The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 12, 1886, Image 4

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op which tub i-unuo knows hit
.HIIUltATlO.V. To the Kditoi- of the Scientific Ameri
can: ' .
Will you permit us to make Vnomi
to the public the facts mi have learn year, concern'
ing disorders of the fiumam Kidneys
and the organs which diseased Kid
ney so easily break down f You
are conducting a Scientific paper,, and
are unprejudiced except in favor of
TiiUTii. It is needles to 'say, no
medical journal of "Gode" standing
wov'td admit these facts, for very
obvious reason.
n. 11. warneh & oo.,
Proprietors of " Warner's Safe
Tbat wo may emphasize and clear
ly explain the relation tlio kidneys
Riiaiaiii to the general health, and how
much is dependant upon tlieni, wo
propose, metaphorically speaking, to
talo one from tho human body, placo
it in tbo wash-bowl before us and ex
amine it for the tmblio benefit.
You will imagine, tbat wu havo be
foro us a body uliapcd liko a beau,
smooth and glistening, about four in
dies in length, two in width, and ono
in thickness. It ordinarily weighs in
the adult male, about five, ounces but
is sotnowhat lighter in tho female. A
small organ? yon say. lint understand,
the body of tho average bIzo man con
tains about ten quarts of blood of
which every drop passes through
these filters or sewers, as they may bo
called, many times a day, as often as
through the heart, making a complete
revolution in three minutes. From
the blood they gepernte tho waste
material, working away steadily, night
and day, sleeping or waking, tireless
as tho heart itself, and fully of as much
vital importance; removing impurities
from 6." gallons of blood each hour,
or about 49 barrels each day, or 9,125
hogsheads a ycail What a wonder
that tho kidneys can last any length of
timo under this prodigious strain, treat
ed and neglected as they are!
We slice this delicato organ open
lengthwise with our knife, and will
roughly describe its interior.
We find it to bo of a reddish-brown
color, soft and easily torn j filled with
hundreds of little lubes, short and
thread-like, starting from tho arteries,
ending in a little ttift about midway
from the oulsido opening into a cavity
of considerable size, which is called
tho pelvis or roughly speaking, a sac,
which is for the purpose of holding the
water to further undergo purification
before it passes down from here into
tho ureters, and so on to the outside of
the body. These little tubes are the
filters which do their work automatic
ally, and right here is where the dis
ease of the kidney first begins.
Doing the vast amount of work
which tbey are obliged to, from the
slightest irregularity in our habits,
from cold, from high living, from stim
ulants or a thousand and one other
causes which occur every day, thoy
become somewhat weakened in their
nerve force.
What is the result Congestion or
stoppage of the current of blood in tho
small blood vessels surroundiug them,
which become- blocked ; these delicate
membranes are irritated ; inflammation
is set up, then pus is formed, which
collects in the pelvis or sac ; tho tubes
are at hrst partially, and soon arc
totally, unable to do their work. The
pelvic sao goes on distending with thii
corruption, pressing upon the blood
vessels. All this time remember, the
blood, which is entering the kidneys I
be filtered, is passing through this
terrible, disgusting pus, for it cannot
take any other route !
StoD and think of it for a moment
Do you realize the importance, nay the
vital necessity, of having tho kidneys
in order? Can you expect when they
are diseased or obstructed, no matter
how little, that you can have pure
blood ana escape disease! It would
be lust aa reasonable to expect, if
pest-house were set across IJroadway
and countless thousands were compell
cd to go through its pestilential doors
an escape from contagion and disease.
as tor ouo to expect the blood to
escape pollution when constantly
liing through a diseased kidney.
Now, what is tbo result? Why,
that the blood takes up and deposits
this poison as it sweeps along into
every organ, into every inch of muscle,
tissue, flesh aud bone, irom you
head to your feet. And whenever,
from hereditary intluence or otherwise,
some part of the body is weaker than
t - .1 . ! - t ...
:inoiner, a countless irtin ui uiseaso i:
established, sucu as consumption, in
weak lungs, dyspepsia, win re there is
a delicato stomach ; nervousness, in
sanity, paralysis or heart disease
those who havo weak nerves.
The heart must soon feel the effect,
o the poison, as it requires jnire
Mood to keen it in right action. It
increases its stroko in number and force
to compensate for the natural stimulus
wanting, in its endeavor to crowd the
impure blood through this obstruction,
causing pain, palpitation, or au out-of-
breath feeling. Unnatural as this
forced labor is, tho heart must soon
falter, becoming weaker and weaker
until ono day it suddenly stops, aud
death from apparent "heart disease" is
tlio verdict 1
Hut the medical profession, learned
and dignihed, call these diseases by
high sounding names, treat them alone,
nnd patients dio for the arteries are
carrying slow death to the affected
part, constantly adding luel brought
Irom these suppurating, pus-ladon kid
neya which here iu our wash-bowl are
very putrefaction itself, and which
should havo been cured first.
Hut this is not all the kidneys have
to do j for you must remember that
each adult takes about seven pounds
of nourishment every twenty four
iiours to supply tno wasto ot tno uody
which is constantly going ou, a waste
equal to the iiuiinity taken. This, too.
tho kidneys havo to fepcrato from the
blood with all other decomposing mat
Hut you say, "my kidneys are all
right. I have uo pain in tho back.'
3Iistakcn man! Ptonlo dio oi kidney
disease of so bad n character that the
organs aro rotten, and yet they havo
new there had a pain nor an ache !
lll... 11 .1... .1! 1 !. .
.is uo havo shown, in tho interior of
tho kidney, where there are few nerves
of feeling to convoy tho sensation oi
pain. Why this is to wo may never
When you consider their great work
the delicacy of their structure, thu ease
with whioh they aro del untied, can you
wonder at the ill I eallh of our men
and women 1 Health and long life
cannot be oxpectod when so vital mi
organ Is impaired. No wonder some
writers say we aro degenerating.
OonllnuM oa llilrd column.
Only X.'iinfrntiro Miters KnotTiU
ffnn1icr iu ptllrlno known noctTcctnallypnrgci
tho Wooit of der p-wated cll-oflw.
IHIIIIoiift licnr tCMtlmoii)' to 1(8 wonderful
tnrntlte tlfcttn.
It 1 u purrl)- VczPtnhlo FrcpnrMlon, mado
from tlio nutlre Iivtbs unci roots of California, ttio
medicinal properties of vhlih are extracted there
(mm without tlio o of Alcohol,
It remote tlio ran so of disease, and tho
pitMont reomer tiN lieiillh.
