The dolumW COtOHBIi DKHOCRAT, STAR Of Tni NORTH, and CO. mjmbun, Consolidated. 00 laant-l Weekly, every Frldny Mernlna-. t nt,OOM8UUUO,COLUMUIACO.,r. ATlt.50 peryear. To subscribers out of thocnim lr inn tnrminrii ntrlMltrln "ivnocOUn- ir-No paper discontinued oxcoDt'i o( the publishers, until all arrearages oa oxcopt at the option All papers son t out ot tho stato or to distant noit slblo person In boiimWa raunty aMumcs to .ho subscription duo on demand. w JOB PRINTrNa Tho Job rrlntlhg Department of tho Cotountiu H Tory complete It contains the latest new tV nnl m ich nerr and thn ninm .V..'W proves by power, giving us tuo best facilities. inftes furnished on largo jobs. PROFESSIONAL" CARDS. T E. WALM5H, Xi' ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW, O.Tlco over 1st. National llank. momib l' vr tr. punk, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Olloo In Snt'a llulldtng. llLOOJISBCBO, l'A. J OIIN M. CLA-UK, AT TO H N E Y- AT-L A W. AND JUdTIOK OP THE PEACE. llLOOMSBDRO, l'A. O lice over Moycr Bros. Drug Storo. I 1 W. MILLEB, ATTO It N B ?-AT-L A W onico In llrowor'a bulldlog.socond No. 1 Uloomaburg, Pa. B, PHANK ZVKR, ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW. Bloomsburg, Pa. onico corner of Centro and Main Strvcts. Clark a Dulldtng. Can be consulted In Ocrman. "I Y.O. K. KLWEI.L J ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ULooMsnuitaPA. O.llco on First floor, front room or Col BMiiiAN Uialldlnj:, Mum street, below Ex change. Hotel. pAUL E. WIKT, Attorney-at-Law. Olflco In Columbian Ucildino, Hoom No. a, socond door. BLOOMSBURG. PA. a. imobb. KNOBB L. B. WINTIRSTMN. WINTERS TEEN, A ttovnoy s-at-Law. OMeo In 1st National Dank building, second floor, nrst door to the left. Corner of Main and Market streets Uloomaburg, Pa. SS'Penswns and Bounties Collected. J H. MAIZE, ATTORNEY AT-LAW omoo In Maize's bulldlJK. over UlUmcyer's grocery. F. P. IULLMEYEK, (niSTItlCT ATTORNEY.) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. rarOdlco over Bloomsburg, Pa. Dentler's shoo store, rnpr-30.80. JOHN C. YOCUM. 0. E. 0KY3It. YOCUM & GEYEH, Attorneys-at-LaWi CATAWISSA, PA. (Omce front suit of rooms on second floor of Mjwb Itim building.) ... rw-OAN UK CONSULTED IN GEnMAN.jU unnliers ot Sharp and Allcman's Lawyers and T.?I,iirtory and tho American Mercantile A. K. OSWALD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Jackson Building, Rooms 4 and 0. BBHWICK.rA -VST. H. HUAWN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Catawlssa, Pa. omce.cornorof Third and MalnHtreetiu -gr- v. WUITO, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, B L 0.0 M S B U R 0 , PA. Office In Browcrs' Building,! 2nd floor, may 1-tf M IOUAEL P. EEULA, Conveyancer, Collector of Claims. LEOAL ADVICE IN THE SETTLEMENT OF ESTATES, 0. wAnUn in llnnHnr'a till MdlnL' with V. V. Hill -AND meycr, auorney-awan, num. Woomsburg, l'a. ooms, 2nd lloor lapr-u-M.. y. E. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ANll NOTAUY PU15LIO, Horwick, Pa. MISCELLANEOUS T B. MoKEIiVY, M n.-Rurueon and I'iij ; .siclan.nortn an siclao. north sldo Main Btreet.below AL. FItlTZ, Atlnrncv-nt-Law, , Front room over I'ost ooice, OUict- 0. RUTTEK, P1IVSICIAN 4BUUGK0N, Offlce, North Market street, Illoomsburt,, DU. WM. I'hyslclan. at HKltRH. Surceou Olid onico corner ot Hock and Market -r t puanh Af. T).. Burceon and I m,vJiian (lAlce and Hosldonco on Third street. . "J , piRE INSURANCE. OniUSTIAN K, KNAl'F, ULOOMHUnUQ.PA, MEKCUANW. OF NEWAHK, N, i'LINTON, N. V. J'EOl'LES' N. Y. I1KADI.NU. l'A. , J, TheBa'oLD cortobations are well seasoned iby ,i..niiDIUD.,nmi hnvfl never vet had a loss settled by any court of law. Their assets are au invested In solid bucukitim aro liable to the "Wr'iSSaS- and honest" Stedand paid as soon as determined Dy L,uniiin r, nArSPKCULAOIiNTANBAUJCmKlJLOOllSBUliO, The people or uoiumuia cuumj .u. te the agenci where losses If any are settled and lze the agency where VMt.M.?:i,X5' "J?,,,Zvvaui DEALINQ. ti uy unu ui inc rilOMlTNESS, I V. IIA11T1IAN aiPB3iNTU thi follow ma AMKM0AN INSURANCE'.COMI'ANIEB North American ot 1'hlladelphla. Vranklln, " ' lennsylvanla, " " York, ot l'unnsylvanla. Hanover, of N. Y. Ouoen&j ot London. NortuTBrltlsh, of Iindon. Otnca on MirketBtroot, No, t, Uloomsbure. 00t.4, 1- (Ceetiral Motel I3LOOMSBURG, Pa. AURANDS, Proprietors, S. P. HAGENHUOII, Cleiik. This well-known hotel has boenfurnUhed new from top to bottom, Th nmnriiton who 100k POSSCSSlOn April J St bum oivon tun niiu-n a comDleto renovatlnc The travelling publlo wUl receive tlntt-class ttentlon, SrWUCK81ASUS0AU apr,,Mms. J K 3ITTEMBEMDEH. , frosrlotori. W1AT TO LOOK AT TO-DAY I And Where to Buy Cheap. THE NEW I'DEAI, CO. Opposite the Iosloflicc. Is ollcring bargains tins week in an uncqualcd variety of La dies' JJnen Collars. A Hautlsomc Choice of Children's Neckwear. Elegant Novelties in Children's Caps. The Rest Corset for -loc. and upwards. Large Assortment Turkish Tidies. Ladies' Kid Gloves, in 3, 4, o button. Naif dollar's worth for a quarter; a quarter's worth for 12c. and 12e. worth for (!e. Nothing like this offer in this city. How can wo oiler Embroideries at half price ? Simply because we got them at halt wholesale prices. It woman t be lair not to let our lady friends have purchase. THE NEW Oiioap Fey 7"AiNwniaiiT & co., WHOLESALE GROCER , Philadelphia, Pa. TKAS, SYItUI'S, COFI'EE, Sl'OAlt, MOLASSES, IHOK , Sl'IOBS, BI0AHI1 SODA, KTO , KVO. N, E. Corner Second nnd Arch sts. fOnlera will receive prompt nttentlon. II. llOUSK DENTIST, HLOOMSllUItO.UOLUMIlIA Countv, Pa All styles ofworkdonolna superior manner, work warrantee, as representee tkktu hxtbact d without Pain by tho use of Gas, and treoot chargonhcnartinclalteoth