The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 16, 1886, Image 2

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The Columbian.
0. S. Elwell, 1 viu...
3, X, Blttnb4.,f B4U0"'
FRIDAY, JUIA' 10, 1880.
Democratic) State Convention,
Tho Democrntio Stnto Convention of
Pennsylvania will asacmblo at tho
Opera House, in tho City of Harris
burg, nt 10 a. m., on Wednesday,
August 18, to nominato candidates for
Governor, Lieutenant-Govornor, Audi
tor Genera), Seo'y of Internal Affaire,
Tho Convention will consist of 3f)9
Ttonresentativo Delegates, selected
under tho rules of tho party from tho
respective Assembly Districts of tho
State, ono for each 1,000 Democratio
votes cast for Governor at tho last pre
ceding gubernatorial election, or for a
fraction of 1,000 stioh votes, amount
ing to f00 or more, in tho rcspectivo
representative districts, provided that
each reprosontativo district shall havo
at least ono delegate.
Chairman Bern. State Gommit'ce.
J. 11. Liciity, Seo'y.
ivrom notes taken by S. N. Walker
Court Reporter, wo give below tho
main parts of Senator Buokalow's ad
dress, delivered at tho Court House,
Danville, on last Saturday ovening
July 10th.
I havo been long of 'he opinion, and
that opinion liaa deepened and strengtn
ened with tho courso of years, that it
is absolutely necessary to introduce in
to tho Government of these United
States, and into the fundamental law
by which that government is created
x few radical and far-reaching changes
of system ; for, with us, as with other
iioveriiments that havo preceded us in
tho history of tho world, In course of
time various forma of abuso have arisen
to trouble and vex us, and it is neces
sary that wo should erect guards against
them, take tho -amplest securities
against their increase and against their
deleterious operation.
Under our present system, wo chooso
tho creat omcer of tho government
tho president, through a form of elect
oral colleges, chosen and assembling
in each state, tho number of members
in a college being equal to tho total
of representatives and senators for tho
state, upon ineir meeting in uiu Hum
of Government, each college in its own
state, they voto by ballot for candidates
for president and viccpresident, and re
port their votes to wasningion, wnero
they are counted.
This machinery, which was intended
by those who framed tho constitution
of tho United States to be a salutary
and effectual arrangement for the
choico of a president by men of great
wisdom And merit in each state, lias
utterly failed of its original purpose.
Tho choice of electors, the meeting of
electors, their voting in what arc call
cd colleges all this has become mero
matter of form ; lor they, in every in
stance, are expected to support panic
nlar candidates. The people do not
use this form, except by compulsion
because such is the only legal method
of expressing their opinions in a presb
dential election. They intend to vote
for A or B. or C for president of tho
United States : they are obliged to ex
press themselves through this cumbrous
useless, and in some respects danger
ous, arrangement. Wo are going on
under a system, therefore, originally
intended to be effectual, but which has
becomo mero form, and winch, m cer
tain posibuities of tho future, may
becomo possitivcly disastrous ; for, in
a closo presidential election, if wo con
ceivo that tho electors in any state
should bo corrupt, then, voting as
they do by secret ballot thoy could dc
leat tho will or tno people with mi
punity and oven without detection
But it is suflicient for the present to
say that all this oonstilutional machin
cry is useless, and ought to bo abolish
ed for that reason alone.
What may bo proposed as a Biibsti
tuto for it T This question may be
answered in few words. Allow tho
people to voto dirpctly, each man for
himself, for tho candidate of bis choice
for tho ofhco of president, and provido
that tho votes in each state shall be re
ported to the seat of government in the
state precisely as tne votes ror gover
nor aro reported, and that the governor,
the secretary of tho comnionwealtl:
and tho chief justice of tho state shall
receivo tho returns, and assign to eacu
candidate a proportion or share of th
electoral voles of tho state, exactly in
ratio to tho popular voto which has
been civen him ; tho result of which
will bo that in each state each cautl
dato for tho presidential oftico will get
on electoral voto oxactly nccordmg
public opinion in tho btate, and tho w
of the peoplo will be transmitted
Washington, and will there be duly
What aro tho special advantages
this change of system T I will mention
but one, although there are several.
is the most certain and elfectual pla
ever doviscd to render presidential
elections both fair and pure, and
good repute. Now a fraudulent, cor
rupt, or otherwise sinister vote of fivo
or ten thousand in Pennsylvania or
Now York may control tho whole elect
oral voto of tho stato at any election
it may bo tho "balanco-of-power' vote,
and deternuno tho result, lako our
own state. Suppose flint at tho next
presidential election each party has
about '100,000 votes, and can poll them
nn J tako the necessary steps for that
purpose. About an equal number aro
ranged undor each ol tho groat banners
of political party, and thoro is a corrupt
or influenced voto in the groat centers
of population and of human life of but
fivo or ten thousand, what is the result?
