I.nf il Weddy, every VtUnj .llorrltn.. n't im)oManuno,cot.uMi!iAco.,i'a. iTll.SO per year. To subscribers out ofthecoun. tjrtiii tormanrn atrlctlyln advance. UIlUBCOUn tr"No p.i,)er discontinued except at thoontlnn ot tlw publUhors, until nil arrearages arnnaiA but Ion oaatlnueil credlls will not bo Sinn. ' AllpAPOMsontoutof thu Nttto or to distant post ofllcos tuuM, bo paid forlnndvanco, unless a resnon. nolo porn In Columbia county assumes to d Mio subscription duo on demand. p T JO BPliYNT IN G. Ths-loti Printing Uepartment of tlio Coi.tmnu Uirury co u,i.cio. It contains tn latest now lim anl in K;hlnery and Is tlio only ofllco that runsiob pre3Hr ri .we;, Biylnir us tho best facilities. W. in uoi tarnished on large Jobs. "" professional: CARDS, E. WALIiKIt, Li. AT roltNK V-AT-LAW, O.Tlco over 1st. National Uank, Uloomsburg, Pa N. U. FUNIC, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. UL00M9BUR0, Pi. once In Sal's Uulldlng. J OIIN M OU.UK, ATTOiiNE V-AT-LAW. AMD JUSriOK OF THE PEACE. Uloohsbcko, I'a. o nc over lloycr Bros. Drug Store. W.MILLER, ATTOKNBY.AT-LAW ornce In Browor's bulldlug.sccond floor,room No. 1 Uloomsburc Pa. O FRANK ZRR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Bloomsburg, Pa. OfiUo corner ot Centre and Main Strot. Clark s liiilldlng. Can be consulted In Gorman. Q.KO. E. ELWEI.L ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Uf.ooMsiiuita, Pa. 0 Hoo on First llonr, front room ot Col. dmiiian UuUillni:, Slain street, below hx cimngo Hotel. pAUL E. WIRT, Attomey-at-Law. Offlce In (Joujubuh hoildino, Itoom No. 3, second Ul,jr' ULOOM8BURQ, PA. S, JT.NOKB, L, S. WINMMTlUrl. KNOKR &, WINTERS TEEN, Attorneys-at-Law. nmea In 1st National Bank building, second floor, nrstdoSr w the lefu corner o!aln and Market streets Ulootnsourg, I'a. Pennant and Bounties Collected. J II. MAIZE, ATTORNEY AT-LAW 3illco in Maize's bulldli g over Iilllmeycr's grocery. p P. Mr.LMEYElt, nrSTRIOT A TTOIINJIY.) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, it-fl-Onicc over Uloomsburg, Pa. Dcntler's slioo store, rttpr-30.80. JOHN C YOCUM. - aEY3K- YOCUM & QEYEH, Attorney s-at-LaWi CATAWISSA, PA. (omee front suit of rooms on second noor ot fciwslTKM building.) wPiJ HE HONS " . .... r.nvsTir.TKn IN (lEHMAKitl "r-..""' lJ,wv,rsnd :an Mercant trlierromi)i.a 5"" 'i..Min Tin collection of claims in any and collection ABHOciatlon. A. K. OSWALD, ATTORNEY'AT-LAW. Jackson Building, Kooms 4 and G. UBHW1CK.PA ATTpilNKY-AT-LAW. 3 s jp i i catawlssa, Pa. Otnce'.co'rnerof Third anaMalnatreeta. JJ V. WHITE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office In Browcra' Building, 2nd lloor. may 1-tf jyj-IOIIAEL F. EYERLY, Osnvsyaneer, Collooto? of Claims AN1 LEOAL ADVICE IN THE SETTLEMENT OP ESTATES, to. i.n n,lliii' with V. P. Hill- meyer, uttorney-ai-mw. " ; ?, , omi floor. liloomsourg, ra. apr-D-so. E. BMITU, ATTO H NE Y- AT-L AV and NOTARY PUBLIC, 15erviok, Pa. MISCELLANEOUS T B McKELVY.M. n.,8urgeop and Phy O .slclan. north side Main atrret, below Martet AL. FRITZ, A , I'ront room over AMornpv.fti-Law. Orticr 'ost ornce, D R, J. C. RUTTEP., PQYSICIAN &SUKQKON, omce. North Markot street, llloomsbuH, Pa r". WM. M. HEIJBR, Burgeon anil If Physician. Offlce corner ot Hock and MarKei Tfeet. R. EVANd, M. D., Burgeon and .Physlo.ua, OJlce m.i Itesldence on Third street. JURE INSURANCE. enitlSTIAN Y, KNAPP, BLOOMSBURG, PA, HOME, OK N. r. , MERCHANTS', OP NEWA11K, N. J. I'LINTON, N. V. 1'EOl'LEH' N. Y. HEADI.NO, PA, TUenoTniJ) corporations are well beasoncd iby ae and kirk THSiEii nud hao never jet had u lussBettledbyanycourtol law. 'I heir assets are all Invested In soup skcuuitiks are liable to the haiardof riRsonly. Losses ruomTLV and honksti.y adjusted and paid as soon as determined by curisjun r. KN11T, SFKCUL AUKNT iNU APJl'S llLOOUSBl'RO, Pa ' The people of Columbia county should patron, lie the agency where losnes If any tre Bettled and patlhvoneof therown cltuens. ,,,.. PKOM1TNESS. EQUITY. PAIU DEALQ. Li1: HAHTMAN iBirKKSINTS TDI rOLLOWIKO AMEH10AN INSUKANOE COMPANIES North American of Philadelphia. Pranklin, " " 1-eunsylvanla, " " York, of Pttuusylvahla. Hanover, ot N. Y. OueenB. ot London, North llrltlah, ot London. Otto oa M .rket street, Mo, 5, liloomsburg. oct. si, 1- BLOOMSHURG, Pa. AURANDS, Proprietors. P, P. HAGENlJUOir, Ci.khk. This well.known hotel hs boen furnished new from top to bottom. The nroDrletors. who took possession April 1bt., have given tno place a coinpleto renovating. The travelling publlo will rcctlvo n.ciasa attention. MrpillCKS, AS USUAL. ... 8pr,16-8ins. 3. Ei ELWELL, . J K BITTSITBEUDER, -rroprItor. WHOLESALE GROCERS, I'liiLAimu'iiu, Pa. TEAM, SYHUPS, COFKKK, SL'ttAll, MOLASUES, 1I1CK, SI'IOK?, IllOAim SODA, KTO., KTO. N. E. Corner Second and Arch sts. 