The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 23, 1886, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, iifffilii THE BEST TONIC. This medicine, combining Iron with wire vegetable tonici, quickly and completely Cnrn DypfMl, Illdlaratloil, Wk. ni Impure lllnoil, Malnrla, chilli anil Fevers, nnd Neuralgia, It It an unfailing remedy fur I'lacascs of Uio Kidney "A '-"r. It Is Invaluable for Plncann peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary ltre. Itiloranot Injure tho teeth, cauw headache,; r proaucu cunsiiiJaiion innrr iron inraiclnel (M. It enrlehea and purifies the, blooit, BUiuuimra aiivuiu, mm uiu &M1I11IIRU0II of food, relieve! Heartburn and belching, and For Intermittent Feveri, Laiiltnite. Lack or Kuergy, etc., It has no equal. 1 If The genuine ban above trade mark and crossed red llnei on wrapper. Take no other. JU4 Mil ! "OWI CUiaiCtL to, IIITIIOII, UD, cu.2fl.80. The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRIDAY AlMmf 2371880. (ORttkCT UitllUUll lilt TiBLk. Traln9 on tho Philadelphia It H. leave import as follows i NORTH. , SOOTH. 6:35 a. in. 11:49 a. m. 3:42 p. m. 6:13 p. m. o Trains on the D. L. tt V. It. It. leave Bioomsbure as follows t NOHTU. SOCTII. 6:31 a. m. 8:30 a. m. 10:21 a in. 11:44 a. m. 2.20 p. m. 4:34 p. m. b:'Jo p. m. 8:47 p. m. Trains on tho N. W. B; Railway pass Bloom r irry us iumuwb : N0KTII. lu:.V2 a. in. B.av p. iii. SUNDAY, south. 18:05 p. m. 4:15 p. ui. NORTH. SOCTn. lu.ltam r,:tdpm PUBLIC MAI.IiS. Dr. Q. V. Mcars w'.ll sell valuable per sonal property on the premises nt Numiilln on Saturday May lHt., commencing at 2 o'clock p. m. Horses, wagons, sleighs harness and household goods. AlMtll. 2a. Tho administrator of Eliza. beth I'ctcrman deceased, will sell valuable town property, on Main street,lJloomsburg, at 10 n, m. Al'iMi. 28. II. II. Hulmc, executor of Samuel Applemnn, deceased, will sell real estate on the premises In Bonton township See advertisement. Foil Hest. A frame house on Kerry road. Inrpilic of Geo. E. Klwell. tf. Foil Sale- House and lot on Fifth street. Lot 40 by 200 feet. Also n vacant lot ad- joining nbovo Very cheap. Inquire of Geo. K. Elwell. If. Fou Sai.s. A very desirablo property, on Market street In tho town of Illooms. burg, Pa. nearly opposite Ilev. D. J. Waller. Lot (11 feet In width and 108 feet In depth. An alley on tin: north and cast lot of D. J. Waller on tho south. Market street on the west. Tho dwelling houso is a largo two story brick with Mansard roof water, gas and sewer drainage, a good large stable, good fruit, and good well of water. Also n house and lot In Catnwlssn front log on !)rd street, abovo Pino street, a good two story frame dwelling house with two story kitchen attached. Michael F F.vmitY April 7. '80. tf. Uloomsburg, Pa. Foit Sale. Two houses and lots on Canal street. Desirable, cheap homes, and pay well to rent. Also, ono of tho finest residences in Uloomsburg, corner of Fifth and Centre streets. Having nil tho latest improve ments, steam heat, water, gas, water clos. cts and bath room. Good bum, fruit and ornamental trees, large lot. A rare chauce for n fine homo. Apply to J. II. Maize, Cor. Main and Centre Sts, IerHiiul. Ex-Treasurer Johnson was In town on Monday. C. U. Mendcnhall returned from Kansas last Friday. Judgo Elwell Is holding court In Wyom ing county this week. D. L. Chapln, n prosperous merchant of New Columbus was In town Tuesday. Slisscs Annie nnd Carrlo Jamison nre spending their Easter vocation at home. A. M- Dcwitt, tho Orangeville merchant, lain Philadelphlii this week buying new goods. S. II. Hetlcr of Milllln was in town on Tuesday, nnd was welcomed by his many friends here. B. M. Stevens, of Benton township, was In town on Saturday. He Is very active for a man of bin age. Mr. .aron Hcndershott is in poor health nt present. Ho has been a falthtul em ployee of McKclvy, Nenl & Co, and 1. W, McKclvy their successor, for nenrly Ufly years. David Lowenberg nnd J. M. Clark Esq., drove to Sucarloaf on Tuesday on busluess. Mr. Lowenberg found time to catch a nlco mess of trout. Ho Is an e.v pert angler. A. Wolf of Shenandoah was In town on Monday with n nlco team of bay horses, Ho Is a dealer In horses and will be back hero in about three weeks with a car load of good stock. Parties wunting driving or team horses should wait for him. Dr. G. V. Mcars has determined to leavo Nuraldla, und move to Fondulac, WIscon sin. Ho will go In a few weeks. Ho is gradualo of Jefferson College, Philadelphia, and an intelligent and careful physician and wo wish him nhundant success In his new field. Dr. John Wlnterstecn, n recent graduate of tho samo institution lias purchased th practice of Dr. Mears, and will movo Nuraldla this week, wo aro informed. All the new styles of wall paper at Mer. cer's I. W. Hnrtman Is brightening ur his residence by a coat of paint. Strawberry and early cabhago plants- cheap at J. Garrison's, Oth street. L. E. Wharv Is building a largo store room for his stovo and tiu shop. Call and sco the new styles for Spring and Summer at D. LOWENBERG'S. Wo nrlnt tho amended rules of tho Democratlo party elsewhere in this Issue, Cut them out for future reference. Vapor for the parlor.slttlng room and hall, Paper for tho bed-room, kitchen and all. At Mercer's. Tho improvements In H. W. Sloan's tore room aro completed, and they exhibit most excellent taste. The wood-work Is of cherry. lUl 11 IS 111 Novelties In Kaiter cards at Mercer's. M'Killlp, artist, uioomsuurg. lustaulnno oous pictures. 