The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 04, 1886, Image 2
I THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. 0. E. Elwoll, 1 Pjii. J. K. BlUonbWsr. J Edlt0"' BLOOMSBUKG, PA. FRIDAY, JUNK 4, 1HH0. John Kelly, tlio prominent Now i ork pohticmu, died on Tuesday. iToslucnt (Jlovtilnml ia nifirricd nt l.i8t,nnd tho nensatlonnl correspondents will hnvo to pounco on some now mib- jeet lor warm weather clitiit. The llecortl, of Philadelphia, very correctly advises tho voters of that city that if thoy wish to rid themselves of n largo amount of taxation and regain n trado nmountitig to millions annually that has gone to New York, and if thoy think it worth whilo to maintain llio agricultural and manufacturing in dustnos of Eastern Pennsylvania which contribute) so much to tho nrosnerltv of Philadelphia, thoy should tako apart in iuu pr"ry elections ami ucicai mo nomination of thoso candidates who ns members of tho Legislature) supported tho railroad companies in their policy of discrimination. This ndvico to voters of Philadelphia oan with equal propriety be extended to tho voters of tho Statu at large, for thcro is no sec tion of Pennsylvania that has not suf- iercu irom tho samo cause. ANOTHER LAYMAN'S VIEWS. Mf.ssus. EniTons: In your issuo of May 28 I find an articlo purporting to bo a letter Written by an earnest and respectful layman to Dr. Lyman Ab uott, which, it is claimed, will prove very suggestivo to tho clergy. This layman seems to havo boon struggling ior years against a constantly mcrcas ing dislike to attondanco at church Tho principal causo is tho sermon. Ho thinks ho gets chaff instead of bread !lo then lolls what ho would hko to learn about, which does not seem to me iiko very nourishing spiritual food Ho wishes tho information to bo gath ered from other sources than tho Bible. Now Christian ministers and all other good people have always considered tho Scripttiro tho only infallible rule of faith and practice. But as this earnest layman wants his Spiritual food from some other source, I presume, a purely Scriptural sermon would not suit him. The Apostlo Paul who determined not to know anything among the Corinth ians, save Jesus Christ and Him cruci fied, would not suit this earnest lay man. Ho wants a complete historical view of tho Jewish peoplo from Abraham to the present time, giving habits, dross, etc Now it would bo very difficult, per haps impossible for ministers of tho present day, to tell very accurately tho cut or color of Abraham's trowsers,tho style of Sarah's head dress, and whether littlo Isaac was dressed in long or short petticoats, and I think tho information would not add very greatly to our spir itual edification or growth in grace. He would like to be furnished with argument for opposing scepticism. By his writing I should suppose, he was somewhat troubled with scepticism, and a sermon that would relieve him of all sceptical notions, would bo a great blessing to him. Ho would like a sormon that would be a digest of Darwin's ideas of ev olution applied to tho Biblical Htory reconciling them. I think tho Christ ian minister would bo greatly out of place, who attempted to reconcile tho teaching of the Bible, that God created man in his own image with Darwin's theory that man is tho offspring of the ape. He wishes ministers to read books and articles founded on truth, but which contradict some of the beliefs of strict puritanism in which wo were brought up. From my acquaintance with Christaiu ministers I suppoBo thcro is no class of men who devote so muoh time to reading books and articles founded on God's eternal truth ; but whether they find them contradicting the beliefs of strict puritanism very often is exceedingly doubtful. lie does not seem pleased with a sermon from 1 tomans 3rd, 10th ''Thero is nono right eous, no not one." Perhaps preaching on such a subject may disturb some ideas he has entertained of his own rightoousness, oh no doubt it did for Bomc of the Scribes and Pharisees in tho days of tlw Apostles. lie admits that to mauy of bis neighbors it is a real help and consolation, though to him it is chaff. He Baye, every minister's sermon seems to be moulded in thu same form; it is filled in with a new arrangement of the samo words. I suppose tho Apostle Paul is included with the rest. He says, "we preach Christ crucified, unto tho .lows a stumbling block, and unto the Greeks foolishness." Is it to bo wondered at that this critical lay man considers it chaff T Ho seems to bo desirous for some thing to think about afterward. 1 will suggest a prescription, that David Hecms to havo followed. "Let your delight bo iu tho law of the Lord, and on it meditato day and night.'1 Now Mr. Editor I do not know Dr. Lyman Abbott. I cannot tell to which branch of the Christian church ho be longs, I do not even know whether ho is a catliolio or n protcstant, so I have not written this articlo on account of any partiality to him. But I have a very good opinion of the great majority of Christian ministers, and I thought it might not be improper to inform your readers, that layien were not all of tho samo opinion, and consequently liable to err. Yours Truly, A Layman. Lobsters Piopagatod Artificially, Washington', May 27. Reports just received rrom tho marine station of tho United States Fish Commission at Wood's Hole, Mass., announce tho complete success of tho attempts re cently begun to propagate lobsters artificially on a practical scale, and many thousands of young lobsters are now being cared for and fed in tho large tanks contained in tho hatchery building. Tho hatching has proceed ed much moro rapidly than was ex pected, and tho means provided for the accommodation of tho fry nro proving entirely lmiuiticiont, rendering it neces sary to prepare one of tho open fish basins in front of tho station as a stor age park. Experiments nro in pro grcss to ascertain how long tho young can be keit in confinement, and it is thought desirable that thoy should bo two or thrco weeks old beforo plant ing. Shipment) of young lobsters will soon be mado by the Fish Commission to thoso localities on thu Atlautic coast that have suffered most from tho mprovident methods of the lobster fishermen. An Act, niit.ATlVn TO THU 1'UItCllABK Ol1 t.ANKS 11V COUNTY COMMISSIONED AT SALES Tiir.iiKoi' ion AttiiKAitAat:s 01' TAXKS. Section 1. .lie it enacted &c , That if nny tract of land hereafter bo sold for tAxcs shall not hnvo bidden for it n sum equal to tho whole, amount of taxeti and tho costs then accrued, it shall bo tho duty of the commissioners of the proper county, or nny of them, to bid off tho same, and a deed shall, thereupon, be mado by tho treasurer to tho commissioners for tho timo being and their successors in oflico to and for tho uso of tho proper county. And it Shall bo tho duty of tho commissioners to provide n book, wherein shall bo en tcrcd tho natno of the person or per Bons ns whoso estate tho Bams shall havo been sold, tho quantity of land or number of lot and number ot tract, it anv. tho amount of tho taxes and the costs it was sold for, and every such tract of land shall not thereafter, so lonrf as tho samo shall remain the proti ertv of the county, bo charged in the duplicato of tho proper collector, but for five voars noxt following such sale. if it shall so long remain unredeemed, tho commissioners shall, in scparnle columns in tho samo book, charge ev. erv such tract of land with liko county, school, road, or other taxes ns would havo been chargcahlo against tho said land hnd tho 3Mno not been sold and nurchascd bv the commissioners as aforesaid. Section 2. It shall be the duty of tho proper officers lovying and fixing the rato of taxation for all. local or other imrDOses within any county of this Commonwealth, wherein tho com missioncrs thereof havo purchased land as aforesaid, annually, immediately after levying such local or other tax or fixing" tho rato thereof, to certify or causo to bo certified rato of taxation upon real estate for such local or other purposo in order mat mo lanos pur chased as aforesaid may ho charged with such taxes. , Section 3. Tho right of redemption shall remain in tho real owner of such land for five vcars after uch sale, and, on paying tho treasurer of tho county all tho taxes and costs due thereon, at tho timo of sale, and interest thereon and also tho taxes which shall have been lovied and charged thereon, from year to year, after tho salo and intcrf st thereon from tho time such taxes ought to havo been paid, and on tho product ion of tho treasurers receipt therolor, tho commissioners shall, by deed poll indorsed on tho back of the treasurer's deed to them, convey to tho person who shall havo been tho owner of the land at tho timo of tho sale, or his legal representatives, all the rights and title whtch the county may have ac quired under such Bale as aforesaid ; and tho moneys received shall bo paid to the respective townships or districts in whioh such lands shall lie as they may be entitled thereto. Section 4. If the owner or owners of any such land?, purchased by tho commissioners as aforesaid, shall not redeem tho same within tho period aforesaid it shall therefore be lawful for the commissioners to sell nny such lands at public sale, and make a deed or deeds therefor to the purchaser or purchasers with liko effect and in tho samo manner that unseated lands pur chased by county commissioners aro now by law authorized to bo sold by them, and after such salo the lands shall thereafter bo charged by the proper assessor in the name of such last purchaser or redeemer, and shall again bo liable to be assessed and Bold tor taxes as other lands. Section 5. All acts or part of acts inconsistent herewith or hereby sup plied be and tho samo aro hereby repealed. ArrriovED Tho 8th day of July, A. D. 1885. IiODT, K, PATTISON. East Benton. Tho widow Karns of Benton town ship is a victim of much sorrow and family allliction. Death has been a frequent visitor at her homo and now Frank ia also smitten with disease. Ho his been her main support, and this new affliction put her in very straight ened circumstances. A surprise- party, consisting of her friends and neighbors was summoned to her liouso last lues day a week to aid in relieving her wants, and 50 responded during the day, and peveral others at eventide. Tho donation was quite liberal and speaks well for a community where suffering and want abound. She re ceived nearly enough groceries to last ner a year, a quantitv ot butter, 7 or 8 calico dresses, sheets, shirts and ehirt- ing, hose, towels and many other things in comuction with SO or 87 cash, and between ! and 5 cwt. of flour. It was a joyful day for the widow and her children. For her wo say, thanks to you all good and kind neighbors. AVo venture tho assertion that every donor felt tho force of tho Bible adage, "It is moro blessed to give than to receive.'' William Doty's dwelling and con tents were wholly consumed by firo last Wednesday a week. They were covered by insurance. Decoration day. Well, wo observed it as it passed by our place 25 or 30 vehicles strong. Road Commissioner Tuhbs has made somo necessary repairs in our hill roads. Crime ia a profession ; and tho peni tentiary is tho homo of many of its professors. Tho world is full of its graduates, and though they escapo do toction and conviction, they are never theless, criminals. Much premeditated crime may link for years in tho bosom of its intended perpetrators before it is put into execution. In the town of Benlon aro several millions of lect of first class lumber owned by lumber merchants, ready for mai'Kct dry and at low prices. Ju'lge Woodward Willing. Ill Wll.l. ACCEPT THE ltKMOCIIATIO NOM INATION I Oil CONOUKSS. Sciianton, l'a., Juno 1. Judgo Woodward was in tho city to-day cn legal business, and was questioned con cerning tho Congressional nomination. Ho said that if ho becamtt a candidate h'w nomination must como from tho peoplo i ho would not work for it lie did not consider an election to Con gress a promotion from tho bench, and tho only roason why ho would bu n Congressional candidate lay iu tho fact that he preferred nu nctlvo life to bo ing penned up on thu bench. Ho would stand iu no man's way for tho nomination. Ifo considered Powdcrly a strong man, but he had assurances from the General Master Workman i thai tho latter is not a candidate. If Osborn, ho sayp, gets tho nomination for Congressman-at-Large, thero will bo no Republican opposition to Scrub ton in this district. 11 Odboni fails, ho will undoubtedly enter tho lists against Soranton, Sayo the Children. Detriments! food which, by reason of their superior strongth, may not Bcriousiy affect tho health of adults ns is well known, frequently acts upon tho moro dclicato organs of tho child to produce disorders of tho most serious character. The amount of laudanum or other poison that woidd bo harmless to nu adult will causo tho death of an infant. This great differ enco between tho vitality of adults and children is to-i generally overlooked in tho preparation of food. Because no harm immediately perceptible comes to the adult by tho uso of nn nrtiolo of food, no thought is given to the effect it may havo upon tho more delicnto organs of interior age. Children diet largely upon enko and bread, and theso articles, if light, sweet and composed of materials that aro freo from injurious substances, nro easily digested, nutritious nnd whole some. Thcro is n danger to our chil dren, howover, lurking in their brond and enko which is loo often lost sight of. Theso articles aro now leavened largely by baking powders, ond when pure nnd wholesome baking powders arc used they mako not only tho most pntatablo food, but one much moro wholcsomo and nutriltvo than if leav ened with yeast or crcom of tartar and soda. The troublo arises from tho fact ns shown by recent sciontifio tests by tho Government chemists nnd by official boards of health, that all theso baking powders, with tho single ex ception of tho Royal, contain either lime, alum, phosphates, or acids of an injurious character. Therefore when bread or cake is mado with tho use ot theso cheap baking powders theso in gredients (which are present through tho ellorts of the manufacturers to pro duco a cheaper article) pass into the food nnd aro taken into tho delicate organs of childhood whero they aro the source ot very much of tho diseaso with which our children are nlmctcd. Persons who havo not strong consti tutions, growiug girls, young children and nursing mothers aro particularly liable to tho evil effects produced by tho introduction of tho ndnltorants named as found in tho cheap baking powders. Heartburn and the preva lent forms of indigestion nro often solely tracenblo to tho action of alum on tho delicate coats of the stomach. Prof. Willurd Parker, U. S. Surgeon-General Hammond, Prof. Alon.o Clark, moat eminent physicians of New Yerk, with scores of others, have written and spoken most earnestly of tho evils arising from partaking of such food. There should bo as much caro in tho choice of a baking powder as in obtain ing pure milk or iu having n prescrip tion compounded from puro drugs and not from poisons. Tho matter is ono of tho greatest importance, particularly to tho risiug generation, and while our conservative law makers aro making up their minds as to the proper legislation to stop tho sale of tho poisonous compounds, moth ers will do well to study it carefully. The housekeeper will experience no in convenience in discarding the use of tho adulterated baking powder, if bIio has been using it, as tho Royal Baking Powder upon the purity nnd whole- someness of which all the Government chemists agree, is equally accessible j but she will need to exercise a close watcli upon her packages from the grocer in order to prevent tho inferior brands from creeping into her kitchen unawares. v In what wo have felt it our duty to say in referonco to tho subject of bak ing powder thero is no intention to dis parage the work or the products of those manv manufacturers in other ines of food products who, with con scientiousness and liberality, aro serv ing tho publio with pure and whole some articles of diot. WASHINGTON LETTER (From our Regular Correspondent.) Washington, i). u., ainy uu, issu. It is difficult to write a Washington letter now and not say anything about tho wedding at tho White House. I will not refrain, hut will bo brief. The ceremony is to bo simple,uuostentatious and, owing to tho recent death in tho Folsom family exclusive. This e.vclus iveness will be tho only undemocracio feature about it. The guests will be a fow ladies, the Cabinet and their ladies Col. and Mis. Lamont. Tho President will havo no best man ; there will be iio bridesmaids, and tho marriage ccie mony will tak placo in tho Blue Room nnd bo performed by Hov. Byron Sun derland, tho Pastor of the Presbyterian church iu which tho President holds u pew. The Marine Band will discourso somo musio prepared for the occasion. Thero will bo a profusion of floral deco ration superintended by Miss Cleve land who arrived Saturday evening ; and after thu ceremony, there will be a wedding supper in tho historic din ing room. It is reported that tho President will immediately go on a short wedding trip, that be will simul taneously rttiio to the country seat which ho has lust purchased three miles from tho White House, and that he will without delay i cumin at tho White House and do nothing of the kind. Mrs. and Miss Folsom were guests at tho White House last winter, and it is said if it had not been for the inevi table gossip associating their names, tho President might not havo been awakoned to tho fact that Miss Folsom was nu attractive nnd beautiful woman. Tho President heard tho gossip nnd then awoke to the fact that ho 'loved his pretty ward. An engagement look iiaco, but tho lTesident tearing that her acceptance might havo been in fluenced by tlw relation of guardian and ward which had previously existed between mem, torn ner no wished her to go abroad, bo that if dining that time she found nny ono she thought sho loved better, or that sho could not love tho President well enough to be como his wife, then tho fact of tho en gagement should never bo mado pub lio. Miss Folsom protested that tlio pro bationary trip to Europe was uot nec essary, hut tho President insisted that sho should take it. This explains why the matter has been kept so secret. Had not the truth leaked out, tho pub lic would havo remained iu ignoranco until the formal announcement had been made from tho White House. A largo number of persons visited tho White House vestcrdav and ronm. ed through, tho lower rooms. Tho Ulue Room, whero tho wedding is to bo held, was of courso the centre of attraction. Tho President had a num ber of callers, enoh of whom congratu luted him warmly upon his approach Ing happiness, Tho convcrsa'lon between tho call ers aud tho President when it touched upon tho wedding was confined ex clusively to congratulations on the ono hand and the formal return of thinks ou tho other. The President after concluding his routino business, which, by tho way, was curlier than usual, drovo out with Ool. Lamont to "Pretty Prospect," his now country homo. In social circles' the wedding of tho TrnairTntif n'vsiltna nn.icnlnrnliln ttllnrnat. though not ns much as If It was to be a brilliant bno in n social sense. Al ready, howover, n series of entertain ments havg been manned in honor ot tho groom nnd fair brido by his official family the members of tho Cabinet. Tho (lefinito dotnlls havo not yet been determined on, but it Is thought thu initial liospitnlity will bo offered by secretary and Mrs. w intnoy ana moro probably at their country house, which is close to the President's suburban residence). Dinner parlies are expect ed to follow frcm tho rest of tho Cabi net, but it is not supposed that tho President will depart from his custom of accepting hospitalities of this kind from nono but tho Cabinet families. The mnrriago of tho President in tho Wlnto House surrounds with nddod brillianov tho social career which tho brido will Inaugurate with dior coming here. Tho presenco of a wifo in tho Executivo Mntision breaks most accept ably tho now long uilo of bachclordom for thu past fivo years, and puts in n brighter, gayer phase tho hospitalities already so generously offcied by the President, nnd which will no doubt I e greatly increased when there is a young and beautiful woman nt the soeinl helm. TEWKSHUHy's SPACE. :o: Delegate Election, July 2G. Convention, July 27. :o: MM .ItKl'llESENTATIVH, (Subject to action of Democratic Convention,) E. M. TEWKSBUUY, Of Catawissn, Columbia Co., Pa. "The people's law is habitually violated, evaded and dotted, "No freo government can long exist whero tlio organic law ot tlio otnto is habitually defied." "The Constitution of 187-1 is not com munistic. It assails no right of property, nor docs it give counte nance to principles which would degrade or demorali.o society. 'The Constitution cannot wholly en force itself, nor could it provide detailed regulations for its en forcement; these must bo provided by tho Legislature." "Iu tho selection of members of tho Legislature at tho next general election, select only such as nro pledged to the long-noglectcd work of Constitutional enforce ment." From address of Gonsti tutional Comtnittte, 1880. Democrats of Columbia County: Tno above are my sentiments and if nomi nated and elected, pledgo myself to la bor in all honorablo ways to carry it into effect. Truly Yours, E. M. TEWKSBUltY. How to Travel on Sleeping Oarg. A physician, referring to tho custom of traveling on sleeping cars with the berths made up with their heads tow ard tho engine said : "It is certainly bad for the brain of tho sleeper, as it is not natural, and it is no wonder that bo many travelers, especially those who have been on the road extensively, ex perience bad effects from it. Take in fants in baby carriages and no Bane woman will think of trundling the vehicle along bo tho child goes head first. They always except the young and inexperienced mother push the.m along feet first. Physicians invnria bly ad viso such locomotion. It is the samo thing on tho cars, and no one should hesitate about having his berth made up so as to move along feet first. It is much better for tho brain." S". l'aul Globe. Judgo Rockefeller of Northumber land county has adopted the samu lule in regard to applications for license as was mado in this county at May court. Rev. A. B. Jack, a prominent Presbyterian clergyman, died at Hazel ton Inst week. Tin was for manv venra pastor of the Grove Church at Dan ville. IOO Doses One Dollar. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is the only medicine ot which this can be truly said t and It Is an unanswerable argument an to tbe strength and positive economy of tills great medicine. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is raado ot roots, herbs, barks, etc., long and favorably known tor their power In purlf ylng tho blood ; and In combination, proportion, and process, Hood's Sarsaparllla Is peculiar to itself, "For economy and comfort wo uso Hood's Sarsaparllla." Mns. C. Bkewster, Buffalo. "Hood's Sarsaparllla takes leu time and quantitv to show Its effect than any other preparation I ever heard of. I would uot bo without It In the house." Mils. C. A. M. Ucbbaiid, North Chill, N. Y. 100 Doses One Dollar nood's Sarsaparllla cures scrofula, salt rheum, all humors, bolls, pimples, general de bility, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick headache, catarrh, rheumatism, kidney and liver com plaints, and all affections caused by Impuro blood or low condition of tho system. Try It. " I was severely afflicted with scrofula, and for over a year had two. running sores on my neck. I took live bottles ot Hood's Sarsapa rllla, and consider myself entirely cured." C. K. Lovejot, Lowell, Mass. "Hood's Sarsaparllla did mo an lmmenso amount ot good. My whole system has been built up and strengthened, my digestion Im proved, and my head relieved ot the bad feel. Ing. I consider It the best mcdlcino I havo ever used, and should not know how to do without It." Minv h. 1'kblk, Salem, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparllla Sold by all druggists, it; sir for 5. 'Mado only by 0. L HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass ' IOO Dosos One Dollar. CANDIDATES. VOW ASSOCIATE JUIH1E, JAMES LAKE, Of Scott Township. Subject to decision of Democratlo party. Dete uly gate election will bo held July, 1M, L'omcutlon, l-'OK ItKl'ltESENTATlVK, V. L. SHUMAN, Of Catawissn. Subject lo decision of Democratic party. Delo caio election will bo held July M, Contention, J uly ST. I OH ltKl'KESF.NTATIVE, JAMES T. FOX, Of Beaver Township. Subject to decision of Democratlo party. Dete uly x gate election will bo held July to, Convention, Ul l'OIt niCl'MSKNTATlVK, A. L. FRITZ, Of Rloomsburg. Subject lo decision of Democratlo party. Dele gatt election will bo held July u, convention, July ST. &AKIM0 POWDER Absolutely Pure. nun iiuwult viiiies. i uiurvci or puruy strength nnd wholcsoinoncss. Moro economical llinn tirrtlnnrv L-lnda nn.1 rxitinn. Im unl.l in Hon with the multltudo of low test, short weight, alum or phosphnto powders. Hold only in cans. ItOTil. IlAKlNII 1'OWDtR Co,. WttilHt.,N. Y. M KHOANTIMS AI'PHAISEMENT. 7Ast of Dealers in Columbia county. I hereby certify that the rollowlng list of denlers taken, returned and classined by mo In nccord.ineo with tho several Acts of Assembly In and lor tho year lssfl. Is correct to the bestot my knowledge 11EAVEII. .Vimot.e Himtuces. Clas.f. l.tcrnse. ... I'lTisu.ien Hiuru 1) I. Slngley btoro .1 1' smith hotel l.pv I Michael Mom T J Miuinan stole (I J Munson stoio 1IKNT0N. II 11 II 14 If NOTICE.-J HEKEIlY OIVE NOTICE that my wife, Margaret Iloudinau, has left lay bed ana board, taken Ith her two children, under the age or 1 ears, against my will, and that I will pay no delU of their contraction. Mayll, 'B4-IU (JliOltUK IIUUDMAN. Illram lless hotel it J .1 Mcllenry st ro is A it II Mcllenry store li Mcllenry Carey rurnlturo store u .1 Ulxlsonslo'0 li Hour Mcllenry store .i lmuel Drake hotel o mtc Mcllenry drugs and hardware if O M Smith sllrn i. John llcacock store n BKItWICK. Jacob Fisher 2 billiard table s V 1. Dlstelhurst furnltuiu n (Irow s Klstncr drue store u Tit Burger bottler r, u vv urunaKer, narawaro store 14 11 11 Swnyyo K Co store 14 II M Hockman confectionery 14 l'reasllros store 11 K K Ailfitns general store 13 it n Crispin store 13 II It Bower store 13 Freas Bros lumber dealer H 11 F Drlesbach ortrans and machines 1 1 Hamucl K Heller 1 pool table s Jackson A Woodln Mfgcostoro 0 (i A Buckingham stoves and tinware II Frederick Bayer hotel 5 Theodora F Berger shoo store 1 1 m i-evy cioming store 14 11 M rhlllps Co grocery n m li Margarum stationery 1 1 BenJ .sponenbergcr restaurant n M A Marklo restaurant 5 T o McMurtrlo clothing wore 1 1 DA Michael furniture sioro 14 A 1' Young stoves and tin 1 1 ls.ilah uouerstoro 14 0 W Klaso hotel a stiles Bros drugs u John W Little store 1 1 1) o f-mtth store 1 1 c It Funston hotel 5 J l' Freas a Co store 1 1 BUIAItCItEEK. Vlnger & Albci tson store 11" (( W Ash distillery u BLOO.MSBUItO. J L Olrton hotel 5 1 W McKelvy store 7 1 W llartman & son store 10 II O llartman carpets and boots 1 1 OA Klelm drugs 14 W J corell Co furniture 13 JKEyerstore 14 Wm liabb grocery n L E Wharey stoves 1 j J haltzer organs &c 14 O W Bertscu clothing store, 1 1 luuu-a item ,1 ummru iuiu pool lauies N F 1) Dcntler boots and shoes 13 13 r 14 s II 14 li 14 10 11 13 r li 11 13 II 14 11 14 II 14 14 II 14 14 II II II II II 14 5 II 14 13 14 10 14 A 11 11 13 (loo A Clark book store w it tudos notei J F Caldwell, confectionery II btohner restaurant H A Wilson grocery 11 a Eshleman Co stoves tinware II J Clark & son store Louis Bcmhard Jewelry Jacob Keller notions J 8 1' conlcctlonery David Lowcnberg clothing store Geo Aurand hotel E K Cadman furniture J It Schuyler JC Co hardware Chas W Itunyan hardware 0 N Wilson grocery J D Wilson leather and shoo findings Joseph Decker confectionery CUMarr store W o Itlchnrd Hour and feed Evans & Ejer clothing J A Hess boots and shoes J IIMercerdrugs I) A creasy store A fcollcder boots and shoe findings II 11 Vannatta agt wall paper singer Jirg Co sewing machines Mrs w B Allen Btoro E 11 llrowcr store Henry Klelm grocery (IMS JK Lockard coal Wm (ilger hotel O WNealfiBrocoal llarman & Hosscrt coal O A Jacoby liquor store do coal Farmers' Produce Exchange store " " coal Peter Gross bottler Simon o shlvo agl Imp Bloomsburg Iron Co store (' B Bobbins liquor Btoro r m unmoro restaurant q WllGllmoro " n " bottler n O M A J. K Lockard general store 13 II W Moan store 14 N J llendcrshott drugs 11 LewttCJrnssclothlng ij J J Brewer canwts ij Moyer Bros wholesale drug storo 7 Alexander Bros Co tobacco u II V White & co gram dealers 11 Charles Krug lumber coal and slato 14 Joseph Garrison Hour and feed 14 W E Knorr tobacco 14 C W Brown grocery 14 on Bound " 14 J 11 htecker Btoro 11 creasy Wells lumber dealers 14 John Wolf Agl dealer 1 1 CATAWISSA. C E Clewell grocery 1 1 MASwankstoro 14 W II liar wick clothing and shoes 14 J II scesboltz store i.i David llolllngihcad restaurant 5 Hester Klstler hotel a G L Kostenbauder est clothing Mioes 1 1 H 11 llliaw 11 stoves and tinware 1 1 Stephen Baldy store 1 1 Jno It Dlemer store 13 Geo Manhart storo 13 A S Truekenrnllir organs machines IU T I) Iierntngrr rurnlturo 1 1 J K bharpless bun store 10 TEHarderfurnlturo 13 Wm John stoves aud tinware 14 J M Smith drugs an 1 hardware 13 S D ltinard store 1 1 G W ltelfsnjder storo 13 Allien t iter 1 billiard and pool table s ccwililts drugstore 11 caMendenliallstovesand tinware 14 Darla Ginilii coal 14 A Trucktninlller restaurant 3 Simon Itaup coal 11 W A Vetter hotel a Joseph A Gullennan store 13 a V Harder Lumber 1 1 J It Blbby liquor stoi'o u " bottler .1 O W liar Icr lumber 11 u F Brown 6toro 1 1 David Levlne clothing storo J II Klefer hotel EE Hlle shoo Btoro 11 D Drclsbach notion storo 11 Simons Co drug store 14 A L Holshuo store 14 " Hour aud feed 14 LewUliclfsnyderl billiard table s CE.NT11ALIA. D F Curry hotel u 11 Millard storo A 11 Former stoves tinware Irviu Bros storo Johanna O'Connor liquor storo James Goldswonhy hotel " " 1 pool table MrsWmllnerhfitel David U Black storo Andrew Lcnibau grocery Geo W Davis drug store uti Murphy store Thomas Collins restaurant L A Itellly Co store Edward McFadden restaurant Jones Bros tea dealers James Mcllrearty hotel L Fetterman store Hobcrt Farrel restaurant 11 0 Michael furniture Charles Fetterman restaurant James llaggerty " Thomas Borau " Geo Maley " John Nertney, liquor store E J Flnnerty drug btoro o II Getchey bloro V titer McElllenny store CONYNUIIAM. Mrs Mary Monroe restaurant Win Herbert s.oro John I. Kline hotel 0 W Blllman It W Lyons storo CENTRE. Low Bros Co store (1 E spousler stuio J sMuun hotel Thomas Brobst grocery '. T Fon ler grain dealer J L Wolverton storo Jacob ltetx-euoal II U Hutu store FlSllINQCltEKK, J M Ammerman btoio J II Hurt G M Howell M Mcllonry & llro JF Mcllenry " WhltcnlgutHro Jones Davis " David Kaurr Nathan Drlesbach'1 F1IANKUN. L liucher store A Hughes store GREENWOOD. A J Derr store 1 1) Black store Litis Kes Bra store Masters Co store V I' Kves Henry furniture 0 W Eves store s 5 13 It 14 14 s 14 S 5 II 11 II 0 U 14 II 11 11 II 14 11 14 14 11 14 14 11 It 11 II 13 It U II II (HI 7 () r.o ) 7 (XI 7 01 T 00 to nu 10 no 7 ( 7 00 7 on 10 00 Mi on 10 in 7 00 7 00 41 00 7 to 7 IK) 60 00 7 00 7 00 7 OU 15 no 10 01) 12 to iu 00 7 to 7 (10 .10 01 M 00 7 00 (0 (0 T (10 1 01) 7 00 7 00 so 00 l 0.) 7 00 7 (W 7 IH) 7 m t,a (hi 7 00 7 no 7 w CO (l 7 IK) 7 00 15 00 50 00 40 Oil SO (10 7 (Kl 7 (K) 10 (10 7 00 7 00 7 10 7 (0 7 no GO 00 10 no 10 00 M (M 7 (0 M 0 1 7 (10 7 (0 l i CO 7 00 SO Oil 7 00 10 00 CO 00 7 (10 l.- 00 10 10 7 (10 7 (HI 7 00 7 () 7 00 7 (X) 7 CO 7 (0 7 XI 7 10 7 (X) 7 (X) 7 OJ 7 m 7 (0 7 01) CO 00 7 (10 7 00 S3 0(1 7 00 SO Oil 7 00 CO 10 7 00 13 00 S3 Oil SO OU VO (10 CO to 10 00 7 00 7 01 7 (10 7 1X1 10 (HI 13 IK) 7 IH) 7 (10 7 IH) 7 00 7 00 7 (10 7 (10 7 (H) 7 (H) 7 00 7 00 7 (10 10 00 SO 00 CO IH) 7 00 7 00 15 (10 10 (HI 111 (X) 10 (H) 7 (H) so 00 10 00 7 00 l i CO 7 0.1 111 (HI ll IH) IK) 7 (H) 7 00 211 no 7 no co 00 10 00 7 00 23 IH) CO (HI 7 IHI 7 IHI 7 IH) 30 00 CO IH) I S CO 7 IHI 10 00 S3 (H) 60 (H) 811 (HI CO (H) 7 00 . (H) T no 10 (H) SO 00 100 IU Ijl) (HI i 00 CI) (H) 7 00 SO 00 7 (X) SO U) so 00 so (10 so 00 23 00 7 00 7 no 7 00 SO CD 7 00 co 00 bo 00 7 00 7 00 7 no CO 00 7 00 10 (H) 7 (XI 7 (10 7 (10 I ro 7 (10 7 00 7 (H) 7 00 7 (H) 7 (H) 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 13 no ia so 7 00 7 00 Wilson M Eves ft son storo J E Wcllivcr storo Samuel llnilcdlno hotel Jacob Hants store J L John storo E E I'arkcr store HEMLOCK.- 0 It Dlctcrlck hotel UN JEWhlto store O M Tcrwllllgcr Co store . JACKSON. Daniel n Stevens storo II 1) Colo storo LOCUST. Yocum Bros store Aaron Yoder restaurant Daniel F Knlttlo store M seaborn storo Lll Daniels storo Nathan Knorr hotel Wellington Yoogor hotel Jacob veogerBloro i: II Whltmerstora snyder Brossloro Wm Adams store MADISON. Wm dingles storo Kramer Son storo A It Smith hotel MAIN. II II Yet tcr hotel J E Ixingenberger hotel V J Campbell ngt store W M Iflngenbcrgcr store Wm Kiilgnt storo MIFFLIN. A W Snyder storo A W Hess hotel " coal N II Creasy storo A o Millard MoM-s and tinware It J Beriilnger rurnlturo II J Gcarhart store schneppenlilberSnder storo MONTOtlll. (1 11 IIOKtlcr store W o Holmes hotel l'axton A llarman btoro Clinton M ltccco grocery " coal MT. PLEASANT. Sands Eves storo 01IANOR DcLong Bros stoves and tinware Geo lleckiiian G p Miner storo (1 s Fleckenstliio Btoro (I N Smith stoves Whlto Conner Agl Imp A B Stewart storo J M Long hotel 11 11 Low lumber A M Hewitt storo James B llarman furniture C W low general Jcalcr snyder A hleppy store PINE. H W Lyons storo O It Parker storo HOAItlNGCltEEK. O W Cherlngton btoro Samuel Leiby restaurant 14 7 00 II 7 (H) a Co 00 14 7 (0 II 7 00 11 7 00 S SO 00 II 7 00 II 7 00 It II 7 00 7 (X) 14 7 00 li SO IX) 11 7 10 II 7 IX) II 7 0(1 C Ml (XI r, ni 00 II 7 00 II 7 (X) II 7 (10 14 7 00 13 10 00 1.1 10 Oil S CO 00 IS CO 00 5 CO l 14 7 00 II 7 (HI 11 7 00 14 7 ro r, co (x) II 7 01) 14 7 (X) II 7 00 II 7 (XI II 7 IX) II 7 (XI II 7 00 a t.'i to II 7 00 II 7 to 14 7 00 14 7 00 11 7 (XI 0 CO 1 0 II 7 (X) II 7 (O II 7 (l II 7 (10 14 7 0) c mm 14 7 (XI 14 7 10 II 7 (X) 14 7(0 II 7 (X) 14 14 11 0 7 (X) 7 (X) 7 00 20 00 SCOTT. Mt orehend Kllno store 1.1 10 00 . ohn Mourey hotel 0 co no N Itlcliart grocery 11 7 00 W E Dlcttrrlck store II 7 00 Theodore Heck store 14 7 (xi J D Workhelner stoio 11 7 00 (1 W Crovcllng store 13 10 00 a ) iiowcn store 11 7(0 A 11 White, store 11 7 (xi J L Crawford grocery 14 7 no N II Illlt MOM'S 11 700 Mckamey Kcrstettcr storo 11 7 00 V. " coal 14 7110 Silas Young store 1.1 10 00 Itecco M Fatrman hotel c t.0 00 SUGAltLOAF. Gorman Cola store 11 7 00 AI.aubachSon II 7 (XI J W Perry hotel 5 10 00 Anneals win boneniil nt. the roinmlss onem or llco in Bloomsburg on tho lsth day ot June. A 1). in-, uvu.evu inu uours 01 u a. in. anu p. iu., "iiugjuu i:uji uuenu u you ininK proper. W. II. IlEINIIOLD, May 51. Mercantile Appraiser. D HINISTH ATOH'S NOTICE. folate Of Kit ltntf-f. 1nlt r,f A'fhfri,crl- t-n Letters of administration In said estato having iniu Kninien 10 1110 untiersignea administrator, nil persons lnilehterl t.o isntfl I wt.ntn rfrn liprchv un titled to p.iy too same, and those having claims Hb". oum tauiiu iiittlt um BUIIII. HI JACOB GEISINOKH, Adm. IN OTICE. Tho linn of Ylnircr AlbertRun. or nrlnrcrcel.-. Columbia county, Pn having been dissolved, thu business heretofore conducied by them will be conducted by tho undersigned. Notice Is hereby given that 1 w ill not bo responsible for any debts tunuucii-u uj .1. .11. AiueriHuu iiercancr, in tne nnn name. All debts duo tho firm will bo col lectcd by me, and all claims against the llrm paid to me. 0. n. linutiK, May 7 ct.' UDITOlt'S NOTICE. KSTATK OK OKOKOR 1IBSS, llKC'O. Tho understood Auditor. nDDOlnted bv the Or. phans' court of Columbia county, to ascertain the Hens ngalnst said estate and mnke diminution among creditors will sit ot his oflleo in Blooms burg, ou Friday, Juno 11, isso, at 10 a. m. when and whero all parties havlngclnlms against said estate must appear and prove the same, or bo iuretT ueoarreu irom coming in on saiu lund. II. 1'. ZAltlt, may 11 Auditor. UDITOR'S NOTICE, In the estate of lltujainln lioniboy, late 0 Itemloik 1 ti 11.. urirunm. Tho undersigned Auditor, nnnnlntftl v thnni. ilians' Comt of Columbia county, to distribute .nu uuimit-u iu 1 it nanus 01 ix'onani immnnv. mi. mlu'.stratorof the ChUte of tho said deceased, will meet tho parties Interested at his olllco in lilooms buig, Pa., on Wednesday, Juno 10, lhso, at 10 o'clock a. 111., when and where all parties hn Ing claims ngalnst tlio said estate must appear and proo tho samo or bo forever debarred from com ing In on Bald fund. ltOBT. It. LITTLE, may si Auditor. UDITOH'S NOTICE. ESTATK OF K. H. I.ITTI.K, DKCKJSKU. The undersigned Auditor, apppolntcd bv the Or phans' court ot Columbia county, to distribute funds In the hands of the administrator, will sit at his onico In Berwick, Pa , on Saturday. Juno so, l&ws, nt 10 o'clock a. m., when and where all part ies Interested In Bild estate must appear and pre sent their claims nnd those Indebted to the samo to make payment to tho undersigned without de lay. W, E. SMITH, may SS. Auditor. UmTOlt'S NOTICE. E9TATR0I(1E0II"K CI.A11B I.INIISN, X MINOR. The undersigned auditor, appointed by the Or phans' Court of Columbia county, to distribute funds In guardian's hands ns per guardian ac count, will meet parties Interested at his onico In Berwick, at 8 o'clock a. jn., on Thursday, Juue 17, isso, when and where nil parties having claims ngalnst tno said estate must appear and prove the saino or boforeer debarred from coming in on bald fund W. lib.MllH, may sd. Auditor. DlIINlSTHATOui'NOTICE. Kstate of ilarv Walter, late of ilaaison tvp. dee'd I.ettersot administration In said estate haUne been granted to the undersigned administrator all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby no tliled lo pay the samo, and those having claims ngalnst bald estato present the same to npr S3 itKV. If. C. MUNlto, Administrator, Muncy, Pa. pXEOUTKlX'S NOTICE. folate of Aaron llemlershoU, late of the toim of Letters testamentary on tho estato of Aaron I endeishott, deceased, having been granted by the Register of said county to tho undersigned ex eeutrlx nil persons Indebted to said estate are hereby notllled to pay tho same, and those hav. Ing claims against said estate to present the same HUout delay to .,,AVlf,A HENDEItSIIOTT, duo. E. EtwELi, Anv. Executrix, (M 3.S) NOTICE IN DIYOHCE. IN THE COMMON PLEAS OF COLUMIIU CO 'IJr?-.1,V,ou!'.s'.uv 'K'mext nieud, S, W. Allllvs SMUIain E, Junes. To Win, E. Jones, resiior dent abovo named: Where as upon tho libel of lliesald Mary E. Jones a bub iiojnawas Issued out ol ihe said court Command ing you to be and appear at tho next regular term of said Cuuit to show cuusowhy tho said libelant should not bodnorced Irom tho bonds of matri mony contracted by you: nnd whereas upon return of said bubpiena duo proof was mado that you could not bo found In the bailiwick ot tho sheriff 01 said county, whereupon an aita subpoena was awarded by said Court commanding jou to ap pear at tho then next term of said Court to answer us aforesaid, to which tho same return was made by tho Sherirr. You aro therefore required to be and appear on thellrst day of tho next term of said Couit to be held at Bloomsburg, tor said county, on tho fourth Monday of September next. A. D. isso, to answer sold complaint. may Stut. SAMUEL SMITH, Sherirr. "j-OTICE iFmvoitcE. , IN THE COMMON PLEAS OF COLUMBIA CO. Besslo anTassel. by her next friend, s. B. Bow man vs. Thos. YanTnsscL sur libel lu divorce. '1 0 '1 homas YauTassel. respondent above named: hereas upon tho libel of tho said Besslo Van lassel a subpoena was Issued out ol tho said Court commanding you to bo nnd apwar at tho next regular term of said court to show causo why thti said libelant should not be divorced from the bonds of matrimony contracted by you: and whereas upon return of said subpoenaduo proof was moilo that you could not bo found In tho ballwlckof the Sheriff ot said county, whereupon an allot subpoena was awarded by sold Court commanding you to appear at the then next term of said Court tounswirosuloresald, towhlchtho same return was mado by the bhenrr. You aro therefore required to bo and appear on thenrst diiyot the next term of said Court to bo held at Uloomsburg, for said county,on tho fourth .Monday of September noxt, A. I), lata, to answer said eoui P Say 7 bAMUEL SMITH, Wwllf" fOT10E OP APl'LICATION FOK IN- COItPOIIATlON re Till roi'lIT or COMMON rtKAS OF COLUMBIA 00. Notice Is hereby gi en that an; application will bo made to iho said court (or a tow; judgo tbereo 011 the ititt. day ot June A. D. uso at 10 o'clock a "J;."!1" V' . 't'S.rnor!mo'1 BCt 0' ono thousand t ight bundled and soventy-four" and tho uipn e. luents thereto by W. It. Tubbs, J. c. BrownT avid Lpw enberg, Gm. 15. Elwcll anj H. 11. Oroti for tho ffiMM"1 fnre corporation to bo called "Ihe oak drove Park Association," tho character and object of which U tor thopunioso of pJrchaH log or (easing grounds 10 be 11 (toil up as a lurk or parks within the Town ot BloomsuunT pi" or In any other iwrtlon ot tho county to lo used tor holding cclebiallous, picnics and any and all rir. lipses for which similar places are used? and ? Iheso punches to have pWba and enjoy all tho rights, bciients and privileges conferred by the said act and Its supplements, mlmu t C. W. MILLER, Solicitor. A UOITOH'S NOTICE. K3TA7I OK WILLIAM WBBT, DICXASkP The undersigned auditor appointed by tho or. phans court or Columbia county to distribute KJ,laS5evlln.,V,oml,,KnuBtt,lmll',rator lu tho es. Uto of William West, will sit at his onico n Bloomsburg.on Monday, Juuo 2dth ibsa ut 9 o'clock p.m., when and whero all parties intcrestixl in said estate must appear and pro&ont their claims or bo debarred (rojii 1J1 on Bald fund. ,.. K. It. IKELElt, lH Auditor. WHAT TO LOOK AT TO-DAY ! And Where to Buy Cheap. THE NEW FE.4t CO. Opposite the Foslolliec. Is oiToring bargains this week in an uncqualed variety of La dies' Linen Collars. A Handsome Choice of Children's Neckwear. Elegant Novelties in Children's Caps. The Best Corset for '15c. and upwards. Large Assortment Turkish Tidies. JLadics' Kid tilovcs, in 6, -J, o uuitoii. Half dollar's worth for it quarter; a quarter's worth for 12c. nnd 12c. worth for Go. Nothing like this ofl'er in this city. How can we offer Embroideries nt half price ? Simply because we got them at half wholesale prices. It wouldn't be fair not to let our lady friends have the benefit of our fovtunate purchase. THE NEW I'DEAL'S . Cheap Wmwj (Groocfe Stoip. IHFOBTANT TO FARMIS ! WE Altr. BULLING TUB OlSIBiOIZRIZLSTIE $elf fSin.cler', Sjtfvejftei' & JVIo-weift We hac the only full stovl framn binder In market, nnd arc soiling it nt fair prices, ftont bo tnlked imu uujilik icci uuu joou umcuuiif ui. uiu u iuu uru si'mug J3u inuCJlinCti, OOME AKD EXAMINE OUR 2 NEW MOWERS. ltlUlt AND FliONT CUT. ALSO OUll Junior Right-Hand Binder. tho only one In tho country for sale, and you will bo convinced. A full lino ot Osborno irnalrn niwnv on hand. Wo can nlso turnWi repairs for all ot tho old mako or Osborne machines. Constant ij m! hand a full lino of knives, rivets, etc., for all makes of reapers and mowers. instantly on HARM AN & H ASSERT. l'KNNY GOODS A SPECIALTY. S0I.K A04NTS TOK V. 1'. ADAMS & CO., PINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Sole OEenta of tho fol. lowing brands ot cigars. UENUV CLAY, LONDKKS, NORMAL, INDIAN l'llINCKSS, SAMSON, SILVElt ASH. Ad niiflni 01 Bros o n l:0 WIIOLLSALK DLALKHS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. feOI.E A(ENTS FOU HENRY MAILLARDS HECANDIES. l'llKSII EVKHV WEIiK. Bloomsburg, Pa. ANYOItDKIt FOH FESTIVALS u II tbe SUPI'LIED WJTJI the LOWEST i AS I'OLI.OWS: ORANGES. LEMONS, UANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS. OKEAM NUTS, ALMONDS. l'OP CORN HALLS. THE HAMBURG CHAMPION PLOW fy- ?iSiliiIiSll1J,c,cd. by 1f"Ilntr InnntiKtureilor lo any plow In tho market for k l s'""ls80( '"ought inidduiiiblllly.' lis voik is 'unexcelled. Alto REVERSIBLE FLOW SHARE. FOR SALE BY FiFpiS' PRODUCE EXCHMQE, LWed, Bloomsburg? Pa. CA1P1TS j " -:o: Spring stock of Carnetinp-s insf received. GOOD BODY BRUSSELS, $ I. OO. QRAND RAPIDS ifiD fJQ SWEEPERJS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Rupture llr.J.i.ullviiuvi.nuM .. . . pmco irimmt toui llruadwoy N?w York iStr khPy..2'.Mex.,C0 aml West, and removed hi kind, no detention Irom labor, m danger of 8tianirutatia Afn?.,St,.ne,!t. lu-ro u n0 oblation of any USSS ,n'ul:.. m Uoo.k- !ntalnln information and& tho Injury i;Ar.7 . u,.ulc, uu u'nere wuo nave been traatwi niufmiiii . .' . """wans, I'lerfryineu, r,c,'.",'i''lnt;e.a ,0 Pnt them from availing theiSen'iS mall?a Ior 10 cent I'erionx lu bend for his homo clrcu arof adilconnd utrucii "iJi.Sf.Pt Bhcrmau'H personal services should: thrco doors aUo IteadoMrcct, m luruc- HcmeuiUr, othco ajj Uroadwoy" New York",