The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 11, 1886, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
This powder never vailes. A rrmrvel of nurli v
strength unci wholesomciiess. .Moro iTonomicni
I lian ordinary kinds, nnd cannot bo sold In coniiin.
tlon with tho multltudo or low test, short wclelu.
olum or phosphate powdeis. Hold only In ran?
ltOYAl. 1I1KINO I'owdsk Co,. Wall St., N. Y.
The Columbian.
1 KIl)Ax, JUNE 11,
roRRitrr Biiutoin tik taiuk.
Trains on tho Philadelphia u n It. leavo Itupert
as follows i
3"tt-5' 11:49 a.m.
M P- 6:13 p. m.
Trolnsoatho D. L. & W. K. It loavo Uloomsburg
0:21 a. ra.
10:'.'l a.m.
2:20 p. in.
d:3o p. in.
8:30 a. m.
11:44 a. in.
4:11 p. m.
8:47 p. m.
Trains on tho N.ftW.U. Hallway pass liloora
Kerry us follows : - . 'wm
U-M a. m.
0.37 p. ni.
10:H a m
15:05 p. ra.
4:15 p. III.
0:13 p m
Hcv. II. J. Monro, ndlninlstrator, will
sell vuluablo real estate on premised la
Madison township on Saturday, July 31.
Seo advertisement.
Help wanted. A second girl to nsslst In
the kitchen anil do chamber work ; also
girl who understands thecaro of nn infant.
Uood wiircs. Address Lock Uox A Blooms-
Fob Sale. The undcrsigucd will sell 40
or 00 acres, more or less, to suit purchas
ers, from the south side of his farm In
Hemlock township. Thrco good springs
of water, good Uuildlng site, public roud
through the lnnd, nbotitG acres of timber,
small stream of writer through land, Price
$15 per ncro in payments. For particulars
.nqulre of Ucubcn llomboy, Huckhorn, or
Geo. K. Elwcll, Uloomsburg. J4,0 mos.
Fob Sale. A goon horso suitable for all
work. Inquire at Phillips' Domestic link
cry. Foit Sale. A very desirable property,
on Market street In tho town of Blooms,
burg, Pa. nearly opposite Rev. D. J.
Waller. Lot 01 feet In width nnd 108 feet
In depth. An alley on the north and cast,
lot of O. J. Waller on the south. Market
street on the west. The dwelling house Is
a large two story brick with Mansard roof,
water, gas and sewer drainage, a good
largo stable, good fruit, and good well of
Also n house and lot in Catawtssa front
ing on !irtl street, above Pine street, a good
two story frnmu dwelling house with two
story kitchen attached.
April 7. "80. tf. Bloomsburg, Pa.
Fob Salk. Two houses and lots on
Canal street. Desirable, cheap homes, and
pay well to rent.
Also, one of the finest residences in
Uloomsburg, corner of Fiftli and Centre
streets. Having all the latest improve
ments, steam heat, water, gas, water clos.
ets and bath room. Good burn, fruit and
ornamental trees, largo lot. A rare cliauce
for a Duo home. Apply to
J. II. Maize,
Cor. Main and Centre Sts.
James Klsncr, of Jerscytown,
was in
town Saturday last on business.
Mrs. A. M. Noyes, of Washington, 1).
O., was In town on Tuesday on business.
Hey. O. H. Strunck was in town a few
days this week, visiting his many friends.
J. K. llittenbender is nttending tho Sus.
quehanna Synod at Hughesvillc as delegate
of tho Lutheran Church of this place.
Coroner J. M. Gwinner and Ex.Coroner
C. G. Murphy, drove up from Centralis on
Tuesday, on private business.
Capt. T. E. lteese and D. C. Black, Esq ,
prominent citizens of Ccntrnlia, were In
town on Monday, attending the Kepuhlicau
J. li. Hobisnn, Esq., lias gone to Mercer
county to attend the reunion of a military
company orgnuized by him early In the
war. He will look after some business
matters while there.
Hcv. L. Zahncr. E. It. Drinker, Col.
h Tftfitn and n(.n. v.. Elwcll attended the
Episcopal convention ot Willlamsport on
Wednesday. Col. Freeze was re-elected
Chancellor of tho Diocese, and member of
tho Standing Committee.
Commencement exercises at Lafayette
Collego take placo on Juno 80tb.
C. L. Sands & Co., nt Mordunsvlllo
woolen mills, oro paying tho highest cash
prlco for wool.
Tho Columbian olllco front has been
brightened up with a coat of paint. D. H.
Coftman did tho work.
Mrs. M. E. Ent lias very much Improved
tho appearance of her building by enlarg
ing the windows of tho second story.
During tho month of May there was 7.10
Inches nf rainfall. This Is tho greatest tor
any ono month for n number of years.
Full proceedings of tho Columbia County
Sunday School Convention held at Cata
wissa last week will be found on our first
Prothonotarv Snyder's back kitchen was
entered last Saturday night and u ham, a
roll of butter, and a sack of Hour were
Tl.o 0. A. K. resolutions enmo In too
late lor this Issue. All mutter for publl
cation must bo handed In not later than
Wednesday noon,
Tho congregation of tho Bloomsburg
lleforuied church will hold festival in
Evans' hall on Friday and Saturday even
ings, Juno 18 and 10.
The first picnic of tho season was held
In Oak Grove. Wednesday. 'Uio duy was
rainy nnd disagreeable. Tho excursion
party was from Scnnton.
The Phllologiau Lltorary Society of the
Normal school will hold a festival In tho
Skating rink Friday and Saturday evenings
of this week, Jure 11 and 13.
The festival by tho Mite Society of tho
Lutheran church, held last Friday nnd Sat.
iiniav ..i....,i,.,to wh n decided success.
There was a good attendanco both eveulngs
tutu mo receipts were quuo imuuuiii,
Tho Calllcpian Jocietv will
In tho rink on Friday nnd Saturday even
logs of next week. The patronago of tho
public Is solicited.
School Boards can obtain minimi,.
for making out financial statement of dis
trict for tho year, nt this nfli tnrnn nt.
a dozen. Urdcrs by mall will bo promptly
filled. Cash must liernmimnv nr,W o.
J. S. Phillips met with nn accident Wwl.
ncsday afternoon with Ids bread wngon.
uu was rcturnini! from Ilncklinrn n,1
tolinn tin... II... tft-1 . it.
.. ....... uiu .uuivcivy in III urnvn nvev
tlio embankment. The waeon was n com.
plcto wicck.
Quito n number of our farmers
their corn last week. This Is a month later
than should have been planted. Tho great
iwmaii oi May kept the ground in such
condition that nothing could bo planted.
is io no nopeil that our Fall will bo late
tho corn may huvo tlmo to ripen.
Tho faculty examination of ttin flnntnr
Class at Normal school closed last week
nnd on Saturday tho committee announced
(l.nt nil . ...
...... .... iiiciiiucii were recommended to the
state examine committee. Tho Junior ex.
nmlaatlon was also held last week, but
some of the members were conditioned.
Quito n llttlo stir was occasioned on our
streets on Friday afternoon and evening of
iusi wcck, uy mo rope walking of Prof,
Charles Stookcy. Tho rope was stretched
neiwcen tho Central hotel nud Hcnder-
shott'sdrug store. After n brief walklm?
of tho ropo he done some very good acting
wiui uio irapczc.
Ell Hobblns, of Flshlngcreck township,
is agent ior uio united States Mcdicluo Co.
for tho salo of Uuulap's King of Pain, and
New Cascara Compound. He also sells Dr.
Clark's Life Balsam. All these medicines
arc Highly recommended. Circulars will
be sent to any address by Eli Hobblns,
rorns, uoiumuia county, Pa.
A Jlilton dispatch says: The Milton,
luumiie ami iN'orilt Mountain railroad.
whoso terminus between the anthracite and
bituminous coal fields was to have been nt
that place, has changed Its courso nnd will
run through Watsontowu, Turbotvillo and
McEwensvillo nnd the parallel valleys some
four miles north of there in tho northern
part of Northumberland county. The
want of subscription is the cause.
Tliyrc will be a meeting of the State
Hoard of Agriculture In the Opera House
Scranlon, Pa., on Wednesday a.'d Thurs
day of next week, June 10 and 17. Dr.
H. LelTnmn, of Philadelphia, will lecture
Wednesday evening on the subject '"Cell
btructuro ot Plants." Hon. G. A. Grow
will deliver an address Thursday cvtning
on thu subject of "Agriculture." Hcturn
tickets wni bu sold on tho 1). L. & W. H
It. nt reduced rates.
D. W. Kitchen lost a very valuable horso
on Thursday of last week. The horse was
taken ill Wednesday morning with inll una
tlou of tho bowels and showed that ho was
in great distress. Everything possible wui
done to relieve him of his sufferings, but
ho gradually grew worse, and died the fol
lowing morning nt 2 o'clock. Tho horse
was 8 years old, HambU'toiiian, registered.
und had u record when three years old of
2:00. The loss is a heavy one for Mr.
Kitchen. Aside from the value of the
horse, which was placed nt $1,000, he was
of such gentle disposition that any one
could drive ldra with safety.
A gang of burglars broko in the Grange
Store luesduy evening- They tried to
guin an entrance nt the back door, nud
alter cutting partly through found tho door
lined with sheet iron. They next went to
tho front door, and tried prying the door
open with some blunt tool ; In doing so,
they sprang the door in such a manner ns
to break the glass in one side and crack
it In the other. This gavo them a way of
entrance. It is dllllcult to know how much
was stolen. A number of articles of
jewelry and some shoes are missing. The
iewelry Is all of the initial style. There
were three money drawers in tho building,
Two of these were broken open but there
was no money in them except a twenty-five
cent pleco which was covered by a few
papers, and the burglars overlooked it
The same evening burglars were In the
cellar of J. K. Lockard, and also at Wm
Gigger's hotel.
Dr. ICwefl'H Itotumicv.
In the early purt of the late war, among
a number of young men who left Baltimore
to go South wns the son of n minister. He
stopped for n time in ltlcliinoud, Va., and
while there formed the acquaintance of a
young lady, to whom l.o became engaged.
Ho was very soon ordered by military au
thority to Georgia, and n rumor rcachen
him to the effect that the yonng lady on
whom liu hud bestowed his affections had
proved false and leained to loeanother,
whereupon Iho young Mnrylnndcr sought
und obtained the limit anil hand of a
yonng lady of his adopted state. After a
happy uulon of eight years, dining which
time thne children were born, tho wife und
mother died. Two years subsequent he
sought nnd found congenial companionship
In thu person of unothir one of Georgia's
fair daughters. The second wife lived teu
years, dining which time three moru chil
dren weie born, when sho died. Then, to
ascertain the fate of his former llunce, lie
wroto to Richmond and wns informed that
the rumors as to the Virginia girl's falsity
was unfounded, and that sho was still liv
ing in single blessedness at her comfortable
home in Richmond.
Tho Georgian, not the worse for wear,
then turned Ids ntteullon In that direction
and after a short correspondence, a propo
slllon for a renewal of the former engage
mcnt wus Hindu nnd accepted, und on the
twelfth Inst, was married.
HIIiih McIIeiiry.
After nn Illness of several months' dura
tion, Silas McIIeiiry, of Stillwater, suc
cumbed to the Inevitable, nnd breathed his
Inst on Tuesday morning at 4 o'clock. Ho
was onu of a family of six boys und threo
girls, nnd the names of all tho brothers are
among tho best in Columbia county. They
are Ellas, James, John J., Cyrus 1)., Dan.
lcl and Silns, Thu sisters uru Mrs, Samuel
Appleman, Mr. Hirnin McIIeiiry and hi-
len, whose husband's name wo navu nui
learned. Silus wns a thtifly farmer, and
an honest, earnest, God-reuriiig miiu, lie
bore ids illness manfully and died peace.
fully. Ills ago was about 00 years ami ho
leaves a wile and two children to mourn
tho loss of n kind husband nud father.
The funeral took plnce on Thursday morn
ing nt 10 o'clock, and was largely attended.
Tlic Hunt l Market.
We would remind our friends and former
patrons and the public generally, thai wo
ire still handling D. M. Osborne & Co s
Reapers, Mowers and Binders, of which
we have Ion baud a full line, covering all
the latest Improvements, wnlch uro udded
to these excellent machines cwry year.
Wu keep constantly on hand n lino of
extras for thu above machines und make a
specialty of repulrlng.not only the JJsborno
machines, bui nil kinds of mowing and
reaping machines.
VYe huvo always on baud a full Hue of
knives for all makes of machines. W e
ir,.,i mock nf tho very best of bind.
ertwino, which wu are offering for 15 ceuts
per. pound. Inviting all to examine our
machines before purchasing c'sewhero wo
aro rcspccliuuy ii l ....
A Trip Up tlio Creek.
On Frldny morning last n stylish four.ln-
lmnd hitched to a barouche drovo up In
front ot tho Exchnngo Hotel at 11 o'clock.
It camo from Bucknlow Bros, livery, and
Htisscll held tho reins. At 11:20 It was
boarded by a party consisting of Hon. C.
It. Buckalcw, Col. 11. K. Jamison, ot Phila
delphia, Mr. John Ityon, of Willlamsport,
Geo, E. Elwcll, Esq,, anil Col. John Jame
son, tho latter being tho originator of tho
expedition, nt whose Invitation tho trip
was made. Benton was reached nt 2:10
and nn elegant dinner was partaken of nt
Hess' hotel. At 5 o'clock Wm. Colo's place,
the end of tho journey, enmo in eight and
tho party disembarked, after n rido of 28
miles through a beautiful country, aud on
a Juno day as perfect as could be Imagined.
William Colo lives in a comfortnblo farm
house nbout two mites nbovo Central, In
Sullivan county. When you get thcra you
stop; It Is tho end of the road. Here
nestled In nmong tho mountains that tower
hundreds of feet on every side, tho fisher
man or hunter finds a very pleasant slop,
ping place. During the wnrm sensou
Cole's Is always crowded.
Hut this party wns not out on a fishing
excursion, though they were ubundnntly
supplied with delicious tiout caught by
somebody else. Tho timber on tho moun
tains, and the valleys through which tho
proposed Flshlngcrcek railroad is to be
run were the points of observation, and
tho special objects of Interest. That lliero
is nn abundance of timber, and that tho
proposed route is nn eligible one, Is be
yond dispute, Tho only ob9tnclo in tho
way is the lack of funds, nnd tho trip was
made with the liopo of Interesting capital
ists In the project. How far-it succeeded
remains to bo seen.
Tho return trip was made on Saturday,
All through it was a most enjoyable one,
and those who participated feel under
ninny obligations to Col. John Jameson for
the royal manner in which he entertained
his guests.
Wliul We Arc Iiuleliteil to llic
Houlli I'or.
There appears in our columns to-day the
advertisement of tho well-known (nnd uni
versally used In tho Southern States) Sim
mons Liver Regulator. Ycnrs ngo it won
Its wny into every household of the South
by pure, sterling merit. It there takes the
place of n doctor and costly prescriptions.
Tho medicine Is becoming widely known
in the North, and wherever used tho de
mand for it hu3 steadily increased. It is a
family medicine, containing no dangerous
and deleterious qualities, but purely vege
table, nnd so gentle in its action that It can
lie safely given to any person, no matter
what age the centenarian or tho crowing
youngster. Working people are often in
that miserable state ot health, which really
renders them unfit tor labor j but they
havn't tlmo to take medicine nnd be sick.
Simmons Liver Regulator can bo taken
without causing any loss of time, and the
system will bo built up and invigorated by
it. The Regulator promotes digestion,
dissipates nasty sick headache, and gives
a strong, full tone to the system. In malar
ious climates it is invuliiablc, both protect
ing attack from the disease and expelling
the poison after It has entered tno system.
It has no equal as a preparatory medicine,
nnd can bo safely used when n doctor can called in. Persons of the very high
est character and eminenco hnve given
Simmons Liver Regulator their cordial und
hearty endorsement.
Ilnllrond DlHcrltiiliintloii.
A. L. Fritz, at the last session of the
Legislature, voted for tho Anti-Discrlmlnn-tlon
bill. It bud for Its object
the enforcement of the constitu
tion in reference to charges made
by railroad companies in the transportation
of freight or passengers within tho State,
or coming from or going to any other stale.
Some time ago the Farmera' Friend or
Orange Advocate published n resolution en
dorsing tho actions of Mr. Fritz nnd others
for supporting the bill. It did not pass but
n similar bill will be up before the next
Legislature, which will be one of the lead
ing issues of tho next session. Tho ques
Hon is, shall the railroad companies control
the people or shall tho people control the
railroad companies.
Tho seeds of disease may bo lurking in
vnnr ovsinm. Nature elves warning, uo
not fail to heed it. Correct your
and place your system In good condition
by using Keller's Cutnrrh Remedy.
Tux AppeiilH.
Appeals from the assessment have been
taken by tho following: Philn. & Rend.
Coal & Iron Co., Briston Coal .t Improve
ment Co., Locust Gap Improvement Co.,
Locust Mountain Coal & Iron Co., Oirard
estate, Low Bros. & Co., E. II. Little, Coal
Ridge Improvement Co., New York &
Middle Coal Field & It. It. Co.
Testimony was taken in Low Bros, ap
peal on Monday beforo S. N. Walker, com
missioner. In this case the assessment had
been mixed from SCOOO to SM.OOO, by tho
Thiiee Effects. The thousands of re
markable cures which have been ncrom.
plishcd by Hood's Sursuparilla are due
(.imply to three effects which Ibis great
medicine has upon those who take It:
First; It puiifics the blood.
Second: It strengthens the system.
Third: It gives healthy action to the d'
gestivo organs.
With these three effects no dUenso cau
long retain its hold. It Is forced to leavo
tho system, glvlug placo to health and
strength, through tho potent Inlluence of
Hood's Sarsuparlllu. Sold by all druggists.
Try It.
List of letters remaining In the Po3t Of
flco nt Bloomsburg for week ending Juno
8, 1880:
Bengo Hroushes, Mrs. O. F. Deltriech,
Mrs. James Learn, Mr. Frank Lenrdo,
Geo. Massteller, Samuel Shaw.
Jas. M. Seltz.
Persons cnlllng for theso letters will
please say "advertised."
Geokob A. 'Claiik, P. M.
IteiiukllciiH Couiily Convention
Tho Republican county convention met
In tho grand jury room in tho court house,
Bloomsburg, on Monday, at 2 o'clock, p.
m. In response to tho call of County Chair
man Conner. Dr. Itebcr, ot Bloomsburg,
was elected Chairman, and Mr. Chrisman
of Berwick, and J. 11. Yetter.of Catawissa,
Secretaries. James C. Brown, of Blooms,
burg, nnd Capt. lteese, of Ccntralla, wero
chosen delegates to tho Stato Convention,
being Instructed for Beaver for Governor,
ami Gen. E. S. Osborno of Wllkes-Barre,
for Congrcssmau-nt-large, with Gen. Lllllc,
of Mauch Chunk, as second choice. E. B.
Gule, of Catawissa; and 11, Q Wnples, of
Espy, wero chosen Senatorial conferees.
Cod Liver Oil, With Hypojhosphltes.
Is more reliablo as nn agent in thd euro
of consumption, chronic coughs and emac
iation, than any remedy known to medical
science It Is so prepared that the potency
of these two most valuable specifics Is
largely Increased, It Is slso very palatable.
Farmers In waut of Implements can suvo
money by buying ot S. O. Shive, as lis Is
handling tho best In tho market at tho low.
est prices. Go aud see them. m2L4t.
The Happy Oouple United in Mairiaeo In tho
blue iloom oi the WLito iiouso.
Miss Folsom arrived nafoly in Wash
ington shortly nftcr G 30 o'clock in tho
morning, Junu 2d, nnd wag met by
Colonel LainonU Tho train wan com
posed of four earn and President Hob
url'tt private car, tho lnttcr being occu
pied by Miss Iolsoin nnd lior party.
Sim wan dressed in black, nud woro a
wrnp of tho same color to protect her
from the morning air ; a stylish lint
trimmed with white nnd blue ribbons,
and black kid gloves. Sho was escort
ed by Colonel Lninotit to tho carriago
and driven dircot to the Wlilto House,
with Mrs. Folsom, who was dressed in
black nnd looked n littlo tired, nnd
Mrs. Kogets of Syracuse.
About 0.30 in thu evening ilio wed
ding guests began to arrive, their car
riages rolled up to tho main door of
tho mansion through tho great iron
gatcD on Pennsylvania nvenuc. Tho
lirst arrival was Secretary Lamar. lie
wm closely followed by Hov. Dr.
Sunderland and wife, and during tho
next few minutes ihcrcr catno in
quick stcocssion Postmaster General
Vila9 and wife, Wilsou P. Hissell,
Secretary and Mrs. Endicotl, Secretary
Hayard, Secretary and MrB. Whitney
and Secretary Manning aud his wife.
Removing their wraps in thu state
dining-room all tho guests proceeded
to tho Hluo Hootn, where they wero
received by Miss Hose Cleveland.
Tho following is a complete list of
those present : Mrs. Folsom, mother
of tlio bndo ; Hcv. W. N. Cleveland,
thu Prwdont'M brother ; Mies Cleve
land, ami Mis. Hoyt, the President's
sh-ti is i Thomas F. Hayard, Secretary
of Statu ; Mi-M Hayurd; Daniel Man
tling, Seeritary of Treasury ; Mis.
Mamiinu; William C. Hndieolt, Secre
tins nf War ; Mrs Kndicotl; William
C! Whitney, Secietary of Navy ; Mrs.
Whiiiii-j! 'William F. Vilas, Post-master-General
; Mrs. Vilas ; L. Q. C.
Lamar, Secretary of the Interior ;
Daniel l.ainoiil, Private Secretary to
Iho President ; Mrs. Lamar j Benjamin
Foliom, Buffalo ; Mr. and Mrs. Hod
gcrs, Si'in c.i Falls ; Miss Cadman and
Miss lluddlcslon, Detioit ; Mr. and
Mis. llai men, Boston, relatives of tno
bii lc ; Mif Nelson, Now York i A. S.
Bissell, Buffalo, tho President's former
law paitner ; Dr. und Mr;. Byron
Sunderland. Attorney-Ueneral Uar
land, although invited, was uot pres
ent. h er a few minutes the guests chat
ted gaily, but tlio conversation was
quickly fiispemied at 7.15 o'clock,
when the selected oiebestra lroin the
Marino Band, Htatiomd in tlie coiridor,
struck up thu familiar strains of the
wedding march lrom iHotidelsi'Olins,
"Midsummer Night's Dream," and all
eyes weie turned to the door-way to
catch tho first glimpse of the coming
bnde and groom. Starting from the
western corridor of tlio upper floor the
President camo slowly down tho stair
case with liis bride leaning on his arm
They wero unaccompanied, even the
bride's mother awaiting her with the
other guests. Passing through the
central corridor the brido and groom
entered the Blue Itoom and took a
position near its southern wall, which
was completely hiddon"from sight by
a mass of nodding pilms, tropical
grasses and an endless vaiiety of choice
flowers. Thu crystal chandelier pour
ed a Hood of mellow radiance upon tho
scene and colors of mossivc banks.
Scarlet begonias and royal .lacqu
minot roses mingling thu blue and
silver lines of tho frescoed walls and
ceiling gave a warm and glowing tone
to tho whole brilliant interior. Tho
delicate ivoiy shades of the bride's
wedding gown found an exquisite set
ting in the masses of crimson loses im
mediately beyond. The President was
in full evening dress, with turn down
collar, whito lawn neck-tic, and white
emauucl studs.
A hush fell upon the assemblage as
Doctor Sunderland stepped forward 'o
his position fronting thu wedding cou
ple willi tlio Rev. William Cleveland
(tho President' brother) at his left hand.
In distinct tono of voice and with a de
liberate utterance the doctr began thu
simple and beautiful wedding service,
as follows :
For a3 much as we aro assembled to
observe the holy rito of mariiage, it is
needful that wo should seek the bless
ing of tho great God, our father, whose
iui-titulion it is.nnd therefore I beseech
ou now to follow me with luvtrent
hearts in prayer to Him. Almighty
and everlasting God, tho father ot our
spirit", the f i amor ot our bodies, thu
giver ol every good ana perlect gilt,
Thouh who cant see tlio end from
the beginning, who knowest what is
hofl for us, Thy children, and hast ap
pointed the holv rite of marriage to bo
saeri dly nbcerved throughout all gener
ations, "regard now, I beseich Thee,
Thv hervant, our Chief Mngistrato ;
endow him plenteously with Thy grace
and till mm with wisdom to walk m
Thy ordinances. Be ever nigh to liiin
in the midst of many cares and grave
responsibilities. Day ny day may my
law direct him and Thy strength up
hold him, and bo Thou forever bis sun
and shield. And bo graciously pleas
ed to look down upon this Thy daugh
ter even as Thou dulst favor tho chosen
Rebecca, and many noblo women that
have adorned tlio woi Id, May sho in
deed ho a orecious boon of God to her
husband, to cheer help lam continually ;
a woman gifted with Uio beauty of tho
laud and shedding tho sweet inlliicuco
of a Christian lifo upon iho Nation in
whoso sight she is to dwell. Wilt Thou
ipprovo what we, Thy servants, como
to do in Thy name bv Thino authority
and under tho laws of the land in which
a'o live, and graciously assist them.this
man and this woman, who aro hero to
bo united in tlio bonds of holy wedlock
according to tho institution ol Thy
words t Mercifully bo pleased, Al
mighty God, to vouchsafe to each of
them Thy grace, tliat they may well
and truly weigli tlio unfailing vows
which they aro now about to make to
eacli other in tlio presence of this com
pany and before Thee, and that thoy
may be enabled hereafter at all times
to to live together as to rejoice in tho
solemnization of this union with joy
unspeakable and full of glory, through
Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Addressing tho company ho said :
Marriage is honorabio among all inun
in that a man shall leavo his father aud
mother nnd shall clove unto his wife,
and tho twain Bliall bo one llcsh, it was
constituted by our Creator in tho first
paradise. It" was confessed by patri
arch and priest, prophet and apostle.
It wns continued by tho teaching and
alarmed with tho presenco of tho re
deemer, and has been proved by tho
faithful keeping of all good men aud
women since the world began. It is
not, theiefore, to ho undertaken light
ly or unadvisedly, but foberly, discreet
ly nud in tho fear of God. Into this
holy estate this man and this woman
como now to enter. If any now can
show just cnuso why they may not bo
lawfully united in marriage, lot him
speak, or clao hereafter forever hold
liis pcaco.
To tho brido ond groom s
"If you dcslro to bo united in marri
age, you will signify the samo by join
ing your right hands. (.The groom
and brido joined hands).
"Qrovcr," said tho minister, "Do
you take this woman whom you hold
by tho hand to bo your lawful wedded
wife, to livo together after God's ordi
nance In tho holy estate of wedlock 1
Do you promise to lovo her, cherish,
comfort and keep her in sickness and
in health, in joy nnd in sorrow, and
forsaking all others keep you only un
to her so long as) you both shall llvo t"'
Tho groom (firmly), "I do."
Dr. Sunderland "Franoes, do you
take this man whom you hold by tho
hand to bo your lawful wedded hus
band, to livo together after God's ordi
nance in tho holy cstato of wodlook t
Do you promise to lovo him, honor,
comtort, and keep him in sickness and
in health, in joy and in sorrow, and
forsaking all others keep you only unto
him so long as you both shall livo t"
Thf brido responded in a low but
clear voice, "I do."
Dr. Sunderland (solemnly) "For
as much as Grovcr aud Frances havo
hero agreed and covenanted to livo to
gether after God's ordinance, in tlio
holy state of wedlock, and have con
firmed tho samo by giving and taking
a wedding ring, now therefore, in the
presence of this company, in tho name
of tlio Father and of tho Son nnd of tho
Holy Ghost, I pronounce and declare
that they aro husband and wifo, and
what God hath joined together let no
man put asunder."
Tho Rev. Mr. Cleveland then pro
nounced tho following benediction :
"God tho Father, God the Sou, oyid
God tho Holy Ghost, bless, preserve
and keep you. Tho Lord mercifully
fill you with all temporal and all spirit
ual blessings, and grant that you may
so livo together in this world that in
the world to come you may havo lifo
ovcrlasting. Amen."
At tho conclusion of thoccrcinony,Mi s.
Folsom.showintr traces of deep emotion
wastho lirst to tender her congratulations
to tho nowly married pair. She was
followed by Miss. Cleveland, tho Rev,
Mr. Cleveland and tho other relatives
and friends in turn. While the con
cratulalions wero in progress, the band
under tho leadership of Professor
Sousa, performed tho bridal chorus
and march from Lohenrin, and to this
music tho President and his wifo led
the way into the stately Fast Room.
The adornments of this noble hall wero
in keeping with its majestic propor
tions, nnd its ample spaco and brilliant
illtitninntinn nfforded nn oimortunitv
for a fitting display of tho ladies' toil
ettes. From tho cast room tho com
pany proceeded, after a season of prom
enading and conversation, to the family
dining-room of tho Mansion, where the
wedding supper was served.
The decorations ot tho Jixecutivo
Mansion wero of an elaborate charact
er, and, in tlio language of one of tho
oldest employes, "It never presented a
handsomer appearance." Tho various
public Gardens in the city and many
privato conservatories hero and in other
cities contributed their choicest plants
and flowers to lend their beauty and
fragrance to the scene. Of course tho
Blue Room, where the ceremony was
performed, occupied tho principal at
tention el tho decorators, it was trans
formed into a veritable bower of beauty,
Tho decorations of the privato din
ing-room where tlio wedding collation
was served wero also of an elaborato
character. Tho main table decoration
was a full rigged three-masted ship,
composed of pinls, centaurea, egaua.
roses and pansies, displaying tho word
"Hymen." It rested on a minor repre
senting a lake, tho bIioics of which
wero composed of different varieties of
selagmellas and tiny pieces ot coral.
The surrounding land was represented
by banks of Jacqueminot roses. Tlio
National colois hung from the mam
mast and two small whito flags with
tho monogram ''C. F" in golden letters
hung from the other masts. At
either ond of tho table restiug on mir
rors wero handsome vases containing
long stemmed hybrcd roses. Tho east
room and tho red and green parlors
were decorated in the stylo usual at
the receptions and stato dinners. To
the usual decorations of the main corri
dor wero added four astra groupes of
palms and foliage and flowering plants,
Tho Bluo Parlor, in which tno wed-
dim? ceremonv occurred, was decorated
by Tiffany, of New York, and reopen
ed in tho winter of 1882-83. A robin's
egg bluo is used for walls, furuituro
coverings and window hangings ; but
it looks green by gas-light, ivhich is
tho light always used on Stato occas
ions. The ceiling is silvered over in a
beautiful design. Silver aud crystal
brackets on the walls havo gas burners,
which, as well as those in tlio band
somo centre chandelier of crystal, are
always lighted at ceremoina's. Al
though thu East Room was used for
Nellie Grant's wedding, tho Bluo Par
lor i3 tlio room in which thu most for
mal and ceremonious social events
usually happen at tho White House.
Thoro tho New Year reception of the
diplomatio corps and all tho other ro
cejitions held by a President or tho
lady ot tho Whito House ocour, and
thoro on presentation -of their letters
accredittntr them as envoys to this
country tho foieign Ministeis of Char
ges d Alfaires aro hrst introduced liy
the Secretary of Stato to the President.
Tho weirding of John Quinoy Adams'
son in ISL'O, wliilo his father was Presi
dent, and R. B. Hayes' niece, Miss
1'latt, occuriid in tins room.
The Greon 1'irlor, next to it, is paid
to havo been tho sceno of tho proposal
of mairiugo of General Hastings to
Miss Plait and of her acceptance of
him, and the lato Mrs. James Brooks, of
,Novport often told that it was in that
room that .nr. lsrooks courted tier.
Sho was then tho widow Randolph, of
Virgin'n, and had como to tlio Whito
House to visit her uncle, l resident
Harrison, during tho one mouth ho sur
vived his inauguration. The engago
mcnt of President Cleveland to Miss
Folsom was finally concluded in tins
samo apartment during tho visit of tho
lady to her lnend, JHibs Cleveland,
With tho splendid record which tho
Green Parlor now has it will bocomo
tho future trysttng placo for all tho
timid lovers in this country.
Tho bluo bedroom which tho Presl
dent has ocoupied whenever in tho Ex
ecutivo Mansion since his Inauguration
is tlio samo from which tho last two
brides whoso weddings occurred in the
White House descended to bo married
in tho parlors below. It was Nellio
Gram's bedchamber durinir tho month
preceding tier wedding, and it was tho
bedchamber occupied by Miss Piatt,
R. B. Hayes' uicee, during tho limo
she spent in the Whito House beforo
her wedding in tho Bluo Parlor, June
IU, 1670.
Tho furuituro is all of nnlo bluo sst
in, and includes a lounce, also covered
...III, llinl .l..ll.. ,.1A.. f MM.
tti.i. tiiub uuiiaiu i;uiui Ul BUUIJ. J IIU I
whito marblo mantel la covered with a
hand embroidered bluo lambrequin.
Tho hangings at tho two largo windows
aro of bluo satin. Tho bed in the
anartmcnt has its head to tho west ;
abovo is a canopy, over bluo satin.
An cider down quilt, ono side of which
is bluo nnd tho oilier pink silk (tho bluo
side worked witli Kato Grecnaway
figures lu colors), is thrown across tho
foot of tlio bed. There nro throe doors
in tho large, square room, which is on
tho north sido (if tho building. Ono
door opens into a bath room, and op-
posllo is ouo opening into tho corner
room, which adjoins tho bed-room,
This corner room, is about half tho
size of tho other, and was fitted up at
tho samo time tho largo nno was for
President Arthur, and used by him and
lus successor as a private study. Tho
married Presidents never used the
bed-room Arthur and Cleveland choso
to occupy.
To All Wanting Employment.
We want Uve, Energetic nd Capable Aenti
in every county in the United State and Uina.
ill, to sell a p j tent nrticle of great merit, tiN
trs merits. An article having a large talc, pay
Mif, over !vicr cent profit, having no enmpc
titiou, and on which the agent U protected in
the exclusive-sale by a deed Riven tor each and
every county he may secure from us. With all
thete advantages toour Agents and the fjet that
it Is an article that can be sold to every hinise
nwtter. it miiilit not be necessary to in.ikti nn
"EXTKAoRDtNARV offer" to secure gtjodngeuts?
ai once, uui we navo cunciuucu to n iu
show, not only our confidence in the merits at
our Invention, but In its stability by anyajfent
that will handle it with energy. Out titjent
now at work are making from $130 to $bm n
month clear and this fact make It sfe for us t
mike nnr offer to all who are out of emtduv
ment. Any agent that will give our biiMiicfts n t
thirty dayO trial and fail to clear at leait ftrc.
in this time, arovk all expense, on return 1
all goods unoia to ut ana we win rciunu ine
money paid for them. Any agent or Kencral
aent who would like ten or more couniiet and
work them through sub-agents for ninety days
and fail to clear at least $750 adok all ex
moneyback. No other employer ofngenMevcr
dared to make such offers, nor would we if we
lui not know tnat we nave agents now making
nore than double the amount we guaranteed
ind but two sales a day would give a profit of
ver $ia( a month, and that one of our agents
.00k eiffhteen orders in one da v. Our I. rec de
tcnpiive urcuian explain our micr mil), mm
these we wish to send to everyone out ut cm
ployment who will send us three one tent
stamps for postage. Send at once and secure
the agency in time forthe boom, And go to work
on the terms named in our extraordinary offer.
We would like to have the address of all the
agents, sewing machine solicitors and carpen
ters in the country, and ask any reader of this
paper who reads this offer, to send us at oncv
the name and address of all such they know.
Address at once, or you will lose the best chant. e
ever offered to those out of employment tu mAe
mnncv. Rrnner M ANUKACTURtSO Co .
116 Smithfield St., Pittaburg, Vij
Hood's Sarsunnrilln is prepared bv C. I.
Hood & Co., Apothecnrlcs, Lowell, Muss.,
who have n tlioroug h nowledge of phar
macy, anil many years practical experience
in the business. It Is prepared with the
greatest s ill and care, under the direction
01 tne men who originated it. licnce
Hood's Sarsnnarllla may be depended upon
as a thoroughly pure, honest, and reliable
A most notfnt rumtdv for malniia is
Vinegar Bitters, new style. It cleanses the
system and purifies tho blood, freeing it
from nil mnlarial poison. Viuegir Bitters,
new style, has a ploasant taste, Is u slightly
antacid preparation, is a mildly-acting, but
eucctuai camartic, una its ionic properties
arc unsurpassed.
Without beautiful hair no woman is
beautiful. Is vours fallins oil or faded?
The loss is vital. Parker's Hair Balsam
will prcservo your hair and give back its
gloss and youthful color. Clean, elegant,
perfect. Prevents dandruff. j 11 4t.
If vou want to cniov tho luxurv of uslni.
the best soap, in tho country, try Dreydop
pcl'a Borax soap, an article that has been
tested by time and found to contain all the
Ingredients necessary for a soap that can
be used for all purposes. j4.
The lifc-civinc properties of Avcr'a Sar-
saparlla have established its well-earned
reputation, and made it the most effectual
and popular blood purifier of tho day. For
all diseases of tho stomach, liver and kid
neys, this remedy has no equal. Price $1.
Food for the brain and nerves that will
invigorate the body without intoxicating,
is' what wo need In these days of rush and
worry. Parker's Tonic restores the vital
energies, soothes the nerves, and brings
good health quicker than anything else
you can use. j. 11 5t.
"For economv and comfort, everv
Spring, wo uso Hood's Sarsaparilla," writes
a Buffalo (N. Y.) lady. 100 doses 1.
men Biby wu tlok, w. gTS her Cutori.
Wlien iho wu a Child, .lie cried for CMtorl,
When aha becune UUa, .lie clone to CMtori,
When the hid Children, iho t Uiom CwtorU,
Don't forget to call on 8. C Shlve for
corn cultivators, &c. cither singlo or
uouuie. n 4 at.
(MiniAOE 1'I.ANTS.
Three acres of cabbage plants on Island
at Espy ferry. Everybody como from now
until July 10th. Prices must bo among the
lowcsi ami pianis me uesi.
m-aa-i-t. juvin ubisinqei!.
41 1. 1 IttnUft SON'S
Hammocks. OSo . to S3.00. Parasols.
Funs, Millions nnd Summer Neckwtar.
Children's Mother Hubbard Coats in Cream,
uiues, Mono nnd llrnwn.
New Plain Hntlnes nnd Batistes. Black
and Colored Gloves nnd Mitts, all prices.
Ladies', Misses, Children's nnd Gents
Gauze Underwear.
White, Cream, Pink, Light Blue, Dark
Blue, Brown, Bluu Grey, and Black Wfash
Dress Goods, with Kmbrolderies to match.
A few sets of those $2.50 dishes.
For Toilet Use.
Ayor'a Ilalr Vigor keeps tlio hair soft
and pliant, imparts to it the lu.stro and
freshness of youth, causes it to grow
luxuriantly, eradicates Dandruff, cures
all scalp diseases, and is thu most clean
ly ot all hair preparations.
AVppfO Hair Vigor has given mo
niUII O perfuct satisfaction. I was
nearly bald for six years, during which
tlmo I used many hair preparations, hut
without success. Indeed, what llttlo
Imlr I had was growing thinner, until
I tried Ayer's Hair Vlgur. I used two
battles of the Viior, ami my head it now
well coTered with a new growth of hair.
Judsou II. Chapel, l'eabody, Muss.
HAIR "iat ',a" become weak, gray,
irilll ami faded, may havo new life
aud color restored to it by tho usn of
Ajer'a Hair Vigor. My hair was thin,
faded, and dry, and fell out in largo
quantities. Ayer's Hair Vigor stopped
the falling, and restored my hulr to lu
original color. At a dressing for tho
hair, this preparation has no eiiual,
Mary N. Hammond, Stillwater, Minn.
VIRflR youth, and beauty, In tho
IIUUII, appearance of the hair, may
bo prcservod for uu Indennito period by
tho uso of Ayer's Hair Vigor. A (lis
ease of the scalp caused my hair to lie.
coma harsh and dry, and to fall out
freoly. Nothing I tried seemed to do
mo any good until I coraineuced using
Ayor'a Hair Vigor. Threo liottlea of
this preparation restored my hair to a
healthy condition, aud it is now soil
aud pliant. My st-alp is cured, and it
U also free from dandruff, Mrs, K. It,
Foss, Milwaukee, Wis,
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
Bold by PruciltK nj 1'tifumeH.
Priivkct Savktt, prompt action, and
wonderful curative properties, easily
place Ayer's I'llls at tho head ot tho list
ot jiopular remedies for, Blck and Nerv
ous Headaches, Constipation, and all ail.
nieuts originating In u disordered Liver.
I havo been a great sufferer from
Headache, aud Ayer's Cathartic l'ilU
are the only medicine that has ever
given mo relief. One doso uf theso I'lIU
will quickly tuovo my IhiwcU, und frea
my head from pain. William I., Page,
Itichmoud, Va.
Ayer's Pills,
Piti'tred by Ij. J 0, Ajr k Co., Lowell, Uu.
Hold bjr til De.f.jilu Medicine.
Gents Furnishing Goods, Eats & Caps
Suits made to order nt short nollco
and a Htalwn)s gunrnnteod or no side.
Call und examine tho largest find lest
selected stock of goods over shown in
Columbia county.
Store next door to First Nntlonnl Hank,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
SWrrJijrlOrE CoLLEqE.
Opens 0th month, nth. Thirty minutes from
llroiuist. Mntlon, Philadelphia. Under tho care
ot Friends, but. all others tidmlttfd. Pull college
courso for both sexes; classical, Hclcntlflc nnd Lit
erary. Also n .Manual Training and n preparatory
school. Healthful location, largo ground, new
and extciiilro buildings and apparatus. For cat
alogue and full particulars, address F.DWAltl) II.
M AlllIX, A. .V., l'rca t. June 11.
NOTICE. Tlio undersigned hereby gives
public notice, from this date, that inas
much as It Is unplcarant for him to contlnuo to
llvo with, hlswlto. he takes this method of Inform,
log thepubllo generally, not to sell or trade his
wile anj thing onhh credit, as he will not pay
any bills of Ills contraction, and this shall bo
deemed suniclcnt notice.
June 11, ISA Malu Township.
Njr virtue of sundry acts ot General Assembly of
the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, relating to
tho salo ot seated and unsealed lands In the
t'ounty of Columbia etc. for taxes duo and unpaid.
1 will oner nt public sale at tho court House, In
the town of Uloomsburg, on the Second
nt lo o'clock a. m. the following described pieces of
land or such part thereof as may be necessary to
satisfy tho amount ot taxes due and unpaid
against mo same, ana continue mo same irom aay
to day ns tho same may bo found necessary.
Iho amount of taxes nnd costs must bo paid
when the land Is struck off or tho salo maybo
void and tho property put up and resold.
. llEAVKIt.
401) " Ilaktr, Jacob deo'd
1 lot Heaver, Charles
M acres lirockway, c. 11
105 " " "
at " ' and Abbott
W " " "
118 " " "
,t 44 17
I 74
. 3 21
4 10
. 10 33
1 Us
3 .3
5 31
54 "
3 lota
3 "
1 "
3 Oil
5 20
5 20
lirockway, C. 11
llutt and unger ,
liogort, Mary
1 M
4 43
hoi er, t.
1(10 acres Columbia Coal Iron Co..
. 91 50
. 11 31
Clark. Andrew.
Cox, C. M. Ex. Tench cox
3 30
8 78
. 10 11
. IS 41
, 34 76
1 SS
Charles, Simon
1 '
uo on, .11..,
. 1 '.5
1fA acres Davis, Isaac H
115 " Davis, Anthony ,
loo ' Downs, Martin
IK) " Dallus, JoslaU
let " Downs. John
39 " Fisher, Sarah
3 lots Flanlgan, A
3 " Fry, W H
3 " (iearhart, Wm
5 " llonman, E. o
13 " Pardee nnd Marklo
3 " llarner aud Jester
io acres llauck, Jonathan
oo " Iloats, John......
75 " lloats, Charles John
53 "
330 " Hlnderlltcr, Sarah A
3 lots Hunt, Ell
3 " llcnny, (ieo
1 " Kline, A
3 " Kochler. (I. I
3 " Lewis, Frunk
3" Lawrence, V. K...
500 acres Mann and Miller
300 " Moore, Wm
WO " Mclieynolds, II. W
. IS S3
7 77
. 13 50
0 07
1 19
5 0!)
5 31
5 21
. s 64
. 35 30
3 71
5 SS
, 3 3s
. 5 07
5 36
. IS 6S
5 31
3 46
. I 75
,. 3 41
4 91
7 3D
. 13 50
. 10 13
. 10 05
loo " MiniCK, conrau ,
. IS 11
45 " " reic-
. 13 IS
. 18 Is
1 UO
100 " " lienj
4 lots Maston. wm
140 acres Nungesser, (!eo
9 4:
8 b
o 1018 ruuersuii, j. u ,
3 " Price, Clarence
5 3i
Ul acres luce, .junn .
6 75
. 23 C3
350 "
400 "
ltlchart, Charles sr..
. 37 00
73 "
5 03
133 "
II 1013
ltuthford, Samuel & Co
8 76
iiuinrora. hamuei
4 41
3 acres hhuman, Thomas. ,
. 10 13
3si " swank. Daniel.
140 " tienweppenbelser, 1. K...,
s " Shu nan . Michael
3 lots Milck, J. J
3 " hraltli. I. v
. 11 S3
3 06
5 31
5 31
331 acres Shi man, F. L
7 40
3 lois scon, reier
2 ' Vastine, n. K
flu Valkenard. c. J ,
1 01
3 46
. 10 8s
3505 acres West 11 Coal Co. ,
. 346 2,
8 II'
Slots wetzei, c. s
3" werkhclaer, Samael
3 " Wood. Augustus
M) acres Wheeler. Wm
3 " stlney, Martin
3 lots ITout, Margaret
35 acres Miller, Adorn
45 acres Albcrtson, Clarence
io " Dodson. (ieo.
S3 " Wells, John
K of 20) Apple, Taul
3s acres clem, ltov. V. T ,
.loo " Doiy, l'ealer & btewart
31)0 " " " ....
1511 " " " ...
101) " " " ....
250 " " " ....
VOf 300 " "
Of 150 " "
VOf 100 " "
V Of 350 " "
3 Oi
5 31
3 33
.. 1 21)
1 00
. 9 73
1 SS
.. 11 25
7 50
5 OS
9 3S
2 10
.. 1 10
3 03
1 S5
25 acres Evans, Francis
3 3;
J Fowler, Gilbert 8 71
oo acres Freas, wm. 1...
3 75
Ilouck. Samuel..
2 50
!0O " Iteeccr, Abraham
7 " Kllnger, Lizzie
7 ' stokes, olden
7 " Trough, Henry estate.. .
11 11 Eckrotn, oco
7 " MOUt, Ellis
7 no
54 acres nrobst, J s.,
Klaso & Yetter
SO 93
: 77
30 "
w eaver, eius
Dornbach, Margaret
Klnler. ltobeit
Newell, Fled
Yetter, Lewis estate
11 11 11
lilddlollelrs ".".".'.'.V."
ciewell, Joseph estate
Krum, Ellas
I'erry, wm
Ilower, Moses
Ilacerty, .lumen
Ilerrron, I'hlllp
Holmes, Thomas
LelilgU Malianoy It. K ,
Walsh, David
Certrhty, Thomas. '.
steel, Ooo. W
Mccafferty, I'at
Madden, Michael
U'lilgli k Malianoy It. It
Loughlln, llrldget
Sweeney, Margaret
3H7 "
2sl "
14 10
13 f.'l
1 ss
3 "
8 "
31 "
8 '
IS "
8 "
8 "
7 "
1 lot
2 11
1 "
1 "
1 "
1 "
I "
l II
3 "
3 "
I "
1 "
1 "
1 "
1 "
1 "
1 "
I "
1 "
1 "
J. "
1 tvs
4 70
3 33
3 36
1 OS
7 40
3 36
46 00
a 7a
5 30
9 Mil
1 9;
1 m
9 3D
S 53
3 30
JtllVll. (JUUIl.t.i
I'ursell, John..
1 (0
(Julgley, Mrs, Margaret..
(icris'lity, Thomas
6 40
naneu .Mary, John
Demon, Win
llullcan, lllchaid
Kelley, Wm
Klmis, Patrick
Hanley, John U
llracey, (leo
Uorrcll & Co
(i Ss
1 2S
3 86
7 30
4 OU
23 acres Adams, Enos 1.
2 lots ltrobst Thomas ,
S3 acres Conner, II. J. K M. r
1 lot Derllii'.', Win
3 " Freas, Andrew estate
7 acres Frit, Wm. cstato
3 " (iood, Jacob cstato
70 " llagenbuch, Mm
in " llas'enbuch, Wm. sr. estato...
81 " llorfman, Wm. cstato
I lot I less, Knie
8" March, llebccea
1 " Nungesser, Sarah
1 " Spousler, Jacoo
1 acres Klrkendall 4 creasy
3 " Achenbach. Samuel
439 acres Ileam, Joshua
itlois lirockway, c. 11
1 54
3 29
2 21
263 59
411 33
21 SO
13 it
11" " " ....
1 " lireelln. Bernard,.,.
2" lVltcralf, Michael,
113 acres Huston, John
333 " Kline, John I
1 lot Kromer, A. W
73 S3
2 3'
r.s so
49 81
3 29
1 -1
1 "
1 "
1 "
1 "
S 1
Lelby, Kphrulm
" Harvey
Mellen, Thomas
Millard, o. II
Miilulrc. Tcrranco.,
Morris, Anna II,
Monroe, John ,
.1 11
2 34
2 35
0 C
2 5s
5 31
I '
1 1
2 7
2 72
103 (10
40 SO
I1 2
61 30
211 SO
Uliaw , Casper
SHO acres llusto ,.Mary
IIusIod, Thomas ,
Frlcu. Jacob
il " Young, John ,
0 " llrelsh, Knucrt....
8 " Walker, Iwls...
4 lots Mourcy, John
j 11 11 11 "
9 l0
3 63
8 63
3 0:
20 acres Allegar, John 'list'
9) " DresheMJolin
Sou " Doty l-eal-r Stewart...
9W " Force 4: Crawford
20 " Fareriieo
U) " Hurrlaon John...,, ,.
Son " lloffmond; Ficus.
sw " Hulin wm
200 " Kindt John 4 Co
110 11 Lemon Thomas
io ' Mcllcury c, 11. li Daniel ,.
17 " UJ... ,
13 " 1'arks James II. ..
60 ' Hobblns Wm A
to " lllchard IjiwU .,
11 11 ldlchart Charles..... ..
13 3)1
I 58
6 41
10 20
10 JO
1 53
3 9J
29 50
5 50
2 3.1
14 98
4 80
1 01)
1 10
6 20
1 C4
83 Ml
31 20
1 12
10 CO
15 80
13 10
3 57
4 9
1 CO
CI 50
m ' nutcuison inos j.....
3 " l'caler (leo
co connor.MsggloU..
40 ' Cleaver Wellington
73 do Fortner Jonathan.
4 ao HwaiiK ueo ........
5 do VoiiKlit James.
30 do VoughtF. Howell
yg do llohrbacli Wm
l do iioweu hoi
14 do Albcrtson Miles uudJarllcr..,,
Siu do Hunt John. .
as do hattersonM.i
do Campbell N I-
its do Mcirlilc II 1)
so do Neal I'ursell
& do lirlght Ivl.
21 uo Jones David
U) do
Frlck (leo A....
Ilesa Iicnjamln,.,
Miller Chas II'..
sou do
1W do
4 do
aw do
Miller Neyhart
sin acres
13 " Kiicncn. James w ,
w " McIlenry.Hohr
S 11 Keclcr, J. It
HO acres Dewalt. (leo.
in.1 ': Everhart, John
M " neraghty, Thomas
2.1 " Kline, John 1,
so " Ionircnbonrer. I'hllln....
100 " Knydcr, Jercmlnli
acres Cox.Jnrl
3io " Eves. Charles.
39 " lIcndCKliott. K. .........
4i " Hcldenrtcd, Tobias ,
IT " Klsner. James
M " Hendcrsuott, Erastus...
6 " u ns es. T. II ,
13 " WclUYcr. Daniel estate.
34 acres lirockway & Ent ,
I 97
1 31
1 40
1 10
21 74
33 23
12 G8
7 90
2 91)
3 13
1 12
3 IT
31 05
3 43
2 CO
7 50
2 00
1 50
1 37
4 53
1 80
4 44
urover, Aaron v
(learlmrt, Joseph
llindcrlltcr, Henry
-Miller, II. i. estate......
.Mouscr, Emanuel
I'ennock, C, E. Jt Co....
ltlchart, Charles ,
H Of loo'smlck. llrobst. Yetter It Vlnucic-
2.1 acres Shuman, John .
7 " . snutnan, W. T ,
10 " Shuman, Miles
7 " Snyder. Abraham
90n " swartz Shepp s. Co
loo " Yetter, Is.iao
3 " llariman. Mathlas ,
45 " Moser.Mlchocl
13 acres Aten, Thomas.
Aten, J. 1
Creasy, Henry
Ilcndershott, Catharine
Jacoby, o.A ...
Kramer, A. W
Michael, John.....
Masleller, Jos
fienslnger, Wm
Nuncester, W. J
l'urks, James, II. A A. F...
sutlirr, Joel .:.
.schweppcnhclsor I. K ,
schwcpiienlielser, Horace ,
Hchwcppcnhelser, E. V
Hwimk, s. 11
Williams, SamucL......
u, ionc,.ionn u.
67 " Yolic, Jacob estate
91 acres Creasy, Jacob
is diger. ilaibara
40 " Neai, wm
2S " ltarnsey estato
57 acres Crousc, Hiram Andrew Jr....
10 " Jacoby i: Itupert
10 Jacoby, Hamuel
10 " hhaffcr, Mathlas ,
19 acres Everllt, Gabriel ettato
20 " llagenbuch, Jeremiah
12 " Hens, Jeremiah
10X" Illdlay Levi
,' lot colcraan Geo s .,
30 acres Patterson Jl 11 ,
3 .' sitler Michael.
11 " KUno Jacob dee'd,
1 65
2 93
4 61
3 45
12 70
1 G3
1 88
1 74
18 30
3 00
2 a
1 25
2 90
12 23
5 11
5 40
2 93
3 IS
4 90
2 45
1 90
1 90
3 43
12 50
301 " Frlck Geo A
u) " Miller cole
133 " DreibleblsJolin ,
130 " Weatherel Clark
100 " Koberts & Cole
39 ' Hobblns TD
21 " ureenley James
40 acres lirclsch Jacob
is " " "
llarnes Tlios Jr
Confalr & Itlco
Cox C s Ex of Tench Cox.
Huston John
Morris Hughes..,
Mlndy Lewis
ltelchart Charles..
HaubJ Miller.
Navlnger Jonathan!!!.'.'." '.'.'.'.'
slicllcnbergcr Thomas
Wltchey John....,
Yocum Isaac
Yocuin Elijah....,
Y'etter Lew is list .
Trlen Jacob.
Slioup Abraham ... . . ..
Heaver (ieo tJL Kline...
Little Itobert
Morris je Hughes
Wellington Wm...
Bkato Henry
50 " Hellas Wm
193 ' liuckalew James Est
84 " foIoKeklel
46 'I Colo Thomas 11
3.10 " ChaplnJF
2 " Chapln J F
75 ' Custer Mary
38 " Hess Jos O
135 " iies crci cllnsr Co
HOI 119 Hess nesley
H of 119 "
of li
19 acres Hartinun.Tesse..
Harvey J F fi M smith.
Mcllenry Hoi.i. .
Savago Joshua Est
Jlcllenry E j
" John J..
ii .1
Buckalew Evan.!
len Hobblns Ell
tlifl fn1tnu-lni into . .
approved March till, Tslsf "
No. Aches. Wakiunikis ok Ownik. T.vra
1 lot Losoe, ,J. A. agent . i on
1" Maston, Wm . iS
4 lota llarnes, chas. It. 30 41,
ll-t McAfee, John 3 or.
50 acres llarnes, chas .
Slots Maston, Mrs. Wm . .... 5
" flpt, A. 11 ...! ... 10 io
2 acres Ahleman, Charles . '!!! i
10" Marklo Hros. Co...... ".!:.:: 213"
J .!l","er' j-onsenberger Fisher... 43s :i
8 llaker, Jacob sr. 1 i
4 ' Sherman, Thomas "... i 7
iy Case and Woliettou 31 50
23 llredbcuner, Gideon iJt
DEMON, 0 '
1 lot Albcrtson, Samuel H 1
2 " Hcacock, Samuel 5 .j,
HLOOM. 0 "
2 lots Walter, Norman a
1" rurscll, Elliha . " . 19 co
4 acres Klefer, Jacob elate 2 io
10" 1'ilce, J011113 .. .'.'...', is
Hot Langdon. Mrs. Thomas dee'd.... is CO
1 lot Drown. Wm
SS.1 acres cummlngs. it, M. & Co ..'.'" 563 03
40u ' curry, Ellen ..!L ...! .! 239 01
Murntiy Hughes 4: CO..TT. .....
400 acres Nathaniel Drown tract 42s co
1 lot ilerrron, Philip 1" . " .Ill ki
Qulnii, Catharine ZZZ'. e
X " Koons, Henry ...7!T 75
X " Morrison, James .!...!! 73
18 acres Keller, John W......... 1 14
X lot lluss, Anna ...." ' ... "' 1
Hot lUktngton, p. K m
si acres Moore, Ufajctto 2 in
81" Moore! A. L . .37;: '."n.". 494
!8 acres Thomas Mate Co. ir
X lot Marshall, Win.S... ...I" 'IS
I" Fuge.John ..7.7..' . S
10 acres (ilVluspy, Wm. estate........... . 1
,V lot Vanhorn.Wm .......!..!...... g j
110 acres Chamberlain, Lewis 11 ta
87 " Lewis, Ellen.. ...7.7. 7 I,
31" Young, Uwliv. ,l
15" Keller, Jacob .. .....".,,"..,,",;;; , J
8 acres Hhoads, Susan 62t
170 acres Trombower, A. c, . .n
'I?. I". Kves, Charles V.. .77 7T. tia
10 " Eves, Charles .....:: . 3 no
0 " House- and Krom s no
KO " lllll,Ji-io......J.";.n7...:. 1375
70 " cox, Wm. it ... .. .... . .77.'. 1 bey
21 acres llittenbender, Conrad 3 to
Hot Kclchner, Jacob E. jj
15 acres Denileld, Thomas o ltl
23 " llower, Charles li I..:.... 770
t7 acres Cruuse, Nelson ,,. jo 20
I'INE. .
135 acres ltobblns, Joshua tin
M " Hlchle, Jacob i
ss " Drelblebls, Jacob estate....... .7 1 uo
8 ; lirelbleblj Josi'ph.. ...; .,. ". 1 m
10 " Evaus, (lea.... ' ' . Vu
60 " Kllno and Patterson.... "! is to
3co M Uo do 14 a
:: . Abnw ..:r. Jlw
Jd J uuyuu. Eira folate JJ., i &
ao I'arker, JoUull,......,,:,,;;" J
7 acres Columbia Limo Stone Co. 45 20
n acies lless,I.ailna 4U
40 " Kase, John 1 ...L:.. .77 3 75
Ssfl " trevcllng, J. li...,,.., ".T". .....: alio
21 " AlUrtbon, JCbte ,':.".; "jw
Ticaiuivr'8 cfllce, Uloomshuiv, yarchULsso
Aprils, ltKo-2iu.
20 30
4 41
2 33
11 01
8 20
13 tO
1 10
20 30
21 33
8 70
1 fO