'ypnlers will receive prompt attention. Fl7 HOUSE, DENTIST, 15i.oo.Msiiuiio,Uoi.UMiiiA County, Pn All styles of work dono In a superior manner, work warranted as represented. Turn Extrict i wimonT 1'iiK by the use of Oas, and freeof charge when artificial teeth aro Inserted. Olllco In llarton's building, Main' Street, below Market, live doois below "Mini's drug store, first lloor. lo be open at all hourt during the Hai NovM.ly lor worsing people, sendlu cents post age, and we will mall you free, a royal, valuable sample tax ot goods that will Pai' yOU In the WAV Of mnklnir ,nnrn money fu n few days than j ou ever thouKlit possl. bio at any business, capital not iccnilred. You c?.n.!,v?lltl'oraonnclwok lotpaio time only, or alltho l)mo Allot bothsexes, of ollni;es,grand. ly successful, 50 cents to $5 euelly earned cery evenlnir. 1 hat all who want woik may test the bnslncws wemako tills unparalleled orfer: To nil who are not well satisfied e will send l to pay fortho trouble of writing us. Full particular directions etc., sent free. Immense pay absolute ly sure for all who statt nt once, i.on't delay. Address stinion & Co., I'oitland, Maine, deem. PUOPRIETOR OK At tlio old stand, under the Exchange Hotel, BLO OMSBURG, PA. BLC.SL0AB & BR0 RLOOMSUURG, PA. M inufacturcrs ot CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETONS SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS &C. First-class work always on band. REPAIRING NEA II. Y DONE. Prices reduced to suit the times. BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL :o. The undersigned having put his Planing Mi on Kallroad street, In ilrst-ciass condition, Is pre pared to do all kinds of work In his line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. turnlsuea at reasonable prices. All lumber used Is well seasoned aid none hut skilled workmen are employed. ESTIMATES TOE BUILDINGS urnlshed on apDllcatlon. Plans and specifics on3 pr.jp irea oy an experienced araugnisman CHARLES KtlUO, UluoniNbure, I'a ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES OF CAST CK WKOUOIIT IKON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds. The following shows the Picket Gothic, one of the several beautiful styles of Fence manufactured by tuo undersigned. Vnr UnniltT nnil lltl Mhtltt V tllRV UTO lltlSUrniLftfl ed. Set up byexperlenced hands and warranted to give s.uisucuou. Prices and specimens of other de sifins sent to any address. Address I ?. BL00J1SBDRG PA- May 4-tf Five Cold and Two Silver Medals, awarded In 1835 at the Expositions of New Orleans and Louisville, and the In. ventions Exposition of London. Tlio superiority of Coraliue over horn or whilebono lias now been demonstrated byoverflvo years' experience. It Is more durable, inoro pliable, more comfortable, and never breaks. Avoid rliean Imitations mado of various kinds of cord. Nono are genuine unless "Da. Wanner s Uobausk" is prinieu on Insldo of steel cover. FOR SALE BY AIL LEADINQ MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 353 Broadway, New York City. tcb&r oius. In ttrnlflttJ f'll'All flWAV. Send US tents pouat'e, and by mall jou will IVM u llmf ulll kllirL oll III WOlk hat will at once Urlntr you tu inouey lasler than .i.),,,. uiu,i ii. ifiiririt Ailtiitniii tlio f JOit.' w innrt-wnth wlth'euch box. Agents wanted ev. ery .vheie, ol either seX of ; all iiBt or ai i e issured. lon't delay. II. IUiliit Co . Port. laud, .Maine. dcciSW. E.bii.i.ed FAY'S MANILLA ROOFING! luuy.il-lt-d. P.')A 111 ...I 111 lift f Ml.. (U.t(.l. lie ,IGUT ON THE SUBJECT You can now buy ClotliiiiR that looks as well, wears as well, tits as nicely as goods mado to -order, wliilc the cost is nt leuH two-thirds less. We in vile you to test these facts by dealing with A C YATES & CO. Sixth and Chestnut Sts. Best Male Clothing In Philadelphia. ANIMAL BONE MANURE. BAUCIS'S $25 Phosphate lm nt s mere stimulant) It ! not AeMaUted H. C, Hock, ball Til VJi A MMONIA TED It ONE SUl'Eli-VUOSVIIATE actl.tlr tupplrtnx the Decetnarj plict food u sMdd. IciTinK the crop an enrlr ft.rt, and tUftafDiDs It until folly matnrad. Uslnit an AnUnal Uou Macara. It alia Improves the soil permanently. Rand for IIAI T.II'M PIIOSPIIATR (1IHDII. AlboprkiM and bus plea of Ilauga'a ltaw Bone Manures THE ORIGINAL. Manofactnrere ot RAW BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE BAUGH&SONS Vaaofftetarert ib1 Imperten, PHILADELPHIA, PA, (FebSC) 15 CENTS rORIMPLC COPY Dl THIS ItKvmtlieLNCUtGC mill tiRllmeat ot Cvira r lower and Stnb, ilUllli UHItrent klmln. AltunU the Kaowa Ralliol rilrta lion vltli Clovs. Paraisl, Niadkirctlitiaiirii. It Hthi molt cempliti wotk of the kind ev-iT pub Uhnl,(Seiid l'llleen CenlKn stauipi lor u pumple copy, also our price In iiReiitH. Ageuti wnnti'il tvarvwkira. Ail. ltMAIl'l'IFl'l. 1IIHIK. MCRICM PUB. CO.. 17 North Tutti tlrwl.fHIH'1. Pi. SINGER C47 TIIlSMVlli U)l E- -BAiB TKlAli. r A Fall Net of B.V Attiicliineius. 5WAIlKANTi:l TTo.ris. scud for Cii-ciilnr. . V. HOWE at CO., 123I(.0tIlHt.,rlllIu..l'tu Apr. 2 ITw. THE STANDARD ILAIJHI)IR IBILUE OF AMERICA. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. apr.9-m. Adams' Patent alatu. PICKET FiX"?r'. $1.75 par rot! end upvr. SPECIAL QUOTATIONS. All kind rf lr-n loicet, Git. fo F rcNce WHb T ITT rrjli!.. l. Iron Work in all styles. Coal Screens & specialty. Iron ladders, Vhjs'.s St Cresting. Blatkjmlthlng In all branches. Estimate) fjtn!if.:J. EAGLE IRON VOr.S, Oor. TJnioc & Canal Stc, wiLKES-DAnnn. pa match 12-8iMy. TKCi. UJAKO CLOTHIH Q ! CLOTHING ! G. W. BERTSCH, TIIK MERCHANT TAILOR. Mi Furnishing !::::, Ui ft Caps OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits made to order at short notice and a litnlwajs guaranteed or no sale. Call and examine) tlio largest and best selected stock of goods over shown in Columbia county. ijtoro next eloor to First National Hank MAIN STREET, liloomsburg, Pa. 13X0HANGE HOTEL, W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BL00MSBUEO.FA, OIM'OSITBCOUIIT IIO.U8K, La reesand convenient sample roomt. llutli rooms hot and cold water and all mdlern conveniences WANTED LA.DY f.Wrijl. wmiil In her own looalltv an old firm, ltcferencei reiiulreil. IVriiuinciit ixisiilon and good bal.iry (J.v & mull., 10 iiarciajr m., . . iir .Mi.u i KlRTIHO nun CLiiESi j rr - ujii i mm A CATCS , , BiBii , BLOOMSBUHG, PA., l.vcrj alraln fir cold ollnrlia tint ntak bark an j nr-nrif proairaies )orj. THE MrenfitlietJi itto IutIpi", llnrlflio. tlip Itlooil, (iitcM Nmv lent 1B Ij. MvrRS. VmrllnlJ, Iowa, untit "Urown'a lnn l.ttt tit ih Dm Wt In n tncdictno I hhre known in my JM jpsm r.tctfce. I hvr fonntt it rpfcnlly Itenmicia) in nerrouf i r rlij wilii! txlinu-at Icm, hod in all debititntnir fiilmntd that 1nr pxtln'iTily i'n ths bjUdiii, J- it 1 rocly in my o'n family " Mn, W. F Urowk,M7 Mnin M , CoTlnpton. Ky. mjb. "I Mini cuiu(letily I rnken d iwn in lie.-iltli ntnl Iroutilod wttli inliii In rny tnrk Hrowu't. Iron titti'ra vtalircly lutond 1110 tu Walth " Genuine Ijah nlx)TuTrdo Mailt ncJcned rfdlinoa on wmpptr TiiUt mi irltirr Mndy wily ly iiiiou.N ciii:aii(.ai.c:o.1!.vlti.moim:13ii. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM the jwpular favortto for drcsMnff tho hair, llcftorinn! color when f ray, and pn'ventlnff ItandmtT. t Uoann ll.o ncnlp, Ftoi tlio hair falRntf, and U miro to j1jw. Tlio bent Cough Cure you ran uso, And the beet freventiTO know n for Connumptlon. It cures bodily pains, and all dlnorcJers of the btoinach , Itowela, Lunp. IJrer, Kldncyn, Urinary Orpins and all Ftmale Complaints. Tho ftxhle and etok, fttrtig plinff Oftalnst diwaec, and slowly drifting towards thotrravc,wlll In mott cases rcvotcr their health hy tho timely use o( Taukkii's Tomc, but delay Is (Jan (ferous. Tako It In time. Buld hy all Drugglsta In largo bottles at SUM. HINDERCORNS Tho safwt, surest, quickest and best euro for Corns, Bunions, Warts, Moles, Calloures,Ao, Hinders their fur ther growth. Stoiisallialn. Gives no trou Wee. Makes tho feet comfortable, lllndereorns cures wheneverjthlnR elso falls. 6olJ by Drufffista at 15c HiacuiiCo-.N. Y. aug. M iy CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common Itlotcli. or i:riiitlou, to tlio worst Scrotuln. Tlio best Illoml IMirlflcrovcrUlscovcred. JlyDrugtrlsts. J)RICEJIJDO,?ffnVSTS'S HAVE YOU iUMATISM? A remedy lui lw.eu dicoemt. Iu this country it la i.t-w it tiuis Uowuvcr, bocu in succcMful uso for many jluxh In T.urcic, and it U a fact that tho RUSSIAN RHEUMATGSM CURE Las tho cudorpcnicut of Couliucatal rhyslciana and Govcrniutnt Sanitary Connnlsnious, as til tho thousands of tatiiTereni towlmm it has brounrht re. lltf. It lias Baud others all who havo tried it. It SAVE YOU from further aony, If you'll enlyarhoit a eLhance. Dexrrlpth o pniaphtot, ith tefcUmonlnls. Trer. Prlco S2.G0. ' If mulled. 10c. additional. 1 If rtiriuh red, luo. more. PRUSSIAN OlH' Imiv ilenentho business. TUB Nono Oemilno without thirl liadMark. RHEUMATISM CURE. As yet it i not to Iks found at tho stores, but can only U Imd by enclouiny tho amount un aboe, aud nddrtiwinK tho Amtricau proprieturs. PFAELZER BROS. & CO. Sltl-Sil .HurUet strci'l, flilludilnUla. march lo.ly.a 'JVn tliousiuul )iibit8 live inven yt-iirly totlieravp by not having Dr. Uuml's Tcothiiig Lotion on thuir "inns when 100111111". SOVIETHING NEW ! SOMETHING WONDERFUL ! SOMETHING MAGICAL ! To Imthe tlio babv's l'iiiii.s while teethiner, relievinjr all inilainnia- tion, swelling and puin. LOST I A good many night's rest by not ha ving Dr. 1 fanti's Colic Cure, tor it gives baby comfort and loop without stupefying or in juring it. Aoopiaten. No con stipation. bold at Klonn a drug store, general agent for Dr. Hand's remedies for children. Laboni- 4 O IJ.. tin) nt. toi'iiiuiuii, iii. mec loo w Vor " voni-out,M "rnn-lovn,M OiliilltaU'il Kchiml ttmcliiTS, inlllliicrs, niiif,tivss(, liw liitpi rf. mul oviT-Hoi kit! women iftiU'tully, Ur. I'Iimci'M ravoilln 1'iiserlpllon U tlio lxst ot iillnbeonitlvi'tniilc. H U not u" Cure-all," Init mlinlnilily tiililllauEliitiHicssof puvikw, lu'lnir 11 liuwt iKitoiit Fptlllo lor nil (lioso Cluoulo Wimkni'S H mid Diwiwn liiTUllnr to woiui'ii. It is n powerful, kiii iii1 as well utcrliiu, tonlo iiiul liiTvliic, mid Imparts vliror ainUlliiiKlli totliowliolosyelc'in. It piomptl)' rurca ,ihKih1 of Btoniauli, Indltrr'Sllon. liloat jutr. weal: back. iieroiis prohtiiitloii, ilclilllty mul sIivpli'fcMiivs. In illlit'r kox, ravonto l'reu serlptlon la hold by ilruiralsta uodTour ml l((T uiiiiiiiiiIk-, Soo wnipK'r nioiiml Imitlu, I'rlco r?l.