The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 16, 1886, Image 4

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Tho Assasslimtioit of Abrrib.ntn Lincoln
April 14th 1B05.
On tlio Hlh day of April 1805 Abra
Jinrn Lincoln, T'rcnidcnt of tlio United
Htatrn, was ntRnsmnntcdat Ford's TIip.v
Iro Wrtslilngtnn, by John Wilkes llootli.
It soeiiiHlbiit n few vents neo tbat tlio
country wns (hocked by tho dcnth.of,
us chief oliicer, mid yet a wliolo gene
ration has grown up sltico that time,
and many tiiciijwlio will voto noxt fall
wera not born then. On this tho 21st
anniversary of ouo of tho leading events
of American history, tho story may bo
retold with profit.
Mr. Lincoln was invited by tho
manager of Ford's theatre, in Wash
ington, to attend In tho evening n per
formanco of tho play, "Our American
Cousin," with Lanra Keeno as tho lead
ing lady. This play, now so well
known to alt play goers, mid in which
tliu lato Sothcrn afterward mado for
tnno and fame, was then comparatively
unheralded. Lincoln was fond of tho
drama, lint on that evening, it is
said, ho was not uagcr to go. Tho
play whs new, cousivjiiently not aljnr
to him ; but ho yielded o tho wish
oa of Mrs. Lincoln and went. Thcy
took with them Miss Ilairit and Mnj.
Uathbonc, daughter and stepson of
Senator Harris, of Now York.
Tho theatre was crowded. At 9:20
the president mid his patty entered.
Tlio andienco roso and cheered enthus
iastically ns they passed to tho "state
box' reserved for them. Litllo did any
ono present dream that within the hour
enthusiasm would give place to shrieks
of horror. It was 10 o'clock when
liooth came upon Urn sec no to enact
tho last and greatest tragedy of tho
war. IIo had planned carefully, but
not correctly. A good horso awaited
him at tho rear of tlio theatre, on which
ho intended to rido into friendly shel
ter among the hills of Maryland. lie
made his way to tho president's box
a double ono in tho second tier, at tho
left of the stage. The separating par
tition had been removed, and both box
es thrown into one.
Booth entered tho thcatro nonchal
antly, glanced at the stage with appar
ent interest, then slowly worked his
way around into tho outer passage
leading toward the box occupied by
tho president. At the end of an inner
passago leading to tho box door, ono
of tho president's "messengers" was
stationed to prevent unwelcome intru
sions. Booth presented a card to bim,
stating tnat Mr. Lincoln had sent for
him, and was permitted tc pass. After
gaining an entrance and closing tho
halljdoor, no took a piece of board
prepared for tho occasion, and fastened
tho door.
So deliberately had ho planned that
tho very seats in the box had been ar
ranged to suit Ins purposo by an acconv
plice. Spangler, an attache of tho
theatre, was suspected. The president
sat in tuo lett hand corner of tho box,
nearest the audience, in an easy arm
chair. Next him, on tho right, sat
Mrs. Lincoln. A little distance to thn
right of both Miss Harris was seated
with Maj. Rathbono at her left and a
little m the rear ot JMrs. Lincoln, who
intent on tho play, was leaninc for
ward, with ono hand resting on her
husband's knee. Tho president was
leaning up?n one hand, and with the
other was toying with a portion of tho
drapery. His face was partially turn
ed to the audience, and wore a pleas
ant smile.
The assassin swiftly entered the box
through tho door at tho right, and the
next instant fired. The ball entered
just behind tho president's left car, and,
though not producing instantaneous
death, completely obliterated all con
Maj. Rathbono heard the report, and
an instant later saw the murderer, a
bout silt feet from tho president, and
grappled with him, but his grasp was
shaken off. Booth dropped bis pistol
and drew a loner, thin, deadly-Iookinc
knife, with which he wounded tho
maior. 1 hen touching his left hand
to tho railing of tho box, ho vaulted
over to the stage, eight or ten feet be
low. In that descent an unlooked for
and curious thing happened, which
foiled all tho plans of the assassin and
was the means of bringing him to bay
at last. Lincoln's box was draped
with the American nag, and lsootli m
jumping, caught his spur in its folds,
tearing it down and spraining his ankle.
IIo crouched as ho fell, falling upon
ono knee, but soon Btraightentd him.
self and stalked theatrically aciocs the
stage, brandishing Ins knito and shout
ing tho state motto of Virginia, "Sio
semper tyrannisl' afterwards adding,.
"iho south is nvenged 1 lie made his
exit od tho opposite sido of tho stage,
passing Miss Keeno as ho went out. A
man named Stewart, a tall lawyer of
Washington, was the ouiv person with
presence of mind enough to spring upon
the stage and follow him, nnd'bo was
too late.
It had all been done so nuickly and
dramatically that many in the audience
were dazed and could not understand
that anything not a part of the play
had happened. When, at last, tho
awful truth was known to them there
ensued a scene, tho liko of which was
never known in a theatre before.
Women shrieked, sobbed and fainted
Men cursed and raved, or were dumb
with horror and amazement. Miss
Keeno stepped to tho front and bceced
the frightened and dismayed audienco
to uo calm, men sho entered tho
president s box with water and stiinul
ants. Medical aid was Biitnmontd aud
catno with flying feet, but camo too
late. Tho murderer's bullet had done
its wicked work well. Tho President
hardly stirred in his chair, nnd never
spoke or showed any signs of con
sciousness again.
They carried him immediately to tho
house of Mr. l'eterson, opposite tho
theatre, and there, at 7:22 the next
morning, tho loth of April, ho died.
Mr. Lincoln's body was embalmed,
and on tba ioiiowing Wednesday
funeral services wero held in the Hast
room of tho Whito Il-mse. From
thence tho body was taken to tho
rotunda of tho Capitol, whero it was
viewed by thousands of sorrowing peo
ple. On the 21st of tho month tho
Hcmbro funeral train left Washington,
going Drat to Philadelphia and Now
York, and then moved westward. Tho
train reached Springfield, Ills., oi( tho
morning of the 3d of May, and on tho
following day tho body of Lincoln was
shut from tho sight of man forever, in
tho grave.
After the assassination Booth cheap
en unmolested from tho tlieatrtynount
ed his horso and rode away, accompan
ied by Harold, into Maryland. Caval.
rynicn scoured tho country, and eleven
days after tho shooting discovered
them in a barn on Garrett's farm near
Port Royal on tho Itappahanock. The
soldiers surrounded tho burn and de
manded a surrender. After tho second
demand Harold surrendered, under a
shower of curses from Booth, but
Booth refused, declaring that ho would
never bq taken alive. Tho captain of
tlio rquad then fired tho barn.
Just then SergU Boston Coilatt flied
through a crevico and shot Booth in
Are roll rccktfw toMisVi t.i venture? If o scud
two cento In tninr to tiro Mack I'MMiing Vo ,
MS unj Ml Wathlngtiiu street. New iirk. for
nue tlielr iKiiiitlful liliivtriitrd "I.ntllfM'
Hiiukn," It l n mm I. miliiiie, nnd lute mtlnx
ork tii.eter.v TMm if ifllnemi'iit
On leevh.t nr ten visits In HtainiN they will wild
iuitjaM u full h t of tlulr famous liiutwIiuM
gnnie VorlJti.
Fur ten tisnsltiev will ul- m ml n Iwxik cmitnlnlng
complete. wonlK of "'llio Mikado," ntnt tuinlc ot
lln luoft popular tulip, together Willi ten uqnklle
cliroino cum.
A erir lilenKltiR. linrnileM yljc jrrlilreil aromatic com.
pound for (IKMiirlni; tlio tMo of quintan nnd other
hitler ilrne, either wild or lliilcl. I'rlre, "Stent" per
Tint !liitllc rrcpcribcit Ivy thonsnmln ot physicians
In Etiroim nml America. 1' ortuula accompanies every
bottle. I'orSaloliyUrugglfti.
Manufactured by
The Academic Pharmaceutic Co.,
I.OMlOX .txn yt.w lllltK.
3 R
An elegant English pharmaceutic preparation tor
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over twenty-five years of most eminent scientific
Approved by tho highest medical authorities.
In use In tho hospitals In every part of Europe.
Especially helpful to ladles, children and people
of sedentary habits.
Entirely vegetable i free from harmful drugs.
In Handsome Packages, Price 50 Cts.
Prepared solely by
Vlte 5oyhl 'Pliafirtaceutic- (jo.,
Chemists by uppolutment to Her Majesty the
Queen and to tho Uoyal Family.
130, 132, 134 CHARLTON ST.
Same medicinal properties m Kotal Elixir, la
boxes, JW jillU to box, for li 5 cents.
Vinegar Bitters C0HDIAL, - SOc.
Vinegar Bitters P0WDE113, CO doses, - fiOr.
Vinegar Bitters, newsljle. jl'',0;"' - .
Vinegar Bitters, oMrtjIe, Mitcrtaste, - - $1.00
Tho World's Groat Blood Purifier
and Llfo Giving Principle.
Only Temperauco Bitters Known.
Tliepat liflli of n Century the Lending
Family Mcillcluu ul tlio M ut lit.
E. H. McDonald Dru? Co.. Proprietor!,
Almost as Palatablo as Milk.
Tho only preparation of COD J.IVEIt Olfi that
can be taken readily and tolerated for a long tlmo
by delicate btouiarha.
HHIi llt.HII.lll. I 111 I. US AMI HIHOAT At'.
H.(1I0N ami nil IVAMt.MI IllslllillUIS til'
(IIIUIUK.N It li murTflloni In In renilln.
Prescribed and endorsed by the best l'hyslclans
In the countries of tho world.
for sale: by all druggists.
ITottf olpcoplouso and reooramead till ipor I
ous plaster becauw It U tlio Btronjostaad best B
everftaown. Wiicaapplicdtoonysortofoore-B
now, or wcakuowd, it aett instantly, romovtnc I
piia and ttrcnciheninj tlxe porta. Prepared E
from Burrrundy Pitch, Cz. atU raliam, end tho I
entire medicinal virtuci of f.-s.i Ilaa. Tlicy
never burn or Irritate a'-ways otlie, eilnu I
late and strengthen weals and Ursd muscles. L
QulcU relief for sudden pains. AU ready ta ap 1
ply. Hop PUstcra aro do Id by all dealers, 25o. , E
C for H. 00, Hailed on receipt of rriae,
HOP PLA8TEH COUTAinr, Boston Mas.
Cyclopedia of Universal History
8.I3K l.urf;e. Double-Column l'agei.
l.VIO lieautlful Vood A: Steel i:il);ril)tllCfl.
li'-t Cnlureil UNturleal Alnpi.
O Colorod CliroiMiliiKlcnl Cltnrti.
til (leuenloEleal lllneralus.
A Coplou. anil lllefrantly l'renareil Inder,
Jt U Kleiriiiitly l'rinteil nml ltouiul.iiiiil 1
'i'hellett llluitrateil llouk 1111 tlio .Market.
11177 B'U. LI3Z3AL ?:5W. CKICE ir2!II0I7.
1310 1 llbt-rt strovt, riilluiluliilila, l'enna.
tell 2U-Um,
E. B.
All kinds of work in-Sheet Iron, Hoof
I 1 C .!
my iiiiu onjuiiiig jiruiujiiij'
ntlended to.
nfScilctattontlon given to heating by steam
Corner of Mam & East Sts.,
Bloomslmrg, Pa.
Slates and ielts,
Slate Mantels,
Slate Black Hoards,
School Slate,
Roofing Slate,
Hoofing cits, i, 2&3
J. I.. HUM.,
Awiiue, scraaton, I'a
S Lackawanna
rvVMi'i'isiA.-ltsNatuie. tousi-s, 1'reven.
I llM. I,i llv liliM II Vtn.l..n ,
ilass., It )eara tax collectur, tent free to any ud- I
mum mm ran
t itr i ki w
ax ahsoi.vti! etui: run
nun inn not ituicu iu in- ft puivio ciiko
liero (IiH'cHonmiro folluwrtl. ItitPiicreM
Jun hern rrinnritntimniw iliciut'K noiulor
fill. Itlstlio inixtut ful jtrt'imntlon In the
unirkctnr OATAltltll nnd tliu unl ono t Tint
lnmlfci an Almtf lute tolthf Curi-. It 1
trulv a l)lclhi( to tnAnkhuI, A Trlnl N till
ttmt U alti'il Tor It Onee tiscd, It Is nhtay n
repuminciHlctl. il for tcftlniuutalu of actual
a rosrrn h cvrh is assured.
due liottlo li xciieri.lty uflletent foraeuro. Slop
In'ilnir (llltlilne, A trlnl only U nknl riirKm.'k CataIiiiii llCMKiiv. It I. a srilliirit)
Tur nil ill)' i-i'Miliiiit rrnm 1111 liniiuruliluuil nnil
ilrhei nil ernitloiin Iimh tliu rkln, l'or .Syilil.
lltleeoniplnlniri it H mijierlor tunny preimrntlon
In the miirkel. tine liuttlo Mrlll euro must or tho
rnllonliitf eunipl-ilnls ami a eriillnucil upo vlll
l ojlriVJXV eiire. M.v iloetur bills un.l try It,
vi:'khi:al disuases.
ri:i:u'(i or lamsoitk.
Kkli.fh t'ATMiiui IIkmkiiv no patent
nieiUeliie, lull a fine nml pli'tt;nllt preimrntlon
In dike nth) surely the irrenleiit metlleiil illpcov
cry on lie nirc. 'linn lioulerejuveniite tlioentlro
4tiin nnil pu..eiii'eA mure vlrtno tlmn a half
tfuo i I ittlei of onllnnry patent preparations.
W ..e Nirt' ,tlinunlitlniitl ther Inroritiatlon.
Cd'1'orf.'la l,y ilrtnrirWi aenernlly.
IMtlt'i: 1.1.00 V 1IDTTI.K. SIX HOT
TI.I'.s roil isa.oo. On reeclpt of S5.00 by
IV in inuflirturerr, Samtkl V. Co.,
lli'trl.burx, l'a., lx bottle will bofent eipresj
from n coiuuioii Illotcli, or Kruptloii,
to the worst MtoKiiIu. Mil t-l- lifli ill,
"l'o cr-oi i'," svuly or IIoiikIi skin,
lu sliort, all dlseaM1!) onuseil by bail blood nro
coniuei'CHl by tills powerful, purifying, and
InvlKomtlnp medicine, (irent I'.ntlns lil
com rnplilly heal umler Its benign Inlliienen.
Kspeciullv lias It liiaiilfinteil lt iitene' In
curlnir Tetter, Koto Ilnli, Iluiln, Car
littneleN, Sure lyeN, ScriiiiiloiiH Nores
ami MvellliiR, lllp-Jiilat l)lneane,
Wliltu SuIIIiib, (ioltrr, or Tlilek
Neck, nml Ilnlnrci cl (ilmiilN. Send ten
cents in stamps lor a Inrire tivntlse, with col
ored plates, on fkin Diseases, or tlio same
amount foratrentlon Seroliilon Affeetlnns.
"tiii: in, odd is Tin: 1,1 fi:."'
ThorouRhlr clonnso It by uslnir Ur. I'lercc'n
Colilen .llcillenl I)l o cr-, and Rood
tllgeetlon, n fnlr Nkln, hiiojiinl plr
Ifn, vltnl MtreiiRlli, imit KotiiitlncKM of
coimlltlitlon, Wlll.lH) ittublWu'il.
which Is ScrofiiloiiM I)UitNc or the
laniKV promptly tunl txitiiinly mivsted
nnd cuml by this (Uv-uv ixnifly, ir taken
before tho last stuffes ot tlMMiisonbo nru rc ached.
lYoin Its woiulcrlul jiowrr over this terrlbb
fatal dfwap, when llr&t offorlnir this now col
cbrnted remedy to tlio ptibltu. Dr. I'ikhcb
tliouplit Pfriniif!y of Liitfltiff it his t'oti
sum pi Ion CiirVM)titnlHinloneil thnt iinme
ns (oo limited tor u mttlioinc which, limn its
wonderful combination ot tonic, or ttn-iiKt hen
ing nlterntlvc, or lloodi'kiinslii.!mtibflLn:is,
jiectornl.nnd iHitrltlxci'iojM'rties, Is unetjunled,
not ouly ns n remedy lor consumption ol tho
lungs, but for nil
or TUB
Liver, Blood, and Lungs.
If you foci dull, drowsy, debilitated, hav
fallow color of ekiu, or yeMowlnh-brown epota
on laeo or Iwdy, trequent lieadnehe or dlzzl
tuiw, bad tasto lu mouth. Internal heat or chilli,
alternating- with hot Hashes, low spirits nnd
ploomi' Iturebodiuffs. IntKuiar appetite, and
coated tongue, you nro etitlorlng- from IndU
KeMioii. t spepNlii, and Torpid litver,
or liilloiiNiiei," Ju many cases only
part of thoso symptoms nro cvpcrUnced. At
a remedy lor nil such cases, J)r. l'lcrcea
Golden ITIodicnl licovcry ha no
Vor AVcalt I,miL't Spltliiijr of Illood.
ShortitCNN of IIrentli llroiicliltla.
Severe CoukIih, CouumplIoiif and
kindred nffectlons, it Is u sovereign remedy.
fend tea cents In stamps lor Dr. Tiercels
book on Consumption. Sold by Druggists.
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
Proprietors, 663 Main St., DuTrALO, N. Y.
Sold by Si cents a vial.
Is otTered by tho proprietor,
nf Dr. luge's Catarrh Itemedy
lor a case of caturrli wbicn they
cannot cure.
I f you have a discharge from
the none, oircnslvo or other
wise, partial loss of smell, taste,
or heiuinir. weak eves, dull naln
or pressure In head, you have Catarrh. Thou
sands of cases terminate In consumption.
Dr. Sasrn's Catauih; Kemf.dy cures the worrt
enses of Cntnrrli, "Cold 111 tlio Head,"
.1' i Cnturrlial tleuduchc. 6U cents.
IP YOl' have Internal tillmo fever, pniitn, ..i.i
phleym, bad taite and orrenslvo breath -Pr, Kil
mer's SWA M l'-KOOT removes all theso conditions.
Ins juui uiu,iiat IUI ill Jv,, tl,
IF Yor have lost your appetite, or toniruo
coated, dry uud lurched lliuaud tnoutu, spuiio
drynnd cottony, or hao bucoino emaciated nr.
Kilmer's S WASIlMtoOT will build ud vour hrnien
, down constitution. Ask your druggist lor II. well I
I IK YOU liaie buddeu attacksof fclnklng speiU 1
iimmttuu uctimij uaif, mm experience
Mings ai though dying, and coldncis seizes your
very ltala -Dr. Kilmer's ooKAN-WKirouies the
ncim suciionanu saves me urugglsUbelllt. il
IK YOl' havo uigantu disease, or pericardii, or
heart cue troubUn, or havo thick and sluggish
u.uin, vn uo .iiuuu uit-vuiu nuuiu iciioo ion
Dr. Kilmers OOKAN.WKKD coerects and Is the
oinedy yonneed. Druggists bculit. n, n.
t btolned anil all patent business attended to for
tuodcrate fees.
our ofllce It opposite the U. 8. l'atent orace, and
wo can obtain Patents In less time than those re
mote from Washington.
Kenl model or drawing. We advise at to pat
entability free of charge, and we make no charge
unlets patent Is secured.
We refer here, to tho 1'ostmastfr, the Hupt.of
Jloney order Mv., and to omclals of the u. s.
Talent Offlco. For circular, advice, terms and
lelereucestoactualcllents in your own btateor
i ounty, wrlto to
Opposite Talent OlUce, Washligton, D 0
tlio neck. IIo was carrictl out of tho
barn nml laid upon tlio griiM, mid tlicro
diod nbout four liourn Uo-
foro his misguided soul pnsscd Into tho'
silenco of dcntli lio wlilspcrod f nnic
thing which I.lout. Hnkcr bent down
to hi'W. "Tell mother I tlio for my
country," ho Bald, faintly, llovivliijx
a moment later ho repeated tliu wordc,
and added, "I thought I did for tho
His days of hiding nnd fleeing from
his pursuers had left him pale.lmsanrd,
dirty and unkempt. IIo had out off his
nioustncho nml cropped his hair closu
I.!. I 1 , , 1 AT 1, , .,
to ins ueuu, una no una naroia noiii
woro tho (Jon federal o gray uniform.
Hnoth's body was takun to Wnshlni:-
ton and n post mortem uxaminatioii uf
it held on board tho monitor Moulauk,
and on tho niuht of tho 27th of April
it win .given in olmrgo of two men In
a rowiioat, who it Is clalineil, dinpi sed
of it in sioresy how nono but tliem
Belves know. Numerous stories hiivo
been told of tlio limil resting' place of
tho assassin. Whoever knows tho
truth of it not.
It was soon known tint tho murder
of L'lionln was ouo result of a oonspir
acy, which had for us victims cco-
retary bawnnl, nnd, probably, Vice
President Johnson, Secretary Stanton,
(?en. Grant and perhaps others. IJ.'Oth
nan leu nearii oil .nr. dolinsou tlio day
before, possibly with tho intention of
killing him, Mr, Seward received
wounds from which he boon recoveicd.
Grant, who was to have accompanied
Lincoln to tlio theatre on the night of
tliu assassination, and'did not, escaped
unassailou. iho general conspiracy
was poorly planned and lamely execut
ed, It involved about Iwimty-fivo per
sons. Mrs. burralt, JJavidlU. Jiarnld.
Lewis Payne, Kduar Spanrxlor, Michael
McLouclilin, J. V. Auerodt, S.iinuel
Arnold, nnd Dr. Samuel Mudd, who
sot Booth's log, which was dislocated
by the tall from tho stago box,
were, amoni; the number arrested
Fivo of the conspirators wero tried,
and three, Payne, Harold and Mrs.
Surratt, wero hanged, Tho execution
of Mrs. Surratt is now generally be
lieved to havoS been undeserved. Dr.
Mudd was sent to the Dry Tortugas
for a period of years, and theic did
such good work among .tho yellow
fever sufferers during an epidemic thnt
ho was pardoned and' returned to this
country. Ho died only about two
years ago at his homo in Maryland, near
Waihington. Atzerodt was sent to
tho Dry Tortugas also, and died there
years ago. John Stirrnlt tied to Italy,
and there entered tho Papal guards.
no was discovero-i by Archbishop
Hughes, nnd by tho courtesy of the
Italian government, thouch tho extra
dition laws did not cover his case, was
delivered Over to tho United States for
trial. At his first trial the iurv hunt: ;
at the second, in which Edward Pierre-
pont was the government coun-el,
Surratt got off on tho plea of limita
tions. IIo undertook to lecture, and
began at Kookville, Md. The Evening
Star, of Washington, reported lhe
lecture, which was widely copied, and
was of such a feeblo character that it
killed him as a lecturer. Ho wont to
Baltimore, where, it is said, ho still
lives. Spangler, tho scene shifter, who
was an accomplice of Booth, was sent
to tho Dry Tortugas, served out
his term and died about ten years ago.
McLonghlin, who was arrested because
of his acquaintance, with tho conspira
tors, was sent to tho Ury Tortugas and
thero died.
Ford's theatre was never nlnvod in
after thSt memorable night. Ten or
twelvo days after tho assassination
b ord attempted to open it out Stanton
prevented it, and 'the government
bought the theatre for $100,000. aa into a medical museum.
lord was a southern sj mpathizer. IIo
ran two theatres until within a fow
weeks, ono in Washincton and ono in
Baltimore. He left Washinatou ouito
recently. Alison Naylor, tho livery
man wno let uootii nave his horse,
still lives in Washington. Maj. Hath
boue, who was in the box with Lincoln
when ho was shot, died within tho last
two years. Stewart the man who
jumped on the staco to follow Booth.
and announced to the audience that he
had escaped tbrougii tho alley, died late
ly, strange, but very low persons can
now bo found who wero at the theatre
that night. Laura Keeno died a few
years ago.
The remaining copies of tho History
of Columbia County, a book of COO
pages illustrated and bound in oloth
will be closed nut. nt. iSl flfl nnMi os
enntH llir mnil 1,V,r aan nt iha
ooi.umuiak umce. liioomsburg, 1'a,
Thero aro scores of persons who are
sufferiug from some form of blood dis
order or skin disease, such as Scrofula,
Boils, etc., etc. After a practical test.
J. II. Mercer asserts that Acker's Blood
hlmr will certainly cure all such dis
eases, including Syphillis and Rheunv
atism. Itis net a patent nostrum, but a
scientiho preparation, he guarantees it.
After a thorouerh test J. FT. Mnr
most positively asserts that Acker's
English Hemedy is tho best medicine
for asthma, croup, coughs, whooping
cough and all lung troubles that can be
found. Ask him about it, for he fully
guarantees u.
Chenillo fringes for mantles havo
woooen spindles tipped with beads on
mo strands.
Plush bands three inches in width
aro used for trimming woolen dresses
mi Bjiriug wear.
Adams' Patent Metallic
SI.78 per rod and upwards.
All Vlndi of Iron Fontei, Gitoi, flro Eicipti, 4e.
rewee PIT. I HON
i ,i i t
Iron Work In all stylet.
Coal Scroent a specialty,
Iron Ladders, Whooli & Cresting,
Bljckimlthlng In til tfintk.i. Eitlmttei furnlihsd.
Cor. Union Canal Sts,
march 12-80-ly.
I fwas deaf twenty-eight years. Treated
bv inrMI. nt thn utu.hIi.,h rt t i.u ,i-w
with no benent. fured himself In three .months,
and since then hundreds of others by same pro
cess. Ji plain, simple and successful home treau
ment. Address T, S. TAOB, 88 Fjistwth street,
-Sew lorklity. Apr-wt-d.
mL Lrrn-rrnii tm
Symptomh ol' Dyspj'.rsiA
ore loss of appetite, rising of food, heart
burn, distension ot the stomach, headache,
bad Droath, sleeplessness, low spirits and
f:enernl prostration, constipation Is n
requent concomitant of dysiiepsla, but
sometimes It Is attended tltli dtairhteo.
The test of many years nnd the experleneo ot
many thousands nnd lens of thousands of every
ago nml condition of llfo has established tho Mot
that no one will remain a dmpeptlc who will tnko
t ho purely egetable indlcrine.
AN KI'FICAClOtIS llHMIIDY I can lecommend
ns nn efficacious remedy lor nil diseases ot the
llvnr. hcnribiirn nml il t.nprwi.1. siinmntw i.lvir
ltegulator. Lewis (I. Wuniler, nwi .Master St.,
Asnisuiub i-usuuasifT, I'liunneipuii.
e wish our readers toknnw that wo have round
much benent from using Mminous Liver ltegulator.
Our trouble orl 'inntcil nnd rend -rod clminifl linnr
years In India, leaves llttlo hopn ot n pTtect
.uiuiiuin nil, llllllK. ihu (in, HHglllllOr 11119 111-
forded mori" relief thin nil rim we lime tried. Wo
aty 'this vllhouttho wish or knoledgeofJ,ll.
ftfiiiu & lu., wno prepare it in I'liunaeipnin.
Itsv, It. (I. WiLDKIl,
lid. "Missionary lte lew."
1111 IM Pknm 1'. II.. Mmittrnmprv Co.. Ta.
MH.SSUS. .1. II. ZELIN & co.-llaving surtered
rom debility, heodache, dizziness nnd loss otnpne
llle.and lu'liigiiersunded they resulted from nnln-
m-iivu over, Mininnns i.ner regulator was recom
mended by a friend. 1 was greatly benefited in a
short I line, nnd consider It an almost Indispensable
household remedy. J, v., DhTlKIIEIt.
.T. It ZKIL1N &. CO ,
I'iiick, 4.1.00. 1'iiilaiiki.i'IIIa,
a.m. p.m.
0 10 9 15 2 in
P.m. 11.111
a. m
uo 12 :i 1
s 30 ....icrnnton..
8 3U llellevue,.
8 64 11! 2ll
I 0 15 9 so 3 10
8 43 15 S3
8 40 li 15
8 3.1 13 08
8 it ...Tiiylorvllle. 0
-V 9 211 S lb
8 10 ,. Lncknwanua.. 0 37 9 SI 2
8 10 Tlttston 0 si 9 41 2 so
8 01 ..West Tlttston, I 11 40 9 47 2 36
l' nt
8 'tl II M
8 IT 11 51
8 12 11 50
as ....Wyoming.. .. 0 45 u 53 2 41
7 51. ..Mallby I! 49 9 511 S 41
7 50 lleunett. . 0 M 10 0 1 2 47
7 41 ....Kingston 53 10 (153 50
7 47 ....Kingston 68 10 053 50
8 OS 11 47
8 (II 11 43
7 43 I'lymoiitn .nine 7 na 10 102 s
59 11 i!8
M II .11
7 S3 ....Tl tnotlth.... 7 07 10 15S (XI
7 31 ....Avondale. . 7 12 10 203 05
7 3D .. Nautlcoke...! 7 15 0 253 10
7 33 lluntock's Cieek 7 21 10 is 3 27
7 50 11 SO
7 43 11 2.1
30 11 It
1H It LI)
1 is icKsuinny., 7 37 10 413 so
t 1AI,
G 51
6 471
0 41
hick's leny 7 50 11 11 3 52
7 11 10 51
7 05 10 4f
0 53 111 41
6 51 10 S3
B 50 10 SI
lleacltllnven,. 7 511 003 58
..Ilerwlck ...It Hill 11 isaiis
.linar urecK,, 8 10 11 20.4 1
0 33
I) 34
0 37
0 21
a 10
Willow Grove.. 8 11 11 234 16
..Llll.O Kklge. . 8 18 11 29 4 31
Espy 8 25 11 30 4 27
..llloomsburg... 8 30 11 44 4 SI
Ilunprt K,,t , rjlj fl
6 43 10 S7
6 .111 10 31
II SO 10 111
a 10 11
oiijCatawla ltrldgo 8 41 11 554 46
8 08 0 60
u on , ijuii. inc.. . 1 Q i 111 IO IH
6 41 ....Chulasky.... 9 05 12 3"5 13
S . . . . 1'nm.rnn I U W 1Q ..KIT
on 0 4i
5 55 9 45
5 40 9 33
p.m. am.
5 33 Northumberland, 9 35 13 40 5 35
a.m. 1 1a.m. a.m. p.m
W. V. IIA1.HTRAT). Hunt.
superintendent's latco. Scranton, reb.lst,l83
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Philadelphia & Erie, R. R. Divis
ion, and Northern Central
In effuct NovTsM.tXvFr'nlns lenvfi Run.
9.40 a. m.. Sea Shore Exnress (dallv exceot
Sunday), tor Harnsburg and Intermediate stations,
urnviug at mituucipuia a.ta p. in.; new iorK,
6.30 p. m. : lMltlmore. 4.40 u. m. : Washington.
6.60 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia forallbea
Shore points. Through passenger coach to
1.43 p. m. Day enpress
dally except Sunday),forIIarrHburg and Interme
diate stations, arriving at T h f 1 a d e 1 n h 1 a
6.50 p. m. ; New York, 9.35 p. m. ; Baltimore
6.45 p.m.; Washington, 8.00p.m. Tarlor car
inrougu to ruuaueiuuia aim pasbenger coacnes
through to Philadelphia and Daltlmorc.
7,50 p. m. ltenovo Accommodation (dally
iur iiurnsuurg uuu uu luicriueuiuic. biaiions, arriv
Ing at Philadelphia 4 25 n. in. : New York 7.00 a. m.
llaltlmore. 6.35 a. m. : Washington a. m. ;
bleeping car accommodations can be secured a
tiarrisuure lor I'nnaueinnia ana sew YorK. on sun-
days a through Eleepfngcar will be run; on this
train from WUllamsp't to Philadelphia. Philadelphia
passengers can remain in steeper unaisiuroeu unii
7 a. m. a. m. Erlo Mall (dally except Monday,
iur iiiirnsuurg auu iiiieruieiiiaio siaiions,
arriving at Phllndclnhln 8.35 a. m. New York.
11.30 a. m. ; Baltimore 8.15 a. m. ; Washington, 9.35
a.m. Through Pullman sleeping cars are run on
mis train tu ruiiaacipnia, tiaiumore auu asuing.
ton, and through passenger coaches to Phlladel.
puia oua uauimore.
6.50a. m. Erie Mall (daily except Sunday), to.
Erie and all Intermediate stations and canandal,
f;ua anu intermeaiaio stations, ttocnester, xiuna.
oand Niagara Falls, with thiouch lullman Pal.
ace cars and passenger coaches to Kile and ltoch
ester. 9.53 News Express (dally except Sunday) for
lwmiuicuuuu imcuueuiuiv SIUUUUS.
1.00 p. in. Niagara Kxpiess (dally except Sun.
day) for Kane and Intermediate stations aud cm.
andal2ua and principal Intermediate stations.
Rochester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls with
through passenger coaches to Kane and ltochester
ana rarior car to u iinamsport.
5.30 o. m. Fast Lino (drily except Sundarlfor lie.
novo and intermediate stations, and Klmlra, Wat
kins and Intermediate stations, with through pas
senger coaches to ltenovo and Watklus.
9.20 a. m. Sunday mall forlienovo and lnterme-
uiatu watious.
i.Abl Af,UbUUTlI.
Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m
llarrlsburg 7.40 arriving at sunbury 9.20 a. m. with
vurofigu sieepiugcar iiuui luuoueiuuia 10 lt'
Hams port.
News Kx Dress leaves Phlladelnhia 4.30 a. m.
llarrlsburg, 3.10 a. in. dally except Sunday
arrlv log at Sunbury 9.51. a. in.
, . Niagara Express leaves
ruuaueipuiu, , ,4u u. 111. ; uaumiore 7.30 a. in. (aany
except Sunday arriving at sunbury. 1.00 p. m.,
with through Parlor car from Philadelphia
mm luiuutiu pusseuger cuacues irom 1 nuauei'
phla and Baltimore.
Fast Line leaves New Y'ork 9.00 a. m. ; Phlladel
Dhla.U.50a. m. : Washington. 9.50a. m lulti
more, 10.15 a. in., (daily except Sunday) arriving at
ouiiuuij, 0.1x1 11. ui., iui Luruuuu passuugci
vuuLiicsuuiii i auuueiuiu uuu iiaiuiuure.
Erie Mall leaves New York8.oup. m. ; Phlladel.
nhla. 11.2O n. m. : tiniti.
more, p. in., (dally except.saturday) arm Ing
at Sunbury 5.15 a. m with throuirh Pullman
Sleeping cars Irom Philadelphia, Washington and
uuiiuiiuie uuu uiiuugu passenger coacnes iron
l uuaucipuiu.
MUNIIUHV, UAZI.IiTtl.N .t U lI.lUll.ltltl
UAll.UOAII AM) MlltTII AM) Wli. Vi
lli' M1 114 I, WAV.
(Dally except buuuay.)
Wllkesbarre Mall leaves sunbury 10.00 a. m.
arriving at Bloom Ferry 10.63 a. tu., Wllkes-barra
12.18 p.m.
Express East leaves Sunbury 5.45 p. m., arriving
at Bloom Ferry 0.37 p. in., Wllkes-bane ,.58 n. m
Sunbury Mall leaves Wllkesbarre 10.10 a. in. arrlv
Ing at Bloom Ferry 12.15 p. in., hunbury 12.55 p, m
Express West leaves Wilkes bai re 2.15 p. m.; ar
riving at uioom rerry 4.15 p. m.,bunbury 5.11'p.m.
Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 9.25 a. m., nrrlvtng
at Bloom Ferry 10.14 a. m., Wllkes-liarre 11:35 a.m.
Sunday accommodation leaves Wllkes-Barre 5:15
11. iu., arriving at 11100111 r erry, 0.43 p. in., sunbury,
7:45 d. m.
011A. K. PUOH,
Oen. Manager.
J. It. WOOD.
(Jen. Passenger Agent
:0F 1 the:
FOlt Tim YEAR KNU1NQ MAUUll 31, 1880.
sv s
TUHFXY VttdllTAlll.h'.
IlondsdueAuglstiMsd. t 900
" " Jan " 137 700 (U
" " Feb " " too 0.1
" " Aug " iau 00
" " Jau " livs,, ... cou 00
11 11 jrci, .1 600 00
" " Aug " " CJO 00
" i6,vj. eat ui
' 'i " im. cwo)
" " " is'ji no no
" ' ' " 1 ilTJ 660 110
" ' " ' ism eso oa
" " " " 191 7(0 00
nv run ou
" " " " ls94,,.. 730 00
" " ' " 197. JlO no
" " " " 1SUS. ssO OJ
" " " " 1MSJ 710 00
1. il 11 il juxj. m Qj
Total Funded debt,,....
Ileal estate JC96 570 ui
131W 00
IVrsoual property. 13 821 ui
Occupations si no uo
Tntnl v.l inllin.
Two per cent, of tho aboVo
i lca-,9:io
Bal ot tax due on dup of it I
." ", nsa .
Duo from sundry persons ou aect,
661 39
196J 60
9 41
" j 11 iiununirg est.
DuotrouUIIMuleforsauio . 10
Duo front sundry poisons on old accts..
13 OU
5 49
I V5JI .
Duo tromrstntoot Wm Wcbli.contrlbti
tlons for opening Market st-i
heretororo Included In tho assets
of the town, Uu oworthlcss.
Orders ot lss.1 outstanding.. $ ts 49
" isi ,, si 09
" IW " .. 176120
J Kitrns. Jmlg. for In to leg 416 CO
11100m gns i.'o. juyg. no ii
Hen term. 1ss.t. for oul-
stiimllng orders tonm't
of H1S7.31, which nro H34 41
surrcnucreuioino town
and not nccounlcd for
by tho Treasurer.
Coupons of8V8I duo &unpd llg s.1
t 3.vsj ;o
1037 9T
Eteesa of liabilities over
NEWTON UOONIi Colleolor for 19s4.
To bal of dupllcato tor 13l.
19il V2
87 31
2019 46
By nmt paid Eva Hupert,
'treasurer. 1.1.11 73
Ily ami ot exonerations nl-
loneil on dup ot lsl.. Js 10
By nmt ot exonerations al
lowed tor lsss and ap
plied lu oil. nuii. of VI 37 SI
By bal nint al owei on dup.
nt '.-.:) and applied uu
dup of si 2 CI
nil "7
r,iH 39
Hal due on dup of M
t 3019 40
DAVID Wl.N.NElt, Collector for
To unit of duplicate for mi t 3;c9 86
By nmt paid Eva ltupert, Treas ....... f m)I36
lialdueondupot issi , 1903 m
t 2t(9 a
EVA ltCI'EliT.Treasurer.lor lsSUn account with
tlu lo.v 11 of llloomsburg.
To amount from V
P. 1111-
111,'jei, iulu iii;.iauiei.
To mnotint of tax loll lorsv
' state tax col
lected ou bonds
To nmt rrom Newton Boone,
collector lor M
To nmt trom I). Winner,
collector for si
To unit from L It ltupert,
Pres. lines nnd licenses
To amt lecclvcd oniicct ol
skating link license,,..
To nmt received for sewer
To amt received Irom sundry
persons tor hauling
rubbish, Aai
To nmt received s Trump,
rent tor park lot
To nmt received from D ,1
Waller for sewer pipe,
16 41
43 Ml
13.10 73
M6 36
32 (XI
12 00
211 (0
3 04
6 00
2.1 70
f 10015 01
70 1.1
Hal duo Trcns., Eva ltupert. ,
f 10121 50
EVA HUl'EKT, Treasurer for 1 w, in account with
the ton 11 of llloomsburg.
By amt of dup. nf David Winner, col
lecior for 's.i,betng unit uneollert
ed by Treasurer on tax roll ot V,, t 2769 so
By amt of bonds paid during year, viz:
Number 60
t 600 00
" 61
tUO (1,1
200 00
100 00
100 O'l
100 (10
100 00
1(H) 0(1
110 (0
140 00
200 00 23-.0 00
" 61
" 65
" 61
" S3
" S4
" M
" 97
" 11.1
" 12S
By amt of int paid
uuriug year vi:
Coupons 61.1 31
By order for lost
coupon No 11,
bOndNO. 11 3 00 616 33
By nmt 01 orders pd during
year 4297 91
By state tax on loans .11 ,7
By l'rens.'s com. on 73s.i, 19
per cent 109 27
73;.-. a I
t 10133 31
Bal from F P lllllmeyer.late
' Treasurer. 16 41
Amt collected by Treas. of
tax roll of 1S8-, 4720 96
Amt of stnto tax collected
on bonds. 41 s.6
Amt from Newton Boone,
collector for ivsi 1336 78
Amt from David Wlnncr.col-
lectorforls soo 36
Amt from L 11 ltupert, Pres.
tines nnd licenses. 3 00
Amtsknllng rink license. .. 1200
Amt from Samuel Trump for
nark rent .1 no
Ami from sewer permits 2 .13 00
Amt from sundry pemons for
hauling rubbish, &c .... 3 OS
Amt from D ,) Waller, sewer
pipe 31 70
Total amt of receipts.... 7JS3 19
I! Jaeoby, com. to Feb. 37, 1RS6.. $199 73
sundry persons for labor and
hauling , o0 81
sundry persons forlumber 42 31
" " smithing.... s ;o
" " hardware.,,. 097
" " none cros'ngs 43 11
Sam'l Neyhard. town surveyor. 31 21
l'ubllc water Hough 3 00
Arched culvert near Solleders
liou.o 23 03
t 1042 SI
,1 ,! Brower, rent, 1 April
1st, 86, Friendship Flro Co.. 30 00
Col. Co. rent to Jan. 1st, iss6,
for Hescuo II A: I. Co m yrs. 33 00
Isaiah, to June
1, ism, for Frlendihp engine so 0J
Wluona Fire Co rent to Jan 1st,
1M Stroo
Pd sundry persons for stars
repairs 17 90
113 60
.M C Woodward, high constable 71 46
s w Miutt, chief ot police .. 72 so
11 H Freas et al nsst police 31 90
W Knorr, cti. pollceln March.Sj 4 od
J A Funston, laying branch In
Filth street, f 12 VI
C W Miller,! 8 Kuhn et al exien
bloos in Cenlie, Iron and
Filth streets 971 ci
L B ltupert and Samuel Ney
liar 1, committee to consult
with V V Ingham as con
sulting engineer, of city of
Wllkes-Barre, expenses, In
eluding fees pall W v in-
gham .. is 63
Sam 1 Nejlinrd, preparing ordl-
dlnnncoNo30. 10 00
Sam'i Neyhard, serving notices, 3 41
Moyer Bros, cement 1 30
Elwell Blttenbender. et al.,
printing and blank books,. . 499
Samuel Nej hard, engineer. .173
Ilutclilns ic shoemaker, setter
l'lpe 0 56
179 S6
f 1072 50
(1 E Elwell.for Council room Jan
,, I.'mi COCO
Moier Bios to lockup to June 1
1SS3 00
S A Petrlkln and Anna D Bill-
meyer.tor Pound to Apr. is CO os 00
sundry persons, co 1 and re
pairs for lockup 10 7'j
Dentler, Webb and Housel, Au.
, '"tors. nix)
llloomsburg Water tu, water
rent to March 1, sii, 13 mos. fi?3 00
llloomsburg (las Co lor use of
gas 1 r. 91.1 30
ON iiattersby.cleauing Council
room 1 00
Sanil Neyhard, preparing nn
nual statement clerking for
auditors and making tax list 33 0,1
J .1 llrower.rug forcouncll room 2 21
John Mourey, sheriff, boarding
Joseph May, com. by Pret, 3 Oil
Lxpressageoninlnutobook.. ,, 23
Hepalrlng pump at Forks, 1 iu
MlnuiebooK, 831
(1 W Forster.servlng tax notices 11) 00
Samuel Neyhard, sec'y, u mos. lo no
SJ.r.'ck?aum'f""t'l.'blanksdo 8 50
O M Vandersllce, do 11 21
J O llrown, do 3 01
a A Potter, do 11 60
1. E Waller, solicitor, 33 00 t 2159 29
Total amt current expenses for year 4693 36
Pdonaoofoutstand'gor'sforha 13 23
tvu.vuiiu.. SOU W
Interest paid during )ear viz:
coupons 1 613 33
Order for losteoupon
No 13, Bond No 43. 3 00 616 31
State tax paid ., oi 77
Hi-usurers commission 11U37
4361 00
Total expenditures
- .-....,,,,, w viv
Tln.llml rtrilra u,A...I,n .... ...
Order No 301 surrendered" by 1
(las Cn , uncancelled Hi 51)
Balance due Treasurer. 70 15
Amt deducted from claim ot Col
6 86
Iaies amount enualllmr rocelntu tr-i.i ,0
SAMUEL N'EVIIAlIll Bnn'v I 11 liiliiL-,,T. ,,
tho unperalgned Auditors ot the town of
'''nurg.met Thursday and Friday, March 25
Tifm i.;.V ,TX,v'."".l"ly.u.'"'lodnnd
. . . v uv UJMUIO (.HO HUU1C.
1 11IV1.'LI
JOS OAHlflSO.N,' 5.
I-'. 11. I1RMTI 1.MI1 r
WO M'OUld fllrlhpr rrmr, Hint ,..,in.i i.
papers and putiUa archives of m0 towu
u5 s'v?ouia,r5i'H,y?tc
poi,it, andweurireuponthe council the necessity
pt the purcliawot a sale, tor the safe kieDiuK or
he wme, and would further ure Mirot"r index,
insot and purchase ot index Look for spidy ret.
.IOS. OAlllllhON
ELY-? Catarrh
Cream Balm
When applied Into the
nostrils will be absorb
ed effectually cleans-!
ling tno ncnti or
protects tho mem
unino ot llic nasal pas
saeea from ndilltlonnl
colds, completely heals
tho sores nnd restores
sensn or tasio nna
at a 1 imiiii or Snnrr.
.Appiy a pnrucie 0luaVi.t:rUI7D
tho Balm Into cachHAY "JPjSVCiff
nostril, A fow applications relieve. A thorough
treatment will erne. Agreeable to us -, wnd tor
circular. Piled so eta., by tiiullorntdrUKKlsls.
ELYBIlOlIlUKS, druggists. Owego, N Y
Anrs d rw
M Biaven laiiH il
tTH (HI LUntrpTfnvntlbe
most Tlulent HUrk i inxurw comf ortbl InfP.;1
. ..4i ms Bfifiov li ma al ant lima.1 I
F ' Ifan. fi. IaM. .VI Vaul.mnn
'ItwMtlrtljtMlortd lo heiHh Ij Gnntn Mhm
CBr Thf. it ton, mmiitgn, um
Otrmia Aithm Tor U ill yeo eUlm for It Il nfr
fiili. Irf. K. rt FitfTlin, Vrttntill; 8. C
-Hf bhyiktio f ecommeoJt A Qcnntn Aitbm Cnr. Il
cured me." Mr. M. l I rnc. tMnaanarrTf,
T.niudi tt etalUr Utlen lit. iik u; drnM
Jprmnn'Anthiiiit Cur lyoMtiT Ml drnB'-
of I'rica Irtal i'Biujo frr to any lultlreM for
Apl 33inos llAS.
more money than at anything cto bytnku
ing nn agency for tho best selling book out
llcglnners succeed grandly. Nono fall
Terms free. Hallkii Book c.'oPortlan
Maine. decl8 85.
for Infants and Children.
"Castorialssowelladaptodtochlldrentliat I Castnrla cures Colle, Conrttpntlon,
IreconincndltasBupcrlortoanyprcscrlpUon I nur Stomach, , Diarrhoea, Enictntion,
knowntome," IL A. Arccek, M. 1)., I KUU Worms, gives sleep, and promote, dl.
Ill So. Oxford St, Brooltlyn, N. V, Without Injurious medication.
' Tin Ckitach Coufakt, 133 Fulton Street. K. T.
wifiv nin mK
nun tiivi 01 luiuii
ciLEAPiE f mn mm.
A Large and
tofts, taiawMk &e
Call and be Convinced that you -have the
The Lowest Possible Prices
Hlomi$Bisij, Pa,
itamign audi Mt
AVIiolcaalo nnd
Iloiidnuurtrrs for
Storo nnd Warehouse", Nos. 120 ,t 12H Franklin
Avenue, No. 2 Laek'u Avtimu X- 210, 212 it 21 1 Cen.
ter Street,
The story oi' our Fashionable
Clothing at )rii'cs within tlu
reach of all, litis caught the at
tention of our young subject.
IIo reads that Yates it Co. give
money's worth every time and
llipir overilowing stock for Men,
Youths, Hoys and Children is
tlio best, in Philadelphia to
select front.
(502-004-00(3 CHESTNUT ST.
m) Tuif mm
.run urn oimouii
Varied Stock of
For tho Celebruted Chickerihg, Ivcrs &
l'oud, nnd Voso& Sou l'iituos. 'Worldre
nowneil Kstcy OrRAiis, Violins, Acconleous
and Sheet Jlusiu. Celebiuted White, New
Hlb'U Arm Dr.vls, New Hume, lloynl Bt.
John, and Light Huunlm; Domestic Sewing
JIuchiiies. Needles, oil and nttuchnionta
for all makes of Sewing Machines.
Hctnll dfalcrs In