The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 16, 1886, Image 3

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Brown's Iron
Tha "l hM MrhaMytawnutal Ibonmnitt
t.f tlini. " li'iwcaii Dmwn, Iron ftlttera tor Mery.
tiling I " Vt Ml. It nffun't. not It iloon core an, HIuim
Jot liloh reputable phyalclan would r.iiTll tMH
uralolaua rcsnlra Inn m tba lt ranoratlta
Mam anm.iivi.inii prnirainon, and nmTJ j ,
that thara ara mora rji-aparattona of Iron (ban of ant
rthcrlnlHiUnriiOfKiain rnadlpina. Tola ahowaron.
cIh.ItfI; tht Iron in ukncnrledtad to b tha mnat
Imp mam m. iwr in fbcvpmidi mmiitai rnractica, It a.
Kiwefnr R rmArktln furl, that prior to the 6 UvoV.
1; aallafactorr Iron eonuiotlmlhade,ar been found
hcadaebfl, or produce cxmaHpalloTV--nll othur Iran
rum IniUf nation, Illllonnfa,taUnaaa,
Iljnprpal. Malaria, Clillla nnd Favera,
Tlrrd I'eollns.Hetirriil I)rblllt;,Pnln Intht
Hide, Hark or I.lmbi.l Icadache and Neural,
ajln-fur all IIm allmanta Iron la pnaortbad dull
rot not. Ltkt til rtbr thcronth mcdlclnti. It aoU
pIowW. Whan t&ksu by tnjn th flrit wraptom ot
foflt ii npwM nrgr. Th maieloi thtn btonm
inner, tht dictation tmproTei. the bowyis x aottrt
In tromsn thtflot ! uiutllj mora rtpld tnd nuktd!
10 id cqhui nervuuinan
l nnrtin
ay, abundant
l for tht ol
ths II N I
tiemoinoer Brovn'i Iron
iron madlclna that la not
Injurious, t'hlticiatit am
I Drug'jUti r.eommmd It
Tba Owinlna haa Trada Mark and oroaaad red Una
on wrapper. TAKli Nil OTIIlilt. ,
The Columbian.
FRIDAY, APK1L 1G, 1880.
(UnULlT B4IIK01U Tilt tlllLI.
Trains on the Philadelphia A; It It. leave llupcrt
as luiiun a .
0:311 a. m. 11M9 a. m.
3:12 p. m. 6:18 p. m.
Tralnson tile 1). L. Y. It. It. leave Bloomsburg
B9 luiiun a .
0:21 a. m. 8:30 a. in.
10:'.n a m. 11.41 n. m.
2:20 p. in. 4:11 p. m.
6:,'lo p. in. 8:17 p. m.
Trains on tho N. SV. 1). Hallway pass Bloom
jerry 113 lunuivs ;
10:5.1 0. m.
0.37 p. III.
12:03 p. in.
4:15 p. m.
10:1 1 a in r,Ai p in
l'UDI.lC HAI.liS.
Al'itil. 29. Tho administrator of Eliza
belli Pcterman deceased, will sell vnlunblo
town property, nn Main 8trect,I$loomsburg,
lit 10 n, m.
Ariia 17. Dr. Shattuck will sell person
nl property at tho Sanitarium, near U. Ii,
& W. ilcpot, Dloomsburg, Including
carriage!, buggies, harness, u valuable
team of blooded young inapis, cow, pigs.
stoves, household furniture Arc, us ho will
no longer keep 11 livery, and expects to re
furnish the Samarium. See posters.
Ai'inr. 58. II. II. Hulme, executor of
Samuel Al,)lcinan, deceased, will sell real
estate on tho premises In llinton township,
See advertisement.
Found. Two lady's breast pins wero
left at I). Lowcnlierg'i about three weeks
ago The owner can have them by prov
ing propel ty.
Fon Kent. A frame house on Ferry roncl.
Inquire pf Oeo. K. Klwell. tf.
Foil Sai.b House and lot on Fifth street.
Lot 40 by 200 feet. Also a yaciiiit let ud
joining above Very cheap. Inquire of
Geo. K. Elwell. tf,
Foit Salk. A very desirable property,
on Market street in tho town ot IJlooms.
burg, I'ii. nearly opposite Hev. D. J,
Waller. Lot 01 feet lu width and 108 feet
in depth. An alley on the north nnd cast,
lot of I). J. Waller on the south. Market
street on the west. Tho dwelling house is
a largo two story brick with Mausard roof,
water, gas and sower drainage, a good
largo stable, good fruit, and good well of
Also 1 house nnd lot In Catnwlssu front
ing on 3rd street, above l'iuu street, a good
two story frame dwelling house with two
story kitchen nttnehed.
Michael F Kybkly
April 7. '80. tf. liloomsburg, I'a.
Foil Sale. Two houses nnd lots 011
Canal street. Desirable, cheap homes, and
pay well to rent.
Also, ono of the finest residences m
IJIoomsburg, corner of Fifth nnd Centre
streets. Having nil the latest improve
mcnts, steam heat, water, gas, water clos
cts nnd bath room. Good barn, fruit and
ornameutal trees, largo lot. A rare chance
for a fine homo. Apply to
J. II. Make,
Cor. Main and Centre Sis.
llev. .7. V. Bodlno has moved fioin
Fowlcrsvllle to Saddle River, N. .1.
Hev. II. L. Jones of Wilkesbatre preach
ed In tho Episcopal church on Tuesday
F. V. Hurris, of Voodtown, N. J., vis.
Iteil his friends In this section this week
Mr. Harris is In the druc business nt
Among recent callers at this ofilce were
F. Kovcr. G. W. Klase. Philip Creasy, L.
Girton, Conrad Hippensteel'B' F. Fonlk
Oscar Achcnbach. U. W. Farvcr, William
Mocre, W. II. Foust, John Gr h, D. W,
Tuomaj, Reuben Hess, I). C. lilaok, Jan-es
I. Campbell, J. W. Kitchen.
All the new styles of wall paper at Mcr.
Tho trout llahlng season opened ou the
M'Killlp, nrtist, moomsDiirg.
cous pictures.
Two hundred nnd eighty physicluns are
registeicd In Luzcrno county.
Call and seo the new styles for Spring
and Summer at I). LOWENHEIIG'3.
A solid night's enjoyment at tho rln
this evening (Friday) for only twenty-llvo
E. M. Tewksbury will ho a enndidato
for renrescntutlvo from the other sldo of
the river.
A beautiful Una of Norfolk suits for
children, boys and youths at
I). Lowenberg'u.
Dr. W. M. Itebcr delivered an interest
ing lecture on nnatomy, btforo thu pupils
of tho Hlglr'scliool on Tuesday afternoon.
Taper for the parlor.slttlng room and hall,
Paper for tho bed-room, kllchcn and nil.
At Mercer's.
Dr, Shattuck has on exhibition several
fine lncubators.ono holding over two tbous
and eggs, u pretty good sized hen surely.
Just rccolved a largo lino of whllo
shlits, n marvel of cheapness, nt
43 cts. each. I), Lowenberg.
While In New York reccutly, Dr, L. A.
Shattuck was tho rccipleut of a very hand
some gold-bcaded cane, presented to lilra
by his frlcuds.
Gents' furnUhlng.goods of all description,
and nil of tho latest Btyles.can bo hudt G.
W.Herisch's-a new Invoice of them Just re
ceived. Call and examine them before
purchasing elsewhere. "'
Strawberry and carlv mt,1,n
cheap nt J. Garrison's, fith street.
If you want a nohbv nml ivlli, ..,w r
clothing, and a fit always guaranteed, call
on 0. W. Ilcrtsch, tho tailor, and cxamlno
Ws new and fresh lot of goods just rc.
cclycd from the city. fjt.
Peter Kline, of Tnsrnln ivii.nli. Mtr.1..
lean, died suddenly of imonloxv on Frl.
day last, April 0. Iln WHS n lil-nllm- rxt ll.n
lMoCol. II. R. Kline, of Oraneevlllc. Ho
as about 07 Jears of age.
Johnny Nusj, only son of .Mrs. M. E.
ss, uieu on 'Iliursdnv morn nr?. !nt
cok, aged 18 years. Ho had been 111 for
several weeks. His funeral was largely at.
tended on Saturday afternoon.
Wc are frequenth oblleed to omit In.
tcrestlng correspondence because It la
crowded out by other matter that requires
insertion. e liopc our correlpondcnts
will understand tho matter, and not feel
Ribecrn Carmen, "of Denton. 11ns Inst rn.
ceived a largo assortment of nlllluiry and
fancy goods, consisting of tliu latest and
newest styles In everything In lier line.
l rica as low us over. Call and examine
her slock.
Mrs. M. E, Nuss desires to return thanks
to uie many friends who so kindly assist,
cd her durlDg the sickness and death of
her son j especial gratitude is duo Mr.
Mercer, druggist, for his assiduous ntten.
lion in the child's dying hours.
Don't fail to attend tho sale of stablo
property on Saturday the 17th at 1) to 13 n.
m. at the banluilum opposite the depot If
ou wish to purchase a pair of blooded
marcs, a good carriage, double or single,
uouuic sietgli, harness, cows, hogs Ac. &c,
An unsigned communication was rc
ceived at this ofllco on Wcdriesday, with
0 cents enclosed. If the writer will give
us His or her name, wo will "fix all mis
talics" and publish next week, or the
writer can have the quarter by calling for
it. It is an Invariable rulo of this ollice lo
publish no communication thai ha3, no
Saturday evening, on tho Lehigh Valley
Railroad, at a point between Centralia and
Ml. Carmel, Bernard Dully, aged 10, fell
under a coal train nnu had both legs hor
rihly mangled. Ho died 011 the way to Hie
Miners' Hospital. He was the only sup
port of his aged mother, nnd there Is a
probability that the widow will lose her
1 1
Dr. D. H. B. Brower dieil at Lock Haven
last week, Wednesday morning, aged
years. He was widely known throughout
the Stale, having bean editor of the Mon'
tour American, tho Slate Journal at Harris
burg, the Danville Record nnd Danville
Xac. He was elected r. member of the
Lcgislatuie In 1850 nnd served two terms.
Deceased was onu of the original organ!
ers of the Pennsylvania Editorial Associa-
Knrle, a Utile son of'Mr. and Mrs. It. L
Eslileman, died on S.itunhiy morning last
prll 10, 18S0, after an illness of about live
weeks. The cause of the sickness was
tiom teething, which finally resulted in
torming nn abscess in tiio brain. The
child was about 17 months old, nnd most
of the teeth nearly developed. allhoui;h
tho operation of lancing was performed for
every one. Tho funeral, which took place
on Monday afternoon, was largely attend
ed, Interment in Roiemout cemetery.
List of letters remaining In the Po3t Of
fice at Bloom6burg for week ending April
18, 1880:
Miss Jennie Butler, Miss Rachel Cole
Miss Saruh J. Doder, Miss Mary J. Hess,
Samuel Lain, Mr. John Long, Miss Lizzie
Mnsleller, John M. Quick, Esq , Mr. J. F.
Sunlmrv. Mr. Asa O. Tubbs, .Mr. Glen A
.Mr. M. D. Delchoif, Wm. A. Durham
Rev R. S. Taylor, Mr. Joseph Weiss.
Persons calling for these letters will
nlease say "advertised."
Gkokoe A. Clakk, P. M.
Don't full to see those elegant neckties
for Spring and Summer at O. W. Ilertsch':
just fresh from the city prices very low
for them. 2t
Farmers have commenced work with all
their might. Tired men, boys nnd horses
are visible everywhere.
Mr. Charles Eder and wife of .Nantlcoke,
recently married, spent four days of thel:
honey moon with his grand parents of this
place, Reuben Bomboy's.
Our miners had two raises last week
raNc of fifteen cents on their wages, and
ruiso of water that drowned them out for
few days. The first raise tickled them the
Supei visor Eyerly removed a largo slide
out of the road near Beagle's mill on .Mon
day. Ho received the notice In the morn.
11 g and promptly obeyed.
Uiuingst and Old aro making ready to
lay 2500 tile. A. Z. Fchoch of liloomsburg
is their surveyor. Selli Shoemaker, Ralph
Ivey and Mathlus Whitenlght are digging
tho trenches.
Thu young folks of tawu gavo Clark
Roat, their bachelor friend a pleasant cill
onSaturduy evening. A jolly time had
Miss Foulk of Bradford county, now at.
tending Normal school at liloomsburg,
camo home with MisJ J. .Moore oil Friday.
Pcrcivul Foulk is expected homo from
.Missouri this week. Tho railroad strike
nnd high water have beeu keeping him lu
The Spring and Summer styles in hats
and caps can now bo seen and had at G.
W. lieitsch's just fresh from tno city.
Please cull and examine them. St.
gioo.oo 111 lrlzcM.
We will pay $10 for the largest list of
words L'lvcn In the defining part or Vtcu
ster's Dictionary formed frem tho word
"Illustrated." $10 for the best temper
unco noem. 810 for the bust cotnlo poem.
10 for the best story of 1000 words, .-JIO
for tho best song and music. $10 for tho
host pen and ink sketch. 5 for tho best
three riddles. $5 for the nearest guesi nt
tho number of "nnd's" In our next (May)
number. S-5 for the most dllllcult ten ques.
tluns in Grammar, witli proper answers.
$5 for tho most difficult ten questions In
Arithmetic, (uot puzzles) with proper an.
swers. $5 for tho best poem by boy voder
12 years. $5 for the best story by girl ui.
der 13 years. 65 for the best explanatory
solution of, the question! "How oflcn, and
at what intervals has July 4th occurred on
Sunday during the Christian era V 5 for
thu best explanatory solution of tho ques
tloni "A man stnrts Monday noon) and
truvcls Westward, keeping up with the
Sun-where does ho first find Tuesday
uoon 1" Send 10 cents for sample paper
and conditions. A beautiful present with
each paper. Munyon's III. Woiilp, Phil,
adclphla, I'u. Agents wnnted. fa2-3t.
Wall paper I Wall paper I Wallpaper
Do you intend to paper a rsoin ? If so,
bo sure to call and seo our papor before
you make your selection. J. II. Mercer.
Letter from Mlntaotirl.
Mn. F.iifrnite. In mv elrcllns around II
ilronncd into Carthnco. Missouri. I fount!
quite a lot of folks from liloomsburg and living with John U. liulck Esq. at liupcri uurg, apru iu nnu 1a. nonornoio neon
vicinity, so I camo to tho conclusion of slnco last September, committed sulcldo nrd Rhouo, Worthy .Master of tho State,
giving your readers a small sketch of Jns. by throwing himself under a freight train Hoil" Mortimer Whltchcat, Worthy lite-
per Co. and Carthago. Its cllmato Is al-
most uniformly mild. The cool refreshing
south brerzo ins swav durlnir the entire
. .1
summer. In winter thero is nn nusenco or
tho Arctic wnves and deadly freezes as of
the Northern latlltudes. Tho tlovntlon Is
1100 feet above the sta, tho population
about 60,000. There aro 410,800 acres of
land, 404,040 ncrcs are tillable, possessing a
durable, fruitful and fertile soil, adapted
for wheat, corn, oats, grasses or vegetables
and nil tho productions of the Northern
States. Fruits of all kinds do well. The
wood Is healthy, grows rapidly and bears
carlv. There is an nuundnnce of timber
for ordinary purposes. During tho past 20
years the supply was lucrcased Instead of
Almost nil parts of the comity are un
derlald with lead and zlno or coal. Re
ports show that for several jearspast tno
State of Missouri has furnished more than
one-half of tho lead produced in the Uni
ted Slates. From this portion of the Slate
the has been taken.
Three large trunk lines of railroad trav
crso the county. There are about sixty
churches, many of them extremely hand
some and substantial. The public schools
are all good, substantial structures, well
furnished and well equipped. Education
Is well looked after In this county. The
hulk of the population Is made up from
the Eastern Slates, "who have como In
since tho war.
Carthage is situated on a knoll nnd com
rounds n beautiful view of the rolling
prairie aud is the county scat of Jasper.
Thrift at once leads one to to the conch:
slon that contentment has been cast amonK
the farmers. They are quick to see the ad
vantage of their selection nnd take a pride
in beautifying their homes. The populr.
lion of Cnithago Is 9,000. Located near
the ceuter of the town is n park. Sur
rounding the farm sides are found largo
substantial business houses. As a rule,
the residences are elegant. The houses
are nil set buck from the side-walk nnd
shade tiees are standing at intervals, form
ing n grove in each lot. There are 10
churches, many of them handsome as well
as substantial. The tall spires of many
are observed rising nbovc the suiroundltig,
and tell of a moral nnd Deity worshipping
people- No city in the State gives more
support to thclr schools. Tho schoools are
popular with all classes. Tlieio are five
buildings. Tho seating capacity is about
1,200, tho total enrollment, 1,020, number
of teachers, 21; the couise of instructions,
11 years, 0 are given to thu common
brunches. The public Improvements, such
as Vttt3r works, gas works, elcctiic light,
street railway, a largo and well equipped
lire department: wc find three daily and
four weekly newspapers; manufacturing,
two woolen mills, established 1882, Is at
ways running, sixty looms each, 0,000
yards wool skeim per week; Eagle .mills,
established 1882, hominy, grists and meal,
Cnithago mills, established 1872, capacity,
200 hairels per day, extra grade of Hour,
globe mills, established 1870, capacity, 800.
Flour o.ders nlwuvs on hand ut these mills.
They arc kept busy, no stopping,
Foundry and machine shops, established
1872: boiler works, established 1835; tho
City gas works, July, 1878; water works
for the city, put in during the Spring of
1 will give the names of former residents
of liloomsburg aud vicinity, Ac: Mr. E,
M. Warden, Mr. Mntt. Lcidy, Mr. Hal
Warden, .Mr. Wm. Ale, Mr. Jackson
Lcidy, Mr. Samuel Ale, Mr. Wm. Moore,
Mr. Wm. lluffer, Mr. Wm. Bowman, Mr.
A.W. Monroe, Mr. Clark Ale, Sheivly,
Mr. Nicholas Seibert, Berwick, Pa.; C. C.
Monroe, Simon Bistllne, Perry county, Pa
John Houck, James Monk, Wcntheily,Pa.;
Howard Brader, Wilkes-Barre; Henry
Sheesby, Dauphin county; Wm. Selher,
Juniata county; S. E. Wetzel, Snyder
county. These arc a few of many from
Any person wishing information about
this countiy, by nddressing any of the
above, all questions will be cheerfully an
swered. Respectfully yours,
John J. Monroe,
Ot Wllkcs-Buiic.
One hundred different styles of Dado
window shades at Mercct's. Price, 10 cts.
to ijl.r.0.
The newest style, tho largest stock,
the lowest price can always be had at
D. Lowenherg's.
l'.iiHt Ileitlon.
We know of no better way of developing
the social qualities of a neighborhood tliun
by making surprise (birthday) parties ;
especially for "heads of families. Last
Satimluy was our 00th birthday tinnivcr.
saiy. And on the day previous, at about
10 o'clock u. m. we wero Induced toaccom
pany our son-in-law to town lor some
groceries, when, immediately thereafter a
number of Invited guests assembled and
prepared a sumptuous icpast of nil the
d.mties and goodies" that heart could
wish, and patiently awaited our return and
reception. We were brought back pre
cisely at noon, nnd, on our way some par.
ties called to us "hurry dinner Is ready.'1
I'ho instant we arrived they called us to
(dinner) face our unexpected, kind and
usually quiet neighbors, but, on tills
occasion were given to some hilarity.
Although thu secret was not discovered till
we met our kind nnd astonished neighbors
in the event of falling to surprise us. Just
ask the assessor, Thanks to our kind
neighbors, come again and often
There was n good attendance nt tho Sun
day school convention ut St. James lust
"Thou shalt not steal." Had
tho boy been fully Impressed witli tho
divine Injunction he would not havo stolen
Billy Belles' wutch from the steam saw
mill at New Columbus. Ho was airestcd
and lodged In jail at Wllkesbarre. This
is another warning to boys who find it
hard to resist such temptations. Rarely
do wo hear of thefts by girls, But boys
often steal jewels even girls.
We never knew that an academic and
collegiate course made "Ignoramuses,"
"liars" and blackguards ot Its recipients
till we read the Heck and Turrell controv-
ersy In the Sentinel. If they tell tho truth
they are not objects of cuvy, neither lit
subjects to lead public opinion and in.
struct tho young, nor to gain tho admlra-
lion of tho fair sex.
Farmers are plowing,
drain is looking flue,
Measles aro still holding their sway
J, E. Snyder Is In Philadelphia this week,
Tho Literary Society Is in a flourishing
Albert Bowmun has started it school of
his own. A girl.
J. O. Wlntcrsteen returned from Medical
college with "tho papers."
Tho school board presented the town
3vlth n stova on Saturday,
Beautiful birthday cards at Merccr'a.
From ono cent to two dollars.
Htilclile nt Wtincrl.
Joso Francisco Kowshca, nn Indian boy
from tho Cnrllslo school, who has been
on Monday morning last, lie nau uccu
an Industrious nud willing, hand nnd Mr.
Uulck says no never nail nn occasion 10
.i . t .... .1 t.- t.- I
correct mm, aooui ten uuys utiuiv, o
had an attack of homesickness, nnd said
ho wanted to go homo and seo his motlicr,
Mr. Quick wrote to Captain Pratt, princi
pal of the Cnrllslo school, that ho had bet.
tcr write to thn boy nnd call him back to
tho school, which was done1, and Monday
was fixed by tho boy himself ns tho day
for his departure. On the morning of that
day Mr. Quick went with him to the depot,
nnd purchased n ticket for him, nnd whllo
wattlng - tho Indian deliberately throw him-
sell bolero n shitting ireigiu train, iwcivo
wheels of which nassed over his body.
He gasped once or twice nnd died without
a word. Ills aire was about 17 years. A
jury was omp.tnnolled by J. M. Clark Esq.
ot this town, and after hearing the testi
mony of several witnesses, n verdict was
rendered to the effect that deceased com.
milled sulcldo whllo Insinc, nnd entirely
exonerating Mr. Quick nnd tho railroad
company from any blame.
T lie boy seemed to have great fear of
being punished when ho reached Carlisle,
but Mr. Qu'ck-.wrotc a letter for him to de
liver to dipt. Piatt, saylug that the Indian
had dono nothing to he punished for, and
thu contents of the letter wero made known
to hlin. He had also said to Mr. Quick
that he would kill himself, but this was
taken only as Idle talk, and llttlo attention
was paid to him, as people who contem
plate suicide do not often tell of It. From
all the evidence the coroner's jury was of
the opinion that deceased had been of un.
sound mlud tor several days previous to
his tatal net.
The most stubborn cases of rheumatism
are cured by Keller's catarrh remedy. It
drives the poisonous acid from the blood.
It Is the wonder of the age. See advertise
Incut In another column.
Literary Siote.
Major General Latayetto McLaws, who
commanded the 1st Division of Longstrcet's
corps nt the battle of Gettysburg, will con
tribute to the Weekly iVess of April 21 a
very important article showing the prob
able consequences of nn assault if mule
by General Meade cither just after Pick
ett's repulse or at Wllllamsport. General
McLaws Is one of the few surviving olllcers
in Important command who can speak
with authority concerning Lee's plan of
battle and preparations to resist n possible
assault. Hfs article is u most interesting
and valuable endorsement of General
Meade's conduct of tho greatest batlle of
modern times, and will exert a very posi.
live inlluence In forming the judgment of
history. It will be preccded-iu tho Weekly
Press of April 14 by an authentic account
of tho movements of the two armies from
"Cemetery Hill to the Potomac," by
Thomas Robins, Jr., wiitten front papers
heretofore Inaccessible.
Many persons have catarrh in its first
statics who suppose themselves to" be trou
bled with nothing more set lous than 11 se
vere nnd atubljorn cold lu 1110 ncaii. .iys
Cream Balm gives instant relief from colds
In the head, and 11 llioiougli treatment win
cure catarrh. For sale by every druggist
in the laud.
The Methodist congregation of this place
are left without n minister. Roy. Byer
who was sent to this charge having been
recalled and assigned to Wetherly.
Miss Martha McIIenry spent a few days
visiting her sister Mrs. U. B. McBride.
Mrs. Samuel Townsend's daughters of
Ohio were called here to see their mother
who departed this life on Friday night the
0th Inst, aged OS jenrs; intermcntat Light-
street cemetery on Sunday. Rev. Riddle
0 til elating.
At present writing Mrs. Catharlue Oman
is still in a precarious condition.
Samuel Betz, nn old resident of our town,
but lately of Bloom departed ibis lite at
the poor house on Saturday morning last.
Alfred Irvln has engaged L. M. Kech-
ner ns miller.
.Mrs. W. Smith Is visiting at Lloyd Ster.
Al Zeigler moved to Alfred Irvin's farm
n Hemlock Twp.
Steward Driebclbls and wife of San Fran
cisco, California, surprised his aged father
one day las week by coming homo to spend
a short time with him.
.Mrs. Julii Diehl of Beaver Valley isvjslt-
lug friends in town.
A shooting match took place on Satur-
day ut Espy, one of our townsmen furnish
ing the hog. Bannls Henry or Oruugevlllo
was thu winner.
The light place to get your Spring suit
made up in city style, full satisfaction guar
anteed, is nt tho popular store of D. Low
enberg, tho merchant tailor ot Columbia
Fees of county OlMcerH.
On .Monday last the Supreme Court
handed down an opinion In the caso of
Morrison ys. Bachcrt.
This case was brought to test tho consti
tutionality of the act Juno 12, 1878, enti
tled "An act to ascertain and appoint fees
to be received by the sheriffs, coroners,
registers of wills nnd recorder of deeds of
this Commonwealth, except In counties
containing more than lfiO.OOO or less than
10,000 Inhabitants," It was contended
that this Infringed upon tho constitutional
prohibition of "local or special laws regu
lating the affairs ot counties," etc. The
court below held tho act constitutional on
the ground that the fees of county olllcers
could not be included under the expression
In tbo Constitution, "allalrs of counties;"
that the latter expression refers only to
such "as concern counties iu their govern
mental and corpoMtu, capacity," Tho Su
prcme Conrt holds that this Is loo narrow
a construction of the Constitution; that
tho word "affairs," as used by the f rumors
of tho Constitution, means "such as effect
the people of that county." Furthermore,
that thu act Is unconstitutional from its lo-
cul and special character, and, therefore,
null and void.
Tho act of 3 of April, 1808, which was
repealed by the act of 13 June, 18i8, le re-
lustaed by this decision of the Supreme
Court, and the fees of rrollionoiaries,
Sheriffs, &c, will now bo regulated by tho
act of 1808, which Is about oncthlrd higher
than that Just declared unconstitutional.
Scott's Emulsion of Furs
Cod I.UcrUII MltlillypupIiUHiililtcH
Is Hcmarkablo as a Flesh Producer.
Tho incrcuso of llcsh nnd strength, Is per.
ceptlblo Immediately after commencing
use tuo Emulsion, l iio e ou i.ive-r uu
emulsified with the Hypophosphltcs Is
most remarkable for Its healing, strengthen.
lug, and tlosh producing qualities.
Aak vnur merchant for O. K. coffee.
"- J " "
Pry It and you will uso no other. It
home roasted. Always fresh and has
j equal. 13
All Iitiporlniit MectltiKt
. . . . , , .
Andmportant meeting was held at the
olllco of tho lamer? l ncwl, Aiccuanics.
turcr 01 11.0 national urange, nun. u. n.
Thomas, Secretary of tho Btato Grange,
ami utiiur prumi.iieiii. meuiuui 01 wu ui.
.ln. rri... nn,ln , nntln.1
uu nwupumun uivuivrasna.i..
tor tho purpoio of taking decided nctlon
against tho proposed tariff bill, which, in
the opinion of farmers, discriminates
against the agriculturists of tho country
by admitting, frco cf duty, wool nnd other
farm products. Tho farmers aro united in
their opposition, and tho order of Patrons
of Husbandry will work vigorously for the
defeat of the measure. The order in other
States will follow In tho footsteps of Penn
sylvania. A Great Victory
A Torrlblo Caso of Scrofula
Cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
" In tho winter ot 1879 I was attacked with
Scrofula In one ot the most aggravating forms.
At ono thno I had no less than thirteen largo
abscesses over ami around my neck and throat,
continually cxwllng an oUcn-lvo mass of
bloody matter disgusting to behold, ami
almost Intolerable to endure. It Is Imposslblo
to fully describe my Bufferings, as tho caso
was complicated with Chronic Catarrh. After
thrco years of misery, having been treated by
three physicians, I was worso than ever.
Finally, on tho recommendation of W. J.
Huntley, druggist, of Lockport, I was Induced
to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. And now, attcr
having taken twelve bottles, within the last
twelve months, the Bcrofulous eruptions have
entirely ccaskd, and tho abscesses have all
disappeared, except tho unsightly scars, which
aro dally becoming. 'smaller by degrees, and
beautifully less.' I do not know what It may
havo done (or others, but I do know that In
my case. Hood's Barsaparilla has proved an
effective specific Indeed. As an evldenco of
my gratltudo I send these facts unsolicited,
audi am ready to verify the authenticity of
this cure, by personal correspondence with
any onn who doubts It." CiiAiiLES A. lton
eiits, East Wilson, N. Y.
This statement Is confirmed by W. J. Hunt
Icy, druggist, of Lockport, N. Y w ho calls tho
euro a great victory for Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Send! or book giving statements of many cures.
Hood's Sarsaparilla4
Sold by all druggists. 1 ; six for ?5. Made
only by C. I. HOOD 1 CO., Lowell, Mass,
IOODoses. Ono Dollar.'!
Please call and see our line line of cash
mere jerseys from $1 up. II. W. Sloan.-
All that Is needed to satisfy the public
that Phillips' broad is good is to give it a
If you want dress goods f any kind
go to Clark & Son's.
You can mako money by buying your
dress si'ks of Clark & Son.
Phillips' spacious Ice cream parlors are
opcucd. They are having quite u rush.
New black silks, Ottoman, Jersey silks
and Rhadamc. II. W. Sloan.
Just received at Mrs. C. E, Rabb's a fine
lot of new goods for spring trade. Call
aud see the new styles.
Ice cream at Phillips' Domestic Bakery.
by tne plate or quart.
We open to-day full lines of llght-color-cd
cashmere shawls, new gloves and ho
siery, at the lowest prices- Clark & Son.
Fon Sale. Cloverseed, timothy seed,
shotcs, calves and all kinds of lumber.
Boards, rails, 2x4, scantling, joist, plank,
lath, chestnut, hemlock nnd pine, Nos. 1,
2, and 3 shingles, pine boards and siding,
surfaced, white pine, yellow pine and hem
lock flooring, plastering, lath, pickets, &c,
at Lightstrcet, by Silas Young. m.20-2m
Wc havo a new kid glove, live hooks,
that wc will guarantee: If they break the
first or second time putting on, we insist
on your returning them back this week.
Colors, in a few days. H. W. Sloan,
Ready trimmed cheap spring hats and
bonnets from SI. SO up at Mrs. C, E. Rabb's
opposite Corcll's furniture rooms.
You should sec those brocade silks at
Clark & Son's for wraps.
Want 100 teams to haul bark now, to bo
unloaded in the cars nt the railroad, Also,
potatoes, turkeys, chickens, geese, ducks,
pigeons, thrltty, white, clean shotcs. that
weigh from 25, 30, 40. AO, 00, to 75 pounds.
Butter, eggs, nice green apples, cloverseed
and orions, nt Lightstrcet.
feb..5-2Jms. Silas Youm
More new buttons, fringes, ornaments,
loops, clasps, fancy beads, &c , at Clark &
Airs. C. E. Rabb has a lady assistant
from thu city. She is now able to turn out
all kinds of work at low prices. Crape
goods a specialty.
I. W. Hartman &
500 yds. new beautiful combination
colors, tricot cloths, with large buttons,
Ultia'S, Dim Will 113 1IUU 1I1US3 11 UUIIUU3 IU
75ct. colored cashmeres for 02 cts. yd.
20 different black dresses from 40cts. to
SI. 25 !yil, besides cashmeres and black
Best dark calicoes for Octs, yd.
Kxtrit nice Salines very low In price.
Lace curtains from 12jc. to 75cts. yd.
Dado curtains forOOcls. up, with best spring
fixtures and shade pulls.
Jerseys for $2.00 as good as last year's for
2 50
Dishes nt lowest living prices,
If in need of any of the above do not fail
to visit
I. W. Hartman & Son.
Is very prevalent at this season, the symp
toms being bitter taste, offensive breath,
contod tongue, sick headache, drowsiness,
dizziness, loss of annetlte. If this condi
tion Is allowed to continue, serious conse
quences may result. By promptly inking
Hood's Sarsaparilla, a fever may ho avoid
cd or premature death prevented. It Is a
positive cure for biliousness. Sold by all
When Baby wu tick, wa gava bar CaatorU,
When aha was a Child, aha cried for Caatorla,
3Vbea aba bacama Mlia, aha elunff to Caatorla, N I
When aha bad Children, aha cava tham Cwtorija,
Ueorgo Campbell, llopkinsvllle, Ky,
says i "Burdock blood bitters Is the best
preparation tor the blood and stomach
ever manufactured.
Mr, Speer, of New Jersey, lias a reputa
tion extending over the whole Union aud
In being n reliable producer ot
pure wines. His Port grapo wlno Is order.
en uy lumiucs in urcsilen, London and
Paris for its superior medicinal virtues, ami
Its blood making quality, owing to the Iron
contained lu tho soil in which the vines
grow. For sale by druggists.
Puro blood Is absolutely necessary in
order to enjoy perfect health. Hood's
Sursapnrilln purifies tho blood and
strengthens tno system.
You can't work '.o much mirnoso unless
you arc well, but you can build up your
iieaiui aim Btreng'ii wun riirKcr s Tonic,
and wont will then becomo easy, it sets
thu lungs, liver and kidneys in working
to orlieri rjoughs aud colds vanish before It.
iuku u in time.
At thirty-five tho average American (Us.
covers that ha has uu Infernal stomach.
and so goes into tho hands ot tho doctors
tor tho remnant ot his lite. Prevention is
Duller tlinn cure, but ur, walker's Call.
frtm o t. nnnania . Il.t.r) lantl. I
nrevent dv?nonsia. diseases of the skin.
no vcr uidneys, nnd all disorders arising
1 from bad blood,
How many bald lioada you sec. Work,
1 wuiiv, iiisuni;, (iisbiiiui iuii I uiau iiu ivi
hiker's llnlr ltalsam stops falllug hair and
restores gloss and youthful color, i.xcepi.
tonally clean, elegant, a perfect dressing,
not greasy. Prevents dandruff.
How Is your back f It It aches put on a
Hop Plaster. For crick, stitches, rheuma
tism, pains in tho side or hip, chest nnd
lung tlllllcultles or soreness in any part,
nothing equals this porous plaster for cur
ing tmln nnd Btrcnztlicnlnc. Fresh lions.
Burgundy pitch nud balsams combined.
25c. druggists,
Ladles will find relief from their head.
nche,C03tlvenes3. swimming "n the head,
colic, sour stomach, restlessness, Indigest
ion, constant or periodical sick headaches,
weakness in tho back or kidneys, pain in
tbo shoulders nnd different parts of the
body, a feeling of lassitude and despond
enr.y by taking Slminous Liver Regulator.
It should bo used by nil persons, old nnd
young. It Is not unpleasant, is purely
vegetable, nud Is not injurious to the most
delicate constitution.
AURANDS, Proprietors.
S. 1'. IIAGENHUOII, Ct.EitK. been furnished new
from top to bottom .
The proprietors, who took possession April 1st.,
ihave given tne place a complete renovating. The
travelling public will receive first-class attention.
Any one In want of tho
Glass Feed Fertilizer, Grain
Drill, Cider Mill or any
thing Manufactured by
the Company, can
get them of
apr. 1 IV Cms.
L. E. Klotz,
I (Specially adapted for communication In
For tho Counties of Carbon, Columbia, Le-
Hlgli, Luzerne. Lackawanna, aionroe,
Montour, Northampton, North
umberland and Schuylkill.
Also, Agent for the
jkman System o! Arc and Incan
descent Electric In
and Appliances of all kinds. Hotel
nnd House Anuunclators, Burglar
Alarms, Electric Door Bells,
Llghtnlug Arresters, Elec
tric Gas Lighting, &c.
Estimates given 011 all work on application.
P. O. Address,
CCSolicilors and Agents wanted.
The stockholders ot the Bloomsburg Sullivan
Ilallroad Company are hereby notltled to meet at
tho Exchange Hotel, In Uloomsbure, on .Monday
tho 3rd day Slav. iHSfl. at eleven o'clock lu the fore
noon, to elect officers of tho comnanv for the en-
suing year and transact such other business as
may require their action In the Interest of the
e-oinpauy ana oy autnonty 01 law.
JOHN JAMIhON, President.
Notice is hereby (riven that tho following ac
count has been tiled In the court of common l'l
of Columbia county, and w 111 bo presented to the
court on the first Monday of May A. D. 18), and
confirmed nisi, and after the fourth day of said
term confirmed absoluto unless exceptions aro
nlr-rl within that tlmo;
1. Tho account of liobert Mannon, Committee
ot the person and estate ot Martin Mannon, a
lunatic, of the Township of Madison, Columbia
Wit. II. Slta'DEIt.
I'rotliy's. ofllco
Bloomsbunr, I'a., Apr. 5,
) O. M. (JUICE,
i.; Deputy.
J the lumt oldiMt-
ih&il. benr-kiiiiwii NumerieM in ths coun-
in Mnt litor.l tarm.. IJ ncwiti.lfltl f&cllltlea
IT1( low. a. r nt-, 11 r-" J r.ainuiuru
I Hill. W. A' T. H'
.111-11. t.rni-vn. ra. T.
TTT A TTrTIT?Tl LADIES to work for us
11 AM AiJJV. at their own homes, , to
W 111) per week can bo quietly made. No
' photo paintlne: no canvassing. For full
n.l.iit tra nlnnun nrirlroe nt. nnin I If t'-il 'tfVT
particulars, please address at once.
Altr COMPANY, 111 Central St.
Box 5110.
Boston, Mass,
TO SOT lHs1!?
Avenow fully r4medJ my fo
Their widow:
'or heirs. 1
former business as
umim Agent lor pensions. Bounty. Hack 1'uy. fie,
1 correspond directly with tho Departments, be-
uuuwiimiBiifti iiiiiu in lusuingion agcntii. t
ask no pay unless tue claimant recovers excent
tho necessary preliminary costs. Those, entitled
lofimi Dounty underthe Act of l;s, under a re
cent decision, should be advised. I wll answer no
letter unless mere Is a return stamn. I cm e
peclal attention to men who enlisted ror three
years prior to July S3, lwit. who were actually
mustered Into ben lco for three years prior to
August fl. imii, and wero discharged for promotion
&v. i uii- uttessiiry teeurus.
apr.C-sj. Bloom&burg, I'a.
in nresents elien awnv. Send us
cents postage, and by mall you will
" value, that will start you In woik
that will at once bring you In money faster than
anything elso In America. All about the tJO-),iioo
In presents with each box. Agents 3vanted ev.
nrv.vhpiii. or either sex. of all nires. for all the
lime, or spare time only, to work torus at their
own homes. Fortunes for all workers absolutely
assured. Don't delay. II, Hali.ett A: Co., l"oru
land, Maine. decis 85.
"Who always gives you tho latest
styles, and cuts your clothiti tr to fit
you. Having had tho experience lor a
number ol years in tho ratlorinj liusi
ness, lias learned what material will
give his customers the best satisfaction
for wear and stylo and will try to
please all who civo him a call. Also
on hand
Gents' Furnishing Goods
Always of tho latest styles. Call and ex,
amino bis stock before purchasing else
Corner Wain ifc Market Su.
Bloomsburg, Fa.
By vlrttio ot sundry acts ot flencral Assembly of
tho Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, relating to
tho salo or Honted and unseaMxl lands In tho
t:ounty of Columbia etc. for taxes duo and unpaid
I will offer nt public sulo at tho court House, In
the town ot Blooinsbunr, on tho Bocond
nt 10 o'clock a. m. tho following described pieces of
land or such part thereof as may bn necessary to
satisfy tho amount of taxes duo and unpaid
against the same, anil continue the name from day
lo day ns the samo may bo found necessary.
TKKM8 Ol" HAt.K.
Tho amount ot taxes and costs must be paid
when tho land Is struck oft or tho sale may bo
void nnd tho property put up and resold.
No. Aches. Wakrintiiokownir.
400 " Baker, Jacob doe'd
1 lot Heaver, Charles.
!!" Heaver, Jesse .-.
si acres llrockway, C. II
108 "
st " ' and Abbott
19 " " "
lis " " "
Tax .s.
,.t 43 17
1 T4
5 21
.. 4 10
... in 23
1 9S
5 21
3 Oil
.. 6 an
,.. 0 90
1 M
4 4.'
... Ill Nl
3 lots
3 "
1 "
Brockwoy, C. B..
Hutt and U riser...
liok'art, Mury
iioyer, r. n.
lllOncrcs Columbia Coal & Iron Co
.Il'i Clark, Andrew
4!i ' Cox, C. 8. Ex. Tench Cox. .
I" "
Z73 " "
30" " " "
II 31
3 30
8 7s
111 II
IS 41
31 7fi
1 BK
lots Charles. Simon ,. ,.
1 Canon. M
ISO acres Davis, Isaac ...
in .-
7 77
7t l',ln, aniiiony ...
loti " Downs, Martin -
13 nn
imj " nanus, josniu
0 (IT
is " Downs. John
29 " Fisher, Sarah
2 lots nan van, a
-T " Fry, W s
3 " (ienrliart, Wm
r" llorfman. E. o
B (J
!i 31
5 SI
8 at
ii" Pardee and Jtarklc
2 ii llarner and Jester
s.i ai
s 71
on acres llauck, Jonathan
5 SS
3 3s
.1 07
5 S6
uoais, .jonn..,, ,
Boats, Charles A: John
lllnderllter, Karnh A.,
Hunt, Ell
Denny, (leo
Kline, A
Kochter.u. I
I lots
5 21
3 "
3 in
1 "
I 75
IievflH, Frank..
4 91
7 51
Laurence. W. K.,
soi) acres Mann and .stiller
3iio " Moore, Wm
13 60
10 12
10 05
IS 13
liio " Mcueynoiiis, n. w
inn ii Mlnlck, Conrad
13 " " rcecr
to uenj
4 lots Maston. Wm
1 DO
to acres Nungesser, (leo
U 4
a lots raiwrson, j. u
3 " Price. Clarence
K (.7
0 3".
23 US
27 CO
5 03
N Hi
lit acres nice. John
3,'iu " lllchart, Charles sr
4011 " "
7.1 " ' "
13- ' " " .....
n lots Itutiuord, Samuel co.
3': Itutliford, Samuel ...
2 acres xhuimtn, Thomas
4 41
10 12
asi " swank, Daniel
to " schwcppeniieiser, I. h.
3 Oil
m Miuman s. Michael ,
3 lots shlck, J. J
3 " smith. I. W
it acres Shuman, F, I.
7 40
.f lots r-cou, i-cier
1' astine, 11. K
n'i Valkenard. C. J
1 111
3 41)
10 3S
:) acres West B coal Co
3 0
r lots Wetzel, c. s
3" Hcrkhelser, Samuel...
S 117
s at
Ml acres Wheeler. Wm
3 3.3
2 " stiney, Martin
3 lots I'rout. Margaret ,
33 acres Miller, Adam
13 acres Atbertson, Clarence 1 20
in lKKison, ueo. ,
13 " wells, joun
1 no
9 73
2s acres clem, llev. W. T
1 ss
am Doty, l'caler J: Stewart
j) " " "
7 M
.3 C3
no "
!l 3s
'.( Ot 2() " "
i,-Of 150 " "
fofioo " "
!,-ofS50 " "
2 40
1 10
3 u:
1 s.3
3 37
2.3 acres K ans, Francis
jjj. Fowler, Gilbert
bii acres Freas, Wm. 11
II " Houck, Samuel
Sou " lieecer, Abraham
Kunger, i.i.zie .....
stokes. Olden
Trough, Henry estate. .
11 ' Eckroth, Ooo
51 acres Brobst, .1 s
7 on
so us
30 '
Weaver, Ellas
T 77
3.17 i
SsT '
Dornbach, Margaret 14 10
Kinicr, itouere
Newell, Fied
Yetter, Lewis estato
18 cl
30 1
Slf i
31 '
s '
IS i
S '
1 s
1 KS
4 70
3 23
3 30
1 OS
7 40
3 30
40 00
3 73
5 SO
9 80
1 93
Diddle Heirs
ciewell, Joseph estate
Krum, Ellas
Perry, Wm
Dower, Moses
Hagerty, James
Herrron, l'hlllp
Holmes, Thomas
Lehigh Mabanoy It, 11....
Walsh, David
1 lot
GerLruty, Thomas
steel, (leo. W
Mccaffcrty, Pat
Madden, Michael
LehtgU Mahanoy It. It.
1 CO
9 SO
5 5;
Loughlln, Bridget ......
Sweeney, Margaret
Kneff. John
l'ursell, John
(Julgley, Mrs, Margaret.,
3 20
1 01)
8 40
ticngnty, inomas
narreu Jiar
0 Ss-
Brennan, John 1 3s
Hem-on. Wm.,
llullcan, Klchatd
X " Kelley, Wm
i " Klerns, Patrick
1 " llanley, John (1
" llracey, (leo
3 " oorrcll A: Co
23 acres Adams Enos 1.
Slots Brobst Thomas
35 acres Conner, II. J. A; M. F
1 lot Dcrlln;, Wm
3 " Freas, Andrew estate
acres Fritz, Wm. estato
3 " (food, Jacob estate
70 " llagenbuch, w lu
in " llagenbuch, Wm. sr. estate,.
31 ii Hoffman. Wm. estate ,
1 lot Hess, Elite '
3 " March, llebecca
1 ' Nungesser, Sarah
1 sponsler, Jacob
1 acres Klrkendall Creasy
5 " Achcnbach, Samuel
439 acres Beam, Joshua
lots llrockway, c. 11
3" " "
3 30
7 30
I 00
1 31
3 29
3 21
862 59
40 53
21 SO
13 23
73 S3
2 5S
Breslln. Bernard..
. rciit'iuu. ..ueiHici, , .,
113 acres Huston. John ss K)
Fetteralf. .Michael,
Kline, John I.
49 81
1 lot
1 "
1 '
1 "
1 "
1 '
1 "
1 "
Kromer, A. w
Lelby, Kphrnim'.!
' Harvey
Mellen, Tt-omas
Millard, o. 11
Mcdulre, Terranco...
Morris, Anna B
Monroe, John
1 29
3 11
3 SS
2 3
6 I'
3 5S
.3 .31
' Ithawn. casner
38') acros Huston, Mary
102 00
40 so
61 su
61 3d
311 SO
17. " iiusiou, i nomas
liio ." Frlen. Jacob
100 ' " "
401 " Young, John
u " nieisu, ltooert
8 ' Walker, lwls
I lots Mourey, John
41 11 11 ,
4 " " " ,
20 acres Allegar, John 'Est'
2 55
1 IB
13 311
1 53
20 " I)reslier,;.John
.100 " Doty l'euier A; Stewart....
yi " Force A; Crawford
su i-nrteriieo....
M Harrison John
3 1
son " Hoffman & Freas
10 su
10 20
.3 10
w ' llulin Wm
300 " Kindt John A; Co
1 IU " b'lnon Thomas
en Mciienry 0, 11, & uaniei
17 " F. J
15 " Parks James II
5U Bobbins Win A
to " Blchurd Lewis
1 53
1 53
3 91
29 (15
111 " Ketch ait chailes
Ki " iionuius Kil
hi " Hutchison Tuos J
3 ' lvaler (loo
20 " Connor Maggie U
40 Cleaver Wellington
7.3 do Former Jonathan ,,,
I do Swank (lis)
5 da Vought James.
30 do Vougut E Howell
s-j ilo ltohrtuch Wm
t do Howell ll'm ,
11 do
Albcrtson Miles and Hartley..,,
i.'urry Johu -.
Slid da
2S do Fattei-sou M J
Campbell N L...
Mcrlde 111)....
.Seal 4: l'ursell .
llrlght Levi.,.,
Jones David....
50 do Flick (leo A
sou do do ...,
100 do Hess Benjamin
4 da Miller Chas II'.
21s do Miller a; Neyhart
216 acres "
15 " Kitchen, James W
63 " McIIenry, Bohr
5 " lieeler, J, It
so acres Dowalt, Oeo.,..
263 : Etcrharl, John.,..,
61 (leraglity, Thomas
23 'i Kline, John 1
30 " Longenberger, Philip...,
100 " bn)der, Jeremiah
25 acres Cox, Joel
Siu " Eves. Charles.
S3 ", llendo.-shotl, B
41 " lleldeurlwl, Tobias, ,.,
17 " Klsuer, James
55 ii lleudersliott. Erastus .,,
6 " (Uncles, T, ll
13 WHllver, Daniel estate,,
51 acres Brnckway Knt Ij)
7 urover, Anrou n ......,........ , '
11 11 uearhurt, Joseph . W
35 " llinderlller, Henry - w
in " Miner, 11. tt. estnte-.. J"
4 " mouser, umaiiuni
I Pennock, V, K. A: Co...... St 74
M) " ltlchort, Chorus -.. i
ins 11 . 12 0
I lco Shuman. Boubcn . W
L of 100 mnlck, Brobst, Ycttcr Hauck.. s w
Cil acres stiuman, John ... .. . Jo
Shuman. W. T.
E air
31 Ot
, 8 4!
- a w
Miuman, Miles .. ..........
Snyder, Abraham ,
swnru sticpp Co
Ycttcr, Isaac ..
Hartman, Manilas
15 acres Aten, Thomas. ,
1 w '
1 37
3 6.1
-Men, J. r.
Creasy, Henry
llendershott, Catharine,,
Jaooby, o, A
Kramer, A. W..........,.
Michael, John
Mostellcr, Jos
Xenstnger, Win
Nunccster, W, .1
Parks. James, 11. A; A. V
schwepiienhclser I. K
schwcppeniieiser, Horace...,
Schweppeuhelser, K 1"
swank, s. 11 ,
Williams, Samuel.............
Yolic, John H .
Yohe, Jacob estate
t v,
91 acres Creasy, Jacob
is " (Hger. Baibara
41 " Ncal, Win
ss " Itainsey estate
57 acres Crousc, Illram A; Andrew Jr..
10 " Jarohy A- Itupeit
10 " Jacoby, Samuel
in " Shaffer, Mathtas
1 SO
4 44
1 05
2 92
2 97
Hi acres Evcrllt.Onbrlelritnlo 230
su " liagciibiich, Jeremiah ..... 101
IS " Hess, Jeremiah., ., lu.3
USX" Jllrllay Ijevt. 3 90
,'j lot colenmn (lco n .. 27
SO acres Patterson MB 3 43
Sltler MlchucL 13
Kltuo Jacob dee'd, i 10!
FrlckOeoA ,.. 12 70
Miller X. Cole .
1 :l
Weatherel Clark..
lloberts A: Colo ,
Bobbins TD.
(ireenlcy James ,
1 60
1 00
1 ss
1 71
18 311
1 2.3
2 HO
IS 23
A It
0 4rt
SW till
3 IS
1 4.3
17 I.".
4 911
2 4.3
1 91)
1 9C
12 )
7 .
1 18
20 30
1 13
4 41
a 33
It on
1 is
20 30
21 SS
8 70
7 tO
6 511
Barnes ThosJr .
Confalr Klce ,
Cox o S Ex ot Tench Cox..
Dllapl.tln EzcMcl..
Huston .onn .,
Morris A Hughes..
Mlndy I ewls...,
Belcliart Charles..
Kaub . I Miller.
Natlnger Jonathan!!'.','
Shcltenbergcr Thomas. .
Wltchey John
Yocum Isaac ,
Yocuin Elijah .,
Yetter Lewis Est ....
Trlen Jacob
Shoup Abraham
Beaver (lco A: J I, Kllne...
Llttlo Itobert
Morris ,t Hughes
Melllngton Wm
fckato llenry ......'.!."."'.'.".
Bellas Wm
Buckalew James Est...
cole LVeklel
Cole Thomas B
chapin J P
Chapln J F
Custer Mary
llcss Jos o
Hcs Crevrllnz A: Co
4 of 119 Hess rtcsley.
X of 119 "
of 119
19 ncrcs HartinanJessc...
Harvey J VK M Smith..
McIIenry Itohr
Savngo Joshua Est
McIIenry E J
" Job n J.'.",',' ',', ',..!.'.
Buckalew Evan..'!'.".'.'.'.'.!.'.
i rnnr.' nii.Mia mil'
S ! Seated lands in Columbia
county, PA.
AlsO the following lota, nieces and narcels of
seated lands returned by the tax collectors are to
be sold nt the same time under the provisions ot
an Act of Assembly entitled "An Act relating to
the salo oflands ror taxes in Columbia county,"
approved March 5th, lsos.
No. Aches. Waiikantee on Owneii.
1 30
6 30
30 40
3 or,
39 3.3
. 10 00
6 00
21 55
13S 72
1 67
1 79
33 51)
5 04
1 30
3 50
D 12
, 19 10
1 lot Losee, J. A. agent
1 " Maston. Wm
4 lots Barnes, Chas. It.
1 1 t McAfee. John
50 acres Barnes, Chas
d lots .Maston, Mrs. wm.
2 " Selnt, A. 11
s acres Ahlcman, Charles
in " Marklo Bros, is co
317 " Miller, Longenberger Fisher,
8 " Baker, Jacob sr.
4 " Sherman. Thomas
lis ii Caso nnd Wolvetton
il " Bredbeuncr, (ildeon .,
Albcrtson, Samuel It
lleacock, .Samuel
Walter, Norman
l'ursell, Ellsha.. .
2 lots
1 '
4 acres Klefer. Jacob estato
10 " Price, Jonas
1 lot Lsngdon. Mrs. Thomas dee'd ..
1 lot Brown. Wm
11 "
201 "
111 "
130 "
1(0 "
40 acr
12 "
(ill "
375 '
2.3U "
11! "
HI "
10(1 "
112 "
5.S ".
141 "
los '
40,1 "
40 '
1,0 ii
70 '
210 "
S3 "
20 '
:is '
42 "
00 i
Nl "
500 '
20 '
III ii
15 "
9 "
tun "
: "
is "
M "
40 :
SS0 "
2 'i
2S "
123 "
505 (13
219 Of
42S fl)
6 81
asi acres cummlngs. It, M. A; co
lllll i I'urrt. Kllen ...
Murnhv Hushes A; Co
400 acres Nathaniel Brown tiact
101 licm-on, pinup
" Oulnn. Catharine
H " Koons, llenry
ii " Morrison, James
18 acres Keller. John W
lot Buss, Anna
1 lot I'tlklngton, P. K
si acres Moore, Ijifuiette ..,.. ..,
si " Moore, A. L
S3 acres Thomas Slate t:o
X lot Marsholl, Win. S .,,,
I " Fuge, John
10 acres (illlaspy, Wm. estate
lot Vanhorn, Wm
1 14
1 93
2 10
4 9.3
. 47 53
1 1.5
. 2 11
. 11 70
1 01
3 7S
1 Sti
. ixill I
..,,1.6 21
6 10
3 I'l
3 00
. 13 75
, 1 St)
110 acres Chamb'rlaln, Lewis.....
7 ' iwh, Ellen
31 " Young, Lew lst
15 " Keller, Jacob
s acres lihoads, Susan
170 ncrcs Tromboner, A. C.
lao Ktes, Charles W
(0 " Eves, CluHe
11 " House' and Ki-om
170 Hill, Jesse
70 " cox, Wm. II
'il acres Blltenbender, Conrad
1 lot Kelcbner, Jacob E.
15 acres Bentleld, Thomas
31 ' llower, Charles E.
t7 acres Crouso, Nelson
a 00
3 C3
125 acres Bobbins, Joshua
iblns. Joshua T BS
ltlchle. Jacob 3 36
3 DrclblebLs, Jacob estate 1 90
s ' Drelblebls, Joseph, SI
in ii Evans, (leo 10
5(i Kline and Patterson..... 18 00
M " MenlenhalL Ellas as 35
sol " do do 11 62
ll I
443 ' Welsh, Abner 7S 50
50 ' ltuuyuu. Ezru estate 123
so " Parker, John 11 2 40
7 acres Columbia Ltmo Stone Co... ..... 4C is)
o acres 1 less, LaMna , 40
40 " Kuan. John I. S 15
3 00
1 11
3mi ' croveling, J. 11 20 so
11 " Albert son, Jesse. 1 20
Treasurer's ofilce, Uloonibbiuv, March 29th, isse.
April 2, lso-2m.
i 50
Send 10 cents postage, and we will mall
you ret) a royal, valuable, sample box
of goods that will put you In the way
of maklni; l.-iorif ihoiuhj ut once, than
4 M)
2 2.3
3 80
anything else in America. Both sexes of allure
can lHout home and work In spare tune, or all tbo
111111-. v uuiiai nut leiiuinxi. nu w in blurt you.
Immensupav sum lor those who start at once.
STINsoN CO., I'oulaLd, Me. (noviuiy
1 41
J ttssure, itching, fistula, Ac., cured without
2 53
1 uu
pain uy tuu iwiinxkhiioi'I'thkaiuemt. iiiustratea
papers exulatnlnir the system aud eoutalulncrel-
1 10
erenees sent free. Address
208 Wyominy Ave, Soranton, I'a.
5 IK)
.naicu is.oins.
6 20
1 01
S3 10
31 91
I 12
Our readers for 12 cents In postage stamps to
Fay ror mailing and wrapping ami names ot
wo book agents, will receive FltEE a steel
Finish Purlor Engraving of all our Pit LSI
DENT'e', Including Cleveland, size 23x28 Inch,
worth 11.00.
Address Eider Pub. Co.,Chicago, III.
10 60
I'l 10
3 61
4 90
I 1)0
Ct 50
te annual meeting of tho stockholders ot the
North and West Brunch Hallway Co. Is called (or
aucit itauwai
lsso, at 11 o'cl
Tuesday, April 2
-, April 27, isso, at 11 o'clock a. In., al 23 1
Founli street, Hilladelphla. Election tor
soutu txiuriit si
rresldenl and Dlreelorte same
1 uuy
v and nlace.
aprv 31.1
! 40
3 OU
1 35
2 in
7 70
10 20