It In tho unnl lllooil PnrMlrr nnd I.tfo
jivina; iTinnpiu; a utinia rurgimo and Tunic j i
m'tfett ltViiovator find Invlcorator of the svrtpm,
Never before hi the history of tho u orld has a medicine
htt'ii co mpo tin ditl jwewpfilitg tho inner of Vis to An
Hitters lo lieallui thu sick ot every Ulecnse man Is
Tlio Alterative. Aperient, Diaphoretic, Car.
ml name. Mitrttlon. Lnxatlve. Hortative. Counter-
Irritant, Sudorific, AntMlillous, BoUent, Diuretic and
Tonic properties of Vineoar Uittf.hs exceed thoeo
of any other inert It I no In tho world.
Xo icrft"ii caii take tho Hittkih according to
dint Hons and remain long nnuell, provided tnclr
tones aro not destroyed liy, mineral polsou or other
means, and tho Nltal organs wasted beyond tlio point
ui rt'iwur,
IBIIImimu Heniltteiit. Intermittent and Ma
larial Keier are prevalent throughout tho Untttd
Statt, particularly In the valleys of our great rhers
and their vast tributaries, durbt the Summer and
Autumn, especially during reasons of unusual heat
ttuu urjueep.
Xfieno Fevers are Inrarlably accompanied b;
extent! to deramrements of tho rtomnch. liver am
bowels, lu their treatment, n purpithe, exerting fi
powerful luflueuco upon these organs, h absolutely
There Im no entlinrtlo for the purpose equal
ID Ur. il. ALKCH d 1H;IIAII ltlTTE1t On 11 Will
itneedily rcmoe tho dark-colored viscid matter vUth
Which the bowels uro loaded, ntlho famo tlino stlmu-
ialiiigr tho secretions of tho liver, and generally
restoring tho healthy functions of tho dieeetlvo
Fortify tlio liodj Against dlcaso by purifying
all Its fluids ylU Yinloaii Ditteus. No epidemic
can take hold of a system thns forearmed.
It Itttluorutf tliu Ntiiiiiacli and sttmu
iftteti the torpid Liver and Dowels, cleansing the
blood of all impurities, lmiurtinf? life and viiror tn
the frame, ana carrying off without tho aid of
Calomel, or other minerals, all poWmou matter
from tho system. Jt is easy of adintmstiatioii.
tiromnt In action, and certain in Its results.
II) Npepitln or l mUgcst Ion, Headache, Fain
in uie hhouiuers, uoughs, Tientness oi iuo cnesc,
lriimnnlA. IXzHnpM. HaiI Tnctft In tliH Slonth.
llilJoud Attacks, Palpitation of tho Heait, aud a
nunuta otner painrui symptoms, aro at onco ,re-
llnved hv ViNrnin llrrrrns.
For iiitlitiinuutor)' and Chronta Hheuma
tltm, tiout, Neurulpto, DlRooses of tho Wood, Uver,
Kidneys and Bladder, the Hitters have no equaL
In these, aa in all constitutional Diseases. Walker's
YiNEOAit Dmxns bos shown its great curat le
iwwera in the moAt obstiuato and intractable
ITlecliniilral T)lscntrh Persons engaped In
Valnts and Jtinerals, such as numbers, Type
Betters, Oold-beaters, and Miners, as they advauce
In life, are subject to Paralysis of the Dowels.
To guard against this, take occasional doses of
Vineoar hitters,
Sfiln lleuscs, Scrofula, SaltTlheum. Ulcers,
Swellings, Plmpler, Iustules, Dolls, Carbuncles,
Ding-worms. Bcald-head. Boro Kves. Krrsinelas.
Dch, Scurfs, Dlscoloratlons, Humors and diseases
of the Skin, of whatever natno or nature, are liter
ally dug up and carried out of the system in a short
nine ny ino uso oi wo uniere.
11 ii, Tnponnil otlior Worinn, lurking In
the system of so many thousands, are effectually
ildctmrful nml tvmnvp.1 'n urcfpm nf TTiPHr-lnp.
no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, will free the
RVBtem from worm Ukfl YrvroAn Dittem.
irfeti9lei Ncnrlet fever, Mumps, 'Whooping
less severe by keeping the bowels open with rulld
dowH of thR Hitters. Tlilsi wonderful remedv it
especially adapted to the systems of children, for
purifTinK lierbs alone clre It its remarkable cura
ilTe powera. It contains no alcohol, opluui or
other noison.
For Female Coiiinlnliitn. In voung or old,
married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or
me mm oi me, iris Diners nas no equni.
rieaiiito tlio Vitiated Illootl when Its Im
purities burst through the skin in Eruptions or
Sores; cleanse it when obstructed and sluggish la
the veins; clennselt when it Is foul; your feelings
w III tell you when, and the health of the system will
In conclusion t Oivo tho TJItters a trial. It
will speoK ior itseir. une uotue is a ietier guar-
nlto nf lid moHio thin n tonivt!ivnr1rfrtl(umfnt.
Aroundeacli botllcorofuUdUrbctlons printed
in uiuerear, languages.
It. II. ITIcDonald lrur Co., Proprietors,
San Francisco. Cal . and cai & KB Vuhlnffton St,
tor, uamouoi.,few lorn.
Sold hj all Dealers and Druggists.
Tor "woni-otit," "ruiwlown," ilclillltatal
school teachers, inllllnrris smrnstrcsfrcs. Iiouso
keencrs. nml ovcr-workol women uenernllj-.
Dr. Ticreo'8 I'livnrlto rrcscrlpllon Is tho best
of nil n.vtnmth-0 tonics. I ti9 not a "Cure-nil,"
but ndinlrahly f ullllh u Binnleness of purjiose,
lelnjj u mot iotent SiMt'iflo for nil thoao
Chronio AVeaHnefiaes unU Diaertsca peculiar to
women. It 13 u powerful, (roneral aa well us
uterine, Umlo timl ncn lno, and lnipait3 vljror
and 6trenjrth to tho wholo system. 1 1 promptly
cures weakness of stomach, linlisrestlon, bUtat
lnjr, weak tuck, nervoit3 prostration, debility
nnfl slccplessneK-, lu either sex. Favorlto l'ro
scriptlon is bold by dnifmlsts under our
tirc uiwiniiifrc. tco wmiM'er arounibliottle.
J'rlee til.OIJ, or slv Ixittlcn for $2.00.
A lariro tix'atlso on Diseases of Women, pro
fusely Illustrated with colored plates nnd nu
merous wood-cuts, sent lor 10 cents In stamps.
Address, Woitt.n's Disi'ENSvnv Meiiical
Association, tua Main Street, llutlnlo, N. Y.
SICK IIIMMACIli:, Unions Headache,
and Constipation, promptly cured by
Dr. l'lcrcii's relicts, ac. a UI,
by drufgists.
