THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. TJLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ODD ITEMS. The otc-lmir law Tlio noon wills tlo. . Tho Spnniali bitty lu begun to tako notice Louisa M. Alcolt- lina largo dark uiuo oyca. Mlkv Himco considers English n inie taico ao o language. Mrs. Lamont's Insto in drofs is mtioh admired in Oakland. Some parts of Arkansaw nro to dry uio water is dusty. Contentment la belter than money, unit just about as scarce. Qitooti Viotoria'a recent visit to Liv orpool cost that otty !JGO,000. Men who break bicyolu records nov cr seek to liavo them repaired. This ii a Hnston Summer Cold with glasses. iVl Y. Journal. A littlo splinter will soinctimoJ di vert llio greatest mind. ruck. Favors, liko fovcrs, nro slightly re garticu wncn tnu crisis is pmseil. Judgmont, lumber and boiled eggs necu to ue seasoned bctoro using. Country board that is much sought aiur in the Summer The guide-board When a woman gets to bo a littlo sulky licr wagon tongue becomes sr lent. This is just tho season of tho year to go fishing and catch the chills and lover. All lliincs conio to him who waits if only he can wait until all things cuiuu iu mm. Sararh Bernhardt has gained one ounce within a year. Sho is getting positively i at. Tho Countess Ignatioff is said to be tho most ambitious and energetic nuuinii in jiiurupi'. How those lovely Packer Institute i.lflu tinned nnn " " .. ,. T . worries ine uuries. A Walertown, N. Y., editor has bron bitten by a dog. The latter will no gent to I'astcur. Mine. Patti-Nicolini has favored a few of her American friends with dainty wedding cards. Natural nan is so plentiful at Litch field, Ind., that it is used for fuel in more than 100 bouses. Considerable success has already yeen auaineu in introducing tho Amer ican brook trout in Norway. In tho sweet-by-and-by Canada will pet soinething bigger than an Amen can fishing smack in the jaw. Don't expect to mako much out of tho pawnbroker. Everything that gecs inero generally gets "left. ' Detroit is going to have a mnseua of art. Its citizens have already sub scribed 8150,000 for the purrose. Tho prominent hotels and restau rants of Paris sell their broken meat to contractors, who are called "jewelers.-' Mr. Blaine's cottage at Bar Harbor is nearly completed. Ho will remove there for the Summer in a few weeks. Sarah Bernhardt, in her new play, is said to have utilized many incidents in bcr own life to give her work interest. "Wo moro than hold our own," says a boastful exchange. Why don't you let go of that part that does" not belong you t A man never appreciates how very badly things can go wrong until tho pill ho is taking rolls into a hollow tooth. A bachelor editor who had a pretty unmarried sister, .lately wrote to one similarly circumstanced, "Please ox change." When an Icelander man its ho is not allowed to seo his mother-in-law. It might, make things warmer up there if ho did. The houso onco occupied by Luther at Mansfeld has been restored and is to become tho homo of a charitable sisterhood. Somebody calls tho present style of arranging the hair Grecian. This is rather hard on the good ladies of the city of Athens. High, standard lamps, with shade almost tho size of an umbrella, nto finding their way to many a fashion able, household. Tho widow of William H. Vander bilt will spend tho Summer at Bar Harbor in the cottage belonging to hor youngest son, George. The nquarium at Scarborough, an English seaside resorl, which uoat over $500,000 only a few years ago, has just been Bold for 22,000. Coming homo at 2 a.m. ho found his wifo dressed in dcrp black and in quired tho nason. "Mourning for my late husband, tho replied.'' Tho most serious lookout is when a man gets homo at 2 o'clock in the morning and finds that his wife has bolted the door against him. Publio baths are so numerous in To kio, Japan, that there is ono to overy 300 inhabitants. Tho Japanese evi dently believe in cleanliness. The larmers of America equal the entiro territory of tho Unittd King dom, France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Hungary and Portugal. It is said that thero aro 22,000,000 widows in India. Wo can scarcely uc- liovo it, seeing that so many men hao courage to i cumin in tho country. Thero is no lovo loot betwcoa the Canadian girls and tho Maine fisher men, notwithstanding tho presonce of ao many smacks. K. Y, Journal. Mrs. Hicks Lord sent Miss Folom (that u as) a solid gold card case that, in the language of a friend of Miss Folsom, "weighed nearly a pound." Tho Queen-Hegent of Spain will maintain mid educate at her private expeiiFO the child) en of thoso who per ished in tho recent tornado at Madrid Tho people, of Kansas City are go ing to put up n Chamber of Commerce building that will cost 8100,000, It will lake n year and a half to com plclo it. Thero aro so many American rait nieiaii", painters and singers in Paris that thu imptcssion is taking tool iihmad that Americans aro after all on artistic people Tho Turkish womon cat much sweet food, candies and preserves, and drink inordinate quantitUs of Serkys tea and milk for (heir complexion, and cat rici in itcry imaginable form. A German Inventor is building n balloon which is 500 feet in length and will bo operated by steam. It will cost $125,000 and ho Inn already bcon of ku'd $150,000 for his patent. TVI1AT MAIMS III.M FUEL 80 HAD. "John, do you rcmombcr coming homo lost night nud asking mo to throw yon an aworlod lot of koy holes out of tho window, so that you might And ouo largo nnd steady enough to got your latchkey lu 1" , 'Yos, doar." "And you rcmombcr tho night boforo how you asked mo to ooino down nud hold tho stono stops still enough for you to step on ?" "Yes, doar." "And tho night boforo that how yon tried to jump Into tho bed as it passed your comer of tho room t" "Yos, doar." J "And still another night whon you carefully explained to mo that no man was intoxicated ns long as ho could lio down without holding on, aud then attempted to go to bod on a perpen dicular wall f" "Yes, dear." "John, do you rcalizo that yon havo coma homo, sobor but two nights in tho past week ?" "Havo I, doarf" "That's all; and you ought to bo ashamed of yourself, too. Tho idea of a man of your ago lint, John, why, you'ro crying. There, there, dear, I didn't mean to bo too severe After nil, you did coma homo sobor two nights." "Yes, that's what niakos mo feel so bad." And then tho meeting adjourned. WIT SAVKU 1IIM. A brigado was enoampod noar Charles ton, Va., says Alien P. Hall, in tho Grand Army Sentinel, nnd a guard had boon detailed to protect, tho property of tho citizens in tho neighborhood nud strict orders given against foraging or tnkiug anything without paying for it. Tho colonel of ono of tho regiments was out ono day with his staff and nil of a sudden ho camo upon a privato of his regiment with a sheep on his back, evi dently just killed. He rodo up to tho soldior and asked him: "Wlioro did you got that shcop?" He answered : "Up hero in tho Held." "Did you buy him?" "No, air; I just killed him, so." "Why, don't you know that strict orders havo been issued against doing anything liko that?" " Yes, sir, I know it, and will tell you how it was. I was going nloug tho road whistling tho 'Star Spangled U.mner,' nnd this sheep held up his head and looked straight nt mo, nud said, 'ba-n, ba-n,' uud, sir, I up and killed him, as I won't allow anything to say 'ba-a' at mo when I'm singing or whistling tho 'Star Spangled U.uincr.'" It is needless to say tho colonel told him to go alioad. Tho fellow's wit saved him that time. TIIK SI'.CKCT OUT, "Oh, I'vo just mado the funniest dis covery," said Mrs. Minks. "You know my husband never would tell mo what they do nt the seerot society he is a member of?" "Yes j mino won't, cither," returned Mrs. Finks, sorrowfully. " Well, yesterday a big can of alcohol camo addressed to him for tho lodgo. Ho is a past grand something or other, nnd takes care of things. Well, I noticed him going up-stairs with some of tho alcohol, nnd nhen ho got to his room I peeped through tho keyhole, and what do you think I saw ? Ho had tho alco'iol lamp, nnd was putting salt on the wick nnd it made tho nwfullest, ghastliost kind of n light I was posi tively soared out of my wits, ho looked so muoh liko a goblin. I suppose they do that at their initiation'. I always thought (hoy had somo horribly ghastly performance" "Did yon ever!" exclaimed Mrs. Finks, in a horritled tono. "Well, I might havo known thoy usod alcohol at thoso secret meetings, for my husband always comes homo smolling dreadfully strong of it." . JUVENILIA. . Speaking of school storios, I wont to school myself once, and ono day when visitors wcro present, the teacher thought ho would show off tho spelling and defining clns. Things went on woll until tho word 'singular' was given out There seemed to bo a diversity of opinion as to tho meaning of tho word, one saying it meant ouo thing, and another nnothor, until tho tcaohor, by tho way of throwing light upon tho matter, nsked: "Now. if I should singular man, what should I mean?" wuereupon a bright boy shouted "A man that didn't have nny wifo I" A teacher asked ono of her pupils the othor day to give her tho sum of fivo and six. '"Iiovon," was tho reply. "You shouldn't say 'lovon," said she. "Say 'olovon,' nlwnys. Next boy, liow many nro fivo and seven ?" "E-twelvol" was tho prompt reply. This incident must nrovn that flpnni-nt Walker is right whon ho says that our pnuno sciiool children learn logio rather than numbers in their ntmlv nf arithmetic. A Dakota mail wlm irna nmninn fM the magistracy announced that if elected ho would chargo only SI for marrying nny conplo and would wait until thero was a "christening" for his payment. He leftjhe rival candidate in the shade. When the rain had ceaBcd tho other ovcnlng, an elegantly attired young man planted a largo tolcscopo at tho edge of the sidewalk, and at onco be gan : "Step this way, ladies and gentle men, and without any chargo whatever behold tho beautiful orbs of tho beav ens in all their magnificence." Soon a man stopped to peer through tho in strument. Another followed, and bo. foro long thoro was a lino of pcoplo waiting their turn. A reporter, who observed the Boleinn way In which they skipped, waited, and when ho finally got up to tho telcscopo and looked in, saw in largo characters theso words: "Tako Hood's Siraaparilla. 100 Doses Ono Dollar." A strong-lunged girl, a loaded pi ano, "The Maiden's Prayer" nnd a thin partition will form a combination which will fill our asylums and gravo yards with many wrecks and sad sui. cities. A candidate for office rode up to a houso in Gilcad, III., and asked for tho head of tho family. "Ho's down in tho field," said tho lattcr's wife, "bury ing our dog. "What killed the dogl" asked tho oflice-scekcr. "Ho killed himself barking at candidates.'' Tho candidato rode away. Thero aro scores of persons who aro snttering from some form ot blood (lis. order or skin disease, such as Scrofula, Boils, eta, etc. After a practical test, J. H. Mercer asserts that Acker's Blood Kllxlr will certainly euro all sueh dis eases, including byphillis nud Rheum atism. Ilia net a patent nostrum, but a eoicntifio preparation, 'to guarantees it. naas tiiAt iiomj two oallons. j i -- . i A very interesting arllolo about fonth e'red giants whloh nro now oxlluct tells of tho largost bird's nest In tho w.orld. Sovornl yoars ngo tho oaptnln of a trad lng vossol mado his way up a shallow rivor that fonnd lit way down to tho sea nt tho southern oxtromlly of tho island, and thero foil in with somo native tribes that rnroly mingled with nowoomors or whites. Among tho many curious ob ject noticed by tho ciptnin nnd his men nbout tho nativo villago woro somo disho that woro usod to hold water and I food of various kinds. Thoy hold about I a gallon of liquid,, and woro round nt tho I ends, so that thoy had to bo propped up. I Tho captain nskod them why they did not make them with bottoms so that thoy would stand alone, whon to his nstonlshmout ho was informed that tho vases woro not mado by thorn but wcro eggs and bo it proved. Thoy wero enormous sholls, capablo whou perfect of holding ovor two gnllons of water, or to bo more accurate, oqual by exact measurement to one hundred and fifty hon's eggs. From tho owner tho captain learned that tho eggs camo from a locality not far distant, and an expedition was formed later that resulted in tho finding not only of tho eggd but of tho remains of four distinct kinds of tho enormous birds, buried in vast sand honps that had perhaps blown ovor thorn nnd their nosts. Natives wero hired, and largo trenches dug in various directions that exposed many of tho bones. In ono spot n great number of eggs wcro unoovorod, but thoy woro mostly broken j their being grouped togothor, howovor, pointed to the belief that horo was tho nest of tho great iEpyornis, probably tho largest bird's nest in tho world. Tho sand was carefully worked away and tho great sholls exposed, but nearly nil wero damaged or cracked, and tho sand had drifted into thorn, making ono good load for one man. But tho nost was soon robbed, tho workmen marching off with tho finds upon their shoulders to doposit them in a place of safety. Perfect ones in this country aro extremely raro, and aro valued at $300 opioco. THE EMPRESS OF JAPAN. Tho Empress Ham is a slight littlo woman not flvo foet in height. Sho has tho pale, yellow skin, tho finely cut features and long oval face of tho high casto Japanese. Although a friend to nil progressive movements, tho patron and instigator of many reforms and ad vancement, nndawomau of surprisingly modern vioivs, tho Empress still blaok ens her tooth in tho old style, and thin nrchos of eyebrows havo boon traced nbovo thoso that sho dutifully shaved at marriage. Boyoud a jowolod ornamont fastened abovo her brow, her costumo and coiffuro did not differ at all from that of tho ladies surrounding her, and nt a disttneo tho parasol was hor only distinguishing mark. Nearer thoro was a mnjosty of demeanor, a dignity of presence, an impressive, intnngiblo something, that divinity of a ruler, and had sho stood in tho garden alono sho would havo been ns impressive in man-' ner nnd as much a sovereign as when sur rounded by her suite, with court ond strangers bowing low. Tho Empress woro tho red slippers and skirt, nud n kimono of rich bluish purplo silk, bro endod with largo moon figures in palo colors. Tho pointed neck was filled with folds of white silk, nud sho balanced in hor hand an umbrella of tho purplish silk embroidered nil ovor with wistaria. Sho passed straight on to tho long mar quee tent, nud, giving her parasol to hor attendant, entered and sat nlone in n throne-liko chair boforo a largo oval table. Hor sixteen attendants stood in n piotnrcsquo and brilliant Iiuo behind hor, and tho diplomats, tho othor ladies and nobles woro seated at littlo tables below her. Tho palaconttondants served tho company to the elaborate collation of everything boned, jellied nnd icod, and truffled, tho beautiful set pieces were broken up, nud chnmpaguo frothed in thin crystal glasses graven with tho imperial crest of tho sixteen-potallod chrysanthemum. Evory ono was sorved quiotly nnd decorously, tho bands played, thero was tho subdued hum of soft, low volcos in conversation, nnd ono by ono tho Empress summoned tho wives of tho foreign Embassadors nnd Ministers to her for a fow gracious words. now xxiiAS auk tkaini':d. Ono of tho first lessons taught tho flea is to control its jumping powers, for if its great leaps bhould bo taken in tho middlo of n performance, thero would bo n sudden ending to tho circus. To insure ngainst suoh n misfortune, tho student lieu is first placed in a glass vial, aud encouraged to jump ns much as possible. Every leap horo mado brings tho polished head of tho flea against the glass, hurling tho insect back, nnd throwing it this way and that, until, after a long nud sorry experience, and perhans many hoadaohes, it makes np its mind never to unfold its legs sud denly again. Whon it has provod this by rofusiug to jump in the open air, tho first aud most important lesson is com plete, nnd it joins the troupo, nud is daily harnessed nnd trained, until, finally, it is pronounced ready to go on thostago or in tho ting. Of governments that of tho mob is most sanguinary, that of soldiors most expensive and that of civilians tho most vexatious. j ... It is roportcd that Gail Hamilton ' enjagod to bo married to aphysienn. Queen Viotona is tho oldest reigning sovoreign of Europe, with two excep tions, Emperor William, who is in Ins 90ih year, and King Christian, of Denmark, who has cnterod his GOth. Tho owner of a company of trained Russian fleas, now performing in Paris, has lost tho leading member of his troupo and offers a roward of 8125 for tno recovery ot tho missing comedian. J. H. Morcer wishes to mako an assertion, which ho "can back with a positivo guarnnteo. It is all about Acker's Blood Elixir. Ho claims for it superior morits over all othor remcd ios of its kind, nnd guarantees for it a positivo nud sum euro for Hhoumatisin, Syphilids, aud all blood disorders, it frees tho skin from spots and disease, nnd leaves tho complexion clear. Ask him about it After a thorough test J. II. Mercer most positively assorts that Acker's English Remedy is tho best mcdicino for asthma, croup, coughs, whooping cough and all lung troubles that can bo found. Ask him about it, for ho fully guarantees it. J, II, Mercer would especially recom mend to tho ladies Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. As a laxativo they havo no equal. They aro guaranteed to euro Chronio Constipation, Dyspepsia, and nil diseases arising from a deranged stomach. With a free use of tho Tab lets, Sick Headache is impossible. LADIES! Aro yon reckless caoiitli (6 TMilurof If no send two cents in rlumixt to Iho Hack VttbmMnq Co, 61 and 6S0 WathltiKtnu Stieet. New York, for ono of Ihflr lioniiiiriil Illustrated "I.ihIIch' HooltH." It l.i n ikiipI, unique, nnd interntlng work to every wrEon t'f rt'ilm-mrnt. On lecilpt ol lenueiiu In taniM they nlllnoml prwttulil n fu.l vt cf their fniuous household gamo Vcrlm. Fur U-ti it-iilc lliey will hlo noitd n Iwok containing couuilrto MoriU if 'Tlin .MlkmK" nnd mnHe of ll ino-t popular nine", topi-ther with Itn ciqtilnlle cliromo emu. quiieptM A v 'ty n1iatit)r, ImrmU'M plyr) rrlilrrd nromntlc com- Pniimi fur rilftifnlMtiK ll.o in-tu of qiilnlno nnd other llli r dniir,.cltlii r Mid or fluid, l'rlrp, !fi('fntr I'lnt llotllr. I'rrpcrllk-d hy llionnnilii of jiliypklAni In KiiroiH tiu.l Ahierirn. KorimiU accompanies every bollli).' For Bala by Urngglett. Mannfnclnred by Tho Academio rharmaceutio Co., I.OMIO.X AMI MWIOIIK. 532-533 WASHINGTON ST., NEW YORK CITY. E L I X I R. An clcf-nnt Knrrllsli iiharmaceutlc preparation for MlloiH, ami blood troubles J tho rernilt of over twcutyflvo j-cars of most eminent BcIcQtlHo reward,. Approved by tho holiest motllcal authorities. In uso In tho hoppltate In nverr part of Europe. KHpMatly helpful to ladies, children and pcoplo of sedentary habits. Entirely vegetable ; free from harmful drugs. In Handsome Packages, Price 50 Cts. Prepared fcolely by lio joyhl lihi'iiihdcutid Cfo., LONDON AND NEW YORK, Chcmlfit by Appointment to Her Majesty the Queen nnd to tho Kovnl Family. NHW YORK BRANCH : 130, 102, 134 CHARLTON ST. royalTpills. Sumo modlclitn properties na ItovAi. Elixir, In boxen, 30 pill, to bos, for illi cents. FOR SALE DY ALL DRUGGISTS. REMEMBER THE BIG FOUR! Vinegar Bitters CORDIAL, dfjon9 - . SOc. Vinegar Bitten POWDESS, CO doses, - SOc. Vinegar Bllter, ''ewaOle,!1'". - ft 1.00 Vinegar Bitters, oldrtyle, Utter ta;tc, $1.00 Tho World's Great Blood Purifier and Life Giving Principle. Only Temperance Bitters Known, The pat fifth ofn Cenlnrr the Lending Family Medicine ol iho World. Ill IJJ b.W.lLlJJ.9. K. H. McDonald Drug: Co.. Proprietors, SAN FItANCISCO and NHW YORK. SCOTT'S MULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL Almost as Palatable as Milk. Tho only preparation of COD LITER OIL that can bo taken readily and tolcrutod for a lung tlmo by dcllcalo fctoiaarhs. AND iS A 1IHMEI1T FOR f ONSmiPTlOy, SUHIHH.OI S AH-HTIONS. AM1.11H, lh1 HUli 111.1111,11 Y. t'OllillS AM) 'IIIIIOAT Af. H.t'flO.VS and all WASTIMI l)I.M)ll)hltSQ? ( llll.DIIKN It It nurtellona In ll rrnlln. Prescribed aud endorsed by tho beat 1'uyalc.lans in tho countrica of the world. For sale by all druggists. oct-33-ly. Cyclopedia of Universal History 117 3 llIFSBIAL OCTAVO VOLUMES j CONTAINS 8,438 Imrge, Double-Column Patces. 1,210 Ilenutirul Wood & Stoel Kngruvlngl. 32 Colored Illstorlcnl Maps. O Colored Chronological Charts. 31 Uenealoglcal Diagrams. A Copious and Hlegnntly l'renared Index, It la Klegniitly Printed and llound.and la Tho llest Illustrated Hook on the Market. A HISTORY Of ALL NATIONS. AGENTS WANTED! HXW80QZ. UB1BAL T3SM3. CKICI IIRB1T017. FAULKNER & ALLAH. 1810 I'llUert Street, rhlladelpldu, l'euntt. fb 2C0m. SaRlaJirWtaa IP YOl havo Internal mine foyer, canker, acrid phlegm, bad tnste and otrcuslTe biuath -Ur. Kii. iiier'a HwAMl'-ltOOT reinoi es all theso coud. lions Ask your drujrulst forlt. H5cl. II' YOU li.ivo lout your appetite, or toreue coated, diy and parched llpund rooutli, spittle dry anil eottnny, or liatu becoino emaciated l)r Kilmer's SWAMIMIOOT will build up your broken down eonitltullon. AjdtyourdrugBtsltorlt. ssoll JFkOU havo tmddeu attacks ot sinking spoils tho face wbltoaud deathly pale, and experience feelings ns though dying, nnd coldness belies your very Wtals-Dr, Kilmer's ocKAN-VKl)rouMit the Uc,aJt?.a.';,!0uumlB'"Sf'"J8 I'rugglhisselllt. tl If UV liavo oigonlo dlseabu, or pericardii or heart cm troublos, or Uave thick and slun?lsh blood, feci as thouijh blrcdlug would relieve you Dr. hllmcr's ouKAN.WKIili coerecls and Is the emcdy youuvoil, Druggists seoi It. tl. it. Pn.rcs on iiRMonmioii)8.-ui.cEitB Ih-kuro. Itching, Ilslula, 4c,, cured wllnout pain by ltd) lliilsklhiion-TmiuiiikT. Illustrated paperB explaining thesyttcin and contalnlngrcf. treuccs bcul Iiec. Address J. II'. GOOLU)QEM, J) 208 Wyoming Ave, Scrunton, J'u. Stanu u.ems. more money than at anything elsobytaka Heglijhera succeed grandly. None fall lis Till! (1K1IAT rilkr ol HOt.UTi: t an aiisoi.uti: cmti: FOR CATARRH. TIIK MMt itnbhorn cacos jkltl reiMllly to it nnd Jim not fulled to Cm run ilnglo cao vrheri) direction nro followed. ltasuccoi3 htn l icon rcinnrknblnnud 1U cures wonder fill. His Uio inoit mice refill preparation In tho market for OATAIlltlt ond Uio only ono tliat ro!nlci an Almolutn, roltlvn Cure. It ts truly a Mt-Mtntf to limutclnd. A Trial U nit tluil in nnktl for It Onco used, H Is always rrrointueiidud. Kond for testimonials of actual cures, IT HAS NO KijUAL FOIt MALARIA. A VOS1T1VK CURE IS ASSUJilW. Ono bottle Is generally pit indent for a euro. Htop ta'ilng Uttlnlne. A trial only Is asked for Kel Lull's Catahiui IIbmkhv. ll N n Hl'UCIl'Kl for nil illscnsos nrllni fiom no Impure blood and drltes all eruptions Irom tlio skin, for Hyplil. Iltle complaints It Is superior to any preparation In the market. Ono bottle will euro most of tho following complaints nnd a continued use will rosinvsLY emo. Snvo doctor bills and try It. HIIKUSIATISAI. SCHOFtlr.A. HKIK KllUlTIOKS. VKNIlItKAL DISEASES. I)YS1'U1HIA. LOSS OV Al'PETITE. ' PEEMAJU ()F LAlVtlOUIl. I1ILIOUSKESS. LIVEIt TKOUIU.ES. NEUVOtIS 1VEAKKESS. FEMALE 1VEAKNESS. Kkli.kii'h t'ATAnmt IIkmkiiv Is no patent medicine, but n safo and pleasant preparation to take nud surely tho greatest medical dlscoy ery of tho ago. Ono bottlo rejuvenates tho entiro system nnd poseea inoro virtue than a half (l.i?oii Uittlca of ordlnnry patent preparations. u rue jur testimonials nno inner iiuorniation. rorsnle by druririts irenerallv. ri:r i: a iiotti.k. six hot- TI.I1M nil! Ml.-J.OO. On reeclpt of SJIS.OO by Iho inaniirncluren, Hamvki. V. Keller & Oo., llnrrl Iti t-if . l'a., six bottles Hill bo sent express i.iiii TiiALi Mark. STANDARD and RELIABfc WATCHES. U'n U III toll n ttnn ml 1.1 .1.1 . . ... . . vu MJa; Perw..,;r.;.... A $100 Watch $2.00 or $8.00 A $75 Watch $1.50 $G.OO A $70 Watch $1.00 $5.00 A $G0 Watch $1.00 $5.00 A $50 Watch $1.00 $5.00 Ladles' and tllvcr walchcs on s.imc terms. None need hesltnto lonvall themselves of this )lA.MOM)S, WATCHES un'd JKWKUtY la l Vumc lent gimrautcc. HAMRICKd SOIVI ji:wi;i.i:uH, 80-1 Chestnut St.. Philad'a, Pa June 11 ltd. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. PiEIjAWAltE, LACKAWANNA AND WJCSTUKN ItAlLllOAD. BLOOMSIJUHG DIVISION. NOItTll. STATIONS. ..."cranton,... ....liellevui).... ..Taylorvllle... . Lackawanna.. ....1'UtKton..... .West rittMon. ...Wyommg.... . ..Mnltby ....Iiennetl.. .. ...Kingston SOUTH. p.m. p.m. S) ot) 12 3-1 i 64 13 SO 3 48 12 23 I 40 12 15 8 3.1 12 OS 8 27 12 01 1 22 II 68 8 17 11 54 8 12 11 50 8 08 11 47 a.m' a.m. a.m. p in, 3 so 8 2i 8 i 8 ie B 10. O 10 0 15 2 05 0 15 9 20 2 10 6 20 I) 20 2 lb B 27 0 34 2 22 31 9 41 2 30 8 m t 58, o 40 9 41 2 30 0 45 9 52 2 41 7 54 0 49 9 50 2 44 T 50 0 5,1 10 Ota 47 58 10 05 2 50 0 58 10 05 8 50 7 41 7 47 8 08 11 II 8 0.1 11 42 7 5!) 11 8 7 51 11 31 7 60 11 80 ..junghiou 7 42 Plymouth June. 7 02 10 102 55 1 38'... .Plymouth.... 7 07 10 153 00 II. ...A 12 10 20 3 05 15 10 25 3 10 7 3)'....Nantlcoko f 43 11 21 ! 80 11 12 7 18 11 W) 7 23 mullock's creek 7 l2...Nhlcksdilnny.. T 00 ..nick's Ferry.. I 0 51 ..Ucnch Haven.. 0 47i Ilprwlck..,. 41 .llrlar Creek.. 0 S8 ..Vlllow (Jrovo..1 7 .i 10 82 3 7 37 10 413 88 7 50 11 113 52 7 57 II 00 3 58 8 01 11 134 05 7 11 10 51 7 05 10 4T 0 58 10 41 8 54 10 38 II 50 10 .14 8 42 10 27 31) 14 21 a 30 10 10 6 25 10 11 (1 OH U 50 0 00 9 4!) SB 1 45 5 40 '.I 32 p.m. am. 8 10 11 20 4 12 H II 11 25 4 lit 6 341.. .Liu 0 llldge... 1 8 18 II 29 4 20 0 21 .... ...L'epy 8 25 11 30 4 27 0 21 ...ltlooinsburg... 8 30 11 44 4 34 0 10 .... Hupcrt 1 8 30 II 504 40 B 11 Cntnwl'a llrldgo 8 41 11 55 4 40 5 Mi. ...Danville... 8 58 13 13 5 04 5 41 ....Chulnaky....! 9 05 12 2"5 12 o it.... uameron.,.,1 9 08 12 255 II 5 33 Northumberland, 9 25 12 40 6 35 a.m. 1 1 a.m. a.m. p.m W. P. HALSTEAD, Hupt. Superintendent's omoe. scranton, rtb.lit,i8? Pennsylvania Railroad. 111! Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. IN! TIME TABLE. Ill CnoCL .Ilinj lMLIl. IK?!'.. Truln. livn Rnr. uury. EASTWAItD, 9.40 a. m.. Sea f-horo Kxnresa olallv exeent Sunday), fur Ilarnsburgandlutcrmedlatestatlona, lirnviug at 1-uuaueipuiaa.iap. in.: Now vorK, 6.20 p. m. j Baltimore, 4.40 p. m. ; Wasulngtou, V50p. in., conneeiing at Philadelphia for all Seo wiore points. Through passenger coach to rmiaueipma. l.fon. m. llnv PYtirpw dally excei.tsunday),forIIairtaburgand Interme diate stations, arriving at 1'hlladelphta B.50 p. ni. i New York, 9.35 p. m. ; llaltlmore e.45 p. m. ; Washington, 8.00 p. in. Parlor car mrougu 10 rnuaueiiinia ana passenger coaches uiuuyu tu 1 uunuciuiiu auu uailimoro. 7,45 p. m. lienovo Accommodation (dally tut iiuniauuiK uuu ui, luirmouiaio siauons, arnv lng at Philadelphia 4 45 a. in. : New York 7.) a. m, Ualtlmore. 5.25 a.m.! Waahlnetnn a.wi n. m . Sleeping car accommodations can bo wjcured at liarrlsburg for Philadelphia and New York, on Sun. days a through sleeping car 111 be run; on this tralntrom Wllllamsp't to i'hlladelphla. Philadelphia ftwaiubvio t,uu ibwaiu lu oiui-pcr UUUUilUrUCa UUll 7 a. m. 7.U) a. m. Erie Mall (dally oxcept Monday, for Harrlaburg and Intermediate stations, arriving at Phliadeluhla B.25 a. in. tjbw vnri? 11.30 a. m. j Ualtlmoro 8.15 a. m. i Washington, 9.25 a. m. Through Pullman sleeping cars aro run on thla train to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing, ton, and through passenger coaches to Phlladcl- puiu uuu uaiiuuom. wittiTWA Itu. 5.10a. m..-ErlO Mall Idallr eyeenr Rnnnv re. Erie and all Intermediate stations and Cauandal. gua and Intermediate slatlons, ltochester, Buff a. foand Niagara Falls, with thiough l"ullman Pal. auu cam uuu yu&aeuitcr coacues to jrio ana lioch. ester. 9.53-News Express (dally except Sunday) for Lock Haven and Intermediate itiumtn ' 1.00 p. in. Niagara Express (dally excert Sun. day) for Kano und Intermediate stations and Can. andalgua and principal intermediate stations ltochester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls with through passenger coachos to Kaue and ltochester and Parlor car to Wutklns 5.30 p. in. Fast Lino (delly except sundayjfor Ho. novo and intermediate stations, und Klmlra, Wat kins and lutermcdlato stations, with through pas. sengcr coaches to ltenovo and Wat kins. a. m. Buuuay inait ior lienovo aud lntermo. dlaiestallous. T1IHOUU1I THAINS FOlt SUNDUHY FItOM TUB OAIU AflUEUU m, Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m Harrlaburg 7.40 arriving at Sunbury 9.20 a. m. with through sleeping car from Philadelphia to W1I. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.30 n.m. Harrlaburg, 8.10 a. in. dally except Sunday arriving at Sunbury 9.5J. a. m. ,.,J., ,. .Niagara Express leaves . uuiuiciuuiu, t,u u uu , liuiiiuiuiv T.tiu a. m. (aally except bunday arriving at Sunbury, 1.00 p. m.. with through l'arlor cur from PhiiMifpinKiJ and through passenger coaches from Phlladol. JJUIl. UUU UU11UUUIV. Fast Lino leaves New York 9.00 a. m. j l'hlladel. phla,ll.50 a, m. j Washington, u 50 a, in. 1 Haiti, more, 10.45 a. in., (dally except Sunday) arriving at Sunbury, with through passenger coaches from Philadelphia and liallimoro. Erie Mall leaves New York H.00 p. m. i Palladet. phla, 11.20 p. m. j Washington, moo p. m. i Baltl. more, 11.30 p. to., (dally oxcept.saturday) arrlvlna at Sunbury 5.10 a. in., with through Pullinau Blceplugcars from Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore and through passenger coaches Iron) Philadelphia. HUNIIIHtV, IIA.I.HTON iV WIl.KKNIIAItltl! UAll.ltOAl) AND MlltTll AMI WiiHV IW M!II lltll.WAV. eveent hiiii,iiv. Wllkesbarro Mall leaves huuuurv in ma m arrtvlngat Bloom Forry law a.m., Wllkes-barre Express East leaves Sunbury 5.35 p. rn., arriving at Dluom Ferry 0.2s p. in., Wllkes-barre 7.55 p. m Sunbury Mail leaves Wllkesbarro 10.4U a. m. arrlv lng at Bloom Ferry 12.11s p. in., Hunbury 14.05 p. m Express West leaves Wllkos-barro 8.45 p. in., ar. riving at lilooia Ferry 4.15 p, m.,sunbury 6.ivp.tu SUNDAY ONLY. Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 9.25 a. m arriving at Bloom lerry 10.11 a. uu, wilkes.iiarie 11:10 a.m. buuday accommodation leaveH NMIkes-BanesMO p. nu, arriving at Blooiu Ferry, 0.4) p. m., bmibury, 'tjifA.""!! puan. j. 11. worm. X uen.w onager. (icn. pawenger Agent Lutlwig IL HOW TIIK MAI) KINO OA mi: to tub TIIltONE HIS MARVELOUS King Ludwlg II of Bnvarin inhcr ilctl from lils fnthcr, Maximilian II, a coronet moro Ultra 700 enrs old, nnd Irotn Ills mother, Princess Marin, cousin to tho Ktnpcror William of Ocrmnny,tho hereditary insnnity which brought hia mntcrnnl grandfnthcr nnd nn undo to tho rand-hotiso, nn.l mndo liU own career, In tho (Icrco light which bents upon n throne, n ppeolnclo for nil Kiiroiie. No wna born nt Nym- piicniiiirg August i'f), imc, and wns 8 yenrs old wlicn his grandfather, tho first Ludwlg, nbdicntctl in favor of his KOti. Mnxiniillnn II. Ludwlg, on becom ing llio crown piinco and protpejtivo 1 tiler of 5,000,000 of Uavnrinns, wns placid under rcclcsinstlcnl instructor?. Tliry allowed him no boyiih compan ion.". King I.ti'wig nltnined hia majority, according to tho Havnriati law, on completing his clghtr omIi yrar in 1802, and seven months later tho sud den death of hU father, Maximilian, pieced him on tho thioiie. Tho young sovereign nf 0110 of tho most prosaio peoplo in Kuropo lived in a dreamland nud built ensiles in tho air. ITo un dertook, but without nvail, to perpetu ate Iho policy of hid father, but when the crisis of 1870 between Germany and Franco called nearlv 100,000 Ba vaiian Foldiers to tho ilcltl tho King was tho only sovereign who tork 110 part 111 tho 1 lining campaign. Tho LSavnrinn army succeeded under abler leader, often boro tho brunt of tho battle nhd n turned to his capital full of glory onco in chargo of 2000 Kieneh prisoners about to bo intcrnod in a Bavarian fortress. Tho victors wero feted by tho rily, thanked and Mibslantinlly rewarded by tho Queen raotlxr, who received them in ono of tlio stately galleries of tho palace. But tho King was not there. IIo was wholly occupied in castlo building. In tho rear of his castlo ho had excavated a envo in the depths of tho mountnin known ns tho Bluo Grotto. This was reached by a tunnel, leading into a veritablo fairyland. On tho nttificial lake, so lighted as to re ferable liquid gold, ho was wont to sail in a golden gondola mado to rc semblo n swan. To present a simula tion of a breeze nn ingenious steam conirivanco was constructed by which the waters wero mado to swiBh about as (hough real waves, produced by iat- ... 1 .; j .1 uiui cuiibuv, stirrcu meir suriace. He had built himself seven nalaccs ono of them in tho Ober-Ammergau beincr built in imitatiou of tho l'alacc of Versailles, and furnished in tho most extravagant manner. Gut bal conies, mat bib statues set iu gold mollis, costly (.ioticlin tapestries, gemt nf all kinds, i loves ornament d will agates, chandeliers studded with dia inonds and a bed which cost 75,000 nro among tho features of thU palace, vt r. :.. - 1 1 ... "Ul Jill nviiiv 111 U IMTUIIIUL'I', uuiit ex actly after tlio ono described bv Wac ner in "Die. Walkure," and at the foot ot tlio meadow on which it stands is an artificial lake, tho bottom of which is lined with li.i to r.-vr nt tho water from soaking into the porous soil. Ho also built a Moorish pavillion which ho called Morocco, and which is rosplen dent in cold and iowelorv. Slill another nalaco had a roof irar. den, on which ho had reproduced ns neaily as possitilo the tropical garden of Sciniramis' jmlnco. I.udwig was a liberal patron of music nnd tho drama, and always witnessed performances alone, seated in a box of the darkened cheat iv where not oven tho players could feu him. His favorite ulav was .Schiller's "Maid of OrUans" and for production ho bad special scenery panned irom his own designs. So, too, ho hail "Narcisso" mounted and cos turned at an expeuso of over 100,000 IrancH, and had Charlolto Woltors, the iamous Viennese actress, play tho pnn cipal rMe, ho beint tho only witness. lie was tho friend and patron of Richard Wagner and made it possiblo t.T. 1.:... .1 iui 111111 lu luuuueu ins worKH ul ijiiy reulh in magnificent style. Upon him ho lavished wealth and made rich presents to tho artists who aided him 111 iiiL-euiiiiug ins operas. The King's eccentricities multiplied with his years and his piivato foitune was swept away. His income from tho civil lists was so entailed that for soveir.l yeais ho has been at the mercy ot money lendcis. The Bavar ian nrmv, reduced from a war footintr of M 0,000 men to a littlo moro than 30,000, foot nnd borse, still left (he liovcrnment tiunblo to bear tho extrav. aganco of tho King. Tho oxecutivo power in Bavaria is vested altogcthrr in the sovorncn, wboso. person is de clared inviolable, but tho responsibility rusiH wiiu me ministers, wncso iiiuc tions aro nearly the samo as thoso of ministers of England. Tho ir.como of tno crown Irom nil sources dm not ex ceed 5,000,000 annually. The Government at last, to savo it self fiom bankruptcy, refused neail three yoars aco to make any moro at: vances, Kiiicr. Ludwin then dismissed all hi? body servants, and after that his attendants consisted only of a Ironp of light calvary. These accom panied him every where ho went, riding oeaiae 1.1m at, lull speed. Amcng his uncompleted projects was a splendid Summer palace, which was expected to cost sfu.uuu.uuu marks. Tho mad Kincs eccentnoities havo amused and startled Kuropo for a number of years, 110 wns at 0110 tuno betrothed to .Trim cesa Sophia, now Duchess d'Alencon. and Bister of tho Empress of Austria, but bcinc told that tho Princess cared moro for tho crown than for him, he broko tlio engagement, ordered (lie Court ioweler to mako a manmilicent regal crown, and sent it to tho I'rin- coss with the following message: "Deak Sophia: I send you tho orown which you covet, but I am sorry that I cannot give you tho right to wear it as Queoii of Bavaria,'' Of lata years thero was no ulmnnn of his ever taking a wifo. Onco ideally hnndsorao, ho becamo fat, bloated, selfish, tyrannical! his enthusi asms left him, his dreams became nightmares, and bo lost, faith in hu- manUy. At length physicians wero nppoiiiien to examine tho mental con dition of tho King, snl last week they reported that his malady incapacitated him from governing properly. In con sequence of this King Luiipold, uncle to tho King, issued a proclamation countersigned by tho ministers, in which ho assumed tlio rccenov nml summoned tlio Bavarian Diet to mccl on ine latiunst, hudwic refused for a time to mlmit tho ministerial deputation, headed by Count Holslein, who called upou him to procure his consent to tho regency, Ho noxt ordered all tho ministers to be flogged until thoy blod and then to havo their eves exliaeieri. H,,fr 1,1, death iho belief was spreading among tbo common pcoplo that tho King's de- i.uaiiwn win, wcgai. iho peoplo of Bavaria did not beliovo ho was insano. Iho King finally consented logo lo Bore Castle. 011 Lako Starnborg, charming whilo-turrctcd oaatlo closo to tlio wntcrs edgo. Tlio scenes along tho routo Mbndny of last wook wcro very affecting. Tho peasants knelt in tho roadway weeping, and tho Ex iting responded mournfully. At a recent ball given by tho Count ess of Caithness, in Taris, many curi ous fancy costumes woro seen. Miss Blake, a young American lady from Providtnce, personated a whito cat. EXHAUSTEDVITALITY. ILLUSTRATIVE Sample FREE. KIIOW THYSELF.. A Orcat Medical Work on Manhood, Nervous and rhySlcal Dcbllltr, Premature Dcdlno In Mm, Exhausted Vitality, Ac., Jka, and the nntoid ml, erlea rwnltlng from Indiscretion or eiceMesj 800 pagea, substantially bound In cM, mnilin. Con tains moro than 1!3 Invaloablo prescriptions, em bracing crery Tegctablo remedy In tho pharma copeia for all acnte and chronic diseases. It Is emphatically a book for every man, Prlco only $1 by mall, pout paid, concealed In plain wrapper. IM.USTRAT1VK HA 31 PI. 15 FltKI! TO ALT, Young and mlddlc-agcd men for the next ninety days. Send now, or cut this out, as you may never see It again. Address Pr, W. II. PARKER, 4 Bui finch street, Hoston, Mass. feb.5-l. ly, for Infants and Children. "CMtorU la so well adapted to children that I Cutorla cures Colie, Condtlpallon, recommend Has superior to any prescription I Bour Btonucb, Plarrhcoa, Eructation, known to me." IL A. Akcukk., M.D., j Kills Worms, give sleep, suid promote U. Ul So. Oxford Bt, Brooklyn, N. Y. WUnoultaluriou medlcttka. Tm CkmunB Compaxt, IS Fulton Street, K. T. ECONOMY THJE PRACTICAL . QUESTION OF THE HOUR. EVERY THING THAT IS D STLYJSH CAN BE BOUGHT CMEAFim THAI 'EVUE. A Large and CLOTHING JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LARGE AND SEliECT LINE OF Cloths, CasKimores, Call and be Convinced that you ;have the LARGEST SELECTION OF GOODS OF THE LATEST STVLE,dBEST QUALITY, The Lowest Possible Prices AT THE OF Bloomsbin's, Pa, DEALER IN Foreign and B&mmtio WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Wholesale) and WAOOW MAKERS' AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES. Headquarters (or MERCHANT IRON h STEEL- Storo nntl Wnrtihoustif, Nos. 12C & 128 Frmiklin Avenue, No. 2 Lack'o Avenno & 210, 212 & 214 Cen ter Street, SCRANTON, PA, A CONSTANT care is oxer x. cised in tlio,sowing of our Clothing; Scams, Buttons, Buttonholes aro all carefully ex amined and tested by com2etent workmen. In short, our stock of Clothing in all cssentail points is very strong and attractive. A C YATES & CO. G02-004-GOG CHESTNUT ST. Best Itado Clothing In Philadelphia, K Ml- till) Lift MJiAUJLlt Varied Stock of For tho Ccltibratcil Clilckcrlng, IverB & Pond, and V080& S011 I'lnnos. Worldrc nowned Kslry Org.mB, Violins, Accordconi and Bliect Jltisic. Ci-lclii atcd Wlillc, Ntw UlgU Arm Davis, lew Home, lloyiil St. Jolin, and Linbt Itunulng Domestic btwlng Machines. Needles, oil nnd attachments (or nil makes of Sewlog Machines. lictnll dealers in m nil 11 H 111 i mm mmmm