aro Inserted. Ottlco In Barton's building, Main Street, below Market, live doois below Ki m's drug store, llrst lloor. lo be open at all hours during the da Nov u -Lr lor wording people, senuiu cents post. afjt, una Ave mil iium juu uii, u tujut, valuable sample box of goods that will n:iv in the way or inaklmr more innnev In a few d.ivs Hull vou ever thought tioshl bin nl. nnv business. L'nollal not ledUlied. YOU nun live nt linnin iimMvork Insoaio tinioonly. or all me mile .u 01 00111 sexes, 01 an ages, gruuu- evening. That all who ant woik may test the business, we make this unparalleled oner: 'lo all successful. M cents to f5 eaMiycunea every wild aie not wen saiisiieu ul- yiihsciiu u ii for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars. directions etc., sent tree. Immense pay absolute ly sure iur an wnu sum at uik-c. nun t uciuj. Addiess Stinson Co., I'ortland, Maine, dccltl. M. C. SIM & BRO., 15LOOMSBUHG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETONS SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS ac. First-class work always on hand. REPAIRING NEA 1L YD OKI.. Prices reduced to suit the times. BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL :o. Tim nnrtnrslirned havlnc nut MS Planlne ll on ltallroad street, In nrst-eiacs condition, Is rre pared to do ailKinu9or worn mum nun. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnisnen at roisonahleprlces. All tumber uscd Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen aro employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS omprjpired by in oiperlenceddraushlsman .,.iqhi nn annl nation. Flan ana epeciuu- CtlAItLCS HRUG, lilouitiHburi;, l'a Mi 'III Mm Five Cold and Two Silver Medala, awarded In 18S5 at tho Expositions of New Orleans nnd Louisville, and tho In ventlons Exposition of London. TUo superiority of Corallno over horn or whalebone has now been demonstrated by over flvo years experience. It Is mora durable, more pliable, moro comfortable, and never breaks. Avoid cheap imitations mado of various kinds of cord. Nona are genuine unless "Dit WiKsen's Cohalinis" Is printed on lnsldo of steel cover. rOR SALE BY AIL UADIKU MIRCHAKT3. WARNER BROTHERS, 353 Broadway, New York City ieb & r cms. in presents given away, send us cents postage, and by mall you wl 1 f-. n ti.tcl-flim nt frnoiU of lai'L'O lr..,, ii.iif win start you In work hat will at once bilmr you In money faster than anithlnB elso In America. AH about the SW,fOJ in presenli with each box. Agents wanted ev. crywliere, of either sck, of all ofca, for all the lime, or bp.uo tlmeouly. to work for us at their own koines, rortunes forallwotkcis abirfilutely assunnl. Dontueiay, ii, iiahwt ....,.; v land, Maine. decl8 Is. SUHSCIUIJK 1'Olt 'llIMI laTaiH T1IK COLUMIJIAN, tho benefit of our fortunate FDEAL'S (Rwife Store. Is a Complete ANIMAL BONE MANURE From the mMv llteont. West Chetr, Pa., o( Ne vernier Kth. 18M. (3. W, Diimprain, ilrtnpybrooll.linugt lis some vory nico l(MtklnRarn. He Lad 20 acres iu enm this joar, which h mamirpd with lluiicti iV: foils' I'clr lirntril Sa.i rinioplinli. HiscropH a hiono. lie hits no particular name for his corn except ' Rood corn," a cnni that ho has jrrown for ten yeiint paat, RvlcrttnK the rMHtl Ions ago from several ditTerent arii'tiwHctf corn, and each) ear he (a vpry particular tonflncttlie btet mm for need. He has raimd aa much nn 80 htiwlifils nl ahcllcd corn to the acre. His cro'i this J ear in larirpr than that of lat year. COATIBVILLE, 1., JuneMh, lv5. J I PKnntN8: lhaveUHoillHl.'oirsSa.iPllOfl I'll TKKeveri1 )eam totlnn it thoroiinhly In the amo tlt'l J alonKHi'le of other mAkcw coatuiK iM to $36 pr ton, and limt that I et eiually Rood and better re sults from liamth'non corn, wheat and Brasn. Icon mtl.T it aa k.hhI and Uivin-t ajmilixtr as 1 have found in tho market, and certainly the cheapost." Hicu'd W. ScnnACK. TaU Clair. Pa.. March 2th. 1. lUunil X Sonb: "I loulit twosacksot ItuiiuhN K'J't I'luMpluitP from J U Aniersnn.your acent, in and put I Ot) lbs. t the acrw, and I (rot 'Jt) burU of buckwheat fn.m39 acres. HodertSimb. Orizlnul JUnuftmirtr or itiv hum: SUPER-PHOSPHATE BAUGH&SONS Manufacturers and Importers, PHILADELPHIA. PA. I Feb 26 Oombind capacity of our WorkH. Meui tons per year, and Htill iccreatinR. 15 CENTS rORtlMPLC COPY BITNII ItglvetheUtHCUtCC and liitlmeil t trr riowir Iknit. : dlllrrent klmH. ANorU the (nova Kill! It film Ilia nlili Clovi. Palltol, Hulkircklitaitrii. It Hthemolt conplctl work or the kind ever pub lNhcl.CHend Flflern Centiin Etamni Tor a HKiiiDle cony, iilHO our Tll'lll I-IVITI. 11IKIK. price in uKPni". Agenta uanlcd ivinenatra; Aa. AMCRICAN PUB. CO.. 17 IHrtb Ttulb tlrtll SINGER T1IIHSTYI.K iSli A T .DAXS' TKIAU. 1 K A Full Net of V Attnciimenis. 5WAKKANTE1 Yonrs. Scud for Clrciilur. K. C. HOWE CO., l123N.0tUSt.ll'blla.,lik Apr. 5 17W. rHILA0AlJ7S. Ornnil Prle Mednl, ParU, IS?. Aak your Grocer for It. Wm. lr'Tloppcl,Mfr., North 1'ront Btrct't, I'lULAllELl'lirA, l'A. Adams' Patent PICKET 4 hi-inr 51.73 por rod and up...".: .1- SPECIAL UOTATIO'. All kind) of Iron Fences, GatM, Flro Fir " IfclRTlMC tHM 1 riNCi PiT.lBON j-V I liliiiiiiil jUI Si? m &. HLrjl riKc ciCMc! lltlfflii Iron Work in all styles. Coal Screens a BDCCia'.tv. Iron Ladderi, Wheels 4 Creating. Bljckimtthlng In all branchai. Eitimalti furnlihed, EAGLE IRON WORKS Cor. Union & Caual Sta. WILKES-BARRE. PA march 12.80-1 y liXCHANGE HOTEL W. R. TDBBS. PROPRIETOR BLOOMSBURG, FA. Ol'l'OSITBCOUKT HOUSE. Lair csftml convenient eamplo rooms. Iiatn rooms hot ana cola water, ana all modern conveniences I iiaaia hend 10 cents postage, m wo will mall A MIT ou fiw a rojal, aluub.e, sample box II till 1 of Koodsthat will put 5011 in tho way ai 0 iiiaklutT i.tor inoiiet at once, than anything else In America. Both scxesof nllnnes can meat homo nnd vorK In spureiime, or nu ino ttino. Capital not required. Wo will start you. Immense pay sure for llioao who start at once. bTI.NSo.N CO., I'ortland, Jlc. (novsoiy N.W.