What Bolenco Says. Tim 'IT.AItt-UI. ANI WONIM'.llt'Ui." MR- ciunism or Tin: human ststkm OltAt'lltCAIXY romiiAYKD. (In the crtltorlnl columns of tlinNcw York An nlwl, II. Lnwlnir, M. I., o.lltor, wrluu the follow lnK bonutiml descrlptlan ot the laborntorlca ot the human eyntem We think: wo have never rciul a finer or more trustworthy one "Jinn is tho greatest of nil chemical laliornioties. Magnify tho smallest cell of tho body mid what n factory ia spread before- tho oyes countless cham bers in which nro globes of air, masses of solid matter, globules of dying liquid) n flash comes and tho whole is consumed and needful heat is carried into every part ot tho system. Elec trical forces also gcncinto and arc con veyed into tho brain, tho muscles nud tho various ncrvo centers. In another set of a million cham bers wo see various gasses nnd vapors. By chemical action these aro changed nnd purified in tho lungs and tho skin. Tho blood wo often say is a great living liver. In its current aro masses which the air In tho lungs did not affect: blocks of chalk; slabs of tnrtar; pieces of bone-ash, strings of albumen; drops of molasses, and lines of alcohol. How aro tlteso wasto masses, disposed of 1 Bcgiu wliero you will in this great stream you must como to tho purifying places of tho system. Hero is all ac tivity and an invisible forco reaches out into tho Biream, seizes and carries this mass of waste into vast trenches, thenco into a smaller reservoir, and finally into a larger rciervoir, which regularly discharges its contents. This separation of lime, uric acid and other wasto material from the blood without robbing it ot a particlo of tho life fluid, passes human compre hension. In health this blood, purify ing process is carried on without our knowledge. Tho organs in which it is dono aro faithful servants whoso work is silent as long as health ro- mams. "Peoplo strangely wait until pain strikes a ncrvo before they will realizo that they have nny trouble. Thoy do not know that pain concerns chiefly tho oxtcrior not tho interior ot the body. A certain set of nerves connect theso blood-purifying organs with tho brain. They may not gnaw and bito as does tho looth-acho or a scratch, but they regularly, silently report When these organs aro failing these nerves indicato it by drawing tho blood from tho face and cheek, leaving tho lip and eye blanched, by sending urio acid poison into tho smallest veins, tho skin then becoming gray, yellow or brown. They nlso prevent tho purification of tlio blood in tho lungs and cnuso pul monary difficulties, weariness and pain Who enjoys perfect health, especially in this land whero wo bum tho candle in one mass! Tho athleto breaks down in the race; tho editor falls at his desk; 'the meiohcut succumbs in his counting-room. Theso events should not have been unexpected for naturo long ago hung out her "lanterns of alarm. When tuo "accident linally comes, its fatal effect is seen in a hun dred forms; either as congcstion,chror.io weakness, as wrong action, as varinblo appetite, as head troubles, as palpita tion and irregularities of tho heart, as premature decay, as dryness and harsh ness of the skin causing tho hair to drop out or turn gray, as apoplexy, as paralysis, as general debility, blood poisoning, eto. "Put no faith then in tho wiseacre who says there is no danger as long as there is no pain. Put no faith in tho physician, Whoever ho may be, who says it is a mero cold or a slight indis position. He knows little, if any. more than you do about it. He can neither sec nor oxamino these organs and depends entirely upon experiment al tests, that you can mako as well as he. "If tho output is discolored or muddy, if it contains alburten, lymph, crystals, sweet or morbid matter, is red with escaped blood, or roily with gravel, mucus and froth, something is wrong and disease and death are not tar away. "Theso organs which wo havo de scribed thus at length, because they are really tho most important ones in tho human system, tho ones in which a largo majority of human ailments orig inate and are sustained, aro tho kidneys, Thoy havo not been much discussed in publto because it is conceded that the nro fcBsion has little known power over them. What is wanted lor such organs is a simple medicine, which can do no harm to the most delicate but must bo of tho greatest benefit to tho afflicted. Sucl a remedy, tried and proved by many thousands all over tho world is War ner's safe euro. With thoso in whom diseaso is deep seated it is tho only specific. For those in whom tho seeds aro sown and tho beginning of illness started) it as unfailing reliance. It may bo recommended to the well to provent sickness and tho sick to pre vent death. With its aid the great filtering engines of tho systom keep on in their silent work without interrup tion; without it they get out of gear and then diseaso and death open tho door and cross tho thieshold." Such writing oucht not only to ploaso but to carry conviction "that what iuiitor Massing, .M. D. so hiuh an authority says is true, and that his counsel is worthy tho attention and heed of all prudent, right-minded people. More About (Japes. A Frenchman, M. Jlegnin, who has Dcon making an extended and thorough researchiuto tho causo of gapes in fowls lias lormuiaicd-thc following conclu tuoiis: 1. Tho causo of tho disease is a small vermicular parasito (two of which, tho malo and female, always cung logeinorj mat miosis tiio trachea or windpipo of tho young fowls. 2 '1 ho larvai of tho parasitos aro usually introduced uito tho fowl bv beinir drank in t,hoi water, though sometimes healthy 'chickens get them by eating tho worms which aro coughed up bv thoso having them. 3. Thoy may ho prevented by putting a littlo salycilio acid i'i tho water tho chickens drink. (Wo suggest a good way to destroy them would bo to boil tho water be fore it is given tlicra. En.) 1. It may bo cured bv mlxinir carlio or on ions freely in their food; or by mixing J 1 .. i i . iiuwuvruu iuciiieiuua aim uowuere gentian with it. As tho embryos can only live i water or very moist earth, preventing tho yonng chicks from running out wliilo it is damn and from drinkiu any but water which has been hoik or trentod will) salycilio acid, will al most wholly provent tuo disease. A delegate at tho Cleveland assem hly of Knights ot J.auor described inofessiouul agitator as "a fellow wl lives by tho sweat of his tonguo." A largo pond near Kelly's Corner Mich., was drained recently in a iccu liar way. A holo was bored sixty-four feet deep, piercing a stratum ot rocu, through which tho water disappeared Olorks in Politics. Tho determination of tho President to carry out his policy with regard to civil scrvico reform seems to havo com municated itself pretty thoroughly to tho heads of his departments nnd through them to tho heads ot bureaus. This nppcars moro prominently just recently through applications for leaves of nbsenco by tho employes of tho various buroaus. homo oi these leaves wcro to take effect in September. In fnnt. most of the clerks nostnono their summer vacation till tho latter part of tho season. Uy doing so they havo hitherto been nblo to comblno business f a political naturo with thoir vacation. It is tho determination of thoso who aro In sympathy with tho Democratic President to provent ns far as possiblo eaves of absenco lor political purposes. It is said that a number of theso leaves havo been requested throuoh members of Congress quite recently, and mo npplicationpNhavo been answered by ,ho heads of tuo departments uy rc picsting tho member asking tho leave o state whether it was lor political purposes or not. Jf tho leavo was asK- d lor tho employe wun ino viow to lis assisting tho Congressmen in mend nr his political fences, tho leave would not bo Granted i if It was purely for recreation or personal business, there was no objection expressed as to tho leavo being granted. A Democratic member, who received uch a rcnlv tho other day, was very much enragod. IIo bad asked for a leavo of absenco for a clerk to go homo to his district, nnd tho supposition naturally was that ho desired somo political assistance at home, and this government oflioial was chosen for the purpose of rendering it. Tho supposi tion seoracd to havo hoen true in this nstanco. and tho member was very much angered by the reply. IIo said it was unprecedented in tho history of tho government and declared that it was the design of Republican superiors who were still in ollice, to provent Dcmocratio clerks and other employes from returning home during tho eltc tion or having anything to do with olitica. "In every instance, said lie, 'in winch leaves aro asked for Demo cratic employes wo havo this ciril scr vico reform thrown in our faces. It is an outrage and a shamo and is due, tako it, to tho lact that tlio men over theso Democratio clerks aro Republicans and want to provent them irorn exer- cising.thelr rights as American citi zens." The fact is, however, that tho 'resident has already informed his chiefs that, so far as possible, ho de sired that tho government officials should havo very littlo or nothing to do with political campaigns. OanaQa Thistles. A luxuriant growth of grass thrco years in succession will kill out this pest in any held, remarks a writer in tho Farm and Fireside. It is a strong assertion, but it is true. I havo exter minated threo beds or patches of the thistles on this farm, and I havo seen tho same results on at least two other farms. One of the beds on this farm had taken possession of about an acre and a half of ground. Tho manner In which 1 do thu work ia as follows : I plow tho field (or thistle-bed only) in tho fall, and about tho middle of tho Juno following I re plow it, then top-dress it with fine stablo manure. If I don't havo that I use a fertilizer of somo sort, usually phosphate, as it is prepared and sold by many of tho chemical fertilizer man ufacturing companies i uso enough to warrant a good catoh, or stand, tho amount depending upon tho fertility of the Boil at tho time. I pulverize tho soil thoroughly with a harrow ; then about tho 20tn or 25th ot the same month I sow it to buckwheat. I sow it very thin, so that it will not shado the young grass too much. I then harrow it twice, and bow tho grass seed. mix; tho seed m about this proportion: Ono-half Timothy, ono fourth littlo red or medium clover (hero clover is spok en of as grass), one-fourth big or mam moth clover. I sow thick about one peck per acre, I then harrow onco or twice. I harvest tho buckwheat when ripe. Tho next spring I top-dress with ma nure as before. Tho following sum mer tho thistles will bo there in lull force. I harvest them when tho Tim othy is in full bloom. Tho thirllo seeds aro not yet npo, and 1 savo tho crop for sheep feed, or for manure, at least. the second summer tho thistles may appear again, but they will bo tower arm very puny. 1 harvest as betore, except that L savo tho crop tor feed, as it is generally good hay. In tho fall or summer after harvest I top-dress it again as before. Tho third summer tho thistles fail to put in an appearance They aro dead, and never grow there again unless started anew from tho seed. Oats or other crops will do as well ns buckwheat. Tho main point is to get a luxuriant growth ot grass. Tho Eight Kind of Dairymen. Thero is no denyintr, savs Hoard's Dairyman, that we must havo better cows to do business with and wo need them all tho more in times of low prices. A cow that will irivo 0,001) pounds of milk a year will make a proht lor hor owner oven on tho prices of tho past summer. But where will tho average cow that gives only 3,000 pounds a year appear T On tho wrong sine oi the ledger ot course. The mis eiou tho Dairyman lias set itself to ac complish is to bring up the btandard of dairy farming in tho northwest. Thero aro many kinds of dairymen, as wo havo discovered. This is shown not only in the character of tho mnko but also in tho profits they receive for tho labor and capital thoy expend. wnen wojitep into a creamerv and tho proprietor kindly allows us to look over tho record of his patrons and wo find ono man with cows that yield him foity dollars worth of cream a year and another whoso cows yield only twonty dollars ..worth, our heart goes out to that twenty dollar man, and if possiblo wo want to get at his understanding of things, wo wan, to show him that tho first thing to do is toHtudy how his neighbor makes twice as much monoy as ho does. That old saying, "What man has done, man can do," is wonder fully truo in dairy business. Tho cream ery patron in particular, needs to ho stirred up to a deeper study of tho cow question. IIo needs better understand ing of what can bo got out of a cow by proper selecting, breeding, feeding and caro. Ho ought to havo tho best tool that can bo got and tho cow in tool. Tho Dairyman has noticed for cigbtcoii years in Wisconsin that when over a farmer set resolutely about tnak ing a first class dairyman of himself, ho has usually succeeded, and what is right to tho point, ho never made tho best prolil possiblo in tho business, up til he arrived at that determination The ranks of well pouted dairymen aro being recruited rapidly every day, but it must bo remembered thoy nro invar iably tho ones who think and read and who compare their own results with outers, "uo tnou ana do likewise,' THE COLUMBIAN AND tWeight ofrftrmProdnots per Bushel, Tho weights of farm crops given bo- ow by tho If. E. Earmer, will bo found reliablo and should bo kept for fultiro roforenoe. Whcnt and potatoes each 00 pounds corn and ryo, CO pounds i onions, f2 pounds i bnrloy and buckwhcaf, -19 pounds ; all kinds of mcnl, except oat meal, CO pounds i oats, 32 pounds t nuts, cranberries and all other berries must bo sold by dry measure, lovcl. A barrel of cranber ries must contain 100 ouaits. A bush el of wheat wcigtis CO pounds in all tho states except Connecticut, whero tho legal weight is ,50 pounds, thougti it Is presumable that custom makes GO tounds tho standard thero as elsewhere. Ryo weiuhs CO pounds in all tho states except Illinois, whero ii t pounds makes legal bushel. Corn in Now York must wei 58 pounds to bo legal weight; In Missouri, 2 pounds ; CO pounds in oil tho other slates. Oats in Canada, must weigh i)i iiunmm ; in mwn, uo pounds ; m Now .Tersov, 30 pounds ; in Connecti cut, 28 pounds, nnd in all other stales, 32 pounds. JJarlcy weighs 47 pounds in Pennsylvania; -1-1 pounds in Illinois; 40 pounds in Vermont, nnd 48 pounds in nil tho other states. Buckwheat varies in legal weight in liffcrcnt state), from 40 pounds in Illi nois to CO pounds in Indiana, and C3 lOiiuds in Iowa nud Kentucky. In Now Jersey and Ohio clover seed must weigh 01 pounds per bushel; in otlter states and Canada, 00 pounds. Tim othy seed must weigh 44 pounds in Now York ; 48 pounds in Canada ; in other states 4C pounds, except Ohio, whero the legal weight is 42 pounds. Flax seed weighs !.' pounds in New fork and Now .Tersov, nnd GG pounds in other states whero it is sold by weight. IlompReed weighs 44 pound?; liltio grass ami orchard grass each 14 pounds, nnd red top 10 pound'. Tho legal weight for potatoes is GO pounds in nil the states where they aro sold by weight. Tho same is truo of peas and beans, except that tho latter aro sold in Ohio at CO pounds to the bushel, and in New York at 02 pounds. Onions must woigh 07 pounds in New York, Indiana and Iowa, but only CO pounds in Khodo Island. Iho abovo figures havo been taken from tables Biipposed to bo correct at tho lime thoy wcro published, which was but n tew years ago. It is quito probablo that tho legal weight of a bushel has been changed in several of tho stated sinco the, tables were pre pared. It would seem to bo wry de sirablo to havo a tuoru uniform stan dard, and tho tendency of trade is to wards uniformity, tho different legal standards of tho several Btates being moro or less ignored by dealers. Thu cental or hundred weight system is also being used quito generally in tho sale of grain, shorts, cotton seed meal, cider apples, and somo other commodities. The Blots in Belfast, Wherever in England, Iieland or any country rioters become a mob and offer violence to human life or proper ty, they aro not only criminals in the sight of tho law, but common enemies of society. They aro doing thoir wotst to undo all that has been accomplished by modorn civilization and tho rioter must everywhere bo treated with tho sharpest and quickest suppression. Tho riots in Belfast aro particularly distressing, inasmuch ns they appear to emanate from religious piejudiees and aro a reawakening of old feuds that havo for a time btcn hold in abeyance. Thov como from the Protesta'nt or Anglo-Scotch Irish 'section of tho Irish population, who havo recently and all tho time been exhibited as the proper lemenls in Ireland that ought to rulo the island, and they have apparently grown out ot seeds sown in Ireland months ago by a notablo English statesman and sown not for generous or human, but for paltry party pur poses. Thero was no need of a not in liel- fast. Tho division in Parliament had gone against homo rulo and tho Na tionalists. A sentiment was grown up in England in favor of inserting in any futuro measuro of. home rulo somo clause recognizing tho special claims of tho Anglo-Irish Protestants. Tho Nationalists for a long time had been careful not to needlessly arouso tho passions ot tho Orangemen, and tho atter wero in no danger from any causo. They appear to havo been crazed with tho prospect of victory and so wero induced to' act, as they havo otten acted betore, as it Ireland bo longed to Orangemen nlouo. iho ctiigies of uladstono and l'ar- nell nnd tho dummy corpso labeled 'Homo Itulo carried by the Orango loters and tho denunciation of tho Popo that was often on the rioters' lips all indicato tho origin and animus of tho leurlul outbreak, lint the causo is tho same, irrespective of its motives and of its religious or political bear- nigs, unu now mero aro nut two tuiiigs to do first, for every man in England and elsewhere to stop nil talk nnd writing that look like an inflammation of Irish religious projndioes, and, sec ond, for England to uso nil tho powcis of tho government to put down tho tots and punish tho leaders to tho last degree. J tines, Tho War on the Lottorios. A bill introduced by Chairman Blount, of tho IIpuso post ollice com- iniueo provides that all newspapers papers and periodicals containing ad verlisements ot lottcricsciicinesjdraw ings or distributions, or tho tickets, shares or chances therein, shall not be convoyed in tho mails nor bo delivered from any post ofiico or by nny letter carrier. Whosoever shall knowingly deposit a copy ot such a ncwspaper(iu uiu mails Himil U'l IIUUIU IU IJUUUItU'H. Tho hill also makes it a, misdemeanor for any person to uso nil alias or ficti tious naino or address to promote a lottery scheme, and requires tho return ot matter addressed to such persons to the sender. A minority report, signed by Thomas B. Ward, and Joseph II. Jones declare tho proposed legislation unconstitutional. After a thorough tost .1 fl. Mercer ninut nnMllivnlv ntui.ita tlitlt. Ai'UirH English Remedy is tlio best medicino for asthma, croup, coughs, whooping I'.nilfli nml nil liinir Irnnlili'H tlirit. imii lin lounu. .Ark nun anout, it, lor no tuny guarautoes it. J, II. Murccr would especially recoin mend to tho lndiea Aokor's Dyspepsia Tablets. As a laxativo they havo no equal. They nro guaranteed to euro Onronio Constipation, Dyspepsia, and all diseases mining from a deranged stomach. With a free uso of tlio Tab. lots, Sick Hcadncho is impossible. "Mosquitoes have seldom been thick er In Virginia than this bpriiig, say tho'Milford Chronicle, nud it kocs on to tell of an owe that was literally bled to death tho other night, tho pests nt tack'uiL' its udder, which was distended with milk. DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.1 LADIES! Ata roil rrektrn mi:1i (o vfnluro f If so urtj tivto einitfl In Million to IM Mtt,k IHilMffiing (to, bli nnd 'toll Valilinmu Htuct, Now York, for nub nf their Ikitntlfnt liliwtrotM "Lntllcd IHIOUH." It 1-1 n lKjT-1, IlllilllC, Mill lllUTi'Ktlllft work tn rfM-y ifrm of frttni-nicnt On lucclpt ot trad nil In tan.H llicy will wml pitpilil fu'.l s t of 111 -If famous liouueliotJ cmiio VcrJia, ... , . For tun cm thi'y ultl Mj K'IhI ii book coittiunlofi cnmi'lclo wflrilrf of '"llio M Hindu," Unit niMc n( lis nioct popular rM', tofutlur Willi leu uiiuUlte chroiuu (AllU. PIIEPTUS! A VcrV i1crulntft lirtrmlt'M plycyrt htwit nromnttc cnm Cud ml lor tllFifuiflntf llio Liptc uf quinine find other UtttHrne, Htlirrolld oriliiM. Trice, 7Cfntiiwr Tint llolllr. J'lescrlbAl ly UioinAtiU of physicians In Knropn mm Aincrlrn. Formula accompanies every bottlo, KorSiUoby lrtiirjrl. Manufactured ,by Tho Academio Pharmaceutic Co., I.O.MWX AM) MM OltK. 532-53G WASHINGTON ST., NEW YORK CITY, ELIXIR. An f-leiiiwt EtiRllsh plmnimccutlc preparation for bllloin, malarial ninl blood troubles; tlio result of over tiYeD.ty.fivo years of most eminent sclentlllo research. Approved by tho highest medical Authorities. In usa In tho hospitals In eery part of Europe, specialty helpful to ladles, children and jicopla of fecdentary habits, l-jiillrely vegetable ', free from harmful drugs. In Handsome Packages, Price 50 Cts. Prepared fcolely by Tlio 5oyhl 'Plihr-inhdcutid (jo., LONDON AND NEW YORK, ChcmNts hy nppomtmcnt to iter Majesty the Queen and to thu Itojal Family. NEW YORK BRANCH! 130, 132, 134 CHARLTON ST. royaTpills. Samo medicinal properties ns PovAt. t'l.ixm, In boat's, 110 pHU to loi, for U 5 cents. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. REMEMBER THE BIG FOUR! Vinegar Bitters C02DIAL, llcJ8 j- SOc. Vinegar Hitters P0WDEKS, CO doses, - - COe. Vinegar Bitters, new style, P1,'' - - $1.00 Vinegar Bitters, old style, bitter taste, $1.00 Tho World's Groat Blood Purifier and Life Giving Principle. Only Tomporanoe Bitters Known. Theiifi.l mill nr n ri'iitiiry the Lending: Family Mcdiclnu ol'llie Win Id. LI J 1 1 1 JJ l..VL J.JJ.T.1 E. H.. McDonald Drug Co,. Proprietors, SAN FRANCISCO and NEW YORK. SCOTTS EMULSION OF PURE GOD LIVER OIL Almost as Palatabloas Milk. Tho only preparation of COO UVEll Oil. that can ba taken readily and tolerated for a lung tliuo by deUcato stomachs. AND AH A IlEMEnY FPU fOXSlTMPTIOV, Kf lionii,oi s ah hruoyi. a.nakiiia, HUli IIKIIIMIV. UllllllS AMI TIIIHIAT AF. VH THINS, anil .11 VtASUMl IllsOUIlKIIS li? UIII.IIIIEN It In niarrtllona In IN nsolln. Prescribed and endorsed by tno beat l'liyalclana In tho countries of tlio world. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Cyclopedtaof Universal History III 3 lUPEBIAIi OCTAVO VOLUMES; CONTAINS Larfie, Double-Column rage. 1,1! 10 llonutlful Wciml & Meel Kiih'rinlngB. 82 Coliirfil UUtorlcnl Alllim. O Colored Chronological Charts. 1)1 (icnenliiglen! JllncrnniB. A Copious and JdeKiiiitly l'reiinrod Index. It Is iJleuiiutly rrlnti'd nud Itouiid.uiiil Is Tho ltcat Illustrated Hook tin tlio Market. A HISTOSY OF ALL NATIONS. AGENTS "WAlMTED! HWE0SS. LIBISAL M2H8. CECICE TIS21TCS7. FAULKNER, & ALLAN. 121Q lllbort Mieot, I'll 1 1 ml ' 1 1 1 1 In , I'D mm. feh.S0.0m. IP YOl' havo Internal sllmo rover, earner nitriii DhleL'in. bad tofitennil ofti-nstvo breath .in-, i.-n. iner's HWAMl'.ltoor remotes nil theso conditions. AON JtlUI Ul UI31, 1111 11, f , If OU luvo lost our appetite, or torirue coated, dry and parched lips unci moulli, bulttle drytind cottony, or havo becomo emaclatcd-Dr. Kilmer s SWAMIMIOOT will build up vourbroken donnooliatlltitlon. Atli your druL-L'ls,t lor n. u-nti v uiu uiiiu buuueii uiinehsoi KinKing broils tho faou while nnd deathiypule, and excellence fcelliiunns though djlnt', and coldness seizes your very v ttuls-lir. Kilmer's ocEAN-WKmiiousos the heart's action and saves lllu. DniKBlstSBOUIt. II IP YOU havo orKunlo, dlbeato, or perlcnrdls. or heart caso troubles, or have thick 'dnd luin.'lsn blood, tool nsthoufc'hblecdlnu would relieve sou Ur. Kilmer's OCKAN-WKKIi cocrects mid Is the cineuy yuuuueu, iiruviiain bcuui fl II. PiliS OH HKMOHltUOIDS.-UI.CEUa lljurc, Itching, llslula, ia, cured without pain by tho liiiiNktiiiion'TiiniTjiKNT. Illustrated paper 1'xinaiiuug lueuymcm uuu containing tef creucct hem lieu. Addiess J. W, COOLIDGE.M, J) 208 Wyoming Ave, Soranton, J'a, March lS.Cnia. more money than nt nnvthlnir else bvtaka I hi; nn nft-ucy for the best selllni; book out licsliincrs bueoeed yrnndly. Koao fall Trillin Ilea Hamhi llrmir f!n .l'nitTMM iiuiue, (accistu. Tin: cmiiAT b of an aiinoi.utk ctmii FOIt CATARRH. Till: mtt ntuMnrn cnei ylcM rcrullly to tt anil hnnt fall til to fJurn a cltiglo ciuo wlipro direction nro followed, ltsmccejs liaa 1'ccii romarkablo au lis cures wonder fut. It Is tho inctmicposaful prppnrntlon In tlio inarkrtfor UATAIlltll nnd tlio only ono Hint from I ecs an Absolute, I'nftltlvfl Curo It Is ruly a l1cHnif to mankind A Trinl In nil tlnil If mkiMi fur It Onco used, tt Is always rtrommciidod Send for tcftlmunlnls of actual curett. IT HAB MO KQCAL Poll MALARIA. A POSITIVE CUKE IS ASSURED. Ono bottlo Is RcncrMly nufflelont for n curo. Htop talilntr llulnlne. A trial only Is nihed for Kkl tun's Oataruii Itmiunr. It Ii n HI'KGIPIO Wr nil dlcacnriMtm from nn Impure Mood nnd drive nil eruptions from tlio skin. 1'or Hyphl lltlc complaints It l (upcrlor to nny preparation In tho market. Ono bottlo will euro mustof tho folloivlnir complaints and a contlnuod use will rosniVKLV euro. Havo doctor bills nnd try It. HHHUMATISM. SCROFULA. SKIN EHUl'TIORIS. VKNUHIiAL DISEASES. DYSI'EI'SIA. LOSS OF APPETITE. FEELING OF LANUOUU. HILIOUSNESS. LIVER TROUIILES. NERVOUS WEAKNESS. FEMALE WEAKNESS. KxttEn'n CAT.vnnu IIkuedy Is no patent medicine, hut n sare nnd pleasant preparation totitkonnd purely the greatest moulcnl dlseov cry of tho iiitc. Uno bottlo rejuvenates thecntlro svstcin and pocscs moro vlrtuo than n half ito7on bottles of ordinary patent preparations. Write for testimonials and other Information. rfM'nr snlo bv dniirirlsts penerally. 1'iuci: wi.oo a itoTTi.i:. mx noi TI.r.H roil SH.t.OO. On receipt of .00 by the manufacturers, Samuel V. Keller fc. Co., IlarrlsburK, l'a., tlx bottles will bo sent express I'iuii. For " wnrn-inir," "rtin-dnivn." oVullltarxil ecliool tundirrs, milliners, wiimrtmijis, house kecpere, nnd over-workul women wnrrstlry. Dr. I'leiiio's l-'avorllp Pivncvlpttoti Is tho l'ft nl iilli-i'stointlvetdiiTcs. It lumt n " Cui-iMtll," hut ilmlmbly lulllllu n rdiurjeness of purpose, Pc-liiif n mobt HiU.'iit SH'Wo for nil thoso Chronlo Wcnhiifwa nnd DNeitw pecmlnr to mourn. It Is n povorml, ireneml ns v.ell ns uterine, tiiulo nnd ihtv luo, mid Imparts vliror nndstrcnRthtothiiwhiiloKvsti'm. It promptly cures vveiiktH?s of stomach, liidlirestlnn. blout luir, weul: lute I:, nervous protnitlon, debility nnd ulti'plefwni'is. In I'ither n'. Favorite Pre scription U sold hy drucirlits under our iwi lfi'6 maimnfrr. Sco wmpp'T nrintnd bottlo. 1'rlco ijtl.OO, nr ix bottli-n lor SS.OO, A Innro tiviitlso on 1)1ihm-s of Women, pro fusely illustrated with colored plutes and nu merous w-ood-cuts, sent lor 10 cents in stamps. Address, Wonui's Dispkssauv Mmhcaj, Association, usi ilnln Street, llulTnlo, N. Y. SICK Iir.AnACIIi:, lllllons lleadnche, mid Constlpntlon, promptly cured by Ur. ricico's l'cllets. Sou. a vlai, by drusitlsts. ELAWAllE, LAOKAVANNA AND WESTEItN ItAlLliOAl). BLOOMSI5UKG DIVISION. NOUTII. STATIONS. SOUTH, a.m. a.m. p m. 0 10 U 15 2 05 6 15 9 20 2 10 G 20 9 26 2 la p.m. p.m. 00 12 su 8 54 1'.' SO H 4S li S3 8 40 li! 19 8 31 12 (M 8 S7 12 0,1 8 23 11 51 8 II 11 51 8 1'.' 11 50 S 08 11 47 a.m 3 30 ....hcranton.,.. 8 2U 8 2.' 8 18 8 10 8 03 7 58 ..Ilellovuo.... ...Tnylorvlllo... .. Lncknvvunnu.. B 87 U 34 0 31 9 41 8 40 9 47 0 45 9 58 li 49 9 56 ....l'lltslon ...West l'lltslon. ....Wyoming.. . 2 30 2 36 2 41 7 54 7 60 7 41 . ...viauuy ....Ucnnetl.. .. ...Kingston .... 41 8 53 10 no 2 47 8 5S 10 05 2 60 G 58 10 03 2 50 7 C2 10 10 2 65 7 07 10 15 3 00 7 12 10 203 05 7 15 10 5 3 10 7 23MU 82 3 87 7 37 10 413 S9 7 50 11 11 3 52 7 57 11 00 3 68 8 01 11 134 05 8 10 11 204 12 8 14 11 25 4 16 8 18 11 29 4 2il 8 25 11 36 4 27 8 30 11 414 34 8 38 11 60 4 40 8 08 11 47 8 01 11 4 -i 7 6'J 11 3b 7 4 I: I'll mouth Juno ...hinL'hton 7 S3 l'U mouth,... 7 31 ....Avondalc. . 7 30 ....Nontlcoko... 54 11 31 7 60 11 30 7-43 11 S3 7 80 11 15 7 18 11 UO 7 11 10 51 7 05 10 4T 6 58 II) 41 6 61 10 38 6 50 10 31 23 llunlock's creek) 7 12 ..'Milckblilnny.. 7 oo ..Jllck's Ferry.. o oi ..uencniinven.. 6 4t Berwick..., G 11 .Iirlar Creek.. G S3 ..Willow (novo.. 6 31 ...Llmoltldgo... 27 Kspy 6 21 ...llloomsburg ... 8 16 .... llupert.'.... G li CatnvvPa lirldiro 6 42 10 87 6 3li 10 21 0 30 10 1G 6 25 10 II 8 41 U 55 4 40 8 03 0 58 8 00 !l 49 5 55 U 45 5 40 9 3J 5 50i. ..Danville....' 8 68 12 13 6 04 6 49 ....CllUlasky.... U 05 12 2I6 12 5 451.... Cameron.... 9 08 12 25 5 17 e 32Northumberland 9 25 12 405 35 a.m. I la.m. a.m. pm p.m. am. W. Y. HALSTKAD, Supt. Superintendent's office. Scranton, Feb.lst.183 Pennsylvania Railroad. M Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern. Contral Railway. Wl In effect Nov. Htfl.lKs'Fralns leave Sun. bury. JiASTWAliU, 9.4D a. m.. Sea Shore Exnres.s rdatlv excent Sunday), for Harnsburg and lntcrmcdlatcstatlons, arriving at Philadelphia 3.15 p. in. : New York, 6.20 p. m. ; linltlmore, 4.40 p. in. ; Washington, 5.50 p. m connecting at 1'hlladclplila for all bea Shore points. Thiougb passenger coach to 1'ouaaeipma. 1.45 n. m Dav oxnrefis dally except SundasVorllarrlsburg nnd Interme diate stations, arriving at Philadelphia c.60 p. m. ; New Voik, 9.35 p. m. ; Baltimore 6.45 p.m.; Washington, 8.00 p.m. Parlor car imuuKii iu riuiauciuuia uuu pohbenger coacues through to Philadelphia and Baltimore. 7,50 p. m. Iicuovo Accommodation (dally for Harrlsburg and all Intermediate- stations, arrlv Ing at Philadelphia 4 85 a. in. ; New York 7.00 a. m llaltlmore, 5.25 . m. ; Washington c.3t) a. m. ; sleeping car accommodations can bo secured a' Harrlsburg ror PhlladelphlaandNew Yoik. on sun days a through sleeping car will bo run; on this train from Vluiamsii'ttol'hiladelphla.l'lilladelpUla ?asscngcrscan rcmaluluslceper undisturbed untl a.m. 7.60 a. m. uno Jlall (dally except Jlonday, for Harrlsburg and Intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 8.85 a. m. Now York, 11.30 a. in. ; Baltimore 8.15 a. m. ; Washington, 9.25 a.m. Through Pullman sleeping cars aro run on this train to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing, ton, and through passenger coaches to Philadel phia and Baltimore. WESTWARD. 6.20 a. m. Erie Mall (dally except Sunday), fo. Erie and all Intermediate stations and Canandal, gua and Intermediate stations, llochester, lluffa loand Niagara Falls, with thinugh 1'ullmau Pal. ace ears and passenger coaches to Erie and lloch ester. . u.M News Express (dally except Sunday) for Lock Ilav en and Intermediate stations. 1.00 p. m Niagara Express (dally except Sun. day) for Kane and Intermediate stations and can. andalgua and principal Intermediate stations, llochester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches to Kauo and llochester and Parlor car to Wllllainsport, " 6.30 p. m. Fast Lino (dolly except 8unday)tor Ite. iiuv u uuu iiiicilueuiuLO biuiiuus, auu ,lliura, vv at. kins and Intermediate stations, with through pas seugercoaches to Itenovo and Watklns. 9.20 a. m. Sunday mall for Itenovo and Interme diate stations. TUIIOUUU TltAINS FOll SUNBUltY FUOJl TUK JtAUl' Anusuu i ii. Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia 4.30 n. m Harrlsburg l.io arriving at bunbury 9.80 a, m. with tuioughslecplngcar from Philadelphia to Wll llamsiiort. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a.m. Harrlsburg, 8.10 a. in. dally except Sunday arriving at Sunbury 9.63. a. m. Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m, ; llalllmoru 7.30 a. m. (dally except bunday arriving at bunbury, 1.00 p. in., with through Parlor car Irom Philadelphia and through passenger coaches from 1'hUadel. pnla and Baltimore. Fast Lino leaves New York 9.00 a. in. ! Phlladel. phla,ll.60 a. in. ; Washington, 9.60 a. m. ; Haiti. 11IVIV, U. U., (UMI VAlll'V DUUUUjl UlilVlUj HI, Sunbury, 6.30 p. in., with through passengei coaches from Philadelphia and Baltimore. Erie ilall leaves New York 8.U) p. in. ; Philadel phia, U.2U p, m, ; Washington, 10.00 n. m, Balti more, 11.80 p. in., (dally except.saluruay) arriving at Suubury 5.15 a. in., with through Pullmau bleeping cars Horn Philadelphia, Washington and llalllmoro and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia. HUNI1IIIIY, IIAZI.IITII.V A" WlI.Kl'SIIAItlti: ItAll.ltll VI) AMI MIltTII AMI WIM'P HIT NI!II Ittll.WAV. (Dally except buuuay.) Wllkasbarre Mail leaves sunbury lo.oo a. m. arriving at Bloom Ferry 10.52 a. in., wiikes-barre 18.18 p.)n. Express East lcav cs Sunbury 6.45 p. m., arriving at Bfoom Ferry e.37 p. in., Wllkes-barru 1.68 p. in Bunbury Mall leavesW llkcsbarre 1U40 a. m. arrlv. Ing at Bloom Ferry l2.es p. m., Hunbury 18.63 p. m Express West leaves Wllkcs-barre 2.45 p. m., ar, riving at Bloom Ferry 4,16 p, m., bunbury 6.u p.m SUNDAY ONLY'. Sunday mall leaves Bunbury 9.-25 a. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry 10.14 a. in., wltkcs-Barro ll:3s a.ni. Sunday accoumodatlon leaves Wllkes-llarre 6:15 Dm., arriving at Bloom Ferry, 0.48 p, in., bunbury, 'ciFa.UE. l'UGH, J. It. WOOD, , (Jt'n.Manager. Gen. passenger Agent W TRAD1 mark. RAILROAD TIIVXE TABI.B. ODD ITEMS. Fish bawls nro vfry fnsliloimblo In Cnnmlft. TLo beat thing yet discovered tor eel-sickness is port. Files nntl bald heads nro getting on spunking terma rtgaim "That man Is a terrible eater." "Yep, lie beliuveujn nto hours' work." A colored normal Statu school to 100,000 will bo located at Louis ville, Ky. A jtnper in tho howling West refer to the baby King of Spain as "that royal sucker." Mules nro now seldom seen on the streets of Southern cities, where thoy wero once so common. A settlement near Tacomn, Wash ington Toriitory, has tho euphonious naiuu of Succotash Valley. A unanimous howl arises daily from thb impels nt Cleveland for the estab lishment ot free public bath?. According to it lecenl letter, tho fall of rain nt I'oitland, Oregon, has been increasing since October, 18$!. I'arnell is a young man iu thu full vigor of manhood. IIu can alTord to wait. Homo was not built in a day. An Uibann, III., woman wns a wife, a mother, a widow, a second wife, nud applied for a divorce all in ono year. A woman at North Adams, Mass., has dug a cellar litis Spring for a laige, new house, and the ipianied tho stone also. Jay Gould's income is said to be ten cents every lime thu clock ticks. This beats thu bust pnlioui.cd dime mll iciim. Tnllahoma, Tenn., hiw a luiwly-nr-rived infant that is white, with the ex ception of its face ami neck, which aie coal black. Poitland, Oregon, a city of 30,000 inhabitants, now complains that every branch of business iu thu town is be ing overdone. John Henry, at 4, eating green corn, was bothered with thu silk. "I wish," said he, "whoever made this corn had pulled out thu basting threads." A. young man has a scrap book con taining tho ninniage notices of all tho women that he has loved, and he sits out in thu moonlight and reads it and cries. A minister not long ago prcncli'id from the text, "15o ye, therefore, stead fast." But the printer mado him ex pound from "Ho ve there for break fast." A philosopher asBerts that the reason why ladies' teeth decay sooner than the gentlemen's is beeausu of tho fl iction of the tongue and the sweetness ot their lips. An old lady, readini' a biocraphv of rM...l..n rv .i... -u....i lc -.i uimian u vyuliul, LIIU IlllUUtl 1UVI1UI of tho New Voik Har. exclaimed : "Poor man 1 he had a dreadful ml of children.1' "It tlio decollete fashion does not draw tho lines somewhere." savs Brother Talmage, "the priinitivu fig leaf will again' bo an indispensable louei article.' The Board of Education of Jackson, Mich., is debating whether a schoil teacher has a right to send a pupil nomu or put inm in quarantine lor eat ing raw onions. When thu Bnako was foolini' around the Garden of Eden looking lor Adam ana P-vo tie never would have lound Adam if Adiini had only Eve-aided his better half. A citizen of Ilawkinsville, Ga.. re cenlly shot a ratilcsnako in two a luw inches Irom its head. A dog then ran up to thu snake's head, anil was bitten and killed by it. " cs, I want a man, but the woi k is heavy, and ho must bo healthy and strong, l supposu you enjoy good health, do yuuf "ou bet I does, ooss, wlien l lias it." "Tho air is full of expectant brido grooms, ' says an exchange. In order that this item may bo intelligent to our readers win explain that it is dated irom tnu cylclouu district. A grindstone, says an agiiculttnal contemporary, is ono ot tho worst used implements on tho farm. And, by tho powers 1 tlio other is tho boy who has to turn me uiosted thing. Accoidinc to a health iotirnal. mar blu top tables aro unhealthy though wo never heard ono complain of feel ing unwell. Thoy look just as healthy aim Birong ns any other kind. "This is a very .healthy place," ob served a boarding mietiess. "Y es ter chickens, ' said tlio boarder. "I havo beeu hero two years and haven't seen a tiead one vet. bhu took tho hint. ' Good, my luid, mako mo acquaint ed with your cause of grief.'1 "Ah, Frankie, a heavy summons lies like lead upon me. The dear folks don't know how to mako pies." JV. i Journal. A Swedish chemist has discoveied that tea water contains alcohol. If this report is ci edited property at the seaside will go up iu value. Wonder if this has any connection with tho ex pression, Unit stas over. "Grover, dear," observed tho bride. "won't yon tell mo what this Jeffer- soninu simplicity is that thero is so much talk about t" "Certainly; it is mm is to say wen, it's a total nbsti- nenco ot sugar nntl water. Tho Pnsident and Dan Lamont will both bo hnppier men now that tho for mer is mariied, for Dan will never again run tho risk of jabbing a needlu into in uch inuuiu while helping Uro ver to stitch a gallus button on. A M III. . ,.. " j'iiiiiesviue, unit), citizen has a cat which ho says keeps his potato vino freu from buys. Every day puss uver uiu paten irom hill to hill, nnd when a bug is found she takes her )aw and knocks it to tho ground.whero it U speedily ground to death hotween ncr sharp teeth, Thero aro scores ol persons who aro Bunding irom somo lorm ot blood dis order or skin disease, such as Scrofula, j cl0, Aftur a pmotlenl test, J. II. Mercer asserts that AnL-m'u Ui,m.i Elixir will certainly euro all such dis- flflKf'a Inr.l,..!,'.... (J ... .1.111' ii.wuuiuj; oyjllllllis ami iwieiim. ntism. Ins net a patent nostrum, but a scientifio preparation, 'io guarantees it. J. II. Morcer wishes to mako an assertion, which ho cm back with a positive miaranteo, It is all about Acker's Blood Elixir. IIo claims for t superior merits over nil other remed ies of its kind, and.gunrautees for it a positive and sure euro for liheumatisin, Syplnllis, and all blood disorders, it fiees tho skin from spots and disease, and leaves tho comploxioii clear, Adk him about iu EXHAUSTEDVITALITY. ILLUSTRATIVE Sample FREE KNOW THYSELF.i A Great Medical Work on Manhood, Nervous and rhyitcal Debility, Prcmntnre Dccllno In Man, KthaiHtcd Vitality, Ac, Ac, and tho untold mis eries resulting from Indiscretion or cxccmcs! 800 puses, substantially bound In gilt, muslin. Con tilnsmoro than 1M InvalurAla prescriptions, cm. Iiractng every vegetable remedy In tho pharma copoeia for all acuto nnd chronic diseases. It U emphatically ft book for every man. Trice only It by mall, post paid, concealed In plain wrapper. IM.USTllATlVIi HASII'I.I! I'KKH TO AHi Young and middle-aged men for tho next ninety days. Send now, or cut this out, as you may never sco It again. Address Dr. W. U. FAUKE11, 4 Uul. finch street, Boston, Mass. fcb.8-d,ly, CURES ALL. HUMORS, from a common llloiclt. or Ilriiptlon, to tho worst KeroKuln. Tlio licut lllooil I'nrlf lor over discovered. Jly Druggists. PRICE SI.OO.roVcToo. for Infants and Children. 'CMtorlaljBowellftdaptedtochlldrenOiat I Crutorla cures Colle, Constipation, Irccommcndltaasupcriortoanynrcscrlntion I Hour Btomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, blown to mo," II. A. Aacnsr., M. D I Kuu YuST' C'VS 1KP' ffom0,e a' Ul So. Oxford Bt, Urooklyn, N. Y. WltlotitlnjurlouB modlcaUon. Tin CEiTJ.cn Cohtiht, 183 Fulton Street, N. 7. EOMOM THJE PIMCTICAL QUESTION OF THE IIOUK. mi ii ii nn mm mi hi EVERY THING THAT IS iW AND STLYISH FOll THE SEAON, CAN EE BOUGHT (CfflDEAFEM TIM 1TEE. A Large and Varied Stock of JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LAUGH AND SELECT LINE OF Call and be Convinced that you ;have the LARGEST SELECTION OF GOODS OF THE LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY, AND AT The Lowest Possible Prices AT THE Fpite lotting Hti r ' QSMAIN C. B. JE0BM1S DEALER IN Foreign, and Domestic WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Wholesale nnd WAGON MAKERS' AND BLACKSMITHS' Headquarters for MERCHANT IRON & STEEL. Store nnd Wnmlionmis, Nos. 120 & 128 Franklin Avenue, No. a Lack'a Avenue & 210, 212 & 211 Cen ter Street, SCRANTON, PA. rT-' : rrzrz A CONSTANT care is oxer x. ciscd in tlio sewing of our Clothing; Seaina, Buttons, IJtittotiliok's nro nil carefully ex nmiiicd and tested by competent workmen. In short, our stock of Clothing in till esscntnil points is very strong nnd attractive. a cyaYes&co. G02-(J(M-G0G CHESTNUT ST. Best Male Clcthisg In Philadelphia. For the Celclirntcil Clilrkering, Ivcrs & I'onil, nml Yosuit Son I'iunos. Worlilrc nowiifil Kslcy OrR. ns, Violins, AccordeonB nml Blu et Jlusic. Cik-lniitt'inVhlle, New High Arm Dcvls, New Home, Hoyal Bt. John, nnd Light Htinnlng Domestic Sewing Jlmihinen. Needles, oil mill nttitchments for ull makes of Sewing Jlnchlncs. STREET,) Hctnll dealers In SUPPLIES. lIBSi,