Whe Columbian. ATII.50 porycar To subscribe out offline,,,, trim terms arn utriniiirm ..liiS.?' O'l"0coun- w -"'-""''" -niiiij iu auvanco. ir.so paper UlwonUnued except at thennttnn of tliapiibllshera.unmnllarrearalceVai ion? continued credits win nnt i, JiAn pald' but oSm'd All p.ipcrs sont out of the state or to distant nn.i imooa mint tin nlht tnr In n,lX.. ...:"s'BnlP't a.nio noma In Columbia county assume K '.no aubaorlptlon duo on demand. "ssumM 10 Py TO 13 PRINTING. ThUob l'rlntlnz Department ottho Cotminuv l(erirconi,e-o. Itcontilnuii latest now tvnn ail in ihtnery .in l Is tlio oily offloo that runKoh pra u i by o ) wo '. it vln? m tlio boat facilities! k. id U') 1 f imlshod on largo Jobs, ""-""'cs. t.s ' PROFESSJONALjJCARDS, T E. WALLEK, J' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Offloo orer 1st. National Bank. Utoomsburg, Pa JW" U. PUNK, at.toUnky-at-law. O lleo In Sat'a Building, i-r BtooKsaoaa, Pa. J OIIN M. OLA.KK, ATTORN E Y-AT-LAW, AND JU3TIOK OP THE PEAOE. Uloosisburo, Pa O Jloo over Moyor ilros. Drug storo. p W.MILLER, ATTORNEr-AT-LAW Office (n Urowor's bulldlng.&econd noor.room No. 1 Uloomsburg, Pa. B, FRANK ZA.RR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Bloomsburg, Pa. omco corner ot Contre and Main Streets. Clark a Building. . ,, , , . Can be consulted In German, . G 1 EO. E. ELWE LL,. , - k it J li rA T TO R N E Y AT -,L AW, BloOUSBUBCJ, l'A. O lien on First floor, front room of Cot., mini. Halldlni:,' Muin street, below Ex cliuugd Hotel. pAUL E. WIRT, Atwrney-at-Law. Office In Coluhbiah BcitDiNO, Koom No. t, second Door. BLOOMSBURG. PA. a. ihohh. t- a. wiKraaatiiN. KN'ORR & WINTEHSTEEN, A ttorney s-at-Law. Oflloo Id lat Mattonai Bank building, second Boor, nrat door to the left. Corner ot Main and Market streets Blooinsburg, Pa. tVnjion and Bounties Colltcttd. J .11. MAf'iE, "attorney at-law Jfflce InMaUe'abulldJjfg over Ulllnieyer's grocery. P. BILLMEYER, DISTItlOT -A TTORNE Y.) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, WOfllcc, over Dentlcr's shoe, store, BloomsburR, Pa. nnr-oO.Su. JOHN C YOCUM. C. E. OKV3K. YOCUM & OEYER, Attorn.eys-at-L.aw. CATAVVlbSA, PA. (Offlce Irontault ot rooms on second Boor ot NawalTKM building.) OTCAN BE CONSULTED IN OEBMAN. jij . ... . . j 1i..nlu T n nvflN II fifl ana collection aww"',"' "? "-TnffiWin nv earnful attention to tuuwuuu m ail ovuer luuic.w " A K. 03SVALD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Jackson Building, Rooms 4 and B. BERWICK, PA II. R II AWN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. . ft -.. catawlssa; Pa, omoe.cornorof Third and Malnatreeta. V. WHITE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BL00MSBUR0, PA. Office In Drawers' Building, 2nd floor, may 1-tf jyj-IOUAEL F. EYERLY, Osnvayancer, Collectw cf Claims AND LEGAL ADVICE IN THE SETTLEMENT OF ESTATES, io. twonico In Denver's building with F. P. Bill moyer, attorney-at-law, front looms, and floor, Bloomsburg, Pa. - ' apr-ti-sc. E. BMIT11, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC, Rerwiok, Pa. ,gC jllAPIE0u8 B McKELVY, M. D.,Bargeon and Pbj . slnlan, north Bide Main stroet, below Marl et i L. EKITZ, Al'nrnev-ai,Law. OI!ic L. Front room oyer Post Office, D R. J. C. BUTTER, PHYSICIAN S SURGEON, Offlce, North Market street, Bloomsburi, Pa , WM. M. REBER, Surgeon and Physician. Office corner ot Rock and Market it. JR. EVANri, M. D., Surgeon and . Phystoian, ojlct? ju.i llesldencu on Third street. JURE INSURANCE. onitlSTIAN P. KNAPP, BLOOMSBUKG, PA. HOME, OF N. Y. MERCHANTS', OF NKWA11K, N. J. CLINTON, N. V. PEOPLES' N. Y. HEADING, PA. Thesenom coui oiuTioNS are well seasoned by age and cihk tkstbd and have never, yet had a loss settled by any court of law. Their assets are all Invested In solid sacuxmts are liable to the hazard of hub only. Losses H10MITI.Y and honhstlt adjusted and paid as soon as determined by cukistian r. UKArr, ariciAL .uskt akd Adj csia h BtoonsBusa, Pa. The people of Columbia county should patron lie the agency where losses It auy we settled and pall by one of thcr own citizens. PROMPTNESS. EOUlTY.i FAIR DEALING. B. P. IIARTMAN SlrKISINTS TDl yOLLOWIKO AMERICAN INS UUANCE COMPANIES North American of Philadelphia, Franklin, " " Pennsylvania, " J' Y'ork, ot Punnsylvanla. ' Hanover, of N. Y. Oueens, of London, North British, of landon. Omco on Market Street, No, 6, Dloomsburg. oot.4, l- BLOOMSI3UIIG, Pa. AURANDS, Proprietors. ,3lTi HAGENUUCII, Clerk. This well-known hotel has been furnished hey from top to bottom. The proprietors, who took possession April 1st., have given tne place a complete renovating. Tho travelling public will receive first-class attention. 4VPKICES, AS USUAL. apr,l (Kims. J. S.JSIjWBIiIi, 1- TAINWUIOllV A CO,, WHOLESALE 0R0 C ER, I'lllt.AllKI.l'HIA, Pa. TEAS, SYHUPS, COFKKE, MUOAlt, MOLASSES, KICK, SPICKS, IIIOABII 80DA, KTO., ETC. N. K. Comer Second and Arch (its. fQrders will receive prompt nttontlon. w H. HOUSE, DENTIST, Hloomsmuiki, Columbia County, Pa Alli!?lea?' work none in a superior manner, work warranted as represented. Tkitii Extract id wiTnocr Paih by th use of Gas. and freoot charge hen Artificial teeth are Inserted. Olllco In Barton's bullJliiR, Main Street, below Market, live doors below 'Kim's drug store, Urst floor. 7o be onen nl all hourt during the dai Nov 91 -ly 4 tor womng people, send 10 cents post age, and wo will mall you free, a royal, valuable sample box ot goods that will Pal' you In the WflT nf mntltit. Mnra money in a few days than ou ever thought possl Sie n'iny business, capltnl not required. You can ivoal homo and work Intparo time only, or (ill tho time Allot both sexes, ot all ages, grand ly successful, so cents to 5 easily earned every evening. That all who want work mny test the buslne.-a, wotnako this unparalleled orrcn 1o all who are not well satlstiedwe will send 11 to pay for tho trouble ot writing us. Pull particulars directions etc., sent tree. Immense pay absolute ly suro lor nil who stuit at once. Don't delay. Address (jtinson a Co., Portland, Maine, decis. "Zll tl I i T7 PROPRIETOR OF :::i::;: l Shop i Bath Room At tlio old slaiid, under the Exchiinge Hotel, BLOOMSBURG, PA. ffl. C SLOAii & BRO., ULOOMSUURG, PA. MAtiufacturers of CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETONS SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS &C. First-class work always on hand. REPAIRING NEA TI.Y DONE. Prices reduced to suit the limes. BLOOMSBURG PLACING MILL :o. , The undersigned having tut his Planlnu Ml on Railroad street, In nrst-eiass condition, is pre pared t6 do all klndj of work In his line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber used Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen are employed. ESTIMATES FOE BUILDINGS urnlshed on application. Plans and specifics on8 prepared by an experienced draughtsman CHAHL.ES KIll'G, ItlniMiiNkmr, I'a ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES OF CAST CR WROUGHT IRON. Suitable for Yards, , Cemetery Lots ahd Public Grounds. :o: The following shows tho Picket Gothic, one of tho several beautirul styles of Fence manufactured by the undersigned. For Beauty and Durability they arounsurpass ed. set up by experienced hands and warranted to give satisfaction. Prices nml specimens o other de signs sent lo any address. Address BLOOMSBURG PA- May 4-tf Five Gold and Two Silver Medal, awarded .in 18S5 at tho Expositions of New Orleans and Louisville. ,and tlio In ventions Exposition of London. Tue, superiority of Cornllne over horn or whalebona 1ms now been demonstrated byoverflvo years' experience. It Is more durable, more pliable, moro comfortable, and never breaks. Avoid cheap Imitations mado of various kinds of cord. Nono are genuino unless "Dn. Warnku's Oobalins" Is printed on Inside of etccl cover. rOR SALE Y All LEASING MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 353 Broadway, New York City feb s r cms. In presents given away. Hend us 5 cents postage, and by mtll you will lint, will nt nuca brlnL vou In mouev faaterlhon J ' VlllUH. I11UL Mill .LULL YUU 11 all) tblug else In America. All about tho t,1','l00 in presents Willi ruiu uua. .ruia nuiutu ct ..rvAhprn. nf cither sox. or all ULres. for all the time, or spurn time only, lo work (orus at their Qwunoiuea, luriuiU'S lurtiu uiKrta 'uuauimcij assured. Don't delay. II. llAtixrr A' t'o..l'ort. I ana, name. iuvvjo . CataMUlicd I'-V'S Ieo0' mmilk R00FIH6! 'fakei the )vJi tiaAs wit cmida hk. tin f r htm, tiur docw lilu.hinjln or t it p.nipo.lll.mi uy to tply t ilrc.l'n.l.1.irl.ll At hall !??,','' ia-..l'.Vt! HIIIiVriTll'rJU"r ' tt It nt Hull lb" ('-1. '.till' I.TH a lid 1 1 lit 1 M ,"f aanio IMturlal, V,,l..tlwwwroM)il('l..ll, 0.t.u..i(jMi,,i,lM tuuy.lt-lt-d. V lil ir,iaaH A t JVJ I lVBM li'fe LIGHT ON THE SUBJECT You can now buy Clothing that looks ns woll, wears as well, fits as nicely as goods mado to order, while tho cost is at least two-thirds less. We invite you to testlhcso fact's by dealing with A C YATES & CO. Sixth and Chestnut Sts. BcstMaio Clothing inPMlaislrhia. RAW BONE MANURE Aai.WflNI A l'Ofw.jCTillrfimlliii,r'rulH r. tlandfuMU. rryliiiiOTUiittiirt in a nianure, which, without It, oull lack that elciurut iumI neiiiM to Rti-taln i Unt nr.- .'.'' "!s J'M" 11 ! V -V; 1 lV ,a lniUiDMU con. it tjicnt of all Komi lands. The Boll inraMua i.lanta with l'ho liorlo Acid and tlicyln tlimM,lltta nlmatu, to bo ujKlln fortnatlon of their linen No fortlUzrr H mora valuablo In In efTrrta than ene which coiitalu.Atmuotila aud l'liof ihodc Add dlvul from Animal none lloae, Tho taiw of BAUGH'S $25 Phosphate Is Animal Bonei. and it la a real Ammonlated Bone ou-cr rhrtsiihate. which we vroilueo by uicuua at ioial advanuwea 111 manufacturing Send Tor Iltiiicli'H I'ho.phate Guide ud further Inriirmiitlon. THE ORICIN AL Manufacturers of RAW-BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE BAUGH & SONS Manafnctoreri St Importers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Usethe Original Baugh's $25 Pliosphate. Feb 50 CENTS IrroniAsiptc VsfFcorvst THIS HKAUI'IPUIa hook. Ugivethe LAN 6 U AC C ami lutlattt si Evtri riowir Slrss, 3000 dlilcrcnt kindn. Mm all ttic Kiows RsImcI rtlrti. lio Glovt, Parasol. Hiidkirchltt amrii. it Inhesion ctuspltti work or tlie klmt cr pub lUhetl.Ccn(l Fifteen CenlMn staniiu for a tannle copy, also our prlCT1 to RKeiitM. Agents AMERICAN PUB. CO.. 17 Herth Tenth Ilrttl. Pallid'l, Pa. SINGER .$.17 THIS STVI.K J I- -DAYS' TRIAL. I A Full Set of X w Attnclimpnta. 5WAIlItANTEIl Toors. Hcnd for Circular. C C. HOWE t CO., 183 N.OtU St., I'lilla.. ltk Apr. 2 4Tw. THE STANDARD OF AMERICA. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. arr.s-m. Adams' Patent Ifiotailic PICKET FEKO'S. $1.75 por rod and ui:w:s. u3. SPECIAL QUOTATIONS. All kind if tr jn Fences, Gatrs, Fire Fr - t PCNCE LiitQ Iron Work in all styles. lace cuako Coal Screen! a spocialty. Iron Ladders, Wheels & Cresting. Blacaimlthlng In all branchei. Ettlnutei fumlihtd. EAGLE IRON WORKS, Oor. TJulou & Canal Sti, WILKES-UAItRE, PA murcli 12-80-ly. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! G. W. BERTSGH, THE MKUOIIANT TAILOR. Gents Furnishing Ooods. Hats S, Caps OF KVKHY DKSCIIIl'TION. Suits madu to order at short notieo and a lit always gtiarnntccd or no pale. Call and examine the largest and best .selected stock of goods over shown in Columbia county. Btoio uc.t iloor to First National Hank, MAIN STKJ2KT, Bloomsburg;, Pa, EXCHANGE HOTEL, W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BLOOMSBURO, FA, DPPOSlTKCOnitT noosE. nreaand convenient samnle rooms. Ilath rooms hot and cold water, and all modern conveniences WANTED LADY lilA. resent In bur own locality an old Una. Itefereuces reuulred. I'tnnancnt noslilon olid eood salary. UA V 111I0S., 10 llurclay St., N. V. Apr.30 (t.d 1 KlRTINC P1T.1R0N , Mil iflr iff I M iitl lit f f At IcbPfllillll.fflll BLOOMSBTJRG, PA., V BRPWN'S BITTERS Cortrtntnrr tROlf irlth TOlE VKOETAIItT: TONUS, rjofcLljr and roniplctclr CLEANS and KNnil'lIKS Til 13 I1I.OOI). Oalckrns the action of tho Mrff anil Kldafri. Ciriritho cowpUilOD, makes tho skin smooth. It dot not Itijare thetoclhaCnnsohct(Irhr,orprodDCoron UIpatloa-ALL OXULU lUUX2tLI)lCl.NL3 1)0.t rh; Blclans and Druecintn orcrywhero recommeml It, t)R. N. H. UctlaLT.fl, of Marlon, Maps , sri "t rfccminn 1 llfnwn'p Iron Bitters fi a tatual.lo trtnlo fur enriching tho Ll-trnl. dud j-tmoTinii all djbpctio t; mptotna. It doos not hurt tlio tfctli." Iln. K. M. PrLZFLlk Reynold!, Ind., s&ysi "I hnTo prtucrlbful Jirnvrn's Iron It.lters In rnsi-s of imo-Tnia nnd blood dlx-in1, nla when a tonic wan bawled, and Ithu pri-tod thunniglily BatllIaltoy,, MR Wm, RTTlNa, J St. Jlnry Kt , Now Orloann, Ln., sayai "Itronn's Iron Hitters roltcrrtl me ln a en no of blood ptilwninz. and 1 lieartily commend It to tbn" n"odin(f a bloxd purltlor. Mn. W, W.MONAHAH.'luKrwmblR. Ala . tarsi "I hTt boon troubled frtnn childhood with impure Jtlood and eruption on my faco two buttlM of Hmwn'e Iron llttt5M effoctM a prfct euro. I cannot cpoak too hlithly of tbiii raluablo mcdiilne,' Cenulne has abova Trado Mark and fronted red linos on wrapper. Take no olhiT Made only by illtO W.N CIIKMIL'AL iO.. IIALTIUOKU MU. tb.20-80. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM tho popular fnvorito for drewlnff tho hair, Koptorlnff cxilor whon Fray, and proTcntlnff PondmtT. t cloanirs tho scalp, stops tho hair falllnff, and 1 nuro to plcono, 60c. and SLOQat DrucirlHta. Tho best Congh Cnru you cnu tine, And the beet prcrcntlro known for Consumption. It cures bodily paiM, and atl dlordent of tho Stomach, Bowels, IiUnfrs, Liter, Kidneys, Urinary Otvanti and all Female Complaints. Tho feeble and rick, rtrtig Rllnfr OKalnEt disease, and slowly drlftliiK towards thograve, wllllnmofitcanca rccocr their licalth by the timely nso of rABKia's Tonic, bat delay U dai serous. Talco It In tlmo. Sold by fiJl Urugglnts In larso bottles at (LOO. HINDERCORNS Thesafctt, surest, quickest and buvt euro for Co rn3, Dunlons,Wart,MoIefi,CalIouK8lAe. Hinders thtlrfur t her prow th. Stopaallpaln. Cllvesnotrouble, Makesthe iccECOiniortanie, iiinaereoms cures wneneTeryira clso falls. Sold by Pnigfcta at 15c II iscox Co., N. illlg. H'ly THE RUSSIAN RHEUMATISM CURE DOES THE BUSINESSc Thonsand- havo tried It and found relief. Tlicro la nbuudaut tettiiuouy to till point, ior1Uvo and un Bolicltod, which flioiild eontncoUio most skeptical. If you sutler with Itbeumatiflm, soud for a imphlct which tells what lias bocu done for others. It Is went free. To bo cured eopts only $2.60, for ono,box laeufllcicut fortho'worstcaso. IT HAS NEVER FAILED 3, r. MoAtLi'iTEn, for many years with ITooj, Jloiibrltrht cCo., uow wttii Wood, lirowu A Co., l'bila , Hays i "I Hiiilered from lthouiuatlsm so U-rril'ly tuat I could hardly walk, wait at Unit unablo to turn my head. I tried tho llnsetau Rheumatism (!'iw luside of two weeks I wan completely cured." lecripllvo pamphlet with testlnionlals, free. D frtr CIO RA ( if Biaiied, ioc. aaattionai. m If reglrtered, loo, more. RUSSIAN Olio box does tho business. None Oenuina without thid Trade Mark. RHEUMATISM CURE. As yet ft U not to w found at thu atonw, but can only bo hud byenctortiutho ainouut un bou,auit atltfrorwlukf tho Ainerlcau proprleton, PFAELZER BROS. & CO. SlU-S'.'l .Hurkit .street, lMiiladelpbla. match l'j-iy.a CURES ALL HUMORS, from a cotumnii Illotrli, or i:riiifloii, tn tlio wort Scroi'n la. Salt-r Ikmi in, "I'i.(.r.Mirc-," M'lilj or Uoneli Skin, In 6lioi t, nil dlwasra unused hy liad tilood ara conUetel by tills IiowmIuU purifying, and itivliforatinir mcdli'lnv. (.rent i:ntiiiB in fer" niiildly henl under its Ijetilfrn Inlluenfe. Lspeclnlly Iiiia It intuilfteil ltt. roti-nej In curlnk- 'letter, ltie lluh. nulla, Cut IniiicleH, Sore SI pk, cr.rllllllH sure, iin.l Mv.-lliiiKs, lllp. Joint l)l.