The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 05, 1886, Image 4

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Excitement Unabated.
Cleveland, O., Jferald.
Yesterday and the day beforo wo
copied Into our columns from tliu llo
chcator, N. Y., J)emocrat and CVo.
iclc, a romarkablo statement, mado by
J. B. Ilenion, M. 1)., a gentleman who
is well known in this city. In that
article Dr. Ilonion recounted a wondet
ful eiiperionco which befell him, and
the next day wo published from the
name paper n second article, giving a
account of the cxoilement in Rochester
and elsewhere, caused by Dr. Ileulon's
statement. It is doubtful if any two
articles were ever published which
caused greater comraotlou both among
professionals and laymen.
Since the publication of these two
articles, having been besieged with
letters of inquiry, wo sent a communi
cation to Dr. Honlo.i and also to II. II.
VVaruer it Co., asking if any proof
could bo given, and hero it is:
Gknti.emkn: I owe my lifo and
present health wholly to the power of
Warner's Safe Cure, which snatched
ma from the very brink of tho grave.
It is not surprising that peoplo should
qne9tlon tho statement 1 made (winch
is trim in overy respect) for my recov
ery was as great a marvel to myself,
as to my physicians, and frieudtf.
J. B. Hr-NiON, M. D.
ItociiKSTKii, N. Y., Jan 21.
Sirs: The best proof we can give
you that the statements made by Dr.
I lemon are entirely true, nnd would
not have been published unless strictly
so, is the following testimonial from
the best citizens of Rochester, and a
Card published by Itev. Dr. Footo.
II. II. Wauneu & Co.
To Whom it May Concern:
We are personally or by reputation
acquainted with Dr. Heniou, and wo
believe ho would publish no statement
not literally true. We aro also person
ally or bv reputation well acquainted
with II. II. Warner fc Co., proprietors
of Warner's Safe Cure, (by winch Dr.
Ilenion says ho was cured) whoso com
mercial and personal standing in this
community aro of the highest order,
and we believe that they would not
publish any statements which were not
literally and Btrictly true in every par
ticular. C. K. Pahsons, Mayor of Roches
(er.) Wm Purckix, (Elitor Union and
W D. SniunT, (ox-Surrogato Mon
roe County.)
EiiWAnu A. FnosT, (ex-Clerk Monroo
E. 1$. Fbnker, (ex-District Attorney
Monroe County.)
J. M. Daw, (ex-Member CoDgress,
John S. Morgan, (County Judge,
Monroe Co.)
Hiuam SiBLcr, (Capitalist and Secda
man.) John Van Voonms, (ex-Member of
To the Editor of the Living Church,
Chicago, 111.
. There was published in the Ro
chester (N. Y Democrat and Chron
icle of the 31st of December, a state
ment made by J. B. Henion, M. D.,
narrating how he had been cured of
Rright's disease of the kidneys, almost
in its last stages, by the use of Warn
er's Safe Cure. I was referred to in
that statement, as having recommend
ed and urged Dr. Henion to try the
remedy, which he did, and was cured.
Tbe statement of Dr. Ilenion is true,
so far a) it concerns myself, and I be
lieve it to be true in all other respects,
lie was a parishioner of mino and 1
visited him in his sickness. I urged
him to tako the medicine and would do
tbe same again to any one who was,
troubled with a disease of the kidneys
and liver. Israel Foote, (D. D)
(Late) Rector of St. Paul's Episco
pal Church.
Rochester, iV. Y.
If seems impassible to doubt further
in tho faco of such conclusive proof.
The Color of the Eye,
Somo curious researches have recent
lv been undertaken by Swiss and
Swedish physicians on the color of tho
eye, but without any (apparent practi
cal purpose. For conveuienco all eyes
were divided into blue or brown, the
various shades of gray eyes being clas
sified according to the prominence of
blue or brown in their color. Some of
the conclusions drawn from a great
many observations are these : That
women with brown eyes have bettor
prospects of marriugo than thoso with
blue ; that the average number of
children is greater witli parents whoso
eyoi are dissimilar in color than wiili
those whoso eyes are similar. In chil
dren both of whoso parents have blue
eyes 93 per cent, inherit bluo eyes; but
in children both of whose parents have
brown eyes only 80 per cent, have
brown eyes. The above results were
reached in Switzerland. In Svedeu
the discoveries were not quite tho same.
The women with brown oyes are more
numerous than the men with brown
eyes, but brown eyes aro apparently
increasing there, as in Switzerland.
The Eojal Baker and Fas try Book.
A Royal addition to tho kitchen li
brary. It contains ovur seven hun
dred receipts pertaining to every
branch of the culinary department, in
cluding baking, roasting, preserving,
soups, cakes, jellies, pastry, and all
kinds of sweetmeats, with receipts for
the most delicious candies, cordials,
beverages, and all other necessary
knowledge for tho chef da cuisine of
the most exacting epicure, nn well 'as
for the modest housewife, who desires
to prepare a repast that shall bo both
wbolesomo and economical. AVith
each receipt is given full and explicit
directions for putting together, manip
ulating, shaping, baking, the kind of
utensils to be uerd, bo that a novice
can go through tho operation with
success t while a special uud important
feature is mado ol tho modo of prepar
ing all kinds of food and delicacies
for tbe nick. J lie book has been pre
pared under tho direction of Prof,
ltuduiani, late chefol the New York
Cooking School, uud i the most valu
able of tho recent editious upon the
subject of cookery that has comu to
our notice. Jt is gotten up in tue
highest stylo of the printers art, on
illuminated covers, etc. A copy will
be sent as a gift to every reader of
this paper who will no ml their address
to the Royal Uakiiig Powder Co., 10G
Wall ol., .Now 1 oik, who are llio pub
libers of the book, stating thn'. they
buw me notice in iiiii paper.
The remaimiiL' copies of thu llist ry
of Columbia County, a book of GOO
liases illustrated and bound in clotl,
will be closed out at $1.00 each, M
cents extra by mail. For sale at the
Uou'iiiuAN utuce. iiioomsuurg, ro.
Pa9tonr, tho groat French chemist,
sends tho ndvlco to this country, not
to kill dogs which have bitten persons,
but to keen them safely for leu days,
because within that time if they aro
suffering from rabies tho disease will
develop, and if It does not, tho fact is
evldeiK'o that tho animals wero not
mad, mid there Is no use in sending tho
bitten persons to him for Iroilment
for hydrophobic. This advico nuuords
with nn opinion recently expressed by
nn Kutem gentleman, who i-i n great
fancier of dogs, that tho trouble among
them which is supposed to lw in'jies is
merely an opldemio of sonu ailment or
other which makes them nervous und
fretful, and more inclined to bito than
Odiv t ;..icriiuco Hitters Known.