4ti 8llU MciUc'11 Bdcty will meet In Wllllamsport In tho early part of Jutie. H. 0. Kslilcmnn moved In tho dlrton property on Uentro street on Baturday last. Tho Itennt.llrnn b.. r. . . bo held at Hanlshurg, Wednesday Juno 30. g C8lIay Juno T - ino grain and crass everywhere la look. ngflne, Knd Indicate largo and nhundant l 3, I Ono hundred dlftc'rent styles nf niln Inriow shades nt Mercer's. Prlen 1(1 rta to $1,60. A , . " ' A man was 8"ct on our Btronln Thiir,lnl, I n I... . i i.i . - 1 ' week with a fine string of eels, tho first of tho season. Tho newest stylo, the largest stock, the lowest prico can nlways be had at I). Lowcnbcrg's. Tho Miss Miller property on Centro St., was conecleit with tho sower last week. ii. U. tableman & Co. did the work. On Monday last a charter was urnntpd to tho Susijuehanna Manufacturing Com. pany oi r.spy, with a capltol of $a,000. Mr. Hugh lJucklngham delivered a very ntercstlng Physiological lecture at the High school on Thursday of last week. Just received n largo line of white shirts, a marvel of cheapness, nt 43 cts. each. D. Lowenbcrg. Ask your merchant for O. K. coffee. ry u nDti you win use no other. It is homo roasted. Always fresh and has no equal. fm. 12 tf.. Prcjbytcry is In session at Orangovlllc. A large number of clergymen of that de nomination arrived hero on Tuesday and were conveyed llienco In carriages. .Mr. josialt Ulger was on tho streets Thursday of last week with his Ice wagon. I ho warm wave came upon us so suddenly that matlu it an early demand for Ice. Wnll paper 1 Wall paper ! Wall paper Do you intend to paper a room ? If so, be sure to call and see our paper before you mako your selection. J. 11. Mercer. Tho right place to get your Spring suit made up in city style, full satisfaction Guar anteed, js nt tho popular store of D. Low enberg, tho merchant tailor of Columbia county. e nre authorized to say that K. M. Tewksbury, of CatawUsa, will be a candi date for the legislature, subject to the do. cislon of tho next democratic convention ol Columbia Co. If you want n nobby nnd stylish suit of clothing, nnd n fit always guaranteed, call on (1. W. Bertsch, the tnllor, and examine his new and fresh lot of goods just re. eelved from the city. 2t. The Danville Ilecnrd advocates the eat- ng of pie witli a kuifc. Wo would sug gest to our contemporary that pie so tough that it requires a knife to cut it, U u very good artio o of diet to bo nyolded. In order that no trouble may bo made the parties who took those frames from the hall in Clark's building last Friday night, they had better return them nt once. M. C. WoomvAHi). Key. T. Dewltt Talmogc will lecture In Danville next Thursday evenlne on "Bic Blunders." A special train north will leavo there at 11:10 after the lecture. Tickets can be obtained atG. A. Clark's book store. Rebecca Carmen, of Benton, has just re ceived a large tissortmcnt of millinery and fnncy goods, consisting of the latest and newest styles in everything in her line, PricBs as low as ever. Call and examine her stock. John Heimiller, a boy about 1( years old, was bound over to court on Friday last, on ii charge of throwing a stone through thu window of u moving passen ger train on the D. L. & W. road, neur the grove switch. Wo have just received a case of 25,000 envelopes, in white and assorted colors, which will bo sold lower than ever before,- with name and business printed on them. Send to the Columbian for prices of nil kinds of job work. Mrs. Ent is having her store room re paired, making an entire new front to It. It will be occupied by Mr. Chns. M. Diet- rick, with hosiery, gloves, embroideries, ifcc. Mr. Dietrich moves with his family from Williamsport to this place. meetiug of the Board of Trade was held at the Exchange Hotel parlor on Monday evening. The Commltteo on Charter, Constitution nud By-Laws, made a report, and It was adopted with a few amendments Another meeting will bo held next Monday evening at at 8 o'clock, in the Wlnunn hall. The Pennsylvania State Teachers' Asso. claton will meet in Allentown, July u, 7 nnd 8. The following topics havo been se lected for discussion: Defects in our School Laws. Some Phase of the Normal School Question. The Relation of Colleges and Public Schools. Tho Study ol liirus. Primary Work. What can Supplant the County Institute ? T.pttpra remaining in tho post office at Benton for the week ending Apr. 17. Mr. 8. B. Cowling, Mr. Joe Nlssley, Mr. A. II. Wolf, Thomcy Grouse, air. nenry Clark. Mr. Marcus Laimon, Miss Hannnli noilson. Mrs. Liddie Care, Miss Frankle 1'ravls, Mrc Lizzie C. Oakes. Ella E. Aitleman, P. SI Tho city national bank of Wllllamsport was closed niesuay uy uuu iuS, United Slates bank examiner, for tho pur- A cler- pose of Investigating its affairs. leal cmbezzlcmeut of about 38,000 was . ....... i.i d scovercu nuout a jui h"i but as every assurance was given that tho loss would bo mado up, tho matter was kept quiet. Thero Is yet a deficit of &S0,. 000. Tho hoard of directors represent a. bout two millions of wealth, so that It Is altogether likely that tho matter will be ad- lusted In a few days, in o arrests uayeoeen made. List nf letters remaining lu tho I'oat Of. tlce at Uloomsburg for week ending April 20. 1880: Miss Jfary Almond, William Ghlst, Mrs. n.n. llnirenbuch. Fred V. J-OW, r.S(l Air. I. H. Noycs, Mr, Lorenzo Ward. GAUDS, ilr. D. 11. Kldcr, Maggie Hlppenstcel, Mr. M. A. McClure. Pnrsons calllne for these letters will please say ''advertised." Oaor.oK A. Ci.auk, I', M, Abeautlfitl lino of Norfolk suits for children, boys nnd youths at I). Lowcnbcrg's. Large doctor bills can bo saved If people will Placo confidence lu the fact that most of 11 o Ills flesh Is heir to can bo cured, by ir1lr Hiitarrh KcmcilV. I'urlty tbo i,inn.i. See advertisement. llcaiitlful birthday cards at Mercer's. Prom one cent to two dollars. Don't fall to see thoso elegant neckties for Hprlng and Bummer at 0. W. Ucrtsch's Just fresh from tho city prices very low for them. 2t. The skeptical editor of tho Lowlstown Sentinel snys "Tho first days of April were dellBhtful spring days-ln tho almanac. Flowc" ,,UIl ,OTl1' lnl fuU Woom-n tlic window pots. Tho hlrds sang swcetly-ln their cages. The fields and mountains nr. nl ilin.Klvna In Lnatitlfnl annw. Tho soft nnd pleasing mmmur of tho Utile otrnnmlt.t nnlilit 1m llpltttl n't It ffnntlv Um "ttndlly llowcd Into one's cellar. The n,r WBs 114 4414 nm' balmy over tho register from n good nnd vigorous furnace. Tho spring bonnet charmed the beholder , .. " - i... iroiu mo pages oi inn inauiuii iiiugiiiuiu. Tho 8pr ' tt"M,0 wn9 au0ve tho average- In umbrellas nnd gossamers. And already there is a largo early spilng crop of rheu. mutism nnd snlllles." The Spring and Summer styles In hats and caps cnu now be seen nnd had at G. W. llcitfch's just fresh from tho city. Please call and examlno them. 2t. lev. Dr. Monroe on I.lcennc. The Presbyterian church was crowd ;d on Sunday night Inst with an nudlcncc anxious to hear ltcv. Dr. Monroe