That tho thirty electoral votes of Penn
sylvania for president raav be trans
furred from ono party and given to the
other, making a ohango of sixty elect
oral votes in tho choico of president,
and you can't help it. Four hundred
thousand men may struggle during
a long election campaign! exerting
themselves to the utmost, expending
their means, timo and labor, their ut
most energies honestly in behalf of
what they believe to bo principles of
importance to tho government of tho
country, and in behalf of a candidate
fit for tho high ollico for which they
support him i and yet nil their labor,
oxertion and patriotism may bo wasted
becauso a corrupt or tnauaeod voto in
Philadelphia or Pittsburg is cast into
tho opposing scale, by which thoy will
not only loso their votes in tho elect
ion, but by which all their just share
of power will bo transferred to tho
other side. Say that tho opposito
party was entitled to fifteen electoral
voles, becauso they had nbout half tho
votes in tho state, that tho party virtu-1
,lly disfranchised was entitled to tno
other fifteen, becauso thoy had tho
other half. Do you not sco that, under
our present system, these fivo or ton
thousand bad votes, bought up In tho
corruption-market, or otherwieo obtain
ed by illegitimato means, control tho
voto of tho slalo mid Uislrancluso halt
f tho honest voters therein 1
You may preach ncainst electoral cor
ruption unlit you becomo blind and gray
headed, and you wfdi't Btop it t It is in
creasing in this country ,and it must in
crease ns ths country grows richer, as
tho number of offices to bo filled shall
becomo greater. Preaohing against
it will not accomplish your purpose ;
you may check tho evil a little, but
you cannot destroy lt,nj long ns human
naturo rcmaius what it is, and men
oven in our Btngo of civilization can
be illegitimately influenced in public
elections. You know all this very
But, by allowing each voter to voto
for his candidate for president, with
tho certainty that hid voto will bo re
ported as votes for govornors aro re
ported, and that his candidalo will get
us complete snare or the electoral vote
f tho Btate, iu proportion to tho popu
lar voto civen him, what is tho result 1
That is what I propose to point out to
you. Uuservo, U you divido tho popu-
ar voto of this state,the 800,000 votes,
by 30, you havo about 27,000 popular
votes for ono electoral vote, that would
be what is called "the ratio," 27,000.
It would now require about that rum
her of votes in Pennsylvania, under
this plan, to secure ono electoral voto
at Washington, sent there from tho re
turns at Harrisburg ; mid, as our popu
lation increases, tho ratio for an elect
or will incroaso also. At no remoto
lay it will reach forty or fifty thous
and j so that, when your high officers
of stato tho govornor, tho secretary
of tho commonwealth and tho chief
justice come to count tho popular
vote, and to assign to each candidate
his share of tho electoral vote,thoy will
givo an electoral voto to each candi
date for overy forty or fifty thousand
votes ho has received from tho people.
Do you not perceive that a corrupt
voto in rinladclphia ot five or ton, or
even fifteen or twenty thousand, would
not mako an atom of chango in the
result 1 Twenty thousand would bo
but one-half an electoral ratio, and
would not control ono vote, and of
course any ordinary corrupt voto of
ten or fifteen thousand would amount
to nothing upon tho result. But sup
poso you havo forty or fifty thousand
corrupt voters, thoy could control tho
casting of only ono electoral voto in
stead of thirty, as at present. Do you
not see that the motive lor corrupting
elections would bo cut out of our sys
tem, would no longer largely exist in
it 1 Do you not sco that men would
not spend money to buy votes when
those votes were not to attect tho
geucral result ? Thei'o would be no
motivo for corruption, and we would
get purity in our great elections, and
honesty and lair play. At present, tho
party that rn&orts to improper intlneno-
cs is tho ono likeliest to win. It is
like gambling, and tho party that wins
sweeps the board.
Under tho honest and fair system
that I have stated, each party would
get lust what it is entitled to. I say,
therefore,that this ohango would reach
down to the very foundations of our
system, would eradicate tho motivo for
corruption and illegitimate influence
winch attend our great elections, would
secure to the people equal rights in
their elections, and the ultimate result
would be an honest and pure govern
ment, which is tho legitimate object
tor which elections aro held.
In conclusion upon this point I will
mention ono fact : You remember
that, in 1870, in tho election canvass
between Hayes and J llden, there was
great excitement. I am not ironic to
discuss what happened the merits of
the returning-board in Louisiana, nor
tno action ot Uongress I am on
another point. I then wrote a propo
sition for ohanging the constitution of
the U mtcd states in this particular
putltmg into form tho ideas 1 havo
mentioned to-night and sent it to Mr,
JMaigb ot lork county, a gentleman
of great ability and pcfect integrity
or nurnnso who 1 lion m I in llnnsn
ot Hcprescntativcs. Ife presented it
and it was reierrcd to a select com
mitte, and was fully considered and
agreed to by tho committed : it was
then by that committee reported back
to tho House, accompanied by a writ
ten report which explained tho propo
sition and put it upon the grounds
which no one, I yenturo to say, can
ever answer. But, shortly afterwards
my friend Mr. Maish, under tho prin
ciple of rotation iu office, that soino of
us valuo so highly, was left at homo
and his place was supplied by another,
Tho proposition sleeps, but it may bo
wakened to life. When wo havo
another terrible danger over a prosl
dential election, peoplo will wako to
the necessity of amendment. But
mink it proper now, in time of peace
and quiet, when the passions aro not
up, when no individual interests aro iu
volved, when parly passion is silent,
that this plan shall bo considered and
action taken upon it by Conirress. and
the subject submitted to tho peoplo of
(ho states. If it is so submitted it will
bo certainly and promptly adopted.