VTbMi t ly tor I do Dot meia inerly to Hop thtn for
Uv nd idcq tifti tbvia mtom rin, I mn rJictl
rui. I hT nnada ttt dlMi o riTU, EPILU'S Y or KILL
INO SICKNE tlf-lous iturjf, warrani my remedy t j
cura ih wont cna. !(- cm ottitrs t7 UlleJ U aa
rraioa for not now recrUlnc curt, Sn4 at tDi for
irraifManri Pro Rottlvof mj Infallible mne1y; OWa
ri)rHa and Pott Office. It roali ya not hi or fori trial,
ana I will tur, you. UX. U. 0. itOOT, 111 l'wrt St N.I,
Feb Mt-d
LADIES WANTED to work for us at their own
homes. f7 to tin per week can bo easily
made; no canvassing; fascinating anU fateady
emnlojment. Partieulare and bumple ot the
uwiiuur biiiinp. AuaresH it Oil K ,M rfl CO.
P. O. jiox iDiii, lioston, .Mabs.
I WAS deaf tupntv.nlf.hf. vnTto T..on...i
Tzf by most of tho noted bpeclallsts of the day
with nobenetlt. cun'd himself In three, months,
and blnco then hundreds ot others by same pro
cess. A plain, simple aud successful home treat-
ew orkut-, Jan--4Ud.
lor uorklns people. Send 10 cents post.
e.anu no win mall sou free, a loyal,
luublo samplo box of goals that will
V 3 0U In the WHY or innLtm. M,a
money lit a few days than you ever thought possl
blo at any business, capital not rcnulied. You
Ln".!lv?"tll0,lU?.and,vo'k latpaic tluoonly, or
all the time All of ootli sexes, of all aires, grand.
ly SUCCeSsflll. .Ml Cents In M nnllr u.i.S.?-.
eveulns. '1 hat all who want work may tent thi
business, einake this unparalleled orfer: To all
who are not well sail-tled o wlllstnd fi to pay
for the trouble of wiitintf us. lull parilculuiu,
directions, etc., bent frte, Immenso pay absolute,
ly sure lor all who stait at once, i.on't delay.
uuivsgimeun . v., i ui naiiu, .name, luecio.
E WANT KALESMKX tivervwiir-rf tfv0i
uml truVrlliiL' to Hell otir tronrU. win nv
troocl balary uudull expenses. Write (or
terms nt nnrn m il tinin uil irv uniMU,i
Addretsa STANUAKli m. j;u WAKE company.
WtKtllnL'Ifin Nf . ltn.tnn M.iou .k .
a . -v., ..uuhvu, ..MOM JWU-tH-L.U,
Jlanufacturcrs ot
SLEIaHS, platform wagons &c.
First-class work always on hand.
Prictt reduced to mil the timet.
nyHIUi'SI..-ItsNatiire. Causes, I'tcen.
Hon and I'ure. ltv.lolm ii ii.iiHn
.Mass., it years tax collector, bc'nt free til any ail'
ilrcss. lebj. 4v a
1 h.r. . poilttv. Itio boredL.. i b It.
m. Ih iipiii noIft.ciM lb. .oi.l tli,J.,,a( fun
.Uaaini( Illtl.r i n, fnh
Inn. tracer, linn 1 .r,,., vti, uoriLls f lick
In lilir lUITriir. mtlirrMtiitl. o .JJr
KB. t. A, btui'uu.lll rnrlSk, K.w Vuk.
f;i, colon vr
:i.aiii:.iii).n r coi.o.w i
I.AIti:.1IO.M' (M.O.N V !
A r,wllooMjiryHdiijiin tb.lutcyerl. 0nr
UIUbo, only !C uioi.ll,. J, bu 6 ,lori ioul" ,
Omiciuii. tviid, wild, wna hr nil inriiii., r, 5
orijfml.r.nlili ( uiipi sa l uotonr.Hilo cuu ct iott.c
f vri ..Ir" f"" '""(ui yruwiu oi our col1
iiiderful ifn
lii-.fttl. rrlcu.. luriu.. .id UA rill.f. JI.H...I ..,.U..'
Krra fur iiM on luontlily liittiilmenta to iuJm
M on monthly liifej.
ovnivnl.wltlmul Inavin
AtlJrua J. JtAt'UA,;it(iiuvBl,Suiry Cd., V'.
"n-"-" ."TIIIK lUHir.llU.LlOll.
)an..ifj-alj. it.
.rii.xr A-iiillMiiK llonauplu Spruce hl,,.,V
Don't yon net) tlio grca'i tlio cxtrcino
iiiiportanco of kcopiiiK tills mncliihciy
In workiiip; ortlff! Could tho fincRt en
uiitu do ov(n n fractional part of tli'n
work, without ntluntlou from tho on
ninccit Don't you tuts how dangcrmia
this hidden disco'o is? Ills liirklnp;
about us coiiittiuitly, without siting
any indication of Its presence'.
Tliu most skillful )iivsicinti9 cannot
detect it nt tiniri, for the kidneys
themselves cannot bo examined by any
tni'.HH which wu havo at our command,
liven mi uttnljsls of tho water, chemic
ally and mlcro!i!iiiic!illy, reveals notli
inj; delinile in luanj cac, evni when
the kidneys arc fairly biokeii down
Then look out for thorn, a disease, no
matter where situated, to 93 per cent'.,
ni shown bv nfter-tleath exaininattoti",
ha its origin in tlio breaking down of
these secreting tubes in tho interior of
the kidney.
As you valno health, as you desire
long life free from sickness nnd sutler
in it, tjlvn thrso organs sonic attention.
Keep them in good condition and thus
prevent (as is easily done) all disease.
Warner's Safe Cure,, as it become
year nfior year better known for its
wonderful cures and its power over tho
kidneys, has dono nnd is doing more to
increase tho average duration of life
than all tho physicians and medicines
known. Warner's Safe Curt is a trti'i
specific, mild but certain, harmless but
cnercetio and agreeable totlio tast.
Take it when sick as a cure, nnd
never let a month go by if you need it,
without taking a preventative, that tho
kidneys maybe kept in proper order,1
tho blood pure, that health aud long
lift may bo your blcusint?.
iTOvorpor Honsei, ot -Montana, is
said to have a daily income of S5U0.
Next to nothing A fa-hionablo
young lady out in a iiromenadu with a
society dude.
A coal dealer las up treasures in
hca.en when he goes out of hii weigh
to oolige a poor widow
The small-pov tcaro in Montreal had
tho effect of temporarily slopping de
falcations in this country.
Somebody says that the more out of
shape a woman gets herself tliu moro
taeluonabic the thinks she looks.
i.verv liritle is heautllul, and it is a
mystery to many a bachelor where all
thu plain married women come from.