Itoottior modtctiioknown so effcxtnaUy purees
tlio Hood of (leep-K'aU'il (Hsvaw,
ITlllliiiiin bear tehtlmoitj to Us wonderful
tnratlvo rlTuct.
It 1 a purely Vegetable rrcnarntlon, tjiiuIg
from llio native livrbs nut', root of California, the
mcrilchiHl ptorwrtlcn of which are extracted thcn
from without tho nwi of Alcohol,
It removes llio ran ate of dltjciisc, mul the
patient recover hH health.
It In tlio urcnt Illooil Purifier mid Ltfc
glvfng Principle; n (Icnilo I'urjratUo und Tonic; a
nerfitt lienovutor And Itnfgorntor of the- f)?tcm.
Never before In tho history of Iho world lias nmeilklue
hernconiponnd"d ixjMewtng tho jiowerof Vineoah
Bitters in healing the sick of cury dlscuse man 1
lit-1 to.
Tlio Alterative. Aneilcnt. Ttlatihoretlc. Car
minative, Nntrltious, Laxative, SwUtive. Counter
irniam, rmuomic, Amwuiionf, couvm. uiurwic nna
Tonic nronertlei of ViNEain IIittciu exceed Uumm
of tiny other medicine In tho world.
No person can tako tho Hitteiw according to
directions nnd remain long miull, provided their
bone aro not destroyed by mineral pol5on or other
mean, and the vital organs wasted beyond tho point
of rermlr.
HUIoui, Remittent Intermittent ami Ma
larial J-'ewra arc prevalent throughout tho United
Statt, particularly in tho alles of our great rivers
and their att tributaries durug tho Summer and
Autumn, especially durlns seasons of unusual beat
and dryness.
These Fevern are Invariably accompanied br
extensive derangement a of tho Hiomneh. liver and
bowel. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting n,
powerful influence upou these organs, W absolutely
There In no ratlinrtlo fortliepurpoeocqnnl
to Dr. J. WiLKen'a Viseoau Bitteiw, us It will
epeedily remove tho dark-colored vlacld matter with
hlch tlio 1miu(;1h am lofldfHl. nttlio aamn llms tttmit.
latin g tho secretions of tho liver, and generally
restorlLg the healthy functions of tho digest ho
tinriirr tlio body against ulcaso by purifying
all its fluids with Vinloah UiTTtr.s. No epidemic
can tako hold of a sj stein thus forearmed.
It Invigorate thu Ntonuich and Btlmu
lu8 the torpid Liver and Bowel?, cleansing the
blood of all Impurities, imparting life and vigor to
the frame, and carrying oil without the aid of
Calomel, or other minerals, all poisonous matter
from the system. It Is post of administration,
prompt ia action, and certain In Its results.
lMuluor I iidlK'fctlou, Headache, Pain
!n tho shoulders. Coughs, Tightness of the Chest,
lnslimonIa, DizzIneRS, Bad Taste in the Mouth,
Blllou.4 Attacks, rulnitation of the Heart, and a
hundred other painful symptoms, ore at once .re
lieved by Vinegar Urrrcus.
For JtiflmiiiiiHtory and Chronic Rheuma
tism, Gout, Neuralgia, diseases of tho Blood, Liver,
juuneys ana umuuer, tae uitters nave no equal.
In these, as in all constitutional Diseases. Walkeb'h
Yimeqah Bitterb has shown its great curative
powers in tbe tnobt obstinato and Intractable
iflcclintilrni rersonscngogetl In
Talnti and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type
setters, CI old-beaters, and Miners, as they adranco
In life, are subject to raralyUs of the Bowels.
To guard against this, take occasional doses of
Swellings, Pimples, lustules, Boils, Carbuncles,
FIng-worms, Scald-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas,
Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration, Uumors and dibeases
of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are liter
ally dug up and carried out of the system in a short
time by the use of the Bitters.
I1 In, Tape nnd oilier AVorma, lurking In
the system, of so many thousands, ftre effectually
destroyed and removed. No system of medicine,
no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, will free the
system from worms lika Vinegar Bitters.
lueuBicK, ncann rover, Slumps, vvuoopm
Couch, and all children's diseases mar be mado
lees severe by keeping tho bowels open with mild
doses of the Bitters. This wonderful remedy Is
especially adapted to the systems of children, for
purifying herbs alone give it its remarkable euro
live powers. It contains no alcohol, opium or
Other poison.
For Female Comp1nliit In young orold,
married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or
ine turn 01 me, trii ui tiers nas no enuai.
ClcaiiNe the Vitiated lllood when Its Im
purities burst through the skin In Eruptions or
Sores; cleanse It when obstructed and sluggish la
the veins; cleanse it when It is foul; your feelings
wm teu you wnen, ana tue ncaiiu or. me system wui
lu conclusion i Give tbe Bitters a trial. It
will speak for Itself. One bottle is a better guar
antee or us merits man a lengtnr advertisement.
Arnuiidearli bottle aru full directions minted
In different languages.
It. II McDonald Prng Co., Proprietors,
San Francisco, Cal.. and ISA, &n & KB Wa&hington St.,'
Cor. Charlton bt. Hew York.
Sold by all Dealers uud Druggists.
ADIE8 WAKTEn to work for us at tliolr own
homes. T to Jio rer week can bo f.isllv
j made; no canvn&slnjr; fascinating and steady
- emDlorment. Particulars and s.imnlo of tho
work sent for stamr. Addivsa I10.MK lf'P O CO.,
1'. o. llox l'JlC, lloston, Mass. Jan.!K-4t.d.
When 1 mr I do not rnttn tner1y to Hop ttiem (or
I I hi t Kod tlitn bats thtm rttora ln. I radical
fura. I ItarainattethailUeaaaotrn'd.L.I'ILM'bYvrKALU
IhO SlCkhdH IKa-longatodj. I warrant my ramtily to
cut tlia wont , Bacauaa otheit ta? failed 1 CO
traaon for not Dour rwflvinf cora. en4 al om a for
1ft1 anl a Prra Ilniilauf lofalllMa mne(). Qira
MfTJM as J Poat Villi. It ruata yau notbinr Ir( trial,
aajl wlUcura jou. DK. II. Q. UOOT, t faarl btH tt.T,
-HQ 2i-4t-d
Thrcuh tb UUure or k larst tnanu
f tcturer of Cashmere I'attem t-tiaes
wii,iBerenat cooi into surnandt
a wen contigainent ol fuld
Sbtwls, perfect tMJi, which we
propose to present to the Udiesin
ihefollowlnnmaQntri Send us 55
cents for It moa. autKripciort to
Furra and llouaehold, a Urn
81 bafeiUustraleUpAier,aevoteii
to Varm and Household topics,
.Stories ami eeneril luncelUnyi
I tnd we will send you one of thete
iMkullfal abanU lUKEby tuaU
DosiDald.orwewill&end ahawla
and c auhsertntloBitaona addrenfar
J 1. co. Batiafaotlou guaranteed
FAUM A3iD UOC8KUOLD, Dot 49. liftrtfrd,CQBi
or money iciuuuaa. Auiucaa
The demflnd for tho ImprovM Masoi & Uauiix
riANoa li nuw f Urea thai n ftcomt A.Mldnn In the
factory heccme f inperatfvp. Do nut riqnlre one.
uarltr aa much tuning as Itanps on the prevailing
vretpln avHtem. ConMilt tJatnlognp, trv.
