The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 25, 1886, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
This powder never vatlcs. A marvel of purity
Btrongtli and wholcsomcnoss. More economical
than ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold in compc
tlon wlththo multlludo of low lest, short weight,
alum or phosphato powders. Sold only m cans.
ltoTALlUHNa Powder Co,. Wallbt.,N. Y.
The Columbian.
FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1880.
Trains on the Philadelphia & It 11. leavo Itupcrt
03 luiiuno i
6:30 a. m.
8:4a p. m.
11:49 a. m.
6:13 p. in.
Tralnaon the D.LtW. It. It. leave Uloomsburg
jus lUiiunoi
C:l? a. m.
10:' a. m.
s.80 p. m.
ilno p. m.
. r .
8.SII a. m.
11:44 a. m.
4:13 p. m.
8:4" p. m.
Trains on the N, & V. 11. Hallway pass Bloom
Terry as followa :
li):5J a. m. 12:03 p. m,
6.SJ p. in, 4:15 p. m.
10:14 a m 0:41 p m
Fob Salk. 20,000 foot of 1 inch, 10,000
fect ot inch, dry plno boards, for snlo by
J. L. Yorks, Waller, Columbia county,
Tlio ndmlnlstnitor of William Hitler, de
ceased, will sell personal property in Brl
arcrcck township on Saturday, July 3, at
10 a. in.
Monby Wanted. A. responsible patty
wants to borrow $800 for two years.
Ooodrcal estate, security given, first mort
gage. Thcjnamo will bo given ou calling
at tho Columbian ofllcc. !1 t.
Itcv. II, C. Monro, administrator, will
sell valuable real estate on premises in
Madison township on Saturday, July 31.
Bee advertisement.
For Balk. The undersigned will sell 4o
or 00 acres, moro or less, to suit purchas
ers, from the south side of his farm in
Hemlock township. Three good springs
of water, good building site, public road
through tho land, about 5 acres of timber,
small stream of water through land. Price
$15 per acre in payments. For particulars
inquire of llcubcn Bomboy, lluckhorn, or
Geo. E. El well, Bloomsburg. J4,0 mos.
Foil Sals. A. very desirable property,
ou Market street in the town ot Blooms
burg, Pa. nearly opposllu Rev. D. J.
Waller. Lot 01 fect iu width and 109 feet
In depth. An alley on the north and cast,
lot of D. J. Waller on tho south, Market
street on tho west. The dwelling house is
n largo two sloiy brick with Mausard roo
water, gas and sower drainage, a good
largo stable, good fruit, and good well of
Also a house and lot in Catawlssa front
ing on 3rd street, abovo Pino strict, a good
two story frame dwelling houso with two
story kitchen attached.
Michael F Evenly
April 7. "80. tf. Bloomsburg, Pa.
Foil Sale. Two houses and lots ou
Canal street. Desirable, cheap homes, and
pay well to rent.
Also, ono of tho finest residences in
Uloomsburg, corner of Fifth and Centre
streets. Having all tho latest improve
ments, steam heat, water, gas, water clos-
Is and bathroom. Good b'irn, fruit and
ornamental trees, largo lot. A rare chance
for a fine home. Apply to
J. H. Maize,
Cor. Main and Centre Sts.
I. S. Kuhn went to Buffalo, Baiurday
last to buy some cattle.
Miss Annie Brcnholtz of Ilughesville, is
visiting Miss L'ntira Rlslicl.
C. G. Barklcy and II. Buckingham Esq?,
went to Ashland ou Tuesday.
Mrs. Dr. Biddlo of Ashland is visiting at
lier mothcr.'s on East street.
.8. O. Jayno of Berwick dropped in to see
os a few moments on Tuesday.
Agib lllckctts Esq. of Wilkesbarro was
in town on business on Tuesday.
.Miss Annie Miller has returned from
Philadelphia for her summer vacation.
It la not G, W. Bcrlsch tho tailor who is
going west, but Q. W. Bartcli, tho lawyer.
llev. D. C. John.D. D.,of Milwaukee, was
In town last Saturday. He formerly resided
Miss Annio John of Slmmokiu Is the
guest of Mrs. Frcas Brown at tho Exchange
Mis. Maurlco Shipley of Cincinnati has
como home to spend tho summer with her
Mr and Mrs. It. W. Oswald of Berwick
sailed for Europo last Saturday ou a wed
ding tour.
Mr. and Mrs. William Elwell of Newark
Valley, N. Y., spent a few days this week
at Judgo Elwcll'a, their uncle.
Patrick Flynn, of Centralla, was In town
a Tow hours on Wednesday. UIs business
would not nllow him to remain longer.
Misses Eva Schoch and Annie Kempher,
of 8ellnBgrove, and Miss Maude Echoch, of
'Illlnols.are visiting thelrcousln.MlssMamio
Paul E. Wirt, Esq.. F. M. Everett and
K. O. Ent are camping out in Sullivan
county, abovo Perry's hotel. They aro
fishing for trout.
Bteward Buckle of Washlngtonvillu was
In town Friday last. He came over Thurs
day to see his brother-in-law John Shaffer,
who met witli au accident on the N. & W.
n. ii. ii.
David Stroup, of Mt, Pleasaut, returned
from u visit to Dclawaro on Monday. He
has purchased a farm of 212 acres In Sus
sex county, about three miles from Dr. O.
W. Ammcrman's, and will remove thero
tho first of next year. Mr. Stroup Is
much pleased with what he saw thero.
Senator W, T. Davles and John W. Cod
ding Esq. of Towanda wcro lu town last
week, Thursday. The former Is a republl
can candidate for Lieutenant governor and
the latter Is chairman of tho Republican
committee of Bradford county. Senator
DavU was , on tho ticket with Gen. Beaver
in 18S2, add went down In tho defeat of
that year. The object of his visit, no
loubt, was to look alter his fences in this
county and secure tho votes of tho dele.
CUes to the republican statu convention
which meets next week. Tho republican
party could select no better uiau for the
second placo on tho stato ticket than Mr.
Davles, but If ho secures tho nomination
we promise lilm that tho Democracy of
Columbia county will do all In their power
The storo ami tmnlro ,m i. i i
Monday July Cth.
Marearct Weaver
' "u,Vuiiiumn;uiU W1U
"anvlllo Asylum on Tuesday.
A largo picnic from T.urornn imnn.i,
cuplcd Oak (Jrovo on Wednesday.
Tho report of tlm l.'(i,i,Trnv u...i
school convention will appear next week.
F. O, Caso has iim i,ni
shoo storo of Leldv A f'n.
tho business at the old stand.
GOO. Atlrnnit tirnnttniA. -. .1.- ,
, i""i"iiiiui in mo VCnirai
Hotel had an ntlack nf tl.n rrnm.. Lot
weekf but has again fully recovered.
Tho machinery at tlm SMmnt t.',,-,.i.i
Company's works was slatted on Tuesday
mqrnlng. Everything works very satis-
Jonathan Troub has built n Inrirn nilillltrm
id his barn. IIo is an enterprising farmer,
and wants to havo amnio room fnr liL crnln
and stock.'
Tho buildings nf 1!. A. w. r
Dcntlcr, I. W. Ilartman
private residences aro uclng.connectcil-wttli
mo oicnm works.
The aquarium in Clarkf& Hnn'a i nn, is
one of tho prettiest sights wo have seen In
a long tlmo. It Is filled with beautiful
while poi.d lilies In full bloom.
John bhaller who mot Willi nn npplilnnt
whllo working on tho N. & W. H. railroad
nearly opposite Env. resulting In tlm frac.
lure oi ins sKiill, u improving rapidly.
Thero was a grand demonstration of the
Young Catholic Temperajco Men of
Wllkes-Barro Monday. Over flvo hundred
of boys and young men, under thirty years
of ago were in line.
Tho Normal school wounds never lnnUoil
better than at present. Tho lawn has tlm
appearance of velvet, and numerous Howcr
uciis add to the general fine elTcct. The
new bullolng will be ready for occupancy
when the Fall term opens.
Judge Krlckbaum recently showed us p,
copy of "The Boston Gazette and County
Journal" dated March 12. 1770. He found
It among the papers of M. L. Brown do.
ceased of New Columbus. It is in a re
markable stato of preservation.
From the statement of Bloom Bchool dis
trict, published in some of tho town pa
pers, It appears that Mr. Krickbaum has
taken the $12!) due him as secretary of the
board, which he declined to take about the
lime ho was a candidate for Prothonotary
for a third term.
Several articles that were In typo wero
prevented from appearing last week by an
accident which knocked a galley into pi
Just as wo were getting ready for press.
Those who looked for particular items last
week and wero disappointed, will now un
derstand the reason.
W. F. Bodlne lias a very sore linger re
sulting from the bito of a pup. Ho was
feeding the dog when it snapped at him
catching the middle finger of the left hand
In his teeth, barely breaking tho skin. The
wound was cauterized, and it is possible
that the inflamed condition of the finger
arises moro from this treatment than from
the bite.
Tho Pottsvllle Chronicle says : Honoro
A. Bobbins, of Bloomsburg, Tuesday filed
a copy of the diploma she received this
month from the Women's Medical College,
of Pennsylvania, in tho Prothnnotary's nf.
flee and was registered as a physician. Dr.
Bobbins is n sister of Isaachcr Bobbins, of
Shenandoah. Slio formerly taught school
iu that towu. She now lives in Blooms
burg. The commencement invitations sent out
by the members of the Senior class this
year are the handsomest ever issued from
the Normal Sclioo' Each one consists of
two cards 7 by 5 Inches, with gilt bevelled
edge. On the first is the invitation engrav
cd in elaborate design, and on the second
arc the names of tho members of the class.
The two cards are tied together with a silk
cord and tassel.
List of letiers remaining In the Post Of
flee at Bloomsburg for week ending June
22, 1880:
Miss Sarah J. Cntlin, Miss Florence Ed
gar, Mrs. W- M. Hartmau, Mrs. E. E.
Hagcnbuch, Mr. Samuel Hess, Thomas
Mctcilt, (Ship) Mr. Earnest Millard.Alfrcd
Miller, Mr. Jolu B. Paule, James S. Pen
man, FiunMin Sidlcr,Mr. William Slangier.
Mr. 11. A. ShalTur, II. C. Waples Esq.
Cluis. H. Williams.
Persons calling for these letters will
nleaso say "advertised."
OeoiioB A. Clauk, P. 31.
Work at Oak Groyo Park is going on
rapidly, anil when completed it will bo one
of the finest plcnlo grounds in this section.
Water has been Introduced on tho grounds,
and a handsome fountain is nearly com
plcled. Good walks have been made, new
buildinss ereetid, Including water closets
and toilet rooms, and the outer llnish of
plauk with the bark ou gives them a rus
tic appearance Children will llnil great
amusement on tho whirligig that has been
erected for Hie season. The Improvements
are being made under the supervision of
W. It. Tubus ami O. W. Miller. The asso-
elation luis-lbeen chartered and tho grove is
now a permanent thing.
Thero was no Alumni dlnnfr this year,
the Executive committee having concluded
that it was Inadvisable. Much Inconvon
venicnco lias been experienced In past years
from tho fact that members of the assocla.
lion and Invited guests failed to respond
to tho Inquiries of tho committee as to
whether they would attend the dinner, ilio
result has been that tho committee was oh
llged to guess at tho number that might bo
present, and when dlnuer was ordered for
100, about half that number came if din.
ner was ordered for only 1)0, the attendance
was sure to bo much larger, and then fault
was found because sulllclent provision had
not been made; Under tho circumstances
tho action of tho cnmmltteo la perfectly
nrnncr. The writer served ou the execu.
tlve committee of the Alumni Asssoclatlon
for a number years, and knows how it Is
WiiKiiKAs In tho providence of God death
linn renin veil from our midst our worthy
brother, J. J. Hartztl, on the 22iid of .May.
after an Illness of four piontlis.
Ho was ufuong tho first ohartcr members
of Mlllllu Grange, No. 118, P. of H., and
was elected first Secretary and liborcd
faithful In olllce till death.
?,.iW. That bvtho death of. brother
Hartzol Mllllln Grange hat lost a worthy
member, his wlfo a good hiubaml, tuo
community o good citizen and the church
n fntthful member.
Rewlied, That wo deeply sympathlzo
with slater Ilurlzel In het bereavement and
pray that tho vacancy In her heart may be
tilled by tho love of him who never wearies
in helping thoso whoput their trust In Him
Iu sickness and prosperity.
rWiW. That a copy of this be placed
on tho minutes of tho Grange, to tho wld.
ow, Farmers' Friend and county paper for
1 I). C. Bond, )
J. G, BwankACom
John Lvn, )
Hot Hliot.
A warm personal controversy has been
carried on for somo weeks between tho
Catawlssa News Item and tho Sentinel. Tho
latter paper has charged ono of tho editors
of tho former with attending cock-fights
on Sunday, and tho other with dishonest
practice towards a client. Whether theso
charges havo been successfully refuted or
not Is no concern of ours. Tho 7oji litis
retaliated by accusing tho proprietor ot
tho Sentinel with unlawfnl conduct while
Prothonotary, in antedating a petition for
license so as to bring It within tho required
tlmo for filing, and lu Its Issue ot last week
tho Item printed tho following article!
"In last week's Issue ot tho Sentinel Win,
Krickbaum, tho proprietor, seeks to cvadu
tho charges of bribery made by Commis
sioners' Clerk John B. Casey by saying that
Casey never made any direct charges ot the
kind against him; also, that the Xetii Item
had never mado any sucu charges, and
then retreats behind a lot of counter
charges, winding up with tho remark that
ho will now dismiss us.
Hold on a minute, Willy; you say Casey
nor tho Jf-wi Item never mado any direct
charges against you, of nltcmptlng to
bribe the County Commissioners. You
also Bay, "IIo knew better than to do any-
thing of tho kind. IIo knew that It was a
criminal offence, and that If hu was re
sponsible he would be punished by line
and Imprisonment." Now, Willy, listen;
you are charged in the following affidavits with
attempting to secure the position nf Clerk to the
present Hoard of unty Commissioners by the
offering of money, directly and indirectly, to mem
bers of that Hoard for their votes and influence.
State of Pennsylvania,)
County of Columbia, J M'
Personally appeared before me, a Justice
of the Pcaco In and for said comity, Wash,
lngton Purr, who being duly sworn accord
ing to law deposclh and satth. as follows:
A few days beforo sworn into office as
a Commissioner of Columbia county, and
after being elected, I was approached by a
friend of SVilllam Krickbaum and oltcrcd
$100 to voto for and use my Influence to
elect William Krickbaum clerk of the
County Commissioners. This man also
gave me to unncrstand that he was acting
for said Krickbaum. and that said Krick
baum would "do something more" for roc.
Also, that John B. Casey, the present
clerk, nor none of his friends, ever offered
me money or other consideration for my
vote or influence In regard to the clerk
ship, Wasl i.NOTON Park.
Sworn and subscribed beforo mo this
14th day of June, A. D., 1830.
Guy Jaooiiy, J. P.
how's this roi: diiectly 1
State of Pennsylvania,) ,
Uounly oj Iblumbto, 1
Personally appeii'cd before me, a Justice
of tho Peace in and for the said county,
Stephen Poke, who being duly sworn ac
cording to law, deposcth and saith as fol
lows: On the thy upon which I was sworn into
olllce as Couuty Commissioner of Colum-
bla county, I was approached by William
Krickbaum and offered 4300 to voto for
him for Commissioners' Clerk and use my
influence to have him elected. Also, that
the said William Krickbaum nt several
other times between the date of my elec
tion and the ditto of my taking the oath of
ofllcc, did approach me and offer me vari
ous sums of money to voto for and support
him for tho position of Clerk to the County
Commissioners. Also, that John B. Casey,
the present clerk, nor none of Ills Mends,
ever offered mo money or other valuable
thing for my vote or intlucnce in regard to
said clerkship. My sole idea iu electing
Casey was to have an honest and efficient
clerk. Stepiiev Pohe.
Sworn and subscribed before me this 14th
day of June, A. I)., 1880.
Guy Jacouy, J. P."
.... .... .
.Mr. l'arr should nave completed his atll-
davlt by giving the name of tho "friend"
who offered him the $100, If what Is said
ot Mr. Kiickbaum lie true, the "friend" is
as guilty as his ptincipnl, and the public
has a right to know who he is.
The Jlaccaluureatc,
Rev. Dr. Higbcc, Superintendent of
Public Instruction, preached the sermon to
tho graduating class of the Normal school,
at tho Opera House on Sunday evening.
The hall was packed from tho orchestra to
tho door, there being scarcely standing
room. Tho sei vices opened with sluging
by the choir, which was mado up ot mem
bers ot tho several church choirs, forming
a large chorus. The voices blended nicely
and all tho music was well rendered. Miss
Laura Nuss presided at the organ, and was
accompanied by Prof. Niles with a comet.
Rev. S. R. iiridenimugh read a short
prayer from tho litany of the Reformed
church, Rev. F. B. Rlddlo read a chapter
of Scripture, Rev. Dr. Mitchell offered
prayer beforo tho seunon, anj Rev, D.J.
Waller, Sr., afterwards. Dr. Iligbco
preached from tho text "One Thing Thou
Lackesl," the reply of our Savior to the
young nun who asked Him "What shall I
do to inherit eternal lifeV" Tho sermon
was plain and practical, and full of good
adtlcc to the young people who aro Just
ente:lngun tho battle of life Tho exer
cises were Interspersed with the singing
ot hymns aud anthems by tho choir. The
congregation was dismissed with the bene
diction by Prof. Wullcr.
Call at the Farmers' Produce Excliango
and get a package of
for your chickens. Best food In tho world.
The Jail Cmitiircil.
Notwithstanding tho precautions ot
Sheriff Smith to guard the county prison
from sudden attack from without, it wns
seized on Monday night by a party of
eighty ladles ami gentlemen who took com
plete possession of the Sheriff's residence
without tho previous knowledge ot himself
or wife. They wero too much for him, and
though ho kindly offered to lock them all
up for tho night, they politely but f-mly
declined, Tho occasion was a surprise
party, and several hours ot pleasant Inter,
oourso wcro spent. Tho band was present
and enlivened tho evening with soma of
their excellent music. The Sheriff and his
family havo mado many wnrm friends
since their removal to Bloomsburg.
Hoard ofTraile,
A special meeting ot tho Board ot Trade
was held at their rooms last week Thursday
evening. Thero was a largo attendance of
"members, Presidcut Lowenberg presiding,
Tho committee on manufactures reported
that they Jjad an Intervlow wllh parties
who dcslio to como hero and erect nail
works, and that It would bo necessary to
ralso $27,000 hero which would bo secured
by first mortgage on tho works. A com
mittee consisting ot 1, B. Kuhn, K. Z.
Schock, L. S. Wlnterstcen, J. O. JJrown
and L. K, Waller, was appointed to ascer
tain whether this amount could bo raised
and report at next meeting. Adjourned to
meet at tho call of the President.
Headquarters at tho Farmers Produce
Exchange for Doublo Harpoon Hay forks
Hay rope and Binding twine.
There will bo a public letting at Buck
horn school houso on Saturday afternoon
July 10th. for the purpose ot building a
oew school house. See advertisement.
UoniliiciiCCIileiit Vcck,
An entertainment was given at Normal
Hall Monday evening by tho Model school.
Tho programmo consisted of a Greeting
Bong by tho school. Introduction of tho
Little Patriots. Recitation, Drafted, by
Mary Milter. Drills by tho Llttio Patriots.
Part I. Soldier's Rovlew, Off to the War.
Part II. Reapers In tho Field, Soldier's
Wclcomo Home. Music. Violin Solo by
Alex Cohen. Lllllo Batbara's Hymn. Tho
Young Americans of 1770, Part I. Boys
assemble nt skating pond. Music hy or
chestra. Part II. Gen. Howe's headquar
ters. 1770 and 1870. Music, Piano Duet,
Lllllo Corklns, Mary Frymlro. Ring Drill.
Tho hall was well filled and tho exercises
wcro of an Interesting character, tho drills
being especially worthy of mention.
On Tuesday evening Prof. W. B. Owen,
of Lafayctto College, lectured beforo tho
literary societies, his subject being "Scien
tific Progress In oino of Its Relations to
Education." A largo audlenco listened
very attentively to his rcholarly address.
Class Day exorcises wero held In the hall
on Wednesday afternoon at i o'clock, tho
campiiB being too wet from tho rain which
fell nearly all day. Tho following U the
Instrumental Duett,
Misses Geiscr and Shaffer.
President's Address N. II. Sanncr.
Doum.K Quartette, Ocean's Lullaby,
Misses Long, Shaffer, Yost, Harkley,
Messrs. Lewis, Kecder, ZciderJ, Sanncr.
History, Miss Myrtle Yost,
Essay ,- Miss Ida Bernhard.
Instrumental Soi.o Miss Lizzie Low.
Oration, Freedom A. 12. I Lcckle.
I'roi'HECY Miss Lucctta Moycr.
Vocal Solo.. ...Waiting.. ..Miss I'icda llarncs.
'IjVjCscntatlon of (tlcmorial,
J. Claude Keipcr.
Class Sono Composed hy I,i?zic Low,
lly the Class.
Tho memorial consisted of a set of phi
'ioplilcat app iratus for tho Mo lei school.
As wu g.) to press early nn Tuursduy
morning .ve are obliged to leave tho report
of the Commencement exeicises until next
Holcllcr'H Kuunloti.
In llie .Mercer county papers we have an
account of the quarter centennial reunion
of llie Mi rot r Utiles, Co. G. of the 10th.
Pa. Reserve Corps, June 11th. 1880. This
wa3 the first company organized in that
county ai.d horo the eamo relation to Mer
cer that the Iron Uuaids do to Blnomslmrg.
The company when it stalled was com
manded by Gen. A. J. Warner now u mem
ber of Congress and author of tho "Silver
Bill." G. W. McCrackcn who has been a
prominent state senator was also a member
of tho company, dipt. J. B. Robison of
this place was we notice, the first enlist
ment iii;tlie company. He drew up the
onllstmeut paper and headed it with his
own name. In response to calls at the
reunion he made a short speecli which was
received with applause.
This company contained a considerable
representation ot the under graduates of
Westminister college of New Wilmington,
n United Presbyterian college about 9
miles from Mercer. Tho regiment also
had tw o college companies' D of Washing
ton and Jefferson college (Presbyterian)
and I ot Veadvllle (Methodist) college.
Probably no regiment contained more men
of classical education. Its record is second
to none.
"Hello t Hello I" "Well, what Is It r
"What did you use on your oals this
spring ?" Moro Phillips' soluble bone."
Did you use the same on your potatoes ?"
"No. What did you use ?" "Sharpless &
Carpenter's No. 1 bone, It makes them get,
don't iff" "Yes, sir." "Hello I there is
some ono ringing in on us, what do you
,wnnt ?" Will It suit you to bring mu a load
of fertilizer up to-morrow?" "Where do
you want mo to get It ?'' Down at the
Farmers' Produce Exchange. "They don't
keep It do they ?" "O, yes they do, why
you can get auythlng you want there." "Is
that so f" "Yes, sir, you can get Lister
Bros' nmmonlnted bone, Lister Bros.' IT. 8.
E. bone, E. Frank Coo's Knickerbocker
soluble Pacific guano, Allentown complete
bone phosphate. Moro Phillips' super phos
phate of lime, Diamond bone, Moro Phil
lips' soluble bone German potash, John F.
Orth's Reading bonp, Sharpless & Carpen
ter'a No. 1 bone, Sharpless & Carpenter's
acid phosphate, M L. Shoemaker tfi Co,
swift sure. All the above goods arc sold
at from 20 to 30 per cent less than any
other fertilizer sold, and all kinds of grain
taken in exchango for them. Before pur
chasing your fertilizers call and givo them
a trial and sve time, money aud trouble.
June 25 4 in.
A Vault Lock IHocUeil Willi Money.
Tho officers nf tho First National bank
were greatly inconvenienced a short tlmo
since by tho time lock on tho principal
vault refusing to work. Tho matter was
thought by tho public to bo of minor im
portance, but to the bank oftlcMs It was a
serious mutter. A telegram was sent to
Philadelphia for an expert locksmith to
come at once and open the unruly lock.
The trouhlo was caused by a packago of
live hundred dollar bills dropping In be
hind the bolt. About one o'clock in the
afternoon tho lock yielded to the persua"
slous ot tho discomfited bankers, and al
lowed the zzla to bo opened. A telegram
was sent to Harrisburg to intercept tho
expert, whoso services wcro not required
bnt failing to catch him ho arrived here
last evening to find everything lovely and
the cranky lock In working order. Loch
JIaten paper.
A Wonderful Hook.
We should Judge, by tho wording of tho
advertisement lu another column ot this
paper, that tho now book entitled, "Tho
World's Wonders," Is Indeed a wonderful
book. It will pay tho curious, as well as
thoso seeking employment, to read tho
advertisement. The Historical Publishing
Co. ofcrs to give standard books free to
persons who will send them names of
book agents, They also offer to start peo
ple without capital In a business that will
pay from $15 to $50 a day a pretty good
Income for theso hard times. Read tho ad.
hcott'w nnm.HioN or iuui;
Cod Liver OU, With HypophospMtes,
Asa remeauor pulmonary attentions aim cri
lous dtseast-s.
Dr. Ira M. Lang a prominent physlclnn
In New York, says: I am greatly pleased
with your Emulsion. Have found It very
serviceable In above diseases, and It Is cas.
lly administered on account ot Its palata
blcness. I'lie JIUHt tl ",u MnrUcU
Wo would remind our friends aud former
patrons and Iho public generally, that we
are still handling D. it. Osborne & Co's
Reapers, Mowers and Binders, of which
wo lmvo on hand a full lino, covering all
thu latest Improvements, wnlcli are added
to these exoelleot machines cvtry year.
We keep constantly on hand n lino of
extras for tho'abovo machines and make a
specialty of repaying, not ouly the Osborne
machines, but all kinds ot mowing and
reanini? machines.
We havo always ou baud a full line nf
knives for all makes ot machines. We
havo a larco stock nf tho very best of bind
cr twlno. which wo are olferlnir for 15 cents
per, pouud. Inviting all to examine our
Uliuiuiuua utftuiv 1'uiunuaiug v lunucia wu
are respccuuuy jiauuan & masitiiT,
prolillilUott CollTciitiolli
Prohibition County Convention met In
accordance to call of Thomas Beaborne,
Chairman, In F. D. Dcutler's hall, on Sat
urday, June 10, 1880, at 1 o'clotk. Meet;
Ing opened with prayer by Hey. Alcm Brit
tain. Minutes read and approved. Report
of Commlttoo on Finance was called for but
report no work having yet been done,
After considerable discussion on the sub
Jcct thero wero $13 raised in open convctv
tlon, and tho committee wcro continued,
Report of commltteo on organizing Prohi
bition clubs through tho county wero
called and report ono organized at Mill,
vlllo and havo held two meetings with en
couraging prospects. Commltteo wcro
continued. Tho Mlllvlllo cl lib having ap
pointed two delegates, viz: G. II. Mooro
and Rebecca Thomas, to attend tho Con-
vcntlon, by motion ot Aaron Smith tho
delegates were rtcclvcd In tho Convention
aud were called on to speak and both re
sponded satisfactorily of work dono and
encouraged the Convention to pursue its
labor. Then by motion of AI. P. Lutz cv
every ono present was recognized ns
delegates, and thero were quite n delega
tion ot ladles, Tho largest Prohibition
Convention ever held In this county, J
Is. John reported (by call of Clntrman)
what work had been dono slnco last Con
vention, Tho following leoturcei Ry
Wnltcr Thomas Mills, of tho editorial staff
of the Voice, of Now York, first lecture
hold February 33. Subject, "Must Wo
Have a New Party," Sepond leotutc, May
27. Subject, Political Parties and Public
Questions." Third lecture, May 28. Sub
ject, "Tho Work Shop versus tho Grog
Shop," and nlargc and Interesting nudlenco
at all lhrco meetings, Wo feci encouraged
over the good work done. CoBt of the
three lectures wcro J81, tho money being
rntsed and paid at once. By motion of
M. P. Lutz the Convention proceeded to
elect its full number of delegates (0) to at.
tend tho Stato Convention, lo be held at
llanlsburg, August 25 and 20, and that
each delegate pay their own expenses, but
money paid to State Executive Commltteo
to bo paid by til's Convention, Tho fo).
lowing persons wero duly elected: W. J.
Bldlcman, Anron Smith, Aaron Kcslcr, J,
L. John, G. II. Moore, Mrs. C. H. Rich
ardson, Rebecca Thomas, Alem Brittaln
and Reuben Fahrlngcr. By motion tho
Chalrpian was Instructed to appoint a com
mittee of threo on Resolutions. The ap.
polntmcnt consisted of M. P. Luty, Aaron
Kcster and Thomas C. Wilson. Tho com
mittee, after retiring to an adjoining room
a short time, presented tho following:
Whorcas, The liquor traffic is tho gigan
tic ctlmo of crimos, the greatest source of
poverty, crimo and insanity, tho arch cn
oray of labor, the foo of industry, the
fountain of political corruption, and
JWhoreas, This traffic Is sanctioned and
protected by law nnd its suppression has
becomo the supremo political as well as
moral Issue of tho day and
Whereas, The Prohibition party Is the
only political organization which favors
such suppiesslon. Therefore, be It
1. Resolved, That we re-aflirm our al
Icglnnco to the State aud National Prohi
bition party and favor both Stato and Na
tional Constitutional Prohibition of the lm
portatlou, manufacture and sale ot nil al
coholic beverages.
2. Resolved, That we are opposed to
all legal license of evil whether
tho revenue thereof bo high or
low, as being vicious in principle
and demoralizing in practice, 3rd Re
solved. That the present competition of
the Republican and D mocratlc parties for
liquor vote, proves that neither of them
deiiro to bo the instruments of bringing
about relief from the great crime, and there
fore It becomes the duty of every true
friend of temperance to sever 'heir political
relations with the old parties ind put poll
Ileal influence nnd action with tlio Prohibi
tion party which is the .only one that la
principlo or aim offers any hope of suc
cess iu this great reform. Upon this prln
ciplo we pledge our support to tho candi
dates of our own party, as they only can
truly represent us. 4th. Resolved That
we ask the co-operation of all persons irre
spective of party in this good and noble
work. By motion tho foregcing resolutions
wero unanimously adopted. Alem Brittaln
recommended by motion the adoption of
action of the Catawissa Sunday school con
vention, as both wise and timely, bo add
to tho foregoing resolutions. "That a com.
mlttcu nf three ladies and th'ce gentlemen
bo appointed by Superintendent of each
Sunday school In the county to canvass
for tho separate signatures of men, women
and children over 15 yearsjof ago .to a re
monstrance against the granting by the
Co.irt of any license to sell liquor. The
petitions and blanks to bo .urnishud by the
cxtcutlvo commltteo.
After considerable discussion by Rev.
Rlddlo and others it was carrledjby motion
tho Secretary was instructed to pay the
bills of advertising convention &c. to be
added with former bills for book of min
utes, stationary, postage &c, and after re
tiring for a few minutes reported tho total
to be $12.80 and nn order was drawn In
favor of Secretary for same and paid by
treasurer. By motion the convention pro
ceeded to nominate county officers; for
Representatives, Wesley Goodman and
James L. John wero nominated ; for asso.
clato judge, Alem Brittaln and Gcorgo
Manhart wero nominated) by motion there
was a general voto extended to F. D. Dcnt
lcr for uso of hall, then adjourned by mo
tion to meet at tho call ot chairman and
J. L. John.
Testimonials aro voluntarily coming of
the ureut vlrttio Keller's Catarrh litem.
eJy, the great blcod purifier of tho world.
bs success is wonderfu'. A trial only is
asked for it. bee adv't In this paper.
You can buy tho best mowers, reapers,
self binders, hay rakes, corn cultivator,
plows, etc, of B. O. Bhlve for less than cost.
New shoes received this week at Caso's ,
A tine lot ot ladles' common senso Bhoes
and slippers, Gents' lasting Congress
gaiter, Waukenphnst, and James Means'
$3 shoo just oponcd, Alt goods sold
cucap ior casu.
lriiritlturc lit I'rlvute Hr.le.
On nccount of locutinc elsewbero tho
Ilov. Father Clark will disposo of tlio
following iKiruonal property at the Ueo
tory on Third street. A magnificent
Smith American parlor organ (15 stops),
cost SlCo a fow months ago will sell
'.or siuu cash, a rosowootl unisio box
VG tunes), a violin (now), a finely hand
oarvod black walnut book cusu and sec
retary, a black walnut revolving book
case, a largo black walnut library cen
tre table, a combination leather smok
ing and libiary easy ohair, a plush li
brary lounge, a beautiful black walnut
marble top bed room set, with bevelled
plato glass, swinging mirror on bureau
and wash stand, 111) yards best body brus
sels, 10 yards good Tapestry, 4 Smyrna
rugs (uew), 2 rugs, partly used, 2 now
hair mattresses, a silver tea set, a oom
plelo imported dinner set (150 pieces),
a small self-feeding library stove, used
only 2 months, laoe curtains, oornioo
poles, oil paintings and engravings and
many other usoful and ornamental nr.
tlclos. Those goods can bo sceu any
aay tuts wock ui residence.
i F, Kmw Claukb, Rector.
Oonncll Prooeodings.
Bt.ooMsnuit(i, Juno 11, 1880.
iJeoular mcetlnc of town nnnneil
Called at 8 p. m. with President and nil
members present.
C. W. Miller oppcarod in interest of
uaK urovorarK association and obtain,
ed permit to lay water pipes out Fifth
street to the Grove. IIo also niAte.1
that tho said Park association offer to
nirniBli lime stono spawl on cars on
siding opposito tho Grove for the town
of Uloomsburg to uso in drissing fifth
street from tho Grovo to East street,
ireo oi ouarge. it can bo hauled
through tho Grove, or thov will do-
liver it on tho road at fifty cents per
ton. And further states that certain
properties of his on Soventh street must
bo drained to free tho cellars from
water now standing there, hu makes
the following proposition viz : "I will
put down a branch to the main sower
ou soventh Street from Iron Btrcot to
Catharinti street and extend tho samo
as 1 may deem advisable from tituo to
time, upon the following terms and
conditions; I will furnish all tho ma
terial nnd do all tho work at my own
expense, The siiie of tho plpo to bo
fixed by tho town engineer or supcrin.
tendent of Bower. Tho work to bo
dono under his supei vision. The town
to bo to no expense except for the ser
vices of tho superintendent of sewerc.
Tappngo fees paid by any parties, thai
I may allow to conneot with tho same
shall bo paid to me, and if tho town
authorities desiro to put down a sower
or brauuh Bower along lino of any street
or streets or partB of streets upon which
I may ureal a Bewcr under tho abovo
arrangement, they shall take tlio sower
or sowers so put down by me and pa;
me for same, the amount actually ex
pended by me in the erection of same
with interest, at G per oont per annum
after two years from the dato of tho J
completion of such sewer, statement of
tho cost of such sewer to bo filed with
tho council within thirty days after its
completion, to bo approved by them as
a basis of settlement, if accepted by !
them under Ibis proposition."
PI 13. Biower approved and urged
the grading and opening of Penn street,
a9 shown on town map.
Mr. Frederick Iteed repredenting the
Excelsior Electrio Light Co. appears
and continues his request for permiss
ion to erect poles in the streets of the
town for the purpose of supplying
light. Tho question was on motion
taken up.discussod and lost; on motion
his petition was returned to him.
The Sanitary committee mado a re
port through Samuel Noybard, superin
tendent of sewers in regard to an of
fensive smell arising from a rear room
of the building on the south east cor
ner of Main aud Jefferson Btreets. On
motion tho commissioners of highways
was directed to inquire into and remove
the nuisance.
On motion Mr. Millir's proposition
to furnish lime stono spawis for Fifth
street from East street to Oak Grove, 1
was laid on tho table for the present.
Messrs. McKelvy, Schoch and Ileber
presented bills paid for sower extensions
up market street amounting to one
hundred and fifty-six dollars and foity
seven cents according to resolution of
May 7th ult. On motion tho bills
wcro accepted aud secretary directed
lo issue orders according to said reso
lution. Tho Supt, of sewers reports the
branch up Market street completed and
ready for publio use; upon motion tho
branch was declared open and ready
for publio use.
Tho following tax rates were pro
posed. Mr. Sharpless, 0 mills, Mr.
Itosenstook, 5 mills, Mr. Sterling, !
mills, Mr. Clark 0 mills.
The following bills wero presented
and Secy, instructed to draw ordeis
for tho same.
John Penman, labor on highways, 20 02
U. E. Girton, ' " " 3 75
Charles Heist, " " " C C2
William Quick " " 1 20
Samuel Shaffer, hauling, 5 00
Frederick Schwinn. haulinc. 8 40
J. L. Girton, " 4 00
v..i. inuieman street commissioner, 18 07
Abraham Snyder, repairing pump at
Forks. 5 00
Thomas Vanatta, " " "
Forks,' 1 00
Levi 8 lOemaker, labor on Highway, 1 25
George Rlnkcr, " " 1 23
John C. Snyder, " " ' 1 25
Bloomsburg Water Co. 225 00
Daniel Laycock, police service, 0 00
Wesley Knorr, " " 1 60
M. O. Woodward, Constable, 4 07
Wnv Krickbaum, publishing state-
mcnt, 10 00
Elwell & Blttenbcnder, publishing
statement, 15 CO
J. C. Brown, publishing statement, 15 00
G. A. Clark, Stationery, 18 70
Samuel Noylmrd, Secy. 10 00
I. W. McKelvy, hilt for Bower f xtcn-
sion payable in threo orders. 150 47
614 30
Juno IS, 1880. Special meeting
called at 8 o'clock, President and all
members present. Tho question ot
boundary Hues of tho built up portion
of tho town was discussed but finally
left as fixed April 30, 1885.
Tho consideration of tax rato wa
taken up. E. 1$. Clark proposed
mills. Tho voto resulted! X oas, Messrs.
Clark and Sharpless. Nays, Messrs.
Rosenstock, Sterling, Sterner, Corell
and Zarr.
Mr. Rosenstock proposed 5 mills.
The following voto was cast: Yeas,
Rosenstock. Nays, Messrs. Sterling,
Sterner, Clark, Sharpless, Corell and
Mr. Sterling proposed 4i mills with
the following result: Yeas, Sterner and
Sterling. Mays: Rosenstock, Clark,
Sharpless, Coiell and Zarr.
JUr. abarplesa proposed G mills with
tho result: Yeas, Clark, Sharpless, Co
rell nnd Zarr. Nays, Rosenstock.Stor
Hug. Lost, as it requires more than
5 votes to fix a fivG mill rate or over.
Upon motion the five mill rato and
bjx mill rato wero respectively recon-
niiioreu, anu on vote oaueu were tost.
Notice was given that the followinc
rales will bo considered at next meet
iner: Corell. 51 mills. Shnrnlpmi. fi
muls, Sterling, 5 mills.
ta motion adjourned to meet Mon
day, Juno 28, at 7 o'clock.
Crnucl null.
There will be a erand ball nt tlm Mr.
Henry House, In Benton, ou Baturdav af
ternoon aud evening, July 3, 1H80., to
which all aro Invited to riarttcinale. nt
which time and placo there will be good
music furnished for tho benefit of those
who wish to trip tho light f ntastio toe.
Go to tho Farmers Produco Exchango
and buy yourself u nlco pleasure and bust-
ucss wagon hold cheap for cash or ex
change for all kind ot grain,
PEALEU In Flshlngcrcek township,
Juno 11, Forrle, son of F. M. and Itcbccc
Pealer, ugo 7 years, 7 months, and 14 day
STONENBURG June 11) at ihn lmm ,
her near Wushlnitnnvlll Mn
Lydia Btoncnborg of Brlarcreek township,
atu m years ami nays.
riitt Wlinlc Truth,
Tho Wllkcs-Barre llecord evidently suf
fcrs from nn unjust discrimination that
nearly every combined newspaper aud Job
pruning oiiico is more or less subjected to,
and In a recent Issuo It speaks "right out
in mcetin," in the fo owlne nolnted Imt
iiruper strain t
"Tills Is tllO Bcason when loenl nronntyrt
lions I re nrranelnc for their nlcnles.einir.
slons and festival". Tho officers of nil anoli
are requested to bear in mind that the
Itecoid has n Job room complete In every
ueiau, anil mat noaters. t ckcts.eln.. run lm
uono promptly ninl cheaply. It Is custo.
ranry for somo neon o to take their nnvlnir
natronaco to exclusively Inli milr. .n,i n
bring their requests for freo notices to tho
newspapers, ut course such notices help
to fill up our columns, but they do not help
to fill up hungry printers or lniv h OCA for
carrier uoys. iicrcatter wo Mm innkn Dm
matter reciprocal. The usual courtesies in
tho way of notices will bo shown to persons
patronizing tlio Record lob olllce. lint nnlv
to such. There is such a thlmr ns rldlmr n
free horse to death, and ours must havo a
To All Wanting Employment.
We wlnl Mv, Energetic and Cipible Acentk
ill every county In the United Stales and Cana.
di, to &ell a p.itent article of great merit, OH
its mbkita. An article having a large kale, pay.
nitf over per cent profit, having no compe
tition, and on which the agent li protected ill
llie exclusive kale by a deed given for each and
every county he may secure from us. With all
these advantages to our agents and the Tact that
it Is an article that can be sold to every house
owner, it might not be necessary to make an
"EXTRAORDlNAxvorrBR" to secure good agents,
at onrc, but we have concluded lo make it to!
show, not only our confidence in the merits of
our invention, but la it salability by any agent
tht will handle It with energy. Our agents
now at work are making from $so to $0oo a
month clear and this fact makes It safe for us to
make our offer to all who are out of employ,
ment. Any agent that will give our business a
thirty days1 trial and fail to clear at least Sioo
In this time, Anovs ALL PxrBNsBS, can return
all goods unsold to us and we will refund the
money paid for them. Any agent or i-encraj
agent wno would like ten or more counties and
work tnem througn sub-agents, lor ninety days
and fail to clear at. least $750 adovb all ex
PBN&Bf. can rclurn all unsold and get their
iniHiey hack. Noother employer of agentsever
dared to make such offers, nor would we if we
Ilid not know thai we have agents now making
-lore than double the amount we guaranteed!
nd but two sales a day would give a profit 01
ver $13$ a month, a.nd that ono of our agents
00k eighteen orders in one day. Our large de
these we wish to send to everyone out v em
ployment who will send us three one cent
stamps for postage. Send at once and secure
the agency In lime for the boom, and go to work
ou the terms named In our extraordinary offer.
We would like to have the address of all the
agents, sewing machine solicitors and carpen
ters in the cou.ntry,aAnd ask aey reader of this
the name and address of an such they know,
Address at once, or you will lose the best chance
ever offered to those out of employment to make
money. Kbnnbr Manupacturinu Co.,
116 NmithKeld St., l'lltsburg, Ta.
A V (T D ' Q Sugar-Coated
t I Ull O Cathartic
If tho Liver be- Ql I I Q
comes torpid, If tho r ILLOi
bowels nro constipated, or it tlio stomach
falls to perform Its functions properly, use
Ayor's Pills. Thoy aro invaluable.
For somo years I was a victim to Liver
Complaint, in consequence of which I
suffered from Qoneral Debility and Indi
gestion. A fow boxes ot Ayer's Pills
restored me to perfect health. W. T.
Brightney, Henderson, W. Va.
For years I havo relied moro upon
Ayor's Pills than anything else, to
my bowels. These Pills are mild In ac
tion, and do tholr work thoroughly. I
havo used them, with good effect, in
cases of llheumatlsm and Dyspepsia.
O. F. Sillier, Attloborough, Mass.
Ayer's Pills cured mo of Stomach and
Liver troubles, from which I hail Hiiffered
for years. I consider them tho bust pills
made, and would not bo without them.
Morris Gates, Dowlisvlllo, N. V.
I was nttackod with Bilious Fever,
which was followed by Jaundice, mid
was so dangerously ill that my friends
despaired of my rocovcry. I commenced
taking Ayer's Pills, aud soon regained
my customary strength and vigor,-
John C. Paulson, Lowell, Nebraska.
Last spring I suffered greatly from a
troubtesomo humor on my sldo. In splto
of every effort to euro this eruption, it In
creased until tlio flesh became entirely
raw. I was troubled, at tho samo time,
with Indigos tlon , and distressing pains in
The Bowels.
lly tho advice of a friend I began taking
Ayor's Pills. In 11 short tlmo I was freo
from pain, my food digested properly, tho
sores on my body commenced healing,
and, iu less than one month, I wns cured.
Samuel D, White, Atlanta, Ga.
I havo long used Ayer's Pills, in my
family, and behove them to be tho beat
pills made. S. C. Dardon, Dardou, Miss.
My wlfo and llttio girl wcro takon with
Dysentery a fow days ago, and I at onea
began giving them small (loses of Ayer's
I'll Is, thinking I would call 11 doctor If tho
disease became any worso. In a short
tlmo tho bloody discharges stopped, all
pain went away, and health was restored.
Thcodoro Ealing, Richmond, Va.
Ayer's Pills,
Trcpired by Dr. J, C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mans.
Sold by all Dealers lu MeiUcJne.
Laces from 1 Inch to 1 yd. wide.
New Satiucs.and Hatlstes slnco last week'
New lot of Set, Lawns.
New and cheaper line of Blockings.
Cashmere'Shawls and r'carfs.
Fancy Parasols.
Embroideries, Lace Cuitalns, &c, &c.
Children cashmere coats.
100 DosksOne Doi.LAit Is Inseparably con
nected with Hood's Siusnpariihi, and it Is
true of no other medicine. It is nn unan
swerable argument as to strength aud
economy, whllo thousands testify to its su
perior blood-purifying and strengthening
qualities. A bottle of Hood's gursaparllla
contains 100 doses and will last a month,
whllo others will average to last not over a
ween. iicncc, tor economy, buy only
Hood's BarsapariUa.
Without beautiful hair no woman is
beautiful. Is yours falling off or faded?
Tho loss Is vital. Parker's Hair Halsam
will preserve your hair and givo back its
gloss and youthful color. Clean, eleuaut,
perfect. Prevents dandruff. j n 4U
Can't Make Likk It. I havo
been practicing medicine for twenty years,
ami have novel been able to put up a veg.
eiuuiu compound inaiwouiu, UKO Mmmons
i.ivcr iteguiator, promptly and effectively
movo tho liver to action and at tho samn
lime aid (Instead of weakening) tlio dlges-
uvu itiiu ussiiniiativo powers oi t no svstem.
No other remedy within invknowledim ran
fill its place. L. M.,lllnton, M. 1)., Wash-
mgiou, Ara.
If you want to eniov thu luxury of usini?
tlm best soap In tho country, try Drcydtip-
,.w a . 'u . u A pui.,1, U.I lllllb 1111S 111111
tested by tlmo aud found to contain all the
Ingredients necessary for a soap that can
uu uscu jot uu purpuses. ij-i,
Avnr'a Rnrfiiinurtllii nnnmiA. u,ltnnll..
- J - , I ' I ' ' " UU..UI1V
upon the blood, thorpughly cleansing nnd
Invlirnratliif. It. Aa u u.if,. ,,n.l ., .....
euro for the various disorders caused by
" r ... - - - - " - i.ui. nuiuiuiv
cuusiiiuuunni taint or uilecilou, this rem
edy has no equul. Take it tills month,
Food for tho bialn and nerves lhat will
Invigorate tho body without Intoxicating,
is what wo need In these days of rush hud
worry. Parker's Tonlo restores tlm vltui
energies, soothes thu nerves, and brings
good health quicker than anything else
yuu cuu use, ij, 11 ut,
Tho warm weather oftcu lias a depress.
Ing and debilitating effect. Hood's Saisn
patina overcomes all languor and lassitude
Wlen IUby wu sick, give her CutorU,
WhB h wu a Child, the cried for CutoiU,
VrtM tbs Ucuat MUs, the clang to CulotU,
VLa tbt tuvl Children, tilt giv, them Cutodt,
Ladles, It will rost you but CO ccnta to
get n bottle of Vinegar Hitters Cordial.
This Cordial Is a clear, dark red color, and
lias a delicious taste. It Is n, most Invigor
ating tnnlc, and Is n gentle, painless, but
thorough cathartic. It helns dlccstlon.
cures hendnchp, bilious attacks constipa
tion, piles, hives, and strengthens the
whole system.
Mal In one plcc from pare
ivftod pulp not jmper
ttilliout 6cm,tio 1 toot m, no
time, iitt smell. CI.IIAN,
nru.UlUi. liiTiUuaUe
lor It It ( hen nnd Dairy
ii 10. Mjuiu factum, by
Oswego iDdnraterl FiDreCo
o-vi:iiii, n. :
Ak your grocer for them.
June 21 ltd.
SwjfriorE GoLLtqe.
Oliens nth month, 14th. Thirty minutes from
jhuoubu mmiuii, riiiiiiueipuia. uoucr ino care
of Friends, but all others admitted. Full college
course for both sexes; Classical, Bclentino and lit
erary. Also a Manual Training and a preparatory
school. Healthful location, large grounds new
nnd extensive buildings and apparatus. For cat
alogue and full particulars, address KUWAHD 1L
ICI.VUJ J. ill., I ICO U tllUIlU 11,
mat tun tu-
rpu Iho hhI tWatL-al
mit violent aitiu k( ti.Nurrfii'nnifuitablerlrp
flffnrtfl run lu.m nil rvi (,.. Ktnii
i.No ii Hinff Tor ... It nrtlon J
.Imrif-iliutp, ttlrert nittl rrrtnln nH n
,cntoii cirertt-dln nil CUltAII J j; (UhICsI
ii iiuriuanonu cunw nt. tteror ta tat tl tnj tin.
, . Item. n. Ult AI. J'nU, Mimn
I m thtlrel nwtorwl 1 littltb by (Imato litkna
,.rnr' . t (M. r.ttum, Jtamilltm, OAi
-0rmsa Aithtnt furt I all TovcUlm for It.
fUli. ... K I'm flrt(l, tirtimtU, 3, V
mv hjko rncnnuncflrU a Grrmtn Aithmt Cura It
ourtM ine, JtV. V . Trttirk Jj fe.v..,t iijl
ThouaiW ! t'DlUr Uttri 81a. Itk aaj rnblj
l?r.rmA1.Ap,,,.,,l i ur" M T 11 dm,
of price. 'irinlrarWi frr tuanr Mdwuier
sump k.-m t.v M.iuwUtf,;
f IRST PntMftJw.
Omntl PrlM Medal, PnrU, 178.
Ask jour Orocer for It. Wui. Iirryrtoppcl.Mfr
North Front Street, WIILADELl'HIA, PA.
AGENTS VoK 1118 ()llBAT Nsw Booh-,
WANTED 1 ny j. w. uci.
Tho tnnsr, RllfWjisful RUliurlnHnn linnlr nvju. n.K.
llslied. Orer half a mltlton conies iww anfrf r&A
nasi elijUt wonll', and It Is selling throo times as
fast now as over ticrore. ltegular canvas9crsoler
from n to J3J, til) and t'O per day. Nothing like
It was ever known In tlio history of book publish
ing. Proofs sent free on apiJltvalton. No experi
ence needed to Insure success. We help portions
without means to do a large business; no canltil
needed. Write for particulars. Salaries guaran
teed topersons irto do not wish tocanrass on'oorn
mission. We mean business, and want live ogenta
In every township. It will cost you nothing to
write for terms and full derterlnl.tnn nf nnr nlnna
ot doing business. We aUogi'tu rum! staiviara
books to pcrvns who send us names ot book
agents. Write lor our list or free standard books.
120 & 122 N. 7th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
June 25-4t.j
his Announcement is of Interest
to Every American Citizen. .
The Uojt Magnanimous Offer Brer Halo by
:he Greatest Newspaper
On This Continent.
,200,000 Copies a. Week
i Sister; oi ir,: Bnitsi States,
This dainty book of 3ni2mo tunu lanrlntivi nn
good paper, wlthwldo margins, and Is u prize for
a bibliophile.
This history Is upon an entirely novel and origi
nal plan, which makes it l'.dlspccsable to every
person, no matter how many other histories h -
ma; imvu.
11 la arranged chronoloirlp.iUv s-pnra. from
the discovery ot America toiwia. Every event Is
uniTiueu in me oruer ot us oatc. 'i nese are not
contined, as In other works, to political matters,
but embraco every branch ot human action. It
describes under It proper date all important pat
ents, all dlhcoierlPs In science ai.d tlio useful arts;
tho dlgglog of canals and the building of railroads
turn ivicKruim inirs; iim luuuuing oi lown-s anu
the erection or nouihlo buildings and bridges; tho
first iwrfonnances or plays and tho nrtt appear
ances of actors and singers; flres, nood-j hail
storms tornadoes, cyclones, epidemics; accidents
and disasters on bi and land; riots and crimes;
panics anu business failures; "con ere" and phe
nomenal tirlCPH In nil mnrL-clR.- inhnr tir.uhlp-4.
strikes and lock-outs, and hundreds ot other mat
ters never mentioned by hutorlans, which aro of.
the greatest Importanco to all who IsU to under
stand tho progm, s of til lr country, llesldes be
ing u msiory in iu'i orumary sense, it nn con
densed newspaper tile tor foui hundred years.
The History 111 bo sent ciDrcsa. to
over person who foi wards (1 lorn year's subscrip
tion to
Thu Great Anricultiirnl and Family
Containing all tlu) liest llluslratMl; llterarti mia
miscellaneous matter that aiiear in tlw Simdiiu
eatlton of THE WOI(LU,fu joi knaustic muvKL,
ici(7i has tune attatnea lite uniimnlriiteil circula
tion of otvr 425,000 oodles each issue.
Ilia 11Ua..,.I1I k ..nn. ,t
subscriber's risk when ten cents exira s forward
cd to prepay postage. Clubs will nnd the express
cheaper and t Injlo subscilbem tho mall.
This is beuoua aoubt the yieuletl ajter ever maae
mi auy pultHailloiitnlhl ur any other rmudrv,
Tli Ifewtum atom is of moro value titan tins
amount jxifd.
Want This Book.
H uvmt .400. oou inoi-. subseriljers ta tt.
Weekly World, mid this is tlie one
lTciiilimi that has been selecleHfruia atnong
orer a Vhuusniut lo seture fur thu Weekly
worsts .1 jf.ii.r- a jiu.i.iu.y a v n itv.t 11 is its.
THE WOULD rCHfTYf Ihn rlirht tn ulthrti-Atv
this oiler at any time upon .one week's notice In
Its weekly edit lor.
.if! tubscrliitloiis must 00 attaivssea
the; world,
New York, ?. Y.
Tho Jobbing Department of
Pift I n.
mm wmmmummm
is well slocked with niuterial for
doing all kinds of printing.
Calling Eds, d UMm
in great variety. All kinds of
kept in stock. Special pricca
on largo orders. Oltico 2ml
door bolow Exchango Hotel,
Main Street,
lo defeat him.