The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 23, 1886, Image 4

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Only n Urcam, in jr dnrllnsr,
A dream as false ami fnlr t
llow It hono In tlia blossoming lowers,
How It breathed In the wooing Mr I
It woko with tho rising morning,
It blushed In tho sunset gleam ,
It shod Its radiance on the war,
It brightened tho hours of ovcrr day,
And oh, there was liovcr a volco to ens',
Only a dreamt
Only n dream, my darling )
Wo wero both In earnest, too,
And ovcry word wo whispered,
And every glance was truo
How could wo know that promlso
So rich and strong could seem,
Yot die as tho fair, frail lilies dlo
When tho east winds mock tho April sky?
We thought It eternal, you and I
only it dream I
only a dream, my darling j
Arid you aro young and bright,
And 11 to has many a golden prlzo
Hung dazzling In your sight.
And I I havo work and duty
With their quiet moonlight beams ;
only Just sometimes I pauso and think
of tho cup that Loroonce gave us a drink.
And tho past and tho future I try to link 1
Only a dream I
A happier couplo than tho Fitz
Johnsons when they first camo to Cur
zon street, could not bo imagined. It
was only when Captain Fitz Johnson
settled down in his now houso and his
old set that ho mado tho uratifyinir dis
covery that he had won his wifo's
heart as well as her hand.
A IIU IUUUUlll UilVI IUU .IlllVi.l III 1
Loudon tho wily young man left his
...:r i i,.i,,1, tnit .t.:..a
I 1 , .1 mn.niH.. n.n llin n mv. .... I .,
nnu in iivi uuuuu ni litbcoii litmus I
in boudoirs.executed under her brother
Joey's supervision wondering dismal-
i. i, oi.,. l.i v:n .i. :i
o'clock in the evening, whon she was
,:i,. ii, ...... .i : I
herlordffand master again. It was
.. i,:.T .i. i. r
Dumutu4iii: uiviu i.t j 111 iu iui
irotlnn cicrarettr, rnsn that madn Cm.,
tain FitzJohnson retraco his steps on
arriving at the loot of tho stairs. His
instinct had not deceived him. The
fortress had capitulated.
"I lovo you so, Geoffrey, "sobbed the
poor littlo wife, with her head on her
husband's shoulder,and Geoffrey, as he
strolled down tho street, having prom
ised to bo back by luncheon time, hnm-
tned "Ilulo Britannia" in triumphant
potto voice. The victory won, the
victor, as ho had a perfect right to do,
rested upon his laurels, but ho need
not havo given up so suddenly the
roverentiai worship of tho lover and
assumed bo instantly the condescend
ing tolerance ot tbo husband, it was
unkind of him when ho camo homo
just in timo to dress for dinner, after
having been at tho club all the after plango into that horrid French
novel with a satisfied grunt, and barely
vouchsafe his wife a word. It was
downright rude of him when sho leant I
over his chair and stroked his hair to I
snarl out Bavagely, "For heayen's 1
sake, ilorrte, don t paw mo about like I
that. I don't like it," and it was posi-1
lively brutal, after treating he. in such I
a way, to scold her all dinner time for
being depressed. But so it was. The
FitzJohnson family ark, pretty little
vessel as it was, with its fresh patnt I
and dainty furniture, had drifted into
the current which, sooner or later,
must land it upon tho rocks.
Geoffrey, blinded by selfish vanity,
became, bored with bis wites well-
meant but ineffectual efforts to please
her "much chanced lord." Her lavish
affection varied only by ill-concealed
and sometimes tearful despondency,
irritated bun and made him rapro bear
ish than ever. It was the old story.
Things went from bad to worse. At
last the first cruel rock loomed in the
distance and shipwreck seemed immin
ent, J. ady Angelica .Lansdell was, so
sho said,a very old friend of Geoffrey's.
"I knew him when ho was quito a boy
such a nice boy," sho told Florrie
tho afternoon Bbo paid her first call in
Curzon street. Sho was a wondeful
and Onida-ish porsonage of tho Cleo
patra typo ot beauty, litho and serpen
line, with a voico lhal could coo like a
dovo or hiss like a serpent at will.
Sho used a peculiar kind of a scent
that hung about tho room long after
slio had left it. She was mysteriously
lascinating, and l lorrio detested ber,
This was a great grievance of Geoff
rey s who was blind to tho pearl pow
der and impervious to the scent.
"Angelica" (ho called her Angelica)
"was a charming woman a most valu-
ablo mend,
"Tho silly littlo fool is jealous,"
langhcd her ladyship to herself as she
sat in a corner aloof from tho "mad -
ding crowd" of a Foreign Oflico crush,
r..j: i!. .5-i i
preteuding to listen to Geoffrey's earn
est conversation and watching with
interested amusement bis who trying
to kevp an oyo on her husband and at
tho same timo respond coherently to
the civilities ot a valuable attache
"I'll teaoh her a lesson," muttered
tho siren, with nn angry glitter in her
dusky eyes, as, lor tho tweiith time, a
pale distressed faco with appealing
oyes was turned toward tbo oblivious
husband. Accordingly when, lor ihe
thirteenth time, tho melancholy opera
tion was repeated, tho distresa on the
palo faco gavo place, to horror, and the
eyes wero nxed and blank as tuoy 6aw
Jjady Angelica, with her most entranc
ing smile, placu her hand for a mora -
ent caressingly on weoitrey s arm ;
only for a moment becauso it was in -
Btantly grasped by both of his.
"My doar old girl 1 What is the
matter i Aro you seedy i exclaimed
Joey, as ho plunged through tho crowd
to his sister's side
"Como to-morrow, as soon as Gooff-
roy has gono I want to talk to you
whispered Florrio brokenly, as her
brother deposited her safely nt her
own door.
Noxt morning brother and sistor had
a long confabulation, during which
Joey tugged hard at his phantom
moustache, and Florrio blow her nose
very often, Tho result seemed hardly
satisfactory, for Jooy departed remark
ing that it was tho "very douce," and
FJorrio sat looking into tho iiro until
it went out iu solf-dofenso. Mrs. Fitz
Johnson's spirits ; indeed so hilariously
cheerful did sho beoomo by dessert
that Geoffrey, acolimatizod to a dead
lovel of depression, felt inclined to re
sent the rise In tho domestic barometer.
Tho risu is a steady one.
Next morning, when tho slavo ought
to havo been in closo attendance to her
master, cutting tho end off his oifar,
filling his match box and weekly re
ceiving the orders for tho day, sho
was playing a polka on the piano, and
actually forgot to wish tho great man
good by. On mid off during tho day
Geoffrey found himself pondering on
tho alteration in hi wife. It was, of
course, a boro to havo her following
Mm about liko a whipped dog, but,
after all, that was a fault on thn right
sldo and showed tlmt nlio appreciated
her position as his wifo. It was a sign
of proper, If excessive, subjeotlon, but
to sit playing a polka when tho liat
brush was tnislnld was au unheard of
dereliction of duty.
Geoffrey returned homo exactly half
nn linnr pnrllor in administer a care-
fnllv urenarcd lcoturo to tho culprit,
only to find that eho had Rono to the
Uaycty with Joey, rno solitary din
ner with no ouo to scold was a dismal
experience, and Geoffrey felt distinctly
nggriovecl. Next uay tilings were no
better. Florrio was in tearing spirits,
received tho deferred lcoturo with
ribald laughter, dismissed his theories
of wifely duly as "bosh," and had the
audacity to refer him to Lady Angel-
lea, who, "no tiouut, was an miuiuiuy
on that subject as well as every other."
Geoffrey was vcry.tnoody all that day.
zoit street it was this thought that
mailo him prepared to bo very gracious
and a9 lenient as no consistently coinu
bo towards anv littlo excess of youth
ful spirits. A sharp strugglo with tho
latch koy was cut short by tho butler
onunini? tho door to let a visitor out.
The occuranco so lato in tho afternoon
was strancro. and tho appearance- of
tho visitor so singular that Geoffrey
stared at tho apparition in unlcigncd
His (for tho visitor was a man) face
was narliallv concealed bv a slouch
hat. What tWero was to bo seen an
pcarcd to bo of an olivo hue and adorn-
eil with a sweeping biacK mousiacne,
Inkv locks linnc in prolusion tiown ai
most to his shoulders, and the rest of
tho body was concealed in a cloak
that would havo mado tho fortuno of
any melodrama. On tho etago Mrs.
FitzJohnson's visitor would have been
in his element. In Canton street he
. . .
apparently was not, for, with an oath
or at least some foreien exclamation
t e- u . . ..4ii i
that sounded to Geoffroy liko "pickled
onions ' ho gavo a swift glance at
tbo astonished uainain. ran uown tnu
nd disappeared mto tho gather
me rrloom
"Who tho dickens is that, Squares T
"The rrontleman did not mvo lus
name, Bir. Ho said as how Mrs,
o j-'
Johnson would know ho
and I
need not announce him.
Geoffrey kept his presonco of mind.
"Oh. of r-oiirso. I had forcotted.
What timo did tho gentleman como ?"
"At half-past 4, sir.
Half-past 4 1 And it is now half
past 7.
"JJid any ono else call tins aura-
noon '
"Yea. sir ; but after the gentleman
came Mrs. FitzJohnson told me to say
'Not at homo' to any other visitors.
Geoffrey did not wait to near any
more, but oasneit into me ui.iwmg
room. He half expected to 'find his
wife tho victim of an assassin s knife.
On tho contrary sho was at tho piano
playing a dreamy sonata ot ituooc-
stein p. On his entering tno room boo
half arose, but on seeing who it was
she resumed her seat, exclaiming, "Ob,
it's onlv vou !"
"Whom did you think It was ? That
Guy Fawkcs back again ? Who, may
1 ask, is lie, mid what was he hero from
half-riast 4 till now for, to tho exolu
sion of overvbodv else ?"
Geoff rev was Gradually working him
n,lf up into a passion. Florrio made
no attempt to calm him, but smiled
faintly and struck a few aggravating
chords on tho ptano,
"If vou really care to know, that
'Guy Fawkcf,1 as you aro pleased to
call him, is Count Sparlatti, an old
Dresden friend of Joey's. Ho is an
Italian, and when Joey camo back
from Dresden tho Count camo with
him to learn English. Ho was always
at Mumblctliorpe. "Ah mo I" (another
plaiutive chord) "what happy days
those wero 1 And what fun wo had I
Tho Count was my sweetheart then."
"Don t be a fool, J1 lorrio.' ino
passion had died out and tho lecturing
mood taken its place. "You aro 19
now. and omto old cnouuh to Know
that it is not proper to have men stay
intrtlireo hours tcto-a-teto with you
and to tell tho servants tnat you aro at
homo to no ono else. Do you under
stand t"
"No. I don't." Tho blue eyes open
ed their widest. "I thought it was tho
'clito thine to do. Of course, at
Mumblethorpo they would bo awfully
shocked, but then they aro so old tasu-
ioned. They even havo family pray
ers. J$ut since 1 havo been married
have earned experience. 1 havo seen
several charmintr women. Lady An
celica. for instance. Could you wish
mo to tako a better model t Hence, i
any one notices my friendship with
Count Sparlatti you can tell them that
I know him when ho was 'quite a boy
such a nico boy.' 1 may soon be
come bo 'channint:' that I can make
1 lovo iu publio smilo in the 'uice'boy'i
I face, put my hand on his arm for hm
I.- ,' r..i .i.! . .nn
to clasp in his. Only this sort of thing
requires practice, so you must not
think it strange if I havo a fow private
rehearsals when i am 'not at home
tho world at large."
"How daro you speak liko this T"
"Oh, you don't know how much
dare when I am put to it." But tho
defiant littlo laugh ended in a Bob, and
tho dauntless novico ran out of the
Geoffroy gnawed his moustache,
fumed about the room, resisted, as un impulso to run after his wifo.
kiss away her tears and implore- her to
bo charming on tho old Mumblethorpo
lines, and finally decided to conhd
1 lus troubles that very evening to Lady
I Angelica.
1 From that lair oraclo ho received
I but vprv cold comfort. "My dear
Geoff, it serves vou well num. lou
I thought becauso she had given you all
I her heart vou wero warrauted in neg
I lectins her. So liko a man. Mr.
Linsdcll was just tho same. Now
sho is consoling herself. Quito right.
I had no idea alio had so much sense.
I ndrniro her."
Lady Angelica pavo a stealthy
glanco under her eyelashes at her
downcast companion. She had a heart,
though no ono suspected it. "Look
here, Geoff. Bo a man. Go homo
and toll your wifo that you mean to
tnrn over a now leaf, and not tako all
her devotion for granted, but tr,y and
earn it. Clear up tho mystery of our
'nods and bocks and wreathod smiles."'
Geoffroy walked homo under the
stars a happy man. It was striking
12 as ho lot hlmsolf Into tho dark hall.
Tho darkness was unusual, for Squares
always loft tho gas burning for his
master to put out. His imtch-box
was emptyi but thoro might bo a stray
light in tho pocket of his Iverness. To
the solemn tioking of tho hall clock
tho searoh commenced.
It eudod promaturoly in tho sudden
opening of iho drawing room door and
tho Hooding of tho landing at tho top
of tho stairs with light. Somo ono
was still up. Might it not bo Florrie
waiting for him t Geoffrey walked
quickly to tho foot of tho stairs, but
stopped with ono foot on tho lowest
step, as if turned to stono. It was
Florrio and somo ono else engaged
iti rapid, broathlcsa conversation.
may bo back nt any moment. '
"Oh, Dnlgl I I daro not. If wo
should meet him ho would kill you."
"Vicnll Vlcnll"
Gooffrov steadied himself by tho
banister and walled. Then, shown up
by tho surrounding darkness as a
tableau vlvant, thero appeared on Iho
landing his wile hooded nnd eionkca,
looking fearfully out into tho dark
abyss beforo her and clinging convul
sively to tho nrni of tho Italian Count
Thcto was a yen, a shuck niui nn
oath as Geoffrey bounded up tho stairs
and seized the intruder by. tho cloak
just as ho endeavored to reticat into
tho drawing room, mo yen was a.
broken English rendering of "Hero's a
go 1" Tho shriek found expression iu
"Luigi I I.uigi 1" and tho oath was
well, never mind what. The chase anil
strugglo was desperate.
Tho Count, who had left his clonk In
his assailant's hand, cleared ottomans
and chairs with astounding agility.
Mrs. FitzJohnson's heroics had degen
crated into judge liom the
peals of laughter with which sho greet
ed tho Count's desperato efforts to
escape. At la9t ho was cornered, hiss
ing and scratching liko an enraged
"Oh, Geoffrey, bo careful. His
beautiful hair I" for tho inf minted bus
linml Imd hold of a handful of tho
Italian's matted locks. Tho wauhig
camo too late. Thero was a lug;v
groan, and lo and uenoiu, not, omy
handful, but a wholo head of raven
tresses remained in the victor's grasp.
The llowing moustache camo next.
"A very good joke, Joey, my boy,"
gasped Geoffrey, faintly.
"Oh, Joey, water brandy 1 Ho is
not well. Wo carried it loo far. I
told you wo ought not to do it. It's
all vour fault," scolded Florrie with all
woman a treachery, and her arms
round her still dazed husband s neck,
and calling him all tho names of tho
I think mv n an was a success,
thoinrh." said Joov. as ho wished his
sister trood-ninht under tho relit gas,
"I think it was,'' said Florrie, with a
happy laugh, "but no one must ever
kno tr about it."
And no ono over did except ono per
son ; but then she know everything.
A Hog Outruns a Horse.
"Talkiii!? about nuoor wagers," said a
sporting man tno oincr nigin, -i sn:m
never forcct the time I won SI 000 on
a fast hog. Have I ever told you the
storv t"
Ilia auditors shook ineir neaus aim
asked for the tale which ho told as fol
lows : "It was m tho summer of 1 S 1 8,
if I recollect r-ghlly. I had been play
ing a pretty steep game in Chicago
that winter and spring, and when Juno
camo my not overstrong system was
pretty nearly broKcu tiown. lciuif;
on tbo aduco oi a mcuicui menu
. . r . l x l
took a jaunt to a littlo country town
in Iown, hoping that n month's sojourn
thero might brace me up lor mo 1.111
and winter campaign. But lo tell you
about tho race. Ihu town had
irettv rood couise, and 6omo of tho
bovs'there owned somo really good fly-
r. of which thov wero very proud.
'One of them, whoso namo i neeun t
mention, possessed a mare upon whoso
Uectness ho particularly pnueii iiunseii,
fa k liar with him in a bantering way
one dav 1 olleicii vo produce a nog
which could beat his animal in a Ml)
yard ruuning race, Ho became angry
When i insisted upon uiu luuuur. j. u
tell vou what I'll do,' I said to him
iocoselvi I'll bet ou any amount of
money you may namo uiai my pig tan
win the lace. Do you tako mot Tho
boys standing around grow interested
and commenced to press around. The
other man, whoso faco by this timo was
livid with rage, roared : 'I'll bet you
This rather staggered me, but as
had tbo monov I wasn't to bo bluffed,
I put it up. Tho articles of agrecmcD
wero quickly drawn up ana sigiicu.
"Well, to cut a long story short,
. i . . l l
got hold ot ono of those long, lank
hungrv scrub porkers and 'jut him at
once into iiunnii. un-mu w
feed him a half bushel ot corn once
dav. The gig would be (-tationed i
ono cud of a straight :!00 yard lane,
and over tho line at the other end the
corn would bo dumped upon a give
signal. The moment- the corn was
dumped tho pig was freed, and away
ho would scoot for tho other end. This
kind of practice was kept up lor
month, and at tho end of this lime tho
hungry hog could mako the distance i
a way that would put mauu o.
"Tbo day of the i aeo came, aud over
man, woman and ciuia lor nines aroun
was on hand to witness it. iho race
was run on tho hog'd own ground, ar
cording to agieemcnt. iho porcine
racer was moro than ueually hung
that dav. He had become so aecus
tomed to finding hia half bushel
com at the other end of iho lanu that
when ho was released upon tho wor
'Go!' he shot off like a Hash. Ho hnt
ed under tho horso's logs, and biforc
that animal and his rider' could rccove
themselves was fit the other end. He
didn't get Iho coin, but I did get the
$1000. I left town tho next day."
Omaha Isce.
J. II. Mercer would especially recom
mend to tho ladies Acker's Dyspepsia
Tablets. As a laxative they havo
eoual. Thev aro guaranteed lo euro
Chronio Constipation, Dyspepsia, and
all diseases arising from a deranged
stomach. With a free use of the lab
lets, Sick Headacho is impossible
Over one million boxes of Acker'
Dyspepsia Tablets sold in tho past
twelve mouths, purely upon l heir
merits. Why suffer with Chronio Con
Btination. Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach
Sick Headache, Heartburn, and Female
troubles, when J. H. Mercer ollicrs
vou relief and positive euro iu tho
Dyspepsia Tablets. He sells them
There aro scores of persons who aro
Buttering from somo form ot uiood dis
order or skin disease, such as Scrofula,
Boils, eta, etc. After a practical test
J. If. Mercer asserts that Acker's Blooi
Elixir will certainly euro all such dis
oases, including Syphilid and Jlhcum
ntisin. ltis net a patent 'nostrum, but f
scientifio preparation, ho guarantees it,
J. H. Mercer wishes to mako an
assertion, which ho cm back with
positive guaranteo. It is all about
Acker's Blood Elixir. Ho claims for
it suncrior morits over nil other reined
ies of its kind, and guarantees for it
nositivo and sure euro for Bheumatism
Syphilid!, nnd all blood disorders, it
frees tho skiu from spots and disease.
and leaves tho complexion clear
Ask him about it.
Umbrellas havo a wldo-sprcad poptt'
larity, Tcxat Siftingi.
"Delay no longer anlmu mla,
A THi I Q ?
Aro yon reckless rtioiipli t.i venture ? If fo send
it r.mts In -iniM 11 tlvi Hack VubliMna Co ,
63) and M Wail.l'ietoo Sluet, Neir oik. tot
mm of their WtttU'ul lilu-lrated " I.llllles'
Ilnokn." Ulin nuwl, unique, nnd IntcrtstlnR
work n t wrr tvw it rf t 'lliv incnt.
tm leoeint of ti-nivnts In utainpt tuoy III semi
poMpill il finl tttf th"tr lauious household
BiKur ie'rei'i'l they ' " send a loo! ronlntnliis
cotmileto norO" of "Urn Miksdo," ami irnwo ot
lit most puimln,- King, topciliir Willi tea I'lnalnlto
clirouiu nil il i.
A v -ry ilon!ng Imrmli n plj rjrthlf iil hromntle coin
tiolllitl luf illFtfllMhi! Ilia tiirtu ol qnlntim litiil litluT
hllli rilni-.'MlllnTfollil iir ilnlil, 1'rlir, ot'entMier
Pint lint t Ic 1' hy tlionunil of plij-dclKiu
In llnroiH" nnd Aiiierlen. l oriiiiiln tu-compaulca every
bottle, l'or Unlo by Pnifulfl.
Manufactured hy
Iho Academic rharmnceutio Co,,
I.O.MIO.X AM) MM lOllh,
Au eleffnnt English pharmaceutic preparation for
hlllous, malarial and blood trouble S tho result of
over ttteuty.flvo years of most eminent sclenUflo
Approved by tho highest medical authorities.
Iu uso In Iho hospital In eiery part of Europe.
Especially helpful to ladles, chtldreu and peopl
of sedentary habits.
Entirely vegetable ; free from harmrul drugs.
In Handsome Packages, Price 50 Cts.
Trenared co'.elr by
tt... fl?....i.l lPl.,..,,.w! Pv
X -L'V al l- n.ii-i4i-.
ChemUts by nppoint""'nt lo Her Majesty the
yueeii anu 10 mo itoyui i-umuy.
130, 132, 134 CHARLTON ST.
Saino mrtticinnl propetttfi ns ItmwL Elixir, In
Ituxw, 30 zUU to ls, for t .1 cents.
VlnerrarLlttcrj COEDIAM' r SOe.
Vlaegir Eittors roWDSUS, to doses, - 50e,
VUljar Blttora, "ow s!yL-. ,, lf- 1.00
Vinegar Elttera, old style, bluer taste, - - $1.00
Tho World'o Groat Dlood Purifier
and LIfo Giving Principle.
Only Tomperance Bitters Known.
Theiinst flnli or n Century llin Lending
l-iiinl I y .Mi'itlthie ul tho Wuild.
E. H.. McDonald Drug Co.. noprleton,
Almost as Palatabloas Milk.
Tho only preparation of COO MVKK OH, that
can bo taken readily aud tolerated for a long timo
by dcllrato stoiaaclin.
axi as A uiMirnv ton cnxmiPTioN,
SI KDH I.IIl AI H.I-HIIXS. AMI.lin, .l...
Klttli IlKlill.llV. 111! litis A.M 'lllltOAT At'.
H.rllllXS. n,l all UASUMI TllsOliDUts OK
tllll.llllKX It Is nuripllocs In Itn mull..
l'rcscrilwu uud endorsed by tho beal musicians
In tho countries of tho -world.
For sale dy all druggists.
Cyclopedia of Universal Histor j
8,438 Lai-go, Doublc-Cohtmn lages.
1,10 llonutlful Worn! .V Mrol Kngrlll lugs.
33 Colored Historical Maps.
O Colored Chronological charts.
31 (lencnloglcill lHngrnms.
A Copious nnd lloKantly l'reiiared Index,
It Is Klegnntly l'rliited anil llouiid.nml I
'Xuo llcst Illustrated Hook nn tho Market.
IBIS riluort street, I'lilludeliihla, l'enno.
navlnc struggled i!0 years between lira nnd
death with Ab'UIMA or I'HTHIMU, treated by
eminent pluMclanj, and reeelvlnB no benent, I
wan compelled duilmr t lie last i of my ill
ncs to til on mv chair day and ulk'lU u'asplui; (oi
breath .My Bufferings weio beyond uicetlption.
Iu despair I expeiluieuted on myself by com.
pounding roots mid hei bs and Inhahnir tho medi
cine thui obtained. 1 rmtunatclv dlseoieied this
TAUItll, warranted to lelieve the most Mubborn
casoof AhTllMA IN KIVU JIINUI'1.61, bo lhat ihe
Patient can lludownto lestandbleepeouifortubly,
leai-o read thn follon Ing condensed extracts Iroin
unsnllclteil testimonials, allot recent djte:
oilier v. It. Iloltnes, ban Joso, Cal., wiltes: "1
Qndtho remedy. all aud even moro than repre
sented. 1 recclie Instantaneous relief."
K. M. Carson, A. Warren, Kansas
willei: "Was treated by eminent physhlms of
this country and Hermans-; tried tho cltm.ito oi
different Mates-nolUng afforded ullei like ) our
T. r, (late?, County Treasurer, riilladelphla,
Jllas., wiltes: "Have used tho liemedy. Wojli
not ltru without It. liiery ono thjt uses Itie.
commcndi It."
Iu II. rhelps.1'. M.. Orlggs, Ohio, wines: 'i.-uf
fered ultli asthma -tojears. our n eUlcln.. In 3
minutes does moro for mo than the moH eminent
phj slclon did for mo In three j ears."
11. c. 1'lumpton, Jollet, III., writes: ".vend Ca
tarrh l.'t iuedy at once. Cannot yet along wlthoia
It, I rind It to bo tho most valuablo medleino 1
have ever tried."
(ieo. w. lirmly, Nelson Co., Ky writes: 'I am
usliigthe lemedy. OalnedS poubds la 3 weeks.
ould not lio lihout It."
Marllu rov, Uitlo Falli, N. V.. writes: "Find
Remedy excellent. Could not live without IL"
We halo many other heaity tei-ttaionlilsof cure
or relief, and Iu Older that all t-ulteiers from Asth
ma, Catarrh, Hay Four, and kindred dloaes may
havo an opportunity ot teotlDg th'j value or the
Jtemedy we will send to any ud.ltess'ntlAl.I'AL'lt.
-AUE I Ittl: Of lllAl.d):. AddKSN
J. ZIMMlllt.MAN i CO.. 1'ronihtorj.
Wholesale Di ugglsts, Wooster, a no Co., o.
Full tlio box by mall)
in i.
-f innlf Oonuiiuthi
Oonuins tho lata tad I-iwienvw vi
Aiilm.l Uuhm. C111JAI',
fur Slu by :. AV. I.tllV,
Orungevlllo, Pa.
nil.KS Oil llEMOUItllOinS.- X-I.CKUS
J ilssure, itch Ing, list ula, fco., cured wltnout
palu by the llniMiliuion 'Ikeitshst. Illustrated
papers explalrilng ttmsystern and eoutalnlngrvf
erences sent nee. Address
208 Wyamltii Ave, iHcranloii, J'a.
Jlaich U.cms.
more money than nt anything elsebytaka
Ing nn agency lor tno best hcmng look out
Degluncra tuccecd grandly. None tall
Terms free. 1Uu.eitUocx(:o1'c,ktuh
an Aii.itn.tiTi: cuius ron
THIS m't stiioborn eaics lcld readily tdlt
nnd haMint fulled to Ciirna single enso
ivherodltectloiHnio followed, ltssucress
hns been rcmatkahlonnd Its cures wonder,
ful. It Is Iho most successful preparation In tho
market Tor CATAItltll nnd tho only ono that
promises an Absolute, I'osltlin Cure. It Is
truly n hlesslng to m.inUlnd. A Trial Is nit
thnt Is ii. bed fur It. tlnco used, It Is alwaj s
recommended, end for lestlmonlnls ofactunl
Ono holllo Is generally siimelcnt for a euro. Stop
taking ttulnlne. A tilal only Is asked rnr Km.
T.icn'a CaTAIiuii llUMtiiiV. It is a Hl'HCI l-'IO
fur nil arMmr I rum nn linpuro blood and
drives all eruptions from the skin. For Hyphl
lltlcconiplnlntalt Is superior to nny preparation
In tho mmket. Ono bottle will euro most of tho
following complaints nnd a continued uso will
vosmVKLY cure. S.iro doctor bills and try It.
PESIALi: WEAKNESS.'s (,'ATAniui Hum bov Is no patent
iiiullelne. hut a rito and plea.unt prciiarntlou
ti lake and lurely Iho greatest medical discov
ery of I ho aire. Ono bottle rejuvenates tho cntlro
svtcm and pom'-scs more virtue than a half
if i bottle- or ordinary patent preparations.
V n;e rir ICF'lninnliilsntiil other information,
jQ-l'or sain b iltuaiti ts ircncrally.
iMtit i; hi. no a iiotti.i:. six hot
ri.IS't roil On receipt of suS.oti by
the m.i ur.icturtrs, Samuei, 1'. & Co.,
Iliur, inirg, 1M., six botflcswlll bo scut express
.1,000 AOE.NT3 WANTED for tho new work
4518 TRISH
My thoomiiicni author. Jlns. T. 1'. O'lon.nuh, t,
I. for I.lwrnool. and II. M MoW'Aiif. Ksi. Kn-
tlorst'd by Hon. C. Taiinkix A llirlltlnc littory
of Irish oppression and tho mlsility &uu?i;lo for
noinc Huio uiUL n rwhiDK uic itruisii liinjure 10
Us cciitiv; also biographic 1 1 tho lertdtTs. An en
lliplyne worklioui lilh authorllv. of nll-fth
HorbltiK iutcifst, richly lilustrati'il, aud In Immense
(lemnml. Apply quickly to HL'tflUltl) HltOd ,
ubllshers, riiilauelpiiu, vx. July lc-ltd.
3 A Gcrcialtv.
Simplest, mo-jt durable, economical athl rcTlcci in
use. Wastes iiogrnln: eleanstt learlv ror maiket.
faw mills, rihIii dints and slnnaaid Implements
generally, tenu lor liiusiraicu catalogue.
A. 11. Fiircjialiar,
IVritisylvnnU Agricultural Works, Vork, l'a.
(Julyio r it
pvvsi'Ul'BIA. Its Nature. Causes I'reven
I lion m i cure.;i 11. .uoAiiui, iiwci.
Mass.,11 years tax collector, sout freo to any ad
dress. July, at d
aaiLROAD Tiiwcn sabi.ii.
p.m. ii.m.
a.m. tun. ti m
a oo ta :)')
s 5t is aa
s ts is -a
s 40 12 is
S 3.1 li Uf
s sr ta oi
i ai u m
i U 11 64
li 11 50
i m ii 47
i OS Jl 41
....-icrnnton.... 0 lo it 15 2 03
llullcvuu.... 11 15 ti 20 2 10
...Tujlorvlllo... 0 20 9 211 2 15
.. Lackawanna.. 0 27 y M 2 22
I'ltlston..... c :) 11 It 2 so
..West Ntttton. 0 40 0 4T 2 26
....iiyommg....; 11 n D 52 2 41
. ..Mnllbj 3 111 U 53 2 41
....Kingston .... 0 58 10 05 2 50
....Kingston....' 3 5.3 10 (ai 50
l'lyinotith Juno, 7 us 10 102 55
..,.1'lymouth.... 7 07 10 153 00
.... Alondale. . 7 12 10 201, 05
....Nantlcoke... 7 13 10 253 10
Dennett.. , 1 6 si 10 0.12 1
"i (11 II 41
7 S 11 88
7 St 11 31
7 50 Jl 30
f 4-1 11 21
7 SO 11 12
7 18 11 10
7 11 10 51
7 03 10 41
6 5tj 10 41
3 51 10 S3
8 50 10 31
6 42 10 27
6 33 10 21
A 30 10 Iti
6 25 10 11
6 OH 9 63
IS 00 0 40
5 55 t) 43
5 40 U 31
p.m. am.
IIUIHOCK'S C1PCK 7 23 10 1,2 3 27
..t-hlckbhlnny.. 7 37 10 413 to
..nick's Ferry.. I 7 50 11 113 52
,.i;eacliHaven.. 7 57 11 033 58
Ueiwlck.... K 04 11 134 03
Urlar Creek...! 8 10 11 20 4 12
..Vlllow tlroie., 8 11 11 254 Iu
...Un.ulildgo... 8 is 11 201 ai
Espy 8 25 11 3C I 27
...nioom&burg... x eo 11 444 34
.... lamer l ' 8 so 11 504 40
3 11
,catawru nudgo 8 41 11 554
5 50 . ..HnnMlle.... 8 58 12 135 til
5 40 ....Chulaf,ky.... ti 05 12 205 12
6 431.... Cameron.... I t 08 12 256 17
6 32lNorthumberland, 'J 25 12 40 5 35
a.m. I In. hi. a.m. p. in
V. T. IIALSTEA1), Hupt.
Superlnlendert's oirco. Wranton, Feb.l6t,l8P
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divis
ion, and Northern Central
In cuoct Juuj lstti, 1B30. trains leave Sun.
9.10 a.m., Sea M1010 EApress (dally except
Sunday), for Harrisburgandliiiermedlalestatlons,
aiming au ruuaaeipnina.15 p. la.; wew vorK,
4.20 D. m. : Ualllmoi'O. 4.40 n. ni. : Washington.
50p. in., couueetlngnt riilladelphla for nil Sea
Shore points. Through passenger coach to
I'uiiaacimiia. m. Pay expresfc
dally execj t Suuday),for Harrlaburgund lntermc
dlate stations, anlvlug at I' li 1 1 a d e 1 p h la
6.50 p. m. j New York, 9.35 n. m. ; lialllmon
0.45 n. in. : Washington. 8.00 d. 111. l'arlor car
through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches
lurougu 10 rnuaiieipiua ana imiiimoic.
7,15 p. m. Itcnovo Accommodation (dally
Ing at rhlladelphla 4 15 u. in. ; New YorU 7.30 a. m.
lor uarnuurg anu an iniermc.11.110 biauons. arnv
ua timore. 5.23?. in. : u abiiiiiL-ion uo u. in.
Sleeping car accommodations- can be seemed at
Harrlsburirforl'hlladelDhlaandNew York. 1111 sun.
divs ntliiougli sleeping tur will bo run; on this
trala from Wtlllumsp't to rhlladelphla. Philadelphia
uabseugeis can ruuuiuiuhicepcr uuuisiui ecu nail
7 11. m.
7.1 ff 1. ra. Ella Mall (dally except Monday,
arnv ug ai rniiaaeiiinia 8.25 a. in. sew York,
iur uauiaiHiiu uuu iiitciimuiai.u biaiiuns,
11,30 0. m. ; lUlttmorc 8.15 a. in. ; Washington, 9.25
1. m. inroiigii i-iiiiinQn sleeping cars aro lunon
1 tils train in ruiuaeipnia, Kaiumoro and washing,
ton, and through passenger coaches to l'hlladel.
pnia and uaituuoro.
5.10 a. m. Erie Mall (dalij except Sunday), ro.
Krie mm nil iiiiermeutate nattoua nnd cauaudal,
ua and tntermedlatu stations, Itnehester, Hum.
luauu iiagura raws, iviiu iuiouku i-uuman l'ai
ice cars and passenger coaches to Erie uud Uoch
u.M-Ne3 Express (dally except Sunday) for
lxik Haven and Intermediate stations.
I.tu u. m. isiairara Exmess (da vexcent Sun
day) for Kane and Intermediate stations and Cin-
auaaigua ana principal iniermeuiato billions.
Hochester, Uutfalu and Niagara Falls nlth
through passenger coaches to Kane and I'.ochester
and l'arlor car to Watklns.
6.30 p. 111. Fast I.lno (dally except Sundayltor l!o
aotu and intermediate stations, aud Klnilia, Wat.
kins aud luleriiiedlalo stations with through pas-
seiiai r tuavut o vu 111.u11.uuuu ttuiMiis,
9.20 a. in. Sunday mall for lienovo and Intcrmo.
dlato stations.
r..ioi-AMI UUTU.
Eunday man leaves riiuaiicipiua 4.30 n. ra
llarrlsburg I.4U arriving nt Sunbury 9.20 a. m. with
inrougu bieepiugcar iruiu j-uuaucipuia iu vvii-
News Exnross leaves l'hllAdelnhla 4. SO a. m.
llarrUburg, 4.10 a. in. dally except Sunday
-irrlvlm? nL Sunbury 9.53. a. 111.
Niagara Express leaves
Philadelphia, 7,40 n. m. ; Ilaltlmoro 7.30 a. m. (dally
except Sunday arrlilug at sunbury, 1. 00 p. 111.,
llb through Parlor car from Philadelphia
inu inruugu passeuger ouaeut;s irum ruuauei.
uuia Hlia iiaiiiiuuid.
Fast Lino leavca Now York 9.00 a. m. i l'hlladel
phlj.ll.w a. 111. i Washington, 9.50 a, m. ; lialll
more, 10.45 a, 111., (daily except Sunday) arriving at
sunbury. 6.3up. in., with through passcngei
co.u-lu's from Philadelphia and llaltimoru.
Erlo .Mall leaves New York 8.(0 p. m. j phlladol
phla, 11.20 p. in. j Washington, iu.i p. in. j Haiti
uioie, 11.20 p. 111., (dally exeeiil.Saturd.ij) arming
at Sunbury 6.10 a. in., Willi thtuugh Pullmuu
sleeping ears Horn Phlhidelphla, Waslilngton and
lialtliuoiu and through passenger coaches from
It.tll.ltllAU AMI MIUTII AM) Wl'.M'l'
lilt M II ItAII.U'AY.
(Hally except sunoay.)
Wllkesbarro Mull loatcs bunbury ln.toa. m.
anlvlug at Ulooui Ferry 10.6 a. in., Wllkeg-barie
12.18 p.m.
Express East leaves Sunbury 5.S5 p. m., arriving
at Hloom Ferry 6.23 p. 111., Wllkes-barro 1.53 p. in
Sunbury Mall U-u es Wllkesbarro lata a. 111. urrlr.
Ingnt iilontn Ferry is.i-5 11. m.,Hunbury 12.55 p. in
Expicss West leaves U llti-u-barro 2.45 p. m nr.
rlvlug at Hloom Ferry 4.15 v. iu.,bunbuiy 6.11 p.m
Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 9.25 n. m., arriving
at Hloom Ferry 11. in., Wllkes-llurrc lino a.iu.
Sunday accommodation leaven Wllkcs-Uarre 6:10
p. 111., arriving ai uioomreii y, 0.41 p. 111., ounuury,
iia 11. ui.
CHA. i!. 1'UUll,
J, It. WOOD,
Ceo. I'astcugor Agent
uen. Manager,
A enmmon by. wot J I'll paBS.
Two lor a scout A couplo ot blood
liouiuls. A roasted chestnut Is it hot enough
Even n oltliiiiioy li.n lU nuiv soot.
iV. V. Journal.
Tbo young man bill of promlso fro
(iiictilly turns out bail pay.
When tho summer resorts (ill up it
1icooiiiu3 moro dlllluiilt for ihu bonrdcrs
A cigar, to sell, should ho well ad
vertised. It must bo puffed to go
A marriage in Maryland eot-ts Sl
hut it takes llircu lijjiues lo get lliu
knot untied.
A man who has a scolding1 wifo sajB
liu i uoiiin lltioiiiili lliu lourney of
li fo by mi!.
A man must not uVpcnt to live in
clover simply biieaiHu hu marries a
grai widow.
Tho mm' whi'otn look his ttilor
stpiiiro in tho retina is an honest shaver.
Ar. Y Journal.
The young Umporor of China has
consumption, but ho may got over it
if ho lets tea alone.
In England and. Wales there nro
OOO.OOi) buinl.ty sohool toaclior.3 mill
'JUD,uuu scholar.J.
'I'm titltiiit; a I'luure," said
tho editor as ho softly slid his suitors
through a big paper bill.
JIis. Cleveland will nut bo thorough
hippy until Orovcr gets her tho
smallest dog in America.
Tno base ball player is .1 vury domes
tic man, for ho is nuver so well pleased
as when on lliu homo run.
Mrs Gladstone darns all tho I!romier's
socks and his dan 'liter attends to tho
Grand Old Man's neckties.
The prudent man always lays up
something for a rainy day, if it is only
n burrowed umUrell.t. Jaic.
It is the fashion at prei-eiit in Eng
land to take notice ol babiis. Komi-
crly only iiurstrymaids did eo.
When it comes to boycotting an 1111
dertakcr it really looks as it tho thing
wero ui-itig run into ttio ground.
It is the height of ill breeding to
characterize an elderly spinster as a
chestnut. Boston Transcript.
Somo inquisitive person asks: "What
tloes a man make by getting married f
Well, ho generally makes llie lire,
An irato parent attempted to kick
one of li is daughter's admirers off the
front steps, but missed linn by two
Dr. Newman Hull has nineteen Sun
tiny schools in connection with Ins
church in London, in which thero nio
fl'iOt) pupils.
The difference between a poor angler
Soplirouin, and the lull ho tuos is this:
Tho angler baits his hook and tho fish
hook Ins bait.
Swinburne sap, '"When young men
yell at me, I smile." We? suppose that
is when they yell, "bwinbunie, come
and tako a drink.'1
A writer compares an old maid to a
Union. the comparison is laultv
Voting men oflen stjuezo lemons.
Norristown Jlerald.
Dr. Mary Walker claims lo bo tbo
coolest woman in Washington. And
yet there is a great deal said in tho
ccur-j n (is about pants.
The fellow who had buried Ihrto
wives and was about to bo married
again, invariably spoke of his inlendid
as my foui lb-coming bride.
"1 am lo tell tho truth,'' said a New
York lisherman. "Yes," interiupted
an acquaintance, "and you are proba
bly the woist thot in America.
M.tny Mississippi women arc adopting
farming as a profession. They aio
Irugal, energetic anil careful and some
of them aro waxing rich. Ilaeholors
iry Mitsissippi.
It is said that John L. Sullivan can
knock a man Into tho middlo of next
wetk. His method is to slug bin so
that ho will not regain consciousness
for tlueo or four days.
A man in I'rostville, Pa., received a
letter last week which was mailed in
1809. Wo thought Ihe Special letter
deliyery had been discontinued.
Iforrishnen Herald.
Early Methods of Measuring Time.
The simy is that King Alf led had
110 better way lo tell the timo than by
binning twelve candles, each of which
lasted two hours j and when nil the
twelve Wetu gene, another day had
passed. Long belore tho timo of Alfred
and long beluio tho time of Chiist, the
shadow of the sun told the hour of the
day by meai.s of a sundial. Tho old
Clialdeans so placed a hollow her.'.is
pht re, with a beat) iu tho ceutri, that
tho bhadow ot me bunt on the inner
surface told tho hour of tho day. Other
kinds of dials wero afierwi.rd made
with a tablet of wood or Btraight piece
of melal. On tho tahh ts weio tnark d
tho different hours. When tho shadow
camo to tho mark IX it was 9 o'clock
iu tho morning. Tho dial was some
times placed near the ground, or in
towois or buildings. Tho old clock on
tho eastern end of Faneuil Hall, in
Boston, was formerly a dial of this
kind, and on somo of tho old church
towers iu England you may eo them
to-day. Asido from tho kinds mention
e.l, tho dials now iu existence am in
tended more for ornament than for use.
In tho days when dials wero used, each
ouo contained a motto of some kind,
liko theso : ''Timo flies liko tho shad
ow,'' or "I tell no hours but those that
aro happy." Hut tho dial could bo
used only iu tho day time, and, oven
then, il was woithless when Iho sun
was covered with clouds. In order to
measure the bonis of tho night as well
as tbo hours of tho day, tho Crocks
and Unmans used tho clepsjdra, which
means, '-Tho water steals away." A
largo jar was filled with water, an 1 a
liolo was mado in lliu bottom, tluo igh
which tho wati r could run, Tho glass
iu those days was not ttmisparent. No
onu uouhl see from tbo ouuido bow
much water had escaped, So theio
who made, on the inside, certain marks
thnt told the hours as tho witcr ran
out i or olso a slick, with notches in
tho edge, was dippod into iho witter,
and tbo depth of what was left showed
the hour. Sometimes lliu water drop
ped into another jar, in which a block
of wood was floating, iho block rising
as tho hours went on.
After n thorough test J II. Mercer
mort I'OtllA'oly atsoits that Ackei's
English lieuiedy is tho best medicine
for asthma, croup, coughs, whooping
cough and all lung troubles that can bo
found. Ask him about it, for ho fully
guarantees it,
for Infants and Children.
"CstorlUsovrcIladaplcdtocbJldrcnthat I CMtorl cures Oolle, Oocrtlpatlon,
LrrrnfJ'lTi1 ATnCr'PUOn "gW WmoU. dt.
known to me. IL A. Akchea. II. D.t I 08tion
Ul So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. Without injurious medication.
To Clitics Coutjvt, 183 Fulton Street, N. T.
insTit.mi from selected Parley Vultnnd guaranteed to 1m chemically pure
nndftenftom l.iJmloitsolNnnd leldsolteii ronlnlned In alcoholic Honors. It is
especially ndaplrd to persons reriulilngn Mlmtihvtlng tonic, Constimpihcs being
urentlr bench ltd! by Its ii Itecommendod by loading phyiilclans as a biuret In,
isorvlne and Aller.itne. For I'oiittimplltes It Is Invaluable. l'UllilNE'M
l'tlllB 1IAII1.HY MALT IIIsKBY Insures a return of vigor to tho stomach, it good
nptii'tlte.n rich nnd abundant blood nud Increased lles.Ii and muscular tissue A
otYmulaiit mild nnd gentle In cfToct, Pyr-pepsla, Indigestion rind nil .wasting dis
eases ent. bo entirely conquered by Iho uso or renlnc's Puro Hurley JIult Whiskey.
It Hntoiile.sndcIiurelinnMlnpoiieiniUticngthener to tho entire syttem. l'EIl
lll.NEH ITI1H IIAKIKV MAI.T WlllsKE has tirovcd a medicinal protection to
thosovihopursuethelrniocallotis Inthonpennlr nnd whoso dally ork calls lor
exceptional powers of enduinnee. Ast; inur lieare-t druggist or grocer for It.
ITIlltlNK'HlVlIU 1IA1II.HY JIAI.T WIllSKhY revives tho energies of thosOMorn
out with excessive liodllv or mental effort nnd acts as a safeguard against cxposuro
In wet nnd rigorous vtcothcr. I' will ilrlvo all malarious discuses rrom tho system.
Hard workers of every vocation and persons w hoin a sedentary lticionilompnmelo
Dyspepsia nnd In I'errlne's l'tiro liarley tf"--'1 " ,"T'"T af Ti
Hall Milskey a nowciful InvlgornntB The analysis as It appears by tho La-1
nnd helper to ingestion. I'HIllllNE'.s Ebel on eiery bottle: 1 have carefully nn-
l'llli: llAltl.EY MALT WHISKEY H ilyted the l'unit IU11I.KV MAI.T Wmsjl
ivlthout unduly t,tlmul,itlng tho Kid- CkKV mado ty Jl. J. S I'errlno and tlnilB
nns Itirrenses Ihelr nagging nctiwty, Bit entirely It eo from fusel oil, furturol.B
counteracts Ihe criecti of fatlgu-. has-RinetoH nnd acids nnd Is nbiolutoljj
tensconvaleiience and Isa wholesome Bpiire." ViiCif, t'omfmt Arthur mterft
nnd nromnt diuretic iVnteli
None cenulno unless bearing
For sale by all druggists
anu grocers iiirougnoui.
tho L'nltcil states and
M si'
FOIt PALK 1IY C. it, ltOlilllNS, llLOOMSliUllO, l'A. IJ 9 fms.
A Large and Varied Stock of
Call and be Convinced that you have the
The Lowest Possible Prices
vvswBa mmMmsz mm
Wlinlcsnlo nml Hetnll tlcnlcis In
Headquarters for
Sloronntl Wnnlif ii-vh, Noh. 12C ifc 128 FumUm
Avciiup, No. 2 Lauk'n Avcnuo Si 210, 212 it 211 Ct-n-tor
thoi.iuei 1 BiTiiiieiti mr L'iiirrri(ie uj Jiunwn.i
Ihe bigna- wfm nrni iirMMiurn
For llie Cclcliratctl Clilcl.tilng, Ivtrs &
I'oml, iitul Vnsott Son l'lunos. 'Worlilit
nowneil Ksley Orp;n8, Violins, Aieouleona
and Slieit Munc. teiilnoliil A liiie, Kew
High Ann Duvii-, t-w llune, Hovnl bl.
John, uud I-ifc lit l.i.i i.ihi; Dt'tmnic t-iwliij;
MiKthlncR. Xu-i'itU'b, oil u ji it i uls
for all nmUcs of ticwlni' Machine.
F" I1''' I 1