The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 14, 1886, Image 2
I THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. 0, E. Elwell, 1 rttnn J. K.Blttonb8nd9r.,f Elllors' BLOOMSBURG, PA.. FRIDAY, MAY 1-1, 1880. John Dubois tho vctoran millionaire) lumberman and manufacturer, died at his homo In Dubois city on Wednesday of last week. Ex-Prcsldent Arthur took a chanjjo for tho worse last woek, but his easo is not considered dangerous. His weight has decreased from 250 lbs. to 130 lbs. Dana of tho. Now York Sun, goes to work at eleven o'clock, dictates his editorial to a stenographer, quits at lour o'clock and gels 20,000 a year. Tho country editor t?ocs to work at hovcd o'clock, has his editorials dictated to him by his subscribers, quits at six o'clock and gets in debt. That is tho difference. Tho thirty-third annual onclavo of tho Grand Commaudery of Knights Templar, of Pennsylvania, will bo held in Scranton on tho last week in May. On tho lorenoon of Tuesday, May 29, tho annual parado and roview will taka place. In tho evening Coeur de Lion Comraandcry, No. 17, of that city, will give a reception at tho Lackawanna Rink. On Wednesday tho officers will bo publicly installed at the Academy of Music. The Now State Tax Law. THE ACT (IF 1885 DECLARED CONSTITU TIONAL UT THE SUrilEME COURT. Tho Supremo Court on Monday handed down a decision in the import ant caso of 1) ox s appeal from tho Com' mon Pleas of Northampton county. Tho opinloQ is by Judge Paxson and is of considerable length. Its rulings will be of great interest and import' anco to the peoplo of tho Common' wealth, as it decides tho much-mooted question of tho constitutionality of tho new lvevenne act ot Jiwo au, mati, and incidentally passes upon some lm portant questions of constitutional law. Tho bill was filed by Edward J. Fox, a prominent menibor ot the JNortnamp ton County bar, and prayed for an in junction to restrain tho assessors from compelling him to comply with tho act of 1885. It averred that the act con flicted with Section 1 and 2 of Article IX and Section 3 of Ai ticlo III, of tho New Constitution, becauso it exempts building and loan associations, manu facturing corporations and tho perso nal property of corporations from taxa. lion while taxincr similar property in the hands of individuals and similarly exempts "notes or bills for work or la bor done.'' Judge Paxson, in his opin ion, nrst discusses whether the phrase "any or all persons whatsoever," used in the act of 1885, includes corpora tions and tberetoro whether the mort' fMKes and other raonoyed securities in the hands of corporations aro taxablo nnder the new Kevcnuo act. After an extended discussion of tho authorities he concurs in tho views expressed by Judge Mitchell and Thayer in receut oases in the Common Pleas of Phila delphia County that the word "person" does notinoluue corporations and that mortgages, etc., in their bands are not taxable under the act of 1885. The learned Judge then proceeds to discuss the provisions ot the act and their con ititutionality at length. He decides that tho provision exempting from tax ation "notes or bills for work or labor done" is unconstitutional, but holds that this does not invalidate the entiro act Ho further holds that tho act does not imposo unequal taxation; that there is no such want of uniformity in its provisions as to make tho act un constitutional, and that the provisions lor its oxccution, and particularly tho provision imposing a penalty for non compliance with its provisions, aro also constitutional. Judge Paxson, aftc'r quoting many authorities relative to tho application of the terras of the act to artificial per sons or corporations, holds that tho act of 1885 is a supplement to the act of Juno 7, lsi'J, oy the fourth section, ot whioh a tax is imposssed upon tbo capital stock of every company or as sociation whatever, now or hereafter incorporated by or under any law of this Commonwealth, or now or hero after incorporated by auy other state or territory of the United States or foreign government and doing business in this Commonwealth, or having capital employed in this Common wealth in tho name of any other per son or corporation, association or asso ciations, person or persons, or in any other manner oxcept foreign insurance companies, banks and siviuus institu tions, shall bo subject to and pay into the treasury of the Commonwealth a tax to be computed as follows, etc.: Tho tax, briefly stated, is three mills on tho dollar of tho appraised value of tho capital stock of such corporations aa declare either no dividends or divi dends of less than G per cent, and on corporations which pay a dividend of 6 per cent or over one-half mill on the capital stock for each 1 per centum of such dividend ; and where profits are made and not divided, but added to the sinking fund of such corporation, tho liko tax is imposed. The act contains other provisions for taxing banks, iusurance companies, limited partnerships, etc, which we need not specifically refer to. Wo have, therefore, by virtuo of the provision of the act of 1870, a tax on tho capital stock of corporations, tho minimum of which is threo mills on tho dollar, tho exacamount which this act of 1885 imposes upon mortgages, moneys at interest and monoyod capital in tho hands of individuals. It has been repeatedly decided in this State, and is settled law, that a tax upon the capital stock of a corporation is n tax upon its property and assets. It would bo an affectation of learning to refer to tho long lino of causes assert ing this doctrlno ; it is sufficient to ro fer to Commonwealth vs. Standard Oil Company, whero many of tho authori ties aro corrected. See 101, Peuu. St. Rep. The act of 1885 being a supplement to tho act of 1870, tho two nuts must bo read together, and thus read wo liavo hi tho ono a tax of threo mills on inortgsges, etc., in the hands of indi vidual citizens, ana, what is practically and legally, although not in name, a similar tax upon thu same class of sub jects in tho hands of corporations. Wero tho tax of 1885 on mortgagos extended to corporations the result would be double taxation, which, while not beyond thu power of tho Legis lature, is not to bo presumed. CLASS LEGISLATION. 'Tho exception of "Notej or bills for work or lalor douo" is clearly u viola tlon of tho ninth nrliclo of tho Consti tution. This belongs to n species of cla legislation that has becomo very common mora common than com mendable tho object of which Is to favor n particular class nt tlin oxpeno of tho rest of tho community. So for as such legislation affects the question of taxation, tho Constitution has put nn end to it. There can bo no moro of it. Nor should thoro bo. Tho Con. stitution protects all classes alike. Tho poor mid tho rich equally enjoy its benefits nnd all must share tho burdens which it imposes. However popular such legislation may be, it can not bo sustained under our present Constitution. Hut for this vico wo aro not required to dcolaro tho net of 1885 void. It will bo the duty of tho assessors to assess and return such bills or notes tho samo as other moneyed securities in the hands of individuals. Wo havo somo trouble with tho ninth section of tho .let. It provides, as bo foro stated, that, when no return is made under tho sixth and seventh sections, tho assessor shall mako tho return of such taxablo person, "esti mating tho amount from tho best in formation at his command," to which estimated return tho jiropor county commissioners or boards of revision snail ndd 50 per centum, and tho ag gregate amount so obtained shall bo tho basis for taxation. Tho plain ob ject of this particular provision of this act was to mako tho peoplo honest and keep them so. It was intended to compel each taxpayer to disclose to tho assessor tho full oxtent of his personal cstato nnd avoid tho unequal burdens which havo been laid upon tho should ers of -Bomo pcrsonn by tho neglect of others to return tho full amount of their property. No legal ob jection can bo mado to this. If the stato has tho right to tax moneys at interest in hands of her citizens, and this can not bo denied, she has tho right to know to wha,t extent each citi zen holds such property. Tho Stato imposes this 50 per centum upon the taxpayer as a punishment for his de fault in not making tho return required by law. If no appeal wero allowed to tho action of tho commissioners in add ing this penalty it would bo a tftrious question whether tho act could be sus tained. It is one of tho fundamental f Manciples of English and American aw that no, man can bo condemned in his person or property without a hear ing. But the ait expressly provides that tho taxpayer may, on or before tho day fixed for appeals, go beforo tho commissioners or Hoard of Revis ion and present his reasons under oath for his failure to mako return, when, if satisfactory to tho commissioners or Board of Revision, they shall substi tute tho taxpayer's return for that of the assessor, to have the like effect as if no failure had occurred. Tho opinion coucludes : "Our entiro revenuo system needs to bo remodeled iu accordance with the now Constitu tion. It has been for many years a disjointed system, subjected to fre quent and arbitrary changes, in many instances loosely and obscurely worded making its construction and enforce ment, matters of no slight difficulty. To recast it now in entiro harmony with the organic law is a serious matter. It will require the ripest experience and the highest wisdom. Now that tho at tention of the Legislature has been called to it, we have no doubt that tho wisdom of that body will prove equal to tho emergency.1' Tho decree of tho lower Court, which dismissed tho bill and refused the in junction, is therefore affirmed and tho appeal dismissed. A similar decree was entered in tho case of Sanderson's appeal from the Common Pleas of Lackawanua County, which raised sub stantially tho samo question of law. WASHINGTON LETTER From our Itcgular Correspondent. "Washington. D. C May 10, 18S0. Some of tho President's latest work has been that of carefully examining privato pension bills. IIo was suppos ed to havo work enough to do already without-assuming any new burdens ; but it seoms he leels, tho necessity of taking a hand himself iu tho retrench ment campaign which Mr. Hewitt aud somo other influential Democrats havo beiun in tho House of Representatives. Mr. Clevelond's predecessors havo gen erally regarded lifo as too short to spend iu examining this class of legis lation with special care. They have contonted themselves with thu assur ance that Congress had opportunities for investigating tho claims in tho most thorough manner, aud that if the bills had got through both Rouses there must havo been some merit in them. A few days sineu a rumor about the Capital, to thu effect that auy further raids upon tho Treasury would be com bined by thu President's veto, created considerable sensation. 1'resideutClevo land is thu first President, it is said, who lias undertaken to scrutiiiizo pri vate bills. Rut he became alarmed at tho reckless way Congress wus rushing tho pension business. A fortnight ago thu Senate alone, in ono day, passed over -150 such bills, after merely read ing their title-". This hurried and care less way ot taking money out of tho .National Treasury struck tho President as eminently improper, and ho began sending to tho Pension Office for tho records in order to satisfy his mind concerning each of the cases which havo thus far come before him. It is perhaps, no moro than tho President's duly, but it is a duty which has rarely been performed i and tho question is, whero Mr. Cleveland is going to find the time for tho pursuit of his excel lent policy. No speech probably has been mado during tho present Bessiou of Congress which has created so much of a suusa tlon as tho ono delivered by Mr. How itt, on Thursday, when ho protested against any further raids upon tho Treasury under tho name of bounties or other benefits of that kind to soldiers of the lato war. Most of these propo sitions are ill-considered, and although for Hoventy-fivo years to come, tho South will bo helping to pay pensions to tho soldiers and to tho widows of tho soldiers of tho North, a Southern Member cannot raiso a question as to tho propriety of any of theso grabs, without rendering himself liable to charges of disloyalty, flippantly and choaply brought. Tho reference mado by tho gentlo man from Now York to tho peculiar position of Southern Members, who aro thus embarrassed when thoy would liko to oppose theso ruinous schemps according to their convictions, was especially relevant and timely. Ho de clared that tho limit of undurauce on tho part of flit, tax payor had been reached and that tho discontent on no count of excessive taxation was break ing out iu riots, dyuamitu and death. "Thoso who want to divo their hands down into tho Treasury." said he. "take advantage of tho delicate position iu which the boulhcru men are placed, being subject to tho charco of disloy alty if thoy resist tho steal." But no ono could mako this chargo against him and he would mako too light. Tho groat River nnd Harbor grab which went through thn llotieo after a discussion extending over sovcrnl weeks takes from River Commssions their power and gives it to tho Secretary of War. During tho debato an opponent of tho measure sovcroly criticised it. No grandeur of place, ho said nor in significance of spot was ignored Tho bill leaohed everywhere. It was not restricted by any unpronounceable nnme, by any obscurity of situation, or by any difficulty of access. Thoro was nothing that seemed to be too incrcdi- blo to bo contained m this bill. Tho disfranchised citizens of tho Capital join issue with this assertion, however, and aro indlonant becauso an appro priation for tho Potomac Flats was omitted. Becauso of this neglect of their own fair river thoy hold tho bill is too impudent to p;o unrcbuked. They contend that its object was not to deep en tho channel of noble streams, or to benefit tho property of tho wholo American people. Its real purposo was to insure tho return of a lot of Congressmen to theirseats in tho llouso at tho coming elections. All that tho people of tho District of Columbia aro allowed to do, you know is to pay their sharo of taxes for tho improve ment of other pcoplo's rivers and lint bors, bluffs and flats, creeks nnd coves. Thoy havo no representation in Con gress, no voles, lhoy belong to tho peoplo of tho United States, absolutely, and aro governed by them. That is why they complain of being ignored when Congress is distributing fifteen millions of dollars. Lettor From Dr. Ammerman. Greenwood, Sussex Co , Del., May 8th, 188G. j Editors Columbian: Thinking that tho people of Columbia Co. might bo willing to peruso a few lines from the pen ot ono ot her lormer citizens and bo anxious to know how tho writer and family reached this their new home, I tako this opportunity of communicating to them through thu columns ot your paper. .Myself and family reached this placo on Thursday tho first nay of April, nnd lound car with household goods horse &o. "that had been ship ped n day or two previous" hero and unloaded. Then camo the task of fix ing up houso aud settling down to busi ness. For about four days after our arrival it rained almost incessantly and of course locked gloomy to tho family beiug as they wero in a strange place and among entiro strangers, so fur as previous acquaintauco was concerned. But I wish to stato right hero that tho people of this section are moat hospitable and the kind welcome aud interest they manifested in our welfare very suon dispelled all doubts as to our being at home here. This placo is situated in the northern part of tho lower county of tho state, is within thirteen miles of steamboat navigation tho Nanticoke river and on the line of the Delaware Div. of tho Phila. Wilmington and Baltimore R. R. This road is owned by tho Penna. Company and is doing a lively business judging from tho num ber of trains that pass over it daily, tho number being from 20 to 25 every 21 hours. We aro just ono hundred miles from Phila. cau go up in morning ot any day in the week, except Sunday, and return in afternoon of samo day, having several hours in the City. This section of tho stato is grand in every sense of tho word. The natural quality of tho soil cannot bo surpassed iu Penna. or any other state 'hat I havo ever been in. The land is adapted to all kinds of fruits, Irish aud Sweet potatoes, pcauuts, melons nnd vege tables of all kinds, Is also the finest kind of grain nnd grass land, I havo never seen finer wheat and grass than we havo in this vioinity, clover and timothy grows abundantly wherever sown, eveil along the road sides it grows in piofusion and corn and oats are good crops here. We find somo of thu finest farms hero and somo that havo been neglected. This country has been kept buck by lands being held in large tracts and not enterprise enough in tho owners to improvo it as I'cnnn. farmeis do. But it is now 1 c ing divided up into smaller tracts aud men of energy and enterprise aro buy ing it and it is wonderful to see what grand farms havo been made irr a few years out of lands that looked liko bar ren deserts. This land is kind, is easily tilled, has a good clay subsoil nnd re tains whatever is put on iu the shape of manures and fertilizers. Thero ore farms hero yet that can bo bought at reasonable rates and northern men who come hero witli small means can secure for themselves independent homes and living, but theso opportunities can not remain long as men of energy and means aro taking advantage of the chances very rapidly. Lands that sold within a few miles of this town four or five years ago havo moro than trcbl ed in valuo and must advance lapidlv iu price iu tho future. What tills country wants is northern enterprise to mako it ono of tho finest in the world. This is surely a land ol luxu ries. Fruits the wholu summer through. Freeh fish every day of tho finest qual ity, can buy a large shad for 10 to 15 cents, catfish 15 cents per Btring of twenty, fresh herring for 15 to 20 centB per doz. bay trout, an excellent fish, lor 15 to 20 cents per doz. clams !10 cents per hundred, oysters 50 to 05 cents per bushel prime, and other fish coming nil tho season, I am told at conespondingly low prices. Our small streams and mill ponds abound with eels, catfish, perch and pike. I had a four lb. piko for supper a few days a go that was caught in the mill pond by ono of our townsmen, it was delicious, I cent the head of it to G. P. Stiner at Orangoville to mako him feel bad, because ho cau't catch any, and if any of your readers want to feel likewise they can call on him and see it too. By tho way that is not tho largest size thoy catch hore, I am told they hayo been caught that weighed foven to fourteen lbs. We havo had warm and dry for tho past two weeks but on Thursday afternoon nod evening wo had fino showers and yestordiy and to-day it has rained nearly all tho time so iho ground is filled with water and all vegetation looks fresh and beautiful. Wo have excellent water, a mild climato healthful, and everything conducive to happiness and comfort. Tho peach crop in tho immediate vicinity will bo light, though in somo localities there will bo a fair yield, strawberries, black, berries and raspberries promise a boun tiful crop. Wo visited on our way down T. W. Conner and family ond John and Wilson Dreaherand families. T. W. Conner was formerly from Oraugevillo having moved near Dover last February. Thu Dreehers wero formerly frcm Stillwater Pa. and move ed near Wyoming in March 1885. Wo fouud them nil well and flourish lug. They have good farms beautifully locatidatd may well bo proud of them, T. V, O. and family drove down on a visit to us two weeks ogo to day nnd on tho following morning wo all wont down to visit 1 S, Kinport and wife who formerly lived nt Bloomsburg Pn. but now lives uiuo miles south of us near Soaford. Wo had n very pleaS' ant visit, threo Penna. families togoth cr. Frank U nicely located, well satis ficd, has a fino farm nnd Is making lots ot improvements, no liasn t a inzv hair on his head; If ho ever did havo thoy have nil dropped out. I notice ho is getting somewhat bald. I have a sixty ncra fatm just outsido the town, within ono fourth mile. Planted this spring 20 ncrrs In peach trees, soma blackberries and straw berries, will farm balance in grain and vegetables for tho present. I havo located in town for tho purposo of practicing my profession, and althougl 1 camo hero nn entire stranuer tho pat ronage I have thus far received has boon very gratifying indeed. Now Mr. Editor I havo hasttlv writ ten what. camo to my mind and if nny ol your readers think 1 havo oxacger atcd oi painted, it is but ono days rido to come and see for themselves. Tho members of tho family nro ail well pleased with tho now homo nnd wo hopo wo may never regret our coining. Tho Coi.tniniAN is a welcome weekly visitor to us and brings" us matter of much interest. With regards to all my Penna. friends I 2in.,ilear sir, very Respectfully Your. C. W. Ammkkmak Decoration Day, llKAlHjtlAKTEUsDi:- General Oitnr.m No. 8. i'aktmbntok Pa., WHAM) Amu OK THE Hf.PUUI.1C, No. 1202 Chest nut Sr. Philadelphia, April 27, 1880. I. Tho thirtieth of May falling upon Sunday, in consequence of tho preceding day having been mado a holiday by legal enactment in the de partment of Pennsylvania, Saturday, May 29, will bo observed as Memorial my. II. Tho llttilitr observance of tho day and of tho ceremonies which hal low it, intensify in interest as the graves increase and tho years multiply which scparato us from tho scenes which made tho lives of our comrades memorable. The fairest offerings of this bright Springtime, wo will again bring to their last resting places, to testify to tho nobility of lovo and af- lection they deservo at our hands, From the outpouring of grateful heaits, wo select the words most tilting to tell tho story of their lives, that posterity may read in their deaths tho true vir tue of loyally to flag and country. In a land for which, as citizen soldiers, they offered their lives that it might forever exist ns tho homo of liberty and freedom, wo cannot render them too much homage. Regard our every grave as a mauso leum beforo which luturo generations will stand with uncovered heads. The individua 1 soldier who sleeps within, however humble his sphere in life, rep resents tho grandest principle for which battles wore fought sinco tho world began. Tho maintenance of that principle iu all its purity is the us surance of tho perpetuity of tho Re public. The Union, which was the gift of thu soldier to the citizen should bo tho inspiration of tho citizento do honor to the soldier. " Comrades ! all rally Tor muster to day, (inmc, with oblations of reverent love, With beautiful Mowers, To honor the bravo who He Peacefully sleeping around us." Bv command or Department Com wander, J. P. S. COBIN, THOS. J. STEWART, Asst. Adjutant General. Council Proceedings. Regular meeting of council at seven and one-half p. m., Friday evening of last week ; all members present. A petition was presented signed by nearly all the citizens residing on Mcin street, asking that tho council direct tho proper officers to cause Main street to be scraped ami cleared of filth, xc, and hauled away, aud have low places in said street filled with lime stone, or other suitable material. On motion petition was received, and action de ferred for ono month. Another .petition was presented signed by property holders and citizens residing on Market street, asking that a branch sower be laid from tho head ot Market street, at First street, and connect with mam sower on Second street. Messrs. Sharpless and Clark moved that tho prayer of tho petition ers be granted upon tho conditions that thoy are to furuish tho money for the construction of thu same, to be repaid to tho petitioners by three orders of equal amounts, payable iu three yeais, without interest, the first of which to bo paid one year after tho dato of thu issuing of said orders. Tho work to bo done by tho commissioner of high ways, under the supervision of the 'su perintendent of sewers. Ayes G, nays 1. Tho bond of Win. Chrisman treas urer, was presented and ordered filed; also thn oaths of tho president, secre tary, treasurer, high constable, com missioner of highways, members of town council and policemen wero or dered filed. Tho. followiug building permits wero granted : Peter Knapp ii stable on Pino alley, L. E. Whary, addition to lus house on .Main street, 1. fc. Kulin, addition to Central Hotel, C. M. Chris- man, Luilding a houso on comer of l'ourtlt and West street. Tho Sanitary Committee reported complaints in regard to the obstruction of tho flow of water in tho drain on Sixth and Soventh streets. On motion Messrs. Hosenstock, Clark and Zarr wero appointed a committee to tako thu necessary Bleps to effect a flow of water through said drain. Samuel Ncyhard was unanimously elected superintendent of sower. Mr. Hosenstock, chairman of tho committeo on road from canal to river. roports that tho solicitor informed him that tho grounds for complaint would bo removed. G. C. Shoemaker and Emanuel Hum mel wero appointed assistant police. A petition was presented by tho Ex eolsior Electric Light Company of New York City asking for piriuission 10 ereci poles, iVa, lor Juriiisiung elec trio light. On mo, ion tho petition was ordeied filul for further action. A petition was presented to open Pino street aud Roso Alloy aud grade Pino street. Referred to a committeo of two. C. G. Barkley Eq,, appeared and urged the council to grndo Fourth street from Maikct street to the Fair Ground. On motion tho commissioner of highways was instructed to put the street iu passable condition. On motion it was ordered that thu proper officers bo called on to cnforco tho Sunday laws in reference to tho sale of merchandise, cigars, ifco. On motjou it was ordered that thu electric Light aud Steam lleatinu Com pany be notified to level off tho streets along aud over the lino of their pipes, and repair tho cobbling torn up by them, within ten uajiirom notice, and In default tho commissioner of high ways shall proeeod to mako repairs, and chargo up tho samo with 20 per cent, additional, Tho following bills wero presented and orders drawn for tho samo: W. .1. Iiutlrman. Street Commissioner. s IS Samuel (ilger, hauling, 3 m Samuel Shaffer, hauling, 'J M .rutin penman, cobbling, s S3 ' " laborer on hlshwnrs. l s" C. Kdlrton, " " " a f,o oeo. Hlnkcr, " " 11 a Ml lot! shoemaker, " " " a to K. Jacoby, services, 3 to W. C. Kvani, ltepalrs, a fO S. W. hlmtt, poliro sertlee In April, 4 no Daniel LnrcooW, police service In April, .1 on SI. V. Woodwnrd. constable. 4 17 (fas Co. tor April, r? oo 1. W. Ilartmnn, rent ot room, .hi do Samuel .NeviiarU, scc'y salary, 10 uu HO 14 TEWKSBURY'S SPACE. Delcgato Election, Julv 20. Contention, July 27. 10K ItEPItHSENTATIVK, (Subject to. notion of Democratic Convention,) 1-:. M. TEWKSBURY, Of Calawissa, Columbia Co., Pa. "Tho people's law is habitually violated, evaded anil ilnlinl " "No fn o government can long exist wliern the organic law of the Slate is imuuuaiiy ieii(tl. ' "Tho Constitution nf 1H7.1 w iw.f ,.r,, uninistio. It nssails no right of property, nor docs it give counte nance to principlis which would 'The Constitution r.nnnnt. u-luill force itstlf, nor could it provide iieinueu regulation tor its en forcement! these must bo piovided bv the Lfirijlntmn " "In thu selection of members of tho Legislature at the next general election, select, nnlv minli nd nt-n pledged to tho long-neglected wurK oi constitutional enlorcr iiient." From address of Const! tuttonal Committtc, 1880. SO! Democrats of Columbia County: Tnc auovo are my sentiments and if noun nnted and ( IpcIpiI. nlnittm mvcnlf i.i In bor in all honorable w ays to earry it inio enect. Truly Yours, E. M. TEWKSBURY. " I.OVEItS louu and Maidlns Fit.: A Stouy ok the Ai.lkoiienv Mount ains," by Julius Chamiifks. Prico 25 cents. Philadelphia: Poiter & Conies. This lovo story of Cresson Spring rcawnktns all tho old fascination that a visitor to that beautiful mountain re Borth ns experienced. The weird nnd ro- mantio localities aro described in a g iy and vivid manner; many of the lost tales of tho Alleghenies havo been rescued from oblivion and upon the pretty thread of a lovo talo a valuable collection of historical and topographic al information has been grouped. A really novel iden is the foundation of tho story. Four young men go to cresson to pass n summer month and they find four charming girls. At first there is harmony ; but a fifth cirl. on tirely outside tho group, resents aslight inm nas ueen put upon her and succeeds in disorganizing tho party to such an extent that only one counlo marrying as thoy originally hoped, bomo ad mirablo pictures of clever young wom en are drawn, and Boveral keen hits are made regarding tho society younu woman, who manages her parents. It is in every way a clever and readable volume. Uno can enjoy it at. a siltinc. Tho fifteen original pictures by J. B. sword, JS. A., and 1. O. Hcliell give it additional value. Many crisp epigrams aro scattered through "tho pages that would well repay qiiotinir, but it would be unfair to our readers to deprive them of the pleasure they will derive m picking out lite bright sayings for themselves. To them wo say: "Fall to, you havo au enjoyable feast beforo A Great Victory A Terrible Caso of Scrofula Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla " In the v Inter ol 187!) I was attacked ultli Scrofula In one of the most aggravating forms. At ono tlmo I hail no less than thirteen largo abscesses over and around my neck and throat, continually exuding an offensive, mass of bloody matter disgusting to behold, and almost Intolerable to endure. It Is Impossible to fully describe my sufferings, as tho caso was complicated with Chronic Catarrh. After three years of misery, having been treated by threo physicians, I was worse than ever, Finally, on tho recommendation of W. J. Huntley, druggist, of Lockport, I was Induced to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. And now, after having taken twelve bottles, within tho last twelve months, tho scrofulous eruptions havo entirely ceased, and tho abscesses havo alt disappeared, except the unsightly scars, w hteh aro dally becoming 'smaller by degrees, and beautifully less.' I do not know what It may havo done for others, but I do know that Iu my case, Hood's Sarsaparilla has proved an cifectlvo specific Indeed. As nn evidenco ot my gratitude I send theso facts unsolicited, aud I am ready to verify tho authenticity of tills cure, by personal correspondence with any ono who doubts It." Cjiahles A. ltou EitTS, Kast Wilson, N. V. This statement Is confirmed by W. J, Hunt ley, druggist, of Lockport, N. Y., w ho calls tho euro a great victory tor Hood's Sarsaparilla. Send for book giving statements of many cures. Hood's Sarsaparilla! Sold by all druggists. $1 ; six for $3. Mado only by C. I. HOOD h CO., Lowell, Mass, 10ODos08 Ono Dollar.'f CANDIDATES. FOlt ltKl'ItF.SKNTATIVK, F. h. SIIUMAN, Of Calawissa. Subject to decision of lkmocrotlo party. Peio. calo election will bo held Jnly so, convention, July 87. 10 It It li I'll KS KNTAT 1 V K, JAMES T. FOX, Of Beaver Township. Subject to decision of Pemoeratlo party. Pele- JulyOT. 1 KOIl ItKlT.KSK.NTATlVH, A. L. FMTZ, Of Bloomsburg. Subject todoclclonof Pemoeratlo party. Delo- Juiy 7 "vii. uut u, ivim-uuuii, UMTOH'8 NOTICE. ISTATI OP OKOUGK IllhS, DKC'D. Tho underbigned Auditor, appointed by tu6 Or. the liens against said estate and niakedlstrlbutlon among creditors will sit ut his ortlco In llloom. . . ' ..'' """""jr ji. iwo, ai jo a. m. wilt r, aud whero all Dartleu havtnirriAimn nirninat n.i,i catate must apiiear and prove the same, or Lo w.v.v. uhuuuvu iiuui luiumi; m vu bam IUU(1. II. I'. ZAltlt, may 11 Auditor, KUltKICA. KOI-DINQ CANOPY TOR I'liieirui sues, uan bo at tached to nearly all wagonl buggies, phaetons and carts; tluslly removed. Folds Ue nuumbiella. Ifjoucannit get It ol jourwugonuiakir or dealer tend lorlllu.inu led circular und prico list. Agents wunted every w hero. jiii'uuuu paper. 1). fl A' nt 1'nlenl.v.M (nr,, xr.... town, CU tmuyitu'd, r &iitM7rfiiJ POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never vailes. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomenesa Moro economical Mian ordinary kinds, and cannot bo told In compe- uun wiiuino muumiucoi low icsi, snort wcignr, Mum or phosphatn powdctft. Hold only In cutis. Itovjii. Hakimi 1'ihvpkr Co.. Wall St., N. Y. N OT1CH 1)1 VOUCH. IN Till! COMMON l'l.KAS OP COl.r.MllIA CO. Uesslo VanTnssel. bv her next friend, S. It. How- man vs. Thos. VntiTassel. Hur libel In dUorce. To Thomas VanTassel" respondent abovo named: Whereas upon the libel ot tho Raid Uesslo Van Tnssel a subpoena was Issued out of tho snld court commanding j oj lo lmnnu appear at tho next regular trim of snld court to show cause why tho sail libelant should not be divorced from tholionds ot matrimony contracted by you; and whereas upon return or said suhpoenaduo proor was mado that sou could not bo round In tho bullnlck of tho sherltT ot said county, whereupon an alias subpoena was awarded by said Court eomtnandln2 ) ou to appear at tho then next term of saidt'ouit to answer ns aforesaid, tn which the samo return wan made by tlio bhertlT. You aro inerctoro renulred to Ijo nncl.mttcnr nn tho nrst, day or the next term or said Court to bo held at Itlooinsburg, rorsaldcounty.on tho fourth Monday ui r-rnmuuer next, a. li. iMH. to answer sata com plaint. SAMUlSL SMITH, Sheriff. May 7 MILNISTUATOirs NOTICE. lMate of Mam Waltert. late of Maatontiru. itec'rl I-etlersof administration In snld ctito bavins been granted to tho undersigned ndminlstratoi, all persona Indebted to said estate nro hereby no- iitnu ,u ,i,v wiuwune, mm mofao unving claims u(,-",iiurMuiu ill t'M'Ilt 1 lie Htlllir u, npr s:i lti:v. li. c. JIUNlto. Administrator. -Muncy, Pa. J OTICK. ThO Arm nf Vlnner Allurtsnn nf l),linnnL- Columbia county, l'a., luring been dissolved, tho business heretofore conducted by them will bo conducted by tho undersigned. Notice Is hereby given that 1 will not be responsible for any debts contracted by .1. M. Alberison hereafter, In too nrm name. All debts due tho ilrm will bo col. lected by me, and all claims against tho Arm paid lu J. W. YIMUEll. -May 7 ct.' rj-mKASUIlEU'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS IN COLUM11IA COUNTY, I'KNNA. By virtuo or sundry acts ot General Assembly of the Commonwealth of l'cnnsvlvanla, relating to tho sale nt boated and unseated lands In tho County of Columbia etc. for tnxes duo nnd unpaid I will oiler nt public sulo at tho Court House, In uiu iuh ii ui itiLHjuiuurg, on inu sucunu MONDAY OV JUNK A. I). 1880, nt 10 o'clock a. m. tho following described pieces of land or such part thereof as may bo necessary to nuusi uie tunuuiii oi luxes nuo una uupaiu ngalnst tho snme, nnd conllnuo tho samo from day iu uuy us mo sumo inny uu inunu necessary. TKIIMS OF HALE. Iho amount of taxes nnd costs must be paid when tho land Is struck off or tho salo may bo vuiu unu inu property put up nnu resoiu. UNSEATED LAND OF COLUM BIA COUNTY 188G. llEAVEIt. No. Acres. Warrantee or Owner. 400 " llakcr, Jacob dee'd ... 1 lot lieaver, Charles 8 " lieaver, Jesse Hi acres Iirockway, C. n ICS " ' S'J " ' and Abbott 7U " " " 118 " " " St " " " Taxhs. . 43 17 1 74 5 31 4 10 . II) 23 1 OS . 3 73 r, ai :j lots 3 " 1 " 3 on 5 so 6 80 llrockwny, c. 1) I'.utt and Unger Kogart, Mary Hover. T. H 1 (14 4 42 . ill 50 H10 acres Columbia coat & Iron Co Sin Clark. Andrew.... . 11 31 49 " KM " 237 " 273 " 307 " lots Cot, c.8. Ex. Tench Cox.. 3 Ml S 78 . 10 11 . IS 41 . 31 70 1 SH . 1 15 . 10 K5 . 7 77 . 13 50 Charles, Simon . 1 1 Canon, .M 1.10 acres Davis, Isaac 11.1 10i via, auiuuny Downs, Martin lmllus, Josla.i Downs. John Fisher, Sarah Flanlgan, A Fiy, W H Clearhart, Wm Ilonmnn, 11 n 1'nrdeonnd.Marklo HO " 1i " SJ " 3 lots 3 " 3 " 5 " 4'J" 0 07 2 IS SO 5 09 5 81 5 31 S C4 . 25 20 ! narnernna Jester rji acres Hauck, Jonathan BO " lloat.s, John 7is " Itoats, Charles John M " " " 830 " Hlndcrlltcr, Sarah A mots mint, j:ii a" llenny, (ieo 1" Kline, A 3" Kochler, (1. 1 li" Lew Is, Frank J " Lawrence, W. K sou acres Mann andMlller 300 " .Moore, Wm mo " Jlclteynoids, II. W 100 " Jllntck, Conrad 13 " " l'eter loo " " lienj 4 lots -Maston, Wm 1 1') acres Nungesser, (Ieo lots I'attc'rson, J. V 3 " l'rlce, Clarence id acres Ulce, John ssn " lllchtut, Charles sr 4011 " " " 75 " " " 13J " " " ii lots lluthford, Samuel ,t Co. 3 ': UiMiford, Samuel 2 71 5 KS , 3 3s 5 07 ft 30 . IS 5S 5 21 3 40 I 73 . 2 4i 4 81 7 BO . 11 50 . 10 12 . io ai . IS u , 13 18 . IS 18 . 1 W 47 8 IB" . 5 31 II 75 . ai r.2 . 27 m . 5 0.1 8 M) 8 70 . 4 41 4S , 10 13 . 11 83 3 Oil 5 21 . 5 21 a acres Miuman, Thomas Swank. Daniel . Schncpponhelscr, I. K Miuman tc: Michael Milck, J. J smith. 1. w 3 lots 3' Ml acres Suui.ian, F. L 3 lots Hcott, feter a ' Vastino, 11. K " Valkenaid, C. J , 25S.1 acres West II coal't'o is lots Wetzel, C. s 3-' Wcrkhclser, Samuel 3" Wood. Augustus Mi acres Wheeler. Win 3 " stlney, .Martin 3 lots Trout, Mnrgatvt 33 acies .Miller, Adam HUSTON. 45 acres Albeitson, ctarenco M " Dodson, (Ieo 21 " Wells, John IiIlIAltCllliUK. i of 5(W Apple, l'aul as acres clem, Itcv. W. T si " Doty, l'calcr,t Stewart SKI " " 15" " " " ... KM) " " 250 " " ' Wotaoi) " (Otl50 " jforiou " , V of 250 " 85 acres Evans, FmucU Fowler, Clibert oi acres Freas, Wm. n 14 llouck, Samuel SOU " lteccer, Abraham 7 " Kllnger, I.lzzio 7 ' Stokes, Olden 7 " Trough, Henry estate 11 " Kckroth, (leo 7 " stout, Ellis CATAWISSA. 7 40 1 UI 3 40 . 10 3S . 310 27 8 1.7 2 0.1 . 5 21 3 33 r.s 31 8U 1 SO 80 1 no , U 73 , 1 KS . 11 83 7 50 5 CI 3 75 U 3S 3 40 1 111 3 01 1 K5 . 3 37 , 3 73 3 75 5S 3 50 V7 51 07 75 40 51 acres llrobt, J s., 3UI Klaso & Vctter Weaver, Ellas Dornbach, Margaret., Klnler. ltoberl Newell, Fied Vctter, Lewis estate., 7 00 SO 3 7 71 II 10 13 CI 1 KS 47 1 KS 47 4 70 3 33 3 .10 1 OS 50 T 40 3 30 40 CXI 3 73 5 30 U NO 1 Ifl 1 (O W 0 80 fi B3 4U '.' 30 1 IU BO UI 8 40 0 KS 1 3S 40 m 110 Is) 3 30 80 T 8,0 i ra 84 l 51 33 33 US 10 3 8V CI 8 21 14 CO C4 34 h. 30 3D7 Ssf 30 X 31 8 IS 8 lilddlo Ilolra ciewell, Joseph cstato Krum, Kllas Ferry, Wm Hower, Sloses CHNTKAI.Ia. llagerty, James llcilron, 1'hlllp Holmes, Thomas, Lehigh & Mahanoy li. It Wnlsh, DaWd,,,,. fierUhty, Thomas! '. '. '. Mtf L (ieo. W JliCatrerty, Fat -Madden. .Michael Lehigh & Jlahanoy It. It Loughlin, Urldget ...... .'.','.'.'.',',',', Sweeney, .Margaret Kni'ir. John . ITuvli, John yulgley, Mrs, .Margaret ierfghty. Thomas liarrett.Mary lirennan, Joliu "" JlelTrou, win " llullcan, lilchaid Kelley, Win ' , ... . . ...... Klerus, l'alrlck ... 1 lot 1 It I" U " 1 " 1 " 1" 1 1 2 " 3" 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 " . ,.u..i,-j, UUUU u ,,,, !. " liraeey, Oeo .. 5 " uorrell & Co ...' .,". !,",',',"', CENTltE. 83 acres Adams, EnosL 8 lots lliobst. Thomas 35 acres Conner, II, J, M. i". ...... l lot liirllii;','wia., . " ' 3 " Freas, Andrew estate '.'..' 3 ' tipod, Jacob ttitato " Iftigcnbuch, Mm.,, " lloitcnbuch, Wm. sr. Mate.,,,,? TO " in " 81 ' 1 lot 3" 1 ' ..v.i.uiiii, ,,iii. remit;.. ,,,, lilts, EMe Mauh, Hebccca " Nungetstr. Sarah....M ' Knniihici. .lnr.,. 1 CONYNC1HAM. K) acres licam, Joshua sria M lojs urocKwoy, v, it 3 ii ii ' " , 8J M 3" 'i 1SW 11 ii ii ll 73 83 1 " Ttreslln, nernard ' ' a " Fetterair, Mlchao 113 acres Huston. John... J E9 s:n " Kline, John I , 5J Hot Kromcr, A. W 2 f? 1 II I. H , . , " 11 l " Lelby, L'phralm JJ 1 ' " Harvey 1 " .Mellen. Thomai . ' JJ s " Millard, O. II . ?S 1 " Mctltilre, Terronco.... ' 1" Jiorrts, AnnaU....'. ? a" Monroe, John ""I 1 il ii ii ,,,, ,,,,, 3 ii t" lthawn, Casper SSJ acres Huston, Mary 173" Huston, Thmnas wi" too ." Frlcn. Jacob ' J VJ loo " " " ! 401 " Young, John 40" nrelsfi, llobert Jli 8 " Walker, Lewis J f" 4 lotsMourcy, John 2 Is li. ii ' ii 3 C2 l ii ii H ,,'", 3 03 FISIIINOCIIKKK. 20 acres Allegar, John 1 Kit' 3 53 so " l)resher,;.)ohn .1 ra .too " Doty reaVf Stewart 13) " Forces Crawford - IM 80 " Fan er (leo..... HI m " Harrison Joi n Son " llorTinan Ficas '030 2-fl " llulm Wm "831 2U0 " Klrat Join co low 111) " Ij'n.en Thomas ill t'n II il.l ........ I, tt.ttlal il 111 il nullum J ... I., a, ...uu. 17 " lij if- n 13 " 1'aiks James 11 ' no ' l'o)blnsWmA '" to " Itlchard Lewis 311 111 " Kelrhart Charles 390.1 1(0 " Dobbins Kit i ' Ml " Hutchison Thos J 3 no .1 " l'enler (leo 3) 30 " Conuor.MaggicU HI FHANKI.1N. Ii) ' Cleaver Wellington 3 30 71 do Fortner Jonathan 3 50 I do swank (leo 4 .1 do Vonght James. 50 3D da VouglitK Howe'l - tso vi do Honrbach Wm 2 35 1 do Howell ll'in 1 80 OHKENHOOD. 14 do Albertson.Miiosiindmrtley.... ltd 200 do Mrry.lohn 4 so 2S do I'atlerson M J 1 41 HEMLOCK. SO do Campbell N L. 2 B3 at do Mc.'rldn II I) 1 (H) CO do Nenl.t 1'ursell 1 10 5 do lirlght Levi 20 31 do Jones David 71 JACKSON. 50 do FrlckdeoA ou SOU do do ........ soon 100 do Hess llenjatnln 0 20 4 do sillier ('has m 1 M 2 is do Jllllcr Neyhart .'. nam 210 acres " 31 20 1.1 " Kitchen, James W 1 13 58 " McIIcnry, Hohr 50 3 " Kecler, J. H ) LOCUST. so acres Dcwalt, Oeo 10 go SCI '. L'icrliart, John is to 01 " (loraghty, Thomas II lo 23 " Kline, John L 3 57 30 " longenberger, I'lilllp 4 tw 100 " snjder, Jeremiah 1 oi .MADIM1N. 83 acres Cot, Joel ill SOU " Eves Charles. CI mi 35 " Hendesliott, K 50 4i " Ileidenrled, Tobias i" 17 " Klsner, James VO 53 " Ilendershott, Erastus 81 c " oingles, T. II 12 13 " Wclllver, Daniel ostatc 30 .MAIN. 21 acres HrockwaySEnt 1 87 .7 " drover, Aaron w l at 3 " (learhart, Joseph 40 35 " lnnderllter, Henry 1 4ii in " .Miller, II. (I. cstato 1 10 4 " .Mouser, Emanuel 49 474 " I'ennock, c, li. Co 3171 500 " Itlchart, Charles 31 85 ICS " " " 13 fS leo " Shuman, Itcubcn 7 lio '1 ot loo smlck, llrobst, Yctter Hauck... 3 no 3) acres Shuman, John 3 15 7 " Shuman, w. T tn 10 " shuman, -Miles 1 13 7 " snjder, Abraham 3 17 930 " Hwnrtz Shepp Co 31 01 100 " Yctter, Isaac 3 s3 3 " Hartman,.Mathlas 51 45 " Jloser,. Michael 3 CO MIFFLIN. 15 acres Aten, Thomas. 30 5 " Aten, J. 1' 3) 10 " Creasy, Henry 40 10 " Ilendershott, Catharine 1 3S 70 :" Jacoby, O.IA 133 200 ' Kramer, A. W 7 50 35 " Michael, John ao M " " 30 3X " Mnsteller, Jos .is x " Menslnger, Wm as loo " Nuncester, W. J 2 oo ai " 1'arks, James, II. A. F . 70 85 " Sutllir.Joel 70 13.1 " Heliw epvenhelser I. K 8 no 30 " schweppenhelser, Horace 1 to 30 " Schweppenhelser, E. I' 1 37 4 " swnnk, S. II 31 15 " Williams, Samuel no 07 " Yohc.Johnlt 3 70 (17 " Yoho, Jacob estate C3 MONTOUlt. tl acres Creasy. Jacob 4 .15 18 " Olger. lia-bara 1 so At " Real, Win 5 00 2 " Hamscy estate 4 44 JIT, PLEASANT. 57 acres Crouse, Hiram & Andrew Jr 12 20 10 " Jacoby & ltupert 1 05 10 " Jacoby, Samuel 8U8 10 " Sharfer, Mnthlas 3 97 CHANGE. 19 acres Evcrltt, Gabriel estate 2 30 ao " Hagenbuch, Jeremiah 4 61 13 " Hess, Jeremiah 105 10" IIIdlayLovl 3 90 i lot Coleman (leo s 37 30 acres l'atterson M IS 3 45 3 ." siller .Michael is 11 " Kline Jacob deo'd, 101 TINE. 301 " Frick Geo A 12 70 loo " Miller Cole H3 131 " DreibleblsJohn 1 50 130 " Weatherel Clark . .. l oo 100 " Hoberts Colo lei 39 " Hobblns T D 1 88 3.1 " (Irecnley James 30 ltOAHIN'CCHEEK. 40 acres llrclsch Jacob 1 71 ia " " " S9 oo " names ThosJr 80 375 " ConMlr X ltlco 18 ao 850 " Cox 0 s Ex of Tench Cox 3 CO 10 " " " , 10 auo " " " son CO " " " to PENNY 0001)3 A SPECIALTY. SOLE A04NTS FOR T. F. ADAMS & CO., FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Solo agents of tho fol lowing brands ot cigars. IIENHY CLAY', LONDHES, NOHMAI, INDIAN PWNUKSS, SAMSON, SILVEll ASH. Alexander Bros, d Co., WHOLE3ALE DEALERS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, GAIVTDIES, FRC1TS AND NUTS. SOLE AOENTS KOIt HENRY MAILLARDS SGA.NDIES. FHES1I EVEItY EEK. Bloomsburg, Fa. THE HAMBURG r: - .1 aA . In nrnnnnnnr1 in icmtir.'f.. ... Hghtueaio, draught-; FAKNIER.S' PRODUCE Jtfloomsburg, Pa. C A BPETS I ' ' Spring stock of Carpetings just received. GOOD BODY BRUSSELS, $I.OO. BLiOOM8BURCr9 PA IS " Dllaplaln KzcklcL IM loo " iiuston.lnhn am 141 'i Morris HiiRhes ) jj 58 " Mlndy lewis,. i , 4 M 141 Helchorl Charles mi ltw " " " Mo lio ' Oil 40,) " " " 38 90 40 " llttllbJ. Miller. 392 M " . , " , ; 818 70 " Navlnger Jonathan , 1 4) 441) 11 Shellenbergcr Thomas ,,,, 1711 01 ; ; 4 90 30 ' Wltchey John .'..'..,'..'.', 941 34 " Yocum lanc ,, 1 c 42 " Yoeutn KHJah , 1 in; is " Y'elter Lewis Est..,., ns ro " " " i 41 rn " Trlcn Jacob m 500 " shotiti Abroliom - , 12 50 20 11 Heaver (leo A J L Kline. ; II ' Little Ilobeit 101 ill " Morris .V Hughes , .17 7 " " n 43 ' ' 118 II " " " 10 100 " Mellington Wm ., 300 ! " " " 81 18 " Skate Henry SUUAHLOAF. 50 " Hellas Wm tso 19J " Huckntew James Est soo ft " ColoE7Cktel 1015 40 '! Colo '1 lioma.s II , 400 850 " ("napln J F so so 2 " ChaplnJl'' , 141 75 " Custer Mary 441 as " Hess Jos o. 1 2.T4 123 " Ho'sCrciellng A Co uno 4 of 110 Hess tvesley s ao MOtlll) " s CO ,V0fl19 " 13 CO Hi ucics t ir, 91 " Harvey J F & M Smith 3 so S10 " Mcltenry llohr 2030 si " Savnge Joshua Est 31 82 boo " Mclicnry K J 180 sou " " " s 70 83 " " John J 1 to 78 ISO 19S " liuckalcw Evan cbo rp HEASUHEH'S SALE SEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Also tho following lots, pieces and parcels of scnteil lands returned by tho tax celleclors. are to bo sold nt the somo time under the provisions ot an Act of Assembly entitled "An Act relating to the salo or lands ror taxes in Columbia county," approved March tth, isos. HKAVElt. No. Acres. Warrantee or Owner. Tase 1 lot Losee, J. A. agent 1 20 1 " Maston, Wm 0 30 4 lots Homes, Chas. H. 30 40 lla McAtec, John .105 50 acres Harnes, Chas 39 25 Slots Maston, Mrs. Wm 8 93 3 " Selnt, A. II 10 CO 3 seres Ahleman, Charles 0 00 10 " Morkle nros. Co ar 55 317 " Miller, Longenberger & Fisher... 138 72 " llakcr, Jacob sr. 107 4 " Sherman, Thomas 1 71) lis " Case and Wolvetton S3 Bo 31 " Ilrcdbenner, nideon o 03 DENTON, 1 lot Albertson, Samuel It 1 so a " Hcacock, Samuel 0 50 HLOO.M. a lots Walter, Norman 9 12 1 " l'tirwll, Kllsha 19 co CATAWISSA. 4 acres Klefer, Jacob estate s 40 10 " I'rlco, Jonas 48 CENTHALIA BOH. Hot Langdon, Mrs. Thomas dee'd-.,.. 12 CO CONY'NGHAM. 1 lot Drown. Wm ?s .183 acres Cutnmlngs, 11. M. & Co 505 oj 400 ' curry. Lllen ai9 07 Murphy Hugrcs tc co 400 acres Nathaniel Drown tract 433 ro 1 lot Henron, Philip a si " ouinn, Catharine 01 X " hoons, Henry 73 ,tf " Morrison, James 75 FIS11INC1CHEEK. 18 acres Keller, John W. 1 14 i lot lluss, Anna 1 92 OltEKNWOOl). 1 lot l'llklngton, P. K 30 81 acres Moore, I-afayetto .... 3 10 si" Mooie, A. L. 495 HEMLOCK, 83 acres Thomas Slate Co 47 55 H lot Marshall, Wm. S 1 cs 1 " Fugc, John 30 10 acres (illlaspy, Wm. estate 9 01 H lot Vnnhorn, Wrn 211 JACKSON. 110 acres Chamberlain, Lewis 11 7a 37 Iwls, Ellen 1 01 3.1 " Young, Lewis c. 3 7S is " Keller, Jacob 130 LOCUST. s acres Ithoads, Susan 8 51 MADISON. 170 acies Tromboner, A. C a 80 130 " El cs, Charles W 6 00 co " Eves, Charles 3 00 0 " House' and Krom 3 u) 170 " Hill, Jesse 13 75 70 " Cox, It'll. It 1 h) MAIN. 31 acres Blttenbcnder, Conrad 3 00 MIKFL1N. Hot Kelchner, Jacob E. 133 MT. PLEASANT. 15 acres llenneld, Thomas 3 41) 33 " Hower, Cbes E. .. 770 OHANGE. t7 acres c rouse, Nelson 10 So PINK. 133 acres Itobbins, Joshra 7 bs 50 " Klchle, Jaco'j , 3 30 3S " DrelblebLs, Jacob estate 1 90 8 ' Drclblebis, Joseph 24 10 " Evans, (ieo. 10 50 " Kline nnd l'atterson is 00 83 " Menlenhall, Kllas ss 33 310 " do do 14 (13 412 " Welsh, Abncr tb so 50 " Hunyun, Ezra estate .... 1 a., 30 " Parker, John II 3 40 SCOT 7 acres Columbia Lime stono Co 40 SO SUGAHLOAP. 20 acres Hebs, Ijtvlna ,. 40 .40 " Koso, John L. 375 30 " crevellng, J. II 2a 50 .21 " Albertson, Jesso 1 au PETEli A. EVANS, Treasurer. Treasurer's office, Uloomsburg, March 29th, 1896. April a, isba-3m. I ANY OHDEtt 'foii festivals j will be SUPPLIED Wl ni TUB LOWEST IW Prices, as roi.Lows : ORANGES, LEMONS, 15ANANAS, PEANUTS. ENGLISH WALNUTS, CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, l'OP CORN BALLS. CHAMPION PLOW Sffl iW$l$tEclX&X'1 m REVERSIBLE PLOW SHARE. FOR SALE RV EXCHNQE, L.m.TEd, ...m.Mt.utVNUIUtln,,,,,,. , ,