The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 14, 1886, Image 4
THE TOLUMBIAN AJNTD DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. A Cavo Tull of Gold. WONIinOt'S WKAI.TIt MiCOVEUKD 11V A MONP.Y-t.OVINO MONK. Ajiropoa of tlio monks, a cootl story Is told coiicornlnp tlic-lr cupUuty. It is n common belief in Mexico tlmt muoh treasure is buried liurcniiotits, which Montezuma ordered to lio hidden nt tho timo of the conquest that it might not fall into tho hands of tho Spaniards, writes a Mexico correspondent of tho Philadelphia Jlecord. It is asserted that ha then put to death all who as sisted In tho hiding, leaving only him self and tho high priest ot tho great war god, lluitzliopoctlc, possessed of tho secret, which at last died with them. About fifty years ago it happoncd that a poor priest of a poorer churoh ,i 11 the near-by villago ot Caujimilpa wis .surprised ,by reuoivinj; freipiont (;ontril)iUioii8,of much value from tho moat indigent of his parishioners. Through the confessional ho finally ox tortcd Information that tho valuables caruo from a cavo recently discovered by tho Indian, mippoud to bo a part of Mpntezuraa's hidden wealth. Straight way went tho priest to his masters, tho monks, and toge'thur they concotcd a scheme for possessing themselves of tho coveted store. Tho priest pretended to discredit tho story and to bclievo that tho Indian Btoc the valuables, refusing to grant absolution for his sins until ho himself had seen the cave, offuwg to bo led thereto securely blindfolded, that ho might not remember tho route. With tho tctrors of purgatory before his eyes of course tho poor Indian consented, and an early day was appointed for the expedition. The crafty friar, who was piously muttering his prayers by tho way, man aged to slip tho beads from his rosary ono by one, dropping them all along the road, intending by their aid to fol low tho trail at some future timo. Arriving at tho cavo tho bandage was removed, and the priest beheld with greedy eyes a wonderful collection of gold, silver and jewels outrivaling Aladdin's famous storehouse whether tho hoard of some highwayman or smuggler, or really a portion of tho dead monarch's riches, none could de termine. The complaisant monk per mitted himself to be again securely blindfolded and led homo by another route. Arriving at his own door in great good humor at liis supposed sucoess he grant ed absolution to his Indian guide, to gether with numerous indulgences, and was about dismissing him when the simple parishioner, with humblo obeis ance, handed him u quantity of beads, saying : ."I have kept faith with your reve rence, but you had tho misfortune to break your rosary and to drop tho beods along the way. I havo carefully pick ed them all up and return them to you. You will find that not ono is missing.'' Notwithstanding numerous traditions of concealed wealth, but little lias actu ally been discovered. Buried gold is occasionally found, howovcr not in mounds and mountain caves, but in the rains of old houses, whore former own ers had deposjted it for safety in some time ot revolution. Not many years since a very poor old woman rented a house as old aud noor as herself for iiftv cents a month. Its inner court was paved with broken stones, which she was torevcr sweep, ing with the stub of an old broom, Ono day she observed that two or three stones of this patio were larger and more carefully put together than the rest. Being a lineal descendant of Mother live, her curiosity was at once aroused, and she procedsd to poke away around tho stones and to work away at them with sucks, until at lonctn she was able to raise them, when, lo! beneath them was a can full of treasure. There were more than 5000 worth of golden coins, every piece bcarint: the evil countenance of King Carlos V stamp ed plainly upon it a largo fortune, in deed, for so poor a person. How many more old women havo ever since been digging up their patsis hecatiso ot this lucky accident 1 am tin able to state, but can vouch that neighbor of mine in Tlalpam (a suburb ot tho Uitv ot Mexico), desiring to know tho contents of a certain "small hill on his premises, caused it to be opjhod, and found therein a quantity of silver plate, each piece being an an client bpamsh crcbt. Farm Notes. Iiaspborries throw up a grr at many slickers, anil thoso hould be thinned out, leaving not over four canes to the lull, so as to allot d plenty of room We need to study the habits of in sects 'more. Ntnrly all thu insects which injure tho farmer and fruit arow er have their parasites, which would kecp'the enemy in check if properly encouraged, it . . . .... 10 keep insects out ot bird cage tio up a little sulphur m n bag and suspend it in tho cage. Red ants, it is said, will never be found in a closet or drawer if a small bag of sulphur bo kept in those places. The practice of peccing down ever blooming roses so that they will cover completely tho sui face ot tho bed known to produco very pleasant re suits, it is said that jiogging dow dahlias proves quite satisfactory. In breeding stock on the farm do not be tempted to sell tho best, but dis poso of tho inferior animals first. By carefully selecting and retaining tho best every year, the value of tho stock will bo increased and larger profits cured. J. II. Mercer wishes to make assertion, wliieli ho cuti back with positive, uuarantco. It in all about Acker's lilood Elixir. Ilo claims for it superior' ruoriu over all other reined les ot Its kind, and guarantees lor it positive and buhi euro forliheuinatism bypmllis, and all blood disorders, it frees tho skin from spots and disease, and leaves tho complexion clear Ask him about it. Thero aro scores of persons who aro guttering lroin soma lorm ot blood dis order or skin disease, such as Scrofula, Jsoils, eta, etc. After a practical test, J. 11. JHercor asserts that Acker s JJlooi Elixir will certainly euro all such di cases, including byphillis and Hhcum ntisin. itis net a patent noetruni, but : gcientifio preparation, ho guarantees it. After a thorough test .). II, Mercer most positively atserts that Acker Kucllsh Hemedv is tho bent medicino for asthma, croup, coughs, whooping cough and all lung troubles that can ho found. Ask him about it, for ho fully guarantees it. 