Wo resido in a congressional dis
trict of very peculiar formation. It
extends from tho lino of Lycoming to
tho Lehigh valley, and boyond it to
the Delaware river, and up that river
ns far as Port Jervis on tho Now York
and Erie railroad. You pick up Montou
then you go cast, and pick up Colum
bin ; then comes a tier ot township
across western i,uzcrnp, all tho way
down to tho ocnuyikiii border, by
which you get a uuio comer ot oon
ncctioii across into the Lehigh valley
you then pass east, picking up n tier
of townships and boroughs through tho
south end of Luzerne and tho Hazel
ton country, until vou roach tho line
of Lackawanna ; you thon drop down
the Lehiuh river and pick up Carbon
county, pass across to tho Delaware
river, co un it. as I have already men
tioned taking tho counties of Monroo
and Piko ! and then you como back
over tho Pocono mountain into tho
Lackawanna valley ; run down, and
pick up some townships and boroughs,
until you como to tho city of Scrautou
mid then you hook out tho old twolttl
ward of 'that city and that makos
your district. That is, tho way tho
district was made, in 1873, by pickini;
out and piling up together nil tho
Democratio majorities that could bo
found iu this section of Pennsylvania
thus giving us some eight or nine
thousand majority ; ho that the Demo
cratlo party on ono occasion, could ru
three candidates against ono Kemibll
can, and yet elect ono of their men to
Congress. That was tho caso when
Mr. Klotz was first elected. Captain
Brockway ran ns nu independent candi
date. Mr. Orvis ran ns tho Greenback
candidate, but most of his voto was
from tho Democratio party, and Mr,
Klbtg rnu na tho regular oandldoto t
nnd, though tho voto of tho majority
party of tho disliict was distributed
nmong theso threo candidates, tho low
est of tho threo getting nearly two
thousand votes, tho regular nominco
was elected, having a clear majority
over Genoral Albright, tho Republican
oaudidate. In this district, tho Repub
lican voto was viitually obliterated by
tho action of tho Republican legisla
ture which passed tho bill. Tho legls
lallvo majority said to their political
frionds In this district, "You must sub
mit to oxtliiL'uishinont for ten vears,
you can elect nobody, but wo will tako
all tho Democratio majorities iu Piko,
Monroe, Carbon, Luzerne, Columbia
and Montour, and pile them into one
huge mass, ami then thoy won t do
nny mischief in hciahborina districts."
That is tho way tho bill was made.
was a vory unnatural district i very
little social intercourse between the
peoplo of tho eastern end of tho dis
trict nnd those of tho western end t
very little of business relations be
tween tho two sections almost as
widely Heparntcd as if the main chain
of tho Allegheny mountains lay be
tween as a lino of division.
What has been tho history of this dis
tricts For tho first four voars a repre
sentative iu Congress was chosen from
tno Lackawanna division of tho district;
for tho second four years, tho represen
tative was chosen from Carbon county;
for tho third four years, tho representa
tive has been chosen lrom tho county
of Monroe ; so that for twelve years
the conuressman has been taken fiom
the eastern sldo of the district. Tho
constitutional duration of tho appor
tionment would bo ten years ; but, as
tho legislature and tho govornor did
not agree alout n new bill of appor
tionment, the old bill continues, and an
other election must bo held under it be
fore a new apportionment can bo made.
.Now let us co back into a Iittlo local
history of our own. Tho county of
Columbia was erected at tho sessions
of 1812-13 ; it has, therefore, had an ex
istence about seventy-four years. Mon
tour county was cut from it iu 1850,
but has always remained with it since
that timo in tho samo congressional
district. From tho year 1812 down to
the present time, tho county of Colum
bia within its present territory, has
furnished a representative in Congress
for barely two years. Dr. Leib, of
Catawissa, was elected, lor a Binglc
term, in 1814, Ho was beaten for re
election by tho voto of Luzerne county.
This is tho record of Columbia county
as now bounded. Montour county had
Dr. Pelriken as representative in Con
gress ; that is tho territory now com
posing Montour it was not then erect
ed into a separate counts was repre
sented by Dr. Petrikeu from 1831 to
1S38. And again, in 185G, John G.
Montgomery, a distinguished member
of your bar,. and a reputable and able
citizen ot Danville, was olecled to Con
gress. Ho died before his service be
gan, of tho National-Hotel disease, at
Washington, and Mr. Leidy of your
town was chosen to fill out his two
years' term. Since that timo when wo
wero connected with Bradford, the
election of Strawbridge, & Republican
congressman, took place ; which with
n,.mr,.rn.tu. T hnlinvn ,lno nnl .,,
This is tho record.