(ae, M'hlio Svclllii2H, (ioltrr, or ThieK N'cek, nml Ilnlarut'd Clnnil. Stud ten cents In staniin lor n him ttentlse, with col ored plutc-s. on Skin I)lcu-!i., or tlio eamo amount lorntn nlN' on eiolnlon. AifcctinnB. '"Jin: hi. oti a-.s xm; 'ThoroiiKlilv cli'iuiHi It In- tiilnx llr. I'loree' (olilcn .11 cl leal Dlocoi it), nnd cooil llgCMt!ou, ti l'airHkln, Inioiai-i mh-. lt, vital tront.'tli, and mi n m. i: i.iur coiiklltiition, will bo e-ubll.iii. i. which la SrrofiilotiK ;li'nt,o or tho I.iiiiuh, ( inoinptly hi. I iciuiiiil) i.ui.Eti'd iiinl eiiii'il by tins tloil-fh en toiiudv. If token beforo tho Inst atari's nt tlii'illsi n"'iiic tenehod. l ioin its woiiiUiltil iim.f oior this terribly X.nnl disease, when l.it oirerun. this now cel ebrated remedy lo the lmbllr. Dr. 1'irncn tliniiRlit (h-i limply nf iiillniif It his " on. tiiiitiilioii UiinVM tit iilwiuloiied Unit iiiinio (ii too Iliulieil lorn m li lue ivbich, lioin Its wonderful rninblniilloii ,t uile, orftiiiftlun lutr. nllnutlit', or bloixl-ek'nin.hix'.mitl.bllioiis, l'cctoiiil.unilnuti.ii., v in i lies 1- uiiLijimltd, not only n' a ii ti.. r tonuiniitlon of tho liiiigb, but lor nil CHRONIO DISEASES, or THE Liver, Blood, and Lungs, If jott feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, havo callow color of t.klu, oe jollowlrti-brown apota on luco or body, tiviUcut licndiich or illtzl liesn, bad tasto in mouth, internal heat or chilli, altcruutltit; with hot Hushed, low apltlta ona Bloomy borebodluifs, liiicular appetite, and ooiiUil toiuruo, jou ma euduiliii; from IudU Bi'Nlioii. Ill kiu'phIii, und '1 urpld Lit or, or "Hllloiiiio." Jn man) enc only patt ot thfsu syinptoma uto fiturlinced. Aa it lemcdy lor nil such oases, llr. l'lerc'a (iolilen lllcilli'iil lH.coicry baa no iijiitil. Tor Wotik l.uiiir-, Splltliiir or Hlnod, Mioiliic,-. or llreath, Ilroneliltli, Severe 'ollltIi, Coiiaiiiiipllon, and kindred nUactiuita, it is u sovoreiirn ii'iuody. M'lul leu eonta In ulumii for fir, l'leicoa booUonC'onsumptlou. Sold by HrimgUii. PRICE $I.OO,?iluVSTSS World's Dispensary Medical Association, rroprittors, 0C3 Main St., IIotalo, N. V. XCAVCOS little naaaxt t tttwh PILLS. ANTI-IIII.IOI'S ami CATHARTIC. Sold by llriiKclatK. 23 cents a vial. Hi $500 REWARD Is oiretcd by tho proprletora of llr, huifo's Onturrh Itemedy I iir n iiui ,)f cuttii rh which they uiiinot duir, It ou liaiontllsehargQ from tho no. offinslvu or other, vise, lurthilloM of smell, tasto, or heiuSnL-. uenkevfM. iloll tmln or pressuro In head, sou Tiavw Catarrh. Thou lands of cases teruilimtiiln consumption. Dr. (-Aire's Vat A tin 1 1 I lr m i.i i v en res tho worst eases nf Caltirrli, Cold III tlio Head," mi I t'ntarrlial Itruduclio. 60 ccuts. T?HKH WIOW.VS INHlHANOK ' I; AtlKNOY. Moicr'8niiwbulldlni,.Maln6trcet1 Bloornsbuiv, I'a. A Bids '.tnalnsurnnco Co., ot Hartford, Conn 7,orn,w lloyal of Uierpool is.&ki.ijui Ijincashlre, I0,uo,iy Klro Association, 1'hlladclphia ,., 4,tt.t,TlU l'haiulx, of Iindon..,, .,, o,vij),3Ti) Umdon Lancashire, ot Knglaud 1,1UU,VT0 Hartford ot llartlord ,1,'.T.'),(iM bprlufileld Flro und Marine a,oJ,5bil Aa tho airencles are direct, policies aro written for tho Insured without Belay In the onleo at Dloomsburtf. Oct. S8, 'til- FRAZERAkl IIICST IN Till! WOULD ' unbHoi. IVOcttlMUt'UUllW. Hold Everyw hero, may H It r. icticnWfc 0 ERIDAT, MAY 28, SliLECT STORY. THE WALLTJD-UP DOOE. i m A BTIUNflB STOIlt OK X ,f KALOUA llllg 11ANII ANII A HKBF.IUT.II 1IOU8I!. KtlOM TUB IHKKCII 01' IIOKORG UK 1IAI.AU. On tlio banks of tho Loli'o, a short dintniico from Vttitlome, thoro stands nti old house, brown gnblcd nnd BOlitnry. Tliero is no other houso ne.tr it. There is not uvon ono of thoso taverns that aro usually to ho found on tho out skirts of small towns. Extending down heloro it to tho river is a garden whtro llui onoo orderly box-trees that marked tho alleys now intcrtniiglo nt will. The house itself is partially con cealed from sight, by a number of wil lows. Tlio sloping shore is covered by a luxuriant growth of weeds. The fruit trees, neglected for yenrs, no long or produce, Vhilo tho fallen leav'CB and broken twigs form a denao coppice be neath them. Tlio paths, which once were sanded, havo entirely disappeared. It looks as though it had once been the habitation of a gentleman who had a loudness lor cultivating fruits and flowers. An arbor, or rather thu rem nants of an nrbor, in which a table stands, is still to be (eon. The roof of tho houso is utterly do- cajed. Tho phutters are imver opened, the balconies arc covt ietl with swallows' ncsls, the doors aro cl6sed. Weeds havo lini'd tho stops with green. The : -i. ; . i i . . nun wots is uruwii witii rust, aim, moon, bummer, Winter, rain and snow havo rotted thu wood, warned the boards and destroyed tho paint. The mournful iluncu that reigns there i disturbed, if at all, only by tho coining and going of birds and" reptiles. Over it all tlio wortl "Mystery has been written with an invisible hand. On approaching it irom the road a curved-topped wooden gato is lo bo seen, in which tho children of tho town havo made a number of holes. This gato I afterwards learned, had been looked for ten years. Through tlio holes a view can bo obtained of tho courtyard. There tho disorder is tho same. Tho stones aro fritmod in bou quets of weeds. The walls aro furrow ed by crevices and festooned with climb ing plants : thu steps that lead to tho front door of tho houso aro out of place ; tho bellropo is worn away ; tho waterspouts aro broken. Instinctively ono wonders what can have happened there. But ihe walls givo no answer and tlio reptiles crawl on without reply. All I knew was that thu houso had onco been occupied by tho Cotnto and ComtesKo de Merret. This empty and deserted houso was an enigma to me. I found tho liist key to Us solution from tho narrative of tho landlady of a tavern in'tho town. "I most tell ou," said she, "in thi fiist place, that two months before I came hero the Comto de Morret went to Paris, where he died, after giving himself up to oxcessfs of every kind. Tho day ho went away his wife took all tho luruiture out ot tho houso and left tho place. Some say she burned tho furniture, tapestries, nnd