'Growing Old Togtthcr" was prob ably written by a man wniio gazing tho boots which had can ied hi round all winter, LADIES! Are you reck lem cuwrh to venture f If no both' two vents in ntnmp to the Mock I'wUithinjt Oi, 5W and Ml VA-1ilimton Slrivt. New York, for one nf their tp-nutlftit l.lutnUel "I.nillcM llonkA." It l-Mi xnwA. unique, nnl liitetvrtlng work t i'Wrv jK'roii ol ivdm-im-nt On M(v1it'H tell ivnu lit HtampN tliey will rnI postpaid a full f t or their fmiioim household irninu Ylr!ifl For tt'ii edit tliov will n!i 'il n twite containing complete wouIk ut M'lhe MlUdo," nml iniilo of Itfl mart popular nrigt lopetlicr with ten cxipiMte chromu cum. QUIIEPTUS! vm TV pieafhifr. iiitnniefn pij r rrlilrod nromillo com Kinnu for uifuulpiti;! llio ihpio oi nulnliin una other ilttor oniL'fi cither t-oiui oritiuu. rrlrc, itHrnUprr hit tint 1 1 p. I'rowih tl liv tlimivmulN of ultxulrtniifi In Knrop mut Aincrlai. 1 onnulii ticroiupaiilcs every Dome l or emu uy irrut'ii, Jlannfiirlurt'd by Tho Academio Pharmaceutic Co., I.OM0. .VM MM' OIIIC. M2-HG WASHINGTON ST., NEW YORK CITY. ELI An t-lecant I'ncllali ptiArinnceutlc preparation for bilious, malarial and AAaxX trouble) i the result of over twenty flve 3 ears of most eminent scientific research. Approved by tho lifcliput medical authorities. Iu use In tho hospitals in every pat t of Euroiw. Especially helpful to hidlen, children aud people f edentnry habits. Kntlrely vegetable ; free from harmful drug. In Handsome Packages, Price 50 Cts. Prepared solely by 5oyhl 'Plihfinhtfeutid LONDON AND NEW YORK. Chemists for appointment to Her Majesty tli. vjuwn anu 10 mo uojai ramuj. NLW YORK HRANCll! 130, 132, 134 CHARLTON ST. ROYAL PILLS. Same tmillolnat properties a llorjii, Ku hexes, CO nUlu to box, for vents. L1IIR, lu FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. REMEMBER THE BIG FOUR! Vinegar Bitters CORDIAL, -j ''fjjj" Vinegar Bitters POWDERS, 60 doses. Vinegar Bitters, n- ijle, 1 1'1'1 -Vinegar Bitters, old style, Mttertiute, - 50c. - 50c. 1.00 $1.00 Tho World's Creat Blood Purifier and Life Giving: Principle. Only Temperance Bitters Known. Tliepn.t flftli itfit Century the Lenillug I'a in 1 1- .Meillcliiu ut Ihu Mm hi. IJIII JJ I.W.Ik. E. H. McDonald DniSf Co., Proprietors, SAK FRANCISCO su NEW YORK. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL Almost as Palatabloas Milk. Tho only preparation of COM I.IVEU OIL that can bo taken readily and tolerated for a long timo by delicate tdoiiiachs. ANI AS A ltHMr.nT VOU fOVSOlPTlOV, si i:iin:i.oi s ih-k-uiiv. a,nai:mia, iik. ,I1AI, (IIKjlls ami 'iiiuiur At. tM'flU.Ms anil all 1UMI.MI DIMIIIIIHIl Of Ulll.llUKN It l nurTrllMin In Itn rnullt. l'rcscribcd and endorBtxl by the bout l'h;alciana In tho countries of tho world. for sale by all druggists. oct-33-ly. IRIIDiF.A.'rH'S Cyclopedia of Universal History IK 3 IllPEBIAL OCTAVO VOLUMES ; CONTAINS ,438 Iircre, IoubleCilutnn laf;e4. 1,U10 llouutlful AVoutl &i htool Kugruvlngl. 33 Colored IlUtorlcal Mlipa. O Colored Chronological Chartl. ai lenenlogical Diagrams. A Coiiloua ntul IHegantly l'renaroit Index. It la Kleirantly lrlnted anil ltouii(1,niul Is The Host Illustrated ltook on the Jlarket. A HISTOSY OP ALL NATIONS. AGENTS WANTED! 1W EOOZ. WBI24L MEl!3.en!ICE MSMTMT. FATJLKNER & AVUOM, 1215 lllbcrt street, I'lillatle liilila, l-eniuu kli.2-Cm. Tho Jobbing Department of is woll stocked with nuiteriul for doiiif all kinds of printing. in jroiit variety, All kinds of BLaYIE kept in stock, on lum) ord(;rs. Special prices OHico 2nd door hclow Main Street, J'jxcluingo Hotel. JJLOO.MSUUKO, A, XIR. mr. iliim mm, Ttlli (.IthAT Blood Purifier of tho World, AN AUSOMITl: Cl'ltH I'OK CATARRH. riHI- mt Inobnrn cn-e yield readily to It I and tinnut fmlcdto (nri n Btnitlo caiio JL where illreetlumnro fultoHd. ltitpuceeiis Iiiih hern reinnrknblo nml lt cures wonder. rul. Ill" tho mint fiiecejiftil jireimrntlon In tho innrket tur (,'ATAItltlt nml llio only ono tlmt protnliic nn Ahsolul', loltlwi Curn. It Is truly n liloolnn to manklml, A Trial la nil that la ii.lieil fur II. Oneo used, It Is nlwayi reeoniuiciuled. Nend for testimonials vC actual cure, IT hah no vqr.vL ron MALARIA. A VOSITIVH CVKli IS ASSURED. One hnltlo l Keiicrully rullleleut for iv euro. Stop tii'ilnit (1111111110. A Irlnl only h nslscd for Kkl. IKIl'H I'ATAItlllt llKMWIY. It l a Sl'KCIl lll Tur all ilncawsnrlsliiit mini nn ImiiuroMuod nml ilrlte nil eiuillom from tho fkln. For Hynhl 1 1 tic rum li Ints It h suierlor to anytiircarallun In the market. (Ino Imttlo will euro most ortlio rullowln ctmipliiluti nud a continued uso will 1'ositivm.v tuie. Sio doctor bills and try It. HIIHL'AIATIS.M. SCKOrULA. SKIM i:UlTIt)'S. vi:xi:ui:al diskasks. dysit.i'sia. loss ok aim'ktitk. IT.KLI.Vd OK I.AXOUH. HILIOrSXKSS. LlVIHt TUOIT15LES. xijityors ivi:akj!ess. rnjiALi: ivi:aks:i;ss. KKiLsn'a t'ATAiilut IlEMKnv Is no imtcnt ineilleiue, hut a saro mid fileunnnt prcimrntlou totnkennd purely tho urcntcst medical dlscov. cry ofthc ntrc, Ono hottlo rejm-enates thocntlro sjidi-m nod iioefC'4 more vlrtuo thnn a half d'nron hottlet of ordinary patent preparations. Wilto tor testimonial and other Inrormntlon. i-ror alo by druxmn generally. ritici: mi. no a imtti.i:. six hot TI.KS I'OK N.l.nn. On receipt or ."i.0 by the manufacturer", SA-vtrr-t, 1". Kelieii St Co., HiirtlrliurK'. l'a., lx bottles will ho sent express i.iiu. IC YOl havoInteninlBllme leyer, cankCr, acrid phlCBtn, bail table nnu onenslvo bieatli -Dr. KU uier's SWA.MI'-HOOT lemoien all these conditions. Ask j our Unit's W tor It. S5el. IF YOU havo lost your appetite, or tormto coated, dry and parched Upsuiid mouth, spittle dry and cottony, or havo become emaciated Dr. Kilmer's SWA.MI'-HOOT win build up your broken down constitution. sk jour druggist tor It. 2:ci IP YOU lme sudden attacks ot sinking spe'ls tho face white and deathly p.ile, and experience reelings ns though dying, and coldness seles your ery ltals Ur. Kilmer s ooKAN-WKtl) rouses the heart's action and saes lite. Druggists sell It. 1 IF YOlT havo oi-ganle disease, or jierlcardls, or heart c.iso troubles or liiuo thick' and sluggish blood, feel as though bleeding ould relieve ou Dr. Kilmer's OCIIAN-WKKD coerects and Is the cmudy you need. Druggists seOl It. fl. 14, D. LANCELL'S ASTHMA AND CATARRH REMEDY. SOLI) BY AUj DItL'GOISTS. Having struggled '.'0 years between llfo and death with AhTll.MA.or 1'UTllIslC, treated by eminent physicians md rccelMng no beneht, I was compelled during the last 5 jejra ot my 111 ness to sit on inv chair day and night gasping for breath -My sufferings wet o beyond description. In despair I expcilmented on myself by com pounding roots and herbs and inhaling tho medi cine thus obtained. I fortunately discovered this WONDUKl'UI. CUKE FOlt ASTHMA AND OA TAHIlll, warranted to telleve the most stubborn ensoot Ab'lllMA IN KIVU MINUTKM, so that the patient can He dowutoiestand sleep comfortably. Please read the following condensed extracts Horn unsolicited testimonials, all ot recent date: Oliver V. It. Holmes San .lose, Cal., writes: ''I tlndthe remedy all and even more than repre sented. I lecclve Instantaneous tcllef." E. .M. Carson, A. -M., Warren, Kansas writes: "Wos treated by eminent phjslclans of tins country and Oeimany; tiled thn climate ot different states nothing atlol'ded relict like your preparation." T. K. nates, County Tieasurcr, riillndelphla, .Mlss.,wtlies: "Have used the Itemedy. Would not lUe without it. Uer- ono that uses It re commends it." U H. l'lielps, I'. M., flrlggsOhlo, wiltes: "Suf fered with nsthum 40 years. Your medicino in :i minutes docs more tor mo titan the most eminent. plDslcian did for me In three years." II. u. l'lumptoii, Jollet, III., wrttcs: "Send Ca tarrh liemedy at once, cannot get along without It. I tlndltto be the most valuable medicine I have ever tried." tieo. w. Hrady, Nelson Ca, Ky., writes: 'lam using tho remedy, (laiiieit s tiniimU ins ii-pptw would not be without It." jiarun roy, uttie rails, N. v., writes: "Und Itemed' excellent. Could not ll w It bout It." V0 have manv Other linillte feMtlrrnnlnU or rum or relief, and In Older that nil sufferers from Asth ma, Untanh, Hay Ketcr, and kindred diseases may hntonn oppoituulty of testing tlu value ut tho ltemcdy wo will send to any address THIAl.l'AUK- aoi: Finn: of ciiaiiui:. .ddiess. j. .iw.MLii.viAN s co., rropnetorj, holesale Diugglsts Wooster, ay no Ca, o. 1 ull size box by mall (I. lmayT-1). I btnlued and all patent business attended to for moderate fees. our otlice Is opposite tho u. S. Patent Otttce, and wo can obtain l'atentsln less lime thanthosore mote from Washington. send model or drawing. We advlso as to pat. enlablllty free of charge, and we make no charge unless patent Is seemed. Weieferheti', totho Postmaster, the Supt.of -Money order Dlv., and to omclals of the U. a 1'atent ortlce, For circular, advice, terms and references to actual clients in your own Mate or County, write to C. A. SNOW & CO., an u ti Opl,os"0 1'ftlcn'' OBSce, Washington, I) C rlflBriflfl A handsomo VAHIi LA.MI' given 5. VPRR with afsorder for Tea and coll. eVVlaUU1'?: An Iron stone chamuku o SCT, 11) pieces, or a THA Sl.T, 44 peces, or ahandsomo lilio.N.K IIANOINO L.UU' g ven with a tlu order. A ClIAMIIKHSKT of 10 pleceswlth blue, maroon or pink band or an IKON 2ii,,N'';!r),l"''A'1'l:'!CTo"0l"'c'-,. ra '"-ss ffi Pf..P'r,0.0'' Siren with afia order, HANI). Mjmi. I'll , '.Sjilms,, consisting ot DucoraU'd Cwna W aro in 'lea Sets so Dinner and Tea bets com. bined, and Chamber sets, etc., etc., given' with orders for $18, po, w, as and W. send for clrcu !ai.V;ycl;.,V.l."Bl..0.r',ou""1 Particulars. OHAND u',i'l0Ni,TKA .ua'l'ANY, US south .Main st ....a ...i,,v, ..It ters m Front street. New York city. may lj-ly A P It 12 S K IS X I Our readers for 13 cents In nostni-p tlmniw tn I pay for mailing aud wrapping nml names of twphookagwilH. Mill rocelvu Mti:K a hleel . K'JiS .'. l.arior i:iigiavlutf ot oil our I'ltKSI tM'i oa eineiuiid, bUuiSMwihcu, Uddress Etder Pub. Go.Mcago, III. i .... Mnd Hx cent 8 for post I I II I II I "t'1'. iccclve free,a cost, A V it I U '"i ut V "a ""'eh "l" i I 1 1 ill )'' 1' )ou to inotu money A I 1 1 Ik h "tf"1 "wly Own anythlni i,J vUulu this world. All. ot either sex, succeed from flr.tliour. The broad road tofortuno opens be. foro the workers, absolutely sure. At once ad- diess, mug Co., Augusta, Maine, -18-3. I")1U OH llKMOItHHOIIjS.--UI.CKH8 .1 llis'Jle. itching, fistula, c,,cuicd without pdln by the Iikinkhiiuoii' 'luKiiutvr. Illustrated pa)iers explaining 1 tie system and outnlnlugref eieneesfcent fiev. Addiess J. It'. COOLUMUl, M. J) 208 Wyomlnij Ave., Scmnton, 'a. Maicli U.CU1S, Club mm A HIGH-TONED BEGGAR. THE MENDICANT PROFESSION IS NOT WITHOUT ITS DUDES. An Interview with ii Wfill-llrtstiid Toung lleggar An Kxplnnntlon nf Ills Method and Success The Various Kinds ol llcfcgnrt In New York. A young mnn, who did not look as though he had Rpent over n quarter ot n century In this suffering world, turned out of Tenth street n few evenings since and BRtintcred down Hrondwny, Ills light overcoat covered n shapely form, which was crowned with a derby lint of recent stylo. A pair of eyeglasses bridged his 'nose, nud tho cord tlmt connected them with tho buttonhole of his coat was of black Bilk nnd the loop It made was graco fill. One hand was hidden In a neat driv ing glove nnd from tho other hand hs dangled Its mate. Altogether his appear nnco was that of a natty young man Just returning homo from n Into call, for It was midnight. All thli was nollcod by n tired-out reporter, who was overcome with surprise when this exceedingly flno young mnn stepped up with! "Would you kindly assist me, sir, with a few pennies that I may get a lodging for the nlghtr" "Whatf" gasped the almost dumb struck reporter. "I tun entirely out ot funds. I have met misfortune," suavely responded tho young man. Without attempting a word, the person addressed pulled out a 10-ccnt piece. When tho movement toward tho pocket was made, tho young mnn In wnnt light pned his volco of tho Btrcss of care and feeling that pervaded it at first. "I only came over from Kngland n month ago," he volunteered, nnd am unable to Und work. I nm a machinist by trade. I have had no food slnco last night." This latter observation was added whon the silent transfer of tho coin was made nnd Its denomination beenmo manifest in tho bright rays of nn adjacent electric light, lie hesitated a moment. Then ho touched his hat with a "Thank you" In a most polito fashion and quickened his pace down Broadway. IN l'UriSUIT OF TDK HltHI-TONKD. Tho loser by tho transaction stood for a moment hesitating, then started in pur suit of tho high-toned beggar. Tho latter did not oven turn around, nnd as his pur suer drew near wafted forth a contented whistle. He finally enmo to a brilliantly lighted saloon, into which he dodged with tho familiarity ot nn old rounder. His follower caught him just in the act of tossing off a sherry flip, for which lie had thrown down a 60-cent piece inpayment. His check did not pale when he saw the reporter before him. Indeed he nodded his head In a sort of a greeting. The young man was led to an adjoining table, and after a little persuading, told his method of doing the streets. "Since you have fairly orncred me, I will tell you about tho business. I was once a hard-working young man, but owing to circumstances I was thrown out of busi ness and compelled to llnd sustenance as as best I could. I have a few decent rags left," and he glanced afTectionately nt tho neat top-coat and nudged with his chin tho rather naming necktie that encircled nn upright collar. "I had to get money somehow, und 1 took tho method you have observed. I joined tho ranks ot the dude beggars. Inm not nshamed of the term. A beggar Is a beggar. "Yes, there uro others like me. You have not happened to meet them, that is nil. Indeed, a little more and you would not havo me, as I go to Washington to morrow. Congress is iu session, you know, nnd It is really about the best time to visit the capital. "Tho success of my method you nto not the only ono who has been kind to me to night" and tho speaker proved the asser tion without remark by giving his pocket ful of coins a slap "the success ot my method is owing to the a-stonishmeut which niTects those to whom I make my appeals. My appearance does not imply want or starvation, and when 1 tell my story the listener immediately concludes, as soon as he recovers himself, that I am telling the strict truth and have.been caught without means. He goes awuy after making his donation feeling extremely well satisfied, and that he has nt last lilt upon u. case de serving of true charity. "Then, too, I nm enreful about my ap peals. I do not couch them in pitiable language, but In keeping with my dress; they are dignified, straightforward stories of my trouble and reasons for asking pe cuniary fuvors. They take as n rulo. If I had been dressed in rags and with sunken cheeks und hoarse voice addressed you, you would havo shaken me oil and passed on commenting to yourself on tho una voidable, nuisances of the streets." The young man then nrose, gave his mujtnche a twist, and with a bow ut the . head left the saloon. It Is hoped to continue his journey to Washington. IIEAIiTltGNOINO EPISTLES OF WANT. There are all kinds of beggers in New York, and while few with the original ideas and Immeasurable cheek of the species represented above, yet plenty re main of u more groveling nature and com mon methods. The letter writers aro a class that numbered a much larger client age than was supposed till the Charity Organization society's systematic raid on beggars was made. The letter writers ore genteel. They remain at home, and from a convenient desk, before perhaps an open fireplace, indite the most heartrending epistles of want nnd Buffering. The busy merchant's heart is touched, and, without time to Investigate, ho Incloses a bill and awuy goes tho letter. It is singular how much money goes without any effort be ing made to ascertain It the beneficiary is worthy, There aro mauy female letter writers, nnd of course theifeminlue chl rogrnpliy adds to the pitiable tale of woe. The only safe way to treat beggars is to give nothing, and if they are young send them around to the Young Men's Chris tian Association lodgings on the Bowery or other charitable institutions. You need not be afraid of overcrowding the institutions. They won't go. Ladies do a great deal of harm in so generously drop plug their small change in the beggar's box, and so tho trado Is kept up. A pre mium Is put on tho worst-looking beggar, and the old woman borrows some other woman's buby to make a show on the street. Another claSs of mendicants Is the per manent beggars, who aro found lu the same places week after week aud month after month. They are mostly blfnd or apparently so, or are iu some mannur crip pled, with u small musical box or dimin utive organ. Summer evenings are whlled awuy, and the little tin cups re sound often with pennies and nickels that are dropped lu, Homo of them are poor and use their earnings to live upon, but nthers are frauds. Now Yorkltlmea. INSOMNIA IN THE AGED. Some of Its Causes Symptoms aml'Treat inent Various lteinedles. In opening a discussion on this subject, Dr. C. I.. Dana said that he hod found the Information contained In the text-books upon insomnia in the aged was very Blight In amount. Insomnia was not fre quent in tho aged, but when it was present It was sometimes very intractable. Patho logists thought It wus due to auu.-mla nnd mulnutritlon. Tho thickened arterial walls und tho high arterial tension from the contracted kidneys, and similar states, which were fouul In tho aged, would indi cate that the blood supply to the bruin was deficient. Tho insomnia produced by ana'iulu wns characterized by drowsiness during the daytime, the patient falling Into little naps, while at night he was un able to obtain any rest. This was true of the young us well as tho old. If In any case we found no uetiuil disease, it was cus tomary to try Irou and rich diet. In tho BpeHker's experience, howover, Iron did tiot relievo luucmla of tlijj aged so as to produce sleep. Alcohol with the food was another remedy, aud many recommended hot gruel or hot milk with alcohol before going to bed. While alcohol would relieve some cases, thero were others In which tho Insomnia was Increased. The bromides nnd clilornl, even when given in enormous doses, often failed to give relief. Opium was another remedy, Dr. II, C. Wood had recommendod that we make our aged people opium eaters and alcohol drinkers. The speaker had not found that opium always agreed with tho aged, and in his experience, where opium had produced sleep, it was Bometlmes fol lowed by such physical and mental depres sion as precluded Its further use. He had been disappointed Iu bromide aud chloral, aud considered the results ot opium sometimes disastrous. He recom mended good food, warm drinks nt night, and small doses ot codeia with cannabis Indlcu. Valerian und lavender, hyoscyu mine, and lupulln sometimes were also useful drug,' Uulletluof Clinical Society, Symptoms ov Dysimh-sia are loss of appetite, rising of lood, heart burn, distension of tho stomach, headaclie. bad broMh, sleeplessness, low spirits and general prostration. Constipation Is a ircquent concomitant of dyspepsia, but sometimes It H attended with dmrrlnrn. Tlii test nf mnnv rears and tho experience ot many thousands nnd tensot thousands of every ngo and condition ntlltohai established t hornet that no one will remnln a drspeptlo who will take tho purely vegetable todlctlne. l'tmnt.Y VLtlMAIU. TRSTIMONIAI.S. an i:i'KI('A('Ioi:s iii;mi:hv.- i can leemninend as an Ullcnclous tctiiedy lor all discuses ot the liver, heartburn and d spensia, Minmons Liver ltegiilntor. Lewis (I. vi mulct, I tea Master M., Assistant I'osttnnstt r, I'lilladelplil i. 1M1IT IKIAI-I riUM'KTUN, e wish our readers toknow thai we hao found much ncnetlt from using Minmons Liver Hcgululor. our trouble oi l. in.ited unit rend red chronic in&gy years In India, leaves little hope of a pern-a curefiom anything. Hut tho Itigtil.itor has af forded tnoro relief than all else wo hae tried. Wo siy this without tho wish or Zellln SCo., whoprepaieltln I'hllndelplihi. liEV, it, u. i i.iir.u, lid. "Missionary Itevlevv." Wlti.HM I'knn I'. i).. Montgomery Co., l'a. MKbslts. j. H. y.ELIN K co.-llavmg sulTered loin dehttltv. headache, dizziness nndlu-sof atine- tlte.ntiil liclhgiicrsundfd thev resulted from an In- actlie liver, Minmons Liter tegulitor wasiecotu ineiided by a friend. I was greatly benefited In a short tlmi',nndennstderltnnalmosl Indispensable household remedy. .1. V, liK'lTEIILIt. I'HfTtHKn nv .1. It .Kli.lN &, CO , l'ltlt'B, 31. 00. rilll.ADKI.l'IIIA. I) ELAWAHK, LACKAWANNA AND WESjTKHN HAlLltOAI). I3LOOMSIJUUG DIVISION NOKTII. I STATIONS. SOUTH, a.m. a.m. n m. p.m. n.m. a.m! D uu 13 I) I 8 54 13 ill 8 4S 13 S!4 S 30,'... h 2ii Ilellevuo..,, 8 S! ...Taylorvlllo... 8 16'.. Lackawanna., 10 l'ittston..... 8 03 ..West l'ittston. u JU II 10 u 110 (1 15 9 20 2 10 6 20 !) 20 2 lb 40 13 15 .11 13 l 0 2, 1) 31 2 23 31 ll 11 3 30 0 40 U 41 2 SO 0 4'j 0 52 2 41 l 4'J II 5ft 2 4 1 C M 10 1)12 17 n 58 10 1.5 2 50 Ii 58 10 05 2 50 7 12 10 102 55 7 07 HI 15 3 IM 7 12 10 20 3 03 7 15 10 23 3 10 7 21 10 Via 27 7 37 10 41 3 19 7 51) 11 11 3 52 7 37 1 Oi! 3 58 8 01 II 11 1 03 8 10 11 20 4 13 8 11 11 23 4 16 8 18 11 2114 21 8 25 11 31)4 27 S 30 11 44 I 31 8 3ft 11 M) 1 10 8 It 11 53 4 40 8 58 12 13 5 01 !l 03 12 215 12 V 08 12 23 5 17 u ti-. 1 An r. 'I 8 27 13 O'i 8 33 11 SS 8 17 11 SI 8 13 11 50 8 08 11 47 8 118 11 47 8 01 11 43 ..Wyoming., . ...Mallby ...lleunett. .Kingston .... 7 51 7 50 7 41 7 47 ....Klngstun .... 7 4: 'Plymouth Juno 7 6'j ii m 7 38 ....rij mouth.,.. 1 31 ....Avondalc. . 7 .'ll ... Nanlicoke .. 7 2.) liunlock's crt ck 7 12..IHliickshlnny.. 7 uo . lllck's I'erry I) 51 ..Ileachllavcn.. 47 Herwlck .... (1 41 .Hrlar creek. H s ..Willow (Hove.. G 31,, ..Liu e llldge... a 27 Espy 0 2ll...lloomshurg... o iu .... ltupcrt 0 lliCatawl'a Hrldgo 5 5ft . . Danville.... 5 4J ....Chulasky.... 5 431 .... Cameton.... 5 .Northumberland 7 51 11 31 7 60 11 !I0 7 43 11 S3 7 80 11 IS 7 18 11 CO 7 11 10 51 7 03 10 W 0 M 10 41 0 54 10 as 8 50 10 34 6 43 IC 37 6 .111 10 21 II 30 10 HI 6 23 10 11 6 OS U 50 o no t) 4i) 5 55 ll 45 6 40 32 am. a.m. I a.m. a.m. W. P. 1IALSTEA1), Nupt. olllce. Scrunton, Feb.lst.lSi1 Superintendent's Pennsylvania Eailrcad. wi Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. In effect NovTstfll J'fi Trains leave Sun- Dury. EASTWAItD, 8.40 a. in., Sea Slioro Enpa'ss (dally except Sunday), for Hamsburi? and Intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 3.16 p. in.; NewVoik, 0.20 p. in. ; Baltimore, 4.40 p. m. ; Washington, 5.50 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia for all bea Shore points. Through passenger coach to l'nuadeipula. 1.13 p. m. Day express dally except SuudayJ.furllartlshuig and Interme diate btatlons, arriving at Philadelphia B.50 p. m. ; New York, a.35 p. m. i llaltlmore .45 p. m. ; Washington, s.(K) p. in. l'arlor car through to Philadelphia nud passenger coaches luruugu iui imuucipiiiii unu riailltnurc. 7,50 p. in. Itenovo Accommodation (dall Tnr llnrlultiMf. n,wl nil Inlnrtnurfl.ln L,n,l,.D n,.l. ing at Philadelphia 4 25 a. m. : New Y ork ".no a. tn- iiaitimore, 0.23 1. in. ; Washington o.:i.i a. in. ;. sleeping car accotninodal Ions can he secured n. HarrlsburgforrhlladeliihlaaudNew York, on sun days a through Bleeping cur will be run: on this train 110111 n uuamsp 110 i'jiuaaeipnia.i'iiu.iaeipuia passengers can remalnln sleeper undisturbed uutl 7 a. in. a. m. Krle Mall (dally except Monday, for Harrtsburg and inteimedlate stations, arriving at PhUadelnhia s.25 a. m. New Y'ork. 11.30 a. m. ; llaltlmore S.15 a. in. ; Washington, 11.20 a. in. inrougn I'uuman sleeping cars aro run on this train to Philadelphia, llalllnioro and Washing. ton, and through passenger coaches to Philadel phia and llaltlmore. , WESTWAItD. 5.20 a. m Erie Mall (dally except Sunday), to- Erie and all Intermediate stations and canandal. gua aim Intermedial 0 stations, Hochester, Hurra- loana Niagara tans, witn inmugu minnan Pal ace cars and pas&engcr coaches to Lile and Hoch ester. u.5.'l-MewB Express (dally except Sunday) for Lock Haveu and Intermediate btatlons. 1.00 p. m. Niagara Expiess (daily except Sun. day) for Kane aud Intermediate stations and can andalgua and principal intermediate stations, Hochester. lluiralo and Niagara Falls with tbrougli passenger coaches to hauo atd ltocbester and Parlor car to WlUlamspot t. 5.30 p. in. Fast Line tdctly except sunday)for I!e- uuvu uuu luienueuiuie biununs, anu uimira, w at klns and Intermediate btatlons, v ltli through pas senger coaches to Itenovo and watklns. a. a) a, in. bunday mull for Itenovo and Interme diate stations. TIIltOUQII TItAINS FOlt SUN11UUY FItOMTIlE EAST AND SOUTH. Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m Hairlsburg I.10 arilvlng at bunbury 9.20 a. in. with turougu sieepiiigcar itom rnuaueipma to wii Hainspoit. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m. HarrlsUuig, a. m. dally except bundaj arriving at Sunhury U.M. a. 111. Niagara Express leaves I'miuueipuia, 1 .40 a. ut. ; iiaiiuuoi e a. in. (uauy except suuday arriving at suubury, 1.00 u. in.. with through l'arlor ear from Philadelphia anu through passenger coaches Irout Phlladel. Dblaaud llaltlmore. Fast Lino leaves New Y'ork D.00 a. in. ; Phlladel phlu,ll.50a. iu. i Washington, u 50a. in. ; Haiti, more, 10.45 a. iu., (dally except Sunday ) an H lug at Duuvuij, u.ou . in., nun wiruuuii p.isseiigei coaches from Philadelphia and lialllmoro. Erlo .Mull leaves New York S.00 p, in. ; Philadel phia, 11.20 p. in. : Washington, lliu) p. m. : Haltl- inote, 11.20 p. in., (dally except Saturday) arilvlng at bunbury 5.15 a. 111., with tlnough Pullman bleeping curs from Philadelphia, Washington and immuioiu anu inrougu passenger coaches iron Philadelphia. HUMIUKY, IIA.I.KTII.N tv WII.KESHAItlti: ItAII.UOAl) AMI NOHTll AMI YVIJ.VP III' M!II Illil.W.tV, (Dally except suiiuay.) Wllkesbarre Mail leaves bunbury 10.00 a. m. arriving at Ulootn Feny 10.52 a. in., Wllkes-barre 12.1a p, m. A,iirs3 uiai lean's ouuuurj. U.IO p. Ul.. unit lug at llluom Ferry H37 p. in., Wllkct-bjiio f.5S p. m sunbury Mall leaves Wllkesbarieio.4u a. m.arrlv lng at Bloom Ferry 12.15 11. 111., riunbury 12.55 p. m rAutra3 u'aea i uives-uarru p. ui., ar riving at Hloom Fcirj'4.15 v. m.,bunbuty 5.11p.m. bl'NDAY ONLY". Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 0:21 a. in., ar riling at UI00111 Ferry 10.11 a. 111.. W Ilkes-Uario ll::i-. n.m. Sunday accommodation leaves Wllkes-llatre6:15 ji.iii.j arm ing at niooin r errj , 0.4s p. m., bunbury, ' Cia!"k. I'Udll, J, 11. WOOD, uen. Manager. Clen.- Passeuter Agent L. E. Klotz, SOLE AtlENT FOlt- THE SHAVER SYSTEM -OF- TELEPHONING, (Specially ttilnptcil fo coinuiunlcatlon In .Mines,) For tlio Counties ot Ciirlion, Coluinlila, I.e lilgli, Luzerne. Lackawanna, Mnnroc, .Montour, Nnrlliainplon, North, iinilicrliinil nml Scliuylklll, Also, Agent for tlio Bowman System o! k and Incan descent Electric Lighting AND DEALEH IN- EU5CTRI0 SUPPLIES nnd Appliances ot all k I nils. Hotel ant) II01180 Annunciators, llurglar Alaims, Klcrtrlo Poor Hell?, I.lglitnlnir Aricstera, Klec triu lias UglitliiL', Ad. Kstltnittcs given 011 ull work onitjiplicatlpn. I'. 0. AiMress, L. E. KLOTZ, MAUCIl CHUNK, Ia. JiI"BollcllorB autl Agents wanted. ' Apr,.lC-3ms. ' HAti.ROxr) xirviE table. Uiicaiiiicd Vcgotableii. Tlio frequent occurence, of poisoning through lliu use of "canned vegetables lentil ono to wonder whether f atnitics lnijlit not better limit themselves to oll-fnsliioiieil winter vegetables Wo havo become ao ncciistomcd to tlio lux- tn y of vnrlety that oven tho poor of to- tiny consider eoino very vccenl additions to our inblo as suiiftlo neccssitltp, and many wonder what our ancestors could possibly havo used to fill the plnco of tho tomato, fresh nml cniinetl, nml yet this is iirobalilv tho most dnngcroiK of till tho entitled Vi gelnbles'. llio list ol voit tabus now ii!eil on the Inbles of our middle tlas fatnilit s would Biirpiiso the epicure of the cen tury. Canned vri;etaliles nto a eoiivenieneo but aro they healthful or oen a ne cessity f 1 he vatitty oi iiesli Vegelablcs lo lie found iu our markets in the cities at h ast, aro almost forgolttn, ami I bo less troublesome canned goods sitbsti- tilled. Jielow is a li-t that might eel tainly Intel ti u wauls o'i any private family : Potatoes white unit sweet, beans (three kinds), tin nips, white and yellow, lettuce, beets, radishes, carrots water crease", salsify, spinach, celery, cab bage, onions, paisnlps, etpiash, and lo these may bo added vice, hominy, cel ery, and maeaioni, which, nourishing and palatable, may bo cooked iu many ways and nhoultl always bo kept on hand to supply deficiencies. The cookint; of thtso vegetables may be varied and an anpetizing dinner pro vided while tho useful can opener ic mains mimed. In tho fust place, don't cook all your vegetables for one meal, nor cook the samu vegetable ovtry day alike. Thu ever recuiring mashed pi talots that some serve, lead one to wish that "att decorators woulti make a corner in "unlabels'' and that henceforth they might only be found in thu d s Utiiscd bv paint and uilt and satin bows Neither do turnips require mashing every time. Try qtiat taring them, and ccok till tender, atid pour over them when cished n rich milk diessim; made by the following rulo : 2 cups milk, 2 tablespoons Hour, 1 tablespoon butter. Let tho milk eoniu lo u boii and thicken smoothly ith the Hour which has bten mixed free fiom lumps with alitllu cold water or milk, add thu butter and season with salt and white pepper. This milk drtssing is a good addition to many veuotnbli s, and may be vmied to suit by sometimes whipping an egg in the Hour betoro piittuit' with the boiled milk, or a few capers, or a littlo clioii ptd parsley or a few drops of lemon juice, and be used with small boiled potatocp, salsify, spinach, onions, car rots, parsnips, and cabbage for a change. NEGRO LIFE ON JAMES ISLAND. How Colnrod Folk Kxlat on tho .Sea-Girl Inlo Near Charlevton, S. C, It was communion Sunday, and the ma Intto preacher delivered 11 sermon well worth hearing, judging from tho last part ot it. As soon as they wero outside, how. ever, the laughing nnd chattering was inv menso. Everybody laughed, everybody shook hands and smiled and chattered, with "How-ii, hmv-u, Miss Lucy; gwyno 'long ounn wnyr" "Not 'smornln', .Mr. JelTnhs gwyno t'Sessionvllle way wid Aunt I'olly." "Huw you uns long 0' dls week, Uncle Keubenf" "So't o' poahly, t'nnk you, Hen, but strlvln' step in nnd see Aunt Tolly to night." "Try to, uncle. God willln'," nnd so on, by tho hundred. And as I walked on I could hear them for u mile or nioro its they laughed in childish glee. Hut I could understand their words, which Is nioro than I can say for thoso on the south sldo of thu island, whoso talk is littlo nioro than 11 barbarous guttural. The common life of the negroes Is inde scribably rude und cheap. Not ono cabin in ten has $5 wortli of furniture in it. Every article lu many ot them could not be forced to a salo iu Indiana. Iu soma thero nre no bedding except a quilt for each one, nnd with it a pile of cotton, rags, or dried moss. Frequently thero uru no dishes iu the house except gourds nnd the cooking utensils. It is very rare tu seo a book or paper. For chairs they generally use u box picked up at thu nearest store. Hut they have "Sunday clothes" the ex ceptions nro very fow und maka their best appearance on that day. The nbund unco of llsh, oysters, nnd clams helps them greatly, especially lu these hard times. Xo whisky is sold on Jumcs' island. There is uo school for whites, but the colored schools uro fairly well conducted nnd run three mouths; teachers' salaries '- per month. Tho advances made by fnctors on Inst year's crop are not yet repaid, as the cyclono destroyed tho cotton; so ad vances uro slow this spring. Even the carts and mules nro mortgaged, and the poverty of ordinary times is now Intensi fied. Pearl grits cost the laborer tl.40 per bushel, one bushel lasting a man a month when ho uses no bread, us ninny do not. A rather poor nrtielo ot bacon Is retailed nt 7 cents. Groceries retail ns with us; but the negro buys very littlo now. Only tlio better families ever use coITce. Hutter ranks ns a luxury. Thu lank cows which gruze on the salt marshes yield n thin artlclo of milk six or seven quarts a day iu the season; in tho coldest weather they go dry, A stout woman can earn 41) cents u day lu the Held, and n man GO. There is very little hotuu llfo among the colored. Their cabins nro generally so small and uncomfortablo that tho family is never in them except when It ruins or Is extremely cold. The past winter wus the coldest ever known 011 the islands, and following the losses by cyclono caused much suffering. In more than ona family tho bread nnd bacon are now re served for thoso only who work in tho Held; the children nnd older people, the de crepit and the idle, live on grits and the products of the creeks, such ns oysters, llsh, clams, and even muscles. One heurs very little merriment on u working-day. The people cheer up when they meet on Sundny und chatter like a llock of purrots; but the prevalent feeling seems to bo a sad one. On the whole the experience of a day and n half hero is rather depressing, and I do not udmiro tho prospect of a Jour ney from here to Ueautort. "1'arke's" Letter lu Chicago Times. Tlio Diet Treutiiitiit or DUeuao. Jlllner Fotherglll, ono of tlio most charming nnd sensible of medical teach ers, writes that tho advocacy ot dietetics iu the treatment of disease Is tne absorb ing toplo of the present time. To him, In deed, It is tho great therapeutic matter of thu day, and he feels In duty bound to lend it what aid ho can. Of tho necessity of some systematic teaching of dietetics in u course of medical education no ono can en tertain n doubt. It is surely ns desirable that a medical man he tuught how to feed a patient acutely 111 as how to prescribe for him, If It bo u pyrexia, it is as desira ble to maintain the strength and call as little as jmsslblo upon the bodily reserves as It is to keep down the body tempera ture, To prevent exhaustion but' mat ters must lecelvo attention. Every sick person Is more or less dyspeptic, und dys peptla requires appropriate nnd sultablo food. Many dyspeptics cm nloue per form their dally toll by a watchful atten tion to their food and requirements, Chl cugo Nows. nts posi titfc, and wo 111 mull it Ull t KOIKlH thli uiuju,. tamuuir, auiiiiuc uuj that twll tmt vou In tin, unr 01 Inakliur Mull Ittutirii lit nl.i- anythliifr clo III Alucilcit. lloth sexesot all iiees eau Ilvoat home und worn In spare time, or nil (he me, Capital not required. Wo v III start you. Ininensnpay sure lor those who Mail nt once, S1INSON SCO., l-oi Hand, .Me. uou'Oly SlatcH and Kelts?, Slate Mantels, Slate Itlack ISoards, School" Slate, Roofing Slate, Hoofing Felts, r, 2&3 11 y as Lackawanna Avenue, bcronton, l'a ely's CatawrH cream Hn Tin alla i.illnmma.W;HEADl ...... .,.THAYFEVERW. mill. ni'mn 1111 HTf sous, restoies th s"iises of taste, smell, h-nrinp. fJAl "F.EVfcK iiulck idler, n positive cure. particle Is np lied lido cneli noslill, and Is nRiecible to its'. l'tlcoMcts., by tnnll oral duuitlsts. send lor cir cular. KLY IlltOI I1KI1S, drugKlsls. OwcCT, N . .vpr;it, u.iw. iJBcnriiMn cored i Hmont violent tttw K ltii;un "rtiifital'1HHi'' Pni uniting lr ri-Mtll- ll .m tlmi I h initio Into, direr! , ! J '. V. ,V ' 'i ' S P.' 1! ' II I It St I IHl Mutt t urn enttril' i - 1 to t- altti tj (Irnntn Aitt.nis fWnviA nn P t'l Ton Inltn fnf It It Ii m Mi phr-IJiii r-Mintncntlil (rmn AMI nit t uti I TboaiAnil of tlrolUr lttrn rn Pit. Ji tnj drtnlil tnani 11. Irrinnji Aollmm Cure 'iwMlff nil tlrnjr f nrlco. I rial pin kiiiftt Irrc ti any j Miliij ""fur stftiup It.M M.riMii.lllni.. Api 2 3104 (I.V& , t.nn ntnHvltllntr IcA ll I llkll Ing nn ntrenc' tor the best selling book out HeKl'inew succeed grandly. .None rati Terms Irce. lUt.taiT Hook ('0,,1'oKTUtf dcclo s.. i .Maine. ' Wl. ' .nrH III 111 I V 11 riVMVrTIUnV ga rail for Infants and Children. "CastorlnlssoTrcllndaptcdtochlldrcnthat I Castorla eurra Colic, Conrtlnatlori, IrecommendltosauiicrlortonnyprcscrlpUou I four Btomacb, plarrtcca, toUon, knowntome." ll A. AacmtOLD.. Uo"?8' C P' 111 So. Oxford EL, Brooklyn, N. v. Without Injurious medication. Tux KONOM TOM FT A.TI.CAIi aHJJEftiTEOW OF THE HOUK. EVERY TIIINCi THAT IS NEW AND STLYISH FOR THB SlidON, CA N EE J30UGUT (CMEAPEE TEAM ITEM, A Large and Varied Stock of CLOT JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LAUGH AND SELECT LIKE OF Call and be Convinced that you have the St A Yn n n Bit. hUtt OF TU E LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY, AND AT ' The Lowest Possible Prices AT TEE tAWH iiiai "f? A j( M GMAIN , VaL.M .SJl.E ..i tXZ'' ' (0. B. MOBMIS, DEALER IN Foreign nmd! Momestio WINES AND LIQIJORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Wliolctnlo nml Iirlall tleulers i ANM) BLftCKSMITHS' Ilcuiliiuitrii Ti for MERCHAN T R0N & STEEL. Stoioniul WnnlimiMH, No. 120 it 128 Ktiiukliii Avtimc, No. 2 Lack'a Aveimo it 210, 212 t 211 CVii tcr Street, tsCRANTON, PA. Va? flnv NewBook entitled THIRTY YEARS A DETECTIVE BY ALLAN FINKEItTOtf, Contslnlnir t thorottffli anct c omprphoniitt i ijim4 of Crimlnfl rractlcM of 11 tlraaw n4 cImms. with Numerout Epltoaesot renonalKxperience In the BeteetlOB of OrlmlnaU, oorerlpir a period t Thirty Yar Aotlve DeteotfTe tifa nnd erabraclnir manr Irttenselu Intertittnu and thrtlllna VUccth'c Sketchci. An entirolr new book, profutthi Illuitrattd, ana wits Portrait of tbo Ureat Vctectlre. O-AGENTS WANTED! In aver? town thero are numbera of people una 1WII he glad to ert thli booh. l . ecll to Mer cbantJ, Mechanic!, Farmcra and rroteailonal men. Thua evcrr Agent can jiltfc out fifty or wore in a town to vf bom be can feel sure of aelling it to. i Wo want One Agent In every townihlp, or eeuntr. t-5er"lniir""1' wllh 'b" x. cn become s tvccmM Aaent. For full particular! and terms to onenH, aSdrea 0. W. CAHLETO N i CO., I"ubllibcn, Now Tort, apr Id 8 nt'lilwrnl tem liiwrni Iran ui.-un l.riK'Vii urjery. l.iliiblljliedl mny-1 4-lt-tl. Ckxtacu Cohtikt, 183 Fulton Street, N. T. OF vvianqi!AiTls For tho Celebralctl Clilckurlng, Ivors & 1'ontl, anil Voseit Son I'iunos. Worlilre- ttMen,.il Vit.v flri.-iiia Vliillnu A ,, .li.ttu ami Sheet Music. Celeuiuteil hlte, Kew Hit!" Aim Davis, M-w Home, lloyul Bt. J',ni "'' Light ltutinlng Domestlo biwlue; ilaiihlnes. rict'illes, oil anil nttachnifuls for all makes of Sewing Machines. STREET,) SUPPLIES. AGENTS WANTED Wm Just Fubllthtd. ent 1 ynn& V rirrirrTrTRTr.. ii. v. 1 mMm