Neither county has been locally rep
resented during tho last twclvo years
while we havo been with tho counties
on tho Lehigh and the Delaware ; and
before that tune, throughout this long
period sinco Columbia county was
ercctod three-fourths of a century sho
has had JJr. Leib ono term of two years.
and tho town of Danville a Democrat
ic representative barely six years. This
is the record ot tho past.
la I8oo, when Montour countv
named Mr. Montgomery for represen
tative to Congress, what was dono in
Columbia county T Ho had served the
waiter beforo in tho llouso nt Harris
burg, while I was in tho Senate. I
knew him to be a man of thorugh in
tegrity ; his whole course while ho was
a member of tho house was without re
proach, his record was clear and able.
Although there wero between our two
counties remains of old local feeling
what did wo in Columbia do t Get up
a candidato thoro against Montour ?
Allow anybody to como out iu Colum
bia as a candidato against that fit man?
No, wo wont to work among our
people, and said to them ''This man is
to be trusted ; ho is fit for tho placo ;
he will do himself honor aud will do
you honor, if you agree to send him to
Congress.'' Accordingly, upon consid
eration, our peoplo joined Montour,
united our strength with hers, and wo
went np to a conferenco with Luzerne
and Wyoming united. What was the
result! Mr. Montgomery was nomi
nated and elected. Afterward, when
his death opened a vacancy, Mr. Leidy
was naineu to succcca mm ; tno same
united action was repeated, and ho was
elected and served. Wo havo not had
any nomination in this congressional
district for twelve years, because our
two counties havo been separate, pull
ing different ways ; and wo shall get
no reprcsontatifo for tho remaining
two years that wo aro to continue iu
this district, if our countios aro apart
in action. Precisely tho same causes
that iiavo produced results in six no mi
nations arc sufficient to produce tho
samo result in tho seventh. If our two
counties go together, united, and say
to our urcturen oi tue oast "vo aro
not this timo divided, we aro together;
it is high timo that some semblance of
fairpiay and liistico in nominations in
our district should havo placo, and wo
aro here to ask what is our clear aud
reasonable right," wo shall succeed
In what manner this united action
shall bo secured is not for mo to say :
it is your own matter ; you aro to de-
cido it for yourselves, and I am con
tent to abido by your judgment. But
I desire to sty to you that, if at any
timo I shall represent any portion of
tho pconlo of Pennsylvania in tho Con
gress of tho United States, I shall go
thero for earnest work, and ono pur
pose will bo to take up tho Maish
amendment of 1877 aud see if it caunot
bo passed and sent down to tho poople
for adoption.
Wo ought, in connection with it, to
reform our system of selcoviug mem.
bors of Congress. This vicious practice
of gerrymandering states ought to bo
cut up by the roots : thero is a very
simple way of doing it. No such dis
trict ns this in which wo now stand
should be permitted to bo made. Does
not every ono know that, whilo the
Democratic party of this statu is en
titled by numbers to thirteen members
of Congress, it has but eight 1 That
result is produced by"gerrymandering,
by an unscrupulous legislature's cut
ting up tho statu into improper districts.
That ought to bo stopped. Thoro is
no reason why it should not bo stopped.
It only requires that Congress shall
withdraw tho net which commands tho
slates to divide their territory up into
single districts by their legislatures
every ten year, and that there be sub
stituted for that plan, a plan perfectly
plain and simple, by which each divis
ion of tho peoplo in every stato will
get its proper share of members of
Congress. I cannot, howover, go Into
that BUbjcct to-night.
Ohango In Eulcs.
Tho Rules of tho Democratio party
as amended last year mado a chango
in tho manner of voting for delcaatcs.
llerctoforo tho cumulative system has
been in use, but that is abolished and
tho rulo is as follows ! "voters at
delogato elections may cast ns many
votes as there nro delegates to bo
elected, but not more than ono voto
for any ono uelegate. And in tho c?sc
of a tio voto bctwoen delegates, tho
question shall bo decided by drawing
lots i n tio upon insti notions from n
district by dividing tho vote."
Oolonel Norris' Blunuor.
From tho Pittsburg lst.
Colonel Quay's candidalo for Auditor
General, Major Norris, is getting into
hot water. At Gettysburg tho other
day ho opened his campaign witli a
furious assault upon 'tho Third Army
Corps nnd upon General Sickles, who
with his friends has replied in person
giving Norris tho lie. Thoy go furth
er and say Norris knew ho was mis
taken as to alleged facts related before
ho mado his speech, but said it was too
lato to avoid the error, as his address
was in print. Of courso tho old sold
iers aro intensely angered nt him, not
only for his misrepresentation but for
tho ill tasto he displayed in turning tho
occasion to ono of controversy and al
tercation. Tho reception given to Geit
oral Sickles and the increased affection
shown him sinco the Norris attack, go
further to prove with what disfavor it
has been received. Tho Republican
politicians are apprehensive that Norris
will continue to make n fool of him
self. Ho was not put on tho ticket for
bis gift of gab, but becauso ho could
bo relied on by tho bosses, managers
and speculators of tho Treasury ring
to help administer a big treasury bal
ance. Tho President has been vigorously
nttacked in tho Senate for his freo use
of the veto povcr in cutting off pen
sion bills that had not suflicient merit
to get through the Pension ollico.
Thousands of dollars wero rcoklessly
voted away by congrtss, but tho Presi
dent as tho watch-dog -if tho Treasury
has set the seal of condemnation upon
tho practice, and ho will bo sustained
in his action. Ho is not likely to bo
iutiniidattfd by pension sharks oven
though they wear tho garb of United
States Senators. All honest soldiers
will thank tho President for his efforts
in putting n stop to tho run on the
treasury by moro pretenders, and tho
campaign literature which republican
senators aro endeavoring to manufac
ture out of this matter will fall fiat be
fore a public that knows how to ad
miro an honest and fearless adminis
tration. A young Philadelphia cooper has
just accomplished the perilous feat of
going through tho Whirlpool rapids at
Niagara. Ho built a barrel and shut
himself insido of it and was dropped
out of a boa. No other human being
1188 ov?r "veicd this samo stream, ex-
Cept the Captain of tllO Mftld O tllO
Mist who went through with his boat.
Another man is now mado famous by
his foolbardyand unnecessary exposure.
He may bo possessed of a certnin sort
of cournge, but he is sadly lacking in
A bill has passed tho Houso provid
ing for sessioDs of tho United States
District Court to bo held at Scronton.
Tho counties of Lackawanna, Luzerne,
Wyoming, Susquehanna, Bradford and
Columbia aro embraced in the bill.
Tins will be a great saving of expense
to parties who aro now obliged to go
to Pittsburg. Tho bill has not passed
tho Senate, but is likely to do so.
A bill has passed tho Senate grant
ing pensions to all persons who served
GO days or raoro in tho Mexican w.r,
and tho widows of such, who aro sixty
two years of age. Ti o rate is 8 a
Democrats should bear in mind that
the delegate election, will bo held on
Monday, July 2Gth,and tho convention
on iuesday the 27. Make your ar
rangements to attend tho election, and
let there bo a full vot?.
Gladstono and Homo Rulo have Leen
defeated, and a new ministry will be
It is an established fact that Hood's Bar
saparlllx has proven an lnvaluablo remedy
In many severo cases of rheumatism, effect
Ing reinarkablo cucs by its powerful action
In correcting tho acidity of the blood, which
Is tho cause ol tho disease, and purifying
and enriching the vital fluid.
is certainly air to assume that what
Hood's Sarsaparllla has done for others It
will do for you. Therefore, If you sutler
tho pains and aches of rheumatism, give
this potent remedy a fair trial.
A Positive Cure.
"I was troublod very much with rhcuma.
tlsm In my Lips, ankles, and wrists. I
could hardly walk, and was confined to my
bed a good deal of the time, lielng rec
ommended to try Hood's Sarsaparllla, I
took four bottles and am perfectly wen.
I cheerfully recommend Hood's Sarsaparllla
as one of the best blood purifiers Iu tio
world." W. F. Wood, Bloomlngton, III.
For Twenty Years
: hare been afflicted with rheumatlim. Before
)!83I found no rcUef, but grew worse. 1 then
ccgan taking nood's SarsaparlUa, and It did
me moro good than all tho other medicine I
ever had." II. T. Dalcom, Shirley, Mass.
"I suffered from what the doctors caller,
muscular rheumatism. I took Hood's Bar
saparllla and am entirely cured." J, V, A
I'ROODrooT, letter carrier, Chicago, 111.
We shall to glad to send, free of charge
to all who may desire, a book containing many
additional statements ot cures by
Hood's Sarsaparllla
Sold by all druggists, tl j six for 5. Mado
only by a I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass.
IOO Dosos One Dollar.
liy .. .uo or a w , it of l Fa,, Issued out ot til's
Court ot common Pleas of Columbia county, l'a ,
oid to mo erected, will bo exposed to publlo sule
at tue coui l llouso In llloonisburt', on
Saturday, August 14, 1880,
at 8 o'clock p.m., all that certain lotorplecoot
land, situate li tho borough of Ilerwlck, Columbia
county, l'a., bounded and described as follows to.
wit: On tae north by Third street, on tho cast by
10-, ot neuuen Moyer, on the south by hecoud St,
and on tho west bynn alley.sald lot belnif number.
ed or marked In tho general plan ol said town
of Ilerwlck No. (I5sono hundred fifty-eight and bo.
Ing ono hundred and eighty one and one-halt feet In
length and foity-ulne and one-halt feet In width.
whereon aro erected a two-story frame dwelling
houso, frame stablo aud out buildings. A lot of
fruit trees on the premises.
HeliCd, taken In execution, at tho suit of David
dross vs. John f'. Keller and to bo hold as tho
property of John F. Keller,
(ivy Jacoby, Alty.
BASll'KI. SMITH, Sheriff.
. ItrOtlllieUcuuluu,
tkfld Everywhere.
Jy. t.r
.Bad breath; a bitter or
bad taste in the mouth;
fain in the hack, sides or. joints, o.flcn
mistaken for rheumatism; sour stom
ach; lots of eppetite; bowels alter
nately costive and lax; headache; loss
of memory, with a painful sensation
of having failed to do son.ething
which ought to have been done: debil
ity; low spirits; a thick, yellow ap
pearance of the skin and eyes; a dry
cough, often mistaken for consump
tion. How Curedi
"t havo boon atlllctoil many years with
dyspepsia, sIcK heailacho ami erection ot
the Vldnejs caused by torpid 11' . I hate
t rled a (treat many remedies and physlclnns
prebcilptlons without success, health (ail
ing all tho timo. During last Fall and W In
ter 1 was obliged to suspend tho l loot ot
my labor In my neld ot Homo Mtsplonarv
voik on account of my liculth. Early this
Purine I was Induced to try Simmons Liver
ltegulalor, and havo had Inoro real goal
health slncollien than tor years before. I
uso tho medlrlno tolclho mo when, by ex
posure or oci-exertlon, 1 discover iho
Kjnmtoins or my dlsoaso returning, 'lho
Ilrgulator rcllcu's mo nt once, and H mote
Kaustflctory In Its effects than an thing ot
tho kind I ecr tiled. lhao aisous' d It
with good success In my family to ward on
bilious attacks." Jos. K. Whkki.kk, Cum
berland Pres. .Minister, Lebanon, Jlo.
Delegalu Election, July 20.
Convention, July ii
roit itr.i'itKs-KNTATivi:,
(Subject to action of Democrutio
Of CatawisHa, Columbia Co., l'a.
" :o:
"Tlio pcoplo'slaw is habitually violated,
evaded nnd defied."
"No frc-o government can long exist
wbero tho organic law of tho Stato
is habitually defied.''
"Tho Constitution of 187-1 is not com
munistic. It assails no right of
property, nor does it givo counte
nance to principles which would
degrade or demoralize society.
'Tlio Constitution cannot wholly cn
forco itself, nor could it provide
detailed regulations for its en
forcement; these must bo provided
by tho Legislature."
"In the selection of members of tho
Legislature at tho next general
election, select only such as are
pledged to tho long-neglected
work of Constitutional enforce
ment." From address of Consti
tutional Committte, 18HC.
Tho people, through the ballot box,
should upon all laws, sumptuary
or organic, have an opportunity to
express their opinion, before be
coming a settled law. Let ail bo
equal beforo law. No monopoly,
no aristocracy.
Democrats of Columbia County: Tno
above aro my sentiments and if .nomi
nated and elected, pledge myself to la
bor in all honorable wavs to carry it
into effect. Truly Yours,
Of Centralia.
Only ono ota can be civen to each candidate for
deleguto uuder tho recent amendment to the rules.
Of Alain Township.
Sublect to decision of llpmocrnllo nartv. Delo-
irate election will uo held July 28, convention,
July 27.
subject to decision of Democratic party.
Of Scott Township.
Subject to decision ot Democratic part)'.
Of CatawhMO.
Subject to decision ot Democratio party.
Of Catawissa.
Hubject to declslcn of Democratio patty.
Of Denver Township.
Subject to decision of Democratic party.
Of DlooniBhurg.
Subject to decision or Democratio party.
DI8TH.L.D from beiected llarlcy Malt and fruarnnteeit to bo chemically nuro
SSiifS?ilrS5, KJu.rt?usonaana l;l11S0(U'n contal-fd in nlcouollc i 1 tiuon T Pltls
fiKc 1 y adaiittd to iiertona rcuutrlnir a Mlmulatlnir tonic, consumntHes teinS
EStta'rt,l,); 8 llegMumendca Uy leadlne phyilctaM as a lHuretlc,
p miw iU??lW 11 ft invaluable. 1-KltltlNK'S
ii'.1ii!,.lA1";b.' MAIVPWi ishKl Insures a return of v sor to the stomach, uirood
omiet te. a r cli and abundant blood aud Increased and muscular tissue. A
5VTnt,ra"1.a.nd,s,;utlC1"1 tmvl, IVtWJa, ludhresllou and all waitlM iU
iffVS? y eDu!?ly conquered ly the use or herrlne'i l'uro liarley Malt WfflAay.
mi m mr "hai.mS 'v ,f,V,!SSK,mhenet 10 1,10 entire Hystein l'Kft
iii.NkH I'UHh. UAltLM MALI WlllskKi has proved a medicinal nrotectlon ta
,V,l?r,Sue,.tuelf """onii in the open air and wbosodally Aort cX tit
exceptional poHers of endurance Ask lour nearest drumrlst or crocer (or it
l liItltINKSllUItKllAltIJJV MALT WIIISKKV revives f thom" " o'fXolo om
put with excessive bodily or inentalerfort and acts as a safeguard against exposure
i lani'lSSkJ10 r01" weatUcr! ft will drlvo all malarious dl&ases from I he Bysu-lo.
Dyspepsia find In lVrrlno's l'uro Harley
Malt fthlskey a powerful Invliroraut
iiBn..::r .... ;.r .i. J .'-v.
and helper to dluesllon.
to digestion.
I'lltE HAltl.EV MALT
neys Increases their llaeirlutr
nuiiuut unuuiy buinuiaung
lajuuicrucisiuo meets oi
tens convalescence and la a
and nrotnnt diuretic, tvntch
Kone genuine uuless bearing tho signature
l'or solo by all druggists
and grocers throughout
the Tinted btates and
Philadelphia Markets
corrkotkd" weekly.
KEHD' Western winter bran, spot, 1J.70I(
FlUIL Western extra's s co a iss t renna
family, 3.75 ot 4:oo Ohio clear, 4.ou m 4.12 winter
pa ? nt 4.78 9 6.M; renna. roller process; 4.10
' wiIKAT-l-cnnsylvanla red, No. 1, Wtf
UOHN. 17 049
OATS. No. 3 whltO ( 35 No. 1, 3D
HAY AND STRAW Tlmothy-Cholco Western
nnd Now York,l8.(m. fair to good Western and
New York, R.00 m ll.W; medium Western and New
York, nun. ! cut hay ns to quality 13. a 15.
ltyo straw 17, Wheat Btraw, J9. Oat straw
11 (a 10.
rOTATOT'.S.-Now 1.55 (Sil.55 per bbl.
lltITTI-'!l lpnnv1vnnln rrontnprv ni
hniis.-i"ennsyivnnia ia: western
Creamery ISxtra si, Western extra ls,m1r 15 9 1
lii:i'oui,thy. fowis, sio t
'DltlSSKI) I'omVritY.-Chlckens, 13 Turkey 12
1.1. ducks 11(4 13.
ttrrkEX RjEpanTs-
ULooMsimua market.
85 HO
Wheat per bushel.
Hye " " .
Corn " "
Outs " " .
Flour " hbl
Hums ,
Dilcil A,, e
Sldo nnd shoulder.
Lnrd per lb
liny per ton
Vinegar per gnl....
Onions per bushel,
Veal skins
Wool perlb
0 to 0
6 to 7
ON WltAllF.
No 0 2.00; Nns 2. ii, 4 & Lump $3.25
jmo. o sa.uu uituminiis,
1 ho undersigned AWlor appointed by tho or.
Chan's Com tot Columbia county to mako dlstrt
jutlonoftho lialanpfi in the linmis of tho admin
istrator ot said decedent ns shown bv his first and
final account, will sit n hlsonieetn liloomsburg
ii raiurnay. sepieniuernn l&sc, at luo'ciocKn.m.
to perform the duties of his nimointment. when
nnd whero all persons hav'ng claims against said
wuiie mini iipiicar nnu provo mu mime, ur w uu'
barred from any shnro o, said fund.
ta. Auditor.
nftate a .Inroii lleiulerahotl, laleiT the totcn tf
mm tummy, wmiKPu.
Letters testamentary on tho estato of Aaron
nenuersnoit, deceased, Having been granted by
tho licglstcr of said countv to tlio unde nJirned ex.
ecutrlx. all persons Indebted to sold estato nro
hereby notllled to pay the samo, and thoso hav
Ing claims against said estate to present tho Bamo
lthout delay to
Oko. K. Ei.wkli, Attv. Executrix.
M 2s
Rstate of Silas Mcllrnty lute of Flshtmjcreek foiri.
Kliln. iltttnnptl.
Letters testamentary ontheestato of Silas Mc
llenry, deceased, haUngbee-i granted by tho lleg.
lster of said county to tho undersigned executor
all persons lrdebted to said estate aro hereby notl
lled to pay tho some, and thoso having claims
against said estato to present the samo without
Stillwater, l'a. Executor.
Jiatateof William Siller, late of llrlarcreek to
ship, ileceaneil.
Letters of admlnlstrntloh In Bald estate having
uci-u k'rumt-u io me unaersigneu naminisiraior,
all persons Indebted to Bald estato aro hereoy no-
tilled to pay the same, and thoso hating claims
u,,uiuai, mitu i-aiiuu mvsx'iiL uu; same IU
J.25-0t W1LWA.M LAM ON, Adm.
I te or Kit IHaler. late nf Vbthtnmrerl- Urn.
Utters ot administration in said estato having
been granted to tho undersigned administrator,
all persons Indebted to said tstato aro hereby uo
tlnisl to pay tho same, and those having claims
wfeinuTi duiu I'siuiu present, ilie samo 10
Administrator's Sale
Real Instate
Tho undersigned, administrator ot tho estate ot
Mary Walters, lato of Madison Twp., deceased.
will expose to publlo sale on tho premises on
Saturday. July 31, '86
at 10 o'clock a. m., all that certain mts?uage, ten.
cmcnt and tract of la"d sltuato In Madison Twp,
Columbia ovnty, Pa., bounded nnd described as
follows, to-wlt: lleglnnlng In a publlo road leading
from White Hall to Jersey town on line of lands of
Win. Mcllrlde, thenco along said road south thir
ty-eight degrees east twenty-eight perches,thenco
by oamo south forty-nlno degrees cast elgh
perches, thenco by samo south fifty-seven and
ono-fourth degrees, eleven and live-tenths perches,
thenco by lands of Win. Mclirldo north forty -tw
degrees east elghty-nlno and three-tenths perches.
thenco bv same south thirty seven degrees east
forty-two nnd live-tenths perches to unothcr pub
lic road, tuence by land of Jacob fllrton forty.
threo nnd one-fourth degrees west ninety-eight
perches, thenco by lands ot Jacob lllddlo north
forty-nlno degrees west eighty-seven and flv
tenths perches, thenco by land of Wm, .Mclirldo
north forty-four and one-half degrees east twenty
and rive-tenths pcrcnes to placo of beginning, con-
and seventy perches, moro or less.
