The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 02, 1886, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
Tuts powder riover vattcs. A marvel of purity
BtrengW and wholesomcnCHs. .Moro economical
than ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold In corano
tlon with tho multltudo ot low test, short weight,
alum or phosphato powders. Sold only in cans;
JIoriL IUiino 1'owdeh Co,. Wall st,, N. Y.
The Columbian.
FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1880.
Trains on tho Philadelphia It 11. leave nuncrt
as follows t
nokth. 8onni.
6:30 a. m. 11:49 a. m.
3:ii p. m. 0:13 p. m.
Tralnson tlio D. L. & W. 11. It. lcavo Uloomsburg
S follows! tuurg
0:17 a. m. 8:89 a. m.
10:a)a.ra. 11:44 a.m.
8.3) p. m. 4:li p.m.
:J0 p. m. 8:47 p. in.
Trains nn tho N. W. 11. Hallway pass Bloom
Ferry as follows t
ltw a. m. 12:05 p. m.
6.83 p. m. 4:15 p. m.
10.11am 6:41 pm
The administrator of William Sitler, de
ceased, will sell personal property In Url
nrcrcck township on Saturday, July 3, at
10 n. m.
Monkt Wanted. A responsible party
wants to borrow $800 for two years.
Good real estate security given, first mort
gage. Tbcjnamo will bo given on calling
at tho Columiiian ofllco. 3 t.
Hcv. II. (J. Monro, administrator, will
sell valuablo real estate on premises In
Madison township on Saturday, July 31.
Seo advertisement.
Fort Salk. The undersigned will sell 40
or GO acres, more or less, to suit purchas
crs, (rum tho south sldo of Ids farm in
Hemlock township. Three good springs
of water, good building site, public road
through tho land, about S acres of timber,
small stream of water through land. Price
SIS per aero In payments. For particulars
inquire of Reuben Bomboy, lluckborn, or
Geo. K. Elwcll, Uloomsburg. J4,0 mos.
Foit Saw. A very desirable property,
on Market street in the town ot Blooms
burg, Pa. nearly opposito Itcv. D. J.
Waller. Lot 01 feet in width nnd 108 feet
in depth. An alley on the north and east,
lot of D. J. Waller on the south. Market
street on tho west. The dwelling house is
a largo two siory brick with Mansard roof
water, gas nnd sewer drainage, a good
largo stable, good fruit, and good well of
Also a house and lot in Catawlssa front
ing on 3rd street, above Pine street, a good
two story frame dwelling house with two
story kitchen attached.
Michael F Eyeisly
April 7. '80. tf. Uloomsburg, Pa.
Foil Sale. Two houses and lots ou
Canal street. Desirable, cheap homes, and
jay well to rent.
Also, one of tho finest residences in
Uloomsburg, corner of Fifth and Centre
streets. Having .nil the latest Improve
ments, steam heat, water, gas, water clos.
ots and bath room. Good burn, fruit nnd
unamculal trees, large lot. A rare chance
for a flno homo. Apply to
J. II. Maize,
Cor. Main nnd Centre bts.
BlectttiK of Mti.iulln Committee.
Tho Democratic Standing Committee
met In the Grand Jury room last Saturday
afternoon. -D. howenberg, Chairman, pre
slded, nud F. D. Dcntler was elected
Secretary. Tho following business was
Apportionment of delegates under vote
for Governor in 1883,allowing a ratio of CO
votes for a delegate.
District. Vote in 1883. No. of Delegates.
Beaver, 103 3
Berwick, E. 813 3
W. 2
Bonton, 230 4
Bloom, E. 203 4
" W. 157 3
Brlarcrcek, 133 3
Catawlssa, 234 4
Centralia, 130 3
Centre, 173 3
Conyngham, N. 7C 2
" S. 83 3
Fishlngcreek, 203 4
Franklin, 69 2
Greenwood, 104 3
Hemlock, 145 3
Jackson, 133 3
Locust, 318 4
Madison, 108 3
Main, 130 2
Mifflin, 103 3
Montour, 74 2
ML Pleasant, 83 3
Orange, 11G 2
Roaringcrcck, 70 3
Pine, 07 2
Scott, W. 00 3
' E. 103 2
Sugarloaf, 107 3
Total, 75
ITmlnr 11,1a nnnnrllnnmont HontOIl. Bloom
"West, Catawlssa, Greenwood and Sugar.
loaf, each irnt nn additional delegate, OVOT
what they had under the ratio of 07 votes
to rt delegate, when tho wholo number of
delegates was limited to seventy,
Mr. Ell Barton lias been on tho sick list
for some weeks.
Prof. Allen will spend tho 4th at Susque
hanna with relatives.
Mrs. Harold Hodgcrs, of Hazleton, Is
vistlng relatives hero.
W. U. llclnoold, Mcrcantllo Appraiser,
was In town on Tuesday,
Mrs. Morris Michel, of Camden, N. J.,
Is visiting relatives In town,
Mr. U. P. McIIenry, of Mlllvlllo, was
among tho visitors to town on Tuesday.
Prof. Noetllng has gone to his homo In
Scllusgrove to spend the Summer vacation.
Mr. A. Zahner and wife, of Abilene,
Kansas, aro tho guests of ltov. L. Zah.
J. J. Browcr Esq- went to IlelU-fonto on
Friday to spend a few days at hU daugh
ter's. J. K. Wtlonbender repent a few days
up tho creek this week, on business nnd
pleasure combined.
Ilobort Buckingham, Esq.. Dr. Morrill,
Dr. T. J. Bwisher nnd O. L. Bands spent a
Tew days up tho creek tliU week, flshlni;.
Mr. Itlcliard Drinker t. .
from tho touth to-day, (Friday) to spend
tuo summer.
Dr. J. F. Chnnln and lf. n ri.aM
craft, Mich., aro vlitllng relatives here.
Tho Doctor Is looking very well, ond Is
nlccly-flxcd In his Western home.
A. J. - Kline, of Stillwater. In to
on Saturday. He was for many years a
Jus Ico of tho Pcoco of Fishlngcreek Twp.
He is now 84 years of nee. ami la w(dt
Tho Sanitarium has numerous guests.
There will bo
Jflly C.
Ucrwlck is tnklnir tPna i -
Soldiers' monument.
P. T. Barnum's reported death lni
was, like himself, a humbiic.
Mr. P. H. Freeze Drc9ontrd no H,,.niiu
with n pall of Iiuclous rod cherries.
A Sunday school nlcnle from Tavlnr.
villa occupied Oak Grove on Wednesday.
Evening services at St. Paul' ninirM.
will begin at 0:30 o'clock during tho turn.
