THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOC-MSB O RG, CO LUMBIA COUNTY, PA. TffF..lli.OM Woman's Work-Thirty Years 1 of Bilencc Down in tlio rloli nlluvinl delta ol k Louisiana tlicro winds to tlio tea a slow brown bayou called the Tcrrc bonno from tlio frrtility of tlio black loamy land through which it Mows, lllg sugar plantations ho along tlio course, but near tlio mouth aro llio homes of many Aoadiana, for this was ono of tho stream? along which they settled In Louisiana. Tlioy cultivato litilo rico farms nnd orange grovr?, and live In summer up on their fishing and tho protluco of their gardens In winter upon tho game that abounds In tho marshes. Sinoo their cxilo they havo forgotten nothing nnd havo learned nothing. In among these thriving littlo farms is a largo tract of land, a melancholy, weedy waste. Great forest trees havo grown up in tho midst of what were fair fields that waved with golden rice. Fences and boundaries long ago rotted away. Tho ditches are choked with grass, and young willows grow along their line. The whole is matted with thrt tangled growth ol tho lavisli vege tiition brought tip from this fetlilo soil by Iho tropical suns and wild rains. Sometimes at dusk you will catch a glimpse of a bent figure skulking away from the door of a ruined cot tagojwhoso chimneys have fallen in, whoso roof is a green, pulpy mass of liohen, and whoso walls totter forward to1aUall. Tho neighbors will explain "that it is only old Allandin, tho wild man. If you will lio in wait about this hour of tho day,concealed in the under brush, you may catch a closer glimpse of him. IIo looks "0, but is not really so old. His onco tall form is bent, and he walks with the quick creeping movements of an animal. Long gray hair hangs in filty matted locks to his waist and mingles with his great sweeping beard. Two largo dark eyes gazo out from a wrinkled, pallid faca through tho rough hair with a glaro like a cat. His hands aro liko rough, knotted olaws, and his wholo body has a growth of coarse hair upon it. His only covering is a pair of brown blank ets," through which a holo has been torn to admit his head, and he creeps silently away uvery night into the forest swamps. This is tho story the neighbors tell : Thirty years ago there was no more prosperous farm in the parish than that of Etienno Allanoin, and no more respected man than its rich young owner. He was alone in tho world with tho oxxeption of some distant cousins, but his friends wero many, and ho was betrothed to a pretty young girl who was to marry him in tho next Starch. His laco was plain, except for his Bnlendid dark eyes, but ho had a warm, trontle lie.irt. ana was a trcntle heart, ana was a nne nirti or flint ho urnnlil unt 1nvi mkn.1 i parti, SO lliat tic WnttlU not, liaC asKCil any parent round for twenty miles for their daughter in vain. According to old Acadian nsaco ho built a new house that winter, spending loving care upon tho nest that was to hold his lit tlo mate. The wedding day approached. The happy bridegroom made ready the cbrbeiUe, as was usual, only his gifts wero the most splendid ever seen in that simple neighborhood. Tho wed ding gown va of real wlnto silk, the veil, wreath of wax orange Mowers, with the white shoea and gloves, had come all the way from New Orleans. He rose early thar lovely March morning, aod arrayed himself carefully in his black, shiny clothes, casting tender, amused glances at the feminine garments lying on that pride of every Acadian woman's heart, a plump, strong bed with milled pillows. IIo was making up a parcel of theso gar ments ready to bo carried to the bride when au embarrassed and sympathetic delegation came to inform him that tho bride had disappeared. She had eloped with a handsome young good for.n'aught who had been refused by her parents, and had left not a word for her betrothed. Allandin stood liko a man stunned ; then ho turned every ono out, and shut himself in with his ruined happiness. Soon the neighbors whispered that tho new house Was empty and Allan din bad gone away to tho swamp. From th'at day ho never spoko to any human being. All day tho man hid in his house, and with nightfall went to the forest, and liko a wild beast sought his food. Crawfish, liaids, field mice, and birds, eaten raw, were his sustenance. His hair and beard grew long and tangled, his clothes fell to pieces, and a blanket be came his only garb. In all these thirty yeais he has never spoken, and now hu knows no human language. his only sounds are a few inarticulate cries and heshucs hU kind like a hunt ed animal. The sympathetic Acadians havo never disturbed him, and at nights when thoy hear a faint echo from tho swamps of a wild human cry, they look eadlv at each other. The Marriage License Law, Tho Local News of West Chester publishes a well authenticated- state ment, showing that the marriage li cense law enacted by tho recont Legis laturo lias ueen so tampered with as to confuse many as to its requirements on ono very essential point and inter fero with tho sense of propriety of othors. The lull was preseifted and championed to a successful result by Senator A. I). Harlan, of Chester county, but it was framed by Hev. Thomas J. Shcrrard, of Honeybrook, and both of these gentlemen assert that tho act as passed requires that tho party applying for marriage shall be questioned by tho Cleik of tho Courts on oath or athrmation lola tiro to the legality of the contemplated marriage. The bill as printed in the .eoislalive Jlccord U given in this way, but the tiamphlet laws havo sub etitutcd the word paities" for "party;' hence tho confusion and misumler Ktaudmg growing out of tho matter, Hero in Chester county any responsi ble party may take out a maruagc license lor iricmls, the contracting patties not being obliged to appear, whilo in Montgomery and several other countio3 tho other interpretation of tho law is observed, requiring tho contracting parties to piescnt them selves in person in order to seouro tho necessary document for tho making them one. It is generally believed that tho bill was interfered with after it became a law, and tho purpose was to make it tho more oflensivo in its character. Tlio matter will bo investigated Tlio Chinese havo been diivcn out of Tncoina by method. that would dis grace barbarians, Tho act is n crime againsi civilization and mankind, on a level with tho expulsion of tlio Jews and Moors from Spain and tho Huguo nots fr-nn France. Such a thing would not bo po.-siblo in any commu nity governed by tho principles of jus Jicn and civilization. It is character. iitio of a mushroom railroad town. ittiici) Hitters Known. to ilirrniri1li'l mt Known (locffcctaallypnrgcs million Iicar testimony to ta wonderful turnthe ffCectn, It h u purely Vcuctnhta rtvpiratton.niadn from Mm natlvo hvrm nu roots at California, Iho mprticinsi iirojvrnpfl or wnitn nre extracted there fmm without lliu na of Alcohol. It remote Iho rniiAO of disease ami Iho patient recovers hU hinillli. It I tlio urci.t liiooil lur)fler nnd Lttc ihlnj rrlnctplui n (initio I'tirKitho nnd Tuufc; a pmecr nennrnior nnu iDYijrcruior 01 mo pyuria Ncut before In tin) lilptorvof thauntlilhan mcdlcluc Imvii cotiitHinmlM popfc-wlng the powrrof ViNEflin IHTTKllfl m IK'HIlMj II1U B1CK Ol CWTJ UlSl'RSO IllttU 15 It'll' I Ot 'I'Jio Allrrullvc, Aperient, Diaphoretic. Car tiilimtlvc. NiitHilmi-L tjixutltp. fliiliitlvt-. Comitpr Irrltnnt. Smlorlik. AntM.llloin. Solvent. IHnretic and Tonic projwrlh'H of Vixkuau Bittkhi ciceed thoM oi any omrr mt'mcine in mo vuni, No pcrwon tan tke the Hittfih ficcordlnf? to dtrertlon nnd tritialn long nnwcll, provided llietr Umvn nro not th'ntroycd hy mliirriit poluu or other incam, nnd tho ltal organs uaUd bejond tho point IKcmltfriitf Intrnnlttent nnd Ma nro provident throughout the United Inrliil l'Vvt rs nro l., pnrtlculailr In tlio nlle uf our great ihera find their vaft trlbntnrlr tlurug tho Hummer and Antnmii, wcclallj daring teapons of nuusaal heat mm urjncp. 'l'hciio Fever nro Invariably nccompnnled b; OTtcm-hu derail l'ciii en ts of tho Momach. lher nm bowel?. In their treatment n )wrj;utlu't exciting a powerful Influence tipoa tbcsu oration, U nb61utely nt-wKsnry. Tlieru 1m ho ratlinrtlo for tho purpose equal tO Ur. J, WAI.KEH'a VlNKOAIt IttTTEns, M It will IH-rdlly remove tho dark-colored aIpcUI mutter wltli which thoboveh nro loaded, at tho wuno tlmo Mltnu latlng tho pccretlon of tho liver, and jrcnerally restoring the healthy Xunttlonu of tho uleestho ft MM mn s, Fori Ifr tlio boil 3- ne.ilnt dloenae by pnrlfylng all Kit fluids with Vinlqaii ltiTTLits, No enldeinlo can iako noiu or a pyucm inn lorcnrmeo. It im li;onil'N llio Sloniacli and Btlrmi lat's tlie torpid Liver and UowcN. clennalnj? the MckhI of all Impurities, Impartlnp Hfo oml vjpir to tho frame, and carrying off without tho old of Calomel, or other miDciubt, all iwlsououa matter from tho ftvstem. It la easr o or nrhimit In nctlon. nnd rprtatn ti in us results. I)hprpiluorflii4llilloii4 Headache, Tain IY 'iimonia, Dizzlnew, Hurt rlate in the Month, Uillou-4 Attacks. lalnitatIon of the Heart, and ti hundretl other painful symptoms, ar at ouco .re lieved by YiNEQAit Hitters. lor iiilltiiiiiiiutory and Chronic Hheuma' ttin, Gout, Neuralrla, Diseases of tho Hloodt Liter, Ktdners uml Htatlder. tlio Hitters have uo enual. In, ns lu ull constitutional Diseases, AValrer'a VrxeaAn Hitters has shown its great curat he powers In the moat obstinate and Intractable eases. iilrrlitmtrnl IlcnM. renwnensap-ed In Taints ami Minerals, such as I'luniliers, Type wtters, (J old-beaters, and miners, afl they advance ii life, nre subject to Paralysis of the Howels. To guard against this, take occasional doses of IK CO Alt HITTERS. S! s I it 111 'a Scrofula, Salt Hheum. Ulcers, Swellings, Timple l'liitulen, Dolls, Carbuncles, HI nir-worms. Keald-head. Horo lives. KrvniDelas. Ith, Bcurfs, 3)iscoloratJons, Humors and diseases of the Skin, of whatever uaine or nature, aro liter ally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by tho iiho of the Hitters. liu, Tnpeuud other Worm, lurking la the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, will free the system fmm worms like Vtneuar Hitters. IHenale, Scarlet l'ever, Mumps, Whooping Cough, and all children's diseases may be made lesatvcvere by keeping the bowels open with rulld doses of the Hitters.. This wonderful remedy Is cpfcially adopted to tho systems of children, for ,,Jritjrlng herb alone eHe It lt remarkable euro- tue powers, it contains no alcohol, opium or othrr rvtlKOn. Vor irrmnin rmmilnl titw. In vouni? or old. married or single, at the daw n of womanhood, or the turn of life, this Hitters has no equal. CleaiiNe.the VI tinted Illood when its im purities biu-st through tho skin in Eruptions or .sores; cieanse n wuen oosirucwn anu Biuggisu m the veins; cleanse It when it la foul; your feelings will tell you when, and tho health of tho system will follow. In conclusion i Give the Hitters a trial. It will speak for itself. One bottle 1h a better guar antee of Its merits than a lengthv advertisement. A round each Iiottlearofuildirectionsprlnted in uiuereJi languages. It. II. McDonald Iruir Co., 1'roprietora, .San Francluco. Cal.. and fiSR. & MS Waahintrtou SU, Cur. Charlton tit, ew Vort. Sold by all Dealers and Druggists, SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL 10S Almost as Palatabloas Milk. Tho only proration of toil MVCH Oil, that can bo taken readily and tolerated for a long tlate by tlellcato bloiaarhs. am as a UKAirnr rorc fovsniPTiov, MUOmUUM AttK.-IIQNv. AMKHIA, (lk. HUI, IIKI'.ILIH. tollillS AM) 1IIHDAT At'. HfllOS. nd all HAM1MI lUSOUIlKllS .IP (llll.llllKX II It nurrfllom In ll runlu. Prescribed and endorsed by tho best 1'hy.lclan. In the countrle. of the world. Fon SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS oct-23-ly. i ii ii i in i i mm ! m HOP PLfti Wliat la the uso of Buffering with Xaciache, PflininthoSidot.r Tntl.&lll.tlM.Tthn int'rtn trtod MuBclei,Cfctt and Lunfc troutlea, cr u.y lortoriiaiiiorBorencss, cither local crdecpBH eatod Whrn fl TTon P1aaIi v?H. pirn Irfitqt.!? rclleff rrepartafromEurcundyritcli. Cana. da Ualsaci, and tho pala-kilUtc -virtues tf Hops, -ine best strcncuicning yiaster e er ga knoMrn. Thousands say bo. eoldbyalldcolors, raj Mailod cn receipt cf price, 2c, a fcrgl 00. r j HOP FLA8TEH COMPAIIV, Crstnu, Ma33. f Cyclopedia of Universal History IN 3 IMPEEIAL OCTAVO VOLUMES; CONTAINS C43H Iiri;e, IliibUi('ol.iinu l'ac.'i.. 1,'WIO JL'iiutiriil SI.-, 1 i:ni;rullni;. US ColoriMl lll.lorinil Jliip. OColurtot Cliarttf. Cll (iencaloKl.'iil DiuKrnli.K. A CnnlnuAaii.l i:ieK.tntly rrrimrc.l Imlex, Jt U l:iet;atitly I'rlntt'.l ami ll.iin.l,aii.l U Tlio llekt lllil.lrutc.l ll.iuk mi HiuMarLrt. A HIET0I17 Or ALL MATIOilS. AGENTS WANTED! JtlWBCCS. LIEE2At?M5. CECKt TIS2i::t7. FAULKNER & ALI.AN. 1S13 1'llUCTt BtrClt, l'llllu.ll'lllli.l, 1'eiiMU, lfb.2U.Bm, CONSUMPTION. I lio.o M.ltlvo reined; for ll.e iboTfi illice bltl eueainnluvelieeiK'area.,.nl, mrl.Hh In will .n.lTll VOItLi j FHFE l..(!h.rwHboVI.UJllllETlltTISEpillUlldUB. lu UJf euff.rer. iilveriiire.e.iiil V Ull. T, A, kUUUU,ltirtinsi , NewTork. mar Mt.-d E. B. 8R0WER " GAS FUTINH A STEAM HEATJNH UE.M.EU I.N STOVES &TINWARlil. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof nig ami opoutliifj promptly attended to, tSdlct attention Btven to boating by ntparo. Corner of Main & East Sts., Bloomsburg, Pa. i .Mxie.ii wuu ru cents ror put I I II I If YS anurecfhBtrcp.acooi .1 V l I i ,.b0,! 01 K "MO i: I I 111 1,1. 1111 1' )" io mow mone 1 1 IIIJU. 'te.""",? u,.,..un?.r,l- wml rlx cents for rnihl Ill nirinfti' unvlhlnt itiUll till, vuibl A h rS L'ltlier MUk. hluTM-d from umiiuur. j iiu uronu ruuu luiuiiuno oiieniiuo road ion tli workers, absolutely euro. At unco ail. ilteiH, 'Ikvk & Co., Auuxta, .Maine, ( -IS-hS. Oil!. Oattlo Ealslng on the Tlnnis. Durintr the winter of 1871 I on gaged in tho handling of Texas cattlo in mo semi-arm ucn 01 jvnusas. i nnu tirovlded no food for my stock. 1 know that cattlo could and did winter on the plains far north and west of when- 1 wast hut I diu not Know mat there was a dilTeronco in the iiuttitious dualities of thu diffoiont tiraino I'rasa es. I did not understand thu peculiar ities of tho climato of tho semi-arid belt, nor tho effects of rain falling on dead grass, Stupid of iwi of course, but 1 had plenty of company. My neiuhbors were bright (icrnians, intcj liuent Kii2lishmen, and keen Atnei i- cans from almost every State in tho Union. Wo were a hopeful band, vountr. strong, and cacer. hen wo gathered into our wretchwi hotels o'ulglits, and tho pipes weio glowing, our talk was ol cattle, came, cauio. Tho sales of steers off the tango at nix cents per pound, llvo weight, mado tho previous spring, vero strongly dwelt upon. I wns leptntedly assured that the Kuusas winters weio so mild that I would not need a coat. Thu height tho now pniirio grass would surely be on tho 1st of Muich was measured on table legs by oulstreached and ditty index lingers for my instruction and encouragement. There was not nne of all the band of eager men who rode the Kansas plains in those das uho did not liraily bilicvo that our lortunes wero made. I ho countrv was lull ol cattle. November came in with a bliz zard, and, with slighr interruptions. kindlv allowed by Nature for the pur pose of affording us opportunities to kill dead cattle, the bli.zaid lasted until Match, and the cold, Mot my weather for two month longer. I here was no liuw grni-s until Iho middle of May, In all tho Texas herds held in Kansas to losses w. rc heavy. Haiti ly a herd lost leas than 50 per cent , mil 00, 70, and SO per cent. losses wire common, liy spring wo learned that great herds ol heavy heel cattle, held on the Smoky, Cottonwood, and Ar kansas rivers, had been fio.en on Hie range, and that the loxans had sad dled thtir horses and gone home. Tin creeks were dammed with tho decay mg carcasses ol cattle, llio air wa heavy with the stench of decaying animals. The cruelties of tho bti-inu.-s nt starving cattle to death wero vivid ly impressed on me. J!,very wagon -ent trom tlio cattle rang.s to the rail road towns was loaded with hides. Tlio next summer, bankruptcy stalk.'.I iver tlio Kansas plains and struck men lown. Our trouble was that none of us knew that the tall blue-joint glass was worthless lor winter lied unless it were made into hay, none of us know that tho fall lains had washed the nutri ment out of it, and none of us knew that about once in ten years there is a haul winter in the far West during which tho mcreiuv m"destlv retires in to tho bulb of tho thermometer, nnd lilizzard chases tilizzai.i over the mains iu quick succession. Some of us learn ed, tho lesson at once; others, who claimed that the cattle needed prol. ct lon, not food, erected sheds, which jiroved to be death-traps, the cattle "stacking" under them during cold weather, and tried it again, and went into bankruptcy promptly after the s.cotid venture.- As it was in Kansas. so'it is, in a less degree, in the so cail- d "cattlo country. A wet autumn, followed oy a hard winter, kills the cattlo held on Northern ranges by the thousand. i hank n.Kicson, in Jar- 2crs Jlaraztnejor April. The Coning Bonnet 'What will the coming bonnet bo liko V responded a man milliner. "It will uo uuliko anything ever before attempted. Watch for it on Easter lay and teprcbs your risibilities. The ornithological craze is dead and the birds may sing and twitter in ueace. Thuy will not ornament feminine head gear this season. What is tho crazo ? Why vegetables and fruits ami flow ers, but mostly vegetables, Tho (low ers to bo used aro chosen because of the brilliancy of their coloring, and it is possible that many a false alarm of tiio may bo traced to a ilaring, bunch of bads on tho coining bonnet. "low about the vegetables and fruils? Well it is leallj funny, but fashion's decree has been promulgated. and there is no escapo for tho aesthetic who or daughter, i hoy must wear what is set before them, or be tabooed. and I fancy they will succumb to the inevitable. Why, you will seo hats and bonnets on Easier day that will look liko iimihually early vegetable gardens. Hero is a bunch of mush rooms,' continued tho man-milliner, fondling groat, vulgar ornaments that ooked moie liko pippin apples or half- ripe tomatoes thau they did liko mush rooms. ''Perhaps ono of theso will do on a hat, in conjunction with this" a bunch of radishes that looked so natural as to tempt tho appetite "or this" a bunch of very small onions with gracefully flowing green stems or tins' a quartette of half-ripe ananas. "Oh, yes, we will havo beetc. iirnips, potatoes, green peas and tho ko with tho rest, but thoy will bo so arti.ii-ally arranged that you will really toiget that they aio vegetables. Mr. Illaekniore,tho author of "Lorna Doone,'' commences a new novel of great promise in tlio April number of IIaiipku's MAdAZisi:. It is called 'Spriughaven," aud is dated at tho time of Lord Nelson, tho victor of tho Nile, who figures as ono of tho chief characters. Two famous English ait ists illustrate tho story. b " JJarnaid, tho well-known Dickens illustrator, draws the figure subjects, and Alfred Parsons makes the landscape pictures, nne of which is the frontispitco for tho number. J, II. Meicer wishes to niako an assertion, which hu can back with a positive) guarantee. It is all about Acker's Hlood El'xir. He claims for it superior tnei its over all other remed ies of its kind, nnd guarantees for it a positive and sure euro for ltheumatism, Syphillis, and all blood disorders, it frees tho skin from spots and disease, and leaves tho complexion clear. Ask him about it. Tho new Kelief Department of tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company is already in practical operation. Three benefits, of SI, 000 each, havo been paid to tho families of employes killed on tho road, tho money being advanc ed by tho company. There aro on tlio "disablement list" over 100 employes. Thero aru scores of persons who aro nuffering from some form of blood dis. rrder or skin diseafce, such as Scrofula, lloils, eto., etc. After a nrnctiea test. J. H. Mercer asserts that Aikci's Ulood l'liv1r u!11 nnrtnu.K (Hiwi nil oit..l. .1!.. . . V ? r .nr.- eases, including Syphillis and Hlictima- fain, ids net u pattnt nostrum, but a scivntifia preparation, ie guuiantees it. mm mm mm mi i.itrvt Blood hi: & World. A" Alison Ti; t I in: nut CATARRH. rjU.i inort ytunlM.rn n v WU renilllv (o It utiil Ii.ih iioL Hu I ctl to ( in-HH pliiulc rft-ij kIiotv (lirvHtaim nre foltOHctl. l!."Micct',i bin luTii rcm.uknblotuKt it-icurpn voiulrr fill. ItHlhn moUi-iirfPtriit lirr.nmllijii In tho limrkrtfor r'ATAUItll niM thu only ono tlmt iiruinl-ci nn Almnlutc, l'nltUi ( urr, It ti irnlv it Mei'Miiff to innnkhvl, A Trlnl U ull tliul I iihftl rur It. Oim'o IHC1, It M ulivn roruuiiiioniictt. Sonil Tor tc-tlniuiital4 of nctuut tt has so tqiwL roil MALARIA. a wsrrc ci'Nii is asschw. Onaliol lo I. Kciicri.ll.r -urilrlpnt for a cure. Stop tn'ilnK (tnlnlnc. A trial only le niknl for Kkl. t.KH'a C-TAIimt IIKMUIIV. It is f Ml'llOIl'IO Tor nil .Uen.'.nrli.nK from nn ltniiureMo.i.1 anil .Irlvei nil ernptl.yia rrom tlio "kin. Tor Nyiilil llttrouiitiilnu It I etticrlurtnnnv iircpnriihoii In Iho innikrt. (ni bnlllo will euro mu.t ortho fullonliiK t'.nniliiliiH iiii.l n ruillnueil u;o will WMirivnv i iire. S ivo .loctor lillt mnl try It. KIIEl'M ATISAI. SCKOt-'UIeA. SlflX Ultt'l'TIOXS. VKXICItKAI. DISKASKS. DYSI'KPSIA. LOSS OK AI'l'KTITE. i'i:i:i.i-(i ov i.Axuouit. IMMOUSXKSS. MVKK TKOUHLKS. XKltVOt'S lVKAKXESS. FKM A I.K IV KA K'ESS. Kkilku'h Cataiiiiii IIlmkiiV la no patent mc.lH mi'. Imt n -nlo nu.l plonsnnt preparation to tnko nu.l ..ii'elylln. meilleal .U'cov iry urtliu nii;c. One botile iejiirenate tlioeutlro M-.tein niul pu.iiffi.-es nioro vlrluo than n linlf .1ii7.hi l.iiltlc. or orilliiiiry pnteut Tirepnrntlons. Write fur toMlmonials nn.l oilier InlurMation. Ci-I'or .ile l.y illti''irll irenerally. IMSIC i: M I. nil A IIOTTI.i:. SIX 1MIT TI,i:s I'Oll s-.DO, On reeclpt of wR.ou by tin- ma in:. ,iir r". Sami kl 1". Kkllku h Oo., lln-ri Ir.irtf l'.i. l I'oltli " will l.oFciit exDrca.q 1...1. An Old Soldier's EXPERIENCE. " Calvert, Te-35, -May 3, 18S2. " t wlfh to oipress my appreciation of tho valuablo qualities ot Ayer's Cherry Pectoral as a cough remedy. "While Milk Churchill's army, Just beforo the battle of Vicksburg, I contracted a fo veru itilil, which terminate.) In n ilangerous ciubIi. 1 fouml no rclicr till on oar inarch wo uatno to a country store, w here, on asking for some remedy, 1 was urged to try Arn'.i CUF.RHV l'KCTOilAL. " I did so, nnd was rapidly cured. Since then I haio kept Ihel'Ei'iou.ii. constantly by me, for faintly uw, mill 1 hate found It to bu nn Imaluablo rcircdy for throat im.l lmif UUeUBen. J. W. WiaiLCV." Thousands of tefflnionials certify to tho prompt euro ot all bronchial ami lunir att'ei tlaim, by tho uso of Avkr's Cnr.imy I'r.eroitAU llelng very palatable, tho young est children tako It readily. I'KU'AllEll UT Dr.J.C.Ayer&CoLowelMass. Sold by all DruggliU. CURES ALL HUMORS, from n common Hlolcli, or Kruptloii, to tho worst Scrofula. Tlio licsl illood Purifier over discovered. lly-Drufrjrlsts. PRICE $1.00, OR 0 Foil COO. Ti. nimm A handsome VASU LAMP Riven S P.nVPRP with a 15 order ror Tea nnd con c UUa i U (e- An lron stono t-'HAii niiit nr. 1 , l.) uii-o.-a. or ll I r.A nt, i, ti pieces, or i handsomo llltONZK llANCilNd LAJU" Klven wlthn f 10 order. A CIIA.MIIKII SUT of 10 pieces, with blue, maroon or plnkband or nn IltoN STOSK CHINA TU V SUT of Ml pieces. Or tt GLASS i"KT of so pieces given with alia order, hand frOMK I'liKMllIMS, conshtlng ot Decorated c.ja Ware In Teasels, also Dinner and Tea sets com- blned, and Chamber isets. etc., etc., given with orders for tis, 1:0, fa, s and ISO. hend for circu lar, which will guo ou full particulars. (1IIANI) u.iu."s ! i;a Uvi.MrAm, .-ouin .Main hi UKes naire, i'a. neauquar ters S3 Front street. -New York city. may 15-iy IF YOU huvolntrrnnttlline lever, canker. aerM phlegm, bad taste and o:iento brealli -Dr. Kll iner'a s(V . M P-lioOT leinoi es all these conditions. Ask- yourdruguist lorll. 25e II. IF YOU lute lost your aimotlte. or torirue caned, uiy and lurched llptand mouth, spittle dry uml cottony, or have become) cmaclate.1 l)r, Kilmer's sWAlll'-ltoor will build up your broken down const Hut Ion. sk your druggist lor It. oil IF YOU ha sudden attacks ot sinklnghe thofiico white ami deathivpale, nnd expeilence leelltiersas though dying, nnd coldness seizes jour veryvltnls Dr. Kilmer's OCKAN-Wi: D rouses tho heart's action una saves life Druggists sell It. 11 11' YOU haq organic disease, or peilcardls. or heart case troubles, or bac tldck una sluggish blood, leei ns though bleeding would relievo jou Ur, Kllmer'i ockaN-WEKI) coerecis and Is tho cmedy you need, Druggists soOl It. It, 11. $50 REWARD. FOIt Kviiiy Ouiico of Adultcrntioii intiiu iNEW PROOESS SOAP. THE WONDERFUL 3-LB BAfi. JIADi: ONLY BV Gowans & tovcr, Uullalo. N. Y. For salt) by all Hrst-cla6s grocers. April 10-t.yr SltltCS 2111(1 Ii'cIIh, 1 Slate Mantels, Slate Black Boards, School. Slate. Rooinj? Slate, Hoofing Felts, i, s&x Ply. . , , .1. I.. IIUI.I.. S3 tockawanni Avenue, ncranton, Pa llays-ny .-aWM- m SY.Ml'TOJt8 OP DySI'I'.I'SIA aro loss of appetite, rising; of food, heart burn, distension of tho Flomsch, headache, had bronlli, -Icephwneiw, loiv tplrlWMid ttenernl prostration. Const Inatlon Is ft irequent conco Itnnt Of dYnpepsla) but sometimes It Is attended with ilturrhai.t, The test of many years nnd the eiperlcnco ol many nnd tens of thousands of every ago and condition ot life has established the fact that no ono win remain udvspeptlc who will tako tho purely vegetable inedlcin.i. I'L'ltKLY VKOKTAULi:. TESTIMONIALS. AN KXKlCACIoim HRMLDY. I can recommend ns iiu nicnelous remedy tor all diseases ot the liver, heartburn nnd d -pepsl.i, Simmons Uver Itcgul.itor. Lewis (). Wun.ier, irai .Master SL, Assistant I'listmiisfr, I'lilladelphlo. UniT 1IIAI.1 Phincktov, N. J. We lali our readers to know that we have found much tienetll from u.lng Slininnns Liver Regulator, our trouble orl mated nnd rend iwt chronic many jenrs In India, leaves littlo hope of a perfect cure trom nnthlng. lint, the liegul.itor has at lonted more relief than nil else wo have tried, Vo -y this n ltlmiit the wlhor knowledge ot J. 11, ZHIIn.tCo., whoprepaiclttn Phlladelplibi. lt-V It. (I. V. I.DKU, 1'jI. ".Missionary Itnvlew." Wit t mm Punk V. ti., Montgomery Co., Pa. MLvilts. ,1. ll, ZKI.1N K co. -lluv ng sunered fiom debility, hendaclie, tlllness nnd loss otnppe llte.nnrt iH'lngiiersuad. .1 they irsulted rrom nn In nctlio liver, Mminons Liver regtilalor wni recom mended by a frien I. I was greatly benefited In n short Mih, and consider it'nh nlrnost Indispens i household remedy. ,1, vj. DuriKIIKI sun.) Kit. rKFrAtitn bv J. II. ZKI1.1N it CO , 1'lilCK, $1,00. I'llll.ADKI.PIIIA. Br. McTaggarf This uotetl Speclnllst of Hcrnnliin, Is tlio nnlv Slieclullst tills sill., nf 'i..v Ynrh. Phil. ntlclphln nml IHifTulo who mnkes nn uxelil. slvu specialty of troiililiL clitonlc, long stHtulliie unit tngprlng discuses to which nititi anil woinnnklnil are subject, such as Consumption, lironclital nlTcctlons, Scroru. la. Salt Itlicnm. Loss of Miinlioiiil.tikln ills. oases, Hheinnatlsm, I'lcers, OKI Sores, Kpi- icpsy, oypnins, neatness, Loss ot olee, Chronic Dlnrrlia'a.Chlllsnnil Foyer, Worms, Liver complaint. Cancels. Tumors. 1'iiritlv sis, Tnpe worm, Heart disease, &c, &c. si: I'emale clisenses u specially. Ko matter how lonp you have lieen Biif. fering nor how tunny Doctors you Imyeem ployeil In viiln, you should npplv to I)n. .MoTaoiiaut at once, when he wlil tell di rectly without holding mil false hopes whether your disease is sttlctlv curable or can only be relieved. He owes his wide reputation for the suc cessful treatment of ull lingering or chronic diseases to experience nnd close applica tion for over 20 years, and to no mivaeuhus poiecr. What tub Papers Say : "IIo is Rklllful honest, elllcleiit, upright and re liable and well worthy nf the peopl 'h confidence and esteem. .Ilonlwnys nays exactly what he means and means exnetly what he snjB.1' Scran ton UriiiMU-m. lie h too Useful a man to lose," Lackawanna lemoo'nL Ccrnor Lackawanna and Washington Avenues. SCHANTON, PA. Sept D ELAWAHE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTLltN HAlLltOAD. BLOOMSBUUG DIVISION. KOKTH. STATIONS. SOUTH. p.m. p.m. 9 uu vi :)" S 61 Vi if, 5 4S la ! 8 40 13 IS s :u ii m s s; ia 03 8 21 11 M 8 17 11 W 8 It! 11 .Ml 8 OS 11 47 8 OS 11 47 8 ttl 11 43 7 BU 11 38 7 51 11 31 7 BO 11 30 I 4-lll S3 7 so ll lie 7 IS 11 III 7 11 10 01 7 115 10 47 0 BS 10 41 II B4 10 .38 8 BO 10 31 6 4'J IC 37 ti 8U pi 31 fl 30 10 111 6 35 10 11 a 08 sr. a.m a.m. a.m. d m. s 30 ...,ranton.... o io u 15 a 05 S 3ii Ilellevue.... n IB 9 30 3 10 s 33 ...Taylorvllie. 8 so 26 2 it 8 is ..Lackawanna.. (1 37 9 34 3 sj 8 10 . 8 111 , 7 8 7 Bl . I wl' ...I'lttston I U 34 9 41 3 30 West I'lttston.1 0 40 9 47 2 36 ...Wjomlns.. . 0 45 U 53 2 41 ..Mnltby 6 49 9 5.1 3 44 ...Uennetu . 0 M 10 0 3 47 .. Kingston .... 68 10 . 53 CO ..Kingston .... 0 58 10 05 rji 43 Plymouth Juno 7 l2 10 102 B5 38 ....1'lUIlOUth 7 07 II) 15.1 0.1 I 31 ....Avondalo. , 7 12 10 30 3 05 7 i .. Nantlcoke .. 7 15 10 35 3 io 7 23 Uunlock's crock 7 33 10 hS 3 27 7 13, MUckshlnny.. 7 37 10 14 3 89 7 oo Hick's Ferry 7 50 ll ll ;i 62 0 51 .lieach Haven.. 7 67 1 oh.ibs 0 47 llerwlck.... SOI 11 134 05 (1 ll .lirlar Creek. 8 10 ll 20 4 12 II 33 ..Willow drove.. 8 14 11 25 4 10 U 34 ...Llll cltldge,. 8 18 11 29 4 ft) II 37 lispy 8 35 11 3.1 4 37 11 31 ...lllootllaburif ...I 8 30 11 44 4 31 0 10... lllipert 8 3d 50 4 40 li ll.Catawl'a iirldge 8 41 11 B54 46 a Bit. , ,. iianviue..., s 58 is 13 5 m i uui . . I'liuviiie..., o no i ia a mi I 49 ....Chulasky....! 9 05 13 3 B 13 i 4Bl.... Cameron..,.1 u us 13 355 17 1 00 9 4tl a 49 5 55 9 45 5 5 40 9 32 6 33 Northumberland, 9 25 12 40 5 85 p.m. am. a.m. la.m. a.m. W. F. HALSTEAD, hupt. . Superintendent's omce. scranton, Feb.lst,iS3 Pennsylvania Eailroad. wi Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. -Wl , .... TIME TABLE. In effect Nov. eth, lees. 1 rains leave Sun. bury. EASTWAltD, 9.40 a. m,, !-ea Shore Express (dally except Sunday), for Ilamsburf," and Intermedlatestatlons, arriving at Philadelphia a. is p. m. : New York, 6.20 p. m. : llaltlmore. 4.40 d. m. : 'aslllnrl on. 6.50 p. ra., connecting ut Philadelphia for all bea Shoie points. Through pu&scuger coach to runaaeipnia. 1.43 p. m. Day express uuuj c.iuiil ouuuuj f,iui imdibiiuii: kuu Ulierme. mate stations, arriving ut Philadelphia 6.60 p. m. ; New York, 9.35 p. in. i lialttmore 6.45 p. m. ; Washington, 8.00 p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches luiuuii iu i iuiuueiium uuu uaniuiore. 7,50 p. m. Itenovo Accommodation (dally fnr llnrrLliiit-i, nml nil lnli.n.ii,llnia,tnM.n. H,w Ing at Philadelphia 4 25 n. m. : New York 7.00 a. m- nuii nuure, in. ; abuingion e,30 n. In. ; bleeping car accommodations can bo i-eeured a Harrlhbunr for l'hlladelnhta and N'ew York, i in Mon days atluough bleeping car will be run: on this tralnfromVllllamspttol'hlladelphia.l'hlladelphla uasaeugei a can jvuium in sieeper uuuisiuruca unti 7 a. ni. a. m. Krle Jiall (daily except Jlonday, for Ilarrlsbure and intermediate btatlons, arriving at I'hlladelnhla 8.25 a. in. New York. 11.30 a. in. ; llaltlmore 8.15 a. in. ; Washington, 9.35 ii. m. iiiiuukiii uiiiuui. aivitiiUK mra uie run Ull tnis train to muadeiphla, llaltlmore and w ashing, ton, aud through passenger coaches to Phlladel. puia anu iiaiinnorc, WESTWAltD. B.30a. m.Erto Jlail (dally except Sunday), fa Brie and ull lmermedlalu stations and canandal, fiuuuimtuii.-imt-ui.uu biuiiuus, iiueuemer, iiuua. oand Niagara Falls, with th.ough Pullman l'ah aco cars and passenger coaches to Krle and Koch' ester. 9.53-News Kxpress (dally except bunday) for MJVMlLlluittllu )Ull-lllli:uiUlt) 6.U11UUS. 1.00 p. in. Maguru Kxpresi (dally except bun day) fur Kiino and Intermediate stations and utn andalgua and principal lntermedlato stations, KocheBter. liuffalo und Nlairam Falls with through pas&cnger coaches to ha no and nochester auu i-uriurcuriu t iiiiaiudiori. 5.30 li. in. Fast Llliu idL'tl excent Hundavlfor lie. novo mid Intermediate stations, and Elmfra. Wat. Kins anu lmcruieuiate stations, witn through pas- BvufcY, buMuia iu iiiuuiuiuiu tt.eme. VM a. in.-sunday mall torllenovo and Interme diate stations. TIIHOUOIl TKA1NS FOlt BUNllUltY FltOM THE JSASlAriUbUUTll. Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a, ra llarrlsburg 7, 10 aulvlng at btinbury 9.30 a, m. w Ith through bleeping car Iioin Philadelphia to Wll Uamsport. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m. llarrlsburg, s.10 a. m. dally except Sunday arriving ut Suubury 9.53. a. in. Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.40 a. in. i llaltlmore 7.30 a. m. (dally except Sunday arriving at bunbury, l.uo p. in., with through parlor car from Philadelphia and through pasaeuger coaches from Philadel phia and llaltlmore. Fast Line leaves New York 9.00 a. m. ; Phlladel. phU, n.oo a. in, ; Washington, 9 B0 a. in. j llaltl more, 10.45 a. in., (dally except Sunday) arriving at bunbury, B.sop. m., with through passenger coaches from Philadelphia and liallimore. Erie Jiall leaves New Yorks.00p. in. s Phlladel. phla, 11.20 p. m. ; Washington, io.w) p. m. : Haiti, more, 11.20 p. m., (dally except Saturday) arriving at suubury 6.15 a. in., with through Pullman Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington aud llaltliuoie and through passenger coaches from Pnlladelphla. HUMIlIltY, IIA.IXTO.N Ck U'lliKLMHAlIUli UAII.IIIIAII A.N II MIP.TII ANU WliMT 1II-4MIII lit I.W.tV. . (Dally except buuuay.) Vllkesbarre mail leaves bunbury 10.00 a. m. arriving at Ulooin Ferry 10.63 a. in., Wlikes-barre. 12.18 p.m. Express East leaves Sunbury 6.45 p. m., arriving I at 11100m Ferry 0.37 p. m., Wllkes-barre 7.6s p. m SlUlbUrv Mall leul.'M W1L-P.hiirrain4.n 111 nr,ltr Ing at Ulooin Ferry 12.15 p. m., hunbury 12.65 p. m Express West leaves Wilkes barre.45p. m., ar riving at Ulooin Ferry 4,15 p, us .bunbury 8.K p.m. 1 Hl'.NlUY ONLY. Sunday mall Icnes suubury 9 25 a. in., arrlvlnir 1 at inopin Ferry 10.11 u. m. w likes-uarre iimi a.m. puuuu- uuuuauuuiiaiiuu icaveH iikes-iiarro 6:13 "rrlvln! &l I'looni Ferry, 0.48 p. in., Sunbury, D, 1:16 u. m. CI1A. . l'Udll, Uen. Manager. J, it. WOOD, den, passenger Agent RAILROAD TIME TABLE, Ono yi-nr ngo, II. II. Wnrncr, found, cr of tlio Wntiur Obncrvnlory, Uocli osier, nlTorvtl n prizo for tlio b'est ossny on "Tho cause of tho rtcont ntinos. ihcrlo efftcts ncaoinptinylnii sunset nml ninristskiiown ns 'iho Itwj Light,'" nnd threw tho oonnietlon open to thu world. Tho lending scientific men nnd nstrouoiuci'H in utmost every pnrt of tlio globe hnve competed, nnd tho judRcs iitotiatiuoo tho essays of a very, lilgli order of merit so niiiuli so t'hat Sir. Wnrncr doubled llio prizes and lias given six mcdnls of honor. Tlio followliiu nro tlio successful competilors : First priz.', l'mf. IC. I, Kiesslini.', lliiuiburg, Uermiiiiyi second prize-, l'rof. James Kdmuud Clark, Yolk, England j third prize, Henry O. Mniiic, of ltoulustw J)cmocmt and Chronicle, llochesler, X. Y.. und Ho v. Sen 110 K. llishop, of Honolulu, Sand w!ch Ifllindi (llic liinl two Wero nf . (jiuil meiit.) iMednls of honor were itmirdcd to 1)10 following! l'mf. Cleelnnd Abbe. Wnsliiiitton, I). U t l'rof. Win-low Upton, Providence 11. 1. 1 1'iof. II. A. Hazeii, Washington, D. C s l'.of. W.M. l).ivis, Cambridg., -Mast", i Frederick Cowle, Tiiiri-lnn, 'I'lisniniiin, Australia, and Ho v. Hoburt (.rnll'irn, h. L. I)., Iirrol, Scotland Tho judges wero l'rof. Daniel Kiik wood, Illooininglon Uiiivirsltyjlliii ilsi Prof. W. M. Hni it nylon, Univor-ity of Jliuhigan, and Prof, Ormond Slom", University of Virginia. These essays will soon be sent to tlio press of tlio Innd for publication. Perils of the Eevolution. Tlio Schuyler mansion was the thea tre of a lom-iiici' in tlio Summer 1 f 1781', General Schuyler was not then in active military service, but, ui lu honsc nt Albany or nt Saratoga, he was llio vigilant oe"ot the Morthirn De partment. Ilis person as a prisoner was unvoted as a capital prize tiy In Tory 'neighbors. Wallet jlu,er, a Tory colleague of tho famous Jjo Ileitis, was oiniilovid to exi elite' 11 scheme for thu seizure and ab Miction of the (ien-ral With a parly of ids ascialc, Canadians and Indians, ho piowled 111 tlio- woods near Albany for niiiiiv (lavs, and ascerliincd the exact situation ot affairs at Schuyler's house 1 rum a lJulcliiirui u lioin lie had seized nthiswoik. Ho learned that a miurd of six men weie there for thu protect ion ot fccliylors person, thiee of th. m alternately on duly continually The IJiitclimati was comiiellul to take an 0.11 li of secrecy. He did so with a mttal lescivalion, and as soon as he was released he hastened to Schuyler nnd warned him of his peril. As the twilight ot a sultry day tn August was yielding to tho night, Schuyler and his family were silling in the great hall ot the mansion ; the ser vatns were about tlio premises ; thteo of the guard were aslei p in tho base ment, and ihe olhti three, were hing on the grass in front of iho mansion. A servant announced that a person at the back gate wished to speak with tho General. His errand was under stood. The doors and windqws of iho mansion wero immediately closed and baried, the family were gathered iu an upper room, and tho General 10 his bedroom for his aims. Looking out of a window, he saw tho house buirounded by armed men. To alaim the town, halt-a-mile distant, ho fired a pistol from his window At tho same moment tho intruders burt-t open the front door. At that instant Mis. Schuyler perceived that in tho confus ion she had lift her infant in a cradle injtlio hall below. She was al out to rush down the staiis after it, when the General interposed and prevented her. Her third daughter, Margaret (who was afterward the wife of tho la-t Patroon),insiatitly Hew down the gnat stairway, snatched tho sleeping babe I101A the ctadle, and bore it up to its mother. One of tho Indians hurled a sharp tomahawk at her. Its keen blade just graztd tho infant's head,and wi.s buried iu tho railing of the stairs Meyi r atippo-ing her to be a servant, called to her as sho How up the stairs, "Where's your muster?" With a quick thought sho exclaimed, as she reached tho veigo ot the upper hall, "Gone to alann the town !'' Her father heard her, and with a quick thought thiew up a window and oplled out, as to a multitude. 'Como 011, my bravo fel lows ! Surround the house and seenro tho villaim ! ' The alarmed mnraudeis, who wero plundering tho General's dlning-ioom of tho plate, fled, in ha-te, cairy ing away some of their booty. The infant was the Into Mrs. Catherino Van Hensaclaer Cochran, General Schuyler's youngest child, who died at Oswego iu tho summer of 1857. In addition to prohibiting tho ton sorial aitists from shaving on Sunday, the new refoini Mayor of Montrose now proclaims that cigar stoics must close, that 110 milk wagons shay deliver the lacleal fluid after 0 a. 111. on Sun day, and that the liverymen must not biro horses and carriages, for purposes nf pleasure, on that day. Tho Mayor is backed up by tho moral leformeis. .Judge Olmsted, in the MeKenti Court, informed those who where clam oriug for the rejection of all licen.-is, that he found public sentiment largely in favor of license for the sale of liquor and that iu his opinion a belter state of affairs would ex'st in tho county tflii'eiies wero giauled llinn if the liquor trallic was to pass into the hands of unlicensed and irrt sponsible persons. Although a temperance man, Judgo pimslud is of opinion that tho sweep ing change demanded would ho injur, ious, and thinks 'the observanco and unfoi cement of thu laws tho best com so for tho promotion of temperance and the protection of tho people After a thorough test ,. H. Mercer most positively asserts that Ackei's Kuglish Hemedy is tho best medicine for asthma, croup, coughs, whooping cough and all lung troubles that can be lound. Axk him about it, for ho fully guarantees it. Joseph Curfew, j Tioga farmer, went lo Pine City and had a 100th extracted. IIo then visited a hotel nml ilmnt- turn ortluee glasses of whisky. On tho way 1101110 he was met by relatives, who found him dead in Ids wagon. Tho coroner's iurv found ilmt .tt.ntl, was tho result of a clot of blood In thu heart, caused by intoxicating liquor. J. II. .Mercer wishes lo stato that ho has at laH loutiii an article ho can sell on in merits. It is with pleasure ho guarantees to Iho imhlio Acker's Kng. lish Hemedy as n sure nnd never fail, ing ouro for Asthma, Couuhs, Whoop, ing Cough, Croup, and all Lung Trou. b'es. It is tho standard remedy for Consumption. I have never found in equal. L CURE FITS! I end 11.0 liete H..111 nuiu ee.Hi. 1 U...11 e r.Jkel ,, "-4r. I werrebl me remedy ! flue a. wutil cu.i. luceiue ciliere e.,e 1.11.4 le ua ..'fi"'.1"'". " lelellll.lei.-iea. line .ua i .in iu,, ,a, nn. u. U. aour, iu r.Iri n, k.VI mar-S-U-d LONG SUFFERING l'rniit Hlcno lu ilic itlilitcyH. - i ll. Is by no means stranno that I)r. David Kenne dy, ot Itondotit, N. Y,, should have received tlio following letter, lly reading It you. will seo In ono mlnuto why James Andrews was thankful j lir, I). Krnnettii, lomftmf, .V. 1'. li-ABSiRs ttnlll within a recentdalo, .1 had for seieral years sunered greatly from drain, ralleil by the doctors the III Sediment. For about a jear pan, thli sediment has not pnied ott In the usual quantity, but hai accumulated, ejus. Ing mo untold pain. Having heard of lilt. lUvni kG.NNKIIY's I'AVOIIIIH IlIlMKItVl tried It nnd alter using about one and line-halt hot ties I olded a stone from the bladder, of an oval shape, MO of nn Inch long, nnd inuirli on Us suifnee, I send you Ihe lamest piece, Hint may see of nhat It Is compose)!. Sine.' then I fell no pain. I now eonsMer myself cured, and cannot oxprcM my thanktitlne's nnd grnlltuclo for no u deliverance fro n n tcrrlbio .llsi'iise. ou lime my consent to itsollils letter, should yotl wish l.idd-o tonne ueneuior otner suuerer-. i.iuis umj, ' .1AMFS ANIIKSns, o. '0 Mftihal St., Ida lltll. Troy, S. V. or, Kennedys -tavniiie iieuiiuj-, iiin.eri.iiij offered tiustnorlliv sp cllle for the cure of Ktdnnv nnrt Mter roinntntnts. L'OnstltiatlOn lllld all disorders tirlstng trom nn linpuie state of the blooil. , To women who suffer from nuyof tho Ills pecu liar to their sex "Knvorlte"lS constniitlv proving Itsellun nnfnlll gfrlcml a n-nl bies-lng. There Is no more neonl7lng class ot diseases, and nnnvinoio certain' not lo get well ot lisell" than the dl-orders of the and llhulder. The only lneillclnnt lint lines arTord s)t'edy relief and permanent cure of such HfTecllons Is Dr. David Kenned) s '-Kaorlto llenicdy,"nt Kondoul, '. . EAFNESS lS.&Vr"nV JIS was deaf twenty-eight yeai-s. Heated by most of the noted "pecl.ilists nf the day with no tienetll. lured himself lu three months, and since then htii.dictls ot others by s.imc pro cess. A plnln, Miniile nnd s eeerui nonieireni inenl. Aililress T, S. PAOS, IDS Knst 21th stieet, .New York I'll). inar-r. ll-.l. ensinrr iltertMnit lliirian.lll Sirnre -lN'.l -------------HHHHHHHiilHHHHOHHH for Infants and Children. "Coatorlalssowcllmlnptedtochlldrenthat I Cantorla cures Colle. Constipation, IrecommendltaasuperlortuanyprescrlpUoa I """r Ptomacb, Diarrhrea, Eructation, known to mo." IL A. Ancn-K, M. D., I 0l3PVtPorS' B'tcs 8le0p' ftna ',rom0-eB 111 So. Oiford SL, Brooklyn, K, Y. Wltout1nurious medication. Till Csaiicn Coufuit, 1S1 Fulton Street, N. T. ECONOMY TII.K PKATIAL l su st i im of rrn:ij iiouk, EVERY THING T1IAT IS NEW AND STILISH FOR THE SEASON, CAN EE BOUGHT CHEAFim TMAI EVML A Large and Varied Stock of IjCLOTHIHGji" JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LA I. UK AND SELKCT LINK OF Call and be Convinced that you have the LAMEST SELECTION OF GOODS OF THE LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY. AND AT ' The Lowest Possible Prices AT TIIJG OF l TOM Tf HiTOlwm MI mlw mwiw mm, l . . i . I ' 3j-. Of I n '(feXl!r-.... . A k ., "mitt QMAIN STREET,) """"""" " i ' " rr,,-nniTTTiTrTr'-nim' nrmnf nnnnn i u i mm DEALER IN Foreign aM MomestiG WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BL00MSBURG, PA. SSI A BIG REACH. "W ill nn iibuiiilant variety of nuwi.Spring Clothing wo cmi easily supply the tiitaml the lean 1111111 in .'net, the young and the old, the youth, boy and child are all within our reach. A.O.UTES&CO. Clothing Forr-Jen, Yonlhs.Boya & Ohlldtcu, (j02-(J01-(iOG CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA. m mi ek.e ar r K . r Mrs vvi e. ell ml,' A I . -'MfJmr: . it l II I 1 m For tlio Celcbrutctl Clilclivriuj;, Ivers & 1'outl, nml Vosu& Son I'ituios, Worltlrc uowned Estcy OrK.ins, Violins, At-cortleous niul Sheet Music. Celebiuteil White, New High Arm Davis, Isew Home, lloynl St. John, and Light lluuntng Domestic hewing Mtii'.hlnes. Needles, oil und attachments for all makes of Sewing Machines. Stsro and warerocms, No. 12Sr FrankliclAvenwe- Uso Warerooina UI FrunUloAie, niid. wcvn tor Ktriet, SCRAMTON. PA. An) Iliing to mnltn up n ww kaoa or ii'pnir nu olil, in stink. 15 ir linn, ami .Sieel IJuHh, Holt KiiL,' Lag Si'iewii, Tnrnliui-klt1' Iloi SluifB, nnd nil Hlaclcemitb utijihlieH. Apriil-ly aim