TEltMS OF SALE. Ten per cent of ono-fourth of
tho purchaso money to bo paid at tho striking
down of tho property ; tho one-fourth less the ten
percent, at tho confirmation ot sale and tho re
maining three-fourths In one year thereafter
with Interest from confirmation nlsL
Littles, Attye. Administrator,
Made In one piece from pare
wood pulp not pier-
u It Lout scam, do hootm, nu
Unit-, " Bmeil, CliliAN.
liKilir, TltUN(j.
UVilAHUK. Invaluable
joritiirui'ti ami Dairy
ue. Manufactured by
Oswego Indurated FibreCQ
A'k vuur grocer for them.
June 85 ltd.
Three Years of Arctic Service.
llr A. W. Ulir.lXV, I.Uut. V, H. Army,
Corn's Xadjr l'railklll. Bay IJipwlltlou oflS81-4.
Tico I'oli., Royal too, uilh Stetl Portrait, orer 10O Illustrations antt
the Official Maps and Charts, Soltt only ly Subscription,
''Somr-tuoui volumn, Mt off with reillitlc lllnilratoni."-Jv". I", Sun.
" Valumti la ertrr wy iHlifaclorr and complete. JV. 1'. I'ost,
" Uodeit, atnlhUoiaid and manly." VhiladclphUi Press.
..ilfirm, 1!.',or',b"1'. "'Information Itcoutalna and for tU
aclentldc,lrlthicbltdliooc,."-A'. '. Tribunl.
aviiu ne.KXl l"u,trUed' -Abounda with Uraly dKrlptIona."-CAfai(ro
" Tin moat ranatkatla work aver produced upon tha lulled ot Aratla
sxploratlona."-. T. Journal of Commerce. '
ASpaclal Agent Wanted lnviry City- and Town.
oao Walnut St., riilla., r 73 Broadway, Tit w Tork.
July 10 4t ii.
M it11"13 ti Murmury nre renaers prone to
ho analysis as It appears by the La
on etcrv bottle: 1 finvn rnrpfitllv ati-
the UC
KV made br M. J. K lvrrlna and tlndl
raiurue. has.
a euureiy iree iroin iutt oil, furiurol,
metals and acids and Is ubtolutelj
v, nolesome
thnintoi i
iuic. otpm-u, luinnia riitur jiaitr,
arailuale uniie Vuitrrilttei of Munich
Henent ciwj Me ftiifru
Not tho Largest, "but the Newest Best and Cheapest Show
in Existence.
at uuiuuii
Ha 1 n
U 11
laoiaasburg? Friday July 33. ?S3.
Admission, only 25 Cents.
mm ni turn md bey.
Funniest of nil Funny Iliimpty Duinpty troupes anil exposition of
lllancliaiil's 8.1,000 Troupo of
inmioemi CroMaflt.
Tlio TallcttSpan of Ilorets Ever Harnessed.
Mr. S BifcloOT, Strongest Man Livine.
Who Out-Pulls tlio MosL Powerful
Small Army of First-Class Performci s,
Trained Hilda and Heal Living Trained Alligators.
Guarantee Satisfaction or Refund the
And are tlio only show in America that
tlio show inside Uiu ennvrug and not on the ftrect and bill boards.
Admission, Only 25 Cents.
Ecr Witnessed by Mortal Eyes, at 12:45 P. M.
Free for All Free far All $
$elf Binder', Ski'vetei' & VIower
WO ha0 the OnlV full steel frnmn l.tminr In tnnrvn,
into buying m and lws machine?
' Junior Right-Hand Binder.
handalullllnoofknlvtilvetTt Constantly on
SOLE ACliM'3 )'0K
P. K ADAMS dt CO.,
solo nKcntsof tho rot
lowlo? brands ot
Alexander Bros. & Co.,
feOLE AtlENTS roil
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
I in adi
i ituiiuitiuiia
Team of Norses that Can bo Produced.
dare mako such an offer. Yoti will bco
AT 121:5.
n,i , ..
at the juice v, e uio selling
fair prices l'ont bo talked
ls-0 machines.
will bo
as tollows :
nffiSlinf,c',f,y,,1?'!llln fanners bupcrlor tounyplow In tnoniarkct fo
Hkhlhess of diuught uud durability.' ltswotl! is uuoxccllcd. Also
, i.i'l'i?11. w."' fl?1 ""'a Invention a Having to llitm of at loait two-thirds
plowfc ' 1 fchau-b, 'J heto bhaics aro lilted to nil It nulnu chilled