THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never vatlcs. A marvel of nurlty strength anil wholcsomoness. .Moro cconojilcal than ordinary kinds and cannot bo sold In combe, tlon with tho multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate ponders. Bold only In cans! ltorAI. IUkinci rowDKii l'o Wall St., N. V. The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1880. roRnitT Riiuiatn tux niu, Tralnson tho Philadelphia Is It It. lcavoltunert as follows i nobtu. souin. 0:30 a. ra. H:49 a. m. 3:48 p. m. 6:13 p. m. Trains on tho V.L.& W. K. It. leave Uloomsburg 3 fOllOWS! """UTS NOBTII. BOOTH. 6:17 a. m. gjga a. m. 10:20 a.m. Hill a. m. S.3J P. m. 4:u p. m. e:lo I. m. 8:4? p. m. o Trains on tho N. & V. 11. Kallway pass Bloom Ferry as follows : N0RTU. SOUTH. 10:54 a. m. 12:03 p. m. 11.23 P. m. 4:15 p. m. SUNDAY. north, flourn. 10:14 a in 0:11 pm Wanteo. Second hand copying press, In good order. Must be cheap. J. It. SCHDYI-KI: & Co. Fan Sale. One new Sloan sldu bar buggy. One bloan carriage iu good condition with slmft9,polo and brake. Ouo old buggy Ono double heater. In. quire of L. E. Waller. July A very handsomo walnut counter desk, suitable for store or olllce, will be sold at less than half cost price. Apply to J. It. Sohoylbii & Co. Ilcv. II. (J. Monro, administrator, will sell valuable real estate on premises In Jlallson township on Saturday, July 31. Bco advertisement. For Balk. The undersigned will sell 40 or CO acres, more or less, to suit purchas ers, from the south side of his farm In Hemlock township. Three good springs of water, good building site, public road through the land, about 15 acres of timber, small stream of water through land. Piico $15 per acre In payments. For particulars :nqulre of lteubcn Bomboy, liuckhorn, or Geo. E. Elwell, Uloomsburg. J4,0 mos. Fon Sale. A very desirable property, on Market street In the town ot Blooms burg, Pa. nearly opposite Itev. D. J. Waller. Lot 01 feet in width and 108 feet In depth. An alley on the north and east, lot of D. J. Waller on tho south. Market street on the west. The dwelling house is a large two story brick with Mansard roof, water, gas and sewer drainage, a good large stable, good fruit, and good well of water. Also a house and lot in Catawlssa front ing on 3rd street, above I'inu street, a good two story frame dwelling house with two story kitchen attnehed. Michael F Eyekly April 7. '80. tf. llloomsburg, Ia. Foil Sale. Two houses and lots ou Canal Btrcct. Desirable, cheap homes, and pay well to rent. Also, ono of tho finest residences in Uloomsburg, corner of Fifth and Centro streets. Having all tho latest improve ments, steam heal, water, gas, water clos ets and bath room. Good burn, fruit aud ornamental trees, largo lot. A rare chance for a flue horn c. Apply to J. II. Maize, Cor. Main and Centre Sts. Apportionment of DuIckiiU'h. Apportionment of delegates under vote for Governor in 1882,allowing a ratio of 00 votes for a delegate. District. Vote in 1882. No. of Delegates Beaver, 103 3 Berwick, E. 212 3 " W. 2 Benton, 220 4 Bloom, E. 202 4 " W. 157 3 Brlarcrcek, 132 2 Catawlssa, 224 4 Centralia, 130 2 Centre, 173 3 Conyngham, N. 75 2 " S. 83 2 Flshlngcrcek, 202 4 Franklin, 59 2 Greenwood, 104 3 Hemlock, 145 2 Jackson, 123 2 Locust, 248 4 Madison, 108 3 Main, 130 2 Mlfllln, 103 3 Montour, 74 2 ML, Pleasant, 83 2 Orange, 115 2 Hoarwgcrcck, 70 2 Pine, 87 2 Scott, W. 00 2 " E. 103 a Sugarloaf, 107 3 Total, 75 Under this apportionment Benton, Bloom West, Catawissa, Greenwood and Sugar. loaf, each get an additional delegate, over what they had under tho ratio of 07 votes to a delegate, when tho wholo number of delegates was limited to seventy. I-crHoiinl. Mrs. Hollas of Philadelphia is tho guest of Mr. II. W. Sloan. L. 8. Wintcrstecn Eso. went to Blair county on legal business on Tuesday. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. W. Elwell nnd children of Towanda, tiro visiting relatives here. W. O. McKInncy nnd family will leave tor the West on Monday. They will reside at Fort Dodge, Kansas. Mr. E. II. Drinker and family, wltli sever, al fr!cnds,spenl tho past week In tho woods of Lackawanna county, Mrs. D. D. Bollch, of Mt. Carrnel, and Mrs. J, S. Selbcrt, of Bellcfontc, wero tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Kutm last week, Mr. R. E. Pcttit, superintendent of tho Altooim division ot tho Pennsylvania R. R., was visiting at Rev. D. J. Waller's, the first of the week. Rev, L. Zahuer started for Omaha on Wednesday, and will bo absent for two weeks. Thcro will bo no services In tho Episcopal church for thenext twoSuudays. Trout fishing season closed on tho 15th. O. M. Vandcrslico has added an omnibus to bis livery. A now balcony 19 being built on second story of tho Exclmngo Hotel. the There will bo an adjourned court on Saturday, when motions may bo made Tho Lutheran Sunday school will glyo a Picnic In Oak Grove, Wednesday of next week. L E. Waller Is having built a largo porch on the south side of his Fifth street res. denco. Rev. Joshua It. Dcrr of Catawlssa will hold Divine service In tho ltctormcd church next Sunday morning July laili. Miss Lena Gross, daughter of Peter Gross of this place, and John Doncgar of Lock Haven were married on Tuesday of last week. Miss Lulu Potter has been chosen as teacher In the A grammar school, and Miss Ida llernhard, tho II grammar school at Nantlcokc. Don't forget to come to Main's Gicat International Show. Admission only 25ctsi children under 10 years old, 15 c.ts. In afternoon. July 23rd. Tho Berwick Independent has been changed to tho Berwick Democrat, and Is now under tho management of G. W. Poote, of Mlllllnburg, Pa. Mrs. Edward Worthlngton, formerly Miss Alice Thomas, daughter of C. I. Thomas of this town, died at her homo In Emporia, Kansas, on tho 4th Inst, aged 31 years. Chamllce Eves of Millvlllo has hnnr? nn. pointed by Gov. Pattlson as n delegate to me national farmers' Congress to bo held at St. Paul, Minn, on August 25, 20 and 27. jurs. Mary sparks, widow of the late James Sparks, and mother of Mrs. Harvey &mlth,Sixth St., town, died at her home In Philadelphia on Frldny last, aged 72 years. Anna, daughter of William Barton of uazieton, uieu at tlio residence of her. grandmother Mrs. Cathailno Barton In Espy on Saturday evening. Tho funeral took placo on Tuesday afternoon. William tlulmc of Benton township has ono of tho finest farms In the county, and ho knows how to conduct It. Ou Tuesday morning he cut 11 ncrc3 of grain before dinner with two reapers and 10 men. Miss Lavllla McIIenry, daughter of Thomas McIIenry of Orange townshlp.dled last Friday, aged 25 years. Her illness was a lingering one. The funeral was held on Sunday, and was very largely attended. William Dennis has opened a branch barber shop In tho basement of tho Central Hotel. It is nicely fitted up, and a com potent, barber is in charge. His old stand in Mrs. Enl's building will bo conducted as heretofore. The dcleuate election tickets and papers are ready for distribution at this ofllce. Members of Standing Committee and can didates who happen in town will please call and get them. Those not culled for will be sent out by responsible persons. Mr. Layton Hunyon has placed on our tabl four luscious peaches which were grown on a tree in his lot. Tho four weighed 18 ounces. It is very early for peaches, and vciy seldom that one sees them so large and so perfectly developed. Centralia is huving a hard lime to find some one who is wi'ling to act as tax col- lector. 'Ihe person who was elected de clined to serve, and no ono has been found who w'll accept an appointment from the court to 1111 tho oitlce. Tho objection is that the commission allowed Is not enough. Tho Montour House at Danville has re- ceutly undergone a thorough overhauling In the way of paper and paint. It Is hand- somely decorated and clegintly furnished throughout, and is healed by steam. Among traveling men the Montour enjoys tho reputation of being one of the best in tho State. Four now looms have been added to the machinery of tho woolen mill, making fourteen now lu use. The mill started with six looms, but the demand for their goods has grown so rapidly that they have been obliged to add to t iclr facilities to keep up with their orders. This speaks well for Caswell Bros. & Co. Notice. Tho marvellous piece of me chauUin known us the Englo Clock coutin ucs on u.-'iicilion, nnd those who dcslro to see it should embrace the opportunity at once to inspect what has always been ac. knowledgcd as a wonder of mechanical skill, in wl ich pleasure, curiosity, nnd in. structlon are blended. The clock will be ou exhibition in the Miss Petcrman build- lug until Saturday evening. List of letters remaining In the Post Of fice at Uloomsburg for week ending July 13, 1880: Miss Hattlo Camp (2), Mr. I). E. Cole, Mr. Harry Hartmun, Mr. Alfred Miller, Mr. 1. M. Parks, Miss Helen L. Turrcll. CA1SD9. Mrs. Hattlo E. Holmau. Persons calling for these letters will please say "advertised." Geokue A. Clahk, P. M. On Friday Muin's New International Show exhibited In this place, afternoon aud evening. The peformances were credit ablo throughout, and Indeed were superior to those usually witnessed In shows of its class. The hand furnished excellent music; tho trained horses and dogs were worth seeing ; tho contortionists wcro A No. 1 ; tho trapeze performances wero good. Maln'i show is ono of the best Iltllo shows on tho road, us the largo audience which attended on Friday evening wl'l testify. Ganoriiurj, l'a., Jlurc'. At Bloumsburg July 23rd. John Krcsslcr, of Scott Twp., brought In our tunc! urn Monday a buuch containing about ono hundred heads of tho Scott wheat. We examined two of tho heads, tho one contained 47 full grains of wheat and the other, 07. Whcu wo consider that 30 grains la the average jielil of wheat, aud that very frequently the yield Is not more thuii 10 or 15, It Is easy to conclude that this wheat is first-class, and Hint it was by good funning that Mr, Kretsler as able to i also such a lino crop. Tho Scott wheat has Urge heuds, with but few beurds The berry Is large aud vi ry full. There has been considerable ciltlcUm of tho action of the school board in fixing tho salary of tho Pilnclpal at 1)0 a month for 13 months, when all tho other teachers are paid for only 8 months. Not belr.g on tho lnsldo of tho workings of tho board, and not having been ablo to learn the merits of tho caio from Ihojo who complain, we are uuablo to express an opinion. As a general rulo however, wo believe that a competent nilncinal of tho schools in a town Ilk this should receive sulllclcut salary to live comfortably without being obliged to seek other employment during vacation. The question of the sufllclcncy of pay of tho other teachers has not been raised before the board. Malaria can do cured quickly and effect uallv bv tho uso of Keller's Catarrh Rem cdv and Blood Purifier. Ono bottle gener. allv accomplishes a cure. It Is tho most i wonderful preparation ever discovered. Miss Jcnnlo W. Wells, daughter of E. U Welle, w as married ou Wednesday at 12 o'clock to Mr Samuel B. Henderson of Muncy, at the Normal School Parlors In tho presenco of a number ot Invited gues's. Hcv. L. Zahncr performed tho ceremony. Tho party entered tho parlor in tho follow ing order i Mr. I). Burns of Bedford and Mr. Polhamus of Montoursvlllc, and Mr. Joe Wells, brother of tho bride, ushers, the Groom entering with tho latter; tho brldo entered on tho arm of her father, dressed In traveling suit of dark beige. The rooms wcro beautifully decorated with flowers, nnd tho presents wcro numerous and cost !. A largo number of friends wero present from Muncy, Lewlstown, Montgomery, Catawlssa, and other points. Tho brldo and groom left on the 2:20 train nnd will visit New York, Boston, and Washington. In voting Instructions at the delegate election there Is nothing In the law or tho rules requiring that when there nre two persons to bo elected to the same oQlcc,onc should como from each sldo ot tho rlvor. It Is tho custom, however, to divide In that way, and a custom that ought to bo ob served so long as there are candidates from both sides suitable for tho positions to which they aspire. This year we elect two Representatives and two Associate Judges, and voters should acquaint them selves with tho rcspectivo residences ot the candidates so they can voto accordingly. For Representative, A. L. Fritz Is tho only candidate from tho north side of the river, whllo J. T. Fox, E. M. Tcwksbury and F. L. Shuman reside on tho south Bide. For Associate judge, I. K. Krickbaum nnd James Lake are from the north side nnd C. G. Murphy and Charles llelchart from the south side. Tho wife of John Holt, Hi Ing in Browns vlllc, Pa., gavo birth to a female child which Is without arms. Tho child Is per fect In every other particular, and seems to bo entirely healthy. Tho clavlclo and scapula bones arc well dcvclopod, but at this point tho work of nature has practl cully ceased, although to the shoulders something resembling fingers is attached. There is one small protuburancc at the point of the right shoulder nnd two attach ed to the left. The mother of the child has had three children previous to this one, all of whom were perfectly developed. As far as can be known, no malformations have appeared in tho ancestry of either tho father or mother of the child. Dr. O. P. Dearth, the attending physician, states the child Is perfectly developed except in the one particular mentioned. The caso has excited great interest and is considered a very pcci'llar freak of nature. Monroe Democrat. Survival of tlic l'lttcwt. For some time past the question of pur ity in baking powders his formed quite a featuro ot newspaper discussions, and em inent doctors of philosophy have given pinions ns to tho ingredients which con - pose many ot the articles sold under that name. The investigations have narrowed down to the limits which awards tho Iioyal Baking Powder the palm of purity, and scveial of the most distinguished scientists have testified to their conviction that no extraneous matter enters into its composi tion. The Royal Baking Powder company have achieved a world-wide reputation for the success which has marked their prcpa- tlon of cream of tartar for baking purposes. It is ludlsputably shown that they have llmlnatcd all elements of tartrate of lime, urn or other impurities, and present to the public a healthful and chemically pure rticlc. Such widely known chemists as Henry Morton, E. G. Love, II. A. Mott, Win. McEurtrie and others have verified its superiorly over other manufactures, and testified, through practical experience, to its excellence. It Is well for families to observe the fact that it costs more to man ufacture tho Royal Baking Powder than any other, but it is, ns shown by chemical analysis, the one "absolutely pure" baking powder made. Democratic County Convention. The Democratic voters of tho several districts of Columbia county will meet at tho usual places of holding elections, on Monday, July 20th. 1880 between the hours' of 3 and 7 o'clock p. m. and elect delegates by bnllot to represent the districts in the County Convention to be held In the Opera House, Bloomshurg, on Tuesday July 27th. 1880 at 11 o'clock to place In nomination one person for Congress for the eleventh district, ono person for State Senator for the 24th. district, two persons for Repre sentatives, aud two persons tor Associate Judges, and to transact such other bus! uess as the interests of the Democratic party may require. A'so at the samo tiino nnd places, and In the samo manner, the Democratic electors In each district will elect one person to serve as n member of tho Standing committee, whlcu will meet immediately after the adjournment of tho convention. By order of the Standing Committee. David Lowknukkq, Chairman, Mimni. Several candidates wero through hero last week. M"s. Simon F.'y is lying at the point of death. The R. R. hands got a raiso on their wages. Haiest hands have been unusually i Circe. Johnston harvesters and binders have glveu good satisfaction in this vicinity. Rev, Galloway, of Berwick, delivered an excellent seijion at Uetlerilllo last Sun day. All lixiiulHttcly I.ovcly Tlilliif. A most betwllchlng picture Is being brought out, entitled "litllo sweethearts, Probably no picture In any part of the world has ever met with such an outburst of applause. It Is being brought out by Graham & Millar, art publishers, 140 Ccn tro street, New York. Everybody is sure to want one. They want good uircnts Hero Is a chance to mako lots of money, Boys aud girls during Summer vacation can mako a little pile. It isn't often wo recommend anythicg, but "Little Sweet hearts" is praised by tho best people in tho land. Tlie lictit ill me Murltel. We would remind our friends and former natrons and tho public generally, that wo aro still handling D. M. Osborno & Co' Reapers, Mowers and Binders, ot which we havo on hand a full line, covering all tho latest improvements, wulch are added to these excellent machines evtry year. We keep constantly ou hand a lino ot extras for tho abovo machines und mako specialty of rcpalr!ng,not only the Osborno machines, but all kinds ot mowing and reaping machines. We havo always on hand a full lluo ot knives for all makes of machines. Wo have a largo stock of tho very best ot bind or twino,whlch wo aro ottering for 15 cents per. pound. Inviting all to examine our machines beforo purchasing o'sewhere we , aro respectfully IUiiman & Iussikt, WASHINGTON I.IiTTI'.It. tFrom our Kegutar correspondent.) Washington. D. O., July 12, 1880. The Republicans In Congress aro trying very hard to make political capital against tho President on account ot his pension ve toes. But tbo vetoes aro too well support ed by facts and common senso to furnish material for partisan appeals. It was to bo expected, hovicveMhat tho private pension gift Senators would grow wrathy ns tho kind of work they wcro engaged In was brought In light. Tho failure of their 1IU tlo schemes, together with their exposure Incited thein to a reckless pitch of deter mination to secure tho adoption ot tbcsi. bills anyhow, though there Is little prospect of their success. Tho Democratic leaders oro resolved to Btay here all Summer, as ono of them said, beforo abandoning their position In tho matter. But the Republicans havo pro. posed a comprumlso which wlU probably bo accepted. Under Its terms two hours will be allowed debate upon such of the vetoed bills as may bo selected, and nt tho xplratton of the time an aye and nay vote will bo taken, tho result of which is to bo egarded final as to the other vetoes. Tho report of tho Senate Pension Com- mlttco upon the vetoed bills, was littlomoio than u long and Ill-concealed howl ot bat tled rage. It even accused tho President f casting a slur on the chastity of a wo man and of sneering nt wounds received lu the service of tho country. But so inauy of these private measures are obvl iously without merit, nnd mere attempts to bestow gratuities upon favored persons who have no real claim upon tho bounty of tho Government, that the President's action will be moro applauded the more at tention Is called to the grounds upon which It Is based. The Republicans of Hie House of Heprc sentiitlvcs made speeches upon this Issue that wi re Intended to bo very severe upon tho Pusldent, but they were more plainly bids for political suppoit than evidence of patriotism. They proceeded upon the assumption that the vetoes of private pen slot bills arc unpopular nnd will not be uslnlued by public sentiment. One an wer made by representative Matsom to some ot their complaints was Interesting, He called attention to tho fact that many of tho cases rejected by Mr. Cleveland had already been vetoed by a Republican Com mission. r of Pensions. Inc rejection by the Senate of Mr. Goode to be Solicitor-General was the subject of much discussion at the Cupltul on Saturday. The unanimous erdict was that the opposition all centered in Senator Mahone, and tho voto of tho Republican Lonatore was their way of helping the thwarted, schcinng little poli tician to assert himself In Virginia. As no Democrat opposed the nomination, many Congressmen may think tho proper thing for the President to do would bo to renom inate Mr. Goode. He might have done this if the Senate had merely neglected to confirm, but sinco the Senate had rejected, he will not be likely to renominate. Council I'roceecIliiKM., Pa., July 0th. 1880, Regular meeting of council called at 'clock. All members present. W. C. Sloan :retary of Winona Fire Company ap. pears and requests the pa) ment of the nmount annually paid by council for rent whereupon motion ot Messrs Sharpless and Sterner it was ordered that tho secretary issue au older of thirty dollars for the year ending January 1st 1887. Win. Chrlsmau, presented n second petition praying for sewer in East street, signed by 04 citizens; on motion it was received and ordered filed. The following bills were presented and orders drawn for the same. Winona Fire Co. rent to Jan.l. '87 30.00 Penman, labor on highway, 17.73 W. K. Applcman, hauling 1.00 " labor on highway 3.12 22.45 1.25 3.75 1.25 3.12 3.75 3.00 1.00 10,25 15.80 11. G. Phillips, labor on highway William Shaffer, " Peter Freeze, " Elijah Straton, " Wallace Vannatta, " Joseph Hucklc, hapllng Frederick bchwinn, " W. J. Bidlcman, St- Commissioner, tjreasy a Wells, lumber Bloomsburi! Gas Co., for May, June 154,00 Water Co.. lor Juno 75.00 Daniel Laycock, Chief of Police S.CJ Wesley Knorr. police service 1.C3 G. E. Elwell, rent of room 15.00 Samuel Neyhard, sec'y. salary 10.00 304.08 On motion the committee on matciials for highways, was Instructed to prncuro the necessary amount of cast Iron plpo to extend the sewer main out Into water deep enough to submerge It. On motion adjourned to meet Monday evening July 12th. Sl'KOIAI. meet nq Monday, July 12th. 1880. Adjourned meeting ot council called at 8 o'clock, all members present. On mo tion ot Mr. Sterner, tho secretaiy was directed to issue an order to Mr. Wood waid for the amount of his bill less $1.00, not allowed for assistants In making ur. rests Amount of bill as corrected being $0.17. 'J ae president announced that It was now in order to propose tax rates whereupon Mr. Corell proposed a rato of 5 mills on the dollar valuation of built up poitiouof town ; Mr. Sihaiplcss proposed u six mill rate, and Mr. Sterling a llvo mill. The six mill rato was first called up and voted upon, viz ; Aye, Messrs. Shaipless aud Clark ; Nay, Messrs Rosenstock Ster. ner, Sterling, Corell and Zarr, TheSJ mill vote was next taken up and voted as fol lows viz ; Aye, Messrs. Sharpless. Corell anu iiarr ; iNay, uoscmocK, aterner, Bier ling and Clark. The 5 mill voto was next with the following result ; Aye, Messrs, Rosenstock, Sterling, Sterner and Zarr Nay, Messrs. Sharpless Clark aud Corell, Carried. On motion M. C. Woodward was unanl mously elected to servo tho notices of appeal for the usual fee of $10. Mr. Sharp less moved that the tlmo for holding tin appeal bo fixed on Aug. Oth. next, between the hours of 2 and 0 p. m., can led. On motion adjourned. Kallroiicl Meeting. Thcro will bo a meeting at the Orange vllle Hotel on Saturday evening, tho 17th Inst, at 7 o'clock iu tho Interest of th llloomsburg & Sullivan Rail Road. 'Iris time business Is Intended. All persons I: the neighborhood who des' 'e tho success of this enterprise aro requested to attend C. R. Bl'CKALKW, Pres't B & S. It. R. Co, HCOTT'H BHIII.NION UI 1'llUli Col liver Oil, With HypopfcosphlUs, At a reuieilu fur intlmoiutry ajrecttoni nwt tcrofu- lout atmw. Dr. Ira M, Lang a prominent physician In New York, Bays: I am greatly pleased with your Emulsion. Have found It very serviceable In abovo diseases, and It Is cas Uy administered on account ot Its palata blenees. MARRIAGES. CAMPBELL MORDAN. At Mordans vllle July 7th 1830, by J. L. Satds, Esq, Nathaniel Campbell ot Huiitersvllle, I coming Co. to Miss Susan A Mordan Mordansville. OrniiBCvlllc. As per announcement In your paper tho citizens ot Orangovlllo celebrated Indo- pcnuYnco day July 3rd. Tho old town looked gay In its holiday attlro of Hags, buntings and evergreens. Beginning nt Hcckinan's Hotel wo found every business aco decorated with flags nnd evergreens and many of the private residences. At Hcckinan's Hotel tho street was spanned by an arch trimmed with ovcrgreeni at corner of Main and Pino streets a double arch placed transversely from houso of A. Stewart to hotel ot J. M. Long and from storo of A. B. Stewnrt to storo of Snyder & Bleppy; nt J. J. Yocurn's another arch was placed. First In tho order of exercises was a national salute of 38 guns at sunrise, ono for each of our great confederation of states. Next a fantaslln parade. This was tho featuro of the day. It was headed by J. Mn&tcllcr in character of Washington and Mrs. E- B. Johnson ns Martha. John's Impersonation was good except tho differ ence In virtues. We arc taught by tho story of tho little hatchet that George could not tell a lie, John can but ho won't. Tho Llghlstrcct band carno next follow ed by the first locomotive of tho Blooms- burg & Sullivan R. R. drawing tho direct ors' cnr. Tho parties getting It up secured a largo hogshead, mounted it on wheels and trimmed It with smokestack, bell, drUIng wheels nnd rods &c. Then camo the directors car with representatives en mas- quo of tho several directors, and a sorry crowd they were. Some thirty horsemen followed aud twlco as many on foot. Tho Orangcvlllc band resurrected for the occn- Ion dressed in woman's clothes, brought up tho rear with a banner bearing the fol lowing: Tho old band is dead but the wo man goes a bead. We noticed an urchin blackened beating banner reading as follows: Wash mo and shall be whiter than snow. This followed the tub and sack races. At 1 p. m. the procession formed and marched to the Academy grove, where tho Declaration of Independence was read by Miss Hooven and National airs sung by a chorous of 40 voices, and addresses by Jas. L. Filtz nnd Prof. Uarkins. Too much cannot bo said In praise ot the above named speeches. They wcro grand. Next came a wheelbarrow raco followed by a gamo of base ball between the Bloom and Orangciillo nines, with a score of 21 to 4, favor ot Bloom. Bloom can justly be proud of her ntno ns players and gentle men. In the evening there was a grand display ot fire works from Megargle's lil'l. Tho political aspirants were out in full force, reaping t'icirhnrvest. UllSElft Ell. I'.UHt Ucnlon. Mr. Simon 1 ubbs, prostrated by paraly, sis a few weeks ago, whose death was mo mentarily expected, is able to be about again. Several buildings were struck by light ning duilng tho terrific thunder storm last week, Wednesday evening, viz. J. S. Woods' house nt Stillwater and C. M. Howell's barn at VanCamp. Neither was burned. The former was considerably damaged and tho latter was struck once before, several years ago. Haryest Is progressing with all possible peed. Tho crop Is a very good one, with slight exceptions. The oppressive heat lias caused a rapid growth of the corn, which now promises a fair crop, notwithstanding late planting. The Young Ladies' High Pressure Soci- ty, amoug other good things, "Resolved" That kloscs aro like creation, made of nothing; and, very, very sweet; and that the son is the centro of attraction." My wifo and daughter, returning from berrying, one day last week, plucked sev eral clover stalks from my clover field measuring respectively 50i, 59 and 00 inches. They insist by allttlo search taller stalks could bo found. No respite will be afforded our farmers until after tho ingathering of all tho crops. A little recreation would be highly benefic ial to their well being, especially during the "heated term." Including their wives as well. Many farmers aro Improving their lands by underdralning. It is both costly and laborious. The question of stumping is being agitated as to whether pulling by machine, or blowing up by dynamlto is tho cheaper way, and, as I am much inter ested, I should llko to know. Many are in my way and must be removed, cither by one or both processes. Stumping by ma. chino has nlready cost mo several hundred dollars, and I am almost persuaded to try the new experiment of dynamiting. Many of the stumps are of enormous size and too heavy for machine lifting and when out re quire breaking or splitting before they can be handled. Tf I can be informed where u good grado of dynamlto can bo procured and a person cxpeiienccd with tho dauger ous explosive will volunteer to opfiy It, In that event the experiment will assuredly bo made. Probably tho editors ot the Co lij'm an can give me the desired ir' tion. LOCAL NOTICES. I. W. Hnrtman & Son have a bis run on their remnants of embroideries. Call and see them. I. W. Hartman & Son's 300 pairs of stockings (job lot) from 0c. tako well. pair and up, "Hello 1 Hello I" "Well, what is It V "What did you use on your oats this pring " Moro 'Phillips' soluble bone." lid you use tho samo on your potatoes ?" No. What did you uso ?" "Sharpless & Carpenter's No. 1 bone, It makes them get, uotrtur" "e. sir." "ucuo ! there is somo ono ringing In on us, what do you want f will it suit you to urine me a loau of fertilizer up to-morrow?" "Whero do you want mo to get it ?'' Down at tho t anners' Produce Exchange. "They don't keep It do they ?" "O, yes they do, why you can get anything you want thcro." "Is manor1 "lcs, sir, vou can cei usier Bros' ammoniatcd bone, Lister llros.' U. S. ri. bone. E. Frank Coo's Knickerbocker solublo Pacific cunno, Allcntown complete bono phosphate. Moro Phillips' super phos phate ot lime, u aiiionil Lone, Moro rtiu. lips' solublo bore German potash, John F. Orth's Reading bone, Sharpless & Carpen ter's No. 1 bone, Sharpless & Carpenter's aciu phosphate, ai ii. biiocmaucr & uo. BWift sure. All tho abovo goods arc sold at from SO to 30 per cent less than any oilier fertilizer sold, aud all kinds ot graiu taken In exchange tor them, llefore pur chasing your fertilizers call and givo them a trial and savo time, money ami trouuie. June .o i m. I. W. Hartman it Son closo sham nt 8 o'clock every evening, except Saturdays. The summer bargains nt I. W. Hartman & Son's aro being picked up fast. Call soon. Dark dress goods, Imitation ot Do Lalns, Sc. at I. W. Hartman & Son's, Tho sateens at I. W. Hartman & Son's havo a lino finish. QPEK.N VIOTOIUA'S CIIOWW. Tho ciown of Queen Victoria consists of diamonds, pearls, rubies, sapphires aud emeralds, set In silver aud gold. Its gross weight Is 80 oz. 5 dwt. troy. Tho number of diamonds are UfiS'i; pearU, 273; rubles, 0; sapphires, 17) emeralds, 11. It Is an old saying Uneasy lies tho head that wears a crown. It Is oelter to wcur tho crown of perfect health and peace of mind through the curative effects of Per rlno's Puro Uatloy Whiskey, For sale by O. II. Itobbins, llloomsburg, Pa. A Union Oonnty Deed. A HOCUMENT THAT O0K.S HACK TO las TITLE OV ADAM ANU EVK TO TUB EARTH. From the Ilarrlsburg 6tsr. It is not often that any leual docu ment is discovered tbat dates back to tlio tii no of our original and highly respectable, though sinful ancestors, Adam mid live, but thcro is ono of that character on fllo in tbo Frolbonotary's oltico at J.ewiHuiirg, now tn Union, but nncientiy in Northumberland county. Tho following old deed is a rare curi osity in tbo conveyancing line. Al though tbo recitals, ns well ns tlio gen eral form of the deed, aro long, yet it is drawn with skill : "This indenture made tbo ninth of October, in tbo year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety three, between Clara Helena Kllink- buy sun, of tbo town of Lotusburu' in tbo tcwnBhip of Buffalo, in tho county of Nortuinberland and commonwealth of Pennsylvania, widow, of the ono part nnd Havel Iloaii, of tho town of ouubury, in the couuty nnd common wealth aforesaid, Inquire, of the other part. "Wheiieas, Tho Creator of tho Earth, by narolo and livery of seizin, did enfeoff the parents of mankind to wit, Adam and .hvc, ot all that certain tract of land, called and known in tho planetary system by tho namo of tbo Earth, together with all and singular tbo advantages, woods, waters, water courses, casements, liberties, privileges, and all others tho appurtenances what soever there unto belonging, or in any wiso appertainint', to havo nnd to hold to them, tbo said Adam and Eve, and tbo heirs of their bodies lawfully to bo begotten, in fee-tail general forever, as by said feoffment recorded by Moses, in the first chapter of tho first book of his records, commonly called uencsis, more fully and at large appears on reference being thereunto had : and "WiiEitiiAS, Tlio said Adam and Kvo died seized of the premises aforesaid in feo-tail general, leaving issue, heirs of their bodies, to wit, sons and daugh ters, who entered into the samo prcmi ses and became thereof as ten ants in common by virtue of tho dona tion aforesaid, and multiplied their seed upon tbo earth ; and "WiiEnEAs, In process of time, tho hoira of tbo said Adam and Eve having becomo very numerous, and finding it to bo inconvenient to remain in com mon as aforesaid, bethought them selves to make partition of the lands nnd tenements aforesaid to and among themselves and they did accordingly mako such partition; and whereas by the virtue of tho said partition made by tho heirs of tho said Adam and Eve all tbat certain tract of land railed and known on the plan of the said Earth by the name of America, parcel of said largo tract was allotted and set over unto certain ol tho heirs aforesaid to them and to their heirs general iu fee simple, who entered into tho same and became thereof seized as aforesaid in their demise, as of fee, and peopled tho samo allotted lands in sev eralty and mado partition thereof to and amongst their descendants. And, Wiieueas, Afterwards now deem ed in timo immemorial a certain uni ted people called "Tbo Six Nations of North America, heirs and descendants of the said grantees of America, be came seized, and for a long time where of tho memory of man runneth not to tho contrary have been seized in their demesne as of 'ee, of and in a certain tract oi country and land in tho north division of Ainericr, called and k'lown at orestnt on tho general plan of tho said north division by the name of Pennsylvania; and "Whereas, The said united nations, being so thereof seized afterwards, to wit, in tho year of Our Lord ono thous and seven hundred and eighty six, by their certain deed of feoffment with livery soizin, did grant, bargain, sell, relerso, enfeoff, alien and confirm unto Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, otherwise called the Proprietaries of Pennsylvania vamong other things), the country called the Buffaloe Valloy, sit uated on the south side ot the west branch of tho river Susquahanua, par cel of said country called Pennsylvania.' Thus tbo deed runs on down to the timo of its date 1793. It is properly signed and sealed and in every respect confoims to tbo strict letter of the law. It wrs pcknowledged beforo 'William 3ray, Justice of tbo Peace, and record ed by J. Simpson, at Sunbury, in Deed Hook F, page 280, on November 3, 1793. Tho consideration was sixteen pounds and ten shillings. SCROFULA I do not believe that Ajcr's BariapArilU has an equal as a euro for Scrofulous Hu mors. It Is pleasant to take, gives strength to tlio Iwdy, and pro duces a more perma nent result than any meilieino I ever used. K. Haines, North Limhile, Ohio. I havo used Ayer's Sarsuparllhi, In my family, for Scrofula, and know, if It la taken faithfully it will thoroughly eradicate this terrible diseass. W.F.Fowlcr.M.D., Oreenvillo, Tenii. For forty years I havo suffered with Erysipelas. I havo tried various remedies for my complaint, but found nu lelief until I commenced using Ayer's Sursaparilla. After taking tcu bot tles of tills medicine I am completely cured. M, t). Amesbury, llockport, Me, I havo sulTerod, tor years, from Catarrh, which was so suvero that It dostroyod my appetite and weak ened my system. Alter tryiuir other remedios, without ro lluf, I began tu tako Ayur'a Sarsaparilla, and, iu a few months, uascuioil, Husau L. Cook, !KCI Albauy St., Ilonlon, Muss. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is superior tu auv blood purifier that I ever triod. I havo taken it for Scrofula, Canker, and Salt ltheiim, and received much beuollt from it. It is good, also, for a weak stomach. Millie Janu 1'elrce, S, Uradford, Mass, Humors, Erysipelas, Canker, and Catarrh, Can be cured by purifying the blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I'reptriMl ty Dr, J, O. Ayrr k Co., Lowell, Uui, 1'rlcoSll tlx bottles, tS. pIIARTER NOTICE. Tiotlco la hereby plventUat an application will be made to the Governor ot l'enusj Ivanla on the seventh day of August, issa, by Joseph bwellzer, lierby and Kred T. lilttenbender, under the Act of Assembly of tho uoininonweaitlio' I'ennsyiva. nla entitled, "An Act to 1'roWde for the lucornoru. .Inn n .. .1 I I o I Irtn nl llirtaln r'nrniirillnnall n nroved Atirll uu. itfl.andlhe sueral suiudemen thereto, for tho Incorporation ot "The (i.en I'll coal uoinpau uy." the character and oblecu of which aru wining, preparing lor market, shlnpnuri sellluir, purchabluir and otherwise dealing lu An thracllu coal, and of leaslue, purchasing and hold Ink' real estate connected therewith. JVJ V, Yi, MVAUVlUilbli evueuvr, iinipiiasn rVJilllci'.Iall.ire CONSUMPTION Oil. T.Jtrr In redttat U from YtteUbU proiacU thftt row In lM T ery tuBtrtt, IT hMnoMorphliie.OplamorlnJanMnDnieft. Evtry doM dom rwtit to Iprlntf, 9 nuinnior, Autumn una Winter, colds set tlo In tho Mucous Membranes Nose, Throat, lironcbal Tubes. Alr-cclli and Ludit Tissues, cousin? Count), What Ilcne Iiivndo tlio Lima! Pcrofuln, Catorrh-polsons, Sllcro-orpin-Isms, Humors, nnd Illood Impurities. Wlint nro tlio I'rlmnrv mimea t Colds, Chronic Cough, Ilroncnltts, Conges tion, Inflammation, Catarrh or ltay-Fcvcr, Axthtnn, Pneumonln, Malaria, Measles, w nooning cugu ana vtoup. RKLIEVT.S QClCKLY.CCItF.fl IT.nif ANF.NTI.T It Will slop that Coug hlnir, Tickling In Throat,l)ry-hacklngandCiitnrrh-dropplng. in yuur uxiircKiramiii ur npuin Frothti Uionl-Stntncd Catarrhal I'm (Matter) Yetlowkh CanhcrAUit PhUam Tuhcrliular .Viioo-nnrul'nll It prevent Docllne, Nlght-Hwcnta, Hectic-Fever, and Death from Consumption. 25c, BOc, $1.00 0 bottles 5.00. rrpanl at t)r. KUmf r' DlKtvnmrr, ninehamtun. If. Y.'InralMB (Juld to Health" 7fcntYn). HOLD I1Y A I.I, llltllUOISTK. BUSINESS NOTICES. The Tou'ilk uhaim which scrofula has upon tho system must bo arrested, and the blood must be purified, or scilous conse quences will ensue. For purifying nnd vitalizing effects, Hood's Sarsaparilla has been found superior to any other prepara tion. It expels cvciy trnco of Impurity from the blood, and bestows now lit c aud vigor upon every function of the body, en abling It to entirely ovcrcomo disease. When ono sees the Impure fats thnt arc sometimes used In soap making he Is in clined tn doubt the cleansing qualities of the soap. Drcydoppel's Boarax soap is mado from the purest refined tallow, and Is guaranteed pure nnd ncnltlilul. jjly-Ht. JJodlly health and vigor may bo main tained ns easily in tho heat of Summer, ns In tho Winter months, if 'he blood is pnri flcd aud vitalized with Ayer's Sarsapar'Ua. Eveiy person who has used this remedy has been greatly benefited. Tako It this month. stop thnt cough that tick'' lg 'i tho throat I Mop that consumptive condition I You can bo cured 1 You can't arford to wait I Dr. Kilmer's cough Cuio iuonsvmptlon oil) will do It m"ckly rod permanently, wets. Eveiy one should havo a copy of the Mlkadc, and as the Mack Publishing Co., C28 Washington St., N. Y.. furnish it com. pletc, with the music of the most popular songs, for 10 cents, it is within easy reach of a''. Ten beaullii'l cbromo cards are sent with It, and they p-o not defaced by having advertisements pilnted on the pic tures. rIne president of tho Cambridge. Mass.. Firo Ins. Co., recommends Hood's Sarsi- 1 nrnia as a building up nnd strengthening rcmcuy. Parents, how would you like to be chuckled under the chin and tickled to in duce mcn-imcnt, " you had a large blister on you 1 Think of your poor baby when it is sore nnd blistered from dialings, and get Dr. Hand's Chafing Powder. 2jc a box. Piles blind, bleeding and itch'ng posi tively cured by Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. Uatbewitha little of the Fluid added to tho water. A single application wi"' allay the itching, soothe all inllammatlon, de odorize all oilensivcness and staunch the bleeding. Tetter and scald head are tpiickly cured by Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. "Iler features are not regular, yet what I an attractive face she has I" It Is her beautiful hair. Once it was thin, grayish anil fading. A few bottles of Parker's Hair Ualsam wrought the transformation. it win uo as mucn lor anybody. j'J 4. When I)by iru sick, girt, her CMtoria, When the wu a Child, iho cried for Ca-torl. When the fcecsme Miss, she clung to CastorU, TTaeo the had Children, sbe gre them Cutori, 1 had clven mvself un ns lost because of Inherited scrofula. Tried everything for purifying the blood without benefit until I used Parker's Tonic, nnd can truthfully say that it has cured me. I still use it for spien"lu ellcct on my general Health. K. IiVnd, Chicago. j91t. SPEKU'S WINK FOB CONSDM1TIVKS. consumptive persons nre creatlv bene fited by the use of Specr's Port Grape wine, it elves nourishment when every- thing else falls, and physicians prescribe it as a lieu, mitwtlous wine. ITomlnent physicians and members connected with the New "iork Board of Health havo in spected Specr's vineyards and wlno cellars and speak of his products in the l-'chcst teims. r or sale uy di ukcisis. E. B. BROWER QgPI,UlvlBING,D GAS FITTING & STE'L IIKATINli DKALEH IN STOVES & TINWARE. AH kinds of ork in Sheet Iron, Roof ing aud hpotiting promptly attended to. restrict attention given to heating by steam. Corner of Main & East Sts., Uloomsburg, Pa. KEYSTONE ACADEMY ! John II. Hai:i:is, Pit. D. Fbincu'al. K'OIITEENTU VJJAlt 11KGINS AUGUST 24, 1886. 1'roperty cosU50,O00. Campus, so acres. Library, over 3,ooo volumes. ilorothan in apparatus. Superior facilities for students In rhyslology. Location healthful. Instruction thorough, dis cipline strict, expenses moderate, experienced teachers, small clashes, personal attention. Prepares for business, for collego .and for teach ing, btudents prepared In Keystone ha e entered Yale and Harvard unconditioned. Separate building of brick, heated by steam, for tho use ot ladles. Students travel on tho D.L.& w. and branches and on the l-ehlgh Valley at half rites. For catalogue or Information address tho princi pal at Factory Ule, Pa. (m. Ss-ams. TO FARMERS ! :o:- Any ono tn want of tho BUCKEYE CrWEfW, Glass Feed Fertilizer, Grain Drill, Cider Mill or any thing Manufactured by tlio Company, can got them of AARON SMITH, UUOKIIORN, l'A. apr. 16-6ms. Jim, Beiillji i'ROl'RIUTOR OF Ml Ml Ml lill Iwm mm Shot) la A Room At tho old stand, under tho Exchange Hotel, BLOOMSBURG, PA. ft KM, lit O ADVEimSEUS. Lowest rates for advertising In 10 good newspapers sent f.c. llrcss (1KO. r. KOtVKM. CO., 10 Spruce S't,, N. V. DVHPI'.I8IA. ItsNaturo. causes, rreren tinn nnd i.'urp. Ilr.lnhn II. McAlvln. Lowel foass.. U rears tax collector, sent free to anr 4 dress. Junc.23 vr d TJOIjT.iA.TIH pars for IilFBBOUOIiABtilllFla I ALMS' BUSINESS COLLEGE liM Cktilul St, riihhlfiii. Vosltlons for Graduates. Time required 3 to 4 mos. Tho IJeit Equipped. Beit Course of Btudr. Best Ev erything. Writ tar Circular J 9 ms. p c. 3,000 AOKNTH WANTED (or tho new work C4LADSTONK PAUNELL AND ntVEAT TRTRTT OT-tmtlGL iir i no Pin i 'an t nuiiior. jion, t. r. u lunnum, Jin- i . M- piRNrn.. Ainniiir I'arnki L. A thrilling l"stoi ot li'.sh oppression and the ml"hty struggle for Homo muo that la rocuwg mo inusn empire u, IHrenm: also olographic of tho leadcrn. A ! en tlrelv new work nui high authority, of all-sb' IWMUi'r; Kill ai, IlllltJ i,,.iiR,m.ou,ii,u,,i,m ilptnnml. Atinlv nl-'rl'lv tn lUlllllAltl) 1IIIUS. Ucrcst, richly ' li.t rated, nnd In Immense Publishers, hlladclphla, ra. juiy inta. THRESHING MACHINES A Socclaltv. Simplest, most titiinblo,cconomlcalnn3 perfect In use. Wrstes nofciTUn: cleans It ready for market, THRESHIUQ EM0I1IE3 li HOSSE FOWEBS, Haw mill: grain drills and standard Implements generally, tend for Illustrated catalogue. A.. Mi. Jbar miliar. lwusylvanla A(,.1cultural Works, York, ra. FRENCH'S HOTEL. city ham. soUAnr, new your, Opposite City Hall and the Post omce Tills hotel is one ot the most complete In Its ap pointments and furniture or ANY HOUSE in New York city nnd Is conducted on tho EUROPEAN PLAN. I looms only One Dollar per day. naif mtnuto'g walk from llrooklj n Bridge and Elevated 1L All lines of cars pass the door. Most convenlen hotel In New York for Merchants to ston at. Mn. Ing Kooins, Cafes and I unch counter repleto with an i . the luxuries at mod?rato prices. S July 2 1 yr CLOTHING 1 CLOTHING I G-. W. BERTSCH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. Gents Furnishing Goods, Eats ii Caps OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. -:o: Suits made to order at short notice and a fitalwajs guaranteed or no Bale. Call and examino the largest and best selcctedBtoek of goods ever shown in Columbia county. Store next door to First National Bank, MAIN STREET, Bloomsburg, Pa. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES OF CAST CR WROUGHT IRON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and PuWic Grounds Ttiolnllfti.lni.DhnB.. .ha T)1Ma. flnthi. the several beautlrul styles of Fence manufactured by the undersigned. lI . ut For Beauty and Durability they are unsurna&s ed. set up by experienced hands and warranted to give satisfaction. Prices and specimens of other de- signs sent to any address. Address mi mm BLOOMSBURG PA- May 4 tf GIVEN AWAY ! A PREMIUM THAT IS A PREMIUM. This Announcement is of Interest to Every American Citizen. Tho Most Magnanimous Offer Ever Male by Any newspaper, THE R IE WORLD. L je Greatest Newspaper On This Continent. CIRCULATION OVER 1,200,000 Copies Week PRESENTS PREEye S l yk s u b- bCHIllElt 'IO ITS WEEKLY EDITION. (PltlCE fl l'EU YEAH) !& History of i:,: United States, HOUND IN LEATHERETTE TUBE CALF, UILT, ANU CONTAINING TWENTY-TWO FINE ENGRAVINGS. This dainty book of SJO l2mo natres Is Drlnted on good palter, with wide margins, and Is a prize for a bibliophile. unis uui t y is upon an entirely novel ana ongi ral plan, w .Ich makes it Indispensable to every pe wju. 10 matter bow tany other histories he miy haie. It Is arranged chronologically by years, from Ihe dlscomy of America to lttt. Every event la nmratedln thoorde.'of ltsdae. These are not coii'ned, as In other works, to political matters. out emoracu etry urancu oi uumau aciiuu. u describes under It proper date all Important pat ents, all discoveries In science and the useful arts; the digging of canals and the building of railroads and telegtuph lines: the founding ot towns and ine erection oi noiauiu ouuaiugs anu uriuges; iuu II ret performances, ot plays und the nret appear ances ot aclois and hlugers; nres. Hoods, hall storms, tornadoes, cyclones, epidemics; aceldents and disasters on tea and land; riots aud crimes; panics and business failures; ''eorters" and pho no ncial prices In all markets; labor troubles, airlkcsand lock-outs, and liuudreds of other mat ters never raentloieu by historians, hlch are of tho greatest Importance to all who wish to under stand tho progress of their country. Besides 13 ing a history lu the ordinary sense. It Is a con- aenseu newi-papcr mo tor ioui nunurca years. DO YOU WANT IT 1 The History wlilbo sent FltES. by express, to ever lvrsou wha forwards II for a year's subscrip tion to THE ArEEKLY WORLD, Tlio Great Agricultural and Family III 40 Newstmjicr. Containing all the Utl UluMralt d: Uterarv nnd HUscvllaiwotti matter that ainfart tn Uut Sunday tuition Of Tilt: WII11I.D.IW JOCHN1I.I8T1C U1KVXL, xrhlvh has noio attained the unireideiUel rlntila tion ofotvr 43,000 conic each Utue. If preferred, tho History will be sent by mall by subscriber's risk when ten cents extra Is forward ed to prepay jiostage. Clubs wilt Und tho express ueaiKT anu biurio bin if'liW i beyond iluubt Ihe greatest uffer ever made 1 blUKlu miusiuui-.b iuu until. hit auy pubtlixitlon In this or any other tvutilrv, I'Ae irrmfum nlone in at more iwlue than the amount paid. A MILLION PEOPLE IN Tills COUNTUY Want This Book. I He want 500,0410 more tubscrthert to the v.v.r.;if,v rr, Vorlcl .1 jj.i if ji jij.wu- ami Till: WOULD lvsenea the right to withdraw this offer at any time upon one week's notice In Its weekly edition All moscrtitiivnt muJt oe ciaurrteru THE WORLD, JJMt KcwYarli, N.Y,