THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. 0. E. Elwtll, I rjltor, BLOOMSBURG, PA. F1UDAY, MAY 28, 1B8G. Mr. Unokclow will consont. to bo a candidnto )for Congress at tlio next election, In his view this end of tlio dislriot is fairly entitled to tlio Con gressman for tlio next term, and Ii'ib training in publio scrvico lias been such as to invito bis scleotiou. 0IE0UM8TANTIAL EVIDENCE. Premeditated crimo is always com mitted under cover of secreoy and dark ness. Tho murderer and the thief leave no witnesses to bring them to justice, and it is a very unusual thing that criminals of this class aro convict ed on direct evidence. Circumstantial evidence is tlioreforo resorted to as a necessity, and it is sometimes fully as convincing as positive proof made by uyo-witnesdeg. When a largo number of roputablo pcrBoiis disclose a oon noctod story on tho witness stand, each ono making a singlo liuk, a littlo cir cumstance which in itself may Beciu to have no bearing on tho case, but which taken in connection with many other circumstances form a continuous chain, and wcaVo about tho prisoner ou trial a network with meshes so closo that there seems no possibility of escape, thcro is no moro probability of an un just conviction than in a cose whero a fow witnesses swear positively that they saw tho crimo committed. Cir cumstantial evidence may convict an innocent porson ; so may perjured direct evidence. ,Thcro aro cases of both kinds reported. Isaac Waltman, who 'was sentenced last Saturday in the .court of this county, was convicted of arson on cir cumstantial evidence. There seemed to bo no missing link ; all tho witness es or the prosecution wero .respected citizens ; not' one of them had any prejudice agalnBt the, accused j he was tried by an intelligent jury j nearly all who heard tho eyidenco agreed that the verdict was'a just one, and yet thero aro some peculiar things about tho case, especially in regard to the motivo which prompted tho act. "Waltmail does not belong to tho criminal class. Ho is a man of respectablo connections' of lair intelligence, and who, according to the undisputed testimony of those who have known him from his child hood; has always borne an excellent reputation as a boy, a soldier and a man. He is not the kind of man that would be suspected of breaking into a building at night to set Ore to it, and when he stood before tho court for sentence he called upon God to wit ness' that he was innocent of the crime. Ono of two propositions is truo either an innocent ninn' is ruined in happiness and reputation by a set of peculiar circumstances which unfortunately pur rounded him, or else Isaac Waltman, has added 'the, crime f the worst kind of perjury to that of anon. Anarchists 'on3 Free Speech, The American people have been for so long a time aconstomed to free speech and have in general exercised this freodom with such wise discretion that it has not until quite recently oc curred to either people or authorities that there was any real danger from the fullest exercise of this privilege. .Even the incendiary harangues of Most and his red-mouthed followers wero ridiculed as the utterances of lot of cranks and fanatics, who would be the lost, persons to put in practice their own extravagant doctrines and who would not be able to induce any body else to do so. The bomb-throwing episode in Chi cago, however, opened the eyes ol the American public to the iact that the unbridled license of press and speech allowed these fellows had turned tho heads of' a lot of their, followers. They had been led to believe that be- cause Most, Spies, Parsons and Sohwab were permitted to say in print and speech what they pleased they would be allowed to do what they pleased, even to the extreme of murder and plunder. Their first attempt to practice tne doctrines mat juost and spies preached proved disastrous alike, to Anarchists and the representatives of the law. The bomb-throwers were suppressed promptly enough, but not until several of the policemen had been laiany wounded. Tbis Anarchist outburst has very naturally set, tho administrators of the law to thinking that there might be a reasonable limit to tho indulgence of free speech. Judge Rogers, in his charge to the Chicago grand jury, stated distinctly that the men who in cited others to riot, arson and murder by incendiary speech were responsible for tho deods committed by their in stigation and could be held answerable in )aw. In .other words, tho men who counseled murder, riot and arson in public speeches can be held responsible for suoh crimes equally with thoso who commit them. The Judgo held further that the police had a right to suppress these inoendiary meetings to prevent tbo commission of crime. Tho nosition of Judge Rogers would bcem to, be good law and certainly it is good sense. The Constitution of Pennsylvania expressly declares that while overy citizen may freely speak. writo and print ou any subject, he also responsible for the abuse of that liberty. This is tho spirit that pervades all tho atato Constitutions, whether tho privilege of froo speech and its limit ations aro stated in so tnanv words not. The man or men who publbly inoito other men to riot, arson and luardor are guilty of tho most ilagrnnt abnao of the right of ireo speech and should bo called striotly to account for the abuse. Fortunately, Judge Rogers has led tho way in this matter, and his oxamplo should bo followed by all Judges in localities whero the Anarch ist element has secured a lootholtl Time. Senator Wolverton for Governor. Tbo Associated Press sends out the following despatch which it received Minui.Eiiuitau, May 25. Tho Dem ocrntio County Committee met here to day, Chairman Snyder, presiding. Jo sculi G. Lesher, of tho Selinsgrov Time and Neies, was elected delcgato to tho State Convention. Senator Wolverton, of Suubury, was unanl roonsly endorsed by resolution as a can didato for Governor at tbo noxt Stato Convention and the delegate instructed to ueo all honorable means to nccom nlish his nomination, tho assuranco be ing given that in such event Snyder county would do her lull share towards his election, A full representation was present audgrcat inteiest and harmony jirevntled. Bayard's Relations With tho President. I mot to day a noted statesman from Delaware. Said ho ! Iho ptoplo of tills country do not rightly npprcciato Tern Hayard and his relation to tho President. Thoy IhinK tho iwo nro wliln nnnri. urlinn In reality thev are closer together than any other members of tho administration. I'rcsidont Cleve land asks Hayard'p. ndvicd vory often and no counsels witn mm as to maimers both In and out of his department. Tom Bayard stands, as well in Dela- waro as over, and tho peopio llierouiinK he is a great man. Ho has his present position by tho forco of his brains and not by his fnmily, though 1 suppose that helps him a little. Ilia greatest lack is personal magnetism. If ho had this ho would bo ono of tho most popu lar of tho noted men of tho day. He is too muoh wrnnnod up in work to bo cood fellow socially. vieveiana Leader. Brutal Treatment. ciiK.srKit sritlNiis school auain in TK0UHL1 tiii; Tlio Philadelphia Jiecord of Mon day contains the following i Tho chil dren at Chester Springs Soldiers' Or phans' School havo been brutally treat ed by thoso in authority. Following the caso of tho Fowler boy, who was boalen by n teacher In such a way that oven Manager Van Horn pronounced it too severe, there come three others that shock humanity. Ouo was that nf -Tninps Pi VtiiU. who ran awav from school, and who was allowed by Judges Hngenman and Ermentroul to remain at homo witli bis mothor. Tbo second case was that of n boy named Werntz, who was struck in tho jaw by Manager Van Horn, so that the sido of his laco swelled to a great size, and it was be lieved that tho law had been broken. Tho third case was that of n boy named John Hunter, who was beaten for riting a letter to tho Governor com plaining of ill-treatment. Two weeks ago Werntz was struck in the jaw with n ruler by Mr Van Horn. A lump appeared, and in a little whilo it developed into a large swelling that enveloped toe entire sido of tbo face. His companions saw tho result of the blow, and tho story im mediately spread through tho surround ing country that the boy s jaw bad been broken. A Record reporter visit ed tho place, on Thursday and saw tho lad, but ho refused to say anything abont the injury, and it was dilhcult to ascertain tho facts of tho case. Man ager Van Horn was absent in Reading, and no explanation oould then be ob tained from him. On Friday a tele gram was sent to the Manager, asking where he could bo seen on Saturday. Ho anticipated his second visitor by ailing at tho Jiecord ollioe on t riday uight and then attempted to explain a number of stories that were in circn lation regarding his treatment of help less children. When tho Werntz caso was touched upon he manifested an usual dread of publicity, saying that if tho boy's uncle heard of tbo charges ho would immediately como to the school and there might be trouble. Mr. Van Horn pooh-poohed the story that the boy had been struck, or that the jaw had been broken by a blow. Then, ho produced a certificate from ono Morris Fusaell, who is supposed to supply the drugs to the institution and to doctor nearly 300 children, .all for the small sum of slYo a year. This certificate was addressed to Mr. Van Horn, and it declared that tho swelling in tho boy's face was duo to his toetb. Upon the basis of this let ter from the physician of1 tho school Mr. Van Horn began to discount all stories that wero told by the children in the way of complaint, and after oo- claring positively that ho never struck tho boy in the )w, ho volunteered to describe in detail how tho Werntz boy bad gono to JJr. a usseii s house, the trouble with a diseased root and tho formation of an abscess in the jaw. "But,'' he continued, "when I asked Dr Fussell to writo tbis explanation in full, he said the caso was so trilling that he thought it would be ridiculous to go into tho whole story, and so he wroto th'iB short note which I have shown to you." 1 Mr. Van Horn seemed to bo telling tho truth. He certainly was fortified with' a positivo statement from Dr. Fussell, and there seemed to bo little roason tor doubting its correctness. Subsequently he manifested suoh a fear lest the boy s name bo published in con nection with the story of a broken jaw that suspicions were aroused, and on Saturday Dr. James E. Garrotson was asked to suggest some competent per son who could be induced to go to Chester Springs and examino the boy's face. Dr. Garretson is tbo author of a standard text-book ou dental surgery he is Dean of the Philadelphia Dental College and President of the Medico Cnirurgical College and would bo re garded as tho best of authority. When the facts of tho case were related to him the doctor kindly volunteered to go'iu person. Iho school was roached by direction ot Mr. Van Horn the boy was brought into tho doctor's presence tho jaw being polticcd and bound up iu muslin. After an examination Doc tor Garretson said it was a case of periostitis, wbicli is an inflammation of tho poriostem, the membrano envelop ing tho jawbone. Ho said tho inllatn tualion was not in any way associated with dental trouble, and must havo been produced by somo injury.' Then the boy was asked in tho presence of Manager Van Horn whether he had been struck on tho jaw, and ho said Mr. Van Hoin had hit him thero with a ruler two weeks ago. Tho Manager becamo rather alarmed at tbis state of affairs, and asked the distinguished physician whether any moro serious re sults would follow tho injury, and wanted to know whero he could send tho boy for treatment. Tho finding of Dr. Garretson estab lishes tho utter worthlessness of tho certificate given by the school physician Dr. Morris Fussell, who, either from ignorance or from a desire to shield tbo Manager in his wrong doing, had sign ed his name to a statement that was used for tho purpose of deception What the outcomo of tho Manager's misconduct in striking tho blow will be is not yet known, but it is certain that