(IO, op ntx lnilllpii lop $.1.00. A latyo tixnitlhoou Dibeasi'aof Wouu'ii, pr( fustdy llliiotmhil with coloiiil platoa ami nil tnrrous wiHMUcutK, Heut lor 10 i-enls In tainpti. AiWrea-i, Woiu.n'n Dim'i.nsihv Mi.iiicm, Association, i1 .Main Stmt, llutlalo, N, V, hICIC lllIAItAOIIi:, IIiIIikh Hoadaclip, uml l-'oiiitlpallon, piouipily run il by JJr, l'luie'a 1'i lli-tii. ZSe.u l.il, by Ui UKijUta. TMIHAS IIUOWNVS INtiUHANCE V AeiKNl'Y. Mojcr'snewbulldlnilaluBtKet, lubouisbun.'. I'a. Assets .Ktjia Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn $7,(ir8,'v'jo ltoyal ot Liverpool , iu.mii.oiio bancashlro ui.mi.ut.' Hres A'boclatlon, I'hlladclputa .liujio l'hojnlx, of London s,vw.37tl London x Lancashire, of L'ngland,...,,, l,;oJ,vTo Ilartfonlof Hartford , 3,?M,ono bprluitlliia l'lro and Jlarlno '.'.OiJ.laO A8 the asencles nro direct, policies are written fortho Insured without delay In the omce at mootuttuurv, uct. us, '81 Die A IT'rVr'eSJC Ha CAUSliS and ll,il.Jl'XI! cu UK. by ouowho was deaf twcnty-cltfht oara. Trealwl by mont ot the noteil bpeclallsta of tho day with no beuertt, t ured himself In three inonlha, uini Dim e turn iiuuiiieus ui uiiiri.. bailiu pii. wti. a piiuii) Minpie aim Kuci'i'hhiui noiun neai. luent. Addrest T. S. I'AOK, US Kast 2M btroct, New Voi k i lly. Apr 3-lt d. i if ferritin UI 11 U GIVEN MY Hi Q FRIDAY, MAY 2L SELEC1J5TQRY. THE MYSTEEIOUS FORQERY. It was a lilufik Oo'.obcr morning, and Mr. Waltor Cruttip, cashier to lliu linn of MesHrtJ. liivpscy ifc Masun, tjuicken uil liis paco as lio mado his ,wny along Tlirogmortou St,, to tha tccno of his daily toll. It was not that ho feared to ho Into thnt Mr. Crump wits walk ing fast. During all thu forty ycats that ho had sat on a high stool lrom '10 to 5 Mr. Crump had never been known to ho lato for his work. A inoro methodical, careful man never hung over a ledger or balanced a cash book. At length he reached tlio well-known staircase, opened tlio olllco door, and siood still for a moment in surprise. Young Carter, thu assistant bookkeep er, was thcru before him, already at his work. Mr. Crump smiled grimly. "So you'vo mado a beginning, young man," lie said. "Well, we'll see." Carter's face Hushed a little as ho badu tlio older man good-morning. The fact was that Crump, who hail man ied rather late in life, had a bright ed ilaujihlcr nameil Aimiu, with whom lfobert Carler had fallen very much in love. It m only on tho pro ceeding evening that things had come to a frigid, ana, somewhat to tlio jouiig man s siirpiise. Air. Uiiiiiip had reject- d t'.e pioposed e'ligagemeut. JIo did tot like yeiunt' Carter, lie did not approve of the young fellow's fashion ably cut collais, nor ot hii scarf-pin, Kir oi his Oiine. bueh tlimiss Air. ejiiimp cuiiMilered were the Pigns ot a nvoloiis elispoMlion anil unsteady laoitf. ior did Mr. ejiuiu)) npniovo ot thu snatches ot comic sonjjs winch Cailer was continually liiininiiiii. JIo suspected that tho young man fre quented music halls, and ipeiit mine money on cheap cleats, novels and out ngs Uiau was proper tor ono in his position. Ucsides, Air Koboit Carter was usually tho last of all the clerks to make his appearance in tho inorniiij,', and this was, in Air. Crump's eyes, a very bad sign. It was plain to tho old man thai Carter was not making an attempt to earn his good opinion. 'J. lino will show tune will show. Raid Air. Crump, in rather an aggravat- ng way, as ho cliaiiL'ed his coat,t.open- ed his desk, unlocked his safe, and set about Ins work. Soon tho other clerks beuan to arrive. and then came Air. Alason, tho actinu aitner, a tall, pale man, with lone: black whiskers. Air. Livesey, the senior partner, only camo to the ollice twice a week, to examine tho bank oook aim sco now tilings were going on. Mr. Alason opened the letteis.and soon appeared at Air. Crump's desk with a small sheal of them in his hand. i'liese weio letters in response to which small sums ot money had to bo sent, and it belonged to Air. Crump to attend to them, for ho had authority to siun checks for tho firm for sums up to five pounds. Air. Urump first mado a list of tho payments ho had to make and then went to his sate lor his check-book. As ho opened it to wiite the first cheek ho was surprised to find that the counterfoil bclongintr. to the lat check which had been taken front the book was not filled up. He could hardly be- lievo his "eyes. Never in all his life had he written a check without first filling up tho counterfoil with p.irtieu lais of the amount, tho date, and the person to whom the check was sent. Hut his surprise was changed to dis may when ho took out his cash-book and found that ho had only drawn nine checks tho day before, the conn terfoils of which were all properly fill ed up, whereas a tenth check had been torn out of tho book. For n moment ho sat as if stunned. Could anv ono havo stolen tho blank check Ho always kept tho key of his 83fo on his own bunch : but it was just possible that some ono might havo got hold ot tho key. taken an nn- pres-ion ot it in wax, and had a Jals key made. 1 Iu had heard of such thiur's. llo leaned 1 1 is dead on his hands and tried lo think. When had he closed l ho safe last niiiht 1 About 1 in tho afternoon, beforo anybody had Jolt the olhce lor the day ; for ho re un m Doled that he had been Kent to the locks nbimt ! o'clock with some docu ments for a ship that was about to sail and that when begot back at half-pait (i ever) body had lelt, and the place was in daikui'ss. If the blai.k check had been stoltn, the tlielt must have been ciuimiitted ast night or this mornine: t Could the safo l.avo been opened beforo his anival f IIo rcmcnieered Carter's unusually early appearance, and threw a suspicious gianoo at mu young man. I hen a simpler solution of tlio mat tor occurcd to him. It was very liossi ble, that in teaung out tho last check ho had drawn tho day bo fine, ho had torn out two bv mistake, folded them up, and sent them off together. This would, of course, account for tho up pearauco of tlio check-book, He do terimncd to write at once lo Alarshall & Company, merchants in Liverpool, to whom he had sent his last cheek. and ask whether a blank check had not been sent to them by mistake. l hen iho question arose should ho mention thu ciicumstauccs to Air. AIa-on 1 On consideration Air. Crumi thought it was not necessary to do so. Air. Alason was rather a hard man to deal with, ami a confession would ruin tho character for carefulness wind tho cashier had so long enjoyed. Aud he fully expected that in two days at most ho would get a loiter from Liver- )ool enclosing the slip of paper which mil cost him so much anxiety Tho iioxt day was Tuesday ; and ao eoiuiiiy to ins liivaruibiii custom on that day of tho week, Air. Livesey madoihis appcarnuco In tho ollice. Business hud lint long commenced whou ever) body in iho establishment was awato that something unusual ha happened. Air. Alason was closeted with his partner for a few miiuites.atie' then went huriiedly out of tho olliue, returning shortly afterward with Air, Jeffreys, the manager of tho London and Lancashire Hank, nt which tho firm kept their account Then Air. .Toffreys left, and camo back accompanied py ono ot his cash lors. 'X hen a bell was rung and Air Crump was sent for, With a beating heart and a col sweat on his brow tho cashier obeye tuo fiiiuinons. 'Wring your check-book, Air. Crump, said tho Henlor partner. , This was done, ivul a tall mau,wliom 1886. Mr. Crump had not noticed up to thnt time, slciiiicd up to tlio taiilo mid fSiiuit'cri nt thei clicok-book nlong with Mr. Livcftcy. "1 thought bo," oxchimcd tho old gentleman. "Horn's tho placo from which tho check wiw taken. Hero is tho counterfoil. Tho numbers corres pond. W hat mado yon elo it, Crump I You are tho ,ast man in tho world from whom I would havo expected rttioh conduct." 'Do what, sir t" faintly uttered Jlr. Crump. "Uo what r ecliocd lna employer itli a contemntiioua Binile. "Who liel you tjot to do this little bit of work for you t" As lie Hiioko ilr. Jjovcrpv tosed a check across tho table. Air. Urump took it up and road : "Tho London and Ijincaslnro Uank. l'ap Joi. Iseck man Ksq., or ordur, tlireo thousand ono hundred and seventy two pounds fif teen shillings. Livesey and Mason.'' lla looked up bewildered. Tho tall man in the Iroek-coat Watched mm narrowly. "Who is this Iseckman V asked Air. ivesey. "I don't know, sir." "You don't know t You see that iu check has come fiom your book ?'' "Ye s, sir." "Did vou give it to any ono V "No, 'sir." "Diel you miss it 1" "Yes sir. I missed it )eslerday ; and wrote lo AlesBi'f. Alarshall, to whom had sent the one beforo that, think ing that I had torn out two by mis take." That rather points to his innocence," whispeidl Air. Livesoy to tho tall man at his enow. "I may be only -t clover plant, sir," etui lied tho other. "You did not put that letter among the others to ho copied in the lettei- ook," put in Air. Alison. I Urump hung his head. "Is tho check '' ho began, after a ause. "Of course it is forged," answered Air. Livesey. "And was it paid t "Yes j it was paid yesterday." Air. Crump shuddoied took a long breath, and waited. "Now Crump, you had belter make clean breast of it, '' said Air. Livesev Iter i moment's silence. "Tell us who this man Heckman is ; tell us where the money has gone it can't bu all spent already and it will be nonu the worse lor vou." Air. Crump felt a choking sensation n his thioat ; but ho plucked up cour age enough to say, "I have told you already, sir, that I know nothing about It was only yesterday morning that noticed that a check had been taken out tho book." "Why did you not mention it Task ed Air. Alason. I thought I had torn it out invself along with tho ono I scut to Air. Alarshall." "Hut it may have been torn out by any one in the olllco during thu day belore t" Yes, sir," replied Crump, "I don't seo how any ouo could havo got at tho oook, ior i am very carelul ; but it is possible." "1 he thiol has probably got a pro fessional forger to copy tho signature from an old letter," said Air. Alason, akiug up tho slip of paper. "It is baulitully imitated. I would not have letected it myselt. ' "It is plain that the thief must have been some ono in the ollice, though irobably he had an accomplice out- ide, said Mr. JcUrejs. "A stranger would not havo known that tho firm ad so largo a balanco nt the moment. Is theiu any ono of your fellow-clerks whom you may think may havo had a hand iu it V he added, turnimr to tho cashier. "No, sir." "Is there any ono who keeps loose company, or any ono who is in tho habit of spending too much money " Air. Urump thought of Carter, and hesitated for a moment. 'Speak, sir, if you aro wise," said Air. Livesev sternly. "I have sometimes thought that Air. Caitcr spent a good deal on dress, and so on ; but not more than many young men," replied Air. Crump. Hut as ho "poke he suddenly remembered Uobert :irters unusual uarly appearanco on the preceding morning, and a suspi cion aioso iu his n.ind. Without i:i- lending it ho allowed his llinuuhls to appear in his face, so that hisproiesl I know nothing whatever imainst Air. Caiter" had but lilllo effect. Crump was sent back to bis desk. and Carter was sent for. IIo camo back to tho clerk's room in a statu of great indignation, having strenuously denied any knowledge whatever of the orgery. 1 ho result of a consultation between tho bmk manager and the partners was that, as dump could not Account for tho loss of tho check, ho had probably stolen iti and that, al though llicio was not evidence enough o prosecute him, he must bo dismissed at once. As to Carter thoy determin ed to allow him to remain where ho was, and keep a close watch on his proceedings. Poor Walter Crump went homo that ilay like ono in a dream. IIo was dis missed as tho accomplice of a forger ! And ho could not say that in tho cir cumstance, hu had been treated un justly. Tho check had been intrusted to nun, ami ho had lot it It was, ap parently, at least, his fault that the crime bad been count. i toil. IIo almost wondered that he had not been sent to prison. hen no reached his own houso ho Bat down in front of the liro without speaking, uml oven his favorite daught- cr, iuuie, could not mako him say what troubled him. How could ho tell his children that he, their father. had hi en dismissed from his situation on suspicion of having robbed his em pioyers ot xa.udU T About o clock in tho oveiilncr : knock oamu to tho old man's door. It was Kobeit Carter. Crumn started to his feet in indignation. Was this fellow whom ho suspected to bo tlio ie;u urimiuui, io oomo aim gloat over mm iu his misery i Hut before ho could spoak Caiter had oouio into tho room 'and held out Ilia hand i "I camo to tell you, Air. Crump,' said he, "how sorry wo all aro in tho olllco about this. Nono of us believes you had anything to do willi, it course, it will all como out, likely in day or two." o in THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XX.NO 20 COLTJMniA DEMOOltAT, VOL. I, NO II The old man stared nt him lor n miniito or two without speaking and without taking Carter's hand. "Hegonc, sir 1" he cried at last. "How daro you como hero lo insult mu with your sympathy T You I I fancy you aro tho ono who knows most about it." Annio turned from jno to tlio other with bewildered, terrified looks. For tunately sho was tho only other ono of the family in tho room. "What is it, father" t" sho cried, clasping hor hands. "What is it you say Uobert knows moro about than any ono elso T Oh, tell mo what has happened t" "Go to your room, girl," said hor father, sternly. "Thcro is trouble enough without your meddliug in it, Stop," ho continuril, as tho gill slowly left the room. "You seo that young man. I forbid you to seo him, to write to him, to receive any letters from him. He you will know soon enough.'' "What, sir 1" cried Carter, his eyes blczing with indignation. "Do you say that I that I took tho chock 1 Why, it was an impossibility, oven if I had wished to do such a thing." "Leave my house, sir 1" was tho old initn's icply, as ho reseated himself in his chair. IIo had by this time per suaded himself that in tome unguarded moment bu had lelt his key in iho safe, that Carter had taken an impression of it and hu! a false key made, and that he had got some clever forger to .niitatnto tho firm's signature. Hut hu knew that no ono would believe him, that appearances were all against him, and that il would bo impossible for him now even to earn his bread. IIo looked upon Carter as tho man who had ruin ed him, and in his misery and un reasonableness he fancied that one of tho young man's objects was to throw suspicion upon him, to l educe him to poverty and make it impossible tor him to lolusu to accept as Anmo's hus band. Hut in this thu old man deter mined ho would never yield. Carler protested onco raoro against tlio injustice of tho cashier's suspic ions, mul then left the room. At tho street door ho met Annie, who was waiting for him. "Oh, Robeit.,' she exclaimed in a low voice, "tell mo what has happen ed." "Somebody at tho ollico has forged a check for three thousand pounds and more," he replied. "It had been takun lrom your father's book, and and ho fancies I took it I, who had nothing to do with his satu whatever.'' "And do they imagine it was " Robert was silent. 'And you camo here to say you didn't believe it ! Oh, how good of yon I" "Hut he thinks I am the thief. You don't, Annie t" "No, Koburt : I am euro of that. Only, I can't seo you so loug as my father " Kobei t's only answer to this was a sigh, and with a hurried good-by the lovers parted. Weeks and months went by, and tho mystery of tho forged check remained unsolved. Air. Livesey insisted that tho firm should bear tho loss of tho X!!,000, which Air. Alason thought tho bank ought to repay, as they wers legally responsible for tho money. "No,'' said the old gentleman, "they may bo legally responsible, but I don t see'that they ought to suffer. The check itself was in our hands, and wo allowed a thief to get hold of it. Tho bank did all they could. Tho forged signature is so like yours that no ono could toll tho difference ; and tho bank cashier tells mu that tho man who cashed it showed him letters addressed to himself as 'Joseph Heckman' (the name on tho check), and showed him his card, saying that ho was a solicitor. Of osurso hu wasn't. Thu thing has been most cleverly planned, and I am epiito at a loss to think who put that poor lellow Urump up to it ; but it seems to mo we can't let the bank suf fer. Wc could not alTord to let it bo known wo hud dono so. No other bank would keep our account." Of course poor Walter Crump could not find another situation, though hu would havo been glad to tako tho low est piaco in an ollice. Thu won came to his door in earnest. Annie, who had aaitti'Uion 'n a boarding school was tho cluet suppoil ot tho family ; and tho poor gill was palu and thin from long hours and scanty meals. It was about tno months after tho ilay when thu cashier was dismissed in disgracu that one day Air. Alason left his ollice at half-past 1, his usual hour lor going out to lunch. Halt- ast i was also tnu tinio when it as Robert Carter's turn lo go out for half an hour ; and Air. Alason had hardly had time lo reach tho street when tho otuig man left his desk, went into Air, Alason s room, entered a small closet u which a wash-hand basin was fitted up, and proceeded to wa.li Ins hands i ins was a nign misdemeanor, espeo ally as accomodation was provided for cleiks in nnother part of tho building, but Air. uobert U.nter preterm! Air. Aiason s ciosei,and always uscel it when io hai' a chauco ot doing so. On this occasion, however, ho had barely begun his ablutions when ho heard thu outer door of tho oflicu slain and then ho heard some one, whom ho udgud lo bu his employer, como into thu room. Fortunately the door of tho closet was nearly closed, so that tlio young iiiuu wit" iiiviatuiu iu iiuy uiiu ill tuu cenlro of tho room. no nas oniy como back lor his um brella," said Robert to himself ; "thero is no need for my moving. If I keei quiet he will bu gone in R minute. No! Some ono elso has como in with him, What shall I do 1" Air. Alnsou had already closed tho loubie doors which led Horn his room to the outer ollice, and Carter was screwing up his courage to tlio point oi uuimssiiig ins presence, wnen tlio Inst words spoken by tlio stranger fell upon his ear, and miidu him stand as stiff as a stone. "You can take your choice, ns 1 said in my letter. Hand mo over another hundred or I'll split. What's onu suventy.two out of tlneo thousand t I had all tho risk, mid you " "Silence will yout" hissed out Air, Alason. in an anirrv whisner. I .rq'i givo you a bundled pounds, for I linvn't got it. Hut I will givo you tlftv next month. Alter that you can 'split' if yon use, icr you sunn get no moro out of ine. Anything would bo bettor than living as slave to i man liko you." lJE3 Qf oVtL1JSlH. 1 w 2w i u in an Su lr 1 Inch ! ;s I ti I M IM SOO 4 60 V 00 3 1 liO 8 00 8 85 4 0U 475 7 60 1 00 3 " 81)0175 360 600 B W 10 00 1 00 4 ' 3 60 S 60 4 60 TOO S 00 18 00 I OB lol 8 85 4 60 6 60 8 0(1 II 5a 14 60 83 00 Scot B 60 7 01) 8 00 14 00 17 00 80 ( 0 40 00 "column 8 00 18 00 15 00 85 OO 80 00 40 00 HO 0 Yearly ISil wtlcmcnts payable quarterly. Tra slent advertisement must bo paid for before In. netted except whercpartlcs have account. tccal advertisements two dollar per Inch foi three. Insertion, and nt that rate for additional Insertions without relercnco to length. Executor's, Administrator's, and Auditor's no tlces three dollars. Transient or Ical notices, ten cents a lino, reg ular advertisements halt rates. cards In the "Dullness Directory" column, on dollar a year for each line. "Hand over tho fifty, then," said tho other nftcr a pans and then thcru was a Blight rustle o! bank-notes. "You had bettor leavo tho country," Bald Air. Alason in a low tone. "Iho bank cashier who cashed the check might meet you in tho street," "I'll take caro of that," replied tho stranger ; and after a fuw more words had pnHted tlio two men left the office. All this time Carter had been stand ing half paialyzed, first by fear of dis covery and then by astonishment. Hut lio understood Riis much, that this stranger was tho man who had cashed the forged check under the namo of Rockman j that Air. Alason knew it, and so far from denouncing him to tho police was giving him money to hold his toflgue. Yes ; and moro than this tho stranger was threatening to "split" upon Mr. Alason ! What it could all moan Carter could not comprehend ; but hu saw one thing plainly enough. Tho important point was to find out who this man was, and where ho lived. In a moment Carter ran out of tlio room, seized Ids hat, and rushed do ami stairs. IIo was just iu time. Air. Alason was leaving tho foot of the stairs, going up the Btreet, while a well-dressed man, who had evidently just parted from him, was walking rapidly in tho opposite direction. Carter followed tho stranger to the Alansion House, and biiw him take a Hayswater omni bus. This suited Carter exactly. IIo went round to tho front of tho vehicle and got up beside the driver. Then hu clambered along tho roof and seat, cd himself above ttie door. At tho Ilolborn Restaurant the man whom ho was following got out and stopped to refresh himself, while Car ter waited patiently outside. At last hu reappeared, and Carter quietly fol lowed him down Ilolborn, up Gray's Inn Road and into a dingy street in tho neighborhood ot King's Cross. Here the pretended solicitor stopped at a door, which lio opened with a latch key. "Ah !" said Carter to himself, "I havo yon now !" IIo waited a fow moments, and theu knocked at tho door. It was answerod by a dirtv, slip-shod girl. "Doei Air. Williamson live here?" inquired thu young man. "No, ho doesn'l." "Wasn't that Air. Williamson who caniB in just now Air. AVilliamson, of Peterborough ? ' "No, it wasn't. That was our first floor, Air. Cromer. You'vo made a mistake." "So I have. Heg pardon, I'm sure" . and Carter turned away. I' rom King s Urost ho went straight to Scotland Yard and narrated his ex periences. That night Air. Livesoy re ceived a visit which caused him some urpriso and so did Air. Cromer. No sooner was the latter gentleman in the hands of the policu ihau lie confessed the whole matter. Air. Alason had known Cromer, who was a scoundrel with a respectable ap pearance and a plausible manner, for some time, and had selected him to bo his tool. IIo had Bent poor Crump to tho docks on tno afternoon before the morning when tho check was missed ; ho had como back to the ollice after the clerks were gone, and had then opened Crump's safe with bis own key and abstracted thu blank check. This check ho had himself tilled up and signed with tho firm's signature in tho usual way, so there was litilo wonder that tho cashier at tho bank paid it without any suspicion. IIo had no doubt, calculated that the bank would havo to bear the loss j but, as it was. ho had cheated Air. LiveBoy out of two thousand pounds, for, as ho himself had but a third share in tho business, only ono thousand out of the three had to come out of his own pocket. Air. Alason saved his paitncr the trouble of trying whether ho could mako hint ciimiually responsible for what ho had done : for when the polico went to look for him ho had disappear ed. Probably ho had seen Robert Cart er following his accomplice, and, scent ing danger bad saved himself while there was lime. It turned out after ward that hu had been speculating largely on tho Stock Exchange iinel was sorely in need ot money lo pay his losses. It was somo consolation to Air. Livisoy to think that his dishonest paitner had not profiled much by his theft. As for Walter Crump, ho was offer ed his oid place, with an apology and a hnudsomo picseiil to boot ; and ho still keeps the books which hu hud so ong under his care. Ho had not quito overcome his prejudice against Robert Carter, and lio always regarded it as a hard thing that he should havo lo owo his lepiitntion and Ins deliverance from poverty to that particular young gen tleman. However, as things were ho could do ho Uss thnn inform Carter that he had dono him an injustice, and that ho would bo happy to seo him iu the evening whenever it suited him to call. Tho color camu back to Annie's cheek and the light to her eyes when sho heard tho good news ; and it was not many weeks beforo sho became tho promised wife of tho young man who discmered tho secret of Tho Alysterious Forgery. Whitetall J'evieio. An Exchange of Courtesies. Air. Van Duzen (to Airs. Rich, of Now York) Air. Porcine, of Chicago, has asked for an introduction to you. Alay I present him t Airs. Rich Poreino 1 Porcine ! Oh, he's that big pork packer, isn't he 7 Oh, really I can't meet him. He's such a parvenu. Tell him, please, that I really can't condescend to bo intro duced to it man who can do nothing but eell diesaed beef. Aud stay como back and I ell mo what ho says. Air. Rich Well, what did ho say t Air. Vou Duzen Oh, nothing much. IIo only remarked thnt ho was at least modest enough to dros9 tlio goods ho hud for barter or sale. Airs. Rich What did ho mean by that! Air. Van Duzen (innocently I don't know, I'm sure. Ho looked pretty hard at your daughter when lio upoke. AlrB, Rich Sir I Do you mean to insult mo 1 ! Jiambler. Spring fashion noto Don't ohaogo your llanueU yd. That man kissed amiss when ho kiss, nl a AUes while his wife was looking.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers