THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. 0. E. ElWOH, rjllAr. J. K, Blttaabondtr.,; EiUo"' BLOOMSBUKG, PA, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 18H0. Tlio Democrntio Standing Cominlttco will meet in tho Grand Jury room on Saturday Juno 2Gtli. 1880 nt ono o'clook p. ru. for tho purpose of fixing nn apportionment of delegates from each township according to tho volu oast at tho last Governor s election. D. LoWENIlKUO, Chairman. Tho widow ol General Hancock bado faruwell to her old homo on Governor's Inland on Saturday last, going to tho homo of Nicholas Gwynn, tho father of her wiuowcu datiglittsr-in-Iriw, Airs. llussoU Hancock, In Now York, until her plans for tho futuro oan bo ar ranged. This step was rendered neces sary by tho ollicial order instructing Liioutenant Grillin, who had iieon os tensibly engaged in settling up tho lato hero's affairs, to report at Wash Incton for sorvico and had been tlolay- od by tho War Department until no oven a Bincero sympathy lor Mrs. lian cock's bereavement warranted further detention of tho order. Mrs. Hancock is still Buffering from tho nervous shock received when her husband died and is in utter ignoranco of her own finan cial position or what she will do here after. Tlio Hon. Charles It. Bucknlcw lo an- nounced as a candidate for Congress In the Eleventh district, now represented by tlio lion. John I). Storm. Sir. Btickalcw's abilities and experience in public life would bo of trreat value to tbo State In Congress. Tho district, which Is composed of the counties of Carbon, Columbia, Mon roe, Montour, Pike, and parts of Luzerne and Lackawanna, elves a Democratic ma jority ranging between seven and eight thousand, and deserves to bo well repre sented. Mr. Storm expects to secure another nomination by means of tho few crumbs of patronage that Mr. Itandall left to him. But tho Democracy of tho district are do. tcrmlncd to resent bis double-dealing with them on tho tariff policy of tho party. When In Congress formerly he posed as an advocato of tariff reform, and on the strength of his professions bo was again elected after the lapso of a number of years. At least his former zeal on behalf of a revenuo tariff was In entire harmony with tho sentiments of his district. But In his recent service ho has become perverted In to an extreme enemy of every effort in Congress to reform tho tariff in accordance with tho Democratic platform and the policy of Cleveland's Administration. It is not strango that tho people of tho dis trict should desire tt chance, in their Hep. rcscntatlve, especially when such a choice is ouerca mem as uiianes It. uucKalow. The above is taken from tho Phila delphia Record, and is entirely right so iar as me reierenco to jur. liuckaiow is concerned, but wrong in other re spects. Tho two term rulo has been observed in this district ever since its erection, and wo doubt very much whether Mr. Storm will ask a nomina tion for w third term. Should ho do so, it would be against all precedents, and bis nrosocct of success would be yery unpromising. Mr. Storm's course in Congress bos been entirely satisfac tory to his constituents,and tho Record cither misunderstnuds or misrepresents the democracy of this district when it says they want to defeat Mr. storm on account of bis tanlr record. The peo ple of the district desiro a chance be cause Mr. Storm has held the ofiico for two terms, and Columbia county presses the claims of Mr. liuckalew be cause of Ins eminent ability and be cause this county is fairly entitled to mo representative. Secretary Manning Kesigns. Secretary of tho Treasury Manning has tcudercd his resignation to the President. His letter is dated May 20, and is as follows : Mr Deaii Sik : I havo decided to place in your hands my resignation of tho omco which you did me the honor to ask mo to accept hltecn months aco, My reasons for this decision aro both public and personal. Since tho partial recovery of my health has permitted mo to reflect upon tho demands of tho publio scrvico to which 1 have given, perhaps too freclv, all mv strength, and unon tho con ditions of resuming my labors at your Bide, I havo not for a moment question ed wnar, must do my present duty. Tho full recovery of my health is pronounc ed to bo an affair of weeks, and a longer period of rest, especially during tho hot month, is prescribed, or at least advised, as a prudent regimen inereaiier. Compliance with this request would not bo practicable wcro I to resumo now the general direction of the Treasury Department, even if abating something ot tho energy which it scorned needful to expend in the ltrat year of my work, Supervision nt a distance would ho more a hindrance than a help to tho Acting secretary, jsut it is not bo- fitting that n department of the trovern ment so difficult and so important should bo administered by a convales cent, studious of carrying out its daily exactions, nor that the watchtul con trol of tho enormous influenco or ill rection of its fiscal policies, even under your wise lead, should bo attempted uy any ono concerned auout husband nig bis strength. Tho reforms in your fiscal polic which you havo maintained and whicl have been framed and commended to tho wisdom of tho legislative branch am reforms necessary to our safety binding in honor, obligatory in tho traditions ot tho .Democracy, set down witii promises in our statuo uooK. Our present tariff laws ore a need Jess oppression instead of an easy bur don. Our currency is a chaos into which wo pour from forced purchases of ono ot tho previous metals, a mo- chanical increment under a coin aco law so ill-judged and untimely that it hinders tho opening of our mints to tho natural and unlimited coinage of both metals and tho freo expansion of our gold and stiver coin along with the crowing needs ot a mighty people. All our needful customs rovenuo might bo collected by strictly revenuo duties upon a fow score articles in stead of by extravagant or prohibitory duties upon moro than four thousand artioles. J. ho mero machinery of ad ministration by Its own mass ami com ploxity breaks down and crushes out tlio ODtcrpriso it assumes to protect. A better ourrciioy'tlian elsewhere xists might bo had hy a few lines of regaling and empowering legislation followed by two or threo yoars of cap nblo administration of tho Treasury and joined with tho present sagacious conduct of our foreign policy by the Stato Department Under tho operation of currency laws and tariff laws now in force, which you and tho Forty-ninth Congrcw were elected by tlio peuplo to repeal and re form, tho burdened Industries of our country aro plunging heavily along n miry road toward torcsccn danger. Wo talk of arbitrating our respective share of disaster, instead of knocking off our self-imposed fetters and releas ing a goneral prosperity. Vpi.!?: .,, ! ,,, ,iKi,ri i,i,, lino in iiui., in mj. vtvi nii.1 in.. Ji"H incut, a titno whon the President can delay to provide, or afford lo dlsponso with, an actual as well as a titular head of tho Treasury Department. Tho fiscal policy of tho federal Government in respect to a debt so large, tnxatlon so pervaslvo nud a cur rency which is universal, cannot fail of being a chief factor in national and individual well being. Your own duty to which you have addressed yotirsoit with such clear and uuflmohing pur pose, tho duty of ConcresM in tho prem ises and tho laws which may yet bo enacted for tho guidance of the Trots- ury Department, will require that you bo assisted in their administration by an officer capable of full efficiency and unwearied circumspection. Permit me, therefore, without hesi tation, to accept my temporary disa bility as a summons to stand asido and mako way for ono immediately capable of fulfilling every requirement of tho publio service. Very respectfully yours, UANIEI. JUANNINU. THE 1'ltESlIlKNTS ItKl'I.Y. To this letter tho President, under date of Juno 1, roplicd as follows; Mv Deaii Miu JMannino : 1 liavo received your letter, in which y-mr resignation is tendered as Secretary of tho Treasury. Tho sentiments therein contained aro entirely in keeping with tho devotion to publio duty and the loyalty to tho interests of tho govern ment which havo characterized your relations to tho present administration. I am not surprised, though much im pressed, by tho concern which you ovinco for tho correction of tho, abuses and tho inauguration of tho rolorms to which in your letter you nlludo and which have been so often topics ot our anxious consultations. I havo hoped that tho day was at hand when tho party to which wo bo long, influenced largely by faith and confidence in you and in tho wisdom ot your views, would bo quickened in tho sense of responsibility and led to moro harmonious action upon the im portant questions with which you havo had to deal. In considering your proposed resig nation I should bo strongly inolincd Uy my personal regard and inendship and by the value of your services to the country, to beg you to at once and entirely abandon your inclination to relinquish your part of arduous duty, but I am convinced that 1 should not do this, and that in all I suggest and ask I should have much at heart your welfare and safety. ion have placed your resignation in my hands. My responsibility here be gins and I know that the responsibility will bo met and tho wishes of tho peo plo of the' land fully answered when I ask you to postpone for awhile any instance upou the acceptance of your resignation and that your final conclu sion thereon may be dolayed until tho effects of continued rest and freedom from official care upon your condition may bo better tested. I therefore earnestly request you to accept a leavo of absence until the first day of Oct ober next, when if you desiro it, tho question of your resignation may be resumed with, perhaps, better means of judging all tho facts and probabili ties which should bo considered in its determination. Hoping that you will consent to this suggestion, and trusting that your en couraging progress toward restoration to health may continue, 1 nrn, faith fully your friend, Grovek Cleveland. Secretary Manning has accepted the President's suggestion and will allow his resignation to lie over until his leave ot absence shall have expired. Assistant Secretary Fail-child has been requested to continue to act as Secre tary until that timo and has consented to do so- Another Useless Law. lho attention of merchants and tradesmen is being called to tho fact mat tno law ot Juno 3, 18H5, styled "an act for tho suppression of lottery gins uy sioreKeepers and others to so curo patronage," is about to go into effect. As its terms made it operative only ono year after its dato it went in to effect after Thursday, June a, 1880. Its provisions aro as follows : Any merchant, manufacturer, im porter, retailer or dealer doing busi ness within this commonwealth, who shall offer, give or sell, or nuthorizo or permit any agent, salesman or employe to oflier, give or sell any purchaser or customer, any ticket or tickets, check or checks, or ether token or memor anda entitling such purchaser to de mand or receive money or ony article of value, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upou conviction, shall bo sentenced to pay a lino not less than ten, nor exceeding ono hun dred dollars, , or suffer imprisonment not exceeding one year, or either or both, at tho discretion of tho oourt. It will readily bo seen that thero is no i elation between the aet and its title j its preamblo "whereas, the laws against gambling and lotteries aro evaded by tho giving of tickets, en titling tho holders thereof to money or articles of valuo ns inducements to purchasers at tho injury ot legitimate business," is misleading and misfitting. Tickets or checks for chances aro one thing : premiums or gifts to purchasers aro quite another. Thero is no war ran., for tho confusion of theso distinct things i and tho law-making powers had no right to put tlio brand of lot tery or gambling upon that species of trading which gives a gift, or cheek or memorandum representing gifia (not chances) with purchases. Timo out of mind publishers havo offered prem iums to subscribers and clubs ; and all kinds of tradesmen suo wont to givo something "in lho bargain." This is no moro legitimate than for 6oap or tobacco sellers, for tho tea and coffeo stores to give chromos and glassware or tickets representing them with their sales. It may not bo a dignified busi ncss, but it is entirely honest and fair, and the legislature which makes it n misdemeanor is mean, vicious legisla tion, utterly unsound in principlo and iudefousiblo. 'Die men who passed it ought to bo ridiculed and held up to scorn. Thoy must bo ignoramuses, to say tne usi ot mem. J.ancttster Jn teiliyencei; Logan Straddles a Barbed Wire Tence. lYom the Detroit free li fts. Ill his epeeuh at Grant's tomb Gen eral Logan again asserted that Grant was superior to Cyrus, Alexander, Ciesar, Pompoy, Hannibal, Soipio, Charlemagne, Frederick tho Great, Wellington and Napoleon. And when tlio Fitz John Porter bill comes up in tho Seunto Logan will rise and calmly combat tho military opinion of tho man ho pronounces to bo the greatest mijl tary genius tho world litis over Been. The OonfctloratoBond Ghost. Whon thero Is nn fibsoluto famlno in sensations which comu within oven loner rnngo of probability, tho ghost of tho old Confederate bonds Is bobbed up to call in sepulchral tones for their payment by tho United States. Somo- tlmcs this ghost appears in London t sometimes in fans, Bomoiimes in Berlin, but It has seldom given us n sennco in this country. ludgo i' uiioilon, a prominent lie publican lawyer and politician of Now York, has just attempted a revival of tho Confcdcrato bond ghost before Congress. lie nppearcd beforo tho Commlttco on War Claims and de manded n hearing. It was only oourt eons to hear bo eminent nn advocato, and ho was hoard. "I am a Republi can,'' ho began, "but I say to you, gentlemen, that I beliovo tlio timo will como when tho Confederate bonds will all be paid.' Just when that patticti jar "time will come,'' tin eloquent Ro publican advocato did not venturo to intimate ; but ho could havo safely fixed tho pciiod of payment somo timo aftor doomsday. Judgo Fullerton has obviously wear ied of dull monotony of tho regulation routino practico of tho law. If ho had a Thcodoro Tilton case to entertain him once a year, ho might bo content ; but ho has had only ono Tilton-lkcch-cr case, and ho has long been hunger ing for novelty m tho lino of his pro fession. All other sources failing ho accepted a good retainer from eomo deluded English and American Con federate bond-holders, and ho prepar ed nnd presented his argument beforo tho Committeo of Congress. Ho has thus drawn ono small instalment on tho Confederate bonds himself, nnd ho is now prepared to exhibit the Con federate bond ghost to order at short est notico with attractive variations in tho programme. Nobody who is safe outside of a lunatio asylum, except a paid lawyer, has over seriotHiy thought of tho pay ment of tho Confederate bonds by any body or government, either in wholo or in part j and even so eloquent and shrewd an advocato ns Judgo Fullerton can't galvanize the Confederate bond ghost into tho somblanco of life. Whilo thero aro fools to pay, ho and others will doubtless affect tho belief that somebody may sometime or other think of paying tho bonds ; but uono but the most picturesquo idiot will over really bclievo in it. 'Times. TEWKSBURY'S SPACE. :o: Delegate Election, July 20. Convention, July 27. :o: FOB ltEl'ltESKNTATIVIi, (Subject to action of Democratic Convention,) . E. M. TEWKSBURY, Of Catawissa, Columbia Co., Pa. :o: 'Tho people's law is habitually violated, evaded and defied." "No freo government can long exist where tho organtcflaw of tho Stato is habitually defied.'' "Tho Constitution of 1874 is uot com munistic. It assails no right of property, nor docs it give counte nance to principles which would degrade or demoralize society. 'The Constitution cannot wholly en force itself, nor could it provide detailed regulations for its en forcement; these must bo provided by tho Legislature." "In tho selection of members of the Legislature at tho next general election, select only such as are pledged to tho long-neglected work of Constitutional enforce ment." From address of Consti iutional Committee, 1880. :o; Tho people, through tho ballot box, should upon all laws, sumptuary or organic, havo an opportunity to expross their opinion, beforo bo coming a settled law. Let a'J be equal before law. No monopoly, no aristocracy. Democrats of Columbia County: Tno above are my sentiments and if nomi nated and elected, pledge ravself to la bor in all honorablo wavs to carry it : r . ni...i.. v E. M. TEWKSBURY. A Great Victory A Torrlblo Caso of Scrofula Curod by Hood's Sarsaparilla " In tlio winter of 1870 I was attacked v ltli Scrofula In ono ot tho most aggravating onus. At ono timo I had no less than thirteen largo abscesses over anil nroumlmyneckand throat, continually exuding an offensive mass ot bloody matter disgusting to behold, and almost Intolerable to endure. It Is lmposslblo to fully describe my sufferings, as tho caso was complicated with Chroulo Catarrh. Alter threo years of misery, having been treated by three physicians, I was worse than ever. Finally, on the recommendation of V. J. Huntley, druggist, of Lockport, I was Induced to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. And now, after having taken twelvo bottles, within tho last twelvo months, tho scrofulous eruptions have entirely ceased, and tho abscesses havo all disappeared, except tho unsightly scars.vhlch aro dally becoming smaller hy degrees, and beautifully less." 1 do uot know what It may liavo done, for others, hut I do know that In my case, Hood's Harsaparllla has proied an eltectlve spcclflo Indeed. Anno ldenco ut my, gratltudo I send theso tacts unsolicited, audi am ready to verily the authenticity of this cure.' by personal correspondence with any ono who doubts It." CUAiims A. ltou ekts, East Wilson, K. Y. This statement Is confirmed hy W. J. Hunt Icy, druggist, ot Loclqiort, N. Y., w ho calls tho euro a great victory for Hood's Sarsaparilla. Send or book giving statements ot many cures. I Hood's o Sarsaparilla0? Sold by all druggists, ft j six tor J3. Mada oniy uy u. i. jiuuli a uweu, mass, JOOfDososlOno. Dollar Administrator's Sale OF VALUAHLE Real 14 st site! Tho undortfgned, administrator of tho estate of Jlary Walters, late of Madison Twp., deceased, will expose to public sale on tho premises on Saturday, July 31, '86, at 10 o'clock a. in., all that certain messuage, ten ement and tract ot laud situate la Madison Twp., Columbia county, ra., bounded nnd described as follows, to-wlti Beginning In a publio road leading from White, Hall to Jersoytown on line of lands of Win. Mcllrlde, thence along said road south Ihlr-ty-clght degrees cast twenty-eight jen:he,thenco hy aaino bouth forty-nine degrees east eight lurches, thenco by tamo south Hfty-boen ana one.fourt h degrees, eleven and live-tenths perches, thence hy lands of win. Mcllrlde north forty -two degrees east elghty-nluo and three-tenths perches, thenco by sanio bouth thirty boven degrees east forty-two and IU e-tenths perches to another pub lio road, thenco by laud of Jacob (ilrlon forty three nud one-fourth degrees webt ninety-elght perches, thenco by lands of Jacob Piddle north forty.iilno degrees west elgbty-fiovcn and five tenths perches, thenco hy land of Win, Mcllrlde north forty-four and one-half degrees east twenty and live-tenths .'rcaea to place of beginning, con taining 31 ACRES and betenty perches, moro or less. TKltMS Of SALE. Ten ir cent of one-fourth of the purchase money lo bo paid at the striking down of the propel ty 1 the one-fourth less the ten percent, at the continuation ot sale and tho re maining three-fourths In ono year thereafter with IntereU from confirmation nisi. Nil) JIKV, H.C.NUNltO, Uttlks, Alt) a. Administrator. LIVER COMPLAINT .Had breath; a bitter or bdd lastd in the mouth; pain in the back, sides or joints, often mistaken for rheumatism; sour stom ach,' loss of appetite bowels alter natelii costive and lax; headache; loss of memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do something wncli ought to have been done; ueoti- fty low sptrits; a tnteti, yellow ap pearance of the skin and eyes; a dry cough, ojlcn mistaken for consump tion. How GurccL "t havo been aflllctcd many years with ilynnepsla, sick headache and affection or the klilncj s caused by torpid liver. I havo tried a great many remedies nnd physicians prescriptions without success, health all lag nil lho time. During last Fall and Win ter 1 was obliged to suspend the moat of my labor In my field of Jloino Missionary work on account of my hoilth. Knrly Ih's K nrlng I was Induced to try Mminons LUer IteguTutor, and havo had moro real good health since then than for year) before. 1 use tho medlclno lo rclUo mo when, bycx posuro or oer-exrrtlon, I dlscoer tlio sjmptoms of my disease returning, 'lho llegulator relieves mo nt once, nnd Is moro satisfactory In Its effects than anything of the Kind 1 ever tried. lhao also used It with good success In my rurally to ward off bilious attacks." Jos. IS., Cum berland Pres. .Minister, Lebanon, Mo. CANDIDATES. KOlt ASSOCIATF, JUIXIl'., C. G. MURPHY, Of Centralia. Onlv one ote can be elen to each candidate for delegate under tho recent amendment to the rules. I'Olt ASSOCIATU .lUlKlK, CHARLES REICH ART, Of Main Towusliip. subject to decision of Democratic party. Dele- 5iuo eiccuon win do uciu juij yu, convention, ulys;. I'Olt ASSOCIATE .ICDCI, JAMES LAKE, Of Scott Township. Subject to decision of Democratic party. Dele- gate election will ho held July 20, Convention, uly 1 Oil ItKl'ltESKNTATlVE, E. M. TEWKSBURY, Of Catawissa. Subject to decision of Democratic party. Dele. Sato election wUl bo held July 20, convention, uly 27. KOU KKl'llESKNTATlVB, , F. L. SHUMAN, Of Catawissa. Slllileet. In ilerUlrn nf Tlemnerntlo nnrtv. liele. goto election will be held .inly 20, contention, July sr. KOU IIEI'IIKSKNTATIVK, JAMES T. FOX, Of Beaver Township. Subject to dectIon of Democratic party. Dclo- gaU) election will be he'd July 211, convention, uly l-'OIt ltlil'KESKNTATIVK, A. L. FRITZ, Of Bloomsburg. Subject to decision of Democratic party. Dele rate election will bo held July 20. convention, iulysr. . N' OTICE OP INQUEST. KSTATB OV CATUAR1NK FAKVEK, DECEASED. To Peter Farver. of Nrlcvsviiie. T.iiTemf, en . in . Hester Kelnhard, of Salladasburg. Lycoming co., Pa.; Sarah A. Hess, ot Kansas centre, Kansas; Thomas Farver, of casevllle, Huron Co., Michigan. Colombia Countv, ss: Whereas, at an Orphans' Court, held In niooins ourg in nnd for Uo county ot Columbia, tho third dav Of Mnr. A. 11. 1 QHit. fiefnrrt tlin Ilnn U'm hlwell, President, and his Associates. Justices of tho said Court, the petition ot tieo. . Farver was presented, setting rorth that Catharine Farver. of said county, lately died Intestate, selcd in her demesur as ot fee, ot und in a certain messuage and tract of land situate in tho township of Jack son, said county, bounded by lands of John Fritz, I- rllz and Kelahner, Samuel Knouse and Washing ton Knousc. containing about eighteen acres of land, with the appurtenances. Take notico that an Inquest will uo held. on said lands upon the premises, on Saturday, July 20, iss, at one o'clock in vuv uiieiuuuu, lu uniKu partition to ana among the heirs and leiral renresenrntive.n nf ihn Hfiia catharluo Farver, deceased, If tho Bamo can be done without prejudice to or spoiling tho wholo. And If it cannot bo so divided, then to value and appraise the whole ot tho said real estate, at which timo and ploco you can attend If you see p'upvr. HA.-Huni. Mil i n, siicnn, Woomsburg, Juno 8, lssa. Do ITo More Whitewashing ! PLASTIC PAINT Can bo had so cheap. Send for pamphlet and vuivi uiiiu, unit leurii us merits. MAXWELL, HAS5LETT & CO. 109 McMderry's Wharf, lialllmore, Md., am CO I Washington Ave., Phlladelphli l'a. JunolMtd. STANDARD and RELIABLE WATCHES. Wo will sell n flno solid gold watch, nickel Jew. eled and ndjusted movement, cased In new and as sorted styles, on the follow log terms: tlitUl((Ii,C I'fcr Week, l'cr .iloiitn, A 100 Watch 2.00 or 8.00 A 75 Watch $1.50 G.00 A 70 Watch 1.00 5.00 A G0 Watch 1.00 5.00 A 50 Watch 1.00 5.00 Ladles' and bltv er watches on same terms. None need hesltato tonvAlt tiipmqeiv, nf ,it,n pi in, as our reputation ns ilrst-tlass dealers In DIAMONDS, WATCHES and J UWELltV la a buillc- lent guaruniee, HAMRICK&SON ji:wi;i. uus, 80-1 Chestnut St.. Philnd'n, Pa. Juno 11 ltd. NATURE'S PERFECT HEALTH Curp pnp Is lmposslblo If the Dlges VUKb rUK ll.o 11. CONSTIPATION, cr Inactive, or tho bowels consti pated. Tarrant's Effervescent Boltser Aperient- will euro constlnatlon. sick headacho and dyspepsia. It jvguiaicg me uoneis anu enables those of leeblo dl irestlon to enlor their fond. it reduces feer, cools the blood, Is Invaluable In plies , ,, , , and luilammalory diseases, Vinl.Uaananha and is a Justly esteemed nnd Is a Justly esteeme tilurrllDaUHUIICi Aperient for children, eco- AND nnml.l , olio, .In Wni.r It should bo found In every nvoDCDCli uouscuoia. noui uy arug- U I Ol LI dllti gists eery where. Manu factured only by TAHKANT & Co., New York. June li 4t. r. unmrma iiriwmnn ForCnr CLSilUlJlUU WJlIUJjDNewDook Just Publlihed, entitled THIRTY YEARS A DETECTIVE BY ALLAN TINKERTON. Contilnlnt thorough nct (omrrrhemlie tipos i ot Crlmlnil Pnu-tlces of til Ciradei and Cliuet, with Numerous Episodes ot 1'erionil Kiperlenca In the Detection of Criminals, covering a period tf Thirty Tear Aotlvs Setectiva Idfa and embracing many diffusely iiiKrcntlng and tlirllilna DtUMtt dhclihi). An entirely new book, profuttUi (Uiiitraled, and with Portrait of the Ureal Doiocuvo. OT AGENTS WANTED I In very town thero iro number! ot rwplo u-fuj tpfil lil piad la ott this liaiH. It sells toMer th&nu, Mocbsntci, fanners and Prufcuioual men. Thus every Agent can pick out fi.nunr more in u (vim o wuou no euu luei iuru vi ftcuiug it w. Vfa want Ons Airent la every township, or sonntr. XJTAnv wnon. with Ibis book, can ltxomtiucc(4ifu(Aotnt. for full particular .!. W, (JAULCYO N i CO., fuUUhcrt, Now York. Good Business Location Tlio notlcrB'Rncd offers for sale, on cMy terms, tlio Plini-r Mill, Dry Deck. Lumtc: Shed: etc, (with excellent wlinrftgo fnoilities) located on tlio bnnkti of tlio l'cnn'n Canal, wltliln ono-qunrtor of n milo of tlio ). L. & W. depot, nt llcach Hn Vcn, Ltizcmo county, l'a. A good ferry nlso connect tins iilaco with tho coun try on oppoMto Bido of lho Susqtie hnnnn river. The machinery consisti) of n largo plnncr,tnotilding and match ing machine, turning lathe nnd bracket saw, nlso circular saws, nil in gcod working order. It has rt 10-horse Power water wheel under ti twenty-six foot head. The mill ls3Gxlfl fent, with two lnrqo lum ber sliedp, ono 18x9.. ono 20x01. This is n good opening for any energetic business man. Kor further partictilnrH npply to Sarali Bradcr, Kx'lt Of 1). liltAIIKR KsTATH. March o-tf-1 Ucach Haven, Pu DMINISTHATOK'S NOTICE. Ustate of Marti HiiKpi', late of Maaltmtuy. rtM Letters of administration In said estate havlnir been granted n tho undersigned administrator, all persons Indebted to Bald estato ore hereby no tilled to pay tho same, nnd thoso having claims against said estate present the same to apr S3 ItKV. it. c. SIUNKO, Administrator. Muncy, l'a. jyEHOANTILE AI'l'ltA ISEMENT. of Dealers in Columbia county. 1 hereby certify Hint the following list of dealers taken, returned nnd classlllcd by me In accordance wlthtlm several Acts of Assembly In and for the year tssn, Iscorrect to lho best of my knowledgo MHU UVI1V1. I1EAVKII. .Ymnps.l Unfitness. Class. License. r Drelsuach storo 14 -Too 1) I, Mngley Moro 14 r t .1 V smith hotel a m uo .Ivl Michael storo 11 7 00 1 .i Miiunan siarn 11 701 M 31UHSOI1 storo 14 1 oil lllrnm Hess hotel ft to 01 ,1 .1 Jlcllcnry st re 13 10 00 A .c It Mcltcnry btoro 11 tiki Mcllenry Carey furniture storo 14 7 no J I-l tdson sto-o 14 7 em ltohrMclIenry storo 1:1 1000 l,cinuel Iirako hotel n M 00 M K T O Mcllenry drugs and hardware is 10 en o M Rmlth store it 7 no .lonn neacocK store 11 7 oj ISKltWICK. Jacob Klshcr 2 billiard tnbto 1' I, DlsteJhurst furniture (irow Klstnerdrug noro T II llurger bottler O W lirubaker, hardware store H 11 bwnyzo S Co store II M llockman confectionery Frcasliros storo 15 K Adams general store ItdCrlspln stole II It Bower store l-'reas liros lumber denier II 1' Drlesb.ich organs and machines Samuel K Heller 1 pool tnblo .luckson Woodln Mfg Co store (I A Buckingham stows nnd tinware Frederick lioyer hotel Theodoi 0 F lierger shoo storo M Ivy clothing storo II M Philips & Co grocery M 11 Margarum stationery IicnJ bponenberger restaurant M A Marklo restaurant T o .McMurtrle clothing sroro 1A .Michael furniture store A 1' Young stoes and tin Isaiah IJowerstoro (I W Klnso hotel Miles Uros drugs .John W Little store 1) o Smith storo o K 1-Mnston hotel J I' Frcas Co storo . IlItlAItCIlEKK. Ylnger tz Albertson Btoro 0 WAsGdlsUllery BLOOMBBUrta. .TLdlrton hotel 1 W McKelvy store I V Hartman son storo II O Hartman carpets and boots c A Klelm drugs w .1 corcll co furniture J K Kyer Btoro Win Itabb grocery I. K Wharey stove J saltzer organs o o w liertsch clothing store, James ltellly.4 billiard and pool tables V 1) Dentler boots and shoes Oeo A Clark book storo w it Tubbs hotel .1 Y Caldwell, confectionery II stohner restaurant 8 A Wilson grocery II O Kshleman & Co stoves 4; tinware II J Clark son store Iiuls Uerntiard Jewelry Jacob Keller notions J S l'hllhps confectionery David Lowenberg clothing storo Cleo Aurand hotel 1: E Cadman furniture .1 It Schuyler Co hardware Chas W ltunyan hardw are (1 N "illson grocery J U Wilson leather and shoe findings Joseph Decker confectionery c c Jlnrr store w c ltlchsrd flour and feed Evans Eyer clothing J A Hess boots and shoes J II Mercer drugs D A Creasy Btoro A solleder boots and shoe findings II 11 Vannatta agt wall paper Singer Mfg Co sewing machines .Mrs W 11 Allen store E 1) Brewer store Henry Klelm grocery (I ,M J K Lockard coal Wm oiger hotel c WNealUrocoal llarman llassert coal O A Jacoby liquor store do coal Farmers' Produco Exchange storo " " coal FeterOross bottler Simon o shlve agl Imp Bloomsburg Iron Co store 0 II Bobbins liquor btoro -to 011 7 ou 7 Oil Ml (XI 7 (X) 7 (X) 7 (XI r. 00 ill o;i VI to II) 00 7 (10 7 (X) SO (I 50 (XI 7 00 IU (0 T (in 7 II) 7 Oil 7 1KI SO 00 SO (X) 7 00 7 on 1 (II) II 5 14 II 1 1 11 n s 11 11 14 14 5 14 14 lit r, 11 7 00 CO 00 7 () 7 00 7 00 Ml (10 7 00 7 00 IS 00 SO 00 40 00 SO IX) 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 (10 7 00 7 00 7 OU ' 7 00 CO (X) 10 (XI 10 00 co no T 10 SO 01 7 (X) 7 (U I S SO 7 (X) SO 01 7 00 10 00 CO (X) 7 ) 13 00 10 I 0 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 (X) 7 00 7 00 7 (0 7 tO 7 00 7 00 7 CO 7 00 7 0) 7 00 7 (10 7 OU CO 00 7 00 7 (X) S3 0) 7 00 SO 01 7 00 CO 10 7 (X) 13 00 s, 00 30 00 VO 00 -'M (Uhnore restaurant 5 s s 13 a WlKIUmoro ' " " bottler O M A J. K Lockard general store II W Sloan store N J liendershott drugs LewlsCross clothing J J Brow er carpets .Meyer llros wholesale drug store Alexander Bros Co tobacco II V White co grain dealers Charles Krug lumber coal and slato Joseph (inrrlsou Hour and teed W E Knorr tobacco O W Browu grocery OS Bound " J II Meeker storo creasy Wells lumber dealers John Wolf Agl dealer CO (O 10 00 00 7 0-1 7 00 7 00 40 00 1.1 (X) 7 VO 7 00 7 (Hi 7 00 7 no 7 00 7 IX) 7 () I 00 CATAWISSA. OEClcwill grocery M A Swank stoie W II Bar Ick clothing and shoes J II Seesholtz store David llolllngshead restaurant Hester Klstler hotel (1 LKostenbauder est clothing shoes s 11 ltliaw n stoves and tinware Stephen llaldy store Jno it Dlemer store ceo.Mauhart storo A H TrucU'iimlhe r organs machines T I) Uernliit!rr furniture J K bharnless son store T E llarderfurntturo Win John stoesand tinware J M Smith drugs an 1 hardware S milliard store. (1 W Itetfsnyder store Albert Vetter 1 billiard nnd pool table oa Wllilts drug storo ou Mendcnhnll stoves and tinware Darla (llttlln coal A Truckenmllter restaurant Mmon ltaup coal W a Vetter hotel Joseph A outterinan storo o Y Harder Lumber J It Blbby liquor store " bottler O W Harder lumber O F Brown store David Levlne clothing store J II Klefer hotel E 1-: line bhoo store 1) Drclsboch notion store Simons Co drug storo A L Holshue store " Hour and feed Lenlsltelfsnyderl billiard table CENTHAUA. J)F Curry hotel oil Millard storo A 11 Former stoves tinware Irvin llros store Johanna O'Conner liquor store James uoldsworthy hotel "' " j pool table Mrs Wmllper hotel Davtd c Black store Andrew Inlhnn grocery aeo W Uavls drug store cOMurnliy Btoro Thomas Collins restaurant I.Aitelllycobtoro Edward McFadden restaurant Jones Bros tea dealers James Mclirearty hotel I. Fcttennan store llobert Farrel icstaurant HO Michael furniture Charles Fettcrmau restaurant James Ilnggcrty Thomas Boron tleo Maley 11 John Nertney, liquor storo E J Klnnerty drug store o 11 tietchey store Yettcr McElllcnny store CONYNOIIAM. Mrs Mary Monroo restaurant Win lleiuert store John I. Klino hotel (I W lllllman 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 so 00 co no 7 0) 7 00 n 00 hi 10 10 (id s 11 11 11 13 13 3 II 10 13 14 IS II 1.1 S II 14 II 5 II 5 13 II 13 a 11 11 10 00 7 00 Si) 00 10 (JO I 00 IS CO 7 m 10 on 40 00 1 00 7 00 7 00 SO (HI 7 (H) SO Ml JO 00 ( 00 SI 00 co no 7 no 7 00 7 10 CO (Ml 7 U) 7 nil 7 00 7 () 7 no 30 no 14 14 14 14 14 rt 3 IU 14 13 13 S 8 S 14 11 14 13 a 3 a 11 s 14 s 14 a 5 r. r, 13 II II 14 S II a 5 II 11 14 a 14 13 14 II II 14 11 It II II II II II co 00 li co 7 00 10 no 81 no CO (10 30 no so 00 7 no 7 ( 7 co 10 no so no 10) (0 so no I no so no 7 no So no 7 no Si) no so no so 00 so 00 31 00 7 no 1 7 no 7 00 so 00 7 00 so uo so w r oj 7 no t 00 co IX) 7 00 lu 00 IS 7 00 t to 7 no 7 no 7 no 7 00 7 no 7 no 7 00 7 00 It W Lj ons btoro CENTHE. Low llros Co store i K sponsler storo J H Mann hotel Thomas Brobst grocery Z T Fowler grain dealer J L Wolverton store Jacob Iteococoal HUMartz store FIKlllNCICltBKK, J M Aromerinan stoie J 11 Hun (l M Howell " M Mcllenry Bro" JKJIelleury ' DaMs 11 David Kauft ' Nathan prlcsbach" vnxwirr tv t, Anchor storo 11 700 A llughca Btoro 14 7 00 (HtBKNU'OOll. A .1 Derr storo , 14 7 CO 18 10 (X) 11 ill 00 14 19 SO H 7 (X) II 7 00 v 11 Black Btoro Kills Eves llrostoro Masters Co storo v r lives K Henry turn turn O WKvesstot) wnson M uvea Son store .? K Wclllvcr storo II T no 14 7 00 n So on II 7 0 14 7 no II 7 00 s So 00 11 ; no II 7 (HI Samuel H.i7ledlnohotet Jacob limit?, st o.-o J 1, John store k k rarkc? Btoro II KM LOCK. C It Met prick hotel 1INJ K Whllo Btoro U M Tcrwllllgcr Co storo JACKSON. Daniel II Stevens Btoro H TOO U 1) Colo Btoro 14 t tx) LOCUST. ocum llros store Aaron Voder restaurant Daniel F Knlttle store M Seaborn store 1. II Daniels store Nathan Knorr hotel Wellington Ycager hotel Jacob 1 cage -store 1: H Whitme.-storo snydcr Bros store Wm Adams store MADISON. Wm ('Ingles Btoro Kramer son store A K Smith hotel lilt Yctler lintel s,AIf'' J I! Loiigenberger hotel tt .1 Campbell agt store W M lmgentiergcr storo Wm Knight More MIFFLIN. A V Snyder slnro A Wlless hotel " coal Nil Creasy store A CMIlinrdstovcsnnd tlnwaro It J licrnlnger furniture II J (icarhurt store ScliweppcnhtserSnjdcr store JIONTOUlt. (IB Hostler storo W 0 Holmeshotel l'nxton Harmnn storo Clinton M Iteeco grocery " coal MT. PLEASANT. 14 7 Oil 4 a so 01 11 7 no II 7 (0 II 7 00 S SO (II ti so 10 II 7 00 14 7 00 14 T 00 II 7 00 13 10 00 n 10 tx) a so 00 r, co no r, mi in 11 7 00 II 7 ( 14 7 00 14 7 no ti SO til it 7 on II 7 to 11 7 (X) II 7 00 II 7 00 II 7 10 II 7 00 5 B'llO II 7 10 11 7 ro II 7 00 Sands Eves store II TOO OIIANOR. DeLonc Bros stoves nnd tinware 11 7 00 Oeo lleckman S CO 10 ! 1' Miner storo 14 7 00 (1 S Fleckenstlne storo II t no O N Smith stoves II 7 00 White Conner Agl Imp 11 1 to A B Stewart store 14 7 On .1 M Long hotel A 60 ) II 11 low lumber 14 7 tx) A M Dew lit si ore 11 "10 James B llarman furniture II 7 00 OWLow general dealer 14 7 10 ntiyder Menus- btoro II 7 00 WNU. It V Lyons storo 0 It Parker store ItO.MtlNOCllEEK. O W Chcrlngton store Samuel Ulby lestaurnnt SCOTT. 14 14 7 00 11 7 00 SO 00 -Ml jreliend Klino store 13 10 . ohn Mourev hotel r, so N lllchart Rrocery 11 7 W K Dlctterick store 1 1 7 Theodore Heck storo 14 7 J 1) Workhelser storo II T (1 W Crcellng storo 1 13 10 A I- Howell stoie 14 '7 A U whltestoro II t .1 1. Crawford grocery 14 7 N II Knt stoves 11 7 McKamey Kerstelter storo M ' " " coal II 7 Sllns Young store 1:1 10 Kccce.M l-'ali man hotel n CO StUlAItLOAF Nonmn Colo storo II 7 A Laubacli Son 14 7 J w l'erry hotel c to Anneals will hoiienrii nt thn commissioners ot flee In llloonisburg on tho 12th day ot Juno. A. joou, uettteeu xne nours 01 0 a. m. una p. in. w hero you can utlend It you think proper. W. 11. llKlNltOLD, May Si. Mercantile Appraiser. A MIINISTItATOK'S NOTICE. liKtate fr Kit lnls. Intv nf M,,l,unsl m. Letters or administration In said estate having been granted to the undersigned administrator, all persons Indebted to said istato aro hereby 110 tlnedtopny the. same, and those having claims .saiiiai. tj,nu esiaie present 1110 samo to JACOU UEISINUElt, Adm. TO OTICE. The firm of Ytneer Albertsun. of miarerpelr. Columbia county, I'u., having been dissolved, the business heretofore conducted by them win be conducted by tho undersigned. Notice Is hereby given that I will not bo responsible for any debts contracted by J. M. Albertson hereafter, In the 11 r m name. All debts duo tho firm will be col lected by me, and all claims against the tlrm paid 10 me. j. w. liauEK. May 7Ct. UDITOU'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP OKOIIOE HISS. IlECO. Hie undersigned Auditor, appointed by tho Or phans' court of Columbia county, to nseertuin the liens against snld estate and make distribution ninong creditors w ill sit at his ofllce In Blooms burg, on Friday, Juno 11, iit-6, at 10 a. m. when and where all parties having clnlms ugalnst said estate must appear nnd proso tho same, or bo loiever ueuarreu iroin coming in on said Hind. B. F. ZAltlt, may 11 Auditor. jUDITOU'S NOTICE. In the estate of ltenjamtn Iloinbov, late of Ilemlotk l iinTIIr(l. The undersigned Auditor, annolntcl liv 1 ho nr. phans' Court ot Columbia county, to distribute iiiu uuiiiuifiii 1110 uunus 01 i.eonaru nomuoy, ad ministrator of the estate of the said deceasedwill meet the parties Interested nt his ofllce In lllooms- uurg, l'a., on Wednesday, Juns 10, tsso, nt 10 o'clock a. in., when nnd where all parties having claims against tlio said estate must appear and oiu.c niu sillily ui uv lurever ueuarreu iroin coin lug in on said fund. ItOBT. It. LITTLE, may 31 Auditor. UDITOH'S NOTICE. KSTATK OF 11. II. I.ITT1.K. nFC1Il(.vti Tho undersigned Auditor, apppolnted bv tho Or phans' court ot Columbia tounty, to distribute funds In the hands of the administrator, will sit at his ortlee In Berwick, l'a., on Saturday. June so, 1WW, at 10 o'clock a. m., when and where all paru ii a luiuuiru lu nam laUUU U1US1. appear aUU piV- m, .. .hiwisui w ,u,u,i;t ucuurim irum coin ing In on said fund. W. K. SMITH, nay sa. Auditor. UDITOH'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP OE0K0E CI.AKB LINOKN, A UIN'OB. The underskrned auditor, nnnninted in- ,i, n-. Phans' Court ot Columbia county, to distribute funds In guardian's hands as per guardian ac. count, will meet parties Interested at his onice in Berwick, at 8 o'clock a. m., on Thursday, Juno 17, l-o, when and where all turtles having claims against the said estate must appear and prove the same or bo forever debarred from coming in on , In B.MU Jl, may ss. Auditor. TXEOUTltlX'S NOTIDK TSUiteof Aaroii liendershott, late of tu toien Letters testamentary on the estato of Aaron ecutrix all perfeom imlebted to talU ebiato uu m.wUJ luiituu m pai tuo Miije, uiiU IWtaO I1UV- iiir claims against saldebtate to present the samo without fli'lnv in ''WA HENDEnsiIOTT, (1KO. E. KuvKU, Attv. Executrix. M Ssj N OTICE IN DIVOIKJE. lit T1,'.E TCOMM- VLU OF COLU.M1IIA CO fi-iiii,. ' ineiui, o, w. hums N llllain E. Jones. TnU'm 1- Inrn. ku.w.., as upon the libel ot lliesald Mary r. Joni-s a sub- . . , u' V ufc vl mo mm cuun. command r ??r- apjiear at the next regular term rt,..v. . " ' v"uou""J 1,10 saiu nueiaiu should not bo divorced trout the bonds of matri mony cum racted by )ou; and whereas upon return SLnH?libI,.ana.d.u8 V00' was maue thot you eould not be found In the bailiwick of tho bherlff awarded by said Court commanding jou ton v iiiu mcu m-A, teiuiui saiu court to answer asoforesald, towhlchthe same return wasmmli tno snerlir. ou are therefore required to lie and appear on ho ilrst day of tho next term of said Couit to be held at Illooinsbdrg, tor said . .'tyuuj u, cK-pieuiuerne.i A. D. 1SS6, toauswtrsald complaint, may ss t. BAMUfih SMITH, Sheriff. IN OTICE IN DIVOHCE. IV Till? f'fil(nv tiiPiu m.... v"-"'"' iwwtour t-1'L.ujlulA IU. 1 o I homas anTnsseL respondent above named: Whereas upon the libel ot'the said Bessie om. lassel a subpoena was issued out of the said Court commanding you to be and appear at the next regular term of said court to bhow causa why the said libelant should not be dh o7cl from the bonds of matrimony contracted by you; and whereas upon return ot said subpoena duo proof was made that ou could not be found in tho ballwtck of the sheriff of said county, whereupon an ultat subpoena was awarded by said Court i????. 70u w at " then next term of said couit to answtr as aforesaid, tu which the same return w as made by the bhertrf. You aro HS.W!11 toUo andapiea"on tho first ?nLof tllB neit ,erm 01 "aid court to be held at liloomsbiirg, for said county.on the fourth Monday of September next, A. D. is ? to answer bald K Say 7 hAMUEL SMITH, bherW. NOT'SSL1,OATION FOK IN. 1Vf.,lliT01'. co"'0'' ruxi or coiujiiut co. iSmta H,','frel'y1f'u'n tUat an: application wn ,V2 iWJ? l,uo ""J11 court tr a law.ftdgo thereon on the ibth day ot Juno A. D. issa at 10 o'clol k : I in. under the "Corporation act of one tbousaiui light huudrtHl and seventy-four" and the su od S ments thereto by W. It. Tubbi J. a ilrown lLPWd '?euherg, (loo. E. Eluell and 11. lL urotz lor tlio "'f".!'.,!11. "rnorattor; ti be called ineoak drotel'ark Association," the charaeier fli'd object of which Is for lho purposi of Sol lug or leasing grounds to bo fitted uo as a nark parks within tie Town ol BloomsburgT Pul or lS nSU !je.U''?? " .t-'ounly tl?W used' to? said act anil ita mn. . .l 'wreu uy tuo v, w.-MiLLEitj solicitor, UDITOH'S NOTICR ISTATKOPWIUUli WtlT, DECIAStn Th undersigned auditor appointed bv tho nr uw-M-ffiutaSr WcsVuwiiflat hlsmon'S ,VlV r ;?,u V onar. Juno ssth tbsi Ht a oSoek or li deblrFed I rCSm! ?ln 'St. &a '8S5.ewu" V II IL'L'I t.l. ,uuf Auditor. WtkET lEfOr7S. BTjOOMSHUUQ maukkt. -:o:- AVliolcsnlo. 85 00 CO ltctall Wheat per bushel.,., live. " " .... Corn " " .... 4fi Oats " " 1)5 5 CO 45 to 0 14 14 CO a 03 12 14 10 10.00 80 1.00 Flour " bbl ilutter IS Errs 'i l'otntoca ou Hams 10 Dried Aivnlce 03 Bide nnd shoulder 00 Chickens 19 Turkeys 13 ucese Lard per lb 03 liny per ton Vinegar per cat SO Onlons.pcr bushel 75 Veal skins 07 Wool per lb 3!i Hides r. to 7 Coal on Wiiahk. Nn 0 $2.00; Nns 3. 3, 4 & Lump i'i.V, No. 6 $8.00 Hlliimlniis, 3.25 KEYSTONE ACADEMY" ! John 11. IIaiiims, I'll. 1). I'iiinuipai. EIGHTEENTH YEAlt BL'MNS AUGUST 24, 1886. Property cost tM,000. Campus, 20 acres. Library, over 3,000 volumes. More than 11,000 in apparatus, superior facilities for students In l'hyslology. Location healthful, Instruction thorough, dis cipline strict, excuses moderate, experienced teachers, small classes, personal attention. Prepares for business, for collego ;and for teach ing, students prepared In Kcystono hav o entered Yale and Harvard unconditioned. separate building of brick, heated by steam, for the use of ladies. Students travel on tho I). U & W. and branches and on the Lehigh Valley at halt rates. For catalogue or Information address the princi pal at Factoryvllle, l'a. lm. SMms. 7 00 00 00 00 00 no 00 00 W) ou no 00 on 00 tx) 00 00 no 00 1). WE AUK OlSIIBIOlIRIIfcTlIE 0elf Binclef, fkii'vetei &' JVIowef. We hao tho only full steel frame binder In mniket, nndare selling it at fairprlces. llont ho talked Into buying ibHl nnd 1&S5 machines at tho price we aro selling lsso machines. OOME AflD EXAMINE OUR 2 NEW MOWERS. 11E.UI AND FltONT CUT. ALSO OUH Junior Right-Hand Binder. the only ono In the country for sale, and you will bo convinced. A full lino of Osborno renalrs olwa v on hand. Wo can aUo furnish tepalrs for all of tho old make of Osborno machines. Constantly on hand a full lino ot knives, rivets, etc., for all makes ot reapers and mowers. ' HARM AN & H ASSERT. PENNY GOODS A SPECIALTY. EOI.X JOINTS (OH F. Y. ADAMS & CO., PINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Solo agents of the fol lowing brands ot cigars. HENRY CLAY, LONDKES, NOHMAI, INDIAN PlilNCESS, SAMSON, SILVElt Asn. Alexander Bros. (6 Co., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. bOLE AGENTS FOlt HENRY MAILLARDS SEE CANDIES. FltESII EVEItY WEEK. Bloomsburg. Pa. THE HAMBURG of 4j . 1?i.,,.r..,lou,lt'.cd. Dr 'eadlng farmers superior to uny plow In the market for f draught and durability, ltswork Is unexcelled. Also FiWlElS' PRODUCE EXCHA.NQE, LiifED, Bloomsburg, Pa. Spring stock received. GOOD BODY QRAD R.VPIDS iND KNQ SWEEpERJS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Rupture Dr. J. A. HIIR1IM IVIni r,.,,,r.,i .. , .. r u.8ln.llet:" Ills' l cSntalK aIa"Sl.?iwho fapmiior hUhomo circular ol adWciwiaiiihructioL iwrwnol bervta bhouU Jl'm, BiBjtJ PUOPllIKTOh OF Exchange Barber Shop Bath Room At tlio old stand, under the Exulmngo Hotel, BLOOMSBURG, PA. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES OF CAST Gil WltOUQllT IIION. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots nnd Public Grounds. 10! Thi following shows tho Picket Gothic, ono ot thosLVcral bonutltulBt)lcsof Penco manufactured by tho undersigned. For Beauty and Durability they arnunsurpnss ed. set up by experienced hands and warranted to give satisfaction. Prices nnd specimena of othor Je fiiirna sent to any address. Addrcsa f nEt, suslik BLOOMSBURG' PA- May 1-tf SELLING THE ANYOfiDElt FOlt FESTIVALS will bo SUri'LlED WITH the LOWEST Market Prices, AS FOLLOWS : ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS. CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, l'OP CORN BALLS. CHAMPION PLOW REVERSIBLE PLOW SHARE. n.fUJ? w'llni;d this Invention a fcaWng to themot at lean two-thirds plow" 1 BhalCh- 1 lie' Hiarcs aie lined to all leading chilled FOR SALE BY of Carpetings jiist BRUSSELS, $1,00. Clergyiiieu,. Mta mB IV Va
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers