The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 06, 1886, Image 1

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    Vie doW&mT
lJB8 Of io7Eix3iHq.
1 w sir IH 3M ill DM IT
llnctl I tl 1 !1 1 M SMI 5(0 4 tO TOO
1 1 AO S 00 S SS 4 00 4 75 7 U) It 00
3 " S 00 75 3 60 . 6 00 0M 10 00 IB 01
4 " 2 Ml S SO 4 M TOD S 00 19 U) IV 00
H tol 3 t5 4 ) 5 60 8 00 M 1 4 60 CI 00
Scol 5 60 TOO d HO 14 00 KOO 20 fO 40 00
lCfllumn 8 00 19 00 It 00 95 00 SO 00 40 00 BO
YnnriT mivori larmfiitH tinvable nuarterlr. Trn
Issued WeeUIr, ererT.Frldnr Moralise, m
loni continued crodlta mil not iM SfL P
All papora sont out of the stutoor to mutant n.i
offloos must bo paid rf,.".""'?0?'
iblo person In Columbia county assume?
tno assumes to pay
Tbeiob Printing Department ottho Cottmiiia
I rery complete. It contains the latest new tvi?
an1 machinery ana Is the only omM that SlnttES
pnws by power, giving us tho but fnVinmL. Jb
mates furnished on large Jobs. """"ties, a
professional: cards.
r E. WALLKlt,
omeaoTflr 1st. National Bank. Bloombrg. r
BLooKsscaa, Pa,
mce In Brit's Building,
J OIIN At. If,
Bloomsbcro, Pa,
OJlc OTerMoycr Bros. Drug store,
Office in Browor'a bullding.sctond No. I
Bioomsburg, Pa,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Offlce corner of Centre and Main Streets. Clark a
Can be consulted In German,
BLooHsnuuo, Pa.
Offlco on First floor, front room of Col.
tiMiiuN Building, Main strcot, below Ex
change Hotel.
Offlco in Coloubiin HoiLDiNo, Itoom No, s, Becond
a, iNoaa, u . wintibstieh.
onico In 1st National Bank building, second floor,
nrstdoortothelelt. Corner ot Main and Market
streets Bloomsburg, Pa.
US' Pennons and Rounties Collected.
Offioe In Malzo'abulldlir. oyer Illllmeyer's grocery.
3"Onico over Dentlcr's shoo store,
Bloomsburg, Pa. apr-30.80.
(Office front suit of rooms on second floor of
MwbItih building.)
Members of Sharp and Allcman's Lawyers ond
Banker's Directory and the American Mercantile
and collection Association. Will give prompt and
careful attention to collection of claims m any
part of the United btates or Canada, s well as to
all other professional bublncsa entrusted to them
Jackson Building, Rooms 4 and B.
catawissa, Pa.
Olce.oornorot Third and MamStroeU.
Office In Browers' Building, 2nd iloor.
may 1-tf
Conveyancer, Collector of Claims.
tw-OfflcQ in Dcntier's building with Y. P. IMI
meyer, attorney-at-law, front looms, and Iloor
Bloomsburg, Pa. lapr-g-sa.
yr . E. SMITH,
Berwick, Pa.
r B. McKELVY, M. D.,Burgeon and Phj
I .Blolan, north Bide Main atreet.below Market
L. FRITZ, Atlorney-at-Law. Office
, Front room over Post offlco,
R. J. 0. BUTTER,
omoe, North Market street,
Bloomaburii Pa
n- WM. M. IlEBEIt, Burgeon and
WPhyslclan. Offlce corner of Hock and Market
JR. EVANS, M. D., Burgeon and
.Physician, Office sod Residence on Third
Tuoso old coaroiiATiONS are well seasoned by
aire and nan twkd and have never yet had a
loss settled by any court of law. Their assets are
all Invested In noun bicumtib are liable to the
hazard of vwz only. , , .
Losses fhoihtly and noxiSTLr adjusted and
paid as soon as determined by cuhmtun r.
KNArr, srkcui. Aokht and Aimnhh Bloousbdbu,
Thepoopleof Columbia county should patron
ize the agency where losneslf any are settled and
pall by one of ther own citizens.
North American of Philadelphia,
tfranklln, " "
fennsylvanla, " "
York, ot leunsylranla.
Hanover, of N. Y.
Oueena, ot London.
NorthBrltbih, of Wndon.
Offlce on MArkec Street, No, , Bloomsburg.
oct., l-
AURANDS, Proprietors.
Tula well-known hotel has been furnished new
Irom top to bottom
The proprietors, who look possosslon April 1st,,
have given the place a completo renovating. The
ravelling publlo will receive tint-clan attention.
J S BITTENBEHDER, j-frsprJotori.
And Where to Buy Cheap.
Opposite the Posiollice.
Is oflbring bargains this wee'k in an unequaled variety of La
dies' Linen Collars.
A Handsome Choice of Children's Neckwear.
Elegant Novelties in Children's Cans.
a ne iscsc corset lor 40c. and upwards.
Large Assortment Turkish Tidies.
Ladies' Kid Gloves, in 3, A, 5 button.
Half dollar's worth for n quarter;
worm ior oc. iMotmng into tins oiler in this city.
How can wc otter Embroideries at. half nvioo ? Wimnlv
because wo got them at half wholesale prices. It wouldn't, be fair
not to let our lady friends have the benelit of our fortunate
CHi(Bap 'FiMTKey
l'lIII.ADKI.l'IlIA, Pa.
ltlOtt, Sl'IOES, IllOAltllSOUA, etc., kto.
N. E. Corner Second and Arch Sts.
rfOrders will rccelvo prompt altentlon.
Bloom8iiuko,Uolumiiia County, Pa
All styles of work done In a superior manner, wora
naiiuuicuaa represented. TBETn JZTnACT
bd without Pain by the use of Oas, and
free of charge whonartlnclalteetb
are Inserted.
Ofllco in Ilarton's bulldinc. Main Street.
below Slnrket, live iloois below m's
drug store, llrst lloor.
Jo be open at all hours during the dai
tor worKin? .people, .send iu cents post
ano.und wu will mall you free, a royal,
valuable sample Ikjx of goods that will
(j;iy you m me way ot inaKing more
money in a few days than you everthought possi
ble nt any business. Capital not required. You
can ltvo at homo and work Intpaio time only, or
uii me uiiir. rtiiui uuin buxi's, ui aiuigcs, granu
ly successful, !a cents to 15 easily earned every
evening. That all who want worn may test the
business, wo make this unparalleled offer: 'lo all
whoare not well satisfied e will send tl to pay
for tho trouble of writing us. Full particulars,
directions, etc., sent nee. Immense pay absolute
ly sure for all who stait at once. Don't delay.
Address Htinson & Co., 1'ortland, Maine, deem.
Manufacturers of
Klrst-class work always on hand.
Prices reduced to suit the times.
The undorslgncd having put his Planing Ml
on itallroad street, In ilrst-ciass condition, Is pre
parea to ao auninas or wonc in ins une.
furnished at reasonable prlceu. All lumber used
la well soasoned and none hut skilled workmen
are employed.
urnlshed on application. Plans aLd speclOca
ousproparoa uyan exporienceu urauiiuiBuitui
IIIcoiiiMbtirfr, Pa
Plvo Gold and Two Silver Medals,
awarded In 1835 at tho Expositions of
New Orleans and Louisville, and tho Iu.
ventlohs Exposition of London.
Tho superiority of Corallno over horn
or wbalebono has now been demonstrated
byovorflvo years' experience. It Is more
durable, more pliable, more comfortable,
and never breaks.
Avoid cheap Imitations made of various
kinds of cord. Nona are gouulno unless
"Du. Waenkk'b Cobalinb" la printed
on Incldo of steel cover.
353 Broadway, New York City.
icb5r cms,
In presents given away, send usV,
cents postage, aud hy mail you wl 1
! viiIiir. Ihat will start you In work
hat will at once hrluir you In money lasterthan
anything else In America. All about the&W.ouo
In presents with each box. Agents wanted ev.
crywhero, of either sex, of all ages, for all the
time, or spare time only, to work for us at their
own homes. Fortunes for all workers absolutely
assured. IKm't delay, 11, IUllhtt Co., I'ort.
land, Maine. decides.
a quarter's worth for 12e. and
(Roods Store
We hive our own Laboratory &t the Delaware Hirer
Oheralcftl Wotks. and two uliomiata constantly em
ployed there working out scientific theories, and our
Jiractic&l knowlmlffe K&ined by about GO yenrson
nn and ofer 30 J curs ft maim (act were of fer
tilirors. ThpHrgo andeitended unaccorded llAUCJIl'S
It AW ROM! M VNIJKKSfor more than thirty
year -eopecially during; and tho uniformly
excellent results which farmers report having derirad
f rum thorn, are very eratifylnK, and encourage us to
continue the production of articles which nil) he mire
to Rive tho nee d cd remiltM nt the .invest vast
to the coiiMiiiiiur
Wo aim to have our RA XV nOMI IHAMIItTS
ti near perfection aa it i In the jwwer of our clicm
1st to mike thorn.
There aro no improvomen t B or economy of manufac
ture suKKBsted byacience or accomplished throush
nlonicexpenence.thatwe have not practiced in tlio
production of cheap and reliable fertilizers,
Aa our manufacture anil importation of chemical
minuro supplies take a wide range, we are In a poai
thin to supply you with just what you want in the
way of fertilizers, at the very lowent prices.
Send for Haimti'M Plinttnlinto (Initio. AIho
nrlraa unH ismnlai nf ItnnirlPii Uawltonp MamiHia
Orlflatl Siiontrtnren'
Manufacturers and
Feb 20
ur Kirr bomb
CombtnAd capacity
of our Works, 76,1"'
tons per year, and Bt ill
and Stitimiil ol Ever,
riowir iil limb. .100(1
illllf rent kinds. Also nil
the Kiowi Rilliol riirll.
tlon itli Clovt, Partial,
Hindkircaliliidria. It
Isttienoll conplttauork
of the kind ever pub
IMieil.cSend Flfleoa
Centsnn atamps lor
a fuunple copy, afso our
price to litems. Agents
whiiii'ii STtrfw.fn,. v.u.
TlBll Jlrttt.PMIio'l.n.
A P-IUIS7 Till Ah.
IS A Full Net of
IV Attaclimenls.
Voors. Send Tor
133 N. UtU St., Vlillu., I'o.
Apr. S4JW.
Crniul Prlie Jledal, l'nrls, 17S.
AakrourGrocerforlt. Wm. lrry.lopiicl,Mfr
a North Front Street, PHILADELPHIA, l'A.
Adams' Patent Metallic
$1.76 por rot! and tipwrtr.!:-.
All kinds of Iron Facet, Gates, fire tier"
i rcNOC r,V:'"2.N
Sif TA.-'. --T
Iron Work in all stylos.
Coal Screens a specialty,
Iron Ladders, Wheels & Cresting.
Olackimlthlng lit ill brandci. Estimates furnished.
Oor, Union. & Caiinl Sts,
inarch 12-80-ly.
Larg esand convenient samnlo rooms. Hath rooms
hot and cold water, and all modern conveniences
AN I Mir Hend 10 eentspostage, and we will mall
1:1 L" 1 ou free a royal, valuable, sainple box
Ull 1 of irood9 that will nut vou in tho wur
of iiiakliit? i.iun muiieu at once, than
anvthlncrclso In America, llotli sexes of all aires
can in e at homo ana work in pare time, or au tue
time, uaptiut not, requil'tHi. u wilt hiuri yuu.
Immcnso n.iv suro for thoso who btart at once.
HTINbUM CO., 1 '01 Hand, NO. noKuly
Oor, Ciiratnut mid i:ilitli Ht.
ltecelve .tUvertUetufnts for this Paper.
F"5TIUATF IVmiSrmitlDUI'.TIilJC rnrr
CJIIMfllLOnt Lowest Cnah Rates iHtt
Mn.l slv r.nla In. nnat
II 11 "Ko, "ni1 lecelva free.a cost
' ff I J1 lv luiv nl I.Allj WtllMll ixllt
j help you to moio money
' clso in this world. All, of
olther sex. suceocd fiom
itrstbour. The broad road tofortuno opens be
fo e the workers, absolutely auro. At onco ad.
Urens, Tautt ft CO., Augusta, Alajno, i-1D
14 m m giMWig
rrrrr ilhtttf rm B
llllililllillilllil mm bm
W 1
Browns Iron
The anwtlira hai rrobablr Iwen kod thnnsancil
?i,llnlfftrj,S"jf!l,"TwV Ir0" "llteni cun,err.
bin , " Vrii, it d n't. Hot It dnes cure an, dlteane
frirwhleh nrtputablo phvslclau would rrnscrlbe II Ot
1'hri o Uni rocnirnlrs tmn as tho heat rnttratlTS
rjiont known In Ilia prnfnnlan, end Inqulrr of n
oaJIch cliomlcal mi will eubstantlale thit a.sortlon
that there am runro prparatiuns of iron than of anj
other euhitanco used in medietas. 1 his ehows con.
eliiftirelr that Iron Is acknowledged to be tho moet
important factor la raecessTal rnedlcal practice, It in.
hriwcTrr a remarkaMo fact, that nrior lo the d "COT
err of IlltUlVN'M lltl). IlITl'IHtNnopertnct.
Irsatlsfactorrlron combination nadoTertioen found,
headache, or produce constipation nil nt Iter Iron
cures IiidlfioMton, Illlloinncss.Wonltiirsi,
nj-spepsln, .Uiiliirln, Chllln nnd Tevers,
Tired I'rellnR.denrrtil l)rbilltr,lnln Inlhe
Side, Ilnrl(orI.lmhs,IIcnilncheandNeitrnl
jla forallthoeo atlmcnta Iron is prrnortbed dailjr,
initiate, Lik nil other tboroiiBh nodlelnM. it act
flowlr, hn taken by tnn ths tlrft ermptom of
benetlt It rcnewix. ennrcr, Tlio mnsolei then beenmo
firmer, th aigetlon improTes, the boweUart nctivn.
In uomn the effect 1 u-Butvlly moro rapid and marked.
The eyes hrgtn at onco to brighten i tho skin oWri
ttpt hew thy color comes to the cheoltsi uorroueneBS
dinappearet functional denngmftnts beoome rt iju
lar, anrt If nonliuf roothtr, abundant euMeunnct
V euppHed for th child. Itetnember Urown'i! Jroa
11 1 Hers In the (JM.Y Iron medlclno that is not
InJuiiQUfl, VSytUtani nn( Hrvygittt rtcvmmtml it.
The Genuine has Twdo Mk and creatmd red lines
oawrappor. TAIU: NO OTIIIUt.
thopopalar f arorlto for drewtnjt
tho hair, llc-torinff color when
f ray, and prewntinff InndnnT.
t cloanmi the ecolp, stopa tho
hair falllnar, and Ifl rare to pleoM,
60c, and 8L0Q at Urugglaa.
Tho best Cough Cure you can ttso,
And. the best preventive know n for Conpumpllon. It
cures bodily pains, and all disorders of tho Stomach,
Bowels, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Urinary Organs and
alt Female Complaints, Tho fecbto and Kick, ntmg
glim; against disease, and clow ly drifting ton arda
the prave, will In most cases recover thtlr health by
the timely use of Paukkii's Tonic, but delay Is dan
gerous. Take It In time. Sold by all Druggists la
large bottles at $1.00.
The safest, surest, quickest and best euro for Corns,
Cantons, Warts, Moles, CalIoUBC8,ftc Hlndersthelr fur
t her growth. Btopeallpaln. Glvesnotroubkv Makes tho
feet comfortable. Illndercorns cures v. hen everything
elao fatlfl. Bold by Druggists at 19c. Iliscox JSCO..N. V.
any. 1 1-1 y
CUKi; has real, penulno merit. It Is this faith
which has led us to put our money Into it go
It be rally. We have put moro into it than money
money could not imy tho fair name "vo havo
alneil by twenty years of honorable business
caling right lie re on Market Ht., Philadelphia,
nnd yet so great is our faith in tho Russian lUicu
mutism Cure that wo aro willing to stake our re
putation on it as a safe, speedy and permanent
cure forall Iiheumatio troubles. Could wo oiler
any better guaranty of good faith? Others be
sides ourselves havo tested its merits, and add
their hearty and unequivocal endorsement.
Wo send to all who a&k it a pamphlet contain
ing much of such testimony. Aud yet If you
have Itheumatlsm why sutler ono day longer
than is necessary. It costs only SiSQ to be cured,
and whilo you aro making up your mind to try
it you might bo madowelL Tho
1ms Bavetl every .Rheumatic sufferer ho hns
given it a fair trial. It is for you to decide
whether or not It shall euro you.
Drlna (CO ca 1 If mailed. lOo. additional.
wwivfcww ii reKiHtareq, iuc. more.
None Genuina
without thin
Trade Mark.
A vp it ! nnt tn he found at tho Ktnwn hut inn
only be had byencloslDK the amount aa aboNe.and
mldrQK3intrtho American proprietors,
SI'J.S'.U Klnrkct Street) 1'blladelplila.
from a common Illotrli. nr Irruption,
to the worst soiof 11 Iti, snlt-rlioiiin.
'Fover-iiori'H," Ncaly nr ICuiisrli Sltlii,
In short, ull dlM-nscs cnuseil liy Imd blood are
con(iuored by this powerful, purlfyiiijr, nnd
Inviiroratlncr medicine, (ii'vut l'.atliiK HI
coris rnnidly heal under ita beultrn lulluence.
Especially has It manllestud Its potency in
curlni? letter, ltoe IIiikIi. Hull, Car
bunc'le, Sort) tiye, Scrutiiluuit Soi c
and NwollitiKS Hip-Joint Itlsense,
AVliite Svelllni:, ;itic, or Thick
Necli, and IinlnrBecl tiliuuls. Send tea
cents m stamps for n lnro treatise, with col
ored plates, on Pkin iJNeases, or tho samo
amount foratreatiso on heiotulona Affections.
"Tin: iti.ooit is tiii)
ThorouKhh' clennso It hy uslnir Hi-, l'lei-co'.
Ooldoii Sledlenl Dlht'ovory, and (rood
dIge.tlon,a (nlr skill, liiiiiiint spir
its, vKnl strength, nnd suiinilncss of
coilitltlltlon, will bu ebtnljllslKil.
which Is Scrof uloim nisensn of tho
I.iiliK', is promptly and certainly urrcsted
and cured by this (iod-sriven remedy, if taken
before tho last fctajres of thedlseasoaio reached,
l'i'om Its wondertul power over this terribly
fatal disease, when llrst olferlufr tills now eel
ebrated remedy' to tho nubile, Dr. Piercb
thought seriously of ealfinjr it his "Coil,
kil in pi ion Cure," butiilmndoncd t lint name
as too limited lur n moilleino which, I torn its
wonderful combination of tonic, oruicnstheu
lnir, nllerative, or blood-eleanslnff, nml-blllous,
pectoral, and uutilihc piopeitieb, is unequaled,
not only as a remedy lor consumption of tho
lungs, but lor all
or this
Liver, Blood, and Lungs,
If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, havo
sallow color of skin, or yellowish-brown spots
on lace or body, tierment heixlnclio or dizzi
ness, bad tasto In inoiith, internal heat or chilli,
alternating with hot flashes, low spirits and
gloomy borcbodliiKS, liiefrumr appetite, and
coated tonirne, you aro bulletin? from Indl.
Kcsiloii.iij spepsln, and Torpid l.Her,
or "lllllouiio. lu many cases only
part of these symptoms aro experienced. At
u remedy for ail such cases, r, IMorce's
Uolilon niodlcnl Discover' hat no
Vor AVenk I.uiiira, Spitting: of Illood,
Sliortlioas of llreutli, 111 onchltli,
Hevoro (loiiKltS) Consiuiiptloii, and
kindred affections, it is a soveielgn remedy.
Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Tiercel
book on Consumption, hold hy liruggltL.
rtllLt 3I.UU, ion $3.00.
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
l'roprletors, (M3 Main St., BorrAlo, N. Y.
Sold by llriiyulsls. zb cents a vial.
Is olfercd by tho proprietors
of Dr. bago's Catarrh llemedy
fipi for a rabo of catarrh which they
Lw 6t cannot cure,
S It you have a discharge from
BftsWl. y tho nose, offensive or other
WJT, wise, pattiul loss of smell, taste,
or pressure In head, you have Catarrh. 1 hou
panda of cases tennlnatH In consumption,
nr.D&ffe's uATAiiiui ukmiuiv cures inu worn
cases nf Dnlnrrh. "i;oiu in inu llenil.'l
and (Jutnrrliul l'xadacho. Ul cents.
t btalned aud all patent imslQcas attended to (or
liiiKieruiu lues.
our onico is onnoslto t tio I , H. Patent onico, and
wo can obtain 1'aicnta in lens ilino than thodo re
mote from waininuton
tiend model or drawlni.'. Wo udvlbo as to nnt
enlaoillty rreooteUaw, un'lwoiu'.iko no ciuruo
uuieaa patein is eeeumu.
W'urotcrlieiv, to the 1'obtinaster, tha Hupt, of
Money Order Div.. and to olllelala of tho u. H.
reterencea to actual cllonta in your own btateor
U. A. SISUV it CO.,
oonoiltn patent onico. Wsshlnirton. 11 n
ans-tf '
ll RTTKKI&TJi- tl
Mr. Robert Milliccnt was ono of tho
unemployed. His trade was burglary,
but times wero bad and ho was tem
porarily under a cloud. To be explicit,
ho had just como out of prison, and a
prolonged period of penal scrvitudo
had somewhat affected his health, llo
needed rest and good living, but un
icjitiinniciy mo companion ana partner
of Ins-most recent escanado had dis
appeared with tho whole proceeds of
their joint adventure. To malco mat
ters worse, nearly all of his most trust
ed conenuues were at I le moment, in
enforced st elusion ; and those who re
mained at largo found business so dull
that Ihoy could render him no assis.
tance. IIo did not feel equal, juit at
)ieseiit,to resuming the arduous duties
of hw profession, tbo moro especially
as Ihe police wero keeping a very
stiict eyo upon him. In fact, until the
vigilencu ot his enemies relaxed n little,
nu nao no alternative but lo remain
comparatively honest.
Under these sad eiroiiintlnnpos Afr.
Milliccnt was naturally very much de
pressed, and it grieved his proud sp'nit
to lind hiui'clf driven to tho unworthy
expedient of begging letter writing.
However, the necessity of obtaining
inu menus 01 exigence overcame bis
scruple, and his touching appeals pro
duced somo stray contributions.
Among other pcis.jns ho addiessed
himself to was Mr. Hiram Facet, a
..1.1... tir.... -i.v. , , . '
nu.uLujf sv tut jmui jeweler, in ap-
piuauiiiiig mis gentleman, iilr. Mini
cent did not represent himself in neith
er ol ins tavoritc characters of a widow
wm. i-ix cmiuri'n, or a tonsmnptivo
engineer lately blessed with tiiplets.
Ilo signed his own name, and, remind
ing Mr. Facn that they had beenxlass-
m.ites in the same charity school,
frankly asked for a trilling loan for the
sake of old acquaintanceship.
It was perfectly true that the wealthy
jeweler and tho despised burglar had
imbibed tho rudiments of education at
the samo institution, but Mr. Millieent's
scholastic career had been cutshoit by
somo act of depravity beyond his years,
which led to his adopting a predatory
mode of life. Mr. Facet, on the other
hand, had profited by his opportunities,
and had risen in tho world. Thoy had
never met since their youthful days,
but Mr. Milliccnt had kept a watchful
eye upon his successful friend, and had
long meditated making a raid i.pon bis
valuable slock in trade.
The burglar was not very sanguine
that his application would meet with a
favorable respoueo , but ho neverthe
less waited the result with a certain
amount of cuiiosity. Rather to his
surprise, ho leceivtd a letter from Mr.
Facet couched in fritndly terms, en
closing a postal order for a sovereign,
and requesting him to arrargo a pri
valu nnd confidential interview.
Mr. Millieent's disposition was natur
ally suspicious, and ho was inclined to
be shy of making appointments with
strangers, but, as his old schoolfellow
left tho details entirely to him. hr.
selected a-quiet publio house where ho
would feel perfectly at home, and ex
pressed his willingness to meet Mr.
Facet theio on a certain day and hour,
which ho named. Mr. racet arrrnprl
tn the suggestion, and, punctually at
tho timo indicated, ho nresonte.1 him.
self at tho bar of tho snuc hostel.
wlmri. Afi- Af;il,nf . !.!.. , "
.. ,ntn,i;ui VYUO UH UlLlIlg llUU.
Tho burglar perceived at a rrlnnnn
that his visitor had taken the
tion to disguiso himself. He woro his
hat over his eyes, his coat collar was
turned up, and his feat urea worn unit.
cealed as much as possible by a mulller.
Nevoitheless. Mr. Milliccnt recognized
him instantly, and felt slightly awed
by his air of respectability and author
ity. After vouchsafing the briefest of
greetings, Mr. Facet inquired whether
ihery was a private room where they
could talk without being overheard.
Having foreseen this reounst. Mr.
Millictnt had engaged tho bar parlor,
whither ho conducted bis vislinr with
deference. Mr. Facet ordered snirils
and water, and when thoy wero alone
together ho immediately proceeded to
' So you'ro Bob Millicent. arn vnn 7'
he romaiked, looking at him keenly.
" es, sir, ' said tbo burglar modestly.
"I remember you at school verv
well," continued Mr. Facet, "and I'vo
heard of you since from timo to time.
You weio t:nnc( rued in that businiss
at Triekett's. I saw your name in the
'1 hat was ever so long ago," said
Mr. Millicent, a littlo uneasily.
"You haven't turned honest. I sun.
pose ?" said Mr. Facet, sharply.
Something in his patron's tono caus
ed Mr. Millicent lo check tho canting
reply which roso to his lips, and ho
responded silently, "It's bad times for
"You want a job, no doubt," said
Mr. Faccnt.
"It depends what kind it is. I want
money," answered Mr. Millicent.
"A job in your own lino of business,"
continued Mr. Facet.
Mr. Millicent could hardly believe
ins ears,anu no stared at his old school
fellow in amazemont.
"Aro you going to put mo up to
something 7 ho innniied. roroveiinrf
his assurancn.
"Yes : if you will promise me. by
everything you hold sacred, nover to
breathe a word to any ono of this con
versation,'1 said Mr. Facet, impressive--
y- .. .
"Atl light, guv'nor I'm straight."
''You'll swear it ?"
"Uy tho holy poker yos I"
Mr. Facet fixed his eyes upon blm
until bo had stared him out of counten
ance, and then ho said contemptuously:
"Well, it is to your own interest to
keep your word, nnd you'vo nothing to
gain by breaking it, so I supposo I can
trust you. Now listen. Do you know
my premises in Long street, St. JamesT"
"Yes, I'vo seen Vm."
"And admired the pretty things in
tho window, I daro say ?" said Mr.
Facet, meaningly,
"Thoro's pretty things there, cer
tainly," responded! Mr. Milliccnt, de
licately ignoring tho situation.
"Now, look here,'' said Mr. Facet,
leaning forward and lowering his
voice i "for certain privato reasons it
would suit mo very well it you paid n
professional visit to my establishment,"
"What "ejaculated Mr. Millicent,
"I would just as soon you did tho
job ai any ono else," continued Mr.
I'acet, in a matter-of-fact tone. It
.will bo well worth your while, I can
tell you nnd I'll arrange everything
so that you won't run any risk what
ever." 'Excuse me, guv'nor," exclaimed
Mr. Milliccnt, after staring open-mouthed
at his companion for u considerable
number of seconds. "Would you mind
saying that over ngain f"
"Nonsense," replied Mr,
Fnnnt. Im
patiently. "You heard what I said.
and I mean it."
"May I ask a question t" asked Mr.
Milliccnt, nfter another pause.
"I can guess what it is. You don't
understand why I mako this proposal,"
said Mr. Facet contemptuously.
"No, I'm if I do," returned Mr.
Milliccnt, ftrvor.
"I'm going to lilo my petition," said
Mr, Facet.
"What's that V inquired Mr. Milli
ccnt. "Bankruptcy," exclaimed Mr. Facet,
shoitly. ''Consequently I'vo no inter
est in my slock, and tho most valuablo
pan of it dot'sn't belong to me at all.
It's lent by tho trade tho diamond
"I see," said Mr. Milliccnt, with a
"A burglaiy on my premises would
drive me into bankruptcy," said Mr.
Facet, looking hard at his companion.
"No man can help a misfortune of that
kind. In fact," ho added, "it would
bo a good excuse."
"loll re a knowing one, guv nor,"
f'hliniml ATr Aftlllnoiil n,,t It Main .1 in.
exclaimed Mr. Mill
"It'h lucky for you that I am, for
this job will put a good many hundred
pounds iu your pocket."
"I'll stand in, guv'nor, make no-mistake,"
said Mr Millicent, with glisten
ing eyes, "and I'll act honorably by
you you shall havo your share."
"Pshaw I What do you mean ?"
exclaimed Mr. Facet, indignantly ; "do
juu uiku me ior a tniei f i n navi
nothiurr whntnvpi- In dn will, it Tf iu
your own affair entirely. Understand
tun, miiiu.
"Right you are !" Baid Mr. Milliccnt,
rather abashed.
"Ill tho Caso of lewnlrv. T summer.
that no time is wasted I by ;'ou in tak
ing out, mo stones and melting down
tho metal " inouiiod Mr. F.ipm.
"Its done tho samo night," said Mr.
Millicent knowingly.
"That you will pledg.i yourself to."
"If I onlv trot awav willi thi. Huvnr
tho btuif will be in tho pr.t within a"u
hour," answered Mr. Milliceutly, em
phatically. "Very well. Now fill your glass
aud listen to me," said Mr Facet.draw
ini his chair closer.
The conversation at this juncture
became too technical to bo of general
inteiest, relating as it did to tho topo
graphy of Mr. Facet's promises, the
means of escailimr intn llm Elmnl n
, 0 ...v w. .Jb.vVU b
tlio side.tho exact position of the safes,
and the habits of tho persons lett in
charge. Suflico it tn av that-, in lmlf
au hour tho jeweler had made it per-
lutLiy uieui- to ins any mat a burglary
committed in Long street upon a
specified dato would nnt nut nil tho.
sliirbtcst risk. V, Vprv linlnil rrnrt Iikaii
carefully "thought out by tho astute
Mr. F.lnot ivlirt - i.iu
blan of his shnn find ullmeorl Mill;.
cent to take an impression in wax of
the keys of tho safes. Tho burglar
entered keenly into tho project, and
wrw fiUnd u!tU n. i.:
......u niuii (.mull .mull Ul I11H UUIII
nauion's cr.lsn of nn mumnilnmul
'Blow'd if it doesn't look as if you
was born to tho profession, guv'nor,"
he ejaculated, with perfect sincerity.
"It you get a blank postcard on tho
morning of the day," said Mr. Facot,
using from his seat and buttoning up
his coat, "you may feel perfectly satis
fied that at tho hour arranged thero
Mian uuiy no ono person on mo prem
ises, and ho shall bo dead drunk."
"All right, sir. And lookeo hero 1"
added Mr. Milliccnt, enthusiastically,
"if tho police find tho slightest cluo lo
lead them to suspect it is a put up
thing.I'll givo myself up and do anoth
er stretch. I can't say fairer than that."
Mr. Facet took his departure, leav
ing his old school-fellow in capital
spirits, which wero fully sustained dur
ing the interval which elapsed before
tho dato fixed for iho enterprise arriv
ed. IIo privately thought that Mr.
Facet must bo mad, not fully appre
ciating tho advantage to that gentle
man of an opportune robbery in the
circumstances be had drscribed. But
ho was none tho lees delighted at his
good luck, and anticipated with keen
ple&suro the sensation which such a
coup would causo in professional cir
cles at such a dull season.
Tho blank postcard duly arrived,
and Mr. Millicent, having made all his
preparations beforehand, was ready
for action at tho appoitod time. IIo
found everything had been arranged
by Mr. Facet with scrupulous fidelity
and exactness, nnd the result was that
having been instructed beforehand
where tho moBt valuablo goods were
placed, he contrived to carry out his
part of the operation with comoloto
ness and dispatch. The noxt morn
ing's papers annouueed tho robberv in
tho largest typo, commenting upon
tho unparalleled boldness of tho attack
mm nie uxiraonimary amount ot booty
secured. Mr. Millicent glowed with
pride as he read these encomiums ;
nor was his satisfaction diminished
when it appeared that tho polico wero
entirely deceived by the precautions
lie had taken to mauo it appear that
tho burglar had no accomnlices upon
i...:i i!.. -
U1U IfUllUlllg.
It is to bo feaicd that Mr. Milllnrnt
rather I'.IVU himself nim nmnn,. Iuc
brother professional! upon tho strength
of his achievement. No ilnubi. iii
head wm a little turned by tho wealth
he had gained. Accoiding to infor
maiion furnished tn th
tho lianers by Mr. Facet himself, tlm
stolen property comprised diamonds
mm precious siones ot the value of
manv thousand nnnmla Mr M!ll,on,.i
had visions as soon as ho could realiao
ins plunder ot living on ohiokeu and
oharapagne, and opening a publio
luuuiiiji iiiuruugiitiirc, ills
flicndii rut her resented Ida nlnilm. ,,.!
Mnnan , t, n Inn. II.. . 1. .. . f II
demonstrated by their oouduct' tho
fnnl ll.n. .. I , . .
i.iuv Him v-uvjr miu jealousy oxist 11
oilier professionals besides those of art
literature aud tho drMiia.
Ill this Stntn nf Ihlnrrs it una iinlm-'d
ly doubly galling nnd humiliating to
Mr. Milliccnt to bo informed by the
trusty and excellent Hebrew gentle
mnn who acted as bis baukor and
agent, that it had turned out upon lu
, vostigation, that noarly the wholo of
the supposed most valuablo stones wero
false I Every diamond was iiaste
and, indeed speaking generally, the
uuiy gi'iiuuic pan oi mo uooiy was
tho gold setting. It happened unfor
tunately, that Mr. Milliccnl, acting
upon urn nmniercsicii ami iriciiuiy ad
vice of Mr. Faoet, had not encumbered
himself with linllrtr m- Imqw nrllelpa
IIo had selected his plunder with dis
crimination, choosing certain siones
and cases which tho iewcller had do-
scribed as wortli all tho rest of tho
goods put together. By so doing, as
it now appeared, ho had" inadvertently
carried off a largo assortment of spur
ions jowelry.nlong with very littlo that
wiiri vitiunuie.
Poor Mr. Millicent was so unset at
this unpleasant nows that he called tho
Hebrew gentleman Rome very shock
ing names, and brought tears to his
venerablo eyes. In fact Mr. Millicent
was fairly besido himself with rage
and humiliation, and his comrade,
who were delighted at tho turn of
events. If ho had been wieo Mr. Milli
cent would havo swallowed his dis
appointment, for though his piizo bad
turned out to bo comparatively value
less, it nevertheless would realize a
pretty substantial sum. But, unfoitun
ately, the burglar was very seimtive
tinmi tllO nf l,tj i,i-,fraainnnt
reputation., which, bn foresaw, would
..rr. !i , , . .. ......
miner consincrauiy irom the tnoK mat
lm.l llPmi idfil-nd unmi Lin 1 f
.. ,.,.,( ,wii mm. iio
realized with painful clearness thai ho
had bwen mndo a catpaw of by tho
sagacious Mr. Facet who had, no
doubt, desire 1 to account for tho dis
appearance of certain articles which ho
had hiinself aiinrnnriated. Thn idn.i
of having been deceived by a person
who had rome to him in tho guNo of a
friend, and particularly a person quite
outside tho profession, made Mr Milli
eent's blood boil with indignation, and
ho resolved that Mr Facet should pay
dearly for what ho had done.
IIo was for a long timo unable, how
ever, to frame any definite scheme of
revenge, for a very littlo reflection suf
ficcd to convince him of his helpless
ness. Tho circumstances of tlio case
wero so peculiar that ho bad no redress,
lie could not strike at Mr. Facet by
disclosing his perfidity without incur
ring personal risks. To do him jus
tic", Mr. Milliccnt was not a blood
thirsty person, and though ho carried
a revolver in the exersiso of his pro
fession, ho always shrank from using
it. IIo even preferred to avoid vio
lence of any kind, and for that reason
ho resisted his first impulse of confront
ing Mr. Facet and openly accusing him
of his treachery. It was hardly prob
able that any useful result would accrue
from this, and the jeweller seemed
quite capable of knocking a mm down.
Tho idea which finally evolved its If
from Mr. Millinenl.'a hrnm wot. in rn
cover the booty which he considered
..:t. i.. 1...1 , . . .
nimy ijunmgen to nun. lie had
read with interest the reported proceed
ings of Mr. Facet's li.inkrnnlpi nnd
had observed how tho jeweller had pa
thetically described hinnelf n vinif
beou completely ruined by that heart"
less robbery. But, with bis peculiar
knowledge of fads. Mr. Milli pent lind
a very shrewd suspicion that Mr. IV,et
u.iu iiiuue provision ior a raMiy day,
and that somewhere, nr nther hn iino.
seseed a valuablo store of nrrnimia
Mr. Millicent .'lseerl.tinpd mill
difficulty that Mr. Facet icsided at
.oaiiiam, arm no devoted his leisure
timo to reconnoiteri
tiim littlo villa. Theio was a convnni-
cnt field at the.back of tho house, and
Mr. Millicent studied tho beauties nf
naturo and tho habits of Mr. Fne,.i
and Ilia household with quiet ner.-ist-
ency. His natural history studies
not recorded, lint he observed that Mr.
r acei nau a passion lor orchids. There
W.-.8 a small ireenhnnn nt tl ii mwl sf
C "J ."V lllu S. 4 V4 J L
tlio garden, which was devoted to tho
ultllio of that fraciln fl
Mr. Facet used to spend hours logetb-
puuei-iiig aoout, among his belovtd
ants, and lenlonslv nvnlnd
the gardener from its sacred precincts.
IIo used to keep tho key of this glass
house in his Docket, and
ed it to any one.
Alter awhile Mr. Millicent was
Sized with .1 slrnnrr dnnirn Inii.nlirn
!iis holy of holies. To i gentleman
3f his ingenuity the lne.t-nd d
but a trilling obstacle. He procured a
privato key, and for several evenings
ho searehed cautiously about tho tlo'or
with a dark lantern. It W.T.S nope. an rv
to use tlio utmost caution, and Mr.
Millici m's proceedings weru tedious
and wearisome. IIo groped about
upon his hands and knees, sounding
tho earth beneath tho stages, inch by
inch, with an iron nrnhe Ilia anlf.,,,,.
posed lask seemed as unprofitable as it
wus monotonous ami iatiguing, but at
eugvu ins exertions apparently attained
.heir obiVct. Ono pveiiimr lin nllnrrwl
a sudden exclamation, and fell to tear
ing Ull the moist. n:iitli with C,
Then he cast a ray of light from his
lantern ww mo cavity no hail formed,
and disclosed a small" nhlnnrr hnv ent
ered iu canvas. Without moro ado he,
pulled it out, placed it under his arm
beneath his shut ilm
7 K..W uhiu J i. IHO
lantern, and cautiously made his way
. f .i. - . - j
out ui mo greennouso.
Without oven w-niiinrr. nn thiy w...
sion, to closo the door behind him, Mr.
-uniiceni luineu to uy, when lio heard
a footstop on tho gravel ;alk in his
rear, and the uext moment a hand was
laid roughly on bin e.nllni-
"You villiau !'' panted a voice, which
ho recognized. "vVhoaieyout What
wero you doing in my orchid house t"
'Let mo I'd !" inrelnimi.d Mr Mill!.
cent, setting his teeth, as ho recognized
lilt. V UVJL'U
IIo I Ilfldo n. dnsiwivntr. urnn.i!i na l.n
.kj-i.s,w .V.Uv11 tB U
spoke, and almost succeeded in freeing
iiimBoii; uui in doing so Ho dropped
tho littlo canvas ooveicd box, and
though ho stooped nnd recovered it di
rnpll,, ttin 1. .(.. 11. ... ....!.! .1.. .. , i
.if..,, tuu ivnvnui uviuuiiLiv nerceivei
what it was. In nn inst-int Ids at,..,,,.
fingers had grasped tho burglar by tho
throat, A second more, and Mr. M 11
icent would havo been at tho meroy of
his enemy, who in a paroxysm ot sud
den fury seemed quilo capable of
strangling him. Tho instinct of self
preservation, howover, caused tho burg
lar to seizo his icvolvcr. and to mil
tho trigger, A bharp report vibrated
in inu sun night air, Mr. Facet full
backward without uttering a Hound,nnd
Mr. .Millicent, half mad with fright,
scrambled over the rnilinrra nml
rushed nt the top of bis speed across
l... r. . .1. .. i i
mu nem ui inu uacK.
Tho dramatic iiioidcnt disturbed Mr
Millieent's equanimity a great deal
slpiiladvcitlscmcntammtbopnld for before
sertcd except where ponies have accounts.
Legal advert Iscments two dollars per irjcn jpt
three Insertions, nnd at that rate for Additional
Insei lions without reference to length.
Executor's, Administrator's, and Auditor's so
tlccs three dollars.
Transient or Local notices, ten cents a line, reg
utar advertisements halt rates.
Cards In tho "liuslnORs Directory" column, en
dollar a year for each line.
As before staled, he disliked personal
violence, and though ho was not dis
posed to blamo himself for what he
liad done, ho was anuoyu l at having
had to fire. His ncives were unstrung,
in fact, aud perhaps this was tho rea
son that bu felt- singularly ill at ease
and apprebi'iisivo of lb" lnquisitivenees
of the police during hi-4 homeward
journey. His painful frame of mind
possibly revealed itself in his demeanor
nnd attracted attention, for it unfoitu
uateiy happened that, just as ho was
Hearing bis temporary abode, a detect
ive oflicer accosted him, and iu a casual
way inquired what ho was carrying un
der his coat.
Thero was a very sensational report
in die paptrs the next day of tho cap
luro of a well-known burglar, with tho
piocccds of a recent robocry actually
in bis possession. Tho extraordinary
affair excited a goi'd deal of specula
tion, ami gave unbounded satisfaction
to tbo cieditots of Mr. Facet, who had
thus, almost by a miracle, recovered
most valuablo assets. Mr. Millicent
again made his appeal anco in tho dock
nt tbu Old Bailey, and, by circumstan
tial evidi nee, against which ho vigor
ously protested, bu was found guilty ot
the famous burglarly. He preferred
to hold bis tonguo concerning tho
maimer in which lie bad acquired-trie
canvas box, nor did Mr. Facet como
forwaul to bear testimony against him.
That gentleman was unable to appear
at the trial, having phot himself lather
badly as it was explained, in caielissly
handling a revolver. The prisoner was
observed to smile when this statement
was made; but bis expression was tho
reverse of hilarious when he was sen
aenced to foutteon years' penal servi
tude. As to M. Facet, contrary to
the expectations of the knowing ones
among his friends, his bankruptcy
turned out a very bad speculation, and
lie has never lifted bis bead since.
Nellie Grant.
A AVashington special to the Indian-
apnlis Journal has the following :
A lelativo of tho Grant family in
this city is authority for I ho statement
that tho married life of Nellie Grant
Sanoris is far more bumilatiug and un
pleasant than has yet been made pub
lie. Mrs. Sartoris makes her home
witfi her husband's father, in the north
of England, and according to all ac
counts, sbo is treated as a sort of poor
relation. Two rooms are set aside for
tho uso of herself and children, and
their meals aro furnished, but nothing
tlo is given to them either by her
husband or Mr. bartoiu, Sr. So far,
indeed, as tho younger Sartoris is con
cerned, it is said that ho has not con
tributed a penny to his wife's support
ior years.
It is a well-known fact that for a
couple ot years prior to General Grant's
death leniiltauees of money wero regu
laily sent to Nellie to provide herself
aud children with clothing and other
useful articles. When the General be
came impoverished through the rascal
ity of Ferdinand Ward, the greatest re
gret ho is said to havo expressed was
-i. i . ... , . 1 . .
iiiav ins poverty wouiu prevent Inm
irom turllier assisting Nellie,
who was practically suimorted bv his
bounty. All tbo members of tho Grant
family still contribute to the support of
Mrs. Sartoris, and tho children have
urged Mis. Sartoris for years to sepe
rate from her husband and return to
America. It is said that Mrs. Grant
made such a request only a few months
ago, after learning of some fresh indig
nity on Sartoris' part, but the daughter
replied that she would not entertain
such a proposition a moment, and add
ed indigiuiutly that she would refuso to
sustain relations of any character with
her family if these importunities did
not cease. Meanwhile Sartoris is rac
ing about England spendiug tho
meagro allowance his'father gives him
among companions of his own kind.
Tho repoits which reach here from
Now York say ilmt Sartoiis has been
absent from his wife since last spring,
anu mat sno nears nom him only at
raie intervals.
Enough MediciDe to Kill One Man May
ixhyo no uueci on jinoiuer.
Nothing is truer than that thero can
be no definite and ai biliary niles gov
erning tho doso of drug, physiological
effect being our only safe guide. Oi r-
taiu urugs aro apt lo uo sophisticated
whilo again others aro of vaiiablo
strength, though thoy msy bo couscien
tinnsly piepartd, it biing diilicnlt lo
obtain tho crude material" of pri per
grovvm or season, i iccently saw a
young man who by mistake, had taken
moro than a lablespoonful of tincture
nucis vomicio without the sliglitrst un
toward symptom, and when tho mistake
was discovered hours later, and I was
hastily summoned, 1 saw no occasion
for iuterfeiciioe, there being no symp
toms of an overdose, nor did any de
Un another occasion, recently. I
ordeiod for a child 3 years of ago ten
drops of syrup ferri iodidt tr. d, but
mo mother, by mistake, gave instead a
tcaspoonful dote, till my visit the day
louowing, uvo leaspoonluls havtug
been taken in eighteen hours and no
appreciable barm resulting.
Now, no one will deny theso are
overdoses, yet, as no harm resulted, it
poinis io one ot two things, either the
medicines were inert, or the patients
particularly hardy and not susceptiblo
to them, for iu neither caso was Iho
full characteristic physiologioal effect
produced. Agaiu. tho moial might bo
drawn that wo cannot be too careful
iu our direction to tho nurso or attend
ant regarding tho administration of
remedies', though in both theso cases
tho directions were plainly written by
tbo druggist, aud reinforced by my
own. Medical Jiulktin.
Uo UOt laugh at tho gentleman uilli
i bare Doll, mv son. It is not nearly
so bad to have a head that is bald on
tho outside as to havo a head that is
bald on tho inside.
Sllllllnv cplirtrd lnnt,n. 1nlmn,p ,1a
........... ww,uu. , ".u U w . VUIIIIU KIJ
you undcrstaud tbo parable of tho
..1. . .V 1 1 I.8.. Tl.
mii-iiuum unu inn Biiccp i uuuuuy
Yes, sir. Teacher If you littlo chil
dreu aro tho sheep, what am I ,
Johnny A big sheep, sir.
A bald headed spectator nt a base
ball gamu was hit right on the crown
of the bead by a high ball, and the
umpire Btoppcd dodging long enough
to console tho victim with the reflection
that ''flits always were partial to bald