&YER k SON ADVERTISING AGENTS nuYa PHILADELPHIA Cor, e"!ii-tiiiit mid i:inbtli M,. llrcche .tdtrrtUriucnla for this Taper, til IMAI tout Lowest Cash Rates rritr. iW,"AYER & SOW'S MANUAL bend kls cents for post I l'VI'airin age, andiecelofree,ae-Oat A UI 1 I I ') uox of s-odi vhUli wll 1 h I f.ll lielp you to moru money fl I I LII I'i. right away than any thlui 11. 1 ltlUUi eiaom ,,a WOrld. All. ot either sex, buceeed from tliBthour. The broad road tolortuno opens bo fo 0 thu workers, absolutely suro. At ouco ad dress, Tnt'K Co., Augusta, Maine, t M85 BLOOMSBURG, PA., TIRED OUT! At tlili aajoti nftitrtr tmrf on mA to dm ntn nrtof tonio. I1ION ntr Into almmt prfry pby iofatri preiioriptiou for tboM wbo ned tulldliitf op. THE r .TONIC For riiktirpM. I.nlinf1p I.nrk of j;nrrffT, nr., It HAM M i:M'(l-. and It tho mijy Iron modlcino that In not lnlurlonn. It Krirlrlir tho Illooil. ln luortili'H tlio lHyAtciii(lFitorpiAi)pctltpf Altffl IHffrntlou It do nntblncken nr Injure the teth, CKunebcnd Ache or produce constipation other Iron mtUeint$tto Vn. (). II. Ill nr LEV, a K'sdinff rhi-eiclAji ot Hpriuif ftpH.Ohlr..MJiI " IJron'B Irou Hlttpre N tt thoroughly (rood medU cine. I use It in my practice, nnd find Itn action ex ca)i All other fdrmi of Iron. In wekn", or slow con dttton of the sji'em, ltroirn'ri Iron Ulttci Is usually A positive n8CoHlty, It It all that la claimed for It.' Dn. W. N. "WATrns, UI Thirty-ficoond Ftrwt, fleorpetown, I. CJ., inya' " Hrown'a Iron Hittera la thelnnloof the bro Not li inn bettor. It creates appetite, girefl strength and improves digestion." Oannlue ha aboro Trade Mark and crowied rod Ilnea on wrapper. Tulto nn otbrr. Made only by 11UOU.N CIIKMIOALCO.. IIALTIMOItE,MI. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM tho poputar favorito for drwlnff the luiir, Iletorlnpr cotor hpn proy, and pmventin(( Pnndmtr. It clcannod tho walp, Ptopa tho hair fallinir, and in pure to please. 60c and 81.00 at Dm pels tit Tho best Cough Cure you can use. And tho beet preventive known for Conmimptlon, It cure bodily painn, and all disorders of tho Stomach, Bowels, LunfTfl, Liver, Kidneys, Urinai y Orgnns and all Female Complaints. Tho fetble and sick, ptrug gUng against disease, and slowly diiftlntf towards tho gTavo, will Inmost caws rccoer thtlr health by tho timely use ot 1'ahekk'b Tonic, but dt lay U dan serous. Tako tt In tbuc Sold by all Druggist In largo bottles at 31.00. HINDERCORNS Too safest, surest, quickest and best euro for Corns, Bunions, Warts, Motes, Callouses, Ac. I tinders their fur thergrowth. Btopsallpaln. Glresnotrouble. Slakeitho feet comfortable. Hinder-corn cures when everything else falls. Sold by Druggists at lfe. Hi3Cox&Co.,N. V. any. l'i-ly A Philadelphia Lawyer lromlncntIn his profession. Bays: "Don't put my namo tn print but rcler nny one you wl&li to me.ana 1 will ptadly tell wuat tho Jiusnltm JlhrittnatUtn Cure has dono f or me.' Tl.t3ffent.eman was so larno ono would hava tlioiiffht aim a crlpplf, and yet Three nnys' uso or our remedy straightened him out allrltf lit. Mr. O. AV, Bakfr, a loading nnnufnetcrer ot VflU mlnijton, Del., wntos lic. 17th Yrara tho tirwt day I hefton to ue the Kuwait Kheuicatuna tJuro, re lief followod and my comfort diily increased. The of my lirabu Itocame more and more natural until I felt nodirwoinfort either walking orworkinjj. I know of nothing which has so quick and wondrous au ctfeU.' Onnof rhilai(tphKs oldet merchant. Mil, C. G, BnCKlus, residm 445 Mala htroot, llei mint own, says: " The Itustlan Hlwumatism Cure liaa taken nil the pain out of my daughter's arm and neck, hhe had Buttered greatly with it for months. We hive testimony of this sort Bumclent lo satisfy tho most skeptical. But if you hae tho lltieum.itUm you want relief rnther than testN mony. You can get It quick, ture, permanent, Uy sendln?; lor tho RUSSIAN RHEUMATISM CURE DeNCriptlTP imtnplilrt, with tKtlmont.iK free. Prlco S2.G0. ( II IIIU1II1I, IIHJ, I1IU111IU1I.11. One llox dofrt tho hilKiuo. Nonotlennino without thU Trade- Mark, RHEUMATISM CURE. An yr-L H In not tn tio found nt the Rtoros. but ran onlv t)o hiul iy cncloimtho uinouut aaabool uml & the American pioi'Victors, PF AEILZtn BROS. & CO. Sl'.l-VJl .'Iarui t Mrcc:, i'lillnilrliililii. march o-ty.a CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common ltlolrli, or I'.ruplloii, to tho uoitt scrotum, snlt-rlai'iiiu, "ri'vrr-xoro.," scaly or ICouuli Skin, 111 6hort, nil tllwtiecs ouusod tiy lmi blood mo ronnucicil by this powerful, purifying, and InvlKorntlnif mcillcliu'. (iicut HaUuix t 1- CCrat rupiuty Ill-Ill IJIIUl-I u m-muu IUHUI-UI.-1-. Ksneclnllt- has it numttit-U'd Its pnu-ui-y In curinir 'I'ctlcr, llow Hush, HoiN, Car Imiit'lt'x, sort. H)., Srrofuloui. Sum and Suollliiu, tllp-.lolnt IIUi'in-c, Wlillo sui'lllimv i. (line, or illicit cents in tnmiw lor u Inree treatise, with col oied plutus, on Skin li'iises, or tho same amount torntii'iUN. on sciotulmii Allcctlons. " j iaii sa.aiijaf e.-i mi, i.ii ThormiKhlv ctVnnMj it by lisllnr Dr. I'lrree'n (ioliteu illedical IlKmt cry, and i;ooil dlgoitloii, a (air skill, Iinojnnt !!- I., Vlllll WI UHii, i.liW F-..HI.M. ."-' ... COIIDtillltioll, will bo (-e.tal.ll- hi l. uhlth la Si-roliii.ii. ! -i"t ot tho a.uiii.i.. U momntlv anil (irltlililv lillCHttd ami cmed by this (iod-triven leim-dy. if token Itctoio tuo last Btuuesoi in.