The Columbian. Q. E. Elwall, 1 r,u.,, J. S. BittoaSn4r.,f E46"- BLODiESBUttG, PA. FRIDAY, MAIICII 10, 1380. Congressman Michael llnlui, of Louiiunn, wm found tlpml in lila room at Willfinl's hotel, Washington, Mon day morning. Mr. Hahn had heen ill for soino time with lung trouble. When found ho was lying on tiio floor nnd surrounded with n largo pool of tilood. Tlio llrct impression was that ho had committed suicide, but upon medical examination, it was shown that death resulted from tho rupturo of :i blood vessal near tho heart, it la bo lieved, by excessive coughing. Tho greatest middle weight fight on record was fought last Sunday morn ing at Larchmont, on Long Island Sound. Tho contestants wcro LolJIan ohe, of Boston, and Dempsey, of New York. Tho stakes wero $1,000 a side and a purso of S1,C00. Dempsey stood feet 8J inches and weighed Ma. Lelllancho's height is 3 feet 7 inches, and ho weighed l.'.'i. Thirteen rounds wero fought and Dempsey won. Thcro wero only twenty persons present. Tho ring was pitched properly. The gladiators stripped and wero rubbed down beforo the spectators. A notablo proffessor of the manly ait was chosen referee, and two swells were limo keep ers. Itoth men wero badly punished. George Pearson, Secretary o the JlepuMican State Committee, is a member of.tho syndicate that has been robbing tho orphans schools of tho State. Hero are a few of tho amounts received by members of tho syndicito: James L. Paul, late clerk of tho orphan school department, $3,900 George Pearson, Secretary of the Republican State Committee, $2,900 j Ex-Senator George Wright, $2,700; J. I. Gordon, 2,700. And while theso Republican gentlemen have been pocketing theso profits, the soldiers orphans have been having frozen feet, with nails dropping off, tho itch, tho tetter, running soroe, inflamed eyes, bad food, filthy bod clothes, wearing tho same stockings and shirts for weeks and months to gether, &c Truly a most horrible story. The third section of the Act of the 13th of May, 18U, 15r. Purd, 1584. pi. 11, declares that "If any Assessor oi Assistant Assessor shall knowingly and intentionally omit, neglect or refuse t( assess and return any property, person or thing made taxable by law, or shall knowingly and intentionally assess, rate or value the same, at moro or les than ho bhall know and believe the just cash value or rate thereof, or ne gleet or refuse to assess any tax ro quired by law, he shall be guilty of misdemeanor in ofliue, ami on convict ion thereof, bo subject to imprisonment not less than three nor more than twelve months, and fined in a sum noi less than one hundred, nor moro tha1 two hundred dollars." National Guard Inspection. Tt has been decided to do away with tho annual State encampment of the National guard, and as tho programme now stands it is possible that the aci of 1878 will be literally obeyed. It requires that tho National Guard must bo inspected on one occasion in each year with at least a day's pay for each officer and soldier. The 1' irst, Second, Third and Sixth Regiments, the Graj Invincibles, tho City Troop and Bat tery A will bo assembled in brigade in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, for inspection by the Adjutant-General, after he ha9 concluded his tour of duty through tho State. Tho Fourteenth and Eighteenth Kegiments will bo in spected near Pittsburg ou July 10, and tho other organizations will bo massed as regiments probably in this order : Thirteenth Regiment, at Scranton ; Ninth Regiment, at Wilkcsbarrej Twelfth Regiment, at Williamsuoit; Fifth Regiment, at Altoona ; Eighth Regiment, at Ilairisburg; Fifteenth Regiment, at Meadvillo or Oil City ; sixteenth liegiment, at l ranklin, or with the Fifth Infantry : Fourth Regi ment, at Alloulown or Bethlehem ; Tenth Regiment, at Washington or (ireensburir. lho independent com panics of cavalry and infantry and the three batteries ot artillery will be in spected at the timo given to the bri gades in whoso roster they aro The Mercer School Visited. Tin: same sroitv or insufficient cloth- INO AND IllllTY Sf ItltOUSDINIiS. Pivrsuuito, .March 13. The invest!, gation of tho Soldier' Orphans' School at Mercer to-day was conducted by Governor Pattison, Attorney General Cassidy and Dr. Lee, secretary of the Stato IJoard of Health. Tho probing revealed tho fact that tho school is tun solely to mako money. Tho bath rooms are worso than they havo been painted, picklo barrels and all. On Saturdays, when thero is no washing done,' tho barrels and tubs used for that purpose aro turned over to tho boys, who utilize thorn as bath-tubs. In tho girls' bath room there are two iron bath-tubs, but one of them is bro ken and cannot be used. Tho clothing was found to bo insufficient for tho boys. Thero were wrap for only about forty girls and underclothing was entirely inadequate. Tho only difference made in tho boys' suits for summer and winter was a change from a cotton to thin woolen shirts. Now boys aro clothed in tho cast-off gar ments ol tho older pupils. Tho winter supply of clothing did not arrivo until the latter pan of January. The pupils drink from tho Iicmu attached to tho iron pipeSjtin cups being too exponsivo to bo furnished. The wash rooms have no furniture whatever, and tight towels nro given 1 10 boys. In the bed rooms some of the bed clothing was founil to be disgustingly dirty and was lacking in quantity to make necessary changes. Sheets are changed twice a mouth. Mr. Wright, tho manager, it is said, would not let tho quilts be washed, nnd tho blankets aro soiltd and badly worn. Beforo leaving for Morccr to-day Governor Pattinou gave expression to some very vigorous language regarding tho orphan school syndicate. 'What do you think of tho revela tions nt the schools you havo already visited? was asked. "I havo been horrified and disgusted and I hardly know whether I am yet calm enough to speak of the revolting ng tas libdosures which our pioblng has lirouaht to the light of day. It is cei lain that this stato of things is going ' upon the discretion of lho female pnpu to bo thoroughly remedied. I cannot lation of Washington. Ladies of good Hieak now of what my action in tho Htandiug hero do with impunity things .... I . .1 . r 1 I .. .1.1.-1. ...... .1.1 ......on llwi.n I.. af.t,.ll.. .matter will be. but whon I havo com jiletod my investigation X shall act." j THE COLUMBIAN AND A bill has been introduced In tho Now York Legislature, making tho first Momlnv of Sctitcmber n leaal hoi idny for that State, to bo known as la borer's day. . It is for tho purposo of giving all laborers n day ot recreation WASHINGTON LETTER, (from our Itcgular correspondent.) Washington, i. J.t Jinrcn m, ioou. Tho week which began with a bom barrtment of tho Administration in the Senato oud of the Cnpitil, ended there with funeral servicesjover the deceased California Senator, Mr. Miller. The obsequies wero nttended by tho Presi dent and Cabinet, tho Supremo Court, and both Houses of Congress. Tho Senators, in a body, escorted tho ro mains to the railroad depot, en route to California, whilo tho Marine band headed tho procession playing with mutllfd drums tho funeral march. Sonatot Miller's "death temporarily gives tho Democrats another seat in tho Senate. Tho prevailing opinion among California Democrats is that Governor Stoneinan will appoint to tho vacancy either Mr. Delmar. a prominent lawyer of that state, or Mr. Geo. Hearst, editor of tho San Fran cisco J'J.eammer. Tho Senatorial debato has been going on steadily with crowueu gantries. After the Vermont Senator's celebrat ed speech Senator Pugli, of Alabama, led the Democratic assault on the Edmunds portion. Mr. Pueh is a lawyer of fino abilities and he made a strong legal reply to tho Vermonter's a?snmplion. some oi ms ponus were very effective, ono of the first snowing a flaw in tho Edmunds argument.. Mr Edmunds claimed that Duskin, the official who was suBpeudevl by Ihe Attorney Generahwas null a suspended ollicial, and that, therefore,intormati in concerning his suspension was a proper matter for tho Senates consideration. Mr. Pueh showed that the term of office, to which Mr. Duskin had been appointed, had expired last January, before tho Senato Judiciary committee had sought to obtain its information through .Mr. i'.iitnumls. Senator Wilson next assailed the President in a speech that was very unsatisfactory to tho Republicans and was laughed at by tbo Democratic Senators for its weakness and nbiturd assertions. The Iowa Senator troubled himself but littlo with arguments but devoted his time to a purely partisan enunciation of the Administration. The burden of his complaint was that Mr. Cleveland had failed in Ins pro fessed intention to carry out the prin ciples of Civil Service Reform. Then Mr. Kenna, tho joungest man in the Seimte,spoke from a Democratic point of view. In lho West Virginian, Senator Edmunds met an adversary en tirely worthy of his in tho unworthy cause to which ho is now devoting his energies. It was Mr. Kenna'o second speech in tho Senate, although he has been a member ot that body lor more than two vears. Ho has bueu serving his novitiate, as it weio. There is an unwritten law thut requires new Senators to be littlo more than voting members. But after listening 'o Mr. ICenna's first great effort, the popular comment among his friends was that ho had been Kept m the back ground too long. The effect ot Mr. Kenna s speech was to show that the Republican Sen ttors who claim to be standing on such high moial ground in this con troversy have been actuated bv partisan feelings alone. Ho made many tolling hitB at Senators Edmunds, Sherman, and Logan, quoting them against their present position, as when, tor instance, ho read tho lae-sirniie or a letter wnt len bv Sherman, then Secretary of the Treasury, in which ho (Sherman) refus ed to furnish the Senate's request for papers of a confidential character filed in tho JJepartmenls. Mr. Sherman, -aid, in the same letter, that no law re quired the President to give reasons. Ho read an extract from Mr. Blaine's book that was received with bursts of laughter. It was where the Maine his torian stated that the Tenuro-ol-Ofiice law was enacted lest President John son should remove Republican otlice holders too rapidly, and it was after wards practically repealed lest Presi dent Grant should not remove Demo cratic office holders rapidly enough. Mr. Kenna was merciless in his criticisms or the leader of tho present controversy, and while tho audience was listening attentively to the speak er it was also watching Mr. Edmunds' face. During this scoiing tho latter resorted to his old habit of pretending to be absorbed in a book which was open before him. It was noticed, how over, that ho did not turn a leaf during the long reading ot another choice ox tract from Mr. Blaine's book which showed that Mr. 'Edmunds had contra dieted himself upon the right of the President to remove without giving any reason lor it. When tho young Senator closed with tho prediction that Grover Cleveland would hand down to his successor tho prerogatives ot his olhco undiminished, ho was sur rounded by a throng of Senators and Coimressmen who had come over from tho Homo to hear him. They shower ed congratulations upon him and shook both ot his hands until his arras ached To-day Mr. Edmunds will be re-inforc- ed by senator Cullon ot Illinois. Women in Washington. AN .UTONISlllNO I.CK OF TUB RKSFUVE ask feminine ilelicacv seen ei-sf, wiikiii:. Wiinhiivjtuii tetter in the Ttoy Times. Tho utter recklessness of tho femalo portion of Washington society is ofien remarked by persons ot experu nee, There is a freedom among strangers that is never shown by tho well mean ing young women of other cities, Society is fully ns kaleidosco pio as politics. i on do not always know who is who in either sphere, and great deal is taken for granted. Tho modes ol llirting whloh aro Jiiiown in the Ninth, and which aro supposed to bo innocent, though to some extent mischievous, nro altogether too slow lor Washington. A great many cheeky young society men nro aro in the habit of introducing themselves to ladies, and they are not often snubbed. Women who move in respectable cir cles are accustomed to send notis to members of Congress with whom they havo no acquaintanceship, soliciting private Interviews. Usually they want an otlice, but uro not abovo accepting gifls from these men. It is very ililii cull to draw the line between the good and the bad. Anybody attempting to do so is apt to become terribly confused, Probably thegteat mass ot eoplu here, as in other places, mean well, but they aro extremely reckless in their social ' conduct. These remarks nro not in tended to reflect upon tho viituo but which would cuuso them to be socially ostracised in other cities . Savings of General Hancock. The bayonet is not n fit Instrument lor collecting tho votes oi irccmen. Thourmv Bhould have nothing to do with tho selection or inauguration of Presidents. The great principles of American liberty are still in tho lawful Inheritance of tlii1 pcoplo and ever should be. Power may destroy the forms, but not the principles ot.iusticoi tnoso win livo in spite even of tho sword. It is a vital principle in our system that neither fraud uor force must bo allowed to subvert tho right of tho people. Public office is n trust, not a bounty bestowed upon tho holder no incom petent or dishonest person should bo intrusted with it. Free institutions, while they arc essential to the prosperity nndi happi ness of the poople, always furnish the strongest ii'ducements to peace and order. Woo to us when it shall come to pass that tho power of tho magistrate civil or military is permitted to deal with the mere opinions or feelings of tho people. All classes of our citizens must share aliko in lho blessings of the Union, and wo are equally concerned in its perpetuity and in tho proper ad ministration of public nITnirs. Tho riirht of trial by jury, the habeas corpus, tho liberty of lho press, the freedom of speech, tho natural rights of persons anil the rights of property must bo preserved. The commanding general, in the (lis charge of the Oust teposcd in him, will maintain tho just power of the judiciary wd is unwilling to permit tho civil authorities to be emtiarrassou by military interference. It is of evil examplo and full of dan- gcr to the cause of freedom and good government that tho exercisa ot tho military power through military tri bunals created for tiial of offences against tho civil law should bo per mitted when tho ordinary power of existing State governments aro ample for the punishment of offenders. Theso sentiments fully explain why General Hancock was a staunch Dain ocrat. Pennsylvania News. Luzerne Prohibitionists are now or ganizing into clubs by election districts. Tho maple sap now runs freely, and thero is gicat activity in the sugar camps, Largo colonies of Pennsylvanians leave daily for various points in tho West. All the mines in the Wyoming an thracite region are now running on lull time. Tho bituminous coal miners' strike is f xtending thioughout the entire re gion. Another importation of tho cheap labor element has just arrived at Hazle ton. The General McClellan Memorial Fund in Philadelphia now amounts t SG-18.50. Abo Buzzard now professes conver sion to Christianity, and wants to bo pardoned. Williamsport is a trifling monoton ous, and its newspaper reporters want a sensation. Roading is in luck' once more. Tho river toll bridge at that city is to bo undo tree. All the issues of the Lehigh Valley railroad company command largo pre miums. The iron trade is gaining ground. Iron of all kinds is firm in price and well sold up. Judge Krebs, of Clearfield, fined a druggist $300 for selling liquor with out license. It is contemplated to connect Ply mouth and Wilkesbarro by a street railway. In numerous towns drucL'ists aro being arrested for selling liquor on Sunday. Edward Mylotte, ex-Auditor of Lu zerne County, has been arrested for forgery. A late census of Altoona shows the population of that mountain city to be 23,773. The petroleum exports fiom Phila delphia last wek amounted to 1,271, GOO gallons. Rev. Owens, of Pittsburg, savs pro gressive euchre "is tho lateH craze of gambling." Tho Scranton Steel Company ships about three hundred tons of steel rails per day. Mayor Jessup, ofJMontvoeo, has de termined to rigidly enforce the Sunday law. Fifty informations are pending a gainst violators of tho license law in Allegheny. Anglers are reminded that tho season for trout fishing does not open until Apiil 15. The Philadelphia business men's meeting decided against tho sale of the gas-works. Joseph Kearney, of Crcasiugville, died whilo askiug a blessing at the din ner tnble. Tho construction of one thousand miles of natural gas-pipe lino in West ern Pennsylvania is now an assured tact. Everywhere throughout tho State there bus been a largo decrease iu tho number of liquor licenses heretofore granted. In regard to tho Soldiers' Orphans' school scandal, the popular verdict seems to be, that no guilty man should escape.'1 The festivo undertaker of Pennsyl vania will hold their annual Stato Con vention at Scranton in tho merry month of May. Among the articles on exhibition at a fair in Philadelphia is a pair of easels inado by Abo Buzzard, the Welsh Mountain outlaw, while in tho Eastern Penitentiary. The nil and gas business is booming the town of Washington. Three or lour bundled now buildings nro to bo erected them during tho coming Sum mer season. Tho question of freo navigation of tho Monongahela river is livo question out in that region just now, and tho friends of tho movement are pushing it vigorously. At an overflow meeting in Pliila delphia, under tho auspices of tho Pro testant Episcopal Church, a movement was inaugurated to raise $1,000,000 for missionary work. DEMOCRAT. Unlontown lawjors spent an cntlro day in lho trial of two cn3cs, and dis covered they had been trying tho wrong man in ench case, at tlio cx ponso ot tho county. The hanging of a murderer In Dela ware County occurred slxcy-fivo years ago. Tho execution being public, ihero was adargo crowd of men, women and ohlldren. Reading's silk mill is now assured, tho citizen turnishing the grounds and buildings, at a cost ot Jjou.uuu. It is said the industry will eventually employ four hundred men. Win. Pitlman has been a Justice of the Pcaco in Crawford County for thirty-nine years, and claims to bo tho oldest Justice, in point of continuous service, in tho State. Out of twenty jurors called in a Somerset case Inst week, eighteen of them admitted that they did not read the newspapers. Electric light is now doing its best to dispel the darkniss that has nivel oped Plymouth nt night for the past twenty years. Diincannon has n woikman's Buiial Association. Twelve members died during tlio past year, tho widows re ceiving death benefits amounting to nearly $G00. The courts have deoided that it is impossible to adopt a child so thorough ly in this Stato that it can receive a legacy from its foster-father without pnj ing the fivo per cent, collateral in heritance tax. "Who put poison in the coffee 1" is tho conundrum that Lebanon's Alms house officials ore trying to eolvc. Suspicion now points to an evicted and revengeful tramp as the perpetrator of tho fiendish net. Reading clergeinan declines to servo on tho committee of arrangements for the County hair, because, as he says, "there is too much horse-racing, ager beer and gambling at the society a exhibitions." Mrs. Maiy S. Bayard, a grand- daughter of Charles Carroll, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and a lady of rare intellectual attain ments, died in Philadelphia a few days ago, at the ago of 82 years. Judge Inghram, of Favette, holds that ealing-houses are not places of re freshment within tho meaning ol tho law, and therefore not entitled to a license to sell intoxicants. All appli cations wi re refused. Tho widow of Assistant Conductor A G. MeCahren, who was killed in tin' railroad disaster at Diincannon, has received $1,000 from a company in which her husband hnd ono year pie viousiy taken out a olicy. Tho Nanticoke rt lief fund has reach ed the sum of $13,000. Each widow is to receive $123 pi r annum, in month ly payments, so long as she icmains a widow and the fund holds out. Others aro to receivo lesser siimh under similar restrictions. Tlio new oil field in Grand Valley, Warren County, is looming up. There aro now sixty-five producing wells, with a daily production of two hundred barrels, and thirty moro are now in process of drilling. i One year ago the Marietta hollow- ware works had on hand 43,000 pieces of ware. Now they havo about 3,000 pieces and have been running on full time during tho entire vear. Tho buildings are to bo enlarged. Tho temperance women of Pittsburg propose tho founding of a Temperance Home, where inebriates may be help ed and reformed, and unfortunate mrn of all classes find a place of refuge un til they can obtain employment and be come moral, industrious nnd honorable members of society. Tho General Executive Committee of the Knights of Labor havo settled some thirty or forty disputes in Phila delphia during tho past two weeks. The committee is composed of fivo men the trades of whom were a machinist, a gold beater, a saw-mill man. a miner and a railroader, who are exerting great influenco in a quiet manner. Tlio Clearfield Democrat, in critic ising Judge Krebs' order that glazed windows and bar ecreenR lit hotels and saloons must go, remarks : "This will enablo the small boys to see how tho men drink, and as most boys aro very imitative, they will soon learn how to do the thing themselves." The movement to form a new conn ty out of parts of Blsir, Huntingdon, Cambria and Clearfield, with Tvioue as the county seat, agitated some years ago, has been revived. One interest'-d gentleman offeis to contribute $13,000, conditionally, towards the erection of pubho buildings in case tho project proves a success. Court Proceedings. Court sat on Match 15th puisuanlto adjournment, nil Ihu Judges on the bench. aalo of real estate ordered in cstato of .Samuel Apidemnn. Petition of James M. Long for trans fer of hotel license of W. It. Hagen buch in Oiangeville, to take effect April 1st. transter allowed ami homl a proved. 1'etition of Geo, Aura ml for transfer of hotel license of Mrs. Jane E. Brown in Bloomsburg, trausfer al lowed. Petition of Sman Bambach, guar dian of Mary E. Euko for tho sale of real estate filed. A. B. Kiickbaum vs. V. II. Krick baiim, opinion of court lilt-d. Auditor's report distributing money ...:t.w. t ci :rr, i.. c i aiisiii ouni kjill'llllB Dull.' Ul ll'jtl UB tate of I). S. Brown, confirmed nisi. Vv Fisher, J A. Sliuman and Joseph Haruel appointed viewers of a road in Centre near V. tuott s. S. Xeyhard adiur. of Titos. Crevel "?i jr-. vs.Thos. Butledgo. In Equity. upiiiiou tiled. Commonwealth vs. Thos. Murnhv. indictment Bgainst a justice for refusing to give a transcript s opinion tiled. PoowDistricl of Berwick vs, Poor Dintnct of Centre, opinion filed. lsaau A. Dewitt appointed guardian of Bertie W., William K. and Maggie E. Etcrett minor children of .J nines Everett deceased, Eitato of E. T. Field. Uulo on ad miiiUtrattix to pay over money to parties entitled thereto under auditoi's report. Estato of I). P. Sutton. Htilo on purchaser of real estate to show cause why snlu shall not bo sot aside, and ro-salu ordered, Kiiate of Daniel Thomas, Hulu on heirs to accept or rofuso real estuic. Esiateof Peter Mourey. Utile on ndmluii'lratilx to pay over money to parties entitled thereto under the audi tor's report. .1. B. Uobison continued as auditor In Mxiguod estate of O, B. lirockway. BLOOMSBUHG, iJ POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder naverv&HBs. iiiirvel of purity roaKtn in wn ilogomness. Mere economlol m Iti-j orrltnary k'n 18. sndcannot be sold In mrclion wltn the multitude or low test, short eliftit, stumor phosphate powders. Snidonl; l-!iUB, KdrAL UAK1NU fOWDEH l;0 IK" ttail'Ot. . V. Oct lil-'y Choiry Pectoral. P 'T ctil I,-, f.i "rrfil.vOhln, Kl't, 10, 1SSJ. " llHViug l,t n pubjet'l lnu In (ill Ill, ll iilli'i-Miilt. illli frequent i l.mulx-r ff ,'Ar. I hrrcby i-cr- til; Hint AVI K'i 4iit:uii I'rcTouiL clri'i iiu' nuuit nlltf. niiil l tlio muU i'tfei-tlvo rcmnly I have ner tried. .I.Vlll 8 A. ItASIII.KIX, iilitor of The Cretrent." " ClUf-X'l. Ohio. -lttii" a-.; l;. COUGHS. " 1 11V" u,l'J Avm's CiiKiutV T'rrroiitt. tlil "prliiK fin- a up tiw clinch ami lillii; trouble lttli Rimd i-ITi-Pt, and I am plene,t to recommend It to any one similarly affected. IIauvkv IUt-niiM w, Proprietor Globe Hotel." rnEFAitr.ti nv Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold bjr all DrujElMi BLOOMSBUHG: MA11KET. Wholesale. Jletnll Wheat per buslul 85 1)0 Hye " " 00 Corn " " .... 4!i CO Oats " " ;i.j 4.1 Flour " hbl 5 to 0 Hotter 22 24 Kites 12 5 Potatoes r0 (10 Hums 11 14 Dried Apples 0.1 05 Side mill shoulder 07 !) Chickens..'. 013 08 Turkeys io 13 Ueesc , I.nrcl per lb 03 10 Hay per tni ifj 00 Vinegar per gal 20 30 Onions per bushel 75 1.00 Veal skins 07 Wool per lb 35 Hides 5 to 7 Coai. on Wharf. No 0 2 00; Nos 2 3, 4 Si Lump $3.25 No 53.00 Ultumlnus, $3 25 Philadelphia Markets CORRECTED WEEKLY. FKED- Western winter bran, spot, 17.50 Sprtnj: 17.011 4 17.73 !,lr-LOUH. Western extra's (& 3.:.'.; renna ramlly, 4.00 4;i3 Ohio clear. 4.n,v 4.W winter patent r.u0 5.5 1; I'enna. roller process 4.S5 9 4.75 WHEAT Pennsylvania red, No. l, l.oo'j IiYR-ns. CUUJf. 10 (S47 F OATS. Xo. 3 whlto Ci 40 No. S, 41 HAY AND STUAW Timothy-Choice Western nnd New York.lii.00i,? 17. fair to trood Westein and New Yoik,i4. 0 i I5.t0; medium western and New lorK, IK 10. : cut hay as to quality 17. M HI. llyo Mraw si, Wheat straw, 10. oat btraw 9 (a. 10. rOTATi'KS.-rastern roo and Burbanks, 75 80 ; Eastern prolines 05 14:0 ; western rose ta. E(i(is l-.-nmylvanla ii'i: western 13. Creamery Extra SO, Western extra 30,falr 20 a ss. LIi:i'OULTltY.-I-'owls,8 8X Turkejs 8 ULTTEIi. rennavUnnlH erpamprv nrlntn 3nr?31 DHESSF.I) roULTItY.-Chlckens.llfiII.Turfcev 18 (a 13. ducks 11 13. HAVE YOU RHEUMATISM? A nmedy han lu ditwovcml. Iu thlneountry It in new. It has, however, bevu in urwful ue fur many j i-ara iu Europe, and it is a fact that the RUSSIAN RHEUM AT3SM CURE lias tho cnilorMramt of Continental riiypicinnmna (lorrmiirut Hwiitary Commiwtiowi, m wtlt as ttio thousand of suHerrni to whom It Lua brought re 11. r. It h uiwd whu hid tried it. It WILL SAVE YOU from farther neony. If you'll oiilytriva it & chance. lecrlitlvei)nitiihiVt, ftUU testimonial, frets Price S2.50. j 1 If mallwl. lie, aiMttlontl, I If rcviftoml, loc. more. Out box ic tho biulnesn. KohMlemiliiB Mltlimit Uil Tnule.Mark. RHEUMATISM CURE. An vi t It I nut to Iw fouiul at tlio fctoren, but can only lm hml man refill tun Anif ru-an propnetor. iv eiicioMiiir tuv h mount Ujm ana. PFAELZER BROS. & CO. 8 10-82 1 .Uurlift Mrci-t, Philadelphia. maich IH.iy.a CLOTHING ! CLOTHING! THE ARTIT m w w e m m AND MERCHANT TAILOR. Who nlways gives you tbo latest styles, and cuts your clothing to fit you. Having had tho experience tor a number ol years in tlio Tailoring Isusi ness, lias learned what material will givo his ouatoincis tho best satisfaction tor wear and stylo nnd will try to please all who givo him a oall. Also on hand Gents' Furnishing Goods Of ALL DESCMIflONU. HATS, CAP AND UMBRELLAS Always of tlio latest styles. Call anil ox. amine his stock bctoru purchasing else. wnere. Store nent door to First National Bank Corner Jlain & Market Sts. llooiiisl)iii'g, Fa. AprliiWr I CURE FITS! WUo I Mf rurt I tf tot nB niratjr to top ltm lor lr ttid lino bv tUni mum lu. 1 uib iJk AfiT wtJ "! i ri,iHui'Yr rLU 10 HKiihkhJ ItU-louf tudj, I wtrTBUl ui iiudf la tcuou fvr Ubt buv ittrrittnf ft curt, Hjk4 tt unci for trtlod Kn tloitl ul .ny luUUIkU rvnu'ly. tllf t-iirM al Com omr. iiriiouBiibiDrfri rt'. b4 1 turt )vu. U. 11. U. HOOT, HI fiarl tn umrMt-d COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. A DVKUTHEltS I Send for our select . list of local newspapers. Ooo. P. Howell , 10 Fpruce st, N. V. maris-it. rjMli: A1N8WOKTH liOILEIl and I'IPK I COVEHINO. A tierfect non-conductor. For IhTorrrat Ion send for circular. MAi.COM I'AT TEHSON, 1'. t). Ilox SO, Heading, Pa. tnarlS-llr. ABIFTfi Send 10 eentspostnito. and wo will mall you free n roj al, valuable, sample box ot (toodi that will put you In tho way of makln? t.ioi? motim nt once, thnn nuythlnif elso In America, llolh scxeof nil aires 'an lho at homo and work In spare-time, or all tho limp. Capital not required. Wo will start you. lmmenwpay sum for lhro who start at once. ST1NSON CO., Portland, Me. norsoiy Good Business Location I Tho undersigned offers for sale, on easy tci rue, tho Planing Mill, Dry Dock, Lumber Sheds etc., (with exrolli'Ut wharfngo facilities) located on tho banks of tho Poiin'n Canal, within ono quartcr of a inilo ff tbo 1). h. it W. dopot, at Hcaoh Ha ven, J.uzerno count', Pa. A pood ferry nlso coiinectH thin plnco with the coun try on opposite oido of the. Susque hanna riv or. Tho machinery coii-ikIc of n largo ilaiier,tnouidin; and match ing mauliine, turning latlio and bracket saw, nlso circular sawn, all in good working order. It hat a 10-horse Power Water Wheel under a twonty-MX foot head. The mill i 30x15 feet, with two larue lun berjshed", onu l89 i. one 20x01. Thi U a good opening for any eneigetlc business man. Por further paiticulais Mpply to Sarnh Brndcr, Kx'it or I). liitAiinit Estate. Jiarch o-lt. Hoaoli Haven, Pa. Tlio .lobbing Depurttnent of OFFICE is well stocked with mnterial for doing all kinds of printing. Calling Cards, and Invitations in great variety. All kinds o kept in stock. Special prices on large orders. Ollice 2nd door below Excbange Hotel, Main Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. GIVI AWAY ! Ten thousand babies are given yearly totlte grnve by not having Dr. Hand's Teething Lotion on their gums when teething. SOMETHING NEW ! SOMETHING WONDERFUL ! SOMETHING MAGICAL ! To bathe the baby's gums while teething, relieving all lnilamma tion, swelling and paiir. LOST I A good many night's rest by nothavingDr. Hami'sColic Cure, for it gives baby comfort and sleep without stupefying or in juring it. No opiates. No con stipation. Sold nt Kleim's drug store, general agent for Dr. Hand's remedies for children. Labora tory nt Scranton, Pa. fdoeleow. JETTJNG. Notice I? hereby clven Ihe bulldlnc com. mlttee will receive healed propos-i is for mrnlshlng inn iiituLTiuis mm erecting ior iub 101. tu a. ll. t Jl. Association au exhibition building 50x300 It. un vucir gruuuus lu uioombourK. riiuu ana speci ricntlons can tie seen at the omceol II. v. while. t-ecreiary, on and alter Jlarch 1S.16&0. All bids arc to bo sent Into tho committee on or beloro i nursuay, April , at 7 p. in. .1. V. BROWN. HALT IS STKHLl.VQ, THOMAS WK HI. JOHN Al'l'LKMAN. Jlarch in 3t. committee. JlOTICK OF INQUEST. KkTATK Ol' lll'MHIUEV M. I'illkKK, DEU'll. To John 11. Iloyt, guardian ot lteuben Iloyt, Sar. an Iloyt, and John Hoj t, of llope, warren county, ew Jersey. CoM-unu C' Whereas at an Orphans' Court held at illooms- liurj,', In and (or the county ot Columbia, the tlrst day ot February, A. D. 181, betore the Honorable William Kin ell, President, and his associates, Jus tlces ot tho said Court, tho petition ot William u. rarker, was pixwnted, settlnir forth that Hun-, phrey SI. l'arker, of said county, lately died In. testate, scUed In his demeuo as of fee, as tenant iu common with William V. l'arker, of and In an undivided moiety, or half part of a messuage and tract of land, situate In the township ot (ireen. wood, In said county, bounded by lands ot J. J, Itobbins,!!, M. Parlor, James Lock-art, Margaret Carson and T, J, Vanderslloe and containing rltty llu acres, more or less, with the appurtenances. and also, In an undivided moiety, or o9-ihlrcl part with J. T. and 11. Parker, of a messuage and tract of laud situate In the township ot Jack son, In the said county, bounded by lands of Peter Applegate, Thomas Davis and others, and con- talnlng about thirty acres, more cr less, with the appurtenances. I'ake notice that an Inquest will be held on said lands upon tho premises, on Tucs. day, April W, isms, at nine o'clock In the forenoon, to make partition to and among the heirs and le gal rcpresentatuesot said Humphrey M. Parker, deceased, It ttio same can be done without preju. dice to or spoiling tho whole. And If It cunnot be so divided then to value and nnpralso the whole of said real eitate or the several purpam Intu ivhlch they may divide the said real estate, at which time and place you can attend, If you see Proper. SAMUEL SMITH, IHoomsburg, Pa., March IU, it. sheriff. JI'I'EAIi NOTICE. Appeals will bo held on the assessment of ikso. btiw een tho hours of Bu.m. nndlp, in. ot each day astollons, to-Hltt April 19. For Montour nndMt. Ploisant, at our ortlce In Hloonisburg. April ia.--For Himlock, at the house of Charles Dletrlck, In llutkhorn. April 1 1. For Madison and Pine, at the house ot A. K. hmlth, In Jersey town. April 15. For (Ireeuwood, at the house of Abra-, ham Fulmer, In Mlllvllie. April 10. For Jackson and sugarloof, nt tho house of Keklel cole in sugarloaf, Aprlt l". ForlicMon, at the house of Hiram Hess In lK'inon. April IV. Fur Flshlngcreek, nt the house of Frank Woll, In Stillwater, April 80. For orange at tho houso of George lleckiiian, In Orangei llle. April 81. For centre, at tho election liousu In Centre. April S3. For Heaver nnd Main, at the house of l otter rtnlih In Heaver. April S3. For Locust and Uoarlngcroek, al the house of Katlian Knorr, Nuuildta. April SL For centialla and Conjugham. at the house of I). F. curry, lu centralis. April l!6 For Catawlssa and Franklin, at tho house of Hester Klsller, In CutawLssa. April !, For Miniln, al tho house ot Aaron Hess. In .Miminvllle. April ss.-For Henvlck and lirlarcrcck, at the house of (lea W. Klase, lu lierwlck. April SO.-l'or scotl, at the house oi Jacob Miller. In Espy. . April so.-For lilooui, at our onice In Dluomsbuig. tuu naKBfluio bid miuncu tu uive eatu lax able a notice of his or her uluatlou me dam be fore the appeal. nibuiM iunn, i i.uminiiioner8 KM MKMIKNIIALL, uf Attmti JoUu II. t'ufioy, Clerk. PENNY GOODS A SPECIALTY. soli Mi tirs ron V. K AllAMS & CO., PINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Sole airentiof tlio fol lowing liranda ot clfpra. nr.siiv cuv, I.ANDI1K.'S, NOK.MAt, INDIAN I'lllNCESS, HAMSOS', PII.VKI! ASII. Alexander Bros. & Co., WHOLKSAU: DKAI.KIIS IN CIARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES, FRUITS AND NUTS. SOLI. AOKNT8 FOII I1KSUY MAlLIiAHDS HHCANDIJ5S. fiush r.vKHY t ki:k. Bloomsburg Pa. MAKVIiLOUS PRICES BOOKS for the SW8BLL Complete Novels and Other warns, oy ramous Minors, Himost ' Hif lolinlnabooktaMliublUbeJlii Ofl rniurl.lal lonu, mm r wf thf m li ihhUohh l.t llliMrnlol.tii.l 11pr (.ttiifi l UiiSiAlS9AwM Tr iVfif "' Hilim mow .' .;niin il.n tM ."hHul Wu" m"rrii.a?l"t ll. orJlw ull l.k w -n. Iu t j.. I I .ni the,. ,.t(l wi rach. l-nch HNh l compute Inltn'ir. l! r wl'k-h Vour 8rn'liiiothfr liu(tl.-i till IhfJ UlM, ui II 4 j't funny In-dir It em , a, t'ltm o,-L for Home Aorniiirnt in en; I Mi lie w work nwti Ihli mbtfct, cnnuiulof jr ml l-rurlicdl inMrufltlon tor mnklnn fincy liatkeM, ill , hrickpl, nel worn, nibroliir, eu ( tie., lu- ln.tek'MntlylUtrte.. a. UrSmm'm Ynlry Htorle fur the unc The f ii ihHMlmi nf liilr notli-i tier pubihhei. The chllJ- Mi WlU h itilUhlM with them. I, -lir I.H.I; ol the l.Uc, Fjr Sir Wtlwf 8l . li l.h ul tlio Uk" i romanuB In anictall ht vnrk nt Sv-tt non It mors beautiful than thi. 1 Miiiiiinl r l.tlqiielle U Hei an.! 0tit)enifn, a Rulb i.iKill."iit ant kuoJ brwdlDC, filing tho rulM ot limit niftbincitH for all Hton . , B. rite htHiiilunl Letter rlter t-r U Ilea ami Cmideiucn. a oomplete (little to anrreifiiilenp. lftn (lain .Mr - tl-iti lr ihe cum portion (r tieri cf every Mml, hi tli luiitinifraMo lor mi ani esample. T. Itih-r Ktenlng Iteereutlona, a tarifl rolleollon cfAnliiK ( liirnU'i Taltleatil, (tame, Pilule, ett., for Kinlil ttlurlti, irliato ibeattlcal. aol cienlngi ai ri.mif rilnirile.l. ft. Itlulaitut-a, HedfAtlnna Bntl Iteatltns. a large nt. J -'Iii'Iik? loileotiuu fur a-'lioul e xlilbUion and ubli aui itrlti'e eiitrrtaltiinenti. V. 1'urloe Mucin find ChfinlcBl Ktperlmenta. n uhlch trlln how to t'etfortu humlrM of amuln irlckin hA(Ij anl ImtrncUio tireriiuentt itU aluiplo I", 'the llmiie t'ooL ItooL and Fumllr lkyal. dun xtitoiithiB bunJrrdi uf emllent cooklnc Trclpvi nti tilnK tn biiiitckerpcri, alio telling bow to cure all turn tiuiu lti.t,.i,rt l. iliuiilti huiu0 n erv I'l-iTTMliii anl Irntructlte book of travel 11. Mnnner unit ( ualoma In rar Awny nner unil I uatoma In tar Awny l.mida, lutj tiv ieciillar life, hablli, mannert auJ cnitorua of t'.e iTT'inn ani iniruciiTB uooa oi iravcia, at-wrin jmiilf nr inrclin couniriei) inuatrate i. 1 1. rltleeu Complete Htorlea by Popular Autborv, embraoliK lnt. hiinmroui anrt detect ho atorlei. aiorlea bf aooloiv Hit . of adventure, ot railway life, eta., all very !& I. r-'-tirte, li. The Hiii.irft.oMVIt, tltmnr mill Futi.nlarie il Hon i. f Mia lunny itork. kptrhe, aueedote. fwim, il Jtik- that lve ben uritttn fr auin Tear llliia'te t. M. I tful Knowledrn fur tho .Million nliamly Ui k if uMtul Inlurmallon f.r all, upon nianjaul tarluua viNeci: HlutiralM. 1!. CmIIpJ Itut-L. ANoiet. llr lliuti Cotmar. author of "Park t'ijl, elt. flllD II Um II A I I m AFFFDi UUlf UntUU ALLtU lirrtrii prlopiof book ii u uMii.,Tioi--l(i.ri.tin. Sendi. t. Ate, Itejlitrrvt Letter, or Mutter Urler, kjI adirn SHERIFFS SALES- By virtue ot sundry writs Issue.! out ot llic Court ot Common l'lcas or Columbia county, 1M., and tome directed, will lie exposed to public sale nt Hie Court I ouse, In llloom.sburif, on Suturtliiy, April o, JSSli, at 5 o'clock p. m., nil Hint certain piece or pareo of land, sltuato In bugarloat township, Columbia county, Pa., boundod and described n follows, to- wlt: Jleglnnlnst nt a clicotnut t reo. thence by la ml formerly of nthan lleach, Boulli beventj.tHO nnd one halt degrees west one hundred nnd thirty-four and one-half perches to a coiner, tneneo by land, of JOsbua Urlnk, south to nnd one-halt deuroes east,to perches ton corner, thence by lryidor Christian I. .Moore, south sltty-nlno decrees cast twohundreil nmloiiOHUd six-tenths perches to n corner at public load, thence by hind surveyed to Maria Fritz, north otic anil one-half tlegiees east one hundred and iwtnty-twn nnd wo-tenths perches ton post.lhenco norm eight velslit and one-half degrees west, slxty.ono perches to the place of beginning-, containing clsluyiilve acres, and ono hundred imd twenty-two perches strict measure, whereon are erected two Irame dwell Ings, u bank barn and outbulldlmrs., taken In execution nnd to bo sold ns the property or Lonanl Moore. Fiiitz, Atty. fi. ra. ALSO All that eertnln mevmint.A nr inf of lnn1 Lltnnfn In Locust township, Columbia county, l'a., bound- euuim uescnueu as ronows: on the north bv lands late of James Humphrey, on tho cast by land late of Leonard Adams deceased, on the south by lands of C. s. Coxo, and on tho west by land of l'etcr Helwhr, containing1 two acres and ninety six perches ot land, strict measure, tt being the Mary ITIce timber lot. Slezed, taken In execution, and to bo fold as tho property of Thomas I'. Cuerlngton. iKELBR & HlKKINB, Attys. FI. Fa. ALSO, All that certain tract ot land sltuato In said Lo cust township, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stone In the public load leading from Calawlssa to Ashland, thence along a public road and by land or John Deily, south seventy four degrees west, ninety perches to a plno stump thenco along a public road nnd land ot Andrew Ulchard, south twenty-four and one-halt degrees west, ono hundred and twelvo and ono-half per ches to a point In the Intersection of lho Hear (lap road.thcnco along said road and by land of ll. M.Vatktos,uorth clghty-ono degrees east one hun dred s. slxty.ejght & six-tenths perches to tho mid dle of the said CatawLisa and Ashland road.thenco along said road northward one hundred and six A: three-tenths nerehns in iimninnu nr m.. containing eighty acres 4: nine peiches,bo the same mum or less, wnereoii uro erected n two-story trame dwelling, bank barn, sheds end other out. buildings. Kel.ed, taken In execution, nnd to bo soli as tho property of Thomas p. Cheilngton. I. A' II., K. i W Atty. FI. Fa. SAMUI'I. SMITH, hherllT. SHERIFF'S SALES. By ilrtue of sundry wilts, Issued out nt the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, and toino directed, will ba exposed to public saloat the Iloyt ilousoln Berwick, on Saturday, March 20, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. in., all those two certain lots sit uate In Berwick Columbia county, Pa., bounded and described as lolionHto-H it: Beginning nt the corner Front and I Ine streets, In said town of Her wick, Ihenci) aloiurFiont street, iiim.iv.iiinn ...... to lot number sixteen, thence by the samo two hundred feet, moro or less to Canal street, thenco uy Lauai street nineiy.nino feet to Pino street and thence a'ong Pino street two hundred feet more or less, to Front strecr. tun ninra, nr i,m nlng. The same being lots number nineteen and I",,- in pian or Berwick, Pa., on which an erected u two story bilcfc dwelling with basement tt large frame stable, coal house, pig (k-ii and out buildings Fiult trees on tho premises. ALSO. All that certain piece ot land In Hilarcreck lonusmp, voiumuia county, p.j., beginning at tho public road leading from Bloomsburg to Berwick, at corner of ltasiey land, thence by the same thirl ty.two perches and six-tenths peicheato u corner, tbenCO IlOltll BC'VentV.fOtlr dLrrfran ....,.. percnes; thence seventeen and one-fourth degrees westtwcnty-seicn been-tenths perches more or irss, iu puuuo roaa, tuence south elghty-s jven do (trees west thirteen six-tenths percbes top! ace o muiunmscuniiiining inreeacres more or less. 1 ALSO, In same township, beginning nt publlo road frou. IHoomsburg to Berwick, at corner Agricultural ground; thenco by same south sixteen and one fourth degrees east twenty-scien toten tenths perchestoa corner; thenco north seveuly-four de grees cast sixteen perches to a comer; thenco north twenty-four and one-.'ourth ilegiecs west t wenty-slx set en-tenths perches to corner; I hence south elghty-seen degrees west, eleven tour tenths perches to place of beginning, containing two acres llfty-two perches, moro or les. BeUed, taken In execution, nt Ihe sun of i hcslcr Coper vs S. II. Bowman ami A. F. Ci easy and to ue.sold as the property of s. (. liowmon. Jacksoi.Atty, Vend Fx. ALSO All that cei tain lot or parcel of land, situate In Brlarcreek township, said county, bounded on tho north by publlo road leading from Bloomsburg to Berwick, ou tho cast by landot FreisFowier, on the south by v., U w, railroad and ou tho west by land of Daniel needy, containing tlx acres moro or less Belied, taken In execution, nnd to basold ns the propei ty of 8. n Bowman. Jackson, Ally. fi im AMUi:t,8.MtTll1Sherrrf, UniTOR'8 NOTICE. try matter of the mimui uf , c. HVidfroi';,, .lilm'r. J.'., nr Danttl Jhomiir, IntevJ FUIh'J. mtli lci., aeteatnl, The undersigned Auditor will meet panics in. teresledat h& otlice In Hloomslmi'i tu.oi, Vi" tolW! 1RN1' ?' V "i "' 10 '"Kke . I. rib", tlon of the balance In the hands ot said uduiliit-J. ..m.u., utu. niiuir uii paiuii lialllTtUlUIS against said cstato must apiieur and pruva t IJ sanieor bo forever debaned fiom coialmr In on ii!L Auditor. WK WANT HALLSMKN everywhere. looa and traveling, to sell our goods W 111 pay good salary and all expenses Write for .,, lejip ot pnee ni.d stole salary wauled sshlngton ht Boston, .Mass uiaMlwtTa. A.SV Olttlt-1 s. FOlt FESTIVALS WILL UK BUl'l'IiIKI) WITH Tim LOWKST i I AS FOLLOWS I , OIJANGKS, LESIONS, 1 IJ ANANAS, 1'KANt'TS, UNOLlSlt WALNUTS, CHHAiM NUTS, ALMONDS. 101' COHN HALLS. t. At the U orMa Merry. A N.itel. By I iurm e ar.ltu. aitili r -l 1 I he Home vn the Jlarli," M. IT. MIMreil'l revunlnn. A.Noul. llf'Tk 1m i em, author or ' Molly Han it " etc. H. Iturk Diiya. .1 ocl. 1'y Hugh Cohwaf . nmhor f I alle.t lla.'k, ' ed In. 'I h e Mjattrv ttF tlio Holly Tree A llr the author or " U-ira Thrne." ' Nhn.lnMa mi tho enuH A Seiel. Dr Tl 1. leon, anilior of " Hr n.t au'lCbeei nii'l-KI!". ei. 'Jl. 'I In (Jruy U'omari. .1 Nwrel, Hj llr- (.a-k ' author t r ' Marr Hartnii. ei . M. The I'roreii lie p. Xoul. iti, author if " The M omaii tit hltc, etc SJ. Iteil t'uurt Ftirm. A Xoiul. Hy Mr- ll.tiry anilmr of t al I.Tnne," etc. Jl. liit'tipld'eMt. A orel. Py tlt Ami c.rwf l' in Thorne," . . 1 IhieL Irtlholttil llnme. A Nvfl. lHMnrj-l- .1 liar, authiir t r Hi l-l.-n Terll " ete .6. John Dniiirliiiiik'a IrV, A "m .tl. K Mia Uulork auihuriif John llallfai, iJentliman, eit VT. I.utly t.wrnilolliie'a llreuiu. Aoiel. 1'ytlii author ut ' horariurn etc. 8. Juaprr Unrie'a Neeret oiel. Hy Ml M. I. llra.l I m. author tr Aurora Hi'1,' eifl. t. I .roll it i'. A 1. lly Mary t cull Hay. a tlr t H re ii J Vorko,' re 80, tlnhrlel InrrliiRe. A Xotel. lly T llklt (il.lua, author of ' No Name, etc. 31. IlaiM limit. A Norrt. Br Mra.Ann P..Mle hen, author of " V ahlnn and Famine,' etc. 31. Itenplngf the M hlrUln.l. A otrl. Iiy ir; t'e-ll Mar. aiillmr of "Did )MM!etcnn Money," en- B3. llu.Hey farleon. A Notel. By MIh M. I-. ;u l don. author vf " l.aty Amlln'i ferret," etc. Ill Luilciit on Tin Mvfitittr dv thi llrHA.t' No el. HerttaW rirrce,ulhrof"1he Itlrdi Mark k I tloltlcu 1mii. A Noit I. Hy th' autl...r . ltora Thonie ' etu. ...... mi. Vnlrrle'a 1'iile. A Nnrel. T.y Mr. Ah nil ' author of "Th U ouiot n't." etc. 37. sl.tef Itoae. A VitYft. KjTWikU riUu uu -r of - The In M'hlle, etc. St, Anne A Noul. Hy Mr. Henry TV'. I at -tut "I ni I.i tin" CU. Tin- l.ntirel Ilii-li. .Noirt. t:y 'l- Jut . author of "John llallfai. in nih'mati et ID. Amni Hnrti-n. Ntfl Itv Oii ref I Um. r Adam lli-l,""lbe Milieu the I'ltM-, n i ",n, rmrfMirtf the 1m k 'iir rata'tpiif c , , . nlleiUi pnwr ami MHik for IVlctitla atutvi-- im Annrinnn Puh. Co.. Philaa a. 'Of. March 19 Ct. SHERIFF'S SALES. By lrtuoot a wilt ot Levari Facias Issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Columbia Co. and to mo directed, will bo exposed to public sale at tho Court House, in Bloomsburg, on Saturday, March 20, 1880, at S p. m., all that certain mcssuogo or trace ot land sltuato In Beater township, county ol Colum bia nnd Mato ot 1'enn.sjlvnnla, bounded and do scribed as follows vi.: On the nortli by lmds of Peter Knccht and Jacob shearman, on lho tost by lands of Peter llauck and Jacob Shearman nnd on Ihe south by lands of Peter Hniick and Jonathan llauck and Samuel Nungesser, ami on tho west by landsor Samuel .Nungesser and Peter Knccht con taining ono hundred and twenty uores and thirty, tlx perches moro or less. ;el7cd, taken In execution, at the suit of Daniel Slnyley, sr., and Daniel Mngley, Jr., administra tors of John Slngley, deceased, vs. FreUeilck Doss ier, nnd to bo sold as the property of Frederick llossler, with notice to terre tenants. FitKEZK, Ally, Lev. Fn. SAMUEL SMITH, ShtillT. OHPIIANS' COURT SALE OF VAI.UABLi: TCcsti f static ! ByMrtuo of an order of tho Orphans' Court ot Columbia county, I ho understgned.cxccutor of tho last will and testament of Elizabeth Kline, late of Greenwood township, deceased, will expose to public salo on tho premises on SATURDAY, March 20 1886, at 10,0'clock a. in., tho following described value ble real estate, situate In said township, bounded by lands ot John (llllaspy, Sylvester Albertson, John .Moore, John Staley nnd Philip Ileeco's heirs, containing 86 ACRES, moro or less on which are elected a good ono and a halt story DWELLING HOUSE a good bank barn, wagon shed nnd oilier outbuild ings. Thero Is on tlio premises an ORCHARD of good fruit and a good sprits of water running near tho house. TERMS OF SALE: Ten percent, of onc-rourlh of thupurchat-o money lo bo paldut the striking down or tho pioperty, the one fouith lesslho ten percent, nt the conilrmatlon absolute md the re maining three-fourths In ono jcar thereafter, with Inteiest fiom conriiinaton idsl. f.'.M-tt. A. It. FATTUItSOX, Executor. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF VALUABLE Ileal Istsitic ! There will be exposed to publlo sale (unlet dip posed of previously at pilvato sale) In Bloom-burg on THURSDAY, March 25, 1880, alotorruct of land, late tho cstato of JohnM. Chemberllu, deceased, ns follows to-wlt: Fronting 3'J feet on north Me ot Main St., extending In depth Si 1 feet to Itldgo alley and bounded on east by Miller alley and on west by lot or X. J, lieu, dershott, whereon are erected a Frame Dwelling House andoutbulldlugs Salo to commence at 8 o'clock p. in., when terms and conditions will Lo made known by MILLS CHEMBEHI.IN, JOHN CHEMIIEHLIN, March 5. Executors DMINISTltATOIfS NOTICK. J-Mnte of . MU Intel IWMleij, lute of Orange tir;i.,ilu''d letters of administration lusald estnto haUng bet'n granted to ine undersigned adnilnlsirntor, nil persons Indebted to said estate nro hereby no titled lo pay the same, and those having claims against said estate present tho samo to inauli 111 oi:o. HEMI.F.Y, Admlnlslratur. A UDITOtfS NOTICU. ISTATE CFIUXIIIET JIOVKI1, UEC'li. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Or. rihans' Court ot Columbia county, to muki cilstrl. butlon of lho fund lu lho hunds of the administra tor, will sit at lho oillce ot C. (I. llarklev, Kbii., Ill Bloomsburg, on batuidy, April 3rd. ihf-ti, ut 'i o clock p. in., to perform tho dun of his appointment when and where all partus . .i, ' claims against sold eslato must appear and iro.e tho same, or bu diborrnl Irom comln In on said mi'il. , JOHN c. YOGT.M, Maichig.j Auditor. E XKCUTOH'S NOTICE. 7'.'nlu(e of Emu Oirtcnt, Jhc'd, lUmioek tcuntlilp, Col. Co., i'u. Letters t est n men tory In said estate hoMngbeen grained to tho uudeiiJgiKd executor, all persons Indebted lo sild estate uie hereby notltlrd lo pay the same, nud thoso having clunns ugaliihl tald eatale, present tho samo lo N. P. MOOIIU . .. Buckhoin, C. W. Mii.mii, Atty. txreutor. Feb. .i. JgXICCUTOIfo notici:. Katitteof Jm-oU lvmntt,if j,k1i,i rir. iA'tters testamentary In said estate halng been granted to tho undeislgned executor, all peisou-s udebted io bald ebtnte ure lierebv nninied lo pay lho same, and lluwe balng claims against sulil estate present the same lo w. u. DK.MOiT, CVIIUSDEMOIT. , ... Executors, March 5M i:ycin'ilu.i', I'u. JXKCUTOU'S NOTICE. lViile nf Samuel .Iw.Vdkih, uud of Venttm Ttet., deerttyttl. Utters testamentary In said oslate having been granted to tho undeisignid executor, all p.'rsons Indebted to said estate uto hereby notltleil lo pay I Iiu same, ami thosii haling claims ugalnsl said estate, pieseut Ihe same In llll.UKHT 11, 111 I.ME . , . EXH't'TOR, tl b-U-IlL Benlun, Col. Co., I'll. C1IE.M'EST nnd BUST, Pilcea ltEDUCED. 2 over auou pages, ftiu lilitrtrateiS. Agents Wanted, circulars tree A. J. HOL-MaN ic CO., Philadelphia, Pa, imarchiu it.d. ... H.. t