his actions shows him to be en tirely untitled for the responsible work of training U00 children. Tho school is in a stato of demoralization, and the club is being used on tho little ones with merciless force. It is possible that tho relatives of young Werntz will move upon tho school authorities. When ur. rjinun Jiuttermoro repre sented Fayette county iD tho Legista turo ho was a regular attendant of a Bible class taught by Judgo Simonton before whom he was tried and convict' ed of conspiracy. It is reported that Wednesday, Juno 9th is tho day set for tho marriage of President Cleveland and Miss Frankie Folsom. Dio Lewis Doad. ' ( Lb. J-l t , . ' Dr. Dlo Lowls, tho author and ro- formcr, died nt bis homo at Yonkem, N, Y. nt thrco o'clock last Frdny morning from erysipelas, after an ill ness of two or thrco days. Dr. Dio Lowls was born at Auburn, Now York in 1823 Btudicd medicine with Dr. Brlggs, of that city j took his medical oourso in tho'IIarvard Medical School, Boston began tho practico of his profession in his nntivo placo in 1815, and two yearn later removed to Buffalo, whoro ho practiced from 1847 to 1852, havitig mcanwhilo bcoorno a convert to tho homiropathto school of mediomc. Ho soon, however, aband oned tho practice of medicine and bo enmo the deadly foo of physicians of overy school. IIo began to lecturo on hygicnCjdoviscd n now system of gym nasties, nnd in 18C0 settled in Boston, whero ho established a Normal School for Physical Training. This was con. tlnued until 1807, when tho building was dostroved by fire. IIo continued prcacliing fiis now system of training up to tho day of his death, and gener ally published a in which he set forth his peculiar views. Ten or twelve years ago he publish ed in Philadelphia for a time n weekly called To-Day. In 1883 ho removed to New York, whero ho began tho publication of Dio Lewis' Monthly, nnd of lato has been editing n serial with tho quaint title of Nuggets. Soveral of his books havo hnd a largo circulation. Tho body of Dr. Dio Lewie was cremated at Fresh Pond, New- Yotk, Monday. Mrs. Lewis nnd somo of her family nil draped in deep morning, occupied front seats iu the building. A littlo before 3 o'clock tho body was brought into tho room in n coffin cov ered with black clotb. It was taken from tho coflin and placed upon an iron catafalque, whero for a fow min utes it was viewed by those in the room. It was half buried in flowers. Tho body was left m tho furuaco until tho next morning. A layman writes an earnest and re spectful letter to Dr. Lyman Abbott which will provo very suggestive to the clergy. "I havo hem struggling , for years," ho says, "against a constantly increasing dislike to attendance at church. The principal causes is tho sermon. I go there asking for bread, and chaff is given to me. I want to learn more about tho Bible ; about each book, who wroto it, when it was writ ten, in what language, what books have not been included, and why ; knowledge of tho people referred to there, gathered from other sources than the Bible ; n complete historical view of the Jewish people from Abraham to thn present time, giving habits, dress, etc. ; the New Testament books, writers, dates, authenticity, etc-; n pio turo of the origin of Christianity and its development, proof of its divine origin, to furnish arguments for oppos ing scepticism ; a knowledge oi other religions, in other parts of the world, their good points and their defects ; a knowledge of tho sects of the Christ-1 ian Church ; and other information of a similar character. I wish for a ser mon that would be a digest of Dar win's ideas of evolation applied by a Christian scholar to the Biblical story reconciling them. I wish the ministers would read somo tf tho books and arti cles that arc continually appearing, which are founded on truth, but which contradict somo of the beliefs of strict Puritanism iu fhich we wero bronght up. . . . Then ,1 turn to tho pul pit for help, nnd tho sermon may bo on Romans iii., 10, 'There is none right eous, no, not one.' It may begin with a pleasant exordium, tho text may be divided into three heads, the meaning and application of tho word 'righteous' etc, followed by an eloquent and emotional "peroration. To mo this is chaff. To many of my neighbors it is a real help and consolation, and I am thankful it is so. But what am I to do 1 I cannot go on year after year in this dutiful but unsatisfactory and very unpleasant way. Every minist- ter's sermon seems to bo mouldfd iu tho same torra. it is tilled in with a now arrangement of the same words, and somo new rhetorical figures ; there aro somo quotations of beautiful thoughts ; the language is well chosen, and tho emotions ot the listeners are aroused ; but what is thero for thought atterward T What is there of fact and knowledge to fortify mo with argir incuts against all sorts of opposing questions.' Baokhorn. The rain fall during tho showers last Thursday and Saturday nvenings did much damago to cornlields. Most ot the farmers are re-planting. Wo are pleased to seo our old tune friend, Johnny Hurtman, among us again. He returned from Missouri on Friday, being absent about a year and a half. Our supervisors laid the road tax on Saturday. Tho rale is 2J mills. Mr. Hormon Custer and Miss Maud Hartman, of tho M. E. S. School, and Mr. Lloyd Foulk and Miss Charity atccKer oi tbo Lutheran bcnool nro chosen delegates for the eomiug S. S, Convention nt Uatawissa. John Robins nnd wifo of Pottscrove wero in town Saturday and Sunday at nr. rvi.i. IV iu. win a. On Thursday, Juno 10th at 2 o'clock M. Mortimer Whitehead of New Jersey, will talk to the farmers of this section In Mastellers Orovo nonr Hel ler's Church. Every body is invited to attend. Mr. Whitehead is classed among the best lecturers in the order of Patrons of Husbandry. A number of this placo have listened to him be fore, and they pronounco him excellent sso larmer siiouiu lail to seo him. 'Iho Sunday Schools of this placo are invited to meet a division of the Grand Army nt the Vanderslico etery on Saturday next. Efforts aro being made to repair tho fence around tho Vanderslico cemetery. Subscription papers nro out and thus iar uo opposition has been met. Most havo responded liberally. A right siep. Tho inscot known as tho "Hessian fly" is doing considerable damago to onr wheat crop?. Percival Foulk is using ono of his fiolds of wheat for pasture ' Chewing gum is iu tho height of its glory over here. Uur papas and mam mas enow it with much delight, lla ha I ha ! Aren't wo glad 1 It cortain ly must bo good, "As the paront so ho child' used to be tho saying, hut now it is, as mo onuu so ino parent, Binder agents aro doing their beat, As for me nnd my houso give me tho ituckeyo j.owdown. Miss Kate Shoemaker expects to ipend n fow weeks with Mrs. Torello Chambcrlin of Pino Summit. Saturday, Juno 5th tho Granger will nave a ushing party. She Elopel "With an Italian. Tho town of Audenrlcd, situated in tho lower ond of Luzorno county, is in n fever of excitement over tho elope ment of Miss Roso Hopkins ono of tho most accomplished young ladies In tho village, and nn Italian laborer employ ed on tho now Schuylkill branch. Miss Hopkins is tho daughter of Richard Ilopkinr, Superintendent of tho Audcn rieJ Coal Company, and had a homo of enso and refinement. Monday morn- ing, when tho servants wont to Miss Hopkins's room to call her for break fast, tho door was found open. At first it was not known what had becomo of tho young lady, nnd when it was hint ed that an elopement had occurred it was believed that, if such was really tho caso, tho young lady had gono with ono of her many admirers. Nobody for a moment thought that it was the Italian laborer. Further investigation however, showed that an elopement hnd really taken place, and that tho It alian was tho man in tho caso, Thq rata father has telegraphed in all di rections to intercept tho runaways. Iho Italians namo is Antoneto net cshi, nnd thoso who knew him Bay ha is a highly accomplished scholar. How ho ever came to work on a railroad they couldn't understand. IIo told ono man that lie was tlio son ol a (Jotint, bnt hnd to leave Italy for political rea sons. Ho tormed Miss Hopkin s an quniulanco hy passing through her father's yard for water. Tho young lady is about 21 years of age, a gradu- alo ol a seminary, and styled by tho young men as haughty nnd very Inde pendent. It Is bclToved tho runaways havo gono West. TEWKSBURY'S SPACE. Delegate Election, July 20. Uonvcution, July 27. :o: VOn HKI'KEUKNTATIVK, (Subject to action of Democratic Convention,) E. M. TEWKSBURY, Of Catawissa, Columbia Co., Pn. "Tho peoplo'slaw is habitually violated, evaded and delied. "No freo government can long exist where the orgamo law ot tho stato is habitually defied." "The Constitution of 1874 is not com munistic It assails no right of property, nor docs it give counte nance to principles which would degrade or demoralize society. 'Tho Constitution cannot wholly en- loroo itselr, nor could it provide detailed regulations for its en forcement; these must bo provided by tho legislature." In the selection of members of the Legislature nt tho next general election, Helcct only such as nro pledged to tho long-noglecled work of Constitutional enforce ment." From address of Consti ttitional Gommittte, 188G. So: Democrats of Columbia County: Tno above are my sentiments and if nomi nated and elected, pledge myself to la bor in all honorable ways to carry it into effect. Truly Yours, E. M. TEWKSBURY. Ligbtstreet Rev. Owen preached for the M. E. congregation on Sunday night. It is expected that ho will fill tho balance of tho conference year as a supply. Although there is no licensed hotel at the upper end of our town. Mr. Fairmau will keep a temperanoo house where guests will be served to the best wishes of all. Jacob Dildine of Greenwood stopped in town on tho 2-titjst. C. M. Tcrwilliccr aud family of Buckhorn spent Sunday in town visit ing friends. II. C. Kelchncr, 0. C. Tiench, Goo. Reighard and J. M. Ilulsbizer look a tripjto Delaware last week returning on Friday somewhat delighted with tho country. (J. 11. lviine, has lott, but not like some, for parts unknown. IIo has gone to Ilazeltou whero ho will bo found in tho grocery business. Our genial tinners C. B. Eut & Bro, are now prepared to supply parties wiui uu ruouug. Tho recent rains havo dono consider able damage for somo of tho farmers m this section of the country, washing out almost all the planted corn. Relatives of Abram Custer from Philadelphia paid him a visit daring tho past week. Miss Clara Oman is visiting her brother. J. W. Oman, cadet at Annan oils, Md. Labor nnd liquor are tho leading issues of tho day, and Iho party that puts itself straight on these questions nnd keeps there, is bound to be the great party of the future. Martin I'urcoll of Contralia was ar pointed on Wednesday nt Pottsvillo by tho Miners' Amalgamated Associa' tion as .one ot tho three arbitrators to sottlo the strike at Williamstown, and the dissatisfaction nt Sbamokin, The Companies will chooso a second nrbi trator, and theso two a third. Three Peculiarities nood'i Sarsaparllla, the great blood purifier and regulating medicine, la characterized by three peculiarities, namely i 1st: 2d: 3d: Tho combination of the varloits remedial agents used. The proportion In which the roots, herbs, barks, etc., aro mixed. Tlio process by which tho active medicinal propcrtloiare aecured. The result Is a medicine of unusual strength and curatlvo power, which effects cures here tofore unequalled. These peculiarities belong exclusively to Hood's Sarsaparllla, and ue Unknown to Others Hood's Sarsaparllla is prepared with tlio greatest skill and care, by pharmacists of education and long experience. Hence it Is a medicine worthy ol entire confidence. It you suffer tiom scrofula, salt rheum, or any dis ease of tho blood, dyspepsia, Lltlousness, sick headache, or kidney and liver complaints, catarrh or lhcumatlam, do not fail to try Hood's Saroaparilla "I recommend Hood's Sarsaparllh to my friends r.s the best Hood tur' cn earth." Wm, Oafit, druggist, Hamilton, 0. "Hood's Sarsaparllla has cuicd mo cf tcrcf. ulous humor, and done ine vtcrlils i t good otherwise." C. A. Anxorn, ArnUd, Me. A botk containing mr.ny r-dditlenal rtate mcnts of cures will be cent to all t ho desire. Hood's Sarsaparllla Bold by all drugslsta. f 1 1 six for $3. Made only by U I. HOOD If CO,, Lowell, Mass. !00 DoBoa Ono Dollar. KUKEKA folding CANOPY 101 Different tlzrs. Can be it Inched to nearly all wagons, bumrlea. Dhaetona and carta. Kaklly removed. Folds lite an umbrella. I f you cannot get It of your wagon maker or denier scuu iur illustra ted circular and price llsu Ageni B wanted everywhere. Aiention dudit. 1). a. HF.KIU& CO., l'atcntecs Manrrs, New wivu, (luuy li tv u, W fMYALfSttVtlJJi POWDER Absolutely Pure. This ponder never vailen. A marvel of purity BtrenRth and w holeaomeneas. .Moro economical than ordinary klnda, and cannot bo sold In cotnpo tlon with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powdera. Sold only In cans. HOY Alt ilA K J Ml rUVYDKKl",. WftU PI., . I. CANDIDATES. KOU HKl'ltKSKNTATlVK, I L. SIIUMAN, .Of Catawissa. Suhloct to declaim of Democratic nartr. Delo- alo election will bo held July tin. Convention, uly 87. 1 OU IIKl'ItKSKNTATlVr, JAMES T. VOX, Of Benver Township. Sublect to decision of Democratic Dartv. Dele gate election will bo held July ta, Convention, l'OU KIH'KESEKTATIVK, A. L. FMTZ, Of Bloomeburg. Sublect to decision of Democratic nartv. Dele- ato election will bo held July 2ti. convention. ulyUT. UDITOK'S NOTICE. The undcrahrncd Auditor, aonnolnted by tho Or phans' court of Columbia county, to distribute funds In the hands or the admtn lstmtor, w ill sit at his offlco In Iienvlck, l'a , on Saturday. Juno SJ. at 10 o'clock a. m., when and where all part ies intcrnatpri in Hiid estate must anDear and nre- sent ihelr claims nnd thoso indebted to the samo to make payment to tho undersigned without tie lay. W.K. SMITH, may -ji. tuuiivr. UUlTOU'S NOTICE, E8TATB OF QKOKQK CLAKK MNURK, A M1N0K- Tim itrulnrslifned auditor, unnolnted hr tho Or phans' Court of Columbia county, to distribute funds In ctianllaii'a hands as ocr guardian ac count, will meet parties Interested at his office In itemiCK, at, s ociuck a. m., uu inurKutiy, ouuc it, lhso, when and whero all parties having claims against the said estate must appear and prove the samo or bo rorover debarred from coming In on said fund. W. K. SMITH, may as. Auuuor. rOTlCE IN DIVOltCE. IN THE COMMON PLEAS 'OP COLUMUIA CO. Mary 15. Jones, by her next friend, 8, W. XI lit ys William K. Jones. To Wm. E. Jones, respondent above named: Where as upon tbo libel of the said Mary li. Jones a sub poena was Issued out of the said court command. Ing you to bo and appear at the noxt regular term of said Court to show cause, why tho said libelant should not be divorced from the bonds ot matri mony contracted by you; and whoreas upon return of said subpeena due proof was made that you could not be found in the bailiwick ot the Shcrtff of said county, whereupon an atla.i subpoena was awarded by said Court commanding jou to ap pear at the then next terra of said Court to answer as aioresaia, to wuicu toe gamcieiuru musuiuuo bv the sheriff. You are therefore reaulred to be and appear on the nrst day of tho next term of mm court, to do ueia nt. uioomsuurg, lur bam county, on the fourth Monday of September next, . ii. iron, to answer saiu complaint. inay58tt. HA.MUKL SMITH, Sheriff. E XECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Estate of Aaron lleii&erthott, late cf the tom ar. Letters tDstarnentarv nn the estflto ot Aaron llenderHhatt. decenscd. linvlnir been eranted by the Iteglster ot said county to the undf nJKned ex ecutrtx, all persons indebted to said estato are nereuy nounea to ray mo same, anu muse uav lnff claims against said estate to present tne same Qxo. K. Klwbll, Atty. Executrix (M 23 NOTICE.-I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that my wire, Margaret Houdman, has left inyDcaona uoaru, nun ncr io tuuuivu, under tliontra of 7 eai-H. ntrain&t my will, and Luub i win pay no ueuis oi uieircunirucuuu. warn, 'wnu ul,uuuk i.uui'mai. KEYSTONE ACADEMY" ! Jons II. IIahris, Pit. ). I'iunch-ai. KIOHTEENTII YEAR BEHINS AUGUST 24, 1886. Property cost 140,000. Campus, so acres, library, over 2,000 volumes. ilorothan 11,000 in apparatus. Superior facilities for students In Thyslology. Locatiou healthful, Instruction thorough, dis cipline strict, expenses moderate, experienced teachers, Bmall classes, personal attention. ITeparea for business, for college land for teach' log. btudents ptcparcd In Keystone havo entered Yale and Harvard unconditioned. Separate building ot brick, heated by steam, tor the use of ladles. Students travel on tho I), h. & W. and branches and on the Lehigh Valley at halt rates. For catalogue or information address the prtncl pal at Factoryvlllc, l'a. m. ss-3ms. 324 and 320 Pearl St., Now York. Sir SEND FOR CIECUIiAlt. may 2) 4t d. nd to cents pos'age, and wo will mall you ree a royal, valuable, samplo box ot goods that will put you In the way of maklnir mom inontv at once, than anything else in America, lioth sexes of all aires can live at home and work In spare time, or all iho nine, wapum uut requiru. nv win siurv juu. Immense nay sure for those who start at once, 8T1NSON & CO., Portland, Me. novsoiy SlntcH and JKelts, mate Mantels, Slate Black Boards, School Slate, Roofing Slate, Hoofing M elts, i, 2 &3 . ,' J. I.. , i!5 Lackawanna Avenue, scranlou, l'a ilayiM-ly TO FARMERS ! Any ono In want of tho BUCKEYE frtcHi,NEHY Glnss Feed Fertilizer, Grain Drill, Cider UNI ill or any thing Manufactured by the Company, can get them of AARON SMITH, UUOKIIOKN, IA. apr. I6-0ms, N.W.AYER&SON ADVERTISING AGENTS Baffin PHILADELPHIA far, Clu'.lnirt imd lilnlilliM., Ite-clvo AilwrtLt'iiimU for this Tircr. ESTIMATES i'V LloiveEoiih Raten FREE VrAYER & SON'S MANUAL SUJ5SCKIBK FOH THE COLUMWAN, HTEHCANT1LE APPHA1SEMENT. JUL List of Dealers in Columbia county. I hereby certify that the to towlmr list of dealers nken. returned and clamined br me In accordance with tlio soveral Acts of Aasemhly