- ui-i-n-niiu itm-iicu. From its wonderlul power mer this terribly fatal disease, when llrst utreilnjr this now cel. ebrnted icmedy tn tho publle. Dr. 1'iF.iiCB thouirlit wilontly or uiiltinsr it his "Coll. fcti m p( I on Cure." 1 nt d'Umlnncd II id iiiimo m inn limited lor u i . dlrlnc which. Horn Its wondi-i'fulcombiuiith . .1 totiie, orbtu nutl.ui- ill'-. II ll'fllT 'P. PI III I-! Il- IliMIIIT. tllll 1LI111(IM. peam-ul, nnd bull .: . puipt'i Ui-n 1 nntiiunU'd,, not only ns n lemc. ) i r cunuiiipiiun ox uiu inn,??, nut ior mi CHRONIC DISEASES or THE Liver Biood, and Lungs. ; If vou feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, liavo sallow color of skin, or yillowlsh-brown epoti 011 fueo or body, ticnuent headache or dlzil- mw, bad tusto In mouth, Internal heritor cbllU. alternating with hot flashes, low splilts and gloomy liorebodlmrs, liivmilnr appetite, and coated tonirue, you ino sulleiinir from Iudl Best I on, liynpepiilii, and Torpid I, Her, or "llllioumic." In many coses only part of thco symptoms aro exptilineed. As 11 lpinedv lor all such ensie. ltr. IMerce's (ioldcii lUoillcnl Dlacoiiiry 1ms no Voi'lVcak l,oim, Qplltliie of MiortnoHH 01 aareaiii, airoiicuiiiBt ft..,vrn rmiulib. Coiifciiimillun. ana kindred Hllectlons, It Is i soveiefftn remedy. Bend ten cents In stamps tor Ilr. Pierces book on Consumption, PRICE $1.00, OH 0 MOTTLES run $a.oo, World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, 003 JIaia St., DUfTALO, N.Y. icvvcg S LITTLE onS fttVt T.TVP.TJ KiisivKtt nvostWO 60KoQ"v.S PILLS. ANTI.HIMOITS and CATIIAIITIO, Sold by llriiKKlntx. cents a Mai. U500 REWARD is nlfercil by the proprietors P( or ill', huire's Catarrh Hemedy 1,,1-n ciiuf, nf cntiirrh which t her .Hill 11 lit Ollfll. 11 J Ull llll, T II .. U.U tho nine, otrenslvo or other wise, piutlul losiiol cmclUnsto, or pressure tn head, )fni have Catarrh, 'vhou- n,la r,r r-nar-a ti-riiilmltn 111 t-dllfillllintion. UIMVUIlimi MiH.-yj,.,uuii'aiu Dr.Safrn'st'AT.'.niii! Hi mei-v t ines the wont cniesof Catarrh, "l olil 111 tlio ami Cntnrrlull iicauaenu PAT t btatned and all paleut business attended to for nimli'rntn fpcu. ouronice Is opposite tho U. 8. Patent Oflice, and we can obtain Patents Id less timo than those re mote from Washington. PCII'l ll-UU-.-! UI UIU.1,,11-,. HWIIOU RIU'. entabtlliyfreeof charge, and we tnjke no charge wo1'ef.lT'K the supt.ot Money order niv., iiuu to oiiuiais of the i'. s. references to actual clients in your own btatoorl euuty, write to Ks A. CirsHJ V yui, , uppoal , alcnlumco' ". RittE m m " BE51 IV" nena." ENTS, FRIDAY, JULY 9, SELECT STORY. THE 110BBY OF ONE HOLMES. Among tho friends of my collego tl.iys was ono Holme, from Western Now York. Ity reason of u slightly jorky gait, which ho nftorwnrds over came, ho wns known by his clasHtnatB ns "Frog" Holmes. This also served lod'stlnguish him from another Holmes in tho samo class, who, from an unfor tunate propensity, horo the alllterativo and rather unenviable titlo of "Hog"' Holmes. Assigned to the suno dor matory with tho former, our rooms ad joined, and, though hu was ranch older than I, wo booh became on moderately intimate lcrm. Thcro was nothing remarkable about him ; of only fair attainment in aporls and studies, ho was neither a toast with tho students nor a favorito with tho faculty. His means wcro restricted j painfully so, it spemed to most of us, who lived on a liberal scale. This was betrayed by bin meagro vardrobe,nnd by his choico of n boarding house, whoso reputed honors were second only to thoo of tho medical school itelf. Ho Beemed weighted down with a cense of injus tice, too, as though the world owtd him something belter than I hi cot, and was not good tor the deb. Tho ono thing that never failed to rotisit him from depression, even in his senior yeais, and cause him to throw off his general reserve, were ttoiies of travel and adventure. IIo i.uisaeked tho libraries fur such, and nothing camo amiss, from tho prosaic narrative of old Hakluvt to the latest tlighty fiction of Jules Veine. Many a time havo I caught, him rovcl iug in tho dire dangers of heroes by land and sea ; and he would vow with enthusiasm that as soon a3 he could es cape the acaJcmiu walls to emulate their example as far as modern circum stances would admit. "Think,'' ho would cry, "of what glorious times tho English fellows of tho Alpine clubs must have in storm ing a peak liko tho Matterhorn, which, of a bright afternoon, floats its snow banner as a flag of deflanco to moitals below 1 What cxhilaiation to over come its dangers, and writo your namo and address in tho loftiest snow banks if you like, after the ambition of auy true Yankeo 1'' Ho derided tho impossibility of pene trating to tho North Pole, aud was willing to bet, with a confessed inabil ity to put up tho stakes, that it would yet bo done. Ho would grow fairly adow even on such Arctic themes as this, despite his poorly furnished, half- heated room. Colonel oellers and ho might have shaken hands over that in nocent deception of tho red isinclass and candle. Ono of his early exploits, I remem ber, was an attempt to scalo East Hock. 1 hose familiar with tno more striking topographical features of Now liaven know tho sheer precipice ot that picturesque cliff, facing tho city, where tho trap rock has broken away abruptly, not unlike tho basaltic col- nmns which aro seen defined better at Habbit Rock, across tho Quinnipiao and beyond Jlast llavcn. 1 hero is scarce a foothold for a mountain goat with his sharp hoofs, much less for a human being with no sucli special pro vision. Holmes found it out to his cost, too; and thoso of us who had gono as wit nesses to his foolhardy effort were ob liged to hasten to tho top by a round about path and lower him a ropo ; for half way up he had reached a point whero retreat was as impossible as I progress, and whero tho support was i so slight for his clinging hands and lett that his strength was well nigh ex hausted when our aid came. On another occasion, deaf to remon strance, ho swam out from tho light house to a rock near by in tlio Sound, at tho risk of his life, and was brought bauk in a boat. Thesti are but illus trations of what an erratic course ho was liable to run at anv time, the queer i.:....!-.. .i... i.. " r i! combination that ho was of discourse ment biought on by poverty and of physical prowess ever longing to as seit itself. After graduation, when wo had all shaken hands nnd sworn never to for get each other, 1 lost sight of him. Ho failed to put m an appearance, either at.iho triennial reuuion or at subsequent ones, nor was there any word from him ; and, inasmuch as ho made no sign, ho passed out of my recollmien except tor his pet title, which was always a good illustration 01 ino itiiicity oi couego nomenclature, a voar or two ago l nan planned to take the day boat from Now York to iiuiiity. it, was a origin, summer rv rrt 1 1 rr I a- uiu, warm as tno uay migni, bo on shore, the river breczo was too strong except for thoso well provided with wraps, and presently tho group dimin ished ; as many Bought tho moro gen ial quai tors aft ll.o cabin, whero tho suiishiuo fell aud lay undisturbed on 1110 receptive backs 01 tuo people, or 011 the white boards of tho deck. I skimmed llio papers in a desultory way, incident to a constant diversion by scenery on river and Bhore, one's at tention is drawn off by all sorts ot sights ; one moment by a puffing littlo tug, Btraining overy bram and cable with a great train ot canol barges t an other moment by tho prctoutious steam yaontoi a W a)l street grandeo,who may iivo at Irviugtou or Tarrytown, and who comes down to tho city every morning by this royal walor way to deal 111 margins on tho very gram ho pai-scs en route, pcihnps to a thousand times its actual value. After exhausting tho contents of mv literary pack my eyes full upon tho 0110 peisoii who more than the other at- traded it before. It was that of n middle-aged man, appsrently 111 good health, well equipped for travel, with iicnty ui rugs uuei ujuoa ami tuo very atest Btylo of palo leather satohel, but ihero was an ennui in his every move- ment, aud In such features as wcro (lis - uernible under a heavy growth of beard. instinctively 1 bocamo convinced that thero was something either pconliar in his history or in his pesent condition. 1 nero wcro others, also, not tar trom mo who seemed concerned about tho same individual, for, 110 matter ho miioh ho might change his position , . .. I trom ono part of tho boat to tho other, hot content with mero observation, I some ono of tho company followed him respecttully but surely, vVhero wa8 ,,0 magnetism 1 Wcro I thoy drawn towards him by his pos I session of a valuablo Bccre t T That ho 1886. was a suspected criminal, shadowed by a detective, presently flashed into my miud, nnd developments forthwith served to corroborate this theory. If he strayed, naturally enough it seemed to me, to tho edgo of tho railing, thoro wandered after him a man who, be traying thu athlete in gait and frame, certainly kept ono oyo upon my sus pected fellow traveler I was suro of that and tho other one, may be, on tho life-preservers in tho racks above thoso valuable- life-preservers in the racks above thoso valuable life pro servois which aro invariably out of order and unatlninnblo if au accident occurs. Nor was tills espionage abat ed nt meal time. Wo went to dinner nt tho samo hour nnd sat alongsido of eacli other. Thcro a single moment convinced mo that mv companion had not been i eared in tho luxury ho w.n now nblo to commnnd, for whenever he used his napkin ho bent his head forward as ho must havo dono when a boy to meet a Fcant-cut tnblecloth. So much for a solitary hint cf earlier his tory. Not far away there seated himself, with evident reference to our position, an entirely different persecutor this time; ono with scrupulously neat cloth ingjinely chiseled features and thought ful brow, and, if I could judgti by tho way he carved his chickon, of firm and skilltul hand. There was no communi cation betwe'cn him and my neighbor across tho table, except now and then a glance of partial recognition of each other's presence, aa though they were not total Btrangers. I beeamo fascinated with the ap parent mystery, and could not but at tempt to fathom it, feeling ail tho whilo half ashamed of my ill con cealed curiosity. At the landing at Albany three men whom I had singled out as specially attached to my horo gathered somewhat closer about him than before, aud I fully counted on seeing hint lod off by officers of thn law, who should havn been notifiod to apprehend so important a fugitive. Of what had ho beer, guilty ! Was it that ho was making a bco-lino for Canada, that ready rofugo for a certain class of felonsj or were tho evidences of his guilt gathering about him so rapidly and so unmistakably that he would not bo permitted to pass the happy boundary which meant his free dom; or was thcro some worso crim.' than forgery or defalcation on his con science and on his track that was hounding him to death t I though' over the moro heinous offenses in tho category of crime, any of which might pertain to this case. There was no telling. 1 was confident Iwas to bo separated from my unhappy compan ion. Tho Kataplan House, with its bountiful table, well known to all trav elers, was to bo my lot, and his possi bly a prison cell. Juaijo of my surpnso when 1 saw Judgo of my surprise- when I him also rogister his name closo to inino, anil that namo (you may ho sure 1 was bound to see it) was Holmes, Hero was a ray of light. Tho features of my old college acquaintance became outlined through his hirsute exterior now that I knew who ho was, and with a groat senso of relief, as though a Court of Justice had pronounced him innocent after an exhaustive trial, I clapped him on the shoulder, intro- duced myself, and greeted him warmly. In a tew moment wo were talking of tho old times and old friends and with a certain dash at our present ps. tales. My fctory was quickly told. Tho books I fondled now were the day book and tho cash-book, with tho led ger as chief book of reference, instead of tho Latin dictionary. Uut his ex perience was tho thing that interested mo most, and I felt that what I had imparted must prove a poor quid pro quo. There was a slight lingo ot tho old reserve as I propounded a few questions, although theru certainly could not be tho same oauso for it as before, for I havo said his personal out lit and general stylo in which ho travel- ed betrayed amplo means. My ouriosi ... i " ' ,:..:. i ...:!. ..: l. ty, by no means saltshed with Bimplo identification, I determined Bhould bn satisfied to the utmost, if possible, bo fore I retired that night. My history, ho premised, "has been rather a peculiar one. You know my old fondness for travel. 1 had hardly hoped to bo in position to gratify it, but my father dying shortly after 1 left college betrayed tho fact that in etead of being poveity-stricken, as his family supposed, he had been saving nnd skimping all tho whilu to keep up a largo life insurance of which we were aiiogeincr iguoraut. i. loritinu coum .illnrmtlint. i imnrn lit A fillMnno f.nilM not nave como moro suimeniy or uuex- pectedly had it dropped from tho sky. "ill uiu twiuming ui 110 e-yo iuv 011- niiniclniinoa iirurn til tl i rtfii 1 finri thd V " '""iV." oumstances wero changed and wnoio ouuook 01 my me eiiueroiu, i"" effect was not merely ouo personal grat ification at being able to loilow my own fancv as to a career, but there grow upon mo with all tho strength of hereditary uisiinct a determination to follow my father's footsteps as a bene factor in my death. Being a compara tively young man, tho premiums would, I argued, bo light, and, moreover, 1 could begin in a moderato way. My other ventures prospered, and as thov prospered I increased my insurance. As the miser counts his gold greedily, so I oftentimes fingered over tho neat ly folded policies which wero already ...I.... n.,,1 iiAiititn.l llialt full t.nltiit and 'dreamt of tho beneficent results V0?'"0 oxtreniely distasteful sub .i.:,.i. i i.i r ii. i. lect to him at tho last. 'I he labor of from their realization. . "Strango as it may sobm I had as . - ' much enjoyment from tho imaginary Ifllltl'V post-mortem distribution of my wealth a wealth which mould becomo avail ablu only by tho final act of my exist- once, ns must havo in tho actual possess ion ot lilo itseii. "Tho Scriptural inquiry of tho Kevis ed Version, " hat snail a man give '.n I exchange for his lifo!' seemed lo have 1 lonmi 111 my buui us answer, viz. ; a I largo legaoy of uisurauco money to postei ity. Iu short, it beoamo a pas 1 sion villi me to bo tho most heavily in I sured man that ever lived, nnd 1 stretch cd tho limits ot tho companies to their I utmost tension with my risks. As the I insuranco piled up so my plans grow moro extensive. A inuvorsiiy model 10 ed on a nowplan should bo founded 011 w my grave, and charitable institution, say nothing of my nearest relatives, Hiioiiid rise up, wiion 1 could 110 longer tor myself, ami can mo messed. An eager lUtmier as ho elaborated his projects, I chimed in an occasional "yes," or somo other conventional form of assent. 1 ho idea was au entirely novel ouo 10 mo, ami on nasty consid THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XX.NO : C0LUMII1A DKMOOItAT, VOL I, NO 19 eratlou of it, it seemed to bo nn excel lent uso of one's 11101117. Hero ho was firmly fixed on a rock foundation of tho various equitable?, miituals, ton tine.', nnd benefits qualified by tho main Stalej of tho Union, and fairly boxing tho compass, whoso nams uro rendered amply familiar to every ono of us by tho frequent visits of tho agents with their tabular statements of unique advantages. "Thore can bo no drawback to thic," I Bald. "It is setting up a dead certain thing on tho future." I fancied I must havo been deceived by appearances whilo aboard tho boat. There rfas nothing moro harmless than an ambition of this sort, "You aro mistaken,'1 exclaimed In with warmth. "Any excess implies n pennlty. What bocamo a devouring passion with mo has brought its bur dens, and ns I yield moio completely to tho passion, so the burdens havo be 01110 moro heavy and grievous to bo borne. I feel templet! day by day lo throw them off, only that I cmnot bring my mind to Bicrifico my favorito schemes now bo long nurtutcd." I begged for an exphnation. "Do you not see,'' responded he, "in sured, as I am, for a million dollars or more, that my life is too valuable to tho instiriuco companies to be lost if there bo a possible way to precrvo it 1 Every day that I live is money in their pockets, or rather in their safety vaults. I first became aware that other people wero taking a lively interest in my ex istence when bathing ono day at Long Branch. I had been carried far beyond my depth by the undertow and I had no idea how my strength was wasted until I headed for the shore. I thought 1 was gono for good, but unexpectedly a bold swimmer came to my relief and brought me safe to Bhore. I was pro fuse in my thanks and ofb-rcl to re ward him handsomely, but his manner persuaded me that it was his duty rath er than any philanthropic motive that prompted tho rcsouo. Shortly after ward, whilo traveling in tho West, I think in Texas tho stago was halted by road agents and our lives imperill ed. Two of tho passengers, however, immediately transformed theiLselves into thoroughly armed guards, and the nttaek was repulsed at tho enemy's cost. But 1 hardly realized the extent to which I was oared for until ono day, choking at tho table, my neighbor on tho left pprang to my assistance and extracted nn offending fish bono. My independence had gono forever. I was not permitted to ascend the Alps with out the now indispensable companion. If I wanted to sco 'Life in the Metrop olis,' as tho play-bills put it, and take in the characteristic quarters of old London or Paris, thero must needs go with mo a slugger, who might give odds to John Sullivan ; and you havo no idea how daik the shadow of a shiold over ono's head till you have walked beneath it for years. Insur ance companies by mutual agreement simply paid tho expenses of these life preservers in human form. It is sus ccptablo of simple arithmetical demon stration. The interest on a million dol lars at the legal rale is about $105 per day, to say nothing of tlio accumu lating interest upon it unpaid. This would procure fair talent in tho way of swimmer, slugger and surgeon and pay thoir traveling expenses as well ns when they wcro called upon to move. When on tho water I am in the care of tho first, on slwro ho turns mo over to tho second as tho Captain turns over to tho mato his vessel in port. And I might multiply instances of whero my appointed guardians havo stepped be tween mo and harm until you would fancy I w.ts reciting afresh tho 'Tians migfations of Indur.' that story of Mr. Barbauld which entranced ns when wo wore children. "But this,'' he continued, is only ono phaso of tho interest I excite. My icalth has becomo n matter ot tar too much concern to thoso for whoso ben efit it is supposed to bo insured. Tho institutions which havo been apprised of their position as beneficiaries at my death bcciii to exist in an unpleasantly expectant attitude, and tho prayers of the managers are rather for my pros perily, I fancy, than for my long life. ihov havo actually gone so iar when 1 might bo indisposed to incur oxtra ex penses and bo sorely put to il to meet tho samo on my recovery. My rela tives, loo, whom 1 visited, always seemed to inoto be engaged in wonder ing why somo lucky cucumstnnco did not carry mo ott, l'lentv ot people werodving daily who could not hall so well bo spared. It may be fancy, .. . . . .1 lit,, tlin ntilinitutt i.lni ....rcuna inn nnt. el.ii10i,,ss ,ias ,wv -.. n0 COncep , ,, i,,i , .-.1. ,i, ..: arQ t0 savQ mi 1 HcrQ VQU se(J a0 two opposing, not to sav contending inliu- I 4 ' . . " ... . encos one desir ni and iUBistinc on tho maintenance of mv life, tho other secretly, if not openly, craving its end. Tho poor doctor, whoso practico cannot bo limited to siirgorv, is with mo a! way. There ho is now, watching lost I burn another strong cigar ero 1 go to bed. 1 saw that ho was tired, and wo parted. In tho morning early I was off, nnd wo met no more. l'oor Holmes, tho burden ho Bpoko of so feelingly was too much for him. Death camo soon despite all precaution, and last May 1 rend his Bimplo obituary. I la had provided against publicity ot his career or his idiosyncrasy, which guardians ceased, and tho only note- . ...t...i r 1.1., 1. .,,..,,,,1 I "UM-" louiumm m un uuwij lum I no wlmn n vrnliilil.. nml itinit iinralatimf I 1 . ...... ......,v 1" lightning calculator dropped in on me a few days ago. Taking him for a likely customer, I lout him tho oloseat attention timing tho skirmishing that usually precedes business, when ho tic veloped into an insuranco agent, with out the ono redeeming feature of blot ters. Prom him 1 secured tho paper whloh I hero submit, with tho explana tion that barah 1), Holmes wns a fa vorito cousin of tho deceased, and that ten nlhnr checks of equal amounts woro distributed among his heirs and bonoficiaries at his death. Justice Field tells how his prido had a fall. W hen ho was a young man ho was particularly proud of his cicct to form aud (ino curling hair. "Walking I ouo day with boat! well up, ho ran against n cart unit Injured his kno 1 The injuiy resulted in pet piaueut lame I ncss and a consequent stoop in 1 shoulders. Afterwaid hard study pro- I duced brain fever, and a Uy-MUtor I cured tho fever and dcs'.royed his 1 wav - mg locks. 1tes of oViiTisiNq- I aw im f fB I S3 1 BO IN 3 00 9 85 Z DO 75 8 60 S 50 3 60 4 60 a !M 4 Ml ft 60 111 8 60 S BM IT .100 4 60 7 00 4 75 1 60 It M B 60 10 00 li 00 I Inch II ' s " 4 Ktol 4 00 5 00 7 00 R 00 800 13 00 19 00 9M) 14 60 S3 00 M col ft 60 7 00 8 00 14 HI 17 DO CO (10 40 00 i column 8 00 18 00 IB 00 35 00 30 00 40 00 BO 09 Yearly auvcrtlscmcntBPSyaijmnuarierir. iriu tlent advertisements must be paid for before m. fcerted except whero panics have accounts. Ugal advertisements two dollars rcr Incli for three Insertions nnd at that tato for additional Insertions without retcrcncc to length. Kaecutor's, Administrator's, and Auditor's no tlccsthrcodollars. Transient or Local notices, ten cents & lino, rcg ulnr advertisements half rales. 1,'ards In tlio "Iiuslness Directory" column, on dollar a year for each line. Very High Life. THE IMl'OSSIIIII.ITV OF Cl'TTINO A 8WKI.I. ON SIX 1101,1. tltS A WEEK. With a young man of limited finan cial resources and a foiidnesSi for the opposilo sex difficulties sometimes nriso that aro as embarrassing as oan well bo imagined. No young man wishts to know among the genllo sex that ho is anything short of n vcritablo nabob. So long as ho can dress protty well and look as though ho commanded a bank account of no small proportions hu can sail along very smoothly, but n timo will -joinu when tho winds of adverse circumstance blow upon him, and nolhing but tho shrewdest management of his craft will save him from exposure. A young man doesn't liko it known that bono Uh tho outside show is a pocket book ns empty as the cradlu when "baby's gone." Tho writer was talkitig last night to a resident of the cast end who has n very hniidsomo house, a very nice family nnd a very lucrativo business. Ho is still young enouth to enjoy a good joke, even if it were upon him self. And lie related a littlo story of the days when he whs struggling along on Si a day and trying to Tiavo a nico time. He camo lo Pittsburg somo fif teen years ago, and though he had a hard time of il, ho has passed that point long ago where a dollar is the size of a mountain. "I will tell you," said he, "of a little opisodii in my lifu that I don't think I will forget as long as I live. I had como up to the city from a farm down tho river and was working in tho city for Si a day. I always did liko good clothe?' and ho looked down over his lino garment", "and it was pretty hard for mo to get along on my salary. Well, aftur I had been hero for some time, a young lady who lived neighbor to mo down at the farm,camc up to town and was visiting out in Liwrenceville. I went out one night to call on her nnd, as she had never been at an opera or play, I proposed that she should go with mo tho next night. Sho was very glad to go. Well, tho next evening I started out for her. I had SI. 15 in ray pocket, and couldn't have raised a cent moro if I had been compelled to at tho point of a revolt er. IIowcvtr,I thought that I could get two tickets for Si, aud that would leave lo cents with which to come into town, aud I depended up on tho Btieet cars being stopped after tho performance so that we would have lo walk homo. I was in great spirits. At that time tho academy wis ouo of thu high priced theatres io town, and, wo went there. I boldly walked up to tho box, got two fifty-cent tickets, and then we started for the entrance. I showed ray tickets and tho door-keeper told mo lo go up stairs. Well, wo went up. I presented tho tickets, and what was my astonishment when this door-keeper said to mo : 'Next gallery.' iiy this tune 1 was lecling like 1 ought to j.-o out in tho alley and blow my head off for a tool. But theie was no help fot it, nnd wo again ascended a flight of stairs. When the door-keeper saw us ho whispered to mo: "You musn t bring that lady in here. Why, there's nobody up hero but boys aud 111011. It A'ouldn t do at all." "I did not know what to do. I hadn't a cent in my pocket. A bright thought struck me, aud I turned to the young lady from the country, who I havo no doubt was wondering what it all meant, and said : 'Come ; we'll go home. 1 hat man there insulted me. I won't patronize suoh a house.' And with every mark ot indignation on my face I escorted tho young lady out to tho street. A new difficulty arose. I had 110 money left for street car fare. It was two milts out to Lawrenceville. There wa3 no way for it but that we should walk. I took that girl up on Liberty street, whero there wero no cais and walked her out to Lawrenceville. But I promised to tako her to tho opera house, whero I told her that thero would bo a play the next week that was worth something. And I did. I got enough money to do thu thing up 111 good stylo tho next week. Hut I II never forget the agony 1 wns in whilo I was wandering around limt night trving lo got into tho academy on two lilty-tsent tickets. les, .Mr, it is not safe for a young man to enti r society on SI a day. 1 lint young lady married a very wcallhy man nlterward, and tho first timo I see her I am going to tell her all about that 'insult' I received at tlio academy that night. I think she will enjoy it. l'ituhury Oironicle Jelenrajm. SELECTED SOHAVS. WISE, Cl'ItlOlU, ANll UNTEItTA ININO CI.IP- PINOS THAT Wll.l. A MUSK ANll INSTIttlCT. Bull fighting for tho expert must bo very nrohtaule. I ho cruel espada of Madrid, Lartijo, is employed during tlio suuimor season for 0,000, and last winter in the province hu made jLIO,- 000. He killed il5 bulls without a singlo accident to himo!f. When ladies find tho color of their Iresses iuiured by water-placo lemon ade thoy usually try to restore it wilh hartshorn. If, after making this ap plication, they will rub a littlo chloro form over tho spot, they will generally obtain a much moro satisfactory result. Railway men aro beginning to con- lcmn tho locomotive headlight, which, la... . - :. ; - v uy uiu way, is nut m uso m ruropo. I MH,n. an.. il,n, it ! . I!nln nm r. . x ,1VJy c,,y HI..I, IV ICl UI UIVIU UI IU UV1I1.V hoy say mat it is ot littlo or no utur.y and its powerful illumination tends to render indistinct tho colors ot signal lights on tho track ahead. Tho largest price by the square inch ever paid for a painting was lately given by tho U110 d Aumalo lor the 'l hreo Uraces, by Kapliaol, from Lord Dudley's gallery. Tho prico was $l:i5,000 or as tlio picture is only sov en inches square, 2,500 per inch. Tlio Northern Railway of Itiifsia Is using peat as fuel to a great extent, and Haves half tho cost of wood or coal by tno operation. Tho peat is found chietly near Moscow, and is cut mostly by Bteani machinery, which can pene trato to n depth of twenty feet from tl 0 surface of tlio hog. Canadian lumber doalera aro now glad to buy the black walnut fenoj rails which farmers split and used as his thoy would any other timber twenty or thirty yeats ago. Tlio long exposure lias seasoned the wood thoroughly, and it is valuable as matirial for chair log), spindles, and other email articles. -