all tho other'objects, in the open field nt Mer ret. For tho proceeding three months the Couut and Countess had been act ing in a very queer manner. They re ceived no one. The Countess lived on the ground iloor, and tho Count on the one above. After tho Couut went a- way the Countess was never seen, ex cept at church. Later on, at her chat eau, silo refused to seo her relatives and friends that camo to yisit her. Sho gave all her property to tho hospital hero in Vendome. Hut the property she dis posed of in this wiso: Tho house and grounds wcro to remain for fifty years, dating from tho dav of' death, in tho condition in which they might bo at tho time ot her decease, hho lorb&do any ono to enter them, under any pro text whatsoever, and loft a Bum of mon ey for tho pay of keepers should thoy bo necessary for the execution of her wishes. At the expiration ol this term, provided tho wishes of tho testatrix had been observed, tho house is to belong to tho heirs of her lawyer. "As for 31. do SIcrret, why, he wns an elegant gentleman. Ho paid cash for overythinp;. You seo, ho was ex citable. Tho ladies all liked him. You- see, ho must havo had something about him to marry Jfnie. do Merrct, who, not that I want to disparaco any one else, was by far the prettiest and rich est girl in Vendome. Sho had some thing like 20,000 franos a year. Tho wholo town was at tho wedding. Tho bride looked lovely, a real jewel of a woman. Mine. do'Merrot was n nice littlo thing who had to put up with a grent doal from her husband and his temper. Sho was proud, too ; but wp all liked her. "When tho Emperor sont tho Span ish prisoners here, I lodged, at the Government's expense, n vomit? Spaniard who had como to Vendome on parole. In spito of his parolo ho went uvcry uay to show lumselt to tho prefect. He was a grandee think of itl llohidaiiamo which onded in o.t and in did, something liko llagos tie I'VivJia. I wrote it 6u thu book j you can see jf you want lo. Ho was a liandsoiiio young follow for a Spaniard, for all Spaniards, I hear aro ugly, lie wasn't mora than five feet two, but ho was well inadp. Ho had small hands. and you should lmvo seen tho way ho took earn of tlu'in, He had as many brushes for them as a lady for her toilet. uu n.ia uiaoK hair aod Drown oyes. lis complexion was rather dark, hut it pluased.iiiu all tho same. Ho woro tho finest linen I havo over seen, nl. inoiign i navo lodged princes and among others, General Ucrtrand, tho Duke and Duchess d'Abrantos. M. Do. cazes and tho King of Spain. Ho (iitiii t oat iiiucn, nut then ho had such polilu maimers that no onu could tako offense. Oh, I liked him vory much, although to bo sure, ho didn't say four worua a day, ami it was impossible to havo tbo least conversation with him. If any ono spoko to him ho didn't an swor. It was a nick a way thoy all have, I hear. Ho read his broviary liko a priest, and ho went regularly to mass and all the sorvicos. Afterward wo remembered that ho always stood a step or two from Mmo. do Merrot's seat, but as ho choso that pluoo tho ljrst tlmo ho went (o church no pno could say that it was intentional, Uesides, poor young follow, ho never lifted hs noso out ol tho prayer book. In tho evening ho used to walk on tho mount ain among tho ruins of tho chateau it reminded him of his country. In 1886. Sjiain, tlioy say, it's ill mountains. ! rom thu yoty first ho camo in Into at njght. It used to worry mo when it got, to bo midnight, fuid he, had not re turned, but after a whilo wo got aa customcd to his ways Ho would lake tho key nnd Jet, himsolf in when lie pliosej This went on for some timo. One evening n liostler told us that whilo lio, had been bathing his horses, lie thought he saw tho grandeo swimming liko a fish, far out m the river. When I saw him agaiu I told him to bo caro fill about tho weeds, but ho didn't seem lo liko it. Ho was vexed bo causo ho had been seen, I suppose. Finally, ono day, or rather ono morn ing, his room was empty and his bed had not been slept in. "After looking all around I discovered a note in the drawer of his table, and with it fifty Spanish gold pieces which woro worth about fiOOO fraocs, nnd also a sealed box with diamonds in it that wcto worth 10,000 more. Tho nolo said that, in caso ho did not return, tho gold and diamonds wore to bo ours, provided wo had masses said in thanks giving for his safety and escape. My husband, who was living then, started off to look fpr him, and this is the curious pait of the wholo affair, when he camo back ho brought with him the Spaniard's clonics. Ho had found thom under a big stono on tho bank of tho rivor, almost opposite tho Couut's chateau. After reading tho lettpr ho burned tho clothes and wo said ho had escaped. My husband thought ho was drowned, but I didn't. I thought ho was in somq way mixed up in Mmo. do Morret's affair, tlio more so as HnsMii-, her maid told mo that tlio crucifix which her mistress was so fond of that sho had it buried with her was of ebony and silver, and when tho Cpunt Feiedia first camo hero ho had ono of obony and silver, too, but I never saw it with him but once. Xow, tell me, sir, ought I to have any re morse about tho 10,000 francs, and aren't thoy honestly mino?'' "Certainly they are. But where can I find RosalioT'' Sho told me, and after I had found tlie ex-waiting maid, and crossed her palm with silver, she narrated tho fol lowing strange story : The room which Mmo. do Mcrret occupied in tho chateau was situated on tho ground floor. Tho wardrobe sho used was a littlo closet about four feet deep, which had been built into tho wall. Three months previous to' tho particular evoning of which, ,1 am to tell you, Mine. de'Mcrrel had' been so ill that hor husband, had removed to tho iloor above. Through some ono ot those fortuitous circumstances that can never bo foreseen, M. de Mcrret, on this particular evening, returned from his club fully two hours later than he was acc!us,to(iied to do. His wife thought him nt bonus) in bed aud asleep, lib had gotten excited over a gamu of billiards, and he had loH forty francs an enormous sum at Vendome, where every ono is niggardly. Fur soma timo past M. dolerrot had contented him self with asking 'Rosalie if his wife were asleep, whereupon her answer being always m tho nfhrmative ho had gone to his own room with that easy indifference that is born of habiti and confidence. But oti this evening ho depided to seo Mmo. do Mcrret and tell her of his misadventure. It may be that ho hoped sho would console him. t dinner ho had noticed that sho was particularly well dressed. On his way homo from club ho told himself that his wifo was better, that convalescence had improved her looks a circumstance which, alter tho fashion ot husbands, he had been a littlo lato in percoivinir. lustead, therefore of catling Rosalie, who happened to be in tho kitchen watching Iho cook and coachman play cards. M. do Merrct went directly to his wile's room. His step which was easy to recognize, echoed through the arches of the corridor. Just as he was on tlio point of enteiing tho room, ho thought ho heard somo ono Bhut tho closet' door, but on going in ho found his wife standing alono before tho tire. At first ho fancied, innocently enough. that Rosalie was in tho closet, but suddenly, with abrupt suspicion, ho looked aj, his wife's face. Tho ex pression which it woro was vaguely suggestivo of uxcitement and anxiety. "ion mo late, sho said. Her voice. ordinarily clear and musical, seemed to him somewhat troubled. lie mado no answer, for at that moment Rosalie entered. His wonderment deepened. With his arms crossed before him he paced meuhanio.illy up and down the room, going from one window to a'jiithor. ''Havo you heard any bad news ? Are you ill T" his wife asked, timidly, while Rosalio was helping her to uh- dress. StiU ho made no answer. "You may go," Mmo. do Merrct said to her maid. "I will do my hair my self." Her husband's face showed clearly that something had gone wrong and sho wished to bo alono with him. When Rosalie had gone, or was supposed to havo gono for n& a mat. ter ot lact sho lingered m the corridor M. do Merret stepped forward to where his wifo stood, looked straight at her and said, coldly, "Madame, there is somo ono in that closet." Sho returned his gazo calmly and said,, with mi air of candor, '.No thoro is no one," To M. do Merret this reply was nn added torture. Ho did not believe it. and yet his wifo had never seemed purer and more innocent than bIio did at that moment. Nevertheless, ho made a movement as though to open the ploset. Mmo. do Mcrret caught his hand, looked sadly at him, and said, in a voice that was singularly touchinc "If you lind no one, romember that all will be at an end between us." Tim supremo dignity of her attitude inspired her husband with a renewed icspeat for her and brought to liim at Iho saiLO tunc ono of thoso ideas which need only a vaster theatre to become inmorial. "No," ho said "I will not onen it. In either caso wo would be uoparated forever. Listen : I know tho purity of your heart. 1 know that you lead the life of a saint aud I am positiyo that you wouiu not coipiiut a Bin at tho pxpenso of your soul." At these words Mine, do Morret's face grow haggard. "Look horo Is your cruci fix," ho added : "now swoar swear. boforo God, that there is no ono there. 1 will believe you nnd I will not open tho door." Mmo. do Merret took tho crucifix. and said ; "I swear it." THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XX.NO 21 COLUMBIA. DEMOOHAT, VOLtL, NO "Louder," said hor husband, "and ropi eat after mn 'I boforo God. that there is swear. no ono iu that closet. ' SIo repealed the words without em barrassment, "That will do," said M. do Mcrret. Then, after n momentary silence, dur ing which he curiously oxnmitied the crucifix, which was ol ebony incruated in silver, ho added.: "That is a beau tiful crucifix s I novor saw it before.'' "I bought it at Duvivicr's when the prisoners passed through Vendome lust year. Ho bought it of a Span iard." ' "Did ho T Indeed I" M. do Merrct replaced tho crucifix on iu stand nnd rang tho bell. When Rosalio nppear ed, n moment later, M. de Mcrret led her ryiickly to tho embrasure of a window and whispered : "I know that Gorenllot wants to marry you j poverty nlono has prevented him. "You told him you would not bo his wife until ho was a master mason. Now run and look for him. Toll him to como hero and bring his trowel. He will be richer than you over hoped ho could bp. ;But mind this : on your way out, say nothing ; otherwise" ho looked at her in au insignificant way. Rosalio started to go. Ho bur back. "Hero tako my Then, in a thundering voice, ho called key." called inriiigu tuo corridor, "Jean V Jean, who'Was both valet andjeoach man, loft his cards and camo. His master motioned to him to como near er. "Go to bod. all of you," ho said. Then, in n whisper, ho added : "When thoy aro all asleep asleep, do you hear T como and tell me.'' After giving