preach on tempclnncc, license, Ac. Tho largo auditorium of the church was filled to overflowing, and chairs had to bo set in tho aisles. There was a large choir and the service of song was quite beautiful and culcrUtnlng. In addition to Dr. Monroe, ltevcrcnds Laurie, Sleek nnd Woodcock occupied tho pulpit -an array of clerical talent before which tho devil might well tremble and draw In his horns, to sny noth lug of his cloven foot. The sermon was able and very much to the point. The Reverend gentleman took advanced ground, even going so far as to condemn the practice of putting the names of hotel keepers nnd saloon keepers into the jury-box. He did this on the ground that ministers should not be afraid to speak out what U in their minds, lutcinpcr.ite or drinking men, he said, should not be eltcted to mako our laws, nor should hotel or saloon keepers be allowed to sit as jurors. The discourse was-long nnd interesting, hut the preacher somewhat mlscontrued the Inw In regard to license. He seemed to think that under the law of 1850 the courts had no discretionary power In re. gnrd to license, but were compelled to grant licenses to the right sort of men, wliiio under tho law of 1875 the courts have full discretionary power to grant or wlth.hold license, as they please. We think this Is a mistake. Thu courts have no more discretionary power now than 'hey had under the 1850 law, and they had no less then than they have now. The matter has always been discretionary with the courts. We do not think that any law was ever passed compelling the grautlng of license at least wo havo never heard of any suit being entered against any court for refusing to grant a license. Be this as It may, however, wo would rather have tho law explained by n judge on the bench thnn by a preacher In the pulpit. When It entnes to the law of God, give us the preach cr, but when ono of tho incomprehensible, mixed up acts of a State legislature is to be unraveled, wo prefer to have the work done by one who has made it his study and whoso duty it Is to expound It for tho guidance of his fellow citizens. But generally the sermon of Dr. Monroe gave great satisfaction. It was logical, eloaitent and pointed, and must have mado old Satan blto hU lips with vexation. At the same time we decline to concur with the Reverend gentleman in the oplniou that respectable landlords aro unfit to sit as jiirors.-7?efbn(e H'afeAman. lUiHt netttou. Hurdle E. Deitrich, of VanCamp, died last Thursday morning of typhoid pneu monla, aged ab out 1G years. He was first attacked with scarlet rash and taking cold the worst typo of the first named disease battled all mcdW-al nkill. Mrs. Samuel P. Krickbaum nurrowly es- caped with her life week before last bj' falling down a flight of stairs, tho entire distance, with swift and reel in her hands, She had an ugly gash cut in herfoichcad and wus otherwise badly bruised. Mr. John Ashelmnn, one day last week, when starting on a trip for building mater ial, on leaning back to draw break, the spring seat, not being properly adjusted gave way and precipitated him on a stand. ard, which fortunately did not prove fatal though it was very painful. We are having un old-fashioned Spring, Our clock often takes n spree nnd then g&es off au on awful strike. It Is repotted that Peter J. Weaver' family of children, near VntiCamp, nre all sick with scarlet fever. PUZZLE. I am composed of 10 letters. .My 2, 2, 3, 8, t), 10, is a city in Pa. .My 7, 0, 3, H, 1), 10, is a man's name, My 5,(1, 7, Is the shortnf l he proper name, M- 7, 0, 5, is only a nickname. .My 8, 'J, 10, is the prevailing fashion, My 10, 9, 8, Is a negative. .My 4, 1, 7, is n number. My 0, 10, 0, is nlso a number. My 7, 8, 9, 0, is an obligation. My 4, 1, 2, is a shrub. My 5, 0, 7,8, 0, 10, is a small vlllago in Pa. My whole you often sec in a newspaper. ANinel wnj lo .Hake Collection Peoplo who llye In Elmlra, says an cx- chauge,and who promise to pay their debts nnd don't puy them, do not havo n very good time this vcar. Some smart i unkeo who settled In that town bethought him self of a new stvlo of collection bureau which is calculated to make things ex ceedlngly interesting for folks who aro bad pay. Subscribers pay a modernto sum yearly and placo their bills in tho hands of tho bureau managers. A collector is Iirsi am I n citizen'! clonics, to bcu uiu utuiui , , , ,,,. if he can't get anything a second collector cocs. who wears n striking uniform and hat marked "collector" in very instinct letters. Ho visits tho debtor three times mill falllntr n third collector eoes out with "collector of bail debts" conspicuously ills- nlaved on his hat. He sees tho debtor every day and Is also seen by everybody In the debtor's orilce, so that tho money is very apt to be forthcoming. In fact, tbe success of the scheme Is aid lo bo phe nomenal. i-;iiiifiuu. 8, 0, 10, A weight, 4, 2, 8. A covering for tho head, ), 3, 7. Name of a horse. !!, 2, 1, A tool used by carpenters. 7, 0, 0. A liquor. My wholo Is tho name of a distinguished geucral. Scott's Emulsion of Puro Coil i.tvcrOU wltltliypoitltoMpliltcH Is Itemarkablo as a Flesh Producer, The Increase ot tlcsh and strength, Is per. ceptlble Immediately after commencing to use tho Emulsion. Tho Cod Liver Oil emulsified with tho Hypophosphltes Is 1 mosi reuiutnuuio mi in ittmiufc, owcuSiutu- B, and llesh producing qualities. nui.iiH nv Tiirt democratic I'AItTV OI' COI.UMIIIA. CO. OHAPTEH I. or TUB KLROTION OF DELEGATES. I. Tho annual County Convention shall bo held nt tho Opera House, In Blooms- burg, on tho last Tuesday of July, nt 11 'clock a. m., and tho uclcgnto election shall bo held on tho Monday before, at the places of holding tho general elections In the several election districts, between tho ours of thrco and seven o'clock In the af- tcrnoon. II. The representation of districts In County Convention shall bo In proportion to tho Democratic vote of each as cost nt the most recent election for Governor, but tho wholo number ot delcantes shall not exceed elghty-tlvo and no district shall bo allowed less than two nor moro than four delegates. ' III. Delegates shall be. allowed to dis tricts upon n ratio of .sixty, voters for n delegate, allowance being mado for the argcat fractions ot n vote. IV. Tho delegate elections shall bo by ballot and shall bo held and conducted by a Judgo and clerk, to bo selected by the Democrats In attendance, and the said of fleers shall determine all questions of tho right to vote, keep a list of voters and tally of votes counted, tolxs sent by them to tho Convention with their certificate of the result ot tho election, which certificate shall be prima facie evidence of the persons therein named having n right to seats In tho convention. V. All delegates must reside in tho dis tricts they represent: and In case any dele gate shall bo unable to attend he shall bo allowed to depute In writing auottmr citi zen of the district. But no other deputa tlon or representation shall be albwed. VI. It shall be a good cause of challenge against any person offering to vote at any dclcgato election that ho has voted against Democratic candidates at Federal or State elections within two yenrs, or has opposed the Democratic ticket at the last preceding election, or lias taken or agreed to tako mo ney or other vuluablo thing, or any pe. cuniary advantage, as a consideration for its vole nt such delegalo election, or cor rupted, or attempted to corrupt, any voter of tho district with reference to thu same. VII. Voters at delegate elections may cast as many votes as there are delegates to bo elected, but not more than one voto for any one delegate. And In the case of a tie vote between delegates, tho question shall be decided by drawing lots: a tie upon Instruction from a district, by divid ing tho vote. CHAPTER II. OP TUB CONVENTION. I. Conventions shall be called to order by the Chairman of tho Standing Commit tee, or in his absence by some other mem ber thereof, who shall entertain and put to yotc motions for tho election of n i'resl dent and two Secretaries for purposes of temporary organization. II. All cases of disputed seats in Con ventlnns shall bo disposed of openly by a vote nttcr hearing the respective claimants and their evidence, III. The voting In Conventions shall bo open, and nny two members may requiro the veas andnavson unv nuest on Dcnd- ing IV. In Convention a majority of all the votes given shall be necessary to a nomina tlon, nnd no person shall be peremptorily struck from the list of candidates until after the second vote, when the lowest name shall bo struck oil, and so ou at each successive second vote until a nomination shall bo effected. Provided that In the case of n nomination of two candidates for the same otllcc at the samo time, it shall bo necessary to a nomination that the candi date shall rccclvo more than one-third of the whole convention vote V. All county nominations for officers to be elected by the peoplo shall bo made in and by the county Conventions, except ns herein otherwise provided. VI. Instructions shall be required upon county nominations for which candidates are announced in the newspapers, except for Coroner, surveyor and Auditors and delegates without such instructions shall not be permitted to vote, and candidates shall receive convention votes in proportion to their voto in the respective districts. Instructions shall uo recorded and an nounced from the returns as votes given: uninstructed votes to which a district shall be entitled, shall bo cast by its delegation, each member of which shall have an equal Voting power upon tho nomination. VII. In cases where instructions aro not required by tho foregoing rule It shall be ueccssary to tbe giving of instructions that at least one-half the voters preseut at the election shall take part In the proceed lug of voting thereon. VIII. Votes of instructions for cuidi. dates shall bo recorded tu,d counted in Convention; and voles In violation of In structlnns shall be disallowed, IX. In case of a, tie vote in Convention made by instructions, the candidate who has received the highest popular vote shall bo declared nominated. X. Votes less In number than a number sufficient to elect a delegate cannot In struct. And nil nominations mado or votes elven lu violation of Instructions shall bo void, XI. No candidate having one-fourth of tho instructed voto shall be allowed to withdraw his name, but shall bo subject to thcso rules, XII. Tho County Convention shall an utially appoint a member of the Stato Cen In ...i. I... n nlilnn nt iraioiuuiiuui-, wm, a.m.. uo u !,,.. tno couuiy, eugiuio ,iu uu.i.i.iuuuu lu. county olllcc. CI1APTEU III. OP ELIQIIULITT I. If It shall bo made to appear to the satisfaction of a majority ot a Convention that any candidate before It for nomination to any ofrlco shall havo offered or paid any money or valuablo thing or mado any promise of money or yalunble thing to take effect In future, ns Inducement to any delegate to voto for ulmi or to any other person with tho view of Inducing or sccur. Ing tho votes of delegates! or If tbo samo shall bo dono by any other person witu tho knowledge and approbation of such cnndl dnto, the nnmo of such candldato shall bo Immediately struck from tho list of candi dates; or If such fact bo ascertained after his nomination to any ofllce and before the final adjournment, tho nomination shall bo struck from tho ticket nnd tho vacancy sup plied by a new nomination! and In either caso such person shall bo Ineligible to any nomination by it Convention, or to election as a delegate, for a period of two years, II. If any delegato shall recclvo any .1,,,. .l0,lo nr nnvnnril. i. uuj . U.. w ... ,,"',,,"' nlary advautago to bo paid, delivered or secured in future, either to nimseit or any other person for him, from any candldato or other person for such candidate, ns an Inducement for his vote, or under any oili er nreloxt upon proof of tho fact to the satisfaction of a majority of tho Convcn tlon, such delegato shall bo forthwith ex nelled and shall not bo received as a delo' gate to any future convention for a period ot two years, and during that tlmo shall also bo Ineligible for any party nomination. Cases arising under this and tuo ucxt pre ccdiug rulo Bhall have precedence over all all other business Iu Convention until dc termlnid. 111. No porson shall bo cllglbto to n nomlnntton by a Convention who has op posed tho Democratlo ticket at tho next preceding election. IV. No member ot tho Legislature (hall bo chosen by this county as a dclcgato to tho Btato Convention during his term of office, CHAPTER IV. OP Till STANDING COMMITTEE. I. Tho StnndlngCommtttce shall consist of ono member from each election district, who shall bo elected by tho Dcoplo at tho delegate elections, who shall choosejthe.r own Chairman; and any five ot them shall bo n quorum, when called together by tho Chattman. II. The Standing Committee shall, whenever necessary, iflako nn apportion ment of delegates to tho several districts under these rules nnd publish it, with the rules as amenucu, in me ucmocrauu ucw-1 paper oi urn cuuoh. umwu Deroro eacii annual convenuon. Tf r t .. . . - .1. .1 -tt. .1 I ill in lllG CH8U Ul IUU Ul'UlU UlAHUft- I tlon or removal or nny canumave pui in nomination by the Convention, before tho clccttou: a now nomination of n candidate shall be mado by tho Standing Committee called together for that purpose by a public notice, from among citizens cllglblo tin theso rules. IV. If a State Convention shall happen at a season ol the year previous to tho regular meeting of the County Nominating Convention; then and In that case tho Standing Commltteo called together for that purpose, by public notice, Bhall elect tho representative delegates for tho county aud shall appoint senatorial conferees from among citizens eligible under these rules, to select senatorlnl delegates. V. Thu Chairman shall call a special meeting of tho Standlne Committee, upon request In writing of any five members; end In tho call he shall state the business or purpose of the meeting; and no busi ness shall be transacted other than that mentioned in the call. VI. Special conventions may bo called when necessary, by the Standing Commit tee, tho proceedings of which shall con form to these rules. VII. 1 lie standing Committee may examine nny charges which may bo made to them, of violation of law or Democratic rules by any candidate in connection with the delegate election or convention, when tho convention Is not In session, and it such charges shall be sustained they shall take all necessary steps to vindicate tho law and the rules of the party. CHAPTER V. OF TOE liUI.ES. 1. Thcso rules or any ono or more of them may be altered, amended or rescinded at any regular Convention by a voto of two- thirds of tho wholo number of delegates tn the Convention A Had Affair. Our people were shocked Monday even. ing to learn that G. L. Kostcnbauder had committed suicide In the shoemaker shop at the rear ot bis storo on Main street. The affair occured about six o'clock, ho being alone in the building at tho time, Mrs, Kostcnbauder and the clerks having gone lu pper. me means cmpioyeu wtw large-sized revolver, tho bullet entering his head just back of the right eyo and passing directly through the head, the ball showing through nt tho left temple. He had appar ently gone back Into tho shoemaker shop soon after bis wife left the store, and sitting down upon the work-bench, placed the muzzle of the pistol against Ills head and pulled tho trigger. The body was first dis- covered by Mrs. Kostcnbauder upon re turning from supper, and the alarm given, Help was Instantly at hand, Drs. Vastlne and J. K. Iloblns responding, but it was too late, as death had probably been almost instantaneous. The only cause that can bo assigned for tho rash act is temporary iu sanity, us all who saw Mr. Kostcnbauder during the day noticed that ho seemed in excellent spirits and looked better than ho had for months before. Esquire Ellis held an inquest upon the spot, nnd a verdict of suicide was rendered in accordance with tho abovo facts, Tho funeral will take placo from tho late residence of tho deceas ed on Main street this(Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock, Interment in Greenwood ccmc. tery. Mr. Kostcnbauder was about thirty-four years of ageand leaves a wife und two bright children, besides a mother nnd sister, to mourn his untimely death. The heart felt sympathy of tho whole community is with the family in their bereavement. CutuvUm News Item. Easter cards In great variety of style and price at Mercer's. ' IvrtHter HervlccH. Early services at St. Paul's P. E. Church next Sunday at 0 o'clock will embrace un usually attractlvo music. The quartette ctyolr has been rehearsing under tho direc tion of Prof. Allen, and tho following is the musical programme: openlni; Voluntary silver Trumpets. Vlvlanl Opening Anthem Christ Is risen Dr. Elvey Aniueui-curisi our rassover. uuuppie Gloria 1'atrl , Lamblllolte f estival To leiun Jliuara i-estivai Juouiuc. uerir Hymn He la rben Meander Voluntary Tbemo with Variations batiste Offertory Sentence Gounod Anthem Alleluia. Wilson 1'Oitlude Grand Triumphal March Morgan At half-past ten thero will be a sermon and communion, and chlldrcns' service In tho evening at 7, The public Is invited. Gents' furnlsMng,goods of nil description. nml nil nf tlin Ifttpst stv1p ran Tia liol ot (I I J ' w.UcrUch's-a new Involco of them just re. ceWedi CaU an(j CXBmlne tUem before purchasing elsewhere. at. If you want to send an Easter grectlngl to a frleud, select a card at Mercer's. Many persons have catarrh In Its first 1 -- -- -- "' - - ble?.ew.tnoT vero and stubborn cold In tho head. Ely's Cream Halm eives Instant relief from colds In the head, and a thorough treatment will cure catarrh. For salo by every druggist in ttie land. Tins Mikado. A book containing the complcto words and music nf tbo m st beautiful songs ot tho "Tho Mikado," tho latest great comicopcra by uuuert & hu l- vun, will bo scut, postpaid, to any iiildresB on receipt of ten cents In stamps. Ten ex quisitely colored picture cards accompany eacn booK, lbo Mock rublisniug Uo., OliS Washington street, is. x. MARRIAGES. 1IELCHEH OHEEN. At tho residence nf Ur Allnn Rlinllinmmn. A A 1... " " "J Ilcv. D. P. Kline, Mr. D. II. Belcher, ;2 Franklin Furnace, N, J,, to Miss Lottlo Qrecn, of Fowlersvillc, Pa. WETHEHLY PATTERSON. At Or- angevlllc, l'a., by Hoy. 0. K. Canfleld, April Oth, 1880, U. J. Wctherly, M. D of Keystone, Kan,, nnd Delia, oldest daughter of Archibald Pattcisou. DEATHS. nKlTHlCII.-Dled near VanCamp, on Thursday, April 10, 1880, Hardy Deitrich, aged 15 years, 8 months and 18 days. LOCAL NOTICES. Tho best ono-dollar black silk In town. Wc will gtiarantco every yard. If It cuts or breaks wo win givo another arccs. 11. w. Dioan. Fon Bale. Clovcrsccd. timothy seed. ihotes, calves und nil kinds of lumber, Boards, rails, 2x4, scantling, joist, plank, lath, chestnut, hemlock and pine, Not. 1, 2, and 3 shingles, pine boards and siding, surfaced, white pine, yellow pine nnd hem lock Mooring, plastctlng, lath, pickets, &c, at Ltghtstrcot, by Silas Young. m.20-2m hWa houses, building now ones Ac. Go to 1, w. iiurtman is Bon's to get your goods. Ladles vou can get a beautiful shoe. I and chcip, too, by calling at J. A. Hess' store, opposite Episcopal church. They como to Uloomsburg to buy their cheap dishes. l. w. iianman aon uavo mem. Hot rolla at PhUlipa bakery every day at ha f nast four. In tlmo for inn. Trv it ' UU'lll. ,1Uc peopl(J nro comng lo Uloomsburg this Spring to buy their dress goods. I. W. Hartman & Son's stock Is attractive, Another disc of flno ready trimmed hats ibllc atul bonnets from New York city Just re nder eelved nt Mrs. C. E. Itabb's, Main Street, I ntinnaltii OirrnlPa r.ip..t,iii.n .InM opposite CorreU's furniture store. 109 nieces of clnzlinnis ,ind seersucker this week nt I. W. Ilartman & Son's. Phllllns' ico cream narlors havo been newly furnished, and creams of all tho popular tlnvors aro served daily. They come from eighteen to twen tv miles tip the creek to seo I. W. Ilartman k Son's goods. Bcforo innklnir vour mirchnsrs nf unts nnd bonnets call at Airs. C. K. Habb1 and cxnmlno her fine stock. Fine shoes for ladies, cents nnd children nt J. A. Hess' boot nnd shoo store, opposite episcopal cuurcu. Look at tho colored silks In our window that havo been reduced to one dollar. II W. Sloan. Pure New York state maple sugar at Phillips' bakery. When vou como to town call and sec tho nne assortment oi shoes at J. A. tless'. htono ware, milk riots, cream nots. lues &c just la at I. W. Hartman & Boa's. Parties and families supplied with Ice cream at Phillips bakery. Fine 0-4 Nuns velllncs for mourninz veils at ii. u. oioan'8. Gents fine shoes, c ood nualltv and cheat) at J. A. Hess-, unn and examine bciorc buying. Infant Swiss cans as low as SO cts. and Mikado veilings in air colors at S3 cts. nt Mrs. C. E. Ikbb's. Decorated 84.00 to .122.00 ner set in i. iv. iiartman & coirs. BUSINESS NOTICES. TllltBE liEASONS Why every ono needs, nnd should take. Hood's Sarsaparilla: 1st: Because the system is now in its greatest need. Hood's Sarsaparilla gives strength. 2d: Because tho blood Is sluggish and Impure. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies. ad: Uceausc, from the above facts, Hood's Sarsaparilla will do a creatcr amount of good now than at any other lime. laKcunow. yrkta riaby wu tick, wa gar her CwtorU, mwihtwui Child, she erled for CutorU, When ihe became Idea, dtag to CeetorU, Whea (he had Children, th gave them CutorU, Thero Is nothlne like Dr. Thomas Eclee- trie Oil to quickly euro a cold or relievo hoarseness." Written by Mrs. M. J. Fel lows, Burr Oak, St. Joseph Co., Mich. You can't work to much nurnoso unless you aro well, but you cau build up your ncniiu and sireng'ii witu ranter's ionic, and work will then become easy. It sets the lunes. liver and kidneys in worklue order, uouctis ana colds vanisn before it Take it in time. a-04t. Sufferers from kidney nnd liver troubles, the direct result of vitiated blood and weak organic movement, will find Simmons Liver Keculator u true remedy for these complaints. It Impairs new life to the blood and renews nna strenelliens tho en tiro system, uy promoting tno nenituy te non or me uvcr nnu Kionoys. "I havo been troubled with liver com plaint, kidney disease and bad blood for a long time. 1 have used Simmons Liver Regulator, and it hns done me moro good than all tho medicine I ever took. I would not bo without It. G, H. Pkatt, "U. S. Deputy Collector, 2d Dis't, Ga Is vour baby cutting teeth ? Is It fretful and irritable ? No need for baby to sutler so. Get Dr. Hand's Teethlni: Lotion and bathe Its gums, aud the teeth will appear witnout pain, it is perioctiy Harmless, sac, How many bald heads you see. Work worry, disease, dissipation. Theso do it, Parker's Hair Balsam stops falling balr and restores gloss and youthful color. Except tonally clean, elegant, n po.'iect dressing not greasy, prevents dantirun. It vou use porous plasters the best and strongest one Is the Hop Plaster. They Kill pain and strengthen mo parts. A great many peoplo say so. 2.1c. nt dealers, Your system is now more susceptible to thu benefits of a reliable medicine than nt any other seasou. Tako Hood s Sarsapa. rllla. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! -:o: G. W. BERTSCH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. -;o:- Gsnts Fur&ishing Goods, B&ts & Gaps OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits mtule to order at short notice i . i . i . i ,. ,i uuu a iiiaiwiivu uunruiuceii ur uu euir. SlnAh. largest and best Columbia county. Store next door to First National Ilank, MAIN STREET, Uloomsburg, Pa. L. E. Klotz, -SOLK AC! ENT FOU- THE SHAVER SYSTEM -01'- TELEPHONING, (Specially adapted for communication In .nines. ) For the Counties of Carbon, Columbia, Le high, Luzerne, Lackawanna, .Monroe, Montour. Northampton, North umberland and Schuylkill. Also, Agent lor tuu mm ol Arc and Inca.n- i Electric AND PKALKH IN ELECTRIC SUPPLIES and Appliances ot all kinds. Hotel und House Annunciators, Burglar Alarms, Electrlo Door Hells, Lightning Arresters, Elec tric Qas Llehtlntr. &c. Estimates gtveu on all work ou application j". u. Address, L E. KLOTZ, MAUCll CHUNK, Pa (Solicitors and Agents wanted. Anr.-K-Smj. rjlIlEASURER'S BALK OF UNSEATED LANDS IN COLUMMA COUNTY, PXNNA. Br virtue of minclrr sets of General Aiwmblr of tho Commonwealth or ifnnsjltunla, relating to the sale ot seated and unseated lands in the county of Columbia etc. tor taxes due and unpaid. i win uiiit iu puuno Huie at me court iiousu, m the town of Uloomsburg, on the Second MONDAY OF JUNE A. D. 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m. the following described pieces ot land or such part thereof as mar be nccunarr to satlsfr tho amount of taxes due and unpaid against the samn, and continue the same from da y to day as the Borne may bo found necessary. TKItMB OH HALK. Ihfl amount of taxe and font must ha nftld when the land Is struck off or the sale maybe void and the property put up and resold. UNSEATED LAND OF COLUM BIA COUNTY 1880. IIBAVKIt. No, ACRSS. WASRANTKI OROffNVS 400 11 lliiker, Jacob dee'd. This. ...I 42 17 .... 1 74 .... 5 21 4 10 .... 10 S3 1 W 3 73 A 21 l lot neaver, Charles 3" 1 leaver, .letwe Kl Acres llrockwuv. C. It 165 " " 81 " and Abbott 79 ' 118 " 51 " 3 04 & SO slots 3" 1 ' imit anu ungcr dhi HofrartfMary.. 1 A4 Hover. T. H.. 4 42 Ol H II 34 3 80 5 78 IS 11 IS 41 21 7 1 KS 1 't IS S3 1410 teres Columbia coal Iron Co.. 340 ChUK. Andrew... 49 Cot, C 8. Kx. Tench Cox.. 120 231 273 .107 lots Charles, Simon Canon. M 1 1 ISO acres Davis, Isaac ,. , I'liTia, Aiunuuy .., Downs, Martin liallus, Joslab Downs. John , Fisher, Harsh Klantgan, A Fry, v H Oearhart, Wm ........... HolTman, E. (1 l'ardecand.Markle Ilarner and Jester loo " 13 M 07 2 is SS 8 09 R 21 3 21 S M 23 20 S 71 w " 1 " 29 " 2 lots 3" 3 " 5" 42 " n) acres llauck, Jonathan r, M 3 3- to noma, join 73 " 51 " Hoats, Charles John s 07 " " 5 2 sai " Illnderllter, Sarah A.... Hunt, Kit Ilenny, Geo.... Kline, A Kochier.o. i;. lewis, Frank Lawrence. V. K .... IS .... 5 21 3 4(1 1 7S 2 44 4 91 7.10 ... 13 50 10 13 ... 10 03 .... is n ... 12 18 ... 18 19 1 90 ... 47 .,. 8 07 .... 0 31 73 ... 21 62 ... 27 00 5 03 W K76 4 41 4S 10 12 .... 14 S3 3 OS 3 21 .... S21 7 40 3 lots 2" 1 " 3 " 3 3 BOO acres Mann and Milter 300 ' Moore, Wm too " Mclternolds, 11. W loo " Mlnlck, Conrad 43 " " l'ctcr loo " " Bcnj 4 lots Maston. wm Ho acres N'uniresscr, Geo o iota raiienwn, j. u 3 " luce, Clarence 91 acres ltlce, John 35i " lllchart, Charles nr....-.: 400 " " " ...... 5 " " " 132 " . " " . a lots KUinrora, uamuei & io. 31! ltuthford, Samuel .... 2 acres Shuman, Thomas 2A1 " swank, Daniel , 140 " scnweppenneiser, i. s " snuman s ,-uicnaei 3 lots shtck, J. J .1 " smith. 1. W 224 acres Shuman, F. I. Scott. Peter 101 2 Vastlne, I). K 3 48 ii i' Valkenard. C. J 10 3S 25fi3 acres West It Coal Co 346 27 s lots weuei, v. s . s 3 " v erkhclser, Samuel 2 or! 3 " Wood, Augustus & 21 89 acres Wheeler. Wm 3 33 2 stlney, Martin 6S 3 lots ITout, Margaret 34 .33 acres Miller, Adam 20 DENTON. 43 acres Albertson, Clarence 1 SO Id " Dodson, Geo 0 S3 " Wells, John t 00 llKIARCltEKK. v of 200 Apple. Paul 9 73 2-t acres clem, ltev. W. T 1M 300 " Doty, Tealer Stewart 1123 2(0 7 ou i " 0 S3 " " 3 75 ' .. 0 3-i 150 " " 100 " " " 150 " V Ot 200 " " ,VOtl50 " " hi Of 103 " " V Of 250 " " 25 acres Evans, Francis Fowler, Ollbert 60 acres Freas, Wm. 11 14 " Houck, Samuel........ S 40 .... 1 10 3 05 1 1-3 3 37 3 75 5S 2 50 97 54 son " lteccer, Abraham 7 " Ktinger, Lizzie 7 " stokes. Olden 7 " Trough, Henry estate.. 11 " Eckrotb, (leo 7 " Stout, Kills CATAWISSA. o; 73 40 1 00 80 93 51 acres Urobst, J s., 369 Klase & Yetter 30 Weaver, Ellas , .. Dornbach. Manraret 7 7 307 27 14 10 Klnter, ltobert 13 63 Newell, Fied 1 as 3 3t Yetter. Lewis estate . 47 " 1 ss lllilil nite rs 47 18 ciewell. Joseph estate 4 70 Krum, Ellas - 3 22 i'erry, Wm 3 36 llower, Moses . 1 CKNTRALlA. lfAtrertv. James 50 lleitron, Philip.... 7 40 Holmes, Thomas 3 36 If high & Mahanoy It. It. . o uu 3 73 3 SO 9 KS 1 92 waisn, uiiTiu oerUhty, Thomas'. .' Steel, Oeo. W......... Mccanerty, Pat Madden, Michael Lehigh k Mahanoy It. It., Lougblln, Bridget ...... Sweeney, Margaret 1 00 50 9 20 5 52 40 3 20 1 00 50 miraeil, John.. Qulgley, Mrs, Margaret 50 liengniy, mourns dw Barrett Mary llrennan, John... D B9 1 2i neuron, wm Ilultcan, Itlcbaid... Kelley, Wm 40 50 60 BO Kierns, rairicK llanley, John 0..... 3 36 Uracev. Geo SO (iorrell&Co., CENTRE. Sb acres Adams, EnoaL, 2 lots Brobbt Thomas 35 acres Conner, II. J. & M. F 1 lot Derllng,.Wm..... 3" Press, Andrew estate 7 acres Fritz, Wm. estate 3 " Good, Jacob estate -. 70 " HaKenbuch, Um in 14 llagenbuch, Wm. Br. cstato... 34 " Hoffman, Wm. estate , 1 lot Hess, Eflle 3 " Marcb, Itebccca 1" Nungesier, Sarab,... .......... 1 " snonsler, Jacob 1 acres Klrkendall 4: Creasy 5 " Achenbach, Samuel CONYSOHAM. 429 acres Beam, Joshua A lots Brockway, c. B 3" " ii" " " '.T.'".'.'.!.!! 1 " nrt-flto. Bernard 2" Fetteralf, Michael 112 acres Huston, John 232 11 Kline, John L 4 00 84 1 64 32 32 03 16 3 89 4 !! 24 64 W at 3 64 13 002 39 40 S3 sri sa lit S2 72 S3 2 5S 24 60 89 49 S4 1 lot itrumiT, a. w 3 9 2 11 Lelby, Upbralm 44 Harvey Mrllen, 'lTomas MlUarit, o. 11 Mcculre, lerranco Morris, Anna U Monroe, John 2 54 13 2 33 8! 6 6- S M S SI .2 r 2 ? lthawn. CasDcr - ., 3M acres liuston, Mary 102 00 n " iiusiod, i nomas 40 HI 61 20 61 20 100 ." Men. Jacob loo ' 401 " Young, John Sit SO 92 9 an 362 3 62 362 40 " nrrisn, ltobert 8 " wamer, iwis 4 lots Mourc-y, John 4 " " ' 4 " " " F1H1IIM1C1IEKK. 2d acres AUegar, John 'KaV ai " Dresher.lJohn 1 62 13 30 sou " Doty realer k Stewart.... ; forces irawioru . 1 63 vti " rurvLTiieo . 'jo 44 Harrison John S 14 6 4: 201 11 Hoffman Freas 10 20 10 44 llulm wm 3t 200 44 Kindt John co 140 44 Lemon Thomas 10 20 71 (ti " juciienrj v. u. s uaDiei..... 3 10 17 44 " K.J 163 1 63 15 44 Parka James 11 Ml " H0UDID3 Win A... 2 to 44 Hlchard Lewis 3 93 89 05 Ill 44 ltelchart Charles loo 44 itoooms r.n 1 3 on 44 liutcnison nioa j , 44 l'ealer Goo 20 44 Connor Maggie U FKANKI.IN. Cleaver Wellington,,., Former Jonathan. Mwanlc (leo ................ Vought James. Vought K Howell Hohrbach Wm Howell Ifm .130 M M tt 480 2 23 3 80 OHEEN It 001), 14 (10 Albertfcon Miles and flartley., JJarry John Patterson M J.. It IS 4 SO 141 200 (10 00 HEMLOCK. do do do do do Campbell N I..., Mcrld II li...., Neal Pureell . Wright LevL... Jones David..., JACKSON. 50 do Frtck (leo A.. 8(0 do do luu do Hess lionjamln 4 do Miller ('has H' . 2-ts do Miller Neyhart S2 216 acres 44 44 , 31 13 44 Kitchen. James w . 1 62 44 Mcllenry, ltohr 5 44 Keelcr, J. It LOCUST, 80 acres Den-alt, Geo , 10 :63 4! Kterhart. John., 64 14 Geraghly, Thomas 23 44 Kline, John L. 30 44 lADgenberger, Philip 100 14 Snyder, Jeremiah MADISON, 23 acres cox.Joel. . Six) 44 Eves. Charles.. , ,, 33 14 Hcndershott, E, 4i 44 lleldenrlnl, Tobias, ,. 17 14 Khmer, James 53 44 Ileudertihoit, Erastus 6 44 dingles, T. II ... . ... 12 44 Welllver, Dinlel estate V MAIN. 94 acres flrockway Knt... 7 i.raver, Aaroa tt H s " (Icarhirt. Jonah . ,..! 33 " JllnderUtcr, Henry.., 10 " Miner, ii. u. caiaio...M, .......... 4 " MO'iscr. Kmanuei .... 474 " rcnnoclc, C, K. CO-... - t eon " lticnart, cnanes.i, M ' " " .. 1W " Shuman, Itcubcn...,... .w ;i or loo runicK, uroirn, leuer c iieucn,, 2.1 acres Rhuman, John " nnumao, w. -r.,,.. M 10 " Hhuman, Wiles K I " Hnrdcr. Aoranem ton Hwnrti Hhepp Co ....... loo Yettcr, Isaac . 3 " nnnman, jiaiiuas .... 1,1 Honor, Michael .. MIFKI.1N. IS acres AtCA Thoinas., , . Atrn, S. V lu " Creasy, Henry.... 10 " iienderauotu catnanne.. 70 " Jacoby. o. A ......- 200 Kramer, A. W,.,...,. S3 Michael, John 2 " sw " Vastellcr, Jos.. riciwini Nunccal Hcaslngcr, Wm. ........ 1(H) " iter, w. J... 81 " rarks, James, ILtA.V. S3 " Buiiin, ioei 123 " HchwepnenhclKr t. K Hchweppenhelser, Horace... schweppenhelser, li. I',, Hwanlf, 8. II Williams, Maraud... Yohe,John It Yohe, Jacob estate MONTOl'It 30 " 30 " 4 " IS C7 " 67 " 91 acres Creasy, Jacob ... i.igcr. iui uara ... Neal, Wm Itamsey cttlate MT. rLKASANT. S7 seres Crouse, lllram Andrew Jr.. 13 SO lttt 2W 3K iu " dticuuy & uupfn, in Jacoby, Hainuel 10 " Nhallcr, Matblas .......... OUAHGR. , 19 acres Kverllt, oabrlel estate. 2 3d hj iiagenuucn, jcrcmian 44 105 3 90 27 3 43 IS 101 1! 44 Hews Jeremiah loX" Hldla IjvL xlot Coleman Ova R 80 ncies Patterson M 11 muer MlcbaeL... ..... Kline Jacob dee'd, TINE. Prick Oeo A I2t0 Jiuierscoie... UrciblcblsJohn Weatherel Clark. Itobcrts Cole HobbtnsTI) ...... Oreenley James KOAHINGCItRKK. m 130 100 in 18S 30 40 acres Drebeh Jacob. 12 44 44 44 .. lit w 80 .. 18 3 AO 40 2 OO 60 11 2B0 .. 13 26 4 90 .. I 11 3 44 .. 511 ,-. SStM 292 SID .... 1 43 .. 17 IS .. 490 m 60 llamcs Tlios Jr .........,, confab- luce Cox C 8 Ex ot Tench Cox..... 375 250 IS 2U0 18 Dllaplatn Ezeklel... Huston John ... Morris Hushes... Mlndy Lewis..., ltelchart Charles.., 100 142 5H 144 10S 140 4W 40 60 70 ItaubJ Miller.. Navlnger Jonathan!!!.'.'.' Shelleabcrger Thomas... 10 04 SS 20 Wltchey John. .. 9 45 Yocum iMino. 1 W 42 Yocum Klltah ..., Yetter Lewis Est . 44 44 Trlen Jacob.. . . .'. J.'.'.'.'.' Shoup Abraham .... Dearer ieoJ L Kline... Little ltobert, Morris Hughes I 9 SH S4.) ia USD 78 104 53' 28i Hi to seo 94 W 1H 6a no 500 20 41 19 7 43 9 too MelUagton Wm 30 IS Kkato Henry SUOAHLOAF. Hellas Wm a 20 nucxaiew james list, Cole Keklel ,.. Cole Thomas II .. Chapln JF.., Chapln J F Custer Mary. .... llesn Jos o Hes Crevellnir fYL 800 1019 40S 2030 r45 444 234 1160 820 8 SO 13 60 1 1 G80 2030 21 J IS 80 n ro 6 W Jot 119 Hess tvesley ,yofU9 " Mot 119 44 19 acres Hartman Jesse . narvey J r m Hmitn . Mcllenry ltohr Savage Joshua Eat. Mcllenry E J " JohnJ Buckalew Evan.! "'.'.!.'. rp REA8 iTKEIt'S SALE SEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Also the following lota. Illnron Anil nuMbi nf seated lands returned by the tax collectors, in to iro muiu ui 1110 same lime uaaer tne provuloos or an Act or Assembly entitled ,4An Act roiatlngto tbe sale of lands for taxes In Columbia countyi" approved March (th, IMS. BBAVEB. No. Acres. WiRRiXTXB on Ovmm. Taxis . 1 so 6 30 , 30 40 3 03 . 39 ST 92 . 1O0O . 00 . 2i as . US 72 1 ar t 79 . 33 50 5 OJ. I lot Losec, J. A. agent I 44 Maston, Wm.... 4 lots names, Chas. It. I I t McAfee. John M acres Barnes, Chas ., o iota .naston, jtre. wm.. 2 44 Kflpt, A. II 2 acres Ahlemnn. chant 10 44 Markle llroa. l!n 317 44 Miller. Longenberger Fisher.. uitucr, uucou ar.. Hherman. Thomas Case am and wolvetton., Hredbenner. Gideon BENTOK, Albertson, Samuel R. lteacock, Samuel BLOOM. Walter, Norman iniraell, Eltsha . Hot 3 44 slots t 44 9 U 19 60 4 acres Klefer, Jacob estate 10 44 Price, Jonas CENTltALIA llOIt. 1 lot Langdon, Mrs. Thomas deeM 18 tt) COSYNQIIAM. 1 1ft. n(v.n U'n. 383 acres cummfngs. ib'si. "i"co Mi ia uurry, Jiiien Murphy Hughes Co.. 400 acres Nathaniel Brown tract.. 230( Ui CO S 84 t 73 73 I 14 1 82 30 (J 10 4 9.1 4 53 1 45 30 a 04 2 11 1 wt itenron, rniup 44 Oulnn. Catharine Jtf 44 Koons, nenry X " Mornson, jamm FISUINUCltEEK. 18 acres Koller. John w X lot Buss, Anna ttUKKawuou. I lot niklngton, r. K ., tt acres Moore, Lafayette si " Moore, A. 1.... HKMLUCK, 23 acres Thomas Slate Co U lot Marshall, Wm. S 1 44 Kuge, John 10 acres lilllaspy, Wm. estate..... )i lot vanhorn, Wm JACKSON". 110 acres Chamo-rlala, Lewis H7 ' fjv.l4 mi.n 33 1 Young. Lowta C. ..'... V. is 44 Keller, Jacob 24 LOCUST. 1 acres Ithoads, Susan...... MADISON. 170 acres Trotnbower, A. C. ... 130 - Kvea, Charles w to 44 Eves, Charles a 44 HouwaiHl Krom 170 44 Hill, Jesae 70 44 fox, Wm. It MAIN. 21 acres Btttenbender, Conrad.... MlfKLlN. Hot Kelchner, Jacob K. MT. PLEASANT. 15 acres Benneld, Thoinas 23 44 Howcr, Charles E. ORANGE. 67 acres Crouse, Nelson...,..... PINE. 1S3 acreu ltobblns, Joshua Itlchle. Jacob.. 34 H 10 .VI K2 .wo 412 60 30 Drelblebls, Jacob estate.. Drelblebls, Joseph Kvan. Geo. Kline and Patterson,...,. Menlenhall, Ellas ss 33 do do 14 ta Welsh, Abncr ....... 7S 60 ltunyan. Ezra estate ..,.. 1 23 Parker, John II 3 40 SCOT 7 acres Columbia LtmeStons Co... ft 20) SUUAltLOAF. M acres Hess, Lavlna.. 40 4 44 Kase,JohnL. it W 44 creveUng. J. 11 m 50 SI 44 Albertson, Jesse 1 20 3) PETEK A. EVANS. Treasurer. Treasurer's ofllce, uloomsburg, March Mtti, lsss. April , isss-do, PILES OR HEMOHHHOID8. ULCERS Assure. Itching, fistula. c. cured witnout pain by tho Iikixiikuoh' Tkiutiiixt. Illustrated paiwrs explaining the system and contalnlns ret erencra Hent tn. Address J. W. GOOTADGE. M. JD 208 Wyotning Ave, Scrantoii, J'a, Aisrcu 13.0U1S. TO FARMERS ! ir.t l oo 1 10 -:o:- Si 7i Any one in wantot tbe BUCKEYE cHiHY, Glnfis Feed Fertilizer, Grain Drill, Cider Mill or any thing Manufactured by tho Company, cau get them of AARON SMITH, HUOKIIOKN, PA. apr. ls-ttns. TTOTIOE To" BTOCKIIOLDER8 I 3 00 soul suo 1 61 ( so 12 to 30 co IS so 13 10 3 51 4 96 1 00 94 tl 60 llie annual meetlxgof the stockholders ot thu North and West llrauth Hallway Co. Is called for Tuesday, April 7, lxs, at u o'clock a. ia., at 234 South Fourth street, Pbllsdelphla. Election lor 1'rcoldciit aud Direct oris same day and tilnce. AI.IIEUT 1IKWSON, pr3t.l K;ittiiy, 60 611 UO fl 12 till 1 20 3 30 3 40 44 tl 76 1 61 1 T 6 i (30 60 3 at x ui 13 73 1 NO 300 1 33 2 40 170 10 20 7 as a 3 1 to 24 10 19 00