1'iQSiyleaot UanAaa, !2J tuVJOJ. J'ur Catb. Katy
Taymcuts, or Uvnted,
Mason & Hamlin Organ and Piano Co.,
WANTKD. I.atlleb or Kenllemcn in
city or country to tnko llutit woik
at l lielr own homes. 18 to 1 1 a ilay can be easily
made; work sent by mall; no canvass'oi:. We
Uavo good demand for our work and furnish
steady einploj ment. Address, witli stamp, CltoWN
. i. .wjn.i.11, tvt MUIIOI., 1.11IIIIUIU11, UUlUt
Forcuttlmr has, straw, ensllatre. etc. Tlia onlv
cutter mat will cut and split cornstalks. Cannot
bo damaged by overfeedlni,'. Very durable und
strong, lias straight, linuy knives. Cuts six
luuenrm, sii"i, una soui to sun ino time. 'J nuy.
(1. SUEIILKY, (leu. ABt., Wlllbtown lun V. o.,
Chester ca, fa. jan.-is-u.-r.
I was deaf twcnty-elght jears. Treated
by most of tlio uou-d tpeclulWs of ihe day
with no beneiit. cured himself in three months,
and since then hundreds of others by samo pro
cess. A plain, simple and s iccewful home treat,
ment. Addre T. S. i'.tou, jss East list h street,
cw York city. Jan-.Mt-d.
In presents tilven away. Bend us 5
iwntu iin.t rtfn. nmt li.' mill tnn ..III
U.UtUUU Ketfree apuckugo of fuwU of largo
t luiuf, iiiuv win siiiri you in uik
,uuv it. u. wm v ui iii uu in muiii-j iiiait-t iuau
nn)thln,'ebo In America. A'l about thotJOvW
Inpreseuts with each box. Agents wanted ev.
i ryrtherc, of either sex, ot all ages, for ull tho
time, or spare time only, to woik for us ut their
own homes. Fortunes for all workers absolutely
assured. Don't, delay. II, lUuxrr X Co., 1'ort.
land, Maine. (dcclsbS.
tor worUwr lieople. Kend 10 cents post,
uge.and wu will mall ou trei1, a royal,
n alualilo samplo box of gooits that will
pay ion In the war or mum
money fu it few days tliuti you eicr thought mssl.
bio at any business. tapUal not requited. You
van lite at home and work luspaio tin, e only, or
allthetlme Allot both sexes, of ulltiges,giund.
ly kiiraWut, M cents to 15 easily earned every
eienlcg, That all who want woik may test the
business, weniuke this uupuruDeleU otTen To all
who are not well butl-m d we will send tl to pay
for tho troublu ot wilting us. Full lurtlcuUrs,
directions, etc., sent tr. e. Immense pay absolute
ly tureiar all who stutt at Once, l ou t delay.
diuvtj brf 'oy i Co., l'ortland, Maine, (decis.
Xeniacr AJmllu ljrrti,lp Kjiru;e It., ,V
-u til--
How tlie Olrous Mtin Ets.
Jlr. .Tntiica N, Mlxon, who knows
nil nbottt n circuo, said to tho Cook s
"There mo no people, excepting plains
niDii tho skirmishers oer tho wiltl
country of tho west win) llvo as hard
nlifons circus employes, both perform
ers ami workmen. Their lifo U not ns
hard now, it it true, as it was some
years ago, excepting with tho snuill
concerns. They aro tho 'wagon
shows' thai travel through tho sninll
towns. Hut evon with tho hig con
cerns that travel by train it it hard
enough now.
''Tako thocao of a wagon alio
thnt has to travel thirty miles after w
night performance; to get to tho next
town, whero a street procession is to
bo mado lu thu forenoon. Tho work
men, canvassmen nnd the liko havo to
take breakfast at 1 1 o'clock at night.
Then they tet no meal till dinner.afier
tho procession, say nl noon. Where
over thoy are tho work must bo at
tended to first, nnd catiim is a second
consideration. With tlio performer,
gymnasts, riders, clowns nnd thu like
it is not so bad. Thoy get better pay
and better food. As a rule thoy avi
on tho best food there is to be bad
whero they happen to lie, nnd they
tako a great deal of it. .Most of then'
aro grtat beef cateis, and aro not very
particular whether the meat is old ur
hot so long at it is good and plenty.
Thoy aro very particular, however,
about cleanliness. I havo seen twenty
or thirty of them get up and leave
tho table because tho tablecloth was
dirty j and when thoy want a meal
they want it, and will havo it. I havo
often Been them ! five n hotel whtro
thoy would have id w.iit fifteen min
utes for a thtit was paid for,
and go to a restaurant where they
have to buy another. Thoy w-m't eat
unless they are hungry ; but thoy aro
always hungry after a night perform
ance, and will not go to bed without a
hearty supper. They say they can't
sleep if thoy aro imply.
"Ono thing that is peculiar about
them is that they do not take incdictt e,
and they ato rtmitkably healthy.
When they are out uf sorts they ditt
themselves, each one according to his
own ideas, but 1 don't think 1 ever saw
51) worth of medicine around the cir
qus in all tho years I havo been in thb
business. Yes, they drink. Not to
excess, but neatly all of them drink
when they feel liko it. Thny never
drink, howexur, beforo performing.
Thoy aro very careful of themstlves.
They have to be or they would not
last long.
"As a matter of course, with their
irregular habits, they are, in a terlain
sense, extravagant. Their extrava
gance, however, is mainly in tint mat
ter of eating. Experience) leaches
them very soon, if their own sense
docs not at first, that they niii.-t, taku
tho very best possible euro of them
nelvos physi"ally. and that good eating
is a primary consideration."
There has been in late years a vast
improvement in all departments of tho
traveling circus, and in nothing has
this been nioio observable, to those in
the business, than in tho provisions
made for tho henllh and comfort of
tho employes. A good chief cook with
a circus will get as good a salary as a
first class performer, and has to earn
Believing that the following article may bo of a
value to somo teachers of the public schooW, I
glvo it to you for Insertion In the Columbian.
.ii. Memory Knowledge. J.
"In spite of all that has been said,
wo havo to-day in our couutry a largo
number of so-called teachers whose
sum total of school room instruction
oonsiits in having tho pupils metnotize
page after pago of the text-books ued.
Notwithstanding it is a fact that mem
ory knowledge is utterly useless,
a waste of time and an abuse of ment
al power, they require the pupils to re
peat word for word, paragraphs and
pages of tho geographies and histories
used ; somo oven icquiro it in gram
mar ; and not a few in arithmetic.
Go into these schools and seo tho
poor little suffering children reading
over tho definitions and rnlis in their
arithmetics see their lips move as
they aie repeating thu words over to
themselves again.glancing (Ioawi to tho
book when thoy cauuot think of tlio
exact word, and then beginning back
to tcjjt-at it all over until they aro sure
they can say it exactly as it is in tho
Aro they to bo made rcpeatinc ma
chines f A kind of menial hand-organ
to bring out disjointed words
whenever the crank is turned t Who
ever learned to extract tho cube root
of a number by memorizing tho uncom
prehbnded rulo ? And whoever know
t child to comprehend it from tho ex
planation appended to it in tho book t
And now tone will ho remember it
after tho recitation is done ? Not
three weeks aio, conversing with a gen
tleman, ho said, '-Prof. mado us
learn the whole of Drown' grammar,
notes and all, and I believe I can re
peat a bit' part of tho book now. if
you'll start me off right." "Did hu
muk.0 you coriect the ialso syntax 1 I
asked. "Yet," he icplied, "and givo
tho iuIu for ii." Poor fellow ! ho is
tho living example of thu utter useless
ness of such folly, such niero memory
knowledge, llo uses participles for
past tenses, past tenses for participles,
adjectives for ail verbs, and adverbs
for adjectives. Hu memorized the
hook that was all, ho nover understood
it. What correct usages he has ac
quired by reading sinco his school days
ended is all that is of any value tohiin.
II!, 1 , , , M
ins memory Knowledge is ot no use to
him unless he is wound up and started
off liko a musio box or an alarm clock.
"Polly wants a cracker."
lint the advocates of memorizinir
claim "It sticngthens tho mental pow
ers." Dosh 1 I would supposo it would
sttcngtheti tho digestive oigans if wo
eat a peck or two of chaff daily, for
-1 I... 1 . . X . -r
meru uuijiii uu some wneai in it, uut l
do not pronoso doing it. Do you t
There is senso in having the pupils
learn "memory wim.'1 lit tin nrirnnta
from tho statesman, philosophers, and
poets of earth, for tho sentiments will
come up again and again, long after
tho meio words ato forgotten, und will
have an inllueiicu in moulding their
charaeteis and dirt eting their lines of
anion and influence although they can
not quote the words. It is tho suntl
nu'iitjiiot tho words, tho idea not thu
drcssiiiL'. Not so with these defini
tions, rules, paragraphs, they nre words
or nothing. They aro thu miragu of
ThuBitnplo fact isTlicsuteaoliers who
insist upon having tho tmpiU memor
ize tho text book aro either, (1) too it;
nornnt to doelop in tho child's mind
a cornet knowledgo of tho principles,
rules, nnd deli nltion". or, (21 t'ley ato
too lazy to do it. Xvw York School
Wl! WANT SAI.KSMKN overyw'hcro, local
and trawling, to sell our goods. UtU pay
good salary und all expenses. Write tor
terms at once at.d stuto salary wanted
Washington bt., itoston, ilasi. Jan-n-tt.d.
I.c-ariietl ty It lronilni.-iit Hudson
Odd lMlow,
tt'rom tho Itudion (N. V.) Ilcglstor.
Mr. ,Tohh Eltlntr, ft faithful txM Fellow (fast
(Irand IJmlenwaid, No. 411) ami n member ot tho
HaptM Church, says: "I liato Ijccii as most ot my
scqunlntancei In Hudson know, n sufferer from
dyspepsia for ten Ueglnnlng with Indigos
Hon, Hour stomach nnd llatutence, t became, so
weak that my liodr becamo n burdrn to heavy to
enny nnd my mind wis weighted down ny a
gloomy despondency. After rating! felt as It t
had a ball ot glow lug Iron In tny stomach; my ab
domen would bloat nnd I wnsanilcted almost con
stantly with aslck headache A Hdy Inarnlngof
my condition, advised inn to usnDlt. DAVID KKN
NhnY'SKWoiUTKltl'.Mn'iY, telling mo what an
Infinite deil of gondii h.ntilonn her nnd others
whom suo knew. IboiMtitaUtigIt in thn latter
part ot Augtivt, and moil altogether only threo
liotili when It nchloicd In mo tho most wonder
ful hiipnncmont. I havo now gained flesh, and
feel 'I longer, better nrd happier than t havo In
tcnv- rAVOUITK ItllMr.nY cured my friend
It. F licrmnns, of (lhent,nf the lingering remilns
in iiiiiiun'ii icver nnu in oirousness. .Mr narvcy
Thoia is the grocer on Worrcn street, lust, lietnw
tho Wm th House, says that It has had wondertullv
good ellects upon htm. Scores of my acquaint,
ancossay thnt having once tiled It, ihey would
never again bo without It' 1 havo given It to my
children and found It tho best medlclno I havo
cvfr known for rcgulatl g their bowels nnd purl,
tying their blond. T ho knowledge of th's medicine
I deem tho greatest lesson of physical lite."
.1 llnltlo mitt Kh Victory. "t carried
the bur len ot dyspepsia about nil mv lltv said
Mrs. 1'lerce, n ladv eighty years old residing nt
, ,, uiiii. iiiiuui. vim- jrn,s UKU i
began takln? Dr. InvM tceiinpiir'Mii-'nvnritnin.m.
edyf t llomloiit, jmi khow and It has given
ma ni.iiii uiiiuiiiuii nun M-rviiKui man i nae nau
MI1JO 1 ivus juiiiikv
Blood Purifier ol u: World,
an AiifsoiiUTii cuttr. rem
nUII me?t stubborn cac! yield readily to It
I nnd bat nut fnllel to Ottru a slnglo caso
JL nbcru directions nro followed. ItaeucceM
lias bi'fiiircnmrknblonnd Its cures wonder
fill, It is tbo iiiottfucccssful preparation lu tbo
iiKirkitfor OATAUUlt And tlio only one that
promises nn Ab"UHc, lVmltlvo Cure. It Is
truly a blessing to mankind. A Trial 1 ail
tlmt lt nk(l for it. Oneo used. It la always
rucommcitdod. Send for testimonials of actual
Ono liottlo Is generally m indent for a euro. Stop
taMng (lululne, A trial only Ii asked fur K el
leu's Oataiiiiii Hkmehy. It Is a Sl'KCII'IO
fur nit dlseiiHcs nrtstnic from an Impure blood and
drives all eriiptluns Iroiu tlio skin. For Kyphl
lltlc complaints It Is superior to any preparation
In tho market. Ono bottlo will euro moat of tlio
following complaints and a continued uso wll
positively cine. Savo doctor bills and try It,
Keller's Catakiih IIkmkdv Is no patent
medicine, but n furo nnd pleasant preparation
to take ami surely tho greatest medical discov
ery of tho age. Ono buttle rejuvenates tho entire
pyjdem and pouches nioro vlrtuo than a half
ilo7tm bottles of ordinary pntent preparations,
Vrito for testimonials nmt other Infurmatlun.
Ai"I'ursalo bydrugtrlns generally,
ritici: m t .00 a noTxi.i:. six hot
ti,i:s l'ot; no. On receipt of 5.oo by
tlio mnnuracturcrs, Samuel 1 Keller & Co.,
llnrrl burg, fa., six bottles will bosont oJlircn
An Old Soldier's
" Calvert, Texas,
Jlay 3, 1832.
" I wish to express my appreciation ot the
valuable qualities of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
as a cough remedy.
" Wullo with Churchill's army, Just beforo
tho battle of Vlcksburg, 1 contracted a se
vere cold, which terminated In a dangerous
cough. I found no relief till on our march
we came to a country store, where, on asking
for some remedy, I was urged to try Aveii's
CuKiiny Pectoral.
"I did so, and was rapidly cured. Slneo
then 1 have kept tho I'ccTonAL constantly by
tie, for family uso, ami I have found It to bo
nn Invaluable remedy for throat nnd lung
diseases. J. W. YilITiXY."
Thousands of testimonials certify to tho
prompt euro of all bronchial nnd lung
affections, by tho use of Ayek's CnEnny
rncTORAI, Iieltig very palatable, tho young
est children take It readily,
prepaiil'u ny
Sold by all Druggists.
Drau iua Instrument, rhllosophtcnl mid
Chemical Appni'atns.
List sad DscriiitinnB ot ocr Ten Cat&lienes seat
FKKK on implication.
024 Chesinvt St. PHILADELPHIA.
IV YOl' hao Internal tllnie feycr, canker, acrid
phlegm, bad lust o and offensive breath -Dr. KH.
mer a a remuies an ineso conditions.
Ask jourdruEKlst torlt, 23c,. ji.
It' YUl' haVO lOat VOIlT nillietltp. nr Inrinm
coated, aiy and parched lliuiid mouth, spittle
dry and cottony, or havo become emaciated Dr.
KliuuTU MVAMlMtoof will build up your broken
uu ii vuu&muuuii. ads juururujrist tor it. v0SI
IF YUU havo sudden attaekmiff.tiil.liM.tit.iiia
thu face while and deathly pale, and experience
feelings as 1 boutjh dj ins, and coldness selies your
very Muls-nr, Kilmer's ocKAN-wu-tnrou-rf's the
heaitsucilonandsaies lifo lirugKistaselllt, 11
11' Yol' hao ortfanlo disease, or peilcardls, or
heurt caso troubles, or hao thick and slut'irlsh
blood, feci as thouifli bleedlm; would relievo lou
lir. Kilmer's (it'KAN-WIIi;i coerects und Is tho
remedy you need. Drujaflstsseoilt. , n.
r-end tlx cents for post-
1 llllll t-.r,tll. fmn n 1.. .
At W l I It . w' b wa iiiiv.ii win
I ll I ill, l"'lp son to moro money
I 1 1 1Jlj, l U"' away than anythtnt
1 1 ,,J,-JI else In this wotld. All. of
cither sex, succeed from
rrtthour. Tho broad toad to fortune opens be.
Kj the workers, absolutely sure. At oneo ad.
dics, 'liii'BiCLo., Auk'ustu, Maitio. is-ta,
JB wlriii, ijto li),ouu iicrvl to a utr
WrJ sire ( iiurkru. Il iltiiy climate, i svor,
UaJ -pei-ti. tVrlti.for(-lrculancoiitllilnK
TJ il' - ' '""i". Sent frro, I'V ,K A DcllAVKN.
l'or nil diseases ot tho
Liver, Kldnjwi, Stomach and Spleoa-
This Wrely CKetablo pre.
na ration, now socelelirotedus a
Family Medicine, originated In
tho Nouth In iRas. it acts
Kcntly on tho llowels and Kid
neys and corrects tho action ot
tho Liver, and Is therefore, tho
best preparatory med I o 1 n o,
whatever thn sickness may
protetotio. In all common ills,
cases It will, unassisted by any
other medlclno, effect n speedy
Tho IICKiilator Is safe to administer In any con.
dltlon of tho system, nnd under no clrcii'nsianccs
can ltdo harm. It will linlifornto liko n Klnss of
wine, but Is no Intoxicating beverage to lead to
intemperance : will promote digestion, dissipate
headache, nnd generally lono up tho system. Tho
dosnlsstnall,not unpitasant, nnd Its virtues un
doubted, No loss o( time, no lnterrup
ruptlon orstonpage otbuslness
while taking the ltcrulator,
Children complaining of colic,
llendaclie, or 'IckKtomach, a
tcaspoontul ornjorowlllglve re
lief. It taken occasionally by pa
tients exposed to MALAItlA,
will expel tho poison and pro
tect them from attack.
1 havo been practicing medlclno tor twenty
yenrs, and have never been nblo to put up u voiie
table compound that would, like Simmons Liver
Itegulator, promptly and effectively move tho
Liver to ni tlon, nnd at tho same tlmo n tit (Instead
of weakening) tho dlgestlvo and assimilative potr.
ers of tlio system. L. JI. Hinton, M l., nsh
Ington, Ark,
rBEeAKKii uv
.". If, Ztilin (D Co.,'lnladelphia,l'a.
, p.m,
lit 3'l
11! lill
13 15
13 08
13 til
11 51
11 5D
II 47
11 It
II 43
11 33
11 31
tl 3U
11 23
It 13
11 CO
10 51
10 47
10 41
10 38
10 31
1C 27
10 21
10 10
10 11
1) M
!) 4!)
!) 43
a.m' n.m. a.m. p m,
.s 30 ......cranton.... oionis a uj
8 64
8 tS
8 40
8 3.)
8 27
8 SJ
8 It
8 13
5 08
8 (18
8 (VI
7 5!)
7 51
7 50
7 43
7 30
7 18
7 11
7 03
0 S3
0 51
6 .10
6 14
6 .'111
0 31)
n r
o oo
5 55
5 41)
o 15 v 20 2 10
0 20 tl 211 !! li
li 27 0 34 2 2-'
C 31 X 41 2 HO
0 40 0 41 2
II 15 0 63 2 11
U 411 '.) 5H 2 41
8 s....Taylorville.
8 16 ,, Lackawanna,,
8 10 1'lttston.....
8 ol ..West 1'lttston.
7 58 ....Wyoming....
7 .'iU, Dennett
i .11 . ...viniiuy
II 51 10 0)2 4
7 41
7 47
...Kingston .... n r3 10 n52 to
7 43 Plymouth Juno
7 33 ...,1'lvinouth....
1 31 .... Avondale. .
7 3) ... Nantlcokc ..
7 23 lluiilock's Creek
.lungsiun nun iuu.iv no
T ! 10 10 2 65
7 07 10 153 Ol
7 12 10 20 3 01
7 15 10 23 3 10
i 2) 10 12 3 27
7 I3..s-lilckshlnny.. 7 37 10 413 no
7 oo ,. Hick's Kerry.. 1 7 50 ii n a 53
est, .Itcach Haven,. 7 57 1 IM3 53
0 47 llcrvvlck 8 01 11 134 03
B II, .llrlar Creek.. 8 10 11 20 4 12
(j 38 ..v.'lllow drove.. 8 14 11 23 4 10
0 31 ...Liu ellldgo..., 8 18 11 204 3i
It 27 Espy 8 25 11 Sil4 27
c 21 .'..liloomsburg... 8 CO 11 44 4 .11
R 10 .... Kltpcrt 8 3i! II 50 4 40
(1 11 Cataivl a lirldgo 8 41 11 55 4 46
5 511 . . Danville 8 58 12 13 5 01
5 43I....Chulasky.... a ro 12 25 12
6 451.... cameion.... a 03 12 255 11
6 33,Notthumberland. 0 23 12 405 35
n.m. I I a.m. a.m. p.m.
W. F. HALSTEAD, hupt.
, am,
Superintendent's ortlco. Scranton, Feb.lst,183
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis
ion, and Northern Central
In elfect Nov. Bib, 1885. Trains leave Sun
bury. EASTYVAltD,
9.40 a. m., Sea f-horo Express (dally except
Sunday), for Hnmsburg and intermediate stations,
arriving at Philadelphia 3.15 p. m. ; New York,
6.20 p.m.; ltaltlmore, M.40 n. ra. ; Washington,
5.50 d. m.. connecting at Philadelphia for alt sea
Shore points. Through passenger coach to
1.45 d. m. Dav exDress
dally except Sunday),furltarrlsburg and lntermc
dlato stations, arriving at Philadelphia
6.50 p. m. i New York, 8.33 p. m. i Baltimore
11. 15 p.m. ; Washington, 8.00 p.m. Parlor car
through to Phlladeluhla and passenger coaches
through to Philadelphia and ltaltlmore.
I,DU U. 111. Jtciiutu vui;uiiiiiiuuuliuii vuullJ
for Harrlsbure and all Intermediate stations, arrlv
lug at Philadelphia 4 23 a. m. : New Y'ork 7.00 a. in
Baltimore, 5.25 a. in. ; Washington r.30 a. m. ;
Meeplng car accommodations can be secured a
llarrlsburgfor Philadelphia andNevv York, on Sun
days a through sleeping car will bo run; on this
tralntrom Wllllamsp't to Philadelphia. Philadelphia
passengers can remain lu sleeper undisturbed untl a. in. Erlo Mall (dally except Monday,
ror llarrlsburg nnd intermediate stations,
arriving at rniiaaeipuia 8.25a. in. new lorK,
11.30 a. in. : Baltimore 8.15 a. m. ; Washington, a.23
a. m. Through Pullman sleeping cars aro run on
t his train to Philadelphia, Ualtlmore and Washing,
ton, and through passenger coaches to phlladel
phla and lialtunoi-e.
5.20 a. m. Erlo Mall (dally except Sunday), fo.
Hrlo and all Intermediate stations and canandal.
ua and Intermediate stations, Itocucster, llufTi
loand Niagara Falls, vvlthtluough l"ullman Pal
ace cars aud passenger coaches to Erlo and ltocli-
a.M-Nevvs nspress (oany except sunaayj tor
ick Haven and Intermediate stations.
1.00 p. m. Niagara Express (dally except hun.
day) for Kane and Intermediate stations and Can
.mdalgua and principal Intermediate stations,
Kochester. nurfalo and Niagara Falls with
through passenger coaches to Kane and nochester
tuu i-ariur cut iu 11 iiiiuuispui 1.
5.S0 p. in. Fast Lino (dclly except sundayjfor lte
iovo and lntenuedlato stations, uud Elmlra, Wat
(ins and intermediate stations, with through pas
lengcr coaches to lteuovo and Watklns.
9.20 a. m. Sunday mall for ltenovo and Interme
diate stations.
Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m
iiarrtstiuiv 1.40 arrlv Ing at sunbury 9.20 a. m. with
through sleeping car Iroiu Philadelphia to WH
llainsport. news LiAprcss 1CU1CS iniiuui;iiiim i.ou u. lu.
tlarrlsbui'L'. 8.10 a. la. dally except Sunday
arriving nt Suubury 9.53. iu in.
.iauia .Aiiicaa nutva
Phlladelnhla. 7.40 a. m. I Ualtlmore 7.30 a. in. (dally
except bunday arriving at sunbury, 1.00 p. in.,
with through parlor car trom Philadelphia
and through passenger coaches from Phlladel-
pma ana uaiuiuurc.
jast Line leaves New York 9.00 a, m, ; Phlladel
phta,11.50 a. m. ; Washington, 8.50 a. in. 1 Ualtl
more, 10.45 a. m., (dally except Sunday) arriving at
sunbury, 6.30 p. in., with through passeugei
coaches from Philadelphia aud Baltimore.
Erie -Mall leaves New York 8.uip. in. ; Phlladel.
phla, 11.20 p. in. ; Washington, 10.14) n. in, ; Balti
more, 11.30 p. in., (dally except.saturday) arriving
at Sunbury 5.15 a. in., with through Pullman
bleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and
Baltimore and through passenger coaches from
rUlNlll'ltV, IIA.I.KTO.N .V VV!).IUl!.Utlti;
(Dally except sunuay.)
Wllkesbarro Mall leaves sunbury 10.00 a. m.
irrlving at Bloom Ferry 10.52 a. in., Wllkes-barro
12.18 p. m.
Express East leaves Sunbury 5.45 p. m., arriving
at Bloom Ferry 6.37 p. in., Wllkes-barro 7.53 p. m
Suubury Moll leaves Wllkesbarro 10.4 a. 111. arrlv
lng at Bloom Ferry 12.15 n. m., Kimbury 13.55 p. in
Express West leaves llkcs-barre 2.15 p. m., ar
riving at Bloom Ferry 4.15 p. ni .sunbury 5,iep.m.
Sunday malt leaves Sunbury 8.23 a. m a rrlv Ing
at Bloom Ferry 10.11 a. 111. Wllkes-lurro mis n.m.
Sunday accommodation leaves vv llkcs-narro 6:15
p. tu., arrlv lng at Bloom Ferry, 0.43 p. m., sunbury,
i;45 p. 111.
ciiA. E. puaii, j. p.. vv'oon,
Oen, Manager. Qen, Passenger Agent
Slates mul Felts,
Slate Mantels,
Slate Black Boards,
School Slate,
Roofing Slate,
Roofing Felts, i, 2&3
1. 1.. iiiii 1..
23 Lackawanna Avenue, scrantou, Pa
jiuy iiy
Is. BrlUBByi A handsomo VANE LAMP given
t nflKPRR with a ts order for Tea and corf-nUUiiMU"'-
AM Ton fclonu CHAMBEIt
o " SET, 10 pieces, or a TEA SET, It
pieces, or a, handsome BliONZH HANdlNO LAMP
given with a J10 order. A CHA.MUEltSET otlO
pleces,wlth blue, maroon or pink band or nn IHON
STONl: CHINA TEX SET of 66 pieces, or a (1LA8S
CT of Ml pieces given with ufis order, HAND.
sovie Plti:MlL'.MS, consisting ot Decorated China
Ware In Tea sets, also Dinner uud Tea Sets com.
btned, and chamber Sots, etc., etc., given with
orders for lis, 120, 135, 38 and 50. Send tor clrcu.
lar. which will give you full particulars. (UtANI)
U.N'lON TEA COMPANY, 25 south .Vlalust
mutes iiarre, ra, neauuuar
ters so Front street, New
York city.
may 15-ly
c'i,Aii:mo.'X-r culuny i
C'I.AHi:.110Nr COLON V 1
('LiAllLMlONX C'OI.O.V !
A. new Houn jry lldayi In the lute yesn. Oar
llls, only M nioutb) old. bin i tote, s hotels.
MMutwtt,ttnlaudlutlu'd.llr. uKitfiy
JvuclD, Seni, und, tend br ull lueuus, iind
lor circulars with laapi.SS 1'hotoirrapblo cuu of
botttei, all about tbe ttunderful itruwth ot our col.
ony.ttl aoil,illuiate,marketa,buriiesa opnorlunltlei.
l.nIlL, iirlcea, leruia, aud U0 other dlatlact luLlecU
Karma for ilM on, niontblir loitallmenta to tboM
Jan.-'.-j-ald 4t,
City and Oountry.
A recent censtia shows tlint Uorlln,
Prnssln, tiotv thu uapitril of Iniiitirlnl
Gormntiy, eontiilna 1,810,382 inlinb.
limit, bulng nn Increiwi of nbont SiOO,
000 since 1S80. All dther Imnoitnnt
uitk'R of Knrojio Show growth corres
potiiling to tine, while Hit) villages nrd
the nuiicnUntul legions rcinnin station
ill V 111 litilillliltion or klinw 11 ilitiiintittnti.
A slinil.'.f Htato of things exiets in
Ainericit. Tlio coiintiy U continually
(leiilt'li'd for the questionable ntlvnn
Inge of llio cities. Only In tho Fnr
West, where fanning lands ai-d cheap,
is theic a great giovvlh of tho ngn
eiillnrnl popul ution, and that is chiclly
from foiilitii iniinigiation.
Tlio almost ttniversal tendency t f
men lo desert thu country nnd moio
into the cities is not 11 healthful sign.
It springs from the morbid desiro to
grow null) for the industrious farmer
and the luzy drono aro alike dazzed by
thu reports thoy receive of fabulmu
fortunes made in cities in speculative
trade in r-toeks, grain and all vnrkties
of produce, and they think thoy may equally good luck il they enter
into thu niciia whero the gamblers nro
striving. The areua is allutitig even
to well educated yiiting men who live
In tlio cities, nine-tenths of whom
think it beneath them lo engage in the
honorable pursuits of comnieice, ur thu
learned profession., or thu great in
dusttinl undertakings, on all which thu
sound prosperity of a community de
ieude. Wall btreet, Third ctreet,
titatu eireot n'jd their dependencies in
New York, Philadelphia and Huston
aro crowded with joung men that look
upon the btokerago business as moto
genteel than any of the pursuits for
which education and industry furnish
a most excellent equipment. Many of
mom ate soon tempted to oeeomu
speculators 111 broki-ie, and they aru
more up! to loose their money, miatiou
that entrusted to them ntnl fail in
business, often disgracefully, than they
could possibly bo 11 thuy Hero engaged
in pursuits that only require nitellt
nence and piudent enUrpiiso to enstiro
If tho city bred young men thus fail,
tho countrv bled atu even in urealer
danger of "it. For (hey fall into tho
company and control ol more cunning
operators who aro always on the look
out for fit sli fellows who tnav bo de
luded. The individual wrecks of am
bitious young speculators iu cities are
bad enough, lint the effects upon thu
moral finality of the community is
moro set ions. Gieat cities like New
York, Philadelphia and Chicago, in
which young men, with a little capital
in money and loss in biains and ex
perience, swarm thioiigh the exchanges,
where they are in danger of falling
completely under tho control of ad
venturers, becomes (iHiwunlized in
many various ways. Even the politics
of tho great cities and the states to
which they belong aio influenced by
the money and tiade gamblers, and
their influence is at lust felt in Wash
ington. If the brain and muscle thus
mischievously misused were distributed
over tho country and engaged iu
honest trade, manufacturing, fanning
and other kinds of actual work depend
ant upon muscle and brain and not 011
tlio gambler's luck, tho real prosperity
and happiness of the peoplo would bo
greatly promoted. The steadily grow
ing influx of able-bodied young men
to the cities is a silent but uver-present
danger to the welfaru of the country.
Physicians prescribe the pievalence
of diptlieria at tho present day largely
to badly-tiimmed, smoky kerosene
lamps, which aro sometimes left burn
ing in chambers all night turned down
low, filling the room with their poison
ous fumes. A specific for dipthena is
sulphur, a tablospooiiful mixed in a
wineglass of water with the linger to
mix it moro thoroughly, and used as .1
gargle. In recent casts this will bring
immediate relief. Some of the pre
paration should be swallowed. A Lon
don physician mixed sulphur with
glvctrine. and gave a lablespoonftil
or more according to tho ago of the
patient, three or lour times a day, ap
jilying tho same remedy to tho nostrils
with a sponge,and did not loose a case,
liefoio this he Lad lost several.
The Need of Strength.
Women must excel in order to be
successful. Excellence implies strengtli
not spasmodic, nervous strength,
which makes an effort oneo in a while
under extraordinary pressure, but thu
strength which can turn off daily work
without excessive tattguo tlie strength
which leaves tho eyo still bright and
tho step elastic after a long day behind
tho countei, over the sewing-machine,
at the desk, at the easel, in tho kitch
en, in thu school-room. Such stiengtli
as this does not go with a small waist.
From the nature of things, it can
never unless, as it has been pointed
out in exceptional cases be found in
women with small waisls. Strong
back and abdominal musks, muscks
which can do their work without the
deadly pi ops of steel and whalebone
now so universally worn, a largo di
gestive capaity, a lapid and utterly un
obstructed flow of tho blood iu the
veins and arteties these are seine of
tho requiienienis of health nnd
strength. And these things take tip
room. J'hiladtlphia J'rcss.
Thero nro scores of persons who are
suffering from some form of blood dis
order or skin disease, such as Scrofula,
Uoils, etc., etc. After a practical test,
J. II. -Mercer asseits that Acker's Blood
Elixir will ceitainly euro all such dis
eases, including Syphillis and Klioumn
tism. his net a patent nobtruni, but a
scientific preparation, he guaiantees it.
Over one million boxes of Acker's
Dyspepsia Tablets sold in tho past
twelvo months, purely upon their
ineiils. Why suffer with Uhronio Con.
stipation, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach,
Sick Headache. 1 1 eartlnirti. ami Vauiiiln
Troubles, when J. II. Mercer ofliers
you relict nuu positivo cure in the
Dyspepsia Tablets. Ho sells them on
a guarantee.
After a thorough test J. II. Mercer
most positively asserts that Acker's
English Remedy is tho best medicine
for asthma, croup, coughs, whooping
oougli and nil lung troubles that can be
found, Ask him about it, for ho fully
guarantees it.
The story that John W. Wilson, tho
self-coufehsed murderer of Anthony
Daly, was starving himself to death
in tlio Montgomery County jnil is tut
true. Wilson is in good condition,
ills trial is set down for March.
lho preliminary suit for tho salo of
tho Ueecli Cieek ItVilroad property has
begun in Ckarfield County. Tho suit
tu f.,.. Cm tutu iit,t .'' ....
is iui oi,iiuu,uuu coupon bonds held by
tho Unit, el States Trust Company.
Ihu Couit has been asked to naino a
day of nale, nnd it is thotight mt tho
property may go, into tho hands of tho
friends of the Pennsylvania.
for Infants nnd Children.
"CaitorlalssowcllaJaptoiltoehliarenthat I Castcrlis cures Colle. Constipation,
I recommend It as superior to any prescription I Pour Btom.ich, plarrhcea, Eructation,
known to mo." It A. Ancntr,, Jt. D., 1 '"'psfi03' c'vt'a slccP' "" Promo'!S U
111 Bo. Oxford Bt, Brooklyn, N. Y. WttEoutlnJuriouij modlcatlon.
Tint Oerriun Cowxxr, IS Pulton Street, N. Y.
A Large and
(Metis mBhwmm,,
Gall and be Convinced that you have the
S is B fi Kl Mi 8 vji ty B S n
The Lowest
,1.1,,- :
Kl! i iV, r rersfTS' :
j (1
- .MvAi.'.rf?
is MwrnsamttL
Foreign: and MQm.os.tic
Every Ounco of Adiiltoiitliou
Gowans & Stover,
Uuffalo, N. Y.
For salo by all liibt clatts grtccin.
April 10-i.yr
nT5?,"5lltri.,snei1. "AviMir rut Ms tMuntntf jii
S?rLt3l.lr0Hllhtl,r.';ft'."ulrs'-clas8 condition, if rio
paredtodo allklnilot vtorklitlilaliun.
l,WH'JJ,D,;a t,na om " "tileu ivorltJSS
f (iml3hPi1 lit rnannniMiiniij... .... . .
IBTIMATfs ron -nniT.TiTKr.s
turnlsned on application, l-lann und upeiiitiral
ions prepared by an exporlenood drau.-hiS, . I
IHoouigliiuKi Ia
Varied Sioek of
Possible Prices
For tliu Celebrnted Clilclii'rlug, lvcr3 &
I'oml. ntnl Vose & Son I'ianos. 'Worltlrt'.
novviiftl Ksluy Ur ins, iolitis, Accoitleons
nutl Sheet Jlnsic. CcleliinU'd While, Now
III. .It Arm Drvla New I liinif. Itnvnl St.
John, unit l.ignt iitinning noiiit-siic oewiiiR
Jlutihines. NeetUes, oil nnd uttncliments
for all niiikus of Sowing Jiuclilncs.
ml rain,
Stcroiland wcrtrccms, He. 128.
Franklin Avenue.
Mso Wnictooms ill l'rankllu Ave. una 100 Cen
ter Mrut,
Aniliiii; to tnilc nti nnrw wa;oti
or ii'ji.iir nn old, in stutk-.-
liar lion, and Sutl HcltF, Jiolt
Kmln, Lay Screw, Tnrnlmcklo1
Uoio .Shots, and all Ulaekeinith
OHMMTAL iron fences,,
OK CAST cu wnouaiiT IKON.
Suitable lor
Cemetery Lots
Public Grounds.
tlio rollovvlng shows tlio Picket tlcthlc. ono of
the ueveral beautltul gtyktiot I'ract manufactured
uy tlioundeiblsuea.
I Bt Hi Q H fit! oft an no
1 f ram
..i .. """umij iin'jr urn unsurpasa
eit. hetupbyeiiieilenceil liauda and warranted
to give batuiactton.
Prices and SDeoiniens of other de-bIj-iih
sent to any address.
TJf IT r'010 Tfripy llion nt anything elMiuytak
U M luf nn aeuey tor tl.e ttkt wlTlnst book out.
II Ml wBl"neis buceecd Blandly. f.oue fall.
-Maine, (declbbS.
Vttr llfiillll v nnrf .m. ..ill.