E'jypt as well as Japan shows its in
lltieuce in ornament-1 eats at.d si-r
pents being lliu latest
cnpricis in
During the last season, the best oer
known, salmon were taken in tho
Yorkshire, fisheiies distiict, averagitig
ten and oue-liaii pounds each.
Preiidcnt Cle eland is said to prefer
a nun-tin snow lo ntner theatrical jer
formances. It is ttrango ho selcom
attends the sessions of Congress.
A new fashionable dance is called
tho "button dauce.'' Yes, wo'vo seen
tt. Tho wife neglect3 to do the but
tons, and thu husband does tlio danc
A Xewlotk woman paid S2C5 for
a wing for her hat. Instead of money
taking to itself wings it is a case of
wing taking to itself monev. Boston
a ranscript
My son, when you run for oflico
remember that a lump of sunar will
attract more ilies than can light on it.
Tliis is tho first great lesson in Ameri
can politics.
Mrs. Speaker Carlisle's robo worn
by her at a recent reception was a
I'arisian creation, and was made of
electric embossed velvet, witli a breast
Knot ot lovely roses.
A l-'ou du paper, in noticinc a
wuuuiiiir wnicu recenuv occurcd in
that place, savs that each of tho nar.
ties is under 18 years of age, and both
are growing nicely.
"I would like to havo mv husband
uaiieu out, mo wito ot a drunkard
said to a Police Judge. "All richt,"
II!.. II ,.t. D . r , .'
sum uu iionor. "ooiiti ior a tloctor
and a stomach pump !''
Miss J.ove, who was heralded not
long ago as the fiancee of President
Cleveland, is now in Washington. Sho
is fair, tall and past -10, and has no
idea of mariying any man.
"KT 1..1. , ...1 .
xu -raut'i ; wneii you near ol a
young girl having mado a good
"match u doeen t signify that she has
got something that will get up every
iiiuminy unit iigm 1110 lire
Senator Spooner. of Wisconsin, is
described as having a small head sur
rounded by "sandy. tiro wn cyclone
tosted hair.' Ho has "a niolasst'6- col
ored dab of a moustache."
j onti ouerman is sain to no crow ni?
T.I . Ot . i
old tabt. lie is thin of ilesh. thu lints
on his face havu arown pereeptiblv
i - i ; "
net per, aim inero seems lo lie a cer.
tain contraction of his featuitb-.
u poiinti oi oananas, it is said, con
A. "i . r i
tains moro nutiinient than threo
pounds of meat. Thu amount of pio
lanity they contain when smeared on
ihe sidewalk has not been calculated.
The Washington correspondent of a
Cleveland paper averts that there is
iow in Witshiu-'tou uu ex-member of
lliu Pennsylvania Legislature who is
noted for hating uold his railroad pass
lor an overcoat.-
A woman in Bradford. Pa., under
took lo sow a button on a man's vest
and was instantly killed by a lamp cx-
IMuaiuii. ii is suggested mat married
women should paslu this item on their
looking glasses.
A close observer says that ono reason
hy woman has not reached eminence
n tho mechanic arts is becauso she has
never been able to rise superior to tho
idea that the right way to drivo a nail
is to do it with both eyes shut.
A philanthropist asked the dauohter
of a rich manufacturer, who cmplojs
hundreds of men, if sho ever did any.
lung for her fathers hands ? "No."
win tho reply, "but I rub ininu with
glyeciino and oatmeal overy night."
How to Brush ths Teeth.
Jlost pcoplo brush noro tlio tocth
from riijlit to luft. This iiiaunur of
brimhiiig will not rumovu thu Hcoiimu.
atlons Irom between lliein, but tends
rathir to force thu (lubri.s irto tho in
tcrKticiH. Tlio brush hIioiiIi! bo ulaeetl
aiust the teeth nt tho lmiiiik, ami
otatetl townril tho miistieiitiini sur-
cis, It will ilius net liko n biimilo
f line toolhtiieliH. In oriler to uiiiko
lio woik illei-tual, tlio brush hIiouIi!
bo aiitilietl, an deieribeil. both insiilo
mid outsido of tho teelh, and uIho upon '
lliu L'rir.iliiiL' surfartH of llio ilnnl.ln I
Heth. Tl.u inotitl. kliould then bo
tloirvh)y ricud Mitb tepid Mnttr. 1
Te HA.rrow Escape
Of It .MllHMIlCllllNCttH -.lllllCt-r.
Meep after falliruo anil lieatth after illieaso are
two 01 1110 Bneeicsi. ejpei leiteri mhiwii 10 innil.
fourteen years Ha lonif time to suffer, yrt Mr.
l eier IJlWICr, UI I'lUiui', .mm-v, nnu in. iii.i.K'I
alilellfofor tnnt perlotl through tlio presence of
stone In tlio blmlder. Ilo illil olnnln temporary
relief, but nothlnij mo-e. Last January ho called
on Pr. David Kennedy, ot ltoumlout, N. V who
said alter an examination: "Mr. Uiwler,you linto
stone Hi Die lilailder. Wo will ilrit try 1)11 PA
rl-sklDK mi otieratlon." A few da) n later tliofol
lowing letter insscil llirougli tlio llouiutoitt liost
Daiton. asa.. l'cl). 0.
PBAii l)n. KrNNitnv! The day alter 1 came homo
I piiwd twnirriivel stone . ami am doing nicely
now l-KIIK LtWI.ttlU
Pr. Kennedy now liai Hi- MintH ct hi. oniee.
ami lliey are Minielent y roimidalilo to liiitiry tho
claim that KIINNKPY'S FAVOIIITi: ltKMKilY Is
me itauing specuia ror mono in tno umdiicr. in
liUletlcr Mr. Lawler mentions that l-'AVOHITK
HKMUiiY afO cured liliu of rheumatNin. Tho
suDjoineu ceriiiicato leui in own s toryt
tll.ll IlKKKSMIIlK .Mitts, I
PAI.TOV. .MnVL. Alirll QT. ,KJ.f
Mr. I'eter Lnwler has lieen n resident ot this
ion n ior uie piw seventeen years and in our em
Bloy for fllleen. and In all theso enrs he hn. lieen
a good and respected elllen of llils town and
.community, lie lins to ne chronic disease to
our hnonieiiEo ior hum oi mo lime, nut now
ciuiiiis iu ue, uuu i- in apparent irotxi neaiin.
i iiARLtso. IIkown, Piesldent.
