The Columbian. yiDAY7"alAY7, 1880. ronnin tuiinoin tun tiiiu. asVoilowa ! lh0 ,'"lladclPllT leave Rupert KORTII. unnrn 6:89 a. in. ii?aDIBL, 8:42 p. m. 'J;,4' ; umStm th a U " loa E'oomsburg- 10:21 i ru. ,?'?? ? m. 2.20 p. m. 'J: 4 ? m- :30P-m' - -o- roYrfasroW''11' Bloom KORTU. Unit e-3,P,m' SUNDAY, 4!l5 P-"1- Fon Balk. A team of heavy drat', horses weighing 8500 lbs. Nino years old! In flrst class order who havo become too largo ior storo business. Or will exchange for a team of colts from 3 to G years old. For further Information write or apply to M. MoAlamet, 02 East Main St. Plymouth Pa. NcwHpuiier nud job onicc ror Hale. Located at n county seat, having patron ago of county printing, good Campbell press, and tho otllco Is fully equipped for Job work. Circulation of paper, nbovc nvcragc. For particulars address P. 0. MOODY, Gkk. AnvKrtTisixo Ao't, t2'- Scranton, Pa. Fort Sale. Bay marc, line driver, single or double. Five yenrs old. Inquire at Hucknlew's livery stable. C I). Sl'lQELMIYBft, Foit Runt. A f ramo house on Ferry road. Inquire of Geo. E. Elwell. tf. Fob Salb. A very desirable property, on Market street in tho town ot Blooms burg, Pa. nearly opposite Rov. D. J. Waller. Lot 01 feet In width and 108 feet in depth. An alloy on tho north nud east, lot of I). J. Waller on the south. Market street on the west. The dwelling houso is a largo two story brick with Mansard roof, water, gas nud acwer drainage, u good large stable, good fruit, and good well of water. Also a house and lot in Catawlssa front ing on 3rd street, above Pino street, a good two story frame dwelling house with two story kitchen attached. Michael F Evenly April 7. "80. tf. Bloomsburg, Pa. Fon Balk. Two houses and lots on Canal street. Desirable, cheap homes, and pay well to rent. Also, ono of tho finest residences in Bloomsburg, comer of Fifth and Centre streets. Having all the latest improve ments, stenm bent, water, gas, water clos ets and bath room. Good burn, fruit and ornamental trees, large lot. A rare chance for a lino homo. Apply to J. II. Maize, Cor. Main and Centre Sts. M'Killip, artist, liioomsuurg. instantan eous pictures. 4t. I'ernoiiiil. Richard V. Drinker is building a house on his Florida plantation. Gen. C. M. Blaker was In attendance at court this week, looking unusually well. Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Wirt aro taking a trip to Washington, New York and other cities. Mrs. C. E. Habb has gone to Philadel phia and New York to lay in a now supply of goods. F. P. Drinker and E. W. Drinker went to Lackawanna county on a fishing e;pe dltion last week. Tho lower end of the county was well represented in court this week by William Bryson, Ecq., C. G. Murphy, Esq., David Walsh, John P. Ilannon, Thomas Gerity and others. Window shades and wall paper at Clnik's Book Store. Fresh bread and hot rolls at Phillips' Bakery every day. Wall paper, new patterns. Prices as low as any at George A. Clark's Book Store. J. Jones has opened a shoemaker shop In a store room under the Operu House. Spectacles and eyeglasses all prices nt Clark's Book Store, Exchange Hotel Build ing. See advertisement of M. McAIarney, of Plymouth, for sale or exchange of team of horses. Benjamin Savitts has moved his plumb ing shop to tho first room in the Opera House. James T. Fox bought the property of Miss E. public sale last Friday for $3370. William Wcrkhelscr was married to Mrs. Hannah A. Bealbe last Saturday evening, by Rev. F. P. Manhart. Francis Drake has opened an Ice cream saloon In Dr. Evans' building, corner of Main and Jefferson streets. Numerous new names wero added to our list this week, all solid men. That is the kind our entire list is made up of. Tho Board of Pardons has granted D. F. Soybert are-hearing, and his application will come up again at the next meeting. In another column will bo found the name of James T. Fox, as a candidate for Representative from tho south side of the river. The Senate on Monday confirmed the nomination of G, A. Clark as Post Master t Bloomsburg, and J. K. Boqart at Wil kcs.Barrc. Wo are Informed that C. B. Brockway lias beeii reappointed by the Governor as Notary Public. The term Is now fixed at four years. Joseph Garrison occupies a building next to Clark is Son's store, on Center street, as a (lour and feed store. Ho also keeps gar den truck inscasou. Mrs. William Webb has rented tho storo room In the Mayer homestead on Market square, aud will occupy it as an Ico cream parlor during the season. E. M. Towksbury of Citnwissa.cnndldato for Representative, occuplef space In our columns, In which he gives his views on public questions. Head them. Tho Calllcplau Society will glvo nil en lerlainment at the Normal Hall this Friday evening. Thero will bo literary exercises followedby the drama, 'Louva, tho Pauper.' The Salvation Army contlnuo to hold their meeting every night at the colored church, First street. Brigadier Capt. Agar aud wife holding tho fort. Everybody come and hear for yourselves. ' Before buying wall paper or window shades examine the stock at Clark's Book Store. lota 25 Imm,nock, nt Merccr'a. 0 cents you wish to purchase or exchango for ft good heavy team of horses, read tho ad. vertlsomcnt of McAIarney. Wcnro Informed tnat tho charges of mis. managcmir.tmniln fw,ini n. m.i.u . tho Miners' Hospital at Ashland have been declared entirely unfounded 1lV Itin mnm. gcrs. Over 60,000 envelopes aro carried In stock at this office, and sold at tho very lowest rates, with business card printed on. Or dcrs tor 15,000 have been filled during tho past week. Wesley Muycr supplied his customers with tho New York Tribune last Sunday. Ho will servo them regularly with his other Sunday nancra. Wr. .,... prising ngent. John Held lina nnn nt II... I.... i Ishingrrcek towhship. Everything about It U mini o.l I. i . . . .. , nnu ins orchard is ii fine one. Ho Is engaged now In the erection of a largo new barn. A largo number of pcnplo from Benton arc In attendance at Court as witnesses In tin arson case. Wo will tml.lM. n full rn. port next wtek, as tho case was called too lato to obtain any of tho testimony for this issue. In another column will be found the nnme of Hon. A. L. Frit nf ninnm-i,,,.-.. as candidate for re-electlor. to the olllco of Representative. Mr. Frit, has served one term lu the legislature, aud desires n re election. Prof. Allen has a lnnro class of rniinln pupils and will locato rerminnnllv In Bloomsburg. He is an accomplished mu. slclan, and those who wish to nvall them selves of tho opportunity to secure tho ser Ices of an excellent teacher should consult him. The final examinations of tho Public schools of Bloomsburg weie completed last week. Tho results have been verv satisfactory. The schools show a marked progress and the community Is taking un usual Interest In them. We hope this In terest will not abate until our schools I.e. come the equal of any In the State. An addition Is being built to the Central Hotel, In tho shape of arear wing. The house will be supplied with all th Improvements and appliances, and under its new proprietors it has taken rank as a Ilrst-class hotel. Messrs. Aurands came here as strangers, hut they are ranldlv be coming acquainted, and are deservedly popular. The hotel is elegantly furnished and everything is new. C. Mcars has removed his olllco from from Moycr Bros', building to his dwelling on Third street where ho will continue to supply the Irado with the NEW IMl'ROV ED WESTERN WASHEIt, Blanchnrd Cliuru uud Butter Worker. Mr. Mcars has been very successful In the sale of the Wetcrn Washer, having sold about eleven bundled In tho short time he has been In the business, which speaks well for tho merits of this popular machine. List of letters remaining in the Po3t Of ficent Bloomsburg for week ending May 4. 1880: Mr. B. F. Carr, Joseph Dushane, Sir. John Hnckett, Mr. Aaron Keller, Mr. Al fred Miller, George Shellc (ship), Mrs. Dr. F. Snyder. CARDS. B. M. Ellis, Esq. Persons calling tor theso letters will nlease say 'advertised." OeoiiOK A. Clank, P. M. At the annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Bloomsburg State Normal School the following old members were re-elected to servo on the board of trustees for the en suing year, viz: Dr. J. Schuyler, F. P. Billmyer, Esq , L. B. Rupert and J. M. Clark. The latter was elected in place of Conrad Bittcnbendcr, who has removed from Bloomsburg. Tho following named gentlemcii weie recommended to l)i Illgbec, Sup't of Public Instruction, who selects two to leprcsent tho State on tho board : Col. Samuel Knorr, Dr. J. W. Mclleynolds, Freas Brown, Esq., and Louis Ilernhnrd ; the first two named arc tho present icpresentntlvcs of the State. For croquet sets go to Mercer's, 80 cents to 3.50. Lust Saturday as Deputy Collector Buck Ingham was returning from Washington ville to Danville with a livery team hired at tho latter place, the horses became frigh tened at something and started to run away just as they reached the outskirts of Danville. They ran for some distance at headlong speed, and Mr. Buckingham suc ceeded In ttupplng them by turning into a bauk. Neither horse fell, but when they stopped it was discovered that tho anklo of ono of them was broken, How it was done Is unknown, but it was probably caused by a rut or stepping on a stoue. The injury was incurable and the horse had to be shot. Mr. Buckingham says that if the horse had not broken its leg, they would probably havo broken his neck. Artistic celling decorations at Clark's Book Store, Exchange Hotel Building. Charles Colfman was arrested on Friday of last week on cliargo of assault and bat- tery upon Freitjliowcrs, on information of Mrs. Bowel s. A hearing was held before Esquire Jacoby. We glean the following facts i Chas. ColTman, Fred Bowers and Harve Iteymurd got in an altercation some where about the Court House. Soon after they all started down the street, indulging u petty wrangles. hen they reached a point near Whary's tlnshop where Bowers hltCollman on the nose mid pushed mm up against the buildluc. Colfman threat. cued to uso ids kulfe if molested again, and produced a small pen knife. Bowers theu threw Coflman in the gutter and witli tho assistance of Ilarve Heymard tried to take the knife away. In Iho scutllo tho clothing of Bowers was cut and Heymard received a gash In the leg. After-Giving all tho boys somo good advice tho justice discharged them. At the time ot tho uffray tho police should havo arrested them, and let them pay tho penally for such actions, HIivrin'H HalcH. Sheriff Smith sold the following proper ties at the Court House last Monday. Properly of Leonard Moore In Sugarloaf to John Moore for 330. Property of estate of J. II, Harmati In Bloomsburg to It. O. Ncal for $75.00. Property of John S. McIIenry In Fishing, cicek, to V. 1). Heckley for 5500. Properly of Samuel Zimmerman In Or. angevllle, to A. B. Stewart for S0. Property of A. C. Itabb In Bloomsburg, to Catawlssa Deposit Hank tor 1300. Salo of Joseph Hicks adjourned to Sat. unlay May 8th, at 3 p m. Properly or Jacob S. Hlntcrllter lu Ilea, ver. m (). A. Bhuman for 5(55.00. Property of J, P. Lewis lu Catawlssa, to Catawlssa Deposit nans, iur nwi.w, The only reliable catarrli remedy on the market to-day is Ely's Cream Balm, being fren from polionous drugs uud offensive odors. It has cured thousands of acuto and chroulo cases whero all oilier remedies havo failed. It quickly cutcs cold In the head and catarrhal headache. Price fifty ; cents. THE COLUMBIAN AJSTD I.ICCIIHCH. Considerable tlmo was occupied hi Court In ttio hearing of llccnso applications. Tlicro wcro remonstrances filed against all applicants from Benton. Samuel Hazlc tine, of Eycrsgrovc, and Hccco Falrman, of Llghtstrcct. After hearing a number ot witnesses Mr. Fntrman's application was refused on tho ground that no necessity for a second hotel in Llghtstrcct had been shown. Tho application of Lemuel Drake, of Benton, was refused because two ot the twelve signers of Ids petition were not res Idcnts of Benton township, A motion was made to allow him to amend by securing two moro signers, but this was refused by tho Court, saying that as this was n statu tory proceeding, tho petition must bo strictly In compliance with the Act ot As. sembly when filed, aud It la too late to amend now. Bnmuel Hiuelllue's application was re fused after n hearing, because it was shown thnt he had violated tho liquor laws. Numerous witnesses were called In sup port of J. B. McIIenry's application for n license nt Benton. Tills is a new house, and the best hotel building In the county, outside of the largo towns. Nearly nil the witnesses called in support of tho remon strance admitted that they wcro opposed to nil licenses. The Court held the case uudcr ndvlscmcnt until Saturday. The henring of Hiram Hess' application wns postponed until Saturday morning, and decision wns reserved lu tho caso of Artur McLaughlin, of Ccntralla, until tho same tlmo. In passing upon licenses tho Court made tho following remarks: The rules of tho Court, recommended by a committee from each of the counties in tills district nud adopted, provide for the filing of remonstrances against licenses, nud the Court is always ready to hear any complaints, properly presented, showing that licenses ought not to bo granted. In stead of availing themselves of tho oppor- tunlty given by tho rules of Court, somo havo adopted the plan ot writing anony mous communications to the Court sotting forth that certain persons ought uot to be licensed because of violation of tho law. We have received four such communica tions this term, some of them saying that they daro not let It bo known who Is mak ing the complaint. There Is a degree of cowardice In this that is not all creditable to tho writers. If any one knows of vlo- latlon3 of the law it Is a public duty to make It known In tho way provided by law. In this matter the Court receives no assistance from the constables. Though there ure remonstrances filed setting torth that in certain sections of the county liquor Is sold on Sunday, sold to minors nud to habitual drunkards, and that great confu sion prevails, every constable has come before us and leturned under oath that there are no violations of tho liquor laws. Wo make these remarks now because we have reached tho application of Welling ton Yeager for a hotel in Locust township. A communication has been received con- cernlng this license, saying that it must uot be known who wrote it, nnd If one-half the allegations ure true, this man ought not to bo licensed. If there is any one present who knows any reason why Wel lington Yenger's application should not be granted, we will hear him now, otherwise this license is granted, as the Court can pay no nttentlon to anonymous communi cations, if the writer has not the courage to come before tho Court and tell what, he knows. OliDBT. OP THE OOUBT IN LICENSE CASES. And now May 5, 1880 Ohdeiied, that in all cases of application for renewal of a ho tel or restaurant license, the applicant may filo with his petition, or at any time beforo or on the hearing, an affidavit setting forth that ho had not In tho previous year vlo lated. or permitted to be violated, any of tho penal provisions of tho law in regard to tho sale of intoxicating drinks on Sun days, to minors, to habitual drunkards, to persons of known intemperate hslilts, to persons intoxicated at tho time, or on elec tion days. Such affidavit will be considered as prima facie evidence that no such violations have occurred. If the applicmt shall neglect or refuse to file such an allldavit, the court may, In the exercise of its discretion, regard such re fusal as conclusive evidence such vio lations have occurred, nnd refuse tho Ii. cense. Bv the Couiit. Au elegant line ot ball and bats at Mer eel's. Htimvnter. A number of our piscatorial artists have been angling recently for tho "speckled beauties" and havo succeeded fairly. H. O. Edgar and A. B. McIIenry, a few days ago, caught 100 lino large trout. J. F. McIIenry has returned from the city with a fine stock of mcrclinnillfe. He is now selling goods cheaper than have ever been nlfere.l lu Stillwater before. T. II. EJgur has sold his store to J. F. McIIenry. .Mr. Edgar does a very large business in his pinning mill which demands all his lime aud attention. Thciefiuc, his reasou for closing thu store. Barber and Sevison aro booking orders every few days for new buggies and wag ons. Their wagons are Acconil to none in the market. The schools In Fislilngcreek commenced 5n Monday. Miss Jennie McIIenry will tearh tho Kramer school. Miss McIIenry possesses all tho accomplishments requisite for a modcT teacher. Tho Sunday schools of this place have been reorganized. II. W. Kline is Supt. of the M. E. school, and E. B. Bcishline will superintend tiio Christian school. L. C, ltabcr, and his cousin, William Iiabcr, who have been at Wllkes-Barre for some tune past, are at home tor a few days. Ask your merchant for O. K. coffee. Try it nnd you will use tio other. It is liomo roasted, Always fresh and has no equal, fm. 13 tf. Mlmiii. II. G. Gcarhait Is In Philadelphia this week. Two Sunday schools wye organized on Sunduy. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Snyder and Mrs. Snyder's mother on Tuesday started on a trip to Stroudsburg, Bethlehem uud differ ent parts of Now Jersey. E. L. Kirkeudall is erecting anew house. J J. Hartzel Is dangerously til with In. tlainmatory rheumatism. Jerru Yolie purchased n six-octave Waterloo organ of Swauk & Snyder. Thos, Davis and family, of Urandonvlllo, visited relatives In this county on Friday and Saturday. Ida Smith weut to Scranton on Monday, Bc:tt's Emulsion of Furo Cod I.ltrOll vlltilIoiliuHiililtuH Possesses tho remedial power of these two valuable specifics in their fullest de. gree. Is prepared In a palatable form, eas. lly toleruted by tho stomach, and for deli, cuti, sickly children, Emaciation, Con. sumption and nil impoverished conditions ot tho blood is unequalled by any other remedy. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Court Proceedings. Tho regular May term ot Court began on Mondny, May 8, Hon. W. Elwell, Pres. tdent Judge, and his Associates, Hons. F. L. Sliuman nnd James Lake on the bench, The Constables' returns wcro taken nnd newly-clcctcd Conslables sworn In. Tho Constables ot Mlfilln nnd Montour re turned roads In bad condition and tho Court directed them to notify the Super visors to mako repairs. George P. Drlcsbach was appointed foreman of the grnnd jury. Isaao Mcllrido nnd Evan Jones appoint ed tipstaves. Auditor's report In estate of Clara Lin. den confirmed nisi. Auditor's report in cstato of Moses Ever ctt nmended and confirmed nisi. Register's accounts presented and con firmed nisi, Widows' appraisements confirmed nisi. Com. vs. A. P. Hess. A truo bill. Com. vs. David Brumbach. Uccognl. zance for appearance at next term. llcport of sale In estate of Hccco M, Eck confirmed nisi. Bloom Poor District vs. Hemlock Poor District. Appeal from order ot removal of Gcoriro Samuels and family. Auditor's report In cstato of Hannah Lnke confirmed nisi. Auditor's report In estate of Harriet Moy. er confirmed nisi. Sate of real estate ordered In estate ot Mary Walters. Koad in Scott near Robert Stiff's farm, exceptions filed to report of rc-vlewcrs. Petition filed tor re-ic-vlowers not to be appointed until exceptions are' disposed of. Ilcptrt of viewers In favor of a bridge In Franklin, near Bear Gap, confirmed nisi. Proceedings in matter of lunncy of Mary Illckctts, return ot inquest filed, finding no lunncy, confirmed nisi. On petition execution ordered in estate of John A. Eck, n minor. Commonwealth vs. Hccco Jcnkins,trnmp, carrying concealed weapons, Ssc, true bill. Same vs. same. Aggravated assault and battery, true bill. J. A. Bleber, receiver of Lycoming Flro Ins- Co. vs. D.ivid Walsh, petition of de fendant for rule to show cause why writ of 11. fn. shall not be stayed. ltoad lu Centre near Scott's ham, report of viewers confirmed nisi. Bond In Mifflin near Michael Heller's, re port of viewers confirmed nll. S ilo of real estate of W. M. Dewltt de ceased, confirmed nisi. Account of Itobert Mannon, committee of Martin Mannon, a lunnttc, confirmed nisi. Bertha Barnctts vs. Charles Hlnk, rule to show cause why judgment should not be opened, &c. Auditor's report in estate of Samuel liar rison confirmed nisi. Auditor's report in estate of Nancy ICah. lcr couflrmed nisi. Bond of A. B.-Croop, committee of E. L. Hottenstein, a lunatic, approved. Petition for partition filed in estate of Catharine Farver. Return of Inquest In following cstntcs confirmed nisi : Benjamin Hicks, Ellas Krumm, Henry Gable, Reuben Hess, Cas per Rhnwn, John J. Longenberger. J. II. Hoyt vs. Berwick borough, report of viewers to assess damages confirmed nisi. Adam Kline vs. John Kline ct nl. report ot sale of John Mowrcy trustee, confirmed nisi. On petition, Lehman Martz appointed supervisor of Briarcrcek in place, of Wil liam Slout deceased. A. D. Seolcy w3 appointed a detective to report to the court any violation of the liquor laws in Berwick. Commonwealth vs. Rccco Jenkins, tramp and carrying dangerous wenpons. Case tried. Verdict guilty. This was tho caso whero llie defendant while in jail made an attack on n fellow prisoner, cutting his head severely witli on iron hook, for which lie was indicated for au aggravat ed assault, 10 which ho pleaded guilty. Commonwealth vs. Harry Relnhard, nol. pros, entered. Tho following sheriff's deeds wero ac knowledged : To Rohr McIIenry for property of D. 8. Young. To B. F. Zarr for property of T. P. Chcrlngton. To John Moore for property of L. Moore. To C. A.. Shuman for prop erty of J. S. Hlnterliter. To Daniel Reedy for property of S, B. Bowman. To M. W. Jnckson for property of S. B. Bowman. To Catawlssa Dep. Bank for property of A. C. Rabb. To W. D. Bcckley for prop, erty of J. S. McIIenry. To Catawlssa Dep. Bank for property of J. P. Lewis. To Josiah Glger for properly of S. II. Miller. Commonwealth vs. S. Fcdder, recogni zance forfeited. Commonwealth vs. Isaac Waltman, nr. son, true bill. Case called Wednesday afternoon. On trial. Order of sale continued in estate of Samuel McMichael ; also In estate of Eliza bcth Kline. C. G. Barklcy Esq. continued as auditor lu estate of Mary F. Tiembly. Commonwealth vs. John Colemuu i sault and battery, truo bil'. Commonwealth vs. F. Runyon, uol pros entered. Commonweal th vs. ,S. P. Hess continued to next session on account of illness of de fendant. Commonwealth vs. Simon Poust, uol pros entered. Inquest on body of Francesco Ivowshca approved as proper to bo made. This was tho young Indian who committed suicide at Rupert by throwing himself under a train ot cars. Inquest on body ot G. L. Kostcnbaiidcr approved us proper to bo made. Commonwealth vs. Brian Kane, larceny aud rcci Iviug stolen goods, truo bill, con tinucd to next term and rccognizanco for felted to bu respited on appcaruueo ot dc fendant nl iext term. Gotthardt Yolkman naturalized iu open court. Inquests wcro approved as follows on body of Christine Cain, on body of Cath. urine Ocarhart, on body ot John llarrlng ton. Commonwealth vs, John Coleman, as. sault nud battery, case called, verdict guilty. Defendant sentenced to pay a fine ot $10 and costs. John F, Peacock appointed guarjlian ot Anna Hopkins, minor child of Thomas Hopkins deceased. J. G. Freezo Esq. continued as auditor In estate of Cora Crcvellng, a minor. M. C. Woodward vs.!Jolm Wutters: rule on sheriff to pay money luto court for dis trlhutlon. Besslo Yantassel vs- Thos W. Vnntussel, divorce, publication ordered. Order of salo continued In cstato of W. F, Pursel. W. H. Uhawn Esq. continued as auditor In cstato of Joseph Hess. in matter of proceedings In lunacy of Mary Rlcketts, rule to show canso why respondents shall not pay costs. Llzzlo Armcr vs. M. I. Armcr, divorce alias subnocna awarded. Mary Jones vs. William Jones, divorce publication ordered. Keller's Catarrh Remedy, thu greatest remedy ever discovered tor .MALARIA, has never fulled to curu n single case. Ono bottlo is generally sufficient, tliemcut in another column. See adver- Olfln of PoIhoii. It Is time that rcfpcctablo merchants com bined with consumers for the suppression of all gift, prize nnd lottery schemes In connection with the sale of articles ot mcr chandlsc. Theso schemes are not only de moralizing to lcglllmnto business nnd to the morals nt the community, but In tho extent In which they nro being carried in tho sale of articles of food have become n source of great danger to tho public health, They nro, no matter In what form they np- pear, nothing more or less than devices to swindle honest and unsuspecting people. It Is gratifying to learn that In somo in. stances tho officers of tho law havo taken hold of tho matter. In New York, and also In Chicago, parties who In this way offered gifts to purchasers of their pack ages havo recently been arrested upon In dictments for lottery swindling. Tho Int. est candidates, both for public execration and criminal prosecution, are tho manu facturers of the alum baking powders, who aro both by means of gifts and lottery tickets, disposing of largo quantities of their corrosively poisonous compounds, which aro so well known to be detrimental to health that no housekeeper will admit them to her kitchen, knowingly. Tills form of swindle Is not only being peddled from houso to Iiousp, but under tho prom ise of large profits to bo realized, tho man ufflcturcrs nro entrenching themselves be hind the counters of many grocers by get ting them to offer the alum goods with the gifts of lottery tickets attached, thereby shifting tho liability to proseciitlou, in part, upon other nnd, perhaps, Innocent parties. Lvery grocer or dealer, for In- staucc, who sells or offers for salo any of tho prize or lottery bnklug powders is a crirnlnnl in the eyo of the ldw, and liable, upen conviction, to fine and Imprisonment, while those wiio sell tho gift goods are, morally, as responsible, for they are offer ing an Inducement, or prize, to liousckecp crs to use a food that contalus a corrosive poison. This is a predicament In which it is not possible our grocers will caro to place themselves when they come to think scri. ously of the matter. It must be borno in mind that every one of theso gift or prize baking powers, are alum baking powders. These powders cost less than four cents n pound to pro duce; the gift or prize costs but a few cents more. They are sold at the nrico of a first-clas3 baking powder, so that the swindle,ln ncommcrcialsensc,is enormous. But the chief iniquity of tho business con slsts in selling, as presumably wholesome, an article of posl'ivcly Injurious character, nnd by means of gifts or bribes Inducing servants or unsuspccllug housekeepers to purchase and use it in our dally food. lhero should be some prompt method of reaching theso dangerous practices and puulshlng the parties engaged In their pro motion. If the present laws are not ample, we commend the matter to the considera tion of our State Board of Health for re commendation of such additional lcglsla. Hon as shall be effective for the protection ot the public. Ilerwicu. Thos. Lauer is tunning a fine tonsorial business. A. F. Creasy is shaping up the streets in Newtown. George Depuy is engaged laying new water pipes tho manager of our water works. Johnny Yunt has returned to Berwick after an absence of 3 years. Dani. Dehaven has gono to Bhickshinny to live. Charlie is the popular bar-tender at the St. Charles. Nelson Williams you will always find to the front as hostler at the "Cross Keys." Edward Carroll has opened up a nt barber shop in the St. Charles. George D. Jacoby is n specialist in iron buggies. We have had somo rains lately that have largely broken up tho Idea of a drouth spring. The grain looks good among the farmers; that is whsre. it principally grows. Klase, of tho St. Charles, has been absent at Danville and Bloomsburg. Een Bowr has been doing somo good pruning and gardening upon Edward Wil son's property. George Clemens is engaged at Ashley ; has been visiting friends In Berwick. Jessie Suit, of Wilktsbarre. hng been visiting friends in Berwick. He is a good machinist. Hiram Whltmlre is tho principal clerk at Isaiah Bower's store. He Is an excellent salesman. J. M. Trescott has entered happiness by getting married last week to Miss Cora J. heeler of Benton, by Rev, J. Horning of Snydertown, Pa. He Is tho well known carriage maker of Berwick. May their matrimonial alliance tic a long one and prosperous. May no clouds obscuro the sunlight of their joy and always have plenty of lard lu their larder. The occa. slon was a very enjoyablo affair with some nice presents. Miss Edgar is engaged hero teaching a summer school. She has taught during lue winter with acceptability and the cn dorsement of her efficiency Is the fact that her school is largely comprised of her old scholars. Win. A. Williams is succeeding finely collecting at Pittston for tho book firm of Thos- Kclley, 120 North 7th St. Ho made a good hit in Berwick selling standard works and albums a month or two ago He Is adapted to tho business. Rev. Yocum preached an eloquent ser. iuou on - lucre suau uo no nigiil lucre" on last Sabbath. lluckliorii. Tho farmers that nre ready are planting corn. E. J. Obi's buried an Interesting llttlo boy on Tuesday of last week. Pcrclval Foulk returned from Missouri last Wednesday, Ho bought a farm in Texas county, containing 230 acres, for 1500. On baturday, Prof. Nilcs, of Blooms burg, visited our town on a tricyclo. Tno Buckhorn people nro getting proud Almost every one is making somo improve ment which adds to the beauty ot their dwellings, in . .. .... uigui uere in tno middle 1 will answer the Lightstreet riddio Leap Frag. Miss Mattlo Wuulch opened a Bclect school at this place on Monday, C, H, Moore and wile, of VanCarap are spending this week with his folks nt this place. Miss Mattlo Rlclnrt, of Fislilngcreek, Is visiting at E. J, Ohl's a tew weeks, Mlos Cal Hartmau started to Ohio this Thursday, On Monday Dave Stroup will begin work on a farm uear Derry Church, for a Mr, Smith. Miss Vino Moore has Just received I new line of millinery goods. Cloning; KxcrclncH. Tho following will bo tho order ot exer cises for Public School day on May 10, 1880, In tho Opera House. Tho opening will take placo at Ii80, Prayer by Rev. . 1. "May Song" girls of Junior, Third street. Address by Hon. Henry Houck, Dept. Stnto Supt. 3. Wand Exercises Primary of Third street. 3. Song by School Primary, Fifth St. 4. Recitation Mr. 1 Can't Intermedi ate, Fifth street. 0. "Cock Robin Prlmnry, Fifth street. 0. Opcrata Tho Land of Pie Inter mediate, Third street. 7. Lovo Lightens Labor Jtsslo Ent Fifth street. 8. Song Lllllo Potter nnd Robbie Caldwell. 0. "Tho Courtln" Eliza Eyerly, Ju. nior, Third street. 10. "Gymnastic spelling" Junior, Third street. 11. Dialogue May Queen. Characters Fannie Sterner, Josiah Fur- man, Robert loung, Murray Crawford, Fannie Freeze, Annie Eyer, nnd the school. 12. Bong Pictures Junior Fifth street. 13. Song' 'Merry Spring" Intermediate Fiftli street. 14. Song Jolly Boys Junior Third Street. 15. "Power Arc" Llhhle Howell, Junior Fifth St. 10. Little School Miss-Ethal Utiles Primary Fifth St. 17. Smart oung Men of the Town, Hattie Ringrosc, Lllllo Brobst, Junior Third Btrect. 18. Coming from School Primary Fifth street. 10. Dialogue Tho Quack Grammar School. Characters Josiah Furman, Michael Tracy, Robert Young, Murray Crawford, Ida Rlnkcr, Anna Woods, Emma Corel!. man sohocl evening. 1. Greeting Glee Hattlo Sleeman, Hat- Loreman, Ada Rlnglcr, Helen Leacock, Mettle BIdleman, Hattlc'.IIclst, Emma Pol lock, Ycrnlc Jones, Ltzzio Sterling, Ella Hasscrt. Fred Drinker. Chas Lnwell, and Morris Sloan. 3. Salutatory Ada Rlnglcr. 3. Song "Sailing" Oscar Ent, George Hart, Eddie Ent, and Frank Collcy. Address Hon. Henry IIouck,Dep. State Sunt. 4. Recitation Modern Belle Vcrnie Joucs. 5. Drama Hans Von Smash. Characters Oscar Ent, Chas. Lawall, Eddie Ent, Frank Collcy. Annie Elliot, Ada Yost, Mary Ilarman. C. Song Leaf by Leaf the Roses Fall Hattlc Slcemen, Hattie Lorcmau, Lulu Jones, Mary Harman. 7. Maiden Martyrs Mcrtle BIdleman. 8. Essay Newspapers Ellle Hassart. 9 Dream Faces Efllo Hartmnn. 10. Instrumental Music Wilbur Uower and O. Ent. 11. John Burns Magglo Evans. 12. History of School nattlo Heist. 13. Nymphs of the Ocean Hattie Lore man, Ellle Ilartman, Mary Harman, Lulu Briggs. 14. Guitar-Oscar Ent. 1C. Jean Conquest Mazie Recscr. Drama "Boston Dip-" Oscar Ent, Harry Maize, Gcorgo Hart, Chas. Pollock, Hattlc Lorcman, Helen Leacock, Ada Rlnglcr. Song-Pretty Pond Lilies Ellle Hart- man, Mary Harman, Hattie Heist, Mertle Bidleman, Ada Ringler, Helen Leacock. Valedictory Helen Lcaeock. A HprliiK Kplsode. Small boy ; Rright dream ; Much joy j Quiet stream. Great 'clight Seizes him ; None iu sight ; Take a swim. Little lad Old story Very sad Roy in glory. LOCAL NOTICES. Foit Sale. Cloversecd. limotbv seed shotes, calves and all kinds of lumber. Hoards, rails, 2x4, scnntlinc:. ioist. nlank lath, chestnut, hemlock and pine, Nos. 1, and y shingles, pine boards and sidine. surfaced, white pine, vcllow nln and hem lock tlooring, plastering, lath, pickets, &c, at Lightstreet, by Silas Young. m 20-2m Just received at I. W. Hartman &Son's 1 case, 2,480 yards, Oct. lawns. All kinds ot line shoes, of the best as- s rtment, sold at J, A. Ilcss' shoe store. lllooinsburg Ico cream headquarters at , t . uaiuwell's. Don't doubt tho duality of I. W. Hart' man & Son's fic. calico. Oo aud Bee it, Rest grades and styles. If you need any lino shoes co to J. A. Hess'. Ho has the finest ever onencd iu t p . uiuuuis jurg. The S2.50 set white stone dishes ut I. W, Hartman & Sou's are a special bargain, The finest duality of bread baked in town is found at J. F. Caldwell's. The place to buy vour best anil cheaneat -I 1- -.T . T . SUUC3 IS Ut J. A. ilCSS Parasols, all prices; fans, 2c. to $5.00 at , iv. iianman x son's. Go to tho Rloomsburi: Tea Storo for flno teas, coffee aud choicu groceries. Rutter and eggs taken in exchango. O. S. Bound A line lot of straw nnd Derby hats at Evans & Eyer's, opposite Episcopal church. Tho largest line ot Seersucker coats in town at Evans & Eyer's very cheap. Cull and see it you wish a real bargain. BUSINESS NOTICES. A lady wrote to tho Mack Publishing Co. 528 Washington Street, New York, an saiui "ricase send me tho book with the Wheel of Foituno In It, nnd the Language of Flowers." Sho meant tho Ladles' liook, wuicti is iuii or illustrations anu interest Ing articles, including Rules of Society uieiiuiiary 01 ureams, AU1S to lieauty ocm iur iwu ueuis iu stamps. My liver was so fearfully disordered and I felt so fecblo nud languid that I scarcely took interest In . anything. Tried all tho so-called remedies without relief until I used I'urker's Ionic, which effected a per. muueiii -cure. uuvm uasn, I, line llncK Ark. tmft HON, ALKXAMIKll II. HTKNIENS. I am directed by my uncle. Hon. A. II Stephens, to say to vou that he Is iuelined to bellevu that ho has derived some benefit from thu use ot blmmons Liver Regulator, and that he wIbIics to give It further trial, Yours respectfully, W. O. LTEPHEN8, "Crawfordsvlllo, Ga., March 81 1870." Extract ot a letter from Hon. Alexander II. Stephens dated Murch 8. 1872 1 I cicr.a. slonally use, when my condition renulres 1. IM . TI .! t..1 , ii, ur, iiiiiuuuD i.ircr iicgmnior, wuu gooi CllCCt. A, 11. BTKl'HKNS, What Is more disagrceablo to a lady than to know that her hair has uot only lost Its colar, but Is full ot .dandruff ? Yet such was tho case with inlue until I used Park er's Hair Ralsain. My hair Is now black and perfectly clean ami glossy, Mrs. K oweeny, iuiuugu, mii Tho combination, proportion and process in nrcnarlui: Hood's Snrsanartlla. aro tiecu. liar to this medicine nud aro unknown to : other. PtoK Headache. Thousands who havo suffered Intensely with sick hcadacho say that Hood's Sursaparllla has completely cured them. Ono gentleman thus relieved, writes i "Hood's Sarsaparllla Is worth Us weight in cold." Reader, If you nro a sufferer with sick headache, clvn Hood's Sarsaparllla n trial. It will do you posi tive good. MndobyO. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mnss. Sold by all druggists- 100 doses one dollar. mn Ilby M tick, w ( bet CutnrU, mn she wm Chad, th cried for Cwtorit, When iht heeune Mill, ibe clnnj to CMtorte, VThta (be htd Children, the gt them Cwtorte, Where's tho senso in spending money for doubtful affair, when a sure nnd reliable thine is offered ? Hot) Porous Plasters for nil aches, pains and soreness. The grcntcst strcngthener known. 25c. Does your babv cet colic? Remember it will quietly sleep In ten minutes nflcr c'.vlne Dr. Hand's Colic Cure. Mothers. do not give it opiates tn dull Us mind, but use iiieoiio cure for your remedy, aoc. rpiiEASUHER'S SALE JL OF UNSEATED LANDS IN UOLU.MUIA COUNTY, TENNA. Br vlrtuo of sundry acta of General Assembly of the Commonwealth of I'eniisylvanla. relating to tho salo ot seated and unsealed lands In tho county nt Columbia etc. ror taxes duo and unpaid I will oiler at nubile aula at tho court House. In the town of lllooinsburg, on the 8ocond MONDAY OF JUNE A. I). 18S0, at 10 o'clock a. m. the following described pieces of land or such part thereof ns may be necessary to satisfy tho amount, of taxes due and unpaid against the same, and continue the same from day to day as tho same may bo found necessary. TKKMS OF SALE. 'Iho amount of taxea nnd costs mus,t be nnld when iho land U struck off or the sale may bo oia anu mo property put up ana resoia. UNSEATED LAND OF COLUM BIA COUNTY 1880. JIEAVEH. o. acres. Warrantee on owner. Tax ps. . .t 4J lr 1 74 ... s 21 .. 4 10 ... 10 2.1 1 9S .. 3 T3 S 31 3 OS S 21) ,.. 5 SO 400 " llaker, Jacob dee'd. 1 lot Heaver. Charles .1 " Heaver. Jesse S3 acres Ilroekway. C. 11 ICS " " " si " ' and Abbott lis 6 " " " 3 lots Drockway, C. Ii. 3 " liutt and linger 1 " Ilogart,Jlary .... 8" lloyer.T. s 1 Ct 4 43 91 .VI 11 31 3 30 8 "8 16 11 15 41 21 7 1 RS l :s 16 SS 7 77 13 50 007 8 IS 86 5 W S 21 5 21 UlOacres Columbia Coal Iron Co 31 ciarK, Andrew , Cox, C. S. Ex. Tench Cox 49 1STJ 2.1? 2T.1 3C7 lots Charles, Simon Canon, ii 150 acres Davis, Isaac US 100 iidvis,.nmony Downs, Martin linllus, Josiah Downs. John Fisher, Sarah Flanlgan, A Fry, W H , (leurhart, Wm Hoffman. K. () 90 16 29 " 2 lots 3 " 3 " 5 " S 61 42 " 'ardee and Marklc So so 2" llarncr and Jester.. a .1 m acres Ilauck, Jonathan so " Moats, John 3 3S '5 " iloats, Charles John . 5 07 .. . 5 26 53 220 " Hlnderltter, Sarah A IS 5S 5 21 3 40 3 lots Hunt, Ell 2" llcnny, Geo , 1 " Kline, A 3" Kochlcr. (1. 1 t " Lewis, Frank J " iJiwrence. W. K t 75 2 4S .... 4 nl .... 7 50 .... 13 50 ...... 10 12 .... 10 05 300 acres Mann and Miller sot) ' Sloore, Wm luo " Jicneynoids, ii. w. Jltnlcfc, Conrad is u Peter 12 18 100 " " Ucnl 18 is 4 iota Maston. Wm 1 1)0 14o acres Mingesscr. ueo 0 4 n lots J'atterson. i. u n. 3 " Price. Clarence 5 3i 91 acres nice, John 75 mcnart, cnaries Br si 62 " " 27 oo 400 5 " ' " 5 03 H 0 S 76 132 " " " 6 lots iiutnrom, Samuel co. 3 ': Kuthford, Samuel , 2 acres Shuman, Thomas 4 41 4S 10 12 14 S5 3 06 5 21 5 21 7 40 1 01 t 46 10 3S 346 27 8 67 2 03 5 21 3 35 OS 34 20 2S1 " Swank, Daniel 140 " senweppeniieiser, 1. K s " Muman Michael slots Shlck, J. J 3 " SLllt'l. I. 224 acres Shuuan, F. L n lots rcoti, reter 2'' voitine, I). K..... a " Valkenard. c. J 2563 acres West 1) coal Co. slots wctzel, c, s 3-' Werkhelser, Samuel 3 ' Wood. Augustus .., 69 acres Wheeler. Wm , 2 stincy, Martin Slots ITout. Mnnrare; 33 acres Miller, Adam DENTON. 45 acres Albeit son, clarence 1 20 in " Douson, ueo, l fuu u . iiiUdtn ,,iin ( , . (..,.( rj Wells, John 1 uo SO IlKlAltCItEEK. V of 200 Apple, Paul 9 73 2S acres Clem. Kev. W. T. 1 Pi 11 25 7 50 Doty, pcaier Stewart 150 " " " 100 " " " 5 63 3 75 9 3S 2 40 1 10 3 05 1 S5 3 37 3 75 3 75 5S 2 50 27 51 07 75 40 250 " " " H Of 9X1 " V Ot 150 " " U of 100 " " k- Ot 250 " " 25 acres Evans, Francis 1 Fowler, Gilbert on acres Freas, Wm. II 14 " iiouck, samuci six) " Heecer, Abraham " Kiinscr, Lizzie , stokes. Olden " Trouirh, Henry estate,, II " Eckroth, Geo I " stout, uus CATAWISSA. 54 acres Hrobst, J 8 7 00 3C9 Kiaso ycuer so 92 Weaver. Ellas 7 77 30 307 2S7 Dornbach, Margaret 14 10 Newell. Fred. mmcr, jiuut-ri is la 30 34 1 8S Yetter, Lewis estate 1, ,, Uiddlo Heirs V..'.'..'.V.'.'.V.'. clcwell, loseph estate Krum, Ellas Perry, Wm , Hower, Moses CENTKALlA. Haperty, James llcm-on, Philip Holmes, Thomas Lehigh Mahanoy It. It Walsh, David ,1 GerUhty, Thomas'... steel, Oeo. W McCalTcrty, Pat Madden, Michael Ijehlgh Mahanoy It. It 4 1 s 47 4 70 3 22 S IS s 3 36 1 W 50 7 40 3 36 46 (10 3 73 1 lot 0 tl 1 " 1 41 1 " J II 1 44 1 41 1 " 1 41 1" h " 3" 5 9 80 1 W 1 on 60 9 20 5 5.' 40 Ijughlln, llridget Sweeney, Margaret 2 20 Kneff, John 1 uo ItllCH, UUIIII...... l'urw'll, John Oulgley, Mrs, Margaret.. oerlghty, Thomas liarrett Mary Iirennan, John Hem-on, Wm Ilullcan, Hichard Kclley, Wm Klerns, Patrick llanley, John O Hracey, Geo Gorrctl Co CEN'THE. 50 60 8 40 a ss 1 40 50 90 HO 3 30 SO 7 2U 22 acres Adams, Enos L 4 00 2101s uroust iiiumus 35 acres Conner, II. J. M. F 1 lot IVrlln;, Win 3 " Freas, Andrew estate 7 acres Fritz, Win. estato 3 " (lood, Jacobehtato 70 " llagenbucli, Wm in " llagenbuch, Wm. sr. estate 31 " IlofTman, Wm. estate 1 lot Hew, i:nio 3 " March, Hebecca , h-l 1 51 3.' 32 05 16 3 29 61 2 21 64 S6 j - nuumci. miuut.i.m.HH i, 1 " snousler, Jneoo , 32 61 1 acres Klrkendall Creasy. 5 Aciienoacn, samuei 13 CONNGIIAM. 429 acres Ileam, Joshua 2C2 19 40 55 21 S6 12 22 72 83 2 5S 2.1 6s 89 49 84 3 29 2 11 mots urocKway, u. 11. ,.1 3" " " .... O II II II 11" " " 1 " Hreslln, Iiernard,.., 4 t ail, Jiibuuci, 112 acres Huston, John 23.' " Mine, joim 1 lot Kromer, A. W 1. 11 Lclby, Epliralm'".'.'...'..',"V.T.V.'. " Harvey Mellen, 1 homas Millard, o. II Mcdulre, Tcrrance Morris, Anna 11 Monroe, John , 2 54 13 2 35 88 6 67 2 hi 5 61 2 7' Kuawii. Casner 2 T 38J acres Huston, Mary , 175 " Huston, Thomas 102 uu 40 80 1 rriru. jucuu, Cl 20 61 JO 214 SO 92 II til 401 " Y'oung, John 40 11 llrelsh, lloboit..,., 8 " Walker, Lewis 4 lots Mourcy, John 4 " " ' 4 " " ' FISI11NGC1IEEK, 3 6: SCI 3(W 20 acres Alletrar. John 'Est' 2 55 20 Dresher.rJohn Its 300 " lioty lval'r Stewart 15 au W " Force Crawford 1 53 20 FurierGeo .114 ui Harrison John 6 43 ioi " HotTman Freas , 10 20 s " Hulm Win 312.1 200 Kindt John Co 10 20 140 11 Lemon Thorn is 711 66 Mfllenryc. U. Daniel... 310 17 " " E.J 153 15 Parks James II,., 153 50 hobblns Win A... ,, . 2 55 to " Hichard Lewis , 393 HI ltelclmrt Charles 2J05 UO " IlobblnsEll i 7u u) " Hutchison Thos J . . 306 .1 lvalerdco 3) 2U " Connor Magglo 1 ,, . 141 FRANKLIN. Cleaver Wellington 40 ' 71 do 4 do 0 do SO do 29 do 1 do 330 150 ft 480 ass 3 SO 14 91 4 30 I 41 3M 100 1 10 2 71 500 soon 20 1 64 82 tO 31 20 1 12 50 30 10 GO Former Jonathan.. Swank (Ico ........... Voiisrht James. ... VnmrhtK HOWCll.., IlohrtMch Vm,.............. Howell H'm (UlEENiroOD. Allicrtson Mlios and Jartlojr., arryJohn. Patterson M J.......... 14 do 200 do 2S do IIKMIAHJH. SO do CrttnpM! Nl. ...... as do McJ'rldn II 1)............. do do no Nenis rurseu ... H'rlght Lptl Jones David JACKSON. Frlck (Ira A...... do Hess llcnjamln .Miller t'hss M ..... M do wo do 100 do 4 do M do Miller n Neyliart.... si A Arren 15 " Kitchen, James W.. 62 " McIIenry, Ilohr & " Kceler, J. it LOCUST. so acres iicwait, ueo 2M '! ltvcrhart, John is (0 r.t 11 (leroghty, Thomas 13 1 23 Kline, John I. - 3 87 30 11 Ionzcnbcrirer, l'hlllp 4 95 100 " Snyder, Icremlah 1 09 MADISON. 25 acres fox, Joel. M si nu 50 m no 81 12 36 3110 33 41 17 55 S 13 Kvon. charlen Ilcndeshotl, K lleldenrled, Tobias. ..... Klsner, James , llrn'l'TSholl, Krostus... Olnirlfs, T. It Wclllfcr, Daniel estate.. MAIN. 24 acres Ilroekway Ent , 1 97 1 31 40 1 411 1 10 41 urover, Aaron ocarhart, Joseph tindcrllter, Henry.. Miller. II. (1. estate... Mouser, Kmnnuel Fennock, C, K. & Co. ....... 21 74 Klchart, Charles. 3.1 25 " , tn i CMIUIIIHU, llUUUt'U...... I 'f of lno smlck. llrobst. Yctter Ilauck... s tM 23 acres Miumnn, John .. 3 15 7 " Shuman, W. T 7 10 " hhuman, Mllos 112 7 " bnvtlcr. Abraham 3 17 900 " swartz snenp Co 31 OJ loo " Yetter, Isaac - 3 45 3 " Hartman, Mnthlas 51 45 " Moser, Michael ... S eo MIFFLIN. 15 acres Aten, Thomas., 30 31 40 13-4 1 S3 7 SO 36 2 3 3H iOO 70 70 2 VII 1 to 1 87 RO 2 6.1 70 5 Aten. J. P. 111 10 70 : Creasy, Henry..... Ilcndershott, Catharine., Jacoby, o. Kramer, A. W ...... Michael, John 200 35 18 2X 'X loo 33 35 12.1 30 30 4 15 67 Masteller, Jos...... Menslnfer, Wm . Nuuceuter, V. J. Parks, James, II. A. F .......... sutlilt, Joel Schwcppcnhelser I. K schweppenhelser. Horace Hchweppenhelser, K. P . swank, S. H William, Mmuel........ Yohe, John it Y'ohe, Jacob estate MONTOUR. 91 acres Creasy, Jacob 4 is 18 " nicer, llaibara 1 6.0 41 " Keal, Win 5 03 2S " itamscy estate 4 44 MT. PLEASANT. 67 acres Crouse, Hiram Andrew Jr 12 20 10 ' Jacoby Hupert 165 10 ' Jacoby, Samuel 2 92 10 " sharrer, Mathlas 2 9.7 OltAyOE. 19 acres EverllL, Gabriel estate 20 " llagcnbucu, Jeremiah 12 " Hess, Jeremiah W Illdlay LevL ,' lot Coleman Ueo 8 , 30 acres Patterson M II 2 : Hitler MIchaeL 11 " KUno Jacob dee'd, 230 464 1 OS 390 3 45 15 101 PINE. 201 " Frlck Geo A 1270 100 " Miller cole 11a 1.13 " DroibleblsJohn 1 50 130 " Weathcrcl Clark. j on 100 " Hoberts Cole 1 si 21) ' HobblnsTD. .... 188 21 " (ireenley James 30 ItOAHINGCKEEK. 40 acres lirolscli Jacob 1 74 12 " fill " 373 " 250 " 16 " 200 ' CO " 18 " 10O " 142 " 58 " '11 " los " 14(1 " 401 " 40 " un " 70 " 240 " 01 " 62 " 20 ' 3S " 42 " 18 " 66 " 50 500 " 20 " 41 ' 19 ' 7 14 45 " 9 " 100 " 30 " IS " 50 " 192 ' 84 " 40 '! 250 " 2 " 75 " 2S " 125 " " " S9 Ilarnes Thos Jr bo Confalr Itlco 182s Cox o s Ex of Tench Cox 3 00 " " 40 " " 2 00 " " . 60 Dlltiplaln EzekleL 1 25 Huston John 2 on Morris a Hughes 1223 Windy 1 ewls 4 uo Kclchart Charles 5 11 " " 5 46 " " 611 " ' 88 Hi HaubJ Miller. an " 3 18 Navlnger Jonathan 1 45 sliellcnberger Thomas 1715 . 4 90 as 2 45 1 96 1 96 98 S43 50 1250 78 . 101 52 26 Wltchey John. Yocum Ifiiac Yocum Elijah Y'etter Lewis Vat, Trlcn Jacob.. . . Sboup Abraham ... Heaver oeo J I, Kline.. Little Hobert Mori Is Hughes 118 " " 10 Melllngton Wm 2 8-1 " " ... 94 Skato Henry w SUOAItLOAF. IlcllasWm 3 20 Uuckalew James lit 00 ColeE7eklel 1015 Cole Thomas II 4 cm Chapln J F... soao ChaplnJF 143 Custer Mary 4 41 Hess Jos o 2 32 lies Crevellnir Co. 11 si .V ot 119 Hess i esley 8 20 H of 119 v or nu . 1560 1 16 5 80 . 20 30 . 21 H2 .. 18 80 .. 8 70 1 (0 710 660 19 acres Ilartman Jesse . 91 narvey J r M smith.... McIIenry ltohr. .. Savogo Joshua Est McIIenry E J Sid 80 500 200 John J...... Uuckalew Evan.!.".".' 78 192 rpREASURER'S SALE I OF SEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Also the following lots, nieces nnil mnyla nf seated lands returned by the tax cellecfors ore to uo bum at tut) same time unuer tno provisions or au Act of Assembly entitled "An Act relating to the sale ot lands for taxes In Columbia county.'! approved March tth, lsos. DEAVEH. No. Acnss. Wakrantes or Ownsr. Taxes 1 .jo 1 lot Losee, J, A. agent 1 Maston, Wm . 6 so 4 lots names, inas. 30 40 1 1 ,t McAfee. John .. 3 05 50 acres names, Chas , 39 25 6 92 10 10 a 00 ; 53 114 -.2 1 1.7 1 79 33 60 5 03 1 20 3 00 9 12 19 CO S 41 49 12 60 75 563 Oi 239 07 o iuis .Maston, .Mrs. wm , 2 " Seipt, A. 11 2 acres Ahleman, Charles 10 ' .Marklo llrns. A rn 317 " Miller, longenberger Fisher.. 8 " llaker, Jacob sr. 4 Sherman. '1 nomas lis " Cuse and Wolvetton..,.. 21 " lliedbenncr, Gideon IIENTON, 1 lot Albertson, Samuel It 2 Ilt'ucock, Samuel...., II LOOM. 8 lots Walter, Norman 1 " l'ursell, Kllsha CATAWISSA. 4 acres Klefer, Jacob estate ....., 10 " Pilce, Jonas CKNTltALIA BOH. Hot I.angdon, Mrs. ThomasdccU.... CONYNOIIAM. 1 lot Hrown. Wm 3S1 acres ctimmlngs. It. M. Co ', iuu curry, Ellen m lllr.ili. Iln..l.n.. .. 400 acres Nathaniel Hrown tract',!!'.'..".'.','.! 428 to 1 lot nerrrou, Philip g( " Quinn, Catharine .... el ,' " hoons, Henry 75 ! " Morrison, James 73 IS acres Keller. John W 1 11 H lot lluss, Anna .., 1 j (.lil.EMWOOII. Hot lllklngton, P. K a) 81 acres Moore, Lafayette ,, 3 10 81 " Moore, A. L 4 95 11 KM LOCK. 21 acres Thomas Slate Co. ..... 47 m V lot Marshall, Wm. S 03 1 " Fugu, John ,,,, jo 10 acres Olliaspy, Win. estate. J 01 lot Vaiihurn, Wm ji JACKSON, 110 acres Chambrlaln1 Lewis.. ...... 11 70 1 61 a 78 1 26 6 34 e 50 6 CO 3 00 3 00 13 75 1 SO a at 1 35 U, JAJW1S, E.ueu , 3.1 " Y'oung, Lewis C. 15 " Keller, Jacob LOCUST. s acres Hhoads, Susan.... MADISON. 170 acres Tromboncr, A. C. iou -, cuaries w. CU " uvea, Charles 6 " House' and Krom. ....., ,, HO " Hill, Jesse 70 " cox, M m. It. , MAIN. 21 acres Ulttcnbender, Conrad MIFFLIN. Hot Kelchncr, Jacob E. MT. PLEASANT. 15 acres lientleld.Thomas a 40 23 " Hower, Charles E. ,. 770 01UNGE. l7 acres Crouse, Nelson,,.,.. 10 80 PINE. 125 acres ltobtlns, Joshua, , 7 w k " iitcinu. iacou a nr. 34 " Drelblebls, Jacobestate,,.,,,, ' Hrelblcbts, Joseph. 10 11 Evans, Geo. , , 60 " Kline and i'attenon.,M W " Meulenhall, Ellas. J.. .. 3eo " do do 4li ' Welsh, Aimer .....!.: 50 i Hunynn. Ezra estato , 30 Parker, John 1I.. sconx 7 acres Columbia Uuie stone Co... SUdAHLOAF. 86 acres Hess.ljivlna.....,.., 40 " Kane, John U Smi Creveling, J. II M... 21 " Albertsou, Jease.,.. , 1 90 21 10 It 00 US 35 14 62 76 50 1 25 ,t40 4a 0 40 8 15 114 50 PETXH A. KYANfl. Treasurer. Treasurer's ofilec, uioeiasburg, ManUtuih, iss, A pill 2, itsc-Dw. 1 SU