml Kjnom)t 1 . A lit llllltl-Lcar 15x1. ,(LoUTrtfttm 1 , 114(1 Anollltliicilt,bteniBl " .so SSTOr tho threo In ono Package J3.0U. Ilecovers tho "run-down;" bcd-rlddcn" or "abandoned." H Dllmtnatcs Humors and Mood Impurities that causo Scrofula, Cancer, Tumor, pimples nnd blotches. The fuce for IVmarlt-s and Exposures l past, woman's ntuUth and um-fulnoxs aaala rrctomf. Dr. KUmcrtroats fnlfnuil Tumor, Cunccr. IIttor9 of Inquiry promptly unewerod. nKKUmrr's Female Dispensary. lUnKhamton.N. Y. sou canT airord to m-ulerc eanr svmMoms. -jiimuvu' uuuu to iiuuui" wni tree. m in ai.i. jJituuuis'is, GIM AWAY ! Ten thousand babies aro given yearly to tho grave by nothaving JJr. Hand s Icething potion on thoir gums while teething. SOMETHING NEW ! SOMETHING WONDERFUL I SOMETHING MAGCAL ! To batho tho baby's gums whilo teething, relieving all inflamma tion, swelling and pain. LOST I A good many night's rest by not havingl. Hand's ColioCure, tor it gives baby comfort and sleo) without stupefying or in juring it. No opiates, No con stipation, Bold at Kleim's drug store, general agent for Dr. Hand's remedies for children. Labora tory at Seranton, Pa. laeoeow. 1 1 A T Tl fieldi r KiTre, m tlou ho wrl 1 1 I I I I hMUK)uAi:a.,fjrtlAal,Mftla,mii IT I II II 'ri 'u" iBfornuLioii about wot It m 1 1 I I 1 1 I tlcau4a.n4Utltibiu,tUtwil M V 4J1I item frm H 10 f 21 ptt dij horn I field! kr Kftire, but tlou bo wrlU tt 11 receive ( which willrtr tftraftd ovir fVi la t dty Eilbir mi, young ut old. Cplul hot wiulrtil You tr iUric4 fee. TboM wboturt ( gttc i ftUvluUlj ivut g( Mug lltU (, AW U Hffi a f Zt ter dlv hum h AMORAL KILMER. M.b.' I yB AUK INDE11TKD iu inn. ouuiu ruu SIMMONS I.tVKlTnKallLATOn. No medlclno Is nountversally used In tho South ern States as 8.MMONS MVKK llEOULATOlt. It won Its way Into every southern homo by puro, sterling merit. It thero L'tcs tho placo of a doctor nnd costly prescriptions. It Is a rAMII.YllKDICINE, Purely vegetable; gentlo In Its action; can bo safe ly given to any person, no matter what age. It promotes Dljestlon, dissipates Lasty Sick Headache, and ghcsnsironif, full tonoto the Sys tem. It lias no equal as a Preparatory Medicine, nnd can bo safely used when a doctor cannot bo called In. Endorsed by persons of tho Mghest character and cmlncnco as tho 1IKST PAMILY".MKI)lCINli It tho child has tho colic, It Is a suro and safe remedy. It will restore strength to tho overwork- ed father, and relievo tho wlfo from low spirits, uuaunciH', ujsiK'pm, con-uipauon nnn iiko ins. "JIV ONLY FAMILY MUDICINR" "I havo been a user of Simmons Liver ltegulator for many years, having mado it my only Family Medicine, It Is n pure, good rellablo medicine. .My mother beforo mo was very partial to It, 'I nnd tho Ilegulator very safe, harmless and rellablo as a family mrdlclne, and havo used It for any disorder or tno system nnd found It to act liko a charm. Ibellevo It it was used In ttmo It would provo a great preventive of sickness. I hno often recommended It to my friends, and shall continuo to do so. 'JIKV. JAS. M. ItOLLINS, "Pastor M. E. Church South, Fairfield, Va." SHERIFF'S SALES. lly vlrtuo of sundry writs Issued out ot tho Court of Common l'leas of Columbia county, l'a., and to mo directed, will bo exposed to public sale at tho Court House In llloomsburg, on Saturday, August 14, 188G, at 2 o'clock p. in., all that certain lot or plcco of land, sltuato In the borough of Berwick, Columbia county, Fa., bounded and described as follows to wit: on tho nortb by Third street, on tho cast by lot of llcuben .Moyer, on the south by fcecond St. and on tho west by nn alley.sald lot being number ed or marked In. tho general plan of said town of Berwick No. (15)ono hundred fifty-eight and be- Ingonohundred nnd eighty ono and one-halt feet In length and forty-nlno and one-half feet In width, whereon nro erected a two-story framo dwelling house, framo stablo and out buildings. A lot of fruit trees ou tho premises. Sel.ed, taken In execution, at tho suit ot David Gross vs. John F. Keller and to bo sold as tho property ot John F. Keller. (1DV Jacobv, Atty. Fl. Fa. A L S O, All that certain messuago and tract of land, sit uato In tho township of Jackson, county of Co lumbia and 6tato of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a white oak, in lino of land of Iram Derr and running thence along the samo north at and one-quarter degrees east lllty-scven and ono-lenth perches to a post In lino ot land of Lowl3 Bankus, thenco along land or said Uankus and Wm. Brink south seventy-ono and one-fourth degrees cast twenty. eight and elght-tcntlis perches, thenco along land of Lewis C. Young south nineteen and ono half degrees oast ono hundred and elghty-sovcn nnd live-tenths perches to a post In lino of land ot John Young, thenco along land ot said John Long south seventy-tour degrees west forty.clght perches to a post in lino of land of B. E. Young and thenco along land ot said 11. E. Long north twenty-six and one-fourth degrees west, ono hun dred and sixty-five perches to tho placo of begin ning, containing sixty-eight acre3 and seven perches, on which are erected a two-story plank house, bank barn, wagon shed and out-bulldlngs, Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of J. K. Young vs. T. F. Young nnd to bo sold as tho prop erty otT. F. Young. MILLER, Atty, AL FL Fa. SAMUEL SMITH, Sheriff. DMINISTRATOU'S NOTICE. Estate qt Peter Pernhiy, tieeeami. Letters ot administration on tho estate of Peter Terslng, lato ot Locust Twp., Col. Co., I'a., deo'd, having been granted to tho undersigned admr., all persons Indebted to said estate aro l'creby uo tlBed to pay tho :snme, and thobo having claims against said estate present the same to FKANKL1N 1'El'SINO, Admr. July 19, issf Jit. Carmel, l'a. DMINISTltA'IOK'S NOTICE. Jitate of wmtam Sitter, latetxf nrtarcreet lotoi shlp, dectaned. Letters of administration in said estato having been granted to the undersigned administrator, alt persons Indebted to said estato nro hereDy no tined to pay tho same, and thoso hnvlng claims against said estato present tho same to JM-lit WILLIAM LAM ON, Adm. DJIINISTHATOK'S NOTICE. ESTl TK OF LYPIA SI'ONENHEHd, DEO'D. Letters Of administration nn thnpArnfenf T.villn Sponenberg. lato of liiiarcreck Twp, Columbia county, l'a., deceased, havo been granted to N. U. Fi"lc, residing 'n scott Twp., bald county, to whom all persons indebted to said estato aro re quested to make payment, and thoso having claims or demands, will moke known the samo without ""UJ. n. U. t UNK, (tnugti ot. Administrator. UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE 01' JOHN I HUTCHISON, DECEASED. Tho undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court, to dlatrlbuto balaneo In tho hands of the accountant to and among tho parties entitled t hereto, will sit nt lil3onico In llloomsburg ou Frl day, August a;, at 10 o'clock a. in, w hen and w hero all persons having claims nglanst said estato must appear nnd provo tho same or bo forever debaircd iiuui i-iiimng in on saia uinu. augl F. 1'. DILLMEYElt, Auditor. UDITOU'S NOTICE. ESTATE Op- Mlf.Tnw wictret t vi( r.w'n Tho undersigned, nn Auditor appointed by tho Ot j. II. Make. lsn.. and hv nLwnmp'iit. nf pnnnsAl representing parties In Interest, to distribute the, Croop, administrator of tho estate ot Milton Jlnsteller, deceased, as ap pears on his nnal account, to and among tho part ies entitled thereto, will attend to tho duties ot his appointment nt thelonico ot Charles B Jackson, Esq In the borough of Berwick on Friday, September o, 13, tii jiiuuuuiucK in lorenoon, wnen ana Where all nnrtles lntcrpt.fp,l nrn renntp.1 In nrn sent their claims beforo tho undersigned, or bo .u.v.i-i unci ui-uuui-uinmi coming in uu saia runu. augo 4t. N. u. FUNK, Auditor. UDITOU'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP THOMAS 1IC1IKNUV, DECEASED. Tho unio -signed Auditor appointed by tbo Or phnn's Court of Columbia county to mako distil Lutlonof the balance in tho hands of the adin'n lstrator of said decedent as shown bv his flint, unit final account, will sit a. his onlco In llloomsburg on Saturday, September 4th lssa at 10 o'clock a. m. to perrorm tho duties of his appointment, when and where all nersoisliavlnt- claims nt-nintt snifi estato must appear and provo tho same, or bo do- EU E. F.LYVELL ta. Auditor. A UDITOU'S NOTICE. In the mailer of the aecmmt f Itutm t llannon, Cotnuittiee of Martin ilamtuu a tttiuith: Tho undersigned Auditor, appointed by tho Court of common rieas of Columbia county to pass upon tho exceptions tiled lo said account and mako distribution of tho fund to and among tho heirs legally entitled thereto, will sit at his ofiico Hi llloomsburg on baturday, August 14. lsstt, at 10 o'clock a. in. lo perform tho duties of his appoint ment, w hen and whero all persons Interested in buiu uiuiicr uiusi, uppeur uuu. prcst-ni ineir Claims, or bo forever debarred from coming In on said fund. J. II. MAIZU Juiysa, issc. Auditor. pIIAHTEU NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that an application will bo made to toe (lovernor ot I'ennsylvania on tho seventh day ot August, ismi, by Joseph Bwe:tzer. lieorge N. McAlaruey, (leorgo 11. Knight, Louts K. Detbynnd FredT. lilttcnbender, under tho Act of Assembly of tho commonwealth ot Pennsylva nia entitled, "An Act to Provide for tho lncorpora tl on nnd Kegulatlon ot certain corporations," ap proved April till, 1W4, and tho soveral supplements thereto, for tho Incorporation of "Tho Glen City Coal company," tbo character and objects of which nro mining, preparing for market, shipping, selling, purchasing and otherwiso dealing In An thracite coal, and of leasing, purchasing and hold ing real estate connected therewith, ja-j c. w. mcalakney, solicitor, rtUAUTEU NOTICE. Not'co Is hereby given that nn application will bo made to tho Court of Common Pleas of colum bla county on Monday thosithday of September A. 1). lsso at threo o'clock In tho afternoon, under the corporation net ot ibT4 and tho supplements thereto, by Edward Wll'lams, II. F. Pjie, John Lnmnct, John Lewis nnd-Jonn K. Davis for tho charter of an Intended corporation to bo called .. v.H.uiuna itiuiiio UUU IIUU AbSUCiailOQ ot tho Borough ot Ccntralla.coluinbla Co., l'a." tho of erecting and maintaining a publlo hall In Bald Borough of ctutralla.and for this purpose, to have. posM-ssnnd enjoy all tho rights, beuetlts and PrtvllcKes conferred by the baldact and Us s uppto. , WILLIAM B11YSON, tP Solicitor. OUIt I!AUY'8 FIRST YEAR, by Mar. Ion norland, olsocontalnlngmuch valuablo mallon. 41-pago book, bent on receipt of 8. cent bUimn by Ueed ts Carnlck, mercantile Ux. change Bld'g.N. Y, augo ltd, Warrnnted the mo. t pcrrbct Forco.Focd Fertiliser Drill In existence. Send tat ci,.mr. JL B. FARJ1UHAR, York, PI aujOMlyald. IMPORTANT TO WE AKU8KLL1NO T11K oisiBloizRiirrsriiE $elf iridei', SkiVetei & jtfoweift Wo hao tho only full steel framo binder In market, andnro selling It at 'lr prices, llont bo talked into buj Ing im nnd lbbo machine? nt the pi Ico wo aro selling lso machines. GOME EXAMINE OUR 2 MW MOWERS. HEAIt AND FIIONT CUT. ALSO OUH Junior Right-Hand Binder. tho only one In the country for sale, and you will bo convinced. A full lino of Osborno repairs alwoy on hand. Wo can abo furnish repairs for nil ot tho old mako of Osborno machines. Constantly on hand a full lino of knives, Hvets, ttc,, for all makes ot 1 capers nnd mowers. HARM AN & H ASSERT. PENNY GOODS A SPECIALTY. SOLE AOiNTS V0R F. V. ADAMS ft CO., FINS CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Solo agents of tho fol lowing brands of Cigars. HENRY CLAY, LONDHES, NOHMAI, INDIAN rlllNCESS, SAMSON, S1I.VE11 ASH. Alexander Bros. & Co., WHOLESALE DEALE1IS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. SOLE AGENTS FOlt HENRY MAILLARDS SSCiNDIES. FltESH EVERY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Fa. THE HAMBURG Mm0uncc?il,y lcadlnff juows. FjWEEIS' PRODUCE Lifted, Bloomsburg, Pa. fafflirfr" ' nTsssMsasaairrrTn- IlUCAmXiIKr Magazine For Ut or imall itmt, all iIml Tb ttroncitl ihootlDir tH until. KccorMT furoUd, Bad Ibi only tiolnUly if rlfU on IlAT.r.AlH GALLERY. RPOltTINfl AND TARl.KT RIFLES. arlJ hmawnJ. fUnJ for c.uIobu.. IUAItLIN VIllK ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES OP CAST CU WHOUOIIT IKON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds' -:n? - The following shows the Picket Gothic, ono of byXunScd.1 bt''CSOt """""rcd For lieautyand Durability they arounsurpass tolvtslfis7ace0pn:,enc,x, Uua ana warrautt t Prices and specimens of otlior tie siens sent to any address. Address - WMi ittSsfcsm 3 i4mt&i&2Ji BLOOMSBURG PA- Ma y 4-tf CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! G. W. BERTSCH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. Gents Furnishing Goods, Bats Caps OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits mado to order at short notice atlll a lit llwavs rrunrniitnml n. n cnl Call and examine llio largest and best boh uuu siockoi goodaover shown in Columbia county. Btoio-iiext door to First National Hank, MAIN STREET, Illooinsburjv, pa, OH.K3 OH HKMOIHOIDB.-UI,CKIt8 AlnbtfnoVS J W. COOL nan ,ir n 208 Wyominy Ave, Scnmtan, J'a, FARMS ! ANY OltDEIt FOR FESTIVALS will bo SUPPLIED WITH THE LOWEST Market Prices, as l oi.i.ows: ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS. ENGLISH WALNUTS, CItEAM NUTS, ALMONDS, l'OP CORN BALLS. CHAMPION PLOW mm. larmera superior to uny plow In tho market fo' jrn.ZCfir3Mlssslaw v. uiuuLjui. aim auraDiiiiy, us worn is uuualtiiiu, iou , REVERSIBLE PLOW SHARE. Farmers vt 111 And this Invention a saving to themot at least two-tblrds the expense for plow shaies. ThebO shares are titled to all lending chilled FOR SALE BY BEST IN THE WORLD. Rlflo. lh mrlt. AKM8 CO., Nciv llavtm, C'onu. (IU gusto 4t D. sssHIIIWl FARTHEST NORTH I Three Years of Arctic Service. Jly A. W. KBi:i,V, Lieut. V. S. Army, Corn's; I,ady rrankllu Buy Kipcdltlon of 1881-4. Two Volt., Itoyal St'o, with Stetl Portrait, over 100 lUuttraiiont ami the Official Map and Charts. Sold only bii Subscription. 'Sumptuous volumes, set oft with realistic llluitratIoni."-Ar. 1'. Sun. 11 Volumes Ineverrwsy satisfactory and complete. if. Y. J'ot. " Modest, straightforward and manlf." l'hiladtlphia 1'reti. 'Admirable alike for the body of information It contains and for the elentlliosniritvhich it discloses."-, r. Tribune. " Profusely illustrated. Abounds irlth lively descriptions." Chicago Tribune. " The most remarkable work overproduced upon the subject of Aretlo exploratioos." JV. Y. Journal of Commerce. A Special Agent Wanted In livery City and Town. Address, CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, 930 Walnut St., Phlla., or 743 Broadway, New York. JtllyJO 4t K. KEYSTONE ACADEMY I John H. Hahius, Ph. 1). Pimnuii'AI,. EI011TEKNT1I YEAIt 11EGINS AUGUST 24, 1886. I'roperty cost $50,ooo. Campus, so acres. Library, over volumea Mora than f LOCO in apparatus. Suic,lc"'fac"itcs,or!,tudentsiniuJ'sioio8y' iaivuuuii ueuiiu.ui, instruction inorougu, uis clpllno strict, expenses moderate, experienced teachers, small classes, personal attention. Prepares for business, for college Jand for teach ing, fetudents prcpaied In Keystone have entered Yalo and Harvard unconditioned. separate building ot brick, heated by Bteam, for tho uso ot ladles. Students travel on tboD.USW. and branches nnd on the Lehigh Valley at half rates. For catalogue or Information address tho princi pal at Vactoryvllle, Va. m. W-ams. TO FARMERS Any one In want ot tho BUCKEYE VIcHiy, Glass Feed Fertilizer, Grain Drill, Cider Mill or any thing Manufactured by tho Company, cau get them of AARON SMITH. BUOKIIORN, PA. apr, 10-Cm3. PROPRIETOR OF Exchange Barber & I Eiii Room At tho old stnnd, under tho Exchange Hotel, BLO OMSBUH GJL PA a p r is s is n" 'F7 OUr readers for 1Q nnta In nMlnnn sttimnatn pay for uialllng and wrapping and miiuea of l o book ageiiu. uiUreceW nil. 15 a Meel :uri"r Kngiaving or nil our ritci. I worti iVoo K clee"u"1' fcl'e wxwiucn, Address Eider Pub. Go. , Ghicaqo, III. Easy rpo AnVKnT18Kll8.-LowiH ratt-a for JL , adrntlslng in IMO good newbiiapcni nut f tun "Address UKo, 1', KOVYliU. CO., if) Hpruco t. f