theso orders M. do Merret, who meanwhile had not lost sight of his wife, cnnio quietly lo tho tire, where sho stood, and began to tell her about his gamo of billiards and tho gossip of tho club. When Rosalio returned sho found thom chat ting in the friondllestwny. Somo timo before M. de Merrett had caused fresh ceilings to be put through that part of the ground floor which was used for reception rooms, Now plaster is not to bo had in Vendome, and tho cost of imparting makes it ex pensive. Knowing there would always bo purchasers for it, M. do Morret had consequently ordered a largo quantity. This circumstance suggested tho plan which ho then began to execute. "Gorenllot is here, sir," said Rosalie, in nn undertone. "Show him in," he answered. When Mmo. de Merret saw tho mason she turned pale. "Gorenflot," said M. do Merret, "go to, the stable nnd get some bricks j get enOUtrh t.n wnll till thn rlnnt- nF tl.nt ...... ..j. v..w uw. Ul Vllllb closet j you'll find plenty of plaster," a nun, uriiwing uosauc and tho mason aside, ho addressed finmnflnt in i whisper: "You sleep hero to-night, but to-morrdw you shall have a passport to a town in a forc'inn coun try. I will give you 0000 francs for your expenses. You must stay away ten years. II von rln nnt lftn ii,n town yon go to you can choose anoth- ci, iruviucu it is in mo sarao country. First go to Paris and wait for ivtn there. In Paris I will trivo vnn n paper that will insure you 0000 francs more when till! h.-lro-.-iin is rnmnL.tn,! Iii return for this you must never iisp a worn oi wnat you do hero to-night. As for you, Ro'salio, you shall havo 10,000 francs the day yod aro married lo Gorenllot j but to have them you must hold your tongue. Otherwise, not a penny I" "Kosalie, said Mine, do Morret, "como and do my hair." Her husband wnlknri rnlmli- m nnA down, watching Ids wife, tho mason and the door, but ho did so in ait un suspicious and natural manner. Gorenflot was obliged to make a certain amount, nf nnien !!,., he was putting down a hod of bricks, ...i.:i .u" !-". i - . . . ' uiiu me jtitini Happened to no at tho other end of the room, Mine, do Merret seized tho opportunity to say to Ro salie : "A thousand francs a year for you, if you manago to tell Gorenflot to leave a crcvis at tho bottom.'' Then, raising her voice, sho said, with an air of utter indifference : "Go and help him." During tho entire timo that Goren flot took tO wall lit) flm 1nnr ttin i"Vinn and Countess sat in silence. On tho husbands nan. tlio nilon tionalj on that of tho wifo it was pride. "ri ii m nun mo wan was naif done tho raaon, seeing M. do Monet's back In mod, took tho opportunity to break ono of the two panes of glass that were in tho door. This incident prov ed to Mine, do Merrct that Rosalio had spoken to Gorenllot. All threo then saw a man's inct: snmbro lirl- ,i,i. ..h. , (I 1111 blask hair and glistening eyes. Before I,... t,..nt,n...i . t .i nci iii.BUiiiiu lumen mo poor woman had the timo to make a gesture to him, which signified hope. m 4 o clock, toward sunnso for it was then Sontemlipr th A nnaiiiifif Inn mas finished. Tho mason was nnt under Jean's care, and M. do Merrct slept in his wife's room, That morning, on arising, ho said, carelessly : "By tho way, I must go to tllO Mayor's for tho tvissnnrt '' L. ,it his hat on, took threo steps toward tho uuui, luiticti uacK anu took tho cruci- II x. His Wifo tri'inllloil with inn I.TTo Isgoingto Duvivier's, too," she tliough't. As SOOn as hor linslinn.1 lia.l t,n called to Rosalio. "Quick I" she cried. "a pickaxo I I saw how Gorenllot Worked 1 WO will h.lvo limn In mnUo,, opening and fill it up again.'' in a trico itosauo had brought tho tool to her mistress, wi n nt mmo iw gan to tear down tho wall. Sho had already Knocked out several bricks, when lurnintr in nn nffnrt in oirib.. n harder blow, shu saw M. do Merret bo- himi her, and fell fainting to tlio ground. "Put her in bed," Bald hor husband, coldly. ForseniniF tvlmt u-n1l I, .,...,.. iii his absence, ho had laid a trap for his wife. Ho had simply written to tho Mayor and sent for Duvivier. Tho jeweler arrived when tho room was uuuu iuuiu iii oroor. "Duvivier.'' hn nsVoil i,.,.. a crucifix of i. Spaniard who passed itirougn nere ' ' "No, sir." "Very good ; I nm obliged to vou," ami M. do Merrct gavo his wifo tho look of a tilTOr. It. Tnnn " 1,,. o,l.l...1 turning to iho valet, "hereafter you will servo my food here. Madamo do Merret is ill ( I shall not loavo her up. til bIio has recovered," Twenty days ho Htaycd in his wife's W !W 1 M DM M til lr I Inch t i is l M a bo aoo 460 704 8" 1 W J W 1 H 400 Alt 7 W It 00 3 " D001KIIKO BOO 6 K 10 00 18 00 4" am iU) AM TOO 8 00 11 00 19 00 VCOl 3 23 4 W) 6 W) 8 00 9 BO H 60 t 00 VCOl fi tO 7 00.8W514 00.17 00 tO 00 40 ( 1 Column 8 00 1 J 00 15 00 ,S5 OT! 80 00 40 00 BO Of Yearly admtlacmcnts'pVaMe quarterly. Tran slentadrcrtlaomentamuKtwraid lor before In. Bertcd Mcept )hcro partloa: hlv accounta. I'gatadveTtfsemefiktlrrjrlffllilrB per Inch for three Insertions, and at that tnto for additional Insertions without reference to length. Executor's, Administrator's, and Auditor's no tlceathrco dollars. Transient or Local notices, ten cent a line, res ular artrcrtlcrnents half rntM. Cards In tho "Business Directory" column, on dollar a year for each lino. room. At first, when somd holsc or other camo from the walled closet and his wifo attempted to plead for tho dying stranger, without oven permit ting her to say a word he would answer s "Madame, you 'aVoro on ' tho cross there was nb ono therd.' I must belioye you." " t A Dude Dlsoomfitod, ( miss an.va WAititKN Hfonvs As'iusisrt KXl'WtlKNCB IN A ftWII AVENUE rAHMHt. Miss Anna Warren Story, .the no complishod elocutionist, is n'haifdsome woman tho perfect, reproduction of the ideal classical female. During Lent sho gaVe recitations in private parlors. A young dude became infat uated with her several months ago and Was devoted in his attentions. Ho con ceived thu brilliant idea of reciting with tlio lady of his heart. The result of it all was that a catastrophe happen ed, which Miss Story related 16 a Mail ahd Uxprc si reporter as tbiis: "Ho was tho nuihitious son of'a very indulgent Murray Hill millionaire," sho said. "1 could not prevent him attend ing tho recep'.ious where I recited. Ho brought flowers, and really knew when I recited well or not. But that littlo knowledge ho had of elocution made his egotism Olympian, and to hear him talk a stranger would i magi no that ho could coach Booth, Salvinl and Mary Anderson. It was, pleasant to listen to his discourses, interjected with many English 'don't you knows,' because ho usually wound them up by declaring that I duly needed a few pointers daily ffotu him to .becomo great. Ono day in an evil moment ho confessed to mo that ho was studying elocution, had a regular Delsartb pro fessor, antl w'hon tho latter was not teaching him ho was gratuitously di viding his knowledgo with his precep tor. I suggested that ho recite some thing, which ho did tyith success. Ho then proposed that nt mf next parlor entertainment wo would recite a scouo from a society play, he taking the part of a lover. I consented, wow. ho was somewhat stout and wore trousers that appeared to be moulded upon him. That fatal evening came. The parlors were crowded with guests. " After several recitations our turn arrived. When wo walked out I couldn't but no tice how close his trousers seemed to fit. Tho light and airy dialogue began, both of us standing. I dropped my handkerchief and started to cross to tho right. Ho rushed over, cent down suddenly to get it, when a Rearing sound was heard. There was' a round of applause and laughter but' the trousers; oh I where were they t' Ask of that diide. Ho is ,now in' Colorado, wanting to buy a sheep' ranchl" BEIEF MENTION. Cyclonia is the name of a baby boy born in Diiivillo, III., during the recent uiu iv Mr. Brown of San Antonio, Texas, became angry and swore in tho pres ence of Mrs.V Williams. She .objected and ho told her to help herself if sho could. So sho told her husband, and Mr. Williams at once loaded his pistol, sought Brown, and found him eating supper. "Did you swear in my wifo'a presence ?'' asked Mr. Williams. "I did," answered Mr. Brown. There upon Mr. Williams shot Mr. Brown dead. Tho American hen is not doing her duty. There are 10,000,000 dozens of foreign hen's eggs brought into this country every year free of doty. Tho American Jiens mtiBt scratch round.says a Now England paper, if they aro to avoid the reproach of "allowing the egg-industry to bo crushed by tho com- pitiuun ui mo cuenp pauper towis ot the ClTeto monnrnliiua nf it,n ni,i World. With incubators to help them, luu .mncricuu nens ought to mnko a bolter record. Tho agent of n fruit firm in r!Kotn. nOOga. Teiltl.. OWI's ntliln n .m-in.iit.r Two bananas have grown together, mm wiiiiu eacn retains its pcrlect shapo they cannot bo separated without cut ting the peeling that encases them a I rl. . . luguinur. iney aro quite largo and both tho snino ciin YVl.iln il. fruits frequently grow together ba- nanus seiaom do, and twin bananas aro a great curiosity. Tho largest d Villi 111 fi In Iho XL'Arlil ia being set up in Cleveland, Ohio. It will bo 13 feet long. CJ wide, and weigh ten tons four times tho size and nbilitv of thn ".InrnW ,.,oi,;., exhibited by Edison at the Philadel phia Exposition in 1881. Five-hundred horso power will bo required lo drivo it, and its crrrent will furnish incandescont lights ot about 200,000 candle power. J. H. Mercer wislica assertion, which ho can back with a positivo guarantee It is all about Acker's Blood Elixir. He claims for it superior morits over nil ntlmr mmo,i. ies of its kind, and guarantees for it a puBiuvo anu sure euro tor Rheumatism, Syphillls. and all blond ,1 iflnr.lnra if frees tho skin from spots and disease, and loaves tho comploxion clear, Ask him about it. There suffering from some form of blood dis order or skin diseaso, such as Scrofula, Boils, eta, etc After a practical test, J. H. Mercer asserts that Acker's Blood r.uxir win certainly cure all such dis eases, including SyphilliR and Rheum at sin. Itis net a nntoni ,,,.ir,,.,. i,.,i .rt ...v u"H Ulll, i,Ub ! Bcientiho preparation, ho guarantees it. After n thorough test J, II. Mercer most positively asserts that Acker's English Remedy is tho best medicino for asthma. tifOUll. nntlfrhlt. ulionii!iwf cough and all Jung troubles that can bo found, Ask him about it, for ho fully guarantees it. J.II. Meiccr would especially recom mend to tho ladies Aokpr's Dyspepsia Tablets. As a laxativo they have no equal. They aro guaranteed to cure Chronio Constipation, Dyspepsia, and nil diseases nrisiug from a deranged stomach. With a free uso of tho Tab lets, Sick Headache is impossible. In spraying npplo trees with Paris green tho propoition of pure grteu should bo n moderate-aized spoonful in about thi co gallons of water.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers