Mrta mm J. K.mtUnl)naw.,;Sdlt8ri' BLOOM8BUKG, PA, FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 188G. The Democratic Standing Committee win meoi in tno Urantl jury room on oaiurciay jnno ZlitU. 1880 tit ono o'clock p. m. for tlio purposo of Axing an apportionment of dcleaatcs from oaoh n'wiisinn n ceo runic to wio voui cast at . 1. I f 1 t . mu mtu uovrrnor s election. D. LOWUNIIKIUI, Chairman. FOR STATE SENATOR. On tlto 27th. of July tho Democrats of this countv will meet in convention to placo in nomination candidates for tno eovcral county ofbees to bo voted lor ai tno tall elections. At the samo time there will bo elected Senatorial conferees to meet nimiKar confereccs from thi sovcral counties of tho twenty tonriii senatorial district. up to tins timo incie iitu been no announcement for tho ofllco of Stato Senator, and it has becomo apparent mat mero will bo no candidate in this county unless soino snilablo man is taken up, even though against his will, ana Drought to tho front as tho stand ard bearer of tho Dcmooraoy of Colum bia county in tho Senatorial contest. When tho oflico seeks tho man it is suro to do well tilled. There is a gentleman in Blo.msbiirc who has served tho party faithfully for many years, whoso voico has boon heard in every township advocatiui; tho nrinci plcs of Democracy, who has labored at all times without any expectation of personal. gain or of political preferment, lie has never been an offiao-soeker, and as ho is a lawyer of wido reputation, an eloquent speaker, and an incorrupt ible man, his presence in tho Senate would do great credit not only to this county, but to the entire district. We refer to Col. John G. Freeze, and wo take the responsibility of announcing his name in the hope that bo may be inuucea to allow it to stand, and with the firm belief that his consent is all that is necessary to securo lor him a unanimous nomination in this county. Tho messengers of tho Popo arrived in thil country on Monday bringing with them the scarlet verctta and the scarlet zucchetla to the new Cardinal Archbishop Gibbous of Baltimore. Charles S. Wolfe, who lan as an in dependent republican for stato treasurer a few years aco, has lowed tho rrohl bitionists, and will probably bo their candidate tor governor. There was a general striko of tho street car drivers at Minneapolis Mon day, because the company bad issued an order that no driver could sit down. The company tried to get new drivers but the strikers induced them to tako the oars back to the stables. There was no violence. The names prominently mentioned in connection with tho governorship on the Democratio side are Wallace, Cur tin, Black, Wolvcrton.Coxo and Africa. From the present aspect it is by no means an impossibility to elect any one of these who may be nominated at the convention in August. Stato Senator Joseph P. Kennedy of Philadelphia diedjlast week, Wednes day. He was a young man of unusual ability, and first became prominent by his opposition to tho state administra tion though himself a democrat. Ho made a vigorous speech in tho senate against tho confirmation of Mr. Caswjy as Attorney-General. Tho following charters for corpora tions in this-state were issued at the tato department Tuesday: Apollo iron and steel company of Armstrong county. Capital, $300,000. Trust Safe Deposit and Title insuranco company, of Read ing. Capital $250,000. Tho new cor poration purchases tho business of Kendall Brothers, brokers, for C7.r shares of paid up stock. Robert Cole man, of Lebanon, and George Brooks, of Birdsboro, noted iron men, are stock holders. South Chester gas company. Capital, 5,000. James DuRoss build ing and loan association, of Philadel phia. Capital, 1,000,000. Excelsior building and loan association, of Phila delphia. Capital, $1,000,000. The Morrisou bill revising the tariff was defeated last week, Thursday, by the refusal of the House to consider the bill, by a vote of 140 to 157. Three Pennsylvania democratio congressmen, Storm, Soott and Swope, voted for tho consideration of the bill, and Boyle, Curtin, Ermontrout, Randall and Sow den voted against it. Both political parlies in jheir platforms of 1884, pledged themselves to a rovision of tho tariff, having duo regard for tho inter ests of the country. It is claimed by the opponents of tho Morrison bill that it does not do this, but simply makes an indi:criminato reduction in tho tariff. Tho defeat of tho Morrison bill now imposes upon Mr. Randall tho direct and absoluto necessity of proposing a measuro of tariff revision and revcmio reform that will meet tho requirements of tho timq and tho pledges of his own party. Tariff revision in the interest of free trado has been shown to be ini possible, but the demand for a revision of the tariff, an equalization and sim plification of duties, tho removal of opprcssivo burdens and tho reduction of surplus revenue cannot be and ought not to bo disregarded. Whilo both parties havp pledged themselves to this task in almost identical terms, the Dem ocratio party, as controlling tho House of Representatives, has tho opportunity aud therefore tho immcdiato duty to show what its pledges mean, The President on Private Pension Claims. Wasiiikoton, Juno 22. Tho nino vctoes by the President of privato pen sion bills were laid before the House to-day. Their reading caused many smiles because of tho caustic language employed by Mr. Cleveland in speak ing of unworthy claims. In ono caw it appeared that the claimant was be ing treated for iheumatism at the timo when bo pretended to have ben wounded. Another claimant was John W. Farris, who was pensioned sixteen years after his discharge for chronic tHarrliusa. Ho afterward filed an ap plication for inert aso of his rate, alleg ing that in 1881 hU eyes becamo affect ed in oonsequeiico of bis previous ail ments, Tho President says i 'The ingenuity developed in tho constant and pcisistont attacks upon the public Treasury by those claiming pensions and tho incrcaso of those already grant ed is exhibited in bold relief by this at tempt to inuludo soro oyes among tho results of diarrhtua." THE Soya Scotia Willing to Fly the Stars and ovripus. uitiuY, jn. a., Juno 21. Tho qucs tion of secession at tho Dolls hai occa sioned moro frankness of expression by the people in regard to their earnest 'dosiro for annexation Last week after tho great viotory by tho liborals on tho question at issue, a wealthy old sea onptain of this placotook n hatchet, stripped tho limbs from tho highest spruce trco on his farm and nailed tho stars and stripes there. Tbon pointing at tho flag ho shouted: "That Is our next question to vote on, and you will find before long, two thirds of us that way of thinking. A Protest From the South, MOItlUSON APMONISllKIl Til AT Till'. IlKMO ciuor 13 not von Kiir.i: thaw:. from (lie Atlanta Constitution. The Democratic party of tho present nay is not a ireo irnuo party, as iur. Morrison will discover before ho gives up his efforts to make it such. Ho has been deceived by Mr. Wnttorson, ana no nas been deceived by tho atti tudo of various Southern Congressmen. It may bo that tho complexion of tho Democratio party nt tho North is pretty much what It was boforo tho war. though this fact is by no means attest' ed by tho attitude of tho members of Congress from that section ; but tho complexion of tho Democratio party in the South is entirely different. This section has entered upon a now era of development. All tho old con ditions aro changed. Wo no longer boast that this is an exclusively agri cultural section ; wo aro striving to build up all sorts of industries, from tho smallest to the greatest ; wo are oven striving to competo with Now England in some lines of manufactures. In fine, tho pcoplo of this section, 110 matter what tho newspapers may say, and no matter what tho attitude of Southern Congressmen may be, are in favor of protection to homo industries. Tho most unintelligent fanner knows that ho must havo nearer homo markets befoio ho can prosper, as tho farmers of tho Noith and West havo prospered and ho knows that tho building up of industries in the Sonth will givo him theso homo markets. Probable Effect of the New Tax Law. Tho Supremo Court havinir sustained tho present tax law, it may not bo amiss to consider tho probable" result of its enforcement. Tho first assessment made under its provision is of necessity very imperfect. Tho assessors wero compelled to apply tho provisions of a law which some of them under stood very imperfectly, and toward which thoy were not in "all cases friend ly. They had to do this in an atmos- phcre of oppodtiou to tho law and in tho face of actual and threatened legal injunctions to prevent its enforcement. Naturally a good deal of personal prop erty and moneyed capital escaped as sessment, which will be compelled to bear its share of Stato taxes under tuturo assessments, now that assessors havo become familiar with tho work ings of a law that cau bo enforced. In spite of tho shortcoming and im perfections of tho new assessment it is likely to increaso tho revenue of tlio Stato in tho neighborhood of a million dollars. The increaso will bo entirely upon various forms of moneyed capital that formerly escaped taxation. This increase iu' revenues will bo a direct Did tor all sorts of extravagance in appropriations. As long as thero is a dollar in sight thero will be some But termoro ready to introduco a bill to ap propriate it to a local hospital or other scheme organized for tho solo purpose of getting money out of tho Treasury. Tho problem for the next Legislature will be that of properly redistributing tho State taxes so that no more may come into the Slate Treasury than is absolutely necessary for State purposes. TliiB can bo donu bv passing a law diverting tho present tavern, eating house, brewers, bottlers and whole sale liquor licenses into the treasuries of tho respectivo counties in which they aro collected. This, on tho basis of tho collections of 1885. will reduco tho State revenues about S850.000 and make tho local taxation necessary for county purposes just that much lighter. If that should bo found not to reduco tho Sata rovenues sufficiently tho mer cantile licciues might also bo diverted into tho samo channel, reducing the State rovenues another half million. What is called for now is tho careful and thorough collection of tho money tax and the diversion of other taxes to local purposes to a sufficient extent to keep the State revenues within reason able limits. It might not bo a bad thing in this connection to repeal the tax on household furniture entirely. This is a matter, however, for future consideration, when it is found just how much tho thrco mill tax will bring into tho Treasury. In irenernl them should bo a readjustment that would lighten tho burden of local taxation, which is by far tho hu&viest item of taxation paid by the people of tho Commonwealth, amounting to some thirty millions of dollars, as against the six or sever, millions required for Stato purposes. Times. Patents Granted. Patents Kranted to citizens of Penn- sylvania during tho past week, and re potted expressly tor tho Columbian by C. A. Snow Ss Co. Solicitors of Ameri can & Foreign Patents, Opp. U. S. Patent Office, Washington D. C. S. II. Anderson, Maddensville, Sled brake. R. Berchiold, Now Brighton, Dio for wiro nails. M. J. Berry, Bradford, Gas regulator. J. .T. Carr, Wilkes Barre, Chill for uso in casting metals. J. Chantrel, Roading, Tool handle: and tool tang. S. B. Stine, Oacoola Mills, Coal mining machine. W. II. Welsh, York, Spoon. J. T. Metcalfe, Quinoy, Steam engine. S. McDonald, Cochran's Mills, feeding Bt'and for poultry T. Poore, Soranton, Locomotive boiler. P. P. Garduer, Bradford, Cultivator, Corn planter, rake, and roller. J. 1', Halstead, Soranton, Dio for buttons. J. R. Grove, Yoik, Meter. S. M. Hess, Bloomsburg, Culm bar. V. V. Hard man, Butler, Casiiiu- cap and tubing tester and cleaner. BRIEF MENTION. A Chicago jeweler has invented a self-winding watch. By an arrange ment something like tho carofully bal anced lever of a pedoiuctor, tlio watch is wound by tho motion of tho wearer when walking. A walk of seven minutes 111 wind tho watch to go for forty-two houis. Mr., Boyd Winchester, champion Kentucky poker player aud Consul General of the United States to Switz erland, thinks that ho has discovered foiiio cheeses in that country that are 200 years old. This is impossible. Whori cheeses have advanced to that ago thoy havo becomo chestnuts. COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. Mifflin. Grain is very good, especially on iniiy ground. lloral Sunday was olworvod in tho JU. 15. Chtiroh. resuvais aro plenty. Two wcro held iu tho township last Saturday evo. L. B. Koehlor is making improve iiiuuin uu his llirtll. M. B. Ilctlcr is building a barn on tno liouocKcr farm. Hainuii JJrum kitchen. In this township tho fruit ornn Is tlin larnest for many years. Hundreds of bushels of chorrics will go to waslo. "Cort" Mccartrall. of Oraniovlllp. Is doing n fine job of plnstenng nt Hot icrviiie. 110 is a skilled workman. Tho pcoplo of West Mlillln on loved iiieinsrives at an old-style picnic on Saturday last. Jas. Hctlor and S. B. Lutz ro'.urned from Orangovillo Academy on Satur day Work has becun on tho now railroad along tho JSescopeck creek. Analyzing the Baking Powders. Under tho direction of tho Now York btato Board of Health, eighty-four dif ferent kinds of baking powders, em bracing all tho brands that could bo found for sale in tho state, wcro sub mitted to examination and ana vsis bv jrroi. v. . unandier, a .Member of tho m , J btato iioard and President of tho Now York City Board of Health, assisted by Prof. Edward G. Love, tho well-known late U mtcd btatcs Government chemist. Iho official report shows that largo number of the powders examined wcro lot'iid to contain alum or luno: many of them to such nn extent as to render them seriously objectionable for uso 111 tno preparation ot human food. Alum was found iu tweutv-nine sam pies. This drug is employed in baking powders to cheapen their cost. Tho jicsuiiuu ui nine is ntiriouicu to tno lmpuro cream of tartar ot coinmcrco used in their manufacture Such cream of tnrtar was also analyzed, and found to contain lime and other impurities; in somo Bamplcs to the extent of 93 per cent, of their entire weight. All tho bakinir powders of tho mar ket, with tho single exception of "Roy al" (not including tho alum and pho's phato powders, which wero long since discarded as unsafe or inefficient bv piudent house-keepers) aro mado from tho impnre cream of tartar of commerce and consequently contain lime to corresponding extent. iho only baking powder vet found by chemical analysis to bo entirely free from limo and absolutely puro is tho "Royal."' This perfect purity nsults from the exclusive uso of cream of tar tar spcoially refined and prepared by patent processes of tho N. Y. Tartar Co., which totally rcmovo tho taitrato of limo and other impurities. Tho cost ui una cfieciicauy pure cream ot tartar is much greater tbau any other, and on account 01 mis greater cost is used in no baking powder but tho "Royal." Prof. Love, who mado tho analysis of baking powders for tho Now York Stato Board of Health as well as for the government says of tho purity and wholesomencss of ""Royal;'' "I havo tested a package of 'Royal Baking Powder' which I purchased in tho open market, and find it composed of puro and wholcsomo ingredients. It is a cream of tartar powder of a high decreo of merit, and does not contain either alum or phosphates or any in jurious substances. E. G. LOVE, Ph. "D. WASHINGTON LETTER from our Regular Correspondent. Washington. I). U June 31, 1880. Tho summary disposal of iho tariff bill during tho past week is taken by many to indicate that tho Congression al session will bo of shorter duration than was supposed a week ago. But it is not impossible that tho tariff bill may come up again. It would be strange indeed if tho forty or fifty Congressional Boanerges who have Bpent both timo and monoy in tho com position aud purchase of speeches will bo content to carry this pent up un delivered eloquence ; but, unless tho pent up flood of tariff talk shall bo let loose in tho halls of Congress, tho ses sion will probably be shortened by from two to threo weeks. Tho weath er has been exceedingly warm, and members and senators aro very anxious to get away from the city. Tho Senate is not disposed to give tho President any rest but keeps send ing up to him bills, by tho basketful, for his examination and approval. Saturday when ho went to bed he had on his tablo 54 bills, tho constitutional time for his examination of which ex pires on Monday, and ho has not look ed at one of them. Thero is another lot embracing as many moro that will become laws 011 Tuesday unless he ve toes them, and still moro on Wcdnes day, and it is scarcely possiblo for him to rend their text. Thursday and Fri day tho Senate passed 212 bills, about half of which havo gono through tho House, and thoy will bu dumped on his table lo-moriow. Some of theso bills aro saved by their numbers. Thoy would certainly bo vetoed if tho Presi dent had timo to oxaniino them. There is still considerablo talk in political circles about changes in tho Cabinet. Thero is a rumor, I givo it for what it is worth, that Don M. Dick inson of Michigan is to succeed to tho placo of Attorney General Garland. It is thought that tho recent visit to tho country of Hon Robt. M. McLane, our minister to France, is connected with tho Secretaryship of tho Treasury Do partmont, and that if, when Secretary Manning returns, ho is compelled to tender his final resignation, Mr. Mo Lano may bo his successor. The Treas ury Department is very ably managed at present by Assistant Secretary Fair, child who is carrying out many reforms that wero commenced by Secretary Manning. The clerical forco in tho Sixth Auditor's Division of this depart ment has been much reduced and there will be a still larger reduction on tho first of July. It was at first intended to nllow tho dismissed clciks tho fifteen days duo them up to the first ultimo, but then it was thought that this timo would be ocoupicd in efforts for re instatement, so, in order to prevent all aunoyanco and bother, tho dismiss als and appointments of successors will bo mado 011 tho samo dale. Tho Civil Sorvico Commission has furnished a list of names with which to fill tho va cancies that will exist in the olllco on tho first of July, so that tho Auditor will bo able to say to all thoso seeking reinstatement, that the vacancies havo already been filled. Tho numbor to be dismissed is thought to bo twenty-six nt present to which number moro or less will probably bo added by tho ex piration of the month. Since Mr, McConvlllo has bocn the sixth Auditor thero havo been upward of eighty discharges in his oflloe and tho twenty-Blx or moro yet to l.o mado will brinir tho total tin to over hundrod ana six a third of tho entiro forco. This Is by far tho best record of dis missals yet mado in tho department. Last week Mr. Hoar, of Mass. sub mittcd n resolution uroposinir a con stitulional amendment to provido that tho term of tho president s office and of tho next Congress shall bo prolong ed until tho last Tuesday of April 1889 at midday ; tho Senators whoso present terms would otherwise expire on March 4th. 1889 shall continue in office nntil noon of the last Tuesday in April succeeding such expiration. Tho last Tuesday of April shall therefore be substituted for tho 4 th. of March as the beginning and endlnc of tho ofll oial term of the President, Vico-Prcsi dent, Senators and Representatives in Congress. iho most noteworthy social evouts during the past week wcrf tho two re ceptions) given by tho President and 1110 win-, uiu iiibl uunig u citru ri'uepi ion to the Army and Navy diplomats and other officials, the last to tho gen eral public on Friday evening which was probably tho largest reception over held nt tho White House. No other announcement was mado than tho ono in tho daily nanors nnd in tneso tho hours named wore from nine till eleven, but, at that hour, there was a line of eager faces anxious to shako bands with the Prcsidont and his bride, that Mr. Cleveland sent wold that ho would'see them nil if it took until day broak. lliis was tho last reception Mrs. Cleveland will hold until tho opening of tho noxt season nnd until then sho will bo at homo only to her personal friends. Lfghtstreet. Mrs- Anna Hutchison has improved nor residence oy rc-modeliug tho in side. L. M. Sleppy, of Orange, spent Sun day at Harry Townsend's. Mrs. MoKclvy Smith and daughter. ot .Northumberland, aro visiting Mrs, N. B. Ent. Mrs. Froderici, of Scronlon. is vis. iting her parents, John Eckroth's. James Pugh met with an aewb-nt somo tune since at the paper mill, hav ing bis front fingor cut oil with the paper cutter. A grand warning was given to young men by a warrant issued by bquiro Terwilliger on Monday laet of would bo gentleman of Orango for insulting a young lady of town whilst on her way homo from Blooms' burg. Ask tho young man; ho can toll the cost ot tho offense. Tho band held a festival on the 18th and 19th, from which thoy realized about $75.00 net. Thoy tender thanks to all who aided them in their work, especially the ladies wno waited on the tables. L. M. Kelchner purohased the large cako baked by Mrs. Heck, at the closo of the festival, for tho sum of $1.00, Three Peculiarities Hood's SarsapariUa, tho great blood purifier and regulating medicine, Is cliaracterliod by three peculiarities, namely i 1st: 2d: 3d: Tho combination of the various remodlal agents used. Tho proportion In which the roots, herbs, balks, etc., aro mixed. Tlio process by which tlio r.ctlvo medicinal properties aro seemed. Tho result Is amci'.lclno of unusual ttrength and curative power, which effects cures here tofore uncq-iallod. Theso peculiarities bciorg exclusively to llood'a Sarsaparllla, and aro Unknown to Others Hood's Sarsaparllla Is rrerarcd with ll.o greatest skill and care, by pharmacists of education and long experience. JIcnc6 it Is r. mrdlclno worthy of entiro confidence. Jf you suffer from scrofula, salt rheum, or any dis ease of Iho Mood, dyspepsia, biliousness, fit); lieadachc, or kidney and liver complaints, catarrh or rheumatism, do uot fall to 1.7 Hood's SarsapariSia "I recommend Hood's Sarsaparllla to r.U tny friends as tho best Hood (a earth." VTm. Gatf, druggist, Hamilton, O. "nood's Sarsaparllla has cured mo of scref lilous humor, and done mo worlds cf good otherwise." C. A. Auxold, Arnold, Kc. A book containing many cddllloual state ments of cures will bo tent to all who desire. Hood's SarsaparIHa 8old by all drufglsts. $1 ; six for $3. JIado only by C I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. SOO Dosos Ono Dollar. CANDIDATES. Toil ASSOCIATE utiOOE, I. K. KlilCKBAUM, liubject to decision of DcmocraUe party. KOIt ASSOCIATE JUDdE, O. G. MURPHY, Of Centralis Only one ote can bo trtven to each cnnilldat a fnr dclegaw under tho recent amendment to the rules. KOIS ASSOCIATE JUDGE, CIIAKLES REICHAHT, Of Main Township. Subject to decision of IX mocratle party. gate election will bo held July SO, Convention, ulyS7. l"OIl ASSOCIATE JUDOE, JAMES LAKE, Of Scott Township. . Subject to decision of Democratio party. 1'OIt ItKl-HESENTATIVK, E. M. TEWKSBUKY, Of Catawissa. subject to decision of Democratio party. KOIt ItKl'ItESENTATlVE, F. Ii. SIIUMAN, Of Catawissa. subject to decision of Democratic party. KOIt ItEl-KKSENTATlVK, JAMES T. FOX, Of Beaver Township, subjoct to decision of Democratio party. KOIt ItEl'ItESESTATIVE, A. L. FMTZ, Of Bloomsburg. Subject to decision of Democratio party. Do Ho More Whitewashing ! NOT W1IKN 0 PLASTIU PAINT Can bo had no cheap. Bend for pamphlet and color card, and learn Us merits' MAXWELL, llAVlUSTT- il CO. 10!) Mohlderry's Wharf, Ualllmore. Jld.. and CO I Washington Ave., llulladelpuli piT' (Juno 11 4t d. ItEAS ImOWN'S INBimANf'R BlOOL AQENGV. MOVernnBurtmt!ri1ncr Mnin oomsburg, Pa. jKtna Insurance Co., ot Hartford, Conn t1.u7s.2a Itoyal of Liverpool, ., , , IsWao Lancashire......,......."...; " JS'gKSi Hre AssoclaUon. Philadelphia U1S710 l'hcenlx, of London " StwCars lndon Lancashire, of England l.Toa.o Hartford of Hartford! iS ;n.iii3lSiSf'""-.:i:-. . '. . AS Uli Drtho rVithSur WoX lilocm&burg. BLOOMSBURG, LIVER COMPLAINT Jlad breath a hitler or bad taste tn the mouth: pain m ifie oacA; sides or joints, ojlei mistalicn for rheumatism; sour stom ach; loss of mmettte: bowels alter nately costive and lax; headache; loss of memory, with a painful sensation Of Having jailed to do something which ought to have been done; debit ity; low spirits; a thick, yellow ap pearance of the skin and eyes; a dry cough, ojlen mistaken for consump- uon. How Cured. "1 hfivn twn nrtltteil mnnv vpnra will. dyspepsia, sick lu-adacho and affection of tho Kidneys caused by torpid liver. 1 liao tiled 0 great physicians prvsciiimuns wunoui nucccHH, neaiiu rent ing all tho time. Duilng last Kail and ' l- ter I was obliged to suspend the moot of my labor in my field of Homo JIlsRionrry work on account ot my hculth. Early this Spring I was Induced to try Simmons Ller Hegtuator, and have bad moro real good health since tren than for years before. 1 use tho medlclno to rellvo mo when, by ex posure or over-exertion, I discover tlio nymptoms of my dlseaso returning. Th Kegiilator relieves me at once, and is more Bausrsctory 111 Us effects than anything ot tho kind I ever tried. I havo also us. d It with good st'ccess In my family to ward on bilious attacks." Jos. K. Wiikei.kk, cum berland lYes. .Minuter, Lebanon, .Mo. TEWKSBURY'S SPACE. :o: Delegate Election, July 20. uonvetition, July 27 :o: KOU ltEPKESENTATlVK, (Subject to notion of Democratio Convention,) E M. TEWKSBUKY, Of Catawissa, Columbia Co., Pu. "Tho pcoplu'slnw is habitually violaterl evaueti ami tieheu." "JNoirco Koveinnu'iit can lone ex st wlieru the organic law of the Stato , ,,.1, , n ... is uauiiuany aeueu. "llio (Jonstitntion of 1874 is not com tiiuinstic. It assails no right of property, nor does it pivo counte nnuco to pripciphs which would degrade or deinonilize nocielv. The Constitution cannot wholly en force lisHf, nor could it provido ueiaueu regulations lor its en forcciiKiil; these iniifl bo provided uy ttie Jj' KHlatiiie. "In the Huleotion of members of the Legislature at tho next general election, select only such as aro pledged to the long-neglected worK ot uoiiftitutional nlorcp- ment." From address of Oonsti J..,. 1 ST . uiuuitui ionimtiite, leoo. Tho people, through tho ballot box, should upon all laws, sumptuary or organic, have an opportunity to express llicir opinion, befoio be coming a settled law. Let a'.l bo equal before law. No monopoly, no aristocracy. Democrats of Columbia Countv: Tno aoovo are my sentiments and if nomi nated aud t-lccted, pledge myself to la bor in all honorable ways to carry it into eiiect. Truly Youis, E. M. TEWKSBIJItY. L. E. Klotz, --SOLE AGENT I'OIl THE SHAVER SYSTEM -OF TELEPHONING. (Specially adapted for communication in Jtllni'P,) For Ibo Counties of Carbon, Columbia, he- nign, Luzerne, i.acknwnnnti, Monroe, Montour, Northampton, North, umberlaud nnd Schuylkill. Also, Agent for the Bowman System of k and Incan- in AND DEALEIt IN- ELECTEIC SUPPLIES and Appliances of nil kinds. Hotel and House Anuunclulors, Burglar Alarms, Electric Door Bells, Lightning Arresters, Elec tric Qas Llchtlne-. &p.. Estimates given on all work ou application. i". u. Auaress, L. E. KL.OTZ, MAUCII CHUNK, Pa. S8ollcItors and Agents wanted. Apr.-ie-3ms. NOTICE. The undersigned hereby glvc9 publlo notice, from this date, that inas much a3 It 13 unpleaiant forhlin to continue to llvo with hli wire, he takes this method of inform ing tho public generally, not to Mil or trado his wlfo an thing on his credit, as ho will not pay any bills of her contraction, and this shall be uoi-uieu HuijLcieut. nuuec- JAS. L. MILLEH, June 11,188. Jlaln Township, D. LANCELL'S ASTHMA AND CATARRH REMEDY. SOLD BY ALL DKUGGISTS. Hat IOC btrUP(?lP(l -Jl Vf-Arg ItPtU-i-r-n llfA nnri death with ASTHMA or PHTHISIC' tn-ntnl liv cmUient physicians, and receiving no lx-nent, 1 mm tuuipi-ui-u uunuv iiiumst, curs or my ill. neta to sit on my chair day and night gasping for breath ily sufferings weio beyond description, in despair I expel Imented on myself by com. pounding roots and herbs and Inhaling tho medl clno thua obtained. I fortunately discovered this WONDKhKUL CUBE FOlt ASTHMA AND OA TAltltll. warranted to relieve thninnt. unhinm casoof ASTHMA IN KIVK MINUTES, BO that the Fuueiik euu uu uowu to rest ana steep comfortably, loaso read tho following condensed extracts from uuBum-iLi-u urauutuuima, uu ui recent, uaie: Oliver V. It. llolmea. Han Jdsa. !ni. writp. And tho remedy all and even more than repre sented. 1 receive Instantaneous relief." it 11. uarson, A. M., Warren, Kansas, writes: "Was treated bv eminent niixkictrinu nr this country and (lermany; tried tho cllmalo of different states-nothing afforded relief lite your T. K. dates. Countv Treasurer. l'lillnHoitihi, itlss., writes: "Have used the lfemedy. Would not Uvo without It, Every one that uses It re commends It." L. 11. Phelps, V. M (Irlggs, Ohio, wrlts: "Suf fered with asthma 40 years. Your medlclno in 3 minutes docs more for me than the most eminent physician did for me In three years." 11. V. l'lumnton. Jollet. Ill-, writes; 'Knd e. tarrh ltemedy at once. Cannot get along without It. I find It to bo the most valuable medicine 1 havo ever tried." tlto. W. llrady, Nelson Co., Ky writes: 'I am utlngtbo remedy, ualneds pounds In 3 weeks, would not bo without It," .Martin Vox. Little Falls, N. V., writes: "Find ltemedy excellent. Could not llvo without It." w e have many other hearty ti-sttmnntnu nr rrn-n or relief, and la order that all sufferers from Asth ma, Catarrh. Hay Fever, and kindred diseases may hae an opportunity ot testing tho value of tho ltemedy u u will bond to any address TltlAL l'ACK AUE F1IEE OF CIIA1IUK. Address, J. ZIMilEHJIAN CO., Proprietors, H holesale Druggists, Woostcr, Wayne Co., O. Full tUu box by mall ft. linayr.iy. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! G. W. BERTSOH, Tlllfi JmCliLU ANT TAILOIt. Denis Furnishing Goods, Bats & Caps UF JSV1SUV DESCKIPTION. Suits rnndo to order at Bhort notice and a lit always iruaranteod or no salp. Call and oxamino tlio largest nnd beet selected stock of goods over shown in Columbia county. Store-next door to First National Bank, JUAJiN STUEIST, Bloomsburg, Pa. nVHIMSPBIA.-Its Nature. Cause I-,,. AJAr cott"M June.tu w d COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Philadelphia Markets coiihkotkd" weekly. r.PKJ?.,r,Vcs,crn winter bran, snot, 18.78 In FLpUIl Wostern extra's 3 00 (, isj t l-enna family, 3.VB 9 4:00 onto clear, 4.00 4.isjtf winter o.o-; l-enna, roncr process. 4.10 9 ' WHKAT-rennsylvanlarcd, No. 1, 9ltf It 1 K.8S. (,'OHN. 47 01 49 OATH. No. 3 White f 33 No. 2. U HAY ANU STKAW Timothy fllinlrn Wl9tjrn and New Vork,18.tx). fair to good Western and ttvn i4 ii. vu; iiieuium ttcsiernanunow ork, 8(4 9. I Cut hay as to quality IS. 9 18. Hyo straw n, Wheat straw, jo. oat straw 1WAT0ES.-NCW 1.S3 (SS.23 rer bbL KOOH. Pennsylvania 13; western Uy(. llUTTKIt. Pennsylvania creamery prints SO Creamery Kxtra lil, Western extra 18,alr 13 (4 17. IJVKl-OULTltV.-Fowls, 9(410 Turk08 9 "mtKssKl) roULTltV.-Chlckcns, 13 Turkey 13 13. ducks 113 13. N0' i'lOK OV 1NQUKST. KSTATR OP CATIUMNK FAIIVER, IllSCIAfUtB, lo ivter Farter, of lltlg Hester llclnhard. ot Mallm 1'a.: Harah A. lima, of li Thomas Farter, or Oascvllle. Huron Co., Michigan. I'ot.ujinu county, ss: Whereas, at an Orphans' Court, held In Blooms bmi. In nnd for tlio county ot Columbia, tho third d.ty of May, A. 1). lsso. before tho Hon. Wm. Klwcll, Pictl lent, nnd his Associates, Justices of tho said Court, the petition of Oeo. W. Farver was presented, setting forth that Catharlno Farver, of said county, lately died Intestate, seized In her demcsurns of fee, ot nnd In u certain messuage ond tract ot land slluato in tho township of Jack son, said county, bounded by lands of John Fritz, Frit and Keldiner, Samuel Knousennd Washing ton Knouso, containing about eighteen acres of land, with tho appurtenances. Take notice that an Inquest win bo hold on sold lands upon tho premises, on.Matuiilay, July 10, msa, nt or.o o'clock in tho nrtcrnoon, to mako partition to and among tho hell s and legal representatives of tho said Cat nnrlne Farver, deceased, if tho samo can bo Mono without prtjudlco to or spoiling tho whole. Audit It cannot bo so dltldcd.lhen to valuoand npprnlso tho whole of tho sold real estate, at which timo and placo you can attend If you sco proper. BA.MULL SMITH, Sheriff. liloomsburg, June 8, 1880. JxlUTOlVrNOTICrl Vstate trfSita Mcltenry Itte of fMilngcnrk toieii. Mlt OeiraFfd, Letters testamentary on tho estate of Silas Mc llenry, deceased, having been granted by tho lteg. tster ot said county to tho undersigned executor Hll persons Indebted to said cstato aro hereby noti fied to pay tho same, nnd thoso having claims against said estate to present tho samo without delay to WILLIAM KMcItENltY Stillwater, fa. Executor. J 18 Gt. XKOUTHIX'S NOTIOK. mute nt Aaron llemlershvtt, late of the lotcn of MoomitwirQ, ttecfnml. Letters testamentary on tho estato of Aaron Itendcrsholt, deceased, having been granted by tho lieglster of said county to the undr rslgncd ex. ecutrix all persons Indebted to said estato aro hereby notined to pay tho some, and thoso hav Ing claims against said estate to present tho Batno without delay to LAVINA HKNDE11SHOTT, Oeo. K. KLWKi.r, Am. Executrix. M 2S ADMINISTKATOH'S KOT1C13. iff oMarv Walters, late ctT tfaatsontu-p, rtAI Letters ot administration In said estate having been granted to the undersigned administrator, l... i v"-3 ucuivu iu bam rmuiu are nercoy no tuied to pay tho same, nnd thoso having claims -fc"...ov ,B,.4iu uu-m-iil iuu same ui apr S3 itEV. H. c. MUNIto. Administrator. Muncy, l'a. MHNISTHATOH'S NOTICK. JCState Of Hit lnlfii' Into r.f t-Lhl......,. I tters of nilmlnletrnflnit In u.l.i been trranrpfi tn tho i)nriDnit,n&i .rin.i.,n. all persons Indebted to said iBtato are hereby nol lined to pay tho same, and those havlnr claims JAVUU UKIM1.NUKU, Adm. A DMIMSTRATOK'S NOTICE. Estate of William Siller, latenf llrlarcreek imn,. fHI p. deceased. Letters of nilmlnltrntlnti In 01M v V, . . . "u--i&JKeu uuimmsiraior, all persons Indebted to k.iui ki.ia nm hnmn.- tined to pay the same, and thoso hating claims ...... v .om.u I'lVOt llt II1G UUIU IU at WILLIAM LAMOK. AHm. AUDITOirS NOTICE. EST1TR OP R. IT. T ,1-11 V -it(.L-l.En The Undersll?ne,l Allilltnr nnnnnlntrul w' n.- phans' court of Columbia county, to distribute funds In the hands of the administrator, win it at his offlco in Berwick, l'a , on Saturday. Juno 20, lssa, at 10 o'clock a. m , when and where all part- , . v"w- --"aui uu un.-rur ufuurrca rrom conr ,uK iu uu sum 1UUU. , k. NWITI 1 '""y Auditor. UDITOIt'S NOT1UE. K8TATB OFWILMttl WK8T, PRCKASKD Tho undersigned auditor appointed by the Or. nuaus Lourr. or Co county to distribute tato or William West, wtn sit at his omce tn lHooinsburg.ijn Mondar, June iwth Nsa at 2 o'cloc P. m . when and wl.ern nil -v-i-tioa into-.,.,., t. said cstntn o ust appear and present their claims v. u u. ua-n-u Hum uuiuiiit in on saiu runa. ,. . E. li., lu"0 1- Auditor. Administrator's Sale OF VALUABLE TCcsafi Instate ! Tho undersigned, n'dtninlstrntorof the estato of Mary waiters, late of Madison Twp., deceased, will expose to publlo salo on tho premises on Saturday, July 31. 86, av iu u clock a, in., an mat certain messuage, ten ement nnd tract of land situate In Madison Two.. i-ommuia county, in., Bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning in a publlo road leadlnc from White Hall to Jerscytown on line of lands of Win. Mcllrlde, thenco along said road south thlr ty-lght degrees cast twenty-eight perches. thence by namo south forty-nlno degrees cast eight perches, thenco by samo south fifty-seven and one-fourth degrees, eleven and nvo-tenths perches, thence by lands of Win. Mcllrlde north forty -two degrees cast eighty-nine and three-tenths perches, thenco by samo south thirty seven degrees cast rorty-two and live-tenths perches to another pub llo road, thence by land of Jacob Olrt'jn forty, thrco and one-fourth degrees west ninety-eight perches, thence by lands ot Jacob Biddlo north lony-nino negroes west eighty-seven and nvo- tenths perches, thenco by land of Win, McBrlde north foity-fourand one-half degrees east twenty aim me-ienius percjes to place ot beginning, con taining 31 ACRES and sotenty perches, more or less. TEltMS OF SALE. Ten per cent of ono-fourth of tho purchase money to bo paid at tho strtUnir down of the property; the one-fourth less tho ten percent, at the conflnnatlon ot boIs aud tho re maining threo-fourths In ono year thereafter with Interest from confirmation nlsL (J 1 J ItEV, 11. C.MUNRO. Limns, Attys. Administrator. T lEAGHEHS1 NOTICE. "Tho llloomsblircr SVlinnl Itntint will linM a K..... lar meeting ou Friday etenlug, Juno 23th, 188a Tat which thru teaehei-M rni- th pntmim-. vna-iiYi. selected. All applications should o sent to tho div-viui uuui m-iuru iiiul uay. J. c. BHOWN, secretary. June, 18-st, .t. -t t.A IV1T f. T-w,tl.lA.. JETTING, a lettlncr will Iia liet.i nt n.n iihAi.i.ak , r,"1 "'""""J iu, i!ou. ai nan post ono p clock tor tho purposo ot erecting a frame school house ts by 3d feet, ono story building 1 I1OU.1O. or at tbe nuhllnliniisui nr fitHna it.L MWinrfillnntti-nii tut Limn ,.r i t t. School uoartl, HuckUorn, l'a. KEYSTONE ACADEMY I John II. IIaiiius, Ph. D. 1'iiincipal. EIGHTEENTH YEAH BEOINS AUGUST 24, 1886. l'ropcrty cost fM.axx Campus, so acres. Library, over 8,ou) volumes. Uore than 11, cw in apparatus. Superior facilities for students In rhj blology. Location healthful, Instruction thoroutrh. disu uipuuu umi, ux)enses moueratc, experienced teachers, small classes, personal attention. I'repares for business, for collego and for.teach. Ing. students prepared In Kcystono hato entered Yalo and Harvard unconditioned. Separato building of brick, heated by steam, for me use ui luuios. students travol on the D.L.& W. and branches nna on mo Lehigh valley at halt rates. For catalogue or Information address the nrinn. pal at Vacloryvllle, J'a. rm. stl-ains. TO FARMERS ! :o:- Any ono tn want of tlio BUCKEYE Ac!Wehy, Ulasa Feed Fertilizer, Grain Drill, Cider Mill or nny tliing Aranufactured by tho Company, can get them of AARON SMITH, iiUUfUtUKN, PA. onr. 10.6ms. BLOOMSDUUG MARKET. Wholesale, Itctnll Wheat per bushel 85 00 ityo Corn " .... OfttS' " " Flour " bbl Htitter EfiCfl Potatoes Hams , , Dried Apples 8klo nnd shoulder Chickens Turkeys Uccso... Lard per lb liny per ton Vinegar per gal Onions per bushel Veal skins Wool per lb Hides CO 45 33 CO 45 0 to (1 14 14 12J 12 40 11 03 00 10 12 03 20 75 07 00 14 05 09 12 14 10 12.00 110 1.00 r to C'OAI. ON WlIAIlP. No (I t3.00; Nos 2 0, 4 & Lump $3.2.1 No. S $3.00 Dltinnlmifl, $3.25 Goud Business Location Tito uudursigncd offers for snip, on easy terms, tlio Planing Mill, Dry Dock5 Lumber Shedg etc., (with excellent wlmrfngo fnciliticn) located on tlio banks of tho l'cnn'n Cnnnl, within one-qtiartcr of a milo of tho D. L. & W. depot, at Ucaoh Hn von, Luzerne county, l'a. A good ferry also connects this place with tho coun try on opposito eido of tho Susque hanna river. Tlio machinery consist!) of a large plancr,nioulliug and match ing machine, turning lathe and bracket saw, alno circular eaws, all in good working order. It has a 10-horse Power water wheel under n twenty-six foot head. Tho mill is 30x45 fert, with two largo lum ber sheds, one 18x94. ono 20iG4. This is a food openiiin for any energctio business man. For further patticulais apply to Snralt Bracler, Ex'lt OV D. J!ltAlKIt KsTATK. March 5-tf." Beauli Haven, Pa E. B. 8R0WER GAS FITTING & STEAJJ HEATJNO DKALEIt IN STOVES &T1N WARE. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Hoof ing and Spouting j roniptly attendt d to. rvstrlct attention given to heating by steam. Comer of Main & East Sts., Bloomsburg Pa. WE AliE iifm ! lf fSindef, Syete JVEowe. We bate tho only full tteel frame binder In market, and aro telling it at fair prices. Dont hn tniirwi into buying ism nnd lb85 machine? at the price w e are belling isso machines. 00ME AKD EXAMINE OUR 2 NEW MOWERS. ItEAlt AND FKONT CUT. ALSO OUIt Junior Right-Hand Binder. Meffl 0AruUl,no o, o,bo,no rep,,,, olway hand a full lino of knives, rivets, etc, for all makos ot reapers and inowcra. macll"lcs' omuntljr on HARMAN & HASSERT. PENNY GOODS A SPECIALTY. SOI.S iOINTS FOlt V. y. ADAMS 4 CO., FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Solo agents of tho fol lowing brands ot Cigars. I1ENKV CLAY, LONDltES, KOlt.MAI, INDIAN PRINCESS, SAMbON, SILVEU ASH. Alexander Bros. (6 Co, WUOLESALE DBA LEI'S IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. fcOLE AtlENTS FOR HENRY MAILLARDS SSSCA.NDIES. FRESH EVERY WEEK. Bloomsburg, pa. THE HAMBURG lUo"Vx7eho plows. FiRJEfS PRODUCE Bioomsburcf. Pa. Rupture iMim'iailllllBiiiiuiiwiui send for his homo orcuiaror mivion 7,i7" uriouoo above IteadeBtreeu "vhuo. PltOPllIETOIt OF Exchange Barber Shop k Eiil Room At tho old stnnd, under tho , Exchnngo Hotel, BLOOMSBURG, PA. ORNAMENTAL lEOli FkMIS 01" CAST CU WHOUOHT irtON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds :o: Tlio following shows tlio Picket Gothic, ono ot tho soveral beautiful Btjrlcsof Fenco tnanufactureri by tno underslirncil. For nenuty cd. set un b y ana Durability thoy aro unnurniwB sot up by experienced uanaa and warranted to give satisfaction, Prices and specimens of othor de- signs sent to any address. Address BLOOMSBURG PA. May 4-tf NATURE'S PERFECT HEALTH rimp ran 13 impossible It the Sleoa - liun is linniiin'u. ino liv CONSTIPATION, er Inactive, or tho bun els constl pat 1. Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient, will euro constipation, sick hendnchoanddrspcpsln. It regulates tlio bowels and enables thot-oof rceblodl- f estlon to enjoy their food, t reduces fever, cools tho blood, Is Invaluablo In plica nnd Intlammntory diseases, and Is a Justly esteemed Aperient for children, eco nomical, tellable, elegant It should be found lu every Sick-Headache, AND nvonmcll household. Bold bv drnir. UldrLrdlHs gists everywhere. Manu factured only by TAltllANT S Co., New York.. June 11 4U r. A PRESENT! Our readers for 18 cents In postngo stamps to pay for mailing and wrapping nnd names ot two book agents, will receive FltKH a Steel Finish l'arior Engraving ot nil our l'KKSI DU.N'Tc', Including Cleveland, slzo fflxsis Inch, worth H00. Address Eider Pub. Co., Chicago , III. Julyl7-ly llll,l-,M-.l...W S24and 32Q Pearl St., Now York. it3- SEND FOB 0IR0ULAI1. SELLING TI1E ANY ORDEIt FOlt FESTIVALS bo SW'I'IJED WJTH the LOWEST Market fries?, AS FOLLOWS : OKANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH' WALNUTS. CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, l'OP COHN BALLS. CHAMPION PLOW REVERSIBLE PLOW SHARE. anew! Hmri In,n ,M , .1 ! ,r,...r"J V.'! FOR SALE BY EXCHMQE, U, - "Ytol Dr. hhennau's nerwinni uSi.H. itemembcr, omco iiroadway Ne'v York wayClittU.