Sheriff Smith has vcrv much Imnrnvp,!
Ids buildings at Stillwater by giving them a
coat of paint.
Mrs. Harry Fornwnld nicked n. lnf f
leltuco In her garden recently that meas.
urcu io) inches.
There will bo a festival at Ashury for the
benefit of the M. II Church on tho attct.
noon and evening of July 10th.
Ent Post will have bean soup, Ico cream
and other refreshments in their hnll on
Saturday afternoon and evening.
Harry, youngest son of Jonas Agcr, of
mis town, died ou Monday morning, need
0 years. Interment at Orangovllle on
Prof. Munder's courso of dancing les
sons wound up on Monday with a hop
nt Winona hall. Mctherell's orchestra
furnished the music.
Hcv. D. M. Kinter caught a trout near
his home at Stillwater that measured 17
inches. This Is the largest trout that has
been caught this season.
Jesse C. Ammerman announces his nnino
as a candidate for Congress in Montour.
and James McCorralck, of the same county,
wants to lie state Senator.
Tho new Presbyterian Church at Or
angevillo Is fast ncarlng completion
When finished it will be as fine a church
edifice as can be found in this section.
J. S. Phillips showed us two boxes of
strawberries from John Wall's patch over
tlio riyer, that were immense. There were
not over 25 or 30 berries In a basket but
they filled It full.
J. J. McIIenry tried hard to boat Mr.
Kintcr's record of trout fishing. He
caught one trout a few days ago that meas
ured a little over 10 inches, and another
that measured 13 Indies.
A number of line residences are being
built at Orangevllle, nud n great many
made in nn attractive manner by the use
of paint. Among the number, that of Dr.
O. A. Mcgargell, presents a line appear,
A law passed In 1881 provides that when
tho 4th of July falls on Sunday, the follow
ing day will bo observed as a holiday.
Monday, the 5th, will therefore be a holi
day, and all places of business will be
Tho Water Co. is putting in a new 75
horse power boiler nt the pump house.
They already have two of 25 horso power
each, but as it requires both of them to do
tho pumping they had no reserve power In
case of accident.
Tho 160th anniversary of St. Pelci'a
Church, Freehold, N. J., tho Kev. T. II.
Ciillcn, Hector, was held June 4, with me
morial services morning nnd evening.
Tlio oilglnnl charter of the church was
granted June 4, 1730, by GeorgQ I.
An investigation of the charges made by
Ex-Warden Jackson against Dr. Blddle,
superintendent of the Miners' Hospital at
Ashland, failed to sustnln tho charges.
The hearing took placo in the presence of
the Board of Charities and tho Board of
Wllllnm C.Johnston, Esq,, Is a candidate
for ic-electlon to the olllce of Register and
Recorder of Montour county, thus far
without a competitor. He has held tho
office many years, and has filled It so sat
isfactorily that no one wants to contest it
with him.
The fifteenth annual session of the Moun
tain Grovo Camp inciting will open on
Wednesday, August 4th., and close on
Thursday, .August 12th. For particulars
address Cyrus Slraw, Wllkcsbarre, secrc
tary, or K. W. M. Low, President, Lime
Ridge, Pa.
W. II. Jncoby hns severed his connection
with the &.i!i'ie, his work as editor having
ended with last week's lsuc, after n faith-
ful service of Ilfteen months. 'Iho paper
under his management becimo newsy and
interesting, and he will bo misled by its
readers, ns It will bo difficult to supply his
Rev. F. E. Clark, who has been pastor of
St. Columba'a R. U. Church for more than
a year past has resigned, and leaves to-
day for a month's vacation among tho
mountains, nud will then take charge of n
now parish elsewhere. The church pro.
perty has greatly improved under his ad
Robert Hlllnnds and wife, of Chilli-
squaquc, nged 00 and 50 years respectively,
wero instantly killed by the newspaper
train at the .Mahoning street railroad cross.
ing nt Milton, last Sundny morning while
on their vnv to church, .Their horso was
badly injured, uud their carriage was bio-
kcu Into splluters.
Judge Rockefeller, of Suubury In order
to clear up tho civil Hit has ordered u nine
weeks term ot tho several courts in his
district, commencing ou tho first .Monday
In Sentember. Thetilal of tho criminal
cafes will occupy tho first two weeks.
Thu common n ens court will convene
September 27, October 18 and November 1
T. II. Edgar, at Stillwater, keeps busy
filling orders at his planing mill. Ho has
bis mill well stocked with lino machinery,
and being located In tho midst of tho lum
ber region, can turn out wow as wen ana
cheaper than can bo ouiaincu eisewnere,
Ho elves constant employment to n num
ber of workmen, and thus keeps money lu
circulation about Stillwater.
Oulto a sensation was created last week
by n report that a man named Heaps had
committed suiciuo uy uruwumg. n
seems ho had some difficulty with his wlfo
and left homo after giving tho iraj resslon
that ho would nover return. Ulrcum
stances led to tho conclusion that he had
luinned Into tho canal, and somo time was
ent In fishing .for him. After a couplo of
days ho appeared slivo and well.
A whlto crow Is on exhibition nt Klaso's
hotel In Berwick. It was captured near
the town,
G. A. Carey, of Berwick, met with an
nccldcnt on Tuesday by which ho received
n sevcro cut on tho head. Wo havo not
heard tho particulars.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Gospel Tcmpcranco Union will be held in
the Evangelical church on Tuesday even.
Ins. An Interesting programmo has been
The Hcpubllcnn Convention met nt
Harrlsburg Wednesday morning and
put In nomination tho following ticket i
Governor, James A. Beaver Lieutenant
Governor, William T. Dayis ; Auditor.
General, Col. A. Wilson Norrls j Secretary
of Internal Affairs, Thomns J. Stowart j
Congrcsfman-at-Large, General Osboruc.
Mr. Wllllnm L. Laird, of Hiighesvllle,
will o rcct this summer nt Lewis' Lnke n
largo hotel building, 40x120 feet, three
stories high. It will not bo completed be.
foro next spring, when It will be opened to
the public. Tho slto is ono of tho best at
tho lake and a most desirable place for vis
itors to put up nt. Mr. Laird will supcrln.
tend tho construction of tho building nnd
nlso tlio runntng of the hotel when com
pleted. The suit against G. A. Potter at Wllkcf
barre for obtaining money under false pre
tenses was tried on Tuesday nnd resulted
In n verdict of not guilty, tho defendant to
pay one third of tho costs, and the prose-
cutor, A Ilickctts, two thirds. Tho suit
nrojc out of the sale of tho Journal office of
this placo to parties in Wilkcsbarro and the
prosecutor claimed that Potter did not de
liver what he agreed to. Tho juiy found
J. A. Howard of Pino township was com
mlttcd to jail last wcek,Thursday. Ho rep
resented himself as nn ngent ot tho Milton
It. It. nnd bought n horso nt Ornngoyllle
paying lor it witn nu order on tho coin-
pany. He bought another horse of John
Appleman at Buckhorn with a bogus order
or check, nnd took tho two horses to
Jcrseytown where ho sold them to A. K,
Smith. Ho was arrested on Applcman's
Prof. Charles J. Macllcnry will give a
concert In Garey's hall about July 15. He
has secured tho services of Prof. Henri
btulen, of Athens, whoso reputation ns a
violinist Is second to nono in this vicinity,
Edward Walker, leader of the Germanla
band, of Towanda, and Miss Jennlo Hull,
pianist, of Monroeton. This promises to
be tho finest musical treat ever given in
this place. The date will be announced
hereafter. Dusltore Review.
From an announcement In tho Danville
papers we observe that Horace C. Blue Is a
candidate for Treasurer of Montour county,
subject to the decision of the Democratic
convention. Mr. Blue Is a young man of
excellent character, with good business
qualifications, and an active, hard-work
ing Democrat. He has many friends here
who will be pleased at his success, should
he get the nomination. Tho Democrats of
Montour could not make a better selection,
Tho newspaper fraternity Is pleased over
thu new postal law recently put in force by
the 1'ostoflice Department. It makes the
taking of n newspuper nnd refusing to pay
for the same theft, and any person guilty
of such action Is liable to criminal pro
ccedlngs llicsnmo ns If he had stolen goods
to the amount of tho subscription. Here
after it will be a very shrewd scheme to
tnko n newspaper from tho postofflce for
year nnd inform tho editor that you never
ordered it sent to you.
In these days of picnics and pleasure
trips to tho country It Is well to know that
a good antidote for poison by poison oak,
ivy, etc., is to take a handful of qulcklimo
dissolved in water, let it stand half an
hour, then pnlnt tho poisoned part with it,
Three or four applications will never fail
to euro tho most aggravated cases. Poison
from bce9, hornets etc., is instantly arrest
cd by tho appllcition of equal parts of
common salt and blc.irbonalu of soda, well
rubbed in on the place bitten or stung.
List of letters remaining In the Post Of
flee at Illoomsburg for week ending June
29, 1880:
Miles A. Comstock, James Hess, M. M,
Hoffman & Co , Mr. John Huhbert, Miss,
Ida Ikies, Miss Gerlrude Miller, J. W. II
Miss Bertha Bell
Persons calling for these letters will
please say "advertised."
Geor.dE A. Clauic, P. M.
Thoso who desire to spend a huppy day
on the third of July should spend It iu tho
beautiful valley near the headwaters of
Fishing Creek. J. W. Perry the proprietor
of.the Elk Run Hotel Is prepared to give
one of the best of enjoyments witnessed
for some time past. Thu progrtmmo will
bo dancing both day and evening, quoit
pitching, loot racing und a line display oi
fireworks at night that will beautifully
illuminate the valley nud surroundln;
mountains. Ico cream will bo served with
cool tempcrute drinks to suit tho ladles
Thu proprietor has made suro this tlmo to
obtain music for tho occasion. A first cluss
photograph gallery will bo nsar tho build
ing to accomodate thoso who desire a rustic
tin-type as an emblem to remember tho
great day at the Elk Run Hotel, July 3d.,
80. Sullivan Republican.
Any of our friends Intending to visit
New York, will bo pleased to learn that
their well-known and favorlto Btopplng
place, FiiENcu'd Hotel, is ready to receive
them. Tho house has been In the hands of
skilled workmen for months, and Is com.
pletely renovated. Every hall and room
has handsome Brussels carpets, and all tho
furniture Is new, nnd ot cherry or mahog
any, while innumeiablo French pinto look
ing glasses adorn the walls in every part ot
tho house. Tho general dining-room Is one
ot tho largest and handsomest In tho city,
aud Is, with tho private dining-rooms,
elaborately furnished. All tho sleeping
rooms have electric call bells used for
awaking guests, without tho old-fashioned
kicking on the door, and ample ventilation.
One of tho new proprietors, Mr. F. W.
Coleman, was for soveral years manager
and part owuer, and still owns ono-fourlh
of tho Carrolton Hotel, Baltimore, and is
tho son of tho late and far-famed Robert
B. Coleman of tho Astor House. Tho ho
tel is kept on tho European plan, the price
being $1 a day, aud tho bill ot fare Is
equal to that ot any first-class hotel iu tho
city, though the prices are very moderate.
See tho cardot the hotel lu another column.
UoMucm nt lliiKlicHvllle.
Sunday night Juno 20th. robbers forced
an entrance into tho Wllllamspnrt and
North Branch railroad depot at Hughes,
vllle, whero they broke open two safes and
tho ticket ensc. They did not succeed In
finding anything of value, nothing being
missed from the olllce. They caused con
siderable damage, however, and Superin
tendent Welch offers two hundred dollars
reward for their arrest.
Commencement nt tho Normnl.
Tho Class Day exercises of this school
drew largo houses, but Commencement Is
tho great event. Tho exercises ot Com
mencement have always been well attended,
but this year, notwithstanding tho threat
ening stato of tho weather, the nttendnnco
was exceptionally large. Long before the
doors were opened, tho porches were
crowded with persons nnxlously waiting to
gain ndmlssion and secure seats; and half
an hour before the tlmo fixed for tho exer
cises to begin, every avnllnblo space,
even for sitting or standing In
tho large hall, tho culranco to it and
tho gallery, was occur, led by an attcutlve
and Intelligent audience, A few minutes
before half-past nine, tho Senio.s. headed
by tho Faculty, arrived and forced their
way through tho crowd Into the hall. At
soon ns nil tho members ot tho class had
been provided with scats, the exercises
Tho following was the programme! Over
ture, Caliph of Bagdad, Ilarald; piano,
Misses Currnn, Potcrman, Owen, Coursnnj
clarionet, Hurry Eshlemanj violin, Miss
Dora Nllcs, Mr. Panncbakcr; cornet, Prof.
I. W. Nilcs. Prayer, Rev. K. B. Riddle.
Essay, ''The Progressive Teacher," Jennlo
Stiles. Essay, "'Iho Teacher's Responsi
bilities," Haltle A. Holla. Oration, Slep-
ping Stones to Success, M. A. Kline. Es
say, The Bells, Annlo E. Maize. Vocal
Solo, Open Thy Lnttlcc, Gregh Jennlo SI.
Stiles. Essay, "Education of the Temper,"
Mary Mclxcll. Essay, "Tho True, Woman,"
Emma W. Murphy. Essay, "Means nnd
Euds of School Government," Isabella
N. Moule. Essay. "Objects ol Recreation,"
Ellen L. Gclscr. Instrumental Quintette,
Tho Dying Poet Gottschalkj piano, Misses
Owen und Courson; clarionet, Harry Esh'
lcman; violin, Miss Dora Nllcj cornet,
Pi of. I. W. Kites. Essay, "Tho
Piewtit a Progressive Age," Hey Shullz,
Esuy, "Intelligence nn Element of Sue
:es,'- Betslu Hughes. Oration, "Public
Opinion us a Ciiterlon nf Right," J. Claude
Keliicr. Chorus. Wake ! Dearest Love
Pcrl(tn.; Messrs. Bldletnan, Sterling, Sun
ner, Z hlir, Lewis, Oeiger nud Klsslcy.
Eisny, "Modes nf Securing Attention,"
Maine A Hi ily. Essay, " The Motives Hint
Snould Control tho Student in Obtaining
nn Education," Alllu Donley. Essay, "The
Philosopher's Stone," Mury L. Schcch.
Oraihm, 'Education, tho Keystone of the
Republic," W. L Williams. Inslrumental
Septette, Tres Jollu Wiillzcs Wnldtcufelj
plnno, MUkcs Montgomery, ilnrvoy, Ent
und Thompson; clarionet, Harry Eshleman;
violin, Miss Dorn Nlles; cornet, l'rof. I. W,
Nilcs. Essay, "Vocal Music In tho Public
Schools," Myrtle G.Yost. Oration, "The
Practical Man," Nolan Sauner, Poem,
The Weary Teacher; Nan S. Coughlin,
Quartette, Old Folks at Home; MUses Pe
tcrman, Holla, Jones and B-irnes. Cou'
ferrine of degrees. ' Chorus, Wo Rock
Away on the Billows Gay Emerson, six.
teen voices. Benediction.
The class consisted of foity.slx ladies and
seventeen gentlemen, tho largest number
this school uas ever sent out at one time
nnd, judging from the nppearance of the
class, from most ot the essays and orations
and the manner In which thoy wero read
and spoken, one ot the most sensible and
intelligent classes it cvir has been our
privilege to see graduate at a dchool of this
kind. There seems to bo nothing done
for mere eltect or show, no merely sent!
mental essays nr orations, no artificial elo
cution ; everything Indicated good, plain
common sense. The only crllleism mni
might bo made, 13 that some of the essay,
ists did not seem to have sulllclent power
of voice to make themselves heard all over
the room.
Tho following are the names of the grad
uating class :
Annie E. Maize, Mary L. Schoch.
Josephine II. Darklcy,M. Elllcda Barnes,
Ida M. Bell, Ida Bcrnhard, Annie J. Bloss.
Maggie C. Brennan, Norman G. Cool, Nan
S. Coughllu, Gilbert; Curry, Annie Daniels,
Joseph L. Derr, 8uo H. DerrjAVilliam T. S.
Dcavor, Allio Donley, John J. Elwood,
Jerome O. Felkcr, Emma Fisher, Carrie
II. Frauenthal, Ellen S. Gclscr, Mary A.
Guckavan, Maude A. HlU.lIaltic A. Hoffa,
Maize E. Hoffa, Catherine L. Humphrey,
Bessie Hughes, Flora 11. Jones, J. Claude
Kelper, Marion A. Kline, Josephine Kozer,
Jennie T. Lambert, Grace A. Leacock,
Adam E. L. Lcckle, Anna L Lehc, William
R. Lewis, Mello Long. Elizabeth A. Low,
Stella Lowenberg, Alice J. McUann, Mary
A. Mcixell.Uello N. Monie.llarry C. Moycr,
Lucctta Moyer, Emma W. Murphy, Emma
M. Patton, Michael il. Qulnn, Jeremiah
Rcedcr, .Maine A. Rellly, Nolan II. Banner,
Adello A. Shaffer, Aunio M. Shnlter, Hey
Shultz.Bruce C. Shuinan, Emmi M. Sites,
Annie O- Snyder, George A. Spanglcr,
Mary A. Stack, Jennlo M. Stiles, Ada Ten
Brook, William L. Williams, Eleanor
Winterstccn Emma J. Wltmcr, Suo A.
Wood, Myrtlo O. Yost. William J. Zclders.
Hcltool Hoard Meeting.
The Hoard of Dlicctors met in the Grand
Jury room on Friday evening luFt, all being
present. The bond of the Treasurer was
unproved. Tho following committees
wero announced: Buildings, grounds and
repairs, Brown, Knorr, Hageubuch; Sup
plies, Hngenbuch, Kramer and Roscnstock;
Grievances, Browu, Kramer and Lawall.
Tho length of school term was fixed nt 8
months, to begin first Monday of Septem
ber. Thu tax rate fixed at 5 mills, ono for
building and four lor school purposes,
Tho following teachers wero elected und
their salaries fixed: Nora M. Finney, As
slstant to Principal, 40.00 per month;
Georgio Pureed, assistant In grammar
school, $30.00; Florenco Win, Interincdl
ate, Third street, $35 00; Ella Sterner, ns-
slstant, $30.00; Mary M. Unangst, Inter
mediate, Fifth street, $35,00; Cora Hngen
buch, Assistant, $30.00; Sadio Vannatta,
Becondary, Third Btrect, 35.00; Dora A,
Marr, assistant, $30.00; Leu. 11. Robblns,
Secondary, Fifth street, $35.00; Anna Fox,
assistant, $30.00; Anna Pressler, Prlmury,
Third street, $40.00; Ella Allen, assistant,
$33.50; Hannah Brceco, Primary, Fifth
street, $40.00; Hattlo Sloan, assistant,
$32.50. After some Ineffectual attempts to
fix saltry of Prluclpal, tho Board nd.
journcd to meet on Friday evening, July
2, when It Is proposed to select a Principal
and teacher for grammar school.
Tlio ilent In tlie Market.
We would remind our friends nnd former
patrons nnd tho public generally, that wo
are still handling D, M. Osborno & Co's
Reapers, Mowers and Binders, ot which
we havo on hand n full line, covering nil
thu latest Improvements, which are added
to theso excellent machines every year.
Wo keep constantly on hand a lino ot
extras tor tho nbove machines und mako
specialty of repairing, not only the Osborno
machines, but all kinds of mowing and
reaping machines.
We have always on baud it full line ot
knives for all makes ot machines. Wo
havo n largo stock nf the very best of bind.
cr twine, which wo aro ottering for 15 cents
per. pound. Inviting nil to examine our
machines before purchasing u'sowhere wo
aro respectfully Hauman & Habsxrt,
Rnltroail News,
The engineer corps on the Bhlckshlnny
and North Mountain Railroad, have com
pleted their outllno work on tho eastern
section of the proposed new road, and
have carefully defined tho topography of
tho country through which It Is to run, nnd
started upon their work of surveying the
routo. Tho rond will probably connect, nt
MUlvlllc, Columbia county, with tho new
line running to Milton. Watsontown Is
nlso nn ncltvc competitor for tho western
terminus. Tho road will open up a section
ot BUto now without nny railroad, nnd
which Is rich In timber, Iron oro, nna lime-
stonc;whllo In larms It Is ono ot tho richest
portions of tho Btnto. Tho road will con
ncct nt Mocanaqua with tho North and
West Branch Railroad ot tho Pennsylvania
Tho Wllkes-Barrc & Western Railroad
Company was chartered nt Harrlsburg Inst
week with n cnpltal of $1,000,000. This is
tho routo surveyed lu tho spring from
Shlckshlnny to Mlllvlllo and thence to
Milton, on tho West Branch of the Susque
hanna. The Incorporators are principally
from Milton and Mlllvlllo. Tho survey Is
Independent of the route now being sur.
vcyed by tho Pennsylvania engineers and
runs along tho foot ot Knob Mountain to
within two miles of Oraneovllle, where it
runs up Greencrcck to Mlllvlllo. Echo
Tho Lehigh Valley H. It. Co. Is about to
build n branch six or seven miles long lu
tho vicinity of Delano to connect with a
branch now in courso ot construction near
Audcnrctd. This whole line Is to connect
the Pennsylvania and Schuylkill Volley R.
It., through tho Pottsvlllo and Mahanoy
nnd New Boston branches of tho Lehigh
Valley R. R. with tho main line of tho lat
ter road at Hazelton. Tho Pennsylvania
company let about ttwclvc miles to con
tractors about ten days ago from Glen
Hock, near Hazelton, north to n point on
the North nnd West Branch H. II., running
along tho Susquehanna River to Wilkes.
Barre, Tho Pennsylvania R. R. thus se
cures a through line from Philadelphia to
Wilkcs-Barro via Pottsvlllo, Delano, nnd
Hnzclton. Hazelton Sentinel
Track laying is now being pushed along
above Soncstown nnd It Is expected that
freight trains will bo run to the upper end
of the line early in July. The wood chop
pers are clearing the right of way abovo
Elk Lick so tli at tho grndcrs can move ;on
ns fast ns they complete tho work bolow.
There Is some talk of starting n separate
force at Dohm's Summit where the junction
Is mado with tlio Lehigh Valley It. 11., nnd
work this wny so that tho trains may pnssl.
bly bo run into Laporto by tlio Lehigh Val.
ley R. It. before long by arrangement wllh
the W. & N. B. R. R. Jlughavillc Mail,
Independence nay nt SUlckHliliiny.
Shlcltshiuny's Independence Day Cele
bration and picnic promises a grand time.
Every detail of arrangement is perfect and
only await the arrival ot tho 3d. to bo par
ried out. Col. Piolctt will arrlvo In the
morning and deliver the address. The
band contest will commence at 1.80 p. m
Tho Grozicr band, of Berwick ; Wanamie
band, of Wanamie, and Shlckshlnny hand
aro tho contestants. Then will come the
f"u'". ' ,UB-
tons, of wilKes-liarro nnd the Millers, of
Miner's Mills. The. blcyclo race for two
gold and threo silver medals will follow, to
close with au exhibition of tho wonderful
skill of Master Boyd F. Cadman.of Blooms-
burg,. the champion boy bicyclist of the
world, on his wheel. Master Cadman Is
only five years old ahd rides his machine
in seventeen different positions. The Ber
wick and Cambra base ball clubs will then
give n tine exinmtton gnme. These exer
cises will bo interpersed with music nnd n
tub and wheelbarrow race will afford any
amount of mirth. In tho evening there
will bo n grand display of firo works. Ow-
ng to tue ndditlon of another ball game
and Master Cadman's cxhlbbion, the pit-
rado has been abandoned. Echo.
Fourtll of July nt CettyHuurK
Grand DeuioiiHtrntlou ou
tlie Field.
The encampment cf the Grand Army of
the Republic and the reunion of the Third
Army Corps at Gettysburg will appropriate
ly occur on tho anniversary of tho great
battle which was waged on tho historic
ground twenty-threo years ago. The Pcnn
sylvanla Department of tho Grand Army
of the Republic encamps on tho field from
July 3d. to 7th. nnd on tho 2d. and 3d. the
eunlon of tho Third Army Corps will bo
held. During the cntlro week ceremonies
of the most Interesting character will be
held every day, which will bo participated
in by tho veterans of tho fight. It is ex.
peeled that from flvo to seven thousand
members of tho Grand Army of the Repub.
lie will bo present, Including many ofilcers
who were engaged In the tight. Generals
Sickles, Fitzhugh Lee nud Lnngstrcct have
accepted InvltatlnLS to be present and to
speak. The meeting will undoubtedly bo
ono of tho most iniposlug demonstrations
of modern limes, und will be worthy of
tho presence of every Americati citizen,
To thoso who desire to get all tho polnts;of
the buttlo no better opportunity will oyer
present itself,for in addition to tho number
of soldiers who were engaged In tho fight
thero will be a largo number of experlenc
cd guides who will point out to visitors
every spot of interest and givo nil tho In.
formation possible as to, tho ;cvents ot thu
memorable days ot tho battle. For the
benefit ot the large number of vistors who
will bo drawn to Ucttsburg tho Pcnnsyl-
vanla Railroad Company will sell cxeur-
slon tickets from nil principal stations on
Its lines cast of Plttburg and Erlo on Juno
auiu, July 1st. ad. ild. 4lh. and Oth. good to
return until tho luih Inclusive, nt one faro
for the round trip.
How to Tell a Glrl'tt Ace,
Girls of n marriageable ago do not like
to tell how old thoy arc; but you cau find
out by following tho subjoined instruc
tions, tho young lady doing the figuring.
Tell her to put down the number of the
month In which she was born; then to mul
tiply It by 2; then to add 5; then to multi
ply by 50; thou to add her age; then to
substract 305; then to add 115; then tell
her to tell you the amount she has left.
The two figures to tho tight will denoto
her age and tho remainder tho month ot
her birth. For example, tho amount
Is 823; tho is 22 years old and was
bom In the eighth month (August). Try It.
Htnte Teaclierw' AhmocIuiIoii.
Thu thlrty-sccoud nnnunl meeting ot the
Pennsylvania Btnto Teachers' Association
will bo held at Music hall, nt Allentown, on
Tuesday, Wednesday nnd Thursday, July
u, 1 nnit 8, lorn - no programme, as nr.
ranged by the Executive Committee, pre.
scnts variety sulllclent to occupy profitably
tho time of tho threo days' session. Hull.
road faro and hotel rates are reduced.
Arrangements have been mado by tho local
committees for special excursions to places
of Interest In tho vicinity, and a very low-
priced trip to Now York is anuounced.
All frlcuds ut education are cordially In
vited. There nro prospects for a very largo
J nnd pleasant meeting,
A Trip tip the creek.
Having certain business matters to seo to
In tho upper end of tho county tho junior
editor started Thursday evening of last
week for Benton, arriving thcro nt 10
o'clock. Friday a horso and o arrlago was
procured and with a driver ns pilot, wo
visited a grcnt many friends nnd patrons
la Benton township; seeing somo nf tho
finest farms that nny ono enn desire. The
grain and liny nru In good condition nnd
will glvo a largo yield. The corn Is growing
rapidly, notwithstanding the late Spring,
the Indications aro that when Fall comes
wm j,0 , far ndvnnced as other years nnd
rcauy lor cutting, f nuay afternoon we
left Benton, tnktng n route toward the
head waters of Fishlngcreek. Wo reached
point above Parviu Kilo's Mountain
Uouso early In tho evening nnd hero met
F. M. Evcrct, K, C. Ent and son nnd Paul
E. Wirt, Esq., just returning from n day's
fishing. Tho horse, carrlago and driver
wero bid adieu, and wo helped count tho
trout caught that day, uumbcrtng 207. Tho
next day tho writer started alono up Paint
er run, to catch his first trout. Ho suc
ceeded lu taking a nlco mess. Plans were
now being made to start up tho main creek
toward the head waters. Tho writer being
Inexperienced nt catching trout, was not
wlso In procuring his outfit nnd found him
self shoeless ; but through tlio kindness ot
Parvln Kilo the proprietor of tho Mountain
House, a pair of large boots wero secured
and thus the outfit completed. Wo might
hero stato that Mr. Kite built a hotel n few
years ago at tho very foot of the mountains
and has a fine and commodious place.
Monday morning nt 11 vo o'clock wo started
up tho stream. We first walked about four
miles to the first forks, here the party sep
arated, two starting down the sticam, an
other np tho ono forks, while tho writer
nnd another took tho other forks. Wo
fished up thu stream us rapidly as possible
for about four or five tnilcu nnd here sepa
rating ngaln wo went as far ns we could
find tho stream largo enough to fish. Tho
result of the day's work was nbout 250
trout. Tho pioneer of thd party was Mr.
F. M. Everett, who has been fishing theso
strenms for thu past ten years, and has bo
come quite nn expert nt fishing. Knowing
that unless the streams were restocked they
would bo soon cmp'led of tho choice fish,
he obtained from tlio Fish Commission at
Ilurusburc this Spring five thousand small
trout, and during the mouth of May took
tucm to the Headwaters and restocked; or
put back part of what ho has taken out
during the past years. It is Ids purpose
to put In about five thousand every year,
aud thus keep tho stream replenished. It
takes about threo years until a trout grows
large enough sought for nice eating.
If others of our fishermen wero as par
ticular to sec that the stream was restocked
or that no small trout were destroyed there
would be no danger of exhausting the
I-.nt Ilenton.
It is claimed by many that the com pros
pect Is very poor,
There Is some exceedingly stout grass In
the neighborhood.
Judge Krickbaum and wife went to
Butler, Luzerne county last Monday to at-
tnml Hip fnnnrnl nf IMr. Mlpnnv wlin linit
married a sister to Mrs. Krickbaum.
Stanley Dodson, n small boy, living with
Judge Krickbaum was playing with n hen
last Sunday evening when a rooster struck
him on the foot with spur, the wound
causing the boy excruciating pain.
Simon Tubbs,nn aged citizen of this place
Is lying very low with paralysis. lie is in
his 87th year, and his demise is a question
of only a few days.
Rev. Wra. R. Campbell has completed
his theological course In Union Seminary
(Presbyterian) of New York city, was
home ou a shoi t visit, preached at liliors
burg last Sunday n. m. nnd nt Rnvencrcek
p. m. returned to New York sometime dur
ing the week to make preliminary nrrango
nients for his life work which will be moro
clearly defined in the near future and will
start for Utali about the 1st. of October
where he will locate for a year as mission
ary nnd if agreeable will make it his per-
manent location.
John Ashcltnan's new domicile is about
ready for tho paluter's brush. It will mako
a pretty home.
Festivals aro the order of tho duy ; loo
numerous to itemize.
Wo hear of Buckalew and Freeze now,
we will hear moro of them hereafter, in
Congress and in the State Senate.
Tlio 4th is so near nt hand that wo
thought n little information to the public
would be intercsling as to what our enter
prising place would do to celebrate thu
anniversary of our country's liberty.
Ilenton has improved. J. J. McIIenry
has put a new gable on his store and re
painted it.
A. II. McIIenry and Holly McIIenry
each have remodelled nnd painted their
houso In u very beautiful style.
ChasFollmcr, J-J. karns have put up
each a beautiful home. Ira Hess bus ad
ded a portico to his house.
Ellas McIIenry, Dr. J. B. Laubach, Or.
lando McIIenry, A. II. McIIenry and many
others in aud around Benton lmvo had
Keller iiros. put them up substantial jobs
of spouting or tinwork. Wo now havo
new firm In the last named parties who
deal in and mauufacturo tin ware, roofing,
spouting, heaters and ranges, pbws and
farming Implements. Their work .s their
The new hotel kept by J. B. McIIenrv is
a model of convenience and beautv afford
Ing accomodation to tourist, traveler nnd
all classes. On the 3rd. In tho afternoon
nnd ovcnlng a grand ball will bo given
Best musicians uro secured uud to thoso
who have attended this place It is needless
to say it does not havo Its superior outside
of thu cities.
177ft "ll I88fi,
Independence day at Orangevillo on July
Among tlio many attractions of tho day
will bo the filing ot a national salute ot 38
guns ut sunrise. At 9 a. in. a grand fan
tastlc parado embodying historical scenes
and impersonations of characters in tho
great struggle for national Independence 1
1770. At 10:30 p. m. an exciting tub race
followed by a sack race. Open to all.
At 1 p. m. tho Declaration ot Independ
encu will bo read and addresses delivered
by prominent speakers. A choir ot 40
voices accompanied by the Orangevlll
orchestra will render clioico selections and
national nlrs. At 3 p. in. a wheelbarrow
race followed by a game of base ball by the
two crack clubs of tho county. At night
thero will be n grand display of fire works,
Tlio Orangovllle cornet band will enliven
1110 aat uv cuoico music. All nro cordially
Invited to attend,
Sudden changes ot weather produce and
aggravate colds nnd dovelop dormant con
dlllons ot catarrh. . Tho longer It runs tho
worse It becomes, Keller's Catatrh Renv
i cdy is the greatest cure for catarrh. Try it,
I'onrfli of July IvxenrntoiiH tii
l'emiHylviinlii Knllronct.
In puraunnco of Its usual custom tho
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell
excursion tickets between nil prlnclpnl
stations on its owned, operated and leased
lines, on July 2d, 3d. 4th. nnd 6th. good to
return until Oth, nt reduced rates. Ily this
arrangement the grcnt national holiday may
bo spent In visiting friends, or in making
pleasant excursions to somo of tho many
points ot Interest located on the company's
lines. Tlio Intervention ot Sunday gtves
nn additional day to thoso whose time is
occupied by business, nnd this wllh tho
liberal limit of tho excursion tlckcts,nlTords
opportunlly for tho enjoyment of a nlco
holiday trip.
HCOTT'S ttMllI.HICHN CI I' 1111115
Ccd Liver Oil, With Eypophospaltis.
Ala renvtli far imlmouarv ajlnttont awt ncrqrtt-
Dr. Irn M. Lang n prominent physician
In New York, snysi I am greatly pleased
wllh your Emulsion. Havo found It very
serviceable In above diseases', and It Is eas
ily ndmlnlstercd on ncconut of Its palatn
blcncss. MARRIAGES.
BPRING-SWIHIIElt-In Watsontown
June 21st. By tho Rev. 11. C. Munro, Mr.
Edward Spring of Lnirdsvlllo nnd Miss
Llzzio M. Swisher.
YOST-O'ULOSSEIl. At the Reformed
church, Thursday, Juno 24, 1880, by Roy.
B. R. Brldcnbaugh, Mr. Charles Yost to
Miss Annie O'Blosser, both of Uloomsburg,
The First Sign
Of falling lvcalth, whether In tho form of
Night Sweats and ycrvousness, or In a
senso ot General Weariness and Loss of
Appetite, should suggest ttho uso of
Aycr's Sarsaparilla. This preparation
h most eftcctlvo for giving tono nnd
strength to tlio enfeebled system, pro
moting tho digestion nnd assimilation of
food,, restoring tho nervous forces to
their normal coudltlon, and for purify
ing, enriching, nnd vitalizing tho blood.
Failing Health.
Ten years oro my health began to fall.
I was troubled with n distressing Cough,
Night Sweats, Weakness, and Nervous
ness. I tried various remedies pre
scribed by different physicians, but
became so weak that I could not go up
stairs without stopping to rest. My
friends recommended mo to try Ayer'n
Sarsaparilla, which I did, nud I am now
as neniiny ami strong as ever. Mrs.
15. L.
u. una
Ifiams, Alexandria, Minn.
I havo used Ayer'a Sarsnpnrilla, in my
family, for Scrofula, and know, If It U
taken faithfully, that it will thoroughly
erndicuto this terrible disease. I havo
aUo prescribed It us a tonic, as well oh tm
alterativo, anil must say that I honestly
beliovo It to bo tlio best blood mudlcino
I'vercompoundeil. W. F. Fowler, M. D.,
I). D. S., Groom llle.Tenn.
Dyspepsia Cured.
It would 1k luinosslblo for mo to do
serlbo wlmt I suffered from Indigestion
nud Ilcnilivlio up to tlio tlmo I began
taking Ayor'sSarsuparUla. I was under
tho caro of various jihvHicianH, nnd tried
a great in.iiiy kinds of medicines, but
never obtained moro than tconporary re
lief. After taking Aycr's Sarsaparilla
for a short time, my hcailacho disap
peared, nnd my stomach performed itrt
duties moro peifectly. To-day my
health Is completely restored. Mary
Hurley, Springfield, Muss.
I havo been greatly benefited by tho
prompt uso of Ayer.s SaiHaparllla. It
tones and invigorates the system, regu
lates tlio action of the digestive and
asslmllutlvo organs, nnd vitalicii tho
bluoil. It li, without doubt, tlio most
reliable blnod purifier yet discovered.
II. 1. Johnson, 'Mi Atlantic avenue,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Prepared ty Dr. J. C. A ycr & Co., Lowcll.llMi.
I'rlco St ; fix ljuttles, 5.
Discoverer ol Dr. Kilmer's
pomplete Female Remedy
ijaaus- iinme urcaimtm
Special nnd Specific treatment for
nil Complaint and Diseases peculiar to
milliliters, Wives und Mothers.
ICoch ii:i knsru ronlnlnNS bottle.
KIIacli kind Is also fcold N-purntcly:
Fcillulo Itemed, (Ulood and By ntm)$ 1 ,
V & o Anointment, iKiKrnal " .so
CSTOr tho threo in ono rackngo$3.00.
llecovers tho "run-down;" liod-rldden"
or 'almnilonal.'1 It Eliminates Humors
und lllootl Impurities that cuueo Scrotula,
Umccr. Tumor, plmplo nnd blotches.
The tpo lor l'tMHarivn atut Kxixwures U put
Wuinajvi Health ainl UMcruUiuMi ni;Rln restored.
Dr. lCllmcrtrenU tnfrnml Tumor, Cancer.
You rant utrnnl tifirlM-t pjirlv n mntoms.
liOttora nf innnlrv rtrnmntiv answered
Ptkiimpr'ii Vcrnalo nipirv, lltnhamUn.N. Y.
-jnmiiiw' iiuUMtn urann" (.vjh free),
SfLil II V A 1. 1. lllCUUlilSIS
Flno lot of celery
. Yelter.
plants for sale by W,
"Hello 1 Hello I" "Well, what la it ?'
"What did you use on your oatu tliU
nrinc ?" Moro Phillips' soluble hone,
Did you uso tlio same on your potntocs ?"
"No. What did you uso ?" ' Sharpless &
Carpenter's No. 1 bone. It makes them cel.
uon'iiit" "ice, sirr- -iieuo i mere is
some ono rlncinc In on us, what do you
wnnt V Will It suit you to brine me a load
or fertilizer up to-morrow " "wiiere uo
you wuut me to pet it ?' Down nt tlio
Farmers' Produce F.xchnnge. "Theydon't
hecp it uo they t" "U, yes they ilo, why
you can cct anythltic you waut there." "Is
muiso f" les, sir, you tan cct i.isttr
Ilros' amuiouiated bone, Lister llros.' U. B.
bone. li. Frank (Joe's Knickerbocker
soluble Pacific guano, Allentown complete
bono phosphate. .Moro riitlltps' super plios.
Hinlo of lime, utnmoml bune, -Moro riill.
lps' soluble bone Uerman potash, John t ,
Orth's Heading bono, Sharpless & Carpen
ter's No. 1 bone, Sharpless fc Carpenter's
acid phosphate, M Ii. Shoemaker & Co.
swift sure. All tho above goods nru sold
at from M ta UU per cent less man nny
other fertilizer sold, nnd all kinds of grain
taken In exchangu for them. Before pur.
chasing your fertilizers call und give them
a trial ana save nine, money nuu trouble,
June .'.) 4 in.
The Voice ok tub People. Tho neonle.
as a whole, seldom mako mistakes, and
the unanimous voico of pralso which comes
irom lliose wno navo iiseu Hood's fcaren
parllla, full v iustlllcs the claims ot tho
proprietors oi mis great medicine, in.
deed, thoso very claims nro basen entirely
on wiuu mo pcopio say noon s sarsaparilla
has done for them. Head tho abundant cv.
idence of Its curative powers, nnd glvo it a
lair, nonesi triah
TrrnoiD, Soaiilet and Yellow Fkvkiis,
Meablkb, Small-Pox, Cuolkiia, &o. Dar
bys Prophyluctlo Fluid will destroy thelln.
fcctlon of all fevers nnd all contagious aud
micctious diseases, win Keep tuo atmos
phere of anv sick-room miro and whole.
some, absorbing aud destroying unhealthy
emuvia nuu contngion resulting tncrcirom.
Will neutralize any bud smell whatever,
not uy disguising it, uut ny iiesiroying it.
uso iMroys l'lopnyiacllo 1- luld lu every
Food tor Ihc biam and nerves Hint will
Invigorate the body without Intoxicating,
is what we need in these days of rush nnd
worry. Parker's Tonic restore! tho vital
energies, soothes tho nerves, and brings
good health ipulckcr than anything elso
you cau use. u. II ot.
"That tired feeling" from which you
suffer so much,partlcularly In tho morning,
Is entirely thrown oft by Hood's Harsapa
rllln. Tho frightful number or deaths trow
dim i turn among children In the Summer Is
tllsgrnco to tlio community. Dr. Ilnnd's
Dlarrhtca Mlxtnro for children will not
cure every case, but It will cure moro than
nny medicine ever put In ono bottle. 85c.
T-ndlcs! Thoso dull tired looks nnd
feelings spenk volumes I Dr. Kilmer's Fe
mnlo Remedy cot reels nil conditions, re
slores vigor nnd vitality and brings back
youthful bloom nnd beauty, l'rlce $1.00
0 bottles $5.00.
If you wnnt n convenient, portable
medlcnl preparation, a purgative nnd tonic,
thnt will purify Iho blood, shnrpen tho np
nctltc, nnd Invigorate tho wholo system,
try n box of Vincgnr Hitters Powders fifty
doses for fifty cents. Theso powders cm.
body tho essential properties of Vinegar
Hitlers, which hns been for twenty years
the world's great family medicine.
Port (Jiiapk Wink roit tub Sick. Wo
can confidently recommend Ppeer's Port
Ornpe Wine, which was uwnrded the high
est premium nt Iho World's Fnlr n mi pel lor
nrtlclc of wlno for the sick and debilitated.
The vineyards and cellars nro at Passaic,
New Jersey, near New York City. "Med
ical Review." For sale by druggists.
Without beautiful hair no woman Is
beautiful. Is yours falling off or faded?
Tho loss Is vital. Parker's Hair Ralsam
will preserve your hair und give back its
gloss nnd youthful color. Clean, elegant,
perfect. Prevents dandruff. J 11 4t
Greater benefits tnny be derived from tho
vacation senson If, nt Iho same time, the
blood is being clcun;cd nnd vitalized by
the uso of Ayci'8 ijursaparllln. An In
crease ot nppcMtc, vigor, buoyancy of
spirits attend tho uso ot this medicine.
When ono sees the Impure fats that are
sometimes used in soap making lie Is In
clined lo doubt the cleansing qualities of
tho soup. Dreydnppel's Hoarax soap Is
mado from the purest refined tullow, and Is
guaranteed pure nnd healthful. Jly24t.
When Hlj u sick, wo gave her Cutoria,
When the mi Child, the cried for CMtorl.
When hs became Mist, ahe clang to CaatorU,
When he had Children, she gar them CaatorU,
Opposite Ctty Hall and the Post omce.
Tills hotel Is ono ot tlio most complete In Its an-
polntineuts nud furntluro of ANY HOUSE la Hew
York City nud Is conducted on tho
lioorus oiib- One Dollar ner day. Half minute's
walk from Brooklyn linage and Elevated It. It.
All Hues of cars pass tlio donr. Must convenient
hotel in New York for .Merchants to stop au Dln
Inir Itooms, Cafes and l.uucli Counter repleUj with
all the loxurlen ul moderate prl.-es.
ojuiy x i yr
'U A "Y T" Slade In one piece from pare
I - 1 wort pulp uot paper
wiihorH Benin, no dooim. no
Usie, no pmeil, CLEAN,
Dl'KAIII.i:. Invaluable
for Kliclin ami Dairy
use. Manufactured by
Oswego InluratedFibreCo
osvi:io, N. Y.
A?k your grocer for them.
Foh tiik Orbit New Boot,
n- J. W. litiel.
Tlio most 8uccsstul subscription book ever pub
lished. Oirr half a million aple fere sold Vie
IhM el'jl.t months, and It Is selling tbre times as
fast now as ever before, ltcgular canvassers clear
from 115 to til, 10 and t'O per day. Nothing like
It was ever known In tha history ot book publish
ing. Jrtifit twit free on aiwtlcatton. No experi
ence needed to Insure succens. Wo help persons
without means to do a large Dusiness; no capnii
needed. Wrlto for particulars, salaries gnaran.
tt eil to persons irfto do not rclsh to mmiM on'corn
mixtion. We mean business, and want live agents
In every township. It will cost you nothing to
wrllo tor terms and full description ot our plans
ot doing business. Wo alsoo7ix) atrav standard
books to pcrsrns who send ea names of book
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