In ami for tho 5 ear lssd. la correct to the boat of my knowlcdgo nnd belief. nnAVEn. Chut. Llcmre. (1 1' lirrlsbach atoro 14 14 mi m I) I. singley aloro .1 1' smith hotel a 14 14 14 to () 7 tu 7 00 7 110 to 00 10 IU t in 7 00 run 10 on m on 10 in 7 no T 00 Levi Michael Moro T J Shumnn store (I J .Munson store 1IKNTON. Hiram Ifcsa hotel t J .1 iVcllenrr at ro 1.1 A II Mcllenrr store 14 .Mcncnry uarcy mrniiure sioro 14 .1 HEilwnato-o 14 llolir.Mcllenry sloro n U'lnucl Urako hotel li M TO HcHcnry Urtitra and hardware is niuiiu suiru 1 1 John lleaeock storo 11 llEltWICK. .lacob Fisher 2 billiard table s 40 DO 7 no 7 (HI f.n 00 7 00 7 no 7 (0 is no 10 00 18 co 10 00 7 no 7 00 90 01 M (10 7 00 (0 10 T 00 7 0) 7 IN) 7 00 2') 00 SI 0) 7 00 7 IK) " on 7 Ml 60 00 7 1)0 7 (H) 7 00 60 IN) I, nutclnurst f urn turo 14 irow A Klatnor drue storo 14 Til liurgcr bottler s c V Urubaker, hardware storo 14 It II Hwayro A Co storo 14 it ,M iiocKinancontectionory li mn jirusfiujro 11 K Adams general storo 1.1 It (It'rlsplnstoro 13 li it nower store is Freas Itros lumber dealer 1 4 It K Iirlesbach onransand machines 11 Samuel K Heller 1 )ki table 8 .lackson Woodln Mrg Co storo 0 (1 A liucklnghani stoves and tinware 1 1 Frederick liojer hotol r, 'I'heodoio Y liergor shoo storo 14 M lvy clothing store 1 1 It M Philips & Co grocery 1 1 M II Mnrgaruin stationery 1 1 lienj fponenbergcr restaurant 0 -M A Marklo restaurant s O.McMurtrloclnthlnffsrnm u 1) A -Michael fiirnlturostore 14 A 1" Young stoves and tin it Isaiah llowerstoro n I W Klaw hotel a Utiles llrtw drues n John v Utile store 14 i t; rantii storo h O It Kunston hotel s p rreas Co stow 1 1 lntlAUCIlEKK. Intrcr ,t Albertson store u 7 00 15 00 BO 00 40 on 20 on 7 00 7 00 10 on tl W Asli distillery a ULOO.MH11UIIO. LHlrton hotel r W.McKelvy store 7 W Hartman son Rtom m II U llartinau carpets and boots 11 CAKlclui drugs 14 W J corell ic 10 furniture 13 KKrer storo n 7 UO 7 00 7 (0 7 00 7 0(1 go on 10 no 10 (HI 60 01 7 (0 Si) 01 7 00 7 10 12 60 7 OJ SO 0) Wm llabb grocery 11 , 1; w natcy Btoves 11 r Kaltzer organs c 11 1 W Ilertsch clotlilnir store. 1 1 James itellly,4 billiard and pool tables s F 1) Dentler boots and shoes is tieo a ciarK 000K storo la w 11 thuds notei a F Caldivell. confectionery 11 UMohuer restaurant n s A Wilson grocery u 11 u ranieinan sco stoves sunwaro 14 II J Claik & son store 12 Imts Hernhard Jewelry 14 iiucou ivcner notions 10 n 1 niii.rjs confectionery 14 7 OO David Low enbenr clotblmr store 1 a 10 00 60 (KI 7 00 !co Aurand hotel a li E caaman furniture 14 H ucnurier Co hardware 1 1 ia on 10 10 7 00 7 (10 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 10 7 (0 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 on 7 01 7 on 7 (fl 7 on 60 on 7 no 7 0) Si (II 7 00 SO 01 7 IX) 60 III 7 mi Chas W Kunyan hardware 13 (i N v iison grocery 14 J D Wilson leather and shoo flnrilnim 11 Joseph Decker confectionery 1 1 vj u marr store 14 wcitlabard Hour and feed 14 Kvans Ki er clothing 14 a iit-ss ijuuiH anu suocs 14 HWercerdnies n 1) A creasy store n A solleder boots and shoe findings 14 U II Vnnnatta net wall Daner 11 singer Mtg 00 sewing machines M airs jt Alien store 14 K II Urowcr stoio 14 Henry Klelm grocery 14 11 it J K Lockard coal 14 wm tuger hotel s a w Seal nro coal 14 narman Ilassert coal 11 O A Jacoby Unuor store 13 uu coai 14 'armors' Produce Exchange store 10 " " coal 14 'clcr (irons bottler 5 Simon C bhlve agl Imp 14 moumsuurg iron uo btoru 11 : II ltobblns Unuor storo l.H 15 IK) 25 01 F M Ollmoro restaurant a 20 00 W II (Minora " ii vo on " bottler a 61) 10 m 00 7 00 7 01 7 00 7 (10 40 on 15 00 7 DO . ,7 CO 7 no ,7 on '7 m ,7 (HI t .Too O M A J, K :,ockard general store 13 11 W Sloan store 14 N J Ilendershott drugs 1 1 Lewis Gross clothing 11 J J lirower carpets 14 Moyer Bros wholesale drug store 7 Alexander Ilros & Co tobacco 1 1 11 v wnue k co g ain doners 14 Charles Krug lumber coal and slate 14 loseDh uarrtson nour ana feed u W E Knorr tobacco 14 c W Drown grocery 14 C 8 Bound " .14 J II Sleeker store 14 creasy & wells lumber dealers 14 John wolf Agl dealer 11 ;7 on 7' on CATAWISSA. (1 K Clewell grocery 14 M A swank store 14 W 11 Ilarw tck clothing and shoes 14 17 00 '7 on 17 00 10 (.0 so 00 60 00 7 0) 7 00 15 00 10 I'O in ou 10,00 7 on so on 10 (0 7 00 12 60 7 00 10 on 40 ou 7 on 7 00 J II scesholtz store 13 David nniungsheag restaurant 5 Hester Klstler hotel , s tt L Kostenbauder est clothing & shoes 14 S li lthawn stoves and tinware 14 Stephen Baldy store 1 1 Jnolt Dlemer store 13 Geo Manhart store 13 A s Truckenmmer organs K macmnes 13 T D llernlnier furniture 1 4 J K sharpies? JC Son btoro 10 t ii nanieriurniture 13 Wm John stoves and tinware 14 J M smith drugs ani hardware IS SI) llluaid store 14 (i w lteitsn)der store 13 Albert Yelter 1 billiard and pool table a o c WIllltB drug store 14 o 0 Mendenhnli stoves and tinware 14 Darla (Ittlllii coat 14 7 (Ml A Truckenmlller restaurant 5 211 OU 7 00 60 OU Simon naup coal 14 W A Yetter hotel a Joseph A Quiterman store 13 a F harder Lumber 14 II) 00 7 00 25 00 60 IK) J 11 lllbby llipior store 13 uomer a C W llnrler lumber 14 c F lirowu storo 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 60 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 30 00 David Le ino clothing store 1 1 J II Kleter hotel a KKIlllubhoo store 14 D Dreihbacn notion store 14 Simons X Co drug store 14 A L llolshue store 14 " nour ana feed 14 Lewlsltelknydor 1 billiard tablo a CENTRA LI A. 1F Curry hotel o 11 Millard storo 6 18 14 13 13 6 s r 14 14 14 13 5 3 5 It 5 14 n 14 5 5 5 5 13 14 14 It 6 14 5 5 14 14 14 S 14 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 II 14 ' 14 14 11 14 14 14 13 11 12 II 11 14 II 5 14 14 H a 14 14 so 00 12 50 A 11 Former stoves tinware lrvm Ilros storo 7 (K) 10 on Johanna (i conner unuor storo 25 00 60 an 30 on an 00 7 00 7 on 7 00 in 00 20 00 James (loldsworthy hotel 1 iuui inuie Mrs Wm riper hotel David U Black storo Andrew Lenilian grocery (leo W Davis drug storo l! (1 Murphy store Thomas Collins restaurant L a iteuiy s co store Kdward -McFadden restaurant 100 10 20 00 ; (KI 60 00 7 00 20 00 7 (O 90 00 so 00 Jones llrtw tea dealers James Mcllrearty hotel LFetterman storo llobert Farrel restaurant lie j cnaei iiirni uro Charles Fetterman restaurant .lames naggcrty Thomas Boran " 90 00 20 OO 25 on 7 (O 7 00 7 00 (leo .Maley " John Nertney, liquor storo k.i rinueriy tirug store 11 II (letchey store Yetter .VeKlllenny store CONYNUIIAM. Mrs Mary Monroo restaurant Win Herbert s-ore 30 00 7 00 John 1, Kline hotel 60 00 60 OO 7 00 7 00 7 00 (i w nuhnan " H Vi Lyons storo CENT IK. Low Bros & Co storo (I E sponsler storo J M .Mann hotel Thomas Ilrobst grocery 7. T Fowler grain dealer J L Wotverton store Jacob lteececoal II 11 Maru store FISIIINOCItEKK. J M Ammcrman store J II Hurt " (l M Howell " M Mcllenry&Bro " J F Mcllenry " Wlilten!ghtIlro" Jones fi uavls " David Kaurf ' Nathan Drlesbach" KUAN KLIN. L nucher storo A Hughes btoru nilEENWOOD. A J Derr storo 1' 1) Black hloro Iillli Eves Bro store Masters Co store V I' lives Henry furniture oV Ecs store Wilson M Eves & son store J E Welllver store Samuel llazledlne hotel Jacob itantz store J 1. John store IS E I'arker store HEMLOCK. C II Dleterlck hotel II N k J i: Wblte btoro o M Terwllllger Co btore JACKSON, Daniel n Stevens store II 1) Cole store LOCUST. Yocum llrosstOM Aaron Yodcr restaurant Daniel F Knlltlo btore M Seaborn store 1, 11 Daniels btore Nathan Knorr hotel Wellington Yeagcr hotel Jacob Ycagcrsioro Ell Whltmer store suyder Bros store Wm Adams store ... . MADISON. Wm (Jingles btore Kramer & son btoro 60 0.1 7 IK) 10 IK) 7 OO 7 OU 7 IK) 7 10 7 00 7 (K) 7 on 7 0)) 7 IM) 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 (Ml 7 00 10 00 1S.O0 12 60 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 60 00, 7 00 7 00 T 00 SO go 7 00 7 00 11 II 14 5 14 II II a a 14 14 II 14 11 1 6, i 5 II 14 II 14 6 14 It II 14 14 14 II a 11 14 11 7 00 7 00 T 00 so on 7 00 7 00 7 on 60 II) 60 00 7 00 7 00 I 00 7 00 ia 00. 1U 00 60 00 ' 60 00 60 01 7 00 7 on 7 00 7 00 60 00 7 U) T ttl 7 U) T 00 7 OO T 00 7 00 6) 00 7 (X) 7fO 7O0 a r oiium notei 11 It Yetter hotel J K Longenberger hotel V J campbeu gt store W M Longenberger store win Kuljlit store , , , , MIFFLIN. A w Snyder btore A W Hess hotel " coal N B Creasy store A 0 Mlltard stoves and tinware It J Jiornlnger furniture II J Ocarhart store schweppcnhlscrftSnjder store ., . liONTOUH. 0 B Hostler storo WO Holmes hotel I'axton ft llannau store Clinton M Itecco, grocery " coal MT, l'LKASANT. Bands fi Eves storo U 00 OIIANOK. . DeLong nros stoves nnd tinware 14 t 00 (leo Heckhian 5 60 (0 o 1' Miner storo 14 7 00 (l H Fleckenstlno storo 14 7 on ON Smith stoves 14 7 00 Wh o Conner Agl Iran 14 1 wi A 11 Stewart storo 14 T fw .1 M Long notei i "; II B Low lumber 14 7 00 A M Dcwltt store 14 70 James 11 Ilarman furnlturo 14 7 00 O w iow general jeaicr i tinyderft Meppysloro 14 700 PINE. It W Lyons store 14 Too o It I'arker storo 14 7 no llOAltlNOCltKKK. 0 W Chetlngton storo 11 7 00 Samuel Ilby restaurant 5 20 00 SCOTT. M jrehead ft Kllno storo 13 JO "J .'ho Mourey hotel r " N ltlcharturooery it 7 on W KDletterlck storo 14 7 no Theodore Heck store 14 on J 1) Workhclscr storo 14 Ton tl W Croveling storo is 10 to A 1' Howell storo 14 7 00 A li While store II 7 (1 J L Crawford grocery 11 m N 11 Knt stoves 14 7 tw McKaniey ft Kerstetter store '4 1 coal 14 TOO Silas Young storo 1-1 1C M Jtcece M Fairmau hotel 00 00 sunAltLOAK, Norman Colo store 14 00 A ljiubach ft nn II IK) J W 1-erry lu.iel 6 10 00 Anncnta uin 1 hpnrd nt. the Commissioners of flee In BlooiiMmrg on the 18th day of June, A D. lfM, between the hours ot tl n. m. and 4 p. in., wnero ou can ntienu 11 you tuinn pruut-r. W. II. IIKINBOLI). May 21. Mercantile Appraiser. UDITOR'S NOTICE. In tifl rHatr nf lleiJamtn Irninboji, tale of Ilemlork The undersigned Auditor, nnnotnted by tho Or phans' Court of Columbia county, to distribute Lho balance In the hands of l.eonard llomboy. ad mlnlstrntor of the estate of the said deceased, will meet tho parties interested at his office in Blooms burg, Pa., on Wednesday, Juno is, 1S80, at 10 o'clock n. m., when an whero all parties having claims against tho said estate must appear and lirove tne same or 00 rorover ucoarreu ironi coin ng in on said fund. BOUT. II. LITTLE, may 21 Auditor. UDITOR'S NOTICE. BSTATK OF UKOHUE 11KSS, VKVD. The undersigned Auditor. aDnolntcd by the Or phans' court of Columbia county, to ascertain tlio Hens ognlnst said estato and makedtstrtbutlon among creditors will sit at his office In Blooms burg, on Friday, June II, lvw,at 10 n. m. when nnd whero all oartles having claims against said estate must appear and prove the same, or bo iorever acoanvu irom coming in on saiumno. 11. tr. Ai(i(, may II Auditor. NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOlt IN COKl'OltATlON 1M TUB COURT OP COMMON N.K18 OP COLUMBIA, CO. Notice to hereby clven that an! nnollcatlon will be made to the said court (or a law Judgo thereon on the 181 h day of June A. I) lSKOntio o'clock a. m. under the "Corporation act of ono thousand eight hundred nnd scvcnty.four" ond tho supple ments tnereio oy w. it. jtioos, .1. t:. nrown, imvm I owenbenr. (leo. E. Klwcll and 11. II. Crotz for the charter of an Intended corporation to be called ino uak urove I'arK Association," tno cnaracter and object of which Is for the purpose ot purchas ing or leasing grounds to bo ntterfup as a park or parks within the Town ot Bloomsburg, l'a., or In any other portion of the County to be used for holding celebrations, picnics and any and all pur poses for which similar places nre used, nnd for tnese purposes to nave possess anu enjoy an tne rights, benefits nnd privileges conferred by the said net nnd Its supplements, j. W..M11.1.1.11, .ouciiur. "JrOTlCE IN DIVOHCE. IN THE COMMON l'LEAS OF COLUMBIA CO. llesslo VanTassel. by her next friend, S. 1). Bow- man vs. t nos. an 1 assei. sur noei 111 nivorce. Whereas uubn the libel of the sold llesslo Van Tassel a subpoena was Issued out of the said Court commanding you to be and appear at the next regular term ot said Court to show cause why the said libelant should not be dhorced from the bonds of matrimony contracted by ou; and v4)Vreasupon return of sold subpoena due proof was mado that you could not bo found In the batlHlck of the Sheriff of Bald county, whereupon nn alias subpoena was awarded by said Court commanding you to appear at the then next 1 enn of said Court to ansm r as aforesaid, to which the same return was made by tlio Sheriff. You are therefore required to be nnd appear on the nrst day ot the next term or said Court to bo held at Bloomsburg, for said county. on the fourth Monday ot September next, A. D. lssn, to answer said com plaint. SAMUEL sMlTU, Sheriff. May i jDMINlSTHATOIVS NOTICE. Kftute of Mary Walter), late of itaaiton tirp. rtfcVI Letters of administration In said estato having been granted to the undersigned administrator, all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby no tified to pay the same, nnd those having claims against said estate present the same to apr -.1 jicv. ii. c, aiuruiu, Administrator, Muncy, Fa. OTICE. Tho firm of Ylnirer ft Albertsun. of Brlarereek. business heretofore conducted by them will bo conducted by tho undersigned. Notice ts hereby) given that I will not bo responsible for any debts' contracted by J. M. Albertson hereafter, In tne nrm name. All debts duo the tlrm will bo col lected by me. and all claims against the nrm paid to me. J. W. T May 7 CU' RUPTURE ! lie .t & MltrcitMAV has returned from his trln to the Cltv of Mexico and the Wost- nnd rpmnwvl hla onico from 251 to tai Broadway, New York. In l)r. Mierman's treatment thero la no operation of any kind, no detention from labor, no danger ot strangulated rupture, besldos freedom from the Injury trusses millet. Ills Book, containing Information and endorsements from I'hyslclans, Clergymen, merchants, Farmers and others who have been treated nnd cured, is malted for 10 cents. Persons In circumstances to prevent them from availing themselves of Dr. Sherman's pocsonal services should send for his homo circular of advice and Instruction. Remember, onico 294 Broadway, New York, three doors above Iteade street. may 28 4t d. PENNY GOODS A SPECIALTY. SOI.K lOiNTS FOR P. K ADAMS & CO., FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO solo agents ot tho fol. lowing brands ot Cigars. HKNItY CLAY, LOND11E9, NOllMAL, INDIAN I'KINCES3, SAMSON, SILVEIt ASH. Alexander Bi WHOLESALE DEALEItS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. bOLK AOKNTS FOlt HENRY MAILLARDS SEC4NDIES. JHESII EVfiKY WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. THE HAMBURG .lit. iV- Fanners will plow"1"'11 ' FARJERJS' PRODUCE EXCHANQE, L(4.Ted, Bloomsburg, Pa. Spring stock of Carpetings just received. GOOD BODY BRUSSELS, $I.OO. QRAP RAPIDS KlNQ SWEEPERS. L BIOWEE, BLOOMSBURG PA. MvtfT lironT8. BI.OOMSBUHG MARKET. " Wholesale, ltetall Wheat per bushel 85 00 Hyo " " M Corn " " .... 4S 00 Oats " " US 4 Flour " bbl...i..i.i....- 6 to 0 Hultcr '. 23 2 Eitits 13 14 Potatoes M 00 Ham 10 12( Dried Annie i. ..03, 05 Slrtehmt shoulder...'... 00 08 Clilckeii8. 1. .. 1.1.. ( ' f 19 12 Tin keys '. 13 14 Uresc Lnril pur lb 03 10 liny per ton 10 00 Vinegar per gul 20 UO Onions pur bushel 75 1.90 Vual skins 07 Wool per lb 85 Hides f to 7 Coal on WnAiir. No 02.00; Nos 8 0, 4& Lumpt3.2.,5 No. 6 $3.00 Dltumlmis, 93.25 Philadelphia Markets COltUKCTKlT WEEKLY. FHKIV Western winter bran, spot, 15.75(3 it VLOUIL Western extra's 3 (0 04 S.5(i j renna famlly,'.3.75 01 4:10 Ohio clear, 4.te,v (4 4.40 wtntor patent 4.75 id 6.17; I'cnna. roller process; 4.12 (4 4.51 WHEAT Pennsylvania red, No. 1,91 ltYIi-CS. COItN. (7 a 43 OATS.-N0. 3 White (31 41 NO. 2, 42 HAY AND 8T11AW Timothy Choice Western and New York,iti.50. fair to good Western and New York,i3.oo 03 14.W; medium Western and New York, 13 0 14. ; Cut hay as to quality 17. 9 It. ltyo straw 2i, Wheat straw, 10. oat straw v 10. l'OTATOES.-Kastern roso 48,350 Burbanks, 60 CO ; Eastern Chills 41 440 ;;wcstern rose 45 04 48. Kooa. l"onnsylvnnla lSj western 12J. BUITKIL lennsytvanla creamery prints 25 Creamery Extra 20, Westci n extra satalr 15 0 '17. LIVKl'OULTltY. Fowls,lll 8 HI Turkejs;8 9 'nitESSKD roULTKY.-Chlckcns, 13 Turkey 12 8 13. ducks 118 13. E. Bi WWER GAS FITTING & STEAM MATING DEALUn IN STOVES &TIN WARE. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof ing mid Spouting promptly attended to. restrict attention given to heating by steam. Corner of Main & East Sts., Bloomsburg, Pa. Good Business Location The undersigned offers for sale, on easy terms, the Planing Mill, Dr; Dock, Lumbor Sheds etc., (wi'.li excellent wliarfrigo facilities) located on tho banks of the Penn'a Cittial, within one-quarter of a mile of tlio 1). L. & W. depot, at Heach Ha ven, Ltizerno county, Pa. A good ferry also connects this place with the coun try on opposite sido of tho Susque hanna river. Tlio machinery consists of n largo plnner,moulding and match ing machine, turning lathe and bracket saw, also circular saws, all in good working order. It has a 10-horse Power water wheel under n twenty-six foot head. The mill is3Gs; l.r) feet, with two largo lum ber sliede, one 18x94. one 20x04. Tbis is a gopd opening for any energetic business man. For further particulars apply to Sarah Brader, Ex'it ok D. BitAiiER Estate, March fl-tf. Beach Haven, Pb A DVKHTISEHSbv addressing GEO. P. l ltowcll & CO., 10 Spruce St., New York, can learn the j exact cost ot any prooosed line or Al VEltTlsiNO in American Newspapers, wioo page pamphlet, 10c. may 14 4U 1. (I Go., ANYOItDElt FOH FESTIVALS will be SUPPLIED WITH THE LOWEST as follows: ORANGES. LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS. CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, POP CORN BALLS. CHAMPION PLOW s n,S.l?i10Unc?by leading faimers superior toanyplow In thoinaiket for lightness ot draught and durability. Its w oik is unexcelled. Also t REVET? sTmi?. PT.rmr rttatjit nnd this Invention a sailng to them of at least two-thirds pl0W kl"m'8' 'lhete shares are ntied to all leading chlUed FOR SALE BY
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers