THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Bcnnos in Japan, KOMK BTHANOE SIGHTS IX TIIEJOIXY I.ANI) Ol" TI1K illKADO. As wo approached tlio shoro tlie sea Ijccamo coveted with fishing junks, with their strango ldoking nails and half-dressed crows, writes a Japan cor respondent of tho Chicago lntcr-Occan. With thcso'pictiiresiiiio ohjccls in tho "foreground,- Vrics IhiuiuI nnd itn sniok ing volcano in thu distance and Fuji yama towering hock of all, our eyes fcastcdou a most charming picture, which was continued with variations tdl day during oiir sailjup tho Uny of Yeddo., About 4 o'clock wo anchored off Yokohama and wcro immediately Bur i ounded .by. a, multitudoofsampans or nativo bbals. Tho scmi-mido owners wcro far worso than a'crowdjof Amer ican hackman in their cfforls to secure passengers. Thoypullcd"our Celestial friends about and'grabbed them liko a pack, of demons ; but wo went quietly ashore in tho ncatsteamlaunchof tho Windsor Hotel, and were soon com fortably located in that hospitablo es tablishment overlooking tho busy and crowded harbor. lint what nro these, beinpa which como to servo us at dinner t Short, slightly bowlegtzcd Japanese men, with black Jersey shirts and panta loons, the usual nativo socks with a separate compartment for tho great toe, and soft sandals held on by a thong between tho toes. Thoy were verita ble genii of tho napkin ring, with cloven hoofs, hairy horns and all, ap pearing and vanishing as quickly and quietly as any first-class demon could do in tho most gorgeous spectacular play. When wo gavo an order wo looked involuntarily to seo tho stranco image turn a back somersault and dis appear throniih a sDrinc trap in tho midst of a lycopodium ot flame I Our amusement thus began at once, and novcr ceased while wo were in that curious country. We no sooner becamo accustomed to one comical thing than another thing attracted our attention, and thus we simply laughed through Japan for four wceks. Fuji- vimn vana thn onlv ohu'fit which ex- yama was tho only object which ex cited any emotion akin to awe or rever ence. Everything else seemed liko a play-land, and wo could not overcomo tho idea that all tho peoplo were mas qucrading for our hencfit , it appeared increditahle that they were actually livinrr. practically and seriously, as they had dono for centuries. Tho first Jbing that impressed us was the' fact that all U19 people iook precisely liko tho pictures wo have seen of them all our lives. "Wo havo never believed this possible, but so true to naturo aro the pictures tryxt wc fan cied every one we met bad lust step' ped off from a Japanese screen, fan or plate. Even the landscapes endorso tho artists' works, except in regard to perspective. Naturo appears willing to conform herself to Japanese .art in every particular except that, and there she rebels. However, wo forgavo her that fault, for wo found alio had sup plied everything else represented on tho bills, oven tho tamo crows and lm possible hawks with ragged wings. The children were most entertaining of all, and most liko their pictures Tboy are precisely like our Japanese dolls, and seem liko a lot of miniature priests with their shaven heads and comical little robes. From 5 vears old and upward they carry their baby brothers and sisters strapped to their backs, Indian fashion, except that tho Youngster faces forward instead of back, and is not so much of a mummy as tho pappoose, having the free.iisc'bf its arms. Tho babies roll around as if fastened to thoir bodies by a "nniversal joint," and they sleep soundly while their carriers run and play, or elso,"'araiisc themselves by solemnly estimating tho number of hairs to tho square inch on the heads of their fraternal perambu lators. They seldom cry. "We saw several million of them, I am sure, for statistics show tho Japanese nation to bo increasing rapidly, and only heard three or four complain that life was in any way unsatistaclory. How a Large Firm is Managed. uno ot the largest.dress-making CS' tablishmeuts in New lork is kept by seven brothers, six of whom attend to tho details of the business in that place, while ono travels Irom capital to capp tal throughout Europe, combining and 'changing tho' fashion of each to suit tho.tastoof tlio American public. In this 'house tho preliminary measure ments aro made by a lady, but the cut' ting andlbasting aro dono by men. A model is made of the first pattern for every now customer, and these models aro carefully kept from year to year, The skirt cutter is a man ; so, too, aro tho sleevo cutters and the button-hole makers, but the "draping is supcrin tended by a lady, who has that and nothing else to attend to. No dress leaves tho establishment until it has been submitted to the approval of ono tho members of the Arm, and after that has been given it is inspected in detail by a lady who is responsible for its delivery to tlio customer. A visit to such an establishment gives an idea of the attention bestow ed upon dressmaking when it becomes - l.1 !- .I!-.-, l uii. iieiy ileum its uiuiut'tl null every siucn mignr, no examined by a microscope. Very little machine work is tolerated, except for tho stitching rf cloth or heavy velvet. Evervthino is done by hand.Jand itoften takes ono girl an entire week to complete the shirring for one puff upon an elaborate skirt. j&This statement of itself is some clue to tho exorbitant prices asked by fashionahlo dressmakers, whoso repu tationjis maintained by'tho quality of xno work uiey senu out. i no wages paid, uy mem, too, ao mavicr than would bo imagined, A tino ecwing girl receives eighteen dollars a week, while cutters, titters and drapers cau command from twentv-livo to forty-five 1 1 1 C ! . ' 1 . 1 (luii.uc. aiiiiunnu'iiueuiH ana over joers rccoivo higher (-enumeration, and .hands who can bo relied upon to do TiiieoJ'work In such an establishment can readily earn thirty dollais a wek; tlio employees aro all ot a highly Itcspcctablq cfass and they aro treated ftith tho greatest courtesy. A dinner i t served at noon uvery day for the 1 lading operatives, and'all overwork is lu toilsomely paid for. The regular jio iiih lor work aro irom eight to live, lit aliziug tho expenses attending such an establishment, it is possible to hear tho prices charged without a shock, Uno or tho circumstances it docs not seem out of tho way to ho told that tho lowest rate for inaking'islforty.livo dollars, exclusivo of linings, and for an evening dress, when thu materials are supplied, three hundred and twenty dollars is tho least! that can be consid ered, and that is for a very simplo dress. A dinner or ban dresj may cost anything from four hundred to four thoussnd dollars. Eggs sell Knnsai for four cents a dozeu in Snmn sovcn voars nco thoro appear ed in l'aris,at a ball of tho demimoudo, ji wnmnn wearliiu on her head-dress a dead bird. Tho bird had artifloal nvp nnd its wines and. tall woro spread. This was the origin of the present fashion. Tho city of Paris lm 450 lithog raphic cstablislimonts. LAD! 0 I Aro you frlt'-n- (Li'ii'b to ventii.-o r . . no ml tiro cents In 'tumm to tti Jrtift VuUttlilnn t o , t,2S and M) aaUliiKtota Unit, New- Vnk. for ono of tlilr lnviuUCut Mustrnted. "I.tllUcs' Ilfok." H 1 n novl nulipif . nml Inicrvrtlni; work to every pfrxon nr iilliic-imtit. , On tecelpt otteiiceiir In nampi thoy n 111 itenil postpaid a fu.l Set uf thilr famous household PV" .V.C.rM"'.,. U! .1 1 l,fc ...,l.ll rur It'll tTJUH HIFT " .... ; imiiU'to woviIk nt '"ill" AliUdo. nnd mnlc ot romi'U'to ltn mod ltn moet )imlar ut( toetlirr una ten oxquwie chromo cat QTJUEPTUS! A very plpo-liic. lmrmli'M gijn rrlilreil ni-omnw com- IKtUnU lor IIJIIII1IIH UK) IHIU Ul iiniNinu niiti.Miiv. hitler ilriiE", elihe r mtM or 1I11I1I. I'rlre, ?. ( ent per lMni ttiil. rrewr uul by t luiiniuiln or tmiHciana In llnroiirt nud Amerlra. rorinula accompanies every botUc. l'orSalobyllrngul'K. Maunfncttireil by Tho Academic Pharmaceutic Co., LONDON AM MAY i)KK. S32-53G WASHINGTON ST., NEW YORK CITY. v S R ELIXIR. Au elegant Kncllsh phannnceutlc preparation for bilious malarial and Wood troubles ; tho result of over tweuty-llvo years of most eminent scientific research. Approved by tho highest medical authorities. In use in the hotpitals In ecry part or j-.urope. Especially helpful to ladles, children and people of sedentary habits. ( Entirely vegetable : free from narmtui urugs, i- ii. .i d,.i,,. D,t. i;n rc 2. Prepared solely by i SftoyM Phhifinhifcutid Co., ' ' LONDON AND NEW YOKK, Cliemkts by appointment to Her Jlajesty the yueen uou 10 me iiojui rumnj. NEW YORK 1IRANC1I: 130, 132, 134 CHARLTON ST. ROYAL PILLS. Same medicinal properties lis IIovai. Elixir, In boxes, ou inns lu uox, iur mils. FOR SALE EY ALL DRUGGISTS. REMEMBER THE BIG FOURl" Vinegar Bitters CORDIAL, ,,( jn" Vinegar Bitters POWDERS, W dscs, Vinegar Bitters, new style, I ''J"' - COc. - r.oc. $1.00 $1.00 Vinegar Bitters, old style, hitter taste. - The World's Groat Blood Purifier and Life Giving Principle. ' Only Temperance Bitters Known, TluMmst fiflli orn.t'rnliiry tlio l.omlluc Vninil) .Medlcluo ol tho Wollil. 'IHIWiltMMMitl E. H. McDonald Dm? Co.. Proprietors, SAN FRANCISCO anu NEW YORK. SCOTTS EMULSION OF PURE GOD LIVER OIL Almost as Palatabloas Milk. The only preparation of COD MTElt OIL that can be taken readily and tolerated for & long time by delicate fctomatlu. anw as a ltr.MEnr ma (msrnpnof, SIIIIIH I.1HS AHMTIIIXS. AVIK.MU, tiK.N KI14I. lOll.hs AMI TllltlllT AV n.CTIONS an.l all IVtMIMI lllsOHUKIIS O? HIIMlltKN It In mawllona In lm resaltn. lTcscnbed and endorstd by the beat I'tiyglclani in the couutriea of tho world. FOR SALE DY ALL DRUGGISTS. oct-si-ly. HOP PLASTER What la the hbo of uiTvritiff with Eacltacl.e, FalalntheSldoorllip.CclAticn.Ilhcu:, Kidney Diseases, dick, BtUchcs B well en and tried M uncles, Chest und Luns troubles, cr any sort of palnoreorenoea, either local cr deep. seated whea a Kop Floater will clvo inttant relief? rrcparedrrcmEurcund7 Pitch, Cana da llfilonr nnrl lri( Tinln.VIllinr vlrtuMi f.f IZops. Tho best strengthening platter CTtr rfl mown. XAOUsanasMyso, ootu uy tui ucmijb, loAiled on roeelptof price, CSc. fi fcrCX 00, IIOP PLASTER COMPANY, Sostcn, ITasa. lEIIDIF.A.'I'II'S Cyclopediaof Universal History III 3 IHPEHIAL OCTAVO VOLUMES ; CONTAINS S.43H I.uree, Iloublo-Ciiltinin Vngrs. 1,410 lleaullfiil W11111I ii Ntool i:iigriivlngf . aSCotoroil HUtorlriil Alupii. OCulore.l t'lironologlcul Cliartl. 31 (ienealoEicnl llKrnnii. A Conloiu uml inrgnntly 1'roimroil Index, Jt U Klegautly l'rlnteil uml llouml.uml lit The llent lllutlralcil Hook un tlio Market. A HISTORY Or ALLJ.TATIOMS. AGENTS WANTED! SIW D0. USISAL TKS!3.WC1:E TISSITCiT. rATJLHNER & ALLAN. 1215 Vilusrt street, I'lilludelplilu, I'eiina. lub.20.Um. A DIPT Send 10 cents postage, and we will mall ou rev u ro)ul, valuable, sample box of goods that will put ou luthu May ol inuklnir t.nor itLoneti at once, than anything else in America. Iloth sexes ot all ages can Utoat homo and work In sparo tune, or all the time. Capital not required. Wu will start you. Iiumensnpay sunt for ihosu who start at once. S'UNSO.N 4 CO., Portland, .Mo. uovsoly B. 3R0WER OAS FITTING & STEAM HEATJNU DEALKlt IN STOVES &TINWARE. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Hoof mg and Spouting promptly attended to. rvbMlctattentlou (riven toheatlnfby Bteaw. Corner of Main & East Sts., Bloomsbiirg, Pa. S8 ME'S GATARRH IMf, fee. tiik t.iiL.vr hi Mb i k M an aiinoi.uti: ornr. rnu n 71 rn w 1 p T.T Uii JL i t XX 11 XX f B Mill 1UW-I fiuui'vi i in-f 3 - tj ami Iiaih1 fulled tu Vurm a cam X wticru illroctloin nro fotlomil, ltftpucccM I.... Itiw.ii rotnnrknhln nml 11 1 cures wonder ful It Is tlio inotsueocsail )ireparatlon In the market for tl.VTAllltll and. the only que that. mi Aluoliilo. l.'i'jltljii t'liri'. It la truly a hlefluK to mankind. A Trial Is nil II, at Is n-Uiil for It. ()ncoucd,ltlsalwa; recommended. Sond for testimonials 6f actual cures. IT has so Kyl'AI. pon MALARIA. A POSITIVE Cl'KK IS ASSURED. Ono bottle 1 Kenerally mlTIclcnt for acuro. Slop ta!iliu Quinine. A trial only Is Hke.l for Krl- LMl'K ('ATAUIllI liK-MBUV. It Is tt .SrllOIflO for all dliai""iirllii(t fiom an Hnpurohlood and drliea nil eruptions Iroin tho skin. For Hyphl lltleeompliilotsltN nipetlurtoany prepatullon In I ho market. One bottle will euro most of tho rullovilmt eumplaliiK and ft continued uo will rosrttVKtv ruio. S.ivo doctor bills and try It. HHKUMATISM. SCHOl'LILA. SKIN KKUITIONS. VKNKHKAL HISEASKS. DYSPEPSIA. LOSS OK APPETITE. FEELIiVd OF LANUOUH. 1ULIOUSNESS. LIVEU THOUHLES. NEUVOUS WEAKNESS. 1.T.AIAI.H WEAKNESS. Kkixkr'h IIkmkiiy Is no patent liiedleliio. bnt.n fale an.l pleasant preparation ... ...i... .. ...I ..H...1.. Il.n irrriilct. inpillcnl dlSCOV- . ..?.... m.n HIM liAtl lh IT 1 11 ITfllfttcS the CntlTO ..'ii,.i,i itn.i onj.-fai''es nioro virtue than ft half ififfflii hollies of ordinary patent preparations. Write for testimonials and other Information. i t.l'...ilnl.v.ltii'iirUI. (rOll.TnllV. ....... - u m iiiil'l'I.H. MIX HOT- TI.11H 1'Olt p.1.00. Oil receipt of S5.00 by tl... null, iirtii.liil.eM. SlMfKL 1. KRLLEU c 1.0., llarrl luinc. I'u., tlx bottles will bo sent express prllil. tp viitr havo Internal sllmo IDrer. canker, acrid I phlegm, bad taste ana onensiro oreain ur. ivii mer'H swAMl'-KOOT removes all these conditions, Ask-vrranlruL-L'lst forlt. S5c..t1. IF YOU have lost your appetite, or tonirue coated, dry ana parencu nps anu mouin, bpuiio Iury nno colloiu , uruiliu uviuuio uiiim-iiuru ul. Kilmer's bWAJU'-ltOOT will build up your broken down constitution. Askyourdruimlstiorlt. atcl lYOU uavo suuaen airucKsoi siuKinspens the face whltoand deathlypale, nnd experlenco I feollncans though dying, nnd coldness nelzea your very vitais ur.iMimerBui;i'..ii-nairouneniiio I.1H1.M. nnllnn nn,l nnvHu llln UriMnvKfu 6111 It.. SI IF YOU havo organic dlsoa or pericardia, or heart exso troubles, or hae thick and tlugglah oiooa, reel as tiiougn nieeaing wouiu renevo j on Dr. Kilmers uuisam-wkuu coeiecis anu is iuo emedy you necu. Druggists seui it. 11. n. GIVEHWAY ! Ten tlionsiind babies are snven yearhr totlie grave by not lmving klJr. Hand s J eethinir Jotion on their ntms wlien teething. SOMETHING NEW ! SOMETHING WONDERFUL SOMETHING MAGICAL ! To bathe the baby's cuius while teething, relieving all inflamma tion, swelling and pain. LOST I A good many night's rest by nothavingDr. Hand's Colic Cure, Tor it gives baby comfort and sleep without stupefying or in juring it. No opiates. No con stipation. bold at Kletm s drug store, general agent for Dr. Hand's remedies for children. Labora tory at Scranton, Pa. fdee4cow. A handsome VASL- LAMP civen with a f5 order tor Tea nnd coff ee. An Iron Mono c'HAMUKlt i mil) iu 111L1.C0, ui u , ivn ra.,, Pieces, ora handsome uhonze liANdlNO laxly given with a 110 order. A CIIA.MIIKH BUT ono plecra,wltli blue, maroon or pink band or an IKON bTONK CHINA TKA MKT ot 60 pieces, or a OLAS3 hkt otso pieces given with ufl2 order, hand. SOMIi P1IKMIU.MS, consisting ot Decorated Cina Ware In Tea sets, also Dinner and Tea hets com bined, and Chamber Sets, etc., etc., given with orders for 118. fio, 1 25, (28 and 150. send for circu lar, which will Bite you full particulars. (11IANU south .Main St I ,,iibe jarre. i a. iieuuouar- tera 80 Front street. New York City. may i-iy 1600. man 2Uj?u."i"! Tnko tho In 1 1 doei not corroda hlta tla or Iron, nor duoay lilHhhtnleor t&r (viupoMitionii etBy to PDb'i norsr.iel K nair lli oohcoi un. ju bum, TtlTK fur I'f.tHTHIt nt Hnirilia Vltl'IITS n,i UU(lMot ume material. 4'ot. (Hlll'l:TS nnd UUllMot diutil 1U0 wear of Oil Clottii. Oatal.i, I'KLL. send six cents for post age, nnd receive free.a cost ly box of goods winch will help you to moru money 1 1 1 p 1 j rrirht away than anytnuiii- else in U1L1 world. All,:o( oil her sex, sucoecd from am hour, lorj the The broad road, to fortune opens be. 1 loro me worKcrs, aosiimiisiy Hiiro, At once ad- dress, Thus s Co., Augusta, Maine. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! Gr, W. BERTSGH, TIIK MKUOIIANT TAILOR. Cenls Furnishing Goods, Mi is C:;: OF KVEUV DESCUIPTIOIS. Suits' madu, to. order at short notice and afitalwnjs guaranteed or'no sale. Call and examine the largest and best selected stock pt good ever shown in uoiiimDia couuiy. Btoro next door to First Natioual Bank MAIN STREET, IMoomsbiirg, Pa. DVHPltl'HlA. ItsNature. Causes, l'reven Hon and l ure. llyJoha II. ilcAlvln. Lowell Mass., u years tax collector. Kent free to any ad areus. uprso, w u tt? tnAM MARK. nil I A 1 11 1 ODD ITEMS. Oysters H about retiring. Minneapolis is to have water works. Tho minister's ohargo Tho mariiago . , . . , I 1 110 WOrsi llUUg aoout. nunt'Ti in iiuv i are I fin... i mikiiijj Mivm. i inc A new Encllsh dictionary is coming out With 2'1(),U()U words. Miss Clara Loulso Kellogg is going to travel in Europo this Summer. Mies Gomavlovo Ward is sojourning with friends in tho Yosemito V alloy, It Is no Blcti that n man is color blind becauso lie cannot name overy color. Tim nil.v nf Los Anrrulos has sot . -. - o , , ,, apart a tract of 350 acres tor a puouo park SnrliiL' lamb is now palntable. Tho only thing against it is thu price per pouud. Strnwliprrin nrc choal) CIlOUull HOW to be served at somo of tho fashionahlo hotels. Engagements for 210 perfounances for mix I season havo been mado uy Edwiu liootli. Tho man who wouldn't pay his tailor was non-Stlited. That is, tho tailor took the clothes back. Tho ove of an insect contains from fiO to 20,000 small eyes. It is really composed of uyes. There are 1300 voitou men over 21 years of ago in Headlo county, Dak., who aro unmarried. The gamo of Lacrosse is to bo tho racket nt Yalo this season, and fifty men are in training. llnv. Phillips Urooks, of Boston, is BOinir to trv a aummer s vacauon in tlio Hocky Jfonntains. It is stated that 100,000 orange trees have been planted in Southern Calitomia tho past Winter. Society is compared to a pie. There is an tinner and lower crust, but tho real strength and substance lio between them., Thero is no luck, but there is such a thinrr as hard work and knowinc how to make it answer for what others call hick.-' Anna ltussel, a young singer from Limerick, is reported to havo captured all London with her sweet voicu and pi city face. It can be mathematically demon strated that the lower a dioss is cut in the neck and the shorter tho sleeves the more it costs. The printers in the calico-making mills of Connecticut refuse to impart the secrets of their trade to atiy but their own sons. BowlinK alleys Bhould bo popular with tho KniL'hls of Labor, as somo- body bos to "set em up" whenever thero is a strike. A man is in a bad stato when the onlv thinrr he can do to help on the temperance cause is to lend ins ureaiu as a frightful example. General Dacres.of tho British Royal Artillery, who has been in the service for nearly seventy vears, has been njado a Field Marshal. ' Tho application of pendulums to Tho balance clocks dates from 1CSG. .iPjn wg ivintcrl hv ?Hr,,!H "v"-"'.'.1' "y Dr. Robert hooku two years luit'r. I J Niagara hotel keeneis aie to sub scribe to the fund to havo the halls illuminated bv electricity, as was so successfully done tin co seasons ago. A prisoner broko jail at Geneva, Col., a week ago and has not been seen since. A hickory slick handed him through tho window enabled him to break open the door. "I'aradieo Island is the name ot an island near bt. l'aul, where there is not a single saloon, and never has been. It is net known how tho place happened to get its name. A olercrvman who married four couples in one hour the other day, ro marked to a triend that it was "pretty fast work.'' "Not verv," responded Ins friend : "onlv four kuots an hour. Senator Stanford is credite'd witli the statement that he came very near be nu a newspaper man instead ot a millionaire. It is to be inferred from this that the two terms are not synony mous. The innate modesty of noweiiaper men is shown by tho fact that a Texas editor killed threo men tho oilier day. and in alludinc to the incident after ward acknowledged that ho only tried to kill one. Arnnnllnrr tn ITmirv Wnrrl Hcnher Air f'onl,l! !a, ,l,a .nnnou . vuunnnf, id p.wwv, ...... ho makes in his law practice in paying oil endorsements made for friends to .i r i i i...n iuu uinuuiit ui suvuiai iiuuiiruu iiiuuo- nml rlnllmu c i . i i ,i i . r Some treuius, inspired by the loss of thn CJrOirnn KlirrrrpHlll tllftt mml-liariS tlio vrLjuii, mi,j1.bib mat mu" uub'. for ocean service uo made buoyant and water-tight. JIa, yes ; great scheme. lsut why wouldn t u answer the pur pose just as well to havo some ships built that way, too 1 Things Worth Knowing. That a liatr of hot sand relieves neuralgia, That warm borax water will rcmovo dandruff. That milk which, stands too long makes bitter butter. That it rests you, in sewing, to change your tiosiuou frequently. That rusty flatirons Bhould bo rubbed over with beeswax and lard; That a little soda water will relievo sick headache caused by indigestion, That a hot, strong lemonade taken at uedtimo will break up u had cold. That a cup of strong coffco will ro- inove tlio odor ot onions Irom tho breath,. That a cup of hot water drank be fore mials will prevent nausea and dyspepsia. After a thorough test J. II. Mercer most positively asserts that Ackers . , 11 waffiaraiiN W taai hat couah and all lunt; troubles that cau be toiiud. Ask him about il, for ho fully guarantees it. J, II. Meiccr wishes to mako an assertion, which ho can baok with a positive miaratileo. It is all about Ackers lllood Elixir, Uo claims for it superior moiits over all other remed ies of its kind, and guarantees for it a positive and sure cure for Rheumatism, Syphillis, and all blood disorders, it frees the skin from spots aud disease, and leaves tho complexion clear Ask him about it. SVMl'TOMH Ol-' DYHl'lil'HIA nro low.of appetite rising ot'tood, litatt- burn, (intension ot the ntoinach, headache,, liAi iirfxttii. ftipnniAmTiriw. lmr unlrlts ana eenerni, prostration, uonwpauon is frra'"'it concomitant ot ilynpopMa, but sometimes It la tittendod with dlarrhoja. Tha tent, of mnnv roan ami tho MticrlctlCO Ot lUUUy 1IIOUAHIIII3 UI1U IVIISUl llWUfllllluo u . ana conuuion 01 lire uas iwiuousouu uic ii.v.w mav no ono ivin rriiiiiiii a uvhiviivi " purely Tegetnoic muicnnt 1'UIIKLY TRflTIMONIAtJI. AV KPVirtAi'tinrs ltKMKliV. I can roeommciiil as an rfflcaclous remnly lor nil illnoaca of tho liver, lioariuurn nna nef. neiisia, winmoni uier KOKUiaior. ijen 11 w. i.iiihiui, iuj jiusv..-. du. Assistant Postmaster, riillnilelplila. I l.UirjUIAI.I IBISIBTI, wlsliour readers to knovf that wo have touml we ns i.iver i-kuiiii,. urert plironlo many jenrs In India, leave llttlo hopo ot a reriect nut... fMim nnvtiiiiiir. lint, thn H.'iiiliitor haa at. lonictt moro reuet man an ciho wo umo irieu, u sxy this without tho wWior knowledge 01 J. 11 Zelllu SCo., wlioiuepareltln l'lilladoltihla. 11KV. lit U. k L.1T.IH VA. "Missionary llevlow." iriiiiitili.uu !. fl . Mnntirnineri' Co.. l'n. mkssus. .r. 11. zr.Lix A: !'). liavmc siiacreil rom debility, henilache, dl?jlniw and loss otuppe Ito.nnrt living iwrsuaded they reunited (rom an In- tlto. actlvo liver, riuiiiiuu.s i.iver leKuuuoi- minauiii short lime, and eonsider It an ulmostlndl-ipensiiblo household remedy. I'KKfAltkll 11 v .1. II. ZKIL.IN ifc CO., PlIICB, 61.00. l'llil.ADEU'lllA, RAILROAD TUMCB TABLE. rWi-VWAKE, LACKAWANNA AND XJ BLOOMSBUIIG DIVISION. NOItTH. STATIONS. SOUTH. p.m. p.m. a.m a.m. n m. S 30 ......crnnton o 10 V is 2 03 8 2, llollevilo....1 0 15 0 20 2 10 V Ul lii :l i 8 SI 12 21) S 48 12 ill S 40 12 15 S .1.1 12 US S 27 12 03 B !i II M 8 22 ...Taylorvlllo... 8 10 .. Lackawanna.. 8 10 rtttbton 8 ul ..West ritlbton. 0 20 0 26 ! 15 (1 27 U 31 0 34 V 41 2 30 0 40 9 41 2 SO 0 45 9 52 2 41 r 58, .Wyoming.. 8 U 11 51 8 12 11 50 S 03 11 47 8 US 11 47 B 03 11 42 . 31 7 50 7 41 7 47! 7 42 ..llallbv c 19 r,n 2 41 uenneii.. .' u 5. to 012 47 .... Kingston .... .... Kingston .... Plymouth June ....riymoutn.... a 58 10 H5 2 50 0 58 10 05 2 50 J 1.2 10 10 2 55 " 07 10 15 3 00 7 12 10 20 3 03 7 15 10 25 3 10 7 23 10 S2 3 27 7 37 10 413 8 7 50 11 11.1 52 7 57 11 003 58 8 U4 11 13 4 03 8 10 11 20 4 12 8 14 11 25 4 10 8 18 11 29 4 2.1 8 25 11 30 4 27 8 30 11 44 4 31 8 30 11 50 4 40 S 41 11 55 4 40 u rM i la s m 5'J 11 HS 7 38 1 51 11 31 1 31 7 3-1 1 Avondalo. 7 00 11 30 7 43 11 23 Nantlcoko... 7 2.1 7 12 llunloek's Ureek Milckshlnny.. Illuk'a Ferry ..llcacli Haven... lierwiek....1 .llrlar Creek.. ..willow ante.. 80 11 12 7 18 11 HO 1 11 10 51 7 00 6 51 47 !) 41 03 10 47 0 58 10 41 G 54 10 33 0 50 10 31 6 4 2 10 27 6 SO 10 21 0 38 31 0 27 11 21 C in 0 11 ...Lluieitidgo... Kspy ...llloolllaburir..., .... ltupert Catawl'a Ilrldgo 30 10 10 6 25 10 11 6 US a 50 5 6(1 5 49 . .. imimuc. ....Chulasky. 00 40 I 9 05 12 20 5 12 I US 12 256 17 6 55 9 43 5 45 5 32 a.m. uameron. 5 40 V3i p.m. am. Northumberland, 9 23 12 40 5 33 1 a.m. a.m. p.m W. F. HALSTEAD, Hupt. Superintendent's onice. Scranton, Feb.l6t.isJ Pennsylvania Railroad. 1111 Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. M In effect NovTltfl.l685'15ralns leavo Sun. bury. 9.40 a. m.. Sea Chore Bxnress (dally exceDt suuaay), tor narnsourg auamternieaiaiestuuons, arriving at Philadelphia 3.15 p. m. : New York. 6.20 p. in. ; llaltlmoro, 4.40 p. m. ; Washington, 0.50 p. in., connecting nt I'hlladelphla for nil Sea Shore points. Through pa&senger coach to I'hlladelphla. 1.43 n. m. Day express dally except Sunday),for Harrlsburg and Interme diate stations, arriving at i n 1 1 a a o l p u t a 0.50 p. m. ; New York, g.35 p. in. ; Ualumoro o.45p.m.; 'Washington, 8.00 p.m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches through to Philadelphia and Ualtlinore. ltoo u. m. uemivu jecoiuuiouuiiou tunny lor uarrisDurg nna an inicrmcaiuie stations, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4 23 a. m. : Now York 7.00 a. nv llaltlmore. fi.25a.rn. : Washington CXOn. m. : Sleeping car accommodations can bo secured a'. Harrlsburg tor Philadelphia and New Y'ork. on sun days athrough sleeplngcar will bo run; on this train from Wllllamsp't tol'lilladelphla.l'hlladelpbla passengers can remain in steeper unaisiurDcu unn 7.50 a. m. Erie Stall (dally except Jlonday, ior nurrisuurg anu luionueuiaio aiauons, arriving at Philadelphia s.25 a. in. New Y'ork, 11.30 a. m. ; llaltlmore 8.15 a. in. ; Washington, v.25 a. in. 'jurougu I'uumau sleeping cars aio runou this train to I'hlladelphla, llaltlmoro and Washing, ton, and through passenger coaches to PhlUdcl. phla and Baltimore. WKSTWAHD. 5.20 a. m. Erie Mall (dally exceDt Sunday), to- Erie and all Intermediate stations and canandali gua and Intermediate stations, Kochester, Hurra- loana niagaraf aus, wiiu luiougu I'uuuian j'ai, aoe cars and passenger coaches to Erie and itoch oster. 9.5.1 Nows Express (dally except Sunday) for imck liaveu unu luienucuiaio sluuous. 1.00 p. m. Niagara Express (dally except Sun day) for Kane and Intermediate stations and Can andalgua and principal intermediate stations, llochester. Buffalo and Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches to Kane and Rochester auu l'urior cario twiuuuiapori. p. m. l' asi uno (uany except sunuayjior lie- senger coaches to Keuovo and Watklns. .2U a. m. sunaay man tor uenovo ana intermo- aiate stations. TUltOUOH TKA1NS l'OU SUN11UHY FliOM TUB EAST AND SOUTH. Sunday mall lcau's I'hlladelphla 4.30 a. m Harrlsburit 1.40 arilvlug at sunbury a.20 a. in. with uirougu sleeping car irom I'uuaueipuia to iva iiaiusporL. News ExDress leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m. llnrMfehllrL. H.1rt a. In. rtflllv PTOPnt MlindAV i arrlvlnirat Sunbury U.5J. a. m. 'ara express leavts 1'iuiaaeipuia, .4U u- in. ; uuiiiuiorc j .oo lu iu. (uauy S?T.pi..rK. iKliAS B ,I.,VK,nr:, and through passenger coaches from l'hiladel phla and Ualtlinore. Pll8t 1Aaa,e!1 voa New York 9.00 o. m. ! Phlladel. I phla. It. 50 tt. rn. t Washington. 0. 50 a. m. : Haiti, 1 more, 10.43 u. lit., uuuy eAcepi auuuay; urnviug ai l cunoury, d.oo u. in., wuu uirougu passeugei coacuesfrom Philadelphia and Iialirmore. I Jiauicaieaun i in iw p.uu u. iu. , ruimuoi' ohla.n.20n. in. : Washington, nloo p. in. ; Haiti- I more, 11.20 p. mv (dally exeept.saturday) arriving Ml;eplng cars tioraPhlladelphln, Washington and llaltlmoio and through passenger couches from l'hliadeipiuu. HUNIIlUtV, IIA.I.1:T(IN .V- VlI,KI!SII,ltltl lCAii.ittiAii Ami riij.Tii Ann vvi.'i' 1111 MUI lltll.WAV. (Ually except sunuay.) Wllkesbarre Mall leaes bunbury 10.00 a. m. arriving at Uloom Ferry 10. w a. ia., Wllkcs-buria KMHp.m. Express Hast leaves Bunbury 5.45 p. m.. arrlvinit at llloom Ferry tt.37 p. in., W llkcs-barru 7.68 p. m Bunbury J a lleaesWl kesbarreio.4oa. m. arrlv lntr at llloom Ferry li.ui p. 111., Hiuibury l.'.u p. m uaprebs ,esi, leutes 11 uaeu-oariv z.u y. in., ar' rlvlntf at Uloom Ferry 4.15 p. m., Sunbury 5.iep.m, BUNDAY ONLV. Sunday mall leaves Bunbury U.2G a. in., arrlvlnf t llloom Ferrv 1U.11 a. 111.. Wllkcs-llarre ll-.a iuui. Sunday accommodation leaves llken-liarre 5:15 p. m arriving at uioom rerry, 0.1a p. m., sunoury. LliO U. IU. ciiA. 11. rutin, Uen. Manager. J. It. WOOD. Qen. I'assenger Agent L. E. Klotz, -SOLK AOKNT FOlt- THE SHAVER SYSTEM -OF- TELEPHONING, (Specially adapted for communication In .nines,; For tlio Ctfunlles ot Corhon, Columbia, Le high, Luzerne, l.ncHnwnmin, Alnnroe, Jlonlour, Nort liiiiupton, Norlli iimheilaud und bclmylkiU. AUo, Agent lor the AND DKALUlt IN ELECTJUC SUPPLIES and Appliances of all kinds. Hotel and II0U60 Annunciators, Uurglar Alarms, Electric Door J lei Is, Llglitulni; Arresters, Klcc trio Oat JJclittntr. Ac. Estimates given on all work on application r, u. AU'iress, L. E. KLOTZ, MAUCII CHUNK, I'a "HTSollcltois and Agents wauled. Air,.lG-3ms. VKOKTAI.K. BONE PJIiii BMJCH'S $25 Phosphate NnotnmcrpMlt.f 'nit II mint AchliiliUeil tiivi: am -uoyAria) jiosn sri'iut-viiosriiATK .rtitelt nipi.lmr ih l''.'' ' ""."iru.'ili .1,1,,. I', I M. itl, M tt -I I'll II 11 Ulltll fill, "n.taroJ. Hjlng so A,ni..l U.ili. .Mnui. It Mm Improves tho soil permanently, unit, ini'ni"J I'tioUi'inTr. tirim:. JiVJGIlSQKS JI.. tjilar.r an! linporlM-i. PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE OfciriNIM. Mm if-i Iff"-. "I RAW t.ONi supin-pit i..1 ..iTt tl'ebao) Adams' Patent Metallic PICKET FENCE. rtNCc $1.70 por rod and upwards. SPECIAL QUOTATION9. All kind) ot Iron Fences, Gitu, Flra Escapes, 4c, Iron Work In all ityles. Coal Screens a specialty. Iron Ladders, Wheels & Creitlng. BlacVimlthlng In ill branchei. Eitlmilei furnished. EAGLE IRON WORKS, Cor. Union tt Canal Bti. WILKES-BARRE, PA. mnrch 12-88-ly. ouil Business Locatio n Tho undersigned offers for sale, on easy terras, tho Planing Mill, Dry Dock, Lumber Sheds etc.. (with excellent whaifaL'o facilities) located on thu banks of the l'cnu'a Canal, within one-quarter of a mile of tho 1). L. ifc W. depot, at Heaoh Ha ven, Luzerne county, Pa. A good ferry also connects this place with the coun try on opposito side of the Susque hanna river. Thu machinery consisls of a larue plaiier.moulding and match ing machine, turning lathe anu bracket saw, also circular saws, an in goou working order. It has a 10-horse Power W ater whee! under a twentv-six foot head. The mill is3Gx-t5 feet, with two laroo lum ber bhedn. one 18x01. ono 20x04. Thi is a good openiutr for anv energeti business Hian. For further particulars apply to anrali Jtsrader, E.x'k op I). IsitAHKR Estate. Jiaich 5-tf.l Beaoh Haven, Pi The Jobbing Department of mvm mmmm MP -OFFICE- is well stocked with material for doing all kinds of printing. Ung Cards, and Invitations in great variety. All kinds of BLAIK kept in stock. Special price: on lar;e 1 y-w. oniers. unice door below hxchtmgo Hotel Alain Street, HLOOMSHURG, PA. PATENTS l btalnec) and all patent business attended to (or moderate ten, our onice U opposite tlio u. S. Talent onice, and nouauuuiiuii rumuHin ivna tune tuanmoboro. muio iroiu ubilliiKIon. Sena moilel or drawln?. Wo mlvisn natnnnr. entabllltyrreoofolianro, and we make no cliarce unleiu patent Is secured. wereroriieri', totno roatmaster, the supt. ot iioiu-y uruer inv., ana to omcials ot tlio U. H. l'atent onice. for circular, odlcc, terms and iviviiimo iu aLmun.ucuiii ,u yOUT OWn DtatO C. A. SNOW & CO., opposite l'atent onice, Washington, u TO FARWERS 1 Any ono lu want or tlio BUCKEYE PHiy Glass Feed Fertilizer, Grain .Drill, Cider Mill or any thing Manufactured by the Company, can get them of AARON SMITH, HUCKIIOUN, PA. apr. ID-ems. niLKS OH I1EMOHHI10IDS.-UI.OEH8 -m. ."do-i ihuiuk, iiamtii, au,,tureu vwiauui pulnby the liHiNkKitiion''litKATJJKi.T, lUUbtrated J. W. COOLlDGJi, M. J) 208 Wyomlny Ave., (branton, J'a. Slaica rcias. , i i n n n iih- i FENOE PAT.IR0N -I .fl elvs CatarrH Cream Balm cleanses tlio head, allays liiflamma.l tion. heals thei soit s, restores tin s"iisrs of taste,! smell, he-.ri.ip. A HAT-F-feVt-K 'AW.XX 2S.l!!,e ncoTi, ro'i.o191: rrlce do cts., by mall oral tlriiKirtstB. Print lor clr cuinr. HI.Y UIt011li:ilS, druggist Onraro, N . ASTHMA- 1 Kiici.r TRI1L refi. irri'lilllilnfi'lUfcrpiiiio asthwh cUREri,i I ....... vi.Ji.i.t 1. k liiHurt'Ht'OinldltnMt - ..1.. t. mti. r iiii run iii In r rfiiiidlis full !v Alilutr for umiUh. Iln.nitlmi 11 rfitnln. nfitl u Miiifi(.-ainiPf nirrri if lire i flltrlt'iliii ni iiritAiti.i:('A'i'.s It (j-ruiantiitti curiM Brfcr In ni. .1 nti, lime tl M tl. I"tt ft 'I" Jim i rtitlrtlf il fist U ' t'l' 17 llMln.n Aillmi. Tt. . A fl' i. ' " ' " OTti' t i Ilia iu niiw n n jAf 'Uil'r. unit Jd in niin A.ihiun lm; II rhoy.tnil f .'BlUr lUr nn Bl.. Ak ."J drn..l.l Rlmtil II. .1... tLil....n .'iiff. Is.olil hi' fill ilniir il.U at illlp.ali l !f 1 1 rn lit Y H) ' mf 11 J ..fiirlfo. I rial t'Ai'ltn.rM IriM- to mi) liddn-Mfnr lt.l HlfKM IV "Il l Apt 2 3IUOS. nis. more money than at nnyl hlnc o lso b taU inir an nstoucy lor the test wiling hook put licglnnerg auoc-rod urandly. None fail Teiina free. 11aI.i.ktt Hook POhI-orti-an Malno. lacoiooo. for Infants and Children. "Cutorlala so well ndaptod to children that I I recommend It as Buperlor to any prescription I cnovraiome." il. a. arciiek, sl.u.. i 111 So, Oxford Bt, Brooklyn, N. Y. Tna ECONOMY TIB.K .PKA.CTI.CAL. QUESTION OF THE HOUR. EVERY THING TJIA'J1 IS NE i U 1 1 IJ CAN (CienEAFEii A Large and n amy in mi; JKJI I JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LAUGE AND SELECT LINE OF Call and be Convinced that you have the LAMEST SELECTION OF GOODS OF LATEST STYLE, AND The Lowest AT IPffif ate letila OF mmm mwrnm, HloonaslHiB9 Viu GMAIN IT C5. B. M3BMNS, DEALER IN Foreign ajudl Moment io WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BL00MSBURG, PA. Wholesale and Itcttiil denltrs in WACION TUAKEK8' AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES. Ilemliiuurtirs for MERCHANIMRON & STEEL- Storo nml, Nos. ISO & 128 Franklin Avenue, No. '2 Lack'u Avenuu X- 210, 212 it 211 Cen tcr Street, SCRANTON, PA. AGENTS WANTEDSSo'i, THIRTY YEARS A DETECTIVE N 'BT ALLAN riNKEIlTOM. rontdtnlnirtttioroiiith ni f omrrflienilT m4 OTriSinfl Prctic? ot 11 (Iradot and CImmk, withumerou?Epc!i ot r.nopal Iiporlent Si tn? mtVo'lon of Orimlnali, ooverlnif &fe Sd imiSTm many nlf nItf (ntcrtrttna An untlrritf new book,protf ti; illiMtrated, tnd wltb Portrait ot tho ureal lietecUre. WACENT9 WANTED I ' K.1" .0.Vi.;i.,'r;mfrt and rrofew ona men. Tbuie'very Airent can pUH outltuormor i a tiLfl lib wLom he can feel ure ot olllng It to. We want Ona Airent In i every to connty. VfTA ml Vfon. wim this Looorio ft iiccuf tBtnt. lor lull township, or i book, can particular! ?MWmk :iltll.Lcr,, New Tork. npr 11. et Wh.a i.hU. at Uielr own lioines, jrto in per week- can bo riulclly made. No pliolo pnintlno! no ciinvasslnif. l-or full particulars, plento address nt once, i HEHChNT till- t:ill'ANV. Ill central bt. liostoii, Jlnsa. Ilox 5170. (apMO-lt-d. Csstorla cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Ktomach, IHarrhasa, tnictatlon. Kills Worms, gives tlccp, and promote 61 f.n.,in Without injurious medication. CcmcB Cokfikt, 183 Fulton Street, N. T. mm 0 BE BOUGHT THAI ITEM. Varied Stock of 0 THE BEST BUALITY, AT Possible THE Prices Jj', MAM B'or tho Celebrated Uliicliering, Ivors & I'ond, und Voso& Son 1'iunos. Worldre nowiied Kstey OrK.inn, Violins, Atcordcons nnd Slieettilusic. L'elebuUcil White, New I11?U Arm Dr.vis, Kcw Home, Itoyal Bt. Jolin, nnd Liclit Hunnliic Domestic hewing Machines. Needles, oil and uttuchmentB for all makes of Serving Machines, STREET,) i mm mmmm.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers