The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 02, 1886, Image 3

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Shade clolh by ltio yard, and In patterns
at George A. Clark's book store.
Cftmlilnln? IKON with ri'RE TF.OKTAIlMi
TOXICS fitilrkljr and roniplctlf tl-VANSW
tml KMtinU'.H TIIK HMOI. qalckfnt
(ho action of llio l.Urr and Kldruj. Clean Mia
romilf lion, make the skin nmootli. It il or not
Injure the tpeth.rtasehf d tflip.orprodufcron
rbrilcf&rifl and DruagliUeTprywher recommend It,
In. N. B. TlcoaLF". of Marion. Mam mm "I
tocommcml ltmwn'f Iron Bittern an a TalttaMe ton la
for enriching ths LIijcmI. and removing all dyeurpUo
ej-roj'toroa. It does not hurt ttio twtii.M
Vn. H. M. fcrMtu, nynoM, Ind .&? MI
hats iwcrtbM Brown Iron Bitten in en of
anrvmia and ulooa dirjoBunn also wlin a tcnto wan
needed, and It hat prtrved tlioroua;lilj ttattHfactorj.
MR DTnitH, S8 Rt. Mary St., Nw Orloani, U .
an)9i "Brown'i Iron iJittfM relloTed me In a caw
of blood polsonltiff, And I heartily commend It to
tnotQ nedinff a Mood tnirlfler.
Ma W, W.MoMAtUN.TuiicunridA, AU , turn "t
riiTH lwn troubled fmm chlldhfiod with Irapum
lihiod and enil'tion on mjr faco two bottlm o(
jlnmn'a Iron Uitteni effected a perfect cure, I
tanuut epeak too highly ot tltfaTaluaMetuediclrie,'
Genuine haa above Trade Mark and cronaM rfdllnee
on wrapper. Tultc no othrr Made only by
Mvim I'.mrntt . 1 ntn of llin nitliilon
IfVtn nf flanullt.. 1... I flint iUn xnl.tln lui.lnnta Id llin t.ll.ln,,.. nf
lons"' 11,0 t Ikrwlok lately occupied tlio public, fttiil that tlio intcrctts of tUo
1 ' "uyer. public nre better nrotcctcd and secured tlio
better and more convenient tlio uppllsnccs
nro for tlio transaction of that business.
It Is manifest that tlio room now occu.
pled as n liar OIUco In the Court ilouso Is
entirely too small and Inconvenient, und Is
dally becoming more so. 'the Har of Col-
umbla county comprises about forty mem.
bcrs nnd thu. room now provided for tbelr
accommodation during the sittings of tlio
Tho newest style, the largest stock,
the lowest price con always be had at
1). I.owcnbcrg's.
James Itelllv h IIS innVfijl Ilia i.nn nn.1
billiard tables to Knorr & Wlnlcrstccn's
nu. He lias four tallies with all tho
sary fixtures, In good shape.
I'cnms A: Hover havo ilh.nlvnd not-ti.t,n I imurt iI.mio tint ofTrvnl mrn Minn otd ml I II tf
imp, unu me barber business heretofore room, lksldes that, tho room Is ncccssarl-
7 ura "yi'icm will bo continued at ly occupied by tlio Judge as bis oillco, with
.....ib piaco oy win. Dennis. his table, chair, case and papers,, nnd still
TlieSpHng term at the Normal ,.,, tu,l,,cr V lhe c8es w!'lc1'
opened on Mon,lv win, .. , " . occupy u.reo sides, anu mo excellent
. ' : U,V ""'UUCl Ul -loon, r,wll,.l,.r nlnrli tnbi.. llin fnnrt I II lip.
LUIll-llIR. in nl nM. . . . . . .......... -- v
.u uiLvuuiuii-u promises to oc I .... - . ...... , .. .i.
greater than ever. In n few wecli whon 1 " Brand jury nnu me '
the county schools close. ' c""n,y w,,oso bll,lni!SS 19 tfnnscted at tho
I uoun House anil in mc uoum, nro luuy
Tlio Greenwood Seininnrv. nt Miiiviiln aware of the crent lnconvclnenco under
will begin tho Spring term on Monday which we labor. The rooms for the Har,
April 111, 1830. Students preparing fnr the Ubrnry and the Court otllclnls ought
wuni-tu win nnu It to Hi,, r ni1vni,ii.i.n in io ub auiled 10 nun eniargeu. lowuainas
correspond with thu I'rlnclnal A L Tin- been said something should yet be added.
The Columbian.
most remarkable clianiics of weather
live been experienced iluilnir the nasi'
weeh. Bumiay last the Inclinometer lose
to about (IT, degrees, while on Jlondav
morning It diopped again almost to the
ireezlne point.
llinilLCT Hlll.lllUII TIK TAIII.1,
TriilaH on tho lMilladelphla li It It. leave Itupert
as follows:
HORTIt. 80CTn.
Ci'S9 a. m. 11:49 a. in,
3:43 p. in. 6:13 p. m.
Tralnson tho D. b. & V. K. It. leavo liloomstiurB
(1:21 a. m. 8:10 a. m.
10-.J1 a in. lt:4l a. m.
i:2D p. in. 4! P, m.
0::to p. in. 8:47 p. in.
Tnlnson the N. V. B. Hallway pass Blcom
Ferry an follows :
noktii. socm
10:5i a. in. 18aT5 p. in.
M p. in. 4:15 p. in.
lli:14 a ill r,:ispm
We are glad to notice tho nnoolntmcnt
of John llrofee of ML Cnrmpl 11.4 llin hnat.
masier oi mat place. lie was formerly of "lanuesuy an improper pinco u
mis county where bo has manv friends ln,llc uPon' .'"ol"y llllnS lo uo 15 lo
ami has been n subscriber of this naner lllllU"c together In a comer of the Court
for many years. room where you disturb the court and the
1. U Murphy, a weather lironhct who HuhIiIm nil that wo arn constantly buv
... i - - '
ma been surprislnalv correct In his lucillc. In., Iniir tmrilcQ. iiml llin aIwIvph nf thu Har
wuua in. wiiiicr, now writes to tho Now
i ork Tribune his opinion for the spring
season i "I prophesy remarkable flnn
spring and early summer such as have not
been seen In ninny a year.
Aruii. S3. II. II. Ilulme, executor of
Saniucl Applcmnn, decensed, will sell real
estate on the premises In llenton township.
Sec advertisement.
Two now small show ruses for sale
cheap. Inquire of Paul E. Wirt, Colum.
iiun building.
Foil Sale Two houses and lots on
Canal street. Desirable, cheap homes, nnd
pay well to rent.
Also, one house nnd lot on Third street,
near Fair grounds.
Also, one of the finest residences in
liloomsburir. corner of Fifth nnd Centre
streets. Having all the latest Improve
mcnts, steam heat, water, gas, water clos
ets and bath room. Good burn, fruit and
ornamental trees, large lot. A rare chance
for a tine home. Apply to
J. II. Maie.
Cor. Mnln and Centre Sts.
Wasikii. -A tiov who understands tak-
Ingcareof horses and who Is willing to
assist about tlio house anil yard, ao oilier
need aiiiilv. A steady situation with ligld
work and moderate wages to one. who will
1111 the bill. Apply to
T. J. Swi-mui
March Sth. 188G
M. 1).
Jersey town
llenjamin Heaver of Mill Grovo was in
town Friday.
Mr. John Herring is home trom I.nfay
ctle college on a visit.
II. A. Sweppenheiser ot Mine Iildgc
gave us a pleasant call Saturday.
Mr. G. W. Hates is again able to Do out
after n severe Illness of several months.
Mrs. T). O. Herlsch of Mauch Chunk
visited her son Geo. W. Hcrtsch this week
Hev. Dr. Hopkins, of Wlll!amport
preached in the Episcopal church on Tues
day evening.
Hev. F. H. Kiddie, the new pastor ot the
M. E. Church, preached here for the llrst
time on Sunday last.
Mrs. Elisha Hess and daughter Clulstlue
of Montgomery Station, visited ftieuds in
this place u few days this week.
Mr. John llrofee, Mt. dinners new post
master, was in town on Monday, and was
warmly greeted by his many friends.
Miss Mildred Knorr, who Is attending
Vassar College, was at home on a vacation
for a week, returning on Weducailny.
Mr. II. W. Hmkliicham has returned
from Philadelphia where lie has been nt
mrillcnl lectures nt Jefferson Col.
.Mr. A. M. White nnd family of Orange
township started for Ohio on Tuesday
when! thnv will reside. Mr- Whlto has
purchased a farm of 100 acres near Weston
In that state.
MrsJane I.owry and Miss Maggie I.owry
of Washington, I). C, aro vlsltlug at itcv,
A. Hrittaln'8. Mrs. I.owry Is Mr. Hril
tain's oulv turvlvlnir sister. She was born
at Llghtstrcet, nnd left there llfty-four
vears nno. and this is her first visit hero
since Hint time. She will go to Gram!
Haplds, Mich,, next week.
Dr, 0. W. Amerman und family moved
from Ornngevlllo to Greenwood, Sussex
Co., Delaware, on Monday last. Die Doc
tor has resided at Orungoville for the past
thirteen vears. nnd during that llmo has
enjoyed a largo practice, extending i
through the upper end of the county. I
lias acquired an enviablo reputation as
careful nnd skillful physician, and bis nu
meroiis patients will deeply regret the loss
ot his services. Asldo from his ability as
a physician, lie is n gentlemau of rnru so
clal qualities, and ho leaves many friends
behind him In this county. Wo wish him
success In his new homo.
nnni! iioosii
During tho sitting of tho Court It Is tho
duty and the business of every member of
the Har to bo In attendance. If n client
comes in or n consultation Is to be bad be
tween counsel tberu is no room th which
you can retire for the purpose Tho room
under the gallery was prepared for, nnd Is
almost conslnutly and properly occupied
by women In attendance as wltncsses.often
mothers with babes and young children,
olllce lire now full yet the Supremo Court
of the State Is orderine them to bo made
at thu rate of about four volumes n year,
not to speak of other necessary publica
tlons to which the Court Is constantly ob-
llged to refer. Therefore is also
needed. There is no economy In cilppling
tho public business, in refusing conven
lence in its transaction, in making a clti
zeu spend dollars where cents would be
enough with the modern conveniences.
For Instance, a few days ago I was In
the Prothonotary's olllci of a neighboring
Thcie will be a meiitlii!? nf ilm tnnrOinia eotintv. Ainone its appliances was a
oillcers and Sundav school wnrltrrs of telephone. A riuir at thu bell and an In
Hloomsburg, on Tuesday, April (! morn, quiry by an attorney, fifteen miles sway
noon and evening, In the Lutheran for Judgments ngninst A. It. or mortgages
church, beclnnlni' at OrilO n. m.. nVlncl.- ill tell minutes answer was ready, and
The Spring term of tlio Normal School
opened .uoimuy morning, under the most
lavoraiiio circumstances in the history nf
the school. Every available place is occu.
pled with boarders. Should the increase In
this schoolcontliuio as In the past, a new
dormitory will be necessary in a few years.
and 7:!S0 p. in. Exciciacs to consist of inn.
Ic, addresses, etc. All aru cordially in-
vited to lie present. 2t.
There is another fraud on the road, who
professes to cure all eye, ear and head
liseases by means of spectacles with (dec.
trie atlachments, for which he charges ijlO,
the sum ot to he paid at the time of
purchase and thu balance when the patient
Is cured. I he spectacles are worth about
twcnty.tivc cents. Many unsophisticated
people, who don't read llio newspaper!
have been victimized by this "spectacle
On Monday evening .March SOth, a num
ber of the members of the Lutheran Church,
with others, notwithstanding the ruin und
the darkness, made quite an agreeable sur
prise at the residence of Hev, G. S. Iiatters
by on third street. After spending an hour
or two In filendly and social intercourse
they returned to their homes, leaving sub-
stantial tokens of their kind regards ; for
all of which the family would return their
sincere thanks.
the business f parties went on, which
else would have required a day, and sever
al dollars of expense. And while I was
there, three or four calls from different
parts of the county, camu and were nu-
swered. Daj-s of time and dollars or money
were thus saved to thu citizen. Every
thing that facilitates business is a public
benefactor, every man is directly or In
directly advantaged. A false economy is
ically a tax upon the people.
J. G. F.
Tho census of 1880 showed that the
population of the Town ot Hloomsburg
had increased only about !)00 In ten years,
wbllo that of somo of our sister towns bad
nearly doubled. Ono reason for this dlf.
fcrrnco may bo found In the fact that tho
mining of Iron ore about hero lias greatly
diminished, nnd many miners thrown out
of employment have moved nway. At the
f amo time wo luivo bad nothing to draw
more peoplo to us. There nre somo things
that this town needs, nnd must have If wo
expect to grow In population aud prosper
ity. First is n bridge ncross tho river.
This would open up a largo section of
country to us that is almost Inaccesslblo
nnd would glvo us competition In railroad
trafllc that would greatly benefit the town,
nnd In fact tho whole county. As this U
the business nnd financial centre of tho
county, n prosperous condition of iidnlrs
is felt by every farmor, manufacturer nnd
mechanic who comes here for a market
for lils produce, his manufactures nnd his
skill. When thcio Is plenty of money In
Hloomsburg thcro Is but llttln dlfllcnlty In
circulating It through tho country. Prices
nro belter for eraln. and wages for labor
aro higher. When theie Is stagnation
here, it Is felt all around tin. Those there
fore, who oppose tlio building of a bridge
here nre standing In their own light.
Hut the greatest necessity ot the town Is
the establishment of manufacturing works
that will give steady employment to n
largo uiimber of winking people. A large
amount of mouey has been expended in
putting tlio town In shape so that we can
otter inducement, to strangers to come
here witli their capital and engage in bus!
ncss. With a beautiful and healthful luca
tlon.wlth nil necessary railroad connections.
with gas, water, steam heat nnd sewerage,
we nre, as a municipality, on n level, if in
deed wo are not a good way ahead of any
other lowr. In the stale. There has been
expended nt least 100.00 by private cor
porations In the erection of these Improve.
mcnts, besides many thousands of dollars
apenl by the town in sewerage nnd In grail-
inz and bcaiitltvbig the streets. While all
these tilings were necessary, and gavu cm
ploymeiit to many laborers when in course
of construction, all combined do not give
steady employment 10 more than a dozen
hands. Our business men and capitalists
hav exhibited a liberal spirit In every
movement that has been started for the
benefit of the town In what may bo con
sldi red more as luxuries than as absolute
necessities, aud if foreign capital cannot
be brought hire, there is no doubt that
the next movement will be for the erection
of manufacturing establishments.
All tho diffeient shops, mills and fur
naces combined give sttdy employment
to about 2.8 bands, which nre distributed
as follows :
All the new styles of wall paper at
Neal & Sous
Illinium & llnssert
S. M. Hess
Woolen Mill
Krug's Pinning Mill
School Furnishing Co. probably
Ask your meic.hant for O. K. coffee.
Try it and you will use no other. It is
home roasted. Always fresh nnd has no
equal. m. 12 !f. In I'rl.cH.
I'.IIHt llCIIIOfl.
Last Thursday's salo (James Long's Hen-
tun) the crowd was variously estimated at
a 1000 to lftOO strong. Tho goods brought
a very high price. Cows were sold for 150
a head.
Isaac Kline, once n resident of Fishing -
creek township and living at Stillwater, on
the furm now occupied by Frank Hess,
later n of Hcnton township, died nt
his residence In the borough of New Col
umbus March 2ilh. 1830, aged about 84
The Flshingcreck township Sunday
School Association will meet at St. Jnmcs
on Saturday April 10th. t 10 o'clock n. m.
All nre Invited to attend.
The fanners are making preparations for
another Summer's operation. Tho mer
chants renp a crop every day, but tho
farmers consume In tho winter most of
what they raise In tho summer. Girls,
marry farmers and belong to the Independ
ent class. You never hear of strikes
among farmers only when they strike for
good women. You will always bo blessed
with (a) "piece aud plenty" of something
to do. Yet laying all jokes aside, we be
lieve It Is the best you can do. Notwith
standing we counsel you to listen to no
one In particular, but do the very best you
can, only keep out of the bands of the pro
fanu and thu inebriate. Kind and loving
husbinds nro what you want, and no mat
ter what tbelr occupation mny be.
I tlior Mcllenry contemplates nbamion
lug the mercantile business this spring and
try. the farm.
Hcnton Is a lively ami cntetprlslng town
Hut much would be added to its conven
ience and beauty If Its .citizens would lay
substantial pavements and street crossings.
It would annually save Its cost In boot
John Ashlcmnn has resinned llio build
ing of his new house. Lieutenant J. J.
Karns Is the boss carpenter, H. G. Kase
and Harmon Stlnc assist him in the job.
I Wo will open on Bnlnrdoy morning one
' (11 lint lutnd, ii.ia it iiBi,i,in.., . ftr.nvi nvf
offered In this town.
II. W. Sloan.
Don't think of pavlne AO.ftO for a set of
good whlto dishes, when you can get them
nt 1, w. iinriman is tson-s lor ijz.ou.
For Sale. Two good young horses,
also, first quality larm implements, 01 ev
ery description used on a farm) also, farm
wimons, niniiorm spring wagons, uukbics,
Ac. As 1 do n t expect to canvas much
this season, I nsk farmers to call nnd sec
mc, as 1 shall sell al low figures.
S. C. Siiivk.
The new lawns, seersuckers, batistes.
percales, sateens, Ac, nt I. W. Hnrtman it
son's nre encap.
Tabic and floor olt cloths nt C. C. Marr's.
Decorated tea sets, i.r0 to tir.00, at I.
V. Hartman & Son's.
lor 1 tubs
l-U.NI)i:i) DB1IT.
due Amr 1st ha n-fl co
" .tan " lsi im m
' ITI) " " .YU 01
" Amt " " lorn in
" .inn " is,, .. mo nn
" Km " .vxi no
' All(f " " ...... iwi on
" " ismi rso on
11 " " imh) cam i
" " istu un on
" ' 1-.H-): no on
" " ' l'll IN) III
" " ism rioin
" " i urn fun nn
" " " imu ran nn
' " ' 1MI7 fw on
" " " 1MH KSO0I
" " " 1MI1I T40 IM
" " " ) turn .vi 0)
Total rundcitilcbt.,
Wo will open on Saturday morning ono
of the finest lots of Cashmero Jerseys ever
offered In this town, II. W. Sloan.
Hepntrs for all farming Implements sold
by John Wolf, can be hud by cnlllng nt
II. O. Esblcman & Co., Opera House,
Hloomsburg Pa.
We will open on Saturday morning one
ot tho finest lots of Cashmern Jerseys over
oiicreu in this town 11. w. bi.oan.
I 13IW00
llealestnte KM srn ml
1'crsonal Droncrtr.. li SJi in
Occupations u 1T0 no
Total vaI unions
Two per cent, ot the nbovo
t wwm n)
t I Will 30
If you want dress silks or velvets go to
uurK iVbon s. i.argo siock, iow prices.
Foil Sale. Clovcrsecd, timothy seed,
shotes, calves and all kinds or Ittmucr.
Hoards, rails, 2x4, scantling, joist, nlank,
lath, chestnut, hemlock mid Pine. rios. 1.
2, and !l shingles, pine hnarria and siding,
surfaced, white pine, yellow pine anil hem
lock lloorlnir. nlnsterlne, lath, pickets, Ac,
at I.ightst-cct, by Silas Young. in 20-2m
April goods of nil kinds for housekeep
ing nt 1. W. Hartman & Son's.
wool nnd cotton
lial of tax due on mm of li"!
! lsvi .
Due from xiimlry persons on ncct.
" .ill liiirmnn h uki.
for sewer permit I in to
Duo from,) fl. Maize rorsnin" .1 m
Due from sundry persons on old nccK.
W4 .11
linn .v)
U 41
1.1 III
.1 4.1
Due from estate of Wm Vebb,contrtbu-
linns iur iipi-miiK .MiirKui. si.,
Iierclorore included In tho assets
of the town, iU0 worthless.
I 3V,T
Go to C. C. Marr's for
carpet chain.
Little onions wanted nt U. C. Marr's.
Orders of lsl outstanding.. t 'WW
lss-i ,. :n wi
issi " i:m an
.1 Knrns. In ilir. for fnl to Ifir 4ir ft.
Bloom gas Co. judir. No 121,
ni'P icnn, isso, .or ohl- i
sliunlliid orders to ain't I
of, which nre ms 41
surrendered to the town I
iiml not accounted for j
by the Treasurer. J
coiiponsof .-(! due A unpd till si
Kxiti-s of liabilities over
For wall paper and window shndca go
to George A. Clark's book store.
C. A.
A. daughter of George Ileukleman, tuar
Lime Hldge, about 10 years of agi , died
very suddenly, Wednesday evening of last
week. She had nn attack of tho measles,
which did not seem to alarm any one, ex
cept that she was very sick because of
their not properly appearing on thu sur.
face. Wednesday evening she retimd with
a sister apparently In no worse condition
than previously, In thu morning she was
found dead In the bed. The sister sleeping
with her did not know of her death until
in the morning when she niose.
While in every community the majoiily
of thu population must be dependent on
manual labor for their living, these figures
show that only about oue fifteenth of the
population ot this town can find steady
employment in these establishments. Of ,,,nlw, snmn ,ir nnn.rnslnnntA. who
We will pay 10 for the largest t of , .. . , ,
move their families lure on account of the
scarcity of comfortable tenement houses.
There aru over 800 voters In the town;
there nro at least !!00 minors old enough to
List of letieis remaining In thu I'03t Of.
Ilcunt Hloomsburg fur week ending March the best explanatory solution of tho
0, 1880:
Mr. Cluis. 1). Hankes, Miss Mcdii Egder,
Aey Grayliiini, Itobcrt McCracken, Esq.
Miss Mary J. Mcllenry, Maiy A. Smith,
Mr. James Vanl.ieii.
A. G. Cruvellng, C. A. Mitchell, Esq
-Mis. Lydla Wnleaver.
Poisons culling for these letters will
please say 'advertised."
GsokiieA. Ci.Ai:.t, P. M.
words given in the defining part of Web-
stei's Dictionary formed frm the word
Illustrated." $10 for tho best temper
ance poem, isli) tor tho best comic poem
10 for 11m best story of 1000 words. 10
for the best song nnd mtiElo. $10 for the
bast pen and Ink sketch, $5 for tho best
three riddles fci for the nearest guess nt
tho number of ''anil's" In our next (May)
number. in for tho most difficult ten ques-
tlons in Grammar, witli proper answers.
ijj for tho most difficult ten questions in
Arithmetic, (not puzzles) with proper an
swers. $5 tor the best poem uy uoy unuer
12 years. $5 for the best story by girl ui.
der 12 years. ifS for the best explanatory
solution of tho question! "How often, and
at what intervals has July 4th occurred on
Sunday during the Christian era?" $5 for
tlons "A man starts Monday noon, nnd
travels Westwnrd, keeping up with the
Sun where does ho first find Tuesday
uoon f" Send 10 cents for sample paper
and conditions. A beautiful present with
each paper. Mu.xyon's III. Would, Phil
adelphla, l'a. Agents wanted. (a-"'1'"
Paper for the parlor sitting room nnd ball,
Paper for thu bed-room, kitchen and all.
At Mercer s.
Flno gilt ceiling decorations nt Clark'
book store.
Tho Spring term of tho Orangcvlll
Academy will open on Monday, April G
Call and sco the new styles for Spring
nnd Summer at 1). LOWENHEHG'b.
A thrce.yenr.old son of William Mctz
(tied If st Friday morning and was burled
on Sunday,
James M, Long took chargo of the Oran
gevillo Hotel on tho 1st. He will make a
popular lundlord.
Are you going to paper your houso this
Spring y You can suit yourself at George
A. Clark's book store.
The State Normal School nt the lilh ills-
trlct at Hloomsburg, Pa., will begin the
spring lei m on Monday, March 29th, 1880.
The attendance in thu Normal depart-
ment Is thu largest in any winter term in
lhe histnrv ul thu school. Tho corps of
teachers will be enlarged to meet the in
creased altendancu of the coming term.
The additional building containing twenty
six rrcilalioii rooms is almost under root.
Hereafter, candidates for tho new Sen
ior class will bu examined in all the pre
ceding studies by thu State Hoard tit the
Iinj ofthe Senior examination, In June,
nml Hint will lm tin. final examination In
those studies. A similar examination will
be held early In September for candidates
unable to attend In June.
Special effort will bu made during the
coming term to prepare students for this
examination and that nf County bupcrln.
lendenls. Students prepared here for col-
lego aro now In Anfherst, llllams, assar
Lafavette Dickinson and Lehlgli Univer
sity. Students having a card from thu
Principal may buv tickets at half.faro on
ihn f. V . 1). L. .t W. and P. & it Us.
Wrltu for fnrther Information. ml3 4t.
A beautiful lino of Norfolk suits for
children, boys and youths at
D, Lowcnberg's,
The Hickc of VIcKHliurjr,
Your Local l'a per.
Ex.Senator David Davis In n recent ml
dress, has the following truths to say about
the paper, to which we call the
attention of our renders
Eyerj year every local paper gives from
$100 to $5000 in tree lines for the sole
benefit of lhe vicinity n which It is local
cd No other imency can or wil1 do this.
The editor, In irnpoillou to Ids msans.
does more for his town than any other leu
men, and in all fairness, man witli man,
ho ought to bo supported : not bicausu
work: nnd yet with 1100 male Inhabitants
most of whom must earn their bread by
thu sweat of their brows, there are indus
tries enough only to employ ono third or
ono fourth of them, after making due
allowance for all thu artisans, mechanics,
plasterers, painters, day laborers &c, the
natiito of whosu trade or occupation docs
not permit of their working ,in shops in
large numbers.
Hloomsburg has improved wondei fully
In the past twenty years, but it lias not
grown. The erection ot shops of some
kind sufficient to give employment to 000
or 1000 hands, would bilng in new people
to us, and their advent would necessitate
building of a large number of new bouses,
which would for a lime furnish work for
all kinds of artisans. The monthly pay
roll would put in circulation largu sums of
money, and a period of prosperity would
dawn uiion us such as we have never
Ituown before.
Uuslness will not come hero of Itself.
It must be made by active and energetic
Iforls, nnd until we nro willing to taku
risks nlways incident to the investment of
large capital, we can never hope to reap
greater results.
We nro pleased to note that the sick folks
are mending slowly,
L-isl Wednesday .Miss Maggiu Tubbs
cloned a successful term of school In this
place. She ii-lurnid to her home, ileal
Cntuhrti, Sunday.
Thuisday last Mrs. Ida Sharrelts, form-
er.y Miss Ida stecker, lelt these pans to co-
William Webb has moved to Mrs,
house near the Court House.
F. M. Everett takes the bouse of
Klelm on Third street.
C. A. Klelm has moved to the rooms
over his drug store.
F. 11. Hartman occupies the property
Vacated by F. M. Everett on West street.
T. W. Purse takc3 tho Hrockway houso
on Third street.
.Mrs. Crawford has moved to rooms In
Mrs. Ent's building.
Mrs. Norman has moved to tho bouse on
Centre street, vacated by W. S. Moyer.
Freeman II. Coleman will move front
Pittston to the property belonging to the
estate of Thomas Ihjpkins decensed In
Hemlock township.
Owen Eyerly has moved Into tlio house
vacated by Geo. Hldleman near M. E.
E. Jacobs moves to house of Mis. Wyn.
koop near depot.
W. S. .Moyer has taken tlio houso of O.
T. Wilson on Main street.
George Edgar moved into property of J.
A. Funston on Iron street.
D. Holce moved to property ot I. W.
McKclvy on Welsh Hill.
('. 11. Hrockway takes thu house of J. S.
Phillips on Welsh Hill.
Mrs. Esblcman moves to house of C. W.
Miller on Seventh street.
B. L. Esblcman moved to house of Mrs,
Wynkoop on Centru street.
J. II. Cruvellng has moved into the
Hales house on Fifth street now owned by
Paul E. Wirt Esq.
O. H. Hoirman of Montandon occupies
the Miller properly corner of Fiftli nnd
East streets.
William Harrett moves to house on cor
ner of Third and Uallroud streets.
E. Linker takes housu of Simon Sliivu
on Iron si reel.
Want 100 teams to haul bark now. to bo
unloaded In the enrs nt tho railroad. Also,
potatoes, turkeys, chickens, geese, ducks,
pigeons, thrltty, white, clcnr. shotes. that
w..irli fmm Q.1. nn. JO fid. fifl. to 7fi nounds.
Hutter, eggs, nice green apples, clovcrsecd P"0 ll of iliipllcatc for ism.
Ullll m unis, ui, j.iiusk.uuL.
fcb..S-S)ms. Silas Yocno.
You w ill find a full line of dress goods
nt Clark &, son's at low prices.
I 35S1 ,o
1( 07
NKWTON BOONK, collector for UM.
The best syrup is the "Queen," sold at
C. C. Marr's.
lluttons, braids, filnges, gimps, loops,
ornaments, ivc, nt uiarn ,v: son s.
Choice fresli garden seeds at C. C. Marr's
C. C. Marr wants butter, eggs, lard, side,
shoulder nnd ham. ,
I. W. Hartman & Son arc sending out
lots of dishes all over the town and county.
Go sec tin in.
By amt paid Eva Itupert,
'1 rcasurer.
Br amt of exonerations al
lowed on dnp of lsM..
By aint of exonerations al-
luwfu iur is.Nj unu up
nlled to bal. dun. of '!
By bal nint allonc I on dap.
oi -M anu uppiu'u un
dup of si
I9S1 W
?s 10
OTIIt'.it 1)191! IHtRKMKNTS.
I'donacofoutstand'gor'sforM i 1J
do do do S4 14 nn
Bonds redeemed -
interest paid iliulnif year vli!
coupon. I ll-1 31
Order for lost coupon
No t,1. Bond No 15. 3 00 SIS Sl
StatPtax paid ' "
Treaiirer'H eommliflon lw 8.
Total expenditures
Deduct order, ontslanillnif KM nr.
order No SOI surrendered by
(las Co , uncfineellcd 141 oi
llalAnc duo Tre ii'irei in 1
Alnt deducted from olaliil of Col
Co S'l
4SAI (V)
fMiies amount ciUillln? receipts ..... 7-il ID
SAMlf.t. NKYItAliD, Sec'y. 1. 11 HLTniT, ITU.
We, tho unperslgned Auditor, of tho town of
Blooinsbunr, met Thursday nnd Friday, .March S3
nnd srh and do hereby certify that wo have exam
Inert tlio foieiolmt account and staUmenls nnd find
them correct and do niiprovo the R.ime.
.IDS (IAIIKImiiN, Auditors.
We would further report that we Had tho books
piper, nnd public archives of tho town
have been and are still, unprotected from nre and
buriflars, from tho want of a proper place of do
posll, and ue unreupon tho council lie necessity
of tho purchase of a s.ite, for tho snfo keeping ot
the Mine, and would further unto a proper index
Imjot nnd purelinsnnt Index book for Mieedv ref
erence to Minute, and other papers rvlatlnir to tho
biitlnes. of the town,
W.M. K. HINKKtl,
for our select
oeo. p. Itowell
list of local newspapers.
l() fpruce St. N. V,
tovi:iitNo. A nerfect non-conductor. Por
urination send mr circular. JIALCO.M PAT-
THUMIN, P. i). Box .10, lidding, Pa. innrP! Mr.
moic money limn ntnnj thing elsobytaka
lug nu ngeiicy lor the beat selling book out
ik'Kl'incrh succeed Kruiidly. Isono fnll
Term. nee. IIai.lett Hook
Jlalno. ileclS a',.
III HIVE AWAY 1,001) self-operotlng wash
ing macniues. u you wani. one senu u..
jour mine, P.O. and express olllce at once. THE
NATIONAL CO.,51 I ley M X. Y. mar.lS-4t-r.
Active and In
tplllirent.ln ren-
rescnt In her own locality an old Ann. Reference.
rciiuireti, rennnnent posiuon and good salary.
HAY & 1IHOS., 13 Barclay St., X. Y. Apr. 2 4UI.
I was
iM?'Vr5! I,H CAfsES and
l-a.-ff' XJQ i-PHE. bv oue who
deaf tlNPMv.eliyht. venrs. Trentp,!
liv r.insl. nf llio nntt'fl MiinrlHlUf nf , Un rtn
with nobiwiit. cured Himself In three months,
nnd tlnce then hundreds of others by same pro
cess. A plain, slmplo nnd successful home treat-
ment. Address T. s. paok. 12s Past street.
ew ork city. Apr-S-4t-d.
14 V, "T
AM :)')
Fou Sale. ltemlngtnn and Advnncc
ows, the best in the market, also reversi
ble slip shares for ail the leading plows In
use. 1-tJ , miive.
Eight erades of colfee, 14c. to !13c. at 1.
w. iiartmun i: Bon's.
You can save money by buying your
mlirolderles of rinric m son. Also com
plete lino ot ladles' muslin uiulcrweer ul
prices cheaper than you can inuno It.
1 he celebrated Dr. Mott. of New York,
speaks wonders for Mr. 5-peer's effnits to
also the Uoorto or fort wine itrape, in
New Jersey. The Doctor has spent jears
In Portugal and the wine districts of
Frnuce, und knows what lie Is talking
03 Madison Ave.. Nuw York.
Mi; Ai.fhed Si'EKit, Dear Sir : Tne
is i t I made to your vineyard, wine press
s and vaults at Passaic, N. J., satlslied me
that the wines produced by you are pure,
and the very best that can bo oll'ercd to
the public tor medicinal uses.
I have recommended your Port Wine
and Hurgiiud) j more particularly in my
practice, 1 am satisfied with maiked benefit
to my patten's-
lliere can be no better proof us to tnu
iue being made of the finest Oporto
grape, than a visit like 1 made to your
ncres ot land crvercd with the vine ujnr
inn thu fruit.
1 remain respectively vours. Ale.x. 15
.Mott, M. D., Prof, of Surgery, Hellevue
Hospital Medical College, &c,
operate with Mr. Andrew Shurretts in the
you may happen to like him or admire Ids art of housekeeping. They moved on
writing, hut because a local paper is llio shurretts' farm In ML Pleasant,
best Investment n community can make. A mlrai,ur from this place attended a
It may not bo brilliant nor crowded with hirthday party for Christian Earnest, nenr
great thoughts, but financially, It Is more
of a benefit to a community than the
preacher or teacher. Understand us now i
we don't menu morally or intellectually,
but financially, and yet on tho moral ques-
tlon you will find the majority of the local
papers nro on the right side of tho ques
tion. To-day tho editors of local papers
do the most work for the least money of
any meu on enrth.
New Columbia, nn Saturday
Pursuant to the call of the district Vice
President, Mr. Aaron Hmlth, lhe Hemlock
Sunday School Convention convened In
thu Lutheran church Saturday morning nt
10 o'clock. The attendance was excep
tlonully poor, lack of iuleiest and inch-
ment weather beiug tho causes, Tho pro
grnmmo prepared for the occasiou was a
good one; full of thought and interest
F, P. Kelley, an old resident of town,
moved to Shickshlnny last week, where he
Is engaged as blacksmith, at the coal
Tneo. McDowell nnd son, William, in
company with C. II. Kline, left for Now
York on .Monday.
Miss Eva WoodruII, who has been visit
log at Isaac Kester's tor tho past nine
months, left tor her home In Iowa on
Wednesday last.
Mrs. Catharine Oman Is still in a precari
ous condition.
Mrs. Sampson Townsend is very sick nt
present with u complication of diseases.
Mrs. Joseph Huckwalter, of Ashland,
paid friends In town a visit during the past
This being llio llrst of April, few changes
taku place, as follows: II. C. Kelchncr
moves to the iippc? end nf town, in thu
Mellck property! Keece Fulrman, to the
McDowell pioticrty, for a new hotel; P. W.
Mellck, fiom thu farm to his father's prop-
rty in town; J. s, Hachiiiun, lo the plop-
rty of Asa Everett's htirs; David Lee, lo
Martha Hinwn property on Qunllty street;
Hannls Mcllrlde, from the furm of U. W
Cruvellng, in Centre, to the property of A.
White, formerly M. C. Johnson; II. I-
Heacock topropeity of E. J. Stettler on
Main street; A. F. Tcrwllllger, from Quid
Ity street to property of Mrs. M. II. Ent on
A- J. Thrash, from Frcelaud, Luzerne
county, will taku chargo of the hotel at the
lower end of town.
One hundred different styles of Dado Tho topics were ably discussed by Ilevs.
window shades at .Mercer's.
to jl.BO.
Price, lOcts.
ldit I'ohI Ilenellt.
Just received a largo lino of whlto
shirts, n marvel of cheapness, at
411 cts. each. I). Lowenberg.
Charles A Shuman has been appointed
postmaster at Heaver Valloy. Ho is a
good Democrat, nnd will make an excel
lent official.
Tho light place to get your Spring suit
mado up in city style, full satisfaction guar
anteed. Is nt tho popular store oi u. l.ow-
mberg, tho uierchnut tailor of Columbia
Love's U. S. Comedy Company will np-
pear at the. Opera Houso on Friday and
The nbovo Military Comedy was played Saturday evenings, April 3 and ,1, In the
last nlirht before a delimited and enthu. great military comedy of the day, "The
slastio audience, who madu thu walls of Slcgo of Vlcksburg." Theru will also bo a
the Onera Houso ring by tbelr fiequent
bursts of applause at every fresh comical
situation and lino of sparkling dialogue
with which thu ulav is teeming, hilo
during tho pathetic portions (of which
theru Is lust enough to maku it Intensely In-
terestlng.) they were as still as .nice in the
scene where the IIuio, played by thu nu.
thor, .Mr. Vol. E. Love, Is saved from a
rebel bullet by n little silk Hag conceaieu
In his breast a love token from Ids Ilance.
Sharrelts, Tubbs, Spear, and Hros. ltlch
art, Heaglc, A. Spear, P. Hrugler nnd Wm,
Hldleman, The Prcsldeut of the conven
tlon Is nt a loss to know bow to get the
people interested in this work. He Is very
much discouraged, Tho Sunday school
workers of this dlstiict havu not done their
duty lu regard to this matter.
Wo arc Informed that Daniel Harris has
accepted a clerkship In n company stoic at
Nantlcoko, Ho went to that place ou
Our Assessor. Seth Shoemaker. Is now
Heautlful birthday cards nt .Mercer's, misy mat,tug i,s rrmmls. Much complaint
Is heard from all soiiiccs. Too high valu
On Tuesday, April 18, tho taxpayers of
Hemlock will havo tho pleasure of meeting
thu Commissioners of Columbia county In
matinee on Saturday afternoon. The pro.
ceeils nro tor llio neneni oi rosi, u. ii
It. Admission, 50, H5 and 25 cents.
fiom ono cent to two dollars.
The audience were aroused lo such a pitch si01, nn(j VQeMl t as a valuable prepara
of enthusiasm, that for fully n minute tj01) j,, scrofula and consumptive cases
nothing could bo heard, every member imlatnblo nnd clllcaciotis."
H, enmnanv was III V UP 10 ins or uei
Scott's Emulsion of Pure
CocII.l.i-rOII M'itlillypoiiIioHiiltlteH
In Scrofulous and Consumptive Cases.
Dr. O. C. Lockwood, N. Y sayss "I
have frequently prescribed Scott's Emu). C. II. Dletterlch's hotel, to consider the
fairness of their valuations, and havo them
work, and the enllro performance was vol.
ed by till present, a compicto success.
.WlAuinon'iinil iVf.
At Opera House, April 3 and 3.
lowered, If so desirous. "
Perclval Foulk, who went to .Missouri a
, it i i . ii..
,..,, , n,ii .,... urn .,..r I lew wccks ago, is wen iicuiu irum, nu
mill iiujiv. I inn, ,i,v. , hi i , ; ,
1 .,.. ll,l l nnrw.r n r inm ? If n. SpCUKS Will 01 U1U lllllll ... lu wuin)
M J '-' .".' .l .1.1..,,. I,.. ...Ill l. ll,r,. Un. ,. II
l... In onll nni seiiniir nnlinr liefnrn wiumiiii nm raj ...w. ..v.v-....
,,.,. .!,i I ii xtn, of those who went from here there last
yuu uiuivw jwui uj.,ll.. ..!! ,! lm ,
l.Ufc uit v., i - ---j
Many persons havo catarrh in Its llrst
stages wuo suppose iiifii.c.v-
Lied with nothliiu' more serious thunase,
i ciMi.i.nm enhl In llin head. Ely's
VUIU Ull'l KlHiPuun, ....... ... ---- - - i
n. ., Il,.l, iTivea Inntnnt relief frOlll COlllS
In thu head, und u thorough treatment will oeIltg oxtru by in
cure catarrh. For salo by every druggist 0fl,
Tho rciaainiiig copies of tho History foolUb to return
of Columbia County, a book of 000
pages illustrated ami hound in cloth
will bo closed out at $1.00 oaoh, 2!i
all. For sale at tho
Columbian Olllce. Ulooiusuiiru, l'a.
The longer catarrh Is allowed tc run th'
stronger bold It takes on thu system, there
fore urudli'iitu it at oucu, Kcllei's Catarrh
Hcmcdy Is a sure cure every time. Be
There was unite a tiro In Shuman's tun
nel last week, 1 lie causo ot It seems to
be n mystery, Thu watchman claims that
it was set on fire by parlies to seek revenge
The cellars and granaries, near Union
Coineis, liavo been robbed for some time
and there was a great deal of conjecture
who were the guilty parlies, when n ludy
turned detective and fended out thu
guilty ones, who turned out to bo her near
Mr. Hurley Klefcr takes charge of llio
railroad hotel, Mr. Schug having concluded
not to rent the property. Hurley makes
good landlord.
Mr. J. Flemings is getting his bouse
nlapttred, preparatory to moviug.
Mr. duly, night operator, has moved hi
family to College hill, this place, from Lew
John C, Yocum, Esq., has been at
Hloomsburg, taking depositions In the Nu
mldla church difficulty, for some tlmu.
Our schools will closo In about tw
weeks, when several of tho teachers will
begin select schools.
Bat due on dup of M
f SOW 48
DAVID WINNEtt, Collector for Wsi.
To amt of duplicate for ls-o. I sTis sa
lly nmt paid liupert, Treas ...
Bal dueondup ot
sn.i :ir,
$ 571,9 Mi
l'Pr.ltT,Tiensurer,for lsMIn account Midi
the town ot Dtoomslmiv.
To amount from P.P. fill-
merer, late '1 reasurer. s Id 11
To amount of tax roll for-! 74'JO i
' stateinx col
lected oa bonds. .... 43 s
To nmt from Newton Boone,
collector ior m .... i.-j-iii-,
To ami from D. Winner,
collector for SI :w
To amt from L 11 Itupeil,
Pres. nnes and licenses : no
To nmt i ecelved on acct ot
sintlDir i ink license,... i'.- in
To nmt i ecelved for sewer
uernuts -.'miip
To amt received from sundry
persons ior nauuni;
iiibblsh. &n a ns
To amt received s Trump,
rent iur parK mi ,i
To amt received from D J
Waller for sewer pipe, si 71)
Bal due Treas., Kva lluperi
I 111011 01
70 1.1
t 10121 ill
KV. lllll'HItT, Tieasuier for l-.i. in account with
the town oi nioomsuur:;.
By amt nt dup. ot David Winner, col-
icciu ior -s.ut-iujf i-in l iiiicuuui i
ed by Treasurer ou tax roll ot m.
lly nmt of bonds paid during year, viz:
vn,f n I j rmo I da not mn dh ) j to itop ttrnn for
IItjisj aud tt.n bi them return attain . I tnan r4dlA
fin I t.o uil the diaaitte of Tt 1H, KPIU.I'sY or l'AU
I Ml MCKNIa llle-louK tudj. I warrant my tcntfty to
cure th wont ca. Unfima ottirii liaia i.l In on
nwn for ni I how rorelrtn-f cure, tend at otic for
ireatlKoaniia Frwi Itottltvf .nT InntUMa mueilr. tin
KitruM arid Poet OBire. it rwtta yua coiltlor fr ( lrtl,
B4d I 111 cure juu. Vli. U. O, UCrUT,ni Pearl Sln N.I,
.pr 2-4t-d
ely's CatawrH
Cream Balms
When ntmllod Into the
no, tril.u III be absorb
ed eiiectualiy cleans
ing lhe head ul
caiarrhnl virus cnuvj
ingiieaiuiy seciciious.
It allaistmlammation.
luxitects thu ineni
briiiie of the nasal pas
sages from additional;?1,
colds, coinplt tely healss'
iue sores unu iTbiorcs
sense of tiislu nnd
nt H iiildil if Siinfl-
A DDI v u ii.h tide niusv-PPUFn
Ilia Halm lnio euchHI rJm.v
nostril. , A few applications rellei e. A thorough
treatment will cure. Agieeable to us, semi tor
clicuiar. Price si els., by mall or ut druggists.
P.I.Y UKOi imilS, drgsl-ls. Owego, J y
Apra. d.4w.
so .
IMPAIRED Vitality-. When you feel nslt
tho vital powers wero giving way, strength
gone, spirits depressed, memory tailing,
appetite lost, exhaustion stealing over
every sensu and paralyzing uvery energy,
then is the time to resort to that powerful
ally of nntnie, Dr. Walker's vegetable
inecar hitters. It soon works n glorious
renovation in the system.
Had drainage causes much sickness.
Had blood und improper uctlon of the
liver and kidneys Is bad dralnago to thu
human system, which Ilurdock Hlood Pit
ers win remedy.
Wlen Biby mi sick, w kto htt CMtorla,
When (ho tu a Child, ahe cried for CMtorla,
When she becune Miss, she clung U CaitorU,
When tho had Cldldreu, ehe gare tkem Caatoria,
By nmt of lnt paid
iiurmg year vi:
lly older for lost
coupon .o j.i,
liondNo. 41
By nmt of orders pd dining
j en r
By Mate tax on loatis
By l'rens.'s com. on 7:N", Ul ier ccui
Ml) 00
.) no
six) nu
nu on
nm nil
ion no
K) no
III) no
nn io
141) 00
am co s--fl no
! DO 016 .11
4.W 111
al 17
Sciofula diseases manifest themselves In
thu soilng, Hood's Sarsapnrilla cleanses
I ho blood, and removes every taint of
I'll nttend to it soon." Don't cheat
yourself In Hint way. Your hair is grow.
ng thinner, uivir nun mnru nieiess every
day. Save It and restore Its original color.
softness and gloss by uslug Parkei's Hair
lialsam awniiu. Imarclil,'.
fhlldren often need somo safe Cathartic
and tonic to avert iipproachlng sickness,
Simmons liver regulator will rellovo colio,
lieatlnche, slcic stomncli, indigestion ilvsen.
tery aud the couipluiuts incident to child,
hood, Thu printed directions aic easily
followed by any one. Let Hie cldldreu
take tho regulator and Keep well. It Is
purely vegetable, not unpleasant to thu
tasto and safe to take cither alone or In
connection with other medicine, being per
fectly harmless.
"You may remember 1 spoke to you
about having been nlllictcil with severe
headaches. Well, somo time ngo I began
taking Dr. Kennedy's '-Favorite ltemedy"
u laini iinpo of relief. To mv ilclleht.
and rather lo my surprise, I havo nuver
had an nttack since. How thankful I nm
I need hardly tell you, I heartily wish
that all women tortured In tlu way knew
now certain ami piensunt "riivorito Item-
cdy"f is, Sarah J. WoodruII, Nuwhurg,
n. l. Imuran..
All plasters nro not alike. Hon plasters
glvo relief and cure when other kinds nro
utterly worthless, Try ono and see. 3.ic.
Parker's Ton'o kept in u home is n senti
nel to keep sickness out. Used discreetly,
It keeps the blood pure, and tho stomach,
liver nnu Kidneys in working order,
Coughs nnd colds vanish befoie It, It
builds up lhe health. .No wise mother will
bu without it. mar.
Bal from P P Billmeyer.lalo
Treasurer 4n 41
Ami eollecied by Treas. of
tax rouor ism. 473111a
Ami of statu tax collected
on bonds. 4:1 si-,
Amt from Newton Boone,
col ector for 1-.-.I lav, :s
Ami from David Wluner,cp-
eeiorroriKSi sua :i,i
Amt fninil, B liupert, Pies.
nnes nnu licenses. a. 1111
Amt skating rink license. .. 13 no
Amt iroin sninuci 1 rump ror
iiarK rem 1 mi
Ami from sewer permits a .11 no
Amt from sundrv persons for
nai ling ruiiDi-.ii. ac su-
Aint from 1) J Waller, sch er
pipe., aim
Total amt of receipts.. .. t
If Jncoby. com. to Peb. S7. lv-l. 1W 7:1
Mundry persons for labor und
naming r,u m
sundry persons for lumber 43 il
xniliiiiHK,.., tu
" " liardwaip... 11 97
" " stonoeros'ngs 41 11
Sain'I Neyhard. town surveyor. 31 31
1-uuilo wuier irougn iw
Arched cuuert near Solledei s
731.1 .14
73S1 11
I hare a pnnitlTe remedy far ttio .boro de : bj It.
n,a tSoaKaiH'Rof enKefl 01 llin triune kind Hnd of lonir, caved, lixteed, .o.tronitl.mTfiiltit
In lIsefaencr.tliHt I wl!l n-ndTtlO HOT
tounr nifTi-rer. 111.. exprp.s.iKt I' O.nddr,,..
Ml. T. A. SLOCUSl.llI r..tlt , New Tork.
Apr S-lt.-d
& mm
1 SHEIK T1I1L en-
Tinrei tie mett ikitUtall
moit violent att&ck; innurcs comloruble ucen .1
(ftet-tn rurpji nhfrn all other remudlna fail
No vrailinff for reBult. ItM nctton IrM
iimuirainte direct una rrrmin, ana n.
cure la clTcctrd In all CUUAUI.i; CJANEN
'it pcrmtaeDtl carra me. Etrcr to me tt toy tine. I
TTnn. a. Loll. Si. 'aut. iffnn
I tm entire) reitored to health by German lithma
Cure." THot. ntlcm, Utmtlton, Okio.
German Aithma Curoti all yoo claim for lb It never
fall." Prof. if. Van Anfltrdn. GrunvM; S. C
'My phytlolan rerommeDldd German Aittnia Cut: It
cured tan." Mr, ii. L. Tftntk, Lonttondtrrii, OAie
Tkoataada of almllar itottere oa file, ilk any dranlat
aboat It.
Rfrmnn Athnin. Cure Is Hold bv all rlrni?.
flats at 60e, aud H 1 or wut by mall on receipt I
of Trice. Trial itarkaiw frf t( any adtlren (or
stamp. ii.Kt.iiir r n iiiii.. m-.i-iiji.aiii
Api 3 3 mo. a.Vs.
llCt 1 IFI'I. HOOki
It Kiv.tli UUCUKC
nhil StatltTtnt Ot Cvini
Flcwtr anil Shrub, .'1011(1
tlillt'H'hl klliitn. Also till
thi Known Rufiiof fllrli.
Hon uiih Clove. Paratol,
HandkircMtt anafin. It
Uiitc nott tcmp!cliu: k
Itl ktllll tMT (tlllf
IUIih.1 .-.t-inl I'lt'll'CIl
Ct'titM In iuinivi iur
a fit ni pv ' np .uiHiiimr
prli nt lUftiii. AueiHH
ii hi til werwhcra. Ail.
AMCRlCaM PUS. CO.. II HoMh tlncl.VaHiil'i.Pa.
tSEfei- E2 BATS' Titl-U.
A lull het of
TiTorvra. Scud rr
K. C. 1IOMX & CO.,
is2 n. g :a s t., t'litia., iu.
Apr. 3 I7w.
Adams' Patent Metallic
jjfn Jim-o-.' 1 a ai'i-rt-
J J Bro er, rent, 1 April
isi, so, r riciuisiiip nre uu,.
Col. Co. rent to, Ian. 1st, issc,
for.HC!,eiio II I. Co l,' yrs.
Isalab lliigenbuch.renl, lo .liino
l, i--,i. ior i rienu-uip enttinu
w Inona Plre Co rent to Jan 1st,
Pd sundry persons for stars A:
3--1 00
:m no
31 on
3D 0)
ill) (Kl
17 m
t 101 Hi
I 142 W)
M c Woodward. Idirb conslabte 71 4.1
s W Miutt, chief of police, 3 m
it u rrt-us i:i ui iisi puiict, m ie,
W Knorr, en. polleeln 4 U)
.1 A Punston, laying brunch lu
l- in ii sneex
a W villcr.lNKiihnet al exien.
sions in cenire, iron una
Filth streets 1
I. II liupert and Samuel Sry.
nar I, coinmitiee io consult
with, w v Ingham as con
suiting cnitmecr, of city ot
Wllkes-llurre, cxiicnses. In
cluding fees pall W lu-irhnin
nauii Neyhard, preparing oi-dl-
dlnaiiee No. HI.
Kami Noyhard, serving notices,
jiiujer jirus, Lt-uiL-iit
Klwell A- Bltleiibonder, et nl.,
prlnilntr and blank books.. .
Samuel Nej hard, engineer.. . . .
llutehlns A shoemaker, scner
f 13 V
18 .V)
11) ID
:i 41
1 .n
1 !rl
3 71
Side, shoulder, iiu-l linino wnuteil ut C.
O. .Marr's.
Muslins nt 5 cents ami up at Clark &
Bon's. Also new calicoes, ginghams, tick.
lii;s, towels, tablu lueiis, niipklns, luce
curtains, scrims, cretonnes, lie. All at
low prices,
II. G, r.slileiniin ifc Co. aru selllnjr stoves
below cost to close out tlio slock.
PIllllKY YOUIl 111.001),
Ainnnc Snrlnir iireDaratious. ilo not Hea
led Unit wiiicli Is most important of till
your own body. Durlnz tliu iVintir the
blood absorbs many Impurities, which, it
not expelled, aro liable to break out In
scrofula or other disease. The bust Snrini!
medicine is Hood's Barsnparllla, It expels
every Impurity from the blood and gives
siruugin to every luncuoti ot iue bony
'I tell you, busbaud, 1 want to try tt '
I bad sutlered for years with u eoiiiilalnt
tho physicians called gravel, und they bad
given up the attempt tu help inc. My wife
heard of Dr. Kennedy's Fuvi.rlto ltemedy.
and spotio as ubovc. To please her I got
it bottle Csed that and two or three inure,
and presently the troublu vanished never
to leiurn, .My wne nun n intuit inspira
tion tlial tlmo Washington Monroe, Catr.
kill, N, V. Faith llku hers deserves its re
ward. ' marclilU,
(1 E Elwell.for Council room Jan
l.'Mi. won
Moyer Bros to lockup toJuuel
1ks.i s) no
S A Petrlkln and Anna 1) Hill-
iiieyer,tor puunutu Apr, i,s-i is un
1073 -V)
Sundry persons, co X
nans iur lucMiii.
pentrvr, Webb and
and re-
Ilousel, Au-
Bloomsbuiv Water Co.. water
rent lo Match 1. so. l-i mos.
Hloomsburg Has Cu for iii of
gas 1 r.
UN ialtersby,cleanlugCouucll
Saint Neyhard, preparing an.
uiui statement, clerking ior
auditors and inakiug tax list
J J Hrower.rug forCouucll room
John Muuirr. sherirf, Imardlug
dost-pn Muy, cum. uy rresi,
Kxorcssai:e on minute book. ..
Hepalilng pump at Forks,
Mlnuio book,
Samuel Nejhard. Seo'r. 1 miu. .n ro
w rirrckuauiu,iiiiiitguiaiiK.,o s .m
l M Vandi'inllce, du (1 i
J (. Bron ii, da a o I
(I A letter, du 14 U
I, k wuiicr, omiciior,.,., sj uu
Total amt eurient eipenvs for sear
10 79
11 oi)
D7J 00
ui: .V)
1 w
3.1 01
3 31
3 on
I un
in U)
3159 W
SI.73 por rod and upwards.
All kinds of Iron fencei, Cites, Firs Eiopei,
. in. i ,i ,i .i.i.i. tH:t
liiiiiiMiiiL m
Iron Work in all ttylci.
Coal Screens a specialty.
Iron Ladders, Wheels & Cresting.
BlackimltMng lo ill branchti. Estimates furnished.
Cor. Union & Canl Bti.
march lS-80-ly.
Bauah's $2S
. ... -
i:i-rHlin-i- in, iiiliiiiliiriion.
Its suits tliuiiii? tlio jut-t yettr
lmvo cxi'ci'iU'il all nvvititis ytttf?,
uiui wo look, i'oi'waril to tin utipix'
ct'ilcntcd (lt'iuiiiitl till year for this
nml our other hrands of RAW
If your ilculff ha- none of oup
goods' on liaml, st'iiil your orders
iliiwt to llN
Scmt jniii-imli'in In early unit jm
will not tio t'oiopullcil to wait ulii-ii
llio seiiMiu Is lis 1 1 y Uiin u.
l-'oi-ltiiimli'x I'liiwplmto Culilo nml
ul lire C'lii iilui h unit Inliii
.lluiiiifncl.irer. ul' lhe I li-brnu-,1
'M Smilli Dclavvuio Avouue,
I.Kllilill.beil I'llll till I.PI1IA, P.V.
In tho laud.