The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 16, 1886, Image 2

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The Columbian.
tll. "
0 E, Elwell, I vju..,
J. K.BlttenbWw.J4"0"'
FRIDAY, AVllUi 10, 1880.
Secretary Manning U rapidly improv
ing, and his speedy recovery is now
looked for.
Up to this tlmo tho investigation of
tho telephone caao has given thu re
publicans no political capital. Nothing
has been discovered that in any way
reflects upon attorney-general Garland.
(From our Regular Correspondent.)
Wasuinoton. ). 0.. April 12, 1880.
It is to bo hoped the creditable work
done by Congress during tho week is
an earnest of what is to follow for tho
next three months. When tho Scnato
Voted to erect a building for tho Li
brary of Congress without one dissent
ing voico, tho Senators wcro so much
gratified that many of them wero seen
to smile.
Thirteen Democratic Senators voted
against the admission of Washington
Territory as a State, after paying tho
female votora out thero a good deal of
attention. Senator KubUs feared that
when the women became U. S. Senators
they would tell all tho secrete connect
ed with oxecutivo sessions. Senator
Heck held that tho women would never
bo old enough to come within tho con
stitutional limitations as to ago.
Tho newly appointed Senator from
California, Mr. Hearst, was escorted to
tho Capitol by his millionaire colleague,
Stanford. After being sworn in, ho
took his seat on the Democratic side,
and cast his tires voto against tho ad
mission of Washington Territory. Mr.
Hearst makes another addition to tho
already long list of rich men in the
Senate. His daily income is said to. bo
about $1,200. Ho has been represent
ed by bis enemies as simply a man of
money, though there are prooaDly Jew
men who depond less on wealth and
position than he. Ho sunk a good deal
of his money in order to give the Dem
ocrats of his state iho San Francisco
Examiner, a daily paper in sympathy
with their views. His only son has
chosen journalism for his profession.
After familiarizing himself with its de
tails by beginning at the bottom of the
ladder, ho oxpects to take charge of his
father's paper.
The House of llepreseutatives also
voted for the Congressional Library,
voted to pension the Mexican veterans,
all that is left of them, and besides
passing half a dozen bills of more or
less importance, defeated the Blaud
bill for tbe unlimited coinage of silver.
That probably settles the silver agita
tion for the remainder of the session,
leaving the question whero it was at
the beginning ot the winter.
An employe of tho Government
Printing Office surprised me by saying
tho demand for speeches on the silver
question for campaign purposes was
greater than for those on political sub
jects. The largest order received this
. session by tbe Publio Printer was for
William L. Scott's speech in support of
a compromise on tho silver question.
Mr. Scott is from Pennsylvania, he is a
Democrat, is the wealthiest man in the
Lower House, and has been mentioned
as a possible successor to the Bick Sec
retary of the Treasury. The next
largest order was for Senator Beck's
notable speech on silver, which bis
been called for by members of both
Despite the fact that the President
has been warned by physicians since
Secretary Manning, was stricken down,
he takes no more rest, reoreatiou, or
exerciso than before, but keeps bard at
work. His habits of labor seein to be
so fixed as to admit of no change, and
ho tells bis friends ho knows what ho
can do, and that there is no use talking
to him.
More strangers have visited Wash
ington during tho present season than
any previous one. They came in crowds
to tho White House daily, and Mr.
Cleveland's hand shaking receptions,
which occur every other day, are at
tended by hundreds. Miss Cleveland's
receptions throughout tho season were
very largely attended. Somo of them
were Buch crushes that the crowd wai,
at times, admitted three or four abreast
and extra guards wero employed to
keep the people in order.
Curious incidents have oucurcu on
some of these occasions. For intance,
a White House usher woa assaulted by
two women because he would not ad
rait them last eaouuh. lliev were
tall, muscular women, aud they bruised
the man badly. It was the intention
to arrest tho otlenilers, ami turn were
pointed out to a policeman, but on
second thought thu matter was allow
ed to pass.
Miss Cleveland boro her part during
the last social season with n great deal
of credit to herself. She showed much
good sense and kind-heartedness. At
her last reception, after' she had been
shaking hands with thousands, and
was necessarily very tired, tho publish'
ed hour for clos'tncr the houso arrived
There was still a long lino of peoplo
waiting to pay their respects. Iho
guards started to close- the doors, but
she ordered them leit open until all
who had como had been admitted.
The Strike.
East St. Louis is occupied by the
state militia, anil martial law has been
declared. Trains are protected by
soldiers, and the striking railroad men
are quiet. On Friday last thero was
blood shed, when several Deputy Sher
iffs, who had charge of tho Louisvillo
and Nashville crossing near Broadway,
fired into t crowd of threo hundred
strikers, killing several and wounding
others. Toe Deputy Sheriffs were all
armed with Winchester rilles and re
volvers. There wero fourteen rifles
in tho patty aud many of the men had
two revolvers, eaeh man having at
least one. They Bay that they wero
guarding a Louisville & Nashvillo coal
train ul tho Broadway crossing when
thev were assailed by a crowd of about
threo hundred men, who wero gathered
there. Stones wero thrown at thcin'
-and thoy declare '.hut a couplo of police
officers headed tho mob. Tho Deputies
opened pre ou the mob nuu made then
escape. They claim that somo shoot
ing was also done by tho crowd. The
shooting excited the mob to a higl:
pitch aud $32,000 worth of railroad
property was destroyed by fire. Tho
militia was then ordered out
Testimony taken at tho inquest held
over those killed on Friday goes to
show that tho deputies tired on
deputies tired on tho
crowd without sulhcient cause, lhey
wero uo better organized than tho mob
. i 1
uut moro dangerous pevuusu uriueucry, lur which uiuy can nuu no eaiu
with rlllcs mid revolvers.
MaHter Workman T. V. l'owuerly
was recently called upon by n reporter.
Tho Labor chief rofused to discuss tho
subject, but it is understood that ne
gotiations nro iir progress for nn early
settlement of tho dilliculty. Tho bc
liof is nuito ircncral that .lay Gould
'was anxious to havd matters brought
to a climax after tho Now ork con
ference, but that Hoxlo proved a
stumblim? block bv tcnderintr his resit:?
nation to Gould unless ho could havo
absolute sway in ai ranging thu details
of settlement. Tho Executivo Hoard
of tho Knights of Labor is arranging
for iho appointment of a committee of
tho order to investigate tho causes lead
ing to tho Southwestern Btrik.', with
tho view of making an iinpaitial le
port for publication.
Air. l'owuerly reels that sucu au in
cstication will brine cood results and
hopos Congress will appoint a siinilnv
committee of independent, iinpaitial
and fearless men, who will make a
thorough inquiry into tho entire sub
ject for tho purpose of bringing it be-
loro tho attention oi trio country, ue
feels that the question is sufficiently
gravo to demand a Congressional in
vestigation, especially after tho tragio
events of last week, and even if thero
should bo a settlement that tho peoplo
have a right to know who is at fault
for a coudition of affairs which has
ulminated in tho shedding of innocent
A Physclan lined for Non-Registry.
Dr. John Kge of Heading, is register
ed as a regular praetitiouer in that
county. Somo tinio ago one of his
patients residing in Lebanon County
was visited, ami JJr. lige was prompt
ly arrested for practicing medielno a-
cross tho county line, not being regis
tered in Lebanon County. Dr. lico's
counsel, maintained that tho stato law
required a doctor to bo registered in
somo ono county to show ho was a
regular gtaduatu and practising phy
sician, and that tho law did r.ot con
tcmplaU that physiciaus should bo
registered in every county they havo
happened to visit professionally. Judgo
Mol'herson hold tho matter under ad
visement for somo time, and finally con
cluded to fine Dr. Ego S1U0 and S5U
costs. Tho caso will be appoaM to
the Supremo Court.
Tho law requiring physicians to
register was intended to protect tno
legitimate medical profession as well
as the public, from quacks and frauds
anil bogus diplomas. siioinu mo on
prcmo Court sustain the decision of
Judgo MoPhcrson, tho law ought lo be
amended at tho first session of tho
legislature so as to allow physictans
who are regularly registered in any
county to practico their profession any-
WUVili 111 LI1U BIUIU. 11V in.-nrn. i-
tornretation of the law prohibits' thu
most eminent doctor in Philadelphia
from being called to any other county
as a consulting physician or to perform
some delicate surgical operation, with
out hist pioducing Ins diploma at tno
county seat, and being registered in
such county. This is often very incon
venient, and tho delay in some cases
might be fatal to the patient. Laws
of this character are not intended to be
uiurious to the public, and if they are
susceptiblo of 'an interpretation that is
clearly against the- publio good, they
ought to bo amended at the earliest
possible moment.
The Labor Problem as seen by a Labor
ing man.
Mit. EniToit. Wo hear so much talk
and seo so much in print about protect
ing the laboring man, that it strikes
me the thing is rather overdone.
1 do not know any class ot people
better able to protect themselves than
tho laboring man. But I do not think
that labor unions for tho purpose of
forcing wages up to a certain point
is tho proper way to do it.
Tho price ot labor, .like larm pro
ducts and manufactured articles, will
always bo governed by the law of sup
ply and demand, lney who depend
upon others lo find thorn employment
must be content to accept the wages
that employers are ablo or willing to
give. Capitalists are not willing lo in
vest money in business, unless there is
a prospect of some profit over and a-
Jjove tho amount expended for labor.
This will appear reasonable, when wo
tako into consideration tho lact, that
they aro always liable to meet with
losses. I fence if without accident thero
is not a prospect of somo profit, there
is a very good chance or being worse
oil by doing business, than by lying
idle. When such is tho case employ
ers will insist, and justly too, on a re
duction of wages or a stoppage of their
works. ,
Now I as a laboring man, ask any
aud every fair minded laboring man,
whether wo cannot support our families
better on low wages than we csn on no
wages T
Tho question admits of but ono ans
wer. There is a possibility ot wages
being so low that a man cannot sup
port his family comfortably ; but such
is not iho case at tho present time, it
is true that we cannot afford to ride in
a carriage, nor furnish our houses as
some of our wealthy men do j but theso
things aro luxuries and not necessary
lor cither health or eomtort. lint, my
fellow laborer, docs not our failure to
suceed in life arise from our desire to
indulge in luxuriest Do not many of
us spend enough lor cigars and ueer,
which if saved and prudently invested,
might m a lew years secure us a com
fortaule homo T it this is thu case is
not our poverty the result of our own
prodigality! With a little healthy
aud well directed economy might not
hundreds yea, thousands, ot our labor
ing men bo comparatively independ'
It is no uncommon thing to seo em'
ployces in various branches of industry
spending ten, fifteen aud twenty cents
per day lor cigars or drink oi some
kind; and this amount is frequently
doubled. Now the man who spends
fifteen cents each day aggregates an
outlay of over fifty dollars nor year.
This amount properly handled would
in n few years enable him to leave that
class of 'laborers who depend upon
others lor employment, and engage in
homo business for himself.
If this theory weru acted upon, tho
number of men seeking employment
would bo greatly diminished. This
would givo those still in tho ranks moro
steady employment with an increase-
ot wages. 1 herein consists the labor
ing man's power for self-protection.
And my fellow laborers, this will
provo lar moro ciicetnai to secure
steady employment at living wage,
than strikes, labor unions, or any forcu
mado uso of to drive from the mines
or tho shops those who are willing to
work for less wages than wo think wo
can attorn
While- thero aro moro mon seeking
employment than the business ot th
country demands,' wo must expect first
a reduction of wages, then n stoppage
oi machinery aim mining operation
I Capitalists will not construct machlu
I e , . .1 i i .
or mino uoa", for which thoro is no
1 onco read a receipt for getting rich,
and as I think it a very good one, I
will givo it here. Spend each day a
little less than your income If wo all
adopt this as our guide, wo may soon
bo capitalists ourselves on a small scale
and could better seo tho iujiistico nl
the laboring man's demand for wages
higher than our business would warrant.
This is no visionary or impracticable
theory. Wo cap all point to men who
have been employees on tho farm, in
tho shop or In tho mines, and nro now
working their own farms, Bupei intend
ing their own shops or arc doing some
business for which they furulsh tho
Many of our most reliable men com
menced business for themselves ns
laboring men, nnd in eomo instances
worked for very low wages. I was
talking with an old gentleman a short
time ago, who told mo that ho had
saved fifty dollars in ono year while
working for thirty-nino cents per day.
With equal economy thero is nothing
to hinder n young man of tho present
day from saving double that amount,
as the necessaries of lifo nro cheaper
to-day than at that time, and wages
aro uearly double.
Tho truo and sure way of breaking
down monopoly is for "every man to
aim at bo Ing himself nt tho head of
somo useful industry- Capitalists will
bo obliged to divide their business with
those who are willing to add uiusclo
and brain to their capital in order to
secure men to carry on their work.
When every intelligent man becomes
an operator no matter on how small n
scale, wo may safely invito John China
man to como over, no matter how cheap
he is willing to work. Congress will
no more havo to pass stupid laws to
drive cheap labor from our shores. I
do not expect my ideas on this subject
to make any sudden change in publio
sentiment; but it may bring out some
opinions, which will throw more light
on the question.
Yours truly
A L.MlOllKlt.
Orangcville, Pa.
Mr. Leonard Dolltnan a brakeman
on tho P. II. It. 11. had bis arm serious
ly injured last week.
Mrs. W. G. Evans a respected lady
of this place was interred in tho Orecn
wood cemetery on Friday of last week.
She was a consistent christian and a
member of the Methodist church.
Pay day last week mado tbe mer
chants smile, and tho laboring man to
give his family a fresh supply of pro
visions. Tho schools close this week with a
fair and entertainment.
Tho river was high tho past week
thu water running across the road on
the other side of the road bridge.
Tho Tank U. B. church will hold a
magio lantern entertainment in Mason
ic Hall on thu ISth in.-t. for the pur
pose of paying church debts. It ought
to be well patronized.
Memorial day will bo observed ou
the Saturday previous. The exercises
will be of an interesting character and
Geo. II. Troutman Esq. of llazleton
will deliver the address.
The ladies of this placo met on Mon
day evening at tho G. A. II. rooms for
tho purpose of organizing a relief
Tho mail facilities on the L. & B.
H. It. aro better since we have two
mails each way in one day.
Mr F. L. Thurmau inltnds fencing
his new cemetery as soon as tho weath
er permits and.ho can find time.
Oouucil Proceedings.
Bi.oo.isi!Uita, April 9tb 1886.
Itcgular meeting of council. Presi
dent and all tho members present. Up
on motion the council proceeded to the
election of officers for tho ensuing year.
Samuel Neyhard was elected for secre
tary for tho ensuing year with a salery
of 10.00 per month. William Chris-
man, Peter UUliueyer and jUiss
Rupert wero nominated for treasurer,
Mr. Chrisman receiving the highest
number of votes was elected. Tbo
compensation for tho treasurer was fix
ed at 1 per cent, as heretotore. llio
compensation lor commissioner of
highways was hxed at sl.ou per day
and tho following named persons nom
inated, Enos Jncoby, C. It. House!,
Klijah blmtt, nnd Wm. J. Bidlcman.
Mr. Bidloman was elected. Tho salary
of tho town Solicitor was fixed nt $25.
and L. E. Waller and J. B. Hobison
iiofniuatcd;upoh vote called .T.B.Robison
was elected. Tho compensation lor
High Constable was fixed at $30. and
Al. V. Woodward by unanimous con
sent was chosen. Dr. W. II. Mcltey-
nolds, C. A. Kleim and II. J. Clark
weru appointed a sauitarYcommittee.
b. W. fehutt and Daniel haycock were
nominated for chief of polico s upon
voto called Daniel Layosck was chosen.
The following persous were appointed
assistant polico : 1$. U. rreas, Wesley
Knorr, c. W . ahull, M. K. Applenian,
W. W. Barrett, Wm. H. Weaver, Fred
K. Schwinn, Nathan Chromis, D. H.
Coffman, W. H. Housel, W. H. Hing
rose, J, Welliver, Levi Cox, John Q.
Barkley. Henry HoseiiBtock was elect
ed vice president. A cominitteo com
posed ot the president, and Messrs.
Kosenstock and Corell, was appointed
to secure materials for streets. Tho
compensation for labor and hauling on
highways was hxed as follows : labor
ers, iyl.25 per day, one horso team
S2.00, two horso team 3.00. A reso
lution was passed that tbo chief of po
lice should only call on special duty tho
assistant puiice, wueu ui'.'ro is au ur
gent necessity for it.
Iho president nnd Messrs. Kosen
stock and Sharpless wcro appointed a
cominitteo for the road leading from
tho caual at Portnoblo to thu river.
The commissioners of highways was
ordered to notify all parties leaving
ashes or rubbish about their premises
to removo tno samo witntn len nays
after notice, or 20 per cent, would bo
added to the cost of removing the Bame
the following bills were passed and
orders orawn lor the same.
l-.nos Jacohv Commissioner 4
John Penman labor on sewer 0 ,10
(). A. Jacoby, per J. Fisher, labor on
Wm. Fercuson, labor on sower,
Samuel Neyhart, Hupt ami Knglnecr
Farmers Produce Exchange bow.
8 CO
1 75
2 10
3 00
er, 6 Bit
S W. Shutt. chief of Polico I) 00
M. C, Woodward, High Constable, 4 07
Samuel Neyhart, making statement
nnd clerklnc for auditors, 20 Oft
Samuel Neyhart, Secy, salary, 10 00
(1, E. Elwell, t yrs, rent of council
room 15 00
Ulooinshure Gas Co, 77 00
Vt.ii. Hinkcr, Jos. Garrison, P. D.
Dentler, auditors,
ir nn
10 00
170 30
Unoti motion tho
commissioner of
highways is ordered to notify all
parties having pavements out of re-
jmirs to repair tile same within 30 days
or i-ii per ceii , w. be added to M
cost of retailing the same if (lOtlU by
authority of commissioner of highways.
Dr. Andrew Ncbinacr of Philadel
phia died on Monday last. Ho was a
prominent physician and deiuoVrnt, In
IB7U no was unairmaii ot tno atato
Central Committee, and was actively
Interested In tho ndoption of tho now
constitution. IJo was of tho old .Tcffcr
sonlan schooha ltachelor,and n humani
tarian, devoting much of his tlmo nnd
means to tho iilloviatioti of tho suffer
ings of tho poor.
Aliout Hltllll.
Cnpt. lllcc, who 1ms charge of the shad
fisheries nt Gloucester, suiil recently that
the biggest haul of shad ever mndo In the
Delaware was 10,000, taken oil West Point,
below Gloucester, forty years ogo. At
about tho same time 1,000,000 herring wcro
taken at the same place, and It took tho
late John Itcdflchl, who was a member of
the Pennsylvania Historical Society, a
week to throw tho herring out of tho net.
Last year the biggest haul of shad made
at Gloucester was 3,600. During the last
season 07,000 wcro caught nt Gloucester.
Tho United Stales Msh Commission put
14,000,000 young shud In tho river opposite
Gloucester last year and this year they In
tend to double tho number. One shad
caught nt Knglc Point had 150,000 eggs In
the rocs. Sluul roes nyerngo from 00,000
to 100,000 .cu'gs. lly thu patent hatching
process about fl.'J per cent, of tho eggs pro
nueo shad, hut by tho natural way only
about 12 per rent, of the eggs aro hatched.
A. shad arrives at maturity at tho ago of
threo years. A young shad born nt Glou
cester lives In tho river about two years
before It ventures out Into tho ocean. Be
fore it goes Into deep water It grows very
little. As soon as It gets tuto Iho ocean It
grows rapidly and Invariably retui ns to lto
blrthplaco afler an ocean voyage of six or
eight months. Captain Rice said a full
grown Blind had about 0,000 bones la it
nd was covered by obout 2,000 scales.
Absolutely Pure.
Tuts Dowdcr never varies. A marvel of DurltT
strength anil wholesomeness. More economical
man ormnary kinus, and cannot be sold in compo.
tlon with the imiltltudoot low test, short weight,
alum or phosphato powders, sold only in cans.
uuvAi. run dkh i nniiM,,ri, 1.
Br virtue ot sundry writs, Issued out of the
Court ot Common Fleas ot Columbia county, and
to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, at
the Court House In Bloomsbur?, on
SATURDAY, May 8, 1886,
at i o'clock p. m., all that certain piece, parcel
or tract ot land, situate Inltoaringcreek township,
Columbia county, Pa., bounded ou the north by
lands ot Benjamin Wagner, on the east by land of
Am8y Cral&on the south by lands ot Joseph Craig,
and on the west by landa if John Myers, contain-
Ing twenty acres, more or less, with the appurte
nances, It being a timber tract.
Seized, taken In execution, at the suit ot S. II.
JIaUck vs. John Wlchey and Chrjstlan Wlchey and
to be sold as the property of John Wlchey and
Christian Wlchey.
W. II. .M. Oram, Atty. Ft. Fa.
The undivided seven-eighths Interest In all that
certain tract of land, situate In Madison township,
Columbia county, 1'a.j bounded on the, north by
lands ot Thewel s h'pplo and Wm. Falrman, on
tho east by landa ot said Falrman,;.Mastcr's estate
and Lewis Schuyler, on the south by lands of said
Schuyler nnd Isaac Mordan, and on tho west by
lands of said Isaac Mordan, James Whipple and
Thewel Whipple, containing sixty-nine acres and
twenty-two perches, strict measure, with tho-an-
purtcnonces, whereon aro erected a two-story
frame dwelling house, barn and out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken In execution, and to bo bold as tho
property of W. K. Cox.
Ikei.kk & IIekrIno, Attys. AL Fl. Fa.
Notice Is hereby given that tho following named
ierbous have tiled with tho Clerk ot the court of
fuarter sessions of the l'eace ot Columbia county,
heir iKtltlons for license, which will bo Dresented
to tho said court on Monday the 3d day ot May A,
I). lsso, at 8 o'clock p. m.
Aurand George, Bloomsbun:, hotel.
nerger itinenara, nerwicK uoro, restaurant.
Merger ltlnehurd, Berwick boro, bottler.
BUlman George W, conyngham twp, hotel,
lloran Thomas, centralla boro, restaurant.
Bovcr Fiederlck, Berwick boro, hoteL
Collins Thomas, centralla boro, reslaurnnt.
jwuierieu u 11, ik-iuiuck iwp, nuiei.
brake Lemuel, Benton twp, hotel.
Kalrman Itecbe. Scott two. noteL
Furrcll Kobert, Centralla boro, restaurant.
Fettennan Charles, centralla boro, restaurant.
Funston c It, nerwicK boro, hotel.
Glgger William, uioomsburg, hoteL
imuiurc ii, utuumsourg. restaurant,
(loldsworthy James, centralla boro. hotel.
Gross I'eler. uioomsDurg, bottler.
llagarty James, tvntralla boro, restaurant.
Ilazletlne Samuel. Greenwood two. hotel.
Hess Ulrnm, Bunion twp, hotel;
Hess Aaron, Mlitlln twp, hoteL
llolllugshead David, Catawlssa twp, restaurant.
Holmes Ilium o. .Montour twn. hotel.
Jacoby u A, uioomsburg, liquor store.
ucucrij ii, i!uuwiss4 iwp, UUll'L
Klstler Uester, Catuwlssa twp, hoteL
KIum Georgo W, Benrlefc boro, HoteL
nuuu ijuuii i luiiyiiguaui tw p, nou'l.
Knorr Nathan. I.ocut twn. hoteL
Lelby Samuel, Itoarlngcreek twp, restaurant.
luugeuuerger ereimaii i- .Mum iwp, notei.
.Muiey i.eurge, veutraua uoro, restaurant.
Monroe .Mrs Thomas, conyngham twp, restaurant,
rev John. Scott two. hotel.
McFadden Euward, centralla boro, restaurant.
Mcllenry J n. Benton twn. hotel
McLaughlin Arthur, Centralla boro, liquor store.
Nertney John, centralla boro, liquor store.
O'Conner Johanna, Centralla boro, liquor store,
l'erry J w, biigarloaf twp, hoteL
Smith A K, MadUon twp, hoteL
Smith lwter, Heaver twp, hoteL
bponenberg Benjamin, Berwick boro. restaurant.
Stohner Bernard. Bloomsburg, restaurant.
Thrash A J, bcott twp, hotel.
Truckenmlller Adam, catawlssa, restaurant.
Veager elllngton, Locust twp, hotel.
Vetter Boyd It, Main twp, UoteL
Vetter Wright A, Catawissa, hoteL
Voder Aaron, Locust twp, restaurant.
Clerk's omce, ) W. II 8NYDEIL Clerk.
April is, ltssu. (1. .M. liUICK, Deputy.
The following Widow's Appraisements will be
urvscmeu iu iuu urpuaus iuun. oi uoiutnuia
county ou the 3rd day of Mar A. D. isss and con.
tinned ulsl. and unlets exceptions are nied wlthlu
iuur uaja men-auer win ue uouunrru ausoiuiot
Milliard Jones estate, deceased, Bloomsburg.
I crsuiiuiiy, f.iuu.iftA
Ksau (iirton estate, deceased, Hemlock, lvrson
olty, tow.
John G. Itanley estate, deceased, Centralla. Per
sonalty, t.r.iu
Da id cole estate, deceased, Jackson, rerson
alty, HiKia.
bamuel Appleraan estate, deceased, Benton.
jieaity, f.u,uu.
dacisuj uarrison estate, deceased, bcott, rer
eonalty. I.VJ to.
v. r. iiess estate, ueceaseu.
Iteuben Lelby estate, deceased, Locust.
Jackson Lt-ISy estate, deceased, Centre. Person
alty. miou.
a F. Kinney estate, deceasod, Bloomsburg. Per
sonalty. Maun
Henry llorrman estate, deceased, Catawlssa,
i vrsuuuuy, t-Ai).
Clerk's otilce, 1 WM. II. HNVPElt, clerk O.C,
April IS, WX I II. M. tJI'ICK, Deputy.
February term, isSd, No. .
. "SU'S hereby given that au application w II
ba mado to the laid Court ou Saturday, the eighth
day of Mav. Ikss. ut lonvlm-t il in i,n',1.
of Assiiiiblyol the Cammonwealth of Pennavlva.
uiu, iiuuiru, --.iu Ae( iu i-roviao ror the Incorpor
ation and ltegulatlon of Certain Corporatlons.''ap-
' tbe . "Bloomsburg Board of Trade," the
ZT'mi0!' frKnT".
tbe said Act ot Asseinblv and Its supplements.
' April 10 st, "AVU' W iKut.
n (pi i
py vlitue ot sundry writs ssued out ot tho
Court ot Common Picas ot Columbia county, and
to mo directed, will bo exposed to public sale, at
tho Court Houso In Bloomsburg, on
MONDAY, MAY 3, 1880,
at 8 p. in. AH that certain messuage or tenement
and lotot ground situate, I) Ing ntullH-liig In tho
town of Uioomsburg, county of Columbia and
Statoot Pennsylvania, bounded and described ns
follows: Beginning at tho corner ot a lot of
ground of Philip Unangst, on the south sldo of
Main or Second street of said town, and running
thenco north stxty-ono degrees, east thlrty-!Ho
feet to a lot ot ground ',ot Joshua Fettennan,
thence by tho samo on tho wall separating the
house crcct"d on said premises from the houso of
Joshua Fottcrman, southwcjtwanlly to tho
roar ot said liouso, thenco southeastward!)-
along tho rear wall of tho houso erected
on tho premises hereby conveyed or mort.
gaged, one foot and eight Inches, thenco by lot of
Joshua rcttcrman southeo-stwardly to nrost on
l'lno alley, thence along tho said nltny southwest
wardly thlrly.three feet nnd four Inches to tlm
corner of lot of ground ot Thlilp L'nangst thenco
along tho same norttiw ettw ardly t wo hundred nnd
soventecn tect and six Inches, to tho placo of be
ginning containing one-sixth of an acre, more or
less, whereon are erected a two-story brick build
ing, frame barn and outbuildings.
Scled, taken In exreutlou, nnd to tw sold ns the
property of Lloyd Paxtonand Kit. Drinker, ex
ecutors of Jeremiah II. Harman, with notlco to
Mary N, Harman, widow, and Ltolelt. Fulton and
I. W. ot Samuel II. Unrman
and Helen Harman, children and heirs ot tho said
Al. l-cv. Fa. Ci.AKK, Atty,
A Ii S O ,
The following real estate sltuato In Flsblngcrcek
township, Columbia county, I'enn.i., bounded on
the noith by public road leading from Itohrsburg
to Benton, on the west by tmd ot Sylvester Al
bertson, on thesouthby land of Samuel Coleman
nnd on the east by lands of Alexander Mcllenry
and J. J. Karns, containing eighty acres, inoro or
Icss,whoreon are erected n two-story frame dwell
Ing, bank barn and out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken In execution ntthe suit of Kit.
Stiles, now for uso of John J. Mcllenry vs. John s,
Mcllenry and to be sold as the property ot John
S. Mcllenry.
FL Fa. L1TTI.B3, Atty.
All Hie undivided thrcc-scenth parts or por
tions (the whole Into seven equal parts to be dlvl-
led) of all that certain Iioum- ami lot ot ground
situate in Bloomsburg. Columbia county, and
Mate ot I'ennsjUanla, bounded nnd described as
follons: Beginning atn post, a corner ot oyer s
oney, inenco uy tno same two uunuivii anu iour
t n leet six Inches to a post In l'lno allcy,si.ty-slx
feet to a post, a corner of lot number twenty-nine,
thenco by said lot two hundred and foui teen feet
six Inches to becond street, thence bysald street
sl.xty-six feet to the placo of beginning, containing
one town lot nnd numbered In plan of said town,
No. ss, together with tho appurtenances, whcieon
are erected a two-story frame dwelling house,barn
and out-bulldlogs.
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of .loslali
hlllips vs. W. Potts Itamsay and I), llagenbuch
andc. ('. llagenbuch and to bo sold as tho prop
ertyotW. Potts Itamsay and I), l'agenbuch nnd
. C llagenbuch.
Lev. F.i. I itti-ks Attys.
A L S O .
All that lot and piece or parcel ot land, situate
In tho town of Bloomsburg, (in that part formerly
called .south Bloomsburg, now- west Bloomsburg)
county of Columbia and Mato ot U nnsylvanla.
marked In the general plan of said town by num
ber Iltty-ono Ol) and further described as follows
o-u It; Beginning at a post on tho south side of
Third street of said town and lot number fifty-two
and running thence along said lot south thirty-
six and three-quarters degrees east two hundred
nnd six feet to Anthony's alley, thence along said
ulley south slxty.thres and onc-ouarter degrees (
west forty-nine feet six Inches to lot number fifty,
thence along said lot north twenty-six and three
quarter degrees west to-Thlrd street nforcsald and
thence along said street north slxty-threo and one
quarter degrees east forty.nlne feet nnd six Inches
to tho place ot beginning, containing ten thousand
ono hundred and ninety-seven square feet of land,
moro or less, whereon aro erected a two-story
frame dwelling house and outbuildings, fruit
trees and well of water.
Seized, taken In execution at the suit ot John X.
Dloas vs. Joseph F. Hicks and to be sold as the
property of Joseph F. Uleks.
FL Fa. UiitKLSV, Atty.
All that certain lot ot ground situate in Orange.
vllie, Columbia count,, rennsj lvaoia, bounded
as follows, to-wit : Ou the north by lot ot A. KIs
ner. on the east by Mill street, on the south by lot
ot Terry BeLong, and on the west by mill race con.
talnlng one-fourth of an acre ot land more or less,
whereon aro erected a two-story frame dwelling
house, shoemaker shop, stables and other neces
sary out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken In execut Ion and to be sold as tho
property of Samuel Zimmerman.
AL Fl. Fa. L. E. Waixkk, Atty.
All tho following described lot piece or parcel of
land situate In South BU'omsburg, in tho county
and Stato aforesaid, marked in the general place of
said town by number ntty-seven and tltty-elght
(.17 and oS) and further decrtoed as follows, to-wit :
Beginning at a post on south sldo of Third street
and Scott's alley, and running along said alley
south twenty six and three-quarter degrees east
two hundred and fourteen feet and six Inches to
Anthony's alley, thenco along said alley north
slxty-threo and a quarter degteeseast nlnety-ntne
feet to lot number nfty-nlno (5U) thenco along said
lot north twenty-six and three-quarter degrees
west two hundred fourteen feet six inches to Third
Street aforesaid and thenco along said street south
slxty-threo and a quarter degrees west nlnety-nlno
feet to the place of beginning, containing twenty
thousand three hundred and ninety-four square
feet, be tbe same moro or less, on which are erect
ed ono two-story dwelling house, one one and a
half story dwelling house, a grocery store and bak
ery, a barn and out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken in execution at tho suit of Cata
wlssa Deposit Bank s. A. C. Ilabbandtobe sold
as the property of A. c. ltalb. .Miu.Bn, Any.
All the right title and interest ot Jacob S. Illn-
derllter, the defendant, In the following described
real estate:
First. All that certain tract ot land sltuato In
Beaver township, In the county of Columbia and
State ot Pennsylvania, bounded aud described as
follows, to-wlt : Beginning nt a public road thence
by land ot Mowa sehlleher north eighty-three do-
grecs east nlnety-lhe perches to a white oak.
thenco by tho samo north threo degrees west
ninety-six and three-tenths perches to a stone;
thenco by land of Allen Mann south eighty-three
and one-halt degrees west el;hty.four perches to a
stone; thenco by land ot Peter Schllclier and Simon
Shclliamer south four aud one-half degrees cast
thlrty-nvo perches to stones: thence by same south
Ave degrees cast thirty-eight perches to a stone,
thence by the samo south, twenty.four degrees
west live and two-tenths perches to tbo middle of
the road, thence south nineteen and three-fourth
degrees west twenty-ono and ono-nalf perches to
the place ot beginning, containing fifty and one
half acres, whereon aro erected a largs two-siory
frame dwelling house aud latgo barn nnd other
Second. All that certain Jot and piece of laud
sltuato tn Beaver township, Columbia county and
State ot Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
follows, to-wlt : On the north by land lato ot John
Hlndcrllter, on the south by laud late ot Abraham
Itlce, on the east by land ot Isaac Kllngerman, Jr.,
and on tho west by lands ot William smith, con
taining twenty-three aeres, more or les
Third. All that certain tract ot land situate In
Beaver township, Columbia county and state ot
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follow?,
to-wlt Beginning nt a stono by land ot 8. P,
Schllcher, south elghty.threo degrees west eighty,
four and one-halt perches to tho middle ot iho road
thence along said road and by land ot Allen Mann
south one-halt degrees west aeventy.tlve perches
10 tue middle of Beaver creek, theuco up said
creek Its various courses eighty perches to line of
land of Moses bchllcher, thence by same north
seventeen and one-fourtb degrees west twelve
and tour-tentlis perches to a whlto oak stump
thenco by same north clghty-three degrees east
eighteen and three-tenths perches to the middle of
the road, thenco along sold road south nineteen
and one-fourth degrees west twenty-ono and one-
halt perches to a stone; thenco south twenty-tour
degrees west mo and two-tentlis perches to tho
Black creek road, thence along said road south lUe
degreeseast thirty-eight and one-half perches to
the place of beginning, containing thirty-seven
acres, moro or less.
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of c. A.
Fbunian vs. Jacob S. fllnderllter and to be sold as
the property of Jacob s. Hlnderllter.
Vend. Ex. Knokk, Atty,
All that certain messuage and lot of ground sit
uate in snuman's Addition to tho town of Cata
wissa, in tne county ot Columbia and State of
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows.
to.wlt i on the nort h by Mill street, forty tect, on
tho oast by land ot W. V. Fisher ono hundred and
ntty feet, on tho south by an alley forty feet, and
on the west by an alley ono hundred and titty feet.
being lot No. 7 In said Addition, whereon Is erected
n two-story framo doublo houso with out, buildings,
arranged for two families.
Seized, taken In executlou at tho suit of Cata
wlssa Deposit Bank vs. James p, Lowls and Jennie
Lewis his wife and to be sold as the property of
lames r. iwis anu Jennie Lewis his wife.
Lev. Fa., Atty,
lly Mrtuo of sundry writs, issued out of thu
Couitof Common Pleas of Columbia county, and
to mo directed, will be exposed to public sale at
tho llojt House tn Berwick, on
Saturday, April 17, 1880,
at 10 o'clock a. in., nil thoso two certnln lots, Bit
tiato In Berwick, Columbia county, Pa., bounded
nnd iteHt nbed as follows to-wlt! Beirlnnlng nt Iho
corner Pi out and l'lno streets, In said town of Ber
wick, thenco along Front stieet, nlnety-nlno feet
to lot number sixteen, thenco by tho samo two
hundred feet, moro or less, to Canal street, thenco
by Canal street ntnciy.nino feet To Pine street,
nnd thenco along Pino street two hundred feet,
moro or less, to Front street, tho placo ot begin.
nlng. Tho same being lots number nineteen and
twenty In plan of Berwick, Pa., on which aro
creeled a two-story brick dwelling With basement,
n largo framo stable, coal house, pig pen nnd out
buildings. Fruit trees on tho premises.
A L S O ,
AU that certain piece ot land In llrlarcreck
township, Columbia county, pa., beginning at tho
publio road leading from Bloomsburg to Berwlckj
nt corner ot Ilaslcy land, thenco by tho same thir
ty-two perches nnd six-tenths perches to a corner,
thenco north seventy-four degreeseast seventeen
liercaes; thence seventeen nnd one-fourth degrees
west twenty-seven seven-tenths perches, more or
less, to publio road, thenco south eighty-seven do
grees west thirteen six-tenths perches to place o
beginning containing threo acres, more or less.
A L S O,
In Mine township, beginning at public road frou.
Uioomsburg to Berwick, nt corner Agricultural
ground; thenco by samo south sixteen nnd one-
fourth degrees cast twenty-seven seven tenths
perches ton corner; thenco north seventy-four de
grees east sixteen lurches lo n corner; thence
north twenty-four and onc-toutth degrets west
twenty-six scven-tenl lis perches to corner; thenco
south eighty-seven degrees west, eleven four
tenths perches to place of beginning, containing
two acres ntty-two perches, moro or less,
sefred, taken In execution, at thesuil ot t hester
Coper vs. S. P. Bowman and A. F. Creasy and to
bo sold as tho property of S. B. Bowman.
Jaeksot, Atty. Vend. K.x-
All that certain lot or parcel of land, situate In
Brinrcrcek township, said county, bounded on tho
north by nil lie road leading from Bloomsburg to
Berwick, on the east by land ot Freis Fowier, on
Iho south by P., K .t W. railroad and on the west
by land of Daniel iteedy, containing six acres
more or less,
seized, taken tn execution, and to be sold as Ihe
propel ty ot S. II. Bowman.
Jackson, Atty. Fl. Fa.
WIIKKEAS.lhelton. Wii.liam Elwell
President Judgo ot the Court ot Oj er and
Terminer and OcneralJall Delivery, Court of quar
ter Sessions ot tho peace and the Court of Common
Pleas and Orphans' Court In the scth Judicial Dis
trict, composed of the counties ot Columbia and
Montour, nnd the Hons. James Lako nnd F. L
Shuman, Associate Judges of Columbia county
have Issued thelr.precept.bearlng dato the 13th day
ot Feb. In tho year ot our Lord ono thousand eight
hundred and elgwy-slx, and to medlrccted for
holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General
Quarter Sessions of tho l'eace, Court ot Common
Ploas and Orphans' Court, In Bloomsbuig, In the
county of Columbia, on tho first Monday.bflng
the, i,nl day ot May next, to continue for two
Notlco is hereby given to the coroner,to the Jus
tices of tho Peace, und tho Constables of tho said
County ot Columbla.that thoy bo then and ther-) In
their proper person at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of
said 3rd day of May with their records lnqul
sltlons and other remembi ances,to do those things
which to their offices appertain lo be done. And
thoso that aro bound by recognlzanco to proseoutt-
ajalnst the prisoners that aro or maybe in I he Jail
of the said county of be then and there
to prosecuto them as shall bo )ujt. Jurors are re
quested to bo punctual In their attendance,
agreeably to their notices. Dated at Bloomsburg
nil day of April tn tho year of our
one, iiiousanu eigne uunareu ana
six. anu in me ono uunarea ana
tho Independence of tho United
alula's ui AiiieilLU.
Sherill'somce, SAMUEL SMITH
c-mie ot l'ennsyivaniat ... .
County ot ' olumbla fM
(. (-) Among tho records and proceedings of
I. s. tho Court of common rlens In and for
l' r 'I the county aforesaid it Is Inter alia
thus contained.
In tho ma.ter of the petition of the Delaware
Lackawainn & Western liailroad company for the
appointment of Trustees under a n ortgage of tho
Lnekawanna & llloomsbi"-g liailroad Company,
dated March 1, IS59.
And now .March 10, lbSfl, on presentation and
perusal ot tho petition tiled in this case, it Is
ui-iJv! that notice of the application for the np
,)Olntment ot Trustees to till tt e vacancy caused
by the death ot (leorgo M. Hollenbach and Warrea
J. Woodward Trustees In mortgage ot tho Lacka
wanua S Bloomsburg ItallrDad company, dated
March 1, lssu, be p-lnted in ono newspaper pub
lished In l'hlladelpli'a. and in ono njbifshed In
Northumberland, .Montour nnd Columo'a co.'ntles,
onco in each ot four successive w eeks prior to the
third day of .May next, settlne forth that appoint
ment will bo made on that day of three Trustees
In accordance with the prnjer or tho petitioners
unless cause bo shown why the samo should not
bo done. BY THE COl'ltT.
Certlrted from tho records March 17, lhsil.
wm. ii, sNUiKlt, I'roth'y.
GLO. E. ELWELL, Att'y tor Petitioner.
-Mrs. I B Frederlcklvs Ei'ward Lsons.
S B Yeager, et vx vs Tl os Mensck
s B Yeajrer ct ux vs James Hitler.
Ceorge strlcl er uso vs C It Funston with notlce.ic
Ito'ar Mclier-y vs. Win. l: l'atterson.
James Bird vi lia-llng Culp et al.
Jacob UalnesvaN W B fiyCo.
Jane Mover vs Josep'i Clewell's admr.
M o Hughes tt al vs John I.'oyd.
Hess & 'II oraas vs Hiram F Everett.
Mary W Holmes vs J s Woods et ux.
Wm II Yorgey vs Locust'ML Water Co.
catawlssa lieposlt Bank vs s o c.-easy.
Joseph Hes.s' ex'r vs Frank I, Hess.
Albert E endow vs 1) I, W It It Co.
Theodore F Craig vs Mahala Craig.
John Bloasvs.l F Hicks,
Charles W MeKelvy ct al vs. C II Brockway.
Benjamin Fet.erman vs.l Boyd Hobison.
Charles Hc'chart vs Emanuel .Mauser.
(1 II (iordner vs Win (ilngles
II W Bower vs o F Ferris et al.
A M Freas MfB Co vs o F Ferris et at
John I. Lrumhach vs I) I. & w It il
(leorgo B selbertvs s M Hess et nl.
E ( Ager vs John K Orotz.
II F Everett vs Urucc Fsutllrr et aL
Harvey E lleacock vs Jacob V ltlnk.
(Jco.-goo Weillver vs t) F Ferris et at.
It I. F Colley v i;,l Albert son admr et al.
Hess and Tuomas vs II F Everett.
C H Brockway vs Columbia county.
A K Mnlth vs Samuel Bnigler.
J 1' I'atton vs A 1 Heller.
Fannlo Freas vs Lydla Sponenberg.
l'eter (lond'a Ex'rs vs Levi ,M Lutz with notice Ac,
The Cuttls Mfg Co vs Clark I Thomas.
Wntsontovvn l'lmlng Mill Co vs C F Harder.
, iu ivncKuauiu vs ,101 n it uasey,
Vastlne MearavsConynghamiCent'lla Poor Pis
Augu-tus Djbby et ux vs (leo Hart man et al.
John I, Brirmbaca vs Clatk V Harder.
Bhveh-0 p Preisbacli, O P Kline.
llEKWICK low Mcllenrv. Daniel Oliver. I. A
Stiles. ' '
liEsios-Panlel Eshlemnu, Nathan Tubbs,
m.oosrsnfKii-S V Boone, Charles liabb, F M
cssTKK-Alfred Bower, Isaac Creasy.
leCk.sTiuLi4-ljifayette Fettennan, James o.ulng-
t'iT wissa- John Huber.
CoNVMiiiAM-lianlel (leroghty.
(iKEKxwoon Marvin Kline.
JACksoN-Mathew Mcllenry.
Iwi'st .Michael st'ne.
Mamson (1 WSupp'ee.
ORANOK-Plerce llagenbuch.
ItOAKiNociiSEk Uavld Long.
Scott J Bochman, Jacob jiusselmau.
Beaver Abraham Hlce.
llEKwicE-Abraham Cortrlght, James II
man, Wm. staekliome, Ell bherwood.
iiENivN -j 11 vveiuver.
BLOovisBoiio Ceo. Bidleman, Jacob Peltlenbach.
Wm. Plettcrlch, P II Freeze, Itlchant btlles, II P
liBUKCHEBK-WSAsh, WL Ilouseknecht, M It
centre-a P Brader, Jacob Hes.
centraua-c (I Murphy, w o 1 roulman.
catawissa Geo. 11 deary.
I'oNvsuina-Thomas Casey, Christian Iffler.
FiauiNucREEic-TM Holder, C II Moore, John
Greenwood (1 11 Thomas.
IlBMU)Cii-Win. Beu, Philip Stroup.
J aceson-KB Louder, Ellis Mcllenry, F M For.
ker, Daniel Young.
Izx'faT-H v Beaver, Peter Fetterman, Daniel
Lelby. Pavid llaup.
Maiusox vv'ra. Ixiurey.
Minus A M Hess.
MoNToea-J F Farusworth, John Quick,
OKAhUK-Win. Hess. '
1'iNE-lleciry Itlch'e,
lloAKiNiit-REEK-p K Mensch, Washington Itarlg.
Trench lUPI'ensiecl, J 11 Lamon, v v
M-uiRuur-A W Frit.
DEAVKH-Levl II Michael, C W Stead.
BEHttict-seth nowinan, James M bcesuoltz.
liBNTOs Got. Gibbons, A J Kline. Cbas Obrien
BtooMSBrKo Win. Ithodemojer.
CESTHE-John Alkman, John Belong, Geo. Pohe,
Allen ShellUamer, Wm. Shaffer.
cemraua oho James.
Catawissi N 1) llarmau, Geo. Manhart.
( on ynuiuu Jerry George, Charles Weldermm.
HsuiNocREEit-B FMarkle, fctias McMenry. J ti
Woods,W c Pennington. ' -"mr) 1 1 "
gbbbswood-I W tilrton, Jacob K, Berlin,
IjOcist Law-son Loe.Wm. Fetterman.
Main John Harmony, Boyd Yeiter.
xM."if?il,l'".lcKlH'rr'-Wm' wntih,N welliver
.Minus laaao Andreas.
MoNTOt R-Francls Lleby.
(JBihUB-Geo. Hen-lug.
Mr 1'i.EASANT-jacob lllrleman.
SfiURiAt-JacoU Fritz.
Solo agents of tho fol
lowing brands ot
Alexander Bros. S Co.,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Bloomsburg9 Pa.
"E?To solicit orders for our selected
a n f N T J
reference required. No previous
business casuy icarneu. run
Aamtf im$ paper. Auurcaa B.u.vuiaLctv., rBiuacipHi,
pn- MAHVliLaUS PRICES, -cc
Complete Novels and Other Works, by Famous Authors, Almost Given Away!
The folio Ing booki arepuMIihetl In nett iami-hli;t farm, many cftuetu Iiitiidaornvlr IllutraU,d( aixl ftllnn prln
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. IMHluiruem Hcrlttttlona nnd Hedlrtff, alari
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V. 1'nrlur Mnglo and Chemical KipriimHt(
a boiK whlbh telU how to perform hundred of atauilug
trlt'ki In mai4 ftnd innrwcttT tiperlnienU with almple
19. Thu
i Ian. coui
, llnmn Cnnfe UaaU .n!1 1k..l.
(Ian. coutaluluu huudrcdi of excellent oookins recipve
and hloti ii
a liouK.keeperf, alio telling how to cure all cum-
ntt braiuin
home remedy,
11. MitnitrraaBd Coatumaln fmr Avar Landa,
ft trj
lutereatlng and InnroeUM book of trarel, deacrib
t tin the iHwullnr life, hablta, raaaDtri and euitotua of tbo
jMNipie or rurciifu oouninei iiiuitrateii.
11. sixteen Complete Htorle bj ropular Anthori,
embracltiK loir, bumoroua and detect! atorlei, iiorlea c-f
aoclctr lift!, of dtenture, of railway lire. eta., all very In.
11. Tko i!uJet,rWlt, Ilwraorand Fuo.alane
fuilectlon of tbe funny itorlei, iketchea, anecdotal, pwtoi.
I ikea that have Iimb wrlttso tar mm r i liina'thl.
11. Caerul Knowtcdffci for theMfllloa, ah andy
bonk of uicfol Information for all, upon many and rarloua
. t'ullpil IIbkL. A Norel
By IlQ(h Conway, author
of "Dark Layit" etc.
. We will
ll price of all
idrf.?! V.'.
hooka 1iO ct i
Nute, Kejutered
or vai.uaiiu:
In pursuance of an order of tlic Orphans'
Court of Columbia county, tlio undersigned
adminlstriitor of Elizabeth Pclerman, lato
of tlio town of Hloomsliurg, deceased, will
expose to publio sale, on tho premises, on
Thursday; april 29, isso,
at 10 o'clock a. m., tlm following real es
tate situate in said town of lllooinsburg,
bounded and described as follows: licln
ning at the corner of lot of David Stroup,
thenco alone Main 6treet. twenty-eight feet
to comer of lot of William K-bb, tl-cncc
along said lot southeiistwiirdly one bundled
and llfty-slx feet four inches to Pine nlly,
thenco along said alley northeastwardly
twenty-eight feet to corner of lot of David
Stroup.thence along said lot northwestward
ly to the place ot beginning, on which are
erected a three-story
Fronting on Main street, a
Fkame DVEMj.a,
fronting on Pino alloy, and out-bulldlngs.
TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent, of
onc-fnurtli of tho purchase money to be
paid at the striking down of tlio property,
the one-fourth less the ten per cent, nt tho
confirmation absolute and the remaiuing
tliree.fourths In one year thereafter, with
Interest from confirmation nisi.
A. h. FniTZ, 11. F. PETEH51AN.
a-'JJ AUy. Administrator.
Uy Mrtuo ot an order ot the Oiplians' Court ot
Columbia county, tne undcitlgned, executor or
the cttute u Samuel Ai'Plemaii, late ot llentcn
tpwiishlp, deceased, will expose 10 nubile sale on
tlio pieiulteson
WEDNESDAY, April 28, 188G,
nt '0 o'clock In tno forenoon, the following He
bertbea real estate, situate In lietitou townslilp, to-
N'. I. Northwardly by lands of Mai garet 1)11.
dlne'a heirs and Jt 11. DaK eantHcrdly by lands
ot c. I. lielles, southwaidly by lands oi T. J.
lleuder and ueorgo Cadwallader, and wesiwardly
by c. U. Mcllenry and Wm. llulme, containing
blxty.nvo acres, more or less; w hereon la creeled a
two-story framo duelling house, barn and out.
buildings, and elder press, Three veils of good
water on the premises; also a good spring of water.
Everything In gooJeondlttoiu
No. a. NortLw&rdly by lands of Ellen Appleman,
Kastwardly by A. V. Kecfer and c. 1. Davlss
bputhwardly by public road and II. W. Dai Is.
Westwardlyby liueben J. Da Is, containing w
acres, moro or less, tho same being arable luud.
No. ,'l. EnsLWlirdlv liv IIia lulra nr ,lnn,,Mi
school-liouau lot nnrl lftnrl nr fimnm ve i,.i,.
lader, Vestwardly by lauds of itu.sel Earns and
Bamuel .Mcllenry's heirs, containing about twelve
um-a. uiutw ur ics, Buinu ueing woodland.
Terms and conditions i Ten per cent of onc
fourtli of tho purchase money to be paid at the
strtkligdownotthe property: the one tourth
less the ten per cent, at the continuation ot sain:
and tho remaining three-fouiths In one year
thereafter, with interest tiom confirmation ,,(.
told subject to the rlghtiot John b Kline, tho
present lessee, and lJOsseQon to be given April
1st. iksc, ir. ii. nniAiv '
lar.3.i,iste Emiter.
Good Business Location
-;o: i
Tho undursigned offcra for sale,
easy terms, tlio
Flanlng Mill, Dry Dock, Lumber Sheds
etc., (with excelli'ntwhaifngo facilities)
located on tlio batiks of tho l'enn'a
Canal, within one-rjuartur of n milo of
tho 1). L. X- W. depot, at Hcaoh Ha
ven, Luzerne county, Pa. A good ferry
aleo connects this place with tho conn,
try on opposite sido of thu Susquo
hanna river. Tlio machinery coimisls
of a large plaiier,tnoulding and match
ing machine, turning lathe and bracket
saw, also circular saws, all in good
working order. It has a
10-horse Power Water wheel
under a twenty-six- foot head, Thu
mill is 80x15 foot, with two larco him
ber Binds, ono 18x01. ono 20x04. Th's
Is a good opening for nnv cnergetio
business mail. For fiirllier'paiticulais
apply to
Sarah Brader,
Kx'ji or 1). UitAtmn Kmi'i:,
JlarohS-tf.! Ueaoh Haven, Tu
Will bo
: Market Prices,
j as follows:
Is pronounced by ltadlng tanners uinci lor to ny plow In the market tor
lightness ot draught and durability, llsoik Is unexcelled. Also
Farmers will nnd this Invention a ta Ing to them of nt least two-thirds
the expense for plow slimes. Theso sliates nie lilted to all leading chilled
fruit and ornamental stock.TI " fl M 1
wsi'ni'.'"?! i n t b n mo t
experience necessary. Tho
lunrueuuiis Kiveu. oiio i
ii in IV. Ii.
w yit, la cMh-touDi f"t
tbtm bouke would o-l Jl 'It
14. At the World' Merer. A Notrl. By Vh.rttce
Vi ardrn, author rf The llouie on tho Martli," te
1J. Mlldml Treronlon. A ovl. j "Tim Hurt
en," author cf "llolly Hawn." etc.
18. larL Ituja. A .Noiel. Ity Hugh Conway ami r
of " Calld Rack' etc,
19. The Mjatery oT iho Molly Tree. A
By the author of Dura Thurnc."
50. Hhttdown on thc Nnnn-, A No el. Uy II, t. la.
Jeou, author of "Kr-nd and-C'licci ajid KWe. '
51. Die lirHy ttoniuii. A.NumI. It Mr. t.ak-1!
author of "Mary ftarion, ' etc.
22. The Frozen liven. A Novel. By ilkk t'liilltte,
author of " The H omaa lu bite," eta.
23. lied Court Farm. A oel. lly Mr Ili-iry
Wood, author or ' h ait Ljnne," eto. ,
24. InCupld'aet A Jotel. HylbeAuthoroi' D.rt
Thorn .'
ii. Hack tothellld Home. A Norel. Ity Mar) IVil
Bar, author of " Ml 1 leu IV rim " etc.
m John Itowcrbunk WITe. A :.el. Uj
Jluloclc.auihorof "John Halifax, umllenian,' no.
27. I.ady Utteiidollne'a Dremn. A NuteU )ty h
author of " Dora Thome," re.
J!l. Jaaper I (' Heerrt. A Norel. Ity Mi.. M, r
Br ad Jon, author of "Aurora Klord." etc,
7tt. l.eolhie. ANoveU By Mary Cecil lUj, tmt).r of
M It re nd a orke." no.
50. ilnbrlel'a AIarrlaSo. A NotcI. By WUk! t,
author of No Name," ete.
51. David Hunt. A NotpI. Bt Jln.Ann S,M-.heii,
author of " r aihlou an 1 Famine. ' eto.
32. Heap) ft- thfi Whirlwind. A Novel, lly nry
Cecil Hay. anttm- of " Old Widdltton'i llutiey." ete.
53. Dudley Carleoti. A NotcU By Ml W. I , Ilia t
don, author or " Lady A udlry'a 8ecret,' ele.
SI Caaleal or Tmi Mriraav or rnt 11tttliM A
Novel. Itr htta VT, Pierce, authur of "The Birth Work, ' etc.
Bi. A UoMen Dawn. A Novel. By th auiliur
' Dora Thorne." eto.
SO. Valerle'a Fate. A Novel, By Jin, AWihUit,
author er "The WoolntO t." etc.
37. HIatrr Itoae. A Novel. By WUkU Collin, atitbr
of "The Woman In White," eta.
3S. A n lie. A .Soul. By Uri. Hrn.y M'oo.1, auiWr.-f
"Katt kyone.1
311. TheJ.atirel Iluah. A NoiH. By H MuUk
author of "Jot.n Kallfat, Gentleman," etc.
40. A mo Hartcn. A Novel, Bv !e-re I ll.-t, r
of "Aiaw Bede," " Iht Mill vn the I etc,
aend anr four of theae book
end our eata'ofun, coutmnnii
leadf of paper and Look for 1 li centa la uu
American Pub. Co., Phiad'
tautp, ,nr
a. Pa.
.Marcu 19 6t.
S3 00
Wheat per bushel
Hye "
Corn ' " ....
Oats " "
Flour " bbl
Eggs ,
Dried Apples
Side and shoulder
Tin keys
Lard per lb
Hay per ton
Vinegar per gal
Onions per bushel
Veal skins
Wool per lb
5 to 8
Hides 5 to 7
Coai. on WiuitF. '
No 0 $3.00; Nos 2 !), 4 & Lump $3.23
Jto. 5 3.00 ISltumlmis, 3.25
ESTATE OP lll-IRf. Tlimiie ,.
Colombia, Couktv, ss.:
To John Thomas, bnow shoe, Centie Co.. I'a..
reter ?1l?mna HililnBcreelr, Columbia Co., I'a.,
Mumcl 'Ihomas. HsliluKcrtek-, Ann Edwards, uld-
?.,!'i,in8-'VI-' LU'ernecountjr, and Ella Jlarkle.
1 Ishlnircreek. chlldfen nr umioi Thnm..
:-).'.ar.'.31' Husled, Dallas, Luzerne oounty! I'a..
unrisieua iio.-iison.Mellssa Weln nd D. s. 1 nomas.
S'V:i'0lJP,tt."5 n'!.P- t-'me count-, I'a., JoslKi,
n1- 'SS!"- uf.nle.1 ???mas t'Mwn Thomas and Aim
ii ?IS?,a ?'.l.,ot tflxhlngcieeK tonnblitp aforesaid,
and Ella , Mtler, Uerwlck, Columbia county, l-a.l
grandchildren and lineal descendants of lianlci
Iboiaas, deceased, ana to nil other persons Inter,
ested. greeting: ou and eaehot you are hereby
f,'i.;',1nt.u ,tp.iu,i appear before tho Judges of our
orphans' Court at an orphans' Court to bo held at,
Ulupmsburg on the first Monday ot May next, then
una there to accent or jeiuse to tako tho real es
tate of sain Daniel Thomas deceased, at tho an
prnUjl jaluatlonput upon It by the luuuest, duly
2hmeJby l" said Court, and returned I by tho
A.rli1,or.E.h?.w cause ,vll'11 "'all not be sold.
And hereof fall nou
nrni',i,,l,?uora,V,le w'hm Klwell,rresident
day of MwhXt' ,he s" enu'em"
,, Wji. n. SNYDEIt, Clerk of o. c.
Marto. o. .M.tjuicK, Dejiuiy.
Anneals will lu, heu m n,., ,ttnLlm.i
IxtHeenthe hours of s u. tn. aud-lu. in. of eacli
day as follows, tc-Mlt:
April is. For Montour and Jit.
Olllce In ltlnnmf.1,tirt'
l'leisant, at our
Aprtl ia.-.tpr llemlock. at the house of Charles
. ,, Uletilck, Inllmkhoru.
April 14. tor Madison and line, at tbe house ot
A. K. Smith, In Jerse)town.
April lS.-1-or (iieenwood, at the house of Abra-
ham Fulmer, InMlllvllle.
April 10.-lor Jackson und bugarloaf, at tho house
!.,- ' 'el cole in bugarloaf.
April li. t or lieuton, at tho house of Hiram Hess
In Ilenton.
April ID.-For Hshlngcreck-, at the house of Frank
. ,. InMinwater,
.rrllS0.-lor Oraniro. at tlio houso ot George
. . "Lilian, lu oranges llle. b
April Sl.-Hjrceutre, at iho election house In
April Si-For leaver and Main, at the house of
1'otter hmlth in lieaur.
April S3.-For locust and Itoarlngcreek, at the
liouse of Nathan Knorr, Nuialdta.
April 1.-ior centralla and Conyngham, at the
nni on '"iS?? f V' i cur'-,u lentralla.
April Sd-For CatawUsa and Franklin, at tho
house of Hester Klstler, lu Cutawlssa.
April ".-Formil at the house of AaroFliess,
April ss.-Fot ' lierwic'k nnd lirlarcreek, at the
ihi ...''"S8?1 (,eo- w' Klilse. ' Berwick.
April "-j-f ott, at the house of Jacob Miller,
April 30.-For Ul'oom, at our ofllco In Uloouuburg.
'"The Assessors aro required to give each tax.
CVoapC,a.hl3Cr alu"' w a" -
Sl-KI'IIKN l'OIia 1 C
I'A Ml) (
Columbia Co.
Aitisti johnli. casov. (mpiu-.
commissioners' omce, lilooiutburg, Slarch 16, $&
Ihe undersigned AuiMtor, appointed brlheOr.
."'t of t'olumbla" county to dfc Flbuto
the funds in the hands of J. n, ltobVon Sn ad.
mlnutrator, to and amonir the paniesTmTtlwi
thert-io, wm sit at his onue in tJloomsbiiTi ' oil
baturday, April IT, Ibsfl, at 8 o"lwk i " in. wh"
and where all parlies liaWng claims Lganst tM
eL:'aarred'fom coming lu on said fund.
""""I It. IKELKlt, Auditor.
folate u MUhttfl r.eialev, Mf of o,ioe tifu. aer'ti
Alters of adintulitrat on lu said rute uklmi
been granted to tho undersigned ndmlulsTrator
ft1, r.b0M ""tebtf,4 to Baldute are l ereby nS
Mi'fiA0 b.e unit tboso having 1 claims
UK,!l't,'L"lt'iU,el"l'i!,I"t1' same to
marcU"' OEO. 1IKMLKV,