The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 23, 1886, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
This powder never vai les. A marvel of purity
strength una wholesomcness. Moro economical
than ordinary kinds, and cannot bo Bold In compo
tlon wlthtlio multitude o( low test, snort wclimt,
alum or pliosphato powders. Sold only in cans;
110YAI. lUHNQ l'OWDBB t'O,. Wall tit,. N. Y.
The Columbian.
FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1880.
Trains on the Philadelphia It It, leave ItuDcrt
as follows i
6:36 o. m.
3:42 p. m.
11:49 a. m.
6:13 p. m.
Trains on tho V.L.& W. It,
It. leavo Bioomsburg
this a. m.
10:0) ii. m.
i:(a p. in.
6:3o p. in.
8:59 a. m.
11:11 a. tn.
4:13 p. m.
8:47 p. m.
Trains on tho N. & W. B
Ferry us follows :
Hallway pas3 Bloom
1.1:5.' o, m.
11,83 p. m.
15:05 p. m.
4:15 p. m.
Nonnt. booth.
10.11am 6:41 pm
Wanted. Second iiaml copying press,
la good order. Must be cheap.
J. It. bOllUYLKll & Co.
Foil Balk. One new Sloan side liar
buggy. One bloan jump-seat carriage In
good condition with slinfts,polo nnd brako.
Ono ola buggy Ono doublo heater. In
quire of L. E. Waller. JulyO
A vury handsomo walnut counter desk,
suitable for storo or olllce, will bo sold at
less than half cost price. Apply to
J. It. SoilUVLKH & Co.
Hev. II. (J. Monro, administrator, will
sell valuable real estate on premises in
Madison township on Saturday, July 31.
Sco advertisement.
Fore Sai.k. The undersigned will sell 40
or CO acres, more or less, to suit purchas
ers, t,rom the south sldo of his farm In
Hemlock township. Three good springs
of water, good building site, public road
through the land, about G acres of timber,
small stream of water through land. Price
$15 per aero in payments. For particulars
inquire of ltcubcn Botnboy, lluckliorn, or
Geo. E. Elwcll, Bloomsburg. J4,0 mos.
Foil Sai.h. A very dcsirablo property,
ou Market street In tho town of Blooms,
burg, Pa. nearly opposite Rev. D. J.
Waller. Lot 01 feet In width and 198 feet
In depth. An alley on the north and cast,
lot of D. J. Waller on tho south. Market
street on tho west. The dwelling house is
a largo two story brick with Mansard roof,
water, gas and sewer drainage, a good
largo stable, good fruit, and good well of
Also a house and lot in Catawlssa front
ing on 3rd street, above Pine street, a good
two story frame dwelling house with two
story kitchen attached.
Michael F Eykult
April 7. "80. tf. Bloomsburg, Pa.
Foil Salk. Two houses and lots on
Canal street. Desirable, cheap homes, and
pay well to rent.
Also, ono of tho finest residences in
Bloomsburg, corner of Fifth and Centre
streets. Having all tho latest Improve
ments, etcam heat, water, gas, water clos
ets and bath room. Good barn, fruit and
jrnamental trees, largo lot. A rare chance
Tor a fine home. Apply to
J. II. Maize,
Cor. Main and Centre Sis.
Apportionment of Iclc(utCH.
Apportionment of delegates under vote
for Governor in 1882,allowlng a ratio of 00
votes for a delegate.
District. Vote in 1882. No. of Delegates
Beaver, 193 3
Berwick, E. 312 2
W. 2
Benton, 220 4
Bloom, E. 203 4
" W. 107 3
Briarcrcek, 132 2
Catawlssa, 224 4
Centralia,. 130 2
Centre, 173 3
Conyngham, N. 75 2
" S. 83 2
Fishlngcrcek, 202 4
Franklin, 50 2
Greenwood, 104 3
Hemlock, 145 2
Jackson, 123 2
Locust, 248 4
Madison, 108 3
Main, 130 2
Milllin, 103 3
Montour, 74 2
ML Pleasant, 88 2
Orange, 115 2
ltoanngcrcck, 70 2
Vine, 97 2
Scott, W. 00 2
" E. 103 2
Sugarloaf, 107 3
Total, 75
Under this apportionment Benton, Bloom
West, Catawlssa, Greenwood and Sugar.
loaf, each get an additional delegate, over
what t'aey had under tho ratio of 07 votes
to a delegate, when tho wholo number of
delegates was limited to seventy.
Judgo Elwcll will bo away from homo
during August.
Miss Ida Bernhard is visiting friends at
Syracuse, N. Y.
M. E. Walker, Esq., of Shickshinny was
In town on Tuesday,
W. A. Marr, Esq., of Ashlaud, was In
towu on Wednesday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. P. E. Wirt went to New
Haven ou Wednesday.
Mrs. O. It. Buckalow and Mrs. it, E.
Waller aro at Ganoga Lako.
Mrs. Ij. Gross and children went to Kan
sas City on Tuesday to visit friends.
Mrs. F. DeShcppard and Mrs. Aiman of
Philadelphia aro visiting Mrs C. E. Ilabb.
William Ilohrbach of Franklin was
among tho visitors to town on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Ilanuou, of Con
yngham township, aro tho guests of Pro
thonotary Bnyder and wife.
Dr. J. U. Itulter started for Colorado
Weducsday ovenlng. Ho expects to bo ab
Bent about two weeks, and will ylslt most
of tho chief cities on tho route.
David Geislnger has been appointed
postmaster at Espy,
W, C. MeKlnnev nn.1 tfimtl..
Kansas on Tuesday. They wcro accompa.
nled by M. O. Bloan and William Illiliton.
r. oioan is taking tho trip for tho benefit
t his health.
Mr. G. II. Vnnlt, .1L. ...
-.v, vuituiui uiu ucrwiCK
Vtmocrai, was in town on Monday. Ho
has been In tho editorial lmrnnaa nvn Art
years unci understands tho business. Ho
mao edits tho MHIUnburg A'nc.
M. O. Sloan Is
front of his residence.
B. F. Stiarnlea.
1 . . . ' 1 "" mi ono nay
last week, by falling from a ladder.
C. E. Savaeo Is rennrind n ..i..
cd a valuable horso whllo In Philadelphia'
Tho Lutheran Sunday school tilcnlo
postponed until Tl.uradav fin npcmi nt nf
the weather.
A high board fence lift hfinrt htlllf nrmiH.I
Oak Grove, and trespassing on tho grounds
13 iui uiuuun.
Attention la culled to tlin flinnrrn tn ll. n
nmo tnuic or the D. L. & W. It. H. nt the
neau 01 tlio local column.
llcrvey E. Smith Severed 1U rnnnrltn.
with tho Sentinel last Saturday night, after
11 service 01 a mile over two weeks.
Hemcmber Hint nnW i 1
...... ,j ww uu uucnsi
... ...,, tt ,,..,
the cumulative, plan has been abolished
Ilcnrv Wolf, nf Mi iin.. i
w.nt, uHtiiriiicr ni N. I' Miiit.n ...... .
n . w. uiii.v, imu mar.
rlcd last Saturday evening by Itev. Mr.
Tho old deed which wn minted loot ,l.
is not a new newspaper dlscoverv. It Im
appeared in one of the legal form books for
iiiuuv years.
J. M. Staver rodo from Hlnomnlnirir in
Jersey Miore on his bicycle last Friday In
seven nours and ten minutes. Tho tlis-
tanco Is CO miles.
A nCW nOSt Ofllcn lino lmnn r.oll.K.I,.l t
Henton towushlp.with tho name of Tnurus
It is in tho eastern end, and the postmaster
a i.icunru 1. Biniiu.
Mr. ltcubcn Hess of ltunert lias nrcscnt.
ea us with four peaches that weigh 20
ounces. They wcro perfect in formation
ami uciicious in Havor.
Collector's notices, ten or more of which
the law requires shall bo posted up by tax
collectors, are for sale at this office. Also
collector's receipt books.
The Bloomsburu base ball clnh went tn
Catawlssa last Saturday afternoon to nlnv
with a club of that place, resulting In a
score 01 14 to 12, In favor of Bloom.
On Friday of last week Howard Hidlr.
man was badly burned about the face and
arms by an explosion of eras while at wnrk
at the furnaco in the car shons of G. M. &
J. li. Locknrd.
There will be a free clam bake and Sum
mer nigiifs festival at G en Onoko on
Thursday, the SOlli. Special trains will be
run and excursion rates given on tho Le.
high Valley road.
The School Furnishing company aro rap.
idly getting their machinery for doing work
in tine style and with dispatch. They have
just received a new style sand papering
machine which Is said to be the vei y latest
A camp meeting will be held at Hupert
Grovo beginning on the 23rd Inst, and
closing on August 3rd. It will be under
the charge of tho A. M. E. church and
some prominent men in that denomination
aro expected to bo present.
A L. F.itz is he or'y candldato for rep
resentative on the north side of tho river
and should receive all the delegates In the
county. According to tho old custom uf
voting each voter should leave the namo of
Mr Fritz, with one of the thrco candidates
on the other side, on the ticket.
Philip V. Weaver, Esq., of Hazleton, Is
a candidate for Itcprcscntativc in that dis
trict, ami the prospects for his success are
said to be good. Hu Is possessed of ability
and has a large legal practice. If nomina'
ted he will succeed James Sweeny. Both
of them were educated at the Normal
S. B. Coleman of the Dealer was In
town on Monday in the interests of tho c.v
curslon from Wllkesbai.'e to Glen Onoko
on the 29th. Tho occasion is tho opening
of the Wahhctah Hotel, a large and clc
gant new house. Tho fare trom W"kes
barre for the round trip is only ijl.00 The
llrst train leaves there at 8.40 a. in.
M". H. A. Schwcppenheiser, of Lime
Kidge, showed us last week some wheat of
his raising which was indeed excellent.
was called tho Belgium, lie and Mr, Turn
bach being the only two In tho county that
have a crop of this wheat Mr. Schweppen.
helsersnya the wheat will jleld from 40 to
45 bushels to tho acre.
The 1 Hurts of several amateurs to mount
a bicycle In tho Postoftlcc alley on Mouday
evening attracted n crowd to witness the
proceeding. It wus laughable in the ex
treme, and 110 doubt the bystanders en
joyed some palls of tho exhibition much
more than the peiformers. It looks very
easy to rido a wheel, but if you think it is,
just try it.
Wo nro under obligations to Hon. A. L.
Fritz for a number of volumes of stato re
ports of the different departments; nnd also
for a work entitled "Pennsylvania in tho
Hovolullnu" in two volumes, lnc work
Is pdlteil liv John 11. Linn and Dr. W. H.
EpIo. both historians of distinction. They
are well bound, and aro books of reference
of great value.
List of letters remaining In the Po3t Of
lice at Bloomsburg for week ending July
20. IS8U1
Sam'l T. Altemus, Miss Jenule Dundore,
Miss Jessie Hassiuctr, Miss Annie JI
Hine, Mrs. Mary Jamison, W. J. Jerome,
Esq , Mr. John Shaffer, George U. 'trump
Miss Mary O. Woollver.
Persons calllnc tor these letters will
please say "advertised."
Geokob A. Clai:k, r. Si.
The question has been asked whether a
marriage license issued from ono comity
authorizes the performance of the cere.
mnnv 111 a different county. From tho
plain language of the law it would appear
that it does not. The Act of 1,885 says that
no person within this commonwealth shall
bo joined in marriage, uuU' a licenso suau
havo been procured from the clei k of tho
orphans court, in the cowuy r ne wir
riage it jrimf.
A family picnic was held In Oak Grove,
bv tho Bidleraan family on Tuesday.
Them nersous present from
Schoolcraft, Mich,, Canister, Bhlck
shinnv. Philadelphia. Elmlra and War
Indlann. The eutlre number
present was 101. A very pleasant tlmo
was had. They went early and stayed lato
and an orean furnished music for dancing.
Thrcn venerations were represented. It
will bo au event long to bo remembered
by tho 0 who participate
Cholco celery plants, 25cts. per 100, $2
per 1000-at J. Garrison's, Fifth street.
Through somo misunderstanding tlio
Wllllamsport and Wllkcsbarro baso ball
clubs both went to Danvlllo on the samo
ay to play with tho Danvlllo club. Tho
latter claimed that thcro was no schcdulo
game for that day, as claimed liy'VYllllams-
port, ond therefore played with Wilkes
liarro with whom they had arranged for a
friendly game. For this the Dauvlllo club
ws expelled from tho league. A meeting
of tho Stato Bnso Ball League was appoint
ed to bo held at Danville on Tuesday, to
tako action on the expulsion of that club,
and Messrs. Bcarl!t &, Angle, attorneys for
tho Danvlllo club, obtained a preliminary
injunction from Jndgo Elwcll to restrain
tho League from expelling them. Asa re
sult they wcro reinstated.
A deputy sheriff, named Hugh Median,
from Osage, Iowa, arrived on Saturday,
tlio 3rd Inst., nrmcd with tho necessary pa
pers to arrest Wilson Agcr. Tho charge is
that Agcr swindled Col. D. F. McCarthy of
that state, in J 883. by selling him a decorti
cating machine for cleaning wheat, for
which $1500 was nald. Tho machinery
was to bo shipped from Minneapolis. Mc
Carthy went to considerable expenso In
moving machinery In his mill, but failed
to get the machine, or to find Acer. The
Osage iVfM says that olllccrs havo been
looking for him for somo time. Agcr left
town tho Friday before the officer arrived,
but whether it was to avoid arrest or not
we cannot say.
Prof. E. Stono Wiggins, tho weather
prophet, insists that the grcut storm he
predicted for this Fall will be on hand.
Ho says ho docs not anticipate any furlhcr
great change In tho weather until Fall
'September ho says, "will open rold and
stormy, picmonitory to my great storm,
commencing on tho afternoon of Sept. 22,
and the great war of tho elements will
come as sure as tho sun Is In tho heavens.
It will be a storm of unparalleled violence,
and after sweeping across the Atlantic and
traversing the country will exhaust its en
ergies upon the rugged front offered by
the Hocky mountains. Fishermen in the
maritime provinces and In Newfoundland
have not been slow to appreciate my pre
dictions, and I havo already received in'
tclligenco from many that they have made
arrangements to be In port ou tho day of
the destructive storm."
The rulo fixing Mod ay for the holding of
delegate election ought to bo changed at
tho coming County Democratic Convention.
It Is much moro convenient for farmers to
go to the polls on Saturday afternoon when
their week's work Is done, than it is on
Monday when they must lose (nearly a half
day, if they have any distance to travel.
anil tuns a much larger vote can bo got
out on Saturday than Monday. Another
objection to tho present rule is '.hat there is
not sufficient time given between the clcc
Hon and convention to figure out tho re
turns and ascertain tho instructions. When
there is n full county ticket to bo elected
with numerous candidates in the field, It
would bo Impossible to go over all tho re
turns in the allotted time. There aro some
good reasons forh'aving tho convention the
day after tho election, but tiio objections
appear to bo greater than the advantages
and therefore the rule should be amended.
Last Filday John Betz took suddenly 111
with paralysis affecting his speech. At
present writing (Monday) he Is somo bet.
Win. Dent, Jr., of Virginia paid relatives
and friends a Hying visit on Saturday and
Itev. Swltzer accompanied Hev. Sharetts
on this circuit Sunday. Ho is general can
vasser far tlio Lutheran Observer. During
the week he will visit Lutheran families In
the Interests of that paper.
Mrs. Sade Old, of Ingram, Pa., on learn
ing by telegraph of her father's sudden ill
ness, (John Betz) she immediately prcpar.
cd for home, arriving here Saturday even
Wm. Deighm'.ller started upon n thresh
ing tour to-day.
C. M. Ttrwllllger has just added to his
tid-bit and delicacy department a new
nssortment of breath perfumeries. They
nru excellent. And Oh, he has an awful
lot of chewing gum.
The Biickhorn hotel presents quite a spry
appearance with its new coat on. H. Van
natta of Bloomsburg did the work.
Wallace Pursil is building tho foundation
for the new school house at the Forks. He
contracted for $037.
The Grangers desire a full turn out on
Friday evening.
lnc Lutheran Sunday school will hold
their annual picnic the first Saturday in
G. W. Hartman and wifo expect to visit
friends at Pottsgrove this Saturday,
I). S. Foulk und Johnny E. Hartman
will leave for tho west in a few weeks.
Amos I'". (Jtil, of Allegheny city Is com
ing home July 30th.
Dynamite is a dangerous might. "A
strong pu'l, nnd a lorg pull, and a pull r.l
together" will fetch almost any stump.
Jerseytown, where hast thou been all
this while ? Now, come, tell us what tho
ral'road Is doing for thee.
HCHOliitloiiH 01 Condolence.
Whereas, It has pleased I)llno Provi
deuce in its Inscrutable wisdom to rcmovo
by death our past sister, Lavilla McIIenry,
an honored teacher of McIIeny'a Sunday
WiiEiiKAB, In view of the los3 wo havo
sustained by tho dcaih of our friend and
sister, her parents, brothers and sisters
have sustained a still heavier loss, there.
fore, bo it
II 'otved, That It is a just tribute to tho
men'ory of our departed teacher to eay
that in regretting her removal from our
midst wo mourn for one who was in cveiy
way worthy of our respect nnd regard
whoso uniformly courteous deportment an
zeal in promoting a high standard of mem.
bership, or both tho church and Sunday
school, have eudeared her memory to cv-
cry member of tho samo.
JUiolvi, That wo sincerely tonder ou
heartfelt sj jipathy to tho parents, brother:
and sisters of tho deceased on tho dlspcn
satlon with which It has pleased Divine
FroUdenco to allllct, and commend them
for consolation to Him who orders
things for tho best.
Jt'wlted, That this heartfelt testimonial
of our sympathy and sorrow bo forwarded
to tho parents of tho deceased as a token
of our respect. Bo it also
JlnokeJ, That a copy of these resolutions
bo sent to each of tho Columbia county pa
pers (or publication.
Maiiv Yonso, )
Anna Uowvn, f
Ai.vis Davis, )
hcott'h nnvi,HioN 01' iuui;
Cod Llvor OU, With HypophospMtes.
For Waiting Diseases of Children.
Where tho digestive powers oro feeble
and the ordinary food docs not seem
nourish tho child, this acts both as food
and medicine, giving strength and flesh
once, and Is almost as palatable as milk
Take no other,
Considerable hall fell during the shower
Bunday afternoon.
Daniel Smith and son, of Milton, was In
town last week, talking railroad,
Messrs, Chamhorlaln nnd Morchcad, and
'gentleman, of Now York, passed throngh
hero on Saturday on the'r way to attend
tho railroad meeting nt Orangevlllc.
Our genial landlord, Mr. A. K. Smith,
now has tour handsome greys.
Mr. W. Jacoby and A. L. Fritz, Esq-,
were In town last week. Evidently look
ing up politics a little.
Mr. C. M. Smith recently returned from
visit to different parts of the West.
Mr. Frank Thomas, who has been In
Kansas for several yoars past, returned
to Jerseytown last week nnd is visiting his
brother-in-law, Mr. David Phillips.
Tho masons llntshcd their work 011 Mr,
A. Funston's new house last Wcducs
The school b'.iard had their account an
dltcd last Thursday. Bather late; but It
seems that the Secretary failed to attend to
securing tho Stato appropriation.
Mr. Charles Smith has gone to Watson-
town on railroad business.
No services In the M. E. Church on Sun
day, on account of tho absence of the
Tho M, E. Sunday school Intend having
picnic Saturday next. They will go to
Maiden's Lane, near lola.
Somo talk of a festival. Let It not be
all talk.
Miss Stella Kern, of Shenandoah. Is vis
Itlug Miss ltey. Shullz.
Miss Anna Supplee, of Bloomsburg, has
been visiting friends here.
Mrs. Dr. Swisher was very poorly last
week, but U better at present writing.
Tiiu laboiers 011 the railroad promlfe to
make things lively here. List Friday
morning tliey got to quarreling among
themselves and one of this men, n Italian,
gavu one of his fi How woikmen an Idea
of a pick used as 11 weapon. T'o man wns
comldcrnuly hurt about tho head. A War-
rant was proem cd for the nricst of the
Ilallun, lint he had disappeared. The
men, not being sallslled witli the "little
time' they had had out at the road, camo
Into town during the nftcinoon nnd con
tinned their jubilee. One man nourished
revolver biit wns soon disarmed by the
others. The affray lasted but a short time
and euiled without any one being hurt.
Tlio work on tho road is being carried on
wilh a marked degree of progress. There
are about thirty men nt work with four
carts and several wagons. It is said that
more hands will soon be put on the road at
this place.
'lhc prospects brighten, and Jerseytown
will have a railroad in a few well, in
short time.
Tramps and beggars arc becoming very
1'lie Mcliool UtlC'Htioll.
Editors Columiuan , Sins : There arc a
few men in Bloom school district who
work 305 days of 10 hours for S3C.1).
These men fall to sco any justice in ply
ing D. A. Bcckley or any other man $1080
for 100 days of six hours.
A good question in menial arithmetic
for the students this winter.
A man works 900 hours for :?10S0. How
much au hour ? For tlio benefit and en
llghtment of the tax payer we will answer
tho conundrum. ijlOSO .divided by 900
equal li.cqutil one dollar nnd twelve and a
half cents. Mr. Becklcy's abilities may en
title him to this compensation, I and some
others educated under the old method can
not sec it. It Is a very easy thing to voto
away other peoples' money and the ltepub
llcan members of tho board, who are the
friends of the poor Ux payer find it very easy,
We have only to say that some members
of the present board will bo set down on at
tho next election so hard that they will, be
flattened out thinner than a pan cake.
Ono more conundrum, How much school
tax do tho Republican members pay ?
A Senator itwiiiKH a Hhinliiir Hcytlie
From the Sunburr News.
Senator Wolverton has succeeded, after
considerable outlay In mom y and exten
sive ditching and clearing of undergrowth
In making his old Baldy farm a fertile, pn
ductlvc and beautiful stretch of lind, ex
tending as it docs from just above the
Pennsylvania railroad shops, along 'he
river, to the old llmo ki'r.s, touching llie
road tuat leads up Oberdorf fai.n. O;
Saturday last tho senator, whom many
people would like to see Governor of the
Commonwealth, jumped over ono of his
fences Into a wheat field ripo for the sickle,
Sclzinc a cradle he mowed a swath as clean
as was his wont in his earlier days. Phllir
Moore, who is a good mower, says lib cut
grain more than once with him. The tw
arc graduates ot tho farm and came into
town with their knees out, but do not In
tend to go out that way.
HrlLjlit I'roHpectH fortlicII.&H.It.R
We are informed by tlioso In position to
know, that sutllclent money has been
raised to lusuro the construction ot tho
Bloomsburg and Sullivan Itailroad to the
foot of the mountain, and that this will
bu done provided cnougli stock is taken In
the county to pay auy damages for right 0
way. There is so llttlo doubt that this can
be accomplished that orders havo been glv.
en by the contractors for tools, and lumber
has been purchased for tho erection of
chanties along tho line for the usu ot the
workmen. In a very short tlmo nn engl.
hcer corps will start out and go over tho
hue to reset the stakes and tlx tho grado
accurately, not merely us a bluff, as has
been intimated, but with bonafldo Intention
of building tho road. Tho Bloomsburg
and Sullivan Ita"road is a ilxed fact.
An Important DlHcovcry of Ccml.
An Important discovery of coal lias been
made at the Centralia collieries, operated
by L. A. Hlley & Co. For some lime past
they have been prospecting for tho mam.
moth vein, and havo now struck it. The
scam is one of tho largest iu the region, it
beinir 35 feet In thickness. Tho coal Is of
excellent duality and will prove a big
bonanza to the operators, It will not bo
mined as Is the custom but tho vein will bo
stripped, thus saving tho cost of sinking a
slope aud erccllug a new breaker. The
coal will bo taken to the old Centralia
breaker, u dlstanco of about 200 yards and
there prepared for '"10 market.
ray VourTiixen.
Itlchard Utiles, Tax Collector, has posted
notices that the State, County, School and
Poor duplicates are in his hands, tnd that
all persons who shall, within sixty days
from July 17th, mako payment of tho taxcj
charged against them In said duplicates
shall bo entitled to u reduction of S per
cent, from thu amount thereof, except on
Poor tax. All who full lo pay wldiln six
months will bu charged S per cent, addi
tional, Tne Colli clor will bo In attendance
at the office of Wllllum Chrlstman, Ksij. (
luMoycr's bulldiug, on Thursday, Friday
and Saturday of each week, during tho last
two wicks of said sixty days, between
two and six o'clock p. in, lo receive taxes.
Tlio Cntindlnn TiiIhIIc I'est.
Tho farmers of every community should
sternly enforce tho law of Sltti April, 1885,
forbidding all citizens from allowing the
Canadian thlstlo to go to seed on their
premises. It Is ono of tjie most pestilen
tial weeds of all that now pollute the
fields of tho farmers, nnd It spreads from
tho thriftless to the land ot tho thrifty with
fearful rapidity.
The law of 1885 provides that any person
holding lands by lenso or otherwise, who
shall allow tho Canadian thistle to go to
teed on their premises, shall bo fined fifteen
dollars, to bo paid to tho school fund of tho
district. Any citizen who Is hkely to bo
Injured by tho spread of the pest from Ids
neighbor's lands, may glvo notice to have
tho weeds cut before going to seed, and It
not done, tho Constnblo or Supervisor Is
required to enter upon tho property, cut
tho weeds and can compel tho payment of
labor and costs from tho holder ot tho pol
luted lands.
No average farmer or good citizen
should require ofllcial notlco from an of
ficer to mako him cut tho Canadian thistle
before It ripens its seed. A few hours'
work at most would cut It on any average
farm, and tho holder of any land should
cut It for his own protection. It Is de
structive of all crops when it gets rooted
In ileitis, and its downy seeds are wafted
hither and thither to pollute pit neighbor
ing lands.
Supervisors of public roads arc also re
quired, by tho new law, to cut tho Cana
dian lldsllo on or along all roads or un
seated lands In their districts, nnd In case
ot failure, they are liable to a line of tin
dollars, to be recovered for lhc use ot the
patties about to bo Injured by such neglect
or refusal. The present Is the tlmo to de
stroy the Canadian thistle pest, and every
occupant of land should wi'lingly and
promptly obey the law. Timet.
riie HeHt In tlic .Market.
We would remind our friends and former
patrons and tho public generally, that we I
arc still handling D. M. Osborne & Co's
Reapers, Mowers and Binders, of which
we have on hand n full line, covering all
the latest Improvements, wulch are added
to these excellent machines cv.ry year.
Wu keep constantly on hand a line of
extras for the above machines nnd make a
specialty of repairing, not only the Osborne
machines, but all kinds of mowing and
reaping machines.
We have always on hand a full line of
knives for nil makes of machines. Wc I
havo a largo stock nf tho very best of bind
er twinCjWhlch wc nro offering for 15 cents
per. pound. Inviting all to examine our
machines before purchasing c'scwhere we
nro respectfully Hahman it Hasskist.
810,000 lor nrcncli of Promise,
Frank Howell, of Scranton, who refused
to marry Jilts Efllc Coslctt because the
spirit of his father told him that ho ought
not to get mm lied yet, has made an amica
ble settlement with the young lady by pay
ing her $10,000. A receipt for the amount
has been fed In the l'rothonotary's olllce,
Scranton, and Miss Coslett has no claim on
the man to whom she was bettothed a few
weeks ago.
Kel Icr's Catarrh Itcmcdy can bo consid
ered almost infallible In the cure of ca
tarrh, malaria, rheumatism, biliousness
and all blood diseases. Sec ndvcitisemcnt
In another column.
Camp 1'lrc
Ent Post O. A. IS. will hold a camp flro
at Oak Grove Jon Friday Jand Saturdayi
July 30 and 31, day and evening. Seveial
other Posts aro expected to be present, and
tlio soldiers and their friends will have a
good time. The grounds will bo .open to.
the public and all are invited to attend.
Tho gate feo will bo so small that every.
body can iiftord to go.
Court ITocectlluuH.
An adjourned court was held on tho 17th.
On petition James Ilarrett wns appointed
collector ot taxes for Centralia borough,
bond approved, und same day collector
David Yost was appointed committee of
tho person nnd estate of Benjamin C. Hess.
Bond required In the sum of $2,000.
The nervous, braln-worklnc tvno ot nco
pie, such us lawyers, clergymen, business
men and students are tho principal victims
01 nay fever, bullerers may ue certa'u
Hint hay fever docs not arise from an im-
pure state of the blood. A local treatment
Is tho only way to cure it. JudglLg from
ts Fiv's Cre'inriTalmis
vit .lLnv .t y P
et discovtinu
results, Ely's Cream Balm is the our
The Appetite
May bo Increased, the Digostlvo organs
strengthened, and the bowols regulated,
by taking Ayer's Tills. Theso Pills aro
purely vegetable in their composition.
They contain neither calomel nor any
other dangerous drug, aud may bo taken
with perfect safety by persons of all ages.
I was a great sufferer from Dyspepsia
aud Constipation. I had no appetite,
and was constantly ntlllcted with Head
ache and Dlzzincs3. I consulted our
family doctor, who prescribed for me, at
various times, without affording moro
than temporary rollof. I llnally com.
inenced taking Ayer's Pills. Iu a short
time my digestion and appetlto
my bowels wero regulated, and, by tho
tlmo I finished two boxes of the90 Pills
my tendencr to headaches had dlsap
pearea, anu 1 uecame strong auu wen.
Darius M. Logan, Wilmington, Dol.
I was troubled, for over a year, with
Loss of Annetite. and General Doblllty.
I commenced takinc Aver's Pills, and.
heforo finishing half a box of this inedl
clno, my appetite and strength were re
stored. V. u. Dlaric, mnuury, i;onn.
Ayor's Pills aro tho best medlclna
known to 1110 for regulating tho bowels,
und for all dlaeasos caused by u disordered
Stomach and Liver. I suffered for over
three years with Head actio, Indigestion,
and Constipation. I had no appetlto, and
wu weak aud nervous most of the time.
three boxes ot Ayer's Pills, and at the
samo time dieting myself, I was com
pletely cured. My digostlvo organs aro
now iu good order, aud I am in perfect
licauu. r. 1.0CKWOOU, xopeaa, nans.
Ayer's Pills have benefited me wonder
fully. For months I suffered from Iudi-L-estion
and Headache, was restless at
night, and had a bad tasto iu my mouth
every morning. After taking ono box
of Aver's Pills, all these troubles dls.
appeared, my food digested well, and
my sleep was reiresiung. rieury u.
Hemmcnway, ltockport, Slass.
I was cured of tho Piles by the use of
Ayer's Pills. Thoy not only relieved mo
ot that painful disordur, but glvo mo in
creased vigor, and restored my health.
jonu .Lazarus, et. jouu, n, is.
Ayer's Pills,
rispartj by Dr. J. O. Ayer fc Co., Lowall, Uasi,
Boll by all Druggists aud Dealers la Mcdtcla.
Is freml"(! bj an frt-l
niiiftlcoiidfffoti ottln
tilling membrane of 'If
nostrils, te arttiwls and,
throat. .In itiTfd xntio-;
ous is secreted, ticcoiii
jKiufrd letth a Uurntwj
sensnttun, seven
9iHisns of sneexing,
frciuent at aca of
headaclie, watery ami
Inflamed eyes. Cream
Miiu nut Im dfjmidril
ujKiii to gttv relief al
led Into each nostill and 1:
uucv and cures.
A particle U applied Into each nostill and Is
utfrveuuie. iticu 00
Ml cents at druggists; by mall,
:s. circulars ireo; kI.y iiuos.
,N. V. Jy-Si-U-d. '.
registereu, tu cents.
an extraordinary offer.
To All Wanting EmploymonL
V want I.Its, Energetic nd Capable AcenU
Oln erery county I
n the unltet!auteiaitui.ana
I.I. tn --II a nrllM r crr-al merit
ITS MRRtTS. An ankle hanlne n large mle, pay-
llnl over Impir cent prom, Having
I lltinn. an.l nn Which the Qffeilt it H
laving no compe-
I the eicliuive aale by 0 deed given lor each and
rotecteu in
I every county he may lecure from lis. With all
li.... n.lvaniai...m In niip atrentt and the fact I hat
It. Inn itli.t that ran lie aol J to everv home
owner, it mUhl not he neceftiary 10 injKe an
"sxr h AORDIN ary OPFB.R." to lecure good agents,
at onre, but we have concluded to make, it to
thow, not only our confidence in the menu nl
our invention, but In ita lalabilily hyonyngent
that will handle it with energy. Out agent'
nnu al ufirk am maVlntr from Sltn to Soon a
I month clear and this fact make It aafe for 11 1 to
make our oner to all who are 0111 01 employ
ment. Any agent that will give our btistueM i
thirty daya trial and fail to clear al lean Jn.
In lhi time, Ahov ALL RxriNsss, can return
all goodt unsold to u and we v. ill refund the
I money nam lor inem. nnjr hsciii vi ijMtiai
agenl who would like len or more countiei and
work them tnrougn auu-agcnia ior ninnjrui
and fail 10 clear at least $)jo above ALL fix
prnsr, can return ail unsold and get their
money back. No other employer of agents ever
dared to make uch offers, nor would we if we
I lid not know that we nave agenis now matting
Inore than double the amount we guaranteed;
nd but two nles a diy would give a prom 01
ver Stat ft month, and that one of our agents
I .mlr lD-htffn nrrlera in one uav. Our larce de
scriptive circulars explain our offer fully, and
these we wish to send to everyone out of em
ployment who will send ua three one cent
stamps for postage. Send at once and secure
the agency in lime for the boom, and go to work
on the terms named In our extraordinary otter.
We would tike to have the address of all the
agents, sewing machine solicitors and carpen
ters in the country, and ask any reader of this
paper who reads this ofTer, to send us at once
the name and address of nil such they know.
I Address at once, or you will lose tue uesicnani-o
ever offered to those out of employment to make
money. Rrhkr Manukaituhiki Cn ,
IIO nmiiuiicia 01., s mstiufai i rf
A Corrector, Regulator, Nerve-Rest.
jieiicnrtw trie iscocnr jjije.
Ono of t-Tcry flvo wo meet has aomoronn
of Heart DIauuuj, and Is In constant dan
ger ot Apoplaiy or tiudden DusUhl
For which thl Remedy Khouldlw taken
Heart-pains rajpltntion Hcart-drnnsy
Bklp-Ileats Tbrobljlnir Hpasms(Flts)
Numbness Purplo-Lips poor-blood
fhaky-Ncrvesi Syncope Faint-spells
Hot-flashes rtvraJysls Ilcart-syinpathctle
(tMihnJIInnrtlrtlne newt, Fcehlc-ctrenln-tton,lAljori-briatMng,ireart-ente-(inu:nt,
Ncnaus-prcmtraUnn, lleart-rMumaUtm,
A'euralutitand Valvular Disease.
One Medicine. tl not C re ell kinds of Dlscoac.
It l'revenMl'a.las', Bbock, Bttaaenfeain.
Every In jrrodlcnt la from vegctablo pro. I
tunato sullertr. It contains no Morphine,
JCIA wutcu kTOw In Bllf lit 01 every unior-
nnlnra or tniurlmiA- drua-s.
XfT JYtA m Vtitaft of impurt Jtlood
cmn 4icp Ut Furifytntr Inllutnet,
fBICB ejl.00 0 bOttleS SJS.OU.
PBr"I'reparfd at Dr. Kilmer's DispcMsary.l
iiuiKDjimton, n. v., a.
T.ltpni f livitilrv Tiromiitlv anffwrro.1.
IntvUlrh' Guide tn lleatth (Sent Free).
Mll.ll l ALL JJlllllaUIKia.
Don't forcct tho remnants of embroider.
Ics at I. W. Uprtman te Bon's,
It you need Dress Silns of any kind go
to Clark & Son. Summer Silks 40c. a yd.
deemed bargain.
A new lot of Lawn just in at I. W. Hart
man & Son's.
Closing out vcty cheap, Spring and Sum
mer goods at Mrs. C. E. Itabb's millinery
store, opposite Corell's furniture store.
Batiste Cloths. Seersuckers. Chambravs
and all kinds of wash goods at Clark &
Mrs. C. E. ltabb is closing out her stock
of Spring ond Summer goods below cost,
expecting to 0 en up nn entire new stock
ior mo 11111 trade, uau anu sec tuc gicai
bargains offered.
Turkish 1 Idles.
12c. to Sl-at I. W.
Hartman & Son's.
All klmta ot Summer goods being closed
out at Clark & Son's. Now for baigains.
I. W. Hartman & Son's Sateens are ono
of fhe attractions of the town nnd county.
See them.
Ladies' Cloths, Tricot, Armurcs, &c, at
Clark & Son's. Full line of Black Dress
Goods at lowest prices.
"Hello I Hello I" "Well, what is it ?'
What did you use on your oats this
spring ?" Moro Phillips' soluble bone.'J
uid you use tne same on your potatoes r"
"No. What did you use ?" "Sharpless &
Carpenter's No. 1 bone, it makes them get,
don't it V "Yes, sir." "Hello I there is
somo ono ringing in on us, what do you
want ?'' Will It suit you to bring mo a load
of fertilizer, up to-morrow?" "Whero do
you want me to get it?' Down at tho
rarmcrs' 1'rot'ucei.xcliange. "iney tioni
keen it do they ?" "O, yes they do, why
you can get anything you want there." "Is
that so f" "Yes, sli, you can Let Lister
Bros' nminouiated bone, Lister Bros.' U. S.
E. bone. E. Frank Coe's Knickerbocker
soluble Pacific cuauo, Allcntown completo
boue phosphate. J'oro Phillips' super phos.
iiUato of lime, Dlomoml bone, M6ro Phil-
r' soluble boue German potash, John F.
0rlh,g KcaUIJg bon() mJttI.piua3 & Carpcn.
1 1111-
tei's No. 1 bone, Shnrplcss & Carpenter's
acid phosphate, il Li. suoemaiier cs to.
swift sure. All the above goods nre sold
at from 20 to 30 per cent less than any
other fertilizer sold, and all kinds of grain
taken In exchango for them. Before pur
chasing your fertilizers call and glvo them
a tiial and save lime, money and trouble.
Juno "5 4 m.
25-ct. Crinkled Seersuckers leductd lo
15cts. at I. W. Hartman & Son's.
White Dress Goods. Laces and Embroid
eries at reduced prices at Clark it Son's.
The pallium! inkery suite -cd by those
who nru afflicted with dyspei la aro mde-
so '.liable. The distress of tiiu body is
equalled or surpassed by tho confusion
aud tortures of the mind, thus making its
victims sutler doublo ntlllctlon. Thu re.
lief which is given by Hood's Sarsaparilla
has canted thousands to h thankful for
this great medicine. It dispels the causes
or dyspepsia, and tones up uie digestive
orgaus. Try noon s sarsaparilla.
When one sees tho impure fats that are
sometimes used in soap making he is In
clined to doubt tho cleansing qualities of
the soap. IJreydoppers lioarax soap is
made from tho purest rcllned tallow, and Is
guaranteed puro and Iieauiuui. L)ly"4t,
Delicious In taste, sure In its effects, Yin
egar Bitters Cordial is acknowledged to bo
tuo ltucst metiiciuu mat nas uecn prepared
In years. Tho brain, nerves, liver and
kidneys testify to its efficacy by rcsumine
their normal (unctions after having been
treated wiin uieuorutai.
"Her features are not regular, yet what
au attractive fuco she lias I" 11 Is her
beautiful hair. Onco it wns thin, grayish
anil fading. A few bottles of l'arkcr's
nair liaisam wrought tuo iransiorniatlon.
It will do as mucii ior anybody, j!) 4.
VTktn nby wu sick, vr sare htt Caatorla,
VTbtR she wu a Child, she cried for Caatorla,
When she became Miss, the clung to Caatoria,
When the had Children, ibe are them Caatoria,
1 had given myself up ns lost because of
Inherited scrotula. Tried everything for
purifying tho blood without benefit until I
used l'arkcrs Tonic, and can truthfully
say that it has cured me. I still uso it fot-
its splendid effect ou my general health
it. ii., x nu. unicago. iihi,
the llowers In melted parafUnc, withdraw.
Ing them quickly, Tho liquid should bo
oniy jusi not enougu 10 maintain us mini
uy unit tne uowers should bo dinned ant
at u time, held by tho stocks and moved
auout ior au instant to get rid 01 air uuti-
tiles, l' rcsli cut Uowi-rs, Irco Irom moist
ure, make excellent specimens In this wuy,
If you would pieservu your health aud iu
vigoruio your enure system iibo rcrunu'i
I'uro .Barley Malt Whiskey. Kor sale by
u, u, uouuins, iiioomsuurg, ra. cow,
'100 doses SI." Is trtia onlv of Hood's
Bariaparllla, nnd It Is nn unanswerable nr.
gumcnt as to strength and economy.
A Family Dressing. Simmons Liver
HoBUlator tho favorite homo retnedv is
entirely vegetable, and Is tho purest and
best family medicine that is comnounded.
No ciror to bo leartd In administering, no
injury from cxposuro alter taking, no loss
ot tlmo. It Is tlio bot nrcventivo in c ill-
cine, nnd safe to take, no matter what tho
sickness may prove tn lie, nnd in any ordi
nary disease win cneci n ppceuy cure.
It you wish to restore tho bloom to vour
Masted cheeks and so Improve your hcallh
that plumpniss and slicnglh will succeed
emaciation and debility, puilfy your blood
with Aycr's Bnrsapnrillu. This icmcdy
will benefit you moro surely nnd speedily
than any other.
Ono ol every flvo wo meet has some form
of heart disease nnd Is In constant danger
01 sudden dcalli. Dr. Km it's Uctn"
Weed Heart Hcmedv rcculates. corrects
and cures, rrice si.uu sx bottles so.uu.
WRITE TO Y. PrraldentoV
t, Elmlrn, N.
of tlio Klmlra
Business College
forn catalogue of tho leading business IralriTnB I
Institution of Atneilca. Hold prl.e, 5). tjilltil. I
A Oreat Medical Work on Manhood, Ne rvom and
Physical Debility, Premature Dccllno In Man,
Exhausted Vitality, Ac, 4c, and tho untold mis
eries resulting from Indiscretion or excesses ; 800
pases, substantially bound In gtlt, muslin. Con
tains moro than 1!3 lnraluabto prescriptions, cm
bracing every vegctablo remedy In tho pharma
copoeia, for alt acute and chronic diseases. It Is
emphatically a book for every man. Prlcoonlytl
by mail, post paid, conceated In plain wrapper.
Young and middle-aged men for tho next ninety
days. Send now, or cut this out, as you may never
ice It again. Address Dr. W. II. rAHKElt, 4 Bui
nnch street, Boston, Mass.
Ieb.6-d. 1y,
lCI.TA.ltt-l pays for
y T.TVTsyy
1709 Chtitiit St, fhiliMflii.
Positions for Graduates.
Time required 3 to 4 moa.
The Best Equipped. Best
Course of fitudy. Best Ev
erything. Write for Circulars.
J 9 Cms. p C.
ihviri'KU NOTici-i!
rotlco la lifreby irlvcnthat an application will
ua mndo to the Governor of l'ennsi Ivanla on the
seventh day of August, J'sn, by Joseph jsvtcltzer,
(ieonre N. JlcAlarnev. (ieorco 11. Knlirht, Louis K.
Deibyand FredT. lilt ten bender, under the Act
of Assembly of the commonwealth or rennsyiva-
nta entitled, "An Act to l'roiido for tho Incorpora-
lion ana iieguiaiiunoi t ervuiu uurpuruuuns, - up-1
llnnnnd ltcgulallon ot certain corporations,11 np-
irovea April ivl,anuvie se sup jieiiiema
hereto, for tho Incorporation 0! "The tVen City
conl company," tho character and objects
is ui i
which are mining, preparing tor marKet, sni
fccliini?. nurchastiur and otlicrwlso dcallmr
thracile coal, and or leasing, purchasing and hold
Ing leal estate connected therewith.
C. W. McA' AltNUY, Solicitor.
AGENCY. Morcr's now building, Main btrcct,
lllhnmsburir. Pa.
.dStna Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn 7,or8,'iM
itoyal ot Liverpool 13,500,000
Lancashire 10,000,00.!
Flro Association, Philadelphia 4,163,710
Phoenix, of London 5,siin,8Tfl
London tz Lancashire, of England i,TW,B7o
Hartford of Hartford 3.OT.OW
Springfield Klrc and Marine 2,083,580
As tho agencies nro direct, policies are written
for tho Insured without delay In tho ontce at
Bloomsburg. Oct. 28, 'Bl-
SWAltTH.UflllE. PA.
Opens nth month, 14th. Thli.y minutes from
Broad bt. station, Philadelphia. Under the care
of Filends. but another admitted. Full college
couro tor both sexes; classical, selcntltlc and Lit
crary. Also a Manual Training and a preparatory
school iieauiuui location, largo Krouous, new
and extensive buildings and apparatus. For ca
aloguoaud full particulars, address L'DWAHI) U.
MAIHLL, A. .v., l'rca't. JS-i-ut.
our readers for IS cents In postage stamps to
pay for mailing and wrapping nnd names of
tw 0 book agents, v. 111 ret-eiVB l'ltKE a Moel
Finish Parlor Kngrnvlng of all our I'ltKSl
liKNTd, Including cloeland, bl.e -'x;a inch,
worth f 1.00.
Address Eider Pub. Co. , Chicago, III.
Estate of William Sitter, tale of llrlarcreek, toicii-
.sriii, aeceaiea.
Letters of admlntstratloh in said estate havlnc
been granted to the undersigned administrator,
all persons Indebted to said Cbtatn nro hereDy no
titled to pay tho same, and those havlug clai'ns
uuiusl suiursiaie present ino same 10
d.O-Ul. WILLIAM L-lllU.-S, ,1001.
F0H THE (1BEAT New Uoo-,
Uy J. W. Ituel.
The most suicessful subscription liook ever nub.
ltshed. Oivr half a million vontes tcei-e told the
ihxsI elaut mouths, and It Is selling three times as
iusl now as ever Deiore. neguiar canvassers clear
from f n to ti HO and f '0 per day. Nothing like
11 was ever known in tho history ot hook publish
ing, rrnars w nt free on amilkatlon. No experi
ence needed to Insuro succors, Wo help persons
ivnuuut umuusiuuuu luruu uuaiuess; nu cupiitu
neeaeu. rue ior particulars, salaries guaran.
teedtortersons xelio no not clsh tavtinvass on cum.
mission. We mean business, and want live agents
In fiery township. It will cost you nothing to
write lor terms aud full description of our plans
ot doing business. Wo also pfro mmi ufaiutaiit
books to persons who bend cs names ot book
agents. Wrtto for our list of free standard books.
120 & 122 n. 7th st., Philadelphia, Pa.
n,. n li 1
- . M
P ill V Hi A 11 A V I
UlVlilV ilfVill I
'iv ii. .,1 i,oi,: ,,,
1 1.11 iiiuu.-iiim uiiuira uiutueu
yearly to tlio grave by notiisiving
Dr. nanu s leetlung -Lotion on
their gums while teething.
MV l.o.l. tl. l...l.... ...l.:i
.Li! LiiiLiiu liii: rtLMiuin 11111;
teethinfi:. relieving Ull llllUlinnm-
tion, swelling and pain.
A good many nij'iit's rest by
notlitiviiijr DnlliuursColicCure,
for it jrives baby comfort and
sleep without stupefying or in-
lunnt' it. xso opiates. 2s o con
bold at Kleinrs time store.
Renenil atrent for Dv. Hand's
rciiietliea lor children. Labora
tory at Scranton, Pa. decieow.
Tho Jobbing Department of
is well stocked Avith material for
doing all kinds of printing.
Calling Carls, and Invltatloi
in great variety. All kinds of
Kept in stocu. bpccial prices
on largo orders. Ollico 2nd
door below Exchango Hotel,
Main Street,
Philadelphia Markets
nwr Dr&n. hdol. 14.:
Fl.tiUIt. WCBtcrn
imur. s.s7v 4:00
fitri's s fjo ra 3.60 1 I'cnn a
family. 8.sr9 4:oo Ohio clear, .S3 4.(0 .winter
patent 4.75(4 6.0 7 1'cnna.
roller process. 4.10 9
wheat Itnnsylvanta rod, no. i,
Hi B.-W.
CtlltN. -U ()4S
OATH. No. 8 white 89 No. S, 40
HAY AND ST1IAW Timothy Choice Western
and New York,M.ou, fair to rood Western ana
New York, 9.011 ( 1.000; medium Western and Mew
lorx, v (t 11 . 1 L.ut nay as io qaaiuj 1 w 13.
Hj-o straw 17. Wheat straw. 10. .Oat straw
( 10.
I'OTATOKS. New .sorai.oo per urn.
kuos. Pennsylvania 14; western is.
IIUTTKIL I-cnnavlvanla creamerr mints 23
Creamery Kxtra 21, Western extra 14015, fair 10 9
4 ..
DItESSBU I'OULTKY.-Chtckcns, 13 9 H
Wholesale. Hetall
Whcnt Per bushel
78 80
live ' "
Corn " " ....
Oats " "
0 to 6
Flour " bbl
Dried Apple
Bide nn
nd shoulder..
I.ard per lb 03 10
VMuecnr per cal 20 80
Onions per bushel 75 1.00
Veal skins 07
Wool per lb H5
Hides 5 to 7
Coal on Wiiakf.
No l) 43.00; Nos 2 3, 4 & Lump 13.25
No 5 lj.3.00 Iiltumlnus. $3.25
iikst in Tin: woiii.nii"iwn
2 Oct the Qcnulno. Uold ETerjrwtere.
ho uuderslirned Auditor nnnoliiLed by the Or-
R ban's court of Columbia county to mako dlstrl
1111011 of tho batanco In the hands ot ttie admin
istrator ot said decedent, as shown by his first and
nnnl account, will Mt at his oniee in liloomsburg
on Saturday, September 4th lsso at 10 o'clock a. rn.
to periorm inouuues 01 his appointment, wnen
ontl whero nil persons havinir claims against said
I estate must appear and proe the same, or bo de
barred from any share or said fund.
U. Auditor.
Kttate of Silas iMlem-y lite of t'Milnaavelc toien
snip, aetrasea.
Letters testamentary on the estate of Kllasi Mc
lster of 6ald county to tho undersigned executor
hu persons indented to said estate aro nereby noti-
ned to pay tho same, and those having claims
against said es'nte to present the same without
ueiay iu
Stillwater, Pa. Executor.
Administrator's Sale
Real Instate !
The undersigned, administrator of tho estate of
Mary Walters, late of .Madison Twp., deceased,
will expose to public salo on the premises on
Saturday. July 31, '86,
at 10 o'clock a. m., all that certain mesjuage, ten
ement and tract of land situate In Madison Twp.,
Columbia county, l'a., bounded and described as
follows, to-wlt: beginning In a public road leading
from White Hall to Jerseytown on line of lands ot
Wm. MclJrlde, thenco along said road south thlr-ty-clght
degrees cast twenty-eight perches,thenco
by samo south forty-nlne degrees east eight
perches, thenco by same south fifty-seven and
one-fourth degrees, eleven and live-tenths perches,
thenco by lands ot Wm. Mcllrlde north forty -two
degrees east clghty.nlnc and three-tenths perches,
thence by samo south thirty seven degrees east
forty-two nnd flve-tcnths perches to another pub-
lie road, thence by land of Jacob Olrton forty.
three and one-fourth degrees west mnety-clght
perches, thence by lands of Jacob Diddle north
forty-nlno degrees west eighty-seven and flvo
tenths perches, thenco by land of Wm, Mcnrlde
north forty-four and one-half degrees cast twenty
and nvc-tcnths pcrcnes to place of beginning, con
and seventy perches, more or less.
TERMS OF SALE. Ten percent ot one-fourth of
tho purchase money to bo paid at tho striking
down of the property ; the one-fourth less the ten
per cent, nt tho confirmation ot sale and tho re
maining threc-tourtlis In ono year thereafter
w llli Interest tiotn confirmation nisi.
Jll UEV, II. C. MTINItO, "
Littles, Attys. Administrator.
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