11 bottle: six torn.
nr. Ilalil Ic-iiiieelv'H l-'nvorltc
Heinviiv."(fr ictiiiiiiioiii, v.i It la
not n mere sooincr, teniiornriiy, ol pain, out by
Itsnllerallvo action purines the blootl, refctores a
healthful condillm to tho diseased orpans nnd
cien-JIssolies and causes tlio expulsion of gravel
and stono from the kidneys nnd bladder. Tim tes
timony of hundreds who haie been cured by It
i ultimo mi liiii.
mm ifflsi air,
Ull: t.UKAT
Blood Purifier oi tho World.
an aiiom.ti: ( run i-oit
rSlHi; nif-'t ptui'lrn ax'va yield u-mllly to It
uml liiKiiot fj i led to ('iit'Mii pliitflo cj?o
JL uhrrottlifcllotunro fo1tuuil, Itssuoce?.'"
linn hui'ii rt'inurltriblGittui Its cures wotiili'r
fttl. 1 1 is llio iinHtfiifccurtfiil jin parntloii In tho
marti t for CAT.l KItll ninl tho only ono tlmt
iin!ili's nn Altuluti-, rltlo Our. It U
truly it lk'(liit? to in.inklii.l. A Trial It nil
flint It ii1it for It. Oiipo tiacil. It Is fthiaji
rci'oimnciiilcJ, o'ltl fur tcstlmuiilnh of actual
it hah jo tyVAt. roii
O.m buttle U generally puinelent for a cure. Slop
ta'.in t.illnli.e. Atrial only Is npke.1 for Kkl
tBll'H I'ATAttlUt ItKMnnv. It If a M'KCIl'H!
for nil tll'L-tiM-diirUlni; from an Impure blood an.l
tlrhe all eriiptloi-slrfm the kln. rorSyphl
lltfeeonipliiltitd It Is superior to any preparation
in thu liturliL-t. O:io bottle will euro moit of tho
followltur eoiniit.ilnts and a eeutinuetl use will
l-ostxiVKLY cure. S.ivo doctor bills and try It.
I-T,i:i,I.i OF I.AXfJOUU.
f):mai.e iveakatess.
IIi i.Li'H i , IiKMKt.v Is no patent
imil.ei.iu, li-tt a .tlc and pleiisnnt preparation
lo tal.c ami -urely tlio irie.itest medical dlsuov
cry of the use. One bottle lejuvcii'ite thccntlro
-v-tuii a t.I moro vlrtuo than a half
t - " l.' of oidin.iry patent preparations.
V--f e -or tomtronlals and other Inroruiatton.
1 or :.. hy drtuultts irenorally.
i-Kirr M.mi a uoTii.i:. mx hot.
l-'O!: 9-.".. (Hi. (In receipt of rft.l. oo by
il. .11 . !-, .SvMt l'.L T. KELI.K11 & UO.,
In:. . IM., .Ix bottteiwlll bo sent e.xprcs
Aro gci.crally Induced
by Indigestion, foul
.Stomach, Castltcncbu,
Dctlclent Circulation,
or sonio Deraugeuicnt
of the Ller and Digestive Kyteui.
Sufferers will find relief by the use of
Ayer's Pills
to stimulate tho stomach and produce a regu
lar dally movement of the boucls. Hy thtl
action on these organs, Avon's Fills divert
tho blood from the brain, and relieve and
euro all forms of Congestive and Nervous
Headache, Illllous Headache, uml Mck
Ileaduclic; and by keeping the bowels free,
and preserving tho system In a healthful
condition, they Insure Immunity from future
attackc. Try
Ayer's Pills.
Dr. J.C.Aycr&Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists,
Drnivlnc Instruments. Philosophical and
Chemical Apiiiirutus.
f.lst and Deecriptlnni of our Ten Catalogues sent
Hll-.Unn appht-atlon.
024 Chestn. t St. PHILADELPHIA.
IK vol' have Internal sllmo feyer, canker, acrid
phlegm, bad taste ami oneiisUe biealh -IJr. Kli.
...v. a on .li"Wl lemuirs UU 111CW) COUUlt 0DS.
Ask jourdrugglst forlt, S5cfl.
IF OV lout vour iii.itiii. n. tA.mi.
coalid, diy and parched lips and mouth, splttlo
...j a..., luiiuiu, ui uii.u ueeuuiu einaciateu Dr.
Kilmer's tiWA.MI'-iioor win build up jour broken
. t."v. .. i I . r1 joururuggisi torn. S.-.0 f
..IK VUU havo fcudden attacks uf slnklnirsno is
tho faeo whim and deathly pale, and experience
feelings as though rt lug, and culdness seles lour
very ltals-l)r. Kllmer'aoi K..N.MIi rouses um
iu v.rit". "'" I"" iiruggisiaseuit. II
IV 0U limn oi-ganlo disease, or m-rlcardls. or
heart caso troubles, or thick uml blugulsh
blood, feci us llmugli bleeding would rt-lleto jou
ill, muuii n ui. i.sii.n coerecis uhd Is llio
remedy you need. Druggists woi It. l, n.
tents given away. Fend us 5
postage, and by mall jou win
wuuKfburu a .uessi,e oi guuis oi large
value, that will stun von In u..rL-
tbat will at ouco bring you in money faster than
anvthlnL-elsu in Anierlea. Allubout ti.n a.ioi ii
In pmentu with each box. Agents vvumed ev.
i-Ortliere, of either sex, of all ages, for all the
time, or spam tlmeonly, to work fur us at their
own In mis. Furtunea forall workers uboolulcly
fat'i'm"'1 adu) "
4iai.t.aiT & v Oi, I'uri
dccis U
lf' Tl A HArl .
Unfailing Spile
CTTTrtSTnUrC! lilttcmrbadtastelti mouth;
O I lilk 1 UiVJ.0 longiio coated while or rov
wllh a brown fur,-pain In the luck, sides, or Joints
often mistaken for rheumatism; soi-ii stomach;
loss ok At-PKTiritj sometimes nausea and water,
brash, or Indigestion; llatulcncy ami acid cructa.
Uons bowels nlleinntely costive nnd lav iikaii
achk! loss of memory, with a palmul sensation of
having failed lodosn i ethlng which might to Havo
ueen uonc,- nsi:ii.iTrt low spinas; u iiiick, isi.i.tnv
npp"iranee nf tho ..kin and eyes; u dry cough;
fever, restlessness; the urine Is sjnntynnd high
eoiorcu, anu, u anowcuio sinnu, uepusitf n st-ui
Is generally used In tho South to nrouso tho torpid
liver to a ueauiiy ucuuu.
Endorsed by the use of 7 millions of bottles, as
The Best Family Medicine
For children, for ndulls, and for the aged,
sirr to takk i.v am (ouimnx in- tiik smtx I
J. H. ZE1LI1T & CO.,
may !9-ly
from n common Illoteli. or Rrunllnii.
tit Dm stitrimt tin Kalfli I ii Is.... I
1'urlflorovor flUouveroa HyDrulsis.
p.m. p.m,
a.m. a.m. p m
i on u .') i
8 54 VI SO
H 4S VI Si
H 40 1J 13
8 3.1 U OS
8 27 12 UI
8 S-. II 58
8 17 11 51
8 13 11 511
5 08 It 47
8 08 11 K
8 01 11 4.
7 59 11 8
7 51 11 .'11
7 50 11 30
7 43 11 El
7 30 11 1-4
7 18 11 CO
7 11 10 51
7 05 10 4:
C 58 10 41
Ii 51 10 MS
6 r.O 10 31
6 43 IC 7
5 311 10 21
0 30 10 1(1
6 25 10 11
6 08 ! 51)
0 00 8 49
5 5.1 II 45
8 sal licllevue....
U 111 V ID StU
Ii 15 SI 20
II 20 9 20
0 27 9 SI
0 31 9 41
0 40 9 47
fl 45 9 52
.Tavlorvlllo. .
8 16'
8 10
8 01
. Lackawanna..
.Vc-t l'lttston.
...Wyoming.. .
...Kingston ....
7 58
7 51
7 50
7 4'
7 4'i
7 42
I) 49 9 5(1 2 4
0 M 10 0 1 2 4
(I 58 10 (15 2 50
( 58 10 05 50
'lyinouth Juno
...I'D mouth.,..
...Avondale. .
i US 10 10 2 15
7 07 10 15 3 00
7 33
1 31
7 ail
7 12 10 20 3 03
7 13 10 23 3 10
2l,llunlock's Creek
i 2J 10 S2 3
7 37 10 113
T 12 ..Mitckshlnny..
7 oo nick's Ferry.
6 51 .. Ucach Haven..
0 4; Uerwlck....
0 41 .Briar Creek..
0 3S'..vt'lllow (Hove.,
fi 34,...Muielildgo...
il 27 Espy
7 50 11 113 5.
7 57 1 (SI 3 58
8 01 11 D4 05
8 10 11 204 1
8 II 11 214 10
8 18 11 29 4
8 25 11 3D 4 27
8 30 11 414 31
u 21 ...iiioomsourg
6 10 .... Kupi'rt.r.. . 8 38 II 50 4 40
6 11 Catawl-a Urldge 8 41 11 til 40
5 5.1 . .Danville.... 8 58 12 13 6 01
r 49 ....cnuiasky.... 9 05 12 a a 12
5 431.... Cameron.... 9 OS 12 23 5 17
5 32, Northumberland 9 25 12 405 35
5 40 II 32
p.m. am.
a.m. 1 la.m. a.m. p.m.
.Superintendent's otilce. soraaton, Feb.lst,l82
Pennsylvania Railroad.
. lwl '
Philadelphia & Eric R. R, Divis
ion, and Northern Central
In effect Nov. 8th. 1885. Trains leavo bun.
9.41 a. m.. hea t-horo Exnress (dally excent
ounuay;, ior uarnsuurs uiiuuucnucuiuiosiauuus.
arnvmg ax. j-uuaueiiJuiu a.10 p. in. ; isew iotk,
6.20 n. m. 1 Daltlmore. 4.10 n. m. : Washlntrlon.
tiO p. m., connecting at Philadelphia for all Sea
Shore points. Through passenger coach to
1.43 p. m. Day express
dallr excent Sunday). lor llarrlsbunr and lnterme.
dlato stations, arriving at I 11 11 a d e 1 p li I a
uoo p. m. ; rsow lori., y.aa p. in.; naiiimoro
6.45 11. m. : Washington. 8.00 1), in. Parlor car
inrougu 10 l-iuiuueiiiiua anu passenger coacues
lurougu iu i'uuaueijuia uuu iiuiiitiiuro.
7,50 p. in. ltenovo Accommodation (dally
ior narrisourg ana uu inicrmeuiaio Minions, nrnv
log at rnuaaeipnia 4 23 a. m. : ftow 1 orK , .uo a. 111
Baltimore, 6.23 a.m.; Washington O.M a. in.;
kleenlmr car accommodations can bo secured a.
Ilarrisburir for Phlladelnhla and New York, on Hun
days athrough sleeping car will boiun;on this
train irom uuambp L 10 riiuaueipnia.ruiiaaeipuia
nassengera can remain in sleeper uumsiumea unii
i iu m.
7.11 a. in. trie jiau many cxceni juonaay
for llarrlsburg and lntermedlato statlous.
arriving at Phlladeipnia s.25 a. in. New York,
11.30 a. m. : llaltlmoro 8.13 a. m. : Washington. 9.2:
a.m. Through Pullman sleeping cars aro run on
this train to rnuaucipnia, iiaiuinoro ana vvasning.
ton, and through passenger coaches to l'hlladel.
phla and llaltunorc.
5.20 a. m. Erie JIall (dally excent Sunday), fo.
fcnu uuu uu luienueuiuio biuiiuus anu cunauuai,
gua and lntermedlato stations, llochester, Hurra
roandNlagaraFalls.wltlilbiough Pullman pal.
ace cars and passenger coaches to Erie and ltoch.
9.53-News Express (aauy except Sunday) for
iaick iiuteuttuu imciiuiuiuku siuiiuua.
l.lio n. in. Niagara Express (dally excent Sun
day) for Kano undlnteruiedlatebtutlons und Can.
unuaigua anu uriuciiui luieruicuiaio biatious,
llochester. buffalo and Nlairara Falls with
through passenger coaches to Kane and Itochcster
ana l-ariorcariu iviiuaiuspori.
0.30 11. in. rasi 1.1110 tui-uy excent bunaayiior ue.
novo and lntermedlato stations, and Klmlni, Wat-
seuger coaches to ltenovo and Watktus.
v.2u a. m. suaaay man ior ucnovo ana lntcrmo.
uiaiu siiuiuiis.
Sunday mall leaves Phlladelnhla 4.30 a. in
llarrlsburg 7.10 arrl Ing at sunbury U.20 a. m. with
lurougu bieepmg car irom ruuaueipnia to wn
News Exnress leaves l'klladelnhia 4.30 a. m.
llarrlsburg, 8.10 a. m. dally except Sunday
urrlvlntrnt Sunbury 9.53. n. m.
Niagara Express leaves
Philadelphia, 7.40 a. in. ; Ualllmore 7.30 u. in. (dully
except Sunday arriving at sunbury, 1.00 p. m.,
with through Parlor cur from Philadelphia
uuu uiiuuii iius.-sruer cuacues iruui 1 uuuuei.
phla und Baltimore.
Fust Lino leaves New Vork 9.00 a. m. ; l'hlladel.
Dhla.11.30 a. m. : Walilui;lon. U.&ua. in. : Ualtl.
more, 10.43 a. m. , (dally except Sunday) tinning at
Duuuury. o.ou p. ui., nun iiiruuuu pussengei Hum i uuu i.iiiiiuiuic.
Erie .Mall leaves New York 8.00 n. in. : l-hlladel
nhla. 11.20 n. in. : Washlnmcn. 10.00 11. m. ; It. ill 1.
more, 11. -.M p. m., (dally except saluruay) arrlvlug
at faunburv 5.15 a. in., with through l-ullinau
Sleeping cars Irom Philadelphia, Wushlngton and
iiuiiimuro anu inrougu passeuger cuacues irom
HliMiritv, iiazi.i:t(i. a- vii.Ki:iii,vititi
ItAll.ltll.VI) AMI Mllt lil AMI WK8T
llltAMIII ll .I.WAV.
(Dally except suuuay.)
Wllkesbarre .Mall leaves sunbury 10.00 a. m.
arriving at Ulooin Ferry 10.52 a, m., Wllkes-barre
l'.10 p. ui.
Express East leaves Hunbury 5. 15 p. in., arriving
at Ulooin Ferry 6.37 p. in., Mlkes-barro 7.68 p. nf
Sunbury Mall leaves llkcbbarro 10.40 a. in. arrlv
lng at llloom Ferry 12.03 p. in., sunbury 12.55 p. in
.uii-ss esL iruies i iises-uurru .4a p. ui., ar
rlvtng at llloom Ferry 4.15 p, m., sunbury c.lop.m.
Sunday mall leaves Sunbury 9:23 a. in., arriving
at llloom Ferry 10.14 a. in.. llkes-llariu ll:3A a.m.
Sunday uccommotlatlon leaves Mlkes-Uarro3:i5
p. in., arriving at inooui rerry, o.4sp.iu., sunuury,
tils p. m.
CHA. K. l'UOII. J. 11. WOOD.
Uen. Manager. Gen. Passenger Agent
Slates and Jrelts,
Slate Mantels,
Slate Black Boards,
School Slate,
Roofing Slate,
Roofing Felts, i, 2&3
23 Lackawanna Avenue, bcrantou, Pa
.. uuut.wi.iw .,-ii. u....i unci
with a 13 order for Tea andcorr
A handsomo VAHli LAMP given
1 II Ml I 11 II aa I ., i,.-.- ',,,,7:,
. . MKT, 10 nieces, oruTKASLT, 41
tflven wUUr fiuorUcr. A C'HAMiiKH tiii'V of 10
liVi vii. ! ii 1 1 i' 7 il. if i 1 1 J1111 ur uu II
Diu.uAiK.iA 4t-i oci ui do piecos, or a til.A
Warn In LiJ I I ?U"' Ul l", U f "Wi
I it n till mill ! I.i.r k'nlt. ..t.i ..I..
... nimuun hub. fn,-.. ni-,, KlteU Willi
orders for 118, f-.'O, J23, f2S aud J50. sli"l for clr'u.
i&iV.vCl!i-V-1i(K.,.V,U,0l:ill!1 I"llc". (I1IAND
tern M) Kmnf. ktrt.i. mw
York Lily.
may 15-ly
The Hurled Soorots of the Bottom of tho
Not long oo Vico hay, In tho north
of Spain, was llio Pcono ol u, trcasuiu
Hfcklnt; expcdillun. iMany it naval
battle has Lccti fonglit In tficpo platitl
wntern. Hut nil of them, Sir Fianos
urakuii incliulcd, failu Into Insixnill.
ciiifu liosKk'M that iu which Uooki nml
tliu Dutch captured tlio i-alooiis lauVu
with llio wraith of Mexico. Kivo of
thcfu tuio treitsiiio.liip8 wcio ici on
lire, nml eleven hnrne off by their capt
ure. Whnt beenino of the latler wo
know. Hut lie. Iiiilmi wlili .......ill.
untoltl, afler iiurninir to thtj water'ri
Uvlie, sank hencalh the w live?, ami as
no one hm jet been able to lecocer the
pieces of tiiht,ati(l thu barn of "plate,"
it is logically certain that they still
lie tlieie uiitlert-ilt and sand, waiting
for the happy man who ean lintl them.
Unfortninti-ly, thu sea has a jealous
trick of concealing its wealth. No
doubt, an Claruuco'n dream, theru iniist
bo perdu in the bottom of tho ocean,
"wedges of gold, anchors, heaps of
pcal', inestimable stones, unvalued
Yut in till lliu wondciftil tales told
by sea-going men, tlieio is no instance
of a diamond coming up iu tbo tallow
of the sounding lend, nnd the maiiner
who remember linding 11 bar of gold
in tho lluko of his anchor has not ven
turcd to try tho faith of tlio world
with his rtininiscciicts. The truth
seems to bo that currents; poon scatter
such objects, nnd in time they get
overlaid with great accumulations of
sand, mud nnd oose. For thieo long
years tho Challenger dredged mill
heaved tho lead and swept the sea bot
tom with cuniiinglj -contrived tangles.
All manner of objects, dead and living,
weie biought to lighl, until it seemed
as if Father Neptune had very little
moro to conceal. Still, tho most eiir
iuis fact about llio expedition was
that, iu spite of llio thousands of ships
which have gone down in ' mid-ocean,
of tliu tens of thousands of men whoso
hones nnt lio iheie, not a trace, tot a
hint did lead or dredge, or trawl, or
tangle lu ing ta tlio surface of man or
bis woiks.
Not a bono or a button, a precious
otonu or bit of metal, or anything
which could, by the finest process of
induction, bo icgarded asj'iaving be.
longid to a ship, ever camo' within thu
ken of Sir Wyville Thomson and his
companion. Tlio Challenger, of conrte,
lishod in deep water. Near tho slioio
it might have found plenty of lemains
of llio kind indicated. At tho samo
time, considering tho fale of the tieas
lire sei keis, who have hud only a limit.
'd area to search, tho chances of lind
ing a needle iu a hayistick, or of light
ing on Captain Kidd's buried plunder,
are promising compa'ied with divini;
after the ingots which disappeared
only a few years ago. The limbeis of
the ship have rotted, llio waves have
tossed the boxes hither and thither,
time lias rusted or ealen away the
bands which bound them, and the
metal itself gets so incrusled with sand
as to bo undistingtiishahle from the
dtbiis around it. London Standard
Fear and Hydrophobia.
From tlio London Lancet.
It is well recognized that fear or
ntfrvous apprthension can induce a
fatal disease, having neaily, if not all
the characters of 'hydrophobia. But
it is not n uo to assert hydrophobia is
always brought on by the mental
anxiety tbat a dog bite not i
irequencly occasions. Wo make the.
plain assertions bieause soino of our
weekly contemporaries have thought
lit to regard tho "hydrophobic panic
as they call it, as unwarranted and
mischievous in its working. Certain
Iv. anvlhine- liko a imitir. is lo Im rn
picssetl, and on no occasion in life can
.. .t ? i, , ... . , .
;i --panic neniiii, inoiign it may Harm
a community. Hydrophobia is n ner
vous disease, but it lias a material
cause, a poison which is most likely i
urerni 01- micro. nnniiim. It. in n imr
ions fact that birdeven when inoculat
eu Willi tlio poison ot rabies, do no
suffer from tlio disease. Wn linvn fi.
(piently mentioned the fact that some uppeai 10 enjoy, Willi uirds
aim oilier animals, llio aaino kind o
immunity. Whether it is those ner
sons who aro not tfiven to fear or ner
vous apprehension who always escape
uyuiopnuuia, oven inougli nilton by
rabid ilorr. wn .1111 not. in n nnuitirin
state : but nothing can bo more detii
mentat to a bitten individual than to
brood over hie misfoitiino or nmko
himself miserable lie li-nrnin.. nil tin.
symptons of hydrophobia.
A dude's best friend is his mother
r . I 1 . I r.
.tioiuers mano ouom. i nuy aro sup
ported by mothers in moit cases. Tlio
dudo is a croaturo too delicately oruan
izi-d to work, and too shallow to iivo
by his wits. They smoke cigarettes
anu go lo matinees.
A Washington correspondent tells
of a death there recently which is sensa
tional iu Us details. A young tloctor,
iiaii(ioiHt', strong anil ot great promise
was called to attend n laik- in n nir.
riage. at his door. Receiving no answi r
to ms gieeling to llio patient, lie
thouiiht sho had fainted. lie Mennm!
into lit r coupe and found her already a
corpse, itotiiovoby llio mlu of the
dead woman to her house ami thence
to thu hospital, where he was ex net-led
iu iiji iii ii liieeimg oi tne in .ti
ngeis. to ins colleaifius
for his lateness, ho i elated his ghastly
experience. Then leniniL-inir. "If,,.
faint," ho fell, struck dead by paralysis.
J. II. Mercer wishes to mako
assertion, which ho cm back with
positive Biiaranteo. It is all about
Ackers Wood lihxtr. Ilo claims for
it superior merits over all other reined,
ies of its kind, nnd guarantees for it a
positive and sure euro for Rheumatism,
Syphillis, and all blood disordeis, it
irees ino skin irom spots and disease,
aim leaves uie complexion clear.
Ask him about it.
T. II. Mercer would esneeinll
meud to tho ladies Acker's Dyspepsia
nuncio. j a i.ixauvo uiey liavo no
eoual. Thev are n-unrnnleeil in ,.
onrouio -onstipauon, iyspepsia, and
.., uLiuinu. iiiinuiL. iiuiu u iii'riiiirrei
Slomnell. Willi n Tien nan nf tl,,. '!'!.
...... v.. .,u AttU
lets, Sick Headache is impossible
J. II, Mercer wishes to stato that hn
ban at last found an article ho can sell
on iu merits, it is with i oasuro ho
Kuarnnices to tliu pub lio Ackers En".
lish Remedy aa a suro nnd never fail,
ing cure for Asthma, Coughs, Whoop
jug Cough, Croup, and all Lung Trou
bles. It is tho standard remedy for
Consumption. I have never found its
Tho reniainiinr conies of tho Hisinrv
of Columbia County, a book of COO
pages illustrated and bound in cloth
will bo closed out ot 81.00 each. 25
cents oxtra by mail. For salo at tho
oi.ujiuun OlUce. UloomsburL'. Pa.
for Infants
I recommend it aabupertor to any prcscrlpUon
knowntomo." IL A. AncnE&, JI, I).,
111 Bo, Oxfonl St., Brooklyn, tf. Y.
A Large and
WB ggWB f I Fl f 1 1 K I W fXlgWCTWLWLUrTfreiirart ZJJt!. V3 Jg. rati UmHUtKXummTm iwmMm
Call and be 'Convinced that you have the
The Lowest Possible Prices
" & B. M01BBIIB,
Foreign audi Momestio
Kvory Ounco of Atlulieintioii
in the
Gowaiis & Stover,
lluffalo. N. Y.
For Kilo by all first-elais mcctit'.
April 10-l.yr
weempiiJSdT "mBa wor,'moa
v w 4 A.
"ffiivHiwui i mui1 uiiii Biiinrii
on prepared by an 8 jperlenced drauifbiiiaau
cu.iiti.Ks ttitir.,
UlooiiiNiiiirt,ri l'u
and Children.
I Crutorla. curej Colic, Contflpatlon,
I Pour Stomach, Ilarrhcca, Kructatlon,
E K1,LVstlo, e'Va SlXp' a'X PromotMdl'
Wltfoullnjurlous modlcation.
Tnx Ct-rncn Courisr, l&i rultoa Street, N. T.
Varied Stock of
Till IF coons
Ji', SAfflPjBEBi
For tlio Celebrated Clilckcring, Ivcrs &
Pom, und Vose it Son I'ianos. 'Worldre
nowned Estey Or;?..ns, Violins, Accerdeons
and Slieut Music. Celeljniled White, Now
Mull Arm Davis, New Home, Iioynl St.
Jolin, nnd Light Itinitiliii; Uomestic Sewing
MiicliineB. Keedles, oil uml uttnclimcnts
for nil nialtes ot Sewing Machines.
Gtcrc and wsrerccae, ITc. 12E
Franklin Avenue-
Mso Waieiooins HI 1'rankllu Ae. anJ rotlCefl.
Aiiyiliiiig to make up anew ii-agon
or icmii nu olil, in stock.
ISar Iron, nnd Steel lxiltn, Holt
li litis Lag bcrewH, Tiu iibucklo'
Hoio Slioee, nml nil Itlnckemltli
uu jiplies.
Suitable for
, Cemetery Lots
Public Grounds.
The following snows tlio l-laSet (lotlilc, ono of
tlae fcevernl tieaulllul btjlea e I'ecco manufactured,
by tlio underblt'iied.
Vor lieoutyana Durability they are unsurpaa
l'rieea and speoimens of other du
siptiB Henv to nny nddress.
iroie money I lion at oujaur ,ifrtir tak
ijie tin ageucy lor l lie Utt nOise boot out
let'Iiineis kuctctd gmtdly Jvono tall
lei ma free, juiuu Xcoe Co., roHTuVu
deem 63.
XX l&rg